The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 30, 1903, Page 2, Image 2

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. t. -
Charged with Having Killed
Aged Woman on Sunday and
Thrown Her Body to Be taten
by the Hogs.
Daughter of His Victim Re
turned from Church and
Fotmd Corpse Partially De
voured by Hungry bwme.
Explosion Near Cheyenne Crushes Workmen to
Death or Holds Them Prisoners In the Bowels
J of the Earth'" Rescue Work Goes On.
... , - t
(Journal" Special Service.)
WEIa'H. I. T., June SO A courier
brings tiewe that Infuriated cltlxena
have surrounded a young firmer who If
susprctcd of murdering Mrs. Johnson,
an aged woman, on Sunday- night, and
lynching with torture la the mob's
vowed intention. The courier believe
the turpose was curried out about noon.
The woman was killed with a club, the
motive being robbery, and the body waa
thrown into a ho pen. where It was dis
covered by her daughter when she le
turned front church. The hogs had par
tially devoured It.
(Journal SpecTal Service.)
. CHEYENNE, Wyo.. June SO. Two hundred men are Imprisoned alive or
crushed and mangled In death at the bottom of the Hanna coal mine, where a
frightful explosion occurred at 11 o'clock today. The cauae of the frightful
accident Is not known, a gigantic eruption occurring Just before regular time
to change shifts. Earth and stones were vomited upward from the depths of
the. mine, and the cries of the Injured were heard. Men are working frantically
to release those who are entombed, but It Is not known to what extreme the
lrath list may extend.
Trio Young in Years, but' Far
Older Jn . Crime, Are Once
More . Before the Court as
Living Problems.-
Game Warden Quimby Suc
ceeded Tomorrow by J. W,
Baker of Cottage Grove,
Were Found Partially Intoxi
cated Under Darkness' of
Burnside-Street Bridge-Fre
quently in I rouble, ,
Jim Dumps' grandchild, sly little IV
Cried, "Grandpa, on the lowest shelf
-Please put the food 1 like the best
60 1 can reach It with the rest v
I Just love Force,1 " ehe said to him. , ' , r
Force' you shall have," said "Sunny Jlm.
Joe Le Barge, Albert Richardson
and Clifford Morton, lads of .tender
years, were arrested under the Burnslde-
street bridge shortly fter midnight
by Patrolman "W'endorf, and wars this
The Scheme to Transfer Track-
age South of Salt Lake
. Not 'Announced.
After guarding the state's game for
five years. Warden K B. W. Quimby of
this city will tomorrow morning be sue
ceeded by J. W. Baker, of Cottage
Orove, who waa appointed to the office
several weeks ago by Gov. Chamberlain.
The six deputy wardens will also go ou
with their chief.
Mr. Quimby was appelated State
Came and forestry Warden by ex-Oov
T. T. Oeer. During his time in office, he
has been watching the frame that la
protected by law In every section of the
state, having made at least Hi arrests
for the violation of the statute regard
Ing the kftllng of birds, deer and other
"sportsmen's delight." Since the first
of the present year the warden has made
Receding Water Makes It Pos- rao?Jng S"?1?1"? fZ
11 I r rv rii I ln to Municipal Court on charges of
bwm 101 niver ooais 10
Pass Through,
Journal Special Service.)
8ALT LAKE. June 30. At noon today if arrests; two of these were for the
shooting of fame birds out of season.
four were parties who had placed saw
no word was received from the confer
ence ln New York relative to the trans
- fer of the Oregon 8hort Line trackage dust In fish streams, all the others being.
souio 01 eaii iae to the Bait Lake for the violation of the law relating tu
route as projected by W. A. Clark. deer-hunting. Two trips were recently
Naj circulars have been Issued as yet made by Mr. Quimby to investigate the
run anaquaners or ine uregon reported trapping of beaver in Marion
, Short Line or San Pedro road relative and Lincoln Counties, but he was unable
. to the transfer. General Manager Wells to obtain enough evidence to even file
01 iua jauer roaa saia: "we expect I a complaint against the-suspected par
the transfer to be made tonight unless ties.
. the lawyers do a little more juggling. "When T .nnnir.t.,1 tn this nfflre
Unless word Is received, however, from said Mr. Quimby this morning, "the law
nw jor, nuvnmg win oe aone. .At- regarding the selling of game In the
- wnw7i wr omn roaas returnea this open market waa being violated right
morning rrora noche, Nev., where yes- along. I went to work to put a stop to
' terday they secured the dismissal of this practice and I am very proud of the
ma ui me ngni or way wnicn I fact that it was atopped. with the e-
nare ptin id me courts ror tne past ceptlon of the last II days in the month
two years. of November, when upland birds are
sold in all public markets. I tried hard
to get the Legislature to pass a bill
prohibiting this, but did not succeed.
This Is a measure that I think should
be passed soon, as the wanton destruc
tion of the upland game birds during
the open market days will soon rid that
section of the state of its quail and
Mr. Quimby says that during the
months of August. September and Oe
tober the Oama Warden makes as many
arrests as during the other nine months
put together.
The deputy wardens that fo out of
office tonight are:, B. G. Hodson of Rose
ffnnrnal Hr.a..l t.ll ' burg. J,. 8. Frits of The Dalles. T. B.
HIGHLANDS,, June 10. Shamrock's l.1.1? I- F- Iwht of . Kla.
. race began at 11 o'clock oVer a 30-mile m .L ' V, " 1 '.ettyman Ba F- Allsky,
ii course.-vAt 1711 both were-seen return . hoth,f Portland., , ,. ., ..... 1
; Ing, the Shamrock suffering the break-
Ing of an Iron bar which held the sheet. DADE I EA DETTED
The yacht Erin is close beside the chal- I VI L LLXf DL I I LIV
lenger. sir Thomas Llpton this ntorn
, Ing expressed sutprlse at the showing
-. - made by the Reliance. He Is not so eon
X fident ntfw. but says that the challenger
r ,ia toe oest Doa t ureat Britain can pro-
An Iron Bar Which Held Sheet' This
; - riMprnlng,
The gradual decline of the high wafer,
which has been noted during the past
week, hns made it possible for, river L.. h.- .Vm. . ..r.,hi.m h.rA
. 1 t- I
drunk and disorderly. What to do with
the trio proved too vexing a problem
for the court, and the case waa contin
ued until tomorrow.
Although of tender years, all of the I
boys have bad records in police circles.
add the proper course to pursue ln their
boats to once more r throutfi Cas- ,n, court j0 L, Barge, the senior
caue iocKs. Tne prst boat to mage me I member of what has been for many
passage was one of the steamers of the I months known as tne L Barge gang. Is
Regulator Line, operated In connection old beyond bis years. As Judge Jlogue
with the Columbia River ft Northern. "Wessea h um morning, ne seems nes-
whlch passed the locks in safety yes- iohrtl0?Lff
....i... I his future lire In prison. He has been
. . . I arrested numerous times, once for
H. C. Campbell, general manager of rbbina- the Laue - Davis drug store.
the Columbia River ft Northern, was at at the corner of Third and Xamblll
Cascade Locks yesterday. He said: streets, and serVed a Jail tentence.
While the locks are now not In perfect The Richardson and Morton boys have
been arrested on previous occasions for
being drunk, Patrolman Wendorf has
been repeatedly told by residents on his
East Side district that the boys have
been stealing small things from stores
and houses. ' A Vigilant watch has been
" '' ''' '
Tfc Sstdjtta-Serfa Ceiaal
vliKed alike
by young and old.
ha Like It.
t "J little tM asrwa years old. - W ass Tore for
breakfast and like It Jsmij kliaaiMT Biovaimox."
; . ..
i -z It'
condition for the handling of boats with
accustomed dispatch, yet the' worst of
the trouble is over. The water Is fall
ing slowly and the danger that threat
ened for a week or more Is past.
"During the high water we chartered kept, but It has not been possible to
an engine and several freight cars to obtain evidence Sufficient to place a more
run on the O. R. ft N. tracks between charge than the present one
Bonneville and Cascade Locks. Freleht " v v
Seaside House
Clatsop Beach,
n w
wss transferred from the up river boat
at Bonneville to the cars and hauled
rennd Under Bridge.
The boys were found under the east
above the locks where It was again fna, 01 l" urnsiae-street bridge. Fa-
transferred to a steamer that made the
After Tomorrow No More Reg
ular Cases Will Be Tried-Tn
the State Circuit Court Until
September 14.
The Anest summer hotel on the Nnrthwat rv.. ih w. v.
a . . " " " " w www IU II1USIL UTBUtllUI
natural surrounaings. Boating and golf. ror further Infnrm.ttnn aa
n i- 7T 7 "siBBssaBasBssssssBssssjBssssssaaMBMSaBssssssssnsMSM
trolman Wendorf states that there were
Hn nt t h.m In th. .an. mnA . . -. wtKam
run fi. . rri. T.-II.. 1 " ' " " I
w ih w- dtacoveriHl to ba nnrnachlnv
considerable of a nuisance, but all that two of them broke and ran. making good
could be done under the circumstances." their escape. One of the boys is Frank
Back front His Trio. J Thompson, another notoriously bad
W. C. McBride. general acent of thi out,L mln their escape
Rio Grande lines, has returned aftar I were " to nave been armed with re-
10 dava' trin tn Bait Iv. ..d .... vuivors.
J r w . . w ii v. i . . . .
In California. Colorado and Hontharn troimn wendorr stated this morn-
Oregon. Mr. McBride went to confer ,n tB a om the boye they
with officials of the traffic department in P"1"' Intoxicated, Aocordlng
the Mormon caDitai. ,0 nl" etatement, they had been drink-
npeaKing or his trip, he sa d: "Per- - v Vacation timV hmt Mr th. ....
LT ? "Si" WuiuTO L'''Ai" with
7' . uivuIi I h.V vmilJ hr..k lain . I "tvrw Vf 1MB UlierCBl, WnVUIir M IB
the Just completed will probably be jXTllomu "IT bih ln t0 w uk fortnight oft
my last one for soma tim tn rh.t Kit. Juage rxogue stated rrom the bench , K ki . . u-
8. II. Babcock. ...iant .n-rVr ning that he scarcely knew ""r. " ' "
manager of the Rio Grande lines has aVV,? hboy- 80ta In a majority of the st
All Clerks Will Be Allowed Two
Weeks Off During Summer
Postal Employes Will En
joy bnort nest, .
Jaae 8, to Mr. end Mrs. George O. Uarey,
Jane 14, te Mr. aad Mrs. Q, Bewett ef
Fortlaad. a aaashtar.
Jase t, to Mr. aad Mrs. T. L. Smith et
larur ana Tweirts streets, e soa.
.una so, u nr. ana Mrs. a. Beeker. Eait
Oliver, &H
dues, and if it does not lift the cup
mere win oe noining xo no out try with
a schooner, which is allowable under a
oeeo .or girt.-.
Afterward Discussed Affairs of
Church with Distinguished
Visitor from Africa,
resigned after 25 years of continuous
service and will retire to private life.
"Mr. Babcock'a reslmatlon becomes
effective tomorrow. The office has been
abolished, the company officials having
recently decided to appoint no successor.
VBefore the, consolidation of the
Denver ft Rio Grande with the Rio
will be done tomorrow.
Tweaty-elgbth aad Sandy road, i
Jane SB, te Mr. and Mrs. C. H.
first street, a dauahtar.
June 1, te Mr. aa4 Mrs. A. L. Mario, tST
8hrldaa street not gtvts).
June 15, te Mr. and Mrs. B. C Glover, 331
Aoaata street, a eaushtor.
Jaae 88. te Mr. aad Mrs. J. W. Bashoag, ee
Bast Tw.lfth street, a oaoaater.
Jane t, Roy McCsrty, 801 Water stmt;
June JT, two children ef f. L. Smith, Tsylor
and Twelfth stratts; meaalee.
june xi, urman unmm, ot Boss street;
In a majority of the stores and offices
throughout the city the employes are I ' pstheru.
allowed from 10 days to a month inlmilSL w,Ul " rwrth street;
(Journal Special Service.)
Tlm.a ' Th. .K.. .n -v cuiir. in vu" uuunwt u-i
7i Z ZZ. - .. " I ahnwara In th. Snnlknut i,v. I wl" iwo wnm ore wiin lull
Grande Western under the name of the fhowf " 'n.theT SteTJ?.? Py. Work during the next two months
rormer, me two companies maintained tV.i7..I .-.." " " , . '
v. tun mi, nftto a Dwiiiimuig lime OI
It. showers, and plenty of them, ln both
wmcn to visit tne mountains or sea. ina as. Karl Vom. aar umi. ..-..
shore or take what other rest and recrea- neaiies.
June as, Bsira risber, 630 Front street;
At the County Courthouse the 60 r w.
employee In the different departeaents scarlet few. ""-.-"! " "m
separate headquarters at Denver and
Halt Lake reapectlvely. After consoli
inere is also some warm weather in
sight to follow the showers. Wednes
day will be fair ln Minnesota.
Residents of Alblna have filed a com.
plaint against the saloon conducted by I
a. i ioaeii on union avenue and Morris
street, which they allege Is conducted in
a nisoraeriy manner. This complaint Is I sn hour's drive in the Vatican gardens.
ne arterwaras- received tne coadjutor
vicar of Capetown and discussed South
African affairs with him.
(Journal Special Service.)
LONDON, June 80. A dispatch from
Rome says the Pope has recovered from
his indisposition and this morning took
In the hands of the License Committee,
but In order to give Lodell a chance to
answer the charges, action wss deferred
until Wednesday afternoon at 1 o'clock.
John Sinner applied for a saloon li
cense at 42 Falling street, but the
committee did not think- It wise to al.
!2TLrJ,,J2T ?E..B.Ltbat po,nt- and WUoo. Keeta Witt -sinful Accident
vv.ww mi. I
waue a won ib aumth
lumber BOIL
8. Wilcox, helper on the gang edger in
th. mllla ftt th. Rflitrn T.nmh.r Hnm.
B. Gately hat flied a claim aralnst I n.n v met with a nalnful arldetit whll.
the City with the Council Judiciary Com-i at work this moralna- that will nrnh.
Ritttee asking damages ln the sum of ably cost him the loss or nis right eye.
," r injuries sustained lit ralllna- H. wu nthervlaa Inlureit hl nna.
through the Fifteenth-street bridge. The being broken and his jaw knocked out
bridge; he says, was defective. An in- of line.
estlgation as to the facts Is being made The injuries received by Wilcox re-
by the City attorney. suited from a one-Inch board splitting
t'hile being run through the machine.
HOT IM PMIPAPn Quick as a flash the splinter was
IIUI 111 LIIIUttuU I slammed bank Into his fare, renderlna
i him unconscious for a time. He was
CHICAGO. June 30. It Is sweltering removed to the Good Samaritan Hosoltal
hot here, being 87 at 2 o'clock. Two where Dr. Jefferds attended him. At a
prostrations from heat already late hour this afternoon he was rest
been reported. nr easy.
datlon the Joint officers were located at ,fte'' , Th amo Prdctl 'or Iowa.
Denver with the exception of a few of
ficials Wo were left at Salt Lake. Mr.
Babcock Is practically the last of these
officials and the head offices will here
after be In Denver.
'That is why I say I may not be in
Salt Lake for some time again. All
agents will hereafter report to the Den
ver offices. I returned by way of San
Francisco and north on the Southern Pacific."
in the Circuit Court will be slack and
after July 2 there will be no more cases
on the regular docket until the 14th of I
Sails for Portsmouth Emperor
Do More Yacht
June J5. : Msrnrette A.' Johnson, seed '40.
Hent.mhffr Th. fmir 4tin. Tnkn . "fninaiwa. i inowil une fir
" ,.,. JJ. . I m,TM
Perry -O. Baser, arod Tl, 081 Hood
rt disease. Interment Rlrer View
Cleland, Arthur L. Fraser, Alfred F. June as,
Sears, Jr.. and M. C. George, will rest 'treat ; heart
Th. r'nimtir Cnwvi will nnnHm,. 1 .
... tcutiwirin,; nrigni s aiaetss. weaiains snipped te
vuuri. I jariaooTim, ur ror iBiermeni.
The carriers and clarka at f. nn.t. I June 87,-John Jonas, aad e7. St. Vincent
office will be riven IS riava .!. with H"P'MJ; !rl(?t ot Pfe. Interment
" norm lamoiii wmerery.
full pay. The men will be allowed to Jnne 14. Jobs aged 87. st Heppner,
take their vacations beginning July IE, is the lood. Iotarrad la Lone rir Cemetery.
mmnm jn, riuar Biaiia, im T. aaSt
(Journal Special Service.)
SPOKANE, June 80. Dr. H. P. Mont-
borne was arrested this afternoon, w".. I." .
charged with performing a crlmlna """k4 A" r 8ub. itMt 7.ri .,. rwrtm',1' ol' IlPl. " '
operation. It is alleged an illegitimate !?m MT,!S.V;?f.,??" te ctrr,er terment Looe ru .Cemetery. .
chilrl was humeri tn th. ,.K wm reuove me regular men.
------ - -- . ..w ,iivvuaa,ui fail
engine by its father, who Is a locomotive
Xsrrlmaa Offlolals Xere.
B. Campbell, assistant traffic director engineer.
of the Harrlman lines and assistant to
traffic director of the Southern Pacific, WANT HIGHER WALKS
.... i -. . , , . ..... i
.icumianien oy nis wire ana cnuaren.
arrived In Portland last evening. They The present owners of property
The Idwaad Solsaaai tradavtaklu fl.
ftiaerai eureotevsj and emseJsmecm, MO
Chamber of Oommeroe's Open zUver I a T.I1 T .v,:
oomnutsee nee Tomorrow to 91 I ew eesaewsBBaean, eeraer nut aad
an mwvwvm, mm paoswnj ate. V.
ones the I'ortage Boad.
ine upen rtiver committee or the Pienlinlma. e Oteerem
Chamber of Commerce will meet to-1 sea BeUeTeedt anadera, Sol en tine.
Oi ty
.w. -v i . . NauwM. osars-ss avaaita. sasi akii,
mviiuw m wiv viiauiuci ruvm at I a- saa a a a m.Trf7.
p. m. to discuss the present status of cseskaWeta
tne worx mat is to ma ice tne waters of
the Columbia navigable from Its source! ami TZBW CararJTTBBT.
to the mouth. The work is thought. by
uw iiremun ui ui cvminmn to n I JOTUaa4 wbiak aatajJT
moving along somewhat slow. The I aad aaeeai fee lota. Te mil laf
ClsB Breev ftt Bewera, Btt Korrlsea
Simmons Bros.
Ew imw txx w auiuc ui VVailLCU UIIU UCSIf
able goods of the season quoted at prices that
...Sit 1 ejeei A m a .
yuu win unu impossible 10 aupucaie else
where for the same quality of goods. ..
...Petticoats 68c...
vuaiy, wiae piauea, aeep rume.
fast colors, cut gener-
...Wrist Bags
Of ABBOSTSD OOXiOBS and styles, with steel or olJ chains 85o
WSUBT BAOB, made of Morroco. silk-lined and inside pocket, nickel or
gold mountings and chains; good 5c values 40o
...The Tom-Boy Waists...
TOM onui
11 ytars .
every pair warranted; ages from
2 to
. .95e
Of pure white silk cord, woven ln the newest patterns, with white satin
h, lasseis. in DiacK ana white satin, bow end front, very
w signuy ana worm ii.uo.
This Week 65c
1XTBB BTXtTB SBZiTB of mercerised linen, with oxidised or gold
- buaklee; a beauty for t hie week.--. -. . s. , . . , ; . rr . , r rrr.aBe "
XOSB SUBBOBTSBO. ln all kinds, colore and ciuallttea... ino. 9Vn en. '
r.aeasA.Aa.aas.i.aMA.., UI.Vilii4Umi
will remain here about a week the guest Couch's Addition today nled a petition
of friends. with the City Council asking- permlssiqn
Mr. Campbell's visit to Portland la one to construct and maintain a conrr.,.
of rest and recreation and Is wholly un- sidewalk on the east side of Second
official. His home is in Chicago, but he street one foot above the present grade
occasBion every year to make a to Keen out tne water when the river
snort trip to uregon. rises,
Before going with the Southern Pa-
cinc. Air. campbeu was for several Concert Was a Bneoees,
years uamo manager or tne J. K. & N. I vivrnirvrn wh t.. an-v.
with nfllK.. in (hi. .11.. A. LI. , ... .. 1 no
resignation to go East, the' office' he had" SUr lastetVnlni proved the bT "t ll " SKit W SrZSST''
held was abolished and that of general t.nJ V.W.lVn. VP.. ' v.. to what work has been done on thel VC ,LaA, wreoUeat.
I..h.u -....j ...L.ll.....i - t . .. ..... . m .-.....,-v Pnrt,.. n.f nil Hi . , ..-! - : r
II T I.IIV a.CTIlL HUUBIIIULMI. ."Yl I . miliar n.a.A I. a t-1 ..... I vi HI.
the present Incumbent of the office, be- orlum was packed arid even standin. op,n,on that noth!n has as yet been
in, Mr Campbell's offlciV successor in room"." rtLuSi The MJ$7ZUlJZW
Kr,7"-l".U8.K " " C'P' not fully accounted for. '"'V' " hTA 7 iT',.m
" niii un iiiuiiiiue; in vumerence as tnere are numerous tickets still not ' ' . rj ,
with ' President Mohler of the O. R. A L.rnH h,, . !..:" "i. "?! The members of this committee are:
w places the
ine southern f'acinc is making ex- with the other
tensive preparations for a season of given, will go to Heppner for the relief
iioiiYir irnvei iu i. rater jaxe. name at- of the unfortunates there.
tractive zoiaers, advertising that place
and Mount Mamma, have been Issued by
the company. The descriptive material
and the half-tones are very neatly pre
sented. (Journal Special Service.)
Crater Lake Is regarded as one of the PORTSMOUTH. Eng., June SO. Sousa
unique scenic features In the United Is 111 and unable to conduct his perform
States and its mountain surroundings ance here today. The nature of his
are most picturesque, several company illness is not known.
but a conservative estimate u. .i.,,... . "V i.T V I " '
amount at $150, all of which, S ."Ce'r it rm ' W' ,aH
ther hundreds Vancouver has willUm. ' ZZLTX? t"1
KO to HeDoner for the r.ll.r Williams. I "" fil.-.V"."::".""!!
photographers, who have been there for
the past two weeks, taking special views
of the scenery, returned to Portland fo
day. Other publications with the late
pictures will soon be issued.
The largest single excursion of the
year will be from August 4 to 18 from
Portland and points ln California.
BaUroad Votes.
Li.1 B. Gorham, general agent, and G.
W. Balnter, traveling passenger agent
of the Rock Island, are ln Astoria today.
They will return tomorrow.
William.. Harder, general agent of the
Great Northern, has gone to The Dalles
for a few days' rest.
Henry L. Slsler of Omaha, accom
panied by his family, has left for a two
weeks' visit ln the Twin Cities.
J. A. QUI, Pacific Coast agent of the
Lake Shore line, will leave tonight for
his home ln San Francisco.
Thad Sweek. of the freight depart
ment of the O. R; & N who has been
visiting in the East for the past 10 days,
left Chicago this morning and will reach
Portland Saturday morning.
Barbel Campbell et nl te A. W. Lam
bert, fete J. te IT, slack 1, Mlliat's
Bars l! 'tVt'wa et' al.' to A.' W. lia'mbert
tor's, block . Dolaa'a add
J. W. Cinder, aerator, to A. W. Lam
bert undivided 1-11 east 23 fret lot
4. block iao. Bast Portland: lot 4.
block as. Alblaa, and east U snath
west seetloa It towasblp 1 sooth,
rangs 8 east, and part Iota 1, 8, S
' and 4, section 12, township 1 south,
rsnge S east
Penlnanlar Real Sstata Company to
I Before the banquet the following pro- S3 Jrotar Ada n b M"
gram m iiBienea to oy tne guests: xbo,. Or.h.m and wife to Alio Funs
Vocal solo. Judith Snodgrass: piano ton. Sixiao feet Ullhsn S'enue and
solo, Hattle Young, cornet solo, Mary Bise Line read ..............
Xait. I ? H- llarlsy to Phil Metcb.n, 4 seres
JUUdldl b LIS! 01 nOlSeS an CJ and the following responded: Professor Ismnel M. Bolce to Uary A. Boiee. 10S
Hockenberry. B. M. Grandy, Hugh Mo- ,CT . town.blp l north,
it . i . ' w... ,.i ranaa a rmi
"p " ' inieB ouaie ieai, well I John A. Martin and wlfa
'(Journal Special Service,) .
LA GRANDE, Or., June 30. The first
annual nanquet or tne La urande High
School Alumni Society was held last
evening at the Knights of Pythias Hall.
About 40 members and their friends
were present.
(Journal Special Service.)
KIEL, June 80. The American squad
ron sails for Portsmouth at 6 o'clock
this evening. The Kaiser, accompanied
by Allison Armour, left for Eckenford
early this morning, where he will race
hla yacht Meteor in today's regatta.
Vanderbtlt's yacht sailed for Kronstadt
this morning, from which place a tour
will be made of European waters, re
turning to New Tork in time for the
cup races. The officers of the Kear
sarge intend to present the Kaiser with
pictures or their ship.
So Far 141 'Bodies Have Beerr
Recovered from Rail'
road Disaster,
(Journal Special Service.)
MADRID. June JO. Forty- more
bodies were removed today from the
wreckage of the Bllboa train which
crashed through the bridge Saturday
night, making a total of 141. It la esti
mated that it will require eight more
days to remove the wreckage. All
workers, who Include many soldiers, are
compelled to keep carbolic cotton over
their mouths and noses because of the
putrifylng bodies still ln the debris.
Rowing Race Between Navy
- r-.-j- ti a- .!
jacwes cnas vicioriousiy-
tor-uncle bam,
Weights for Tomorrow's
Grandy, Nellie Finn, Cleva McKennon
and Alice Henson.
SEATTLE, June 80. The orernlaht entries
for tomorrow's races st The Meadows track
are as follow.:
Flr.t race, four furlong-, selling, S-year-olds
ana up
Wi t'ute ....iobi 4928 j. H. Crr....HJ
w noi.ny ,i i i wviz Tiercnies HI
4HK4 Koaenua KMI-ttWt Monk B loo
I'll TO. O (Xi4HlX capltola lot)
wn Jim itowm.p.iiii 9wn i.imr M., Jr. Ill
Oolng to St. ToniaT
If so, learn about the new tourist serv
ice inaugurated bv the O. R A K via
Denver and Kansas City. City ticket of- I The Title Guarantee A Trnrt Company
flee. Third and Washington. I.L'"' M111 ,ot T bloek North
to r. w.
Isherwood. lot 6. east 44 lot S. block
1S4, Couch Add
Nancy A. Roberts .to . Henry I. Sarbsr.
lots 1 snd 8, west H lot t, west
lot 4. block 18. TronttUIs
lionise Log us, executrix, to Joseph Burk-
nsra, part mi i. buck iza; part lot
X. 1ZD,
4, block
East Portland
Helen B. ttadfleld to J. O. Wetlt, west
Mi lot 41. Fulton Park
C. A. Rosenberg to L. J. Tolls, 1 sere
la section "30, township 1 south, rings
1 eaai
Abandoned Kaay Tear.
VANCOUVER, Wash., June 80.
Charles F. Hoyt today filed ln the Supe
rior Court a petition for divorce from
his wife, Francis M. Lake-Hoytr on the
plea that she for S3 years has disre
garded Jhe solemnity of her marriage 4W5 L. Fisherman. lit)
vow and without cause deserted her 4027 Homage . .....106
husband, and has for that time contin
ued to live apart from him. The parties
to the suit were married. December 27,
1877, at Russell, Kan.
Benefit Ban Game.
VANCOUVER, Wash.. June 30. The
benefit nma of. ball between tha ti.
wo wiu, -ur.H,. iuui wuo i,nerrr.tone ..114 nesS and professional men ' yesterday 1 If arv K. Vobaa to &f. B. Thomnaoa lAt
Beeona race, sit ruriongs, selling, 4-re.r-old. afttrnnan reaultiwl , tn hlnxk 84 Mnltnnm.h ...V.
nd up: . U...H .A. -An...i. -j...-- 1 8hriff (for Jacob Hanson t to Victor Land
?!? H!rt m E-.P-erea t " the Hennner fn7 it K I ock 4, Psrk
vsm nn.rF ....... mi .iwi "ouinncipr ....ill r. ; , . " i aaa 10 Aimns
4914 C.nitiaceres .. 11114016 Educate ion tne nintn inning me scone was IV tb 13
anuo jwii uwnio ion i in iavor ox ine ousiness men. The ma. l . wnm aifisissnm .
.nr!rd "Te f0r,0n, elI",', wmMs joTltir of th. rn.n ln townvpartlclpated Bee Paclno Coast Abstract, Guaranty A
ana up. I n the srame. for after mtti n, mtrti, I r ai c a. n..nil
aane RMd ii1lnBt PhiniM.. ie 1' . iVJ r. .. . . I " - "'' suuuihb.
- - uiniuiHaniv rniiiii i i i lies rnsniiHr TtinvRPsi FariMri eM
48tt5 Ml.tys V ... 99 4K00 Olendennlng ..110 ,u. j . " r ' . '
4806 Little M 0I48 Blissful .....T.ioj tn tnd n,l eliowed an army Of sub-
Fourth race, one mile. selUns. 8-rear-oins stuuies to nattie ror glory and success;
and up: . m
40O0 Piaturber ....10714017 Doreen 10.1 ' A Social Weddlnjr. I
Get your title Insurance and abstraeta
to real estate from the 'j. :le. Guarantee
4k Trust Co.. Chamber of Commerce.,
4837 Solon
VANCOUVER. Wash., June 30. A 11-
- Wrth rm wettwrs -rot ber-ttppedr Chi
cago should become the most popular 1 4K7 Matt H M7I48ST Bad Sam
summer, resort in America. Newark I 4880 E. M. Brttaln.l0148fi The Pride
4028 K. Kelly 105
Alas-sO 1hs V .ai
4Q2 Andrew Hing.M MnM eTTanttid this morning for th
r'lrttl fXiaa ASIA tWlllaa ebaalat htakA 4nflnavat ...v4l I HI .rTIH K DI H I J. J linnlOri SIT ItttfTAlrl
cap. Beadle hurdle stakes, 8-year-oids and up: I N. T.. and Miss Edna W. Taylor .. of dwllnifr"oa Allege1 streetTlKweea SJ
air. nose 100 suo imna s .13 Vancouver, juiss xayior is a daughter I fart: S2,soo. , .,.
IT Au, '22 4018 The Scot ...128 of Dr. N. J. Taylor, a well-known Clarke! To Pauline Jorgensen. eonatrnct tbree-story
flltts race, su furlongs, handicap, 3-year
nltt. and up:
Cotintv r.hvllan. .m4 i. . I ea..Bu.ide.. setwees-. Third .aad "ourth
New.Torlt.cpltaliatJharoung people), .To .Frsniiiin' Bros.
, Isdications Wtatber clear, track fast.
met durlnsr the two veara that Tin I Alder streets: 81.000.
in .irin - I To H. ' Kelfmelrer. - eonstrnet
Vrfc " "" 7B. dwelling es Powell between Gsst Fourteenth
Sltt rations. Front
as4 ss Six! tenth;, 81,800.
(Journal Special Service.)'
KIEL, June 80. The rowing race be
tween the cutter of the cruiser Chicago,
representing the American tannarirnn.
and that of the Kaiser FredWich III.
representing the German fleet was held
In the bay here today and was won by
the Americans, who were 25 seconds' In
tha ImiI at Ih. Anlah Th a .ui. .
- ... .. ........ . i w c.giiu x s
contest was witnessed by both fleets and W
the shores were crowded with thousands
of persons. As the Chicago Jacklen
crossed the line they were, wildly
heered by the Germans, showing a
hearty sportsmanlike good will..
The American squadron sailed this
afternoon with the German flag-" flying
by the side of the Stars and Stripes. Th
Germans gay the departing Americans
a hearty sendoff.
The local Heppner Relief Committee
received $60 this morning, to be ajHed
to the fund for the Willow Creek V..y
sufferers. The following subscribealU'
Mt Hood Division, No. 1, ( , -W
O. R. C 850, 00 S
Citizens of School District No. , . .
, 28, Lewis County, Vash... ;io. 00
Total . . .; 8 , 80.00
Previouely. Acknowledged .....S4,St8.15
Grand total .324,111.1$
(Journal Special Service.)
I.ONDON, June 30. Winchester
Brown, the coachman's son who. under
the name of Prince Athrobold Modena.
married' the Countess Russell in Decem
ber last, was today sentenced , to two
days' imprisonment for . makirtg false
entry tn a marriage register. A: -.
Payne passed the promotion list of tha
New Tork office today, the Increase be
ing Tne list as prepared, by
Beavers la reported as cut In half as a
referre,4 Btoek Oaauaed Sooda.
Allen 4k Lewis' Beit Brand. , ,