the Oregon Daily journal, Portland, satuhday " icnnairo, jtoY 4r 1003. ; in SIX One Week VI - Remember these prices prevail during the entire week, ending Saturday, JULY nth. DAYS' 0 SPECIAL 98c Entrances Third. Ending The balance of our $9.25, $2 50 and $3.00 Ladies' Fancy Dress Hats,. leading shapes, chiffon or flower .trimmed, closed out for ONE WEEK Saturday, Second 98c hi , cuvww . July lit Notion Department Best Linen Thread, spool..4c Crochet Cotton, in colors 2&c Darning Cotton, spool 2 c Curling Irons 3c, 4c, 5c Needle Books 5c Knitting Needles, set 4c Hair' Nets 5c Pocket Mirrors 5 c 1010' dozen 5c SlatePencils,' dozen 5c Corset Laces, each 1c Hair Brushes-......: lOc Clothes' Brushes lOc Purses, Yfor ladies or "frien..... 5c, lOc Embroidery Silk, dozen . lOc Boys' Suspenders, pair .....5c Celluloid Collars, each 5 c Baby Bibs, each...' ...5c Garter Elastic, yard 4c, 5c Pocket Note Books 5c Bone Collar Buttons, doz 4 c Child's Handkerchiefs 1c Vaseline 4c Toilet Soap 3 c Ink, bottle 3c Dress Shields, pair 5 c Hooks and eyes, paper lc Corset Steels, pair 4c CrepePaper.aH colors, roll 6c Hat Pins, two for lc Envelopes, pack... 3c pressing and pocket combs 5 c , Safety Pinsrpaper. 2c Knitting Cotton, ball 4c Thimbles, each ........ ........... lc Oil Cans, each 5c ' Dippers, each ... 4c .Tin Cups, each 3 c Graters, each 2c Lunch Boxes, each 10c Pepper Boxes, each 2c Tea Strainers, each 2c Carpet Tacks, paper lc Cork screws, each'...- 4c Sell V J SAUB THIS Commencing Monday, July 6th and Ending July llth Leghorn -Hats, Special Trimmed Sailor, Hats, $1.00 and $1.25 values- Special .'. Ladies' black or white rough Sailors, 75c values Speqal Ladies' black or white Sailors, 25c and 35c values Special MILLINERY...... 19c values 35c 39c 19c ...SPECIAL 25c... M en's Summer Underwear Medium and light weight This line consists principally of Manufacturers' Samples, Silk Finished Cotton Meshes, Balbriggan in white and colored. Values up to 65c; during this sale 25 cents. 95c 19c Fancy Straw, un trimmed, in 3 leading shapes, regular $1.50 and $2.00 values Special..!....... Untrimmed Body Flats, new shapes, in pink, blue and white, regular value 50c Special $2.50 Special l&M 15 Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Hats, trimmed in the latest fash ion, new Sheperdess shape, regular value ' $2.00 and $2.25 Special &l. J,D iSjPE CAi4 50 Dozen Samples Standard Shirts Included in this lot are Golf, Negligee and Dress Shirts ALL HOME MANUFACTURE for fine trade. While they last at 50 cents on the dollar. House Furnishing Goods SPECIAL 75c Old Ladies' Comfort Shoes, $1.25 and $1.50 values per pair uC 5- 4 Laconia Sheeting, per yard 9 c 6- 4 Laconia Sheeting, per yard 12c 8-4 Laconia. Sheeting, per yard 14c 9-4 Laconia Sheeting, per yard lOc 10-4 Laconia Sheeting, per yard loc 10-4 Marseilles Pattern White Bedspread, SZHn Regular value 85c Special OVC 10-4 Grey or White Blankets, regular price 75c Special, a pair tVC 10-4 Blankets, regular price 85c . Special, a pair, DDC Extra size Creton covered fine white batting filled mjjs Bed Comforters closely quilted, reg. $1.50 Spec'I MP 1 19-inch Heavy Huck Toweling, regular value 10c Special, yard Special, yard 17x35 inch Fancy Border Towel, regular price 10c Special, each 6c 7c Lace Curtains . . FOUR BARQAINS In Curtains tItaM-prlce.Tftelenthsare 3, zYi and 4 yards. There are 2 :o 6 pairs of a pattern, mostly in 3 and 3-pair lots. v The 4-Bargain Items are jNottingham Lace Curtains, worth up to $2.50 d or per pair, at pi-- Nottingham Lace Curtains, worth up to $3.50 per pair, at... Nottingham Lace Curtains, worth up to $5.00 " per pair, at Nottingham Lace Curtains, worth up to $7.00 per pair, at Nottingham Lace Curtains, ' regular value $ 1 .00 per pair ?. Nottingham Lace Curtains, regular value 85c ; per pair Swiss Ruffled Curtains, regular value 90c PA- per pair i3 Heavy Cotton Flannel, regular price 6jc Special, ayd..4c Dainty Waist Styles 1 u y v kvu( $2.50 $1.75 $2.50 Curtains, $3.50 irtains, 65c irtains. 50c $7.50 Silk Waists, entirely new styles and colorings, in India, China and Taffeta Silks, tucked back and front, stock collars, dJ'J full sleeves, for J)0 I D $5.00 Silk Waists in many striking effects, fancy tucked and pleated, stock collars,- full sleeves Special $1.00 White Lawn, tucked back and front, embroidery timmed Cff Special OUL One lot of 285 Manufacturer's Sample Waists, values from $1.00 to $5.00. Included in this lot are a great range of styles and materials consisting of ' Lawns, Percales, Madras, Basket Weaves, Vestings, Piques; Linens, etc., all up-to-date styles and trimmings, to be closed out d AC Special, each...4c to.O Lot of 75cpercale shirtwaists Q closed out Special, each...-yC Summer Gloves Pure silk, ilk taffeta and lbria Qloveat also tha finest kind of Jaca Gloves, in pun tilk en4 Jlalo, all abet, la block, whits, tan n4 '-, gry-QUvea worth to A $1 paif, tTt lot at 30c, 33fl Kf , andw Shoe Bargains Ladies' Pat Tip Polish, regu lar price $2.35 j i Special, pair CJ) I J 3 Ladies' hand-sewed Shoes,reg ular price $3.50, t'V K $3.25 Special .... Z 3 Men's Satin Calf, regular price $2.00 and $2.25 & I i Special .....qil3 Men's solid sole leather counter Calf Shoes, regular $4g pjo price $2.50 SpeclCp I 3 O Youths' Box Calf, regular price $2.00 and $2.25 tf g g m -Soecfai 3I.OD Children's 50c and 75c Shbes-rpeclaJ... SPECIAL 10c Children's Hose, fat black seam less, heavy ribbed, double knee, 20c Values SPECIAL 9 c All silk Poppies, Velvet Roses and regular 25 cents, Per Bunch 9c Summer Underwear ill I I SUGAR I 49c l 10 lbs. best, dry Granulated Sugar. c 20 lbs. to a customer S JELLY GLASSES 2c Each 2 dozen to a customer. . r . 8 9 C Ladies' Jersey Knit Sleeveless, full length, in 3 sizes, 15c values Sc C Women's Lisle Finished extra size full taped Vests, regular 20c value Chr Special, each ". 1 4C Women's Fine Lisle Finished Vests ,with deep 1 nr lace yoke back and front 25c value 7 Special ltC Women's Lisle Thread Vests, lace trimmed, jmg silk taped, 35c value ' Special t Immence lot of Women's Sample Underwear, -Jersey ribbed,' regular and extra sized garments, sleeveless and short sleeves, low neck, lace yokes and high neck ; straight and shaped pants, in regular sizes, values 25c, 50c, 75c each 25c SPECIAL 15c, 25c, 35c GARMENT Embroideries Hundreds of patterns of Choice Cambric and Nainsook Embroideries in fine and openwork patterns, on good. g,uliiy of cloth. LOT 1 Well-worked edges up to 3 inches wide, excellent patterns: regular prices 8c and 10c Cr. UV Special, per gard . LOT 2 Neat edges in Embroidery up to 4 inches wide; regular prices 12c and J5c Special, per yard - 7mc LOT 3 Choice patterns in Em broidery up to 6 inches wide; reg ular prices 15c to lac Special, per yard .tec LOT 4 Finely-worked patterns, in close and open work effect, regu lar prices 18c to 25c X'Jxn Special, per yard ...Li Allover Embroideries and Yoking in great variety, all at Special Prices. Muslin Underwear Ladies' Muslin Gowns, embroidery and lace trimmed, high neck, empire or allover style, AH 'r 75c quality Special 4 W Ladies' Nainsook Gowns, beauti folly trimmed with fine lace and embroidery, regular Q 5 value $1.50 Special ...yOL Ladies' Muslin Drawers, tucked, 30c quality A Special Ladies' Muslin Corset Covers, A 15c quality Special yC Ladies' Muslin Drawers, flounced, tucked, lace and. embroidery in serting and edge trimmed, AHp regular value 75c Special.. I V Ladies' Muslin Petticoats, fine tucked, 75c quality A 'In Special.. tOL Ladies' Muslin Chemise, lace trimmed, 40c quality Special: MUv Ladies' Fancy White Apron laces, and embroidery trimmed, J Q n regular 50o Special U7 Wash Dress Fabrics Fancy Dress Ginghams, in stripes, checks and plaids; 12J4c value, special, yard ........ 35 inches wide Dotted Swiss, regular price 15c Special , Ameria Batistes, in floral, striped and fancy de signs, regular price 12jc Special, yard......:. Figured Challis, regular values 8c Special, yard . Scotch Lawns, 100 choice styles to select from, regular price 7Jic Special -wide Percales, regular 7Jfc value Special, yard 3-yard length Chambray Waist Patterns, a variety of patterns and colorings to select trom, regular 2flfr values 35c Special, a pattern -tWC 9kc 6y4c 5C 4c 4c HOSIERY. too Ladies' Fast Black Seamless Hose, 15c values Special per pair ...... ... Special, per pair 1 Ladies Fast Black Drop Stich Hose, 25c value Special, per pair MiJV Children's Extra Heavy Double Knee Hose, . . 20c Value Speaaa, per pair 2 Men's Heavy Seamless Ribbed Top Sock, . Sc , value apeciai, per pair Ladies' Lisle Thread Hose, lace ankle effects and all over lace designs. Richelieu and fine ribs; double soles, heels and toes, in attractive designs, all sizes; regular Cp value to $1 pair, special per pair 35c, 25c and AOs, Men's Double Heel and Toe Heavy Ribbed Top Sock, 12c value Special, per pair..... ir H It '. T X X 7, ,-1 0nU Oft imIim " iviens lviciuiu nou vvwi ova., wv. vuc Snwial. ner nair.r i i i Jc Bargain Table On this table you will find hundreds of useful articles. Your choice for 3c 5 c Bargain Table This table you will find loaded with useful household necessi ties which are worth from 10c to 15c Your choice for 5c irc Bargain ly Table At this price you will find a fine'as sortment of desirable and useful articles, many of which you will find you are in need of. . Goods on this table, regular vaL 15c to 25c ea. Your choice for LC' 8c Special 8c TOWELS, 19x37 inches, col ored border, hemmed ends, finished selvage, extra heavy birdseye pattern, regular value aoc during this o sale... i ...........OC Special 98c 530 pairs of Men's medium weight Shoes, every pair guaranteed to be good value at $2.25, during this no One Pair to a Customer. Special 98c 380 Pair Youths' and Boys' Shoes Values from $1.50 - to . $2.25; sizes 12 to 2 and '3 to 5 during" ixct this sale.. - ;..:...;.yoC BELTS LADIES: BELTS, in silk, velvet and leather, in great variety, all newest shapes and and styles, values to $1.25. ' : special 35c, 25c,20c, 15c and 10c. Grocery Specials Jumbo Mush. . . 6c Acorn Parlor Match, 1500. in package 10c Eagle cream, can ............ 14c Carnation cream, can ....... Ac Cold Springs evaporated cream 5c Fairbanks Gold Dust ...... 1 9c Sapolio...... 6c Pearline i . 4c Hire's Root Beer...... I5c Tip Top Catsup... . I Oc Celluloid Starch ... 6c Kingsford Glossl Starch:::.7 5c Kingsford Corn Starch. .. v 5c