THE ' SATURDAY. PORTLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE 26, 1903. PRICE FIVE CENTS.' CITY i . ' mmmmmmmommms-- may sue march iraoit kmmmmm mm feared m the RESULT MASS Mabel Rogers and ;Jessie How ard Say that W, L. Pulliam bave I hem "Knockou Drops" for Revenge. Made Charges before Chief o Police Hunt and the Matter , Will Be Investigated by the ! Officers. ! Victims Claim Valuable Serv ices Withdrawn Caused At tempt to Wreak Vengence Upon I hem Both. 1 Buffering Intense pain, and -with the Shadow of death resting over them, Mabel Rogers and Jessie Howard, until yesterday . barmaids at the North End resort of W. L. Pulliam, aocuae their former employer of giving them "knock- Cut" drops, which may result In the loss of both their lives. - . -Writhing, in -agony. ai .with their voices choked by sobs-of 'suffering, these two beaatrful ymmg women Made' their - eensattonalBtatements to Chief of Police Hunter noon today. Theic stories were . taken down In writing- and certified' to , and ' complete and .thorough investiga tion of the Charge will be made. Dr. Louis Buck, who has charge of the patients, says both are undoubtedly Buffering from the effete of a powerful and deadly drug, and that death may . result at any time. .. Mabel . Roberts and Jessie. . Howard have for months been an attraction that drew trade to the Pulltam resort In the celebrated North End district. 80 pop ular did these handsome beer venders become that there was Hvrly bidding to secure their services, for it was recog nised by saloonkeepers that much trade would follow them wherever they went In this contest to obtain their serv ices a saloon proprietor named Brown placed more monetary value upon a pair of pretty faces ton 11 did Mr. Pulliam and Miss Rogers and MIhs Howard yes terday morning canceled their engage ment with the latter and began serving beer at the resort of the former. It was out of revenge for their "quit ting him," so the two stricken women say, that Pulliam worked them Injury. They allege that just before they left his saloon Pulliam asked them to take a drink with him. Each nuked for beer and after it had been swallowed their former employer made this significant remark: Tou girls think you are pretty mart, but I generally get all of you. They proceeded direct from Pulllam's jo Brown's, they say, and shortly after riving at the latter place . they were ised with terrible pains, which have continued almost constantly since some time yesterday afternoon. The young. women are still at Brown' . physician being, constantly In at tendance. RULER OF BULGARIA IN ABJECT TERROR. , ".-! i : . . ' . 1 ' i '-?' 1.. lTL v i": 4 v, ii .j.. ,;.v. ')t-Tj f.;:.i CORNELL KINS $3m ?!$8&Sl m m race m DAMAGES MURDER G. B. Cotton. Who Was Ar rested On Suspicion Wednes day, Makes Sensational Charges Against the Police. Claims He Was Falsely Im prisoned and Gave Up $10 to Attorney Watts Who Failed to Effect His Release- Great Interest Taken in the In- tercolles:iate Races Now in Vi . 1 Bt Progress on the Hudson at Pdughkeepsie, N, Y. Three Events of Interest to Take Place Today, the Great est Being that of.the 'Varsity tight-Oared .Contest. WILL RATIFY TREATY ; (Journal Special Service.) , WASHINGTON, D. C. June 26. W. N. ! Cromwell, Consul for the Panama Canal Company, received a cablegram from Bogota stating ttutt the treaty would bo ratified. The cable people are watching closely and are In a better po sltlon to know the facts than is Min ister Hart. . . , HavlntJ won the degree of Master of Arts at the New York University after a three-years' cpurse of study, Mrs. Charles H. Truax. Wife of Judge Truax, will begin active work, In a philanthropic Bociety that will look after poor ine- tes. ' JsWa Xa the Zsteroollsriate races today at Fonghkeepsla, KTew Tork, the following were the results of the first raoai Tarslty fours Cornell wins. Venn- sylranla second, Wisconsin third. Co lumbia fourth. The time was) Cornell, 10(91) Vans- sylvanla, 10:38; Wisconsin, 10:88; Co lumbia, 11:14. rreshmen sight Cornell wins by nearly a laugth, Syracuse second. Wis cousin third, Columbia fourth, renasyl- vama- fifth. Time t:ie 3-5 being cab best record for the oourse; too beat previous time waa made by Tale la 1897, being 9H94. The fate that befell the unfortunate , King Alexahder of Servla and his royal consort has quite unnerved Ferdinand, the ruler of Bulgaria. He knows that he is aa much hated by his -people as was Alexander by the -Servians. He Is now in continual dread of aasasslnatlon and his fears are shared by his Cabinet, who recently held a meeting to consider the situa tion and take every precaution against a popular outbreak. The bodyguard' of Ferdinand has been increased, but the Prince Is nevertheless in abject terror, , POUOHKEEPSIE, N.-.Y.,June 16. Immense orowds are present at 'the great races Xoday. The water condi tions are perfect and at 3 o'clock,, the( police boat with Governor Odell's party aboard passed1 up by me stake boat and at 4:10' o'clock the 'Varsity, fours were off, with' Pennsylvania leading at the quarter. .Pennsylvania and Cornell shells. Distance, two miles. Entries, Cornell, University of Pennsylvania, Syracuse University and the university of Wisconsin. As usual the chief Interest centers In the university eight-oared race. In the large amount of betting done this fore noon- Cornell ruled the prime favorite. The critics base their judgment on the fact that the Ithican crew won the Tace were nip and tuck at the. half, with all last year and that several of last yea together at the three-quarter-mhrk. Cornell wins, Pennsylvania second, Wis consin third and Columbia fourth. All arrangements for the- -Inter collegiate Association shell races had been .completed by-' the regatta committee, at 11 o'clock. this . morn tng. The morning trains , and boats from New ..York . brought i thousands of visitors , and elaborate arrangements for their convenience were made. The observation train of 50 cars was wait- crew havnrbeen .displaced for seemingly better men. .The Cornell crew has also made an excellent showing in its prac tic6 Work here and in endurance is be lleved to be superior to the other con testants. Second Dlace in DODularltv seems to bo a tie between Columbia and Wisconsin, both being considered) excel lent crews. John . E. Eustls of Wesleyan wlfl act as referee . and the timekeepers will be E. J. Wendall.of Harvard . and Innes lng below Highland Station, the flags Forbes of the Pennsylvania Barge Club. had been fixed on the bridge; ferry boats were busy between the city and the west side of the . river, . and ' big yacht were getting into place about the finish line- ; , . tr- The races today are scheduled to be gin at 4 o'clock, the indications having been that there would be a good ebb tide at "that time. The program laid out Is as followsr At 4 o'clock University four-oared shells. Distance, two miles. Entries. Columbia, Cornell and the University of rernsyivania. At 4:45 p. m. Freshmen elght-oared GIRL CRIPPLED FOR LIFE; HE GOES FREE Reed. , Who Enticed Laura Stickler Into Hotel, Es capes Justice. LI PI NO LOSES MAIDEN DIAMONDS CHICAGO, June 26. Harold D. Reed. who enticed Laura Stickler, an Innocent girl of Cincinnati, Into a hotel here. from which the girl escaped by leaping from the third-story window, was to day dismissed, owing to the girl's serl ous condition preventing her from com lng here from Cincinnati to appear against Reed. She will be crippled for life. Negro Porter Arrested for Crime but;from Buf- v . falo Comes Order from Police to Re . lease Him Peculiar Case V . CLEVEIAND, Jum 26. Charles Bloom,'-a colored porter on the-Lake Shore road, was arrested when the train arrived here this morning, charged with TObblng s wealthy Japanese woman pas senger of $2,000 worth bf jewels. Bloom strongly denies guilt. , ' ,i A dispatch -from Buffalo this morn ing states that the woman from whom Porter Bloom stole the diamonds is not a -Japanese, as first given out by. the pnivce -officials, but Senorlta Clemtaa Lopes, a Bister of the Filipino leader andBecretary of the delegation which HANNA WON'T JALK WASHINGTON. June 2 6. Senator Hanna was approached today upon the Subject of the chairmanship of the Re publican National Committee but de clined to discuss the subject In any way, He Came here to attend the Informal re ception tendered Sir ' Thomas Upton, by President Roosevelt at the White House. STEAMERS AT ASTORIA railed on President McKlnley to "ask for Philippine Independence. . She was on a visit to Wellsley College, where she had been a classmate of the daughter of Mayor Knight. She returned with home. The nollce made a areat en- , ASTORIA. Juno 26. Steamer . Alll- deavor to keep the rralr secret, at the arrived her yesterday from San Mayor's request. - 1 Francisco. Arrived today: Jhe Brlt- ' . T ' ; , - : " .' lsh ship Arctic from Honolulu In ballast; . Ct,EVKIiA.ND June 26. A 'message the British steamer Indrapura from was received here, at noon today from Hong Kong via Yokohama with Victoria Buffalo with the order to release Porter passengers and general cargo; Schooner Bloom. It Is believed fear of m great Alvena sailed today tor Ban Pedro scandal caused order. "F : loaded wltb lumber at Weaport, PAYNE REPORTED SERIOUSLY SICK But He Proposes to Stay With r i ., r i r i rrosecunon ot me rostai Frauds Until the. Finish, WLthout Vacation. Bitter Feeling Said to Exist Be tween Roosevelt and Hanna, Which Will Likely Explode Most Any Day. (Journal Special Service.) WASHINGTON. June 26. Reports are current that Postmaster-General Payne id seriously ill and It would be no surprise If he resigned, though he saya he proposes to stay and prosecute the cases and do without a vacation. If Senator Hanna is not made chairman of the National Republican convention Payne will also decline the 'vice-chairmanship "on account of ill health," thus giving the Lodge program a full sweep. There is certainly considerable friction between Hanna. and Roosevelt and an explosion is likely to occur at any time. TO INVESTIGATE ALASKA (Journal Special Service.) TACOMA, Wash., June 26. Members of the sub-committee of the United States Senate Committee on Ter ritories arrived here this after noon and will sail tomorrow for Alaska to Investigate needs 'of that territory, The party consists of Senator Dilling ham of New Hampshire, Chairman. Sen ator Nelson of Minnesota, Patterson of Colorado and . Burnham of Vermont Senator Foster of Washington, will not accompany the party, having made a re cent visit to Alaska. Says He Believes Officers Are in Collusion With Police Court Attorn eys--Chief Be gins Investigation'. Chief of Police Hunt Is threatened with a damage suit for alleged false imprisonment of G. B. Cotton, who was arrested Wednesday night at 7 o'clock as a suspicious person, thrown into Jail and held without any charge having been placed against his name, for more than 24 hours. In addition to what Cotton claims was an unwarranted and most high handed proceeding by Chief. Hunt, Cot ton made the statement to The Journal this morning that while a prisoner In the detectives' room at Police Head quarters, ' some officer "tipped off" his presence to Attorney John F. Watts, who quickly arrived on the scene, rep resenting that some friend of the pris oner had sent him. Cotton gave $10 to Watts with the understanding, he states, that Watte would get him out of trouble. Watts disappeared. Cotton elnims.' and never' returned to render him any service for the 110, or to re turn the sum The alleged plucking of Mr. Cotton while beneath the very roof of the city police station, surrounded by numerous officers, has caused cnier nuni io w gln an Investigation to ascertain, if pos sible whether some officer Is working In collusion with certain police court The Brother of the Lawyer Who Was Killed in the Jackson, Ky., Feud Had to Flee from the Town, Turns Up in St. Louis Penny less and Without Baggage- Learned that Plot to Assassin ate Him Was Laid. prosecuted the Case Against Slayers of His Brother and Gained the Enmity of Those Who Killed Him. (Journal Special Service.) ST. IOU1S, June 26. With his clr-thes torn and himself penniless, without railway ticket or baggare of any sort. Judge Thomas Marcum of Muscogee, spent last night In the waiting room of the Union Depot here. The destitute man had to flee from Jackson. Ky.. In order to save his life. Judge Marcum says he had excellent reasons, for an attempt at his assas sination was to be made, and learning of It he fled from the Phoenix Hotel at Jc.ckson to avoid the frlenda of Jett and White, who are charged, with murder ing his brother. He did not dare return to the hotel to get his baggage. He thinks he lost his railway ticket at the depot In Jnckson. Judge Marcum spent the morning In searching for Senator Stone, who is a friend of his.- It I presumed he desires that Stone assist htm in cashing a check. Marcum 1b fairly wealthy man. When discovered In the depot Judge Marcum stated that the most cut thoat methods were resorted to by the rrienas or the murderers or bis brother. He said .that people who did not come out openly and side with the Hargia faction were notified to leave the town of Jackson under penalty of death. He believes that many more murders will be committed before the feud is over if the state government does not step In BIG DAY Steered by His Own Hand the Kaiser Gains - Victory. With His Yacht Meteor Empress Entertains All. Emperor William at Kiel Shows High Appreciation for Ameri cans and With Them Enjoys Big Occasion. Yacht Races the Feature of To- day in Which the Kaiser Takes an Active PartVan derbilt Yacht Arrives, -attorneys 'Who hover about the station. Shady transactions, savoring strongly and grregt a entering; parties, of polite collusion, have been perpe- 1 , , . ... T trated, it is claimed, under the very eves of Chief Hunt, one Instance in point being but a few days ago, when Attorney Charles Petraln succeeded In persuading a' prisoner to sign over to him a check for $25 in plain view of at least a half dozen policemen at the station. Ootton'a Case Belated. "T am a native Oregonlan. and was born In Lebanon," said Cotton. "I am well known In various portions of the utAtA and when I was arrested and hronrht to the police station I was treated like a dog. The arresting officer told me I was wanted for walking the traot at nlaht. but as It was only 7 p. m.. I tnougnt mai rainer iuoubc wna later informed that I was a sus- NEGROES THREATEN TO AVENGE BURNING Race Riots Are Feared to Again break Uut in Wilmington Great Excitement. (Journal Special Service.) KIEL, June 26. In today's yacht race for the Plerpont Morgan cup, be-" tween the Kaiser's American built boat, the Meteor, and the Empress Id una, owned by Ball In, the latter sailed by Prince Henry, while the Kaiser, clad ' n oilskins, took the wheel on the Me teor. The Emperor Is an expert yachts man. Previous to the race the Kaiser visited Mrs. Ooelet's yacht and finding her absent, left cards. It Is said the lady is greatly perturbed over the oo currence. The Empress Is sailing with Prince Henry on the Iduna. . Admiral Cotton the Kaiser's guest on the Meteor. Ambassador Tower was also Invited aboard the Meteor but declined because he is a subject of seasickness. Admiral Cotton, gives a dinner te the- Kaiser -tO night. Prince Henry, Admiral Tower, Cornelius Vanderbtlt. William Ooelet and several other notables will be. pres ent. The Meteor won the Morgan cup, the Iduna being hopelessly beaten. Vic tory Is essentially due to the fine sail ing done by the Kaiser. The yacht Comet won from the Navahoe. After the races the Empress enter-' tained all the officers of the American squadron in the Imperial palace grounds overlooking the bay. The . Kaiser." -Prince and Princess Henry were also present. , The affair was entirely ln . formal. Cornelius Vnderbllf yacht arrived today and ita owner and his wife ' boarded the vessel Immediately after wards. Prince Henry In his yacht run . alongside and Invited Mr. and Mrs. Van derbtlt to participate in all the festivi ties. This is considered the most un- usual honor ever given to civilians. Another yacht ace la scheduled for ' today between the Comet and the Nava hoe. The Comet was originally the cup challenger Thistle, while the Navahoe . la the first big yacht ever designed by Nat Herreshoff. (Journal Special Service.) WILMINGTON, Del., June 26. This city Is quiet this morning but - everyone f rm fnrthar ran. . Th. picious person, ana migni w on. u, w. rf turned nomo th,8 mornln?i but left holdupa who murdered the old man the or(lf.rB permitting the militia to be called whenever necessary. Many ar rests have been made. Negroes numbering 500 are congre gated in the south end of the city and threaten within 24 hours to aVenge the burning of White at the stake. TWENTY-FIVE MEN KILLED IN MEXICO other night. This was a most ridicu lous nrooosltlon. and I told the officers at the station that if tbey wouja per mlt me to telephone I coma summon friends to my side who could clear me from all suspicion. However, I was not permitted to use the telephone, end I was Jerked off to a ceu witnoui rorm- allty. On the Grill. "I was kept In Jail all night, but sev eral times was called out to answer questions put by the Chief. It was ex ceedingly humiliating to me, a man Ilf VfI UCIUIB Ul I CDiru, snu ouvau I y. , ,. k. tm nifl Affompv Watts, which uournai apeciai Berviee.) " " " - ' . PflDT WrtDTU T . . od . . A... honestlv believe was done with the t... nn..nt of cnrtaln of- egram received nere loaay says an ex ... n.t.,iiv. rw wmd me aealnSt Plosion occurred at the mines of the " - 1 - - -- - . i ri jl r , K,, aa Wo rent-Menteri that v-" v-umytmy a prop nm. nf mv frlt-nds had sent him. I y- al J-as terancos, mexjeo, in wnich thought it must be so. Remember, I had never before been in such a fix, and did not know Just what to do.i I never once thought that questionable attorneys would be allowed to operate within the DOlice station, and I rather thought Detective Day was Joking when ho spoke to me about Watts. "The manner in which I was treated 25 men were killed and many Injured. REV, De FORREST DEAD LIVERNASH MEETS CLAIM' (Journal' Special Service.) (SAN FRANCISCOi June 26.-Con- gressman Llvernash met - the United Railroad attorney-claim tfrat the multi tude would not testify as to the cost oj living being higher by presenting a signed statement of facta by 1,100 car men as to the prices of rent, food and clothing belngJ0 to 25 per cent higher than a year ago. (Journal Special Service.) SAN FRANCISCO, June 26. Rev. Joseph DeForest, an Episcopal divine who had preached here on Sunday at wfciin nrwior rrpt was an outran, and Grace Church, went to the Winchester frionria ara now pnnmil tinff attornevs Hotel yesterday afternoon complaining - ... . I n S VI. v. tr. . . with a. view to brlna-ma sutt ror raise ivuuu ma uran, tiu weni o Imnrlsonment. After being locked up nis room ana was rouna aeaa two ftours over 24 hours in the vilest hole ever arter. we uvea in Jjavenport, la., and called a Jail, and having no charge cormeny preacnea in uregon at xne against me. Chief Hunt, when I was Dalles and Portland. He was 60 years released yesterday afternoon, told me to of age and leaves a widow and grown leave tho city and never return. But aaugnter in iowa. shall ascertain, before this matter Is settled, whether a man who is In this Ity for the purpose of investing money In business, as I was, can be run out by the Chief of Police when there is The Civil Service Commission is today not even a charge against mm. ir I engaged in checking over the papers sub- was a suspicious character, and deserv- mitted by the applicants In the recent lng of investigation, why was I not examination for positions In the Police taken before a court of Justice and and Harbormaster's Department. The given a hearing? This I also intend to names 0f those passing, with their aver SALEM EXTENSION WILL BE CONTESTED Residents of Suburbs. Propose to Fight the New Char- ; ter in the Courts, (Journal Special Service,), . SALEM, June 26. Steps,. are being - -taken by a large number of dttsens of Salem's suburbs to Invoke the aid of the courts and, prevent ibft cjty from taking . In the suburbs under -the new charter, passed at the last session of the Leg islfiture. Attorney W.' H. Holmes and M. E. Fogue have been retained by In terested parties ' to Investigate the , feasibility of the plan, and after a thor ough examination of the matters tn- , volved, the attorneys have advised tha - UUUlMttl! IMIUBttW tlV tIW IICW can be defeated and th'e city authorities prevented from extending their Juris diction to the new territory on the date the new charter Is- to go into effect, i which is October 1. . ' Parties Interested are now raising; funds In the suburbs for the expenses of the fight, and no efforts will be . spared to restrain the city from aotlng : , under the new charter. CHECKING UP ANSWERS ascertain. Against the Xaw, Prominent legal authorities consulted today- with .regard to the arrest of "sus picious" persons, stated that In no case has the Chief of Police the right to 'ar rest anyone and hold them in Jail as In the ease of Cotton, with no charge against them. .Another matter that Is being dis cussed In certain quarters, is whether Chief Hunt has a right, under the law, to discharge certain prisoners arrested during the night for various- offenses, without sending them before the mu nicipal JUdge. Almost every.' morning Chief Hnnt discharges from one to 15 prisoners on his own authority. This morning he. permitted eight to go. -Albania has a. population of 1,600,000 who are nearly all Mohammedans. age, will be made public as soon as the papers are corrected. STRIKERS ARE QUIET . (Journal Special Service.) V" RICHMOND. ' Ind.. June 26. There were no disturbances here 'today among the strikers, although nil cars are fun ning under mil It la guard. PETER GRANTED AMNESTY, (Journal Special Service.) -BELGRADE, June .: 2 J. Newspapers today announce that King; Peter has granted amnesty to all political offen-' ders, which' would Include the- aasasslna. - MANY WILL SEE TI SHAH BATTLE The big sham battle that has been arranged by the officers and mem bers of the First -Infantry, National Guards of Oregon, Is going to bring a lot of people to town on the Fourth of July. Before the sham battle takes place the First Regiment and a number , of troops front Vancouver Barracks will parade. - - ''-.-. -..-Wy' -yyh'. :"aJ::-' :f '.. ; Special cars will be run from suburban, point to Portland that the pople of the . outlying districts may have a chance to see the epectacu lar affair. Light Battery "A," N. Q. O., will also assist In the "fight," ", Tha money that la taken In at the gate of ttie ground of the River side Driving Club, where the battle la to take place, will be. donated to the relief committee at Heppner.' , - f -, ,. ,;. : i - - . r i iih.