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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1903)
THE OIlEGOtf DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, yKIDAY" EVENTN Gt't "J CTLY 3, 1003,: wub in Items of Local Interest for Busy s Journal Readers, ' ft.. WEATHER FORECAST. Shower fcato occurred la Northeasters' WhV lugtoa, Hoatlutast-ra Idaho Montana, Eaetera Colorado, 1fa Cvntrkl Writ and generall the Canadian Nortbweat. ' It It niacb. eooler hi the Central riateao reglou and warmer ' la California. At Ban Vrsnrlsoo tbla morning Ilia trmporatur la 23 dram' abor tba norgial. The ladleatloaa ar r fair . and warmer wtalher In tbka dtstrlrt 8tnrdy. . EUWARU A. pKALU, lUtrkt Foreeater. r HOTEL ARRIVALS ' fatarlal J. i W. llolnwa. Chlraa-oi Q. Earle, Han rranrlaeoi U. C. Mulelds, aVattlel A. w. wear, Mra. wrtt. Mlaa Aana IXiwnto rm: Mr. C. Connie. Hood Hirer: 11. Lei rd, Mbit Hun; Mra. Lelwanl, White low: E. rannekl. Bsk-ui! U. VanrierwelL nines; II. v. Hteveo. Cawed: '. rtwalH-y, Frankfort: I. M. Ln and wife. Rainier: Will lira Reed, Aatorla; Hubert Kerr aad wlf. Stella; i. W. Uanralta. Halero; HadUj' Foata, ' Jewri Amernet. North Yaaihlll: R. l vllead. Clatskaule: M. 1). Ilauwn. Roe-bura; T. Johnson. Forest Urore: R. 1. Vanlela, cltj John Adsnie. Tho Dalles: L A. TaSe. city W. K. Bee be, Man franclscol O. K. NebuM ' and wlf. t'blr-ago; Kilsoa Jnbnaon. Latr: C II. Marlowe, Seattle: Mra. W. H. Brown. Boo kanoi Margaret Young, Moernw; J. P. Hamil ton. Boaenurg; Chart IC. Mhalton and wife. Itcneer; K. C. Shore jr. Terka; K. I Owes aad wlf. Minneapolis; Joaeiia Allinau, rktreni.-e Chsrlea r. Frauk. Rrooklm. N. Y.t Alfred J Hurler. Boetoni t'barle L. ftiiaffeUa, U Angeles; W. N. Hamilton, Roeeburg; B. 1'. Clarke, Lexington. Ky.i II. K. Htcrlu, Ccad Lucks; 4. B. Cook. ' Indeucnoenee. , ?ertland E. L. Rltaon, Rton: S. ward, P. F1jnn. a Cite: A. r. Ward. Mew Torkr Mis . Roberts. New Torki Mra. W. R. efebree and maid. Caldwell; II. A. Bodd and wife, St. F. Kenton, Halt Lake) 0. Cbnrcblll, Bau Fran- naeo: u. Murpnr, neame, n. 4. uiur ana wife. Heartl; K. F. IBobletnan. Booth Bend B. Cbrlatenana. B. I. Brlatow. Ban Fraarlaco O. P. M. Haaaard. V. B. A.; C. Wembertoo, BeaMIe: L. V. Bohara-e. Bt. Panl: B. O. Baraent and wife. New York; F. Morphr. wife and two daunbtera, Perrjr. Or. I T. W. Bob' Mm. Chleacv; K. Beuaett. Taooma: Mr, ilrewa and wife, Baeramentnj F. u. Wnltton, 1 Franrlww: Dr. B. C. Coffer, rltr: A. H r M.l. , . Iln. U la Kw VYork: U. Obenoner. Jr.. Baa Frawlaco: A. Ruah worth, Enrland: r. I. Arkerman. Ban anelam: L. H. Hamnela. New York: W. H. Coeter. Baalnaw: B. Blnahelmer aid wlf. Ban Fraarlaco: Mra. H. Blnahelmer, 8. 1). Blna helmer, Mlaa H. Blmbelmer, B. Htuebetmcr, h. Btraaaboraer, Baa Fram-U)t C. W, tiolden, wir ai4 danvhter. Dklahnma Cite: ('. V. Brliraa and wife, T. H. Marer, C. M.. Hearr, fSeorce B. Real and wife. E. H. Barter. Ed. V. Wllluuv- Bluoa Green. Ban Franclaco; Otto Neleaen, Renrfe H. Clarke, Chloafo; J. A. Walker, N. P. R. R ; Mr. and Mra. Alara a Collin. Ban Franrlwoi i. H. Bohr, William Roaenberfer, W. W. Burnett, Mra. W. W. Burnett. Ban Fratwlero; Warren E. Ball, fteorce Ooomha, Chlrato; Oeorf B. Smith. Baa Fraarlam: Mln M. E. Artame, New York: Mlaa M. II. Hopla, I. A. Boawaare, New Loadoal T. W. Brown. Ban Franrleeo: Fred Loerlnc. Baa Fraiu-leco: A. Week. V. B. VaTi A. H. Whll ner and wlf. Ml Babel M. Whitney, Horace C. Wbltner, Boatnn; J. D. Bmlth. Bdwnd Cltr. Cel.: J. E. Clarke. Denrer; A. C. Lctt, Ban Franclccn; O. Rang lee, KanaaaCyar; ls M lb ley, Baker City. C3 n t BMtoaJl Baaeball Tomorrow. Th Browns VB. Seattle. A great gam Park Wllaon Haa with hire Two new plteherav Carrlck and Dorhan. Thera'ra great Two games oa The Fourth. Ladle' dara. Tomorrow Baaeball ' Every day This week. X. X. Moorahonaa h 0o, at Seventh and Alder. Telephone, Main 13 U. Tha VortUnd, Long Beach. 'Waah. Open for guests. European plan.' aaonr Baaxh ul aUarlew -ProVtalona at reasonable rates, Strauhal Broa, To Bala Finely equipped Job print ing office. Enquire 106H First street, , rin Day I Buy Meredith's umbrellas. Repairing, recovering. Waah. and Sixth. About Inly 10, James R. Ewlng, tha bookseller, will remove to tha corner of Fourth and Yamhill. Portland Club, ISO Fifth atreet A palatable lunch served every evening from t until 11 p. m, Tot Sale One of the beat paying sa loons In Portland Tor the money. Ad dresa Box S, No. 1, Journal. "White Spray" la the best flour ln the city. Made at Walla Walla by Dement Broa. Co. O. V. Church, wholesale agent, 264 Front street Tha Breakers' Hotel la now open and receiving guests. For Information about ' rates, reservations, etc., call upon J. M. 1 Arthur Co.. 40 First straet. this city, 'phone Main St, or write Hotel Break ra, Long Beach, Wsh. .- jrA."-a BaMballl i ' ( , , Two gamcB .' ' . . - v. Tomorrow, . ; , , - 10:J0 '. ai ; . . .... . And , ' l:0. , , Biowna , i vi " ' Sesttta. ' Hogg will pitch ' ; In the murning. ' Everybody will ba thera. ' . Iori t mlaa either game. , n-ofeewloiial Ball in rk, . - ,' Twenty-fcurth and Vaughn. - Ttemambor, ' ..- , v . - Two games Tcmorrow. . ' ' A. B. stelnbstth Oo. will t cloaad all day July 4. , , XovJoy H Uattla, bookbinders and blankbook raakera. 11 First stroei. The saw Toka Foint Oyate Bouse, corner H1xth and Urk. will open tno 4lh. H. L. Martin. - . A. B. Stein k Oo.'s store will be open till 10:10 this evening. , V. Abraham, at tha Valley Land Company'a office. 41 H First Btroat, cor ner Ash, If you want to buy or Bell real estate. Established 15 years. ; B. Stalabaea ft Co,'s store will be open tUl 10:10 this evening. Tomorrow Velar tk Tourth of iuly, and a publlo holiday, all tha departments of the City Hall remain closed and will not open again for buelneas until Mon day. . round, on Twelfth street, corner Alier, lady's gold watch. Owner can have same by calling at XI North Eleventh street, corner Couch, at ex penae of advertising. Call at T p. m. or 1 p. m. Sunday. Bemember A. B. StelaoaoB ft Oo. will be closed all day tomorrow. Do your trading this evening. Open till 10:10. All number of the Barbers' Union aro requested to meet at iniey at Son's undertaking parlors at 1 o'clock p. ov Sunday, July 6. to attend tha fun eral of . Brother . H. L. Beaver. Q. Whr, preeldent Botloea foe new trials In the cases of John Eggleston, convicted " of adultery, and E. W. Liberty, convicted of aasault with a dangefoua weapon, were argued and submitted to the Bute Circuit Court late yesterday afternoon. ' Tbo Britlan snip Bnaddla Oaatle ar rived at Astoria yesterday from San Francisco, 8h eame up in ballast, oc cupying II days ln making the run. The vessel Is under charter to T. M. Stevens ft Co., to load wheat for Algoa Bay. Tut o aooommodBto our friends, we will be open moat of the day tomorrow. At a recent auction in New York a Persian rug was sold for 120,009. Come in and see what that aort of a rug looks Ilka. Atlyeh Kroury, 411 Washing ton street. , Purchaser of tioketa for the Camera Club excursion' to Cape Horn Sunday. July 12. will pleaae take notice that the elegantly, equipped steamer Bailey Oat sert has been secured in place of the Harvest Queen. Regular meals will be served to those not desiring to carry their lunches. July 4, rain or ahlne. Multnomah Falls and Bonneville. Second Baptist Church "Harvest Queen." Aah-stret dock. 7:46 a. m. Round trio. 76o; children under 12 years, 0cj Lunch served on noam. According to tko general belief In va rious circles today, the Executive uoara. at Ha session this evening, will Increase the present number of patrolmen by me addition or nve new men, Bringing up the force Co a total of 10 men actively at work. . It Is also thought that one new driver will be appointed and pos sibly one detective. Steamer XefulMor leaves tonight for The Dalles at 10 p. m. instead of 7 a. m. Saturday. rassengcra xor river points on Columbia River, between Cas cade ixc xs ana rne uanes, win piease vern themselves accordingly. Tho steamer "Bailey Qatsert" will leave Saturday at 830 a. m. aa far as Cat cade Locks and return, taking passen gdrs. for landings between the Locks and Portland. 'Phone Main 014. Apart from tho heavy train o the Van couver line or tna rortianq Kauway Company Is doing in regular bualneas there are an Increasingly large number of people who find the Vancouver trip a Jaunt of Interest and tna evening; oars are often oiled with city people and visitors who take the trip to view the suburban scenery and for the ferry ride across tho Columbia. Tha. flood tide of the river Is receding and by Sunday bass fishing will bo good, after which time the piscatorial devotes will haunt the sloughs until tho Benson closes. T. A. Cramer haa entered suit la Jjatlce Raid's Court to replevin a horse Hid . to . have been purchased by him several ' daya ago , from M. Hechtman for 120. After tho reported sale was mads Hechtman is aald to have wanted to withdraw, -which lead to a dispute. Louring tho controversy a policeman in terfered, took the horse to tho station and It was returned to Hechtman1 Garner claims ho paid for the anlmaL .Toe Sullivan, a logger from Stella, fell In a fit this morning on Morrison street In front of tho St Charles Hotel. He struck tho left side of his head on the sidewalk and It was badly bruised. The lujured man was removed Inside the hotel, and was later taken Jn the patrol wagon to mo polio station. After a few hours' rest upstairs ho was able to go out agalu. Ha la subject to fits and has met with similar accidents be fore. Blfi exonrsions on tho Tenrtn, Portland to Oregon City and Willam ette Falls . And return, 25 cents for tho round trip. One way by steamer, the other by electric cars, if desired. Spend the day at tho great cataract In the adjoining woods or at the park. Boats leave Portland and Oregon City simultaneously at 1:30, 10, 11:30, 1, 1:30. 4, 6:30, 7 and 1:30 o'clock. Tho Savoy Tomorrow Tomorrow at 7 o'clock the elegant Savoy, Max Smith's coffee house, bakery and oyster parlors, will bo opened for business. This hand some restaurant for ladles and gentle men, is located at 1(1 Fi,fth street, ln tha nremlses formerly occupied by Haines' ten store, opposite the poatofflce. It is a moat delightful little nook, and will be greatly appreciated by the many frhnds of Mr. Smith those who have known him In times gone by as well as a convenience? to those In the neigh borhood. Mr. Smith will do well In his now location. 0 rand moonlight excursion up the Columbia, Thursday, July . Queen and barge Evercat's Orchestra, dock at t p. m. Refreshments will ManyAre Steamer Harvest Klickitat, with leave Ash-street be served. Round No trip liquor allowed on board. 71 cents. That steant-honted collar and cuff polisher, of ours will have to keep pop ping away part of tha day tomorrow, anyway, as we have been overwneimea with laundry by . the multitude of per sons desiring their linen ironed with a machine that does not scorch or weaken the fiber of the linen. Other laundries might have one of these modern neces sities If they desired and could afford the oxpeuse, but as none have availed themselves of the oppor'-inlty we have to do the hustling to keep even with our work. We shall not have many holidays while this condition of affairs prevails. Union Laundry, Second and Columbia. Cascade Looks and return. 8pcclal 11.00 round trip. The Fourth nnd Sunday. Steamer "Bailey Oatsert." Leavea Alder-street wharf 8:30 a. m., Sunday, a. m. Returning 7 p. m. Muslo and excellent meals, 31.00 only. 'Phono Main Mi Baseball Baaeball Tomorrow. The Browns vs. Seattle. A great game Parke Wllaon Has with him Two new pitchers, Carrlck and Dorhan There're great Two gamea os The Fourth. Ladles' days. Tomorrow Baseball Every day This week. FIRE COMMITTEE REPORTS TODAY Executive Board Will Be Asked to So ve the Problem of Pro . viding the Department with Additional Men. Resigning Because Low Salaries Paid, Which Are Said to Be En tirely Inadequate. When tho executive board meets late this afternoon one of the moat Import ant questions which will come before that body. It is thought, will be the problem of arranging for additional help In tho department eervlce. The mat ter has reached n stage where it ae mnnds Instant attention and the Inten tlon of the interested parties waa to present to the board a reaume of the situation its It exists today. It Is hoped b them that the members of the board will make provisions to bring the de partment up to the standard which will Inaure its greatest efficiency. Tha Fire Department is sadly nanui- capped by lack of men. The majority of the crews aro wonting snon-nanueu aim the wages are so low that there Is a great deal of dissatisfaction ln that quarter. Many of tha men are contem plating quitting the aervice ror mai aole reason and when the fire commis sioners met last evening the reslgna tlona of seven were handed In. The only explanation was that they were offered more money at some other vocation. And compared with the wages paid fire men In other cities the salaries in the Portland Department are said to be mis erably low and entirely Inadequate. There Are Applicants. The statements that the Jobs were not in demand, however, even with the low wares, are erroneous. There are now on the civil service lists 150 appli cants who have already passed the phys ical examination and are only waiting for the written examination. It Is to provide for the hiring of these men, once they are eligible, or enough of them to bring the Department to Its needed standard, that the matter will De brought to the attention of the execu tive board. The Civil Service Commission will probably arrange for the written exami nation of the applicants ror nre aepart- ment positions next week, wnen mis Is done the present situation will be greatly relieved. When the Are committee of tne execu tive board met yesterday Chief Camp bell told how he had been compelled to go out personally and hunt up men, be cause the civil service had none eligible on Its lists. He thought It greatly det rimental to discipline and was of tho opinion that something should be done to remedy the situation. A representative of the A. D. T. Co. appeared before the board with a propo sition of another auxiliary alarm sys tem in the city, but the matter was re ferred to Supt. O. J. Walker and the executive board. PERSONALS. CAPTAIN LOVE DIES OF HEART TROUBLE The Well-Known Pioneer Sue- cumbs This Morning After Brief .Period of Illness. ! j i i i i CAPTAnr LOOTS ZeOTB Pioneer Who pied Today. EXTEWSION TABLE BARGAIN yymm, j., ,.i a,., p v si $10.00 An Extension Table, like cut, for $10.00, made of quartered oak, highly relished, fine heavy legs. This table is worth more, but it Js our custom to offer a special bargain each week. We lose money at the price, but as there are but a, few dozen of these tables, we can stand the loss. - ASK'Tot SEE OURr CARPETS AND BEDROOM FURNITURE 172.174 FiOST STREET. PORTLAND, OJC CONCERT TONIGHT The followinar oroaram will be ren dered tonight at 8 o'clock by Browns band In the Plaxa Square, the new band stand being used tor the first time; March. "Hail to tne Buirix or lid- erty" , Sousa Walts. Artist's Ufa" 8trauss Overture, "Semlramlde" Rossini Patrol, "American" ...Meacham Medley of Popular Songs O'Hare . Relaxation of ten minutes. National anthem. "America" fa) Bummer Idyll. "Hiawatha". . .Moret (h March Comlaua. "EnDler's Whls- cfs", . . .-Haeelter Soenes from "The Burgomaster" Luedera Cha racteristlc. "Pan-American" . Herbert Two Sterj a la Jaoanese. 'Three Little Maldg'r. Haines Doxoloa-y, "Star Spangled Banner'.. Charles I Brown, Conductor. .MRS, L0CKW00D DEAD Mrs. J. B. C. I.ockwood died at her home, 773 Overton street Wednesday evenlne. She Is the wife of Engineer Lookwood of the Port of Portland Com mission. The funeral occurred from the residence this morning. At noon the remains were cremated at the Portland Crematoriu.nii OBEQOir CITT WXX.X. CE&BBBATX Tha O. W. P. ft Ry. Co. will make a i F 28 'cm nt rate on the In- ourth of July. eluding the privilege of Canemah Park. Uoon music ror aancing in tne new pavilion. Plenty of seats and tables for picnicKers. Keireonmenm on m grounds. Tickets gooa Dy car or ooat. Cars every 80 minutes from First and fireworks Slaughter Sale.... Best Fireworks for pri vate displays. Have loud est and cheapest cracker in the city, '.'v - j: ALL FIREWORKS AT GREAT BARGAINS. Andrew Kan c5 Co. - Cor. 4th arid Morrison St& Capt. O. R. Hazsard, U. 8. A., Is at the Portland. John Adams Is registered at the Im perial from The Dalles. 5. W. Aby. a lumber and timber dealer of Red Bluff, Cal., Is at the 'Perkins. J. W. Dyer, a prominent music dealer of Minneapolis, is at the Pe.'klns. Cl W. Golden, wife snd daughter are registered at the Portland from Okla homa City. J. 8. Dunlap, Deputy County Clerk, left yesterday for a few weeks' visit to the coast. T. D. Taylor. Sheriff of Umatilla County, la registered at the Belvedere from Pendleton. E. A. Herdlnger, proprietor of one of the large piano stores of Spokane, is a guest at the Belvedere. Frank Fenton of Salt Lake, a propo nent business man of that city and a politician, known all over Utah, Is registered at the Portland. Marion P. Johnson, Deputy County Clerk, accompanied by his wife, will leave next week for' Puget Sound, where they will pass several weeks. Nelson Bennett, best known as the namesake of the famous Bennett trail In Alaska and Lake Bennett, In the same territory, la registered at the Portland from Tacoma. 3. II. Schively, a newspaper man of Olympla, was at the Imperial last night. He left this morning for Omaha-ttr -at tend the meeting of the National Edi torial Association. Mike Moran. a well-known detective of the Tacoma police force, was a Port land visitor this morning. He will leave during the day lor Pendleton and later will go to Walla Walla on business. Henry I-ane, a timber dealer of Eau Claire, Wis., is In the clty.1 He has been sent as special agent for several Wisconsin lumber firms to secure timber lands in Oregon and Northern California. He will leave for Shanjko tonight. William H. McLaughlin of Boise, Idaho, a mining mail arid, specula toivJUi i at the Perkins. "Idaho Is a good busi ness state, but when it comes to pleasure we have to go elsewhere. Every year I spend a few weeks at Sea side and Yaqulna Bay. Whether you of Portland appreciate the beauties that surround you I do not know, but it Is the summer Mecca of residents of other states. This Is a pleasure trip and I will not talk business." Captain Lewis Love, a pioneer of ISO and for nearly (0 years a cltlsen or Portland, died suddenly this morning st his residence at 101 Market street at the age of 85 years. He had been ail ing less than If hours. Yesterday morning he had a team or horses hitched up and drove over to the East Bide to attend to some business matters. When he arrived at his desti nation ha was scarcely able to tell tho object of hla visit, and when he re turned he was very 111. Last night Dr. Dave Raffety waa called and ordered him to keep to his bed. His condition then was not dangerous, and fatal re sults of his sickness iere not expected. Thla morning he suffered a renewal of the attack and at 7:40 o'clock he passed away. Thp cause or death is atrrioutea to heart disease. Captain Love was born ln Oeary, New York, June 11. 1818. In company with number of others he crossed the plains In 1848, and was master of the train. He arrived ln Oregon In November. 1848, and stayed for a time at Parker's Land ing, and then at Columbia Slough, where he Owned 800 acres of land. Omitting a few years spent In Vancouver and other points In Washington, he parsed almost all his life In Portland and was a promi nent figure on the streets and In pioneer celebrations. Captnln Iove was married early In life and lived to see the fourth genera tion, the eldest of whom Is Roy Love. Of eight children, four survive. His wife died a number of years ago. The lvlng are Mra. Mary C. Stafford, Fred D. Love. Oreen C. Love and Lewis P. Love. There are a great many grand children, and among them are Lewis W. Lov, William King, Lewis O. Stafford and Frank Love. Arrangements for the funeral have not yel been made, but It Is probable that the services will be helck Monday or Tuesday. W AfMtavTT Sr Olds Wortman & Kiri 5r! j THIS STORE CLOSES i AH Day SATURDAY 4h THIS SPACE DONATED, GREATEST spectacular event of the century SHAM BATTLE benefit Heppner sufferers, by Third Regiment and, Battery "A," Oregon National Guard. Artillery Drill by Batteries, Field Artillery, United States Army. Grand Concert by the famous Nineteenth United States Infantry Band. Races by the Riverside Driving Park. Coffee and refreshments will be served by Ladies' Auxiliary, Spanish-American War Veterans. . Irvington Race Track, commencing 1 p. m., JULY FOURTH. General admission, 25 cents. wwwwwwwwwwwwww Irirki AT THE START .0 Of your hardware buying. If you'll bo gin It hero 'twill prove Interesting to you, both from tha feeling of satlsfao tlpn it gives and ln the money-aavlng to be effected. Largest stock; greatest ,r ' diversity and "come-again" prices. AVERY (a CO. 02 THIRD ST. - - PORTLAND AMUBEMXHTB. EMPIRE THEATRE 12th ind Morriton Sts. Phone Main 78. Nortbweat Vanderllle Oo.. Prop. George L. Baker, Heaideut Manager. Tha Or. Hlfb-Claaa VandeTlll Hon ta I'ortlaod. A great bill thla e-eck. Noreltlr. eomedy. alngeri: all tp liner. The hlghet-larled ai't In TauclPYllle. iipar Armur nann. oe Tludd Brother. Bee fulomlti ind Mexla. Ree the Bndd Brother. Raymond and Clark. Arthur Hahn. Brooke Kltrrm, Coleman and Mi-se. Jame Knnn. Andrew and Tbompaon, Well Brother and the bloseop. We are not shouting' Very loudly in the newspapers. You may do the shouting when your teeth ache. Then come to us, and we'll stop the aching painlessly stop it Tull set . best teeth, t? most quality. 4 (sad thsyo good oaos. too); gold crowns, aa-kant. $3; gold Altec, small. Ill large, 3i til other fililags, 79 oasts each. ALBA DENTISTS Over EDert Piano House, opp. Cordray'a Theatre. PhOM MaH2796 Matinee Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday. Priire Matinee. 20c, 10c,; erenlnf, Jc, 20c, 10c; boxea and log aeat. 5c. SHIELDS' PARK 13th and Washington. Flneat open-air theatre In the Weat. 3.100 acat. in Greatest Show Ever Presented Portland. STTOK ZKICXTT ATHOJT, WH.B01T, CLAM CO. VAX.OMA DUO. EOOZJBT A.ZTD KBLTOW. THB SAOMAB8. JOH9T X WELCH. AWD OTHIBB. , arVXBAL ADK1SBIOW TTW CE1TTS. Go to Cordray'a ln caaa of rain. Marquam GrandTheatre'anaye'r.' Announcement Extraordinary. Saturday night. July 4: one night thla week, two nlshts next week, the fa mom Augutlu laly Mualral Coined- of 60 I'eople In "A HUMAWAT OIKL," price Lower floor, except laat 3 row. $1.80; latt 3 row. $1: balcony, first 3 rowa, tl; econd 3 row. 75c; at 8 row Jn bal cony, 50c; gallery. 8Tc and 25c; boxea and logea, StO. Male or seats for July 10 and 11 performance will open next Wednesday. "r Painless Extracting! PR. W. , WISH. WISE BkOS W do Crown and Brldg Work wlthoat pain. Our 10 year' experience ta plate work enable a to lit your mouth comfortably. Wa bar feeling aa wall aa yoo. Dr. W. A. WIm. manager, baa found a aa(g way to extract teeth abolntly without U Dr. T. r. Wle la an expert at Gold rilling anal Crown and Bridge Work. v Extracting tree wnea plates at bridge are erderad. Dentists 208-H3 fuum bldb., cor, m ana wain. . Open veainga'tlU r Bnaday from a to la. or. Mala saa. . OB. T. Wt WIS, XTTIC? t duVJo.rmer location not beta? J. j XjITZi X lZ enough to accommodate) our growing business, we have ref moved our offices and shops to 445 North Ninteenth Street. ' Our "down town" office will remain at our former location, 47 First SUh w. o. Mcpherson co. Heating and Ventilating Engineers Portland. Oregon) -WlttTBUtttTNEW ttOMES-" Trust EDITOR GOES EAST George B. SmaJl of tho Baker City Demo crat Will Visit ln Omaha and Baltimore. George B. email, editor of the Baker City Democrat, was in. this city laat evening. Mr. Small la on his way to Omaha, Neb., where he will attend the meeting of the National Editorial As sociation. After the wleldera of publlo thought have finished their session the Baker City editor will travel on to Bal timore. Md and spend a few happy days at the annual meeting of the Grand Lodge of Elks. He goes by way of San Francisco and Is accompanied by his wife, mother, daughter and son. "I Intend to do everything ln my power to induce tne urana ioage or Elks to meet in Portland for their 1806 convention," said Mr. Small, "and I think this City of Roses stands a very good chance to secure the plum, as a great many of the "brethren" will want to come to Portland that year to - see the Lewis and Clark Fair; if tho meet ing was here at the same time they could kill two birdies with one pebble. Max M. 8hillock. secretary of the Board of Trade here, has given mo a largo package of Oregon literature: which i will dlatrihut among the Eastern poo pie. with the hope that they will do as many wise men before them have done rnovo out to this state and grow rich in houses and land." , - . ....... . s iuuiiuuiu i anvwuv Manager. Engagement Extraordinary, NAT C. OO0BW1M , And Hi Kicellent Company. Tonight. July 3. "WHEN WE WEK TWENTY-ONE." Prlcea txwer floor, except laat 8 row, 12; laat 8 row, ft. 50: balcony, first A rows, f 1 ; first 3 of last a row, 75c; last 3 rows In bal cony, 50c; gallery. 85c and 25c; boxea and logea. $12.50. Beat ar now selling. The Baker Theatre George L. Baker, kfanagar. THE ENGAGEMENT IS NEARINO AN END. I 1 The Baker Theatre Company ln "ARABIAN HIOKW." Erenlng, 15c. ZDS. Neit "Eat lttc, 2Scy Lynn. 85c, 50c; matinee, 10e, CONCEUT HAUs B LAZIER BEOS, CONCERT EVERY NIGHT. 842-248 ItJRNSIDll Cedar Park POBTXlAXTD'S MOST BEATTO" UX - PLEASTKB BZSOBT. Grand Display of Fireworks Julf 4th. TTnAer new management. Band con cert, vaudeville show and other attrac tions. Dancing afternoon and ovonlng. Largest floor on tno facmc toast. .Re freshments served. Ten acres of beau tiful grove. Five hundred electric lights. Admission to grounds 10 cents. All citv Aj aTuDBToaa oars transfei to Oodar Park. . SPECIALTIES for tbe LADIES of PORTLAND. All kind '. - ' rZATHZBS and BOAS CLEANXD had CURED, first. Bear ctXUMa 1'bob, Ked BlL Company Takes Out Permit to Construct Wew Sesldsaeos Costing 135,600. The Title Guarantee & Trust Company yesterday took out building permits at the City Hall to construct nine dwell lngs on Multnomah and Wasco streets, between Twenty-first and Twenty-fourth. Tii Htructurea average ln cost from 11.800 to 4.000. and are all large, com modious and of tasteful design. The total cost of tho Improvements aggro- gates $25.60(1. vi. Kroner also secured permits for a number of fine residences. He con temofates building three homes, costing X7.400. Yesterdav was really quite a record breaker In tho matter of residence per mits, the licenses for that style of buUdtog- taken out representing aa OttH lay of about 175,000. " " Praferrod Stock Canned OoodAp Allen St Lewis' Best Brand. Our Optical Department Is In charge of a reactionist whose skill and accomplishments have won him a first place among the leading refractlonists of America. His Instruments and appliances are conceded to be the best in use. He will ex amine and test your eyes and tell vou their exact condition WITHOUT CHARGE. It's worth while to know about your eyes. Consult Dr. Chapman. ""sla MARS 41 V I Rohse's Park, July 4-5 " I Baloon ascension, parachute leap, I 1 Games of all kinds, band con- cert, dancing. " , ADMISSION IS CENTS. f T t5K A Camping Conveniences... Our plan of packing and preparing fr shipment all supplies bought of us l , fully appreciated by those who aro ,; about to leave for summer "vacations. ,. All a person has to oo is iir', ever la needed, give u me snipping u dress, and we attend to tho rest. Thero ia nn A.r. hrH for this service . Oup V goods are always the freshest, our prtees , tho moat reasonable. ... . :;.' ' -Deviled Sam ...T 45o a OaV Columbia Bitot aunei targw mm m Aloert Boohs Sardtaes, S cans Jot . ,8V , Corn ad Boot ana jtasa. saws ni Bauatarla Shrimps, S oaas of . .'jo Carnattoa cream, a oaas log ,...,... Quaaar OaU loo a Vi New Vorli Grr::r liiTWTn a: ; art:-; : . V