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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1903)
ft THE OHEGON DAILY JOITIIKAL. TORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, J PLY 1. 1003. REMOVAL SALE ANDSGRAIW- SUMMER- CLEARANCE SALE! For nine days past we. hav& given the best bargains ever offered in this city. Now we intend to eclipse these by offerihg . any odds "and ends and'l for almost nothing, and our stock of FINE, NEW UP-TOr DATE GOODS, AT PRICES TO SUIT THE SMALLEST PURSE. COME EARLY AND SECURE THE BEST PICK OF STYLES AND SIZES. efforts ' t. s entire 1,200 pairs Ladies Oxfords Pair Odds and Ends. 2,135 pairs Ladies' Lace Shoes Pair Tan and Black. 3,560 pairs Men's Lace or Crongress Pair Broken Lots. 4,185 pairs Men's Lace Shoes $lqq Pair Tan and Black. A . FINE LOT OF 1,490 pairs $1.24 - Pair Ladies' and Men's Shoes values to $4.00 r Bargains in Ladies' Fine Shoes. Bargains in Ladies' Slippers. Bargains in Ladies Oxfords. ALU TAN SHOES Bargains in Men's Fine Shoes. Bargains in Boys' and Girls' Shoes. Bargains in Men's Oxfords. Bargains in Infants' Shoes. Bargains in Men's Canvas Shoes. Bargains in Children's Slippers. AT ONE-HALF ORIGINAL COT THE V MUST OO! On Sept. 1st we move to 291 Morrison St. Our present stock must be sold oat at once. MARKS HOE CO 253 Morrison S NEAR THIRD. J. BARRETT WAS SECOND CHOICE Oregon Delegation Recom mended Judge C. H, Carey for Minister to Argentine, but He Declined Honor, The President Was Then Peti- " tioned to ' Name Barrett- Carey Could Not Afford to Leave His Business. John Barrett, who is to be appointed United States Minister to Argentine succeeding: ex-Governor Lord, whose term of office expires October 16, was first mentioned for the position of honor which he I soon to fill, by Senators J. H. Mitchell and C. W. Fulton of this state. Judge C. H. Carey was the first choice of the Oregon delegation and was given Its unanimous Indorsement for the posi tion before Senators Mitchell and Fulton left the national capital at the close of the recent Congressional session. But upon their arrival In Portland the Sena tors found that Mr. Carey, although appreciating the honor done him in the Offer, was not disposed to abandon his extensive and remunerative law practice here. Mr. Barrett was then decided upon and strong letters were sent the Presi dent, urging his selection - to fill the' coming vacancy. , ' "The appointment has not yet been made," said Senator Mitchell today, "but there Is no doubt Mr. Barrett will be named. Senator Fulton and myself acted ntlrely In harmony In the matter of Ls recommendation, and we were the rst to name him for the place. Carey Declined. - "We decided upon Judge Carey with out having consulted his wishes in that regard and found, upon the matter being laid before him, that he was not agree able to the arrangement. Judge Carey was flattered by the honor 'done him in the offering- of such an important ap pointment as that of Minister-to Argen tine, but he did not feel that the $10,000 : annual -income accompanying the office was sufficient to warrant him in leav ing his Portland business. We then de cided upon Mr. Barrett" John Barrett, whose' appointment Is expected to be announced within a com paratively' short tlnm, ' la a native of Vermont, but has long been a resident of Portland and the Pacific Northwest. He was at one time United States Min ister to Slam, resigning that post at the outbreak of the Spanish-American War to go to the Philippines as a war cor .Mr. Barrett is now traveling in the iteresta of the St. Louis Exposition. 3TV Senator C, W. Fulton, who is in Port "andTtoday on his way to Wallowa, where he Is to deliver an address on July 4, corroborated Senator Mitchell's statement SPOKANE MEN BUY OUT H. C. BREEDEN Tull & Gibbs .Will Hereafter Conduct Business Im provements Planned. RAPHAEL BECK AWARDED PRIZE The Famous 'Buffalo Artists Symbolic Design of Lewi and Clark Expedition Is a "Most Beautiful One, Oregon Lad, Receives Favor able Mention for Pretty P.c tures Submitted, The formal transfer of the stock. store and thai good will of the business was mis mormag made by the H. C. Breeden COniDanv to Tull. Jb Jthh nt Spokane. Mr. Breeden is retiring from FrPff Cn()l)Pr. fl IQ-Ypar-OIH the furniture, carpet and drapery busi- ' 'X WWUeii d J v I tidJ UIU ness that be has for many years con ducted at the corner of Second and Mor rlaon streets, The transfer has been pending for some tlmo but It was not until this morning that all arrangements were completed, the purchase price paid over and the name of the new. Arm substl-1 Raphael Beck of Buffalo, N. Y., was tuted. . v I this morning awarded the prise for the rne Tun & uidds company is a Wash- symbolic design of the Lewis and Clark icgton corporation. Both gentlemen Exposition, to be used as the official have been engaged In the furniture buil- symbol of the 1S05 Fair. The award ness in Spokane for many years, own- carries, with it the $600 cash offered by ing there what Is probably the largest the ExDOsltion directors as the Drlxe estannsnment or its tuna west or Chi- tor the best design submitted cago. The capital stock of the corpora- The prise picture represents the end- tion Is $500,000. the-majority of which I ing of the long, weary westward march Is invested in the business. 0f c&Dtalns Lewis and Clark. They are Mr. Tull was seen at his office this looking far out across the Pacific view- morning. He said: "We expect to makel ir the last rays of a setting sun The many improvements lnvthe four-story pathfinders are dressed In the garb' of Duuaing we nave acquireu isrougn me the traDDers of an hundred years ago. purchase from Mr. Breeden. The top wearing fringed buckskin suits and car- noor win De remoueiea win iso me Irving, the old-fashioned, long-barreled third and possibly the second, thus mak- rm.? i .Atr hn ar hatchets and ing it possible to use all our floor space swung across their shoulders are the for display purposes. useful nowderhorns. Between the Cap- we llgure on expenaing aooui 1U,-I i .tanrtm rnlumhtn. her hands nn 000 alone to this end. When these h0i- .hnuMr she. tnv i changes are accomplished it will mean iookInff Asiaward. The fair miss is that we will have to have store room for dreased , a mantie of pure white, while stock for which there will be no space th6 Amerloan flag ls thrown over her in the present building. , : Bhoui,jer-: -he Is . wearing the cap of nor mrtiui P1.UU...B w, liberty. The color plan Is red, blue. vm . .. t yellow and brown. iwo stories nign ana emu n . The dM, ,wnlg t haye a deUcate cannot say yei jusi wnere wm oe boWne about lt that pleased every pmueu, uui T one who viewed the pictures this morn frMa..Min -in -tiZZZU theJ-air headquarters. Secre the work Of cnra.t,n.w"5 b'f.un. ta"y Reed telegraphed Mr. Beck of What we want is trackage and that I ,,, , th" "ra ,nd extended find ls a hard thing to obtain at present. Everybody seems to want to get into Portland. When this warehouse Is built our the result of the award, and extended to him the congratulations of the com mittee. This is the third design by this artist to be used as an official sym BARRETT IS NAMED . BY THE PRESIDENT 7 WASHINGTON. July l.The ap -pointment issued late today of John Barrett of Oregon, the fornjer Minister to Slam, to d Minister to Argentine Republic, vice William Lord, who re tires In October on account of old age. v X IJlJrL Jiu ra.7errrt fromlbol by International expositions, he hav headquarters will be transferred from J . Pan.Xlnar. Spokane to Portland, we now nave m " - " ,",r T 07' - the former city the largest furniture Pa ind,SV Lul" Flr"' . m . warehouse !n the West, but we Intend to t Fleischner and Paul Wessinger, Jtm of the press and -publicity committee, larger """ made the award, Leo Friede. the other wn tw t win re- member, being out of the city. Acting main in Portland, while Mr. Oibbs will President H W Scott and MmUry a look after the interests of our Spokane E. Reed also thought the Beck design store. Among other changes that will the bes one submitted, be effected will be the construction of Young Artlsjk Is Honored, an interior office that will accommodate A get 0f designs which show artistic our business. . Several men familiar taste and a great deal of study were with our business will come here from BUbmitted by Fred Cooper of McMinn Spokane. ville. Mr. Cooper Is the son of Plrector "I believw Portland Is one of the best j c cooper of the Fair, and ls only 19 business cities in the United States, he year8 of age He wlu receive honorable added in conclusion. "Money and en- mentlon from the committee, and hit terprise. public spirit and a loyalty to work may be uged for Falr ,f)Sters. local interests, the. things most needed 0n of h,s AenignB entitled "Wooing in the husiness world, all seem to be Fortunei- , a pen-and-ink sketch, show hero and we expect great results from ,ng the West repre(,ented Dy a COwboy our most auopiciouB " " trying to obtain the trade of the OH beautiful Oregon metropolis.' BARTENDER GOES WRONG Karry WlUon Is Sought by Officers for Bobbing1 Till In the jrorth Sad. On complaint of K W. Beaman, North End saloon proprietor, a warrant ent by lassoing an Oriental maiden, who tries to keep the trade, represented by a bag of money, from the West. . . j Other Pretty Designs. K. Kaffrafli of Chicago submitted two very beautiful designs. One of them has a sitting figure looking toward the Orient, representing commercial Colum bia, as a centerpiece. It also has a map part showing the Pacific Ocean) sur- THE DALLES WILL HIGHLY CELEBRATE Great Preparations Being Made for the fourth Other NewSy Items. ' . S7EZTQ rOXTRTH OS COIXTMBIA. Vaxe the Cri? Dews tie Sler en tie t .,." repulap. T. 3. Pctier. . At 1 o'clock Saturday afternoon the T. J. Potter leaves - for. North Bech. You annot epend your Fourth in so en joyable a minnrr as to make this trip. Allows you Cunday at North Ilsach. For particulars, ark at city ticket office. Third Washington streets. . . ' ' 1 1 ' ' i, i r .. WHargrtrie secret-ofHinpprr--rl?orrus health? Slmtlv keptrg .!! bowels, the ' rtomacfi;" the t-eri"l ki lners vtrong. en active. . BurJoci;' X5!oo4 Cttera does Jt . ". usi.e for the arrest of one Harry J mounted by Mount Hood. To the -right nmun tmtmr - th mnlint - Aharsos I ana ieii or train laDeiea L. c. A., anu Tv-iiann with Inrcenv. ' Ud to a. late hour a hlp labeled "Orient. th offloers had been unable to locate Two designs offered by t. W. Bailey him. but a vigorous search Is now In of this city were quite favorably, re nrosress I reived. Qne shows the Indian maiden. Wilson was empioyea to tena oar, ma ravw", n " was to tKe cnarga bi d o ctocit inia i v -... - moming. He did. according to the state- her feet are Hgunm representing; the Pa- ments of Proprietor- Beaman. and the nc noruiwwi ana ino uneni. vcen, ftmt thinrr he in snld to hav done, was 'arming and timber., scenes are also th rnnh register and heln him- I Shown. self to the contents. The total was j no omer picture Dy me name arusi hmit. 29. With the ill srotten nlna. represented miss rortiana, wun- ner Wilson is said to have skipped, and It is dress trimmed with roses, opening a thought probable that,',he Is enjoying map showing the -Western shores of the coin n riotous living In' the North ln umusa eaiea ana me juuicrn pari End. v ??rf erred Stoek Canned Oeods. Allen c Lewis" Ueat Brand. , J- . of Asia. - ' I 'Manv other heautlful dealcna were submitted, and can be seen at the Fair headquarters. (Journal Special Service.) THE DALLES, Or., July 1. The Fourth of July committees are more than busy getting everything in readi ness for the celebration to be held here this week. - It will be one of the largest events of its kind ever held In Eastern Oregon. As a large attendance ls ex pected, preparations are being made to take care of the visitors and see that they are properly entertained while in the city. 1 At a meeting held at the club rooms last night the final program was ar ranged and the committees given full power to act. Among the different en tertainments are: On Friday a concert given by- the Chemawa Indian Band, nd on Saturday they will furnish music throughoufthe day, also taking part In various exercises. Friday afternoon a baseball game will be played between Wascos and Allen & Lewis' team of Portland. On Saturday another game will be played between Chemawa In dians and Wasco team. At .8 o'clock of the Fourth a hose contest will take place between Dalles and Dufur firemen. In the evening the Illuminated pa rade will be held, which promises to be the finest ever seen here. The ending of the celebration will be a grand free ball for the visitors, where everything will be done to make them perfectly at home. stepped off the platform, falling a dis tance of six feet to the ground. In doing so he received a double fracture to his right leg Just above the ankle. On the arrival of his train he was brought to this city and taken to the hospital, when after an examination by Dra. Ferguson and Reuter, he was ad vised by them to allow amputation of the lower part of his leg. A message was sent to Dr. Mackenzie of Portland, who came up on the noon train, and agreeing with the other sur geons, the operation was performed yes terday afternoon, the lower two-thirds of the leg being amputated. The patient ls doing as well as oan be expected since the operation. Had bo Money In Bank. Churles Van Duyn, who arrived here Saturday and left soon after to visit TONSORIAL ARTISTS HOLD BIG MEETING A largely attended meeting of the Barbers' Union was held last night, at which six new members were Initiated and 13 were taken in. on transfer cards. Business Agent Leabo says that the union is now stronger numerically than ever before in Its history. The books show that there are 280 members In good standing, including every journey man In the city, with possibly half a dosen exceptions. k The following delegates to the Feder ated Trades Council were elected: W. E. McGregor, F. I. Marshall and Fred FONES WAS UNDER CAPTAIN'S ORDERS Commanding Officer of First Relief Comes Forward with Statement in tho Case. - Zieg Amputated. THE DALLES. Or.. July 1. About 1 o'clock Sunday morning Mr. Abbott, a well-known wool -buyer of Ban Fran cisco was walking up and down the platform at Biggs waiting for a pas- sener train, when he accidental! relatives at Coburg, gave a check here West. The regular officers are elected for 60 on a bank at Sumpter, his home for a year, and the term of the present town. He had no account with the bank, so the officers wired Coburg to arrest him on his arrival, which was done and he was taken to Eugene to await an officer from here. Today he was brought here and placed under $200 to appear for preliminary examination July 6. His arrest caused considerable surprise, as he formerly lived here and bears a good reputation. He claims he wired his brother at Sumpter to protect the check at the bank, but for some unknown reason he failed to do so. QUEEN VOTING CONTEST The first official count In the Wood men of the World Carnival Queen voting contest was made today with the fol lowing, result: 2,060 959 Emma Jackson .... Elsta Morgan Hellen Sourman ... Eula Bennet Anna Philips , Martha Luetschlngr Grace Brown . . h . . Verna Stlenegger . . Violet Ross W. N. Williams 609 603 473 S10 270 106 96 84 The most delightful trio across the continent is via the Denver A Rio Grande, the scenic line of the world Apply at 124 Third St.. Portland, for rates. incumbents will not expire until the last of December. Next Monday, Tuesday and Wednes day the State Board of Barber Exam iners will convene in this city for the purpose of Inspecting the shops and conducting examinations. It is stated that there will be almost 100 applicants for certificates. Sleet Offloers. " At the last meeting of the Brlcklay era' Union the following officers were elected: A. Sanatrom, president; W. Caaon, vice-president; B. Cacon, record ing secretary; V. Miller, corresponding secretary; N. P. Jorgensen, financial secretary; W. H. Blaney, - treasurer; Louis May, sargeant-at-arms; 'delegates to the Federated Trades Council,- Blaney, Gurr and Jorgensen. The Linemen. The striking linemen are receiving daily bulletins from the Western Con ference at San Francisco, giving a full account of the situation as lt exists from time to time. t The bulletin re ceived today mentions lines having been cut near San Pablo, Sunday morn ing, and deplores the Incident. It de nies that any of the members of the union were connected with the affair. Thelocal tnn say ha everything is progressing favorably In - Portland. Another non-union man, they state, : Joined them this morning. ' Through Captain of Police E. E. Par ker, Patrolman L. C. Fones, accused of accepting a. set of dishes known to have" been stolen, may be able to clear him; self, if by no other means. Not until today .did Captain Parker, under whom Patrolman Fones serves. : being on the second relief, come forward with the statement that Fones was act ing under his orders when he spent so much of his time around the new build- , ing of the PV Johnson Milling Company.-' Because Fones was at the building so much of his time, was until today eon- . sidered evidence that he was In collu sion with Nlghtwatchman Watktns, now under arrest for robbery of the premises. Chief Hunt admitted today that Cap tain Parker's written, statement was greatly In favor of the accused officer. "I bad been- Informed that the new building was without doors and windows as yet, and thinking that thieves might ' descend upon the place because of this fact and pilfer and rob, I' Instructed Patrolman Fones to spend as much of his time in that vicinity and at the building as possible." said Captain Par ker today. "He may have misconstrued my meaning and remained there possl-; bly more than I really intended, but he ; was acting under my orders when he put in a good share of his time there." ' The hearing of the case was not con tinued today, owing to the absence of;, Commissioner Bee be from the city on business. As soon as he returns, the ' matter will again be resumed, and dis posed Of. 4 'Strength and -.vigor, coma of Joad.z food, duly digested. 'Force.' a ready-to-, serve wheat and barley food, adds no burden, but sustains, nourishes. Invigor ates. MAKE YOUR FOURTH A HAPPY DAY If you have seen the grandeur of the Columbia River Scenery a thousand times, it is always Delightfully Interesting It Is the Grandest In the World. , It Is Unequaled on the Earth. It Is a Counterpart of Fam ous Switzerland. 99 The Palatial... "Bailey Gatzert Affords the opportunity, The . splendid steamer will leave foot , of Alder street at 8:30 a. nr., re turning at 7 p. m., making the run to the CASCADELQCKS AND RETURN In about 10 hours. It will be t 'S-l itC' !- r ' r ' - 4 ' r A : Z MAT' JL J " J " i - g-) - If T -' ( ..x iii i.iiii i .. ' " ' " t " ltiss.lsMssMMMMMIMMMI A Grand Excursion for a Li ttleMonev Fine Music on Board and the Table Host rrv::; Excellent Fare for Round Trr