MtJitLttlllKli: 'THE POLICEMEN COUNTY CLAIMS have cta. the, i i.t It Is Nnw ,Rfdip.ved thaLYnuns m Army UTTicer 15.1ns3.neant1 Fit I L. 1L.1 LI!. D i. ! : Miso mat nis neueiu iviair ' to is. Bigamous, : v I t - tnanf JMecuc. V'.'Wurtikl Special Servloe.)' gAN f JB'CISCO, July i Mrs-Lieu with her fatheMsst night says she will .4av Chicago and, arrive In. Oakland '-i Saturday 'rooming.- fit) said, she mw r 5 McCue id toe hospital and 1m la undoubt i'.ediy Insane. " McCue in''tne Interview . appeared keart.broken, but 1rofessed In y jiocence. and: asked, Jf hte paw .wife ff would go back to Iter husband If he " should get a divorce from the other on. . Mrs, McCua said she weAld do $1 Just m her father said. v; WASHINGTON. July 5 Ceneral '! Batr "May wired rom Chicago tothe ,fi tbartmeni etatftig' that ha had ; Lieutenant McCue tender arrest at Fort i; Sheridan pending an examination for hie eanjty. He ftayi tbe manager of -the J! Great Northern Hotel believe McCue to . ' be of -anaouml mind, and regrets that Investigations ahow that his marriage , wun Miss Bimona of San Francisco la apparently bigamous. Committee ,at Work Picking Out Civil Service Examination-. Eligibfes for Police De partment Jobs, BJg Sale of "Bid In" Property VYiii.Uommerrce Next Mon day Morning, at the Mul- DDflDfiCITFAW 1111 1 i nur uoi i luiv it ill ? ? v BE MADE TOMORROW t AtAhoriires Arrange Proposal to s D!l' I rs r L . ;f.-.- iwiuau .vumpany uver ;:Ja Bridge Franch ICC Tfl Police Committee of the Kxtouttve Board, with tbe ezceptloi of Comtnla- loner Beebt, who la not In Portland, la- ene-ared today In executive aeaalon and, i,elctlnf fum te lint of el If -Ibles ha appoiqtee ' to positions In tbe Pnllca nnarltnnf rhif of Police Hunt was presrnt with the committee In Mayor Williams' office while the op- PAlatmeiita . were, being' made. The new office will be selected entirely . from the Hat ot eligible who successfully passed the recent Civil Servlca examlna- It Is the feneraJ impression that si new patrolmen will be appointed, be sldes one driver. C S. Vaughn and, C, H. Tlchenor Ah re been mentioned t he two most likely men for drivers. The wo preterit drivers,' It lm tbougbt, will be retained and one new appointment made, and instead of two l)-hour shifts there will- be three 8-beur shifts. 1. C. Hartmun Is picked, for the posi tion. as a. detective.. In, the last examlr nation ho could not jaa because of the physical requirements, but r now blsl friends say he has managed to over come that obstacle. Also be is reputed be friend of of Detectives ltnmons and to have . rendered distin guished service by enllattng at Van couver Barrscks as a common soldier, thus securing; the evidence to convict one of the. most noted , firebugs ever operating here. Griffith Roberts is believed to be cer tain, of an appointment aa a. patrolman. Outside of this it is believed that tbe ., - Jold force will be reappointed from the captain of detectives right down the line, as many as made good in the ex amination. The committee, it is believed, will have the complete Hat of appointments ready,' for publication tomorrow. It Is the general belief that many, new patrol men will receive appointments, for there is ssid to be a pressing one for them. Mayor Williams stated after the meet ing had adjourned that the committee's decision was to employ all the pew po licemen that the fund would allow. There were several other important de cisions reached, but these will not be made public until tomorrow. noma l.Courh ouse, Jude Wefstef j Sa)fe 0!d Bid will iNoi oe ccepiea-r Arrjoqnt of Property Estl- mated at wu.uuu ! The executive board will meet tomor- : row with the representatives of the City TRUSTED EMPLOYE ' " 'm v, , inuu mil rri uriuo Iran- : cnise -win be presented to them. Thl ; proposal iibs already been outlined, but f tbe.tBtflorlUeg say thaTtha prematura reports, as t the geaerat character are xsr irom being exact It is. hecessarr to rnm. i .nm. . . '; mttA 'tit; the railway company over, the HAS DISAPPEARED Herbert Thing, for some time caller at the. .Alaska .Hack, is ' missing and his friends have begun to fear he has met ' further can bridge, which wa , beginning next. Monday morning and continuing , until ail on hand has been offered for sale the gherlB or Muitnoman county will sell to the vblh) property coming to the county by reason of non payment of taxes.. The property to be offered for sale, Is. that which the county baa been unabja to dispose of In the past, nd which was. bid in by the county court, from tbe years 1881 to 1MV tnciusivs. V 1 i 'The property .will be sold to satisfy tke tax. claims and other costs against it and whatever, sum above this Is re allied will go Into the general fund. A ' question has arisen concerning the right of the county to bid In properly when tbe pries offered U below me amount ot taxes and coats. Asked regarding this matter County Judge Lionel R. Webstsr said: "The county is not compelled to ac cept any bid offered. The Ipw provides that the property shall be sold to the highest bidder and of course there Is question. Judge Webster said thst ss a matter of fart there was certain of the property In question that was not worth the money the county had against It. In such cases hs said that after all tbe property had been offered investigation would be made and such land would be sold for what it would bring. Ths deputy clerks have finished all the additions as far as the letter "M" and the amount of the county'a Interest 1 the property go far determined Is Clerk F. . Fields ssys that he believes this amount to be about one-third of the total but Juat what it will be is a matter ror conjecture. Heretofore no system has been used In keeping track of delinquent property. "When my men nan . nave nnlshed their work," said Mr. Fields, "we will keep everything n Big ii i m ins luiure, , To determine the amount of the tax on each piece of property the books i" mrougn me nands or five persons. When ths property is sold this time the purchaser will receive a deed and clear title and the former owners will have no chance to redeem, tha land, al though they will be given preference when the property Is placed on sals. The MtaiWtsrlAM'a i I aWiW Alt Haft aaMftgnt Ap fftrtl fMilr ' ' bs. don resardfaiK th.-B. Thln worked, last nlgt until o clockj conunue ror several l . . I till r this nitrAn .' nn I "vin.uo. i wii authorized unrior - rent act of the Legislature. Just what luty' An ,nve"tlft1n showed'that wi vi me legislature. Just what termsj-the-eompanr is -wltilnr to accept is not knows but it- is hoped to reach some agreement at the session ' i WW. i tomor- he had. not been t his lodgings since be quit work. , Thing has been In the employ of the O. R, V N. for ths Pst four years and this Is said to be the first time during that period that ha has pot been: on hand for work regularly at the proper' hour, hence ths anxiety concerning hla Whereabouts. Thing is not addicted to drinking and Is said to be regular in his habits. Hs is about SO years of age. It Is. not known whether be had in his possession either money or valuables when he, left the dock, ostensibly for his room's, last evening. Certain it is, however, that his associates about 'the dock have be come very anxious about him. ASSISTANCE rJOR HEPPNER uvVaua saayor Telegraphs Local Authorities Today as to ths VeeAa of Town. . .jwisiauce xoe. tfta. stricken town of n'Kuer,..wnicn,,wsA., viaJted-by a de- irui iive nooo last month. Is still com- "i rrom outside points, and today .the-Mayor of Minneapolis wired Maror Williams Of this cltv Mklnr if anv ... s lata nee was needed, and if ao to whom Tn ProPrtotor of the lodging house It should be sent The reply of 'Mayor I4 wnlch Thing stopped is also endeavor- . wjiiiams .was characteristic and was w" t0 locate bun. All are at a loss tq ; about as. follows: , T I account ror his mysterious disappear i , ' Weppner needs assistance. Send nce ; o on nons to i Mayor Qllllaro of ' that Just what form Ihia s waists nre tnkeg Is not known, but it Is thought to rep, resent money accruing from ; benefits wmcn occurred m that cltv. .- ' ZioCal Committee Wait. The local relief committee have nearly 116.009 on hand, which will be used for tne lieppner sunerers. H has not been decided , Just how this money will be attributed, but this question wilt be r.ttled within a few days. J. N." Davis is now in Heppner and It is thought that tnr. relief committee will be guided by his recommendations. Up until 2:3S this aiieruoon the committee had received no wjrd from him. Testerday the Fourth of July fund was turned over to the relief commit tee. This fund amounted to $2,632.81. Last night s concert added nearly $25, and $3.60 was this morning sent in to Treasurer Babin to be added to the fund already subscribed by the University Park people. VarideW"" of the Columbia RivcrJScenery a ' thousand timei, it ia alvyay ; - DdUhtfuHy InUrestini , It fs 'thV c'rlndest In the It Ij Unequalpd on the It 4 Countrpitrt of Fam ous Switzerland. . The Palatial... 4f Gatzert 99 Affords the opportunity. Ths splendid steamer will leave foot of Aider ftret at 8:30 a. rn., re turnins; at 7 p. rn, making tbe run to the . cascade Locks and return In about 10 hour. It will be If-- 5,. t it ' 1 1 1, it , f , . . p, i K "t V , ir r s r t A Grand Excursion for a LitlleMoiiey ' Fine Music on Board and the Table Servici) u Most -Excellent -Fre Special for This Dy Only $1,00. Thone, Main 914. ; TO INCREASE TRADE t. .1 ?rir 4h4 ,0d r,d between ths United States and the Netherlsnds may recelvs encouragement, W. A, . jr. Baron Oevers. Minister from the Unri k. tPil ,t0 Wio. organised the Netherland Chamber ef Commerce in America, with headquarters at New fork City. Baron Oevers haa been mads its honorary president. An official notice of the organizing r m lettivtu miS mottl ing by the local Chamber of rnmm.r.. The notloe statea that the principle ob Ject of the newly-organised chamber la to further th development of the com mercial relations between tha United 11 States and ths Netherlanda and its oiAJ fflSWl(SYSYa iibb ui luf usL ilia tvasi inaiea. whii. KI. I. ..IJ . - v. 1. . ii u iv uv growing, it IS mougni oy ousiness men I WISH -IT MIGHT I AM NOT A I Make No Such Pretensions I take the face that haa been disfigured by disease, as smallpox pitting, pimples, eruptions, wrinkles, or those afflictions that originate from cares of life, and remove them. I do this by a process discovered In Paris, and imparted to only three women in the United States, of whom I am one and the only one permitted to operate the discovery west of the Mississippi River. When understood, the process is so rational that its msrvelous effects are not a sur prise, the wonder being expressed that the secret was not discovered before. Birth marks, heretofore believed irremovable, readily yield to this treatment. Deep , cut scars, however, sre not eradicate, and I do not claim to remove such things. , In all casea I Treat Men as Well as Women And with the same effect. There Is no sense in men or women, going about the' world ashamed of themselves and their friends ashamed of them. I can re store the countenance to Its youthful freshness give back to. the face that' which belonged to it at birth. And that Is not "beauty doctoring,'? at all. It if applying a science that the French were years la Yllscoverlng. MY PARLORS ARE AT 308. 309 and 310 FAILING BLDG.. AND VQU ARE INVITED TO CALL. AND , TALK . THE MATTER OVER WITH ME. Opn Evenings - ' I '' ' ' ' ' ' ' -'r. D H U U JRO 1 wu u - i n rt 1 i .. I; Ootst one side of this woman's face &a and observe it as It wan before : , treatment. Cover the other, ft side and see it as It $9a is today. ' !. ' gfl MADAME VAUGHN throughout Incressed many fold. Tbe local Chamber of Com keep in close touch with the New Yoric organisation, and it Is thought that many ft ium uf urcgon a peios, rorests and factories may-bs Introduced into Unrf. jsracre iney are as. yet not widely known. . Am waff The matter was., reported to the police ' !' C'mm"ce WILL ItLtbKA t I IN WILDS OF OREGON DELA WARES MAY COME: ISSUED BAD CHECK ON OREGON BANK PROGRAM IN GENERAL MARRIAGE LICENSES The v following have "been Issued1 licenses in marry by the43ounty Clerk; Frede H Noltner, aged 21, and Hattie J. Mansfield, aged 1; Louie Bur bach, aged 21, and Lizzie Repp, aged 21; Joseph H. Edwards, aged 42, and Lucie Hope Hurl burt. aged 38; George M. Nolan. Jr., aged 36, and Mary Clark, aged 36; Albert E. Mesene, aged 25, and Mary Benson, aged 21; Ross Hunter, aged 24. and Lldle Knudtsen, aged 23; David ;A, JdQo6, aged 22, and AUorn Darling, aged 1; George McKay, aged 24, and Rose Belleque. aged 19; Edward Rommel, aged 22, and Laura M. Court ney; aged, IS;. 8. D. Powell, aged 43, and L. M. Anderson, aged 27; J. Henry Heraperly, : aged 44. and Bessie Mae Snyder, .aged 24. all of Multnomah County. Rufus Coates. aged 23, of Lewis County, Wash., and Sadie Palmer, aged 19, of Multnomah County; Victor E. Ellis, aged 26, of Clackamsf County, and Myrtle M. Evans, aged 21, of Multnomah couBtr-.i'S'T "" ' " Morris McKim of this city, who 1 now ; visiting tin Milford, Del., writes Secretary. Max M. Shlllock of the Board of Trade to send a large bundle of Ore gon literature to John W. Herlng, sec retary of tbe Milford Building & Loan Association. The gentleman from Portland writes that Mr. Herlng is in a position to dis tribute this literature among the farm ers who live around Milford. By sd doing It is thought that quite a num ber of them may be Induced to leave their Eastern homes and move out to this favored land. While the Immigra tion to Oregon from the Southern and Middle Western States Is steadily on the Increase but few people are coming here from Delaware. Secretary Shlllock states that he will send the literature asked for at ones, and trusts thst it will be as "bread cast upon the waters." He is of tbe opinion that Mr, McKtm win do some tan missionary work during his visit n'theTr 7 MJ.? " BURNS, Or., July 2. Andrews, or Wild Horse, In the Steins' Mountain country, has announced a Fourth of July Celebration with an elaborate pro gram. The place la over $00 miles from the nearest railroad point; and the coun The nine days of fun and merriment Of the comln onlVil nf ih. ixvn.t men of the World will each be set asldo try ' 8Prel, settled. Thai cowboys for some esDecial (aitun niM..i.' arid stockmen for 40 miles round will July 14 will mark tk-h.nin. ,k. meet and celebrate on a large scale. festivities. Children's day will eome Tb,r wU1 horB wln ot aU kinds on the 15th. and the next day the queens during the day. and fireworks and will be crowned. The fourth dav will sTand ball at n ght It takes all of the be given over to the Women of Wood I women for 40 miles distant to make up craft. On the fifth day. Saturday, the dancing sets sufficient to carry on the Woodmen will turn out en masse. This I anc- nd the ot na youngest is expected to be one of the largest P"rl "f V " "cao"' " 4 , . days of the carnival. Sunday wilt be P!de writing up the most Interest devoted tn rt,mt Ing Fourth of July celebration In Ore Oregon Day will be Monday. On Tues- on tht yar- "nd the one remotest day the various orders of the city will from rroad and transportation lacm fraternise. Wednesday will belong to ln the world.. Tne journal eorre the babies, and in the evening several IPPlent will gather data for an inter nnhiin mrria win k. .nt.i.j I estine series of stories in that far be Thf rewethder bf lhp week wjll be.det voted to floral displays, lncludh)g a rose rolls the Oregon. ALL PLUMBERS REGISTERED BOY ACCUSED OF. THEFT GRAND; EXCURSION TQ WASHOUGAL AND RETURft The registration of local plumbers closed yesterday at the office of the Plumbing Inspector, and 160 worker at that , trade are enrolled In this cittj There were about half a dozen persoj who neglected to register up to the, -last moment. The date of the examination which 1s proposed has not been set yet. but the examination board will decide that ques tion at a meeting to be held tomorrow n! glit. New plumbers reaching the city can go to work Immediately. They have secured' a permit from the ' Inspector. They will-then be given a permanent license at the next regular examination. ay country,. 11 Is lheTtomo of wild cenefy and odd characters, and the sito or ' oeneral ctook s inaian wmjuigiu, and some of he most thrimng Indian episodes lfi'ne History ofpregon.: Ttte 'Journal proposes w advertise every nook. and comer of interior Ore sron. and! to publish a Tr. it V,-. , m . it . ' .. . i , ..hilatnrv vnrlhv fit AuhllcanOn. The ,ciun.i-unri, i;ii ita-ra, living ac l ""t; 'ir ? n iViT?S fbe Harrison street, was' arrested last pedltlon 1s meeting with l hearty night by Patrolman Stuart on complaint pePMon wimgg iy xieuiana claims tnat toe Qoy.iiict 'of its early The ex- re A grand excursion will be given to Washougal and return on July 5. on the steamer Harvest Queen and covered barge, by the Sons of Hermann V. T. Lodge No. 2. The steamer will leave Ash-street dock at 8:30 a. rq returning it about 9 o'clock p. m Round-trip tickets,; 80 cents; children from 6 to 12 vears. 25 cents. Tickets for sale at City LaoeDavls"drug store. Third and Yam- TO MEET TOMORROW The Executive Board will hold a reg ular meeting tomorrow at the City Hall and a lot of important business will come before the session. Including the problem of Increasing the f'ire Depart ment, the changes in the Police Depart ment, the proposal or the city to the Suburban Railway Company re garding ITie Morrison-street bridge fran- ; dill ; Schiller's cigar store, Fourth and chlse. and other special work. It Is Washington, and by the committee, confidently expected that the board will Hndy Boesl. 228 Yamhill street; Witch ! Krant permission to Increase the Fire Hasel saloon. Front and Madison, and , Department force. POTTEK SAILS TSS rOVBTK. Many Portland People Will Celebrate This Tear at Worth Beaoh. The fact that tho Fourth of July falls ea Saturday, and that the T-. .Jw Potter leaves at 1 o'clock that afternoon, for North Beach, assures a big passenger list for this popular river boat. Many Portland people. luv arranged to make the trip down the river that day and to spfnd Sunday at thai favorite North Coast resort. For particulars about the Potterjtnd saillnsr dates, inquire at tbe O. R. & N. city ticket acent, Third aqd Washington streets. loe 'Paus-Royal Pickling Works. Re 'reshments on boat, "dancing ' on barge tnd picnic at WashbugaL Everybody Undly ir vUed by4hfsmmltte, AfpRi?SECRETARY The Port of Portlsnd Commission will neet this- afternoon at 4 o"clotk and It .v reported n good authority that Dan I. Maher wlfl be Ejected its secretary In date of TC Stevens, who now holds hat position.-- Mr. Maher lV bookkeeper r th firm of O Donneli & Drlscoll, ceny. him on tbvtreet in South Portlaid;and that, he asked blm for change .for a, ouar.ter. .Hedland- further claims that he puiied out some change from bis trousers pockets and dropped a IS gold piece. This he claims the. boy picked up and ran away with. The boy's story of the affair, is that Hedland was very much intoxicated and that be dropped his money on the side-i walk. The boy further claims that he picked up a 16 gold piece, handing it to Hedland. 1 Hedland then accused him of keeping the coin, and tjild he would have him arrested, which he did. The ease was continued until next Wednesday. CERTIFICATES RETURNED The following marriage certificates have been returned to the office of the County Clerk: Ross Hunter and Lldle Kundtsen. William Reld, Justice pf the Peace, officiating; Augusts A. Lambert 1 THBOyOH TAWT BZXTX044 1 - -it . Between Pbrtland ana , AU cwsop Beaoh lolnts," on and, JUtes . Monday; July e. Cnmmencinar Monday. July t. the As-i torla & Columbta. River Railroad Com-. pany will resume lie regvwr, cummer Seaside schedule, and ' train leaving Union Depot at I a, m. dally will run thranarh rilrert without transfer at As toria to all Clatsop Beach points, mak ing close connection at warrenton ior TTlovel Beginning isaturaay, juiy ii, una ev ery Baturjay tnereaner aunng in i son, the popular i-oruana-oaiuo nrn win invK Portland at 2:30 t. m.. arrlv ing at Astoria at 6:60 p. m., Gearhart ;40 and Seaside 6:60 p. m., making di rect connection at warrenton, ror ?vei, Round trip season excursion ucneiq from Portland to all Clatsop and North points sold at rate pi m.uu k round trip Beach lolnts sold at rate of 14.00 for "in. and Saturday special round irin HpUts between aams points.' good returning Sunday evening, at i.60,for rniiiiH frln. Season commutation .tickets son and Martha Erlckson, Rev. J. W, Carlson, pastor of the Swedish Mission, Church, officiating;, William' Irwlh Swank and Alice May Hoeg, Rv. John R. T. Lathrop officiating; Taylor Joseph Hardle and Annie Wipnifred Phillips, Rev. H. D. Chambers. ' rector of the Church of the Good Shepherd, officiating; Joseph Mowrey and Mabel M. Miller, Rev. W. T. Kerr, pastor of the Central Methodist Episcopal Church, officiating; Frank H. Klneriem and Edith M. Butler. Rev, Winfield F. Scott of Cleone, Or., offlolatlng. - . Tke reduced homeaeekers' rates, effec tive February 15 apply via, the Denver 4s Rio Grande. Have your friends corns through Salt Lake City, oves the scenU) line .ot- ths world. ' points sold for $15.00. Beach excursion tickets issued by the water-lines are; interchangeable and will be honored on the trains of this company in either di rection between .foruana ana Amoria. Annitionai inrortnaEion win bo Kiaaiy furnished upon application to Mr, JB.-U Lewis, street commercial agent, 241 Alder 1 i , e . J 1 ''i ', : "' r, ; CUBA .GETS PINES HAVANA, July 2. The treaty be tween Cuba aad the United States, for a. naval coaling station - and .also, giving control of the Isle of Pines to Cuba was signed this forenoon. , i . Preferred Stock Canned Ooods. Allen & Lewis' Best Brand. (Journal 8peclal Service. 1 , SAN FRANCISCO, July . Otto Van Selow, a car conductor from Stockton, came to this city to see the sights and fell in with a stranger who gave the name of W. Holden. Holden said he was from Portland and invited the- carman to go to a museum. The two too in a brace game end Selow gave the stranger $160 to play, receiving a bogus check on the Oregon Bank ss security. He raised" a row and got back $40. but Holden escaped. Detectives are looking up the swindlers. ( WOMAN: GQE$ TO JAIL Judge , Rone Sends Marie Smith to Prison Por One Tear ea- tenee Zs Limit. Fiuratlvely speaking Municipal Jydge HogUe'"lhre,w the "book" at Marie pmunv Sj coiQrea woman ot ins niorin End,"when he sentenced jer o, serve a term of one ' year in the county Jail this morning. . This is the most severe Jail sentence, within the power of tho Municipal! Court. - r. , w .i Mar Smith was arrested last night by v Patrolmen Bailey and Gibson ot cdmpiaint or a. tscnuman, -wno ciaimeu that she robbed him of $20 while ha was visiting her. "' " , ' ,aMfiBlcipal Judge Camerors repre sented' the defendantand when toence waa passed, he, did hot give. noUci of appeal. .. Consequently it looks as 'though the woman Will be Ahe guest of Cquntj? Jailer Jackson for 365 days', beginning Julv 2. Arcnrdlnar to Chief of Police Hunt. the colored women ef the North &nd district are continually robbing,-ana thin 'sentence is taken to Indicate that In the future they will be harshly dealt with when brought before Judge nogue and proven guilty. FRQM-ARTIST R, BECK Chairman I. N. Flelschner pf the Lewis and Clark press and publicity commit tee, received the f allowing- telegram from ftaohael Beck, the Buffalo, N. T..' artist who was yesterday awaraea ne ivy?, rs-ir pyiiiuuuv. 11, j ".Please express to your committee my heartfelt thanas ana ipvreciaion. n.k Vft.l h.rn Pilrtn Pallviv rnrnj pany will place on sale on the 24th of hi month and each following day till June SO, inclusive, and on July 15 and 1$, arid August M and H," very low curslon rates to points East and re turn. Tickets good; for stop-, over on ootn, tne. eastoouna ana, west bound trips, and .final limit for return will be 90 days from date f sale. Call on Or write A. D. Charlton, as-; elstant general ' passenger - agent, 155 Morrison street, corner Thlad. Portland. Or., for rates, routes and full Informa tion. - - -.- - - - -. .. OoIas; to .St.. Zionlaf . . . . , If so. learn shout the new tourist serv- Ice Inaugurated by the P- R . N, via Denver apd Kansas City. City ticket of ftce, Thlrjfand Washinfton. ' T J f' T?Tf TTflTf TfTTf T?f T??f TTTIT? TTTTTTf T?TT?Tf f f f T?J t Greatest Spectacular Event of 3 ine A-emury BATTLE! E BENEFIT HEPPNER SUFFERERS 3 -BY 1 3 Regt. and Battehy "A" i OREGON NATIONAL GUARD . 1" . ; . . -BY-BATTERIES ? f FIELD VJ J$ ARTILLERY i Mum GRAND CONCERT ( BY THE i FAMOUS 4 1 Vtil U. 5. INFANTRY ' COPTEB AJTD mBPBJBdstMBirTS WHO. BX SXBTSO IT IiASIEB' 1 AXILIABT, SPAMlSW-dMTimOAIf WAB TBTBBAJTS. irvmgton Race Track, ffiiK i eommendftg 1 m. JULY J ; WRAL ADMISS lidiAAAAdAAAAd 1 are not shouting' Very loudly in the newspapers. . You . rnay do the shouting when your teeth ache. Then xome to usr . . ; and, well atopthe armjg-ainlessly stop - ' Pull set beet teeth, S7; next ouaUty, . 4 (and ihey'rs good ones, -, f.,i4 erowna, da-karat, 3fgold flUiigs. mojL ill letde, 99; W '; othsr filllags, 75 oeata each, ft ...r,;: : : ."."C, v?'. ;l Oytr atflers' PSanp ioue. Of p. Cor4rdyp Thedbt,'. Phone Mdb 2?96. Th. OREGON DAILY JOURNAL A NX..W T A r K K 'f o a,,: A k- ,,T Hinofn 1