OREGON DAILY. JQURtarC PORTLAND. : SATURDAY ETENING, l-fi FEATHERS TH E F L IRJ FIND.S. A DAT FIRECRACKER IS NO GOOD. ILLi nice cgaS; 1 SV- It! i l. : I I If : wisst. P m m 44 Well well ! A nice big breva, already II jfhted, too' ? (QamATHERSf HOW , MY HEARTV MJ?). : : : : How are you, Miss Plymouth-Rock? What a quiet Fourth this Is! Not a-"- r iu i nn i -i i 1 1 - V,!' ! THING TD MAKF . "1 , ' TNME LOOKSWELLJ1' "V em f !l 'to "Si nl.l 'l!!1.! mill,!.. '!'. "". I itllllillllSfl :ipraimr iMSi "I hope it'$ a nice strong one. I hate mild cigars' lis ' ' i 1 nj ' 'i 1 Banglll ; Litl,!"1'1 111 ' 1 ' ' i , .... : L1GH T.E D CIGAR ; I'll make a good impression on Miss Plymouth-Rock' mv ' oont. SHgC2fcrfS to think that ft I yusrhAKEs my heartVJtd do with tkatSLLW "How foolish of me to be taken tn on oneof them loaded cigars!" Obadiah Has a Built; FourthIn Fact, a Cracking, High Old Time Obadiah--" By George, here's Aunt Amelia asleep with her fireworks'. Aunt Amelia "By Jinks, Obadiah has swiped all my fireworks." Obadiah" Pil have a bully Fourth without costing a cent." AuntAmeBa "This bull doesn't like that red firecracker; so I'll Obadiah "Gee, that was a close shave! I nearly caught it!" " (Bang!) Aunt AmeIia-"Hi, Obadiah! Hiirrah foilhe Fourth I wnai are you a skyrocket?" x i . .1