TIIE OREGON JDAILY JOUKNAT OIITLAND. SVEPyESPAY EVEN HT G, J UX Y 1, 1003. V: REPORT OF THE CITY OFFICIALS Portland's Financial Condition Shows a Period of Sound Progress in the Municipal De partments, Aii the Funds Have Healthy Balances' and Many Are In creasing Rapidly from Dif ferent Sources, Receipt from all sourros . . J 1 . 0 2 . r. -1 ,1 3T. llhurmmftiiii il ;i 6, tlH. Itnlnnre on hand Jnn. 1 JJ7.sS;l.,3 Balance on liund July 1.... 711.711.63 Thin In brief In the flnunrlnl report of th City of Portland for the six month from January 1, 1C0S, to June 10, 103, Inclusive, and whl h ha been compiled by the orflclaU at the head of the varloun deprtmentn. There has never been a period In th history of the tity, the official claim. when he finances were in such good condition, and the reports of the de partment, .both quarterly and semi annual, for the period ending last night, are record-breakers. Such an excellent showing Is parti:' made possible by the enforcement of - the city's new bharter, which went Into llect In January, and which provided for many additional sources of reve nue, principally from new tax Items. General fund bonds of the 6 per cent ,. Issue, aggregating $"5,n00. which had 1 matured, were redeemed by an Issue of . 4 per cent bonds to the same amount, thus saving the municipality the extra ., t per cent. Tbe flreboat fu'hd. created by special action of the Legislature, has Increased until now the amount on hand for that special purpose reaches the total of ' S5b.SQS.04. This will be disbursed as Erovlded for when the payment on the oat Is ordered made, Healthy Balanoee. , All of the various lands show s healthy balance. ' There is now In tho ' watr fund the sum of 1150,477. io. and the only outstanding debits against it Is the claims of June and $72,600 on '- the Issue of water bonds. The street light fund is In a wonderfully good condition, there being a balance of $4S.- 160.18 on hand, with no outstanding warrants. The bonded Indebtedness fund shows a balance of $(2,131. M, and there matures today $18,000 . worth of 'City He'll bond coupons; -- t - The report of City Treasurer Werleln . for the half-year shows that hla office ' handled a' sum aggregating tl.SOO.OOOrj This is the record for that department since Its creation, and few of the larg est Items were as follows: 'Licensee. $ .S1S.S8 Municipal Court , 12,344.41 Keturned to City Auditor on warrants paid 102,478.55 Improvement bonds int 6.000.00 Street end sewer bonds int.. 600.00 Interest on deposits (new Items), $1, I1S.86.J This has only been In force the past three months, and shows a gain of more than $600 per month. Pound reectpts ! S24.I5 Delinquent taxes 944.71 Rentals . ,i 47S.O0 Paclnc States Telephone o...f 1,000.00 Premium on bonds 2,360.70 Sale of junk and material from city barn , " TOS.OO .; Transferred, from the general fund ' to the following department funds, by order of the City Council: ' - Fire Department! ....... v. . ..$12,000.00 Police. v............10.000.00 Mghtlng . 7.250.0a Streets repair . J.nOO.BO Streets Improvements ........ 854.57 . Another new fund was created, which . Is known as the Park Concert Fund, and which was ralsttd through the indefat igable efforts of J. D. Meyer, of the f Park Commission, and C. L. Brown, of Brown's Band. There la at present balance amounting to $3,407.00. . ' Aadltor'a Beport- The report of City Auditor Thomas C. Devlin covers both quarters, 'com mencing' the first, of the year. The quarters comprising April, May and June showed an Irfcrease over the pre ceding three months, and, Jn fact, fs aaid to be the largest' quarter in the history of the office. The total re ceipt for licenses from the first of April until the last ' of June amounted to $52,078.88, of Which $33,733.35 came from saloon licenses. The remainder was divided between professional and UPTON ENJOYS THE YACHT RACES Constitution Crossed Ahead of Reliance in Very Pretty Start. Line KIDNEY TROUBLE CURED. General Health Greatly Improved by re-ru-na. NEWPORT, H. I., July 1 Sir Thomas Lipton. on board the Krln, came Ito port today to witness the trial races between the Reliance, Columbia and Constitution. I.ord Lipton complimented the Reliance highly on Its excellent appearance. Tbe Baos. The starting line was crossed b? tho Constitution at 1:15:30, and the Reliance came next. At 1:60 the boats were only fnintly visible owing to the tnlst. It looked as though the Reliance had fore- reached the Constitution and beaten her In the first few hitches to weather. The boats were jumping and it was a lively race between the Constitution and the Columbia. Reliance finished a considerable dis tance ahead of the Columbia. ''' I 1 wL-Ji A MRS. M. J. DAXLEY. I lot t and hla force have been kept on the go all the time, and It is estimated that he will have the supervision of street work amounting to at least $1, 000,000 during the year. Of this, the contractora have finished tip work amounting to more than $300,000, and more than $400,000 worth Is now under way. The work in the department of the Board of Health has also been rather congested at times, snd there have been periods when they could not actually keep up with it. FINISHES AVERAGES OF THE EXAMINATION The Civil Service Commission fin ished the averages of those taking tho recent examination for the police serv ice last evening, and sent out a list notifying the applicants of their stand ings. But very few failed, tbe list of Inellglbles comprising only those who failed to reach an average of 76 per cent. ' . The Hat of those who paased or failed, together with their percentages. Is as follows: . Captains Passed. Samuel Simmons 81 K. K. Parker . . 87 O. H. Bailey 87 J. J. Byrne . . 75 R. H. Austin .n D. M. Mclnnta '.80 Carl Gritxmacher (2 John T. Moore .8 Charles Venable .. .02 Captains Tailed. Fred C. Oeer .89 Oscar F. leak son . .. .72 Detective Paased. Jacob Hoesly .84 H. H. Hawley .83 L. C. Hartman 93 Joseph Day 82 F. J. Snow . . ti J. F. Kerrigan . 86 Deteotiveo Palled. E. W. Hicks 63 Albert Caswell 63 Albert M. Brown ,51 Daniel Welner .70 Jailer Passed. Ben Branch .83 Patrolmen Passed. C. H. Hellyer Mrs. M. J. Dariley, Treasurer of the Rebecca Lodge, I. O. O. P., writes from 124 First street, Nn Minneapolis, Mlnn.t I was afflicted for several years with kidney trouble which became quit scr iooa and caused me considerable anxiety. . tpent hundred of dollar trying to be curea, but nothing gavo me any permanent relief until I tried rerun. it took let than tana month and only tan bottle to effect a permanent vara, bat they were worth more than at many hundred dollars to me. I am fully restored to health, know neither aehc nor pain and enjoy life."! Mra. M. J. Danley. ThU experience has been repeated many times. We hear of snob case nearly every day. Mrs. Danley had catarrh of the kid' neys. As soon as she took the right remedy she made a quick recovery. A Proanlaeat Southern Lady's Letter, Miss Laura Hopkins, of Washington, D. C, niece of Hon. E. O. Hopkins, one of tke largest Iron manufacturers ol Birmingham, Ala., writes the following letter commending Pernna, She says i "lean cheerfully recommend Peru na tor lndlgetlon and atomach trouble and a a good tonic "-Laura nopain. Peruna cures catarrh wherever located, Feruna is a epeciflo for the catarrhal derangements of women. Address The Peruna Modicine Co., Columbus, Ohio, for tree book on catarrh written by Dr. B. B. Hartman. sa" ' ' ' ' " e' at .;;..;.,V it I meiyi The -many little items you will need while on your outing trip are all oh salel now. Y6u will pay double the present .pripes elsewhere. Come; to the' big store and. see for yourself ; the immense stock and wondrous low prices. Druggists' Sundries 57c 57c J3c 13c 27c $1.03 59c Coke's Dandruff Cure Special ' Newbro's Herpicide Special- Lyon's Tooth Powder Special Menneh Talcum Powder Special Wisdom's Robertine Reduced to Oriental Cream Special Mme. Yale's Hair Tonic Regular $1.00, for Wright's Dentomyrh Tooth Powder 11r Soecial I IV Wright's Dentomyrh Tooth Wash Q p SDecial v 4711 Toilet Water Special Williams' Toilet water Special 53c 43c commercial licenses, for the , first quarter of the year the total receipt only amounted to S50.871.75, with 333, (48.85 apportioned to saloon licenses. While tbe other departments of the municipality do not make a Semi-annual report, as they handle none of the city's fineness, there was, nevertheless, the - linn prfpT""" - condition developed during- the hnlf-year. City Engineer El- J. F. Johnson . ........ E. C. Brothers R. W. Phillips 8. 8. Young" . J. P. Fones . . . . t lv, M. Jones , J. J. Murphy . Charles Venable W. O. Stett Griffith Roberts Patrolmen Palled. W, T. Roberts 8. Downey i Sfatroa dtp Jell Passed. Mrs. Bnmuel Simmons Rose Wilcox ; . . . . Mrs. Helen Poison Patrol Drtrers Passed. J. II. Price , , C. 8. Vauahn M. K. Gruber C. H. Tlchenor R M. Rlner , I. E. Isaacs R j. Crate C H. Hellyer . . Karoormaster passed. Ben Blgiin Angus Fleming; . , ... J. J. Hyrne Frank Dolaa . , .80 .75 .80 .71 .85 .0. .8 .80 .35 .40 .100 .100 .81 .100 .100 .93 .100 .93 .85 .90 .100 .100 ion .100 .90 THIRTEEN THOUSAND MINERS ON STRIKE - (Journal Special Service.) BIRMINGHAM, July 1. Thirteen thousand coal miners suspended work to day on account of the failure of miners and operators to agree on a wage scale after a, conference lasting 10 days. Eight houra av-day-and semi -monthly -paydays are wanted. All union miners are out LadU-s Gt-nts' Bathing Suits for Rent and r H-JB , v-r " t 4 Reasonable Family Ratos. Fine View of the Ocean. Excellent Cuisine. THE NEWTON yzwTosr statiow. If ew Xmproremeate Wew Management ' BATES Sfl.00 FEB BAT. J. O. Wlekhnm. Proprietor. Mrs. V. II. Kenslt. Hostess. X.OITO BEACH, WASH. Centrally Located witJi Beaatlfnl Snrroundinga. rise Snrf BatUngr. T5he Hackney Cottag'e 1 SEA VIEW, WASH. Second stop after leaving Ilwaco. Postofflce address, HiWAOO, WASB DALY'S MUSICAL COMPANY The advance sale of seats will open tomorrow (Thursday) morning at 10 o"clock for the Augnistln Daly Musical Comedy Company, which comes to the Marquam Grand Theatre Saturday night. July 4, presenting "A Runaway Girl." Marie Doro, the Ingenue with the Daly Company., which comes here shortly, has been heralded In .the New York press . .throughout the past seaaon as "the most beautiful and fascinat ing young woman on the entire metro politan stage." The New York World said: "She is the prettiest and daintiest piece of humanity that; nature ever created; a veritable dream of loveliness and possessing a gorgeous pair of eyes. Miss poro made a great hit with her "Cuckoo" song in "The Billionaires." Dollar Watches 1,000 Guaranteed Dollar Watches Special Garden Hose Don't forget that we carry the best and largest stock of GARDEN HOSE in the city. Special Prices to Suit All Pruses '$3.09 Mr. Vat Oocdwln. The lightness of touch that Is typ! cal of Mr. N. C. Goodwin's methods, will be found well exemplified In "The Altar of Friendship," when the actor and1 his excellent supporting company presents this charming comedy at the Marquam urana Tneatre tomorrow (Thursday) night. The delicacy of transition from bantering humor to silent sacrifice gives to the play an air of conviction that Is not possessed by any other now on the boards, and It is no disparagement to Mr. Goodwin to say that he gives the proper temperament to the pathetic lines instead of those containing the comedv element. Mr.. Goodwin, in this play, ac centuates the straits of as fine a fellow as one Is likely to meet, his verve and genius dominating all with a sincerity mat is truly delightful. The others in the cast will be found eminently satis factory and the staging will be most lavish and beautiful, while ..the gown tng of the ladles of the organization will attract and charm the feminine por tion or its audiences. Friday night "Wnen Wei Were Twenty-one" will be the bill. Seats are now selling for both performances. R00SEVEIT'S?IANS FOR THE FOURTH (Journal Special Service.) OYSTER BAY. July 1. President Roosevelt is spending a , restful day working. He will Invite his neighbors to sagamore Hill on the Fourth for a big fireworks display. The president expects to take an active part in assist ing the expert in shooting them off. ORTY WERE KILLED AND MANY INJURED (Journal Special Service.) LONDON. July 1. Ah Evening Star special says 40 persons were killed and many injured in the Brussels wreck. Home Comforts. Kxcellpr.t Table Board and a Most Desirable Place for Families. Spacious Sitting-room. -McGuire's Hotel Open All the Year 'Round SEASIDE, OREGON Mrs. O. McOulre. Prop. Rates Reasonable. This Popular Hotel is new and clean and beautifully located on the Banks of th4 Necanicum. within five minutes' walk of, OZiATSOP BZAOK. The Host Pleasant Seaside Besort on the Northwest Pacific Coast. The New Grimes Hotel E. M. Grimes, Proprietor. Free Bus to and From Hotel. Rates Furnished on Application ' CUATSOP BEACH Only hoel overlooking the ocean. View f the-eea from nearly every room. SEASIDE, OREGON VOTABT PtTBLIO COZ.UEOTXBO ACMEVOY FIBS XHSUBAWCB S. J. HUBBARD SEASIDE'S BAI ESXAT PZAXSB Seaside. Oregon AFTER DIAMOND ROBBERS Z.os Angelas Officers Arrive 'In Chi cago "With the Beqnlred Papers. (Journal Special Survice.) CHICAGO, July 1- Detectives Haw ley and Jones "of Los -Angeles arrived liere today with extradition papers for Prisoner Baer and two others wanted for the $15,000 robbery at the Melrose Hotel several months ago. RESIGNS HIS LEADERSHIP VIENNA. July 1. Francis Kossuth, the head of the Kossuth party, today re signed the presidency at a mass meeting .in Buda Pesth. on account of what he considers a breach of faith wlth-him. 60 feet Cascade, 'i-inch, regular $3.75 special .' , . 60 feet Caseade, -inoh, regular $4.25, (f ja special ......... ..;.....; ....... tJ)J,47 60 feet Geyser, i-inch, regular 4.75, fjA special ''"VtJeO 60 feet Geyser, -inch, regular $5.50, Qh i PA pedal f 04.t)7 60 feet Woodlark, 2-inch(j regular $.7?A r r A peoial Pc7et7 60 feet Wodlark, "4-Inch, regular $7.50, A pedal OUeiV7 60 feet best striped cotton, i-inch, f i rA regular 5.50, special tjhlevy 60 feet tbest striped cotton, -inon,er A regular $6.25, special (DtJeU . Every Length Guaranteed RAFFIA New shipment fi shades in natural and colored. , . - Plain, 43c and 25c; colored. 10c pkg. Book of Instructions free witn wc purchases v RveVt Le Treflei Arurea Rosis...V.....41o Lubinsall odors.'.smaU 23q medium" 37o Woodbury Facial Soap......'..........f ColVate'a Cashmere Bouauet.... 18o Jersey Cream Soap.. ..t...... ...............100 Rlckseckers Skin Soap..l;,....:..Ml4o Shaker's Tar Soap ..M.......ir....'.3o' iCJrandpa'i Tar...v....I....i;.i..;;..8c Guest Room ...... ....... .....J:V.lo Fairbanks' Glycerine Tar..... 3c Number Soap--dozen v3 With Hazel Soapbox....:.... ..?'.9d Toussaine Violet Soap, 3 in bo......Oo Malted Milk, 3 in box ...,......,..7o Nickel Soap Boxes SPECIAL 18c and up $5.00 Cameras and Albums Brownie Cameras, 0 AA $1.00 and JZ.Uv Brownie Dayligh Peve(oping fr Aft Maohln.e ...... v. ......... DsUU INO. W ' VA I Folding ...... 'v0( No. 1 rClA Folding ....v.... V.....V.. ejl Uel Daylight Developing fr t Machine ijOel No. 2 Flexo, VV C A pictures " Vtev No. 2 Butteeye, Vi.VA ... pictures ...... Star Photone Albums Each Album has 16 leaves or 32 pages. .. 4xB, regular 10c; special ........... 7o 6Hx7, regular 16c1; special So 7x10, regular 20c; special 1 1 o 10x1?, regular 25c; special. ,.,.16o Photoga, assorted openings: regular 75c special f .....,.,15o Deckle edge Photones. 11x11, regular 75c; special ., ..41a Deckle edge Photones, 8x10, regular 60c; ' special 29o De Lux Albums, 5x7, reg. 15c;" special. ..16c De Lux. Albums, 10x12, reg. 75c; special.. 41o Flexible Albums. 7x10, reg. $1; . special. . 59o Flexible Albums, 5x7, reg.-5c;, special... 21o 25 ptt cent rednctioR os all other standard albino, .. Alarm Clocks On your vacation trip youll need one of our guaranteed Alarm Clocks to get up in time for that fishing trip. Special w RUBBER GOODS Every item of Rubber Goods we sell is guaranteed w o saiiaiactor. Perfection Rapid Plow Fountain 8yrinre,,-'3 hari niDDcr pipes, , a ana n -jvi u ic . OJC quarts... IO '' OO . yO t Alpha Fountain Syringe, No. 3 ' - ' ' d j . , special. f.....,.f... J.,. ylaVy Res Fountain Syringe, 2, 3 .'AflC : V(t OAC . and 4 quarts.. eeseeeets - , m ' J ' - TAMIllY Mb SYRINGES? f ;; : . - Tho Tyrian, N. 34, regular Wc, X. A iQC special :, iiliiHHt Vl.es)eeset X Tbe Imperial Bulb Syringe( regular 79c, 1;" (iC : special......,; The Mottled Pure Oura Bulb Syringe, ' ' fQ& , ; regular $;.00 ..u. VO :.i The 'Empress" Seamless Bulb Syringe,' price $1.73, special. f O , The rOolf Fountain Syringe, price $1.73, QOC,' speoial 4.... ,.sQ The , Woodlark Water-Oil Continuous Q ' 8pray Atomizer, regular $1.30, special. $11 7 The Rem. Fountain Syringe; 2 quarts, i special ...... ......X.... The Res a 'special The Rex ' special The Boston Hot Water Bottle, 2 quarts,, special The Boston Hot Water Bottle, 3 quarts,- 7QC special . IO ' The- Boston Hot Water Bottle, 4 quarts, ' OA special Oy . i 42 "s. II I Fountain Syringe, 3 quarts, Jj Fountain Syringe, 4 quarts, 'rjtw. eae,e see eeaee see eeeeeeesssr ' I I mw SPECIAL SPECIAU Toilet our We Paper Come in and investigate TOILET PAPER bargains. guarantee the count and weight of every package. Roll Nero, 6 oz. roll .... 3c Sanitas, 9 oz. roll . . 5c Multnomah, 1,000 sheets 9c Woodlark, 1,000 sheets 10c Ooz. 29c 67c 79c Case $2,48 $3.70 $5.17 $6.15 SQUARES Pilot, package, with hooks .i 5c Bice Bells, package, with hooks ; .... 10c Klondike, package, withiiooks. . . . . 10c 39c $2.48 79c $3.27 93c 4 $6.93 Bathing Caps Our new line of bathing caps is complete: 25c, 35c, 50c, 60c, 80c A Good Vacation Razor ...$1.69 :fr.r:..;.$i.69 .$2.00 The "Star" Safety Raior, special . . .... , . . . . ,. . The "Gem" Safety Rasor. special ... i The "Real" Safety Rasor, special . . Sale Closes Saturday Night July 4th RD, CLARKE & GO. LargeSt Retail and Wholeesale Drug .Store In America. Canadian money re ceived at par. Our postofflce ser vice is quick in sell ing stamps, register ing letters and par . eels and issuing money orders. eyJ9m aft 1 1 II i " I "V RURAL DELIVERY HAS A NEW HEAP Pacific Divsion poes Out of Ex istence Today Oregorrand Washington Now Under bpo kane Inspector, . Organization at San Francisco Was Unly temporary, out Latest urders Are oonsiaerea Permanent. ; CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought .iJeara the 8ig04tWt of ji , - , The Puciac DlvUles -flf ,Aho ,Bural free Delivery System with headquarters at San Francisco, went out or existence today by an order of the Postofflce De partment and all routes In Oregon and Washing-ton will hereafter be undr the inspector ,n charge of the Inspection De partment at Spokane. Wash. The PaclHc Division was placed un der the temporary charge of an assist-" ant superintendent aa acting special agent and embraced the rural routes In Utahi Arlsona, Idaho. Washington. Ore gon and California. Formerly the Ore-aoaand-WeahJngton-divlalon..waa-ttndet-Bupertntendent Machln, whose affairs are now being investigated by- the head department. The latest order la thought to be permanent. , ;.-? h - - w POOR WING SING IS IN TROUBLE OFTEN Fondness for Extract of Poppy Leads Celestial to Grief in Land of Foreign Devil. Poor Wing Sing la In serious trouble. Just because he helped himself to every thing he wanted in the residence of the Rev. H. D. Chambera. pastor' -Of the Episcopal Church of ttha Good Shep herd In Lower Alblna," he was "pinched' by a cop last night, and waa this morn Ing arraigned before Municipal Judge Hogue. . . . ' After hearing the testimony in the cae, poor . Wing bound pver to await the action of the grand Jury., Hla ball waa fixed at 11,500, but as poor he went to Jail. Wing has' frequently been in trouble. This time he entered through, .the base ment of the church and took five pairs of rubbers, one orange, two towels and a layer cake, m These . were aet before him- this morning to mock him In his grief. Poor Wing was born In far-away Canton, 'but when a little pig-tailed youth, was brought to the land of the foreign devil. Too fond of the extract of the poppy-i-that'a the story of poor Wing's downfall.' . . '' ". , "ffhe reduced homeseekers' rates. effec tive-February 16. apply via the Denver 1t Rio Grande. Have your friends coma throuah Salt take Clt. over the acenle Una of the world. ... v WRIT OF REVIEW" DENIED Judge Cfeorge ots Against Plaintiff in Case of Xenaaa Schneider vs. in me omiB vjrcuii wurimia morning in the matter of the case of Herman Schneider vs. Multnomah County asking for a' writ of review, Judge George-denied the motion. - Schneider was form erly a saloon-keeper at Montavilla. He Waa denied a renewal of hla license on April n because of a.' counter petition presented by? the anti-saloon people of Montavilla.' Schneider .then hreaight suit against the county to compel the is suing of a license. , t round for Plaintiff. T Judge George found for the plaintiff in the case of the Sara J. Gorman Com pany yn. P. J. McGowan Sc. Sons, a suit to ' recover a commission of $812.74 for the sale of canned salmon. . , 'nit to Beoover. M. M. Cavanaugh has brought suit against Christ Orons t recover the suth or I43Z.4K said to be due on a promis sory note and for goods told the . de fendant. The claim is a transferred one from Fleckenstein, Meyer . Company. The note waa for $100. The' goods amounted to 1307.45. Tweftty-flve dol lars t asked as attorneys' feearT""r LOW RATES TO 'FRISCO The Southern Pacific Company has announced . a round-trip rate of 25 be tween Portland and San Francisco dur ing the Grand Army Encampment, in that city next month.' T is rate will entitle the ticket purchaser' to go and come by rail or o make the. trip, either way by water. A special rate of ,$20 for the water trip will be -made anl.aa- nounced within a few days. 1 It 'Is ' expected that the travel to 1 California metropolis jwill be heavy the occasion of .the encampment. This la the first time' in several years that the reunion has been held In the. West, an4 many veterans from Oregon, Wash lngton and other Northwestern States who have . not been able to make the long trip to Eastern cities will now be enabled to -take in the encampment. ' Northern lines will make reduced rates from all points in the East, aa southern lines have already done. The round-trip rate from Portland of $25 is the lowest made in some time, i ' . rrrr-3Ja u II I' i m .t T".t' liTi T il'-;,-r-tgeis: Journal friends ana readers when traveling on trains to and from Port land should ask news agents for The. Journal and Insist upon' being 'supplied' with this paper, reporting all failures in Obtaining it to the office of publication. addressing The Journal Portland. ' Ore. HEM IAN Ptoa4SprUlns. Bottle Only at tha Brwweryia St L4db, Oreler rroaa necuemeteim Mayer cemonr - 'j. 3, I.''