TUB OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EYENIKO JULY 4, 1903. f3IIlIISXBinSinU3BIXlllBSUB8SUKSiniMnnilEZBa charged with stealing a sum of money ROOT AND GARDNER:; as tha most evenly matched fighters In mnivr rnnnTii im B - - -- - ' - from John Dmlu Jmil visited tha woman tha country and as a oonsequence able to put up one of the most interesting UUIC1 TUUKIII II TWO POINTS last night and. according. to his. story to- th police, was robbed whlls there. Patrolmen Bailey; and Olbson arrested : TO.HEET-TODAY contests that could be seen anywhere. Root once wwhlpped Gardner in seven rounds of fast fighting at 8an Francisco. The next time the pair met Root broke his right hand on Gardner in tha aeoond round, and foughton until the aeveh- .CITY OF JHE WINDS NoReoognJtiofi of the Day Ex cept Closing, of ' Business, Places Heat Excessive, Miss Jackson. . lall had fI6i in his pos ' session when ' searched at - police head quarters.' "He may '.consider himself a very lucky Man;"; said' Captain OriU- J , '(Journal Speclal Servlce.); , i ..: BUFFALO; Nr T., July . A .crowd FIRST Get Glasses that improve your vision and that are comfortable to see with. SECOND Get Glasses that improve your looks if you have to wear them. They don t cost any more than those unbecom ing: ones. We fit Glasses that are comfortable and improve the appearance. macner. . k - -r - teenth when ha : was , obliged to quit of sporting anthustasta large enough ta Since then both men have met and ALEXANDER "WAS DAUNTED fill the coffers of the International Ath beaten "Kid" Carter and. Marvin Hart Root going a bit better and soundly trouncing "Kid" McCoy for tha tlUe of 1 letlo Club with their admission 1 sea crossed over' to Fort , Erie this after Alexander was sighing for . mora noon to witness ' tha contest " between light . heavyweight champion of tha worlds to conquer. "Have you t sled to trek around tha Jack Root' Hfht heavyweight champion of tha world, and Oeorge Oardner of Lowell, Mass. Numerous cities from New York to Chicago, were represented among . tha : visitors and . their presence gave evidence of the widespread Interest manifested In tha light 'A - , - . ; Several causes contribute' to the pop ularity of the contest between- Root and Gardner. Aside from the championship title involved it is regarded 'as a; prob ability that tha winner will be matched to fight Bob . Fltssimmons. But 'the chief factor In tha situation .lies In the fact that Root and Gardner are regarded world. Journal Polal Service.) . CHICAGO, 1 July 4. The people are displaying tha usual Fourth of ; July ardor by no recognition of the day other than the closing of all business places, .Tbeca Is no formal program. The heat 'continues excessive, although ths mercury dropDsd from 7 last even The articles of agreement call for a FJstlronT' asked his adviaera. Realising, however, ihe havoc it would to-round to to begin about 4 o'clock this afternoon. .The two weighed in at , 9 o'clock this morning, each tipping tha beam within a pound or two of the stip i play with his draperies, ha preferred to "sass" Persia, -New York Tribune. ulated weight 15 pounds. From all appearances their condition could not be Improved upon. Since the articles were Shameless Manner in Which TOO MUCH MENTAL ErFORl ing to 8 R, which Issted during tha brief morning hours. Two 'mora" died from American Sailors ed' by Officers : for Condition, Are Treat- signed both men have- been : training faithfully with tha result that they are In condition from all appearances to fight the battle of their lives for the WE FILL OCULISTS' PRESCRIPTIONS FOR GLASSES ALSO. "So yon don't Ilka dialect stories r "Not much.. Tha trouble .with dialect host and II were prostrated thla fore noon.', ,";., ' Responsible Is that after you have managed to apall Iteout, you forget what the story waa Championship title and a money stake 'Pity Is best: taught, by fellowship In shout. " that will amount to upwards of 17,600. r woe. Coleridge. . 13 SAILORS , MANUFACTURING OPTICIANS AND JEWELERS Third and Washington-'- Portland, Or, nniinniiiiiinnimaiiiniinnRnmiminl ST. LOUIS STRIKE : PROVED FAILURE Only "300 Streetcar Employes Responded to Call This Morning. 4 ' J' (Journal Special Service.) . ST." LOl'IB. July 4. A atrlkc m In augurated against the St. Louis Tran sit Company t4s morning by the Amal . gama ted. Aaaoctatton of Street Railway employe, but only-390 men of a total of S.iOO quit and officials of the railway thla morning atate the company waa not van inconvenienced, aa It had enough : aubatltutea ready to take the placea of the sjtrlkers. The company haa a flve yeap contract with another' union which can ;furnlah. sufficient men to operate the ' line.'' .' , ,. ; : J M I DN tG H K 0N;TH E;. D E E B '. A , tpeclal and 'unique trip of the steamer "Bailey. Oatsert." Leaves "Portland Sunday night 11 o'clock for Tha 'Dalles, srrlvea back Monday even ing, affording the finest' chance of the year, to see 'the grand. ' old Columbia In the dnstllng glorlouaneaa of a Sum mer morning. Enjoy the pure, crisp morning air and a good breakfaet In the heart of the Cascade Mountains. Secure your berths early. Far for the round trip, $2.00. 'Phone Main 914. GIRL WAS LOST TTTT-- . .. Minnie Larson, whose home Is on the Sanday Road some 10 miles from Port land, lost her way lsst night and could not find her relatives. She wandered about the streets until a cltlsen picked her up and brought her into the pollc station. .She. waa given Into the care of Police Matron Simmons, and after a rest of a few hour resumed her Journey In the light of day. OIL EXPLODES (Journal Special Service.) ST. I.017IS, July 4. A spark from a passing engine Ignited a barrel of lubricating oil on. a river barge thla morning: Engineer Connera was killed and Frank Haynes fatally Injured by the resulting explosion. Supercilious Aristocracy Said io oe msuiung iviauer may Be Brought to - Attention ot the President. t Is StatecJ by a German Paper -T-l all I I k HV if mat nunareas Are uesening in Europe, All Due to the Harsh Treatment, t Journal friends and readers when traveling on trains to .and from 'Port land ahould ask news agents for Ths Journal and Insist upon being supplied with this paper, reporting all failures In obtaining It to the office of publication, addrenslng The Journal Portland. Ore. Phoenix Iron Works engineers' Manufacturers of Marine, Mining, Logging and Saw Mill Machinery, PROMPT ATTENTION C1VEN TO PJDPAIR WORK. Phone East 29. IAW7HOUI 1THV1 AMX BASS TXZXD ITU1I. (Journal Special Service.) BERLIN. July 4. The Klelnes Journal today laya the blame for the reported desertion of 105 American tars at Kiel at the feet of Admiral cotton. The paper says that the harsh discipline of the American navy Is entirely re sponsible. It Is stated that desertions have become so v numerous In Europe thst Cotton has . been obliged to have sailors dispatched - from America in order to handle his fleet. Severe criticism Is made of the super cilious manner In which American of ficers trest the enlisted men. The Jour nal states thst sfter close observstlon It waa discovered that certain corneals- toned officers severely admonished and with Insulting words chlded sailors and marines for simply looking st them when paaslng on the'streets of Kiel. It Is said thst the strong contract In the manner the German officers treat their men and the shameless way the Amer ican sailor la abused ty pop-ln-lay of ficers has caused scores and scores. of desertions. It Is believed thst the mat ter of the numerous and wholesale de sertion of sailors will be brought to the. attention of President Roosevelt who does not countenance supercilious aris tocracy In either army or navy. STILL HAVE; TROUBLE Notwithstanding the fact that within two days Municipal Judge Hogue haj sentenced two colored women to oo4 year each In the county Jail. Pearl Jack aon, another colored woman of the North End. is now lodged In the city Jail For cooling and ventilating purposes and the standard the world over 'and these many points of excellence have made their popularity fully -appreciated by the Port land public and, as evidence of this fact, you will find twenty Emerson fans in the t ..' business houses, and homes of Portland to " ' one of any other manufacture. .i , W.lfOOD" SUITS "Just try a Parrot Cigar' 5c. MADE BY THE BEST WORKMEN FROM THE BEST MATERIAL There's a good deal in having a cigar burn even and smell good. , At your'Dealer's BRACKET FAN. i , . i ... .... . ! Altefmiatoeg iHSSKl " mhlG: DFSI( and cLES J ceiung fan. EXHAUST FANS.... deskfan: -i . . i tV I ' : RISI0LMCE TAN. I lofti!iwet Electric - Why not Investigate these broad claims by calling" at our salesrooms 309 $tark street before the extreme heated season is upon you and place your order with us for anything in the fan line you may desire, for you can keep cool at home at small cost per month by using Emerson Fans. ' 2 3 bgiroeeriog Co 309 STARR STREET 'Between Fifth and Sixth Streets. ( WITH THE BEST MACHINERY Fleischner, Mayer o. MAKERS I' WW'. T .' . K . 0 '0AMJ'.A rV 'S.' IU D ' THt I) A Ytm CELEBRATE You can celebrate every fay If there is a GAS RANGE- in your; Hitchen. It niens less work, fewer hours and no worrybyer spoiled meals. ; i EXHAIST FAN. sttv v. . wzr . A GAS RANGE is an , indispensable article , in the kitchen, especially .this I weather. With gas at the cheapest kind of fuel, AND I Y O U AR E W A S T I N G iP N ETY IF YOU DON'T USE IT. REMEMBER. THEVEXPENSE STOPS - WHEN THE COOKING STOPS. A GAS RANGE SAVES MONEY BETWEEN MEALiS A POSTAL-OR TELEPHONE CALL WILL-BRING OUR REPRESENTATIVE GAS ' C0MIPAIW FIFTH AND YAMHILL STREETS