THE ' OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, . TITtTRSDAY EVENING, . JULY 2, '1003. A GLOWING V EDITED ; 'i BY..,. J. A. HORAM s WHEN yOU SEE THIS LABEL ; TRIBUTE t ' -",. - TRACK AND. FIELD . Ill XXTTX OUT. AUTOISTS START . . : WHAT OLD-TIME Laurels for Pianos as Well ' . ' as Musicians. MEET ON THE FOURTI . ON GREAT RACE PLAYERS ARE DOING 4 Current Sportin Gossip Multnomah Club Members Wil -Celebrate Independence ' , Day, ,: it ' The (rack and field meet to be held by the Multnomah Amateur Athletlo Club on July 4.-has atlraulated consider able Interest In athletlo sports through out tno jsortnwest. TUa greatest rivalry on the occaalon la expected to be between the- two local clube, the M. A. A. C. and the T. M. C A. ..-. v " v '-"."-';! ...- The entries have commenced to come In and will be quite large. . Manager Kerrigan haa . ' made- com plete arrangements regarding the pro gram. H announces the following of flclals of the day:. I "." m Referee H. If. i Herdman, Portland Academy. :; ' v ' ' ' ' . Judgea of finish M. Rlngler, T. M. C A.; A. B. McAlpln. M. A. A C, and Hugh lioyd. Stanford.' Field Judgea Reno Hutchinson. T. M. C. A.; V. fi Watklns. M. " A, A. C and Klph-Fisher, Stanford. t Clerka of courae Dick Hart,' M. A. C- Charlie Mackey, M. A. A. Ct A. U. Jones, M. A. A. C. i Meaaarera Tom Cleland, M. A. A. C; M. Karrell, Y. M. C. A., and Laming ' Stout, M. A. A. C. Tlmera Pete Orant and Jack King. Starter P. 3. Raley. Scorer of pointa C. X Templeton, university of Oregon. In: all there will be It event 100. 120, 440, S80-yard and one-mile rum, 110 and 220-yard hurdlea, hammer-throw; ehot-put dlacua-throw, high and broad jump, and pole-vault . PACZriO BATIOBAIi ' MABCT. Tetterdaya Beores. Butte. 7: Helena, 1. San Kranclsco, (; Tacoma, 4. . Los Angelea. 4; Seattle,1 2. No game at Spokane. Standing of the Club a. Won.' Lost PC. .41 ' 24 .ASS .41, 2 .12 .17 27 .678 . 21 .6(1 ,12 96 .478 .21 17 .411 .22 41 .I4 .21 42 .111 Butte I .oa Angeles . Spokane . Seattle San Francisco Tacoma Helena Portland . . . . Bellly'a Men Defeated Bug. SEATTLE. Waah., July 2. Loose work In the field loat the game for Seat tle yesterday. Attendance 400. Score: R.H.E. Seattle-. ...0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 9 Los Angeles 02000001 0 4 Batteries Maupm ana Bianiey; jonn eon anq Harlow, umpire Huston. Butte Worn Easily. HELENA, Mont., July 2. Dowllng hid the Helena batamen at his mercy yesterday, and Butte won another game. Attendance 120. Score: R.H.E. Helena 00000001 0t-l 4 Butte 2 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 07 I 1 Batteries Puttmann and Carlsch Dowllng and Swindells. Umpire Ma haffey. ' Trlsoo Woa oa Srrors. TACOMA, Waah., July 2. Blewett-'i poor work In fielding bunta allowed San Francisco to win yeeterday. Score: R. H. E San Fran ..2 0 2 00 0 1 0 1 10 Tacoma ....20010000 01 I Batteries Olendon and Zearfoas Blewett and Byers. Umpire Warner. Oakland Woa Again. SAN FRANCISCO. July 2. Oakland played in championship form yester day. and defeated Harris men In a ten Inning game. A costly error by Delmas allowed two runs to score. Attendance 1.900. Score: R. H. E, San Fran 0 1 0 1 0000002 11 OoLl.nrt 000 100 100 2 4 -7 Batteries Hodson and Leahy: Lee and Lohman. Umpire O'ConnelL Plsher One Game Prom Lead. LOS ANGELES, Cal., July . 1. Sacra mento took the second game from Los Angeles yesterday by hitting at the right time, while Loa Angelea could not locate Thomas when a bingo was needed. If Sacramento wlna today, Mor- ley's Crew will have lost the lead. At tendance 2.100. Score: , R.H.E, Sacramento. 00011000 13 8 ; Los Angelea 0 0 0 0 0-0 0 1 0-rl6 J Batteries Thomas and Graham; Cor bett end Spies. Umpire Levy. 11 smut 4 """" h" it '"V ; : m. - i. . , Jhe Splendid. Course !s Being John M,-.Ward; Is' Practicing :i 0 uarded by 7.C0? - iV'V, if Policed; ir. Law, and Others Are DoingWel!, Beautiful trophy1 will, be offered by Prof.- T. S. Llppy to the winning men in the intercolleglte rowing races re cently) held. at'. Seattle. The cup must be won three successive times , before becoming the property of any ,crew. University of Washington won the flrst event.- RACING RESULTS AMERICAN LEAGUE AHMUOAJT' UAflTnB. SUndlnr of the Cluba. Boston Philadelphia . Chicago ' Cleveland . ;-. New York . . Detroit . St. Louis . . . . Washington . ' Won. Lost. P.C. ...-.39 22 .129 ,,..85 25 .688 ....30 2 .636 i .i .30 - 27- - .628 ....87 26 .609 ,...26 28 .481 ....25 ' 28 .472 ....15 43 '.263 At mt. Konla. . H S3. St. Louis . ...8 S 0 Hew York . , .7 11 1 Batteries Powell and Kahoe; Tanne hll and O'Connor. At Chicago. R.H.E. 0 6 0 17 0 Chicago . . . Boston . . Batteries Flaherty and McFarland: Young and Crlger. Detroit . . . Washington , Bat teries Deel 1 n g, low; Orth and Drill. At Detroit. R.H.E. 1 7 0 T. .-. 4 10 3 Donovan and Hue-' At Cleveland. nan, Cleveland . . ...8 13 6 Philadelphia . ... i ... . ... .9 12 4 Batteries Josa and Bern is; Henley ana etcnrecK. . - Going at Seattle, . Washington rark andbheephnaos Bay Tracks,- (Journal Special Servloe.) SEATTLE, July 2. Summary-of yea- teraay s races at The Meadows: Four furlongs Hercules won. CM- vosoo second, John H. Carr third; time,. Six furlongs Educate won. Gold. finder second, Frank Pearce third: time, I ti.h run for tha hlttlnc honors also. Joe Raidy created a sensation In Los tve furlongs Olendennlna won. kv hi. fin work at that place. Mlstys Pride second, Eldred f. third: u-mi. h.h haa mora soeed and con-1 tlmo, l:01. tK1 th BTer thia season, and he will One mile Solon won, Kitty.. Keller I m. v. .nmi r tha heavr- batsmen lookj cwnu, umurmr nra; time, i:ijt. I )ike deuees during the home aeries. Mile ' and . three-etRhths. hurdlea I v,. mun maintains the exalted David 8. won. Aurlfcra second, Mr. Rose I position of leading batsman of the Coaat third; time, 2:16H. Leaane. and everybody In' Portland cut lunonn c. m. urattain won. I ... A ... v.n hold tt. The. Pride second,' Sad Sam third; time, Danny Shea is making a better catcher ..t,t4 . - . , . . vrv iv he niava. uanny naa snown tha rlrht solrit In being willing to learn. At Sheepshead Bay Track. and with players like Jay Andrews. Van NEW YORK, July 3. Sheepshead Buren. Ike Butler and Sammy Vlgneux Bayt summary: to coach him will make a atar some Seven furlongs. ;Futurltv imurit- time. King Ralne won. Irish Jewel second. Ike Butler is the atar twlrler of the urowns at present, as ne naa won a (Journal Special Servloe.)- ' DUBLIN, t July 2. Tha automobile races started thla morning at T o'clock. Cheers greeted tha men as they boarded their roachlaes and whirled away Into a cloud of -'dust,; The start -was made from a point, near Old KUcullen, 10 miles southeast of thla city. The en. tire 'course haa been smoothed and flags placed at dangerous pointa. ' Tha course Is 10 miles long.;; .... f.i-W; , ' T'"'' ' 9t JSvents. - After tha cup race has been run there will b a series of Interesting events that will afford t veritable two weeka carnival of sport and pleasure for, the automobllista, The chief features of tha program as arranged ara as fol- lows:- 1'-. ' ' '.' Friday, July I Ojunxnana at moenn Park. Dublin. - Saturday, : July 4 epeea tnais in Photnlr Park. . Monday, July f Tour to wewcasue and Belfast Tuesday, July 7 Four mues nme test nt Newcaetle. HillHmblng trial for Henry Edmund's trophy. Thursday, July t mart tor tor. Friday. July 10 Arrive at Cork. Eliminating raca for motor noais at Queenstown In morning. Speed or hill cllmblcg trial in afternoon, Saturday. July 11 Motor race mr Harmsworth cup at Queenetownc umh Juiv 11 Startr of tour through beautiful acenery of the South. Tueaday, July 14 Arrival i lvtS'n..v. Juiv II HUl-cllmbing trial on the Kilofglln-Tralee Road for the County of Kerry cup ana termina tion of the official tour. Teams and Colors. American team, red Alexander Win- ton (Wlnton). Percy Owen twinton;, Louie P. Mooers (Peerless). English team, green rEdVN" pier). Charlea Jarrptt (Napier). J. W. Storck (Napier). . TTr.nK tm. blue Rene oe Knylt fPanhard). Maurice Farman (Panhard), Henri Fourfiter (Mora). German team, wnue oaron u .v.. rMercedes). Foxhall Keene intrcm,, Hteronymus (Mercedes). DIAMOND GUSTENINGS iH.,..' Hhmltt Is in town again. Wonder If he wanta to buy the Browna. If he wants to aee a ball game he will have to patronise tne Perhapa he hasn't heard that the Auber gines were laid away on Tuesday for, ever. ll4 " Spec Hurlburt nas maae a nn thai Iftnal 1 n Sammy Vlgneux is nitting tn ut ... . BoBton. In partnership with George . . ..4 aw m m mat i - Una shape tnia season, - Wright, a brother or Harry wngm man ne cenaimy i saofc. Phil Nadeau's fielding stunts set some of the fans about craay aunn n gamea, especially some of the fair ones. , i . . Andy Anderson Is the star aecona okr af the Leaa-ue In fielding, and bids fair to give Charlie Schwarts John M. Ward, New York'a old short stop and captain, Is practicing law In Brooklyn, ' Arthur Whitney, who used to play, third base for the New Yorka, Is rurr ntng a men's furnishing goods storo In Lowell, Maas. . . Roger Connor la managing the Spring field (Mass.) baseball Hub. Buck Ewlng Is In Cincinnati, where he owns much real estate. Mike Tlernan has a saloon uptown In Fifth avenue, New York. John Clarkson, who used to pitch fsmous ball for the Chicago, owns cigar store In Saginaw-, Mich. "Bid" Farran. who ued to hold down the flrst bag for tho Philadelphia, la living In Melrose. Maas., and devoting much of his time to the musical csreer of his daughter, who has made a great hit In Europe aa a singer Sam Wlso, who played second for the Bostons 20 yeara ago, and afterward owned. the Buffaloa, is In business In Buffalo! Jack Rowe, who waa on the Buffalo Ihui when it was In the big league, is In the claar business In Buffalo. Hardle Richardson of "Big Four" fame rune a saloon In Utica, Big Dan Brouthers went to Wap olncer'a Falls after he quit the New Yorka. and he la now doing a lucrative real catate bualness there. i Adrian C. Anson, popularly known'as "Babv" and "Pop." runs the biggest billiard and pool room In Chicago, -and la mixed up In politics on the side. Jim Mutrle, "Smiling Jeems," ss he waa known, runa an Ice cream and candy store on Staten Island. Danny Richardson, who played second for the Newa Yorks, owns, with Mayor Sheehan of Elmlra, the biggest dry goods store In that rlty. "Smiling" Mickey Welch, the old New York pitcher, has a saloon In Holyoke, Mass. George Gore Is -on the road for s wholesale whisky house. Joe Gerhardt has a saloon In One Hundredth end Twenty-ftfth ntreet, New York. Charley Bennett, the famous catcher, who had both his legs cut off In a rail road accident some yeara ago, has a cigar store In Detroit. The new base ball park, Bennett Park, was named after him. Joe Start, the veteran Providence player, when that city waa In the Na tional League, has a roadhouse Just out side the city of Providence. Arthur Irwin is manager of the Rochester club of the Eastern League. Tom Brown is an umpire In the East ern League. John Morrill, whom middle-aged men can recall as the star outfielder of the Bostons when they used to crawl under the fence, runs a sporting goods store '' With the music season Just closing, with artlat, pianist and singer departing for tholr homes, both here and abroad, crowned with fresh laurela, with the echoes of the noble music, the sweet voices still lingering In the memories of the thousanda who enjoyed thla moat wonderful musical season, comes this letter from the great manager 'who did ao much toward maklnr the season mo fhenomenally (uccesful from an artla lc aa well as a financial standpoint: . -new lorg, April so, . ioj. Tne Weber Piano Comoany. No. 108 Fifth avenue. New York Gentlemen: On the eve of my retirement from the active management of grand opera at the Met ropolitan upera nouse in jsew lorn. wish to express to you once more my high opinion of the srtlstlc excellence of th Weber pianos, and to further say that they have at all timea proved equal to the exacting demanda of the arreat artists whom I have from time to time brought before the American public. , "It la my conviction that In tono. quality, power and durability,' the are unsurpassed in mis country on in Eu rope. . I shall continue to use tha Weber f ilano In my. own home, both here and n France. "With klndeat regard and best wishes. believe me, sincerely yours, UAUnltn UKAIJ. Weber Dlanos are Intimately associ ated with the auccess of the majority of tha great musicians who have appeared in America this year. In addition to the famous artists composing the Mau rice Grau Opera Company, who used these plsnos, Madame Koger-MlcloN, the great French pianlste, when ahe made the critical teat of her flrst appearance In America, before the discriminating audience at the Waldorr-Aatoria. chose to use a Weber piano, and which make ahe used during her entire Eastern tour nee. A Weber piano waa used by the famdus Austrian violinist, Koclan, dur ing hia entire American tour: a Weher waa used larcely by the irresistible Zelie de Lussan on her concert tour, and by numeroua other most distinguished artiste. We have aucceeded In securing- the Weber nlanos used by the members of he Msurlce urau Upera company, ana hey are now on exhibition at our atorc. While they are In every respeot aa good as new, the prices on them are mate rially reduced. To those who value an Instrument for Its association, thla sale 111 Drove an exceptional opportunity. Ellers Piano House, Washington street, corner Park. IS-A IN GREEN AND GOLD ON A BOX OP CIOARS, IT GUARANTEE THAT YOU ARE GETTING: AGeriuifieGarcia Known wherever fine cigars' are sold. FOR SALE AT ALL DEALER5. SIG SICHEL & CO., Sole Agents ; O'BRIEN BEAT CARTER PHILADELPHIA, July 2. Philadel phia Jack O'Brien defeated Kid Carter of Brooklyn last night before the In- ustrlal Athletic Club. Both fought hard and fast. O'Brien having decidedly the best of the mixes. Carter suffered severe punishment nd was bleeding freely sfter each round. O'Brien's clever footwork wss heartily applauded. gjmw ii iiHH iiiiiiK.yii. i. jwmwi .nimsa 1 tiiiw.';y'ti''WlM.SW"W-'')siwa - ... T" i aj f , mmtmm in m n i i " " "' s PACXnO COAST X.BA0im. TesUrday's Scores. Sacramento, 1: Los Angeles, 1. Oakland, 4; San Francisco, 2. Standing of the Oluba, . Won. Los Angeles ..... .&1 Sacramento . .....61 San Francisco ....41 Oakland Seattle 20 Portland 24 Lost PC. 29 .628 30 .630 16 .671 f.1 .427 47 .30(1 41 .129 Osgood third; time. 1:21 1-6, Six furlongs, on main track Montana King won, The Southerner . aecond, bacredua third; time, 1:15. B Hunter s steeplechase, full course R. major portion of the gamea taken by the locals. Eleven out of the 24 is Ike's record. Jimmy Hannlvan, the wrong-aided B Sack won. Double Thong second, Jim I outfielder of the Seattle team, is cer- BROWNS VS. -SATELLITES Rain prevented the scheduled game yesterday between the Browna and the Sattelltes. Shields waa to have pitched for the locals, white Semple was to have been on the slab for the visitors. The Browns are beglntng to feel like themselves once more and are de termined to take every game from the Northerners. Weather permUtUig the game will be played thla afternoon. WON POLO CHAMPIONSHIP C. GEE WO THE GREAT CHINESE DOCTOR la called great be cauae his wonderful cures are ao well known throughout the United Statea, and because ao many people are thankful to him far aavlng their lives from OPERATIONS He treats any and all aieeaaea wna i ewerf ul Chinee rbs. reeta. buds. barka and vegetables that are entirely ua &w.JVimtttoXZ TOM SALS T UUABUB. Vr-TO-BATM BBV00XSTS OJttT. -TH.I till ZZZTiL. faneua deetor knewi Woodard. Clarke A Co.. 4th and Wash. I Skidraow, Drug Co.. Third street. Avr ion aiirerent rtmtam i i.iu-uvis o.. inira inu zainui... that he haa successfully used in different I A. Bernl. Second and Washington, i . . ' f 1 1 . . ... I. ear eataira. Kvasell's Pharmacy. 227 Morrison. asthma, lung troubles, rheumatism, ner- W. 8. Love, Burnslde and Grand. iV&miUU.rB.twl R. . -Wilson, 121 Orsnd ave trouble and all private diseases. Hun- H. A. Vlets 411 Wsshlngton. dreds of testlmonlala. Chargea moderata Graden Koehler 241 Flrat Call and him. Mrka.Dru Co.. 15th and Gllsan. Simmons & Heppner, Russell and . Ml' slssippi. (rrh ill Sva'l t I I r " I w nfiT r- OOsTSVXiVATZV TXBW. Patlenta out of the city wslte for blank i and circular. Inclose stamp. Address THE C. GEE WO . CHINESE MEDICINE CO. I 2ii Alder street. Portland. Oi. Men tion this paper. Harness Goods of all kinds. 'Hundreds.. . t. of styles to select from. Call and see our ( , stock and prices before buying. . SECOND AND TAYLOR STS., Portlando Or, CURES PILES OR $50 PAID CONTAINS NO MERCURY, NO OPIATES Worst cases cured with one box of E-ra-w 3. A. Clemenson, , 8econd - and Tamhill. A. W. Allen, ISth and Marshall. . - -Dr. O..P. 8. Plummer. 3d and Madison. Model Drug Store, IS Grand ave. ' . . Rowe'aV Martin,- Sixth and Washington. - B. F. Jonea &Cq., Frent and Glbba., , Bolton Roth, 220 Russell. ', . , J. M. -Ricen, 116 First. . . V Jancke Drug Co., Grand and Hawthorne. R. A. Preston & Co..- 23d and Savler. F. Byerley. 4000 Jefferson street-" 't. ?V, E-iJ-SA Brooks Drug Co., C7 Third, street Newman third; time, 8:21. The . Vernal, last live furlonaa of futurity course Beldame- won, Mon- soon. aecond, Tepee third: time. 1:01 2-5. Mile Koe Hampton won, Fire Eater second. Bon Mot third; time, -1:1 ... Mile and a quarter on turf, selllnsr- Satire won, Circus second, . Carbuncle third; time, 2:10 2-5. talnly a atar In the outer garden, Carloa Smith's ambition lust at pres ent la to put the ball over the elevated portion of the right field fence. PHILADELPHIA. July 2. The polo teams of the Westchesr Country Club and the Bryn Mawr team played a Jay Hughea. the star twlrler and act-1 game yesterday on the field of the Phila delphia Country ciud ror tne cnampioji shlp of the United States. The game waa won fcy the" WJstcnester CliHS W a score of 9 goals to 6. At Washing-ton Park Track. CHICAGO, Jul 2. Washington Park reaults: ' Purse 1700, mile Alan-a-Dale won. Savabla second, Sioux Chief third; time. 1:37 2-5. . Purso 700, 2-year-olds, Ave .furlongs Handsome Florry won. Nannie Hodge aecond, Cornomen third;- time, 1 ;00 - 2-5. Great Western handicap, gross value 14.140, for 2-year-olds -and upward, one and one-half miles John McGurlc won, McClieahey second,- Little' Scout third: time. 2:31 2-5. Purso 1700, . 2-year-olds . and '. upward. six ' furlongs Irene Llndsey . won, L'Etrenne second, Nellie Waddell third; time.. 1:12 2-5. - Purse $500, 2-year-olds and upward. soveu and a half furlongs Ragtag won, Orflo second, Mary Glenn third; time, 22 ,1-5. i . -. -' Purse : $600, 2-year-olds and upward, seven and a half furlongs Stuyvo won, AntorTus second, Evelyn Byrd third; time,' 1:82. . . NATIONAL LEAGUE Ing manager of the Seattle team, pitched two 1-0 games in San Franolso which wert toat by Seattle otraoina unfortu nate fluke. Jay took charge of the Si washes in Sacramento, . and ' they won three straight games. - - Young Kllnkhamraer. the southpaw twlrler of Parke Wilson's bunch, has the making of an excellent pitcher In him. All he needs Is a little more experience. If Sacramento wins today, they will be at the head of. the procession. Mike Fisher is the happiest man on earth. He will buy all the toupees In Loa An geles, If Sacramento leaves there In the lowing order: Kramer, WINS SfX-DAY RACE PITTSBURG. July 2. The six-day bicycle race which was finished 'last evening at the Coliseum waa won by Frank Kramer of Orange. N. J. A dis tance of 224 miles was covered by the competitors. They finished in the fol Igett. J. Lake. Bedell, Krebs, Lawson, Bar Schrelber and DOUGHERTY BROTHERS IN (Journal Special Service.) LONDON. July 2. The ; Dougherty brothers won . the tennis championship of England yesterday, defeating Smith and Rislejrbjr scores of 6-4r-4 and BR1TT AND O'KEEFE ' BAN FRANCISCO, July - 2. Jimmy Brltt v and Jaclt O'Keefe have algned articles . to fight before tho San Fran cisco Athletic Club some : time thla month. for. 50 per. cent of the gross- re ceipta, - ( 2fATI02TAX tEAaXTB. : StaBdlnf of tho Olnbs. " - , .. Won. Lost . P.C. ¬ Pittsburg . ..43 .. -. 20 Chicago . .........38 22 New Yorkt.....-..27 22 v Brooklyn ....... .-30 Cincinnati 28 Boston i i .. . . ...... 24 St. Louis ....... .20 Philadelphia ...... .IS . 26 28 ' 25 . (589 , .627 .536. .500 .407. .228 .286 f. At PhUadelphla. . . - -o- .,,"-....-'.-,..,.' .R.H.E. Chlcaro . . 4 11 ,a Philadelphia . . ............. . .12 14- o Batteries Menefee and Kling;, Mitch- ell ana ioom. i .i Pittsburg, Brooklyn !At Brooklyn. ,l.v. R.H.E. 4.64 5 T i Batteries -Phlll iDDli a nd Pheloa: Jones. Rltter and "Ahcarn. .TJmplre Kmslie. - 1 " At Vow Torf ' v' I, , R.H.E. New Tork .5 .2 St. LOuis . . .....i;.'..i..t'...,.i , 2 Batteries McGinn lly. and -Warner; Currle j and 1 Ryan. Umpire Johnstone. .-lV -ft ',- , V .: v.. '. lead. Zinssar is playing star ball for Seat tle at short. : although he is slirhtiv lame. Zelgler will be seen on third todav. as ho has recovered fom his late in- Jury. Charlie Shields is slated in nith t. day, and It being ladles day, Charlie certainly will do hia best to win. . Shields and Butler are Ao-htina-, tnr batting honors among the local team's pitchers, with Shields having a slight "u'TH1"0 lne percentage column. ' MULTNOMAH VICTORIOUS VICTORIA, B. C, July 2. The Mult nomah A. A. C baseball team of Port land won from the Victoria A. C. nine yesterday by superior team work and timely stick work. Whitehou se. tha vlsltora' nltrher illnwul th. illn it Dtoole .1, hit. Tt,. . .V". ril" ."'. elans: fhe uld ttait quite a Bomber In Bom Ill.-r-. ""i v'r " would ceme fcere to toaay, ana tnis evening tne Multnomahs leave , for Vancouver, where they are scheduled to play July 3 and 4. At tendance 1,200. Score: R.H.E. Multnomah ...; ... ...... 9 11 s Victoria ..; 5 a 7 Batteries Multnomah, Wbltehouse and Stott; Victoria. Holmes and Chase. OLD EAST PORTLAND FENCE & WIRE WORKS rt wan are. a. uaxisea, rrea. Manufacturer of WOOD, IRON AND STEEL FENCING tad the trairtrsal OoMsUatlem Peae I Shoe Repairing Done Riffhtl 22T liwgp IOMI .'. , ZO.SIXB' IEWEP BOXjZS T5o .Oe Calif oraia oak-taaaed sole leather ased. AU stltohing doaa oa tho oelehrated Ooodyear acaoalae. Qoodyear Shoe Repair Co., ALBBB, BBTWXEir T2CZBS ABB POUXTX. Pheae. Mala tOSl. -2fioa- SaHvorjvX VIEW THE DESIGNS Many Visitors at 1905 pair BCaadqnarters to Inspect Pictures Submitted by Various Artists. The recent contest for tbe prize symbolic design to be used ss tbe official symbol ot tne Lewis sna uisra ux(Kition corporsnoa seems to bsre sttrseted the attention ot srt lovers throughout tbe state. All yesterday fternooD snd todsy - tbere has been quite crowd of visitors st tbe fair besdqusrtem looking at tbe designs submitted. Bany of tbese visitors wert out-of-town people who wanted to tbe vsrlous ideas tbst artists beld to be symbolical of tbe great Captains' natbflndlnr expedition. Xhla morning I. N. Fleisebner. chairman of the press lad publicity committee, reeelred a letter from lady llrlac at noseburr. ask- In Portland mujlit view the de- burg would ceme here to see them If such wss the esse. Tbe writer also stated that they were willing to pay an admittance fee. Mr. Flelacfaner said that the dec I cms msy be seen at tbe Exposition headquarters, and no admit tance it Is charred. MOWAK BESTS; CARET NEW , ORLEANS. July 2 Tommy Mowatt won the decision over Tom Carey-ln a 10-round bout laat evening. Both men fought well and the audience was well pleased. Mowatt was easily the cleverer. man. . .. : ' ' ' - Full descrlotlon ofH soortlnsr events. New Tork, Chicago and Seattle races re ceived, by direct wire from the tracks. New Tork telea-raoh tins- oosted. Com missions received for all sporting event I in any. pan or tne woria. ruKiUAWU CLUB. 120 riftb StrtOt. , . .. 0 0HBMIM WPf-rZ beer.. Pleekeaateia Ma yr" Cewpaty .----.--.S-'eW. Roof Cresting, Window Guard, BTXBTTXXBO XV WIBB. 2S. Xerstsoa St., Portland. O WE CURE MEN! y. L. TALCOTX, U. B. COXTSACTIO 9IS01DXSS. . Every- contracted disease Is attended by grave dangers that nothing lesa than a thorough and absolute cure can remove. To take ern the ellfbtest chance In such cases Is to lnrlte llfe lona misery. Uen do not realise Ure as they should. A partial cure Is fol lowed by a chronic ttaee. with all Its horrors, tbe same as though the dis rate had not been treated at all. Ws posltlTely will not dismiss a patient until every possibility ot relapse Is re moved. By our system of treatment -every patient Is soundly cured, and tssde ss tre from disease taint aa he waa before the aliment waa contracted. : ' SKTTALCOST CO.. IWtf Alder St. Poultry Netting WEOL1I1IJ, ' BXTAIXm Wire and Iron Fencing BANK AND OFFICE RAILINGS- Barbed Wire, Wire aad tawa renolag. PORTLAND WIRE IRON WORK5 , 2Canafaottirera, 10S BV TXimO ST COB. nVlBBSBS. . Painless Extracting! We do Crowa Snd Bridge Work without pain. ' Our 18 years' experience In plate work enables ua to Ot your mouth comfortibly. We bare feeling as well aa yon. Dr. W. A. Wise, manager, haa found t safe way to extract teeth absolutely without pain. Dr. T. P. Wise Is an expert at Cold rilling and Crown and Bridge Work. Extracting free when plates or bridges are oiatcred. DR. W. A. WISE. WISE BROS., Dentists Open evenings till 8. Sunday a from to 12. dr.;t.' p, wise. 208-213 FAILING BUG., Cor, 3d n Wash: Sts. Or. Mats 3029. FXZX, MXTSCBAB, res. o. w. sarow&SB, Mgr. e IMPERIAL HOTEL PORTLAND, OREGON i I ntSKSfiZ wrhy. Seventh and Washington Sts. to l) II (EELEY IIRISTiTUT ' FIRST and MONTQOMERY STS. - v 'PORTLAND.' OR Cures f Liquor, Opiumrid Tobacco Habits riia eafy autborlzea Keeley !atKut la 6r;OB.1 Eitfant cjusrtors as! sv r j wavealeocc. Corrotondenc strictly confldcatlal. Phono Alafet xa.