TIIE OKEGpy DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, 3IONDAY EVENING JUNE 20, 1003. 0' TRANSACTIONS IN THE FINANCIAL WORLD PROSPECTS' BRIGHT . IN CLARKE COUNTY LARD IS L OVER T WEAKER are lower; One firm, Bell & Company, received 80 sacks. Tli HmI Situation. Receipts of meat on Kront street dur ing; the fore part of the week were about the average and the demand was ubout the same, with the possible exception of veal, which was in ready call at un changed quotations. Fork Is weak, with tha, iKknmriil far hllll-heef ullarlltlv off. HammnnH Parkin? DprlinP11; Today's potato market was lively, the tasiern rroauci i nree- ru-ai mati. Several of the local dri ers nave orders ror cars to snip 10 mo 8outh. Today's ruling: (juotatlons, as revl.ied. are as follows: Eighths Cent a Pound- Tight on Between Companies DRY WEATHER IN THE NORTHWEST Saturday's Close In Foreign Markets Show a Stronger Feeling Crop Trouble is Important f-actor. 'CHICAGO WHEAT IS UNCHANGED IN TONE All Fruit Trees Are Heavily Laden and mines Will , Bear Heavy Crop, HOGS CLOSE LOWER ' CHICAGO. Jim 29. The receipts of livestock id m principal, pacaiug ccuiera ot tlut coua try today war; - . r Hogs t Cittlo' ' Sheep Chicago ...,,.,....,.2.(NM) S2.000 ' 18,0(10 kanaae Cltr ......... v.uoo fi.ooo 1.011 Omaha Ola) " . 4.000 8,000 nog opened from a to jo cent lower aud d it the eawe figure, with 3.300 left over elowi from Saturday. were iMI.uuo. Ruling prices are Kecelpta of hots 4 year ago Mixed and butcher'. 45.65(315 8fi; wnnA neavy, o.iimrB.)i rouga neavy, fa.ftOW 5-70; .1J, .Of'TU SJ.tfO, I.' ' " I , According to the Vancouver Colum nin th fruit' nininrti tf rlortri bold Down une Cent on Cuttle. Htrons. 10 to IS cents htshar. Sheep Steady. Scattered Showers. AH Grades of Wheat Show a Material Advance Today, ;AI-I FORTLAKT) WHOLESALE PRICES. Grain, Flour tnd Feed. alia WalK 78c; l.lucatem, 80c though the Market Is Con- TA. . sidered Nominal. FLOlit -Eastern Oregon: Patent. $4.10tf EKX-WSEXX.T KSVZEW. Eastern lard declines H of a rat. Local hams advance. Picnics decline. riour advances. Valley 10 cents, bard wheat 18 cents. ST market weaker. Poultry sells lively. Wheat prices advance. . Carnation Cream to advance. FRONT STREET, June 29. The 4.45; atralKht. 43.30; Valley, 43.a04f3.80; gr bam. "is. $3.15: ion, .:.5.". M I.I-STITKH-Iran. (XI HO per ton: mid dllncn. (27.00: shorts, f.'i.mi: chop. (18.00, HAY--Tllmtl!V, 417. OOSt 1S.0U; clover. lO.nu (1 17.00. Hob. Wool and Hldsa HOPS l8-itt IU'!.e for choke; 1003 contract. 10il7c i WOOL Volley, 15(16c. coarse; medium t fair, Wftiiasr; Mae. lo'.(17r; r.astern ore nm. liiitrl.V: llnhnlr. nominal. JadtSiv SHKRi'HKINB Shearing. 14'4Wc; ahnrt wool. 22r.'2.V: u-!1ubi wnol. Jw: luug ool OOc'flll.44 I'll I'll. TAl.I.'iVt - rnme, per m, tegac; no. 3 anu frenae. 2&2fcc. IIIDKN -nrv niiiea, .o. l, 10 pounu ann lip. Km' per m; dry Ic l. no, 1, u to 13 In. !2e: dry rail. No. 1. under 5 tl. 15c; ilry aaltiHl. hn la and atasa. IS lea tiiaii dry flint; aaltmi hidea, ateer. animd, 00 Ixmiida or orer, TWNr: Mi to w nm. 7(oa': under no 10 and fowa. 0U7c: ataca and ImlU, annnd. 5o kin. sound, 15 to :n It, 7c: sound. 10 to ...... i-. .. th. I 14 in. 7c: calf, aound. under lu am, ec green "mmiraa riii( oimiiy -' (lln,,itMi). 1c ner ft lea: cnlla. lo per m week by announcing a aecune or ceni PM. hr, M, ni. rach. $l.25(l.T5: dry It Various rrades of Eastern eaeb. (1.0061 1.50: ralta' bldea. each. 25'd50c manufactured lard. The decline In price f '. "'""".SJI.-JIf10 13c; Ani'orn' "'" 3S Que IO IWU vlUri, ncnumoo th local market and ths non-demand and lower ruling quotations In the f.ast. The advance made during the week by the Union Meat Company In its local ham quotation was the talk of the.street earU, 2VCI.OO Butter. Etta and Poultry BITTER Eatraa. 22M,e: creamery. 21 9 dairy. 17WlNc; Mtnre. XtXttUr. KiinR Kreab Oiva-cm. li.MiOe. rilEKSK mil fTeam, lln, J4e; roung America, l.ic; Callrornla. I.V. I'OIXTRY Thicken,-mlaed. 10lle per II) and there are a great many doubters hena, liwiiHe; rorJter. (tKv rr m; iiroil h. n Biich (lvnce was made, ltate era, mnnrt per ro: ,V. .u. i i .k tt.. dneka. imtllKr per cuiuna wiwtrn ..." m. ttkryi- ar,,i3(&14c per It); dreaaed. fryers, lri'slOc per lb lb; geeac. 7frc twr lfcy 'that any such advance was made. Rate era, lowmio iter lb ern men Is again on in full blast, and as , m Itie competition IS qjme seen, me man Oroesrlai, Kuta, Etc Who dickers with several meat men is ri oar "Back baala:" iule. (3.77V.: now the man who purchases at the lowest dered. (5.62H; dry granulated. t.Y52V; eitra 'quotations. The Advance la Plour, The advance of 10 cents a barrel In Valley and 15 cents in the Eastern Ore gon hard wheat brands of flour on Frl 4 eauaaaa snaaiA l-a K A lrtnal ma 1'lrgst , ' w" i 1 . K , lilea, good. 10ftjl8c; t'wta Klca, ordinary, lOsj Ince the flotations on wheat began to 12c " lt). (.o)uul,,a r(HIt i0.3: Arbuckiea', ascend. The flour market Is at present (ii.i.i lint ; Llcm, (11.13 Hat; Cordora, (11.13. in a fair condition the local purchases TEAS Oolong, different grade, 2KS5e; I II tTapanf arrlrtaM 1VU.nl era are about the same. Demand from colored Japan. 30uc the rieient la not so brisk, however, scarce. 30eoc. hr. hinr nractlcnllv no call for stock SALT Balea. 2a. 8a, 4a, 5a. 10a. $2,10; 6n from Hong Kong merchants, while, the , W'4ftc. w, krc; 224a. $1.85. Orders from Japan at this moment are SALT Worcester salt. bulk. bbla. ;i20a, (5.00; nnmlnnl Rtlll tha hinment of flour on Woretarter. 140 2a, (5.50; Vtorceater, 100 Ha, iul -.n.n n,m.n fmer will ; Worceater.. 30 5a. 5.25; 80 loa. (5.00; .....b linen aacka. 50. 86c. amount iu auuui v.ouv luiiv. (', (5.024; liolden C. (4.02V. harrela, inc; u, barrela. 25c: bnxra. 50c adraoce on aack baala. aa 25c per es t. tor caab. 15 dara; oiapic. .''I 1HC ID. HONEY 15fI0c per frame. rOKKKI-: Ureen Mocba. 21r23e: Jara. fancy, 20.'i2-: Jara. good. 20tt25c: Jara. ordinary, Juauc i.oata Hlca. rancy. iKcaja-; in English Breakfast, Bolder Lei Japan, green Tory Wheat Pricee Are Advanced. ' Although the quotations in the wheat market are practically nominal, the quo tations took a decided turn for an ad vance today and higher prices are rul ing on all grades. The demand for Blue SALT Ccarae. half ground. 100a. per ton, (14.00; 50a, per ton, (14.50; Liverpool, lump, rock. (23.00 per ton: 50-tb rock. (14.00; 100a. (13.50. GRAIN BAGS Calcutta, S5.T5ece.oo per loo for Auguat delivery. RICE Imperial Japan, No. 1, Ce; No. 2, 5',c; New Orleana bead. He. BREAKFAST FOOD Malta Vita. (4.60: FUe. Ptem oh the Sound is very strong, and LM1"?',V. fotZ' ifK H,''K!ln.Vi'. .i. . u,u . ,k L BAI-MON lwmbla RiTer, 1-tb talla. (1.5; quotations as high as 85 cents are be . ing paid for those badly in need of stocks. Walla Walla and Valley are both in good shape, the former being quoted firm at 78 cents, while the latter Is listed at prices ranging from 77 to 80 bbla, 22c. ces, 2c. cents. The local mills are now quite . linsk ED orj-Pore raw, in bbla ,j ,.,,, ., j , line kettle Iwlleal, case 68c. bbl 5lc; acu nuucv n mi pivad nuu etc nuh 2rt) talla. (2.4); fancy 1-tb. data. (1.85; H-tb fancr Data. (1.20: Alaaka talis. Dink, HOc; red, (1.25; 21b talla. (2. (Ml. COAL OIL Caaea. 22c per gal, tanks; water White. Iron bbl. 16V4C. wn.dcn. 18c: Head light, cases, 24c, Iron bbla, 17c; gasoline, iron making very Extensive buys. Xop Market Weaker. The bop market is weaker with a ma jority of the holders of 1902 stock ready ., to dispose of their .holdings at ruling quotations. The demand is off, how ever, and it Is now expected that a bear : campaign will soon be In full swing and , ' quotations are very likely to again touch v the bottom of the ladder within the next few days. Some of the stockholders are till anxious to bold for 25 cents, but the number of men of this mind are very few. Some sales have been reported during the past few days, but they were all made at lower figures. Local dealers Bay that they have no orders pn hand at present and Jew are looked for before the new crop is ready for the market. Ruling prices 'today for the 1902's is from 18 to 19 cents and the market is constantly growing weaker, Xsavy Receipts of Sggs. The egg market has again become weaker and now there is a strong like lihood that lower prices will prevail during the coming week. The receipts of stock during the first three days of the week were enormous, but as the calls for stocks were lively, nothing was thought of the larger arrivals until Fri day night, when the demand began to ahow a sign of slackening. Ruling " " prices are 1S and 20 cents. Poultry Market Stands Firm. Taken altogether for the first three days of the week the poultry market was in first-class condition and on Saturday all stocks had been cleaned1 up at pre vailing quotations. Receipts during the period were more heavy than usual, but j.88 the small springs, which had caused all the trouble in the market during the preeeedlng three dayB, were not in so large receipt, the remainder of the stocks found a ready welcome by the trade. Ruling prices are unchanged. Carnation Cream to Advance. The manufacturers of Carnation brand of canned cream have announced an ad vance in quotations to take effect next montji. The advance of 3 cents a pound on Bull Durham tobacco announced some time ago by the American Tobacco Com , pany takes effect on the first of the month. Too Many Bananas. Three cars of bananas were received from the South yesterday afternoon, and were unloaded on the street today. The atock is not in the very oest of condi tion, as there are many seconds. Usual quotations prevail for the better stock. Cherries Begin to Crack. The heavy raibs of the past few days have practically ruined the state cherry crop, and the stock In the local market today is worth any price that can be ob tained.,' - " - The arrivals of wax beans from The Dalles today were heavier than in the history of the street and ruling prices 40c: genn pure raff. in nm, B4c; genuine kettle, in caaea. ooc. BENZINE 63 dec caaea 22c. Iron bbla 15 He. GASOLINE 86 deg caaea 28MiC iron bbl 22c. TURPENTINE In ce TOc, wood bbli 66 Sc. Iron bbla 64c. 10-Ib ease lota 60c. BEANS Small white 44c, large white (.1.Ki.(4.00, pink 3.76lS3.90, bayou. 4 fee, Llmaa 5W5V.C. TOBACCO ring-cut smoking. 1. 2, 3-oa package Seal of North Carolina. 70c lb: Maa tiff, OSc lb. IMxia Qneen. 41c tb; Ked Bell, 8Uc lb; Pedro. 50c tt; Golden Scepter, $1.15 lb; flne rut Cameo, 41c lb: Capstan, (1.85 lb: Ihikc'a Mixture. 40c lb; Bull Durham. 66c lb; Old Eng- uan ctirT cut. 74c id; Maryland 1 iud. ue id; Mail Pouch, 38c lt; Yale Mixture, $1.40 lb. ring Tobacco Drummond a Natural Lear, 68c Tb; Piper Heidateck, 86c lb; Something Good. 45c D; Standard Nary. 38c lb; T. A B., 5.V lb; Spear Head. 43c Tb; Star. 44c lb. Flae-Cut Chewing Uolden Thread, 6Sc lb; Faat Mail, TOc lb. Fruits and Vegetables. POTATOES T580c; buyers' prices, B5T0c; new, (1.50 1. 76 cwt. . ONIONS California, new reds. $1.00; yellow Dnnrers. (11.23; garlic, KfcilOc. FRESH FltUITS Apples, fancy Oregon, $1.50 (g2.00; " cooking. 5uc$1.00 per box; new, $1.50 per box: oranges, late, Valencia. $3.0nift 3.50: Mediterranean sweet. $3.00; bananaa. $2.25 (3.50 buncb. 5c Tb; straw berries. Oregon, (lft(l.60 crate: cherrlea, oorni 65c 10-lb. box; gooseberries, 8 M-ST 4c lb.; sprl cots. 7,rcn$1.00 crate; lemona, ordinary, $2.75: fancy, $4.00; peacbee. S5r; plncapplea, $3.50 $4.00; black aga, 11.50; pltima, $1.25; raapher rlea. (2.50 crate; grape, Yurua, (2.60; currant, (2.00 box: eantclotipee. 5tyr6V4e. VEGETABLES Turilps. (1.00 aack; carrot, $1.50; bee. ta, $1.50 per aack; radlahea, 12U,(J 15c per dox; cabbage, California, lWc Tb; let tuoe, bead, -45e per do holhouao, $1.25 box-; 1 green (Mppera. 40e Tb; horaeradlah. 8c lb; celery, I $l.tW ikt dox.; bean, string, 9fl0c lb; Wax, OAilOc; asparagua. $1.15 25-Ib box: rbubarb. He lb: tomatoes. $2.00 4-liaaket crate; parsnips, $1.73: lieas, ,14c; cucumbers, $1.50 box; corn, 25c dor. DRIED FRl'ITS Apples, eaporated. 6Tc lb;' aprlcota, 7H10c Tb: pesebe. ffSOc Tb; pears, 8S" Tb; prunes. Italian. 4'4(ft5Hc Tb; French. a4Sit Tb; flga, California blacksC 6Hc; do. white, 7W8c Tb; plums, pitted, 5 6c; rutstue, seeded, fancy cartons. 50 pack nges to case. 8i4c pkg; seeded, .2-0 carton. cotrwh:; a?; ;i clearing house report mon iubi year, Ths nmnrt of the Portland ekHietna- hAwa TK . u ..11 .M I . . . " . r- 1 Z ' - u aiv c.n.siiuB au.i an wwa. ror max wees was a louowa: localities, and in soma rasaa fruit is Exch. Balance (Special Permission of Bolton, da Ruyter Co.) being picked off to keep tha treea from fJ"' V'7j'm ' 2r.'f5?S CHICAOa June 2. Logan B. Wwn... In other local tlea the w'd.; V.".,........ illit.so waxti.w Brvan'a advice: Ths wheat market fruit IS mora scattered, but taking the I Thursday 3I5,0.W.8t U2.2iH.a5 closed about (incbanged from Saturday, whole county over tha crop will bo much 1.15 J-J-J t . 1 j , , . .... urrnr inin isht mmmnn wnnn ir whm i .............. ...vw at wa snu vr.y u swu uwi. nui " -V -V ZJ' I To,' ,or exchangea. (2,T4I,M1.6; bal- ance. 4rt3,oi.iio. .'orresponoing week rxensnge, ..ain.H,49, aiaianee, (4U7,8a.ou. a bushel on .cottererl ahowera In thlbOUt half that Of th previous year. Northwest The ralna so far have as- "r numbers or new aryera are pcing Southwest Leads in Loss Esti- I rtlt rs I -ii ifiBis auv I ami lis wv A m i iiu v o aajr 1 - " ' " mateS and PltS ReSDOnd parantly not been-general, but further built, and old ones being put in repair iiiaico anu mw ' "K"1'" ,hoWera are predicted. The cash posl- to take care of tha crop. The cherry OlX UeniS Advance UN OUrn tlon is alow. Rust complamta from "OP w nne. as wen s the apple crept BIRTHS June 27. To Mr. sad Mrs. B. Qsnaborf. SS2 First street, a No. . Juna o, To Mr. and, Mrs. II. E. BmltB, at !. . gl.-L Nebraska continue and there Is no im- omai. oernes are very gooa ana prices 111 d IVIUIIKI. provement In the winter wheat thresh- obtained better than usual. Tha can ing returns. The Northwest situation "wy Fhihera Is handling a large Is still ths aouta factor. Llouidation "mount of gooachetries and strawuer. (Specl.l PermLaloB of Bolton, de Huyter A Co.) has been general and this market has no ' itr on raspberries will be pur- 823 Bcwath street, a son, ,.isti . ,s. fan pf v. .. i.k -a 1 nfinnr nrriimiiitiTti tnnMiriArnniA nnnri vuaBou 111 iriid tiutiuiiticv. i - im.iamv, June iJ.-iw ""-'"I rtAUTt AlAllft ninrmrA Horald says: , l" me wonas siocks are prao- stntu tor imau muti. bUINIAUlUUO UIOLAOLO Tha important foreign wheat marKexs uuiw . tm uemana ror smsn iruu nas causea Hsturmu- movea Dut litue. Liverpool "1- Vart.7 I"r""!. 10 oul 'Br' June 27.-C. Catoa. lecoBd sad Uata strsets. r, ta 1 runt in III cents and was a large one. It IS pretty certain and bv anotner aeaaon it la exnected I ..u. I'aris and Antwerp lens than that. There that the worlds crop this year will be that the crop will be Immense. The in- Jun ST. Mia Bacon, 621 H Washington was a new motive, dry weather in the maiensjjy less. com, frora tn, ,,u 0; tnlit - thu sow, "u.J';- Northwest, und It reinforced the Infiu- Cora Closes Strong. county la enormous, and yearly increas- m.il 9' ""H"1 " trt' erce which had been effective for some The oorn market waa weak early and The State Commissioner of Hortl weegs, ins unravorame crop ouu-unn ... closed strong. Keceipts are fairly cuuurs, a. von xioiueruese, saya mi - th. soft winter wheat belt. Crop ubml but tne increase In the visible the crop conditions In Clarke county UtAInO trouuies nave oeen m ibi ii ..i i supply was small ana tne casn aemana 1 bi..:". y. . ivuirauuai lrn. miryoa uv 1 when there via the I Ti,. K,,iiidii ih nn. ftho nnnl uuin tha miuinar in which i.::1 ..:.. ". n..i?":,,"''-"y"'?" :ui i";.';. .,: . 7J.:.; jm aa.-joDh r. row.. ts. at at. ircexa inrouan iub duuiiibc'i. iooa ana ine marxei aiso nas nm bud ' vhii. imio iniuwu , an u . ,,... ,.-. . v . j.-. . - u i .v.. a i.i .rlan .lnc -m . , , I Th. fn,lt .n., in ahl. "."."V . T "."?.. " . ' ""T iiuc l'i-c.i in rj izyimi ... . pvrv ui a uuu .nm vi iruivBaiuiisi i ''.j v j ... , suippcQ to ine t.siie ror interment. traders. The price Is, of course, high county is wonderful and will Increase. I June 2T. Emma White, aged 48, at 4t and the crop should Improve under pre- If all aigns do not fall, the crop of . Interment la Lone m vnll'ng weather. CHANGES MADE IN ,: AID OF NAVIGATION Lighthouse Inspector Calkins Issues Bulletin News jof Interest to Mariners, r Through May there was no way of ertabllnhing whether there hud been loss to the winter wheat or not. There Wris not much change, to the price through the month. By June 1 th Southwestern trade began to claim losses 1n tho winter wheat belt, and Its news and Its buying began to affect the market. A week ago there was n note of alarm of spring wheat's condition be cause of dry weather. The market re sponded promptly to this because there had been such incredulity and delay 4ri a.1,i,r nn th. flout h went ern clntmM. Within a month thera has been an aa- The following changes in aid of navi gation have been issued by Commander C. O. Calkins, lighthouse Inspector of this district: " Columbia River Mid-channel buoy, a P. 8. first-class spar, was established June IS, In 27 feet of water, aa a guide in the channel. Taylor Sands post light KB. 4 left tangent to Tongue Point R S.-Tongue Point to post light SB. H Rw , : Port aide of channel buoy No. U waa discontinued June Zt. Wlllnpa Bay entrance Wlllapa Bay outer buoy, a P. S. first-class can, marked "W. B, In white, heretofore re ported adrift waa replaced June 19. ' W. ,11,1V, ported adrift, was replaced June Is. xih.sj riuiif 't-oini rTancis duov. No, 0, a first-class apar. reported adrift June 4, will be replaced aa soon aa prac ticable. ... Also the following changes in South eastern Alaska. ,,. Tongaaa Narrows Pennock Island reef buoy, No. 1, a second-class can, was established May 14, fn 17 feet of water, to mark the edge of the reef making off from the westerly end of Pennock Island. Left tangent to Pennock Island, SB. by B. 4 E. wrangell Strait; Point Lock wood rock buoy, No. 0, waa changed from a first-class apar to a third-class can May J6. Burnt Island Ledge beacon and Buah Top Island beacon, heretofore reported Oats Still rimer. The oats market is still firm and prices are a little better. There la a pretty fair demand for cash oata and the receipts are fair. The crop la look ing well and Is progressing favorably. strengtn in corn is, nowever, a neip. Provisions Are Active. The provision market was active and aa via uv iivi aaiia, atiw ...uy v. 1 , - - - i . . . ,, . . , 4 ." -., 'm- ..,. I cemetery. . I carried away, were rebuilt May Is. prunes in this county will amount to I ,. 'n H.f. urn .,1 a .... I . o.,..k v. . a xr .w Sod-ucTrrre;! . ...... x. .1.. .j June 25. Sonhta s. Bremer, a red aT. t North nun, heretofore reported adrift, werere- v.nt.tr .n Vu.J "o, .i7'h. ..;. h,dfc S.nlt.rlam. of cr-molm. of .tomacbT placed May 14. -vantage in thla respect will be taken jMn.m .hipped to FlgardTllie, Oregon, for Panger Point buoy No. S was changed note of by all. SALES SATISFACTORY burial. Juue 26. Wong Wing Quong, aged SO, at from a secrmd-class ice to a aedbnd- steamer Mailer Uatsert, ot drowning, Interment cla" apar May IT. at Loo aVlr cemetery. The Edward Xolmta ITnaartaklnaT Oo. funeral dlreotors and embalm era, S80 Vance or from 6 to s cents on corn, win. all the active futures over 50 cents at shorts and scattered buying for one time la3t week. The rally ha3 satis- motion. Fundamental conditions are, fled some of tho largest of holders, however, the same. The hogs keep Armour has taken his profits and some coming, quality improving and the de of the Wall street bulla have sold out. mand is slow. Other holders have liquidated. The croD hns a late and poor start. There is a general agreement on tnat point. Nn one can tell the sort of weather Ahead, and there Is no possible way of estimating how much can be retrieved by favorable conditions. The last wool sale to be held In Oil- higher. After so severe a decline as we Ham county during the current year was Tamhlll. Phone 507. nave naa tne past rew aays, mere was conducted In Arlington on the 12th. naturally considerable covering of The Quotations ruling during the sales re-1 arcorrilnar to the Record have been sat isfactory, and bidding especially on the last day was lively, and higher prices prevailed on, that day than on any of J. P. P Inlay and Son. funeral directors and embalmers, have removed to their new aeiBDUsnmant, eeraer Third aad ataaison s Treats. aoia pnoaee it. t. NEW YORK STOCKS AMERICANS IN LONDON DESCBIPTION. : : ', ' & e the rt.v. ,l..rin- the one-ratinn nf the n. wxwgoxi wy OB . v. " , i . . . une, near aeuwooai moasrs, solentlflo. sales. One unusual feature of the aalea complete. Chargeav-Adultar $35; chll- was mat tne renaieion vYoo.en Mius area, alio, visitors to 0 V. m. Portland was not a oniaer ror stocks nor any or vrsmswon a.aaoeiasioa. aroruaaa, or. the larger Eastern wool men who usu- m ally attend the annual sales. The high- BITXB TZBW CBMBTSBT. Green Point beacon, a white hori- gontal wooden beacon composed of four boards nailed to a tree, was establlshe May 25, on the extreme end of Oree roint. as a guiae in tne cnannei over the flats to the southwsrd. .Minnie . ironnci nunv Nn. li waa changed from a second-class Ice to a flrst-class spar May 1$. Saginaw Channel Faust Rock buoy, a H. S. second-class can, heretofore reported out of position, was replaced May 2. Since June 5 the dredger Portland has been employed clearing out the channel to Inman Poulsen sc Co.'s mill, and It Is believed that the work will be cont est bid for stock was received for the ""a-le paves. I". m from let0(1 b thft flr,t of the montn crr clip of George McDonald, who resides I M'-0??- The only craetery in ,.... nf tlw, Pnp nf Vnrt,an on McCav Creek the miotatlon belnar f" waica prp.iuuj- BUUHUI --- 14 cents. Anaconda Mining Co. . Auial. Copper Co i.nvnnv. June 29. 2 D. m. Ana .i.. iir ax- itchlaon id. I Atcniaon, com ancea T ; prererrea, aavanceu i. oa- Am. Car A Found timore ot unio, aavancea iy, v.aimuian i ao preterreo .. Pacific, advanced ; Chicago & Alton, Am. sugar, com . 1 1 .... ., ir a. r. u I "'" ... ii., ivm ncnanKeu. ii.i;hk", auiwauace . i .... ruui, auvaouBu tx , uriiToi uc iwv ui chuti i h. av u.. com.... nreferred. advanced A : Erie, advanced do preferred . . firsts, advanced 'A: Illinois central. ?"i"u nchanged; Louisville & Nashville, ad- fmCa Alton com vanced : Mexican Central, advanced Chi. A Great West., com Uo,l,.n Vntlnnnl iinchanared: Mis-I (hi. Mil. Al St. I'sul T. i ,,Y,aT,g.A- M'hl. A Northwest., com. """' " .4""n,"'r I.'.:. K'11- Terminal Railway. lorn wenirai, uinni -h v.. w i . nesapeake a Ohio. . . . Western, advanced A ; Norfolk & West- Col. Kuel lb Iron, com ern. advanced ; i-ennay.vania, M r lr. first nreferred advanced ; Southern Pacific, advanced Delaware A Hudaon preferred, advanced ; Union Pa- Danrer kio u., com. . ifl,. ,j,,n Si - nreferred. unchantred: i.cu ,,.v. ' , w " Krie. com nltea Htates teei. aavanceu it , pre ferred, advanced ; Wabash, advanced Ml : preferred, advanced ; Consols, 92,, advanced . r- NEW YORK SUMMARY NEW YORK, June 29. Americans In London are very strong at a half to one per cent above parity. A new 20,000,000 steel company Is to be started In Utah There is a good probability that the Fuller Construction Company will re sume work this week. Saturday's bank statement was largely Influenced by Pennsylvania payment. Pennsylvania subscription has proved a complete suc cess, More time money offerings. The demand for anthracite continues large and supplies are small at all points Thirty-three roads for May show a net increase of 22.37 per cent. Forty one roads for the third week of June show a gross increase of 13.26 per cent. The banks lost to the sub treasury on Friday $143,000. No pressure Is expected for monev over the end of the half year. Winter wheat is now being harvested s far north as St. Louis. Twelve Indus trials have advanced .37 per cent; 20 active railroads have advanced .60 per cent. What Shall We Have for Dessert? This question arises in the family 1 trtrf day, Let us abswnr it to-day, Try B-waw Iff -sarsBSBK w- M XW M.--W r. , ,J ; a delicious and tealthful dessert. Pre , pared h two minutes. No boiling ! so f baking! add boiling water and set to eooL TFlavors:---Leniofl, Orange, Rasp- berry and Strawberry. Get a package : U your grocers torday. xo cts. " loose UnseatelleSj, 50 tb bexss, 6I43714 tb; Loudon layers. (1.75&2.00. jt x I'eanuts, ,W7c per ro ror raw, udtioe for, roasted: cocoanuts. 85890c per dox; wal nuts. 14tyil$15c per lb; pine nuts, 1012',4c per Tb; hlckorv nuts, 16c per lb; chestnuts. Eastern. 15(filc per Tb; Brazil uuta. 16c per It.; filberts. ISWluo per It); fancy pecans, 11 15a per lb; nluionda, 14(215c per Tb. Heat and Provision. FRESH MEATS Beef, prime. S'4c: cows, 6V4i 7c: real, 7Vjc; mutton, dressed, 0c; lambs, dressed, 7VjC. FRESH ME ATS--Front street Beef, prime, 8c, bulls, 445i; cows, Aif,iH7c; pork, Kif: 7Vjc; tchI, 7(K': mutton, dressed, S'sijOc; lambs, dreas'ed. 74(7Vjc. HAMS. BACON. CTC. Portland pack (local) harus. 10 to 14 lbs, ir.o; 14 to 16 Urn, 14c; breakfast bacoet, lO&lOn; picnics, 11c; cot tage, 111,''; malted sides. lb; smoked sldca. lSi-ic; dry Halted hocks. bacon backs, 12rc; butts, salted, uViic; smoked, loe EASTERN-PACKED HAMS I'nder 14 tbs, 154c; over 11 lbs. 14:lic; fancy, 15aic; pic nics, ll'Ac; shoulders, ll'i.c; dry salted sides, iinsmoked, 32V,c; brenkfast bacon, 10Mi18c; fancy. 20c; tmtts, lHi12v. LOCAL LAUD Kettle' leaf. 10a. 12M,c; 5s, 12c; 50-Ib tins. tc; steam rendered. 10s, llc; 6s. HVjc; 50s, 11c; compound!, tierces, 8c; tubs. 8 Vic. EASTHR LARO 'Kettle leaf, 10-Tb tins, 11 c 6h, 12o; 50-Ib tins. llc; "team rend ered 10. ll'Ac; 5s, llVic: 50s. 10c. AlKiTe packfug bouso prices are net caah, lo days. FISH Hock cod. 7c; flounders, 5c; halibut. 5Hc; ling cod. 7c: crabs, $U50 dog; razor clams, clams. 9c per doa; striped bass, I2c; aalmon. chiuook. He; summer ateelhends, 7c: soles, 8c; shrimps. Fuget Sound. 15c; catfish, 6c; shad, 3c; allrer smelt, 5c tb. .- LOCAt T CATTLE EASIER ' PORTLAND UNION STOCKYARDS, June 29. The receipts of livestock In the local yards today consisted of 200 hogs, 150 cattle and 400 sheep. The market on all stock Is easier and the fol lowing prices rule: CattleBest, $4.26; medium, t3.50 3.76. Hogs 6 8 He. Sheep 2 3o. Lambs 3c. WORLD'S SHIPMENTS NEW YORK, June 29. The World's shipments of grain last week were: Wheat, 10,357,000 bushels; corn, 5,140, 000 bushels. Tbe shipments today wore: Wheat, 4,640(000 bushels; a decrease of 074,000 bushels over the same period last year; corn. 16,836,000 bushels, an Increase of 1,714,000 bushels over the same period. do second preferred. , ao nrst preferred .... Illinois Centril Umlsrllle A Nashville. Metropolitan Tract. Co. Manhattan Elerated.... Mex. Central Railway., Mexican National Minn., St. P. A Ste. M. . do preferred ... Missouri Pacific . . Mo., Kan. Tex., do preferred . . . New York Central Norfolk A Western, com do preferred North American N. Y Ontario West. Pennsrlrania Railway.. People' Gaa, L. A C. Co Creased meei car, com. do preferred Reading, com do second preferred... do first preferred Rep. Iron A Steel, com. do preferred Rock Island, com... do preferred Southern Railway, com.. do preferred Southern Pacific St. L. A S. V., 2d pfd. . do Brat preferred St. Louie A S. W com. do preferred Texas A Pacific Tennessee Coal A Iron. Union Pacific, com do preferred 87 SIS V5 38 J 88 1K 44 81 85. 084 56 (4 124 26V4 18V 150 , 171 14 88 Vs 65 V " 28 58 174 28 82 33 56V 7ty l.WVi 111 122 !4 136 21 I 67 80 664 68, so 88H 88 Vs 122W 45 ii 02 87 s 84 67 i4 125 V 18V 152 171V, 14 38 4 65 18VS 28 58 175 20 87 55 5 81 86 03 66 Vi 123 88 66 68 86 88 88 1W PARIS SPOT MARKET 1SI 18 150 171 14 88 64 " 28 68 173 28 821 82 3l - 331b PARIS. June 29. Close. The spot wheat and flour market was quiet, with 44 quotations 10 centimes $Wwn and futures ug i unemmgeu. Spot and future flour Is 6 centimes lower than Saturday s close. The de cllne on spot wheat is equal to a half cent a bushel. The close at Antwerp was: Red winter wheat, 16.87; unchanged from Saturday's close. lock, city. W. U. Zaadd. president. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS 86 83 67 125 20 161 17a 65 18 28 58 173 28 83 V 57) 66 68 I 67 134 j 13.1V, 11!ll0 122 136 123 137 22 58 I 57 5T. 68 J.7H 111 123 36 137 21 22 30! 20 128 1 127 126 do pi j. a. it rather, com. . . . do preferred IT. 8. Steel Co., com. preferred . . Wheel A Lake Erie, com Wisconsin Central, com. do preferred Weatern Union Tel.... Wabaab, com do preferred 103 ii 48 127 64 88 86 25 125 88 48 68 83 14 74 23 M 2 73 17 38 28Tb 52 81 88 9 84 80 TB 21 42 83 i 105 22 DO 128 66 WW 86 26 126 V8 63 88 61 68 84R 84 72 25 88 DM 62 78 17 SB 28 63 83 88 W 81 80 21 21 42 84 57tb 1127 1(W104 22 22 48 49 12!l27k 64 65 89 88 85 I 86 25 26 1241 Oil 74 (11 24 25 44 45 88 62 8(1 48 68 83 14 74 38 71 24 87 49 62 73 I 17 38 28 52 80 KM 8 84 30 J0 20 20 42 8 24 441 88 031 87- 69 68 S3 7. 14te 74' ft 6ll 2 78 1 3 28 62k 82 88 9 85 81 SO 20 422 ; 24 oi CHICAGO CASH WHEAT CHICAGO, June 28. Noon session Cash wheat prices are: No. 2 red, 78c. No. 3 red, 75 77c. No. 2 hard winter, 78c. ; No. 3 hard winter, 74 ('750. No. 1 northern spring. 81c. No. 2 northern spring, 78c. No. 3 spring, 76 78c. PRIMARY RECEIPTS CHICAGO, June 29. The primary re ceipts of grain today were: Wheat, 495, 000 bushels against 636.000 bushels last year. Corn, 860,000 bushels against 310 000 bushels last year. Shipments were: Wheat, 159,000 bushels against 133,000 bushels last year. Corn, 537,000 bushels against 822,000 bushels last year. SHIPPING NEWS SAN FRANCISCO, June 29. The steamship Columbia arrived In this port this morning, also the lumber schooner Virginia from Portland. The training ship Albert arrived from San Diego. The United States squadron leaves Wednesday for the Aleutian Islands and wiir probably stop on Puget Sound for coal. Money, 8 per cent. Sales, 660,400. SATURDAY'S CASH CHICAGO. Juna 29. The local cash sales Saturday were 300,000 bushels of corn. The Seaboard reported one load of wheat and 62 loads of corn taken for export. Northwest cars a year ago: Minneapolis!, 457; Duluth, 38; Chicago, nn KEDUCXD BATES TO THE SEASXOKE. Go to Newport on, Yaqujna Bay an ideal beach. It Is becoming very pop ular with the Portland people. The low rata of 43,00 has been made by the Southern Pacific Company In connection with the Corvallls & Eastern Railroad for the Sunday round trip from' Port land, tickets good going Saturday, re turning Monday. A delightful ride through the beauti ful Willamette Valley, with privilege of going up one side of the Willamette River, returning the other. Ask-any .Southern Pacifier Com nan v or Corvallls & Eastern Railroad agent for a beautifully illustrated Booklet describ ing the seaside resorts at Taqulna. i : Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers!!! Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup Ass been naed for ever 6IXTV YKA1.3 by MIL LIONS of MOTHSKS for their CHILD EN while TEETHING, withHRFECT 8CCCBSS, It SOOTHES the CHILD. SOFTENS the GUMS, ALLAYS all PAJN j CCSErwlNO COUC and ts the bert remedy for DIAXRHCEA, Said by Drnggtsts Id every srt of the world. t Be sore lad ask for "Mra. 'WiaSlow's Soothing Syrup, ad take soother kiad. Twenty-arc eta. s bottla CHICAGO MARKET RANGE (Special Permission of Bolton, de huyter Co. t HK'AtiO. June 29. Tbe market ranged to on y aa unions: Open. Wheat- July $00.70 Sept 77 Corn July 49 Sept.... .4U Oata July 30 Sept ii3 Pork July.... 15.02 Sent,,,., 15,23 Lard July.... 8.15 Sept 8.25 ft lbs . July.... 8.60 Sept...-. 8.55 High. Low. Close. 400.80 400.78 400.79 . .78 - .77 .78 '.50 .48 .50 B .60 .40 .50B .80 .80 .39 .34 .33 .34 A 15.S0 13.02 13.80- 16,00 15,25 16.00 8.05 8.07 8.25 8.45 8.25 8.45 8.75 8.60 8.75A 8.30 - 8.63 8.80A SAN-FRANCISCO STOCKS SAN close : FRANCISCO, June 20.-11:30 a. m, Bid. Asked. 83 84 - TOTAL GRAIN VISIBLE CHICAGO, June 29. The total visi ble of grain Is: Wheat, 17,459,000 bushels against IS, 760,000 bushels last year. Corn, 5,967, 000 bushels against 5.687,000 bushela last year. Oats, 4,656,000 bushels against 1,565,000 bushels last year. GRAIN CLEARANCES r : NEW YOKMf June 29. The clearances today were: Wheat, 114,000 bushels. Flour, 10,000 bushels. Corn, 100,000 bushels. Oats, 19,000 bushels. Wheat and flour, 162,000 buHhels. VISIBLE SUPPLY. CHICAGO, June 29. The visible sup ply ahowsi Wheat, decrease of 1,001,000 bushels. Corn, Increase of 657,000 bush els. Oats, Increase of 378,000 bushels. Spring Valley S. F. Gas A Electric (Uniit Powder Vigorlt , Hsua Haw llonoksa Hutchison 12 .......... OOi 57 73 40 Alaska 52 California Wine. 90 60 74 6 2 42 .11 53 100 CHICAGO GRAIN CARS Wheat Corn . Oat . , Today . . 24 ..021 Lat Week 1 02- 1002 25 800 am NEW YORK COTTON (Special Permission of Bolton, de Rnyter A On.l NEW YORK, June 28. The cotton market ranged today as follows: open. High. Jan 4 8.01 g OM June 13.06 13.06 July 13.00 18.06 Aug 12.8 12.94 S1 7.1 1.80 : 1 1 .- Oct..... 10.44 10.45 Nor 8.88 10.03 Dec... JIM 8.07 Low. f 9.78 12.82 12.95 12.81 11.87 Close.' 4 0.8or.ii 12.9SU99 12.84 gs5 II.TO&iTi iq.30 10.81(bj32 9.90 8.89 90 4.83 fi.9384 PARIS GRAIN PARIS, June 29. The wheat market is quiet with quotations unchanged. Flour is quiot with quotations from 16 to 55 centimes lower. LIVERPOOL COTTON" DOWN LIVERPOOL, June 20. Close The cotton market Is down 11 points on near and from Beven to nine points on late months, " and cares fog lots, ror full Information mission has prepared a report in which apply to W. M. afschensle, Worcester I Is stated that thee dredger has removed during the month about is.oto vards of material, consisting principally of gavol and sand. Including 4850 worth of re pairs the cost of operating the mud lifter was 13,883. During the same period the dredger Columbia liai been at work on Slaugh ter's Bar and near St. Johns. She has removed during the month 160,000 cubic yards of material, consisting of clay and sand at Slaughter's Bar ar.d sand at St Johns. The cost for hor operation amounted to 46,002. 750 100 675 F. W. Reran and wife to H. W. TTi, outn u, kit li. block 24. Multnomah.. .1 M, and W. L. Bucker to R. J. Gardiner et al.. Iota 6 to 9, 32. 33. block 11. Northern Hill Add . 1,800 J. and K. Vanduyn to John Roth, 2f acre, section 16. townsblp 1 south. range 2 east, except a small parcel.. 2,600 Max J. Itrandateln and wife to II. E. Nobletruatee, lota 8 and 11. block 11, ParlT Add . . Sheriff (for V. A. Cook et al.) to II. E. Noble, trustee, lot 8 to 11, block 11, I'rk Add . Title Guarantee A Trust Company to Cbarlea II. Kept, lot 4, block 4 Holla day Prk Adaf , N. M. Dri nd wife tb X. J. Baker. lot 18, block 42, AlhJn 1,000 Portland Truat Company to 8. P. . New, lot 21. block 6, Williams Arenue Add. 410 E. P. and M. Q. Northrup ta C. Btrcher lots 23, 24. block 15. Willamette 225 A. and L. Flos to M. E. Reed, parcel land section 26, townsblp 1 north, range 4 E 1,646 J. and K. Staaek to Q. R. Rlcsland. lot 8 and 10. block 1. KInxel Park 2O0 11. W. Vleta to Mrs. K. M. Kate, lot 14, block 12, Mt. Tabor Villa Annex.. 1 B. C. and J. A. Larson to J. Adler, north 60 feet lot 8 and 4. block 2. Trontdale i 3.000 Julius Adler to Henrr Welnhard north 60 feet let H and 4. block 2. Trontdale. 3.000 A. and M. E. Rulrgy to Elrlra Cook, west iota o ana o, oiocg 287. nawtnorne Park 4.500 H. and E. Boyson to A. Voa Bergen, lot 4. block 4. Prk View 1.150 Alice nara ana nnanana to A. i. Lan caster, lot 6 and 6. block 8. Howltt. Dor W. Sarage and husband to Wm. Holies, undivided lota 1, 2. 7, and 8. Riverside Homestead Annex Wm. Bolle et al. to E. B. Savage, lota a. . o, Dioca a, itiveraiae uouioatead Annex Alice V. Tlchener to J. V. Burke, lot 7, block 22. also 200x20 feet block 22, Wheeler's Add .? M. L. Robblna and wife to Victor Land Company, north lot 6. all lota 7 and 8. block 38. Carter'a Add Bunnyslde Land A Improvement Co to Martin Gray and wife, lot 1, south lot 2. block 38, Snnnyslde A. Hansen to Albertha L. Diaman. all soum 4fa lot o. uiock hz. Aiuitnoraan Norman L. Smith and wife to Geo, GREATSEWER WILL 5oDN BE FINISHED Three Gangs Are Now Work ing on the Immense Cook Avenue Improvement, 100 The great Cook-avenue sewer, which Is to be the principal drainage outlet for the East Side, will be completed within 90 days, according to City En gineer Elliott. Work on the Improve ment is moving along rapidly and Is being. carried on at three different points simultaneously by as many crews. Last week the City Engineer and a party of officials made' an inspection of the sewer and expressed themselves as highly pleased at the, progress made. Aa If .Ir nnn nf the mAsi ' tmnortflnr 1 1 pieces of Svork of te kind,' Byer under taken in roniina wnore twin me usual Interest attaches to this improvement. An Idea pf the size , and magnitude of the sewer can be gleaned ' from tho fact that it Is large enough, to drive through with a horse and buggy. It 637 Is said to offer unexcelled drainage facnities. ; . I All 1.1II..C1ICIC BIIIUUIIV ll ' VLUCI DOnCI " snndav li .r in tarnhin i ale and street worK iaaiso under war sooth, range 3 aaat 200 I at the present time ann the new Cook- 1,400 Laura M. flammsna and hiwband to Geo. llndn, lot 8, block 8, Lincoln Park Hiram J. Campbell to Melton Ilnaford. at al, southeast northwest and west northwest cectlon 17; lot 1 and 2. section 18, townahlp 1 south, range 2 rVst Lewi Rusell and wife to G. G. Gammon. lot 11, block 6; lot 14, block 8; lot 2, block 11; lots 10 aud 11, block 15, Lincoln Park 185 avenue drainage system will necessitate a large number1 of new connections and branch lines. .. LOW BATES TO THE EAST. r 600 O. X. fe f. Annouaoes X.ow Figure With I.ong Time limit and Stop-over. Those who expect to go East this sum mer will be interested in the very low f5S.if tePir Byroad 4" N;vlgation "c5c 'BS roiiowing figures covering the round trip from Portland; Chicago, 71.49i rOB OTABAirTEE TZTXiES. Paciflo Coast Abstract. Guaranti Trust Co., 204-6-6-7 Failing Building. Get your title insurance and abstracts St. Louis, 467.50; Peoria, $68.26; Cairo i.eRl .es,at the 'x ,le Guarantee (IU.), $72.16; Memphis (Tenn.), $78.60; A' UB VVt w 41'1A Ur' h va VVUl SAi V A BUILDING PERMITS LIVERPOOL IS LOWER LIVERPOOL, June 29. Oose Wheat, July, lower; September, lower. Corn July, V4 lower; September lower. - - -CASTOR I A' For Infants and CMldrei. The Kind You Have Always Bought HUgnatoreiDf To E. B. Holme, construct two-storr dwell ing on Alberta between Williams and Cleve land, costing $1,300. To Jaeger Mro.. erect two 2-storr dwclllnara on Multnomah between East Nineteenth aud East Twenty-first, coating $5,000. To HI, E, Billing, construct one-atory dwell ing at East Sixth and Oxford street. rvisH na il, 000. To 13. v. Hodges, repair two-storr cottage at Union avenue and East Davis, costing 4800. To Jennie E. Hubbard.- erect two-storv dwell ing at Van Houten and Dartmouth streets, cost- as 1,.1W. To G. Lerhtenmuira construct one-atorv store, 40,000. JHORTHWEST WEATHER CHICAGO, June 29. The weather: Chicago, part cloudy but pleasant; Min- eapons, rain lor 72 hours, this morn ing cloudy; Kansas City, clear and pleas ant; St. Louis, cloudy and warm; Des Moines, part cloudy and' warm, but no rain yet; Omaha clear and flne; Duluth cloudy and warm. . ia.v..i'iau awaiii.i wIM.UVa New Orleans, 486.35; Kansas City, St. Joseph. Atchison, Leavenworth, Omaha. Council Bluffs. Sioux City, St. Paul. Minneapolis, all $60. Dates of Sale: June 4, 6, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30; July 16. 16: August 26. 26. Limit: Golnar. ten days from date of sale: return, nlnetv irom uaie ot sale, aiop-over priv ileges will be allowed within limit in either direction west of Missouri River or St. Paul. For particulars ask at O. R. & N. ticket office. Third and Wash ington streets. Portland. aj aj ..".I-' Henry Weinhard Proprietor of Tho lu k SAN FRANCISCO GRAIN SAN FRANCISCO, June 29.-11:30 ai m., close December wheat, $1.84. De cember barley, 91 c bid; 91 o asked. " 1 1 ' " aa i' i ii Journal 'fidends and readers when traveling on trains to and from Port land should ask news agents for Tho Journal and Insist Upon being supplied with this paper, reporting all failures In obtaining it to the office of publication; addressing The1 Journal, Portland. Ore. Ctoinff to St. XoulsT ' ' " If so. learn about the near touMsf serv ice Inaugurated by the O. R. fc N.. via Denver and Kansas City. City ticket of aca Third and Washington. ; , City Brewery S Largest and Most Complete Brewery in the Northwest i , BOTTLED BEER A SPECIALTY Telephone No. OFFICE : (l3th rnside Streets; t 'OBTX.A1TO, OB. r.W.DALTES&CO. Printers Second and Oak Streets 0TH PHONES v J - r