TIIE OltEGON DAILY JOURNAL, , rORTLASTD, , SATURDAY EVE!$mG, JUKE 27. 1903 10 X 1 BRITISH .REVERSES Z "f . Journal. Bpactal. Sarvlca,) ' . fAJRls;.Juin 2J.A. dispatch thl .. morning 4 f rom ' 8ornalllan4 announce ' A norkiua VrltlBh, revera In Welt Africa. ' The London war ofllo ha ao far .been 7 Unble to. confirm th report; , "; v r 1 j ,' , as. I,, t , V If you hara a trio Baat In vlw thta d lummer, writs or call on A.'D. pharl- ion, aasiniani. cinrimi urnir wgem , of th - Northern Paclno, 2 -Morrison atroet. corner of Third, and ha wilt b , pleaaaid'to five you full details In oon- . iwouon wim lower excursion ptiea mat will ba placed In effect by thla company ' In .Tune. .Tulv snd Anniot. Tee1 Oregon Daily Journal MALI HELP WANTED. . C. lCTlAielE!i A CO.. EMPLOYMENT AGT8. - ' . 28 North Second it.' : Office In Ban Franelsce and Lo Angelas, Cat.; Ogden and Spokane. .. ' Halp fre to employers, free baggage room 4 registration. Work secured for .applicants ,K cusrge. i . ESTABLISHED 178, ,. REAJXRTAUTEIlSFOR URN FOR B. It. '.'AND OTHER OUTSIDE WORK. DAILY v..., BHirMK.VJR TO NEVADA for UM M( H. I'. R. R. tunnels: NORTH on tba new B. K. , , Work In Wsshlngton: EAST on eoujpany and ..Contract work: SOUTH la Oregon, and many tber jjolote. FREE fABE oo all R. R. Oi R.' HANSEN A TO. 38. North M St WANTED! IS HANDY. MSN with plain toola. to put ap eommoa frame sbeds aud outhouse. $3 day, board $4 a iwk; quite a loaa Job; fre far) Boat any common -sen.ed able-bodied man , with aome tapis ran do tbla. - ( Tbrae stonemasons, country, $5 a day; ear builders, la day bridge carpenters, 88 a osy; rre rare. u. H. oiea, an over, tree rare. ' tlmne fallere. ton waste; buck ar. $2.50) naraers, sad nnara. Many oiaer. C. K. HANSEN CO. 39 North td St. 4 A.N aud Imb, M.00. . t millwrights, t. 00. S huckers. $2.75. 1 knee-bolter, 4 fee. ,1 Jaonldlng machine man, $3.00. 10 bridge carpenters, $8.00. Pass., Rough esrpeaters, .' $3.00. ' Pane. fsrpentnr' helpers. $2. Eest. Pass. . All kluda of employment Branch office Pioneer Employment. Third end Couch. 815 Morrleon. Phone, flay 1HX WANTED 1 we (ood esddlemakers: blgheat wafae paid, fur fnrtbrr partleulara apply to the Calgary Saddle Company, Calgary, Albrta. Canada. . WANTBD Two flret-tlaae aolidtore at oneej . amak be able to get results. Ceil ea tted Johnatrn. S0 Yamhill at. tOiT AITO T0VWD. fto REWAUD Kor return or Information of blark rockerananlel (male) bat or itolen Naroh 12. (IHft Kearney. Phone, Front OOfl. TOE BALE DO 0B, FOR RA1.K Thorongbbred Kngllah IVilnter doga; age. H nioiitha. 002 Eaat Sixteenth at Phniie. Soott mil. MEW TODAY. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE Owe 70 100-foot lot. small bouae, city water, nicely fenced with poultry netting seven feet high; nice place tor poultry. B. IV McAfferty,. owner, general delivery. Sttlo-Dd you wsnt to buy Ave acres, flns Iocs- tlpn. near city! Houae. some fruit trees, , Apply V7 Esst Ninth st, North, or phons Inloo 1008. OFFICE ROOM TO REBT. OFFICE BOOM In Allaky Building; low rent. Apply room 328. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 611 H GLI8AN. newly furnished housekeep ing rooms, with uae of bath snd parlor. Telephone, Front 8878. FARMS FOR SALE. 150 ACRES of land. Yew acres cleared; 'living 1 water, email bouae; 12 mllje from Forest Grove; will be aold - very cheap. Whalley, Henaon BMg.. Fifth- S;id Morrlaon ate. FURNISHED ROOMS, LOGAN BUILDING. 108H Union avs. Elegant rooms for bonsCkeepIng or transient Xurnlahed or uarurntsnea; ratea reasonanis. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. WK BUILD HOl'SR on eaav monthly nsyments ! Jnat what you want; see our plana, they are not expensive, nii commercial oing. FOR SALE. SAWMILL, kx-sled In Aurora. Or.: capacity S.ooo feet per- day: nearly new and in good - condition; euglne, planer, saws snd sll ap- pllancea; 2.o). u. a. inmirii, uregon city, PIANO end hotiaehold aooda cheap (Trnom bonne; $H. M Kast SI KLONDIKERS ARRIVE , . ."(Journal Special Service.) 8SATTI.K, Juno 27. The Blsek Ball liner iJolphin arrived from Skagway .yeeterday with 73 Kfondlkers. who brought out a total of nbout $100,000 In gold dust, besides $30,000 of the yellow metal in charge of the purser consigned to tho local United States assay office. The. largept "pokes" were In the vpoB8ehslon of P. J. Baldwin, P. Ander son. H. F. Smith, A. H. LnviB, John Schuller and II. M. Smith. Other paBsc-ngers who came out on the Dolphin were William Long 't tl'e Northern Commercial Company, Dr. Treholti, who with his wife made his trip up the Yukon all the way from JSagle, and Capt. it. Oreer.' TO OANEMAK PASX. Take your Sunday outing overlooking yyuiamette fans, xne narK naa been provided with all the facilities for the picnicker and pleasure-aeeker. Motor cars, witn douDie-trucic, open trailers, leave fvery 30 minutes from First and Alder streets. Tickets Interchangeable witn tne Doat ttne. Kouna trip it cents. miipic nn rprresnmenTs on ina ground SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCt'IT COURT of tbe State of Oregon, tor tun t ouuty ot Multuomah. Min nie Hnluior, plaintiff, va, George Balmer, de fendant. To George Balmer, tbe above named defendant: Iu the name of the State of Oregou, you are hereby required to appear and answer tbe complaint Sled egalnat you In the above-entitled action and court, on or before alx weeks after the Brat publica tion of thla summons, te-wlt: on or before tbe 13th day of July, 11X18. and If roe fall to appear or a miner within said time, the -'-laiKttft' win apply- t the court for the re lief prayed for In said complaint. to-WIt: that ahe may be divorced from aald defendant ar.d that the marriage between beraelf and you. the atilrt defendant, be dlaaolved. Tbla semmona Is published pursuant to an order made and entered by the Honorable John B, Cleland, Judge of the above-entitled court, on the 2lth day of May, 1008. and tbe date .. of tbe Bret publication of this summons la May 30, 1003. and the date of tba laat publication Is July 11. 190.1. . ... ... J. L. TAUGHER. Attorney for Plaintiff. Room IS, Alnsworth Bldg. ' ' ANNUAL MEETING, THE ANNUAL MKETIXU of the stockholders of the Prlnevlllp Land A Livestock Company fw111 be held at the company's office. 64 Front! street, Portland. Oregon, on July 13, 1908, at j 4 n. m. on aald dar. for the nurnoae of I ' electing a board of directors for the enantng voir a '1 trananrtlng etich other bualnees sa may pr.pcrly come before the meeting. LEO F1UEDE. Prealdcnt. Portland, Or-on, June 27, 1903. NOTICE TO CREDITORS, Notice Is hereby given thst the undersigned has been appointed executor of the estate of C. A. Brown, deceased. All persons having claims against ssld estate ar hereby esquired to present the same, duly verified, and with proper ronrhers. to the undersigned st the office of the United Stste Marshal. In the postofflce bullding,i city, within the next alx months. Dated at Portland, Oregon. Mav 15. 190S. - P. A. WORTHINGTON." ' Executor, LEGAL NOTICE, SPECIAL ' NOTICE TO PLUMBERS. ATI ' plumbers, working st the plumbing business In the City of Portland must on or before Jnly 1, register his name and address with Inspector of- PlnmWug r atr the City : Hall, as required hr law. --w BOARD OF EXAMINERS OP PLUMBERS. v GEO. H. WILLIAMS, Chairman. Portland, Oregon, June id, liHi , , i , - WAWTID. WASTtO Wlddleagtd woman wUhre BoslUoa aa nouaasaauer lu wiaowar e lauiur or in rooming or boarding boas. W, care Journal. UTUAIIOJf WAMTED. ELDRHLY eiperlencsd gardoer wants work oa . private place;, no aoraea; city or eouotry Address Box B. .care Journal. . EIKOTAX, DK. FRANK B, FERRIS, DR. OEBTRUDi - m. Laainereoa, Destists, resaseM te Jaaeleay '- elds'., aita Door, i . , ATTOIWETI. EMMONS A EMMONS, sttorsee st Uf, Me orcaaTOT eiog a. B. RIOOEN, attorary sod Ooaneeltorat mw; noiary. auow APingioo piog. . PAXXON. BEACH' SIMON . B10 Chamber ef Ceanaieree. I. T XAU0HER noom la, AinawertB peiimng. B. B, DICKINSON, Atteraer-at-Law and Be- tary reoue. . oos coaimercMi eia. BATHS. MATCRALi Rnaalaa hat-air baths Zle end OOe; oeoa daily, except Monday ana Turadar. 11 a. m. to 11 p. m. 81 Eaat Twenty -tighlk St., cor. Everett rbone. Scott 2241. lODOXXt H0VSIS. TH COSMOS Feorth end Merrtsoa. faralabed Beoeeseepins an i tea, suite ssa aiDgi reosM a pr vtii ana ap. THE CABTLE 27 Waablgtoe eti rooms tut aeiiemea; iraaaiaat Xai. aeuta Tl. HOTELS. WELL VENTILATED single rooms. Ifte, Sue ana o s signc; seaa, loe. aae ajTereci Hoeee. eor Sacosd sad Deals. BAR0IE0 AJrO IZSJtTERIMO. OBEOON , ROUNO LUMBER CU., 1U aine ai. i-son orant 1171. BAM70, KAVDOLIaT AJTD OTTtTAR. INSTRUCTION slabs ter adrancvd pepllet In- airoDienia lor aale. Hal weoocr, atudle 171 Weat fark. cor. YamhllL Phone Sooth 3KN1. CAxrtvrza. J. F. LI'CY. aaeceeeer te Oerdoa Mfg. Ce., carpenter, ouiiarr, geoerei eosiraccsr, aooaa remodeling, alterstlona, etc.; cabinet work and Jobbing a apeclalty; counter ehelvlag, ice boiee, ete.j etore and ofllce fixturee; up-to-date and original carpenter work of all klnde; nothing toe large or too email for our Immediate attention; ne Slee oa ua; wa make and pit ap the beat B.v eereeoe In Portland. Shop, foot of Yamhill st; phone, Blark 2807; residence. TT Esat Stark; reilderee phone. White 712. CAFES. YATES' PLACE. 26 Weablngtoa at. Hume S. Main T7I. J. W. Talnntt, prop. Portland. Or. CITY NOTICES. 00MPLETI0M AND ACCEPTANCE OF IM PROVEMEBT OP EAST THIRTEENTH STREET. Notice la hereby given that William Elliott, City Engineer, bae Died In tbe office Of tbe underelgned notice that Becnlll Uroa. contractors for tbe Improvement of Eaat Thirteenth atreet, nnder tbe provlalons of ordinance No. 13.279, have completed aald atreet. from tbe renter line of East Taylor atreet to tba center line of East Msdiaou stre. Ssld acceptance will be considered by tbe Kxecutfve Board at 4 o clock on the 3d da of Julr. 1003. and ehlectlons to the accrotanre of aald atreet, or any part thereof, mey be niea in toe omce oi me undersigned st sny lime prior wereio. THE EXBOl'TIVE BOARD. By TH08. C. DEVLIN, Auditor o'f tbe City of Portland. Portland, Oregon. June 27, 1908. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OP 8EWZR IN FRONT STREET. Notice Is hereby given that William C. Elliott City Engineer, baa flled In tbe office of tne undersigned notice that jsconeen Hade com pany. contractors for the conatrnrtlon of sewer In Front atreet from 280 feet north ni Bancroft avenue to the sewer In Bancroft avenue ander tbe provlalons of ordinance No, 13.8MI. hsve completed aald aewer. Said acceptance will be condered by the Executive Hoard si 4 or iocs on toe oa any of July, 1003, and objections to lhe acceptance thereof may ne Bled in tse omce or tne under aiguen at (any lime nnnr increio. TIIE EXECUTIVE BOARD. By THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City ot Portland. June ST, 1008. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OP SEWER IM EAST SECOND STREET. Notice Is hereby given thst William C. Elliott. City Engineer, has Bled In tbe office of the undersigned notice thst Jscobaen Bade Company, contractor! for the construction of a aewer In Eaat Necond atreet. from 12 feet south of tbe north line of Broadway to the sewer In Schuyler atreet under tbe provisions of ordinance No. 13.310. hsve completed jalo sewer. Ssld scceptance will be eunsldcred by the Executive Board st 4 o'clock on tar 8d dsr of July, 13, snd nbjerllous to tbe Sccptance thereof may be men in tne omce oi uae under aigncd at any time prior thereto. Tith) tira rnve Aiti. By THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland. June 27. 1008. PROPOSALS. BIDS INVITED for supplies for tbe Oregon Stste penitentiary auring ins period end lug December 31. 1903. . Seeled bids for dry goods, groceries, shoes, leather and flndlnga, plumbing aupplles, bard ware, flour, oats snd mill feed, fish, meats, etc., will be received st the office of the Superintendent of the State Penitentiary uu til Thursday, July ft, 1903, at 8 o'clock p. m., at which time they will be opened. A deposit of $200.00 la rash or certified check psysbls to . the Superintendent muat accompany eacb bid for meat and of $75 for bids for flour snd Bab, all other bids muat be scocmpsnled by an amount equal to lo per cent of the amount of tbe, bid. The right la reserved to reject any snd all bids snd to accept or reject any portion ef a bid. , On each envelope should be Inscribed the nature of the bid. Goods ot Oregon manu facture or production will receive preference, other things being equal. All goods and supplies miifit be delivered tq the Penltehtlary within 20 dava after the contract Is awarded, unless pthcnrUu pro,, vided in contract. Schedules of the varlens lines ef goods will be furnished upon application to tbe Superintendent. Vouchers will bo laaued for payment on the Brat of the month following completion 'of contract, snd monthly on continuous con tracts. 8ampl muat accompany bids for dry goods, groceries, flour snl sll other srtlcles where practicable. C. W. JAMES. Superintendent Oregon State -Penitentiary. Balem. Oregon. June 9. 1003. PROPOSALS rOR SUPPLIES. SALEM. w.; -.June 8. - 1003.-Tne board of trustees of tbe Oregon state Insane Asylum hereby Invites aealed proposals for furnish lug the following supplies to the. Institu tion, for tbe six mouths ehding December 31. 1003: Groceries, mill feed and flour, meats snd fish, dry goods. -drugs, ststlonery, leather and findings, boots and aboea. plumbing. hardware, tinware snd tinning, crockery sud ' glaaaw: -."e. Lists ot ssiu supplies will bs furnished by tbe clerk of the board upon application. Samples can be seen at tbe asylum and goods muat be In accordance therewith. All goods muat be In strict accordance with sample la original packages when poa 1Mr. and delivered at tbe State Insane Asylum within twenty days after the con tract is swarded, snd oias must be on blank forms which will be furnished together with lnatructtons to bidders, by the clerk, upon application Eaen Bid en nour or meat muat he ac companied by a certified . check of $300.00 and eacn bid on fish br a certified check of $75.00, and all other blda by certified checks equal to to per cent or tgo amount bid, checks ef unsuccessful bidders te he returned im mediately and those of accepted bidders when the contract la completed. Bids must bs enclosed In aealed envelopes nit directed to the he, rrt esea nf the elrb pd Plainly marked, "Bids for Asylum aopS! A piles, ' snd tbe class ot goods bid oo should I " be inscribed on tne envelope. Price, Btneaa and quality being equal, preference will be gives to articles manu factured, grown or produced la this stste. , When a particular article Is specifically called for. 'bids . for ether kind, or manu facture, or brand, equally good, will b en tertained, but to Insure recognition of such bids sample el the articles it la proposed to supply must accompany them. The board reserve tbe right to reject sny er all bids or to accept er reject any part af a bid. - . Bids will ba opened it u Capitol. at Balem. at 10 a. in.. Wednesday. July 8. 1&03. By order of tbe beard ef trustees at tbe Oregon -State Insane Asylnm. - W. 0ATENS. Clerk. . any kind of Real TireQiregbn This class of Journal because it , Wednesdays tate days. CHARS ART) TOBACCO. ESBERQ-tiUNST CiOAR CO.- DUtrtbntera ef nxs CIGARS. Portland. Or egos. CORRIOE BKTLIOHTB. IETAL SKYUOUTS, galvaplaed Iraa i. V. Bayer, MB Second st CASK RXOISTIRB. UALLWOOD CASH . , REGISTERS. SM Itart at CEIROTODT ABD MABIOTRCTO. TUB DBVBNYS. the only edentlSe chlropodlats in tse city; pariora aui-x, Aiiasy uiag.l this Is the longhaired gentle ma a yon want to eae. Grant 10. L. MITCHELL, Chlrotmdlet, 702 Marques kldg., Pboee BUck ZMAI. CARPENTERS ABD BUILDERS. JOHN A. MELTON, carpenter and builder, S07 remodeled ; altering ssd repair bouses. Phone Main 747. Al'THORS A MARTIN, rarpentere and bnlld era; repairing and jobbing.; etore sad office Bitnrea built Shop SOS Colombia. I'hoae Clay 1881. . B. F. CLARK, 4SSH Wash., phonee West 7S2. North 14IL Mew sad repair work. sonpt attention. CREAK ABD CREAMERY BUTTER. BEST creamery batter and pnre cream promptly delivered to all parte of the city from Moun tain View Farm, Gresham, Oregon. Apply to W. W. Cotton. 314 Worcester Rldg. els- CITY KOTICES. CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY TOR DELINQUENT AS SESSMENTS. Notice la hereby given thst the Auditor of the City of Portland baa transmitted to me a list of toa delinquent assessments ror the Improvement of Eaat Taylor street from tbe west line of Esat Sixteenth street to the weat line of Eaat Thirty-fourth atreet, and thst pursuant to .section 412 ot the charter of tbe City of Pert lend. I will, oa Monday, the 20th day of June, 1903, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m st the weet door of the City Hall, In tbe City of Portland, Oregon, offer for aale, at public Suction, to tbe highest bid der for caah. eubject to redemption, tbe fol lowing described parcels ot rest property, to wlt: Sunnyslde Blk 28. lot 18. it. A. M. Aahley $305.04 Each piece or tract of land will be aold separately and for a anm not leae than tbe unpaid assessment thereon, ssd Interest and coat of the advertising and aale; If more than one bid la offered, the land will be aold to the bidder offering to take the asms for tbe least amount of penalty snd Interest; com petition will be: First Upon tbe penalty for tbe Brat period; Second Upon the penalty for the succeeding periods : Third Upon the rate of interest. J. E. WEKLEIN. City Treasurer of tbe City of Portland. Portland. Oregon. May 29. 1003. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OP IM PROVEMENT OP EAST HARRISON STREET Notice la hereby given, that William C Elliott City Engineer, haa filed In the office of the underalsni-d notice that Girblsch Joplln, contractors for the Improvement of Esat Harrison street, under the provisions of ordinance No. 13.008, have completed aald street, from tbe eaat line of Eaat Third atreet to the eaat line of Eaat Twelfth atreet. Said acceptance will be considered ny the Executive Board at 4 o'clock on the 3d day of July, 1008. and objection to tbe acceptance of aald atreet, or sny psrt thereof, may be Died in tne omce ei ine unoeraignea at any time prior thereto. THE EXKCVTI.VE UUAKI1. By THOS. C. PEVLIN. Auditor of tbe City of Portland. Portland, Oregon, June 27, 1003. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OP IM PROVEMENT OF EAST SEVENTEENTH STREET. Notice Is hereby given thst William C. Elliott, fitr Engineer, baa flled In the office of the Undersigned notice that Rellly A Stevens, contractors for tbe Improvement of Eaat Seven teenth atreet, under tbe provisions of -ordinance No. 12.775, have completed aald street, from the center line of Division street to tbe center line of Clinton atreet. Said acceptance will be considered By the Executive Board at 4 o ciocs on tne an oar ef July. 1008, and objections to tbe acceptance of ssld street or sny psrt thereof, may bo nieu in ins omce ox me unocrsigneu m any time prior thereto. tug eiiciTiis ooinii. By THOS. O. DEVLIN. Auditor tf ths Clry of Portland. Portland, Oregon, June 37, 1003. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IM PROVEMENT OP KARQUERETTE AVENUE. Notice Is hereby given that William C. Elliott Cltv Engineer, haa filed in the ofllce of th undersigned notice that Glehjech A Jop- un. contracture ror ine lmprovenieni ui Marguerette avenue, under the provlsious of ordinance No. 12.903. have completed said atreet, from the center line of Murray street to the south Una! of Hawthorne avenue. Bald acceptance will be considered ny tbe Executive Board at 4 o clock on tbe 3d day of July. 1008. and objections to the acceptance of ssld street or auy part thereof, may be filed in tne office ot the undersigned st any time prior thereto. j nr. tJM inn nuaiiii, By THOS. C. PEVLIN. Auditor of tbe City of Portland. Portland, Oregon, June 27, 1903. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IM PROVEMENT Or FAILING STREET. Notice Is hereby given that WIMtani C. Elliott. City Engineer, has flled In tbe office of -the undersigned nwtiee-that Glebiacb A Jop lln, contractors for the improvement of Pall ing street, under tfio provisions of ordinance No. 12.751, have completed aald atreet. from foe east line of Eaat Fourteenth street to the center line of Eaat Eleventh street. Bald acceptance will be considered by the Executive Board at 4 o'clock on the 3d day of July, 1003, and objections to the acceptance of said atreet, or any part thereof, may be filed in the office of the undersigned at any time prior thereto. THE EXECUTIVE BOARD. By THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland. Portland. Oregon, June 27, 1003. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IM PROVEMENT OF EAST THIRTY-SEVENTH STREET. Notice- Is hereby given that William C. Elliott, City Engineer, has filed la the office of the undersigned notice that J. K. U'Nell. contractor ' for the Improvement ot Eaat Thirty-eeventh street, nnder the provlalons of ordinance, no. l.i.inn, naa compietea sai.i atreet, from tbe center line of, Eaat Yamhill street to the aouth line of the Base Line road. Ssld scceptsuce will be considered by the Executive Bosrd at 4 o'clock on tbe 3d day of July. 1003. and objections to tbe scceptance or aald street, or any pari tnereor,. may be led In the office of tne undersigned at any Ime prior thereto. Ill IS F.AMI TIVK BUAUD. By THOS. C. DEVLIN. Andltor of tbe City of Portland. Portland, Oregon, June 27,. 1903. . NOTTCZ. . NOTICE- la hereby given that the annnal meeting of tbe stockholders of the Midway OH Company will be held at the office of Ladd A Tilton. bankers, st Portlsnd. Ore gon, at 8 o'clock p, m., oa Wedneeday, the -JBtb day of -Julyi-t908.for-tJie purpose of 'electing a board of directors and th trans action of such other business as may come before tba meeting. - . . . H. 0. 8TB Afros', soveiaxy. Estate by using the DaUy Journal aidyertising is growing rapidly in The brings returns. and Saturdays are : COAL ABD WOOD. WESTERN PEED A Pl'EL CO. Dealers In all kinds ef coat enke (ad eh arena L Phone 1018. Vl'LCAlT COAL CO., wboleesle dealers Bes( eoehti foundry end smelter coke. CEBEAL KILLS, ACME MILLS Acme Cereale. CO., Manufacturers Ralatoa SO and 22 North Front et P. JOHNSON A CO.. manufacturers Peerless Heattb Cereals. 122-4 Front at ELECTRICAL WORK. 0. L. PRIOR, electric light end bell wiring. 448 Washington et i'aone Clay 000. PORTLAND ELECTRICAL WORKS Office SA3 Stark st Wasters Electrle Worka, StiSVi Waahlngtoa L SRTS0ISTB. FRANK J. STKE1BIO. druga. toilet articles. perfumes. IM2 WiMnil.in at. STEHTO ABO CLEAN IBS. CITY STEAM DYEING A CLEAN I NO WORKS. . . Hermaa Enkle, proprietor. Phone Mala 1718. No. on eta at., near Pine. Portland. Or. FRATERBAL INSURANCE. ORDER OF WASHINOTlj.N Foremost faater ssl sortety of Northwest! protects tbe liv ing. J. U Mitchell, aupreme aecretary, 012 and 0111 Marquam bldg., Portland. Or. Tel ephone Main 042. JEWELERS. THE Q. HEITKEMPEU CO.. manufacturing jewelers. 2HS Morrleon at. CITY NOTICES. PROPOSALS FOR STREET WORK. Sealed propose la will 1m received at the office of the Auditor of the City of Portland until Friday, July 8, 1903, at 4 o'clock p. m., for the Improvement of Eaat Thirty-Brat atreet from the aouth line of Hancock atreet to tba north line of Halaey street. In the manner pro vided by ordlunnce No. 13,373, iiililect to the provisions of the charter and ordinances of the City of Portland, and the estimate of tbe City Engineer, on file. Blda mnat be strictly In accordance with printed blanka. which will be furnished on application at tbe office of the Auditor of tbe City of Portland, and aald Improvement muat he completed on or before Wo daya from tbe date of tbe signing of tbe contract by the partlea thereto. No proposals or blda will be considered un less accompanied by s cord fled check payable to the order of the Mayor of the City of Portland, certified by a responsible bank for an amount equal to ten per rent of tbe aggre gate proposal. The right to reject any and all bids is hereby reserved. Br order of the Executive Board. TUOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of the City of Portland. June 27. 1903. CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE OF BALE OF REAL PROPERTY FOR DELINQUENT AS SESSMENTS. Notice la hereby given that the Auditor of the City of Portland has transmitted to mS a Hat of the delinquent assessments for the Improvement of Esst Fifteenth street from the south line of Clinton atreet to the north line of Ellsworth atreet, and that pursuant t flection 412 of the charter of tbe City of Portland, I will, on Monday, the 29th day of Juue, 1903. at tbe hour of 10 o'clock a. m., at tbe west door of tbe City Hall. In the City of Portland. Oregon, offer for ssle. st public suction, to the highest bidder for caab, subject to redemption, the following described pareele of , real property, to-wlt; Corrected map ahowlng location of Tlb hett a Addition to Eaat Portland Blk 18, lot 4. Mary Morgan $08.70 Blk 18, lot 3, Mary Morgan 95.94 Each piece or tract of land will be sold sepsrately and for a aum not less than the unpaid assessment thereon, and Interest and cast of advertising and aale; If more than one bid Is offered, the land will be aold to the bidder offering to take tbe same for the least amount of penalty and Interest; com petition will be: First Upon the penslty for the flrat period: Second Upon the penalty for the succeeding periods; Third Upon the rate of Interest. J. E. WEKLEIN. City Treaanrer of the City of Portland. Portland. Oregon, May w. iwi,-!. CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE OF BALE OF REAL PROPERTY FOR DELINQUENT AS SESSMENTS. Notice la hereby given that the Auditor of tbe City of Portland has transmitted to me a llat of the delinquent aaeeasinenta for the Improvement or Kast Lincoln street Irom the east line of Union svunue to tbo weat line of East Twelfth atreet. and that Dursn- ant to aertlon 412 of the charter of the City of Portland, I will, on Monday, the 28th day of June. 1903, at tbe hour of 10 o'clock a. m.. at tbe west door or tno i ity nail, in the Ttrv of Portland. Orecon. offer for aale. at public auction, to the highest bidder for caah. subject" to redemption, the following described t parcel of real property, to-wlt: Stephen's Addition to Eaat Portland Blk 106, lot 3. Robert Kelaon ....$26.27 Each piece or tract oT land win l4 sold aeparately and for a aum not Iraa than the Unpaid aaaeaament thereon, and Interest and eoat ef advertising and ealet If more than one hid la oftVred. the lnnd will lie aold to the bidder offering to take the same for the least amount of penalty snd Interest; com petition will be: Firsts l pon tne penalty ror tne nrat period: Second Upon the penalty for tbe succeeding periods; inira Lpon tne rate or interest. J. E. WERLEIV. City Treasurer of the City of Portland. Portland. Oregon. Mny 20. 1003. CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE OF BALE OF REAL PROPERTY FOR DELINQUENT AS SESSMENTS. Notice la hereby given that the Auditor of the City of Portland haa transmitted to me a Hat of the delinquent assessments for the construction of a aewer In Uortuwlck and Prescott atreeta from a point 18 feet east of the west line of Mississippi avenue (north of Prescott street); thence easterly n Prescott street to a point In Borth- wlck street In Central Alblna; thence aouth erly In Borthwlck street tti a connection with the aewer In Sliuver atreet, and that pursuant to section 412 of the charter of the city of Portland, i win, on Monday, the 20th day of June. 1903; at tbe hour of II) o'clock a. m.. ot the went door of the City Hall. In the City of Portland. Ore gon, offer for aale. at public auction, to tbe highest bidder for cash, subject to re demption, the following described parcels of real projierty. to-wlt; Central Alblna Blk 8. lot 0. John Thor'all $51. SO Blk 8, lot 10, John Thorall 61.80 Blk 7, lot 5, N. M. Davis 44.80 Blk 7. lot . N. M. Davli 44. SO Blk 6. Vt 7. John ThoraU 81.80 Blk 5, Kt 8, John Thorall Bl.SO Blk 8. lot 0. Ernest II. Va.ter 51.80 Multnomah Blk 1, lot 2. Emma Blclob Estate, Heirs of 24.85 Blk 2. lot It, Fred W. Latham Blk , lot 12. F. M. Jarnott Blk 8. lot 5. Fred W. Latham 13.05 12.05 (12.06 amended plat of Clifford Blk 20. lot 1. E. A. Smith 12.05 Blk 20. lot 2, E. A. Smith ,12 05 Blk 20. lnf 3. E. A. Smith 12 06 Blk 20. lot 4. E. A. Smith 12.05 Each piece or tract of land will be sold separately and for a anm not lesa than the nnpalri assessment thereon, snd Interest and cost of advertising and anle; If more than one bid la offered, the land will be sold to the bidder offering to take the aame for he kast amount of penalty and interest; com petition will be: - First Upon the penaltv for the first period: Seennd Upon the penalty for the succeeding periods:, - . r - . . , C-Tblrd-Upon, thai fate of 1nfresf. J. f- Vkrleix. " City Tressatrer f the City of Portland. Portland, Oregon, May 20, 1803. ' , columns of the best Real Es C0KPRES8ED YEAST. KU STAR COMPRESSED fSiAST; It makoa llghteet For .aale by all grocers. IB per cent etronger thia anv other. FREE SHIRES. fc CLOTHES CLEANED and praaaed $1 per month. TJnlo.ua Tailoring Co.. 147 Washing ton at nrSVRABCE. J. PHILIP KENNEDY. Insurance; realdent egaat Norwich I'sloo Firs fnauranee Society. Phone South 1MI. 44 Hamilton bldg J AS. Ucl. WOOD, employere' liability and In dividual accident; aurety beads ef sll kinds. Phone 4T. Concord bldg. H. P. BARTER COMPANY, Fire Insurance. 44S Sherlock bldg. Ore gu phone. Clay B2A. ISAAC L. WHITE. Are Inanrance, 223 Sherlock bldg. Oregon phone, Main OM. KIHIVO ABD MIXE PROMOTERS. SESSIONS A SIMPSON, mining and mine pro- moiaaa nonm a. mamoer or uomnmt. s LOCKSMITH. A. L. TiuU ETTB. ' 288 YamUUI. Bear Second; 12 yeara with J. Barhey. MABBAOE. MOMS. H. E. ELY, derma tologlat maaaage, electric treatmeota. l3Vi First at BORTHWXiT HOTELS. Hotel Pertlaad, Aasriosa piss $!,$ par day Semmers Hotal, La grands tra velars' hsms. Belvedere; Eurepasa plan; 4th and Aldsr ets. St, Charlea, Pint and Men-lean eta,, Portland CITY NOTICES. CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE OF SALE Or REAL PROPERTY FOR DELINQUENT AS SESSMENTS. Notice Is hereby given thst the Auditor of tbe Cltr of Portland bss trsnamltted to me a Hat of the delinquent assessments for the Improvement of Madroua street from the southwest line nf Durham avenue to the north line of Farrell atreet, and that pur suant to section 412 ot tbe charter of tbe City of Portland. I will, on Monday, tbe 20th day of June, 1908, at tbe hour of 10 o'clock a. m., at the weet door of tbe City Hall. In tbe City of Portland, Oregon, of fer for ssle, at public suction, to the highest bidder for caah. subject to redemption, tbe following described parcel of- real property, to-wlt: Wood lawn The northerly of tbe triangular block Pounded by Madrons atreet. llekum ave nue and Durham avenue. George B. Markle $22.84 Each piece or tract of land will be aold aeparately and for a aum not leas than tbe unpaid aaaeaament thereon, and lntereat and coat of advertising and aale; If more than one hid la offered, the land will he aold to the bidder offering to take the same for the east amount or penalty ana interest; com petition will be: First Upon the Density for the first period: Second Upon the penalty forhe succeeding penn,ie ; Third Upon the rate of Interest. J. E. WERLEIN. City Treasurer of the Cltv of Portland. Portland. Oregon. May 29. 100.1. CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY FOR DELINQUENT AS SESSMENTS. Notice Is berehy given thst the Auditor of the City of Portland has trsnamltted to me a llat of the delinquent assessments for tbe Improvement of Commercial street from the north line of Shsver atreet to tbe aouth line of Alberta street, snd thst pursuant to sec tion 412 of ths charter of ths City ot Port land, I will, on Monday the 20th day nf June. 10O3. at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m.. st tbe west door of tbe City Hall, tn tbe City of Portland, Oregon, offer' for aale. at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, subject to redemption, the following described parcels of real property, to-wlt: Central Alblna Addition Blk 3. lot 7. Harriet 3. Lee $38.8(1 Eacb piece or tract of land will be sold separately and for a aum not (eee than the unpaid assessment' thereon, and Interest and coat of tin advertising and aaie: If more than one bid Is offered, the land will be sold to the bidder offering tn take the same for the leaat amount nf penalty and lntereat; com netttlon will be: f- Flrat Upon the penaltv for the flrat period: second upon tne penalty for the succeeding periods; Third Upon the rate of Interest. J. E. WERLEIN. Cltv Treasurer of trie City of Portland.' Portland. Oregon. May 20. 1003. CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE OF SALE OP REAL PROPERTY FOR DELINQUENT AS SESSMENTS. Notice Is hereby given that the Auditor of tbe City of Portland haa transmitted to me u list or, tne aeunuuent asaeamnenta ror the improvement ef Eaat Main street from the eaat line of Eaat Thirty-third street to the west line of Eaat Thirty fourth atreet. and that pursuant to section 412 of the charter of tne city or Portland, i win, on Monday, the 20th day of June, 1003. at the. hour of 10 o'clock a. m., at the west door of the City Hall, In the City of Portland. Oregon, offer for ssle. st publle auction, tn the highest bidder for caah, subject to redemption, the following described parcel of real property, to-wlt : Sunnyaldo Second Addition Blk 00, lot 1. Mrs. M. J. Brooks $15.72 Each piece or tract of land will bo sold separately and for a sum not less than the Unpaid assessment thereon, and interest and cost of advertising and sale; If more than nno hid la offered, the land will bo sold to the bidder offering to take the aame for the leaat amnnnt of penally and lntereat; com petition win no: Flrat Upon tbe penalty for the first period: Second Upon the penalty for tbe succeeding periods: Third Upon the rate of Interest. J. r.. WKkLEIV. Cltv Treasurer of the City of Portland. Portland. Oregon. Mny 20, 1003. CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY rOR DELINQUENT AS SESSMENTS. Notice Is hereby given that the Auditor of the City of Portlaud has transintUed to me n lint "t the delinquent assessment fur the Improvement of Fifth street from 12 feet north of the south line of Gllsan street to a point 12 feet aouth of the north line of Jefferson atreet, and that pursuant to sectlou 412 of tbe charter ut tbe (Ity of Portlsnd, I will, on Monday, the 20tli (lay of June, 1903, at the Hour of 10 o'clock a. m., at the west door of the Cltv Hall, In the City of Portland, Oregou. offer for sale, at public auction, to the blgheM bid der for caah. subject to redemption, the following described pmcela of real prDpcrty, to-wlt : City of Portland Blk 1GO. lot 3, Itlcbord Williams $0S.00 Blk 100, lot 4. Ulrhard Williams 71.86 Couch's Additlou to tbo City ot Port land Blk 40, west H lot 1, Mary Jane Keenan, 5.94 City of Potland Blk 63. weat S lot 8. Xarlfa J. Fall ing 214.10 Blk 0(1, west m lot T, Xarlfa i. Fall ing 201.77 Couch's Addition to the City of Port- land Blk 30, east i, lot 2. Catherine Brown. . 5.31 Each piece qf tract of land will be sold separately and for a sum not lesa than tbe unpaid assesament - thereon, and Interest aad cost of advertising and sale; If more than one hid la offered, the land will be Sold to tbe bidder offering to take tbe same for ths least amount of penalty and Interest; com petition will be: ' . FlrstrL"pon'TeaIty-fe 4fe first period: Second Upon the penalty for tbe succeeding periods: ' -'.'-.-. '- i'x--'-- Third Upon the rate of Interest, if u ; " . ' 'J.-'at- WERLEIN. City Treaanrer -of th City of Portland. rotUaad, presea, May 9, 1003. . ; K0VET TO L0A. FRED H. STBONO, FINANCIAL AOKNT. I Money te loaa. No eonulaatee, v, t am. la a poaltloa to make Inmvdlate loans a Improved real estate or for building par. poeee; any amount; moderate tntaraat. Va approve loans from plans sod advance money . ae bolldlng prngneeee whan deelred. Option la repaying after one year, FRED a. BTKONd. Financial Agent. 103 Second at., near Stark. THE STAR LOAN CO., 210 M'KAY tlLDO.. 102H Third at., la the recognlavd bank of tbe wage-earner. We advance money ' te teamatere. trainmen, ebopmee - motor roan, conductors, etc., without mortgage, endorser er collateral. Amnnnt Mnnthfv B100 repay 120 .(W f BO repay $18. .15 M Monthly. Weekly or or or $18.00 or ffl.M 1 .! or 88. M $ 8.8.1 or $I.S $ 2B repay $ 8.83 Bselcees confldentlal. No onp'.eaaant Inquiry. MONET TO LOAN on real, peroonal and col lateral aecurlty; apeclal attention to ebattl mortgagee; eotee honght. C. W. Pallet. 213 Commercial blk. Phono Orant 8R0 MONEY TO LOAN at reaoonnble ratea. In amount to ault Graham A Cluton. 200 Mir quam building. MONEY TO LOAN, 'email amnnuta. abort or long time. J. H. Hawley. 2 Cbnm. of Com. MONEY TO LOAN on ritv lota and Improved farms. W. A. Shaw A Co.. 84 Stark at. MODEL MAKER. FOR FIRST-CLASS ItKPAIUINO go to Andy Frits machinist and model mker. 110 0th. OVERALLS. BOSS OF THK KOAll OVKUAI.US and merbaa Irs' clothing. I'nlon made. Neuitadter Bros,, Vfrra Portland ir PEES0NAL. MR. ELMORE RICK-Vlollnlat snd teneher: a lan piano harmony: room 1. A.O.l'.W. 1111.; houre 8 to B:80dHyj phone, Union. MO. YOUR PnKSCKll'TlONS are more acenrately and reaaonably filled at Bvaaell'a Pharmacy, 227 Morrlaon at., bet. Hraf and Second ate. uotiD 8TOK1K8 and novela for enmtner read ing. 10 centa. Jonee' Book Store. 281 Alder CAFE KR ATE. 122 8! i to at. A too lunch erred at all hours PLUMBERS. DONNEBBEBG A ItADEMACHER. plumbers, removed to 84 Fourth at. ltoth pbonea. PIANO LESSONS. W. GIFFORD NASH. 108 roth at.; tarma upon application. Bealnnere taken. REAL ESTATE. ton BALE FARMS Improved farina for aale la all parte of Oregon and Washington; payments made to suit purcbaeera. For full particular! aa to varloua properties apply to Wm. MacMaater, $11 Worcester bldg. MAXWELL A KNAPP HEAL ESTATE. Room t. Chamber of CVmmeree bldg. ROPE. PORTLAND CORDAGE CO.. cor. Fourteenth amijorjnnip ata.. Portland. Or. CITY NOTICES. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IM PROVEMENT OP THURMAN STREET. Notice la hereby given that William C. Elliott, City (engineer, baa filed In tbe office of the undersigned notice that Fralney A Keating, contractors fur tbe Improvement of Tbqrman atreet, under the provisions of Or-, dlnance No. 13,007, hare completed said atreet. from the center line of Twentieth street to the center line of Twenty-second atreet. Said acceptance will be considered br the Executive Board st 4 o'clock on the 10th day of June, 1903, and objections to the acceptance of aald atreet or any part thereof may be flled In tbe office of the uuderaigued at any time prior thereto. TiiE EXECUTIVE BOARD, By THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland. June 13, 1903. PROPOSALS FOR COMBINATION CHEMICAL FIRE ENGINE AND HOSE WAGON. SEAI.tl) PROPOSALS will be received at the uffice nf the Andltor of the City of Port land. Mn the City Hall, until Monday. June 20, 10O3. at 11 o'clock a. tn.. for furnishing to the City of Portland one combination chemical fire engine and bnee wagon, ac cording tn specifications on file In tbe office of the Auditor of the City nf Portland. Blda must be accompanied by a certified check, payable to Geo. H. Wl I llama, Mayor, ror an amount eiinai to in per cent or tne aggregate or tne mn. oa nea ami liquidated damages in raae such Dinner withdraws hi bid or falls to deliver said engine, should tne same he awarded biro. Tbe right to reject any snd all bids is hereby reaerved. . By order of tbe Executive Board. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the city of Portland. Portland. Oregon. Jifhe 25, 1008. PROPOSED CHANGE OF GRADE OP BENTON STREET. Notice la hereby given thst at the meeting of the Council ot the City of Portland. Ore gon, held on the 17th day of June, 1903, tbe following resolution was adopted: Resolved, By the Council of the City of Portland, that It deems It expedient to change the grade of Benton atreet wltblu the city and establish aald grade aa follows, and that It la the Intention of aald Council tn change and establish aald grade ot Bentou street aa fol lows: At the south line of MrMlllen'a Addition from 78.80 feet to 81.30 feet, above the base of city gradea. Resolved, That the Auditor be and he Is hereby directed to give notice of tbe pro posed change of grade of said street aa pro vided by the charter. Remonstrance against the above change of grade may be filed lu writing with the under signed within 20 daya from the date of the, first publication of this notice. By order of tbe Council. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of tbe City of Portland. June 10. 1903. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE, OF IM PROVEMENT OF SEVENTH STREET. Notice la hereby given thnt William C. Elliott, City Engineer, baa flled in the office of the undersigned notice that Krnlnev ft Keat ing, contractors for the improvement of Seventh street, under the provisions of Ordinance No. 12.803, have completed aald street, frulo tne center line of Flanders street to the center line of Everett atreet. bald acceptance will be considered hy C' Executive Board at 4 o'clock on the 19th duy , Juue, 1903, and objections to the acctntuui; of aald street or anf part thereof may lie Hlrd In the office of the , underalgned at any time prior thereto. THE EXECUTIVE BO AUD, By THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of tbe City of Portland. , ' June 13. 1903. ' P0UNDMA8TER S NOTICE. NOTICE Is bereby given that on tbo 24th day of Jum, Kto3. I took up und empounded at the City Pound, at No. 201 Sixteenth street. In the city of Portland, ..Oregon, tho following described unlinal: One ronn pony hrnndrd c. N. on right shoulder, white apot on forehead, right bind foot white, rottched mane aud ahod oil . sruund. And unless the owner, or other persou or persona having an Interest therein, sun II rlairii posKeKsiou of thti same, aud p:iy nil coata and churcs of the kecplug am! ad vertising aame. together with the pound fees on, aald aulmul. as provided by ordi nance No. 5.925. as amended, of said City of Portland. I n II 1 ou tbe 1st day of Julv. 1003. at th.- hour of 10 u. m., at th City Pound, at No. 281 Sixteenth. In snld city. sell tne auove described nnimui it t public auction to the blirheat bidder, to p.-i.v the coats and charges for taking up. keeping: aad advertising aiK-h animal. Datt-d this 2Gth day of June. 1P0.1. F. W. KKED. round master. CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE OF SALE 'OF REAL PROPERTY FOR DELIKQULKT A3 SE8SMENTS. Notice Is hereby given that the Auditor of the City of Portlund has transmitted to me a llat of tbe delinquent asaiusauieiitn for the lmproveineut ot i-.aal i wejiteisyu atreet from the north. Hue of Kast Sunt atreet to tho north line of York street, ami that pur suant to section 412 of the charter of tbe City of Portland. I win. on Uonday, the 29tb day of Juue. 1903, at tbe hour of in o'clock . m.. at tbe west door of tbe City Hall, offer for sale, st public suction, to the hlrb- est bidder for, cash, subject to reuuiuptlou, the following described parcels of real property, to-wlt: Hawthorne' First Addition to East Portland , v , Blk 17, lot t, P. H. Marlay........ ....$158.82 - Eacb piece or tract of land will be sold separately knd for a sum not less than th unpaid assessment thereon, and lntereat snd cost of the advertising and sale; If more than one Md is offered, tne la ad will be sold to the bidder offering to take the aame for the Inset amount ot penalty , and interest; com petition will be: . ttrstUpon thWT'eTtatty'1 for" tTi"BfSt TteflSff; "Second Upon th penalty for tho succeeding periods: - - . Third Upon the rate cr lntere-.t. - " '- "'.. - ' J. F. -WF.KLEIV. i City Trestnree of tbe Ity of Portland,-- rortlead, Oregon, ll.'y jpoj. PUBLIC STEN00 1 A PHt R. vxss rvr-1 MISS AGNES -LAN B. public sh-nogrepher a-1 . typewriter, 418 Chsmuor at Ceuuiiire i'hwk. v lay H-Hh . . REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. 100 ACRES of land. 12 miles from roreet Grove, on" Dairy Creek) suitable for etork ranch; few seres cleared sad fenced, em II hnuae, living water) will be Sold eneas. Wballey. Beoeon Bldg.. Fifth and Morrison. BrRATIEq. SPRAYING In sll branches) trees, hetiaee, burne, eta, 007 Milwaukle at Phone, Blue 854. - -" BT0RAOE AXS TRABSFER, C. O. PICK, office 88 Vint St. betweeir Stark, and Oak eta.; phone BOA; planoe and furnl. ture moved and parked tor ahlpplng; coin, modtoiia fireproof brick wsrehouss. Front 0t riav ate. SAFES. BUY YOCR 8AKK8 of J. B. Dsvla ; your pair and lorkonta irnfelv done. Art Third BLOT MACHIBES. TRANSCONTINENTAL MACHINE CO. Slot marhlnea. 8. E. Park and Oak. Beth, I'honee. Mntn 188. 8PECIAL DELIVERY. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY. No. 200 H Waeh. v Ington at. Pbonea. Or.. Main MX CoL. SOI. TYPEWRITERS. THE SMITH-PKKMIBK TYPF3WRITFR. " 12a ; Third at; all roukce of typrwrltara for rentl . suiipllee for si) macblnee. L. A U. Alesss . der A Co.. arenta. WHOLESALE HARDWARE. J. B. IU8EI.TINE A CO.. Iron, atcel. cost sad tattaaujMejnflerndlt WHERE TO DINE. STIlOL'SE'H UErfTAURANT; Bret-cltae beat aervlce. 220 Waablngton at. WHOLESALE WALL PAPER, MUKUAN WALL PAPER CO., 184-188 Serosd at. bet Yamhill and Taylor. Portland. Or. WALL PAPER ABD PAJBTIBO. STRIKE doea not delay aa, ss ws sra abls In fill all ordora wltbont delay, rtrat-claes work. A. A. Church A Co., It. 274 Taylor WHOLESALE GROCERS. WADHAMS A CO., wholesale grocers, mans, factnrera and commlaaloa mercbante. 84 and - 68 Front at. f. ALLEN A LEWIS, wboleesle grocers. Port, land. Or. MA SO N . BH KM A N A CO.. wholesale grocers. N . W. cor. Second and Pine ata. ; LANG' A CO.. First and Ankeny eta. . - WHOLESALE CROCKERY ABD GLASSWARE. WHOLESALE CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE, prael Hogele A Co.. 100 to loo rh. cor. Stars PTMAKOTAIt. Ladd & Tilton, Bankers v Established In 1839. . - INTEREST ALLOWED . . ON TIME DEPOSITS. Collections msde st sll points en favorable terma. Letters of credit leaned avallshls la . Europs snd sll points lu tie United Statea. Sight exchange and telegraphic trsaafera aold In 'New York. Washington. Chicago. St Louis, Denver. Omaha. 8n Francisco sod Mon tana and British Columbia. , ' Exchange sold on London. - Paris, Frankfort. Hong Kong, Yokohama. and Honolulu. -Berlin, Manila United States Nat'l Bank OP PORTLAND OREGON. NORTHWEST COR. THIRD AND OAX IT. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. r DRAFTS ISSUED Available in all cities ef the United Elate and Europe, Hong Xeag and Manila. Collections Made on Favorable Terms President .,.....,.J. C AINSWORTH Vice-President W. B. .YElt Assistant Cashier ..R. W. SCHMEFK Assistant Cashier A. M. WRIGHT LONDON & SAN FRANCISCO BANK, LIMITED. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BUTLDLNCI, THIRD AND STARK STREETS. , , Head Office 55 Old Broad street. London. Thla bank transacts a general banking bosl nesa, makes loans, discounts bills and tasucs letters of credit available for traveler and for the purchase of merchandise In anv rliy of the world. Deals 'a tcrelJtn sad domst! exchsnge. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. W. A. MACilAB. Manager. ' Merchants National Bank PORTLAND, OdEGON. Frank Watson. I, Durham President Vlce-Prealdent , Cashier .Assistant Cssbler W. Hoyt Geo. W. Huyt. Transact' a General Banking BualBMa. Drafts and leters of credit Issued available to all parts of the world. Collections a specialty. Gold Jirit boeigl.t. MORRIS BROS & CHRISTENSEI? Tucceasors to . -' MORRIS ft WHITEHEAD, BANKERS., FIRST A.VD ALDER STREETS, PORTLAND. OR. BEFEBENCSS. .J-S;; Ladd A Tilton, Portland; U. S. National Bank.' ' Portland: Bank of California. San Fraa clco; Crocker-Woolworth National Bank, Su Francisco. , ;.. Bolton, deRuyter & Co. - TxCEMXBXB. :" " r Chicago Board of Trade, San Francisco pre) ; , duce Exchange. San Francisco Stock and Bond Exchange. ', 4 f, ' n;v ',."l-,,.: GRAIN, PROVISIONS, STOCKS. BONDS and COTTON. San Francisco Office 490 California St. 108 THIRD ST. PORTLAND OM MORTGAGE LOANS at Lowssl Bate. INSURANCE XBT ALLS XJMXB. REAXa ESTATE. A. H. DIRRELL Formerly of MacMatrtar A SlrrslL REAL ESTATE. GENERAL INSURANCS AND FINANCIAL AGENCY. 303-4 McKay Bnilding, Third aad Stark, Phone. Main 888, , "MORfGAGB LOANtf On Portland real ester at lowest rat, , Titles Insured. Abstracts furnish!, - Title Guarantee & Trust Co. " ; l Chsmber of Commerce. ' BOTICK BALAMIED rBOFLB - Do you need money before- pay day? Call on us. We eon sd-iauce mosey ea .your was- . on short notice. Yoa pay pari: uoataly. seutl- . monthly or weokly. THE BTAB X.OA CO., 810 McKay Bldg.. Third snd Ste r ets. Salaried people, teamsters, etc., wlttwet secur. t.v, . may payments; largest feusleaas in 44 principal cities. . MOBTOAOB JLOAKJ. OS fnioroved city end farm p.sr: est current rU:Sj building loans, s - loaua. '.' ' V Wat, iTr-- ... ..- - - : .. -i , ar. i 9