THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, TnURSDAY EVENING, JULT . 2 1003. 10 GREAT STRIKE NOW : TROUBLES JAPAN Twenty Thousand Jinrikshaw Men ; I hrow Ud I heir .' Jabs and Fight. V. (Journal Spwcial Service.) , 8LATTLE. July 3. A great trlk of ','' jinrikshaw men if on In Japan. accord ""v. In; to advice ripoelved here by the . v " Japanese liner Akf Maru. No leaa than ; JO.OOO men are out 'and at the time the Ak( Maru left Yokohama there wa no - 1 travel In vehicle. Condition were C ucn that the authorities were makln i.ierin ration for seilou rioting. ,.-.-:. Tha atrlk grew otft of the rivalry be tween 'rlkhaw men and the amnll river . steamer for the twsino or carryin passenger to and from the great na i . tlonal exposition now, in progresa a Osaka. -The transportation company ha 2 boat on the river aid ato ha 14 more ' rudt' to be out In' oommlsnlon. l ne . , af.. cleanly and poeUy mean of travel ' on the boat soon made them o popu ''i' lar that the ancient vehicle of the coun try wa threatened with extermination hv reason of lack of patronage. With atnrvatlon atarlnc them In the re-, the "rlkshaw men organised ana mMd to temporarily retire their vehicle and dvot themaelve to mak na- ar on the steamboat. ' The day the Akl Maru aalled from Yokohama a grut mob of the striker attacked a boat returning from Osaka n1 sunk her In the river. The craft -, crowded with rwanenger at the . time, but all were iaved. the striker " lending, assistance to prevent the loss of life. Later the straters were ai : . tarkod bv the police with irawn eworda. ' A battle ensued In which one man waa killed and several score more or lesa m-touBly injured. The striker were finally forced to give wsy. Many r- rst were made. (The strike has caused great Incon vsnlenc In the cities, towns and coun -try the jinrikshaw I practically the ; , only eort. of vehicle used in Japan for - the tiunsporlatlon of pnssengera. The ' striker are said to be wen orgnnixea and are determined to hold out until the great inconvenience caused by the strike force the wealthy classes and the authorities o put the it cam boat out of ' ' business. , CITT JTOTICtA KESVOSO BATES TO tn 8ZASHOBJ3. Too to Newport on.Yaqulna Bay an Ideal beach. It I becoming very pop ular with the Portland people. The low rat of IS. 00 has been made by the Southern Pacific Company in connection with the Corvalll A Eastern Railroad for the Sunday round trip from Port land, tlcketa good going Saturday, re turning Monday. . A delightful ride through the beauti ful Willamette Valley, with privilege of Solng up one aide of tha Willamette .Iver. returning the other. Ask any Southern Pacific Company or Corvallls A Eastern Railroad agent for a beautifully illustrated booklet describ ing the seaside resorts at Yaqulna. CITT JTOTlCXt. ' ftOPOBED ASSESSMENT TOE OtnOTt- mvn or iabt kar&wo iteiet. ' Notice Is hereby glvea that tbe Council of the City ot Portland propose to assess the tallow. In described property and owner or owners as being specially and peculiarly benefited In tbe ataounta set opposite tbe name and deserlp ' tlons thereof for tie lmprovenieut of Kast Har rleon atreet. from tbe east line ot Kaat Tblrd to the east line ot Eaat Twelfth .etreet, as pro sided by Ordinance Mo. 13.008. v Any objection to tbe apportionment of enst of aaid improvement, must be made In writing to tha round! and tiled with the Auditor within Ifteea dsys from tha date of the first publics ttos of thi notice, and ld objection will b heard and determined by.lho Council before the - passage of tb Ordinance assessing ths coat of asld Improvement. Stephens Addition to East Portland Block 46. lot 4, Anna Eachelbacher.... 130.00 Block 45, lot 3, Clovannl D Paull.... 14. 31 Block 4ft, lot 6, Ahs Wannemacber.. . . 82.0 Block 46,' lot. 8, Thomas Hall .......... 183.67 Block M. lot 4. Jacob Mayer, and Sol -Hlrach Estste, beira of 101.40 Block 6A lot A Jacob Mayer and Sol Hlrach Estate, belra of M.3S Block 56L lot . Jacob 11a rer and Sol Hlrach Estate, heir of 21.20 Block 66, lot 6. Jacob Mayer sad Sol Hlrach Estate, belra of Block OS., lot 4.' James Olaen.......... Block 65. lot S. James Olsen Block W. lot 8, Job HatAeld PROPOSED ASSESSMENT TO IMPH0VE . KENT. Or HAXBET ITUXT. Notice la hereby (Was that th Council of the City of Portland proposes to assess the following described property and owner or ownera aa being specially and peculiarly Dene- ted la tha aiaosnts aet opposite -the names and descriptions taersor ror u improvement of liaise? street, from tb west Una of Hoi laday Park Addition to a point SAO feet taut f tba eaat Una of Kaat Twentr-Rrat street, aa provided by ordinance No. 18.104. Any objections to tb apportionment ef coat for aatd Improvement mint b made ta writing to tbe Council and died with th Auditor within fifteen data from tbs data of tha Brat publication of this notice, and eald objection will be heard 'and determined by tba Council before tbe passage of the ordinance aaseealng tbe coat of ld improvement, Holladar Park Addition to Portland. Oreaon Blk II. lot 4. R. L. Gllaaa I Blk lit. lot 3. K. L. lillaan John Irflnt s rirst Addition to Kaat Portland Illk 4. sourb 63.T feet lot 4. I.. II. snd Anna II. alaxwcll Illk 4. awilb o-'l.T feet lot 3. Hamuel II. Kwalt Blk 4. south 34 feet kit 1 K. 0. Hamil ton 1 HI It 4. south 30 feet lot 1. K. 0. Hamil ton Blk 4. north 24 f-et of south U fret lot t. Wm. B. Ulsfka sail Frederick Ulafke. Jr Blk 4, liortk 24 feet of south SO f.-e-t lot 1. Wm. B. Ulafk snd Frederick lllafke. Jr Blk 4. north 8.7 feet of south 3.T feet ' lot 1, Josephine H. Rnasell Blk 4. north .1.7 feet of south 6.VT feet lot 1, Jnscnbln 11. Kuaaell Holladar Park Addition to Portland. Orearon- Illk 12. lot 2. R. 0. Hamlltoa Illk 12. I.K 1. R, O. Hamilton Blk 11. kit ft, Tb Title (luaragte A Trout Conimnr Blk 11. lot 7. Tb TIIU lurantea a. Trust ( oninanv nik 11, lot . Tbe Title Guarantee A Trut Companr Blk II. lot 6. Tb Title Guarantee A Trust Comuanr Blk II. lot 4. Tb Title tiuarantee A Truat Comnanr Blk 11. lot S. Charlea II.' Preacott. Trsstee John IrriM'a Klrat Addition to Kaat Pi-rtland Blk I. lot S. Tba Till Guarantee A Trust Coninaiir Blk H. lot 7. The Title Uuarante A Truat Company Blk 3. lot . Tba Till Uuarante A Trout tomnanr Blk S. lot ft. Th Title Oearantee A Trust I'ompanr Blk H. lot 4. Th Title Ouarsntea A Truat CnmoaiiS'-v Blk S. lot 3, Charlea II. IVeacott. Trustee Blk t. lot 2, Chsrh-a 11. Preacott Truatse Blk a, lot 1. Charlea H. Preacott, Trustee g Holladar Park Addition to Portland, Oregon Blk 11. lot Z. Charles H. rroscott, Trustee Blk II. let 1. Charles II. Preacott. Truatea . . Blk 10. lot S. ',Charlee II. Preacott. 'trustee M Bl 81. (W B.27 B.26 12 78 1853 8.S2 10 30 l.U 1.50 44 81 48.71 7.83 e.i 67 08 B4.72 B4.S0 04.44 81. 48 27.88 0.87 8.07 CITT HOTICEi. 8.10 8.20 81.08 33.00 71.T8 71.80 flted In tb amounts set oppnslt tb names Slid descriptions thereof for tba ininTenieut of Eaat Seventeenth etreet from tbe center line nf Mvtoton street to -the north curb line of Powell (treet a provided by ordinsucs ro. 1Z, 77ft. . Anr objections to ths spportlonment of cost for ssld improvement must b made In writing to tbe Coiiacli and filed, wllb ths Auditor within (If teen dars from tba data of th Brat Dubllcatioa of tbla notice, aud ssld ob- Jectlon will be hesrd and determined hr th Council before tb paseaie of the ordinance aaaeaaing taa Coat ol aaid improrrmeni, ydvllne Blk 1. lot 10, Bernard L. Btone; $ 178.52 Blk 1. kit 11, Bernard C Hloue B2 67 Blk 1. lot . Hornard L. Btoua 41. Sd Blk 1. lot 8. Bernard L." Btone 101.18 Illk 1. lot 7. Bernard L. Htoua 70.111 Blk 1. lot 8, Bernard L. Htons Blk 1. lot 8. Bernard L. Htona W.30 Hlk 1. lot 3. Hernard I-. Htnn l !W Blk 1. lot 4. Bernard I.. Htone 154.7W Tllihctt'a Addition to Kaat Portland Blk IB, lot S, Charles W. Boost Blk 19. north 10 feet lot 6, Cbarlea W. Boost Blk 111, south 40 feet lot , Jobn Huber Blk IB, lot T. Charlea W. Bfloat Blk , lot 8. John Ilonadurer Blk 24. lot 5. William K. Pettlnger. . . Blk 24. lot 6. William K. Pettlnfer. . . . Blk 24. lot 7. Walt Uncaater Blk 21. lot 8, -William 8. Ueerlln Blk 33. lot 87 Kllea I. Kama worth Illk 33. lot fl, Ixla A. Roder Blk 33. undivided H of kit 7, John B. Brldses ' Blk 33. undivided tt of lot 8. Jobn B. Bridges .' Blk 33. uudlvlded of lot 7, slsry Bridges Blk 33. undivided H of lot 8. alary Brldses . A tract ef land lying between the south line or Brooklyn street snd s line 1I fet south of snd psralh-1 therewith, and between tbe west line of Eaat Rerenteenth street snd s line 1011 feet westerly therefrom snd parallel there with. M, M. Bronka . A tract of land lying between the north line of Tlbbetta etreet etteuded wt-et-erlr In ita present conree and a llns li) feet south of snd psrsllvl with the aouth line nf Brooklyn atreet and hrtwero the west line of Kaat seven teenth atreet and a line Wo feet weat of and narallel therewith. Laander 1. llruoka 140.87 A tract of land Irlng-between the north line of Tlbbetts street extended west erly In Its present course snd s llns XV feet south of snd parallel there with snd between tbe west llns of Kat Seventeenth atreet and the north easterly boundary line of tbs Southern PaclhV Cotnoanv a rlaht of war. L'haa. H. Hakln 62.43 A triangular tract nf land lying be tween a line 38 feet south of and 81.27 16.73 A2B2 102.H1 113.87 III. 711 102.81 1IXI.20 10H.07 ne 14 ne.23 65.77 81.38 83.77 61.38 orrr mottoes. CITT H0TICEB. .vrviftv iva uuayiv nnri 1 1, jnv aa, iienn r w . , ,- atEVT Or riVniVLAB ATZKTsV ) " Biock ll.-ksj '43. llanrtetta JapvU.... v .. . . 7 ' " , -, Block 11.. lot 42, Henrietta Jarvla.... Notice la hereby giren that the Coameiref Block 1. lot 41. Henrietta Jarvla.... the Uiy of Portland proposes t asses tbu Kb.- 11, lot 4, tisorg Gardner. ....... followliuT described property aed-ownor or owa- HJ.K-h H, lot 8, Otf Uardaer.. ...... ers as being special! and peculiarly benedted Uiock 11, lot 2, Uoora Uarduar. ....... L" the aaiounu set onposlt their name d Block 11. lot 1, Uorg Uaruuer dcscrlntloua thareof fur tbs Imnrovement ef ui.u.b ft aa u- i l-.k.. Peninsular avenue fro th soath line ef Pippin mock 12, lot 48 W. p. Kahmaa...... atreet to tbs south lln of Columbia boulevard, Hlork 12. lot 42. W. P. Kabman...... aa provided by Ordlnanca No. IS.1. . . Block 12, lot 41. V. t, Babmaa...... . Any objections to tb spportlonment ef eoat Block 12, lot 4. Mary K. klder for aaid Improvements most be nsda la wrltlug jjlock 12. lot A Wars IE. Rider. to the Council and Bled with th. Auditor wlh,n hlock ft fi,,,, j:;;;;: flfti-n dart from th data f th first MMIcV ui. i5 i t u. b utAm . tUm of thli otlr, and aid oiJ-xtloD will bl rr(Wjd-- hard and iVtaarrnlnswl kv thai Coun el I bforJ htf I mMi a u ii ..ii. m atk " . " , s I ! swu-s -WW SUli7 BfJa 0UI M8 e paaaag of tb UrdluSDc assesslug tb Cost of I hiock 8, lot 43. Kmlly H. Hmltii. . ...... said improvement. I Block 8, , lot VI Auasda Whit.... Corrected nlat ef Eaat and Weat 0 street, I f. lot 41, Aaisoda r. Whits... reumsuiar Additions, o. 1. 8 ana Usst H ef lilock 45, pruinauUr Real Estate Comosny I East H of blpck 80, Peninsular Real eatat comoanr Eaat Block 8.. lot 4. 8. Hhensrd... Block 8. lot 8. M. V. Wilson.... BS.T8 I Block-8, lot A hi. U. Wilson... moca a, tut l, at. v. Vinson... 343.30 II. Preacott. 81.25 60.08 Blk 10. lot 7. Charlea II. Preacott, Trnate Blk Id, lot 8. Charlea Truate Blk 10. lot 6. Charles II. Preacott. Traafr Blk 10. lot 4, Charlea II. Preacott. Truate Jobn Irvlne-'e First Addition to Eaat Portland Blk A lot 8, Charlea H. Preacott, True tee Blk 2. lot 7. Trustee Blk 2. lot 8. Trustee .... Blk 2. lot 6. Trustee ....... Blk 2. lot 4. Trustee Holladar Park Addition to Portland. Oregon Blk 7. lot 13. Tb Title Guarantee A Truat Comnany .8.62 Blk 7. lot 14. The Title Guarantee A Truat ConiDanr 81.27 Blk 7. kit 15, F. Wagner 118.47 Blk 7. lot 16. F. Wasner 13U.08 Blk 8. kit 0. Th Title Guarantee A Truat company 151.18 Blk n, kit 10, F. Wagner 144 OS Blk 8, kit 11. T. Warner 113.04 Blk 8 lot 12. Tb Title Guarantee A Truat -Comnanr 118.13 Blk 8, lot 13. Th Title Guarantee A Truat Company 117. SB Rlk 8. lot 14, Lotta Chaae Smith 12H.44 Cbarlea H. Preacott. ' Charlea " H." Preacott,' ' Cbarlea "h." Preacott! ' Charles' ' H.' ' Preacott! 61.20 61.41 48.74 83.43 20.08 8.83 8.88 8.08 Blk B. kit 16. Lotta Chase Hmlth. Blk 8, lot 18, Lotta Cbaaa Smith.... Blk 0, lot 8. J. Woods Smith Blk 0. lot ' 10. J. Woods Smith Blk 0, lot II. J. Wood. Smith Blk 0, lot 12. J. Woods Smith Blk 0. lot 13. Tb Title Guarantee Truat Company Total iso.68 INI. 82 164.81 140.13 87.P7 1U3.01 100.60 43.401.48 THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland. June 80, 1003. , Block 85. kit 6. Job Hatdeld Block 78. kit 4. Cecil kfathlot Block 76. lot 8, Rachel L. Ray., Block 76, lot 6, Minnie Locheel ...... . Block 76. lot 6, Minnie Lucbesl Block 86. lot 4, School District No. 1.. Block 86, lot 8. School Plstrlct No. 1.. 1.. 147.09 03.55 3d 14.72 M.0J 122.46 22.32 6.05 61.75 114 B 10.31 23.63 120.48 Block SB. lot A. School Plstrlct No. Block KS. lot 6. School Ptatrlct No. 1. Block 06. lot 4. Mary J. Parrlah Estate, - belra of ,...., Bbx-k 06. lot 3, Mary J. Parrlah Estate, belra of Ploek 06, lot'6. C. F. Pearson Block 06. lot 5, Alice E. Wilson.... Block ii6. lot 4, Goldle Goldstein Block 106, lot 8, Joseph Cobn. ....... Block 106. kit 6. Samuel Kinder Block 106, kit 6, Samuel Kinder Block 116. lot 4. David L. Clouae . Block 116. lot 3, David L. Clowe Block 118. lot 6. N. O. W'aldmaa Eh. - tale, belra of , and El ma' E. Charuinn. Block 116. lot 5. N. O. Waldman Ins tate, helra of, snd Kliua E. Char man. -Blaefc 426V4ot dmrlaa Hiuaey aud F. C. Forbea Block 125. lot 3. Charles Hussey and F. C. Forbea Block 126, lot (1. Tbomaa Green Block 125. lot 5. Thomas Green Ladd'a Addition to the City of Portland Block 11. weat 100 rset or bit 24, W. 8. Ladd Estate, belra of Block 11. weat 100 feet of lot 21. W. S. Lsdd Estate, heirs of Block ll.Wiiuth 14 feet of west 100 feet of lot 20. W. 8. 'Lsdd Kstate, heirs of Stephens' Addition to East Portland Block 46, lot 1, Georse W. Miner Block 46. lot 2. George W. Miner Block 46, lot 7. Bi-njaniln F. Campbell. Block 46. lot 8. Benjamlu F. Campbell. Block 65, lot 1, J u tins- F. -sm! Ksdle . Msyer Blork 65,. lot 2, Julius F. snd Sadie Mayer Block 65. lot 7, Jitllua F. and Sadie Mayrr .-. Block 66. lot 8. Julius F. and Sadie Mayer Block 66. lot 1. Jobn H. Johuaon Block 66, lot 2. Jobn II. Johnson Block 66, kit 7. Paul and IVMa Polrer. . Brock 66. lot 8, Mary Holfenbarger and Catherine E. Stepheua Block 75, lot 1, D. C. MeLellan Block 76. lot 2, D. C. McLellan - Block 75, lot 7, Sam Lowenteln Block 76, lot 8. Sam Lowenstnln Block S6. north 40 feet of lot 1, Rose Hamilton Block 86, south 1 foot of lot 1. Edward Doerlng Block 86, north 40 feet ot lot 2. Edward Doerlng Block 86, sooth 1 foot of lot 2, Samuel Morrow Block 88, lot 7. Mr. A. A. Hurt Block S6. lot 8. Mre, A. A. Burt Block -06. lot 1, John Harkin Block 06. kit 2. Jobn Harklna , Block ft, let 7. Martha K. Hirland. ., . Black 05. eaat 60 feet of lot 8, Caro lina Weiss Block 06, west 40 feet of lot 8, M. 0t tenaen . tUork 10. lot I, Joseph Psqnet Block 106, lot 2. Joseph Paquet Block 106. lot 7, Joseph Psquet Block 108. lot 8. Joseph Paquet Block 116, lot 1, Frank Brunger Block 116, lot 2, Frank Bmmcer Block I1B. lot 7, Amelia Luther Block 115. lot 8, Fred Forbes and - Charlea Hussy Block 126, lot 1. Hsrry Meyer . . Block 126. lot 1 Harry Meyer. ;.. Block 126, lot T, Stephens Land Com- nsny Block 124, lot S, Stephens Land Com- nsnr ... . ' Ladd'a Addition to tb City of Portland . Bloc a. west jiiu rest ot lot Z4, w. a. Lsdd Eetate, belra of . . Block A west )nfi feet of Jot 21, W. B. Ladd Estate, heirs ot Block A north 14 feet of west 100 feet . of Jot ao, W. B. Ladd Estate, heir ef tOO Rlaht of war, dty A Suburban Rail. . way Company 1.8&AS0 130.11 27.42 27.41 73.75 142. 7'J 41.65 42 144.17 146.25 42 23 B.88 100.32 112.62 10.55 6X03 103.08 83.00 27.13 8.40 138. IK 14.42 63.1S 180.61 102.81 66.32 68.26 113.7.1 25.12 6.1.1 18.80 70.60 K3.6N 2H.i'7 12.K4 115.71 114.56 .44 10.17 .30 23.44 1 10.00 124 56 25.3:t 87.60 49.21 si. n H7.47 i 4(1.0.1 36.51 137.01 143.80 41.U-I 12.82 106 14 115.21 14.12 63.0!) 232.73 34.56 29.73 Total : . I7J00.87 Aadltor ot th Clt of Portland. y- i turn BY, looA MOPOBED AB8E88MENT EOS IMPR0TE XEVT Or XIUXHaWOlTK ATEKUE. Notice Is hereby given that tbe Council of tbe City of Portland proposes to ssaess tbe following described property snd owner or ownera as being specislly and peculiarly bene flted In tbe amounta aet oppoelte th name and descriptions thereof for th improvement of KUllnfsworth avenne from east line of Commercial street to th east Una of Michi gan avenue aa provided by ordinance No. 18,035. Any objections . to tb spportlonment of cost for aaid Improvement must be made In writing to tb Council and Bled with the Auditor within fifteen day from the date of the Brat publication of tbls notice, and ssld objections will be hesrd sod determined by the Council before the pssssge of tbs ordi nance saaeslns tbe enat of aaid ImDrovemcnt. A tract of land lying between tbe east line or sncnigan avepue extenciea northerly In Its present coarse snd s line 876 feet enst of and parallel therewith and between tbe north line of Kllllngawortb avenue snd a line 100 feet north of snd parallel there with, A. K. and C. V. Gantenbeln. f 220.06 A tract of land lying between two line respectively 376 feet and 820.6 feet eaat of and parallel with the east Una of Michigan avenue extended north- , erly lu its present course snd between the north line of Kllllngawortb svenue and a lln 100 feet north of and parallel therewith, Jamea Park. C. " Tl;'taH teubelu-entL &r fir- Gantenbeln;- 461,31 i A tract of land lying between two linen I respectively 820.5 feet snd 1.206 feet eaat of and parallel with tbe east line of Michigan avenue extended , northerly in ita present coun and be tween th north line of Kllllnga wortb avenue and a line 100 feet north of and oarallel therewith. Emery Oliver 66.88 A tract of land lying between a line 1.208 feet eaat of and parallel with tbe east line ef Michigan avenue ex tended northerly in Ita present eouree and the weat line of block numbered 10, Piedmont, and between the north line of Kllllngswortb avenue and a Hue 100 fret north of and parallel therewith, unknown owner 3.37 Piedmont Blk 10, lot 1. Inveetment Company.... f 16.48 Blk 10. south 37.4 feet lot 2. I u vest ment Company .83 Rlk 0, lot 14. Inveatment Company.... 2.10 blk 0. aouth 25 feet lot 13. Inveatment Company .83 W. J. Patton' Subdivision of block I In M. Patton'a Tract Blk 1, lot 1, Michael F. Brady 16.08 Blk 1, lot 2. May E. Swlgert 2.30 Blk 1. north 5.6 feet lot 3. Mary E. Swlgert 25 Blk 1. north 6.6 feet lot 8, Mary E. Swlgert 1.41 Blk 1. lot 0. Mary E. Swlgert 12.20 Blk 1, kit 10, Mary E. Swlgert 43.70 Blk 2. lot 1, John Nolta 66.06 Blk 2. lot 2. John Nolta 14.25 Blk' 2, north 6.5 feet lot 8, John Nolta. 1.62 Blk 2, north 6.6 feet lot 8, Jobn Nolta. 1.56 Blk 2, lot 0. John Nolta 13.NII Blk 2. ,lot 10, John Nolta 62.S8 Illk 8. lot 1. Henry Albert 71.87 lilk 3, lot 2. Henry Albert 16.61 Illk 3, north 6.5 feet lot 3, Henry , Albert 1.00 M. I'atton's Tract coualatlng of dl vlalona Into luta or parcela of land from A to t. Inclusive North 100 feet lot J, Lena C. Pat ton.. 70.07 A tract of land lying between the east line ot bl ck numbered 1. W. J. Pat ton'a eulidlvlslon of block I In M. Pat ton .Tract and lot lettered J in M. Patton'a Tract and between tbe aouth Hue of ' Kllllngawortb avenue and a line 100 feet aouth of and parallel therewith, Robert Patton Estate, helra of .1 20.21 A tract ot land lying between tbe east line of Congress street anfctbe eaat line of Commercial atreet if extended aoutherly In Its present course as laid out In Piedmont and. between tbe aouth Hue of Kllllugsworth avenue and a line 100 feet south of snd parallel therewith. W. M. KUlingsworth and F. M. Warren 23.10 Right of way, City A Suburban Railway Company 102.80 Parallel with the north line of Tib fietts street extended westerly In Its Kesent course, tbs went line of East venteenth atreet aud a llns extend ing from point In tbu west line ef Kast Seventeenth alrrvt which la 40 feet north of Its Intersection with tbe north line of Powell street to a point In tbe north line of Tlbbetta atreet exteuded weaterlv In Its present ccairse. which Is 06. B feet west of th west line ot East Seventeenth atreet, F. A. and A. K. Blanrk A triangular tract of land lying be tween the north line of Powell atreet, the southwesterly boundary line of ths Southern Pacific Company right of way and a line 100 feeb weat ef and parallel with the weat lln of East Seventeenth atreet. M. E. and A. E. Vaughn A tract of land bounded and de scribed aa follows: Beginning at a point In the west line of Kast Seven teenth atreet which la 40 feet north of the intersection nf th north line of Powell etreet with th west Uu of Eaat Seventeenth atreet; thenc northweaterly along the northeaaterly boundary line of the Southern Pacific Company right of way to a point at Ita interaectlon with a line loo feet weat of and parallel with the weat line of Eaat Seventeenth street; thence aoutherly along a line loo feet west of and parallel with the weat line of Kast Seventeenth atreet tn a point at Ita Intersection with the southwesterly boundary line of tbe Southern Pacific Company's right of way; thence south easterly along the southwesterly boundary line of . said right of way to a point at Ita Intersection with the northerly line of Powell street; thence easterly along the northerly line of Powell atreet to a point at Its Interaectlon with the west line of East Seventeenth atreet; thence north erly along the westerly line of Eaat Seventeenth atreet to the place of be ginning. Southern Pacific Company... Madeline Blk 2. lot 13, Gertrude E. and Tbomaa Callaghan Blk 2. lot 12, Gertrude E. and Thomaa Callaghan Blk 2, kit 14. W. H. Gordon and wife. Blk 2. lot 16. W. H. Gordon and wife.. Blk 2. lot 16. W. H. and S. E. Gordon. Blk 2, lot 17. Fannie I. taring Rlk 2. lot 18, Fannie I. Lorlng Blk 2. eaat Vi lot 2, If . per lan In vestment Company Blk 2. .west '.j lot 2. Mary Helnxe Blk 2. lot 1. Mary Helnae Tlhbett's Addition to East Portland Blk 20. lot 4. Andrew E. Tmgen Blk 20. lot 8, Harrla Brown Blk 20, lot 2. May C. Snell Blk, 20, lot 1, May C. Knell i.. Blk 23, lot 4. Charles W. Roost Blk 23. kit 3. Charles W. Boost Blk 23. kit 2. Anton Block Blk 23. lot 1, Anton Block Blk 84. lot 4. Minna Behrena and Cbrlstisn Behrena Kntstc. helra of. . . Blk 84. lot 3. Illnna Behrena and Christian Bebrens Estate, belra of.. Blk 34, hit 2, Kmll snd Annie Knobs.. Blk 34. lot 1. Kmll and Annie Fnche.. Blk 37. lot 4. William D. Proudfoot.. Blk 37, lot 3, William D. Proudfoot.. Blk 37, lot 2, Patrick Murray Blk 37, lot 1, M. J. Smith A tract of land lying between the south line of Tlbbetts street and the north line of Powell atreet and between the east line of East Seventeenth atreet and a line 100 fret eaat of and parallel therewith, Harriett Kennedy Right nf way. City A Suburban Kali way Company 167.23 83.17 87.15 173.83 62.02 37.77 02.62 70.23 67. 4u 67.83 11.43 11.43 100.22 S6.77 82.71 08.20 108.27 110.10 102.08 08.46 104.24 112.8S 106.31 106.76 118.82 123.74 113.81 113.10 122.67 837.48 9.64 r-s.ia. xAfwuymur . aat Mp of aouth H of block 67, J. U. Ilawiry Co ; Esst H of north V, of blork 67, Penin sular Real Estate Company East H of block 68, Penlusular Real Estate Company Glenwood Park Eaat 100 feat ef lot 1, Carrie F. Graham East 100 fact ef tot A B. M. Lombard Eaat 100 feet of lot T. Joseph Skel- too Peninsular Aatdltloa No. Block 74. East M of lot 1. Helen Johns too Block 74, east ef lot 1 Helen Johnston Block 74. east at lot A Helena Jobnatoa Block 74, eaat Vi of lot A Helena Johnstone Blork 74. east Vi of lot 6, H. Johnstoa tnocs J , sast ft ot lot e, Joaa at. Crosier Block 74, east Vs ef lot I, Jobs B. Crosier Block 74. esst of lot B. Hanry Mea nings Blork 74, esst Vi ef lot 8, Henry Ilea nlngs Block 74, eaat Vi of lot 10. Henry Hen nlnga - Block 74, eaat H of lot 11, Hanry Hta- ', nlnga Blork 60, eaat Vi of lot 1. Clau Ha- BloVk", eaat Vi' of lot' t ' Cla'oV Ha- 1 nlng Block 60, east Vi of lot A Claim Ba- - nlngv Block AS, eaat Vi of lot 4, United State Savluga A Loan Company Blork 60. eaat H of lot B, Columbia Real Estate Company Block 60, ,ast Vi of lot A Colombia Heal Ratal Comnanv Block 60. east Vs of kit T, Columbia Heal Eetat Company Block 60. lot 0, Columbia Real Batata Company Block 60. lot A Columbia Real Eststo company Burrag Tract Block if. lot 22. George G. Oammana.. Bhck 17. north 16 feet of lot 31, George 0. Oammana. .63.01 0.34 . 4.M .. AM 6.88 6.88 T.6J 48 72 47.40 ' 0.45 4.18 4.17 6.43 6 45 6.W 67.00 60.68 6.M 4.1 J 4.11 A10 6.1.) 8.00 62.74 64.40 AV2 828,34 1 Block A tot 44. Mrs. U. Rbombsrg. . .. Block A lot 4.1. Mr. H. llbomberg . . . . ie-V OJ I itlork ii. lot 4 Varmont U.rbla Com. psuy .7 AT7 143.47 I Block 3, lot 41, Uerman Rhomberg. ... ' 4.77 Block A lot 4. J. MoCullum 4 25 358.251 block A kit 3, J. McCullum 4.26 Kioc a, lot J, Kicaara u. vsa xuyi., o.iu Block A lot 1. BeD Is ml u Tauffeat 66.83 439.03 Block 1, lot 41, 8. II. Csrtar 4.01 I Block 1. lot 40. 8. II. Carter 3.40 862.61 Block 1.. lot 80, 8. II. Carter.. 1.7J I Block L tot 88, 8. 11. Carter 1.7 627.34 I Bkxk I, wast 13 fl of tot 4, Samael n. carter s.u Block 1. lot A Samuel H. Carter 0.73 A73lBiork 1, tot A Manuel H. Carter 8 11 Stock 1, lot 1, Samuel U. Carter S2.ll A7J !- ToUl 14.824.68 t.04 THOMAS C DEVLIN, ASflllor ci u ill ox roruaao. IBoA CITT NOTICES. rsoroBEO assessment roa wpeove. XEXT Or XILUNOSWOHTH 'AVENUE. Notice is hereby given that tba Council of the City ot Portland propose tit ssaess th following described property sud owner or own ers as being specislly snd peculiarly lie ne 11 ted In tbe amounta set opposite lb names and daerlptlona thereof fur tb iniprovuiont of Kllllugsworth avenue from th east llns of Ps ( tnn iMiiu to th east lln of. Ulrhlesn avenue, as provioea ny wuinanr no. is,oa4. Any objections to the spportioumeut ot coat ror eaia improvement jniisi do man in writ ing to th Council and Bled with tb Auditor within 16 day from the data of th flrat pub lication or inw nonce, ana eaia oujeeuon will be heard 'and detemloed by th Council be fore th paaaag of tbe Ordinance assassin lb cost or sshi improvement. . , North Alhlus . ; - . Block 1, lot 4, Jams B. Olmsted.... a 61. 64 Block 1, kit 8, James B. Olmsted.",.. .. 7.K6 Block 1. lot 6. Osk Lumbar Co...... ; ' 20.80 Block 1, lot 6, Oak Lumber Co 82.83 Block 2, lot 4, Michael Malerboefer. . . 84.86 Hlork 2, lot 9, Michael Malsrhoefer. . Vl.08 "IB.Oil 63.66 mw a m, .' V isi aiai . Block A lot 5. 'Anton Malerboefer.... Block 8, lot 4, II. U. Klnrald. ....... 66.21 Block S, tot 8, Augusta Klncsld. ...... .16.75 l ew I Jna 30, 1 31 rioroBEry abbxbsxuit ro imeaove- 1.08 MXaTT Or XAEOtrXAXTTE ATXVTX. , Notice la hereby glvsa Uat th Oonacll of 1.89 tb City of Portland proposes to as tb following described propwty and owner or own lO.ia (ra M beng apsda Ily and peculiarly benefited ia tb amounts set opposite tbe asms sod de i arrlptioos thsrwt tor tn improvement oi Msr M I gusretts avaa from the south lis of Hsw 17.21 I tborM a venae ta the north lln of Division . I street a provided by ordinance fto. lZ.IMls. 1S.IT I ... ahlectloBS ta th SDDortloumant of coat for ssld imprsvsBMnt mnst be made la wrlti 1m to tb Council and Bled with tb Auditor . I witoia nrteen oaya iron to oais ot ui nri I I pubUcstkia of this notic. and said objections I will be heard snd determined by the Council a'-1" I before tb pasaag of tb ordinance asaesalng 16.83 Rronkdale r . ji u r .n.M, a 10.97 L0t K4, h. Longooy Eaat 100 feet tot 34, Flora H. Padg ham Eaat 100 feet lot 33, Flora H. Padg ham Esst 100 feet lot 81 Mary E. Moshar. Eaat 100 feet tot 81, Paul M. aud 'I Bast 100 fset tot 80, " Ja inea F." i'aV- M 3 Eaat" 100 ' f eet ' tot ' 20," " jiiila ' M.' Brad ford 10.71 10.6d 1A40 I 164SO 12.81 71.80 71.97 78.81 T3.91 78.11 1.11 I V.mmt InA f . b, 9S A A Rowmsn.. Amended nlat of tha south ons-kslf of Paula-1 nm f u. int or' a a kimi. . suiar aauiimn, "o. e. io nsi ruriwau i Kt loo feet lot 26, Merlaaa Btara Blocs i, ui -a, rsoiusuiar steal a- tat Company Block 47. kit 21. Peninsular Real Ba tata Company Blork 47. lot 20, Penlusular Real Es tste Company peninsular neai t-a- Blork 47. kit IB tata Company Block 47. lot 18. tate Company Blork 47. lot 17, tat Company Block 47. lot 16, tate Company Block 47, lot 15. tate Company Block 47, lot 14, Penlnaular Real Ba tata Company Blosk 47, lot 13, Penlnsulsr Rest Es tste Oimnanr Block 47. tot 12, Penlnaular Real Es tate Company Block 47. lot 11, Penlnaular Real Es tate Company Penlnaular Real Es- Penlnaular Real Ea- Peninsular Real Es- Penlnsulsr Real Es- lot 10, Tyler Investment ToUl THOS. C. DEVLIN Auditor of tbe City of Portland June SO, 1003. 85. 501.81 DEVLIf VB0P08ED ASSESSMENT FOB SEV7ER IN FRONT STREET. Notice is "hereby given that the Council of the City of Portland propoaes to assess the following aceerinea property ana owner or ownera aa being specislly and peculiarly benefited In tbe amounts set opNislts the names snd descriptions tbereor by the construction of a sewer In Front street, from 230 feet north or Bancroft avenue to sewer In Ban ci oft avenue, aa provided by ordinance No. 13,. 306. Any objections to -the apportionment nf coat for aaid sewer must be mads in writing to the Council and filed with the Auditor within fifteen daya from the date of tbe first publi cation of this notice, and aaid objections will b hesrd snd determined by tb Council before tbe paaaage of tbe ordinance assessing the corn tor ssio sewffr. Portland Homestesd Subdivisions In lot 2. block 7 and lot 4 block & In the Portland Homeatead Aa aoclation In thn City of Portland. Mult- noniah County snd Stat of Oregon. Blk 7.' eaat 100 feet subdivision F of lot 2, Abble L. Crocker f 32.60 Blk 7. east 100 feet of subdivision E of lot 2. Abble L. Crocker 32.60 Blk 7. east 100 feet of subdivision D of lot 2, Lucy S. Merwln 46.15 Rlk 7. east 100 feet or north 27 H feet of subdivision D . of lot 2, Olive L. Warner 20.83 Portland Homeatead Blk 6. .west 100 feet of north 60 feet of west 150 feet of lot 8. Fred F. Boody. . 76.25 Blk 6. west 100 feef of south 60 feet of north 120 feet of west 160 feet of lot 3, John A. Houch 76.25 Blk 6. west 100 feet .of north 10 feet of south 110 feet of lot 3, Louis Arnold. 15.55 Total 3307.25 TWOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of tbe City of Portland. June SO, 1003. ToUl June 30, : 31,831.61 THOS. C. DEVLIN. Andltor of th City of Portland. 1903. PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOB IMPROVE MENT OF EAST SEVENTEENTH BTBEET. Notice J blfre,byg1veB. tbst-tha Council of the City of Portland proposes to sssaaa tb following described property and owuer or vwaera as being specially and peculiarly lBe- - . . . PROPOSED ASSESSMENT . FOR BtWER IN .EAST SECOND STREET. Notice 1 hi hereby crlv'en that the rVumHl of the City of Portland proposes to aasess tbe following deacrlbed property and owner or owners a being specially and peculiarly Denentea in toe amounta aet opposite tbe namea and descriptions thereof by the con struction of a sewer in East Second atreet. between west lln of Broadway and 60 feet south of south line Schuyler street, aa provided by ordinance No. 13.310. Any objections to the apportionment of cost for said aewer mnst be made in writing to the Council snd filed with the Auditor within fifteen days from the dste of the first pub lication of this notice, and aaid objections will be beard and- determined by tbe Council be fore tbe nasaags of th ordinance aaseaaln ths coat for aaid aewer. . Uolladay'e Addition to East Port- -land Blk 245. esst Vi lot 6. C. If. Bellinger. .$ 32.15 Blk 245, east Vi lot 6. C. B. Bellinger.. 82.15 Bis Z40. weat h lot a, rrank . Parker ana wiinam a. chase Block 47. Company Block 47. Company Block 47. Company Block 47. Company Block 47. Company Block 47. Company Block 47. Company Block 47, Company Block 47. Company Block 47. Company Block 48. Company Block 46. Company Block 46, Company Bl'ick 46. Company Block 46. Company Blork 4ft. Company Block 46. Company Block 46. Company Block 46. Company Block 46, Company Block 46. Company Block 46. Company Comnanr Block 46. kit 13, Peninsular Real Es tate Company Block 40, lot 12, Penlnaular Real Es tate Company Block 46, bit 11, Penlnaular Real Es tate Company , : Block 46. lot 10, Penlnaular Real Esw tata Company Block 46, kit 9, Peninsular Real Ea tat Company Block 46. lot 8, Penlnaular Real Es tate Company . , Blork 46. kit 7, Penlnaular Real Es tate Company Block 46. lot 6, Penlnsulsr Real Esa tste Company Block 46, lot 6. Peninsular Real Ka mi. VOUM'.O, .." .Block 46, lot 4, Peninsular Real Es- iste lompany Block 46, lot 3. Penlnsulsr Real Es tate tximpany Penlnaular Rail Es- V... ion L. y H.nh.rt Ml. 38.38 son lOA tmt U 44 1 BV.nul 81.00 East )oo tot S. Richard Price. . I Eaat 100 feet tot 22. Richard Price.. Eaat 100 feat lot 21, F.- and W. T, a. Joplln 11 " Esst 100 feet lot 30, Aaron M. Brsy .. m. Esst 100 feet tot IB, J. H. snd Nellie UM E. Cook .... Park View 11.83 Blk. 1. east 100 feet tot 1. Tbaddeus VTt4t sea. 11.80 B)k j, sst ioo 'feeV tot "l ' 'wi'lilam" Plympton .11.30 Lot l at 100 feet tot A Claus Hank- H-08 BlkL a'aV l'ob' feet lot',' W.' F." Gel'"- 10.70 Btk i,itVVoo'ferto't8V'AuboB'"N! Dedvlna 11 11 Blk 1, eaat 100 feet lot 6, Mr. A. M. . . Btsnsbery 11.73 Bk A, esst 100 feet tot 1. Msrtba lot B, Tyler Investment lot 8, Tyler Investment tot 7, Tyler Investment tot 6, Tyler Investment lot "o! "Tyler Investment tot 4, Tyler Investment lot 8, Tyler Investment bit 2, Tyler Investment lot 1, Tyler Investment kit 26, Tyler Investment lot 25, Tyler Investment lot 24, Tyler Investment kit 23, Tyler Investment tot 21 . Tyler Investment lot 21, Tyler Inveatment lot 20, Tyler Investment lot 19, Tyler Investment lot 18, Tyler Inveatment lot 17, Tyler Investment lot 16, Tyler Investment lot 13, Tyler Investment tot 14, Tyler Investment 11.33 11.89 11.90 Tenlnsulsr Real Ea- Block 46, lot 3, tate Company . Block 46. lot 1, tate Company . Peninsular Addition, No. S, to East Portland. Oregon Penlnsulsr Real Ea Penlnaular Real Ea Penlnaular Real Ea- Block 36. lot 1, tate Company Block 36. lot 2, tate Company Block 36. lot 3, tale Company Block 36. lot 4, Penlnaular Real Es tate Company Block 36, kit 41. Church A Lewaoo.... Block 36, lot 42. Church A Lawson...'. Block 31. lot 43. Church A IJTT.ion Block 36. lot 44. Church A Lawaon Block 37. lot 1, Tyler Investment Company Block 37. lot 2, Company Blork 37. lot 3, Company Block 37. lot 4, Company Block 37. lot 41. Llewellyn, Williams.1; Blork 87. lot 42. Llewellyn Wllllama.. Block 37. lot 43, Llewellyn Wllllama.. Hiock 3T. lot 44, Llewellyn Wllllama. Tyler Inveatment Tyler Inveatment Tyler Inveatment Block 38, Company Blork 38. Company Block 38. Company Block 88, lot 1, Tyler Investment lot 2, lot "lot" Tyler Tyler Tyler Investment Investment Investment Block 38, lot 41, Samuel U. Dow As.... Rlock 38, lot 42, Samuel TJ. Downs.... Block 38. lot 43. Samuel T7. Downs.... Block 38. lot 44. Ssmuel TJ. Downs: . Penlaulsr Addition to Eaat Portland Oregon - Blk 216. weat H tot 6. Frank B. Parker and William B. Chase Blk 244, tot 8. C. B. Bellinger Blk 244. lot A C. B. Bellinger......... Total 23.65 23.65 64.20 64.20 THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of th City of Portland. Jun 30, 1002. " '''' ' Block 7. lot 1. Marguerite Low man. Block 7. lot 2. Marguerite Lowman. Rlock 7. lot 3. Marcnerlte Lowman.... Block 7, lot 4. Marguerite bowman.... Block 8, lot 44. C. Buechler Block 8, lot 43, 0. Buechler... Block 8, lot 42. C. Buechler. ........ .. Block 8. lot 41, C. Buechler..: Block 8. lot 4. St. Johns Evangelical Lutheran Church Block 8. lot 3. St Johns Evangelical Lutheran Church Block 8. lot 2, SL Johns Evangelical Lutheran Church ..... Block 8. lot 1. St. Johns Evangelical Lutheran Church Block 0, lot 44. Lawrence M. Real..., BlockJ9...1ot 43, Lawrence M. Real.... Blork 0, lot 42. Lawrenc M. Besl..... Block 0. lot 41, Lawrence M. Besl.,.. Block 0. tot 4, Minnie Msry Wolf.... Block 9, lot ,3. Minnie Mary Wolf.... Block 9. lot 2, Minnie Mary Wolf.... Blork 9. lot 1. Mlnuie Mary Wolf Block 10, lot 44. Calvin W. Ganten beln ... Block 10, beln ... Block 10, beln ... Block 10. tot 41. beln Biwr lrt, lot 1. 'Media proenstel.. Block 10. lot 8. Media ProebateJ.. Rlock in. lot A Media Proehstel. Reun Blk A, esst 100 feet tot 3, Henry Witt Psrk View Extended Blk A. esst 100 feet lot 8, C. M. snd T. 8. West nil, a ... ino tt kit 4. C M. 12.56 ..a. x. 8. West Vfik in . 1 , w, u Ia 1 n If It 23 I .Dd T 8. Weat Ttlk in mmmt lOO ft lot 2. C. M. 13.06 ,d T. 8. West wiw o mmm ion r.i w A -TV kf. 1B-T3 ind T. 8. West f. Blk 10, esst 100 feet lot 4, C, U. snd T. 8. West.... i Blk 11, esst 100 feet tot 1. C. M. sad T. 8. Wsst Blk 11. esst UNI feet tot A C. M. nd T. 8. West nrv ii inn t lot JL C M. ".52 and T. 8. West Bib lOO u. In. A P U 51 snd T. 8. West A strip of land lying between th south lln of block 11. Park View Extended, and the north line ot lot 1. Park View Annex and between tb -west line of Mwrguerette svenue snd s line 100 feet west of and parallel therewith. Tbaddeua 8. West ....,. Park View'"' Annex Lot 1, Carrie M. Weat Lot A Mary E. Weat Lot 3. Maty E. Weat Lot 4. Eva B. McKensle Lot 6, Carrie M. West Lot 6, Carrie M. Weat Lot 7. Carrie M. West Brook da le Lot 1. H. Longooy Irt 8. H. Longcoy West 100 feet lot 8, II. Longcoy.... West 100 feet tot 4, H. Longcoy...... West 100 feet tot 8. H. Longcoy West 100 feet lot 8. H. Longcoy West loo feet tot 7. Ellas H. Jeter.. West 100 feet lot 8, Ellss II. Jeter.. West 10 Ofeet lot 9, Clifton T. MiUer. West 100 feet lot 10, Stsnley 8. Stevens A. West 100 feet tot 11, Msrgaret A. Klnasler West 100 feet lot IX Margaret A. Klngsley Weat 100 feet tot 18, Margaret A. Klngaley West 100 feet tot 14, Jobn B. Frost. West 100 feet lot 15. Jobn B. Frost. North H weat 100 feet lot 16, John B. Frost South Vi west 100 feet lot 16, Bugen C' Comstock Wat .100 . feet . lot - 17. , Eugene C. Comstock West 100 feet lot 18, Eugene C. Comstock A tract of land lying between the south line of lot 18, Brook dale, and th north line of block A Park View Annex and the east line of Msrguerette a venn and a line 100 feet eaat of and parallel there with, . Eugene C. Comstock Park View Blk 2. tot 1. John Younger Blk . 2. lot A John Younger Blk 2, tot 8. Jobn Sleret Blk 2. lot 4. Jobn G. Sleret Blk B, lot If Carrie M. West Blk R, lot 3. Carrie M. Weat Rlk B. west 8 feet lot S. Carrie M. " West . ; Park View Extended-- Blk B. lot t Carrie M. West Blk B. lot 10, Carrie M. West........ Blk 9. lot 1. C. M. snd T. fa. west.. Blk 9. west 8 feet lot 18, J. L. Barber et al Blk 9, tot 2.. C. M. and T. S. West.. Blk 9. lot 3. C. M. snd T. S. West.. Blk 8. west 8 feet lot 5, C. -M. and T. S. Weat..' Blk 9. lot 4. C. M. and T. S. Weat.. Blk 12. tot 1, CM. snd T. 8. West.. Blk 12. west 8 feet tot 18, C. M. snd T. 8. West.... Rlk 12. lot A C. M. and T. 8. West.. Blk 12. lot 3. C. M. snd T. 8. West.. Blk 12. west 8 feet lot 6, C. M. snd T. 8. West.. Blk 12, lot 4. C. M. and T. 8. West.. Park View Annex Weat 100 feet lot 14, Carrie M. Weat. Weat 100 feet lot 13, Carrie M. West. West 100 feet lot 12, Carrie M. West. " Weat 100 feet lot 11, Carrie M. West. West 100 feet lot 10. Csrrt M. West. North H of west 100 feet tot 9, Carrie M. west South. Vi of west 100 feet lot 0.. Otto J. Hlrscb .. Lot 8, Otto J. and Rosa L, Hlrscb ... 16.00 17.00 17.01 16.80 16.42 11.32 11.13 It 78 10.78 10.61 10.96 11.14 11.14 1 11.32 11.14 11.32 11.50 a 11.60 11.32 10.78 10.06 19.38 19.98 13.01 18.91 14.88 14.88 48.34 4.40 8.86 3.35 A 40 3.40 4.41 45.46 66.30 6.75 4.73 4.73 8.07 8.07 6.37 62.74 45.84 I 4.32 8.82 8.81 2.&1 2.63 8.48 44.82 tot 43. Cslvln W, Ganten tot' 42,' CaMa ' JvV Ganten- Calvla W. Ganten- 63.62 10.03 8.50 8.50 61.70 9.4 6.78 6.77 7.00 7.00 8.92 49.81 (H.6S 15. OH IO. 58 10.38 9.7 9.98 1A73 71.63 89.20 16.08 10.33 j6!r2 6.78 A79 9.11 Block 10, tot 1, Media Preebstel 68.S8 79.94 80.47 78.80 77.00 78.B1 73.07 70.87 69.18 147.14 88.21 76.60 141.71 73.44 T1.96 84.62 132.32 164.18 106.94 161.82 109.26 148.09 162.03 168.03 166.61 157.89 187.99 126.95 95.68 90.69 25.26 100.74 178.20 178.04 1H6.06 10S.04 163.02 187.73 145.36 13.01 72 65 74.43 82.83 7863 83.62 88.87 62.57 76.80 73.22 72.49 72.70 72.60 87.87 40.48 154.69 9i.75 76.82 203.12 78.38 84.01 134.03 166.80 266.43 78.17 13.34 130.02 148.11 154.D6 9.66 140.15 143.88 9.05 141.64 133.36 8.60 123.83 106.83 5.87 108.88 75.45 184.80 "168.38 174.10 207.90 80.25 84.87 ..194.84 Block 8, lot 6. Maggl K. Church. ..... Block 8, lot 0, Maggl K. Church Blork 4. lot 4. Jamil D. Lanahead.... Block 4, tot A Jeunie I). Langhead. ... Block 4. Jot 6, Jennie D. Lanaliesd.... Block 4. tot B. Jenula D. Lansbead. . . .' Block 6, lot 4, Theo, Veanerstrom and O. A. Vennerstrom eat., belra of. Block A kit A Tbeo. Venneretrom ami u. a. vennerairom est., oeira or.... Blork S. tot 6, Jam W. and Sarah Hlnansa ...,.... , Block 6, lot A Slater of Mercy of Portland Blork 6, lot 9, Michael F. Brady A tract of land lying between tha east Una of block 6. North Alblua, and ' the east llns of Michigan avenue, ex tended northerly In Its present course, snd between th north lln of Kll llugsworth avenue and a lln 100 frvt north of and parallel therewith, A. E. and C. U. Gantenbeln North half of tot "B" tn M. Pattoa'a Tract- Lot A Klttla Coe. Lot 6. Kittle Cos.. Lot 4, Klttla Co. Lot A Kittle Co. Lot A Klttla Coe Lot 1. Adrian McCalman Plat of the survey of the sub-di vision of lot "C" In M. Patton'a Tract Slock A lot 20, Margaret Muldooa..,, lock A tot IB, Margaret Muldooo.... Bbirk 2. tot 2, Margaret Muldooa.... Block 8. lot 1, Msrgaret Muldooa.... Block 1, lot 30, Margaret Jamea and Edward Muldoon Block 1, lot 18, Margaret, James and Edward Muldoon Block 1, lot 2. Margaret, Jamea and Edward Muldoon... .' Block 1, lot 1, Margaret, Jamea and Edward Muldoon .; M. I'atton's Tract, consisting to di vision Into tots or parcels of laud from A to T Inclusive N 100 ft. of N 340 ft. of E 300 ft of D, Charles Uerke N 100 ft, of N 270 ft. of W 200 ft. of D, Mary E. Swlgert W. J. Patton'a sub division of block I In M. Patton'a Tract Block 1, tot 1, Mechael P. Brady Blork 1. tot 2. Mary E. Swlgert Blork 1. N 6.6 ft. of lot 8, Mary E. Swlgert Right of way City and Suburban Rail way co 20.87 70.80 .68.44 18.88 15.67 68.80 69.63 14.82" 84.26 17.01 11.34 18.23 9.43 SI. 73 33.81 24.07 83.32 8T.a0 68.63 18.41 14.67 63.36 60.87 16.86 14.B8 63.68 180.60 91.66 RAILROAD TIMETABLES. mm V ' f ' Oregon, sntTRIONPACIH0 3 TRAINS to the EAST DAILY Thronah Pnllmaa ataadard and Tourist ala lag cars dally to Omaha. ' Chicago, gpokaaet tourist sleeping ears dally ' to Kaaaa Cltyl through Pullmaa tourist slMplna ear prsua elly conducted) weekly to Chicago. Bbbsm City; reclining cbslr car (seat free) -to th East dslly. , , UN 10.1 . DEPOT. CHICAGO PORTLAND SPECIAL. For th Eaat via Boat IngtoUy , t. SPOKANE FLYER. . For ' Eaatern Waahlns- ton. Walla Walla, Law Istoa, Coeur a'AUae and Great si or (bars point. ' ATLANTIC EXPRESA For the Esst via Hunt ington. r20 a. at, Dally. - 6:00 a, i Lisiiy. - Arrivs. :bo p. as. U Daily. 8:15 p. sa. Dally. , t:ss a. St, uauy. 10:80 a. I Dally. , OCEAN ABO RJTER S0HXDVLX. FOR BAN FRANCISCO. A Geo. W. Elder July 1, 11, 31, SL 8. . Columbia July A 16, 26. From Alsska Dock. 8:04 . as. 6:00 a. at. Ooluarbla River Slviaiaa. FOR ASTORIA and wsv(8:00 p. sa. point, connecting with simr. ror iiwaco ana North Beach, sir. Uu- Aab-st dock. Dally. x SuDdsv Saturday io :w p. m. 8:00 9. aa. x. Sunday, About IHTTER SAILING DATES (Ash-Street Dock) July 7, 7a. m.; July 8, 7:40 a. a.: July 9, 8:30 a. m.: JiL'r 10. 9 a. m.: July ll ISalur. day), 9:40 a. m. Yamhill Blvar Rout. FOR DAYTON, Oregon City and Yamhill KJv.r points. sir. ElOMtrs, Asb-Ht. goes, - ( W star permitting.) 7:00 a. m. Tuesday, Thursday, oaturday. 1:00 p, m, Monday. Wednsada' Friday. 2.33 1.86 .22 187.43 Total v 81.740.38 THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of the City of Port lan A Jun 30, 1903. PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOB IMPROVE MENT OF EAST FLANDERS BTBEET. Notice I hereby glvea that tbe Council of the City of Portland proposes to asses tb follow ing described proierty snd nw: ee or owners ss being specially and peculiarly benefited in tbe amounta et opposite tbe names snd descriptions thereof for the Improvement of Kaat Flanders atreet from the neat line of East Twenty fourth street to the west line nf Ilronsiigh'a Addition, aa provided by Ordinance No. 12.9:stl: Any objections to the spportlonment of cost for said improvement must lie made tn wrltlug to the Council and Hied with the Auditor within 15 dnya from the data of tbe first publication of thla notice, and aaid objection will lis heard and determined by the Council before the passage of tha Ordinance assessing tha cost of said Improvement. Uronaugb' Addition to City ot Port land. Ore. Block 2, lot 4. Earl C. Bronangh f 118.32 Blork 2. 8 42.5 ft. of tot 3, Karl C. Bronaugh 18.47 I Block 2. kit 5. Earl C. Bronaugh 44.2H Block 2. lot 6, Earl C. Bronaugh 66.07 Block 2. lot 7. Earl C. Bronaugh 6I.6C Block A lot 8, Earl C. Bronaimh. ...... X2 P2 Rlock 8. lot 1, Earl C. Bronaugh Ill HI Rlock 8, lot A Earl C. Rronaugh '16.U6 Block 3, tot 12. Earl C. Bronaugh 44.42 Block 3. tot 11. Earl 0. Bronaugh 48. OS Block 3. lot 10, Earl C. Bronaugh 42.37 Block 8, lot 9, Earl C. Bronaugh 21.10 Total Snaka Rlvsr Reuta. FOR LBWISTON. Ida., ind wsy points, . from ltlparla. Wash., steam ers Spokao sad Law la toa. 4:00 a. ax. Dally, ax. ast. About 6:00 a. av Dally ex. Friday. TICKET OFFICE. Tblrd aad Washington. Tb phon Mala 71A PORTLAND & ASIATIC STEAMSHIP CO. For Yokohama and Hong Kong, calling at Kobe. Naresskl and Shanghai, taking freight via connecting eteamara for Manila. Port Arthur aad Vladlvostock. INDRASAKHA SAILS ABOUT FOXY St. For rates and full. Information call cn or ad dress ofllclsls or ageota ef the O. R. A N. C. EAST via." SOUTH I Q loc ot n. siajta j I aVaavsa. 50fl.ll THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of tbe City tf Portland. Jun 80, 1908. RAILROAD TIMETABLES. Total ...... .310.193.70 ' THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of tb City of Portland. Jon 29, 1903. JTOTICB. NOTICE Is hereby given tbat the annual - meeting of tbe atockholder of th Midway Oil Company will b held at the office of Ladd A Tllton. banker, at Portland. Ore gon, at 8 o'clock p. m., on Wednesday, the 16th day of July, 1003,. for the purpose of electing a board of directors and' th . trans action of each other bullae a may com before the meeting..' , ' H. C. BTBATTON, Secretary. TODAY'S NEWS TODAY THI 1 ST OF tVTWYTHIHO ONLY 70 HOURS PORTLAND TO via the 0. R. R. & N..C0, Oregon Short line. Union Pacific and Two trains a day, with through Pullman drawing-room sleeping cars, free reclining chair cars and dining cars (a la carte). tu wr afrrl ".ani.!SPECIAI connects at Granger with the famous Overland Limited, the most luxurious train in the world, to Chicago from the Coast. B anr your ticket read ovr tht Chicago & North-Western. A. 0. BARKER, QCN'L Aorr. 0. A N-W. RY. I THIRD T., PORTLAND, 08A tiv a H0 p. BL 7 ISO a. aa. 114:60 p. a. TJNIOlf DEPOT. OYBBXAND nzPREKal train, for Balem. Boe- Durg, Aahland, Sacra mento, Ogden. San Kraa claco, Molave, I.g Aa grles. El Paao, New Or- nana ana u JMet. At Woodbara dallr Antvaa. 7:43 a. m. (sorpt Saaaayl. morm- in irsia or alt. An-I gel. SllTrtos. Brown.! rllle, BprtagflelA WeadW uu boq natroa. Albany naaaenger. eon. aects at Woobura with MC Aagal aaat fcUlvarJ tea local. OorvalUa passangar.s Sbaridaa psaaiigcr....J 7:00 p. m lo:10 a. at S:0 p. m. S:S3 a. m Dally. UDally except Sunday. IVtlaaai-Oawega Satmrbaa Barvis aad TaaUUl Division. Depot Teat ef Jsffaraea Itraat. Leave Portland dally for Oswego 7:80 a. m l 11:60, A03. 8v25. 6J, g:26. 8:S, 10:10 B, a. Dally (eicept Huaday) 6:80, t:80, 8:o5, 10:26 a. m.; 4:00, 11:80 p. m. Sunday only, 9:00 a. m. K turning from Oswego, arrlv Portland daily 8:80 a. m.; 1:66. 3:05, 4:85, 8:16. 7:85; 9:66, J 1:10 n. ra. Dally (except Sunday) 1:36, 7:20. .80, 10 20, 11:46 a. m. Kscept Monday, li;d a. m. Sunday only, 10:00 as. m. Leave from aam depot for Dallas and Inter, mediate point dally (except Snaday) 4&Q p. at. Arrive Portland 10:20 a. m. Tbe lBdepndac-Monmoath Motor Lisa oparste daily to Monmouth and Alrlle, a aectlng with Southern Pacific Company treek at Dallaa and Independence. rirat-otaaa rabat ticket ea sals frsa Pert, land-to Sacramsnta aud Baa Franc laco. Net rat 117.60, berth 15; aeeoad-eUas far 1 13, without rebate or berth; ' aecond-claa berth 82.50. Tlcketa to Eastern point aad Bnropa, ajw, Janan. China. Honolulu and Anatralla. City Ticket Offce cornsr Third aad Wasklag- aaa sirseaa. fooos. Main tu, a W. STINOBB, W. B. 00MAN. taty wutx Agsav -, waa. fa. COV-SL-PX- 7- V . I US. I TRAINS J 5t0RTLANDi BALTIMORE r OHIO R. R. ALL TRAINS VTA WASHINGTON Pucet Sound Limited. for Tacoma, Seattle. OlrmDla. South Dend and Gray' Harbor point. North Coast Limited, for Tacoma, Seattle, Butte. Bt. Paul. Min neapolis, Chicsgo, New York, Boston and point vast and uoutneaac. Twin-City Express, for Tacoma, Seattle, Bpo- aane, ueieua, ot. raui, Minneapolis Chicago. New York, . Boston snd sll points East and southeast. Puget Sound Kansas Ctt"-8t. Louis flpeclsl. for Tacoma, Seattle, Snokans. Butt. Bllllnira Denver. Omaha, Kansas city, ot. Louia and all point East and South eaafc-- - ,-- Departs. 8:30 a. m. 8:00 p. m. 11:45 p. m 8:80 a. m. Arrive. 6:30 p. at. 7:00 a. ax, 7:00 7:00 a. n All trains daily rcpt on Bonth Bend branch. a., d. CHARLTON, ;, Assistant General Passenger Agent. 828 Morrison St. corner Third, Portland, Of. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. Leave. CNION DEPOT. . ?, -Arrives. for afsygar. Rainier. ' Clatakaal. Wstport. i a nn . CUftoa. Astoria, War- 1.00 a. m. renton flavel. Ham-M"0 . mond Fort 8tveaa, - Besrbsrt Psrk, Seaald, , Astoria and Seashore . Express, Dally. T.-O0 p, m. p,,8 Pe. . ,M . sa. - j, alAYb. """' 0. r. and P. A.. Astoria. Or. K. L. LEWIS, Commercial Agtut, 4 A14f st. . Phon Main KtV ,. -,. .. v ,., ; '.. ' I