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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1903)
-1 . -?- TIIE Pit EG ON DAILY 1 JO U IlN AL, POItTL AN P, ' S ATUKD AY VJOTN G , JUNE 27, 1 003 f We NEXT "HOT ' lplj -f -r.v.' V ... -rr , '"'f&r.'il I It Will Make You Wish You Had Bought Your 'amWWT GAS RANGE " 4 &f COMPANY www'iiiMiii'iiiriiwMiiiiawMWi i It I j-u i r mi i 'X 3 f I il I i I II f II Be wise in time please your wife get her a GAS RANGE. It will make her life easier. Her friends are using one and they have plenty of time to themselves. You probably have noticed that they always look fresh and pleasant They don't spend half their time over a wood fire. A GAS RANGE NOT ONLY SAVES MONEY; BUT TEMPER AND THE DIGESTION. Don't stop to consider the matter; let us have your order now, and have the range put in your kitchen be fore the weather gets too hot. IF YOU ARE RIGHT QUICK with your order, we will be as prompt as possible to do the work. If you cannot afford to pay the cash, take advantage of our plan of paying monthly with the gas bill. i l ijgf PORTLAND GA CO M ID ANY fad f Fifth and Yamhill Streets. .'--ssiaspi i i "tV ' "V '. ill . ; ) tX it J .... Harness Goods of all kinds. Hundreds ' - of styles to select from. Call and see our ; stock and prices.before buying. SECOND AND TAYLOR STS., Portland, Or. 0 1 A CURES PILES OR $50 PAID 1 ii CONTAINS NO MERCURY, NO OPIATES Worst cases cured with one box of E-ru-sa " TOR BAIiE BT SEZ.XABZ.E, TTr-TO- Woodard, Clarku A- Co., 4th and Wash. Lauo-DaviH Co.! Third and Yamhill. A. Berni, Spcond and WashlnKtoh. Eysspll'a Pharmary. 227 MorriHOn. v. J8. I-qve, Hurnsidf! and Grand. R. A. "V'llon, 13: Ornnd avo. H. A. ViotH. 431 k Washington. Oradcn & Korhler. 241 First. Marku JDrufc Co., ISth and Gllsan. Cotteil Drug Co., First and Grant. Simmons & Heppner, Kusaoll and Mi.l liSfllppt. .- Brooks Dnii? Co., CI BATE BK.UOOISTS 6H1T, TIS.t Skidmore D"rug Co.. Third street. J. A. Clprnenson, Second and Yamhill. A. W. Allen, 16th and Marshall. Dr. O. P. S. Plummer. 3d and Madison. Model Drug Store. 95 Grand ave. Howe & Martin. Sixth and Washington. B. F. Jones & Co.. Front and Glbbs. Polton & Roth. 280 Russell. J. M. Rleen. 315 First. Jnnckc Drug: Co., Grand and Hawthorne. R. A. Preston & Co.. 23d and Savier. F. Byerlcy. 4000 Jefferson street Third street. C. GEE WO THE OREAT CHINESE DOCTOR 'la called great be cause his wonderful cures are so well known throughout the United States, and because so many people- are thankful to him for saving their lives from OPERATIONS He treats any and all diseases with powerful Chinese herbs, roots, buaa, barks and vegetables that ar entirely un known to medical science. n this coun- . w w a nf f nam nArtn the action of over 800 dl?"'' r."2?d.1" that he has successfully usd In n diseases. He guarantees to cure catarrh, asthma, lung troubles, rheumatism, net-, yousnes.. stimach. liver, kidneys. femaJ. trouble and all private diseases. Hun ,ir.rt. of tustimonlals. Charges moderate, Call and see htm. nnniTT.TlTTOa I1BI. Patients out of the city write for blank and circular. Inclose stamp. Address THE C. GEE WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO. 263 Alder street, Portland. Or. Men tion this paper. BRYAN TALKS ABOUT CLEVELAND'S STAND Has Little Faith In the ex-PresldenVs Democracy and Tells of His Reason for So Believing- A Chat with the Orator. FAMILY ROOMS GENTLEMEN'S RESORT LOUIS DAMMASCH COODNOUCH BUILDING, 168-170 rIKTH STREET. Opposite Postoffice BEVERSP O SPICEV o 0FFEE,TEA DAKING POWDER, FLAVORING EXTRACTS AMurtPuriry, FlntslFIivor. Ortaresf SfrenhawAobkfricci CLOSSETaDEVERS PORTLAND, OREGON. Cold 'Lunches - - - Schlitz Beer on Draught j I Drink the Old and Renowned Gambrinus Lager Beer - v Send orders for Bottled Beer to OFFICE. 793 WAS.IKI'JTON STREET TIephoneJiQMaiisi49- -Both Phones OLD EAST PORTLAND 1 FENCE & WIRE WORKS Phone Wait fl A. Oalsea, Frop, Manufacturer of WOOD, IRON AND STEEL FENCING lad the Universal Oombltloa Fence Keof Cresting, Window Guards, ZTBBTTKQId XV WZXB. . (Journal Special Service.) LINCOLN, Neb., June 27. To those who are watching closely the outlook for the next Presidential campaign, the position of Mr. Bryan excites constant comment. Will the Nebraskan bolt or will he sulk In his tent if the re organizes gain control of the next national convention? These are perti nent quest ions bearing directly upon his course of conduct in that contln gency, his utterances, both In his news paper and his conversation, Indicate very clearly that unless the nominees and the platform are to his liking he will not raise his voice In their behalf. But will he take the stump against them or will he accept the nomination that the Populists stand ready to give him? Nebraska Democrats are discussing the question with some interest, but they have been unable to get any statement from Mr. Bryan other than that it is Idle to discuss what ought to be done in an emergency that is unlikely to arise. Mr. Bryan has no record as a bolter of party platforms or nominees, but in 1893, when he was engaged in a hand-to-hand conflict with the Gold Demo crats of Nebraska, he declared in the convention that if the Democratic party sanctioned what the gold men then in eontrul sought to do' he would 1so out from the party even though he went alone. He was not called upon to "make good" at that time, because the gold men fell flat In their campaign and the reins of leadership fell into Bryan's hands. "Who will be the nominee, in your WE CURE MEN J ti L. TALOOTT, M. D. 'contracted disorders. Every eonrrtcted 41mim Is .tt.nd.4 bj (tt dangers that nothing 1ms than a thorough and abMlate cure caa remoT. To take arcs the allghteat ehanc la aoch case la to Inrlt. life long mlMry. Men do not reallae Ufa. aa they Mionld. A partial care Is fol lowed by s chronle stag, with all Its horror., the aama .. though the dla- had not been treated at all. We poaltlTely wlR not dlamlaa a patient until aTerr poaalbillty of relapse is re moT4. By onr syatem of treatment every patient 1a soondly , eared, -and made, ai free ..from ril. 4atat aa be traa bafora the ailment was contracted. DR. TALCOTT CO., 159V, Alder BU opinion. If the reorganlzcrs win out?" he was asked. "Well. If the reorganize! s gain control of the party, why should not Mr. Cleve land be the nominee? If the party has made a mistake in taking the people's side and casting Mr. Cleveland aside, why should it nut take him up again. If it should decide to cast the people aside? It can not be doubted that the leaders of the reorganize would prefer Mr. Cleveland as a nominee, and it must be admitted that he is the log ical candidate; and yet. if through time, it shall be demonstrated that It is not good policy to urge Mr. Cleveland's can didacy it may be depended upon that the candidate agreed upon by the re organizers will represent the same in fluence and the same policies that domi nated Mr. Cleveland s second adminis tration. Kls Democracy. "It is hardly necessary to engage in a discussion as to the claims of this man upon a Democratic nomination-. Democrats might be quite willing to forget that after very nearly wrecking the Democratic party In his second ad ministration Mr. Cleveland deserted that party In 1896 and In 1900 gave what ever power and influence he possessed to the Republican partjr, but it will be a bit more difficult for them to forget Mr. Cleveland's un-Democratic Wall street record In the White House dur ing his second term. If the reorganizes gain control of the party they can not be trusted to. bring about a single reform that the people need. They had their chance under Mr. Cleveland's "administration, and they not only failed to accomplish anything or,the benefit of the country. but they divided the party and carried into the Republican party all that they could control. "The reorganizes are not willing to harmonize. They have never made.,A proposition looking toward harmony. They are as Insolent today as they were In 1896 and they not only demand what they demanded then, but more, too. Then they only asked that we favor International bimetallsm in pref erence to independent bimetallsm. Now they demand that we accept the gold standard as final and allow the finan ciers to carry out their scheme for as set currency,, a branch bank and a re deemable silver dollar. . - - They Demand Platform. "Then they would have bden con tent with the platform; now they de mand the platform, the candidates and the party organization, and. In addition to that, they insist that we must drive away the allies that came to us when they left, although they are unable to bring back those who have become fully identified with the Republican , party and who have shown by so doing that their real objection to the Democratic party was because it would not become an ally of plutocracy. , "The Democratic party can not change its principles to suit the purposes of these reorganizes unless ' it becomes so Similar to the Republican party so far as the patrlotlo voter is concerned, that there will be small choice between me iwu urgnniiaimnB Preferred Stock Canned Goods. Allen Lewis', Best Brand," a m m. The Kind Ton Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signatnro of ' - and has been made under his per T sonal supervision since its infancy. '"CCCCAMi't Allow no An a tn d amIva von In till. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with And endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against. Experiment What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare gorlc, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotlo substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind - Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE C ASTO R A ALWAYS Sears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. ' we etNTMia coMMum, rt atasiuT amirr. New toss en. i FALL FROM THE CLOUDS 1 Kalr-Balslsf Feat tp Be Perforated To morrow by Professor Mars from a Balloon. To mount 3,000 feet into the air and then start downward, with th head pointing toward the earth far below that is the halr-raisine feat that will be performed by a slender, blue-eyed, young man at Fulton tomorrow afternoon. Thft young man is Professor Mars. Since he was 14 years old he has been doing strange stunts at lofty altitudes and he has made the air his own do main by right of conquest. The In dians' Social Club will give a picnic to morrow at Rohse's Park, Fulton, and the amusement committee has engaged Professor Mars -to furnish tho main feature of the occasion. - ' Mars has -more .fun dangling by his toe tronT"ir;trapia(ssitached(t para chute a mile or more toward the sky than heuha on the street. He is the only performer of this class .who makes the sensational dive, head first from a balloon with his feet caught In the parachute. Added to this, he makes a clever exhibition of trapese work while ascending to his lofty destination and while coming down. Mara ; has given 'this' Exhibition all over the country and has received hearty praise for his skill and daring. ' 'There will be a band concert and a grand ball In the evening. - t BEDUOED BATES TO PBASKOBB. Go to Newport on Taquina Bay an Ideal 'beach. It Is becoming very pop ular with the Portland people. The low , rata of 3.00 has been made by the Southern Pacific Company In connection with the Corvallls & Eastern Rail road for the Sunday round trip from Port land, tickets good going Saturday, re turning Monday. K delightfuL ride through he' beauti ful Willamette Valley, with privilege of going up onfi side of the Willamette River." retuxnTfia ' the otTif f. Ask any Southern Pacific CompAny or Corvollfs & Eastern Railroad agent Mr : a beautifully illustrated Booklet dscrll) Ing toe ceasldo resorts at aVJl . s i 7 A.