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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1903)
THE OREGON DAILY JOUItNAL, rORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 30, 1903. v V J FLOOR rM: .- ', v Prices In trie . East Are Advanced . 15 Cents a Barrel as a Con ...... . ." II ' L &equeuwj ui nigncr ana .Stronger-Wheat; First Watermelons, of the Sea son "Are Here and Are Selling owii niv iiyiu uiiu riiw w&iiine at $5 a. ..Dozen Potatoes Are Costing Morel BAsnimx rziovm n vr. The Tartona rra4a of X eaters tear eoM la thla avarket were ao aaoef IS oente a barrel la. th But yesterday and ft looal adyaaoe oa the same braavds )a expected at oaea,. .. : ' Higher wheat prlcea haa cauaed an ad. fattens on Eastern flour In that market Although there have been no changea made In the local prlcea on theaa brands still the market la quoted firmer and vaiivs v V vv vii vsa e miiii ih aw gaw- another Advance la dally expected. Local flour prlcea are quoted-firmer and the market haa every tendency for an early advance. The temporary lower ruling prlcea in the Eaat wUl not likely' have any tendency In thla market and even tne Dears re preaicuna a. miimri market; Demand for flour la growing larger and all the mUla are busy. Haaie Yeast Advaneeet The manufacturers of Magic Yeast nd Teast Fosm have announced an ad- .no of K rants a. bo on their oroductl Zi. LL.l .X5 ujl .iKi 1. .k..t K . ...... v. v., tha srsge, but the local dolng the picnic trade I .rlle In the. .... ted earner in tne aea- dealera, are not that wis anticipated on. Tint Uratermelons Arrive. Levy dc Spiegel ana rierson, rsge Co. received the first consignments of ka aaoann'a watermelon thla nornlni this season s watermelon mia morning. The. stock Is not yet nrst-ciaas. wuo tions stand at It a dosen. California Steamer Brings Trull. . , - a in regular liner irara dbii x-iaii- Cisco arrived today and brought the usual assorted csrgo of fresh vege- tables and small fruits. vr ... o.ll I. ... new uui.iuc. iiuiii viiwiin quoted higher on account of a acarclty Vn the Southern markets. i . . Oregoa Potatoes Are In. New Oregon potatoes ar In the local 1,... i .i.v.,.k .v. .b la mail In sine the Quotations now are from $1.78 to $2 a Back. Reports from throughout the state a.ii - A .. .. . ..... a ia u .At nnriova in r rt t at aaaann as Tinin Hnu In this neasone ota tions are likely 1 higher quotations are likely to rule. Butter Tory Weak. KTT aioca, th entire butter market la weaker, the ,i,ii, atoclr from San demand for hlpplng to55.,:!m k. Francisco being limited. Dealera in the n.v ntv r too taesvltv Stocked and ZL' s .1 .v... .. t rrcMnU funhe'r "'r". r'i3LnlAJ freamery Is in better shape than for dome time and the present quotatlona Zv. .,,iina ,t,nr Te ruling stronger. 1 Tory Taw Strawberries. .. . . The unravorawe the strawberry receipts to drop so thst receipts of 'Stock in the local market to- day were.but nominal. Higher quota- tions are ruling. "Bell .t! Co. received the first consign- ment of white flgs from Fresno Cal today; which are quoting at $1 and $1.25 A 'box. , TOO Many Baans. V . , n, K tw. cThe .receipta of beana or the wax va- rlety continue' to arrive in too . large a supply and prlcea are quotea lower 10- - . I ""Z.- . . , ... uf, ,v. .Tomato prices are lower wltn tne larger aupply. Apricots are In email rival and the season Is ending with Z t. rnllna- hlarher the prices ruling higher. Old Potatoes Are Blgher. "tm. ..n .Tl.tln for There Is a larger demand existing ror Aid notatoes St the present moment than . narlm nf ih. mil season. Prices 1 are on the upward move v. and thoae " -k"--- ...w.- ------ lucky holders of stock are reaping the TpaI dealers have a number I o lara-o orders on hsnd from th SLh, VrVJl nnotatlons rule from ?2 f .a ? k 'J 7S to 80 cents for buyers. Prices on the street are also higher. , i, reor Toarth of July Trade. he-4nl-of ,-Fourtn ot-Jwiy-es. 4 It on Front street by the loss of the sual large amount or ouin in uio . . . . , , . , .u.l fruit line which generally exists- at that time. 1 Xo Doings In Hops. .Local hop' dealers are atlll without orders for stocks and the market Is ruling weaker with every tendency for lower prices. A few sales were re torted yesterday, but they were for small stocks at prices ranging from u tn 10 ..nia . Thn.a tioidMra of 1 Mnrn who are lii the nool are getting fo.t and are. maklna- endeavors to .ti. ...... hnlHfVia-a at a fair nrlra. I PH" . ., . Pre",l ","7: "i""Bv""..r. some dealer comes along and offers them I a ntmtntlnn. St Tha nnol members are! ling wy uuiu du fi uwiMiiia .mm, Cffpecially wrathy at the action of Luce, who they say, boosted up the market and arter telling tnem to noia unni iney got At least 30 cents, sold his Stock at the-first opportunity at 20 cents a pound. Batter Damaiida 'for Masts. The demand for atocks in the fresh ' i",?.m" ?,.;-." mall " clean hogs suitable for "block mail, Clean nog-s iuiupis iur oiooa trade. Mutton demand is also better. No changes appear in quotations. a iix3 avu in j a nil rn a aims e w uvwh i In fair condition with quotatlona un- The poultry and egg market are both . changed from yesterday. '.Today's ruling-prices, as revised, ara .as follows:, . v FOBTLAHO WB0X2SAXI FHICES, 1 .. Grata. Flour and read. WHEAT Walla Walla, 76c; bluestem, 80c; yauey. riraow. .IDI.VV-ffui i AA. tl.Jt IMlW OATS NdL l Whit. 81.i7iai'.26: irav. 81.181 eHl.lT FLOUR Eaatern Oregon: Patent. 84.109 446; straight., $3.50; Valley, $3.03.80; gra tum. . 83.15; 10a, 8356. MILLS TUFFS Bran, 823.00 per ton: mid dlings. $27.00; abort.. $23.00; chop. $18.00. HAY Timothy, $17.0Otjl8.O0; clorar, $18.00 - 8JU7.00. ' . T , - Hops, Wool sad Hides, -HOPS 18ffll9o for choke; loos eoatracta, WOOLValleji.' IBQlftc, eoaraeti medium to rair, lowioic; one. uiic:. Eastern vra IE. ' m in.i, A gon, 1013c;, nominal, 86i37c Biib.r.i-1 PHKINS Shearlns, QlOc; abort wool. 22323c: medium wooL long .wool. T. - oncsi.44 earn. . TALLOW PtIsj. per ft, 45c( No. 8 and '.grease, 220. . . : i. HIDES Dry Bides, No. 1. 18 poaada and up. 16c per ft) dry kip. No. 1, 6 to 18 fta, --J4cjJtry-.alf,-iJlpr.t,i andtr g Pia, 15c,-dry sited, bulla - and stags, 8-8 less taaa dry flloti salted hides, ateer. sound. 60 on. Ituttmi AO lii III rtmi.1Ca.Hf. an. ana cow..; stag ih will, aouna. oc; kip, sound. 15 to SO Ibe, Tc; anund. 10 to 14 Ibe. To: calf, .sound, under 10 Da. 6c! sraen limiiNI, ic par id h ni". iv par u lees; horse hldea, ealted. each, $1.26(31.75; dry, II BluN, MOD, aomo'Ti ea. 104tl5e: Angora. With saceii.oo.- ,,., . . v ; .V ntar. Zggi lilt and P sultry, ' 14IU1IU. ........ lilMff' XzZz - "RTiAv.,a. ion. 1 1 h.aa, liaui rooster. BtlOe per B; hrol . lflSlTHo jwr lb; fryer uftioo per n; duck. ll12 per geese. TOM per ft; turkey, Bra, . 13614a P dreaaad, li 10 pr id v, 13614a p in; tuiji le per Graoarle, WuU, ZU, I'flAR "Back baala:" Cuba. 85 TT! inw dered. $5.e.; dry granulated, 38.62 extra C, $3.02; (ibldea C, $4.V2s barrel, lOe; barrel. Sit boxes. BOe advance oa aack baala, !? 2 wt " ' iA ie ft. . : cVTtokCh."; ftf!KV! iata, faory, 432; Java, fond, iwaaso; Jara. ordinarr, ffciK-J JVC par id; ixlumina roaat, 10.0.11 amacaiea , 1 wvuia winvw, w uw, 11. IS Hat; Lioa, $11.18 llat; Cordova, $11.18. I to Inveattrata for himself the condition TEAS Oolona. dlffrrant aradra. SSetsScll. - t mu w Oanpowdar, tfUSr BnH.h BreakUat omaraat rraoea, iZHtjvoci apiaar tf. olorad JajMia, JoQWc; greaa Japan, very clrrfw'JPf0e' . . . UbiLdrlXW&iw,i.tS; i'efrtod? Li W4ft'io&.Cik SALT Woretatar salt, bulk. bbl. saoa. $5.00; MwirolJLMkMTV1 io: 8.50, ".area tef. 80 Ba, $0. 90 JO, 8B.W, Uwa aacka, 80a, 0e. SALT-Ooaraa, half irround, 100a, m toa. 'iLJ0!: - 11140) UwwA lump, JTSaW-w' H '0C,I 1lWi OHAi.f BAfld Calmtta. 5.T5.00 oar 100 for Autuat daUrary. .uB'JiM.rU1 Jf w"- e1e, YreakVast K(K)iiita Vita $4 60: Five, Minut.. ron. $4.60: H-O oata! 83.15. . BALMONiuinbia aivar, i-m talla. $i.T6t '' ,?f'fc .1-S,1"'1 J1 iiaf. tltf' A'So4 M' ' n COAL oil Ca, 33e par sal, tank; Watar 'h'. : "ft?;. TtT "ft...UT?." c. ' ' ' LINHKCD OIL Pur raw. la bbla. eoci ganu - Id kettle boiled. eae Mr. bbl eie; pur raw, ,BiNTitt!,"irorrbu'e. OASOUNE 84 dag caae Iroa bb TUEPENTINB In earn TOe. wood bbla 08Hj. iron bbl $4e. lo-lb r lota c. BEANB mall white 4Q4e. larsa whlta 3.(a4.oo. pink $a.768.M7bajroa, 4c. Lima I nilinw .u.. j TOBACCO Flus-out amoklnt, 1. 1 S-01 P-kaire-Sel of North Crolini, TOe lb: Haa- . . Wx.e Oaeea. 41e lb; Bed Bek 8tte m Pedro n uoMm, acptr. $1.15 n: fln. rat Cameo, 41c ft; Capataa, $1.68 lb: Duk' Mtxtiu-a, oe n; nun imrb.m. sec in; uia sn Bg- Mail Pouch, 88e ft; Tala Mixture. $1.40 ft. Plug; Tobee Drummond'i Ntural laf, 68cft; riper Ileldflerk. OSc lb; Rometblnf Good. 4S d , Ni gg,' -,. T- h B8c m: HpMr udi 4!ia m. gUri 44,. ne.Cut Chewing Golden Thread, 6M ft; Fast Hail, 'M Traits aad Tacatoklaa. nnriTnn iul.. i.... ' i thaha.. I ... a 1.T8 rwt. ' ' ONIONS Caiiforala. new reda. $1.00; yllow "Tr"' o'MlPt r.ooii.iio i I ruruu runiTy a Lpplea, fauey Oregon, $1.60 6uc$1.00 per boi; 112.00; eooklsg. 4bv new, $1.60 per box: orangca, lata, Valencia., $8jto; Mediterranean aweeta, 88 00: banana., $3.86613.50 bunch, 6c ft: atraw, berrtea. Oregon. $1.60 crate: eherriea, T6 10-ft box; gooaeberrlea. 8H74c ft; apr. eota. crate; lemon., standarda, $J.T5j l.S5; plum. $1.2ft; raapberrlea. $S60 crate; sra riaa rami ru I naita at rat lari niv i trai iiir-KMiirrfi. uuutvc, wairruiriuiis, su uibi i -. - . . green ll.oo per do; be. mi, atrlng. 8 ft. wax, aaparagu. $1.16 25-ft box; rhubarb, 8c I": tomatoes. $i 85 4 baeket crate; paranlpa; .,.T5. p,., t9te. cucumber., $1.60 box; corn, 2Se A. ' HRIRrt fRriTftAnnlpe. evanorated. 7e French. ?m44c ft; in. California lilacka. i 8He; do. whit Tftfc ft; pluma. pitted. 6a 8c; r.l.ln., eeded. f.ncy 1-ft carton. 60 pack- to gc kgf aMKle. ;2i etrbWi THc; looae Muacatelle.. 60-ft boxe, 8HOTH0 n.. t,nrfn. i.n tiTRi2nn NtTS-Peanuta.' JsiTc per ft for raw. e10c for ro,,!.,!: cocoanuta. 8090c .per do: wal. nut., 14Wtloc per ft; pine nuta, ltit l2H r IWjr pj ebjjts-ij. m. fllbM.,.. isaitfc per ft: fancy pecan, li p.r n,; almonda, 14Q15c per ft. iteats and rrwUion. fresh MKATS Beef, prime, Hc: eowa, BViUlTVie: veal, Te; mutton, dressed, 6c; lamlw. dressed. THc. FKEHH MEATS Front street Beef, prima, - hlMi..MUl5(.. -. i4Tic: nork. Ti THc; vealT TttSc: mutton, dreaaed, 6ec; I uiuim. dressed. tjt w. . nai- .ft. iu.t I UAlln, DAIU., ftlLi.rwiwiMi !. i:s.i; I hams. 10 to 14 fta. 15e; 14 to is ma. I4c; br.f,.! bacon. 1620c; picnics, 11c; cot- tage, HKe; ealted aldea, 1214c ft; amoked dea. lSSie; dry salted barka. ll4c; bacon ei "" M,tea- ,B0'e4' 10e n. EASTERN-PACKED HABS Under 14 fta, 15c; over 14 lbs, Wc: fsney, 16c; pie- llii,. j.. uu.h iMm nn.nioked. 'late: breskfa.t b.COO. lOWaiSc; fancr. 20c: butts. lltt$12Uc. LOCAL tABD Kettle le.f. 10a. Ul . j2uci 5o-ft tins, lle: steam rendered. Hi, ! g u 60? ilci compound tlarcea, tnh.. SUe. KA8TEBN LARD Kettle leaf, 10-ft tin, Hei B' sn"n' tins, 11 e: steam rend arert. J0a, llc; 6. lle; 60a, ioc. Above packing house prices are net caih, IS i vat FISH Bock cod. Tc; floundem. 6c; halibut, BVtc: una coo. tc: cram, ai.ou aom; rmwx nun, i etaaar f snai atrp -i xc, oc, snniner ateelheids. Tc; soles, IaTL .V,.it"o7 fW " ' . -- PENNSYLVANIA HAS SOLD ITS STOCKS KfEW YORK, June 80. The seml-offl- clal annminr.mlnt from fnilaaeipnia that all the new Pennsylvania stock has been taken, and that 90 Der cent of it has lun naf un in full, la viewed as a bull . .u - .i Thai ) ?:"-Ve r't ;h: successful outcome of this affair, which at Ita incention waa used with effect aS I .cciui. - .i.vmb, -. 7 . I a bear argument, marks the beginning of recovery, which, while it will ba mierrupiea py rescuvng, .win vi prices to a much higher level. ' Missouri Pacific, Union Pacific. Atehl- ton. Baltimore & Ohio and Southern Pa- clflc - RedlnfJT!Tv tes' of the ranroad Flirt whli. amng Wdu-trtata Amalgamated Copper and TTnlf.. b,.m et.ol .tonka am hel eved 1 to be good for a considerable advance. " ... - - - , Sentiment continues to reflect a mora , . - . , f?""1 tone S taJ." S",6"." that the passing of. the Pennsylvania StocK issue ana mw uiuieu ouin owoi conversion plan has' removed a heavy weight from the speculation. With these things out of tha way, attentiort'.ls be ing diverted to those factors , which make for traffic and earnings. Much satisfaction IS evidenced over tne rainiaii m uiv itvil, ana ic.uiuiui improvement In the Northwestern . crop outlook. Thla has undoubtedly T'h .(.Zth TrikTiil parted fresh strength to tha railroad) list, anor li cotton snouia coiaapse, as some very shrewd operatora believe . It will do, tha effect would be to still fur ther encourage tha belief In higher prices for all good securities. Aside from thejerop influences, however, It if likely that Individual stocks will have Important upward "movements. LIVERPOOL GRAIN CLOSfe LIVERPOOL. June 30. Close Wheat T-vJuly, e-5, unchanged; September, 8 I . H. higher. T Com JulyjMH, JigheriJepteni ber, hlghar. , V KUSTA HliKn lurnip., i.oo ..; carrota, "; 81.60; beeta. $1.50 per ark: radl.hea. Chi. North., com.... 15c per doi; cabbage, California. lHe leU J1-' Terminal Rj a timmA in. . hnthntiu, ti !K tw Chsaaoeake A Oblo MUCH ANXIETY OYER . WEATHER IN WEST Oats Look Poor Everywhere .West ot: Chicago Red V River Needs Rain, (Special permleelon at Bolton, da Ttuyter A Co.) CHICAGO, Juna 30. Tha Record Herald says: "There will lie much anxiety over the weather thia morning as at any time, Today's matf will de .u. whether there haa been Important 0I" .ne7?er nM . 7 " lr1,,f 10 th Northweat dry weather or merely llrht end lnaufflclent ahowera. I fOata look poor averywhera weat 1 0f here,' eays F. D. Vpdyke, who was -V Torn aThV. day', trip "."TL "f:iT5; ; K-:. r,, "... , . V J . ,. and aaw Illlnola and Iowa by daylight. -Three daya were epent In algaagfinf through Nebraska. Oata do not any- where look healthy, the plant la abort Bn(i the fields are weedy. The corn la unsatlafactory. Vary little haa the h-,h, f t, hha ahort. Soma of It la just coming up ana in pom. ne)ds the corn Is not up at alL Thla la true of Iowa and Nebraska, Soma parta of Illinois looks well but it 1 an Irregular condition everywhere. The winter wheat flelds In Nebraska are badly ruated and even the aprlng wheat flelda are beginning to ahow the same condition.' -Statistician Snow, who la Just back from the Northwest, saya rain in the Red River Valey Is bsdly needed and the situation la critical. -Good ralna at he aaya, "would bring full relief. 1 But local anowers wm not uo nuiu. I xne Canadian Northweat promlaea,' he '25.000.000 bushels more of wheat than laat year. . , . fc . ..... t.i, Pi.ri.hv vaateriia.v. rih ih. smith a-attina- much hlaher With the South getting mucn "'anor prices for Its cotton V ought to be able for meats. It ... . ? 1 thZ market waa on a con- ,oolt,.a ! . .7 aumptlvo baala again. NEW YORK STOCKS o 1 DESCBtPTIOlt. Anaeoada Mining Co. copper to AtchlMD. cam 0 hi 08 88 80 123 . preferred Atn. (ir Found., com do preferred Am. Hugar, com Am. Hmelt., com do preferred Baltimore Ohio, com.. do preferred Brook On Rapid Tranalt. U3S 87 67 H Canadian racinc, com 125 V4 2t) Chi. Alton, com. I uu ' iini rvi ... 18 178 14H 89 05 18 28 60 lane . Fuel Iron. com. Colo. . Southern, com do M preferrea..,., do a.t preferred..... gels. j,- feJ.. Lack. A West.. x 1 I D. K. O., com 20 83 84 67 do 2d preferred 111,tir,.p-7r.ei ""nol Central ....... . LmiiiTllle A Naahvllle. Metro. Trctlon t'o .... Manhattan Elevated ... 8 184 136 112 1341 112 123 iiTH 123 137 Mcxic.n Central Br . Mexican Natloual .... Minn., St. P. A Bis. M Kr::: H., K. T.. com..... do' preferred Norfolk A We. t com."; W I pVeferTed ..ST... North America N. X.. Ont. A West.,.. By p. o. b. a c. Co "ft 109 (108 60 50 84 2 Pressed Hteel Car, com. 00 prererrea .iai . it a-.M r. fBClaC JUJU I OtVslaU. aw. Beading, com do 2d preferred...,,, do lat preferred...... Bep. Iron A Steel, com. Preferred Bock island, com .... do preferred Southern Bv.. com j 34 68 Pacific Ist. u. m a. r., w pia do l.t preferred. gt L. A 8. W., com.. do preferred Tnu P.clSe Tenn. Coal A Iron. . . Unlon Pacific, com.. do preferred rj. g. Leather, com.. do preferreu n. g. steel Co.. com.. no nreferrea WbeeX Ukf rtY com) J t 24 do 2d preferred...... do 1st preferred Wlaeon.ln. Central, com. do preferred . . Wet., Union Tel. .... Wabaah, com , 34 58 31 42 88 34 68 21 48 86 42 83 20 28 2ft do preferred 45 Atcolson preferred, extra dividend of 2 ner cent. . Canada Southern, extra dividend of i per "Slaw York Central, extra dividead of 1 per cent. r ... BAA Money, 6 per cent. y PUlf A75f MABICT RAMftF VlllLnUU ITIMIIIM-l llMUVJi. Orl.l Parmlaalnn af Bolton, de Bnyter A f ' CHICAGO. Juni 80-Th. market, ranged tiuliT a. fallowST- Open. High. Low. .60 .60 16.82 15.66 " 8.10 8.27 8.50 8.09 Clone. KftU Wheat- ,00.70; .40 .84 16.70 16.80 8.22 8.46 8.78 8.TT July 0.T8 july.v.. .60 Sept .60 Oats J?- .60 B .80 .84 16.88 16.08 8.10 8.80 8.5TA 8.07 " Ju-- 8 22 u.J atn ent 8.46 - '. i'- Kibe- S"S 8.T3 8.7T CHICAGO, GRAIN CARS CHICAGO, Jun 80. The record of grain care touay snowa: . .No. Contract. Est. Wheat ...'41 2 40 Corn 082 TT 07U oats 818 11 BUS Tsar Ago Cars. The record shows the receipts In the North- .im-lt " toUowa: " Chicago, su; Minneapoil. 108; Dnluth. 27. r Xstlmated Tomorrow, Th ear in thla city eatlmated for tomor row ara: Wheat. 20; corn, 800; oata, 140. HOGS OPEN HIGHER n.1 un m. a CHICAGO, June 80. The receipta of livestock In the principal packing center, of the country today, were: Hog. Cattle. Sbaep. Chicago .............12.000 6,000 14,000 Kansaa City 12,000 7,000 8.000 Omaha T.500 4.000 ; 6.000 , Hoga Opened 10 eenU higher with. 8.900 left ever from yesterday. Baling prlcea for hoga are: Mixed and batchers', SS.864j6.86; good heavy, $0.8SiQ5.B6; rough heavy; p.6j5.6 light. 86.T0I0.B-00. --'v. - Oattl .Steady. ' r ' -,- - 1 ohp-10 ceata leweo ' . ; . .... ' :i.:yi ' ' ' i HAY CROP WILL . .. - . 1 BE QUITE LARGE Harvest Will Be Somewhat De laved On Account of the We Weather Clover and Vetch Lodge Badly. With Favorable Conditions Op erations Will Be Begun' Next Week Fall Wheat, Barley and Oats Headed, (By Bdwexd A. Baals.) The past week hss been showery, with nearly aeasonable temperatures. There la a large amount of hay ready to cut, but Ita harvest has been delayed by wet weather, and oonaequently clover and vetch have lodged badly In the Coaat counties and also tn portions of tha. Willamette Valley. A few farmers have cut their clover hay, and If haa been mora or leas damaged by the rains. With fsvorabla weather haying will be general next week. Range atock la im proving, and In tha dairy districts the flow of milk la normal. Fall wheat, barley and oata are about all headed out, and In the southern pert of the state tha straw la beginning to turn yellow, which lndicatea that the harvest or thess crops will soon begin, Spring wheat haa made an excellent growth and It la beginning to, head In many places. Fall wheat aeems'to be filling well, and whereas, owing to pre vious unfavorable conditions, sn aver age wheat crop la not poaalble, - the quality promlaea to ba better than usual It now looka as If the oat crop, both In quantity and quality, - would be above the average. Minor crops, such as hops, potatoes, on ions, sugar beeta and garden truck, have made excellent advancement during the week, and but few complaints are made regarding damage to them by Insect pests. The strawberry aeaaon la drawing to a cloae, with satisfactory yields. The out look for prunes Is excellent and pears promise well. Apples continue doing nicely, but the cherry crop is disap pointing. Willamette Taller. Quincy, Columbia County, John Hen drickson Rainy all wee; grsss splen did, snd cattle are doing nicely; eher riea ripe and wild blackberrlea ripen ing. Troutdale, Multnomah County, Fred H. Fruiht Heavy rain Saturday very beneficial; crops look well and every thing Is growing finely. TiaardviUe, Washington County, 8. Wilson Cool and showery; fine grow ing weather, but poor hay daya; aome hay spoiled; cherries are cracking very badly. Sandy, Clackamas County, P. R, Meinlg Rain la doing damage to the clover hay, aa considerable Is falling; other crops looking well; potatoea extra good; prunea and applea dropping con siderably, and a very light crop la ex pected. Amity, Yamhill County, M. F. Corrl- g-an Week generally coot and showery crops have Improved wonderfully spring-sown grain fine; fall-sown wheat and winter oata all headed out; aprlng oata and barley heading, also some early sown spring wheat; considerable clover hav is cut and In varioua stares of curing; garden truck looking well; eher riea damaged by rains. Falls City. Polk County. B. B. Har rington Week favorable; haying begun. rlth fair crop. A NEW CANDIDATE FOR POPULAR FAVOR AND A GOOD ONE Clear Havana Gigar, ooooe Ask ALLEN & r Albany, for Benton County, V. A. Car. ter Weather cloudy, with rain Satur day; crops doing well; wheat promises good yield; oata above average; haying well under way; hay yield la under aver age, but of good quality; warm aun ahlna la needed for all crops. Macleay. Marlon- County, T. B. Pat ton Weather showery; grain and grass doing finely; too cold for corn; hops In tha old yards light. In new yarda fine potatoes doing well; atrawberriea about gone; eherriea light; haying will begin next week; hay crop light. Lebanon, Linn County, C. D. Steen - Weather cloudy and ahowery; haying delayed; all cropa ahow good advance ment; strawberrlea and eherriea are still In season. Blachly, Lane County. L. W, S. Post- Week rather cool and cloudy, with some light showers; grain and potatoea doing well; corn, aquaahea and tornatoea grow slowly; atrawberriea and eherriea alow In ripening, and tha blrda take a large ahare; prunes and applea doing welL Coast District. Clatsop, Clataop County. D. F. Staf ford Weather favorable; clover and moat root cropa making fine growth; onlona not ao thrifty aa they would be with less rain; hay crop above average. Otla, Lincoln County, O. S. Parmele Week warm, with cool aea breeie; gar. den truck and meadows have made very rapid growth, and the meadow grass haa fallen down In every direction; small fruit abundant; strawberry picking half flnlahed; prune treea loaded; char rlea light Point Terrace, Lane County, 8. J. A. llaon Weather warm, with beneficial ahowera; all cropa looking well and making good growth; aome hay cut: crop good; fruit outlook favorable; atock in good condition. Arago, Cooe County, O. W. Webber Weather changeable; cropa doing well: early sown peaa and oata are being cut for dairy cowa; clover, other grasses and gardena doing nicely. Wedderburn. Curry County, w. K. Miller Weather very favorable for all kinds of crops; haying Is being pushed ss fast as possible; crop heavy. Boatkera Oregon. dlendale, Douglas County, Mrs. Fan nie Miller Psst week cool and show ery; haying delayed and some cut hay has probably been spoiled; spring-seeded grain greatly benefited by rain; condi tions favorable for a good yteld of wheat, oata and barley; potatoes doing well; late apple trees are bending under their weight Of fruit; plums of every variety are Indicating a large crop; strswberry season about over. Wildervllle, Josephine County, J. M. Hoxle No rain during week; grain haying begun; Irrigated grain full crop; upland grain half crop; grain very ahort; beef cattle look well; low ranges about dried up, but good feed in the moun tains; first crop alfalfa harvested In fine condition. Gold Hill. Jackson County, C. E. Seame Dry, hot weather; unless It rains soon there will be no corn crop tn this part of the country; potatoes are drying up on top with no roots, except where they are Irrigated. Columbia Biver Talley. Hood River, Wasco County, P. D. Hlnrichs Haying progressing nicely; crop lsrge; strawberry crop good; some lost oij account of hot weather two weeks ago and rain; range poor. Wasco, Sherman County, W. C. More house Wheat steadily .Improving; fall wheat outgrowing the weeds; spring grain thickening up and will make good crop; volunteer wheat beginning to turn and will be ready to harvest by the mid dle of July. Douglas, Morrow County, H. W. Orable First of week showery, bene ficial to crops; latter part cool: wheat not extra good: fruit doing nicely. Arlington, Gilliam County, R. H. Rob inson Weather cool and favorable; wheat "Lower Eight Mile" lamaged by dry wtnda aome time ago, hut remain der of grain in the county will be good and a heavy crop. Pendleton, Umatilla County, e. w. "JUST RIGHT for "Banker" LEWIS. McComas -Weather favorable; hay harvest has commenced; yield of grain hay light; alfalfa an average crop; grain continues to fill well; generally eon eeded thst crop will be two-thirds of sn average crop. Weaton, Umatilla County, Maud M Baker Weather cloudy and aultry. with light rainfall; wheat in splendid condi tion; potato crop smaller than usual; Other vegetables doing fairly well; large yield of Royal Ann eherriea. snd later varieties ripening rapidly; pear trees Buffer from blight; yield will be small; apples, prunea and plums promise well; mountain atrawberriea coming In. riateau Xeglon. Imbler, Union County, L. Billings Week favorable; moisture in ground sufficient to Insure good yields of fall wheat; sugar beets doing nicely, and thinning completed; hay crop short, ex. ceptlng alfalfa, which 1b good; potatoes doing well. Rockcreek. Bsker County. J. K. Fisher Weather fine; grain doing well; Irrl gating nearly done; hay big crop, will soon be ready for cutting; aummer plow Ing all done. Burna, Harney County. N. TJ. Carpen ter Weather warm and showery; whest and rye cropa good; severe wind caused slight damage; range improving, but hay a little short. Post, Crook County, J. B. Meyer Weather warm and showery: crops growing nicely; some alfalfa cut; yield fair; potatoea and garden truck doing well; timothy and red top abort. NEW YORK SUMMARY NEW YORK. June 10. Erie will probably earn 4 percent on all stocks this yesr. Thirty-seven rosds ror May show the average net Increaae of S3. II per cent. Forty-four roads for the third week of June ahow an average groaa In crease of 1J.07 per cent. No. stringency In call money la expected today, but a rather at liter rate la probable. There is bull pool In Reading. The trade la more bullish on sugar.. LARGE PROFIT TAKING NEW YORK. June 80. The Liverpool cotton cable lndicatea large proflt-tak- ing and heavy tendera on June deliv ery, which option expires toaay. rne Liverpool market haa been held by Egyptian speculators, who don't want actual cotton. The closing of the mills this week will have a good effect In stiffening the good market, and the Gov ernment report today will In a meaaure decide public opinion on the next crop optiona. CHICAGO CASH WHEAT CHICAGO, June $0. Noon session Cash wheat prlcea are: No. 3 Red, 78',c; No. 3 Red, 78078c; No. 3 hard winter, 80c; No. 3 hard winter, 75 76 Vic; No. 1 Northern spring, 81; No. Northern spring, 7880c; No. I spring. 75 78c. BROWN STILL COTTON KING NEW YORK, June 30. A determined effort to break the Brown cotton corner was made this morning. The contest waged., fiercely for a short time when the great bull got busy and sent prices soaring 20 points higher. , PARIS WHEAT LOWER PARIS. June 30. Open Wheat was quiet, (to 10 centimes lower; flour, steady, 6 to 10 centimes lower. SAN FRANCISCO GRAIN SAN FRANCISCO, June 30.-11:80 a. m. Close Decern oer wneai i.4; De cember barley 81c. 99 Size, 2 for 25c. WHEAT MARKET' WAS - ACTIVE AND LOWER Approaching, Delivery Day on , July Causes large LiqyP v dation Deals, flprUI prmlMlon of Bolton, ! Buytr A Co.) . If f TM 1 . at -aa a. . rillJAlfl 1. .1 11 Ties B II I .TI gran n AbV hpwhti advise: The wheat marketis active and lower. The approaching .delivery day on July wheat caused a good deal of , liquidation by holdera and added to tha weakness. Reports concerning tha , smount and distribution of rain ara only conflicting. It is probably safe to gay. that a considerable relief has been af- , forded. The cables ara Indicating only, steady marketa abroad. Tha cash sit uation Is slow. Threshing returns from the winter wheat country atlll have a disappointing tons and tendency. Tha reaction from the high price of last week on September wheat haa bean about 4 centa a bushel. Tha weekly government reports aim It soma im pairment in tha conditions of the spring wheat crop. ' Cora Cbanraa Fro. The corn market waa atrong early and advanced sharply but lost tha Improve ment before tha close. Weakneaa la wheat no doubt contributed to tha reao tion but the weather In the corn bait la generally favorable and both tha atata report and the Waahlngton report In dicata an Improving tendency. Tha cash demand, la on tha whole, very good. , Beaotloa la Oata. Action of the oat market waa about the sams aa In corn and for tha earn reason, but the caah demand la hardly so good. Genersl reports tndloata that while tha oat crop la a little backward and uneven. It la making fairly good progress. It, too, will ba a weather market for soma time. The provlalon market waa moderately active and weaker. It did not losa all. its movement, but tha tone was heavy.. There are plenty of hogs and tha de mand la poor and the price atlll high. Tha outlook for tba corn crop wm oa . something of a factor. . , LOCAL STOCK RECEIPTS ' PORTLAND UNION STOCKYARDS, June 30. Receipta of livestock tn tha local yarda today consisted of 100 hogs, 100 cattle and 800 aheep. The remains unchanged In tone, with tha following prlcea ruling: - Cattle Best, $4.36; medium, 3.75. Hogs (0iUe. Sheep IV4 3c. Lambs 8 c. PRIMARY RECEIPTS ; CHICAGO, June 80. The primary ra- celpts are: Wheat 3(8.000 bushels, against 509.000 bushels last year. . Corn 873,000 bushels, agalnat 422,000 bushels last yesr. Shipments were: Wheat 168,000 bushels, agalnat 448.000 buahels laat year. Corn 328.000 bushels, agalnat 118,000 bushels, last year.. GRAIN CLEARANCES 'r NEW YORK, June 10. Tha clearances today were; Wheat, 34,000 buahels: flour, 32,000 bushels; corn, 851,000 buah els; oats, 38,000 bushels; wheat and flour. 178.000 bushels. EXCHANGE CLOSFP SAN FRANCISCO, June 30. Tha local 8tock Exchange haa adjourned until Monday next oooo Distributers ;.-i 4' . -