The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 04, 1903, Page 9, Image 9

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Smallpox' Piftings Actually Re
' moved bv Two lYeatments by
first-Corner Twelfth and
!,Madamen,Vaughn1- the. M.J?S?1S5S;aS
day; 10:10 a. m. aubject, 'Remember
Jesus Christ; new members , received,
oAcara of the Young People'a 8oolety
recognised and tba Lord's Bupper. " At
T:tl p. m., subject. 'Church and Coun
try," a Fourth of July sermon. - Bun-
day School a. m.. Bavler-Street
f he' Lady Operated On Will Be
Exhibited All. Next Week at
Parlors 308, 309 and 310 MZJfliS3Fg
Haines, superintendents 11 m., Horn
School, J. O. Molone, auperlntendenti 7
p. rn.. Chlneae School, w, u Harriett.
I auperlntendent) 1:41 p. m Tounj Feo.
Iple'a meeting. Leo Martin, leader.
Falling Building,
1 wonderful, transformation In the
uppearanca of the human countenanoa
waa made poaaible through tha dls-
overy of Madame Irene La Fere, or
'aria, Franca, tha aecret of which la
known to only three women in tha
world, one of whom la Madame M.
Vaufhn, of thla city, who la tha only
eoood Eert Ankeny and Seventh
streets. Serrleea at 10:10 a. m. and l:it
p. . m. Tha theme of tha Communion
service In the morning will be "The
Cup of Buffering.." Tha hand of fellow-
ablp will ba given to new membera at
peraon authorlaed to employ It West of tha cloaa of thla aerrlce. Tha aubject
tha MlaalaelDDl River.
A Journal representative called upon
.tha leay, Mrs. MaDonaldV aA.har homa
....on Lovejoy atreet and to him aha aald:
r "I waa afflicted with smallpog when
f. seven yaara of ate, and tha horrlbU
plttlnta you aaa on that alda of my face
not treated by Madams Vaughn la tha
heritere tit that abominable disease. I
, ra now It yaara old. and all theaa II
of the evening aermon will be "For Sin.
B. E. Cumpaton will direct tha muelo
I oX. the day; -J..M. Bamford, organist.
Bible School at noon. Toung People's
Union. 1:45 p. m. Mid-week meeting
Thuraday evening. 8. C Lapham. Pas-
Tha batter tha day tha leaa
tha need.
OentraO Woodmfn af tha World Mrs. Sophia B. f etp
Building. Eaat Sixth and Baat Alder will alpg a aolo.
Mr. E. F. Ranna
yaara I have borne with tba greateat I atreeta. William K. Randall, mlnlater.
humiliation because of tha awful dla- Morning worship at 10:10. aubject of
figuration tha smallpox left behind. Any I aermon. "The Wholeaoma Influence of
Dr. George C Craaaey, will speak
"Radium and Religion. -
, mrrrAJkZAjr.
Ttfc "iiieiap bmK 111 m rA lavaMfh
enaltlva peraon wlU readily underatand a High Eatlmate of Self; the Kingdom .treeta. Service at 11 a. m. The paator.
! "mr feeling. of Character." Bible School at II ro. rw. Oeorre C Cruur. will iMk an
"Boon after Maaam vaugnn locaiea in i nnsuan unaeavor meeting at i p. m.
Pnrtiand and her announcement ap- I woplc at 7:45 n. m.. "The Divine Hand
, peared In The Journal my family ad-1 In America; Hopea That Canter In the
m , .1 ... itA m 4al ajiwav. aa I tlrmmt RniiHltt "
at beat aha could not mar my coun-
tenanca more than It waa already
, 'marred. She gave me two treatment,
' operating on one alda of my face only,
.and the reault la nerore you. zou can
feea that tha part treated 1 aa amooth
fa before my affliction, and of courae
'the other alda will ba likewise free from
f ptttlnga after It haa gone through the
operation. There can be no doubt of
j thla.
4 "Madam Vaughn, aa you doubtleaa
-have perceived, In not a faker. She la
a high-minded, noble, honorable woman.
an for myaelf I can aay mat every-
' Bodnay A veame Corner Rodney ave
nue and Knott atreet, Albyn Eaaon, min
ister. Morning aubject, "Import of tha
Holy Convocation;" evening; 'The Name
That la Above Every Kama." Bible
School, under the aupertntendency of
Mra. A. B. Brown, at 1:45 i
Christian Endeavor at 7 p. m.
tTnlted avajagaUoal Corner
Kerby and Fargo atreeta, J. Bowaraox,
paator. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8
p. m., by Rev. H. U Pratt. P. E. Sun
day School at 10 a. m. Chrlatlan En
deavor at 7 p. m. All welcome.
maatoa Second and Jefferaon
treet. Rev. J. 11. Allen, paator. Sun-
m. and day eervieee: Addreaa by the pastor at
10:10 a. m., "Closing tha Fifth Tear of
Work aa Superintendent of the V Mon."
Flia -Corner Park and Columbia Sermon at 7:10 p. m. on the jject.
atreeta. Rev. J. F. Ohormley, D. D.. will "The Second Coming of the Lord." third
peak at 10:jo . to. and will take for I discourse.
his theme. "Patriotism," and hla even
p. m.
C ,thlng aha promlaed me haa coma to paaa lnff them,( ..john Wesley and Hla Mia- . Ful'a Ohnrah Woodmare. The
exactly as fhe aald It would. I am glad
that ahe came to Portland. I am glad
that I waa advised to give her treatment
' advertised In The Journal a trial, and I
am doubly rejoiced that I am ao soon to
be. freed from that detestable nightmare
that for II yeara haunted the very ex
istence of my life. Perhapa you think
I will not be happy when the ordeal Is
"Does it hurtr the lady waa asked.
"Not a bit," waa the reply. "There
waa juat the least bit of itching, once In
a while, but not enough to amount to
anything. 1 tell you on don't mind
that very much when there la a prospect
slon." Special music. Miss Ella Hoberg, services will be. aa usual at I
cnorister; Mrs. vwia Crawford, organ- Sunday School at 1 p. m.
Church of Our avion' Woodstock
CTHKIaTTXAJr SCXXITCB. Morning prayer and sermon at 11 o'clock.
eooaa Auditorium Building, Third Sunday School at 10 a. m.
atreet. between Taylor and Salmon. at.
Services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. The .. XJaanOlam Dr. Jr. L. Tork lectures
subject la "Life." Sunday Bchool at the at A. O. U. W. Hall, Second and Taylor
close of the morning aervice.
Mississippi Avenue Corner Misst
aippl avenue and Fremont atreets. Sun
day School at 10 a. m., J. H. Upham,
? i. , I n i mZui trtu th.t auperlntendent; morning aervice at 11 "2 Second i
? fnSur.rt . th ara- 'clock: Toun P"P' mating at 46 Sunday at 8
tZ Tladv re?e?re to .aid many other m- topic, ,"Endeavorera In Training for " the weel
The lady referred to Mid many otner pubHc Llfi, ,6tder j F HU, Eyen. qu,co.
street. Sunday evening at 8 o'clock
sharp; aubject. "The Thinkers' Bible
of Divine Revelations." All Invited.
Good muaic. Seats free.
St. Johns Hollaasa Oovpel BCaslon
Second atreet, third floor. Services
p. m. and every night dur
week. Rev. John F. and Hattle
things expressive of the happlneaa ahe
la experiencing now that ah Is to ap
pear aa nature intended, ' and ' no lan
guage she could employ concerning
Madame Vaughn waa conaiderad by her
fa bit too enthuslaatle.
Madame Vaughn la a woman of rare
, culture and education. She la a grad-.
uate of tha New Tork College of
Dermatology and Facial Culture, and of
tha Chicago School of Dermatology. She
la tha aole repreeentatlve' on the Pacific
Coast of Madam La Para, tha cele
fated Parlalan who haa made thousanda
of. disfigured men and women happy be
'' cause of tha discovery of a meana of
removing from their oountenaneea the
disfigurements alluded to above. Any
,a-M aaW . tA triaft
c.r., "!w ""V.-ZT .- ,T Then and Now
ture, noi morw win m viii, . Mlrhll
In service at 7:45 o'clock. Rev. rinn.
bell W. Buahnall will oreach both mom- TTnltad rath era za , Christ. Tlrst
Ins and evenlna. Everybody cordlallv uorner iist nrieenin ana Morrison
welcomed. ,l streets. Rev. W. a. Fisher, pastor
Preaching services appropriate to th
Haaaalo StroatThe Sacrament of Tha occasion at 11 a. ra. and 8 p. m.. by the
Lord's SuDDer at lo:S0 a m fi,.n.v paator. Bunaay Bchool at iw a. m. En-
School at'nooa Chrlatlan Endeavor at deavor at 7 p. m. Official Board.
:45 p. m. Eveninjr aervice with ser- M'edneaday evening.
obliterated by the process of treatment
she employs.
If the afflicted public will only under
aCand that thla woman ia not of th
ephemeral, nomadic clasa, then they
mon by the paator at 7:45. All are
welcome to attend, i
First Corner Park and Madison
atreet. Rev. E. L. House, D. D., pastor.
Rev. J. Lee Mitchell, Ph. D., aupply July
5, 1808. Servlcea Sunday, July 5: 10:80
a. m.. subject, "The Light of the World;
7:40 p. m., aubject, "The Power of God;
Last Sunday but one
stay with us. Good
music. Good seats for all. Welcome.
Trinity Chapel Nineteenth atreet near
will segregate her from that kidney that Washington. Rev. Dr. A. A. Morrison.
preys upon the credulity of the lnno-1 rector. Servlcea; Holy Communion at
cent IS a. m.; litany, sermon and Holy Com-
The woman will be on exhibition munlon at 11 a. m.; evening prayer at
at Madame Vaughn'a parlors, 808, 8 o'clock. The Sunday School will not
800 and 810 Falling Building, all meet during July and August
next week. Then the remaining siae
will be taken In hand and the ptttiifgs St, Matthew 'a -Corner First
Xvangslloal Aaaoclatloa First Eng
lish Church, corner Eaat Sixth and Mar
ket streets. Rev. G. W. Plumer. pastor.
Sunday will be Children's Day In thla
church. Sunday School at 10 a. m. At
11 a. m. the pastor will preach a ser
mon. to the children. Junior Alliance at
8 p. m. Program by the Sunday School
at 7:80 p.. m. Singing by a clasa of
Chinese children. All seats are free' In
thla church and everybody will receive
MtT")"'1 Pawn At Grand Army
Hall, corner First and Taylor atreeta.
Servlcea at 8 p. m.
taken from the akin. It la a good piece cartrthera atreets. W. A. M. Breck In
of work. It ought to be seen by all who L charge. - Holy Communion at 8 a. m.:
are In similar condition not necessarily oly Communion and Sermon at 11 a.
Orange Ice Cream Rasp two orangea
allahtly. or the cream may become bit-
"d ter, squeeze them with the julca of one
from smallpox alone, but anything
whatever that mars the beauty of the
m.; Sunday School at 8:46 a. m.
; miate
aft. David's Corner Twelfth and Bel
montT?tt"' Bv aeor"e B- Van Wat- top of each and remove all the pulp and
lemon, add slowly one pint of cream
and half-pound of sugaV. Pass the whole
through a sieve and freexe. This 'will
make about one quart
Orange Loaves Choose smooth, clear.
looking oranges, cut a round' hole In the
as much of the white aa you can without
era, D. v., rector. Holy Communion
in ine uiapei at a a. ra.; litany, sermon I h.b in th. nai Th.n hrrii them in
and Holy Communion at 11 a. m.: even-lw.t.r until tnter. nhAnarina- th water
-Mm BnM -fiMh -.MMt aaugnw ei prayw ana lerraon p. m. veitM untl it la no lonrer bitten take tha
tha Secretary of the Treasury waa grad- choir of men and boys, G. Elsefitan, orangea out aad wipe them dry. Then
ated from Cornell College. Mount ver- cnoirmaster ana organlat. boil one nound of the best sugar and a
la., her father'a alma mater, on I g auart of water, skimming It aa the
rsday. June 18. Johna Memorial Sell wood. Rev. froth nrlnea: nut in the orances and let
Florence Nightingale, whose eighty- W. R. Powell In charge. Holy Commun- thm hnll for Ave minutes: then take off
third birthday occurred last monin, is ion at io a. m.; Bunaay school at 11 a. an,i allow them to lie In the syrup for
spending ner oia age in n&mpainro. - hi., bvcuuik service ana sermon at a two days. Beat well the white of two
vi .. eggs ana a quarter or a pint or cream;
beat all well together, then grate In two
biscuits, one-quarter pound of butter
Twelfth' and four tablespoonfula of sack, and beat
. 1". ;"1 I. . , atreets. Rev J. R. T. Lathron. n n. it until tha nutter lata cream, now nil
'Peoy. Club 1 honol TtoS JWi Ptor- At 10: Paator will
fheP?woChu RubVPtT7h Cr6m StZ6
rfepth fell on Mav 2. thouirh his life BepubUo. At T: p. m. . the aubject
-iT.: i:. .,- m.. wui De "Tn nag and the Cross." Mr.
160. when the growing inflammation of Vi Ei! Jl,r?n?r ol a"
.hi ve. to which he ao often reiera.
.nmnsileit him to deatst from the diary
that he had kept so faithfully. centenary Corner East Ninth and
Ernest Legouve, who recently cele- Eaat Pine streets. Love Feast at 8:80
brated his ninety-seventh birthday, waa I a. m., led by Father Miller. Communion
asked to what he attributed hla long service aj 10:80 a. m. Sunday School
life and good health. "No care, no n- at ll m. In the evening the choir will
nul. no sorrows that'a one reason of render their regular monthly Yroa-ram
my good health," he replied. . "But that of music, consisting of an anthem by
1s hot enough. The body must be kept the large chorua choir. A ladles' quar
ilaatlo and for this reason we must tet, a' aouDie mala quartet and Miss E.
Ik. Dlar billiards, and. above ail, rence. a. Miner will sine a aolo.
For me fencing la the ideal exercise.
Bad teeth means bad digestion, blues and an unsightly appearance. It will
cost you nothing to have your teeth examined and you can have the work done
to suit your own convenience. Our prices will be found very moderate and no
matter what you pay us. the work will be performed with the greatest skill irttr
without causing you the slightest pain,
aa low aa 94.00.
Fall Set of Teeth, with rather platee,
Gold Orowaa aa low as
Dr. B. E. Wright's Dental Office
343 Washington St., Cor. Seventh
Fees Seasonable. Oosoraltatlon Free.
Office hours: 8 a. m. to 5 p. ra.; eventnga, 7:80 to 8:30. Bundaya, 10 a. m. to
12 m. Telephpne Main 1118.
land. She received her education in o'clock.
Germany and the Empress Frederlch
subsequently Decame one or ia io-i r- i . KXTXOSUT.
uB..t w:l' U: Choa-Corner Taylor and
, W. S. Gilbert, formerly of Gilbert &
Sullivan com to open fame, wrote aa fol-
: Iowa to k LondornewsoaDer recently Calvary-Corner Eleventh and Clay
that muat W. aent a thrill of Joy c" 'Ll0 -"V. J. "
. .tnrougn many a worthy Home, i rerer " : .,,Trr. ".; ' .'"Z
evening aermon, "Christianity and the
to th Una In an arAcle headed 'A Na
val Battle,' in which I am referred to
as the late W. 8. Gilbert' I am alwaya
.." J sorry to spoil sport but common Candor
, compels me to admit (reluctantly) that
;: .'I am still alive.''
. . Six Shaffer brother, sons of John
." -.'( Shaffer of Highland county. O.. were
photographed In a group at Hillsbor
ough. O.. A few daya ago. The oldest Is
,,86 year of age and the youngest .74.
'Their united ages amount to 480 y(-r.
Mlxpah Jerome R. . McGlade, paator.
aaDDain morning, communion aervice. re.
ception of members; them of aermon,
'The Horeba of Life." Sabbath evening.
a patriotic aervice; theme of aermon.
"The Ideal Cltixea Special music
Morning, antnem, "The Lord HI Life
Did Give," by Leslie; solo by Miss Ethel
fTheir father'a children numbered 18 arid Powers. "My God and Father While I
we cnuaren or tneae aix oromers nttm
, bered, respectively, 11, 8. 0. 18. 12 and 6,
'giving the list In the order of the
father'a agea.
'-' An optimist la a person who enjoys
the stomacheacho because It la so nice
v'I after It ( is gone. . '
1- .rlrtiwould, rather JalUaJovewJth
C!; somebody she ' doesn't Ilka than never
'. , to fall-in love at alt 1' ; : '
f It 1 not the man who tells good Jokes
but the one who lffuahs at poor ones
5 that we think makes ib best -compapy.
New York Press.
Stray." by Marston, Afternoon Anthem.
"I Will Extol The.V Leslie; solo, "Reces
sional' (De Koven), Mrs. J. M- C Miller.
First East. Couch and Eaat Eighth
atreets, W. F. Small, paator. Servlcea f
at 11 a. m., with aermon on "The Uni
versal Fatherhood . of- ' God." Sunday
School at 12;1 p. m.
First Artisans' Hall. Ablngton Build'
Ing, Third atreet : near Washington
street Conference at 11. m. and at
7 i 4 5 9. m, ' ' Dr. Gearga W. - Wlgg wtH
lecture on "Splrltualisnv" followed by
th orangea with thla, put into a Blow
oven and cook as you would a custard
(set). ' Decorate with angelica, and if
not full fill with sack. 81ft sugar over
There are three reason why men of
genius have long hair: One is that
they forget it ia growing. The aecond
Is that they like It Tha third la that
it comes cheaper. They wear It long
for the same reaaon that they wear
their hata long. Owing to tha peculiar
ity of geniua, you may get quite a
reputation for lack of two-pence. From
"The Grey Wig," by Israel Zangwill.
When a maiden weda ,
- All her friends look pleasant
"Wink and nod their heada.
When a maiden, weda
' Everybody sheds
Cash to maka a present
When a maiden weda
All her friends look pleasant.
; Modern Society.
Have taken first premium at every exposition of in-y
fegternational importance in the world. The manufac
turers' warrant goes with each one sold. They are
made of the best castings and of the best steel pro
duced on earth. They are sold in Portland only by
P, S. -The Ocean WaT3
Washing Machine we sell
is the best machine in North
America. We will prove this
by those to whom we've sold
them if you'll give us a
A 4-year-old child did the
washing for one of our pa
trons last week. It's anew
invention you bet.
The Hardware Merchant of Today
Not Some Other Day
Opposite Postoffice
Cold Lunches - - Schlitz 5er on Draught
What Shall We
Have for Dessert?
This Question arises In the family
every day. Lot us answer it to-day. Try
a delkkraa And healthful dassertr Pra
ia two minutes. No boilinarl no
kiaarl add bollinsr water aad set tc
cooL -Tlavors: Lemon, Orange, Rasp
herrs And Strawberrv Get A pacluct
aw your grocers lo-aay. nni
rXZXi MSTSOKAV, Pres. O. W nrOWX.B8, WgT.
ZFtnI i tTOoV. Seventh and Washington Sts.
There is" perhaps jio elevator In the
world more eaclusive than that provided
at the Capitol for the Supreme Court
Of the United States. That elevator can
be used by exactly 11 people, and no one
else would for a moment consider enter
ing It except as the guest of one of these
11 privileged gentlemen. The fortunate
11 are tha nine Justices of the United
States Supreme Court, the clerk and the
marshal of the court.. - The elevator goes
from the ground Coot of tha Capitol
to the main floor, on which la located
the Supreme Court of the United States.
It ls a small elevator, so that, with its
conductor, three portly forma of Justices
would" fill It It Is one of the very lat
est designs .of electric elevatoraand Is
finished in magnlflcgnjatyle. The In
teresting thing about -this oxcluslv elevator--la
tha-faet that -the lua41ee.
wedded aa theyaro to past - customs,
have not yet got out of their habit
formed before the new elevator was
put. In place of going from .tha ground
Drink the Old and Renowned
Gambrinus Lager Beer
Send orders for Bottled Beer to
Telephone No. Main 49-
-Both Pbones
Poultry Netting
Wire and Iron Fencing
Barbed Wire. Wire ana Uvi Inclaf.
T, COS. nwurpsss,
Cures Liquor. Opium and' Tobacco Ilnfclts
to the matn floor by means of the Senate ! Tht only authorizad Keeley laatltata la Oreroa.' Cle :nt qusrtr : 1 ev? rj
eleVa.tor.f-.Washington Sur, : (OBveolence, Xorreaoondcoc trktly cvaliJentiaL rbono t,Ut x4.