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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1903)
TITE OREG6N DAILY JOURNAL, FOItTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, JUNE 29, 1903.' Vi NATION CARRIE 1 LOSES A GUESS Kansas Smasher Delivers a Tirade in a Wabasha Street Establishment and Is Routed by a Syphon of Seltzer , (Journal Special Service.) ST. P.U'L, June 39. Carrie Nation , wns In town Baturday. She mailo her jireseice known In less than three mln--- ute after Jivr arrival In the heart of k the city. Mr. Nation whh on her way from MlniieapollH to Stillwater via the In terurNin electric, line. She had no annner alighted at the cornertnf Seventh ar.d Wabasha etreets to change from the Interurban to the Stillwater line than he proceeded to do mine practical tem perance work In the short time she had. Utttlni- off the car with a young man companion, ahe espied across the street . tha saloon of Hlmes Mlddlestnerit. 433 Wahnsha street, which was open and In and out of the front door of which men were passing. Turnlwc to Tatrolmsn Peterson, who was standing at the comer, she In ' Quired: "When will the Stillwater car ar rive?" "In About three minutes, madam, v- Little thinking that he - aa apeaklnn to the famous saloon smasher, tha po liceman turned about and did not note her next movement. '' ' Walt for If a, "Walt for me." exclaimed Mrs. Na tion to her companion. Thereupon she Made bee line across the street and entered the saloon. About 10 men were Sitting at the tables and two were . Standing at the bar. . ' . Without warning she opened a vigor -ou temperance harangue. Walking up nd down she vehemently delivered ' torrent of hot Invectives , against the men present and against Jack Flynn, the bartender. . "Thieves, scoundrels, beasts!" she cried. "How do you dare to sit there nd spend your money and ruin your : health, you fools! , Aren t you ashamed to be seen In here? How dare you pass your time In this place? Oh! every oue of you should he locked- up: "And you,-' continued Mrs. Nation In fierce tone, as she turned to Jack Ilynn. "what would your mother say If ahe knew you were here! How can you. sir, be so vile as to perform such . workf When Mrs. Nation first entered no one recognised her. but when she con tinued to deliver her hot abuse It oc curred to Jack Flynn that he hod he fore him the redoubtable Wichita woman. - At first the. Inmates of the place were Inclined to laugh and be highly amused at her outburst, but when the bartender asked her If she were Indeed Mrs. Carrie Nation, and when aha replied with emphasis that ahe waa, there was a visible change In the faces of the men. Some made for the rear. Fearing that the hatchet would be the next to appear, even Jack Flynn waa slightly alarmed. Sprays Her With SeUaer. Mra. Nation, without cessation eon tlnued her angry outburst. In her vehemence she advanced close to the b&r and upraised her hand, In which she held an umbrella, as if to strike a blow, but It was only to emphasise a strong sentiment. Jack Flynn. how ever, dodged behind the bar and seized a seltzer bottlo and let a spray fly at Mrs. Nation. "If I had (lme J'd fix you. you Im pudent monster!" ahe cried. "But I've got to take a car for Stillwater." Her attention was then attraoted by two men standing at the bar, one of whom was a big. fat fellow. Turning from the bartender. Mrs. Nation directed her scathing Invective at the portly man. "You pig. you. you look like a beer keg with two legs on It!" "Somebody get an officer." said Jack Flynn. who feared another attack upon himself. With alacrity, probably Inspired by the cutting remark Mrs. Nation di rected at him. the fat man displayed unexpected quickness In getting out of the place to the sidewalk. Seeing Lieut. Meyerdlng upon the street, the fat man called to him and Lieut. Meyerdlng went with him into the saloon. "Arrest Xlm. Too." "If you arrest me you'll have to ar rest that man behind the bar." ex claimed Mrs. Nation. when Lleujt. Mey?rdlng took her by the arm and at tempted to lead her out. "Come, come, you must get out of here," commanded - the officer. With this Lieut. Mejerdlng led out Mrs. Na tlon. who yielded when she remem bred that she had to catch a Still water car. She left the place Just, In time, for oi?c of the cars was at the corner and she had to run to get It. Her com panion, who had waited. Joined her. Having boarded the car she saw Patrolman Peterson upon the street and as n parting shot erled out. empha slslnjj her exclamation by shaking her flat: "I'll have you looking for a job be fore long!" Her words died away as the car started rapidly down Wabasha street. In the saloon there remained a crowd of men who felt as If a tornado had Just swept over them. The Incident. was the topic of touch comment among the spectators who told the story of how they had met Mrs. Carrie Nation. CITT X0T10EI. ' citt nonets."'' r ' - cmr vonczs. CITT H0T1CE8. SAILftOAD TIMZTASLZtV ere aa Ming ana peculiarly WMmra in I UUxt 11. lot 8. Ovorse mount mi opposlts their Him tad deeerlp. j fjioofe. Jl lot I, Weorse uuoa iwrravi luew la lWirvvi0ruv vi -'- I Hiat'S Id. lot 44 W P. eular avenue from lbs south Him of I'lpplu j BkK,4 jj J Jj w y turri 10 id touts line or loiuaiiiia -uvuiv.biw. i uu-b tj i.. rftOFOSED ASSE8SMINT t0 IMFEOVZ- J Block 11. lot 44, Henrietta JervlB.... KENT Of VEIUXSVIAB ATEWUE. . Henrietta iervls.... Notice Is bereby slven tbst tbt Council of I mi. ,,' 77" Lil.i-.7T i.-... the City of Portland proposes 10 eaaeee llUw. h'l,. i AJ.. ,1 i-I, following described property sad owner or own-1 Bk)c, ,ot '.-," ,Btaf Uardner........ Uarnuer .t. Kehman Kan man Al V K L'.kaiaa as provided by Ordinance No. 13.1W. ... Bloc Ma,, lot ti. ! K Kah bjsb.'..... for utd ImDrovomtnta nut b made Id wrltLus I u i..- in i'it , 1 l, i.. o the Council and Bled wltb tne Audlior within Bloc; JJ Jt S' fJJ F) fciS.,;::;::.. aftern d-r, from tbe date of the artt publics- uiuek 1. lot 1. Hry R tUdor tlon at tbla uotlc. and aald oblertlon will b "'ZS.I'Ia ' mmr w heard and deLermlned hr tha Council before ba I ni.-b i.. aa w-.ii. m 4k paaaasa of be Ordinance saeulnf tba uwt of I hkKk a t Umilr at. Bmlu aid linprorement. Block a. lot i Amanda Whit.... lYtrrerted Plat of mat and Wt V ireeu, i m..k a, Uhrn. f)n..l ..... I . . 1 .4 .1 1 ...... V'n O mnA A-- f 7 . 7.' . " ti! H of block 63, tVnliMuuir Kel fcatate (.'oninany I Kat M; or block 60, renlnaular Kcal Katata tompaoy rxoroszo iMnorzKtvT or xaoadax . .. STEEZTi . Notice is bereby given tbt st the meeting or me council or ins city or rortiaao, uragua, bald as tba lTtb day of June, 1908, tba (ul lowing reeolutlna was sdoplads ' - Heaolred, That tba t'ouncll of tbe City ef roriiasa, urtfon, oeenw 11 eipaaiesi ana Et 4 of aoutb V, of block 07, i. II. Haw cy It Vo Bant of north Vi of block 67, renin ular lira I Kitate rdmpanr Etut Vi of block U8, renluaular Heal I Block . lot a. M. 1. Wllaoa Block 8, lot a, M. V. Wllaoa.. U) 1.. L. U I.. 1 hVJ fa Itlock lot 4 loeutlua' of an Inatrunoant of eoavavancak .Ml Should said Vnlos alarkat Company, Ita sue- v.M I eaaaors or ssaifsa, sagiaet ror a reaonaii e.Mltlns after it baa bees determined by-'tba Hid o.9 1 ciiy o purrncM and lake orar aald piani 6 es I tod proMrly- after due aotloe to that effect l.oilfroai said eltye-to select ss arbltratori or Is I eaae tbe two arbltraiors chosen by tbe dty 47.1 I aad b tba said llnba atarlut Camnan. ra- 6.J I spectlraly. neglect for a reasoaabla time after I prepoaea te Improee Macadam street from tha e.jsilbair appointment to select, s Iblrd arbitrator, I sou ts no or uroeer sireei to tat soum una d.lTltban and In either of said csaes, tbe city shall I el block, J88 and 1ST, Oaruthera', Addlttoa .to 6.S I appoint three - arbitrators to determlue tbaJ Csrutbers' Addition, ss laid out by tbe Botftb b.Mlprice or valuation to be paid by tha elty for fortiaBd Heal taute AMOdation, la toe ro. a. km I aald nlanl and nmiertp. -A the rfevlaina of I lowlna , manner. . lo-wltl dl.tMlsald three arbltratora. or a majortti of them I Flrat By remorlna all earth. ' mnd and e eboaaa by tbe cltr. made in wrltlns In I aenris rrom we surface er tne street ana or 60.59 duplicate sad dell Tared to tbe aald Pwtlea I brlnlnf the street to proper grade wltb a. ail I aforeaald ahall be flnal mmA hiadlne uiu.n the I Crushed rock and crnabed roc I 4.13 parties. ' I Hecond-By ennitructlni . srtldclal suae side- a le Bee. B. If the rite nf Pnetlaatt ahall aleet I WSlia and COrba. ' ' ty or shall 88.73 44. Mrs. H. Kbomoers.. 0.10 not te acquire said Blast and tu-onert 4Ujl not purcbaae tba Mine, and tbe city ahall elect H.iHlland grant a new and additional francblae In. 62. H I Ilea of tbe eiplrlng . or etpired franchlee Third B conatraetlne ' wbodea . erasawalka six feat In wldtb. ' -gald ImproTenient te be made la accordance wiio tne coarter anq ordinances or the city Preferred Bteek Canned Goods. Allen aV Lewis' Ttest Brand. CITT NOTICES, HIS POETRY COT U INTO TROUBLE A Music Teacher Is Alleged to ' Have Loved His hair Pupi i Unwisely , and Too Well Now' a Divorce. After, Long Absence, a Couple ot btan?as 01 Alleged Verse KecWto Wife Her hormer Admirers She Leaves. 4 J (Journal Special Service.) " SAN JOBH. Cal.. June 29. Clarence B. I rmy, a music teacher of ihls city, and organist of Trinity -Episcopal Church, was yesterday made co-respond- ent in a divorce action) brought in the Superior Court by Eugene O. Russell 'oral net Laura O. RuaMelLj The plaintiff, who is a traveling; sales tjian,- ta teer-ln th e-rompifflntTnat a t one - time his wife took InuSlo ' fessons from Urmy. in San Jose. He claims that she became Infatuated with Urmy, Who was more than teacher to her.- He Induced hla wife Ho return with him to Boise. Idaho, where their home life seemed happy again, until one day on coming In he found her bathed In tears, reading the following- poem, v entitled i "BealiBatlon." which appeared in Mun- t- ey'B for one of the fall months of 1902. . and was signed with the author's name, Clarence IJ. Urmy: Come borne! For oh, I did not dream How dear was your embrafce, !tthat hope lay in your kiss and voice; What heaven In your face! PE008ED ASSES8XEHT F0I. IMPE0VE- MEKT or EAST HAEEISOK 8TEEET. Netlce In bereby siren that tba Council of tbe City of Portland proposes to aaaen tba follow. Ins described property and owner or owner aa beinc apeclally and peculiarly benefited In tbe amount! set oppoaite tne nantea ana aeacrip tloua thereof for tbe ImnniTcnient of K.t llar- rtaon atreut. ftm the eaat line of Gaat Third to the eaat line of Kaat Twelfth street, as pro Tided 17 Ordinance No. 1.1.0OH. Any ohjectlona to tbe apiiortlonment of coat of aald Improvement niuet be' made In writing to tbe Council and Bled wltb tbe Auditor w-itbin fifteen dara from tbe date of tbe nrat publica tion of thla notice, and aaid objectlone will be beard and determined by the tuncll before tbr paaaace of the Ordinance aaseaainf tne coat oi aia improTemeni. Hteobcna Addition to Eaat Portland Block 45, lot 4, Anna Eachelbacber f 139.00 Klork 46, bit 8, Giovanni Ie Paull 14.31 Block 43, lot 6, Alei Winneraacber. . . . 62.0S Klork 45, lot 6. Thomas Hall 183.87 Block 66. lot 4, Jacob Mayer and Sol Hlrscb Eetate, belrs of Block 66, lot 3, Jacob Aayer and Sol Hlrscb Eetate, belrs of Block 66, lot 6, Jacob Mayer and Sol Hlrscb Eatate, belra of Block 66, lot 6, Jacob Mayer and Sol Hlrscb Eatate, belrs of.... Block (15, lot 4, James Olaen. Block 65. lot 3. Jamoa Olaen Block 65, lot , Job Hatfield Block 65, lot 6. Job Hatfield Block 76. lot 4. Cecil Matblot Block 76, lot 3. Racbel L. Kay Block 76, lot 6, Minnie Lucheal Block 78, lot 5, Minnie Ilcbeal Block 83, lot 4. School PlUrlct No. 1.. Block N6, lot 8, School Dlatrlct No. 1 . . Block 85, lot 6, School Dlatrlct No. 1.. block Kfi. kit 8. School Dlatrlct No. 1.. Block 06, lot 4, Mary J. I'arrlah Estate, belra of Block 88. lot 3. Mary J. Parrtah Eatate, belrs or Block 06, lot 6. C. F. Pearson Block 06. lot 5, Alice E. Wllaon.... Block 18 lot 4. Coldle Ooldsteln Block 105. lot 8, Joeeph Conn Block. 15, lot 6, Samuel Kinder Block105, lot C, Samuel Kinder Block 116, lot 4, Darld L. Clotiee ninelc 116. lot 8. Darld L. douaa Block 116, lot 8. N. O. Waldman Ea. Ute, helra uf, and Elma E. t'barman. Block 118. lot 6, N. O. Waldman Ea T faferiielHI of.' IBS KtfM E. Chirmin. Block 125 - lot 4, Charles Uuasey and F. C. Forbes Block 135. lot 5. Charles Huasey and F. C. Forbea Block 123. lot 6. Thonna Green HIiwHr 4 lot 6. Thomia tlreen ' La (Id a Addition "to tbe City of Portland- Block 11. weat 100 feet of lot Z4, w. . Ladd Eatate. belra of Block 11. weat 100 feet of lot 21, W. S. Ladd Eatate. belra of Block 11. outh 14 feet of went 100 feet pr lot iW, . W. W0U KMaic.. lielr or Htanhenit' Addition to Eait Portland Block 4, lot 1, George W. Minor 138.78 Block 4, lot 2. Oeorco W. Miner Block 46, lot 7, BenJmln F. Campbell. Block 46. lot 8, Benjamin 9. Campbell. Block 55. lot 1. Julius F. and Sadie Mayer lot A juliua t. aua saaie For now, when you are far away, My spirit aches and cries For clasp of arms and touch of llpg And balm for ears and eyes! She told her husband that she under Stood that as a call from Urmy to her to return to him, and that she was sroing back, and when refused declared she would pawn her diamond ring to rnlse her fare. She did so at a public - pawn shop In the Idaho town, getting 45. .Mr. Russell found it and redeemed It for $54. She came to San Jose and has lived ;.licre ever since at the home of her mother, Mrs., Mary A. Spangler, 280 South Third street. Bister of James W. Rca, the well-kriown state politician. The complaint sets forth a number ef accusations, charging cruelty and de sertion. Russell came to San Joe some four or five months ago and sent for a reporter. to whom he gave his whole story, de firing that It be published. He had not t that time, however, filed his suit In court, which he could not do till he had acquired a residence In the county nd had . lived here,' a certain time. Pence, the story not having a basis of real action but merely a report, was not, jiiitisnea nt me time. Urmy declares that the young woman in question had been a pupil of, his. but that was all. He aays . the man is laboring under a delusion. However, his rr-etry has got him into trouble. Eatate Company Olcnwood Park Eaat loo feet of lot 1. Carrtb T. Gra ham Eaat 100 fact of lot 6, B. M. Lom bard Eaat 10O feet of lot 7, Joaepb Skel- ton w I'enlnaiilar Addition No. 5 Block 74, Eaat Vi of lot 1. Helena Jobuatooe Block 74. eaat i of lot 2, Helena Jobnatone v . Block 74. eaat H of lot 3, Helena Jobnatone Block 74. eaat tt of lot 4. Helena Jobnatoue Block 74. eaat of lot S. H. Jobnaton Block 74, eaat H of lot 8, John B. t roller Block 74. eaat Si of lot 7. Jobs B. Crosier Block 74, eaat 4 of lot 8, Henry Hen- nlnca Block 74. eaat H ef lot 9, Henry lien- Dll'.g Block 74. eaat V of lot 10, Henry Hen- nlnfa Block 74. eaat H of lot 11, Henry Hen- nlnts Block 00. eaat H of lot 1, Claua Hen. nlnca Block 80, eaat H of let 2. Clans Has- nmsa Block 60, eaat Vj of lot 8, Claua Hen- ntnffa Block 60. eaat H of lot 4, t'nltee States Sarlnsa A Loan Company Block 60. eaat 14 of lot 8, Columbia Heal Eetate Company Bbirk 00. eatjl4 of lot 6, Columbia Real Eetate Company Block 60, eaat H of lot 7, Columbia Real Eatate Company Block 09. lot 0, Columbia Real Eatate Company Block AO. lot 8, Columbia Real Eitate Company . . . llnrrace Tract Block 17, lot 22. George O. Cammane.. 21. UIL U 1. . AH Jmm 1 IHuuihw. 1IT.U4 Buck 2, kt di, Varmout Marble Com. 143.47 bJJ',' krt'ii,"HerinaB Khoiaberf ' I Ll 1 L. M I... A t fcf'..ll..n. I UU.t U U,l a 1 Uernllnm Block ii, lot U, Richard L. Van Tuyl.. uux-K a kh i. jteojamia launeai Block 1, lot 41, B. U. Carter Block 1, lot 40, H. H. Carter 430.02 352.08 527. 24 2.73 8.73 204 I 1.1 10.37 1 08 Block 1. lot 3, 8. H. Carter. Mnrk I. lot H. A H. Carter..... block 1. wear II fast ef lot 4, Samuel H. Carter Block 1. lot 8. 8 a bum 1 H. Carter Block 1, lot S, Sam Del H. Carter Block J, lot U Samuel U. Carter...... iu m I created be tbla nrriinaens ni nniieiion I of Portland and the Diana. BDeclflratlona and B.V8 oe nuaa oy u union , Market company, its i m . ju nuwr ' I aneeaaaora aad aaalena. fne u..h ua oe ad. I Office of the Auditor of the City of Portland 4.77 I dltlonal franca lee, then sad Io that event, tbe I oa in. jum oy ot June, luos. inooraea: - ur nnsineer a plans ana apeoiocaiions lor iri mproTeBMBt ef Macadam street rrom the aoutb Una of Gnw atraat to tha south lis If It ahaU aot take such aew or additional of blorka 188 and 187, t arnthera' Addition to v aroinera AOOlllon. as laiq oar oy loe bwbd Portland Real Eatata lAsaoclatlna. and - tbe estimates of tbe work . to be dose sad the probable total cost thereof." . The east of said lmnrorement te be ss aeaaaa aa provided by tha cut charter apes tbe property apeclally benefited thereby- and elty for sock aew or additional franca laa, pay 1 wptra la nereny o ecu re a to oe su tnj iota, to said Cnloe Market Company. Ita suecesaors i PrJ of lots snd tracts of land lylns btween and sasjfns, or U the City of Portland Is Una 100 feet weal of and parallel with trust for It. st or before tbe time such new the wmt line of Macadam .street .sad a Una 3 TRAINS to the EAST DAILY Tarooih' Pnllmaa ataadard aad Toarlat alaeaa Ing ears dally to Omaha, Chicago, f pokae ' tourtat sleeplsg eara daily te kaaeaa Cltyi ' tbroBsh Pullman tourist sleselna ears toeraa- ally conducted) weekly to Chleaa, . kaaaie 1 City; reclining chair cars (aeala free) to the Eaat dally. ToUl THOMAS 0. DEVLIN. Auditor of tbe City of Portland.- June 30, looa. sad aaalsna, ahall be deprived ef the rlfht to of Grorer street and tha south line of s. malnUln. opera U snd enjoy said plant ?. '' ll. t.-snuBers- . Aaeinon to 1.80 PK0PO8ED OEOntAJfCX 6EA1HTJIO A IXASI. I of said plant CHISE 10 TKE VVI0X XASUT 0011. TAX. and proporty, tbe fair aad equitable vahiatios 1 l' ! , ,d,!!"" l,4.0!,., Bo8t" ir said plant snd property which, the tlty I f , ciiiu. of Portland by tbla section raoerees the right I . ." ""I""' "name. o ino prnoaoi 7.i total east for said Imnreeement fct 82.423.00. Bad tbe price to be paid therefor to said Unloe I ve ImprtiTement Is to be eUaaed I i. ai h. STnUa ifarkat nnim. I aiaraei lomnany. its succeaanrs ana asaicns. i 15.78 M iiTiuccawI and asalgBS, tbe right o be tied and determined la tbs same manner '" W "J "ty for- tbe period of four ".si 'Ws.t.h vritT apfflWTOih lL eiclualrely as a mwk.t " la publt.hed befor. the splratlos ief auch period, " 10.17 TtaCllT of Portland does ordala as tel. by direction of the EoVncll and In purauanca of ...P,."1"'1 epertBloiia sndeatlmatee ef aV 0 PortiaBO ooes oroaia mm . o( .Uoa at u; ol the City Engineer for tha Improrement ef UNlOt DEPOT : Laaraa. Arrlras. CHICAOO-POltTLAMO I 80 a. as. 4 0 p. sa. PBC1AU , Dally, . . IDaUrr Wm the Eaat tU Baaty' . . ' Ingtaa. ..... .. , . ' SPOKANE IXTIB. 6:Oes.a. Ti88 a. Bh. For Kaatara Waahlag- Dally. Dally. . tea. WalU Walla, Law- v.- W" latos, Coeor - .AUae - . ' and Great ; MertharB ' " '' '. ' " polnta. - . . " t. ... ATLAKTI0 EXPRC88. 8:13 B, BU 10:80 a. as. Eos the East via Hut- Dally; - Dally. , logtoa. , .,.,... Jf.7.. OCtalf AD EJTEE 60KEDULE. FOR SAN rRANClSCO. rreaa 6:00 au' E. . Ooe. W. Blderw Alaeka V July 1, 11, SI. II. poch. ' ; , . E. 8. Colombia t 8-X P. aa. ,'. ' July , 16, 26, . ,- OelturMa Eirer Dlrlaiem. Ina-e 17.08 a.iina 1. That then be and . granted, aubject to tbe terms. reeUlctlona and 18.56 proTUIons la tbls ordinance contained, to Ualoa . Market company, a corporation. 17.05 IDe iaW( of the State of Oregon, having Its principal office and place or Duainaae si tae 10.83 -Hr of PortUnd, County of Multnomah la said state, and its successors snd eeelgne, the 10.D7 10.71 la hereby the City of PorMaad. . Auditor of tha City of Portland. ' June 20. 1003. rKOPOIED ASSESSMENT FOBs IKPE0YX- MST OE MAEOtXEEETTE ATEMUE. said Macadam street are herebr adosted. Reaolred. That tbe Auditor of tbs City of Portland be snd he Is hereby directed to I sire nonce at the proposed improvement of aald etreet aa provided by the ett charter. Rets one trance agalnat the above Improve ment may he 8 led la writing with tbs aoder- FOB ASTORIA Bad way points, ooaaectlag with etmr. for" llwace aad North Beach, str. Has Aaht dock. . 8:00 B. SL Dally. t Sunday Saturday ' iw:uo s, . 140 a, bs. et. Suaoaf. A host 1Z40 67.81 64.83 Bkck 17, north 16 fret of lot Oeorse (I. Gammana Amended Plat of tbe south one-half of Penln aular Addition. No. 4. to Kaat Portland- Block 47. lot 22, renlnaular Real W tate Company Block 47. lot 21, I'enlnaular Real Es tate Company , Block 47, lot 20, Peninsular Real Ea tate Company Block 47, lot 10, Peninaular Real Ea tata Company Block 47, lot 18, I'enlnaular Real Ea tate Company Block 47. lot 17, Peninsular Real Ea- 1.11 28.2 21.00 I rlsht aadVlvTlege U occupy and e City of Portland proposes to aseaei k l3j of rteCtly of Portland for following delbad proirty aad ownrnr or 4 of tweBty-8e yeara from tbe date era aa being apecUfly and peculiarly ben approval o tbla ordinance by tbe the amounU aet opposite the Barnes aa ',7 ' w..Tii. .k. acrlptlona thereof for tba Improvomeat of :,.,,,, i.veclflwl and for gnerette avanue from the eoatb Use of Haw. JT4 ai. "..thft' gjrS2& 51 W .n. .... b. LJfh II". of , Dlvuio. Unloi n7as aald bloc. 652O0 Tfeet In dlmeoalons 18 to tbs Council and filed with tbe ABdltor f JJi.V mm M.ena lfll for Food ""bin fifteen daya from tba date ef tbe flrat ;tor.W'.ndWom'c Z",.r.'Uof ?n1 PbUe.tlo. of thj. Kto.d SSS POTTER SAILINO DATES: Ta Aatorla aad Notice Is hereby glvsa that tbe Council of e'snoo wiraia w oin rrom ins gate ot me 1 north (Long) Beach. June so. 0 a. m. Jaly uw. n.ii-iii,n u imp nuiice. ijy oraer ox tee vouncii. inifa, t;. tir.Tij, Auditor of tbe Cltr of Portland. Jobs .10, 1908. 1. 0 a. at.: Jnlr S a. m.i Jnlr 1 I l bli July 4 (Saturday) 1 p. a. TaaahtU Elver Beats. . Investment Iuvcatment 101.40 60.33 21.29 147.00 65. SA 0.3 A 14.72 122.46 22..12 5.09 51.75 114.61 10.DI 23.63 12U.48 130.11 , 27.42 27.41 73.73 142. 7 i 41.41.1 1,42.28 144.47 145.23 42.23 8.86 100.32 112.52 10.55 63.06 103.08 83.00 27.13 8.40 14.42 63.1a 186.61 102.81 Bl.x-k 53, Mayer Block 63, Block 55, lot 7, Julius F. and Sadie lot ' 8, ' Juliua' F. and Sadie 50.32 58.26 BTJ-J3 OTJBB TO PXX.EB. Itching piles produce moisture and ' rause Itching, this form, as well as Blind, bleeding or Protuding Piles are -urod by Dr. Bo-san-ko's -PUe-Remedy, Stops Itching and bleeding. Absorbs tu mors, loe a jar. at druggists, or sent by Treatise free. Write roe about rotULCM. L BOMuJle, PUl'Sn Ph. Mayer 113.73 Block 66. lot 1. John H. Johnaon 25.12 Block 66. lot 2. John H. Johnson 6.13 Block 66, lot 7. Paul and Delia Potrer. . 18.00 Block Oil. lot 8, Mary Holfenbarccr and Catherine E. Slephena 70.09 Block 75. lot 1, D. C. McLcllan R3.6S Block 75. kit 2; I. C. McLcllan 2:i.S!7 Block 75. lot 7. Sam Loweneteln. .'. . . . 12.M Block 75, lot 8. 8am Lowenteln 115.7 Block Ki), north 40 feet of lot 1, Roae Hamilton 114.50 Block 86. aoutb 1 foot of lot 1, Edward Doerlng i Block 86, north 40 feet of lot 2, Edward Doerlng Block 86. south 1 foot of lot 2. Samuel Morrow A Block 86. lot 7, Mra. A. A. Burt Block 86, lot 8, Mra. A. A. Burt Block 05, lot 1. John ilarklna..,, Block 05, lot 2. John Harkin Block 05, lot 7, Martha E. Hylsnd ... Block D.f. east 60 feet of lot 8. Caro lina Welaa Block 05, weat 40 feet of lot 8, M. Ot tepacn Block 106. lot 1, Joaepb Paquet Block li HI, lot 2. Joseph raquet , Block 106. lot 7, Joaeph Paquet. Block 106, lot 8. Joaeph Taquet Block 115, lot 1. Fra-nk Brunger Block 115, lot 2, Frank Brunger Block 115. lot 7. Amelia Luther Block 115. lot 8. Fred Forbes snd Charlea Huaay Block 126. lot 1, Parry Mrr ,,,,,,, , Block 126, lot 2. Barry Meyer Block 120, lot 7, Stephens Land Com pany Block 126, lot 8, Stephens Land Com pany t Ijdd'a Addition to the City of Portland Block n. weat juti teet oi lot z, . B. Iidd Eatate, belra of Block 6, went 100 feet of lot 21. W. 8. Ladd Eatate, heirs of Block 6, north 14 feet of weat 100 feet . of lot 2, W. 8. Ladd Eatate, belra of 0.00 Blgbt of Way. City A Suburban Rail- - war Company . . .... . . l.SSeaJ .44 10.17 ' .89 23.44 110.00 124.56 25.33 27.60 4a 21 31. 11 147.47 46.0,1 36.51 137.01 143.80 41. 0-) 12.82 106.14 115.24 14.12 63.1)0 232.73 84.56 29.75 tale Company Block. 47. lot 16, renlnaular Ural Ea- tat Company Block 47. lot .15, I'enlnaular Real Ea tate Company Block 47. lot 14, Prnlnaular Real Ea tate Company Block 47. lot 13, I'enlnaular Real Ba tata looiau7 Block 47. lot 12. Penlnanlar Real Ea tate Company Block 47. lot 11. Peninsular Real Es tate Company . . Block 4T, lot Company Blocl: 47. lot Company Block 47. lot Company Block 47, lot Company Block 47. lot Company Block 47. lot 5. Company Block 47, lot 4. Company Block 47. lot 8. Company Block 47, lot 2, Company Block 47. lot 1. Company Block 46. lot 26, Company Block 46. )t 25. Company Block 46, lot 24, Tyler Investment Company Block 40. lot 23, Tyler Investment Company . . . Block 46. lot Company Block 46, lot 21, Tyler Inveatment Company Block 4(1, lot 20, Tyler Investment Company .' Block 46, lot 10, Tyler Inveatment Company Block 40, lot 18, . Tyler Inveatment Company . . . Block 40. lot Company Block 4(1. lot 16, Tyler Inveatment Company Block 46, lot 15, Tyler Inveatment Company Block 46, lot 14, Tyler Inveatment Company Block 46, lot 8, , Penlnaular Real Ea tate' company Block 46, lot 12, Penlnaular Real Es tate Company Block 48, lot 11. Penlnaular Real Ea tate Company Block 46. tot 10, Penlnaular Real Ea tte Company Block 46. lot 0, .Penlnaular Real Ea- will be heard and determined by the Council before the pasaaga of tha ordinance aaaesalng tbe coat of aald Improvement. Brook dale- Lot 36, H. Longeoy I Lot 85, H. Longeoy Eaat 100 feet lot 34. Flora B. Padg- bam , .' Eaat 100 teet lot 33. Flora U. Padg- ham Eaat 100 feat lot 82. Mary E. Moaber. Eaat 100 feet lot 31. Paul M. and Cbarlette Henaen Eaat 100 feet lot 80, James F. Dat- aoa 10, Tyler luvealmeut 0, Tyler Inveatment 8, Tyler Inveatment 7, Tyler Inveatment 6. Tyler Inveatment 5, Tyler Inveatment Tyler Inveatment Tyler Inveatment Tyler Tyler Tyler. Inveatment Tyler Inveatment 22, Tyler Inveatment ..I t v .nil Miinlt. Rec. i Said Union Market Company. Ita aucceaanra and aniens, ahall erect a brick Bulldlm orovfdi In.nwlnn market, aald building to be properly provided with beating apparatue and lighting by proper windowa and artificial light, aud tbe build Inga, abeda and drlrewaya to be properly drained with pipes having Iron grate Inlets, snd with adequate eewer connections; tbe floors of both building .and abeda to bo con- 11.04 atructed of aapbalt, concrete or other equally aervlceable pavement; aald company ahall alao 11.16 erect two abeda or open atructures 60200 feet for tbe see of marketera or proauce. ana bo 11.66 constructed aa to furalab protection from weather, and in accordance witn tne plana 11.S3 aubmittrd by tbe Union Market Company and I .... Ml. I . u a h AlMlltnP 1f tt 11.36 City of Portland and aubject to the approval Eaat 100 feet lot 20, Julia M. Brad Af in. KiMin. Hnira or ui oi t ort 11.20 land. Sec. 3. The aald L'ntou Market Company 11.06 aball keep open and conduct aald boalnesa eon- tlnuouajy ourmg me term oi tnu iraocuiee 10.70 1 on all bualneaa days of tha year during tbe IlL.. a Th. m.tA I'nlnn Market Ounnanv I Kaat 100 feet lot 21. F. and W. T, ball begin the construction ot aald market 11.22 bulldlnga within sixty days from tbe final paaaage ana approval oi toia oramance, ana 11.30 tha II bare tbe name completed tor commence- I . -.9 tu,.iH within a 1 r mintha Cenm anil 11.80 after tba Dual paaaage aud approval of tbls Blk 1. eaat 100 feet lot 1. Tbaddeus i orninance. tne coat ot eoneirocuoo oi miq i 12 56 bulldlnga and Improvement to be the aum of 830,000.00. It ahall be lawful for the 12.23 Council of tbe City of Portland to regulate in tne puonc mtereei me exercise oi mmia iran- 12.06 ebl'e In a reaaonable and lawnii manner, ana ine scneauie oi raiea w oe oiirimi uan uv PBOrOSED nCPEOTEKITfT Of EAST WAIH- IlfOTOV BTBEET. Notice Is bereby given that st tbs meeting rOB DAYTON, Oregoa City aad Yamhill Rivar polota. atr. Eisners. aaa st. sack. o Water . permlttln.) 7:00 a. aa. Taeaday, Thuraday, . Saturday. . a sionaay, Wedaeadas, Fridajr. Jh 11 Snake Blver Bevjte, of tbe Council of the City of Portland. Ore- I FOR LIWISTON. Ids.. 11.21 11.7, Eaat 100 feet lot 28. A. A. Bowman.. Eaat 100 feet kit 27, A. A. Bowman.. Eaat 100 feet lot 26. Merlaaa Stark.. Eaat 100 feet lot 25, llenbart Ueler-eon Eaat 100 feet lot 24. I. Fransel. Joplln Esat 100 feet lot 20. Aaron M. Bray.. Eaat 100 feet lot 19. J. H. and Nellie K. Cook Park Vlew- Blk 1. eaat 100 feet lot 2. William Plympton Lot 1 eaat 100 feet lot 8. Claua Uank- neaa Blk 1. eaat 100 feet lot 4, W. V. Dele ter son. held on tbe 17th day of June. 1803, tbe following resolution waa adopted: Resolved, That tbe Council of tbe City of Portland, Oregon, derma It expedient and proposes to Improve Eaat Waeblngton street from 12 feet west of tbe eaat tine of Kaat Water etreet to the west line of Lnlon avenue by bringing the surface of dha street full width with full Interaortlona to the Drone 71.07 I grade with earth, grave or ether suitsbls ma- 73.01 I ferial, and by removing all snaaltable or ob- lectionaiiie material rrom tbe atreet. Said Improvement to be made la accordance wltb the charter and ordinances of the City of Portland and tbe plana, epectBratlone and eetimatea of tbe City Engineer Bled la tbe TO ru omce ot tne Auditor or the city or fort land 80.47 I on tbe 10th day or June, 10O8. Indorsed: 154.20 12.81 71.801 78.01 78.11 lad way polota, from Ripsrla. wash., stea sa cra Spoksae aad Le tr ie toa. 4:08 a. I Daily. X. Bat Abeejt X 8:00 p. as. Dallr ex, Friday. in Ti aubject to revlalon by a board of commleatonera I Blk 1, oast 100 feet lot 5, Aubon N. appointed In the manner provided In section 16 on 1 seven berevf. Dec. O. A. t en cuurcBiBOl uiuwe uriB uw 17.00 term ore tola iraurniee ue uicy oi roriiano Iaoail nave iuc privilege, idivuiu a.uhui or other proper officer, of examining the hooka of account of aald Union Market Company. 17 52 " successora and aaalgna. la order that aaid city may ascertain tbe bualnMa dons by ssld 17.31 a . .... MFC. BJ( J II BJ UUIUB himi mej. bvvbbjsbisij 10.60 ahall within thirty days after the final approval thla ordlnunce file witn tne Auuiior ot ueaviua Blk 1; eaat 100 feet lot 8. Mrs. A. M. Stsnsbery Blk A, eaat 100 feet lot 1. Martha Benn Blk A, eaat 100 feet lot 2, Henry Witt Park View Extended Blk A, eaat 100 feet lot 8, C. M. and T. S. Weat Blk A. eaat 100 feet lot 4, C. M. and T. S. Weat Blk 10, eaat 100 feat lot 1, C. M. snd T. 8. West of . - I . V. . rri.w nt I'r.r 1 1 anH Ita wrlttjtn aeeeiltence. 10 W of the terma of tbls ordinance and the I Blk 10, eaat 100 feet lot 2. ii io! francblae. rlgbta and privileges granted to and I and T. S. West "City Engineer's plans snd specifications for the Improvement of Eaat Washington atreet from 12 feet west of tbe eaat line of Eaat Water atreet to the weat line ef Unloa a venae. and the eatimatee nf tbe work to be done and tbe probable total coat thereof." lbs coat of earn Improvement to be aasasaed aa RMriilM he the ..It harr n ru.. the 147.14 I property apeclally benefited thereby and which 88.24 I nereoy oeciarro io oe all jdv loot, parts ot MJir ana parcels ot Man lyins Uffiwivi a line iiw reet norta nr ana parallel witn the norm one ot Kaat wasnington atreet ana a line 100 feet south of snd parallel wltb tbe eonth line of Eaat Waahlngton street and be tween a line 100 feet weat of and parallel wltb the weat line of Esat Water atreet aad the weat line ef Union avenue. Tbe Enslnear'a eatlmate of tbe orobahle total coat for aald Improvement la 818.607.00. The plana, fcpeclflcatlona snd eatimatee. of tbe City Engineer for the Improvement ef aid Eaat waahlngton atreet are hereby adopted. - . iteaoivea. mar tne Auditor er tn city or Portland be and bs Is .hereby directed to aive notice of tbe proooaed Improvement nf aald street aa provided by the city charter. Remonstrance against the above Improve ment mar be filed In wrltlns With the under signed within 20 dava from tba date of tbe flrat publication, of thla notice. uy oruer oi toe ixranru. THOS. 0. DEVLIN. Auditor ot tbe City ot Portland. Jobs 19, 1S0S. 78.80 77.06 73.01 73.07 70.07 60.18 76.00 141.71 72,44 71.06 84.62 182.82 154.18 166.V4 151.82 160.26 148.09 TICKET OFFICE. Third aad Washington. Tele phone ataia iu. . PORTLAND & ASIATIC STEAMSHIP CO. v.m. m-A ir.M. uih Kobe. Nagasaki sad BbaagbaL Uklns fraia-ht via coBBcctlBg atesmars for Manila. Port ArtEas and Vladlroetock. IKDEA8AMHA SAILS ABOUT JULT tl. For rstes aad full iDtormanoa call aa ar ad. dreas emclale or agssU ef the O. R. A N. Co. 17, Tyler Investment 10.78 10.78 10.81 10.911 11.14 renlnaular Real Ea tate Company Block 46. lot 8 tate Company Block 46, lot 7, Peninsular Real Ea tate Company Block 46. lot 6, Penlnaular Real Ea tate Company Block 46, lot 5, Penlnaular Real Es tate Company Block 46. lot 4, renlnaular Real Es tate Company Block 46; lot 3 Penlnaular Real Ea tate Company Block 40. lot 2, Peninsular Real Ea tate company Block 46. lot 1, Pepinaular Real Ea tate Company Penlnaular Addition, No. 8, to Eist PortUnd, Oregon I'eninsuur ileal Ka ron f erred upon It. Its successors snd sa il. 15 lf Failure of aald grantee to ao file Ita I tnTIJltUI W. Mil. ' . -.. H.U period oi inirty oaye irom me nnai approval thereof ahall be deemed aad held to be a rejection by It of tbe aanae. and noon the expiration ot sncn time wiinoui sucn ac ceptance, tbla ordinance shall Become snd be void snd Inoperative. Sec. 7. The grantee shall pay as com pensation for tbe rlgbta and privileges herein granted s monthly rentsl of 8100.00 In ad vance. 'for the Deriod of tea rears, commencing a January a, 1004. and ending December 81, 1013; for tbe eueceedlng ten years, beginning Janu ary I, 1014, and ending December '81, 1023, J1J- aiicn compensation, In addition to aald 8100.00 11 14 Pep month, as aball be determined by a board of commlaalonera to be appointed as 11 S2 hereinafter provided, and ror tne remaining " Deriod. commencing January 1. 1824. and con- ii no tlnulns to toe end or aaia trancnise, sucn lw umu...BlnH In .jtlfrlAM Ia a. 4,1 a loo no n.. month, aa ahall be determined br a board of I Lot 8. Maty E. Weat commissioners similarly appointed. In ad- Lot 4, Eva B. McKcnsle dltlon to the foregoing compensation tha Union Lot 5, Carrie M. Weat Market Company. Ita auceessors ' or aaalgna. Lot 6, Carrie M. Weat aball provide not to exceed three rooma In Lot 7. Carrie M. West the building to be constructed pnrsusnt to Brook dale tills ordinance, for tbe uae ot tbe Meat In- Lot 1, H. Longeoy... apector, Market Inspector .aad Milk Inspector Lot 2. H. Longeoy.. of the City of Portlsnd or their respective West 100 feet lot 8, H. Longeoy agents or aaaiBiama witnout coarse er vvoi- i neat iuu teet lot v, ti. uwunw penaatHtn snd upon demand by the Slayer ot tbe City of Portland. Tbe Union Market Company, Ita successors or aaalgna. as additional compensation for tbe rlgbta and privileges herein granted, aball C. M. Blk 10. east 100 feet lot 8, C. M. snd T. 8. West Blk 10, esst 100 feet lot 4, C. M. snd T. S. Weat Blk 11. esst 100 feet lot 1, C. M. and T. 8. West Blk 11, east 100 feet lot 2. C. M. snd T. 8. Weat Blk 11. eaat 100 feet lot 8, C. M. aad T. S. West Blk 11. east 100 feet lot 4, C. M. snd T. 8. West A strip of land lying between the south line of block 11. Psrk View Extended, snd the north line of lot 1. Psrk View Annex and between tbe west line of Marguerette avenue and a line 100 feet weat of and parallel therewith, Thaddaua 8. West ........ Park View Annex Lot 1. Carrie M. Weat... Lot 2. Mary E. Weat 11.50 11.32 10.78 10.06 18.3 ; 16.08 13.01 13.01 Block 36, lot I, tate Company Block 31), lot 2. tate Company Block 36. lot 8, tate Company Block 86. lot 4, tate Company Block 36. lot 41. Church A Lan-son.. Block 36, lot 42, Church A Dawson, . Block 36, lot 43. Chnrcb A Lawaon.. Block 36. lot 44, Cnilrcb A Lawaon construct within six months after tbe final ,.1 passage of thla ordinance, and Its approval IS.OSJ ltv the II.tii. ami maintain dnrlne the full . I A n. A .hi. n.kl.. ...IM.l.t 1S.OO I a,Anu alHawfillca and ellelai ahllttlne unon the four sides of said block 182, snd ahall st sll times maintain tbe said walka and curbs la PonlmmUr Baal Ea. Peninsular Real Ea Penlnsular Real Ea- lot 1. "lot" 3.' lot 3. Tyler Tyler Tyler Inveatment Investment Investment Block 87. Company Block 37. Company Block ST. Company Block 37. Company Block 37, lot 41. Llewellyn Wllltama.. Block R7 lot 42. Llewellyn Williams.. Block 37, lot 43. Llewellyn Wllllsms. . kit Block 37. lot 4, Tyler Investment 44. Llewellyn Williams.. lot 1. Tyler Investment lot 2, Tyler Investment lot 8, Tyler Investment lot 4, Tyler Investment 45.84 TotsI $7,109.97 THOMAS C. DEVLIN." Auditor 'of the City of PortUnd. June 29, 1003, Block 38. Company Block 38, Company Block 38. Company Block 38, Company Block 38, lot 41, Samuel IF.. Downs... Block 38, lot 42, Samuel V: Downs... Block 38, lot 43, Samuel I'. Downs... niock 38. lot 44. Samuel U. Downs... .Penlaulsr Addition to East 1'ortiaud Oregon mock 7. lot i. Marsuer te ixiwman Block 7, lot 2, Marguerite lowman. ; . . Block 7, lot 3. Marguerite ixwman.... Block 7, lot 4. Marguerite Lowman.... Block 8. lot 44. C. Buecbler Block 8. lot 48. C. Buecbler Block 8, lot 42, P. Buecbler Block 8. lot 41. C. Buecbler. Block 8. lot 4. St. Jobna Evangelical Lutheran Church v.-.:;..... Block 8. lot 8. 8t Johns Evangelical Lutheran Church I Block 8. lot 2. St. Jobna Evangelical Lutheran Church Block 8. lot 1. St. Jobna Evangelical Lutheran Church , Block 0. lot 44, Lawrence M. Real.... Block 9. lot 43. Lawrence M. Beal.... Block 9. lot, 42, Lawrence M. Beal.... Block 9. lot 41, Lawrence M. Beal.... Block 0, lot 4. Mlnnle Mary Wolf.... Block 0, lot 3. Minnie Mary Wolf.... Block 0. lot 2. Minnie Mary Wolf.,.. Block 9. lot 1, Minnie Mary Wolf Block 10. lot 44, Calvin W. Oanten- beln Block 10, lot 43, Calvin W. Ganten- beln k T. Block 10, lot 42. Calvin W. Oanten- bela Blocr10: T.oT 4T, Cilvln W. tianlSBi- beln Block 10. lot 4, Merita, Proehatel. . Block 10, lot 8. Media Proehstel...... Rlork 10. lot 2. Media ProehateJ ...... . Block 10, lot 1, Vedla froebstel ., . . good repair and In accordance with tha ln a" I atructlona and to tba aatlaf action of tbe : .. Executive Boatd of tbe City ot Portland, and the failure of the said Union Market Company, . Iu successors or ssslgns, to conatruct said 8 80 artificial stone sidewalks snd curbs within . tbe time provided In tbls ordinance or to fo repair the aame wltblu a period of alxty ovO days after notice to make such repslrs has V'lV been given by tbe Engineer of the City of ' Portland, or tbe falluro to pay tbe monthly comnenxatlon as herein provided for s period of sixty days, shalF reader all rights' aoder 66.90 this franoblse subject to forfeltnre and tbe . same may be declared rorreiua d; resolution a'73 of tbe Council of tbe City of Portland by . and with the approval of tbe Mayor. 4.78 xbo board or commlaaloners referred to In . . tbls section shsll consist of three men to be i A? selected, one by tbe Council of tbe City of Portland, one by tbe Union . Msrket Com- ? ?; I psny. its successors snd ssslgns, snd the third ; oy tne two no ruoeen we. I Sec. 8. That upon tbe axDirstlon of tbs prioa tor wnicn tnis rrancniae ia grantea. or upon tbe surrender or cancellation of such rranhlaj. H.a Clt r.t Pnrtl.nil ... -32 I rtgbt at Its election and upon payment tbere- 1 fr,f nt the fair walnatlAn hAf tn T m... I and determined aa hereinafter nrovtded to our. ehaaa .nil talra over Ia lta.lf all . th 8.81 irnnertv nf aM I,nlnn Vfa.lret rvimnan Mn. 2 0:l atructed or being upon said block 132 In tbe 01 city of PortUnd: provided, however, that be- 8.48 I fore the cltv ahall have the anrhhettv tti nor. 44.82 j cbase or take over such plsnt snd property w' I the qttestltm whether or not the city ahall ..o ... acquire ana rase aucn plant ana property aball 10.03 flrat be aobmltted to the voters of ssld city 8 50 in accordance wltb and subject to the limits- 8.30 tlona contained In Article V of the charter 61.79 of the City of Portlsnd now In force, snd pro- 9.47 vtded, further, tbst the question of whether or not tne city snail acquire or take such plsnt 8-77 or property must be aubmltted to tbe voters of tbe city as above provided whenever a petl 7.00 tlon aball be filed wltb tbe Council aubscribed by "a number of electors equal to fifteen per 7.00 cent of tbe vote eaat at tbe laat preceding election aaklng that aucb question shall be 8.92 submitted for approval or rejection to tbe - vote ot ine people, me price or valuation to 40.81 be paid by the City of Portland for tbe aald 88.63 plant and property ahall be fixed and determined 15.50 by three arbltratora,-. one appointed by tbe 10.08 Union Market Company, tta auceessors sod as .10.3.4 algns, another by tbe City, of Portland and a 0.i7 third by tbe two so chosen, sod a- declalon in 9.9. writing by tha aald three arbitrators or a 13.73 majority of them, one delivered to the Mayor 71.63 of tbe city and tbe -other to said market com pany, Ita auceessors and aaalgna, ahall be flnal 89.20 and binding upon tbe parties, aad ssld price snd valuation aball be paid - to aald Union 16.08 Market Company, tta aBCceoaora snd ssslgns, before tbe aame aball bo deprived of the poa JWJM !ealoB or right to: maln.tanjn4 operate said plant and property, and upon paymeBt by aald 10.02 city, to aald company. Its successors snd sS 6.78 signs, of said price and valuation aa determined . 6.79 bs aforesaid aald plsnt snd property so valued, 9.11 purchased and paid for aball become tbe prop. 68.38 erty-of the 'City, ot PoU4 without the 162.03 158.03 155.81 I 157.89 137.90 126.05 95.58 90.59 23.26 109.74 176.20 178.04 186.96 108.04 163.02 197.78 145.35 18.01 72.65 74.43 88.88 78.68 83.62 88.87 82.67 76.80 73.22 72.49 72.70 72.60 87.87 49.48 154.60 94.75 76.82 EAST via. SOUtH I Q IOC (NBTMSlJ I BAJXEOAD TIMETABLES. West 10O feet bit Sr Hr Ixmg coy . i r, , i West 100 feet lot 6. H. Longeoy Weat 100 feet lot 7, Ellas It. Jeter.. West 100 feet lot 8, Ellas H. Jeter.. Weat 10 Ofeet lot 9, Clifton T. Miller. Weat 100 feet lot 10, Stanley S. Stevena - West. 100 feet lot 11, Margaret A. Klngsley- i Weat 100 feet lot 12, Msrgsrst A. Klngsley West 100 feet lot 13, Msrgsret A. Klngsley West 100 feet lot 14, John B. Frost.. . West 100 feet lot 18. John 0. trout. North west 100 feet lot 16, John B. Frost South V west 100 feet lot 16, Eugene C. Comatock West 100 feet lot 17. Eugene 0. Comatock West 100 feet lot 18, Eugene C. Comatock A tract of land lying between the south line of lot 18. Brookdsle, aad tha north line of block 2. Psrk View Annex snd tbs ssst line of Marguerette avenue aad a Una 100 ' feet east . of and parallel there with, Eugene 0. Comatock ...... 203.12 Park .View- - - .. . - . Jz:.-:r Blk 27 lot 1, John Younger........, 73.38 Blk 2. lot 2, John Younger. ......... 84.01 Blk 2. lot 8, John Sleret..... 134.03 Blk 2. lot 4, Jobs O. Sleret 155.00 Blk B. lot 1, Carrie M. Weat 266.43 Blk B. lot 3, Carrie M. West... 79.17 Blk B, west S test lot S, Carrie M. West 13.24 Psrk View Extended Blk B, lot 9. Carrie M. Weat 189.92 Blk B, lot 10. Carrie M. West 148.11 Blk 9. lot 1. C. M. and T. 8. West.. 154.03 Blk 0. west 8 feat lot 18. J. L. Barber et al 9.66 Blk 0. lot 2.. C. M. and T. 8. West.. 149.15 Blk 9, lot 8, C. M. and T. S. West.. 143.88 Blk 0. weat 8 feet lot D. C. M. snd t. s. west ...t.:.. '"". Blk 9, lot 4, C. M. snd T. 8. West.. 141.64 Blk 12. lot 1. C. M. snd T. 8. West;: 133.89 Blk 12. west 8 feet lot 18. C. M and T. S. West.... ' 8.60 Blk 12, lot 2, C. M. and T. 8. West.. 12S.83 Blk 12. lot 8. C. U. and T. 8. West. . 106.83 Blk 12. west 8 feet lot 6. C. M. snd T. 8. West 6.87 Blk 12, lot 4. C. M. sad T. 8. West.. 109.88 Psrk ' View Annex West 100 feet lot 14, Carrie M. "Weat. 75.45 West 100 feet lot 13, Carrie M. Weat. 194.89 Weat 100 feet lot 12, Carrie M. West. 168.38 West 100 feet lot 11, Carrie M. West. 174.10 West 100 feet lot 10. Csrrle M. West. 207.96 North H of west 100 feet lot 9, Carrie M. West 80.25 South U of west 100 feet lot 0, Otto J. Hlrscb , R4.BT Lot 8, Otto J. and Rose L. Hlrsch ......194.84 " - . . a.. . , . Total ; ....,....$10,103.70 THOS. 0. DEVLIN", Aadltor of the City ef PortUnd. June 29, 19o8. I -IE YOU LWISH. RESULTS I 1 AnVFRTIQF IM-T44F !J f 11 B laar, I I I I 111 MILa I OREGON DAILY JOURNAL) THI BKT Or tVlllYTMIWO ONLY 70 HOURS PORTLAND TO rUt the 0. R R. 4 N. Co Oregon Short Lin Union Paoific na , Two trains a day, with through Pullman drawing-room Bleeping cars, free reolining chair cars anil dining cars (a la carte). .ANtvKrSPKIAl connects at Granger with the famous Overland Limited, tha most luxurious train in the world, to Chioago from the Coast. Be sore your ticket read ever the Chief ft NerttfWesten. A. 0. aARKf ft. QEN'L Aot, 0. N-W. UV, . IBS THUW T.. "WraAHO, OSS. 849 b. as. - " i 4 T:S6 a. m. K4Mp. ml vnow divot. OVIBlND iinni tralaa, for Salem, Iteaa I mrf, avaniaao, sacra. Biento, Oydes, Saa VkvuJ Cisco. Molsva. Las Ami tales, .! Paao, New ge4 aaas aaa us esat. At Woodbara Bally lucwpi Bsnaayi, I Ml. AbH be train for IsL Bllrsrsv Mi Albany saaaanset, Beets st Weohora with sad BllrsH ML Aaswl tea local OsctbIUb psaaasr..... Sharldaa paaaaassr. T48 B. SV 70 p. aa 1:10 a. m 8:M a. DaOly. IIDaUy szceyt Sssasy. BertlaadiOjBs OnWrtSsrrtss aad Taaakllt Depot Teet ef JeJTsfSea Wrset. i.ra tsr saw Dally (sseept Sunday) 8:80, 8:80. 8:86, 10:88 p. m. . 4:00, 11:80 m. BtuiiUy eaiy, 0:00 RetBnlae from Oewaam. arrlva Pavtlaeal dalle 8:80 a. b.; 1:58 8:00. 4:85, 0:16. TN 9M. 11:10 D. m. Dally (except Sonday) 0:25, htS 0:80, fo:ao.lluia srint. rleeptXhdBy. tM B. m. Baadsy only, 10:00 . Leave from same dspot for Dallas and tar. Mdlato poiats dally (oBoept Onsday) 40 p. m. Arrive Portlsnd 10:80 a. m. - The IndepaBoeawe-MonoJOBth Ifotsr Lias etMratee dallr to ksasMmth and Alrlla. mam. Msetlnc with Soothers PseiOe Compaay'a trseka al Dallas aad ladepeadeace. rirat-cUas rebate tickets ee) sals freaa ISr. lauid to Baerameata aad Ban Ifiamdaan NaB rate 817.60. hacth 06; sscesd-olaas fare 111. ' wlthoot rebaU et berth : neoail -class has f Ticket ck Sastara petata aad orepe. B iapaa, China, Hoata1a aad Aastratta. M Oty Ticket Offos eoaWljikd aad WMktatfif ' tsa streets. Phone, Mala 711 1 a W. OTINtllB, aty Ticket Afsat.. U. 00 MAN, Pea. Pas. Ajt, y a. V. i aT " .aa- ' Ur TRAINS m PORTLAND I Pnset Sonnd Limited. for Tacoma, Seattle. Olympla, Booth Bend and Gray' Barber points. North Coaat Limited, for Tacoma. Seattle. Butte. St. PaoL Min neapolis, Chieaco, Mew York, Boston sad points East aad Soatbeest. Twin-City Express, far Tacoma. Seattle, Bpo- oe. neiesa, at. rsni, MlnnesDolls CM ram New York, Bostoa aad an polnta xaat aad boutheaat. Pnet Sonnd Kanaas Cltv-8t. Levis Special, for Tacoma. . Seattle Bpokane, Butte, BllUnaa, Denver. Omaha. Km... i City. St. Loula aad all points , Bast and South-ssst. ALL, TRAINS VTAWAOTIMOTON Dspsrts. 8:80 a. b.I 8:00 p. m. 11:48 . a, 8:30 a, at Arrirsa. 0:80 p. m. T:6o a. m. T:00m TrOt m. m, ah trains dally . axcant en Senth DrAIlClla. A V a Ine saayVitja 828 Morrte'gV Astoria & Columbia a i ,, Lta tea. TJNlOlt DEPOT. ' Arrive. - C?ri 4forM-. Estotar, . . CUtskanls. Westport, a. no. - Cllftoa, Astoria, Wsr. 8:00 a. m. remos nsveir' Ham- UUO a. av t y- mood Fort Stevens, Bearhart Park, Seaalde. . Aatorla aad Besshor . Bxprsas. Bally. ' ' 1 ' ' ' - , . ; . i. 0. MAT0. . . 2- ! . A.. Astorls. Or. . 5f LI.WI.!1, mBrrcU1 AsatS-848 A14 itm .. Tbes Mala 0OJ- . f ,- .z.