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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1903)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, VPOHTLAND, FKIDAY EVEN IKOf JUKE 26,' 1003; 11 Si I ' . The Oregon Daily Journal Mill mr wii ', CTb; llA.NSliN CO.. fcMi'LOi'MENT AQTS. ,, . . ' ' 1 M Hjnrtto Botwa t."-.V 1. ;,.'.' Offlce in Van Francisco gad to Angela. rl i Oirdtui and 8uokne.. - , , Help tree to employer..' Free bggag rooai " aad regietratlon. Work ectred lor applicant V"a .... , f, HIAHQt'AHTIHH PGR MKN VOB 8. R, K AND OTHER Ol'THIDB WORK. &AU- " VUlrMJCn is iu niVAVA lor me Dif a, p, '', R. b. . tun nelei NORTH on the new R. H. ' Work ia Washington; BAST aa company and - eontrarr. worst wmtii in ifregoa, nod man ; s ether nolota, FREE .FARV ee all B. B. ' Work. - ' . ' : 0. B. HANSEN CO. . M North M at. , ' . WANTRDI ' '.. . - U HANDT MEN with plain tool, to put ap , aommoa tram abed an, uthouea, 4 day, Board $4 a waek; quite a long lob; fro farej ' aaoat anr commuo-aaeaad able-bodied Baa with some tooia eaa da thla. j ' Thraa atonanaaooa. country, S a dan ear builder. 18 dan bride carpenters, f.1 a , aar; rro lartt. a. n. men, an over, ire lara. J f tlraser fallen, top wacaa; S backer, i.Hi . barker. Sert and hoard. . Many other. V. K. HtMIEN tX. 9fl North Ba at. WANTED Two food aaddlemakers; highest wa paia, iw runner particulars apply I ", w io (iiiirj - oauuia vouipany, , vaigary 4 Alberta. I'anada. i I, -ii WANTED Twa flret-elaaa aolleltora at on :o art raa Johnston. 2X9 Yamhill at. most be able to results. Call at on aa Fro hotjbekeepino booms. 1 eli'v OU8, , big room, ' Telephone, GU8AN. Bwly rurnlahad baaaakaaB. wltb twa at bath and sartor, one. Ptont 887S. lOl RENT 3 neatl fnrplabad konaakaaping rooma. batb, (aa tad 'pboa. Ila Blitb, mr. nay. TAJ11CI TOM. IAXX. 160 ACRES of land, law aeraa elaarad; Mrlnf watar, amall aonaai 11 mtlaa froia roraat Ororat will ba aold varr cheap. Wballa, Ranana Bl(1., Fifth aod Morrlaoa ata. rvRiriiHED Room. LOGAN BU1LDINO. 1MH .Unloa aa. Rwaaat rooma far boaaakeaplag or tranalaat foralabad or aafaralahad; rataa raaaoaablaw RIAL ZtTATE TOR SA1X. WR BUILD HOl'BR on aaar montblr parmanU )aat what yea want) aea onr plana, the ar nnt panla. H CoaamrHal bldf. TO RALE, ' SAWMILL, lorated1 lo Aurora, Or. ; capacity. a.OUU faat aar dar: aaarlr naw aad la rood roiMlltkm; anitlBa, planar, aawa and all ap pllancaa; ya.OUQ. 0. R. IHrnlck, Orrron City, PIANO and boaaahold food for aal chaapi THE JOURNAL'S NEWS IS RELIABLE NEWS WAVTZ9. V ANTED Middlaaited woman wl'bea poaltloa aa aouaakarper In wiooww a lamny ur la mominf or Doaramr Bouaa. w. rara journal ITUATIOM - WAHTXD. ELDBHLX aipwlaacad fardncr want work ao print piara; aa aoraaa; city or aoaairy. Addraa Box R, eara JouraaL RXKOTAX. DR. FRANK R. FRRRIS. DR. 6RRTRDDR I aiitraia, paauaaa, ; Bid., Bftk oor. . RTITbV taklONi KMMONaV.attoraaa at law, 0 waraaaaar ia. '' . m. RIOQRM, Attoraay aod Oeaaai law; wonry. aoaaoa Mrwt ! aod OooaaaUoc VAAXWM. RRACB B1UON II Cbaaibar of CamurH. i. T. 1ACOHJR , Room IB, Alnrworth Pnlldlaf. B. R, DICRINBON, Attoraay-at-Uw aad No tary raaua, sua voaaMrcuu aiaf. aUTEt. NATURAL Ruaalaa hot-air batb 85 and 60ei paa aairy. aicapt Monday aad Tuaaday, 11 a. bl ib ji a. B. . u caat 7wi-ai4BUi at., err. BTraratb rnoaa, soot I XMi, LODOtXS XOVfER. T tBR OOBMOB FoorU aad Itorrlroa, raratobad aoaaakaaptoc aaitaa, aulta aad atafW boobmi fa par waaa aad ap. TBR CAiTLR 1T WaaM-urtoa at; rooma (of a-anueaMBi traaciaai. in, ajoata lot. HOTELS. WRIX VHNTILATKD ' alafla rsabM, loo, SO b ava a aifai; - aaoa, too, I am aTarati taoaao, aor aaoand aad Dan. RAROQTw ARO U0BTXRHI9. OREGON ROUND LUMBER CO., 1(1 Barm. mom ar. rnon wraat 1171. MWO, MARDOLIR ARD OTTTAR. INSTRUCTION club tor advancad pnptla; la. aiTBaaanta ar aaia. tiai waoatr, kooio ill Waat Park. tor. Yamhill. Pboa Booth SMI. CARrlRTXR. I. . , i vw viwa aaB vu., earpaatar, balldar, gaoaral oatractor, boaaa raBoaaund. altaratlona, ato. I caoinat wort aad yobblnc a epactalty; conntar abalrlar, lea box, ato. ; tor aad offlca futarea; up-to-data and original carpenter work of all kind; Bothtng to large or too amall for oar lamedlat attention; ao 01a oa na; wa mat a and pnt ap the beat fy arD la Portland. Shop, feot of famhlll at.; pboa. RUrk SWT; raaldano. T4T Beat Stark; raaldanee pboa. Whit Tit CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING IN r THE JOURNAL BRINGS RESULTS J I Because the" juper f "is, read in the homes of the masses Journal ; ; Liners,r afford a cpnveiiient and inexpensive method of reaching the publicof getting what you want and getting it quickly If you want a job or if . you want to sell a house or a farm THE SHORTEST CUT BETWEEN YOU AND -THE OTHER FEL LOW" IS VIA THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS OF THE JOURNAL OISARI AVS TOBAO00. RBREHd-aUMST CiOAR CO. DUtribatora of riNB CIO ARB. Portland. Oragoav CORNICE SKTLIOBTS. IETAL BKYLTOHTS. galraalaad lroa aor- I. C. Barer, BW I aleee. Saeond at. CAIX BROISTEBS. U ALL WOOD CA8H RHOIBTERS. RN BUrk at. CHIROPODT AND KANICTTRINR. THR DK VENTS, the only aciantifle eblropodlata la too city; pariora aui-a, Aiiaay uiag.i tbla la the loag-halrad graUaaua yoa wanl to aea. Urant Id. L.J MITCHELL, i Cblronodkjt, Bldg., Pbon Black Sfldl. tot Marauaja OARBENTERS AND BTILSXRS, JOHN A. MELTON, carpeubar aad builder, BUT atari act omr aaa a lore uiarea puui aaa renodeled; altartag and repair aoaaaa. Phoa Main T4T. AUTHORS A MARTIN, eerpaatare aad batld. are; repairing and Jobbing i tar ad omo titares built Shop Sub Columbia. Pboa Clay 1BB1 CATXB. KATES' PLACE, tM Waahlngtoa at. Pboa 8. . P. CLARK. 461 H Waah., pboaea WoM 783. North 111. New aad repair work, proBpt attention. CREAM AND CREAM1RT BUTTER. BF.HT rraamery batter and pur cream promptly dollrered to all pert of tbe dty from Moun tain View Farm, UreehaB, Oregca. Apply to W. W. Cotton. 814 Worceeter Bldg. Telo phone, Mi In BM. COAL AND WOOD. WESTERN FRED A FUEL CO. Dealer la all kind t omL ok aad charcoal. Pkoa 101S. TULCAN COAL CO.. whoil aea tare beat eeaia; raaaary aaa aaieiter eoae. CEREAL KILLS, ACMR MILLS Arma. Cereal. CO., Manufacturer Ralatua SO aad S3 North rYoat at. P. JOHNSON CO.. aaaatifactarar Pearleee Health Careala. 1134 Front at ELECTRICAL WORK. U PRIOR, electrlo light and bell wiring. MB Waahlngtoa at 1-noae Clay Km. PORTLAND ELRCTRICAL WORKS Offlo BOB Btark at. Weetera Electric Werk. BOSH Waaklngtoa at BRT700IBTS. FRANK J. STREIBIO. drag, toilet arUcloa. perfnmee. B43 Wtahlngeton at. DTEINO AND OLEANINO. CITT STEAM DTEINO A CLEANINO WORKS. Heraaa sntie, propnemr. rnona maia 1T1A No. tk It., near Pine. Portland. Or. FRATERNAL INSURANCE. ORDER OF WASHINGTON roremoet frater nal eorlety of Northweet; protect tbe lie lag. I. L. Mitchell, aupreme aacratary, ll and SIS Marqnaa bldg.. PortUad, Or. Tel ephone Main (MI. JEWELERS. THB Q. BEITKEMPER CO.. auwatacturla OOWBEBSED TEAST, RBD STAR COMPREtiBED lataST; It mahca Ugbtaat For eele by all gToeara. IB per cent etronger then any other. FREE SHINES. CLOTH KB CLEANED ad preaeed II pel 'month. Unique Tailoring Co.. MT Waahlng. ton at. INSrRANCX. J. PHILIP KENNEDY, Inenrenee; reeldent goat Norwich t'aloa Fire Inaurance Society. Phone Boath IBOI. 44 Hamilton bldg. JAB. Mel. WOOD, employer' liability and In dividual accident; aurety bead of all kind. Phone 4T. Coacord bldg. B. F. R ARTELS COMPANY. Fir Inenrenre, 443 Sherlock bldg. Oregon phone. Clay tt. ISAAC L. WHITB. Ore Inaaranoa, 335 Bier loch bldg. Oregon phone. Main tM. MIX mo AND MINE FROMOTERR. SESSIONS SIMPSON, mining and mine pro moter. Room 3. Chamber of Commerce, LOCKSMITH. A. L. TiamRTTS. 3S Tamhlil. aer Beeood; IS yeara with J. Barhey. MASIAOE. MDMR. H. R. ELY, aVrmatolngiat maaoaga, electric treatment. 18H Flret at NORTXWZST HOTELS. Hetal Bortlaad, Amarkaa pUa ii.W prdny Semmara Hotel, La Orandai traveler' hem. Belvedere i Earopean pl tk aad Aider ata. St. Charloe, Flrat aad Morrtaen.aU., Portland FRED H. BTKONO, FINANCIAL AOENT. Money to loaa. , No rommlaatna. I am la a poaltloa to mak Immedlet to oa impravaa real eat ale or For aulimng par. poaea; any amount: moderate Intvreat Wa v approve loaaa from plana and advano money aa building pmgrawea when dealrad. OpUoa w repariiia- aner one year.' FBSD B. STIIONil, Financial Agent , log Second t.. near Btark anw eiAn iajh iar, aiv n k.i pi,uu., 103H Third at., la tb reongnlaad bank of tko wage-earner. W advanco money to teamatera, trainmen, tbopmen, motormen, aondnrtora, etc., without mortgage, endoraer Amount Monthly H Monthly. Weekly iuv ivvaf wsn.m or mutant ww f BO repay itl.M or i B or M m I SS repay I B OS or f B.8A or noaineau connncnuai. ne uapieavioi loiruiry MIS8 AONES LANK, publle atknofranW 1 . typewriter, dl Chamber of Cwuawrve. I'ho MONEY TO LOAN oa real, heraonal and ml lateral eecuritv; epeHal attention to chit tie mortgagea; note bnnght C. W. Pallet 313 Commercial blk. Pbon grant 800 MONEY 0 LOAN at reaaonable rite, la amoont to anlt Orahtm Claton, 30 Mar- qwim building, MONEY TO LOAN, mall mount, abort or long time, j. n. Tjjwiey, Cham, or tm. MONEY TO LOAN oa dty lot and Improved arm, w. A. Hniw Co., Ban atari at, MODEL MAXER. FOn FIRBT-CLARB1 REPAIRING go to Andy Frit, maehlnlat and model maker. 110 Btb. OVERALLS. BOBS OF THB ROAD OVERALLS and merbaa. Ira' clothing. Union made. Nenatadtar Hro., M'era Portland Or PERSONAL. MR. ELMORR RU'E-Vlollnlat and toacher; aim piano, harmony ; mom I, A. O. II. W. Bldg.; boure, 3 to 6 dally; phone, Upton, SW. YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS ire more rcnrUly nd roaaonably Blled at Braaeir Pharmacy, 1X1 Msrriaon at., bet Klret and Secnad U. ,iOU BTORIRR and novel for aummer read lng.10centa. Jonea' Rook Btore. 381 Alder CAVR KRATZ. 123 Blith at A Baa lunch eervid at all bout. FLUMBKBB. DONNRRIIBRO RAPEMACHRR, plnmban. removed to B4 Fourth at Rota p no nee. PIANO LESBONS. W. OirPORD NABH. 10S 10th t term npoa appllnatlon. Beginner taken. i X- BXAX ESTATE. roK BALK PA RMB- i Improved farm for al la an part of Oregoa and Waahlngton;3pyment made to nit purchaaera. For fall particular aa to varloua propertle apply t Wa MacMaator, Bll Worceeter bldg. MAXWELL A KNAPP REAL FiBTATR. Room t. Oiamher of Onmmerre Mflg. ROH. FTfBLIO STZNOORAPKER. REAL ZSTATE FOR BALE. 10 ACRES . of taad. 13 mllea from For"! Urore, oa Dairy Creek I ealtable fnf ain. a ranch; few acre cleared and fenced. mal ' bona, living water; will ba aold eliran Whalley. He neon Bid.. Fifth and Mnrrteeo. BrSATINO, SPRAYINd In all briaehaat tree, boo-, barn, etc SOT Mllwaukl It Pboa. luu nn. ) STORAOX AND TRANSFER. 0. 0, PICK, offlc 118 Flrat It., betwoea ftartl and Oak at. pbon 694: piano and fuml. tare moved and packed for ahlpplnf com. modlou flreproef brick warahoaao, Jroat a4 Clav ate. SAFES, BUY YOUR BAFRH of J. B. Dart; yoar ro pelra and lorlioufe eafelr done, aa) Third at. SLOT MAOHIRES, TRANSCONTINENTAL UACHINB CO. Blot machine. B. B. Park and Oak. Batb Hhonea. Main SPECIAL DELXVXRY. POST SPECIAL DRLIVERY, No. SuOV, Wh. lngton t. Phonea, Or.. Mala B3. Col., 3MI. TYPEWRITERS. THR BkTlTII PREMIER TYPRWRITERTHlli Third at; all make of typewriter for real; , upplleo for all machlno. L. A M. Alosaa : der A Co., aaenta. WHOLESALE HARDWARE. 1. E. HABRLTINB A CO., Iron, eteel, roil aDg WHXRI TO DINE. BTROUBB'S REBTATRANTt ftrat-elaaa aMala, heat aervlc. S3 Waahlngtoa at WHOLESALE WALL PAPER. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. at., net. Yamhill and Taylor. 184-IM Seeoed Portland. Or. WALL PAPER AND PAINTING). STRIKE doe not delay na. a we are able ta nil au oraera witnoni oeiay. rirt-iaaa work. A. A. Church A Co., Ala. 374 Tayk t. Phone nv 1TI. WHOLESALE SROCERS. WADHAMS A CO.. wboleeal graeara, mean. factorera and eemmlealoa merahaata, 84 aad 64 Front at. ALLEN land, Or. LEWIS, wholaoar grocer. Port- MASON, EHRMAN CO.. wholeeale N. W. cor. Second id Pino !. LA NO A CO.. Flrat and Ankeny at. WHOLES ALB CROCKERY AND OLASBWARE. PORTLAND CORDAOB CO., dor. FoarteMtb ajiiNorthrnnjitePortla WHOLESALE CROCKERY AND OLASSWARR. Preel Hyle A Co.. lno t od frh. cor. Start RIGHT OF PARENTS DE ED Blames Russian Church For Klshlnpff Massacres They Are Not Privileged Un der tbeOregan Law to Worjc "Their Children in Factories or Shops, Labor Commissioner 0. P. Hoff Has Announced His In- - tention of Making Investiga tion in Portland. State Senator Henrv McGinn, Author of the Child Labor Act, Declares Its Provisions to Be Clear. Thm amDlormeat of chUdxaa tuiAar I tb lrl workinr age of 14 yocra not Alrootly bat under tb mlaT prokoo Uoa of card lsauod to thalr pavroata Is xoMuis of lw traalon not roosalsd ss Icfaj by. tioao who draftod asd urod tha pa sag- of th obild. labor act sow oa of th BtAtntaa of Oroffon. tat ZtAboF CoauBlwloaar O. P. XoS will mak an lnTeatlnratlon of tb lolv tloa of tb obUd labor law la Portland and wlU tab atopa to provont tb av ploymast f cblldron under 14 yoara of ; la lactone, woi-Ksaops or vaa aaea- ong-or aemoe. 1 - v i ' t Tolstoi. Ruasla'a fearleaa author nd phlloaopher, haa come boldly out with an accusation that th Ruaalan Church la directly responsible for th Klsh Inert massacres. He proclaims himself the friend of the Hebrews and says they ar an Inoffensive people. HIa remarks have caused intense Indignation In Russian ecclesiastical circles. Above is tb latest photograph of the famous sage. COUNTRY LINEMEN JOIN THE STRIKERS Five Men Come in from Sclo Where They Were Work ing on Construction, Labor Commissioner HofE came in from Salem this morning and immed iately upon being made acquainted with the fact that children or less than law ful .age were at work In the Portland plant or tne uregon racaing company, be announced nis intention io invei "The law Is very plain on this point,' Commissioner Hoff. said, "and I Intend to see that it is jiot disobeyed. I will not undertake this duty alone, but shall call to my aid the members of the Child Labor'-Commission, acting Jointly with inem. I I Vlwe linemen oeme In frnm Ro.lo laat . a. i -.w - - ----- . - 3LBLI3 aCltavVl alt-Hi J "A w w a- e , hhmivi . . - .... , . .--- .h- hiiel l.hor lew nnwr an thn Ore. I woranien l mm pmce. iiioy am gon statute books, is emphatlo in his Known as a country gang, ana navo statement that the act as passed by tneioeen engagea at consirucnou ww anu recent session of the Oregon Legislature I stringing wires. Representatives of the prohibits tbA employment of children j union say that more men are expected under 14 years or age in lactones, e jn from the country shortly. A telegram Also says that th fact that .tries recelved this mornlnsr at union head- Wyman, at that place, Is all right, and Jackson has signed up. The dispatch rents does not constitute ground for exemption. 1 WTU t AwrtMtlw wt.a ft -v said Mr. McGinn, when seen today. "It " ' llt"A ,n ,irmen 1 prohibits the employment of children " Je.fnt0 fnrne. JineIetnw0Rt!; Snder 14 years of ag in factories and n"?,nltn. Ln tn Is a legal barrier to the working of t0 ? out when called uPn t0 youths of such tender age in shop or ."" , a , maBufaetortes. even if those concerns . i.r.nn-,,nIr were the property of the parents of the I , , , Th.. ...ii ek(MM anbra, -M. in nlnetl -i I u CVI IIIVk v e aavu . v w ."""""."V "'r'"'' ' . th.t .11 niielneaa nf that nature, will he As the author Of that law, I How r""j- ..i k'rt. at San Francisco, line unless we are otherwise advised by the Western Conference." what it was intended to restrict, .and I believe it has been so drawn' that It cannot be otherwise construed. Its lan guage is plain, and direct. If there Is any question It will be a matter for the Th telephone girls at Portland, they assert, have not been asked to walk out In sympathy with theaa by any author ised, representative of the union, and the arts to determine, but I cannot se V ... ., .m.. here thef Ir a possibility of doubt u They sute. however. It Is posslbl to the meaning of th law. It simply ome irresponslbl members of the the age of 14 years are not to be em ployed.. . ' . : , ; . . , BARBER ARRESTED. ; Taooma's Orioraao. j (."TAC0MA. June 25. Th striking lln- J uselLln TJtccfma :ard playing the waiting game, They say that their strlk Is not altogether A sympathetic one, but that they have personal grievances against the company aside from the trouble. at San Francisco. The uniform scale, which Is flng paid in Beattle, is $3.50, while Tacoma telephone line men are receiving from $2 to 13 per day. The men assert in behalf of their claim that these wages are less than are paid common laborers, while their work Is dangerous and injurious to the health. Linemen must also serve a three-year apprenticeship .before they are entitled to journeymen wages. The headquarters in San Francisco have all that they can attend to without assisting the branches of the company in the north. The head of th Northern division is in Portland, although the di vision manager has been residing In Seattle for several months. In case of determined opposition It Is said to be the plan of the company to put as many men as possible to work in either Ta coma or Portland and then move them to th other city In order to do enough work to keep things running until the strike is settled. The carrying out of this plan will depend entirely upon orders from San Francisco. There are several aon-u,rn linemen In the city, but It Is claimed that they ar working and .receiving better ' wages than paid by the Sunset, so that It Is not likely that they will quit work to take th place of the strikers. union have asked the girls to take such action, but if so they proceed without official sanction. Asked if there is ' a move on foot to organise the telephone arirls. W. R. Heal is, chairman of the Executive Board, said: 'No. the matter has aevwr. been dis- Edmund Seauane. a barber of 1(3 I cussed more than In an InrWmal way. Twenty-third street was arrested last I There are JOfl telephone girls in Port Bight upon complaint of President Weia, I land, and I belisv that if we would ask of th Stat Board of Barbers' Exam- I them to go out oa a sympathetic strike inera. for refusing to take out an an-lther would not be 6 of them who Bual -renewal card. Th case was set I would refuse. .If such would prove to for hearing before Judge Hogua .this morning, but was continued until tomor row. , . - 4 . be th cas It would be unnecessary to i get them to organise a union. How ever, nothing .will be don Along: this CARPENTERS' UNION GROWING RAPIDLY Non-Unionists Joining Each Week Big Meeting Is Planned for Tonight, Business agents of the Carpenters' Union believe that, it will be a matter of only a short time until all carpenters in the city will be members of their organisation. This conclusion Is .based upon the fact that they ar taking Into th union all th way from 16 to 20 new members each week. J. . Lewton, cor responding secretary, says fully 20 ap plications for ' membership will be re ceived at the meeting tonight, and that If the non-unionists continue to come In at this rate for the next three or four weeks there will be no non-union car penters left in the city. At present it Is estimated that there are 100 of them, a great many of whom are said to be very competent mechanics. Mr. Lewton says that a special effort will be made tonight at the regular meeting of the union to Induce all the non-union men to join tbe organisation. All of them are invited to attend and. be says, msny of them, when seen per sonally about th matter, hav expressed their Intention or doing so. Bpeecnes will be made by some of the prominent members and refreshments will be served. It Is expected that the meeting jwlll result In strengthening the or ganisation. While Portland labor men seem confi dent that the midsummer convention of the executive board of the American Federation of Labor will be held at Port land, they have not yet received offi cial notice to that effect. Grant Mc Donald, secretary of the Federated Trades Council, wired Samuel Gompers last Saturday morning Inviting the board to meet here this summer, but ss yet he has received no reply from the fa mous labor leader. He Is expecting to hear from him, however, every day. SAStAX BZB1TXABDT. Just now Paris Is ringing with the praises of Sarah Bernhardt, or, as the Parisians call tneir iaoi, i. uranae Sarah. Bverv new production of this wonder ful woman of 67 summers is impatiently awaited by a crowd of expectant ad mirers, who, though Knowing ner run well, are yet full of that curiosity which wants to know how once again she will manage to make herself fairer to the eye, more thrilling to tne soul and Invent something more perfect than the last. Days before the opening night or a new Bernnaral periormance, on an sides may be heard gossip and chit-chat news, rumors from behind the scenes, and echoes from the rehearsals, of the mvsterlous doings of the greatest ac tress of modern times. Here is a remark of Mme. Bernnarat Which applies equally to herself as to those of whom she was speaking: "What a number of historical ngures would sleep the gentle sleep of forget fnlness amidst the dust of past ages had they not been raised up again, as by a miracle. nd brought back to lire and to the light of day by the talent and itenlus of arrrnt playwrlgbtsf BTBW TODAT. FOB SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR BALE On TOilOO-foet lot. amall bouee, city water, nicely fenced with poultry netting aevan feet high; alee place for poultry. II. F, MeAfferty. owner, general delivery. $R00 Do you want to buy Ave icrea, flue lora- iy or East ninth it., norm, or pnonc lacei. Apply I n Ion F. DRESSER & CO. Portland's Greatest GROCERY We eater to those who demand tbe best. Both Phonos 837. COmWHB BBTBHTBT AJTD WABjnXOTOST BTBZXrTS. CITT NOTICES. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IM PROVEMENT OF THTRMAN BTREZT. Notice la hereby glvaa that William C. Elliott, City Knglnner, ha Bled la the office of the underalgned notice .that Fralnay A Keating, contracture for tb Improvement of Thurmao etreet, under tha provulona of Or dinance -No. 13,007, have completed eaid atreet. from tb center tin of Twentieth Itroet to tb canter Una of Twenty -eecnod atreet. Bald acceptance will be eonildered by tha Siccative Board at 4 o'clock on tha J9th day of June. 1B03. and objection to th acceptance of aald atreet or any part thereof may he Bled la the offlc of tb bndenlgnad at any Urn prior thereto. TaB EKEfTTIVB BOARD By THOS. C. DKVLIN, Anditor of th Cltyt Portland. Jan 18, 1B0S. A. J. FARMER Wholesale and Retail Grocer Third and Jefferson. Tou can save 20"Per cent by dealing with me, 1 cans Blue Ribbon peaches . 2 lbs. soft-Shelled walnuts ... Ib. soft-shelled almonds . . . 1 package Scotch Oats t pkgs. Grape Nuts l pkg. an red wheat juiscuit . pkgs. Malta vita bkes. Cero Frulto 1 pkg. Force 10c l Pica, fostum or ! rrune zuc 1 box macaroni ....15c 1 lb. Royal Baking Powder 40c 1 lb. Arm A Hammer Boda . bar Naphtha Soap 8 bars Santa Claus Soap ... 12 bars Royal Savon Soap . 8 cans Carnation Cream ... 1-lb. can pork and benns ... s pkgs. Acorn Matcnes 1 can Alaska salmon 60 lbs. lard, compound 8 bars Diamond C. Scan ...... 2 lbs. broken Java coffee ., ...25c 1 lb. good English breakfast tea ...,16c Best sugar-cured hams. lb. ..14Hc 4-gal. jacket table syrup $1.60 10 lbs. NoM Head Rice ........... ,60c 1 lb. Gunpowder Tea 26c 1 sack best D. G. suaar .85.80 1 sack good hard-wheat flour 86c ls-ib. box crackers oc 1 sack good Valley flour 90c 1 Little Lady Broom 86c dosen Dev. Ham 40c Deliveries on East Side. Tuesdays and Fridays. ... .25c ....26c ...,16c .l0o ...,26c . . . . lOo 26c ...,26c 6c ...... i 26c , 26c , 26c , 6c 26c 6e .84.60 LEOAL NOTICE. SPECIAL NOTICE ' TO PH'MBKBfl. All plumber working at the plumbing bneineaa in tne I ity or rnrtiana muat. on or oerore Jaly 1, reglnter hi name and addrea with impecior or riumoing it toe my nan. aa rwrnlred bv law. BOARD OF EXAMINERS OP PLUMBERS GEO. H. WILLIAMS, Chairman. Portland, Oregon. June !W. 100.1. Best Goods! Lowest Prices I Mrs. Sarah Snook of SL Joseph Is Mis souri's oldest inhabitant. She is 108 years old. : 8he eats pie. fee cream snd other things: walks a mile every day for exercise; can see ss far and read as well without glasses as many young people and remembers well many great charac ters of this country almost a century ago. She celebrated tne toad, anniver sary of her birth at the bom of her daughter, Mrs. Agnes' Jacquay. Mrs. Snook Is a native of Louisville, rfy.. and spent many year or her life in Kansas. Tbe Postal Cable manager of New Tork. City expects by July 1 to send message to himself around tb world in 40 minutes. BABCK XOOB Sugar-cured hams . . . Picnic ham Best creamery butter . Dairy butter 60c tea New llmburger chees . Swiss cheese Full cream ' Pink salmon, per can ... Remember Saturday. Chicken , .608 .40c ".He 80c ...14Hc 12c and 66c and 46c 80c and 36c 25c ...7Hc .'. .... 6c Day La Grande Creamery a4 Tamhlll Btroot. HAY FEVER, CATARRH 0pprsioie SuffocstloR, Ncjralgi 1 PROMPTLY CUKCD BY Z Espic's Cigarettes., or Powder LfOIJUMlCfTarkawalan Bvwafiot NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. SEALED PROPOSALS addreaaed to th Gov- ernor of tbe State of Oregon will ba re ceived at the executive office until i p. m., June 24, 1908, for railing tha aecond story or the preeent dining ban, tne building or a third atory over aama ana a two-atory aa dltlon thereto, at tbe Orecon State Penl tentlary. located about two mllea eaat of Salem. In itrlct accordance with th plan and epecifleatlnna. and Instruction! to bid den prepared therefor which may be aeen at tbe office of W. D. Pugb, architect, Salem, Oregon, and at tbe executlv office at tbe State Capitol Building. The bide mot be mide on blank forme of propoeala which may be obtained from tbe architect or Oovernor'i office. A certi fied check moat accompany eicb bid In the anm of 6 per cent of bid. payible to C. W. Jame. Superintendent Oregon 8tite Peni tentiary, a aguaranty that tha aucceaeful bidder will -enter into a contract and famleh a good and rafficlent bond to be approved by the Oovernor equal to tha amount of tha contract price within St day after tb awarding of contract. . The right 1 reaerved to reject' any and all bid. GEORGE E. CHAMBERLAIN. Governor. P0UNDMA8TER B NOTICE. NOTICE la hereby given that on the 24th day of June, 11103. I took np and empounded at the City Pound, at No. 21 Sixteenth atreet. In the CHy of Portland, Oregon, the following described animal: On roan pony branded C. N. on 'right ahonlder. white a pot on forehead, right bind foot white, roaehed man and abod ill around. And acleaa th owner, or other person or peraon bavtug an In ferret therein, aha 11 elalrii pneaeeetoa of the- a me, and pay all coeta and charge of the keeping and ad vertising a me. together wUh the pound feee oa ald animal, aa provided by ordi nance No. &.023. amended, of said City -of Portland. I will on the let 'day of July. 'ISO, at th hoar of IO a. bl, at the't'lty Poo ad. , Ne, 381 SUteantb. la. oale) city, ell tb I bore deoeribed animal at public auction to the alrhest hlddee, to pay. the eoata aad charge for taking ap, keeping aad advertwing mack animal. Data this Sdfh day of Jnaa, lal, - , . .. t. W. ED, Pwoudmaator. PROPOSALS FOB COMBINATION CHEMICAL FIRE ENOINE AND H0SX WA00N. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at tbe office of the Anditor of tbe City of Port land, In the City Hall, until Monday, June 2M, 10O3. it 11 o'clock a. m., for fnrnlibing to the City of Portland one combination chemical Ore engine ana noee wagon, ac cording to apeclflcationa on flle In tbe offlca or the Auditor or tne i.ny or rortiana. Bid mint be accompanied hy a certified check, payable to Geo. H. Willtame, Mayor, for an amount equal to 10 per cent of the aim-gate of the bid. fixed and liquidated di mi gei In ciae inch bidder withdraw! hie bid or fill! to deliver nld engine, itaould tbe lime be iwarded him. The right to reject any and ill bid il hereby reierveo. By order of tba Executive Board. THOU. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of the City of Portland, Portland, Oregon, June 35, 1108. rarABTOXAZj. Ladd & Tilton, Bankers ' Eatabllihed la 1S6B. amMamBBai " f- . " ' INTEREST ALLOWED - U , ON TIME DEPOSITS. ' i Collection mad it ill points on favorable terma. Letter of credit laeoed avillahm la Europe and all points la tro United States. Right exchange and telegraphic traaaferS old In New York, Waahlngtoa, Cbtcax, c l-onli, Denver, Omibl. Ban I rand ace aad Mas Una and Brltlah Columbia. , . Exchange aold on London, Parta, Berlin, Frankfort, Hong Koag, Yokohama, Manila and Honolulu. , , . , . PROPOSED CHANGE OF ORADZ OF BENTON STREET, Notice la hereby given thit it the meeting of tbe Council of tbo City of Portland, Ore- fon, held on tbe lTtn oay or vune, iwjj, ui nllowlne reeolutlon waa adooted: Heeolved. By tbe Cenncll of the City -of Portland, that It deema It axpeaicnt to cnange the grade of Benton atreat within tb etty and eetabllih ld gride n followi, and that It la tbe Intention of aald Council to cbang and eetabllsb Hid gride of Benton itreet la fol lowi: At tbe eolith line of McMIIlen'i Addition from 78.80 feet to 81.30 feet ibov tb bate of city grade. ... Reeolved. That tbe Auditor be and he I hereby directed to give notice of tb pro poeed change of grade of aald Itreet pro vided by tbe charter. Remonitrince igalnit the ihnv chinge of gride may be riled in writing with th under Igned within 20 dy from th data of tba Brat publication of thla notice. UT order ot tne council. THOH. C. DEVLIN. Anditor ot the City ot Portland. June 19, 1803. PROPOSALS FOB CHTSHED ROCK FOR THE CITT OF PORTLAND. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received it tb office of tbe Auditor or tne (Jitr oi rortianoj In tbe City Hall until Saturday, June 27, 1U03, at 3 o'clock p. m., for furnishing to the City of Portland 3,000 cubic yardi of the beat quality of hard built eruebed rock, to be need for repairing itreeti. Slid rock to be delivered in Inch quanti ties and In iuch plicei the City Engi neer may direct and the City Engineer aha 11 also have power to reject any Inferior grade of rock delivered. Blda must be acormpmled hy certified cheque payable to Geo. Ii. Wllliama. Mayor of the City of Portland, for in amount equal t. ten per cent of the aggregate of tha bid as fixed and liquidated damage In ciae ucb bidder withdraws hla bid or fills to enter Into written contract should the laru be awarded him. The right to reject any and ill bids I hereby reierved. . By order of the Executive Board. THOS. C. DBVLIN. Anditor of the City of Portland. Portland. Oregon, June 24. 1903. - COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IM PROVEMENT OF SEVENTH STREET. Notice Is herebr given that William C. Klll.rft niv Engineer, has filed In the offlc of the undersigned notice that Fralney ft Heat lng. contractors for the improvement of Seventh Itreet, under Jho provisions of Ordinance No. 12.K93, hive completed laid street, from the center Hne of t'lsndere itreet to the center Une of Everett Itreet. Slid icceptsnoe will be considered by the Executive Board at 4 o'clock on the 19th day of June. 1903, and objection to ine icceuiance of said street or my part thereof may be filed In the office of tba undersigned at any tlmo prior thereto. A tl I.- AIM I IMF. pirArtu. Bv THOS. C. DBVLIN. Auditor of tbe City of Portland. Jane 13. 1903. United States Nat'l Bank OF PORTLAND 0RI00N. ' ' NORTHWEST COR. THIRD AND OAS STaV TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANXDfO , BUSINESS. , ' DRAFTS ISSUED Available ia all eltlea of th Valtod State aad Europe,, Hong Kong and Manila. - Collections Made on Favorable Terms Preeldent ......J.lO. AINBWORTft Vloe-Preeident V ..U..W, B. 4TKB Aeelstint Cashier R. W. RcmittER. Assistant Cashier ......... ..A. M. .WRIGHT , LONDON & SAN FRANCISCO BANK, LIMITED. - CHAMRER OF COKVERCB BTTLBIHa, THIRD AND STARK BTKXXZi. . Head Office OS Old Broad atreet. LondVa. Tbla bank transact a general baaklng boat pea, make loan, discounts bllla and laone tetter of credit vsllsbl for traveler and for the parcbae of merchandise La anv city of the world. Deal ' orelga"a4 eoaHStle exchange. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. W. A. MACRAE. Maaeger. Merchants National Bank PORTLAND. 0RS00N. J. Frank Witaoa. R. L. Durham..... R. W. Hoyt Geo. W. lloyt a........... PT!dfttl Vles-Preoideiit , Caahler .....Aaalataat Cishls Transact a 0ari Banking Bilaaee. Drifts and leten of credit iaausd irillible to ill parts of tbo world. -: Collection a ipeclilty. Gold SnH boiigtit. MORRIS BROS & CHRISTENSEN CoccMoon to mpibib a umu 4 FIRST AND ALDEB STREETS, PORTLAND. OR. BXTZBZBTCBB. Ladd A Tilton. Portland; C. 8. National BanR, Portland; nana oi laniornia. naa rraa -Cisco; Croeker-Woolworth Natiooil . - Bank. Sin Francisco. , Bolton, deRoyter & Co. BCERTBEBB. Chicago Board of Trido, San Frncte pre . dace Kicnange, nan rraaciaeo oiocs and Bond Bxcbanga. ",' . Q RAIN, PROVISIONS. STOCKS. B0ND5 and COTTON. Ban Francisco Offloa 490 Calif era ia St. 108 THIRD ST. PORTLAND OR LEGAL NOTICE. FREOKRICK KLING KSTATK. Notice r hereby given thit tne unaersignen. aa ao niinlitntor of tne estate of Frederick KUng, deceased, haa filed his final account In tb County Court for Multnomah County. Ore- 5 on, and that Monday. July 37, 1903. at ; a. m.. at the courtroom of aald court, has been let by aald con aa tha time and place for the hearing of objection thereto and the settlement there, " Dated and Scot pnbllahrd June 2t. 1903. FRED H. NOLT-VF.R. Administrator nf-tb Eetate Jt ; Prederlck Kllng. Deceased.-' .f... - . . - - -. : Robt. J. O'Nell. Attnrtiey for Estate. ' ' . --i notice. NOTICB h bereby glveir that Om animal meeting or tbo atortnoiaer oi tbo mioway Otl Company will be beM at tbe etne of Ladd A Tilton. Banker, at Portland. Ore goa. at 3 o'clock p. m.y on Wednesday, th lfttk day of July", 1908. ft tb purpos of Irctfng board of directive snd the trans- artloa ox acn oioer oueiueiw mm xv&u. Ufor th meeting. KOBTOAOB Z.OAXT8 at lowest Bate. nrsTjBABCB nr am zairxB. , BXAZ. Z8TAT1L ' : A. H. BIRRELL C l-onnirly of KaoACastsv B BlrralL " REAL K8TATK, GENKRAL INSURANCE AND . FINANCIAL AGENCY. .303-4 McKay Building. Third Sa4 Stark, Fame, Mala 338. MORTGAGE LOAIN'S ' On Portland real estate at lowest rate. Title Insured. , Abstnct f orals s-i. Title Quarantee & Trust Co., 1 Chamber of Commerce, a-orxca baivabxzs peopxb Do yon Deed money before pay dsyf Catl en a. We ea aSvaoc mooey oa your wia on abort notice, Yon pur back monthly, m,v monthiy or weekly. - TKB STAB XrOAB CO ,310 McKy Bldg.. . Third nd Btarf its. t i i-- noanrr adtamoid. - Salaried people, teams term, etc.. without oeeor Ity, eaap peymaoMf largest ptistcea io ti principal fitle. " i" . J V'--.. '-'- TOLKAW. m Abltlftow JgOBTOAOB tOAHS. A. IfRrtnoeMt cur aj 1 fnria .r.nrtT est current rates; ba.lmiJg ""., loan. i ' k wax. use r.r ""-, , - ! , . Ail lAorc it t I TP . -