....,... s TIIE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, TORTLAND.' FRIDAY EVENIXO, . J (JLT 0, 1903. J ; o .7 Y ,yv" J EXCESSIVE CAUSES HEAT DISMAY Mills in the East Compelled to Shut Down Owing to Many Prostrations of Operatives Pa cific Coast Tourists Forsake Region PARKERSBl'RG, W. Va . July S On i most impossible to remain out In the account of the Intense heat work In the j sunshine for any I 1 1 ft t h of time. A Immense steel plants here has been sus-I party of tourist from the Pacific Coast pended. The many prostration yester- Is hern and had Intended to view the day caused all the mills save one to , working nf the mill, but have given hut down thiu morning. up the Idea, Haying that they will en- Such excessively hot weather lum not ; rtenvor to get back home unci try mid i 5 mourn II you SPECIAL OUT OF THE ORDINARY PIANO STORE NEWS Eleven More for the Seaside Kleven more fine piano to rent for Summer homes. Our expert In down at the beaches now, looking: after deliv eries and netting up Aeollans and Pia nolas for our patrons. 4hone Private Kxchange S3, renting department, for full particular; Or probably you wouiuj merer buying a good used piano for tne Hummer cottage. If no, we have a bit; variety to cnoose Trom. Hquare plain tJi. $SS. $46 and up. All In good tin I'prlghta, from $llu up. pay for them Ilk. loodai, been known In thla locality. It Is al-j forget the torrid clmate of the Kant. Pianolas -y My WILL TEST LAW ON CRIMPS "Mysterious Billy" Smith and White Brothers May Defy the Commission Controlling the "Sailors' Homes," jCUT OFF WITHOUT A PENNY SHE DIES Have Been Refused License j Open House, but. Say They Cannot Be Forced Out of Bus iness by Board, While on Errand to Content Father's Will a California Woman Meets Death, "Mysterious Billy" Smith and the White Brothera. having made applica tion before the Sailors' Boarding limine Commlsaloners for a permit to open a "Bailors" home" and their request being "denied, today announced that they would not tamely submit to being thus forced out of business. They will, they say. shortly open a sailors' boarding house in thla city, despite the decree of the Com missioners, and will endeavor to pursue .the even tenor of their ways. If they are Interfered with In the cx erclslifg of what they consider to be their rights as American citlsens they . hint there may .be trouble and openly announce they are ready to take the. "boarding house law" before the courts to have Ha Constitutionality - pa si I'd upon. Messrs. White and Smith say the original Intention of the law governing the . establishment and operation of sailors' boarding houses Is not being carried out by the present Commission ers and declare that Indications now point to Sullivan at Grant having been , given a monopoly on the business of car ing for and shipping able seamen. This condition, they allege, they will not' longer tolerate, claiming they have rights, know the ground upon which such rights are based and mean to maintain them. Charge favoritism. It la further claimed by Vmlt'.i and (he Whites that favoritism Is being shown by the commission and that "run ners" for boarding houses are permitted (to ply their calling without even being requirea o wear ine oaage proviueu lor by law. They also allege that crimping Js being; carried on under the mantel of ine law, aii or inese inings mey or clare themselves to be In a position to prove in the event they are assailed In the position they Intend to assume as Independent boarding house keepers. They are willing to take, out a license and to run their proposed establishment In accordance with the law, but say if not privileged to do this they will run It anyway. The commission la composed of K. Wright. 8. M. Mears and Herbert Hoi man. The members hold that the fewer sailor boarding houses there are the belter it will be for the ships. (Journal gpeclil Service.) ST. JOSEPH. July 3 Mr. II. ( Register of Long llosch. Cal.. who came here to contest her father's will, threo days ao, died-this morning of ntrvuim prostration, the result of attending her father's funeral yesterday. Her father left :0.oni to the William Jewell Col lege and $100,011 to an adopted daugh ter, ruttlrg Mrs. Register .)iit entirely. Her son will carry on the contest. TWO RUMORS IN THE AMBASSADOR FIELD President Wheeler cf University of California May Be Mentioned, A carload came in a few days ago. Another still larger shipment (51 of i hem) win arrive here in a rew day. We can now fill all orders for Pianolas excepting Metrostyles and Orands. Why don't you have a Pianola? Our Pianola library Is by far the largest In the West. Telephone Private Kxchange 23, Mr. Bruce, manager Pianola department. Organs, Too Is 'Journal Special Service.) WASHINGTON, July 3. It rumored that Benjamin Ide Wheeler, president of the University of Cali fornia, has been offered a diplomatic position by President Roosevelt and. coupled with the rumor, is that Horace Porter la about to resign as French Ambassador. President Wheeler was here recently but said nothing about the matter to his closest friends. TELEPHONE PEOPLE MUST MEET TERMS HOT IN PHILADELPHIA f (Journal Special Service.) PHILADELPHIA. July 3 One death and many prostrations from heat Is the record for today. The Spokane Trades Council Threatens Boycott Unless Settlement Is Made, (Journal Special Serv.ee.). SPOKANE, July 3. The Trades Coun cil has notified the telephone company that If terms are not made with the striking operators by next Monday noon a boycott will be declared throughout Eastern Washington, Many strike sym pathisers are already ordering the re moval of their 'phones. Remember we are headquarter for Organs also. Everything In the way of a reed or pipe organ. Tiny little folding organs ror campers, launcn parties, eic. The choicest parlor organs, In fancy high-top cases; also In piano case styles, finished In walnut, mahogany and oak. School organs, new ones and second hand ones. Church organs rrom .) no to 110.000 and 320.000. for Kimball tubular pneumatic pipe organs, accord lng to specifications and designs. Piano Tuning and Repairing Hadn't we better look over that piano of yours? we are prepared to under take anv work tnat may DC reauireu We can reflntsh or polish the case, and completely renovate the action and in sides, so as to make it nearly aa good as new. Prices exceptionally reason able during' the summer momna. in vestigate our annual tuning contracts. We are tnklna- care of over 5.000 pianos now under yearly contract. Best for you arid oest for us. Telephone Private Kxehange 23, Mr. Bnerman, manager uning department. Storage and Piano Moving We move- pianos. We box and ahlp them for you. We store them. In short, there is not a piano or organ want, in any way, that we are not pre pared to nil in a most conscientious and satisfactory manner. Telephone Private Kxchange 23, Mr. Foley, man ager delivery department. Tiie largest, most complete and strictlv up-to-date music concern in Ore gon. "Portland's busiest and best." Gen eral Western Chickerlng agency, general Western Weber acency. general Western Kimball agency. Ellers Piano House. A quarter block of fine new planoa, cor ner Park and Washington streets. Druggists' Sundries Coke's Dandruff Cure tHn Special...., ........... ..U i C tfewbro'g tferpicide . CJA Special.,.. ........Of C Lyon's Tooth Powder fin Special.... IOL Mermen Talcum Powder Xn Special.. iOCf Wisdom's Robertine Reduced to Oriental Cream . . (M A Special PlUd Mme. Yale's Hair Tonic J ZCn Regular SHOO, for dy V Wright's Dentomyrh-Tooth Powder f n Special , 11C Wright's Dentomyrh Tooth Wash Special 4711 Toilet Water ACn Special WL Williams' Toilet water Aln Special OL 27c 9c Rubber Goods Section Every item of Rubber Goods we tell if guaranteed to be satisfactory. Tll'. 60c 70 80 FAMILY BULB SYRINGES The Tyrian, No. 34, regular 60c, - special The Imperial Bulb Syringe, regular 79c, special..... The Mottled Pure Gum Bulb Syringe, regular $1.00 The "Empress" Seamless Bulb Syringe, price $1.75, special-....-... ......... The "Golf' Fountain Syringe, price $1.73, special . The Woodlark Water-Oil .Continuous M Q Spray Atomiser, regular $ 1.50, special.. ? I I 49c .....63 .....98 .....73e 98 New shipment 'of 'shads -. Ja natural and a , colored.; Tl:,:.:......25c colored, 1A- : package.. I Ulv Bookof -Instructions free with 50c purchases. Toilet Paper DM Raa Cass Nek In. roll ... k 29c 12.48 Sinltai, ". k 48c $170 Naltnemak, 1,000 ihetti 9c 17c fS.I7 Woodlark; 1.000 shcett IOC 79C SS.II SQUARES Hot DKkstcwfth heeb Ic S9c 12.48 ttoBcllrttckstt, with hooks 10c 79c fin Kloulkt, Mdujo, ' Win rooks. ioc fx e.w Garden Hose 1 R.f. pc. 8 ft Cascade, J4-lu3.7 ft. Cascade. Aj-liu. 4.2S 3.41 SO ft. Geyser, K-ls.- 4.7$ 181 SO ft. Geyser, 150 4.S ;-luJ3.7 $109 liu. 4.ZS 3.4 Is.. 4.7S 189 la. 150 4.S9 SO ft. Woodlark, K-Iil. 17S 1S9 S0ft.Woodlark,32.in. 7.S0 129 SO ft. Best Striped . Cotton. 1-2 Is ISO 4.S9 SO ft. Best Striped .Cotton. 4-ln (.25 5.39 EVERY LENGTH GUABANTEED w Cameras and Supplies. Star Photone Albums Each album has II leaves or , II pages,' , . ; Y','''' ; , ixli, regular 10c; special .... To , 6x1, regular. 15c; special ..... . So 7x10. regular JOc; special Xlo 10x12. regular IBe; special ...... ISe Photogs, assorted openings, regit " lar 16c; special . ,.. ... ISO Deckle edge Photones.jlill, reg ular 76c; special ; 410 Deckle edge Fhotones, 810. -reg- ' alar 60e; 'special ....... ..V,.. Sao De l.ux Albums, 10x11. regular 7le; special 10 De Lux Albums, 8x7, regular 25c; special Flexible Albums, 7x10, regular $1.00; special SSe Flexible Albums. S x 7, regular. l&c intrlal SlO Camera, reg. IS 5; special- ... .S31.SO - 2S per rent reduction on alt other Eastman Stereoscopic Camera, Standard Albums. special . . S1S-00 CAMERAS AND ALBUflS Century Petite, IK x K, regu lar S1I.50; special ...... ... .SUSS This Camera uses the Film Pack, Eastman Roll Holder, Dry Plates or Kodold Plates. Century Petite, 4x1, regular 115; speclaj ' SlS-0 Star Premo, Sx4H plates or fllm pack adapter, regular 2(; special . . , 129.80 Pocket Premo, IKxtK. plates or fllm i pack, regular HQ: special . . ...i...,x, S1S.00 Premo Folding Film Pack Cam era, rea-ular 110: aneolal S S.00 rremo r special . Cyclone Ma xi k. rea-u. Cyclone Magasi regular 110: Imperial Magaatne Camera, reg ular $10; special S S.00 A fine Instrument, holding one dosen plates. Century . Special Stereoscopic 1 I ! J . . . S 4 00 p araslne .Camera. t iKt igular $8; sp'lal . . . .f ISOJT lagaxine Camera, 4x6, jfl $10; special S t.ol Sponges, Sponge Bags, 5oap Dishes. Leather Roll-Ups, Travel ing Cases, Pocket Flasks, Brush Holders, and Everything lor the Traveler. Alarm Clocks 68c 92c Guaranteed Alarms, special Snap Alarms, regular 11.35; special LEATHERWARE On all Leatherwaie we make a radical reduction of 25 per cent. On special items ire make 50 per cent cut. All new goods. BATHING CAPS Our new line of Bathing Caps is complete, 25C, 35c, 50c, 60c, 80c Shoe Dressings Woodlark Paste, reg. 10c, On special M ......, ...Ov T. M., large, 13c; small, Q special 1.0 w Bixby's Shoe Satin, for la- n dies.lspecial ....ILL Bixby's Jet Oil, box, special m Razors Star or Gem Safety Ra- A Sfk tor, reg. $2, special ePleOy at0 A I lrfi'T'JC C A MIX A OV CI I II It Be,t disinfectant for cellars, basement and general household uses, ja LALV Ll I O OAlMI I M I t LUI1 Destroys the germs of malaria and fever caused by river seepage. QL 4UC WALLA WALLA TO SLUFF THE FOURTH Other Towns in the Valley and in Eastern Oregon Celebrate. ATTEMPT TO OBEY TWO LAWS MAY KILL THEM ALL (Continued From First Page.) DISASTROUS TRAIN WRECK AT PEORIA (Journal Special Service.) PEORIA. July 3. Charles Fisher, a fireman on the Rock Island Railroad, was killed and three others Injured in a head-end collision at the terminal yards bere this morning. A freight smashed into the switch engine and were hurled from the track. Twenty cars were made into kindling wood. Ladies' and Gents' Bathing Suits for Rent. ft. it Reasonable Family Rats. Fine View of the Ocean. Eaceilent Cuisine. H 1 ,ttk, -J&. US' at 3 T-r THE NEWTON ITEWTOir STATION. Wew Improvements Kew Management SATES S3.00 FSB BAT. J. O. IVickham, Proprietor. Sirs. W. H. Knstt. Hostess. X.ONO BEACH, WASH. ' Centrally : -Located wita Beautiful Surrou allags. Fine Surf Batbtag. &e Hackney Cottag'e Hnrnf Comfoits. Excellent Table nonnl and n Most Iclrable Place for Families. Bpicloiis SittlngTroom. SEAVIEW, WASH. Secr.nd stop after Ipavlng Ilwaco. Fostoffice address, ILWACO, WASH. (Journal Special Service.) WALIjA WALLA, Wash., July 3 For the first time In many years Walla Walla will not celebrate Independence Day. Tomorrow when the guns from Fort Walla Walla boom out the national salute the sleepy citlsens of the city will merely turn over in bed and scatter left handed blessings on the soldiers of CnMe Sam for disturbing their rest. Pendleton. Dixie. Dayton .and even Touchet. a little station 1" miles west o Walla Walla, Will make the eagle scream and it Is to these points the patriotic people of the Garden City will go to give vent to their reelings. At Lamb's Grove, near Dixie perhap the most elaborate celebration In th Walla Walla Valley will be held. Fou excursion trains will run from this city to a point within, 100 yards of the grove The morning win d aevotea io aa dresses, music by the Walla Walla Mill tarv Band, and a parade. Sports and athletics will take up the afternoon and In the evening the usual display of pyrotechnics will be given. Psndleton Will C slab rat. Pendleton has determined to celebrate despite the fact it gave all its celebra tlon funds, amounting to $1,500, to the relief of ruined Heppner. Dayton's celebration will be witnessed by many Walla Wallans, but few will ro from this city to Pendleton or tou chet. At -Touchet the celebration will consist mainly of the time honored ad dresses and athletics. PometFoy, Starbuck, Prescott and Pasco will celebrate in a small way. the consensus of opinion this year at those places being in favor of aa quiet a dem onstration as possible. At Prescott th celebration will be given by the joint lodges of Woodmen of the World and the Improved Order of Red Men. Kptiwlck Is expected to observe July 4. but nothing definite seems to be known eyen at this late date. GOOD RESULT OF ONFYEAR'S WORK McGu ire's Hotel SEASIDE, OREGON Mrs. O. McGuire, Prop. Open All the Year 'Round Rates Reasonable. of This Popular Hotel Is new ami rpan and beautifully Inoatoil on the Rank Dip Np'-anh um. within live minutes' walk of CI.ATSOF BBACH. - The Most Pleasant Seaside Besort on th Northwest Pacific Coast. County Clerk's Annual Repor- bhows bain of Many Thousands of Dollars, The New Grimes Hotel Free Bus to and From Hotel. Rates Furnished on Application K. M. Grimes, Projirietor. CLATSOP BEACH i.phly hotel overlooking the ocean. View of th set from nearly every room. SEASIDE, OREGON Seaside House Clatsop Beach, Oregon. I WILL OPEN FRIDAY, JULY 10, 1903 The finest summer hotel on the Northwest Coast, with the most beautiful of i natural surroundings, Hosting and golf. r For further Information. ndilroa MANAGER SKA SIDE HOUSE. SEASIDE. OREGON. S. J. HUBBARD .) Ottsgea ffr relit and sale, --. , iuth in suouros 01 rormnn. T - .1 A few rare bargains Irt ACREAGE. TIMBER t RANCHES, CITY PROPERTT AND SUMMER COTTAGES. M. 3. HTOBBABD. SEASIDE REAL ESTATE DEALER A good cottage to exchange for unimproved LANDS, CHICKEN OBBOOH. 'Die annual report of County ('lerk Kiflils. which was completed this morn ing, shows a net gain to the county dur ing the administration of that official of S21.H91.67. Of this amount 13,932.83 in due to Increased receipts and $18,058.84 to decreased disbursements, salaries in cluded. The clerk makes no claim for credit for the reduction in salaries, which were fixed by the legislative act of lflOL consolidating.!, the offices of c-lerk of the county jcourt, clerk of the circuit court end recorder of Con veyances. Under the old law these of fices carried salaries of $36,540; under present statute, J24.10O. The circuit court statistics show an Increase of 27 per cent in the number of cases. -Prosperity ejs evidenced by an Increase of 16 per cent in the number of. marriage licenses and ? per cent In the number of divorce cases. I,louor li censes show an Increase of 15 per cent. Incorporations 4 per cent and Jnsane committments 24 per cent. , Declara tions of intention to become citlsens show an increase of only 4 per cent, and citizens admitted. 4leeYease of 166 per cent. This falling off is easily ex plained for the comparison made was with the year 1902 and 1902 happened to be an election year and there was con sequently a rush for citizenship papers. The most delightful trip serosa the continent Is via the Denver St' Rio Grande, the acenio line of the world. Apply at 121 Thud sb. Portland, or rates. gon," but the decision of Judge Cleland changes this completely and leaves, It necessary to neject the new clause read ing, "Be it enacted by the, people of the State of Oregon." BUT THE OKEAT PROBLEM ZS WXETXEX TXX COUBTS WILL HOT BEJECT ALL Will TXBT B EJECT A PABT. THIS IS AO KITTED TO BE BBTIBELT WITHXW THEIB POWEB . Judge Cotton's Opinion. "The whole legal talent of the Stat of Oregon foresaw the possibility of the referendum law being declared 11 legal lang before the Legislature had gotten down to actual work," said Judg W. W. Cotton, one of the most promi nent attorneys ln Oregon, and Join compiler of Bellinger & Cotton's Code. Mr. Cotton was asked the significance of the Cleland decision, putting the ref erendum measure out of commission, He evidenced no surprise and said: "There was hardly an attorney but recognlaed the weakness of the refer endum measure aftd-the result was that every precaution possible was taken to prevent its rejection affecting the work of the Legislature. I do not believe anything mont could have been done than was actually worked out by the legal profession to protect the bills. That the united ldeaa of Oregon attor neys were practically the same In this regard Is attested by the fact that every bill has a double-enacting clause so drawn as to be subject to the dicta tions of either the constitution in Us original form or as amended by the referendum act. This was necessary. "I hardly expect the courts of Oregon would take so radical a stand as to reject the whole of the enacting clause of each bill, but it is certainly neces sary that one section of each clause be not considered. Non -considera t ion means rejection; and it Is obviously withrn the power of the courts to re Ject all Jf it rejects any part. Such course would leave the work of the re cent Legislative session whlly wasted effort. "I repeat that I hardly expect such a radical qtand to b,e taken, but when a man has been in law a little while hfl comes to know that almost anything is possible." In addition to this, Mr. Cotton said, there must be considered the time which has been utterly wasted In the effort to bftng the referendum law into opera- Ion. In case this is again attempted no steps can be taken before the con vening of the next Legislature and six years must of necessity elapse before it could become active, even If no re verses or delays were met with. Judge William D. Fenton, seen this morfilng, made the following statement: "I am satisfied that the decision is sound law and that it will be, affirmed by the Supreme Court in case of an appeal. I think it was the concensus of opinion among lawyers that the referendum amendment to the consti tution was void. judge penton's Views. Acting for the Lewis and Clark Ex position in drafting House Bill No. 1. authorizing and appitprrat:ng $500,000 for the Fair, I prepared an enacting lause so as -to comply with the con stitution prior to the amendment, -and Iso using the enacting; clause pre scribed by the amendment, so that what ever result might follow as to the mendment, the act would be consti tutionally passed. By the constitution prior to the amendment, the enacting clause of every bill read: 'Be it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Oregon.' while by the amend ment, the enacting clause was changed to read: 'Be it enacted by thp people of the State of Oregon.' I advised the use of both styles of an enacting; clause, and this was done. 7 "The Portland charter, as I now re call, was first without the double-enacting clause, and upon the discovery of this change, - and the consideration of the possible result of a contest, the charter was passed a second time. "In my mind, the referendum amend ment was not only an attempt to amend the constitution s to Section 1, of Article 4 thereof, but it Valid completely dismantling; the state government as framed upon constitutional lines, and If valid making a pure Socialistic Domoc racy. Instead of a constitutional govern ment founded upon the doctrine of rep resentative government. 'I never believed in nor supported the amendment. Its ineffectiveness in prac tice was shown in the vote of the people upon the adoption of the Port land charter as framed by the Charter Board. The miniature constitution for the government of the city covering J72 prlntM pages and -427 sections of the charter was submitted theoretically to the consideration of the voters of the City of Portland, and I think it Is safe to say that not over 600 read the same or any part of It. and yet there was practically an unanimous vote in' itsJ lavor. "Furthermore, If a member of the Legislature can escape responsibility as a representative of his constituents by assuming that the people will use either Initiative or referendum legislation, we have an end of responsible and intelli gent legislation." THE DECISION THAT RAISED THE QUESTION The decision by Judge Cleland which raised the question of the validity of the laws recently enacted " in Oregon, was rendered yesterday In the District Court of Multnomah County. It holds the State Legislature to be the sole author lty in the enacting of laws for the gov ernment of this state, and declares to be unconstitutional the much-discussed privilege of the people to decide such matters by popular vote. This important decision was the out growth of a suit brought against this city by property holders on East Burn side street to prevent the collection of assessments made against their property for street Improvements which, th plaintiffs claimed, was not carried out In accordance with the agreement entered into between the city and the con tractors: The new charter of the City of Port land was brought Into the suit by the claim made by plaintiffs that action under its provisions against their prop erty could not be brought because of the period of referendum to the people had not yet passed when the suit was brought and, therefore, the new Portland charter had not yet become a. law. The city demurred to thia complaint. the ground for demurrer being; that the Initiative and referendum amendment to the Oregon constitution was invalid and that the charter law became active as soon as-passed by the Legislature. This demurrer Judge Cleland sus tained. The unconstitutionality of the Inltiat Ive and referendum amendment to the constitution is based upon the fact that It was considered at the same time with five other constitutional amendments, tne provision Tor constitutional altera tion being governed by the following paragrapn: "And while an amendment and amend ments which shall have been agreed pon by one Legislative Assembly shall be awaiting; the a'ction of a Legislative Assembly or of the electors, no addi tional amendment or amendments shall be proposed. The other five amendments were re- ected by vote of the people In 1900. one being for woman suffrage, another hav ing to do with repealing laws and the other three being to govern municipal indebtedness, to Increase the number of judges and to provide for Irrigation. SOME IRISHMEN OBJECT TO KING Great Contusion Is Created Over the Debate of Whether Address of Welcome Would Be Ten- , dered Edward On His Visit to Emerald Isle, DUBLIN, July 3. Today' meeting of the city corporation witnessed a heated dlscussl6n over the question of presenting an address to King Edward on the occasion of his proposed visit to Ireland. The confusion became1 ao deafening that the Lord Mayor ad journed the meeting Indefinitely. MURDER REPORTED BY SPOKANE POLICE LABOR LEADERS WERE NOT AT ALL SURPRISED In labor circles theqj!nion rendered by Judge Cleland to the effect that the initiative and referendum amendment to the State Constitution is Invalid does not meet with popular favor. During tne Jast state election the referendum amenument received the united support of organized labor, and when it carried by such an overwhelming majority men looked upon Its passage as a great victory for the workingmen of the stnte. "The amendment," savs H. G. Greene, president of Electrical Workers' Union, "was Incorporated In both party plat forms for no other reason than to catch votsfc. It was never the Intention, how ever, to make it a law. We knew this at the time we wanted to refer the ap propriation made for the Lewis and Ckrk Fair vote of the people.' We wanted to, bring the matter to a test case at once. The old parties' will never catch any mora votes by such tactics." Head Crushed and Pockeft Turned Out Unknown Man Is Found Under Bridge, (Journal Special Service.) ' SPOKANE, Wash.. July 8. The body of an unknown man was found on the river bank under th Monroe-street bridge, with head crushed by blows from an Iron bar found by the side of the corpse. The victim's pockets were turned out. Indicating that robbery had been the motive for th crime. The body had evidently been dragged some distance, and is supposed to be a man who sold whisky to Indiana. EXPRESS RATES TO SOON BE ADVANCED PARK BOARD HOLD MONTHLY MEETING Take Steps Towards Improving Condition of the City's Public Greens. All Companies Will Make Ad ditional Charges on Pack ages Under 50 Pounds, (Journal Special Service.) CHICAGO, July 3. A heavy advance In express rates is announced by all companies to take effect .August 1. Packages under 60 pounds will be charged higher rates. While the com panies deny a joint 'agreement, the unanimity of action Indicates otherwise, The Park Board met than morning at the City Hall and transacted consider able routine business. The most Im portant question coming, up for discus- ' slon was the project of laying gravel walks around the park strip, comprising sixteen blocks. The work is really under way, but there was some question as to whether the right of making the improvement was vested in the city of the board, and also as to the privilege of laying gravel Instead of cemenf walks. That question, however, will be settled at a conference with the auth orities and Messrs. Lewis and Hawking were delegated a committee to repre sent the board. chase several specimens of the elk ir-y An offer from a Colorado party to pur the city park was read, and it wsj< GERMANY SALUTES FOURTH (Journal Special Service.) CHARLESTON. July 3. The Ger man cruiser Gazelle did not sail today as she had intended, but postponed her departure until tomorrow In order to re main in port and fire the American na tional aalute before leaving. SPECIAL TOTTBTX OP JTJLT ROT7BD TBIP EXOTTBSIOH' BATBS SB TWEBB POBTLA1TD AMD . all poiirrs ow a. O. S. B. On Julv 3 and 4. the Astoria ft Colum bla River Railroad Company will sell special round trip excursion tickets from rortiana to au points on its line, in cluding Clatsop Beach point, and re turn, at rata of one fare for the round triD. ticket limited good for return passage until July 6, inclusive. BOUGHT HOPS (Journal Special Service.) - , SALEM, July 8. Horst & Lach mund of Salem today bought 97 bales of hops of 8kinV& Shields of Gervais at 17 cents, , . thought the prloe should b set at $G per animal. A cub bear was purchased for $liJand a mate haa been promised from a Coos Bay party. Both are for the city park menagerie. . The payroll for the employes of the park division for the month (of Juno amounted to $919. ' These were ordered paid. A bill was also accepted for 60 seats and 60 boxes In the park. , A communication was read from uuiiuiuiiaii anew in jf viieuilK IO aonaie a spotted deer which he recently cap tured alive on an expedition to the woods. .The offer was gratefully, ac cepted. It was made a standing-rule that no carpet beating should be allowed on thd parking strips. The policemen on that beat will be notified to enforce the order. . SCHWAB, ARRIVES HOME (Journal Special Service.) PITTSBURG. July 3. Charles Schwab arrived iinme at Loretta today, ivre ho will fspend the Fourth His faV. ir and said he as far from well. FOR SUNDAY DINNER -TRY A MCE CUT of Spring Lamb, a Roast of Veal, a tender Chick en or a Columbia River Salmon. ; v We have everything in meats, fish and poultry. Market always neat and clean. Kindorf Bros. 130 Grand Ave, bet. Alder and Morrison. SEERS Guaranteed Pure. None So Good. wywtcM , mmrmT vosapsnap A 11-7 1 -V-j t '1 .