TItE OltEGOH ; DAILY JOITlWAL, rOBTLAND, TUESDAY , EVENING, JUNE 30, 1903. .... -., v ' .1. A. HI1HAM TALENT GATHER COIN LIMERICK TO BOX : SMALL CROWD ATTEND ILABOZtT tntOTBXBBB XBT TXB BOBTBITBST. Foarta aad Morris am Streets. v , : AT THE MEADOWS THE AKRON GIANT ' BOXING BENEFIT - ' 1 " - - m m mm m m m mm , m -mm m W M M W M M K 1 . I IU M I SwT . ' MmT M M Mm mm m w m mm .. mm mm M W - W M rnrn m , Ul f 1 -BkCi int JKZ It 91 LI I M s I VC rfii c CJrZif , f f C Ml JLi I ' M i J,M ;v-?:'? '.i f::; (4.. '-rK'yfi If , . ' 'AVi x -- '. J- '"'T .i. ... .... AT Bookmakers Are Rudely Treat- yita at Yesterday's Se- : ' .y; . attle Races, ';. '' i (Journal Special Service.) SEATTLE. June 10. The hide of the bookmakers at Tba Meadow la drying on the fence, it wss stripped off yea terday" afternoon, and the stripping was aone py tne uuent. From the standpoint of the bettors It was. the best day of the present meet jLing. , : n opinion . or tne oooaies is Tequelly emphatlo In Its conclusions, but . lu cannot be printed In a atrlctly moral paper. ...,: 1 Tba day was a perfect one. the track fast, tba attendance unusually large and the borses ran true to form. The long snow. so. dear to the hearts of th ladles, did not get so much as a look In In any one 'of the. six races. On afternoon paper,, that publishes tips on the races. picked 11 out of a possible II horses that- ran , Inside the money. Of these. two were firsts, six ran as well as sec I end , and live ran third. Other papers . aid almost as well. From th standpoint of a true lover Of the sport It was a good day of good horse racing. All of the.flolda wentito ths post promptly on time and were sent away without delay to perfect starts. The fields were all composed of borses of a good class, a'faet that Is shown by ths tlms mads In each, of the races, n Taken as a whole it was a day of sport such as Is seldom seen on any raee- ouree.;, - . ., Following are the results Four and' a half furlongs Modder won. Red Spinner , second, Phil Crlm Ins third; time. :SH. '' Seven furlongs Burdock won, Mon- oya second. Major Hooker third; time. Four and a half furlongs F. E. Shsw won, Annie Marie aecond, Crlgll third; time. :55H. , Five and a half' furlongs Mounte bank won. Daasenao aecond. Shell Mount third: time, l:0t. Seven furlongs Myrtle ' K. won. 'William F. second, Knocktngs . third; time. l:0V,. Mile end a sixteenth Rosarle won, Kitty Kelly second. Step Around third; time, 1:4814. At Washington Park Track. CHICAGO. June 10. Washington Park results Ono mile Sidney C. Love won, Epl. cure second. Flying Ship third; time, 1:88 3-5. Four and one-half furlongs Deter mination won, Salto second. Lady Free Knight third; time, :S4 S-5. One and one-alxteenth miles Hargis won. Hoodwink second. Beau Ormonde third; time. 1:41. Six and one-half furlongs, high weight handicap Oolden Rule won. Jack Ratlin second, First Ship third; time. 1:19 1-6. One and one-quarter miles John Mc Gurk won. Gold Bell second, Sinner Simon third; time. 1:06-2-$. Seven and -one-half furlongs Semper . .vlvlum won. - Trinity. , Bell second, ; Flearon third; time, a;l$.. At Shecpshead Bay Trtek, NEW YORK. June 10. Sheepshead Bay results : Last five furlongs of the Futurity . course Pirouette won, Raglan second, Wild Thistle third; time, 1:00 4-1. One mile Psyns won. Coruscate aeo- ond. Stamping Ground third; time, 1:44 4-J. Six furlongs on main track, selling Blue Jay won. Sentinel 'second, Prince Chlng third; time. 1:16 t-S. One and one-quarter miles, the Bay Ridge handicap Bluea won, Herbert second. Moon Dalsh third; time, 2:10 1-6 Steeplechase, short course Bophone won; Walter Cleary aecond. Tankard third; time,- 4:S4. . , One and one-sixteenth miles on turf ' Florham Queen won, Setauket second, Oclawaba third; time. 1:6! 1-6. Jack . O'Brien's Sparring Part- ;tner: Suddenly -Leaps Into , ;; Nstic rrominencei (Journal Special Service.) - - PHILADELPHIA. June 10. Al Llm crick, who jumped on , Jack O'Brien and Into flstlo fame at the swing of his arm. has shown himself unlike Jack Munroe, who woks to find himself some body by not going to sleep under ths covsr of Jeffries' glove. Munroe wss content to accept the goods ths gods provided and not to' risk a return to bis rormer oouvion oy try In to keen awake again. . Not so the giant who exchanged buf fets with O'Brien to the discomfiture of thf Philadelphia star. Hs thinks now that be is good enough to fight and It's fight hs wsnts. H hss been aeoom modated. Jack Herman, manager . of the Fort Erie Club, has matohsd Limerick against Gus Ruhlln for a 20-round affair, to take place the last week In July. Howsoever Munroe effort wltn Jef fries may take on ths complexion of an accident. It was no stray chance that put' O'Brien in the nowhere. It wasn't ons punch, that prodded Llmeribk' Into the limelight He walloped Mr. O'Brien and walloped him good. O'Brien fought him back, fought for all there was In hla art but the bigger man was too big. Bars the Ohamplom. O'Brien frankly admitted this, and de dared that hla conqueror had slse and strength enough to show before any of the heavyweights, barring they all do that Jeffries. The industrious Billy Madden, always looking for work for hla stable, came to the forei poco pronto, when he . neara that the newcomer waa advertising his wares, and offered Ruhlln aa a posslbls sacrifice. Hence the proposed battle over the Canadian line. Limerick Is ths biggest candidate on the pugilistic market He welgha 120 pounds In condition, and has a longer reach than Finn McCool, the Iriah giant who, the chroniclers of bis time say. stood on the shores of Oalway and knocked but a man In Liverpool. - In Ruhlln. however. Limerick will find a different propoaltloojfrom O'Brien. Clever as the Philadelphia boy undoubt edly Is. ha could not hope to success fully oppose his fragile lines against auch bulk- aa Limerick's. . Ruhlln Is more germane to the alse. Thla go will be A real try-out for the new delegate, and as he shows, so will he be judged, either as a member of the big bunch or just an ordinary unso phlstlcated cltlsen. JAT AJTOMWaV CHAMPION CORBETT DEFEATS BRIOCS .Contest Went the Limit, the Loser Clinching to Save Himsel (Journal Special Service.) BOSTON. June- 20. Young Corbett of Denver and Jimmy Briggs of this city went the limit In their 10-rOund 'go 'last tilghi. Corbett winning the decision. Corbett tried repeatedly to put Brtggs away, but the local lad's clever defense worked foiled the champion. Corbett fought vlclouely all through the fight, but the local boy never lost his head, and by clever ducking and neat foot work avoided Corbett strongest rushes. - Corbett had the advantage of several pounds, but that did not deter the local lad from mixing with him. Irr-the tenth round Corbett vainly tried td put Brlgga out, but the latter met his rushes with straight left jabs, and Corbett'a nose was bleeding when the round ended. OPEN ATHLETIC MEET rhe Multnomah Amateur Athletic tub will hold an open handicap field leet on July 4, the event to take place on Multnomah Field. Chairman Kerri gan announces that there will ,pe 11 events. The meet will be open to all amateurs, and those desiring to conk pete must enter the lists before Thurs day to enable the committee to make the necessary preparations and arrange ments of handicaps. First and second prises Will be offered in the shape of medals for each event The holding of this neia meet ' waa deolded on by di rectors of the Multnomah Club In order io renew ine interest in tracK athletics among the young men of this city. - -EIGHTEEN TO TWO' " "!"- '''"" - in,, ' ' : McMINNVILLE. Or, June ' 50. Mc Mlnnyllle defeated Independence yes terday in a one-sided game. Score: v McMlnnvllle . .'. .......IS 14 1 'Independence .. ...... i........ 2 4 ( Batteries Holman and Wood rum; Hill and fiurch. Umpire Doty. . , ., -. Full description of all sporting events. New York,. Chicago and Seattle races re ceived by direct wire from h tracks. New York telegraph tips poated. Com- - missions--received for-all sporting events A K ' f (' ' 'it 1' : ft r , i jt S , v 'ttfrz&t 1 .... . . 1 '''"'Sili ..:('. y ' ; joa i Prwsldsnt of ths Portland Browns, Who Kaa Been Toiling TalthfuUx for th Betterment of Bis Team. ' 'ORTLAND BROWNS ARE HOME AGAIN Local Favorites Return After a Three-Weeks' Trip North -and South. Browns' Third Baseman, Who Baa Been Xdl for Two Weeks, Buaerin from a Broken Bhonlder Bone An drew Will Play Today. AMERICAN LEAGUE AKXatlOABT ZJBAaTTB. Standing of the Clubs. . Won. Lost P.C. Boston 38 21 .144 Philadelphia 14 24 .686 Chicago 29 26 .617 Cleveland 29 2 .627 St. Louis 26 26 .490 New York 26 2 .400 Detroit 26 27 " .411 Washington. ...M4 42 .260" rn any part of (tho world. CLUQ. 110 Fifth street PORTLAND At Chios ro. R. H. K. Chicago . . 2 10 Jjofiton . .1 s ; Bjttteries Dunkle and McFarland Dineen and Crlger. At Betrolt R. H. E Detroit . . '. 3 1 i Washington . . ..0 4 Batteries Mullin and McGulre; Pat ten and Drill. , At St, X.OU1. ' R.H.B. St. Louis 3 8 New York 6 7 Batteries Reidy. Sugden and Kahoe; Chesoro ana u connor. m vwTiuuia, r RvM. B. Cleveland 2 41 Philadelphia 4 16 1 Batteries Moore and Bemls; Plank and Powers. . NATIONAL LEAGUE . VATXOXA& XJBAOUS. Standing of th Clubs. Won. Lost P.C. Pittsburg 42 10 .89 Chicago . 28 21 .644 New -York ..,J 21 .32 Brooklyn .29 25 .617 Cincinnati ,i 28. 27 .609 Boston . ....... ,'.21 s 25 ; . ..297 St -LoulS ........ .19 40 .822 PhWadelphla. . , . . 15 ; 40 ,271 A Philadelphia, - "' - , , .-'-' R.H.E. St. Louis . ......1 6 2 Philadelphia . . 17 2 Batteries Murphy and Ryan; Sparks and , Roth. Lmpire-nimsiie. , At Boston.. Boaton . ........... i ..... v. . . .0 - Chicago ,$; 2 Batteries 'Plttimjer-and Mors.n;-.Wet-mer and Kllng. Umpires aloran and tlouioay. The Portland Browns returned home this morning after an absence of three weeks, during which time they played series with .Seattle, Los Angeles and Oakland. While the boys did not take a majority of the gamea played, yet ac cording to accounts, they certainly de served to win more. No trip could have found the team In worse condition phys ically and otherwise. Jay Andrews was unabla to accompany the nine on ac count of a broken shoulder, and by his absence alone, the Browns lost at leant three or four games. Josh Rellly did ths best he could to cover the position but his inaccuracy in throwing lost the team several hard worked for contests. Sam Vlgneux suffered from a aprained back and was out ' of the game for time, and to Increase the casualltles, Tommy Hess was tapped on the knee with a speedy bsll and aa a result tho doughty catcher thlnka that a bone has been crscked. Change Peter Aotloa. Of course the splitting up of a team switching men hither and thither. bound to prove dlaadvantageous to the best disciplined company of playera and It muat be said that the Browne In this respect have been peculiarly unfortun ate. The batting also of several of the men took a slump during the trip, and with the discouragement In general, the trip did not prove beneficial in the way Of adding to our percentage. This afternoon, providing the weather will be graclou enough to alow ths sun to shine long enough to get acquainted with the earth and Its subjects, tho Browns will meet Parke Wilson's Sate! lites at the- Twenty-fourth and Vaughn street grounds. During the absence oC the team Jerry Trost, the reliable ground keeper, has embellished the gates and ticket office with variegated colors. Brown predominating, all of which adds to the appearance of the grounds. A Splendid Diamond. The diamond has been carefully rolled and the grass cut so that the Infield today is the fastest in the circuit The right Held -fence has been -extended heavenward about 12 feet, in order that Carlos Smith and other wlsards may find greater difficulty In knocking home runs. The Interest in local baseball Is still at a high pitch and the rooters will be on hand to wltneas the coming series. The ladies, who are aa loyal as the men. will lend their presence to the games, and on the threshold of a six weeks series, during which we will meet every team in the League, let us whoop It up for the Browns and give what en couragement we can. Cheer th Players. If meana aver so much to a dejected player to hear a kind word from the bleacher, and many a time a word of cheer In thia way has caused a complete change In the work, joking the players renewed, courage and confidence In them selves, requisites mat are nigniy essen tial and are important In the new lease of life let everybody help along the good cheer, dispense with knocking and en joy the contests for the good of the game and the pleasure they afford, all for the sake of loyalty to the borne team first, last and always. The teams will line, up as follows: Portland. Position. Seattle. Butler P Semple Hess"or Shea C. Boettegep Vlgneux Id Hanlon Anderson 2B Sen wart I Andrews ........ SB Zeigler Raidy b.b inssar Nadeau. . ....... . R. F. ....... , .Zinssar Van Buren C.F. Ward Hurlburt ...R.F. Hughes WILLIAMS J0UGHT PONY Thomas H. Williams.' California mil lionaire and president of the New Cali fornia Jockey Club and all-around good fellow, left for his home In San Fran cisco this morning, accompanied by his wife, after spending several days In this city. During Mr. Williams' brief stay in Portland his eye for good horseflesh caused him to purchase a amall Shet land colt that had- been on exhibition here, so that his young son. Thomas H., Jr.. might train the animal and era ploy It for the uses that horses are heir to, and after tta purchase Mr. Wil liams put It In his carriage and drove with It to the Portland Hotel. Several of Mr. Williams' friends have hinted that the reason that the colt waa pur chased was that Mr. Williams stepped Into the Edison Electric Company's store on Sixth street to escape from a heavy rain atorm on Saturday, and while there espied the Shetland and In five minutes the horse was his for 1260. Manager Day Presented Good - Exhibition Last Night for, Charity, Th boxing contest given at th Ex position Building laat evening for th benefit or th Heppner flood sufferers. wss slightly attended aa far as th gat receipt went, for only about 260 per sons were In attendance. The flstlo events were pulled off ac cording to program, and they were amusing - enough to please the small crowd. Murphy and Barrett started th mill ing, and after about two rounds of side stepping they concluded tney couldn't stand th pace, so they Importuned Referee King to send them to th dress Ingroom, which request he obligingly granted. Jack Day and hla brother Bob were next on the porgram, and they put up a clever sparring match, the crowd waa well pleased when Referee Newhouse gave the decision to the younger Day. Mike Kenny and Frank Freeman went through three rounda of real fighting and Frank Newhouse, who scted ss referee of this event called the go , a draw, aa both were evenly matched. Tommy Tracey and Martin Denny pleased the spectators Immensely by their clever three-round sparring bout. Joe Cotton snd Frank Newhouse pulled off an amualng three-round event The difference in the color and sise of the men, together with their antics In the ring, furnished about 10 minutes' amusement George Memsic snd Jimmy Rellly then fsced each other for the third time In a local arena, and their go resulted the same as did their other two contests. The fight was somewhat tame in the earlier rounds, but toward the latter part both men commenced to warm up to their work, and they made the last few rounds decidedly Interesting. INTERNATIONAL RACES (Journal Special Service.) DUBLIN, June 10. Nearly 1.000 auto mobiles have been brought here by vis itors who have come to witness the In ternational race to be run on Thursday. The Americans are attracting consid erable attention, although the foreign ers profess to consider them not even In the running. SABTUB& YXOVBTX. PACZPZO VATZOBAZi XtSAOlTB. Yesterday's Boor. Seattle, 5; San Francisco. 1. Tacoma,. 4; Los Angeles, 1. Standing of th Club. Won. Lost P.C, Butte 40 24 .425 Los Angeles 40 26 .0 Spokane 87 27 .678 Seattle 88 27 .671 San Francisco ....21 25 .470 Tacoma 28 2 .418 Helena 22 89 .161 Portland 21 42 .131 Tigers Beat th Mourners. TACOMA, Wash., June 10. Tacoma defeated Los Angeles yesterday In a nicely-played game. Joe Fay's batting and the feldlng of Holland, Fay and Lynch, were the features of the game. Seore: R. H. K. Jacn Angeles 00010002 08 7 1 Tacoma ....00102000 14 8 2 Batteries Thlelman and Hardy; St ,Vraln and Byers. Umpire Huston. Seattle Defeated "Frteoo. SEATTLE Waah.. June 10. Seattle defeated San Francisco yesterday by su perior fielding and batting. Score: R.H.E. Seattle . ...0 2201000 5 14 0 San Fran ..0 0001001 0 2 12 1 Batteries McKay and Stanley: Glen- don and Baerwald. Umpire Weaver. TO RECOVER FORFEIT A. L. Mlgley, representing W. A. Roche and Sam McVey, brought suit in Justice Reid's court against P. J. Maher and J. L. ("Lew") Wagner of the Oregon Athletic Club, to recover $260, claimed to be due Roche aa man ager or pugilist Mcvey, who was matched by that club to fight Jack John son in this city. The fight fell through and the suit is brought to recover the club's forfeit. ! j K 4 , Aft V t 1 ' - t ' J " r M"SW 1 '- "Jx , 'MsHlf''' Men's Furnishings New things for Summer are coming every day. A continuous flow of fresh Neckwear. The hirt Stock growing into better condition than ever before. . Plenty of new Collars and Cuffs. Imported Shirts we show lead the world, and are in variety at $2 to SX50 Cluett and Star Negligee Shirts, $1.50 and op. Monarch Shirts, $100 DIAMOND GLISTENINGS Manager of th Browaa, Whose Play- In at First Has Beea a Feature for she Past Several 'Weeks. YANGER AND HANLON TO FIGHT TONIGHT Great Interest Being Taken in Coming Event Both Men Confident. a mi f Contractor Meredith's Story of How an Important Portland Job Was Done in Record Time. PAOZPXO COAST UAOXTB. tending of th Clubs. Won. Lost P.C. Los Angeles ...-.,..61 2 , .602 Sacramento . '. .. .149 10 .620 San Francisco ... 48 14 .185 Oakland . , v ....... J 6 51 .414 Seattle .....SO 4 .195 Portland' 21 49 .111 LOCAL CIRCLES INTERESTED Considerable Interest la being taken among the local sportsmen in the Eddie Hanlon-Benny Tanger fight which takes place this evening at San Francisco. jTbe odds are 10 to t on Hanlon, and pnwt mim vmitim wia rmcey vea ny's on this event and will .also be sold on all events hereafter. . 1 - Contracts are an Important feature. of modern business systems. And the most Important consideration In con tract work is contract time. Contrac tor B. Meredith, who lives at SI Twenty- first, street, says that Doan's Kidney PUIS fulfilled their Contract with him in two or three days. B. Meredith, the wellrknown brick ma son, contractor and builder, who lives at S61 Twenty-first street, says: "Doan's Kidney Pills is one of the best reme dies i ever used, ana I cneerruiiy recom mend them to any one suffering with kidney trouble. I .wss bothered for years with attacks of kidney complaint and no medicine gave me permanent re lief until I procured Doan's Kidney Pills at the Laue-Davlr Drug Co.'s store, corner Yamhill and Third streets. - I was so well pleased with them that when my wife had a severe attack a short time ago' and could hardly get about to do her work, I had her take Doan's Kidnev Pills. In two or three days thev strengthened her up in fin shape.' - We both Indorse th claims made for Doan's Kidney Fills and have nothing but the highest terms of praise for such a valuable remedy." Fdr sale by all dealers. Price 60 cents .per box. .Fjpster-MUburti Co., Buffalo, N. T, sole agents for the United States. v - - -V7 Remember the name.- Doan'g and take no substitute, 1 - " v SAN FRANCISCO. June 10. It has been a long tlute since a pugilistic event on the Coast has aroused so much In terest Inrsportlnr elrcles Mthe bout between Benny Tanger and Eddie Han lon, which la to be decided tonight be fore the Hayes Valley Athletic Club. The little men will weigh In at 110 pounds at the ringside. Both have fin ished their training and will have no diffioulty at tipping the scales at the re Quired figure. Judging from the state ments of both fighters and their train ers today there Is a feeling of entire confidence In both camps. The little Chlcagoan, who has never met defeat. is confident that tonight s go will cer tainly add another to his long string of victories. In the Hanlon camo. like wise, the declarations are of a rosy hue and as a consequence there is every reason for the followers of the ring to look forward to the liveliest, kind of a bout. Hanlon has a large and faithful following on the Coast, and the betting on his side of the game has been heavy. Nevertheless, it Is apparent that wise followers of the game are ready to take all of the Hanlon money that is offered, and when the two enter the ring tonight It is all but a certainty that Tanger will be the favorite so far as the betting is concerned. A considerable crowd of Chicagoans are here and they have backed the little Italian to the full Umlt of their resources. TXOTSABSS BOH0XJB SBA SBBPBBT8 AT SBA8XDB. The Letter-Carriers' annual excursion to Seaside on Sunday laat carried the laraest excursion crowd of the season out of Portland, fully 2.000 people fath ering at the beach, many taking their initial plunge of the season In old ocean. while others were content to ramble about and mingle with the summer girls and aea serpents, and gather in tnls season's first Installment of osone. The summer girls were happy when the old sea serpent made his first appearance. oreaxing rrom tne waves "just as the Sun Went Down" over the ocean.' The absence at other Oregon ocean beaches of this strange phenomena promises to multiply tne attendance, at Clatson Beach this summer. Before taking your aummer outing you should add re e J. C. Mayo, general freight and passenger aaent. Astoria & coiumoia Kiver Kali road company. Astoria, ur.. or JC L. Lewis, commercial -agent or that com pany, 148 Alder street, ror a cony of ,11.11 .. . ww.. w-wv.u WM.f.M.V. recently Issued. t The reduced homeseekers rates, effee. tlve February 18. apply Tty-tha Denver Kio uranae. .Have your friends come through Salt Lake City, OTr th scenic line of the world. - ' " Stretch. Home again. Pall Mall. Now for business. Jay will be on third. Seven straight from Seattle Six more from Morley's men. At least five from Loh man's crew. And by that time that will be going some. Mac's adoption of a Journal sugges tion regarding' a seventh inning stretch, while not original with him. Is never theless, very good, and the ladles, bless them, they will be there In all tbelr glory and enthuslssm. Cheerful weather. . The patience that th fans have dis played while watting for Portland's "Good Old Summer Time" would have put old Job out of business many moons before his time. Phil Nadeau and Joe Raidy as soon as they gpt off the train thia morning started for a furnishing store where they Inspected the latest assortment of socks. Wonder why. Already you may hear both of thoae players two blocks away on account of their spirited hos iery. Zinssar resembled a boiled lobster as he crawled out of his berth this morn ing. Zln has a real ruddy complexion. Sammy Vlgneux looks well consider ing the attack of sickness that accom panied him on the trip. Marshall looks just th same old Roman. HANLON V& YANGER ' SAN FRANCISCO. June 10. Eddie Hanlon and Benny Tanger are In the pink of condition for their 20-round go, which Is to be held In Mechanics' Pavil ion this evening. Hanlon is the favorite in the betting at 10 to 9. This Is probably on account ; of Hanlon's performances before local audiences. Those who have witnessed Tanger! work at his training quarters state that he la a regular whirlwind and look for him to make a splendid showing. Indi cations are that there will be one of the largest crowds at Mechanics' Pavilion this evening that ever assembled at a boxlnjE event in this city. 8PBCZAX POITBTB. OP JTTtT BO OTTO , TBXP SXOUKSXO BATSS BB- -TWBBB POBT&AB9 AJT2 ILL POZBTS OB A. A O. B B. On July 1 and 4, the Astoria A Colum bla River Railroad Company will sell special round trip excursion tickets from Portland to all points on Its line. In cluding Clatsop Beach points, and re turn, at rate of one fare for the round trip, tickets limited good for return, pwewage-unttl July 6, Inclusive. .. 'IT. HOOB 1IRTS MADE BY THE BEST WORKMEN FROM THE BEST MATERIAL WITH THE BEST MACHINERY Fleischner, Mayer MAKERS -:.