HIE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, TORTLANIV TTItTRSDAY EVENING, JULY 2, 1903. ' 4 . :. Items of Local Interest for Busy 1 .Journal Readers, ; ; , 'WEATHER .'FORECAST Wltbla the taat U hoars food rein have fallen la presoa, VVashlufto sad Kortlu-ra Idaho ' and ahowrr and thanlrtorme bar occurred la It la cooler thti casters Orna-un. Vlnntan. Kvada aa L'tah. v t.-. Tlia Indication are for fair Wfathar bi thl m.inci rriaay ana , temperature, , Montana. Korlh Dakota aad Berth. ara Mlnoeaota. ' II awnlnf 4B Bnnthtra aad Xaatern WaaQlnf lou, Idaho, and Saturar, wit ' kla-aaa HOTEL ARRIVALS ?ei4laad C. T.' Whale. Stl' e.nt. a. K. Bell. C. B. Heel, Sampler; 6 A. Wood. Aa.! torla; J. II.- rinaertr. KeoW? W. fcbert. LBaic iae, . uinrop, cur: , at. Draka, Kemlrk, J. A. Beatles, Detroit; C. Stlncufl.U wur. nirviprnaia: it. aiexaafi, ritri llrachneia. A W. Sackaoa and wife. Mlaa bla University grounds July 4. - A eon tlnuous prog rm of voice, games , and contests will furnish entertainment Hon. Frank Davay - -wtlfl deliver th ad dress of,th day. Loco's Orchestra will b la atundanc. Take V car. ' ly 4, rata of shine. ' ' Multnomah Falls and Bonnvlll. , ' Second; Baptist Church "Harvest Quen." ' In . . Ash-street dock. 7;ii a. m, Round trip, ' 7fe; c hlldren ' ttnder II years, op.- ..-, , . launch served on board. ; - Tonight at Tabor Height Vavilloa th Thursday Klght Club will glv tunc. : W. SaOey, an employ In th Weather Bureau. left yesterday ror North Heaa, te take chart of th rtatlon at that plao during the temporary absence of J. J. KUllber, who Is off on a few weens v aUtheurk avuea eoBiBUiat . has been made both by raalclontj of that ctlon of th city nd by taintrs compelled U haul over that rout, ftothlar baa as yet been 4 on toward temedyln the A. l. faircbfld d wife, p. M. Un and wife. broHen planklnr wjiicn has compeuea a A. o. Pro.ity, itf i h. a. ahw. Bufraai n. I partial elostnf of waitama avenue In Upper Albln. The water ha ra'aad the lower floor. In varlou sections, of Jjie Aina worth dock from the capping-, and It cannot to used until extensively re paired. The trestle work of th railroad T. Krld, Baa Franclarof T. 8. Alford,. DBTti v. . AiamioD. i tuoaro: h. l,. : TnommoD. Pollai A. D. Clrfaland. t. ixili: C. at. ellli R. H. Durand. tVillf J. T. oraairr, oi. Ti. kllnnaapollai A. raflir. ut. urnm-fto B, P,a. an ftaclco( i. K. ftart, VT$. K V. If, hlcbardKw" bar' on, Waak.j 0. 0. Maa, Jr., l'hl.o; W. ton. T. Halmon. H. Laaarc, New York; Adrian H. Laaare. Braatow, A. ('brlaanaaa oSa I, il. V.' " ' ' .""."Tr' ? i; " " the same piac na also Men tnrown nrm, nra a. rifin, inuadrlplil I. C. uoea-1 cannoi p repairaa aniu ana fraiivr, rv rlrta. Mlaa Ooedrlda. faaadana; W. U. Al-1 cedes, in. loicafo; union i aonaant, aaa rran Claeoi H. u. rranndy, Paaadeaa) Fraacaa C tubman aad wife. Taeoraa: Mtoa ' t Pmwnrllr Mlaa Jnlla Dean. Kelt O'Brte. Bew alaia Yark; Mia In wart. Baa rraartaeai T. J. Vttt. . Chlraso; A. R, Merrlann, Battle tak. Ulnn.1 B. B. Darldaoh. Seattle; Harri C. Mill. Chi eafos .E. U Bltaoa, Boa too. . .. m Imparial f Ileaefae. -Mrs. . Meaefee. The Pallrai l'. Tbeuta. Portlaad', Mr. C. W, Tabor, Oi learnt B. B. Xaraa. DajTillei A. I. Smith. Mra. 8mltb, Mra. U. L. Drew. Mra. H. Aldrlrh, Heattle; T. U Carr, Moateeano; la. A. fclllatt. O. W, Becker., Iowa; i. Wlibreombe. t'orralila: a H. Thlek, Qraad Banlda; O. Wllaan, Baa Praadaro; B. Clark. Merada City) I. Krb, Bale mi . H- Welmea. to Aafaleai J. II. Jonea, Mlaaoorl; 8. O, Trllllnser and wife, Aatprla: T. T. Oeer. ftalem: Henri Nice. A Lao a JUM Raonel Forreraea, MosTllIe, N. D. ) W, XTLW Aitorla: A. R. BrkaU, Blnser, yVWk.; C. i. Lalthry, flaattlei X. W, Paliu, eVAalla Walla; Mr. W. X. Lonihmlller. Eu. rgeaai C B. Woedtborpa and trlie, titw Tork. . BaaebaU Baaabal! ..Tomorrow, . Th Browns vs. Seattle. A treat Rama Park) WiUon Has with him Two new pltohers, Carrlck and Dor ha n. ! There're great. Two games on The Fourth. Ladles' days. Tomorrow Baseball Every day , Thla week. B. BI. Xoorehonse a Oo at 8vnth and Alder. Telephone, Main 1141. Th Fortland. Long Beach, Waal). Open for guests. European plan. For Sal Finely equipped Job print ing office. Enquire 105 H First street Fine Bay! Buy Meredith' umbrellas. Repairing, recovering. Wash, and Sixth, The receding- water la making black baa fishing again possible In Columbia Slough. About July 10, James R. Ewlng. th bookseller, will remove to th corner of Fourth and Yamhill. atnrtl&aA ffliia ItA 1rik -.u a V.palatafTl lunch served every evening that one may feast the eye on a iroro s until li p. m. For Bale One of th best paying sa loons In Portland for the saonoy. Ad dress Box S, No. I, Journal. For Sale One pf th best paying sa lrtona in Portland for the money. Ad dress Dox S, No. 1. Journal. Th Cltlsens' and Military Sham Battle Committee -will meet at o'clock tonight In the Commercial Club rooms. X. 1. Brace, plumber, has removed from 226 1st st. to 291 E. Morrison, Just across Morriaon-at bridge. Fhon Bast U. , Salted dvlled peanut, 8 Be a powad. e winnow aispi,y or Albert Bernl, the druggist, corner Second and Wash ington, i Sddl Farker, for more than a month an Inmate of St. Vincent's Hospital, 1 convalescent Mr. Parker was operated on for appendicitis. "Whit, Spray" Is th best flour In the city. Made at Walla Walla by Dement Bros. Co. O. , W. Church, wholesale agent, 254 Front street. Sea F. Abraham, at the Valley Land Company's office, 43ft First street cor ner Ash. if you want to buy or sell real estate. Established 15 years. Ob dollar an the Fonrth. Typund trip to Cascade Locks, Steamer 'Ji'fB-iay uatseru-: - iXaves 8:30 a. m., returning 7 p. m. 'Phone Main 914. Attorney B. al. Smith yesterday sued A. T. Wertman for til said to be due a Bally Ooodell ha been returned te th custody of th Boy' and Olrls' Aid Society, from which piac sh ran away thr week ago. Sh Is sid to have been helped In her effort to cap from th Institution by her parents, who hav always objected to her being" kept there, Sh was found at their horn by Officer Hawley. Th Savoy, - Max ' Smith's elegant coffea house and bakery, will be opened fo the pubiio at 7 a. m. on Saturday, July 4. The reaUurant Is located at ltt Fifth street, In ' the premises formerly occupied by Haines' tea store, oppowlt th postofflc. Visitors will find It a dream of a place Just as neat and pretty as It can, be made, Friday Special Fifty . doaen ladles' fast color percale wrappers at 71 cents eseh, . for Friday only. Worth much more. LaMles' and misses' Oxfords from 10 eents to I1.I9. Our stors will ' be closed Saturday from 12 till 1p.m. Wo will be open from till 2:20 p. m. in the evening. 'It Is a fact" at Ken nard & Adams', tl to S48 Williams ave nue. ' X. W. 8 tons, secreUry of the Port land T. M. C A., returned from a bueU neaa trip to th Fast. Durinjr his ab sence Mr. Ston attended the annual aesalon of the International Secretary' Congress, which was held at Lakewood, N. T. While In the East he also visited a number of Associations and studied th newer methods being- used In the work. We are always glad to explain our method of treatment and can make It perfectly plain to anyone who is af flicted or Interested. There Is no mys tery about It and our aystem is purely scientific. Why should not the treat ment of disease advance, as well as any thinar alee? Consultation free. The Portland Institute of Psychology, 000 Th Marquam. WMle sjoyina; the leisure of the Fourth, step Into our store, 411 Wash ington street, and look over our stock of Persian and Turkish ruga and car pet and fine stok of Oriental goods. Many will see something- they hav never seen before. It Is not every day 1500 camel's hair rug; mad hundred of years ago, that is really worth 11,000. we have them. Atiyeh & Khoury. BTlna axearsloaa om th Fonrth, Portland to Oregon City and Wlllam- tta Falls- -And return. 25 cents' for the round trip. One way by, steamer, the other by electric cars, If desired.. Spend the day at the great cataract. In th adjoining woods or at the park. 1 ttnata laava Portland and Oreron CMtv that th various numbers war appre elated by prolonged applaus and re peated encores. Only In words of high est praise were ine eaorts or in class spoken of by tkoso wfce wer present at last night s, clever vrvmanc. - Frofassor Kara' BaUsom Aonalon, Saturday ud Sunday at Rohso's Park, Fulton,, professor Mara will mak his ballpon ascension and high diva, The balloon ascanaion will coma oft In the afUrnoon. and the high dive with fire works at night' Last Sunday th season was opened at Rohse's Park by Mr, Mars, and th largest crowd ever at tracted to th grounds was drawn by his thrilling acts. Aeronaut Mara has signed a contract to go to England, and this will be the last opportunity! of nine blm in Portland.. Ths high tftvs mad at night from a tower 100 feet hlxh Into a lit net with brilliant pyro technic display makes one of the most daasling sights ever seen at such an exhibition. , Cascade Locks and return dally. Ex cellent opportunity Xo view th gam of all American rivers, th great coium bla. Scenery grand beyond description. Enjoy your holiday on th Fourth by taking a trip to cascsd iock ana re turn. Steamer Bailey Oatsert leaves Alder-street wharf daUy (except Mon day) S:20 a. m.; Sundays t a. m., re turning at 7 p. n. . Music and excellent meals on board. Regular fare, $1.50. Far for the round trip on th Fourth 11.00. 'Phon Main. lit, It Is a nltr that human countenances becofhe marred by affliction as small tnx nlttlnas. olranles. eruptions, scrofu las blotches, wrinkles, pufflness beneath the eyes, tan ana pirtn mar. m ther is reason for rejoicing that a medium for th removal of these dis tracting disfigurement 'has bean dis covered. It comes to us from Paris, nd but thre women In the United ttates have the right to employ It ladara Vaughn, 208. 20 and 210 Fall ing Building, has th sol right to It use In th Western states. She does her work and does It well. Everything Sh do she guarantees. Consultation free. Open evenings. Both treated. The residents of Union avenue on the East Side, between Alberta and Lewis streets, or extending to the Love Doaa tlon Claim, are planning to try a new scheme of street Improvement. An ordl nance was Introduced in the City Council yesterday providing for the laying- of up. land xravel walka on both sides of tht avenue between tne two streets, ana when the object of ths measure waa fully explained it was passed without delay Unland xravel walks are partly an ex periment It is the opinion of those who favor them that wltltln a few years the xravel will pack tlirhtly and afford a solid base for tn laying or ce ment or asphalt walks. Other ad van tages are also clalnvtd for this style of walk, not the least of writer, is tne small cost said to be Involved as com pared to other klnda of walks. Baseball Baseball Tomorrow. The Browns vs, Seattle. A great game. Parke Wilson Haa with him Two new pitchers, Carrick and Dorhaa. There're great. Two games on Th Fourth. Ladle' day, : Tomorrow Baseball f Every day This week. Br. F. 2k. Salisbury of Sparta, who has been confined to his room In the Ira oerlal Hotel for two weeks, left for his home today. While timber cruising with a party near Wilson River re cently Dr. Salisbury became separated from hid partner. While trying to And his way he mde a false step and fell off a bluff 40 feet high. His leg was fractured. He waitnd until daylight found his location, mada soma rough crutches out of available vood and hob bled to th camp. There a Utter was The Different , Store",,. OEBS; H in H "ana i ii inn m, i .i i i ii 5th and Wash Ington Sts. Portland' Most Reliable Store thles th castor to the center of the arena. chaHenjrjng any and all competion to match Its peerless FRIDAY BARCAINS 1 1 Of the Greatest Specials Ever Offered By Any Portland House 11 Tomorrow at a. m. we opes th levath tat th series f oar great Friday Boraomy Sales, inaugurated eleven weeks are. Inasmuch as it isjth day. Vaforo mmw arlortoas 2ffational Holiday be Fourth 4 w mnat crowd two days' bnslaes Into on (a, of eouree, we shall remain closed all lay Sat- ataat 1. m ka.a nlaaiiad 9W amAaTSXIST BAJlOAIIf CBIiDBBVATIOBT VOBTX,ABTD IT1B BAWI for the 1L1THTX IXIAT "XOOMOVT I1IJL" yr'jf prepared in addition to all of the week's baxfaias. wkiokv ara to ferca still the following-1 II GRAND FRIPAY SPECIALS FOR. TOMORROW ONLY V; SPECIAL No. 1 Ladles' $3iQ Empress Shoes list Floor.) Ten styles tar selection high cut or Oxfords, Vlcl Kid, Velour or Box Calf tn high cuts, patent leather In Oxfords, welt or hand turned soles, patent or stock tips, military, Cuban or opera heels In all ths bast $2.10 Shoe In th world for women and all latest styles at ptr pair f$2.J3 SPECIAL No. 2 1254c Outing Flannel 7c Yard (1st Floor.) Latest patterns In new Outing Flannel for ths maklnr of garments for Coast war, to. Tour choice of anylof th 10 and 12 Ho Qual ities tomorrow, at per yard 7c 1:30, 4, 5:90, 7 and 8:20 o'clock. Everybody ought to, wear clean clothes on ths Fourth. There Is time yet to hivve your garment laundered and your collars and cuffs polished with our steam-heated polisher that does not scorch 'em or weaken the fiber of the linen. It's a machine that cries out In horror against th fire-heated polishers that burn th goods. We have the only one. in Portland. Union Laundry, Second and Columbia. Xotiom for a mew trial In the case of Bert Stacey, eonvictnd of highway rob bery, has. been filed in the State Clr colt , Court Stacey e nd Jim McQuade were arrested for robbing E, F. Cope- land on the night of December 24 last A watch. Identified as belonging to Cop land v9 lound In Btacey't-PossaBslon. He claimed he bought the timepiece. Stacey was a piano nil)smtn and once bald a position with th Heln Com pany. ; Oasoads Xtook and return daily. Ex- for legal services. The rose was tried celient opportunity to view the gem of p.erore justice wiuiam koio. ann was all American rivers, the grand Colum decided against the plaintiff. bla. Scenery grand beyond description. Margaret Atkins has begun suit In Enjoy your holiday on the Fourth -by .the Stste Circuit Court to ieure a dl WWB a trip to caacaae JuocKa and re vorce from Charles Atkins. Desertion J tura Steamer Bailey Oatsert leaves Is alleged. The mother desires the cus- Alder street wharf daily (except Mon tody of three minor children. day) 8:30 a. m.; Sundays, a. m.. re m.. r .xi.. in,m.n ..e k- o. i.k. Iturnlng- at 7 p. m. Music and excellent American. War Veterans a.e to serve re- SKil .fi " n U"Q m 10B slmuiunaousiy at 8:30. 10. U:80. 1, constructed by the xr'' ff5"r;, injuria man waa mi;nu v i vjgvrcE f reshments at the srliam br-ttle next Sat urday, the proceeds from the sales to be added to the Heppner relief fund. Thlal Detective Service Go Estab lished 30 yearc, 306 Cham, of Commerce, Portland, N. T., Chic. St. Louis. St Paul. Kansas City, Denver, City of Mexico, Montreal. Seattle. Spokane. 8an Fran. Mak it a happy Fonrth. Enjoy a trip to Cascade- Locks and retain. rteamer "Bailey Oatsert." 'Alder-street wharf 8:30 a. m. 11.00 round,, trip. 'Phone Main 14. Th Breakers' Hotel Is now open and receiving' guests. For information about , rates, reservations, etc., call upon J. M. Arthur Co., 40 First street, this city, 'phone Main 652, or write Hotel Break ers. Lone Beach. Wash. William Zsseasee gave 875 to the free bath, fund . yesterday. Mr. Iasensee's 8-yearbld son was drowned In the river two years ago and he has sine that time mad two donations of 378 each for tho purpose of providing a safe place for . -ortiana a youngsters xo swim. Caacad Xkmxs and return, t - Special $1.00 round trip. Steamer "Bailey Oatsert." . Leaves Alder-street wharf S:$0 a. m Returning 7 p. m. Music and excellent meals. . ' ' , $1.00 only, i v ' 'Phon Main 91. - Bfayb yon want only a ealllng card for th Fourth. W can print It for you. , W can print anything you need. If It be s, poster requiring type letters as large as two pages of The Journal. We have the type.. W can do the 'work Metropolitan Printing ' Company, 147 . Fronfr' near-: Morrison.;.' V. ,1,-: i-.,: The Wr pianJo for th benefit of th Othollo orphans will be held on Colum- Phope Main Hi. The xpnes of th Fonrth may this ; year oe very pleasantly invested in something useful. A Wheeler & Wilson owing machine would make th house wife happy make her glad that the money was not "bio wed" in In fire crackers. W sell the machine at Job bers' prices because we'buy from the makera In carload lots for cash, and have no middlemen's profits to pay our selves. Hi gel ft Smith, 836 Morrison, Marquam Building. At yesterday' meotlng of the Open River Committee of the Chamber of Commerce, it was decided that con tractors be Interviewed in tho matter ! as to whether or not they would under take th building of the Portage Road at once. The State Commission that has the building of the road in chnrgo will be assured the hearty co-operation of the local Chamber of Comnpeiee. The committee Is Very anxious that the work on the road begin aa soon as possible. About Spots It Is next to Impossible not to get soma on your clothes, and you cannot always remember to send them to be cleaned. Pay us a dollar a month. and we will ido your remembering for you. We will send for a suit a week. and return it . cleaned. ., pressed and mended, and In addition give you a shine ticket good for eight shines. That is keeping up a neat appearance cheap, and It .means much' to you. Give us a triaL - Unique Tailoring Company, J47 Washington street, near Seventh. , 1 , Twamty-tva dollars was th sum real ised from a raualoal entertainment hejd in the TOUng Men's Christian Associa tion Hall laat. evening by the pupils of Mrs. Ella Jones, and this money will be I oevotea to tn aia or Mifrerrs from the reoent Heppnet- flood disaster. The hall was well filled and the audldnce showed Is easy recelvei- to give and hard to Our advice about a LAWN MOWER. This summer Is to buy th WtLDWOOD Our reasons will be of the self evident kind, but talk goes with them If -you'll call and examine them. Prices from $3.00 UP. Drop in and see them on evi dence. Dayton Hardware Co. First and Taylor Streets. AT TSB SXOir OF TH FAJDXOCX SPECIAL No. 3 40c Black 0. K. Hosiery for Women-24c Pair list Floor.) Our regular mak of the famous O. K. Hos for women fast black, high spliced heel and double soles with French toes light weight, new lot Just received; every pair war ranted; th best 40c Hose on tho market for woman's woar; tomorrow ptr pr. 24c SPECIAL No. 4 Hen's $25 Golf Shirts 59c Mat Floor.) All now this season, stripes, dots and small figures, also plain whit, blu and oxblood; every one selling at either $1 or $1.25 all season; tomorrow your pick for 59c SPECIAL No. 5 50c RibbonsPer Yard 25c (4th Floor.) Ribbons at half price? Ye; your choice of now and beautiful liberty satin Ribbons, 8V Inches In width and Dresden patterns or the now plaids In 4-inch widths never sold any wbere less than 41c and some 60c, yard to morrow you may pick at per yard 25c SPECIAL No. 6 $4.00 Trimmed Street Hats 69c (2d Floor.) Th stock of the largest wholesale millinery house In all ths Northwest go on sal here tomorrow at 20o on tho dollar of cost this means a second summer hat for you at a gift price for you may tak your pick her tomorrow of thee beauties all new this season and values up to $4 for 69c SPECIAL No. 7 New $7i0 Walking SkirtsS-4.95 (2d Floor.) All th new walking skirts about 300 priced at $7.60. Granite Cloths, Kerseys and Cheviots colors tans and blues, tan, grey and green mixed; choose and take away to morrow at each -$4.95 Flags and Decorations for the 4th SPECIAL No. 8 $3.75 Royal Worcester Corsets 89c (2d Floor Annex. ) We've been through our lines of Royal Wor cester th best Corset made In th world bunched hundreds of pairs In two lots priced as below; the colors are black, white, drab and. fancy figured, 28 styles for selection, short, medium or long length mostly straight fronts snd all late styles; also two styles of ribbon girdles. Thoso that were from $1 to $1.75 tomorrow 89c Those that were from $4 to $9 tomorrow Sit? SPECIAV No. 9 35c Parlor Brooms 23c $d noor.) All the brooms used to hang about through th store and in th show windows during the reoent June clean sweep sale all perfect house brooms and tho standard fSSc values tomorrow at "23c SPECIAL No. 10 85c Ecru Lace Curtains per pair 43c (4th Floor.) These are splendid values, very pretty Cur tains and sold by some houses at f 1 a pair our price Is 85c, but tomorrow, you may buy 'cm at per pair 43c SPECIAL No. 1 1 54 All Wool Blankets $195 (4th Floor) Only about 100 pairs In lot so come early. Will com In very handy Just now for campers, ate. In fact these splendid all wool, plain and mottled gray blankets ara much needed In many households at all times tomorrow ipedat S4 valott for $2,95 SM 9 B 3to an abev spooiaU la our large show windows tonight. They may be out la th morning, as th crowds who will took to this OBXATXST OF iU ' F3UBAT OBAXXjBBOB BOOBOIpT SAXiBS will soon oleaa, as aom lots. B hero early. and the crude affair we dragged many miles along the ground to Tillamook Bay. where the two men took the boat for Portland. Dr. Salisbury's remarkaoie display of nerve Is probably what pulled blm through. He was able to be around on crutchea yesterday. TO OmZBXAK ABB BOBXBO. On the Fourth of July the O. W. P. Jt Ry. Co. will make a one-rare rate, round trip, on its new una. v-an win leave at 7:20 and 8:60 a. m., and 1:80 nd 1 :40 p. m RESTAURANT PEOPLE ARE HAVING TROUBLE Dispute Over Ownership of the Fourth-Street Place Warrant Out for One. AXVBXKSXTS. EMPIRE THEATRE 12th tni Morrison Sts. Fhon Mala 78. Narthweat VaadeTllla Co.. Prope. aeorxe U Baker. Bealdeat Ifaaaser. The Only Hlrti.n.aa Portia Vaade will Hoaae Is . . uii ,hl. m.k. Nanltiae. etatlr, alncera: all top Unere. Tne Bif n.i-.aiaria acta In Tanderllle. Hear Arthur Haha. see Build Brother. Bee Coleaiaa and alexia. k- nAA RmAm Ravatond and Clark. An Knr n.ka. Bmoka Eltrata. c.lemaa ana Urn re. Jaine Dunn, Aadrawa aaa laonpaga. Wells Bretbers and tbe blceoope. Mattaeea WedReadar, Rarardar and mindar. PrleMUatlDeea. 80c, lOe,; eranlaf, toe, 90e, 10c; boira and Inge aata. noa. SHIELDS' PARK 13tb and WaiblBftoa. ruteat opea-alr theatre la the Weat 1.200 seats. Oreateat Show Rver Presented la Portland. 2CVOX BBOCBTT ATXOM, WIXSOB, CXABX OO. FAXOICA BVO. XOOXVBT ASTO XBLTOJT. TSB BAOMABS, JOKJT J. WBtOX, AJTO OTKBBS. OZjrZXAZ. ADKZBSIOW TB2f OBBTTS. Oo fa Cerdray'a In ease ef rain. Deputy District Attorney Arthur C. Spencer has caused to be Issued out of the Municipal Court a warrant for the arrest of Phil Burghduff on a charge of trespass. E. W. Bell, proprietor of a restaurant at the corner of Fourth and Alder streets, Is the complainant, and behind the issuance of the warrant of arrest, there la a story of a quarrel between himself and th defendant In brief, both claim certain things, and the other disputes. Bell claims to be sole owner and proprietor of th place, while Burghduff claims a half interest Bell s version of the matter, as related to Deputy Spencer, Is that' three months ago Burghduff came to him, asking for work. Bell states that he proposed to give him employment at $7 per week and board, and that the proposal was ac cepted. Burghduff, It was understood. waa to hav th opportunity at any time, If he desired, to purchase an interest In th business. But without having bought In, Bell claims that Burghduff helps himself to th cash in the till, claiming to be Just as much of an owner as Bell. Burghduff doe not deny helping him Self to the cash, but justifies his course by th claim that he owns a half in terest In the place, and has aa much right to the coin as has Bell. The mat ter will probably come up for a hearing In the Municipal Court tomorrow morn ing. NEW HEPPNER CHURCH Mann & Beach 92 SECOND STRUT Bt STARK and OAK PRINTERS TILEPHONK 444 Marquam Grand Theatre 4 Relief for Eye Headache Half th headaches that humanity I heir to are directly traceable to eye troubles. . Medicine will not relieve them but glasses properly adjusted will, Consult Our Dr. Chapman , who la one of the Vfy beat rafrac tlonlsts in America, Submit your eyes to a thorough examination and test and learn the-exact cause of your trouble. The examination will cost you nothing and th classes only what's right W '.charge nothing for our reputation ror giving tn pest service poia in able. . : mi wiiii Celr Helllg, Manager. Announcement Eitraordlnarr. Sarnrdar ntaht Julr 4: one nlebt thla week two nlahta next week, the faavraa AuguaUn Daly U luteal comedy of oo reopie 10 "A XUVAWAY aixx." - Frieee lower floor, except laet 8 roam, 31.00; laat 8 rowa, si; Dauoar, arec o row a, i; amnfl rnwe. TSe: laat 6 row In bal. ronr, Bo; aallffrr. 3Re and 25c; boxea and kea, 10. Bale of saata for July 10 and 11 performances will opea am weaneeaay. Marquam Grand Theatre XAT 0. OOODWIK And His Excellent Oomoanr. Thnraday nlot. Jnly 2. "The Attar of Friend hip;" Friday nlfht, July 3, "When W Were Twentr-one. Prleea Lower floor, except laat 8 rows, 82; laat 8 rowa, $1.60; balcony, Srat rows, $1; drat S of laat 8 rowa. TSe; laat rowa tn bal- eony, 50c; gallery. 34c and 20c: boxea and loses, 812.00. Beats are now selling. The Baker Theatre George L. Baker, ataaager. THIS EKQAQKMENT 18 NEAMNO AN END. Tbe Baker Tbratre Company In "AXABIABT BTZOXTS." Erenlnf, 15c, 33c. 35c, 50c; matinee, 10c, 15c. 35c. Neat "Beat Lynne." CONCEBT BALL " BLAZIBR- BROS, CONCERT EVKKT NIGHT. BVKNSIDB. Bpisoopai Boos Of Worship M B Xrectad There Bom Tim This FaU to Cost $1,000. Among th building destroyed . at Heppner by th cloudburst was th beau tiful Episcopal Church, which was erected about three years ago at a cost of $2,000. The members of this church -111 at once begin to plan for the re building of ths edifice. They are to be assisted In this work by the other Episcopal Churches throughout the state. Next Sunday Rev. W. E. Potwlne. Sector at Pendleton, is expected to have charge of the services at Heppner. and he will begin the work of planning for th new church horn. Rev. Potwlne is expected to continue in-chnrge of the work there until a permanent rector is assigned to that parish. The church in the late ill-fated city waa th outgrowth of tho work done there by Hvv. Potwlne. and It was growing in a manner most pleasing to the members, many of whom lost their lives In the awful flood that swept through the city. Some time next October the' Episcopal Churches of this state wlH donate funds for the croctlon of a new house of worship for the Heppner ncoplo. This church is expected to cast at least $1,000. It is thought that a permanent rector will be placed In charge . there sometime In ther nesr future. F. DRESSER & CO. Portland's Greatest GROCERY W eater t those who demand th heat. Both, Fhoaos 837. Opticians HIGHEST SKILL IN FITTING '.s -.LOWEST PRICES Consultation Free : 141 SIXTH ST., COR. ALDER With Whit Sewing Machine Co, . IOOBBTBB SBTBJTTB: 1 1 A- "" ' " . abb WABgrwaTOif stbxxts. 1 1 j See MARS Tl f Uohse's Park, July 45 wii.aiiMaaaiani.il n i n i . " i mi iiii.bj I I Balooa aaceMlon, parachate leap, I . . ' - aa Dig, aire, aw trwu . lit, t ' v "i. ' I Qm kind8t eon. I , r Li. 1.- 'lTtT'S I ert dancing;. ", It' ek.,.evV u. t Tho largest and most completo ua dertaklny; establishment on thoCoast. P. S. Dunning, Inc., 414 East Alder, corner East Sixth. Both phones. Calls promptly answered to any part of the city. W.H.IARKELL&GO.n r. U ORAND AVE.. AND EAST ALDER DO REY0KE . SALOON LICENSE Cedar Park rOBTXAirBV MOST BBAVTXTVa. PXiBABUBX BSIOBZ, . July 4th. Upon complaints of the residents In the neighborhood, the liquor license granted to A. C. Lodell at Union avenue and Morris street' has been revoked by the license committee. Several of the i I complalnlnts .were before the committee Urand UfSpiay Of rireWOrkS and Lodell, who had been notified of the hearing on his license, did not appear until the session was adjourned. How ever, he did not make any serious com plaint against the committee's action. A number of other saloon licenses were granted. ,, Under new management Band con- oert, vaudeville show and other attrac tions. Dancing afternoon and evening. Larrest floor on the Pacific Coast. Re freshments aerved. Ten acrea of beau tlful grove. Five hundred electric lights. "Admission to grounds 10 eents. All Oltv k Suburban oars transfer to Cedar Bark. 7 j SPECIALTIES for tb LADIES ef PORTLAND. . All slnda FEATHERS and B0A8 CLEAXZ9 aad OTXZB. Mas. M. (MUliii, from uaaea. moto tlrab acar ceravr, i'boue, Bed 81L COLLECTING REVENUE 1 Druggists end saloonkeepers hav to pay an annual license to th Govern men for the privilege of ; handling spirituous liauors aad. yesterday th licenses were due, 'As a consequence the Internal Revenue Collector waa on ef the busiest officials in . the city, Best Shoe Bargains in City We do not mince words when we make this assertion, and are prepared to prove it beyond a question of a doubt. An opportunity to secure outing shoes at a small frac tion of their real value. YOUTHS $1.25 SHOES at Splendid new style, all spK Q id, very serviceable. An ex- .it. . "'II aa cepuonany gooa snoe at 1.25. Special at 95c. Sizes 12 to 2. BOYS' $1.50 SHOES at $1.15 Same shoe as above. Sizes 21-2 to 5 1-2. LADIES' ' OXFORDS at ' "... $1.50 and $2.00 Oxfords, splendid ityle, perfect-iitting. butsmaUfelzes, 2 1-2 to 4 1- jj (' ',. ; ' )OCZ $2.50 to $4.00 TAN SHOES FOR LADIES at $1.48 A lot of extra good qualltjr and styles of Tart Shoes. Some with Goodyear welt soles. Not all sizes. "RADCLIFFE" and "NOSO-RE-TORS" $2.50 SHOES FOR LADIES at $1.65 A broken lot of the above famous $2.50 . shoes, some .with heavy, some with light soles. '.Lace or button. . All good styles. To close out at u o n DOC . 1 - jt - w