V THE OllEGOK DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING. JULY 1, 1903. i I XB i - 3- : ...4 . ,'. I " 1 .. ' ." ' ' Items of Local Interest for Busy .'. ; "Journal Readers, . - WEATHERTORECASX' A dleturbanre-ef eoneltjerable tnrrtV la tn ' tral this momlne; aver HrltUh Columbia, mev lint eoutheaetward. 'It will cium brlak to bled eoutbwret to weat wlnda tbl afternoon and to ' Blfbt la WMbltifton and Nortbera Idabo. Llirbt to moderate hear ralna here, fallea ' In Weatorn . Waeblnrtoa and extreme North , weetern Oregon and lb weather la cloudr and nnaettled la EaaU-rn Waabluftoo and. Forth arn Idaho. '" . It la warmer this morning In tba Great V Salt Lake Baals an4 cooler lo Nebraeka and ;wtern lowa. ..-. ' Tba Indication ar for eboerora tonight In r Worlbweet Oregon, Waehlngton and Nortbera UMBO, roiioweq Bj rair weatner Tnuraoar. XDWAftD A. BKALg, rorecaet OfflvUL HOTEL ARRIVALS Cbabman. B. Brbnabel, fit 1 .O. K. . the Xndrapura which will tall In a few day a. Mr. Freeman haa . occupied hie preaent poeitlon ever slncestha Oriental line Irora this city haa been m exist sites, -. a : t v.; ' The Board ef Coanty Goaxmlaalonere are discussing th subject of the apeed of cara over the Willamette bridges. Judge Webater said this., morning that the Board Intended to reatrlct the cara to a apeed of five mllea an hour while oroaslng. George Barrett olalma to have been robbed or (40 in tne Brunawica uaioon, a notorloua North End reaort operated by Walter L. Pulllam. In this oaae the officer investigating repored that Bar rett waa slightly intoxicated, and aa Pulllam denied the robbery, nothing waa dona, i : . , . ' v ' ., Caeoade &oks once more open. The flood in the Columbia, haa fallen auffl- olently to allow ateamera of the Regu- lator line to paae througn tne lascaae Ixcka without the neceaatty of a trana- Hoeer, saw; ertlaad Dr. B. ft. Clark, rltr: C. J. Br The Dallre: R. D. Jobueon and wife. Bai B. B. Wblttad. Draw; H. D. Ward, tan Franrleeo; . B. (Jllcbriit Mlcbltae: H. a. Hoyan. Mr. Whltnay and maid. U. II. Wblt nr, Han rtanrtaoo; . H. Mlnnauah and wlfa. Ulnmapoua) Mra. R, B. Vounallr, Wra. C. II. 'Hlunanrh, lrrri D. 0. Mlchlcan: I. D. Wllllama and wlfa. 1 J. T. Bradlsr, Bt loala; F. L. Jllcbmad, Baa Kranrlaroi W. R. LatL Ban Ktaurlami J. A. Walkir, N. P. H.: I. A. La Cram and I ahM Tha rama.indr wiir, naiamaara; i. n. tnriinaoa, bmum( i .i were violin aolo by William Boule, piano aoio by p. P. Adama, and a vocal eoio bjr Private Nlcholaa. Th6e preaent were. Dr. R. c xenney, ez-major: Dr. R. L. Ollleaple, aenlor aura-eon; Dr. R, J, Marah, junior Burgeon; Tom Bodley, ateward; Private Allen. Adama, Gain aky, Hoard, Qulrolo. Btalge, Orendorff, Nlcholaa, Smith, Loveland. Boule, and Actlna Burgeona Prltchard and Paaton. ' Tha Stark Bhoe Oompaay. 161 Morrl aon haa a right to boaat a little. If It dealred, over Ha magnificent aalea alnoe a week ago Monday. Probably no aim liar concern In the city haa been ao well treated by the public The crowde have been a delight to the management, and a aource of wonnlderabla aatlafactlon to tha polite attendant, although their work haa been more than doubled. A aaloon man haa rented the premlaea now occupied by Mr. ' Marka, and the etora la compelled ' to move out, hence the wonderful aacrlflo of price now go ing on there. It la a time of bargalna, It fa a time to cheaply clothe the feet Holrokel Wbitna; fer. Steamere leave Alder etreet wharf xh- mU cannot laat long at the apeed daily at 7 a, m. ana . , m. nwn tn,t ia on 4t pre.ent. Main 14. Utat month waa a buay otie In the Municipal Court The fine and forfeit- urea aggregating ,$1,101.60. The major portion of the aunt waa eontrioutea oy the gambler. B Icy cl late, arreated for rldln . on the sldewalka. added their waa rrom tne C. w. rnitnn, AatorU: A. . Albrlna, Bpokant; C. W. TlHutaon. V. B. A. I B. Croft. U. I. A. I Mra. O. Martin. Korhfletart Mlaa M. B, Bterana. Doric. N. H.i bilaa K. 11. Garland. tor!e, X. II. i Mra. O. N. Betcbaldar, Brook- una, MM Mr, u. H. Ble. Brookilna. Maaa.; Dr. r. N. C. Joroeld. IT. B. A.) B. Bcbmldta. Bt rtirbor(i Dr. A. C. Rrlcbard. rranktort; M. Eelflor, Welnbarai J, Da Land. Bt Lout; K. va Land, Watnld( W. N. MfKMcbV fltt' Article of lnoorporatloa of the Man ufacturer' Piano Company have been filed at the office of the County Clerk. The. capital atock la 11.000. The ob ject of the organisation la for the wholesale and retail handling of ntualcal Instrument. The Incorporator ar w. bur; i. K. Monbolm and wife, rnaso; H. U T. Bhanahan, J. H. Smith and George T. Toiler, Beartlet W. H Merrlrk and wlfa, Bt I Martin. rnimaeipnia Paul: M Btorer, B. Mis . ad. riurvj eiBni "ii"! uuuvi(ruHit M. Btorer. l-blladalpbla; J. Blerel, Ban Pranelsed; O. R. Inilea, K a nana City ; I Woman Home Mlaelonary Society of the Baaeball Baaeball Tomorrow. The Brown - va v Seattle. A great game. Parke Wlladn Haa with him Two new pltchera. Carrlek and Dorhan. There'r great. Two gamea on Tha Fourth. Lad lee' daya, Tomorrow And Friday. Baaeball Every day Thla week. B. jr.. rtapman Cbkro! t.t. Wirta, Pr- the Methodtat Churchea of Portland waa dohf,, rn?iLT W.Jtld: held yeeterday afternoon, aeveral ad- Edward vteit. C. B. A.;' B. Oood-1 dreaaea being given and Interesting win. Ban franeiaeo: John J. Demrer. Manlatae: I ninara rid Musical numbera were Vmj riewaomb, Beattlej r. w. oarloro oa 'ire, victoria: v. . Bronaa. noautn; v. i. I arte lately returnea irom i.ne urum, Tl.to". J,'-s . BHjeHbon, Uw Wall, pok upon condition aa" they found . A. Tttua and wife. New York: J. H. Tat. JL pokane: A. 8. Tburber. Lewittoo: M. flwllaer and wife. New York; M. I. Gemmont. B. M.I BXareafte Bepaty . Bherlff Adklae, looper. oaaTaneiaeo; w. .. KDerman. .t . T....i. WI1M.m RoM'a court. PERSONALS. , E. A. Pierce, an attorney of Balem, la at the Perklna. J. O. Crothers, a merchant of Kobe, Japan, ia registered at the Imperial. J. M. Ten Boach, a Liverpool finan cial agent 1 registered at the Portland. Bumpier! J. M. Foater. Jmtte; L. Solomon and .ulJr JU""C" ""i" v . k...' Mr"' K' wanrc' wlre r ,ne wife, New York: J. M. Ten Bowk. Urerpooi; will not serve writ of attachment, but known Astoria merchant, la at the Ira- uiaa aiarcaret Kaitnei, aiane BaitDei, a. u. the Caper will be turnea over to mi aerial. uwu lira ui. nr Anna. HI Cblcacoi A. ratee, pearer; hum m. txmper, York: W. Indlanapolla: Caroline Bmltb, Oironti. Pa. ! J. B Borne. M.. D.. Waahlufton; Mra. Ralpb Wlna Imperial T. J. Hardle, Mra. Hardle. city; i. K. Modrecnr, Heppner; Mlaa A. tuamber lain. Walla Walla; O. B. rtera, Iowa: U llalllaton. Mra. Halllaton, Aberdeen; Henry Kjran, Mra. Kran, nan rranrlaeo; V. M. Klener, Tacoma; W. C. Mill. Seattle-, J. P. Bradley, llu-naii; Jonn v. jonea, cltr; B. Harrlr ton. Mra. K. Harrlntoo, Hlchland: 8. K. Bcott. Dubuque: W. A. Campbell, Ban Fran, elaco; M. (.'. Johnaon, Mra. Jobnaoii, Mlnneapo- Sheriff Storey aald that the work waa properly that - of the con- atable and In order to avoid any com plications that might arise through faulty aervloe coming to him he thought It beat to turn the work over to the conetable. Today la payday at the City Hall for the Auditor. Cltr Engineer' Mayor and City Treasurer Department ana the employe of thoee offlce all drew their aalarlea. Owing to the fact that the Executive Board muat pa upon the MlnneaDO- iia: v. n. neime, louan urore: aire. u. iir,.!A.,!ror:. ft"' B.- yf.1Ueetr A5to.,: payroll for the water, atreet and other J O. 01 Ha. Wallace; Dr. and Mra. V. K. Mc-1 K. .h. mMt n.Tt Frl. Ulllrendd, J. B. Creeeb. F. K. Creecb, Abvr deen; Dr. R. C. 8. White. Gerrale; Mra. A. B. Oelar. Balem; C. 8. Calklna, Newbnra; Oraee Clark. Elgin; H. K. Brown. P. B. Huaelrrone, Baker Cltr; R. Rnnllalld. Heaalde; Mrs. T. L. Ball. Aatorla: O. U. Barlow, Hlllanoro; B. V. I'orter. N. Gonbee. ettr; A. O. Candlff. Kan. aaa City; J. D. Lee. Balem; N. P. Petenoa and wife. Pomeroy; Mlaa F. C. Webber. Mra. Annie Cramfordi O. W. Brunton and wife. Walla Walla; J. P. Croeber, Kobe, Japan; Anarew non ana wire, vnuion, wie. ; aire. u. W. Jamea, Balem. Baaeball, Baseball ' Tomorrow. The Browna va. Seattle. A great game. Parke Wilson Has with him Two new pitcher. Cnrrlck and Dorhan. There're great. Two games on The Fourth. Ladle' day, Tomorrrfw And Friday; Baseball Every day This week B. H. Moorahou ft Co., at Seventh and Alder. Telephone, Main 1143. The Portland, Long Beach, Wash, v'" " ' a""'"1 "" . " t .1.. a,,l... Long Beach and nr-Provl.lon. dHr'SSuv. wmit tlT; department when they meet next Fri day the remainder of the municipal er rant muat wait until then for their June aalarlea. "Be folded hla tent like an Arab and allently atole away." That'a like moat of thoae fellows who come to Portland eelllng Persian ruga and carpet. They are here for half a doaen aunB and then away, no one know where. We are always here. We handle our own Importations. We aell at lower prices than any other person who have ever yet struck the town. Atlyeh V Khoury, 411 Washington atreet t& reapena te a reoaeBt from Mayor Brown of Spokane, Chief or Ponce Hunt haa written a lengthy letter, detailing how Portland celebrated North End district la handled by the police. Mayor Brown desired information regarding the handling of the aocial problem especially, and Chief Hunt's letter deal largely with that subject From Mayor Brown's letter lt la evident ne is aia. satisfied with the preaent eyatem m Spokane. The Boral Bakery and Confectionery la the name of a ananking new and beautiful establishment belner fitted UP at Wash ington and Park atreeta. the opening or which will take place on Saturday even- In. It name impliea Its business, ana the gentlemen who have it In charge say that it will be entirely up to aate. J. B. Barnes, a prominent phyaiclan of Washington, D. C, 1b a guest at the Portland. H. L. Boardman of McMlnnville, head of the college of that place, was a guest at the Perklna during the day. Horace Hudson, a jeweler of Kalama, la at the Belvedere. He will leave to day for The Dalle, where he haa ex tensive timber intereata. Senator C. W. Fulton la registered at the Portland. Mra. Fulton and aon have been in the city several daya awaiting the Senator arrival. J. D. Lee of Salem, ex-auperlntendent of the state penitentiary, waa at the Imperial this morning. He haa been making a buainess tour of Puget Bound cities, visiting Tacoma, Seattle, Ever ett Port Townaend and other places. He will leave tonight for hi home. Sheriff W. A. Storey ha returned from Dayton, Wash., where he attended the tournament of the Northwest Sportsmen's Association. He Bays grain In the Walla Walla country la in excel lent condition and that harvesting will be In full blaat within a short time. CASWELL IS STILL ON POLICE FORCE Mayor. Williams 'Retains Him After Civil Service Com ' mission. Cut Him Out. Notwithstanding the fact that C. Aj Caswell was turned down by the power that be In troth Civil Service examina tion for ' patrolman and detectives, Mayor Williams Is apparently aatlafled with the work aeoompiiahed by him, ana has retained him as a special officer. Caswell failed In both examinations and his nam was not among thoae more fortunate to be preaented to the Execu tive Board at Us next meeting. Cas well claims that he waa not treated fairly In the two examinations, and inti mates that Chief of Police Hunt worked to defeat him. It Is a well-known fact In police circles that the Chief dlalikes Caswell, owing, it Is Bald, to the fact that th latter hns not at any time been strictly under the Chiefs orders. That Chief Hunt snd Special Officer Caswell are not on good terma was clearly demonstrated by an Incident occurring recently st police head quartere. Caawell's duties are to keep the city' streets and sidewalks free from debris, and he went Into the Chiefs private office to Inquire about a. load of wood th Chief had permitted a woman at the corner of Sixth and Alder, streets to leave on tha sidewalk. Chief Moat's Bemarks. "What had I better do about that load of wood r auerled Caswell, humbly. "You ar not attached to my force, air. and I have nothing to aay to you regard- lna- that wood or anything else. My men will see that the streets and sidewalks are Vent clean, sir." was the reply. Caswell left the great cnier. going to the Mayor's office. He reported the oc currence, to the Mayor, and the follow ing day notified the woman to move the wood or suffer arrest, xne woou wm moved. Caswell is paid out of tn Mayors special private fund. THEATRICAL OFFERINGS BXDTCXB BATES AOOOT7BT FOTTBTX - ofrnr. The Southern Pacific Co. will aell tick ets at one and one-third fare for the round trip, between all atatlons on Ore gon lines, account Fourth of July, Tickets on sale July td and 4th, limited to July 6th. at reasonable rates. Strauhal Broa. For Sale Finely equipped job print ing office. Enquire 106 H First street rise Bayt Buy Meredith's umbrella, Repairing, recovering. Wash, and Sixth. About July 10, James R. Ewing, the bookseller, will remove to the corner of Fourth and Yamhill. Portland Club, 130 Fifth street A palatable lunch served every evening from S until 11 p. m. For Sale One of the best paying sa loons In Port 1 And for the money. Ad dress Box S, No. 1. Journal, K. I. Bruoa, plumber, has removed rom 228 1st at. to ZS1 EL Morrison, just cross Morrison-st bridge. Phone Bast 4. The Board of County Commissioners will advertise for bids within a few days for the painting of the Madison street brldce. "White Spray" la the best flour in the the place will readily believe what the ownera claim. Cascade Locks and return daily. Ex cellent opportunity to view the gem of all American river, the grand Colum bia. Scenery grand beyond description. Enjoy your holiday on the Fourth by takinK a trip to Cascade uockb ana re turn. Steamer Bailey uatseri leaves Alder Btreet wharf daily (except Mon day) 8:30 a. m.; Sundays, 9 a m., re turning at' 7 p. m. Music and excellent meals on board. Round trip, $1.60. Phone Main 914. When your collara and cuffs , are re-1 turned to you with a J'scorchy" color I they have been poiienea witn a nre- heated lroner. Our collar and cuff pol isher 1b heated with steam, and. there fore, la never guilty of "burning" the goods. It behatea itaelf all the time. and that'B why we bought it. So soon as other laundrlea learn of tho excel lence of our polisher, we suppose that! most of them will buy one. too. At pres- BOTXOB TO TBB rUBXJO. All barber shopa will keep open un til 9 p. m. on July t and will close promptly at 12 o'clock noon on the 4th , Oolag to Bt XionisT If bo. learn about th new tourlat serv ice inaugurated by the O. R. oVN- via Denver and Kansas city. City ticket of Third ana Washington. city. Made at Walla Walla by. Dement ent ours is tho only one in Portland. Bros. Co. O. W. Church, wholesale agent, 264 Front street Bee T. Abraham, at the Valley Land Company's office. 43 H First street, cor ner Ash, if you want to buy or sell real estate Established lt years. On tomorrow evening in the Grand Army Hall Dr. Laura Smith Wood will speak on the sex question from the standpoint of woman. The lecture will be given under the auspices of the Thursday Night Club. Robert Cavanaugh reported to the police at an early hour thla morning that he had been robbed of $36 in the ,01ympla Saloon. ., He also stated that he thought he. had been drugged there. No rests have been made. There Is time enough yet to have hat .Fourth of July printing neatly executed at the Metropolitan Printing Company's great establishment, 147 Front street, near Morrison. We turn out a quality of work that makes men rejoice. Secretary Henry S. Heed of the Lewis and Clark Corporation yesterday filed' his annual report with the Secretary of State. It shows that the capital Is $600,000, divided Into $10 shares. Of this stock.' $406,J67. of which $8,397 haa been paid up in full. The : American Alarm Company bs filed . article of . Incorporation at the office of the County Clerk. The capital stock is $60,000. The Incorporators are Oda Waldrop, .D. D. Warner and C F. Fisher. The company will deal In ma chinery and patent rights, Charles Humphrey, for several years in the employ of the Postal Telegraph Company in Portland In various capaci ties, has been appointed .manager of the Aatorla office, recently made vacant Mr. Humphreys' rise In his chosen line Is the result of efficient and hard work. . . T. A. Freeman, local claim agent for the Portland-Astatla Steamship Com pany, has been promoted to the position of asslsterit agent for the larai company With,-headquarters- at. Yokohama. He , will depart for that place on the trip of ; Union Laundry, Second and Columbia. Zt will only oost a quarter On any of the nine Fourth of July Excursions to Oregon City And Willamette Falls and return On Saturday, July 4. A quarter for. the round trip. Boats leave Portland and Oregon City simultaneously at 8:30. 9:30, 11, 12:80, 2. 3:30, 6, 6:30 and 8 o'clock. Here is a chance to have a basketful of pleasure at a thimbleful of cost. Give the fam ily a little joy on that day. It won't hurt you any and will make them happy. , Try it. Returning tickets in terchangeable with the electric cars. At a meeting of the Chamber of Com merce, held yesterday afternoon, the question of the Alblna ferry was re ferred to the Navigation Committee, and the matter Of having th Portland harbor represented In a New York firm cyclorama, to be exhibited at the St. Louis Fair, was left -to the Advertising Committee. The following were elected new members of the Chamber: Kuarehe , Froessner, manager of the North Pacific . Brewing Company of Aetorla: Fred A. Ballin. marine archi tect and engineer: Mann A Beach, Charles J. Brown and J. S. Taylor. Th Wolff -Americas bicycle ia now recognised among wheelmen as one of the best machines on the-market. It is a wheel that ha not been greatly ad vertised, the makers depending upon its merits to sell It and, these have brought it into general use throughout . the world. We buy this wheel from th manufacturers, for cash, in carload lots, and there being no middlemen's profits, ws -can afford to dispose of them, singly, at the ordinary jobbers' price. This is why our trade Is so good -why we sell so many machines each week. Slgel a Smith. $36 Morrison, Marquam Building. '.A banq.net was tendered to Dr. R. C Yenney last night by the members of the Hospital Corp. O. N. O. The Doc tor was formerly Major of the Corps. Dr. R. L. Ollleaple -acted as toastmas-tr-i-Tom- Bodley -and Or Yenney pro posed toasts. The musical numbera FIREWORKS! FIREWORKS! ONLY TWO DAYS MORE We are compelled to sacrifice on prices in order to close out our large stock of fireworks before the Fourth is over. REMEMBER ROCHESTER FIREWORKS Are the best in the country. Andrew Kan & Co. Cor. 4th and Morrison Sts. Second Annual Session Begins June 29 Prepares teachers for county August ex aminations; also city and state. SHAWM AH 0 BAD IIS Pupils taken for review from the 6th to 9th grades. In clusive. gPSCIAX, STTTBXXS Outdoor Sketch ing, Physical Training. Manual Train ing, Penmanship plain or ornamental. ? look-Keeping and Shorthand. For urther information address ... , Holmes Business College Eleventh and Yamhill Streets. The Empire. The best vaudeville entertainment that has yet been given at The Empire s that which opened Monday nignt ana continues through the week. Last night the same excellent bill was given and the eight especial sketches by the capa ble artists amused a' big house. Like the first night, not a feature was over- ooked, and from the first number (Buaa Brothers) to the lat Bioscope picture the closest attention was paid by the appreciative crowd that gathered in the house. Speaking of the Budd Brother their work 1 of the .highest class of merit and their fake boxing bouts are among the best featurea seen in humor this year. Clark and Raymond, the rapid-nre ventriloquists, are clever from start to finish, and some of the unique aaylngs f these entertainers are great favor winners of the patron. 'The White Throne," sung by Miss Brooke Eltrym. called down the house, and the cultured lady waa made to respond with "Annie Laurie." There ia splendid singing at The Empire, and following Miss El trym cornea Arthur Hahn, the Austral ian baaao. who fairly delights the audi ence. His "Turnkey" and "Aaleep In tha Deep"- ar rendered In about the best voice that haa been heard on a lo cal stage for many a day. The manage ment of The Empire, knowing how well musical numbers takes with the people, has added Andrews and Thompson, the singing duo, to the program. This pair 1 very good and their work is a great favor-winner. Coleman and Mexis essay an act that Is removed from most any thing seen In the general vaudeville en tertainment Their shooting with real bullets, and perfectly, too, is an excel lent feature of the show. Then comes i James Dunn, In inimical Imitations. None better in his line has been seen, and fol lowed by the Wells Brothers, in the! comedy sketch, certainly makes up great show. An entertainment such as was pre sented by The Empire Company last night need have no fear of anything but the best patronage. Aside from all AJCXTgXMBVTS, ' EMPIRE THEATRE I2th and Morris So. Faoae Mala T8, Sortfeweat Tasdevllle Co., Props, or re L. Baker, Keeldeot Maaager. The Only , 'lllgh-Claes TadTlll Portland. Howe la 1 mil bill thla week. Noreltlee. ' eomedr. alnarrai all -4op Itnera. Tba hlshfet-ealarlad acta In vaudeville. Hear Arthur Hahn. Budd Broth era. gee Coleman and Mexle. th Budd Brothers. Rarmond and Clark. Artbur liana, Brooke Eltrjm. Coleman and Mexea, Jaaiea Dunn. Andrewa ana Tboatpaon, welia prouier aaa toe niuecope. Matinee Wedneedar. Haturdar and guadar. Frlcee Ifatlneea. ane, lor,; craning, 80c, 30c, iocs Mies ana lofe eeaia, ooe. SHIELDS' PARK 18th and Waahlntton. rineat open-air theatre In the Wtat 8,200 seats. Greatest Show Ever Presented In Portland. BTCOH BMMBTT TKOB, WXX.SOH, ClABX OO. PATOKA BTJO. xoourr abb ksltom. TH DAOMABB. JOHH J. WBiCH. ABB OTBBBS. oxancBAx, ajdmzssioh tbb cbhts Oo to Cordrar'a In eaae ef rain. Marquam Grand Theatre ei' sagagenieni Eiiraormnarr, VAT 0. OOOOWIV And Hla Kxeellent Company, ar nlsbt. Julr S. "The Altar of rrla4. hip;" Krlday Bight, July t, "Whaa We Were Tweatr-one. Prteee Lower floor, except laat I rowa. M- laat I rowa, $1.50; balconr. Brat rowa, 11: flrat I of laat S rewa. Toe; laat 3 rowa In bal conr, i saner j, km ana Hoc: Dotes and msea, fix.ou. seats are now eeiuug The BaXer Theatre teora L. Baker. Mai saaager. TBB IIIQAQIMINT IS H BARING AN END. The Baker Theatre Company la "AHABIAH HTCrHTS." Bvenlns. 18c. 36c, We, OOe; matinee, 10c, 16c. Stc. Next "Eaat Lynne." C0NCBUT BALL BLABIBBBBOS. CONCIRT BVIRr NIOHT. M iiS BURN8IDB. Cedar Park POBT&AWVS MOST BBAVTZF1TL PUIASTTHB BBSOBT. Grand Display of Fireworks July 4th. Under new management. Band con cert, vaudeville show and other attrac tions. Dancing afternoon and evening. Largest floor on the Pacific Coast. Re freshments served. Ten acres of beau tiful grove. Five hundred electrto lights. Admission to grounds 10 cent. All City k Babaraka oars transfer to Cedar Park. Last "Pop" Concert Direction of BCr. Blmor Tlollalst Bios, First Baptist Church, Wednesday Ev'g, July I BIDOEN-COUUEN STRING QUABTET Beglaald Bidden, Violinist T. Adrian Bpplag, Baritone. Beats OOe. All "Pop" tickets not used are good for this date. .A BIG EVENT "The Different Store" Qids,Vortman&King FL'th and Washington ? Streets. $ I I THIS STORE CUOSES ! ALL DAY Saturday 4th It is not necessary for US to say WE close at SIX o'clock Friday, as THIS is THE STORE that NEVER OPENS EVENINGS. We combine INDEPENDENCE for principle's sake with EMANCIPATION from the drudgery of a 14-HOUR DJiY for our employee. This is a "Daylight," Ten-Hour-a-Day Store. 1 t t National Flags and Bunting b there a Flag in the house Ready for Saturday Independence Day 7 Plenty here, all wool, double warp, well twisted bunting timgr, strength of material and color guaranteed; double sewed stripes, reinforced cor ners; tape running through hem to prevent fraying; stars turned under. Priced, 2x4 feet to 4 feet long, $23.00 down Cotton Bunting Flags On sticks, 4 snd 0 feet long, 30c to f 1 Sttkriags Mounted, 12 In. to 4 feet, 15c to $1.50 Unmounted, 10 in. to 4 feet, 10c to $1.50 Red, white and blue tissue decora tions, stars, wreaths, etc, and Na tional Bunting in American profusion st American prices for old and young America's celebration of America's greatest day the glorious Fourth, A FISHY STORY Tou may aet lt down If told that there's any better place In the country thaa here to buy all good kinds of fishing taokle, lawn swing and prlnklers, ice cream freeiers, or anything else you re quire for summer comfort and pleasure which ought to be found in a flrat -class hardware store. AVERY & CO. A3 THIRD ST. - - PORTLAND ; We are not shouting' Very loudly in the newspapers. You may do the shouting when your teeth ache. Then come to us, and we'll stop the aching painlessly stop it Bull set best teeth, fTi next quality, 4 (and they're good ones, too' gold crowas, BS-karat, $3 gold nlllag. amaU, $li large. t3 all other IlUags, 75.ont each. ALBA DENTISTS Over Eflers Piano House, pp. Cordray's Theatre. Phone Main 2796 Have a Lawn Like Velvet a mower tnat cuts tne grass smoothly without hacking- it, a trine more ror tne oesi. tcdle VOSWOOD." w 111 Klve you satisfac tion that you cannot find In cheap rades. A single lootc vrm convince you, 'rices from J2.60 up By (retting evenly nnd Faying a Dayton Hardware Co, Oor. rirt and Taylor Sts. HIGH Or TBB BIO FAD&OCX. PORTLAND ACADEMY THB XXXT TUB WEU. OrSH 8XF T.- . . TEHBEm 14. The Principals are at their office at the .Academy every day from 9 a m.. to IS m. Students who Intend to apply for admlsaion to college en certificate ar requested to call at the Academy and secure their certificates aa soon as pos sible. , - v ' For Catalogue-address " -r TQMTXJLXl AOAS1TKT, , Portland Oregon. ..Fine.. Diamonds Diamonds and other gems mounted In the newest and most artistic settings. Whether costly or of moderate price, every stono Is absolutely perfect and represents in value the exact amount asked. Inspection Invited it In no way Implies an obligation to purchase. 1 1 MBtHMaii) i SPECIALTIES for the LADIES of PORTLAND. All klnda rXATBEKS sag BOAS OLXAVED and OU1XB. Mas. at. OILBEET. from London. 150V4 Flrat. neai corner. Those. Red SKI. the pleasant amusement features there i f Is mighty courteous treatment at The Empire, and this Is one of the little strokes that makea the nlayhouae so 1 attractive to the big audiences that patronise it. Th Bakes. No person who Is fond of clever comedy should mlsa seeing "Arabian Nights" as presented by the Baker Stock Company thla week at the Baker Theatre. Not for many montha has such an amusing farce been offered to the Portland public. The work of George Alison as Arthur Hummlngtop is exceptionally good and his wild en deavors to keep his mother-in-law from knowing that tie has a lively, young and pretty circus girl visiting at his home, keeps the audience In a roar of merri ment The confusion arises from a case of mietaken identity, but before Hum mingtop can extricate himaelf from his trouble, he manages to involve himself In the direst woe. Mlna Oleason as a suspicious mother-in-law is very clever and the acting of Lillian Rhoades also deserves mention. Miss Rhoades sings two song during the progress of tha play. Srbislda' rark aaderlU. Shields' Park Is doing very gratifying business this weeK. aespite in mreai- enlna- weather which has been handed out since Sunday. LaBt night another large audience, was In attendance and the show was fully up to Its reputable standard. The eight features on the bill were exceedingly well carrlea out ond there were no complaints of any kind heard. In a stage talk Mr. Shields stated that each weeK he would en deavor to aive an up-to-date enter tatnment. He Bald ho promised such from the very start of his shows at Cordray's Theatre, and he would leave lt to his patrons whether ne naa not nepi hjB word. ' GRAND EXCURSION TO WASHOUGAL AND RETURN A Brand excursion willbe given to Washougal and return on July 6, on the steamer Harvest Queen and covered barge, by the Sons of Hermann W. T. Lodge No. 2. The steamer will leave Ash street dock at 8:30 a. m.. returning at about 9 o'clock p. m. Round trip tickets, 50 cents; children from 6 to 11 years, 15 cents. Tickets for sale at Laue-Davls drug store. Tnira ana xam- htll; Schlller'B cigar store,. Fourth and Washington, and by the committee, Andy Boosl. B28 Yamhill street; Witch Haxel saloon. Front and Madison, nnd Joe Paua Royal Pickling Works.. Re freshments on boat, dancing on barge and plcnie at Washougal. Everybody kindly invited by the committee. s fx cia i, rotraTH or jott sotrtro TBZT XXOTTBSZOH StATBB MB TWSXX rOBTiAJTO AVS ALL POUTTS OB A. ft . a b. m. On July S and 4, the Astoria & Colum bia River Railroad Company Will, sell Special round trip excursion tickets from Portland to all points on its line. In cluding Clatspp Beach, points,' and - re turn, -at rate of one tare for the round trip, tickets limited ' good for return passage USUI jiuj i, uii-tuaive : t Billiard and Pool Tables SALOON FIXTURES BOWLING ALLEYS tV glv you btntflt manufactunr'a priemt ENOUGH SAID. The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co. J 49 THIRD STREET, PORTLAND, OR. w Painless Extracting! We do Crown and Bridfe Work wltbeat pals. Oar H reare' eiperleoce la plate work eoablee oa to fit roar mouth comfortably. We bare feeling aa well as yoa. rr W. A. Wlae. manager, baa found a safe war to extract teeth absolutely without pala. JJf. X g . TV 1 I VyCT " WW ) esavw rB. Wi A. WI8B. WISE BROS., Dentists Ope evenlne till 9, .nd nrlrira Work . . . t. t a Extracting tree woeu puma or r,mu ordered. DB. T. f. WISH. 208-213 FAIUNG UPC, CetvM aa With. ! Sanders from S tD 12. Or. Main 8029. Opticians HjGHEST SKILL IN FITTING ...LOWEST PRICES . Consultation Free 141 SIXTH ST., COR. ALDER With White Sewing Machine Co. Lloyd's Veterinary Hospital. between t'lafiUers ami gumron and illnienta that dogs and outer douMattle aulmaie ar Aest. JaV See A1ARS f Rohse's Park, July 4-5 J I Baleen aaremton, paraebnte leap, I I blh aire, loo feet. I Gamee of all kinds, band eon- f cert, dancing. ; UMIS8I0K U CE1TT8. , f , 100 North Hixtb at.. UUmu, rortlaud, Or. iwvtor T. J. Llord. feterlnarr SuvclaUat. treata all dtcaaaoe and allmauta that boraea, k..l p tn I hare a full and complete aec or veterinary nrglcal and denul Ipatruauents and am able to prrform any operation known to tba veterinary evlMioe. , ' ... 1 operate andor the lateafr Improved mthorta. Rpecial attenfloa to Florae Dentlatrr. ItldglHg Uorxe Caatratlim and Spartng. All calle pbotnptlf attraaci. nay or bicbc. abone no Oregon phone Mats 220. Henry Weiniiard Proprietor of Th City'Brevrei Largest and Most CompIeU -' Brewery In th Northwest BOTTLED BEER A SPECIALTY .' Telephone No. 7 . THE JOUriNAL'S" IS RELIABLE i