' 7 - 10 - THE OBEGON DAIty JOUnyAL,' TORTLAKD, TUESDAY EVENiyG, JUNE . 30, 3003. crrr notices. CITT V0TI0M. Cm M0TICI8. CITT NOTICES. CTTT 1T0TICE8. CITT K0T1CXB. CITT XOTICZC ' 10P08EB ASSESSMENT MX IMPROVE- Notice -to- hereby fit tht the1 Council , '". of the City of Itortlaud propose to tma th . , . following di-scrlbcd property and owner or . owner as being sneclslly and peculiarly bene- -. Ut4 In the amount xt opiwelt tbe name ; t . ana ocueritnioua tnereor ror we inirpver.ioot -if Halsry street, from tba wat line of Hoi 7 ' ladsy Park Addition to a point 250 fact rest of tne east line or cast i wenty-nrst, street, -v a provided by ordinance No. 13.1m. K 11 An objeetkins to tba apportionment of coat ''fur ssld Improvement mint be mad In writing to tba Council and filed with tba Andltor ' a (thin fifteen dsys from tba data of tba flrat - imlillcatlan nf thin notice, and aald objection! will be heard and determined by tba Council before tba psassge ot tba ordinance ssscsslug . . tba cost of aald luipr "foment. Holladay Park Addition to Portland, Orcann ; II I If 12. lot 4. K. L. Gllaan f Blk 12, tut 3. .' L. Ullaan Jobs Irving s Flrat Addition to Et Portlsnd .'ULk 4. south 63. T feet lot 4. L. II. and Anna M. Maxwell Hlk 4, south 03.7 feet lot 3. Ssmuet H. Kwslt - Blk 4. aoutb 88 feet lot X R. 0. Ilamll- i ton Blk 4, aoulh Jo fret lot 1. It. U. Hamil ton . Dlk 4. north 24 fact of aoutb IX) feet lot 2. Win. B. Ulifka and Frederick . Olafke, it Blk 4. north 24 feat of aoutb till feet ' lot I. Wm. B: Ulafke and Frederick Olafka. Jr Blk 4. north 3.7 feet of aontb 83.7 feet . lot 1 Josephine II. Russell Blk 4. north J 7 feet nf south 63.7 feet lot 1, Josrnhlti H. Russell Ilolledsy I'srk Addition to Portland, Oreaoo Blk 13. bt 2. H. ,0. Haniltoa Blk 12. lot 1. K. . Hamilton Blk II. lot . Tba Tit la Ouarantea A ' Trust Company Blk II. lot 7. Tba Tit la anarantaa A Trnat Company ', Blk 11. lot 8, Tba Title Guarantee A i Trnat Company Blk 11, lot 5. Tna Title Ouarantea A Trnat Company i ' Blk 11. kt 4. Tba Title Ouarantea A Trnat Company Blk 11. lot 8, Char lea H. Preacott. ' Trnatee .' John Irving Flrat Addition to Eaat fVrtland . Blk 8. . lot 8. Tba Title Guarantee A 83 61 34.63 687 8.25 12.78 15 33 8.62 10.30 1.33 l.M 44 61 48.71 67.83 60.04 67.08 54.72 64.60 66.44 Trnat Company . 'Blk lot t. The Title Guarantee A ,- Trnat Company Blk 6. lot 6. The Title Guarantee A Trnat Company Hlk 8. lot 5. The Title Qaausnte A Trnat Company Blk 8. lot 4, Tba Title Guarantee A Trnat Company ( Blk a. lot 8, Cbarlee H. Preacott, I Trnatee 'Blk 8. lot X Cbarlee H. Preacott Trnatee Blk 8. lot 1. Cbarlee H. rreaoott, Trnatee Holladay Park Addition to Portland, Oregon Blk 11. lot X Cbarlee H. Preacott, Trnatee . Blk 11, lot 1, Cbarlee H. Preacott. i TrnatM 1 Blk 10, lot A, Cbarlee H. Preacott, Trnatee t. .......... .. 'Blk 10. let T, Cbarlee H. Preacott. Trnatee i Blk 10. Jot 6, Cbarlee H. Preacott, Trnatee Blk 10.-lot-6, Cbarlea H. Preacott, Trnatee Blk lw. lot 4, Cbarlee H. Preacott, l Trnatee i ' Jobs Irrfng-a rirat Addition to Eaat Portland - Cbarlea 1.46 S7.88 9.67 8.07 8.16 0.20 1.06 88.80 T1.76 71.80 61.29 60.06 1.20 61.41 40.74 Cbarlea H. "chariia"H.' .i Cbarlea H. Preacott, Preacott, Preacott, pVeVrott, Blk 2. lot 8, . Troatee .... Blk 8. lot 7, Trnatee .. Blk 2. lot Trnatee Blk 3. lot Trnatee Blk 3. lot 4, Cbarlea ' B. Preacott, Trnatee HolUday Park Addition to Portland, Oregon Blk T. lot 18. The Title Guarantee A Trnat Company Blk 7. kt 14, Tba Title Guarantee A - Trnat Company .. ..' Blk 7. lot 15. V. Wagner Blk 7. Jot 16, r. Wagner Blk 8. lot 0. The Title Guarantee A Truat Company Blk 8, lot 10, F. Wagner Blk 8, lot 11. T. Wagner... Blk 8. lot 12. -Tba Title Guarantee A Trnat Company Blk 8. lot 13, The Title Guarantee A Truat Company Blk 8, tot 14, Lotta Chaee Smith Blk 6, lot 16, Iotta Cbaae Smith...... Blk 8, 'lot 16, Lotta Cbaae 8mttb . Blk 0, tot 0. i. Wooda Smith Blk 0. lot 10, t. Wooda Smith. ., . Blk 0. lot 11, J. Wooda Smith . Blk 0. lot 12. I. Wooda Smith Blk 0. lot 13. Tbe Title Ouarantea A Truat Company 88.43 89.08 8.88 (.86 8.05 70.62 81.27 119.47 130.08 151.10 144.08 113.04 118.18 117.89 120.44 1H0.88 181.83 164.81 149.18 97.07 103.01 100.66 61.28 55.77 61.26 ted In the amounte eat oppoalte "tba namaa nd dracrlptlotn thereof for tbe Improrameiit ef Kaat Herenteentb atreat from the center Hue nf IMtWIou elreet to the north curb line of I-owall atreet aa proTlded by ordinance No. 12, 775. , 6, Any obJertlnna to tbe apportionment of nut for aald lmiirorameut muat be made In writing to tbe Council and fllt-d with the Auditor within' fifteen dare from the date of the flrat publication of thla notice, and' aald on Jectloni will be beard end determined hr tbe Council before tbe paaaage of tba ordinance aeeeaelng tbo coat of aald Improvement. Madeline nik 1. kt 10. Bernard I.. Stone 8 178 32 Klk 1, lot 11, Bernard L. Stone 52.67 Blk 1. lot 9. Bernard L. Stone .... 41. 36 Blk I. lot 8. Bernard L. Stone 104.16 Blk 1, lot 7, Bernard I,. Stone 70.UI Hlk 1. bit 6, Bernard L. Stone (18.43 Illk 1, lot 6, Bernard L. Stone AO. 59 Blk 1. lot 3. Bernard L. Stone 31.38 Blk I. lot 4. Bernard L. Stone 134.70 Tlhhett a Addition to Kaat Portland Blk 1. lot 6. Cbarlea W. Booat 81.27 Blk 111. north 1(1 feet lot 8. I'harlea W rlooat 1B.TS Blk 19. aouth 40 feet lot 6. John miner nz nz Blk 111. lot 7. Cbarlea W. Booat M2.31 Blk 19. lot 8. John Bonaduror 113.67 Hlk 24. lot 5, William E. Pettlnger. . . . 111.76 Blk 24, lot 6. William K. Pettlnger.... 102.U1 Hlk 24. lot 7. Walt Lancnter lixi.20 Blk 24. lot 8, William S. Orerlln M.(i7 Illk 33. lot 6. Ellen 1. Farnawortb. . . . 110.14 Hlk 33. lot 6. Lola A. Roder 110.23 II k 33. andlTlded U nf lot T. John B. Brldgee 65.77 Hlk 3.1 undlrlded H of lot 8. John B. Brtdgea Blk S3, undivided 4 of lot 7, Mary Brtdgea Blk 3.1, undivided H of lot 8. alary Brtdgea A tract of land lvlne between tbe aouth line of Brooklyn etreet and a line InO feet aoutb of and parallel therewith, and between tba ereet line of Kaat Keventeenth atreet and a line 100 feat weeterly therefrom and parallel there with, M. M. Brooke 243.30 A tract of land lying between tbe north line of Tlhbetta atreet extended weet erly In Ita preaant rouree' and a line 100 feet aoutb of and parallel with the aontb line of Brooklyn etreet and netween tna weet line or Kaat neven taentb atreet and a line 100 feet weat of and narallel therewith. Laaader B. Brooke 140.67 A tract of land lying between the north line or TlDDetta atreet extended weat erly In Ha preaant conree and a Una 86 feet aoutb of end parallel there with and between the weat line nf Eaat Seventeenth atreet and tba north eeeterly boundary Una of tbe Southern Pacific Comoanv a rlaht of war. Cbaa. 11. Itakln 62.43 A triangular, tract of land lying be tween a line-33 feet aouth of and Krallel with the north line of Tin tte atreet extended weaterly In Ita nreeent rouree, tbe weat line of Eaat Seventeenth (treat and a Una extend ing from a point In tbe weat line of Eaat Seventeenth etreet whk-b le 40 feet north of Ita Interaectlon with the north line of Powell etreet to a pnjnt la tbe north line of Tlbbetta atreat extended weeterly la Ita preeent courae. which la 06.6 feet weat of the weat line of Eaat Seventeenth atreet. r. A. and A. E. Blanrk 167.23 triangular tract of land lying be tween tbe north line of Powell atreet, the eonthweeterly boundary line of the Southern Pacific Company right nf way and a Una 100 feet weet of and parallel with tbe weet line of Eaat ' Seventeenth atreet, M. E. and A. E. Vaughn 88.27 tract of land bounded and da acrlbed ae followa: Beginning at a point In tba weat line of Kaat Seven teenth atreet which la 40 feet north of tbe interaectlon of the north Hoe of Powell atreet with tbe weat Una of Eaat Seventeenth atreet; thence nortbweaterly along the nortbeaaterly boundary Una of the Southern Pacific PXOrOBES ASSEBIMElfT FOE IMPEOYE- KEXX Or EAST KAEIIIOM TEEXT Notice la hereby given that tbe Council of tbe City of Portland propoeee to aaecae tba follow. Ing dcacrlbrd property and owner or ownera aa heing eperially and peculiarly uenrniea in me aruounta act nppoalte tbe namva aim aoerriu' tlone thereof for th Imnrovement of Eaat Har rleon atreet, from the eaat line of Eaat Third to tbe eaat line of Kaat Twelfth atreet, aa pro vided by Ordinance No. 18.008. Any objection! to tbe apportionment of coat nf aald Improvement muat be made In writing to tba Council and niea with the Annitor witom fifteen dava from the data of the flrat DUhllca tlon of thla notice, and aald objection! will he beard and determined by tbe Council before the paaaage of the Ordinance aeeeealng the coat of lain improvement. Htepbena Addition to Eaat Portland Block 45, lot 4. Anna Eacbelbacher. . . .8 130.00 Block 46. lot 8, Giovanni I Piull.... 14.31 Block 46, lot 6, Alex Wannemacber 62.08 Block 45. lot 5. Thomaa Hall 185.67 Block 66, lot 4, Jacob Mayer and Sol Hlrarb Eatate, belra of 101.46 Block 66. lot 8, Jacob Mayer and Sol lilrech Eatate. belra of 56.38 Block 56, lot 6. Jacob Mayer and Sol lilrech Eatate, belra of Block 66. tot 6, Jacob Mayer and Sol lilrech Eatate, belra of , Block , lot 4. Jamee Olaen Block 05, lot 8, Jamea Olaen Block , lot 6, Job Hatfield Block 65. lot 6. Job Hatfield Block 76. lot 4, Cecil Mathlot Block 78. lot 8. Rachel U Kay 81.20 147.99 63.5.1 9.36 14.72 r&OrOKS AMtSMfXVT TO MP10TE. I Bloak U. lot 44. Henrietta Jarvla.,.. JtlUT OF PI1IUI8ULAE AvIaT wK !" I EPT" J" Jarvia.... Noll-e la herehv al.en that tba Council of I uiZZ 1? 1? ' KT?JZ:tZ the Cite of Pnril.na eoea to aeeeaa the ulZ.Z ii Tj ,!" :":'. following d.-ecrlbed property and owner or Block 111 1. ,' Ueoria Uarduer.'.'l.'Li". rf ,n ;PelUX and pecjllarly bmflteA Bioek U. lot X Ooorga Oartlner, I ... w m un,U II I WV OmiUBlte lll.ll HKHavw UM I oeacrlptUma . thereof for t I'enlnaular avenue from tba (tract to the eeuth line of Columbia boulevard, uiock yi M 4 w p. t,bman.. aaprovlded by Ordinance No. I8.I06. j Btoc JJ Jf w." "li ' Anr oDHvCTifmsi ia iiia anrwiTTifmiiMnL or ens tii.i. 1 i .. a ..- m i. i - for aald lmprovameuta mu.t be made In writing J? 'Sary K Klde?'::::::: tinn nf thla mA .L.M r.lawtlnnai m ill Itat I m-T-7! " m" 63.01 PE0P08E6 . AME68MZVT . FOX .' IMPEOTl- heard and determined by,, the Council before be I Block A lot 44 Emllv . Rmlth aald ImprovamenU Black 8, lot 42, Amanda r. White-... iwrecteg plat or Eaat and weat o (treem, 1 diock a, lot 41, Amanda r. White.... 1 more a,, lot a,' B. bbrpard , I Block L lot 8. M. I u'liuin. . 8S.T) Block 8, lot X M. U. WTleon 8.00 Stock 3, 8 42.6 Block 8, lot 1, M. 1). Wllaon I Bronaugh ...... 128.24 Block 2. lot 44, Mra. H. ltbomberg..,, t 64.40 gwj" JJ . Penlnaolar Addltloaa. Koa. S. 8 and Eaat H of block 65. Penioeular Beat Eatate Com nana 8 Eaat H of block 66, Penlnaular Beat Eatate Comnanr Eaat W ef aontb H of block 6T, t. II. llawler A Co . Eaat H of north V, of block 67. Penln auiar Meal Eatate Company. 6.34 11 . 6.68 6.88 ,V1.6J 48.74 4.1U 6.43 , 4.18 , 4.17 6.43 6.45 6.M 67.90 60.66 6.6J 4.13 4 11 '6.10 6.11 MEET -OF XA8T TLAVCEXt TEEET.; Notice la hereby aiven that the Council of tbe nty or Portland propoaea to aaaeea the follow. : MoroiAii ro iteext woxx. Healed propoaala - will be - received at tba efflca of tba Auditor of tba Utr of Portland ohlectlona to tbe apportionment' of coat ?ntl ,u" W "-i,0.'. IVrJe't i Improvement moat be made la writing '2BlJn ' Kt T'f? 1 trST Eaat H of blick 68, Penlnaular Real caiaie umpany ,, Glenwood Park Eaat 100 feet of lot 1, Carrie P. Ore- nam Eaat 100 feet of lot 6, B. M. Lorn bard JXj-4 Eaet 100 feet of lot T, Joeeph Skal- I UM 5.116 Penlnaular Addition No. Block 76. lot 6. Minnie Lnrheal Block 76. lot 5, Minnie Lncbeal t.B! T Block 74. Seat H of lot 1, Helena Block 85, lot 4. School M.trlrt No. l.-y 1144 Johnattma 7. i ,-m niocx T4. eaat of lot 8, Helena JlJ.oa I Johutnna 120.48 Block 74. eaat H of lot 8, Helena 1 Jonnafona 190.11 1 Block 74. eaat U of lot 4. Helena . Joboatone 27.421 m a 9 a ... u. . i a u Tnkn., il tl Block 74, eaat H of lot 6. John X. 11. IO I I ! I M . 142. 7a Block 74, eaat H of loi T."iobn 'b. 'A I croaier 42.28 ttin,.k 7 a . ii- a 11 ... I " ' ' -I - 71 w w 0, ... m 1 J Block 74." eaat h' of' lit 0.' Henry liee 1 ninaa Total , 83.401.48 TIIOB. O. flcTLIN, Andltor of tbe City of Portland. June 80, 1903. PE0PO8ED ' A8BEBSKEVT TOE HCPE0TX- MX1TT Or ZnXIMGWOHTH ATEHTTE, Notice la hereby given that tbe Conndl ot tna city of Portland propoaea to aaaeea tbe following deacrlbed property and owner or ownera aa being apeclally and peculiarly bena- niea in ine amount aet oppoaite tne namea . and dcecrlptiona thereof for tba Improvement of Kllllngaworth s avenne from eaat line of commercial etreet to tne eaat line 01 Mlcbl - fan avenue aa provided by ordinance No. 13,038. Any objectlona to the. apportionment of coat for aald improvement muat be made In writing to tba Council and Bled with tbe , Andltor within fifteen daya from the date of , tbe . flrat publication of tbla notice, and aald . objectlona will be beard and determined by . tba Council before tbe paaaage of tbe ordi nance aaaealng tbe coat of aald Improvement, A tract of land lying between tbe eaat , Una of Michigan avenue extended . northerly In Ita preeent conree and a : line 375 feet eaat of and parallel - therewith and between tbe north line of Kllllngaworth avenue and a line ' 100 feet north of and parallel there with, A. E. and C. V. Gantcnbeln. .3 220.05 A tract of land lying between two llnea reapecttrely 375 feet and 820.5 feet eaat of and parallel with the eaat line of Michigan avenue extended north ' erly la it present courae and between tbe north line of .Kllllngaworth avenue and a lint 100 feet north nf and ; parallel therewith JgnjPi Parltw C ""iJTTIaiitenoeln md A. E. Oanteiibeln. 401.21 A tract of land lying between two line reapectlvely 820.5 fact and 1.266 feet eaat of and parallel with, the eaat line of Michigan avenue extended northerly In ita preaent courae and be tween the north line of Kllllnga worth avenue and a line 100 feet north of and parallel therewith, Emery Oliver 86.88 A tract of land lying between a line 1.266 feet eaat of and parallel with the eaat line ot Michigan avenue ex tended northerly in ltd preaent courae ; and tbe weat line of block numbered 10, Piedmont, and between tbe north line of Kllllngaworth avenue and a line 100 feet north of and parallel therewith, unknown owner 2.37 Piedmont Blk. 10, lot 1. Investment Company 8 16.46 Blk 10, aouth 37.4 feet lot 2. 1 treat ment Company .83 Blk 0. lot 14, Investment Company 2 10 Blk 0. aoutb 25 feet lot 13, Investment Company .53 W. J. Patton's Subdivision of block I . in M. Patton's Tract Blk 1, lot 1, Michael F. Brady 16 08 Blk 1, lot 2. May E. Swigert 2:30 Blk 1, north 5.5 feet tot 3. Mary K. Swlgert .25 Blk 1. north 6.5 feet lot 8. Mary E. Bwlgert 1.41 Blk 1. lot 0. Mary E. Swlgert 12 21) Blk 1, kit 10, Mary K. Swlgert 43.71) Blk 2, lot 1, John N'olt 68.06 Blk 2, lot 2, Jobn Nolta . 14.25 Blk 2, north 5.5 feet lot 3. John Nnlta. 1.82 Blk 2, north 5.5 feet lot 8, John Nolta. l.M Blk 2, lot 9. John Nolta IK. So ; Blk 2, lot 10, John Nolta 62.88 Blk 8, lot 1, Henry Albert.. 71.37 Hlk 8. lot 2. Henry Albert 18.51 Blk 3. north 5.5 feet lot 3. Henry Albert 1.00 M. pattona Tract consisting of di visions into lot cr parcel pf land from T A to T. InclusivV North 100 feet kit J. Lena C. Pat ton.. 79.07 A tract of land lying between the eaat line of block numbered 1, W. J. Pat ton (ultdivlalou nf block I In hi. Tat tou'a Trajit and lot. lettered J in M. "t'atton'a Tract and between tbe aouth . line of KiUlngaworth avenue and a line 100 feet aoutb' of and parallel therewith, Robert Patton Eatate, helra of .. 20.81 A tract of land lying between the eaat line of Congrase atrewt and tbe eaat line of Coouneltaal atreet If extended WHitherly In Ita preaent course aa laid out la Piedmont and between Khe aouth line of KiUlngewortb avenue and a line HO feet aoutb of and parallel therewith. W. M. Killlngsworth and - F. M. Warren . w.-.,. 33.10 Sight of way, City A Suburban Railway Company ,. 102.60 Company right of way to a point at it Interaectlon with a line 100 feet Weat of and narallel with the weat Una of Eaat Seventeenth atreet; thence eoutberly along a line 100 feet weat of and parallel with tbe weat line of Eaat rteveoteenth atreet to a point at Ita Interaectlon with the eouthweatrrly boundary line of tbe Southern Pacific Company' right of way; thence eouth eaaterly along tbe aontbweeterly boundary Hue of aald right of way to a point at Ira Interaectlon with the northerly line of Powell street; thence easterly along tbe northerly line of Powell atreet to a point at ita Intersection with tbe weat line of Eaat Seventeenth arrest; thence north erly along the westerly line of Eaat Seventeenth atreet to the place of be ginning, Southern Pacific Company... 87.16 Madeline Blk 2. lot 13, Gertrude E. and Thomaa Callaghan 173.03 Blk 2. lot 12. Gertrude E. and Thomas Callaghan 63.02 Blk 2. lot 14. W. H. Gordon and wife.. 87.77 Blk 2. lot 15. W. H. Gordon and wife.. 92.62 Blk 2, lot 16, W. H. and S. E. Gordon. 70.23 Blk 2. lot 17, Fannie I. Lor Ing 67.40 Blk 2. lot 18, Fannie I. Lorlng 67.88 Blk X cast 1 lot 2, Hesperian In- vestment Company 11.43 Blk 2, weat M 2. Mary Uetnse 11.4.1 Blk 2. lot 1. Mary Helnse 100.22 Tlbbett a Add tlon to East Portland Blk 20, kit 4. Andrew E. Trogen 86.77 Blk 20. lot 8. Harris Brown 62.71 Blk 20, lot X May C. Snell.... 99.29 Blk 20. lot 1. May C. Snell 108.27 Blk 23, lot 4. Cbarlea W. Boost........ 110.10 Blk 23. lot 8. Charles W. Booat.... 102.08 Hlk Z3, lot 2, Anton mock 98.46 Blk 28. lot 1, Anton Block 104.24 Blk 84. lot 4, Minna Behrena and Christian Bebrens Eatate. belra of... 112ns. Blk 84. lot 3, Hlnna Behrena and Christian Behrena Eatate. helra of.. 106.81 Blk 34, lot 2, Emit and Annie Fucha.. 108.76 Blk 84, lot 1, Emil and Annie Fucha.. 118.82 Blk 87. lot 4. WllHam D. Prondfoot., 123.74 Hik 37. lot 3. William I). iToudroot.. ii.'iki Blk 87, kt 2, Patrick Murray , 113.16 Blk 37. lot 1. M. J. Smith 122.87 A tract of land lying between tbe aouth line or Tlbbetta atreet and the north line of Powell atreet and between the east line of Esst Seventeenth street and a line 100 feet eaat of and parallel therewith. Harriett Kennedr MT aa Bight of way, City A Suburban Rail way company 9.64 8.861 100.92 112 5J 10 56 188.78 Total 85.501.51 THUH. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of tbe City of Portland. June 80, 1903. CEOPOBED ASSESSMENT TOE BEWEX IN rXOMf STXXXV, Total ...81.331.61 .. . j THON. C. DEVLIN. . Auditor of to City of Portland. June 80. 1003. , PROPOSED AS8E8IXEXT- r0E IMPROVE. Jf EXT Or EAST UTEXTEEXTK ITXEXT.' . Notice 1 hereby given that the Coancll of tbe- City of Portland propose to aeaeae the (nlkmlng deacrlbed property 1 and owner or o r a being apeclally and peculiarly bene- Notice la hereby liven that the Council of tbe City of Portland propoaea to assess the following aescrinea property and owner or ownera a oeing apeciauy and peculiarly benefited In the amounts set opposite tbe namea and descriptions thereof by the construction of a aewrr In Front atreet. from 230 feet north of Bancroft avenue to aewer In Ban croft avenne,, aa provided by ordinance No. 13.-306. Any objection to the annortionment nf cost for aald sewer must be msdo in writing to the Council and filed with the Andltor within fifteen dsys from tbe date nf the first publi cation of tbls notice, and said objections will be heard and determined by the Council before the passage of the ordinance assessing tbe t-uwi iw snifi sewer. Portland Homestead Subdivisions In lot 2, block 7 and lot 4. block 6 in tbe Portland Homestead As soclstlon In the City of Portlsnd. Mult nnmab County and State of Oregon. Blk 7. east 100 feet subdivision F of lot 8. A hole L. Crocker $ 32.60 Blk , 7. east 100 feet of subdivision E of lot 2. Abhle L. Crocker 82.60 Blk 7. esst 100 feet of subdivision D of lot 2. Lucy S. Merwln 46.15 Blk 7. east 100 feet of north 2714 feet of subdivision I) of lot 2, Olive L. Wsrner 20.85 i-oriisno iinmcsteso Blk 8. west 100 feet of north 60 feet of west 150 feet of lot 3. Fred F. Boody.. 75.23 hik o. west joo feet of south 00 feet of north 120 feet of west 150 feet of lot 3, John A. Houch 75.25 ik o. west iw reet or north 10 feet of aouth 110 feet of lot 3, Louis Arnold. 15.55 Total 1307.25 THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland, June 30, 1903. Block 85. lot 8. School District No. 1 . Block 85. lot 6. School Hlatrlct No. 1.. Block 85. lot 6. School District No. 1 . . Block 96. lot 4, Mary J. Parrlah Estate. belra of Block 96, lot 8, Mary J. Parrlah Eatate, helra of . Block 4MI. lot 6. C. F. Praraon Block 94, lot 6, Alice E. Wilson.... Block 106. lot 4. Ooldle Goldstein Block 105, lot 8, Joseph Conn Block 106, lot 6, Ssmuel Kinder Block IOA, kit 5, Ssmnrl Kinder Block 116, lot 4, David L. ( louse Block 116. lot 8, David L. Clouse Block 118. lot 6. N. O. Waldman F.s- tate. helra of. and Elma K. Cbarman. Block 116. lot 6, N. O. Waldman Es tate, helra ot, aed Elma E. Cbarman. Block 125, lot 4, Cbarlea Huaaey and F. C. Forbee Block 125. lot 8. Charles Huaaey aad F. C. Forbee Block 125, lot 6, Tbomaa Green Block 125. lot 5. Tbomaa Green Ladd'a Addition to the City of Portland Block II. weet 100 feet of lot 24, W. B. Ladd Eatate, belra of Block 11. weat 100 feet of lot 21. W. 8. Ladd Eatate. belra nf Block 11. aoutb 14 feet of weat 100 feet of lot 20. W. S. Ladd Estate. belra of Stephen' Addition to Eaat Portland Block 48. lot 1, George W. Miner Block 46, lot 2, George W. Miner Block 46, lot 7, Benjamin F. Campbell. Block 46, lot 8, Benjamin F. Campbell. Block 65, lot 1, Julius F. and Sadie Mayer Block 55, lot X Julius F. and Sadie Mayer Block 66, lot 7, Jultua F. aad Sadie Mayer Block 55, lot 8, Julius P. and Badle Msyer Block 66, lot 1. John H. Johnson Block 66, lot X John H. Johnson Block 66. lot 7. Paul and Delia Polrer.. Block 66. lot 8, Mary Holfenbarger and Catherine E. 8trphena Block 76, lot 1, I). C. McLellan Block 75. lot 2. D. C. McLellan Block 76, lot 7, Sam Lowensteln Block 75, lot 8, Ssm Lowensteln Block 86, north 40 feet of lot 1, Bos Hsmllton Block 6. aouth 1 foot of lot 1. Edward Doerlna- Block 86. north 49 feet of lot 2, Edward Doerlna? Block 86, aouth 1 foot of lot 2. Samuel Morrow Block 86. lot 7. Mrs. A. A. Burt Block 86, lot 8, Mrs. A. A. Burt Block 05,- lot 1, John Hsrklns Block 95, lot 2. John Hsrklns Block 95. lot 7. Msrtha E. Hylsnd Block 96. eaat 60 feet of lot 8. Caro lina Welaa Block 05, west 40 feet of lot 8, M. Ot tensen ' Block 106, lot 1, Joseph Paquet Block 106, lot 2, Joseph Paquet.- Block 106, lot 7, Joseph Paquet Block 106, lot 8, Joseph Paquet Block 115. lot V Frank Brunger Block 11B, lot" 2, Frank Brunger Hlock 115. lot 7, Amelia Luther Block 115. lot 8, Fred Forbes and Cbarlea Hussy Block 126, lot 1, Hsrry Meyer Block 128, lot 2. Hsrry Merer Block 126, lot 7, Stephens Land Com-Danv Block 126, lot 8, Stephana Land Com nsnv Ladd'a Addition to the Cltr nf Portland- Block 6. west 100 feet of lot 24, W. 8. Ladd Estate, belra of 84.36 Block 6, weet 100 feet of lot 21, W. 8. Ladd Estate, helra of 29.76 Block 6, north 14 feet of weat 100 feet of lot 20, W. S. Ladd Eatate. heirs of 9.00 Kignt or way. city A Buburban Ball way Company 828.1 Block X lot 43. Mr. H. Bhomberg. ; . 18T.04 Block X lot 48, Vermont Marble Ooa I nanv . . : 148.47 Block 2, lot 41, Herman Bhomberg..., 'i niocs m. 10c . j. - slot 11 11 urn 858.23 Block 8. bt 8. J. McCullum Block 2, lot X Blcbard L. Van Tuyl.. nioc a. 10c 1. nniamin"rauireat.... 480.03 Block 1, lot 41, H. 1L Carter. I ljnk 1 a Alb j mf j ' . 1 8 DIWA A. avl .. 89. n. V. r Lr 862.58 I Block 1, lot SV, H. H. Carter.,,..,,... I Ul.L la. Aal aJ a 1 r. s or, m. n v. nrLVT - Block 1. weat 11 feet of lot 4, Samuel n. tarter Block 1. lot 8. Bamtial H. Carter. Block 1, lot 3, Samuel H. Carter.,... Bioc a 1, lot 1, oauuet 11. carter.... lug described property and owi ar or ownera aa being apeclally and peculiarly benefited In the amounts est oppoaite the names and doacrlptlona thereof for the Imnrovement of . Kaat Flandera atreet from tbe weet line of Eaat Twenty, fourth atreet to the weat line of Bronauab'a Addition, aa provided ny uraiuanoe no. w.wau Any for aald to the Council and filed with th Auditor wlthlrt 16 days from th data of tbe first publication of tbla notice, and aald objectlona will b heard - and determined by tbe ' Council before the , pa ssa as of tbe Ordinance- gasealug . lb cost of said Improvement, , Hronsuxb Addition to City of Port land: Ore.. .. . Block 2. lot 4. Earl 0. Bronsngb. ...... .1113.38 42.5 ft. of tot o, Earl'U. ........... 13 47 Earl C. Bronsugb. ...... 1 44.26 thereof may be filed In the office of tba under signed at any time prior thereto. THE F.XKt I TIVal BOAnn. , ' , By TIIOB. C. DEVLIN, j ' '" Auditor of th City of Portland. , - Jan IT, '1908. ' from th south line of Hancock street to th north line of Halsey atreet. In th manner pro. Tided by ordinance No. 18.876. aublect to the provision of tbe charter and ordinance of tba City sf Portland, and th tetimata of the City Engineer, on HI. , Blda mnat be strictly io accordance with printed blanka. which will be furnished' na application at th ofllrw of the Andltor of tbe City of Portland, and aald Improvement must be completed on or before 00 dsys from tbe date of th signing .'of th contract by the a.wl Block 8, lot ,.Barl C. Bronaugb.. 66.0T L"?;- ' hi 1. ' -m ,a 1 . ,W Block 8, lot - 7. Earl C, Broaaugh 61.66 8.Ll?.f,Kd,, '"1(2 Tl?.hU j TT Block 2. lot 8. Earl V. Bronsush....... 82.92 I,.,econ,P,n,,,4 hT .certl6ed cheek Jpayabla lii Block 8. lot 1. Karl 0. Bronaugb.. 111.61 t," ,,,"-or'.1II, 'or or in 11 ty fiioca o, lot 44. r.sri K.. nniiuuin. , ..,, - as.ss I , r' . . flkx-s 3. lot 11. Esrl C. Bronaugb. ...... 48 98 Block 8, lot 10, Karl C. Bronaugb...;... 42.37 Block S, lot 0, Earl C Broaaugh 81.10 8.73 8.TJ 104 1.89 I 10. k7 1.68 1.80 18.75 Total June 89, s.oss.oe 1 THOMAS C. DEVLI.1, . Auditor of th City ot Portland. 1903. - ' 4.26 6.1U 55.83 4.01 2.4U 1.7J LTD 8.021 6.73 8.1-J I r!ftirT TTTftaT 111) AOcTETATCE Ot TM. l I - nrrTV nv viiv iraanrnnw ITtTiT Notice Is hereby given that William C. Total ....... .....;;..... . .8596.14 I .. .... . - THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of th City of Portland. : Juno 80. 1903. ' .1 gate nroooesl. Th right to re I oct anr and all blda la hereby reserved. - 7 ', . By order of the Executive Board. THOS. C. DEVLIN, June 27. loo. . ... M-. AXV7A1 bTXETIXO. PE0P08EU ASSESSMENT POX IMPE0TE- MEXT Or MAXOUEXETTX ATXXTTX. Notice la hereby given that 'the Council of tbe (Ity of Portland propoaea to aasesa the i ............... ....... Block 74, eaat H of lot 10, Henry lien. nlngs Block 74. eaat H of let 11, Henry Haa- nlnaa Block Of. eaat H f lot 1. Osus Hts- ninga Block 60. eaat tt ot lot X Oaua Hen- 63.06 I ctinek en ' VY 'lV V w' V riii,,' uinl 103-06 nlnVa . " .7 .7. . . . . . " " Block 60. east H of lot 4. United Ststee 4k AA I CM'IIIK- K XAfmn' XAMUIUmUJ a oS-OO Block 6U, east U ot lot 6, Columbia I u...i v.,.,- 17.18 Biorg w, Mit ix of lot 6, Columbia Real Estate Company BLb AO .... 1 . I.I H.I..U. I Real Ratata Cnmnanv Block 69, lot 0, Columbia Real Eatate , . ., I V.'1U,-.U 11 11 I 0 1 L. jh I... 1.. 1.1- VI 1 vr-. ... Cntnnan4 186.61 193.81 66.32 68.26 113.73 25.12 6 13 18.09 TO 69 16 81 1T.S1 16.17 17.08 1656 1T.0S 16.83 10.07 10.71 10.66 12.49 67.81 4.03 following deacrlbed nroDertr and owner or own era as being apeclally and pecullsrly benefited f Ma street, or any part thereof, mot he Elliott. .City Engineer, ha filed In th, ofBc of the anBerslgned notice that UlebMch A Jonlln, ' contractors - for th Improvement of Eaat Harrison atreet. ander ' the provisions of ordinance No. 18.04)6, hare completed Mid street, from tbe east Una. of Eaat Third street to the. east Una of East Twelfth - street. Bald accentane will be considered ny tba Executive Board at 4 o'clock on the M day ot July, 1906, 'and objectlona to tbe acceptance THE ANM'AL MEETING; of tbe stock bolder of th Prlnerllie Land A Livestock Conipsnr will be held at the company' office. 64 Front . Mreet, Portland. Oregon, ou July 13, 1908. at 4 p. m. on said day, for th purpose of . electing a board ef director for th enaulng year and transacting such other business sa may properly come before tbe meeting. - . LEO FRtEDE, President. Portland. Oregon. Jun 27. 1008. i 1 , . J I1 XATXX0AB TIMETABLZB. ' 2 Burraa Tract Block if, lot 22. George O. Gammans. Block 17. north 16 feet ot lot 21 George O. Gammana 1.11 Amended nlat of the aouth one. half of Penln sular Addition, No. 4. to East Portland- Block 47. lot 22. Penlnaular Real Ea tate Company X8.2S Block 47. lot 21. Penlnaular Real Ea ts t Company 81.00 Block 47. lot 20, Penlnsulsr Resl Es- . tale company 11.04 peninsular Heal ba- 164 20 12.81 T1.S6 71.07 73.01 73.01 78.11 79.04 80.47 7M.NI 78.91 73.07 70.97 60.18 23 f Bkick 47. K'Sl tste Coi 12 84 115.71 114.66 .44 10.17 .89 23.44 119.06 124.56 25.8.1 27.60 46.21 81.11 147.47 46.0.1 86 51 137.01 148.80 41 12.82 106. T4 110.24 14.12 63.90 232.73 Block 47, lot 19, tste Company lot 18, onrnanr Block 47. kit 17, tate Comnanr Block 47, lot 16, tate Company Block 47. lot 15. tate Company . Block 47. lot 14, tate Company . Block 47, lot IS, tate Company Block 47. lot 12, Penlnaular Real Es tate Company Block 47. lot 11, Peninsular Real Ea tate Company 10, Tyler Investment Penlnsulsr Resl Es Penlnsular Real Ea Penlnsiiisr Resl Es- Penlnsulsr Resl Es- Penlnsulsr Resl Es Penlnsulsr Resl Es- 1.856.30 Total 87.109.97 THOMAS C. DEVLIN. Auditor of tbe City ot Portland. June 29, 1903. , FX0P08ED A88E88MEXT FOX IMPROVE XEWT Or XUUXOBW0XTH AVENUE Notice la bereby given that the Council nf tne city or Portland proposes to assess tbe following described property and owner or own- era a being apeclally and peculiarly benefited in toe amounts set opposite tne nsroea and dscrlntlon thereof for the Imnrovment of KUllnasworth avenue from the eaat line nf Patton avenue to the east line nf Michls-an avenue, aa provided by Ordinance No. 13,034. Any onjections to tne apportionment of cost i or saia improvement must be mane in writ ing to tbe Council and filed with tbe Auditor within 16 days from tbe date of the first pub lication of this notice, and aaid ob lections will be hesrd and determined by the Council be fore tne passage of the oral nance assessing tbe cost or saio improvement. norm Aimna PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOX SEWER IN EAST SECOND STREET Notice Is hereby given that the Council of the City of Portland proposes to sssess tne following described property and pwner or owners ss being specially and peculiarly benefited in the amounts set opposite the names and descrlntlons thereof by the con struction of s sewer In Eaat Second street, between weat line of Broadway and 50 feet south nf aoutb line Schuyler street, as provided by ordinance No. 13.310. Any objections to the apportionment of cost for said sewer must be made In writing to the Council and filed with the Auditor within fifteen days from the date of the first pub lication of tbls notice, and said objectlona will tie hesrd and determined by the Council he fore tbe passsge of th ordinance assessing the Cost for ssld sewer. Holladay's Addition to Eaat Port land " C. B. Belllnsrer. .3 32.18 . C. B. Bellinger. . 82 IS 5. Frank 8. Parker ase H lot 5. Vi lot 6. E ft lot 5, n B. Chai Blk 245, east Blk 245. east "Blk 245. west and William and William B. Chase ..7 Blk 244. lot 3, C. B. Bellinger Blk 9, lot 4, C. B. Bellinger Total 23.65 23.05 64.20 64.20 1240.00 iiiiw. c. nevLiN, , Andltor ot tbe City of Portland. June 3Q4 1903. Block 1, lot 4, James B. Olmsted.... Block 1, lot 3, Jsmes B. Olmsted.... Block 1, lot 6, Osk Lumber Co Block 1. lot 6. Oak Lumber Co Block 2, lot 4, Michael Mslerboefer. . Block 2, kit 3, Mlcbsel Mslerboefer.. Block 2, lot 6, P. H. Msrlay Block 2.- totrfl, Anton Malerhoefef .... Block 8, lot 4. H. II. Klncald Block 8. lot 3. Aua-uata Klncald Block 8. lot 6. Maggie E. Church Block 3. lot 5. Maggie E. Church Block 4. lot 4. Jennie D. Lanahead Block 4. lot 3. Jennie D. Lanahead Block -4, lot 6, Jennie D. Langbead.... Block 4. lot 5. Jennie D. Langbead Block 5, lot 4,' Tbeo. Venneratrom and O. A. Venneratrom est., heirs of.... Block 5, lot 8, Theo. Venneratrom and O. A. Venneratrom est., heirs of.... Block 5. lot 5, James W. and Sarah . Stnaban Block 6. lot 8, Sisters of Mercy of Portland , Block 6. lot 0. Michael F. Brady A tract of land lying between the east line of block 5, North Alblna, and the eaat Hue of Michigan avenue, ex tended northerly In Ita present course, -snd between the north line of Kll llngaworth avenue abd a line 100 feet north of and parallel therewith, A. E. and C. I'. Gantenbcln.- North half of lot "B" In M. Patton'a 6, Kittle Coe Lot 6, Kittle Coe Lot 4, Kittle Coe Lot 3, Kittle Coe Lot 2, Kittle Coe -, Lot 1, Adrian MeCalmsn .' Plat of tbe survey of the ul)-dl vision of lot "C" In M. Patton's Trsct Block 2, lot 20, Margaret Muldoon.... Hlock 2, lot 19, Murgaret Muldoon.... Block 2. lot 2, Margaret Muldoon.... Block 2, lot 1, Margaret Muldoon.... Block 1. lot 20, Margaret, James and Ed ws rd Mu tdoon . ...i Block 1, lot 10, Margaret, James and Edward Muldoon Block 1. kit 2. Margaret, James and Edward Muldoon Block 1, lot 1. Margsret, Jamea and Edward Muldoon t M. Tatlbn a Tract, consisting to di vision Into lots or parcels of land from A to T Inclusive N 100 ft. of N 240 ft. of E 200 ft. of D, Cbarlea Becke N 100 ft. of N 270 ft. of W 290 ft. , of D, Msry E. Swlgert W. J. Patton's subdivision of block I In M. Tatton's Trsct Block 1, lot 1. Mechael F. Brady Block 1. pt 2. Msry E, Swlgert.- Block 1. N 5.5 It. of lot 3, Mary E. Swlgert Right of way City and Suburban Ball way Co 51.54 7.36 20.80 82.83 84.86 20.98 15.93 86.65 65.21 15.7!i 20.37 70.80 63.44 16.88 15.07 58.09 60.52 14.82 24.26 17.01 11.34 18.23 9.43 21.73 23.31 24.07 32.32 37.80 68.53 18.41 14.67 68.36 60:87 15.36 14.68 Block 47, lot Company . . . Block 47. lot Company ... Block 47. lot Company . . . Block 47, lot Company . . . Block 47. lot Company . . . Block 47, lot Company . . . Block 47. lot Company . . . Block 47. lot Company . . . Block 47. Jot Company . . . Block 47. lot Company . . . Block 48. lot Company . . . Block 46. lot Company Block 46. lot Company Block 46. lot Compsny . . . , Block 46. lot Compsny . . . Block 46. lot Compsny ... Block 46. lot Company . . . Block 46. lot Company . . . Block 46, lot Company . . . Block 46, lot Company ... Block 46, lot Compsny . . . Block 48. lot Compsny . . . Block 40. lot Company . . . Block 46. lot 13, Peninsular Resl Es. tste Compsny Block 46, lot 18, Penlnsulsr Real Es tste Compsny Block 46. lot 11. Peninsular Red Ks tste Company Block 46. lot 10, Peninsular Real Ei tste Compsny Block 46, lot 9, Peninsular Real Es. tste Compsny Block 46, lot 8, Peninsular Real Es tate Compsny Block 46, lot 7, Peninsular Real Es tate Compsny Block 48. lot 6, Teiilnsular Real Es tate Compsny Block 46, lot 5, Peninsular Real Es tate Company Block 48. lot 4, Penlnsulsr Resl Es tste Company Block 46, lot 3. Peninsular Real Es- tste Compsny Block 46, lot 2. Peninsular Real Es tate company Block 46. lot 1, Peninsular Beat Es tate Company i Peninsular Addition, No. 3, to East Portlsnd, Oregon Peninsular Real Es- 9, Tyler Investment 8, Tyler Investment 7, Tyler Investment 6, Tyler Investment 5, Tyler Investment 4, Tyler Investment 8, Tyler Investment 2, Tyler Investment 1, Tyler Investment 26, Tyler Investment 25, Tyler Investment 21. Tyler Investment 23. Tyler Investment ...-..:. 22, Tyler Investment 21, Tyler Investment 20, Tyler Investment 19, Tyler' Investment 18, Tyler Investment 17, Tyler Investment 16, 15,' 14,' Tyler Tyler Tyler Investment Investment Investment n.ld 11. CO 11.83 11.36 ...11.20 11.05 10. 7o 11.21 11.73 11.22 11.39 11.30 12.56 12.23 12.00 16.73 16.00 17.00 17.01 17.52 1731 10.60 16.42 11.32 11.15 10.78 10.78 10.61 10. OC 11.14 11.14 11.32 .;4 11.82 11.50 11.50 11.32 10.78 10.90 19.36 .-I 10.08 13.01 13.91 14.88 14.88 Peninsular Real Es- Block 36, lot 1, tate Compsny Block 36. lot 2, tate Company Block 36, lot 3, Peninsular Real Es tate Company Block 80. lot 4, Peninsular Real Ea tate Company Block 36, lot 41, Church A Lawson. . .. Block 36, lot 42, Church A Lawson. . . . Block 86, lot 43, Church A Lawson.... Block 36. lot 44, Church A Lawson.... lot . Tyier investment Tyler Tyler Investment Investment 53,68 180.50 01.66 2.83 1.86 .22 187.43 Total 81.740.38 Trior). C. DEVLIN, Auditor of tbe City of Portlsnd. Jtipe 30,- 1903, - STOCKHOLDERS'-HBETIX0. PORTLAND, Or., June. 9. 1008. To the stock holders of tbe Portlsnd Coal A Development Company, a corporation Plesse take notice thst tbe annual meeting of the stockholders of the Portland Coal A Development Cooipeuy will i be, held at Dels Hall, corner East Taylor and Thirty-fourth ' streets, Portlsnd. Oregon, on Thursday.- July 10, ,1003, at 1 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of electing officers and tor tbe transaction of sncb other business aa may properly rami before tire meeting.. J. T. BOD WELL, Secretary. Block 37. Comnsnv Block 87. lot 2, Company Block 87, lot 3, Company Block 87. lot 4, Comnanr ....!..... Block 37. lot 41. Llewellyn Williams.. Block 37, lot 42, Llewellyn Williams.. Block 87, lot 43, Llewellyn Williams.. Block 37. lot 44, Llewellyn Willlsms.. Block 38, lot 1, Tyler Investment Company Block 38. company Block 38. Company Block 38, Company Block 38, lot 41 Tyler Investment lot 2, Tyler Investment lot 8, Tyler Investment lot 4, Tyler Investment Samuel V. Downs.... Block 38. lot 42. Samuel V. Downs.... Block 88, lot 43, Ssmuel U. Downs,... Block 38. lot 44. Samuel TT. Downs.... Penlmlsr Addition to Eaat port land Oregon 43.34 4.40 8.36 8.35 3.40 3.40 4.41 45.40 50.30 6.73 4.73 4.T3 8.97 8.07 5.37 52.74 45.34 4.32 8.32 . 8 31 2.63 2.63 8.48 44.82 Block 7. lot 1. Block 7, kit 2. Marguerite Lowman Marruerlt Lowman.... Block 7, lot 8, Marguerite Lowman.... Block 7. lot 4. Marguerite Lowman.... Block 8, lot 44. V. Bnechter Block 8. lot 43. C. Bueehler Block 8, let 42, C. Bueehler '.... Block 8, lot 41. C. Bueehler., Block 8. lot 4. St. John. Evangelical Lutheran Church Block 8, lot 3. St. Johns Evangelical Lutheran Church t Block 8. lot 2.' St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church ;. , BJnrk 8. lot 1. St Johns Evangelical Lutheran Church Block 9, lot 44, Lawrence M. Beal.... Block ft, lot 43. Lawrence M. Beal.... Block-9, lot 42, Lawrence M. Beal.... Block 9, lot 41, Lawrence M. BealT... Block 6, lot 4, Minnie Mary Wolf.,.. Block 9. lot 8, Minnie Mary Wolf.;.. Block 0, lot X Minnie Mary Wolf.... Block 9. lot 1, Minnie Mary Wolf.... Block 10, lot 44. Calvin WV Ganten beln Block 10. lot 43, Calvin W. . Gantenbcln Block 10, lot 42. Calvin W. Ganten ' beln ....... rrV t-. Block 10, lot 41, Calvin W. Ganten- nein Block 10. lot 4. Media Proenstell..... Block' 10, lot 3. Medls ProebstM. ...... Block 10. lot 2. Media Proebstel . ... . . Block 10, lot 1), Media Preebstel 63.52 10.03 8.50 8.50 61.70 0.47 " 6.78 6.77 7.00 T.eo 8.92 46.81 S8.6S lS.jll 10.38 1038 9.t7 9.98 13.73 71.63 80.20 16.06 10.M 10in2 6.78 SIT 68.38 In ths amounts set onooalt the namea and de acrlptlona thereof for th Improvement of Mar guerett aveon from lb aouth llu of Haw thorn avenne to tbe - north line of Division treat aa provided by ordinance No. 12.963. Any objectlona to the apportionment of cost for wild imnrovement canst be made la writ. Ing to tbe Coancll and filed with th Andltor wlthla fifteen dsys from the data of the first publication of tbla notice, aad aald abjection win ne neaga ana aeterminea py tne tjpuncii before tbe passage of the ordinance s sacs slag tne coat oi saia improvement. , Bronkdale n Lot 86, H. Longcoy 8 Lot 85, H. Longcoy Esst 100 feet lot 84, Flora H. Psdg- bam East 100 feet lot 88, Flora H. Psdg- ham East 100 feet lot 32. Mary K. Moaber. East UK) feet lot 81, Paul M. and Cbarlrtte Hensen East 100 feet lot 30, James F. Dat- on Eaat 100 feet lot 29. Julia M. Brad ford Eaat 100 feet lot 28. A. A. Bowman.. Kaat 100 feet lot 27. A. A. Bowman.. Eaat loo fret lot 26, Mesiaaa 8tsrk . . Esst 100 feet lot 25, Reubart ateiar- eon Eaat 100 feet lot 24. I. Fransrl East KM feet kit 23. Richard Price.. Eaat 100 feet lot 22. Richard Price.. Eaat 100 feet lot 21. F. and W. T. Joplln Eaat 100 feet lot 20. Aaron M. Bray.. Eaat 100 feet lot 10, J. 11. and Nellie E. Cook Park View Blk 1. east 100 feet lot 1, Tbsddeus 8. West Blk 1. esst 100 feet lol 2, William Plymnton Lot 1 esst 100 feet lot 3, Claus Hauk ness Blk 1, east 100 fret lot 4. W. F. Gels ler Blk 1. esst 100 feet lot 5, Aubon N. Dedvlns Blk 1. east 100 fret lot 6. Mrs. A. M. Stsnsbery Blk A. cast 100 feet lot 1. Martha Benn Blk A, east 100 feet lot 2. Henry Witt Perk View Extended Blk A. cast 100 feet lot 3. C. M. snd T. S. West Blk A. east 100 feet lot 4, C. M. and T. 8. Weat Blk 10, eait 100 feet lot 1. C. M. and T. 8. West Blk 10. east 100 feet lot 2. C. M. and T. S. West Blk 10, esst 100 feet lot 3, C. M. snd T. B. West Blk 10. esst 100 feet lot 4. C. M. snd T. 8. West Blk II. esst 100 feet lot l.s C. M. snd T. S. West Blk 11. esit- 100 feet lot 2, C. M. snd T. 8. West Blk 11. cut 1U0 feet lot 3. C. M. snd T. S. Weet Blk 11. esst HiO feet lot 4. C. M. and T. 8. West A strip of land lying between the eoutb line of block II. Psrk View Extended, and the north line of lot 1. Park' View Annex snd between the west line f Msrguerette avenue and a line 100 feet west of and parallel therewith, Thaddeus S. West Park View Annex Lot 1. Carrie M. West Lot 2. Msry E. West Lot 3, Maiy E. West Lot 4. Evs B. McKenzle Lot 6, Carrie M. West Lot 8, Csrrle M. West, Lot 7. Csrrle M. West Brook dale Lot 1. II. Longcoy Lot 2, II. Longcoy...: Weet 100 feet lot 3. II. Longcoy.... West 100 feet lot 4. II. Longcoy West 100 feet kit 5, H. Longcoy West 100 feet lot 6. H. Longcoy..".... West 100 feet lot 7, Ellas H. Jeter.. West 100 feet lot 8. Ella H. Jeter.. West 10 Ofevt lot 9. Clifton T. Miller. West 100 feet lot 10, Stanley 8. - Stevens West 100 feet lot 11, Margsret A. Klngsley West 100 feet lot 12, Margaret A. Klngsley West 100 feet lot 13, Margaret A. Klngsley West 100 feet lot 14. John B. Frost.. West 100 feet lot 13. John B. Frost. North tt west 100 feet lot 16, Jobn B. Frost South "i west 100 feet lot 16, Eugene Cr Corns tovk i. vi r. r; ; ."t . . v West 1(10 feet lot 17, Eugen C. Comstoek West lot) feet lot 18, Eugen C. Comstoek A tract ef land lying between tbe south line of lot 18. Brookdale, and .the north line of block 2. Port, View Annex snd the esst line of Msrguerette avenue Snd a line 100 feet east of and parallel there with,' Eugene C. Comstoek Park View Blk 2, lot I, John Younger Blk 2, lot 2, John Younger Blk 2. lot 8. John Bleret Blk 2. lot 4. Jobn .G Mcrrt. . filed In th office ef tb undersigned at any um prior tnereto. TUB EiECI 1IVI PtIAKI). - By THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of tb City nf Portland. Portland. Oregon. Jun 27. 1008. O0MPLETI0X AND AOCEPTAXCX Or ZXt FX0TZMEXT Or XAXQ7XXXTTX AVXXTX. Notlc la hereby given that ' William C. Elliott. Cltr Enjrlneer. has filed In the office of th undersigned notice that Glebieeh A Jop lln, contractors or - tn improvement of Msrguerette avenne. under the provision of ordinance No. 12.963. hav completed aald atreet. from tba center line ot Murray street to tn soutn una ot Hawtnorn avenue. Said acceptance) will be considered by tb Executive Board at 4 o'clock on the 8d day of July, 1903, and objectlona to the acceptance nf ssld street, or any part thereof, may be filed in tbe office of the onderalgaed at any time prior tnereto. HUE KABUL 11 VB () A Kll. By THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of tbe City of Portland. Portland, Oregon. June 27. 1908. 'oil fflV v Oregon 77.06 COMPLETION AID ACCEPTANCE OF taf- PXOTFJfEXT Or TAILIXO STXEXT. Notlc la hereby given that William C. Elliott. City Engineer, baa filed In the office 3 TRAINS to the EAST DAILVJ Through PoUmaa standard aad Tourist la. ing cere osny co vuwih. vkkwh viwaami tourist sleeping cars dally to Kanaaa Clty through Pullman tonrlat sleeping ear (porsua ally conducted) weekly to Chicago. KsnstS City; reclining chair car (seats free) to tba 147.14 88.21 76.50 141.71 72.44 71.96 84.62 132.32 134.18 166.94 151.82 109.26 148.09 102.03 158.03 155.01 157.89 137.09 12695 95.58 00.39 of tb undersigned notice that Gleblsch A Jop lln. contractors for the Improvement of Fall ing street, under the provisions of ordinance I .No. 1Z.T01. have completed said atreet. from fhe east line of Eaat Fourteenth atreet to the center line of Eaat Eleventh Street. Ssld secentance will be considered by the Executive Board at 4 o clock on tbe 3d day of July. 1903, and objectlona tn tbe acceptance of said street, or sny part thereof, may be filed In the office of tbe undersigned at any tlm prior thereto. ' TnE EXECPTIVE BOARD. By THOS. C. DEVLIN. Andltor nf tbo City of Portlsnd. Portland. Oregon, June 27. 1903. 23.26 109.74 178.20 178.04 1K6.90 !f)s.(H 163.02 J07.73 145.35 13.01 72.63 74.43 82.88 78.03 83.62 8S..87 82.57 76.80 73.22 72.40 72.70 72.60 87.87 40.48 134.60 84.73 76.82 203.12 COMPLETION AMD ACCEPTANCE OF IM PROVEMENT OF EAST MADISON STREET. Notice is hereby given tbst William C. Elliott. City Engineer, has filed In the office nf tbe undersigned notice that Smyth A Howard Company, contractors for the Improve ment or r;sst uadison street onoer tne provisions of ordinance . o. 13.103, have completed ssld street, rrora tbe center line or esst Twentieth street to tba center line of East Twenty-third street. Said acceptance will t-m considered by tbe Executive Board at 4 o'clock on the 3d day of July. 1903, and objections tn the acceptance of ssld street, or any part thereof, may be filed In tbe office of the undersigned at any time prior thereto. THE EXECt'TIVE BOARD. By THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of tbe City of Portland. Portlsnd. Oregon. June 27. 1903. UNIO.t DEPOT. Laarv. Arrive. CHICA0O-PORTLAND 9 30 a. as. 4:30 p. av SPECIAL. Dally. Dally. Far th Eaat via Heal ing tox SPOKANE FLYER. 6:O0 p. m. 7:36 a. as. For Eastern Washing- Dally. Dally, ton. Walla Walla, Law. la ton. Coeur -'A Una , and Great Northers points. ATLANTIC EXPRESS. 8:16 p. D. 10:30 a. m. For tb Eaat via Hunt- Daily. Dally. Ing ton. -' OCEAN AXD XITXX SCHEDVLE. FOR BAN FRANCISCO. From 3:00 p. nv 8. 8. Geo. W. Elder Alaska July 1. 11. 21. 31. Dorr.. 8. 8. Columbia :"- P- July 6. 10. 26. Collin-bi Elver Division. FOR ASTORIA and way points, connecting with Htuir. for llweco sud North Beach, sir. Ui aalo. Ash -st deck. 8:00 p. m. Dairy. x Sunday Saturday lu:iJ p. m. 5:00 p. m. ex. Sunday, About COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IM PROVEMENT OF EAST AXDEX ITXEXT. Notice la hereby given that William C. Elliott City Engineer, has filed In tbe office or tbe nnderalgned notice tnat J. K. u .Nell, contractor for tbe Improvement of Eaat Alder Street.- under tbe pmrialons of ordlnsnce No. 13.134. hss completed said street.' from tbe west line of Hnnnyslde Third Addition to tbe east line of Sunnrslde Third Addition. Said acceptance will be considered by tbe Executive Board at 4 o'clock on tbe Xd day of Jiil.v. 1903. and objectlona to the acceptance or aald street, or any part tnereor, may tie filed 111 the office of tne undersigned at any time prior thereto. THE EXEri'TIVB BOARD. By THOS. C, . DEVLIN. Auditor of tbe Cltr of Portland. Portland. Oregon. June 27. 1903. POTTER SAILING DATES: To Astoria and North (Long; Beach, June SO, 9 a. mi July 1. 9 a. m.; July X 0 a. m. : July 3, 0 a. m.; July 4 iSatnrday) 1 p. m. Yamhill Elver Route. FOR DAYTON. Oregoa City and Yamhill River points, str. Elmore. Asb-flt dock, i Osier permlttlnr. 7:00 a. m. Tuesday, fbursdsy. Saturday. 3:00 p. at. . Monday. Wednesday, FrlUry FOR LEWISTON. Ida., ind wsy points, from Hlparla. Wash., steam era Spokane aad Lew-lston. ask Rlvsr Xante. 4:03 a. t Dally, ex. Ast About 5:00 p. aa. Dally ex. Friday. Blk B, lot 1, Carrie M. West Blk H. kit 2, Carrie II. West Blk B. west 8 feet lot 3, Carrie M. West Park View Extended Blk B, lot . Carrie M. West Blk B, lot 10. Carrie M. West........ Blk 0, lot 1. C. M. and T. 8. West.. Blk 9. . west 8 feet lot IS. J. L. Barber et al Blk 0. tot' J).. 'V M". and T. S. West.. Blk 8. lot 8. C. M-. and T. 8. West.. Blk 0. west 8 feet lot 5, C. M. and T. 8. West... Blk 0. lot 4. C. M. and T. H. West.. Blk 13. lot 1. C. M. and T. S. West.. Blk 12. west 8 feet lot 18, C. M. and T. S. West Blk 12, lot 2, C. M. and T. S. West.. Blk 12. lot 3. C. M.vwd T. 8. West.. Blk 12.. west 8 feet lot 5, C. M. and T. 8. West Blk 12. lot 4. C. M. and T. 8. West.. Park View Annex West 100 feet lot 14. Carrie M. West. West 100 feet lot 13. Carrie M. West. West 100 feet lot J2. Carrie M. Weet. West 100 feet lot 11, Csrrle M. West. West 100 feet lot 10, csrrle M. West. North H of west 100 feet lot 9, Carrie K, 11--.. . South Vt of west jfoo feet lot 0, Otto J. Hfrsch f. Lot 8, Otto J. and Rose L. Hlrach .... 73.38 84.01 134.0.1 155.90 280.43 79.17 13.21 139.92 148.11 154.03 0.68 140.15 143.38 9.05 141.64 133.39 8.50 123.83 100.03 6.87 . 109.88 75.45 194.89 168.38 174.10 207.96 80.25 84.87 ..194.84 Total .....110.193.70 . , THUS. C. DEVLIN, , Andltor of th City of Portland, i June 29, 1903, . POUXBIf ASTER'S NOTICE. ' NOTICE is hereby given thai on the 24th day oi iun, iwm, i iook up ana empounued at ine vuy rouna. at no. mi eixteentb street, in the City of Portland, Oregon, tb following described animal: One roan pony branded C. N. on right aboulder. white spot on forehead, right hind foot white, roached mane , and abod all round. " -.... -r -, And unless tbi owner, or other person or person having - an Interest therein,- shall claim" possession ot tbe same, and pay all costs and charg a of the keeping and ad vertising same, together with the -pound fee -on aald srnmsl, aa provided by oral 'nenc No. 6,9251 aa amended, of said City of Portland, 1 vflU on tba 1st day ot Jnlr. 1908. at the hoilr of 10 a. m,, at tt City Pound, at No, Wl-Bliteenth. In eald lty. Mil th above t described animal at public auction to the I highest bidder, to pay the costs ana cnarge lor taxing up, seeping and advertising sueii animal. , . . .... . Dated thia 26th day of June, 1003. VY.ntt,D, roundmuter. i COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IM PROVEMENT OF EAST THIRTY -SEVENTH STREET. Notice Is hereby given tbst William C. Elliott. City Kna-lneer. has filed In the office of the underslaued notice tbst J. R. O Nell. contractor for the Improvement of East Thirty-seventh street, under the provisions of ordinance no. 18,133, baa completed aald atreet, from the center line of East Ysmblll street to tbe south line of the Bsse Lin road. Said acceptance will be considered by tbe Executive Board at 4 o'clock on the 3d day of July, 1903, and objections to the acceptance nf said street, or any part thereof, may be niea in toe nmce oi tne unaersignea at any time prior tnereto. THE EXECUTIVE BOARD. By THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor or tbe City of Portland. Portland. Oregon. June 27, 1903. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE 0T IM PROVEMENT or EAST SEVENTEENTH 8TXEET. ' Notlc Is hereby given, thst ' William C. TICKET OFFICE. Third and Waablngton. Tela pbon Main 712. PORTLAND & ASIATIC STEAMSHIP CO. Fog Yokohama and nong Kong, calling at Robe. Nagaeakl and Shanghai, taking freight via connecting steamers for Manila, Port Arthur and Vladlvestock. XVSXAtAJfHA SAILS ABOUT JULY 81. For rates and full information call en or ad., dreaa official or agent of tbe O. R. A N. la. WHv TIMR CAPH ) 1 TDAIM VJNasavW PORTLAND: Elliott. City Engineer, has filed In the office of tbe undersigned notice that lteilly A Stevens, contractors for tbe Improvement of East Seven teenth street, under tbe provisions of ordinance No. 12.775, have completed said atreet, from the center line of Division street to the center line of Clinton street. Said acceptance will be considered by the Executive Board at 4 o'clock on the 3d day of July. 1903; and objections to tbe acceptance of said street, or any part . thereof, may be filed in the office of the undersigned at any time prior thereto. THE EXECUTIVE BOARD. ' By THOS. C. DEVLIN. Andltor of the City of Portland. Portland, Oregon, June 27, 1003. COMPLETION AXD ACCEPTANCE '0T IM PROVEMENT OT . EAST THIRTEENTH ; STREET. Notice la hereby aiven that William C. Elliott, City Enarlncer. has filed in the office of the undersigned notice tbst Bechlll Bros., contractors for tba Improvement of East Thirteenth street, under -the nrnvlsinns of ordinance Nd. 18.279. here completed said street, from tba center line of East Tsylor street to tbe center line of East Madison : 11 I . Said acceptance will be considered hr tba Executive Board at 4 o'clock on the 3d dsv of July, 1003, and objections to tb acceptance of aid street, or any part thereof, may be niea in ine omce oi tne undersigned at any time prior thereto, THE EXECUTIVE BOARD. By THOS. C. DEVLIN, , Auditor of .the.-City of Portland. Portland,: Oregon, June 27.. 1903. - - Pusret Sound Limited. for Tacoma, Seattle, Olympla. South Bend and Oray'a Harbor point. North Coast Limited, for Tacoma. Seattle, Butte. Ht. Paul, allu neapolls. Cbtcsgo, New York, Boston and point! Eaat and Southeast. Twin-City Expreas'. for jucoma, Seattle. Bps. kane. Helena, St. Paul. Minneanolla Chleam Near York, Boston and an points East and Southeast. Pnget Sound Kansas Clt--St. Louis Special, for Tacoma. Seattle. 8pokane, Butte, Billings, Denver. Omshs, Ksnssr City. St. Louis and all points East and Sooth east. Depart. 8:00 p. m. 11:43 p. ra. 8:30 a. m. Arrives. 0:30 p. m. 7:00 a. 7:00 p. BV 7:00 a. n. I All train dally except on 8onth Bond branch. A. D, CHARLTON. ' AnUUDt AAntMial Oai aaiaari re ass Y avin 225 WorrUon 8 1., corner Third, rorttanO. Jr, Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. . I COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF SEWER IN FRONT STREET. Notice Is hereby aiven that William f!. Elliott, City Engineer, has fHed In tbe office of tbe undersigned notice that Jacobean Bad Com pany, contractor for the construction of. a sewer lb Front street' from 230 feet north of I Bsncrort avenue to the sewer in Bancroft avenue under tbe provisions of ordinance No. 13.306. Cave completed ssld aewer. ' ' I Said acceptance will ' be considered by the Executive Board kt 4 e'clock on the 3d day of July,-1003.- and objection to' tbe acceptance tnereor may oe niea. in tbe nmce. or tb nnaer. aigued at any time prior thereto. 111K fcAECt TlVK BtlAKD. . v By THOS. C. DEVLIN,' - ," T Auaitor of tba Mr ot Portland., Jnn 87, 1903. " : 'Laya. UNION DEPOT. Arrirea. .. For. Msygers, Rainier. i ...... . .cistsbanle, Westpori. a-nn.n,' Clifton, Aatorl. War-,.,. - 8.00 a. m. renton . FUveL Ham. - ' mond Fort Stevens, " Hearbart Park, Sssslde. Astoria and Seasboen Express. Dally. t:00 p. to. Astoria Express. " p, a. - J. 0. MAYO, . O. F. and P. A., Astoria. Or. K. L. LEWIS, Commercial Agent, 846 Alder at - Pbona Main 906. - "? COMPLETION - AND ' ACCEPTANCE Or ' SEWER IX EAST . SECOND STXEXT. '' Notlc la hereby a-lven " thst' Wllllsm ' C. Elliott. City Engineer, has filed In the office At.. I .1 T 1 ."I w, m uiiu.i . I a iit-1, ot.ticv HI IKWKI HCQV Company, contractors for tbe construction of a aewer in East Second street, from 12 feet wrath : of . the north line) of Broadway to the aewer la Benuyicr street uiner tba provisions or.ordlnanos No. 13,810. baveL completed said sewer. Said acceptancA will be considered by tba Bxecntlre Board fat 4 o'clock 'on tbo 8d day i of July, 1903, add objocUvn io th acceptance j r . asts?- in .4 k CURE9 GOIORIHOEA ajr .. i , oltl by an OrugglttXa v nauTtuors. 0