The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 25, 1903, Page 8, Image 8

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    4 I ' . 1,1
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1 8
,;'( .av.avt-w--, M '"t mmm
n a tTjV .tott aTj. '. v ot?tt , a tcti: tttttti
Standard Oil "ComDanv An
nounces Another Reduction jSSfl
dllnm. I2T 00: hart. 133.00: ebon. 818.00.
HA Y Timothy, I1T.0UU1S.U0; clover, fie.oo
17.00. ,
' Haw. Waal and Bides.
- HOPS Somxic (or choice; 1908 contracts,
WOOL valley, 1&tl6e. coarse; medium 'to
ralr, I816c; fin. 16Stl7e; Kastern ura
fun, ' loa'isc; Mohair, ' nominal, 3ot37e.
BHEKI-HKTN8 Shearing, KHeiDci abort
wool. 22i2.V; medium wool, 8uc; long
urfr81.44 uHl.
TALLOW llni. per lb. 405e; No. S arid
gree. 23et .
HIDKN urr hide, no, i, io pminns ana
15c per m; dry kip. No. l, 0 to la nia,
ro, I. now o ins, joc, urj
nd atag. . 1-fl leaa than dry
Stronger and Broader Tenden-
. .-.'i . II.. tr..i. j ii!J..
cies ivianiTesiea in vvmuy
City Pits,
1 A.i'l ahm U r ' CIaa A I Slnl; aaltft hltLwa. atiwr. aounrf. Ad IMIlnd or I
III yUUldUUIIO LKg OlUtr0 7WHe; 50 ta i rba. 7e: under IW Iba (Special permission of Bolton, da Buyter A Co.)
Are More Plentiful
itara and bulla, aouna. Br
id) Rm. 7r; nonnd, 10 to
and , 6a1e; ata
klii. aonnd. 1ft to !U
14 Rm. 7c: ralf. anond. urnlrr 10 Tba. do: iwn
Innaaltml). Ir iwr lb Iraa: rnlla. le per lb
!,: borar hldr. aaltrd. rarh. ll.2nffri.75: dry,
rarb. Il.iKIM 1.80: colta' Aide, aacb. ZAfeCSOr;
toat akin, common, rarb. lOrilSc; Anfora, wltb
ool on, rarb, 2.Vffll.tK). ..
Butter, tin an4 Pomitrr,
n- -x fM A J J! BUTTER Bttraa. who: creamery, xim
nice iviarKei onuw uui-
Fresh Meats ire Weakef .With
the Poorer Grade Unsaleable
'tional Firmness,
L XJbimA oil Aaollsaa 4 ont.
Kn nor pltatlftU. BoUsm
. rmh maati waa-ker, oor toe
Kloo marktt flrmar.
Spacnlmtlon m to tomato fa
tnrti, . t
SidaII prlar ohloktsa too plan
tlfni. FnUt receipts Urfa. Buslntao
f'UKEME h"ull rram. twin,
Amrrl-a. 1.V: I'allfurnla. lft.
I'tll LTKV Cblobrna. mixO. lW'ir r in;
I bona, llfiill'tr; rorKtt-ra. 81100 prr ID, nroU'
rra. 10U7Vj,r nor lb: (rrara, 16llflc p-T ID
d'icka. 11141 13y w. -IVHe pr
lb; tnrkoya, ll, 1.1M14C prr ID; oreaaea, low
10c pr lb.
oreeariaa, xiuu, to.
KrflAR "Rack bla:M fnbr. IS.TTm paw.
I (Jti-.I. fi.u4: dry rranniatad, as.n'i:
('. C.i.02'4; (old-n 0. 94.02H: barr-l. lOr; n
narrpia, ip; mxra, oue aaranp on aarn oai,
loaa p." per ca t. for caab, 13 daya; maplr, 14(H)
1 iw m.
HONEY 1S16 m fram,
f'OI-TKE Orwn Stocha. 3123o: Ja-a. fancy.
8flSar; Jnra.. ird. 3"fit2.V; Ja. ordinary,
llk; ixwia mca. ranry, ivmK, ivmim
fond. lOVlNc; loata Hira. oraimry. iu(
CHICAGO, Juno 26. Logan & Bryan
Tho wheat market was again broad,
active and -strona:. ... Th threahlng. re
turns In th Bouthweat continue to us
tlfy prevloua eatlmate that they would
be disappointing. Neither Caah. Prlc
Current nor the Northwestern Miller will
,ml( ihla Kit nna kai nnlv tit lnolc hark
iuu" I to see the same conditions prevailing.
The best Informed people in the trade
hold bullish opinlona. saying the crop
will be moderate. Foreign market are
Indifferent, but they will aoon go at
lower prices, stocks are small ana gen
'Views of .Various.1 Soeculators Is. Not In Bull " Rants: in St.
1 I . . ri 1 r .1 ' r 1- I a a 1 v. 11 ' ... 1
!o.u" ju!. a.J " uonTiicx epons ot- tx- louis rviarKei deneves
UT? g"u.hi..u,"",It X trar Session, . Jn Advance, '
mui riuouciuud uwing iv inci
r 1 ; 11..... nY' J
uisasirous neavy nams anai
Hoods, ,
NEW YORK Jun . 1 5. Th views of
th market last night war mor than
usually conflicting, for to bull ntl
ment continues bullish. For the lm
mediat futur It suggests an uncer-
(Special permlaaloa at Bolton, da Buytar t Co.)
CHrCAOO, Jun' 25. The .Record-
Herald say: . "W have no apeoulatlve
Interest in wheat on th other aid.
aid J. O. Armour, tn answer to an in-
in wool sales
Many Deals Have Been" Called
Off in Both the Valley-and
' Eastern Oregon i During the
Present Season.
r. in answer to an In- I . . . 1 . - .1-
t.i. -s 1 .u. . - . . . :. . . .... .r n-..!.i r i
vaau luvKimiii v, viisn, mi ii niuu i auirv in navii to ina rrnort or nia i rMriHiiniw ni rrausi n(T . innia
m.rk.t In whlnh uvl lln. lii. .1.." -iul w..,. Z-Z t-T vi .1 ivwu vi 1 luiuiiiiic, uuuw
" " - ' - - . - 1 uiauiiiHin iu uuu vuuiw lu mat 1 ! - . rs . ,1 1
ouairwis stocKs wm o purcnaa on crain at 8t Iroul. "W hav no In-
r (By (feorge B. Lrongan.)
KANSAS, CITV. Mo June 25. The
floods and heavy rains of the early
rally speaking there is not much selling aprlng, which continued up well Into
pressure. We still feel that the outlook June In th Middle West, probably will
Weekly Summary and Forecast!
ot the MarketsCattle bus-;
meSS neCeiVeS a neavy Oei-J""; or a trader put It. thoa who tereat In any of th grain market. X
i t t," i n . I have the courage to bur when the tnar I .m . K.n. n m.,nh hi.w Am
I . . " . i mmaum w m aaa ua a fa, u wa
Kt iooks weanest ought to get tn price, but w ar even on that market
money, im nope 01 w wi pring i to a bushel. w hav eliminated from
from th big winter wheat crop, and th onr tTn busine, which la a largo on,
good arnlnga. Th former is assured all u- spw!Uimuv feature. We hav
ana tner j Den.rea to d enougn im- small amount of wheat aold at St
provement in tn corn aituaiion 10 en- Louis, but it
back, but Is Recovering.
tions Given as the Cause. by
the 'browers High Cotto
May Boost Trices;
Thla'year'a wool sales have been en-
wan mnlv i miiur nf Itlrely unsatisfactory to both the buyers
hanc greatly th chances of a favor a.ninr mln amrf in m. rhn mnrkot. and th wool menthe low rullna- nrlcea
bi!l.,,a!.ve"tf' thaf oereaL in on relatively higher and that will for Baatrn Oregon grades being p.
x no uepBuumu. oi mm vmr nt be delivered. " Th amount Involved la oiaiiy aiaappointing to tn latter.
is for high prices and on reaction we hav depresalng effect Upon cattle prlca money problem. With th bank loaing hMa tntJI joV.000 bushels. I make this A number of sales hav been held in
would buy wheat.
II I c.
:c per lb; rniuwhia roaat. lo,-; Arnuetira', strength In corn during tne
h$lMX 'V2"; 2I' day has come in sympathy w
J r. . 'Ulinix . fiiiinrBui liiun. wwn.-, i , . ... . . a . . . ,.
n..,....,i .cti:iih.! Cn.ii.h Mr-, k tmmt. vi nee in wrest, im immwimra anua-
dlffrr-nt rrali-a. I.'4i85r: Holder Ug, on-1 tlon is not a weak one, conalderlng the
mLm. T., ... . OYirffAriM. Mn ! rm m warv 1 ... 1. Jt . i i. .. v
.1.0 H-irre, wmini,'. ..... I h. x.rW., ornnM nrnkahlv h. nIMv
SALT Bale. S. Sa'.Wa. ft. 10. Z.10, Bn"- " . Z 7"
table, dairy, ftoa, r; l(a. T4e: tmpnrted LI- at tnese prices 10 any setiiea improve
Corn Active and Xlgher.
The corn market la active- and higher.
The weather throughout the West is still
cool, but with an improving tendency,
We are inclined to think the much
past two I further south, where th big corn crops
In the Northwest this year. Every year I cash to th sab-treasury and through (statement that w hav nO interest th various sections and th ruling quo-
h. Urn ahinmenta of cnttl from I goia export at int n w vew,vue i aithar ana waw nr .ha Athae in anw ,f I tatlon nav ransed from 10 cent for
the ranges to the farms of Kanaa. dally.tha operator for th decline feels the grain pits, becaus th continued ex- coarser grades to It cents for th
Iowa, Missouri. Illinois and Nebraska. J outlook Is for stress in money, plotting of myself in connection with v I "t stocK Some few sales of th
Minnesota and th Dakota . feed many I H cannot figure how, under existing ery mov, Jn grln fla become IrriUtlnc. lstter qualify hav been made, but thr
cattle, but th bulk goe to tho sutes monetary conditions, tner can m Th incessant connection of one's nam w" t.-grsat deal of grumbling on both
bull movement So h 1 willing to
Ith th ad- ara.Ta'lacd. Of lat years Oklahoma is sell short, even at low prices, and after
Standard Oil Company announces today
xnai a ream-nun oi ren . gmi n mu . W Hkr, 224-. Il.A.
been made In its quotations on linseed kLT-Woiwatait. bulk. bi.1. .120. $5.00;
becoming known as a feeder state. Th
constant rains have put the corn crop
in a precarious condition In th Mid
dle West and It 1. doubtful If tha
atateS will do anywhere near th feed-
a decline on what he believes to be al-
sides before It was comnleted.'
Th majority Of th wool In the East
ern nortlon of tha . atate thia aeaaon
moat inevitable tight money later In I stories to tho contrary, long or short a runs to th coarse grade and the wool
I growers expect to ooiain in aame quo
tation for that artlcl a their ' neigh
with th market becomes tiresome, To I
illustrate Its senselessness Is the pres
ent fact lam not now, with all . the
bushel of any of the grains."
Th reports yesterday which
oil. Other oila are unchanged. The
) decline in linseed quotations takes ef
fect from this date.
Ergs Mote Plentiful.
' Egg wer much more plentiful to
day than they have been for some weeks
and although the demand la great. etllt
the atocka are not being sought after
o persistently aa they have been for
some time, i Receipts during the week
were likewise liberal, but the heavy de
mand at 20 cents kept the market mov
ing quite steady.
Turner On Poultry.
'.Turner & Co. say of 'the poultry situ
ation: "Receipts of poultry during the
week were very, heavy, this being es
pecially true of small springs.
TVnretr. 140 2a. i.V50: Woroeater. 100 a,
ttftO; Woreeater. .10 5a, f3.25; 30 10a, 5.00;
Unen aaeka. Boa, Kfle. .
HALT oa rae, hair sronnd, inoa. per ton.
4.00; no, per ton, $14. W: Liverpool, lump.
rock. $23.00 ner ton: 60-R rock. $14.00; lOua.
i a. no,
ment in the weather,
Oats Working; Higher,
The oat market ia still strong and
prices gradually are working higher.
Thia market, too, received some of Its
strength . from sympathy with the ad
vance In corn and wheat Receipts are
gested the Armour statement were that oo' received for a grad of finer quality.
r Auiu,.tBdt5e7'ln,U 3-75e0 100 fair but should increase, aa we near the
tnr Aiiffna. deliver.
RICK Imperii! Japan, No. I, 540; No. 2,
5V4es New Orleana head. He.
RREAKFABT POOD Malta Vita. $4.60; Fl-a-Minnie.
I2.BII: Korne. t4.Hu:' II.O oata.- $.1.15.
SALMON Columbia Klrrr. l-lt talla. $1.TB:
S ib tull-. $2.40; fancy l lti 6ata. $1.86; H-lb
raney aata, fl.Bi; Aiaats taia, pini, ew; rea.
: a m una. $2.00.
coal oil 'ae. 22e per gal. tanka; Water flrtfier. Receipts of hogs were a little
White. Iron bbla. lfte. wooden. lHe: Head'
lleht. eaaea. 94e. Iron bbla. lTtoc: saaollue, lroa
bbla. 2.- eaae. 2Me.
LINHKKI) OIL Pure raw. In bbla. 4c: senn.
in. lr.,,1. kflliut ...... fut. Kkl KIa. m..-. raw
This I in rawa. 64e: t-ennlne kettle. In eaae. BSe.
PKN35INK 63 dec eaaea 22c. Iron bbla ltme.
UASOLINE m dec caw 28 Ho, Iron bbla
TURPENTINK In eaae 70c, wood bbla
the season.
This , brings up th question of pos
sible relief from financial legislation.
lng that has been dona In former a- There are reports tonight or an early I the packer waa short on wheat both I Bomm of th salea scheduled hav been
sons. aunuunganwui irvm nuniunyu khiui tt Chicago and St Loula. , and that ha I caned on aiiogetner in wool insiesa
Of courae. It is a llttl early to pr- la date for tn extra session or ton- WM exerting his Influence to break of going to the highest bidder, aa was
diet a corn crop rauur. r armers an i irw waicn jrim . nw. '""I prices. Bo far as the Armour people expected, remained in tne warenouses,
wnrklna- ntarht and dav throushout th I tends to call for th purpose of cur-I ,ara in avianea . th. ,i...t w.. . I and now mint of the dealers have been
Middle West putting in corn, now that rency reform, Conaervallv men ar I ye.terday. it wu only as sellers of old approached by the owners for offers at
the ground is in conaition. worn ma. uupm. um. wm nn m wy jmy arid buyers of September. Thia I private ,saie,
has not had to be repiantea entiray is ana iney n I:5Uw.-- WM ,n tha c'"ng of & Spread" made BesJw Disappointed, To.
in i-tvM nnnnirinn i t mm nrttiisiiiin uirl i iubluu jl. lhkl l-uiiiuitjilibi iubiii-jb win .. . av Tui m. m .a a. . . ... . . .
Julr oat are under some 1. .L.V."." V.u .'JZZ.,: ".;u i, iT- .aei,..i ...,,rha r..r f.ti V" .w"r 'Th low quotationa ror tms season
h., .r. . ii- l"."'" " V. . I " " Z. ' . Z "2 . " I' C" ; na yesieraay tne amerence I cUd Is aa much of a dlaaDDOIntment
1 nr - -v ' n at. viaaii saviii na rr m -nsa rsi i wininr univu sb ijsb Mm i m .-! 11 iiiml w hi .... a .aa i - -
tively small. Thia can have only one stop the steady absorption of money
result, so far as range cattle are oon- J by th treasury and give the country an
cerned. A small corn crop makes poor I elastic currency. What tnese men ap
cattle prices, and hog prices as well. I prehend Is that the press will be de
There will be less demand for feeders, terred from political considerations
new crop,
manipulation, but we are inclined to
think that July and September oats are
high enough.
Provisions a Shad Pinner,
The provision market was a shade
waa 4 cent.
, , M 1.. 1 . I . . . . ..
urn qeaivr m u i iv iivwn,
a 'well-known buyer of, this city today,
"but what ar we gorng to do about It
Th miller In the East hav mad the
quotation as hlgbas they will pay and
less as compared with last year. The and the range cattle, which ar aged, I from convening .Congress before October
mai ae mar aj arcmuis iu caier o iuu
magnates of Wall street he will lose
prestige in the West
grade of stock is accumulating fast, and
It is with the utmost difficulty that the
Blocks can be disposed of even at sac
rlflced quotations. The demand for nou,r. iron bbla 4e. lo m eaae iota w.
ducks, geese and turkeys, which are BKANS f mall white 44c. larn white ower.
likewise in heavy receipt is off and the
strength in grain also tended to make will be sold direct to th packers,
the covering of shorts and some buying Rapidly Beooverlag.
of provisions. On the whole, however. The Kansas City stockyards ar re
we see no fundamental change In the coverlna ranidlv. although the receipts
conditions. We look for continued large I am ntin off. However, the Deckers are
receipts of hogs and unleas the demand not killina- vet to the full capacity, aa
materially improves we think prices will
, very .lowest quotations prevailing Is ob
tained for stocks. Large springs and
, good, fat, old hens are in excellent de
mand with the supply not liberal
. enough. A larger amount of thia stock
will find a ready aale at the top quo
.. tations." . ,: ,
California Steamer Arrives.
.. The regular liner arrived from San
W Francisco laat night and today the mar
kets are fairly glutted with fresh vege
- tables and fruits of all kinds. Business
' in the fruit line is not Just what the
-commission men have expeetedr and th
: entire market shows a dragging condt
tlon. Th steamer also brought fair
lot Of lemons. TWO cars of Valencia
. oranges arrived today end were dis
tributed smong the dealers. There
now plenty of oranges of medium grade
In the markets, but fancy stocks are
r hard to obtain even at higher quota
; tions. One car of lemons Is due to-
Toft On Press. Meats.
John Toft of Toft Hlne & Co., says
of the fresh meat, situation: "Hog re-
, ceipts are light with demand and ar
rivals about equal at the lowest quota
tions. Receipts of beef are light with
. demand about fair. Bull beef waa in
fair receipt during the week, but prices
are weaker. There was no demand for
mutton on account of the warmer
weather, but the supply was. abundant
. Veal receipts during the week were
quit plentiful, especially during the
, past few daya. The market : has been
entirely cleaned up,' tho ' better grades
being eagerly picked up at top-quota
tions, while the medium stock brought
:. lower .prices. Poor stock was not
wanted at any price."
: sloe stocks Scarcer.
Rice stocks in this city and on the
Coast are constantly growing smaller,
and today it is estimated. that there are
not more than 100,000. pounds in this
' a, U. T.,n.n j ffk. ....1..
w... Mt a pail giauc 1110 Blutftn
i in San Francisco are likewise short and
even without, the reported Intention of
the government to purchase 400,000
:. pounds, the market shows every , tenw
dency ror another early advance in quo
tations. The rice markets of the world
showed a large shortage during the past
season, the damp weather prevailing
being the principal cauxe. New Or
leana Head is also short In supply.
Speculation On Canned Tomatoes.
:'; v Wholesalers and retailers are worry-
' lng over the absence of advance quota
tions on the 1DU3 pack of tomatoes. The
--tJause of thrs Is attributed solely to the
reported killing of so many plants in
the various Eastern States. The coming
crop is estimated by the leading au
thorities as very short and tomato
prices this year are very likely to break
.. a.11 records for their highness. All other
canned goods prices are from 5 to 10
cents a dozen higher than the prices
that prevailed during the- previous sea-
, son.
Pot to Demand Heavy,
The demand for old, potatoes shows
: a marked Improvement over that of a
week ago, and stocks are being eagerly
ought after by local buyers. Orders
ere being received in plenty for outside
shipment at higher quotations. Fancy
stocks are 'about exhausted, but there is
still plenty of the medium grade in. the
Ruling quotations, as revised, today
$3.KA4.U0, pink $.1. 7MB 8.00, bayou, 4 He Llmaa
TOBACCO Plue-ent smoking, 1. 2. 3-OI
package Heal of North Carolina, Toe lb; Ma.
tiff. So n. IMxi Queen, 41c 1t; Red Bell. DSc
lb; Pedro, 60e lb; Golden Heepter. $1.15 To; line
rnt Cameo, 41e lb; Capataa, $1.(16 tbi Duka'a
Mlxtnre. 40c Tb; Bull Durham. 66c lb; Old Knr
llab Cnrre Cot. 74c lb; Maryland Club. 71c lb;
Mall Poneh. 38c lb; Yale Mixture. $1.40 lb.
I'lur Tohareo Drummond' Natural Leaf, 68c lb;
Piper Ileldalerk. 60c Tb; Something Good. 46c
lb; Standard Nary, SSe lb; T. it B., Kile tb;
Kpear Head. 43c Tb; Star. 44c lb. Fine-Cut
Chewing Golden Thread, 68c lb; Fast Mall,
Toe m.
Fralta and Tesctalila.
POTATOItKa-T5is0e; buyer1 price, S8T0c;
new, $1.601.76 rwt.
ONloNS-Callfornta, Bw red. $1.00; yellow
Danvera. HiSHic: airlle. sailor.
"FRESH rkrtTtl Anplca, fancy Oregon, $1.60
iff 2. mi; rooking. 60ci$1.00 box; orange, lata
valenclaa. $.1.0(1(5 a. no; Mediterranean aweeta,
$1.00; California rangerinea, $t.001.26 box;
banana. $2.2Af!x)l.o0 bunch, Be lb; strawberries,
Oregon. $!.00iS1.60 crata; rherrlea. T6e 10 tb
box; gooaeberrlea, SHQ4c Tb; aprlent. Tftcu
Ji.oo crate; lemona, ordinary, i jo; raney,
4. 257 4.50; peachea. $1.2ft; pineapple) $3,600
$4.00; black fig, $1.60; plnma, $1.25; raapber
rlea. 10c box.
VEGETABLES Tornlp. $1.00 ek; carrot,
$1.50; beet. $1.60 per sack; radixhe. 12M
l&c per doa; cabbage, California. lWc lb; let
tuce, head, 16c per doa; hotnettae. $1.26 box;
green DODitera. 40c lb: boraeradlah, Sc Tb; celery.
$1.00 per doa; bean, atrlng. Btl0c Tb: aapara
gu. $1.18 per 25-tb box; rhubarb. So lb; torn
toea. $2.40ift2.60 per 4-baaket crate; paranlp.
$1.75: era. 4Q6c; cucumber, $1.60 box; corn,
40c doa.
DllIEO FRUITS Annie, evtporated. 637e
lb; apiieots, THwioc ; peaco. ffw ro;
was the case before the flood, and the
light receipts and light demand go well
together. At least this was the condi-
NEW YORK, June 25. Th follow
ing dividends have been declared: Mex-
CHICAOO, June 28. Liverpool wheat thev aav that they cannot run their
4 to higher. Corn is unchanged to I mills with wool at a higher price."
higher. Liverpool is still asleen. The wool growers of the sUte 'hav
The complaints of deterioration In the been waiting for the Eastern markets
spring wheat are Increasing. Thrash- I to take some action on account of th
lng return from winter wheat con- reported loss of several million sheep
tinue to be disappointing. ' The tend- in Montana during the past winter, but
ncy of th weather In Europe is un- up to this date that calamity has hsd
favorable to th crop. Price may easily but llttl effect in regulating th market
aell a great deal higher. Cash wheat I w wain
is getting to be a scarce article all over
The prevailing high price of cotton
pear. 8Hc Tb; prune. -Italian. 4 ft as He ID!
French, H4Hc Tb; flg. California black. 6
6We: do. white. TU)8o lb; nlum. pitted. 6
8c; rataina, areded. fancy 1-Tb rartona. 60 pack
age to ce. SVic pkg; seeded. 12-os carton,
TVxc; looa Muacatelle. 60-lb boxes, BHfTHc
Tb; London layer, $1,7ftQ2.0O.
NLTS Peinuta, 6t7c per in for raw. i$io
for roaated: eocoanut", SScaOOc per doa: wal-
nut. 14H916c per Tb; pine ante, Kil2He
)er ni. hickory nnta, loc per in; cnesmnm,
'laatern,- 1616e per lb; Braall nut. 18o per
hi alberta, jfitrt'lrtc per Tb: fancy pecina, 14
15c per Tb; almonda, 1415c per Tb.
Kat and rrovlalona.
FRE8II MEATS Beef, mime, 8e; cow,
OM'ttTAr: veal, Tc; mutton, dreaaed, 6cj
lomtMi, ureaaea, inc.
FKESU. MKATo TTOnt treer ueer. prime,
bull. 4i(wsc; cows. eRtTc; porg,
Aoaconda Mining Co
AmaL Copper Co....
Atchlaon, ' com
ao m-ererred
Am. Car A Found., com.
uo pererrea ....
Am. Sugar, com...
Am. Smelt., real . .
do . oreferred
Baltimore A Ohio, com.
no prererree
Brooklyn Rapid Transit
Canada. Paclftc. com..
ini. t Alton, com
do preferred ..,
Chi. as Gt. Weat., com.
vol., aiu m Bl. r
Cht. North., coal
Chi. Terminal Ry ....
Cbeaapeake Ohio
Colo. Fuel A Iron, com.
Colo. Southern, com ....
do 2d preferred
do lat preferred
D. R. U., com
do preferred. , . .
Erie, com , .
do 2d preferred
do lat uref erred.
IUInoia Central 4.
.,.1.. o hia wulr iiu. lean Talcnhon Comnuiv. !U ner cent k. ia ...... ... .
" "vT. T i'7 rr. "."j y' ne aavance wen. . ,ha .v hava a tendency to do
Inar WM. . r inn CIMI UBjauie a-uijr a. dimiuiiu iia. mu jlib. i nl Hnanlollv n ..M.I.IMM w. .-.a. I -'" v - - 7
;nri. m Kanaa. citv oreferred. 1 ner cent July 15: Kentucky i.vinw-VT..; e." ". ml 1"'PJ""X something for the Oregon wool men in
at the close of
of last week hog
83 I 86
B 6o
B6HI 65
03 U
66 b6 Iw,
or last weea nog; prxcrn in aaiimb vi l v a wm.j . - taKlna or DSSt raw dava Tha erne nuut. . . . - -
were up to those of the other marketi D. & W., preferred. 1 per cent July 16: ? weath". and ili , oon neeo U of I''AVil
of the Central West At St. Joseph, at Pittaburg C C A 8t I common. IH bjiy. Rclpta in the market ar modlty h!" rea1ched uch, 'ty height
ihe close of last week, the bulk of sales per cent. August ll; preferred, I per fair Th aituation 1. not a In quoUtiona it la nearly aa cheap to
.can . - ar ar l.v n..k.M Y1 II Ttnmlnlnii fnm far 1 ,. . . .. ... nul UM WOOL
waa $5.80 to $5.85, with total packere'
purchases averaging only $5.82. Kan
sas City made a better show than that
although the top was not so high. The
veni, rfuy a. ayvniiuiuu vuni, -a vci WMr AM. hut tha nr na la klh mi..
cent. July 1; preferred. 4 per cent. July J oat crop ia doing better than th' corn
1. American locomotive preferred. 1 crop. The provisions market seems to
per cbih, luijr ... AU.,.w... aUU.vU De ,n ., aragging. helnleas conditinn
conditions for the hog market are about Company, S pr cent, August lj pr- Receipts of hogs are In excess of the
lerreu, per oeni, auBui, i. bi.hi demand, stocks ar accumulating and
Woolen Company preferred, 1 per carrying charge are accruing for the
couv, .IU1J aa. , X uunuoiiji.m vututnn; ui I nrSI lim in a IOng Whll.
fi(iDurg 1 1 wi crni, auiuii.iu. ...
1841 184.
170 170
14 14
Tj 874
Tc; veal, Tfec
bimha. dresed. IS
mntton, dreaaed.
:TC Portland pi
ham.. 10 to 14.tb,'14Ke; 14 to 16 lb. 14c
are as follows:
' Orain, Flour and Feed. .
WHEAT Walla Walls', 5Tc; blueetem,
TBttWir! Valley, T6'a77c. .
BABI.EV FeM. $21.00; rolfrd: $22.00.
OATS No. 1 white, $1.17iftl.2o; gray, $1.15 . - - f
FLOCK Eaatern Oregon: Patent. ' $3.95
4 8; straight. $3.36: Valley, $3.60(3.70; gra-
JMITI. Ik.; JO. ,t.DO.
f'FFS Bran. $23.00 per ton:
The coffee habit is quickly over
come by those Who let Grain-O
take its place.' If properly made .
it tastes like the best of coffee. No
grain coffee compares with it ia
. flavor or bealtJifuIness. '
At foer trerrwherej Jic sad tsc per packara.
aek (local)
IM. 14ttc;
hreakfnaf ha con 15(!r20p: nlcnle. 1H4C: cot
tage, llUc; aalted aldea.12c Tb; amoked
idea. IsCc: drT aalted barka. bacon
backa, 12c; butta, Bailee, w, amoaeo, auc
V.RTF.RN.PArKlcn HAMS tinder 14 Tb.
15c; oer 14 To, 14c: fancy, 154e; pic
nlca, llc; aboulder. 11 C; dry salted aide,
nnamoxeo. invtc: Drerat oin, iusiic iilt.c- hurt HUiil2e.
LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf, 10. 12e ;6a,
12c; 60-tb tina. ll4e: ateam rendered, loa,
11 e; 6. 11 'Ac; 60. 11c; compound tiercea,
8c; tuba, .. i . .i. ..
RAHTRRK t Ann Kettle leaf. 10-Tb tlna,
l2Ht 6i Uiei W 4in, ll; a team read;
i ,.,.. K. lit.. KA. 111.,
Abore packing houae prlcea are nei caan, 10
KIHH HOCK COO. 7C! nounoere, or; uaiinui.
5Hc; ling cod, 7c; crab. 51.00 ooa: raaor ewnw.
clama. Ire per noa; ainpea n. mwa,
Chinook. 8c; aummer eteelheada. To; aolea,
8c; ahrlmps, Puget Sound, loc; cmobb, oc;
had, 3c; sllTer amelt, 6e lb.
YARDS, June 25. The grade of cattle
now arriving in the local yards is not
in the very best of condition ana con
seauently auotations are not so active.
Hogs are in better call, but the demand
for sheep is weaker. The receipts today
consisted of 200 hogs and 200 cattle.
Ruling prices are:,
Hogs, Bt36ttc.
Cattle Best $4.50 4.60.,
'Sheep 3c. .
" Lambs 33c.
NEW YORK. June 25. Price Current
says: Winter wheat, where it is nar
vested. is more or less disappointing.
It is improved some in other places. The
general outlook wae not essentially
changed during the week. The corn
situation is moderately improved, and
the low condition is due to lateness.
pats are improving, but are short east
of the Mississippi River, but about an
average crop is expected In. the West.
CHICAGO. June 25. The.-cash wheat
market Is: No. 2 red, 82cTN6t j red,
780c; No. 2 hard winter. 6872c; No.
1 hard winter, 7478c No, 1 northern
spring. 86c; No. 2 northern, spring, 80 .
83c; No. 3 spring, 75 78C.
SAN FRANCISCO, . June 25.-11:30
session Wheat - December, Lit,
Bsrjey December,
loul.Tllle A Naahrllle
Metro, Traction Co . ...
Manhattan Elevated
Mexican Central Ry ,.
Mexican National
Minn., St. P. dc Ste. 14.
do preferred . .'
Ml.sourl l'.dlle .......
M., K. dc T., com......
do preferred
New York Central ....
Norfolk A Weat.. com..
North American
N. Y.. ont. A Weat...
Pennsylvania Ry
P. ., L. AC. Co
Preaaed Steel Cdr, com.
do preferred
Pacific Mall Steam. Co.
Heading, ' com
do 2d preferred
do lat preferred ......
Rep. Iron A Steel, com.
do preferred
Bork Island, com......
do preferred ...
southern Ry., com ...
do preferred
Southern Pacific ......
St. L. 8. F., 2d pfd
do lat preferred
St. L. A S. W com...
do preferred .,
Texaa dc Pacific
Tenn. Coal A Iron ...
T.. St. L. A W., com.,
do preferred
Union Pacific, com ...
do preferred ,
IT. 8. Leather, com.,..,
do preferred
V. 8. Steel Co., com..,'
no prererreo .......
Wlaconaln Central, com
do preferred
Western Union Tele . . ;
Wabash, com
do preferred
the aame for this week.
The receipts .of cattle at the yards
this week will be considerably In, ad
vance of these ef last week, by the time
the market closes at the end of this
week. Only about 6,000 cattle were re
ceived at the yards last week. A year
ago last week the receipts were 28,-
625. Chicago received about 66.300 last new YORK. June 25. The clearances
wee, against b.zb ine weea nerore. today were: Wheat 159,46 busheli
13 1 13'
87 4.1 87 W
Ott I 66
17l 17
25 25
B7 67
32 81
64 W I 64
66UI (UVI 66
188 llXttallA.
123 123123 122'
136 186 136 136
21 22 21 21
21 21 . 20 20
66 66 65 55
103 108 1()2102
20 21 20 20
4N 49 48 48
126 126 126 l'M
68 68 63 63
85 86 86 85
24 .25 24 24
124 125 128 125
88 88 97 97
62 62 62 52 I
86 80 86 86
26 26 26 26
6T ,7 67 I 6T '
82 ,'88 81 MVj
14 14 13 14
74 74 74 73
33 33 33 82
70 70 70 70
I 23l 23 28 I 2Ji
87 87, 87 87
48 48 48 48
61 61 61 61
78 73 73 73
17 17 17 17
8 80 87 37
28 28 28 28
61 51 60 Ih7.
25 25 25 25
44 45 44 44
80 80 79 79
88 88 87 87
' 8 8 81 8
84 " 84 83S 882
29 80 29V4 '20
r TV 79 T9
20 20 20 20
41 41 41 41
88 84 83 83
24 24 24 23
44 ( 44 43 48
Denrer A Rio Grande, extra dividend of 2
per ceni.
Kales, 226,000.
Money, 2 per cent ,
CHICAGO. June 25. The receipts of Hv-
atock in the principal packing center of the
country loaay were:
nog. uttie. Sheen.
Chicago 30,000 8,000 10,000
Kansas qty .........10,000 2,600 1.000
uoiaua ., b.ouu ,ijuu , ,(
Hoga Opened from 5 to 10 cents lower and
eioaea a cents signer, wnn 11,1m tert over
rrom yesteruar. ueceipu a year ago wer 84.
Cattle Steady.
Sheep Steady.
(Special Permlwlon of Bolton, de Barter A Cn.)
( HK'AGO, June 26. The grain market ranged
louay aa ioiiow; ;
July $00.80
Sept. .. . . .78
Sept.'. . . .
Scpt.',r . .
' 8.07
.-61 A
CHICAGO. Jun 25. The closing
prices Fear ago for July wheat was
73 c; July corn. 8c; July oats, 44 c;
July pork. $18.80; July lard, $10.60;
July ribs, $10.75. Northwestern car lots
a year ago were: Minneapolis, 220; Du
luth, 21; Chicago, SO.
and 60,000 a year. ago.
Market Xacsipts.
Last week the five markets received
about 125,000 head of cattle, against
97,800 the week before, and 116,300 a
year ago. St Joseph snows a remarx
able Increase over the last week In May,
which Indicates that supplies from Kan
sas City territory are going there In
large numbers. In the last Ave days St
Joseph received 27.600 cattle, 64,000
hogs and 14,600 sheep, sgalnst 11.700
cattle, 82,000 hogs and 10,900 sheep dur
ing the last week In May, when the
ajinsas viiy maran wsva open.
Price changes on cattle have been
quite .wide since the market opened.
During Sunday, Monday and Tuesday of
last week there was a decline of 20 to
26 cents in prices of dressed beef steers,
and 20 to 30 cents in cows. and heifers,
the result of too many cattle for two
crippled packing-houses to handle and
outside shippers barred from the com
petition on account of fnanillty of rail
flour, 60,179 buahels; total.. 896,300
buahels; corn, 216,190 bushels; oats, 17,
800 bushels.
The primary receipts were:
Wheat, 260,200 bushels against 446.
200 bushels last year. Corn, 651,100
bushels, against 141,400 bushels last
Shipments were: Wheat 116,600
bushels, against 263,000 bushels last
year. Corn, 626,000 bushels, againat
234,000 bushels laat year.
CHICAGO, June 25 The cash hnsl.
ness here yesterday, was 10,000 bushels
of No. 2 Red wheat 100.000 bushels of
corn and 75,000 bushels of oats. Sea
board at the close reported 240,000 bush
els of hard winter wheat from Gulf fnr
export in September, including 80,000
bushels resold.
use wool.
Th few wool ssles that have been
held during th present season In the
valley have been as much of a disap
pointment to local men as have the
sales in Eastern Oregon. Prices in the
valley, although some better than those
In Eaatern Oregon, are not satisfactory
to the growers and they, too, have called
off several of their scheduled sales on
this account. Valley prlcea rang from
16 cents for the coarse to 17 cents for
the One grades.
SAN FRANCISCO, June" 25. 11:80 aeaslon:
rw...a , , Bid. Asked.
vwuB,!. - a . .. a , . .
Spring Vlley
Central Light A Power
Mutual Electric Light ,.,
racinc u
Ban Franciaco Gas A Electric Co..
w cwiianm .'....,...,.,,.',,
Bank of California
Mercantile Truat
Giant Powder ..........,,!
vigorit ; ;
liana Plantation Sugar
NEW YORK, June 25. The Bank of
England rate Is unchanged. The Rockefeller-Gould
interests -bave control of
the Colorado Fuel & Iron and the 0-
mrnnA fantlnn atsns nut ' Stnelra bm nlan.
. . , , j, mu. I Honokaa
luut ill nit- jvsb vruvu, . lie nguur
a a o..-. HUtCblSOn
uiviuenu un umwu dibuj prv-1 Makawelt
ferred and common will be. declared onlOoomea
Aiaaka Packers
Tl 7 Tha hanlra tnat tha ai,h.
roads to taJka live stock East. As noon). . ' ... , ...... . , . I California Cannora
as the railroad situation Improved laid ,7 Z'Jl " .'L CT.Z. ' California Wine Aaan
would be forwarded on regular sched
ule time, order buyors. entered and the
advances the last two daya of last week
were rapid.
Sheep Xolpte.
Receipts of sheep for last week
amounted to only 6.800, against 17,100 a
year ago. The five Western markets re
ceived 83,800, against 119,725 a year
. 68
. 80
. 68
. 13
. 20
. 22
. 00
. 90
Addition ef 11,880,000 la Made, While
.. Bond Xaane Zs Angmanted y
(Journal Special Service.)
LONDON, June 25. 2 p. m. Ana
conda Copper, advanced ; Atchlaon, ad
vanced ; preferred, advanced ; Balti
more & Ohio, advanced ; Canadian Pa
cific, advanced 41: Chicago & Alton, de-
ago The' week's market opened steady cnd Chicago, Milwaukee & St special meeting today the stockholders
with prices ruling May 29; with small Paul, advanced "4 ; Denver A Rio Grande, of the Wlllism Cramp A Sons' Ship'and
receipts and only one packer buying. Preferred, unchanged; Erie, advanced Engine Building Company will corn-
Tuesday a more liberal supply arrived. nrV fovancea j mns ventral. "'"' wr-an increase
and the market began to decline. AU advan e1 ;,Pu,"vm NlMf' " f.-t" deflded , uPn at th
offerings were native of fair to poor vanced ; Mexican Central, advanced cent annual meeting of the company. It
auality. the bulk beina- SDrtns; lambs. Mexican national, uncnangea; ju.ia-1 yjyvvmma io raise me capital from
By last Friday's elos lambs-shewed MVtL.XgiM. exaA.. Ayfr!e4 -iJ 1 J'OT.W $.Z60,eooand to enlarge
a loss of 60 cents to 75 cents; sheep. 10 New Central, advanced Vi; Norfolkl the bond Issue from 11,800,000 to 7.-
1 & Western, advanced H : , Ontario & f 600,000. .
Armour and Fowler were the only buy-1 -cilnyivn, un-
ers, and took all the offerings. Chicago changed! Reading, advanced ; firsts,
showed a decline of 40 to 60 cents on declined Southern Pacific, advanced
; prererrea,--aeciinea ! union -ra-clljc,
advanced ; preferred, declined
; United States Steel, declined ;
preferred, declined ; Wabash, ad
vanced ; preferred, unchanged; Con
sols, advanced .
lambs, 10 to 16 cents on sheep and 20 to
40 cents on yearlings for the. week.
The sale of Oregon and Montana
horses, which was slated for the last
part of last week, was postponed on ac
count of the conditions- of the yards
and the horse barns. The horses have
been shipped to the Irwin ranch, In Kan
sas, where they will be pastured until
the sale begins. There has been no
trading in horses and mules this week or
last to speak of. Several buyers from
LIVERPOOL, June 28. 1:80 session
Wheat July. K hla-har: flan.
um oouin, wjiu wero aiier pig, strong tember, 5-3, higher. CloseJuly,
horses from the Northwest, or good
mules, were here, but could not get
what they wanted.
NEW YORK, June 25. The cables
about represent the fluctuation expected
as a result f yesterday's market here. .77
iiuutiUB van uo Bam ictjnruiiiR; ine aim
atlon, except that cotton is at a price
which for the time is prohibitive of
free transactions either In the staple
or manractured goods, and this alone
will cause less speculative Interest as
far as long engagements are concerned
and an Inclination to market cotton
wnetner in contract Dales or raw or
manufactured goods, wherever a reason
able parity can be secured.
higher; September, higher.
Corn Open July,. 4-8H. higher:
September, 4-6, unchanged. Close
July, unchanged; September, higher.
LIVERPOOL, June 2B. 13:80 p. m.
is 8 points higher on near
months and 2 up on distant Spots are
4 points up. , -i '
(Journal Special Service.)
CLEVELAND,' O., June 25. Cleve
land's third annual horse show began
today at the Qlenville racetrack and
will continue the remainder of the week.
In the number and class of entries the
show far eclipses the two previous
exhibitions held here. The classes in
clude roadsters, saddle horses, ponies in
harness, carriage horses In harness and
jumpers, and all are well filled, Par
ticularly notable Is the large number
or entries xrom out or town.
' Xtehlng piles produce molstur and
eauae itching, . thia form, aa well aa
Blind, Bleeding or Protudlng Piles ar
ourd by Dr. Bo-san-ko's Pile Remedy.
Stops Itching and bleeding. Absorbs tu
mors. 60c a Jar, at druggists, or sent
by mall. Treatise free. Writ me about
your case. Dr. Boaanke, Phil's.. Pa.
PARIS. June. 25. Close: Wheat 6
to 1Q centimes lowers flour, 6 centimes
nigner to jo centimes tower. ' Antwerp
wheat closed H-cent higher. ' - t
CHrCAGO, June 25. Noon Cash oat
prices are: Na 2. 40c; No. 2 northern:
43c; No. 8 northern, , 41 42c; No. 4
northern, 40 41c; standard, 42 43 Vie,
Mothers! I
' Krs. VflnsWs Sc-thlng Spa
Aas beea naed for evwr SIXTY YSARS by ITIX.
UOKS ef ttOTHSM r their antDRBN
wall TBSTkiHO. with mtrsar tjecaas.
jun gp.xn weatner ....... . -;. .: -. - .
news this, morning in gensral is bad.
Should these conditions prevail over a " mn t CCRK9 WIND COUC. and
large cart ef the cotton belt the mar. the best tttaedy for SUKKHC3A. Bold bv
ket will be affected favorably by them. I Drtg$dst ta every part el th werkL B aural
fort receipts joor Ilk 26.000 - bales, J ad aak far "Kra, Wiaslovr BootKiag Byrap,'
against 3,600 bales last year. j B4tahatBrkiB4. Twesty-d v cts. a bettl
(Special Permlaalon of Bolton, de Ruytef A Co,)
NBW YORKt, June 25. The cotton market
ranged: v, .. - r
Jan $ 9.90
July.... 12.90
Aug 12.71
Sept.... 11. T3
Oct..... 10.40
Nov.... 10.00
Dec..... 9.91
. Low. .
$ 9.90
. 10. 00
A 8.81 92
41.75 (Slid
10.01 (& 03
CHICAGO. June 25. -The - weather
Japan Bar Over C.b Apple Bloe
goms WiU Use SUU Sartlonltrure ,
Beporta Per Text-Books. . .
A letter of recent date from Col. H.
E. Doscn, Oregon's Commissioner to
th Osaka, Exposition, to a friend, among
other things, says:
"Today we have one more sunshine;
DUt my, now It naa rainea. inn muniu
we had only seven days on which ne
raltf fell, though not necessarily clear,
making in all 18 days fair weather in
three months. I would not mind It so
much, but sll foreign residents blame
me for It and say I brought It over with
me from Webfoot, In which there msy
be a suspicion of truth, and possibly,
in a, measure at least account for, th
fine weather you had In January. Feb
ruary and part of March. All last week
It just poured so hard that even the
ricksha boys, barelegged, aa they are, 1
refused to go out, and we had to pay
them, after coaxing,- one yen per trip,
either to or from th. Exposition, which
usually costs only 25 sen. yet the rainy
aeason does hot begin until June, when
I am assured it does rain some. But'
how it can pour any more without
drowning out everything I cannot un
Oregon Crab la Pavor.
"You remember J. B. Pllkington,
kindly added a few fruit, treea to
exhibit, which I planted just outside of
our building and fenced. Early In April
the two-year-old transcendent ' crab ap
ple tree waa In full bloom. I never saw a
young tree blossom so beautifully, and
as th Japanese are worshipers of alt
flowers, especially trees, It attracted
ar great deal f attention,' and a crowd
gathered around it all day long. Some
newspapers published an account of It,
and the news reached Sapporr, in the
Island of Hokaldo, where the Imperial
Agricultural College t la located, ; and
about th only spot .in Japan "where ap
ples and Dears do fairly well. Down
cam Profs. T. Mlnaul, expert of agri
culture, and T." Ouda, expert Of horti
culture, to have a, look for themselves.
They called upon me, and as they are
graduates of Cornell Station. N. Y.,
spoke 'American' fluently, and we. had
quite a talk. And you know when I
get started on horticulture, I am liable
to forget how time files. At any rate,
w had... very enjoyable chat, and I
gave them each a copy of our fifth and
sixth reports, ana here is where i
mvself into trouble. 5
"Yesterday they called again, and the
way they spoke about the reports made
me blush all over. They demanded more
copies, for they Intended to us them
as text-books. ' This adda-: another
feather in our hat. for it is Germany,
England, British-Columbia, Cornell and
Minnesota, and now Japan, who have
been using the reports of the ' Oregon
State Board of Horticulture.
IVaborer Bewardad.
"When I look over the thirteen years'
work r we - put In aa members of this
board. - and how faithful we (different
commissioners have labored, practically
without compensation, for an industry
destined,, If it Is not so already, one of
the - best-paying Investments In Oregon,
and how far-reaching tha result ar. I
feel . mortified at the - niggardly annual
appropriation of $4,600, ao grudgingly
given, which I see has been graciously
allowed in the appropriation bill, when
so many thousands ar squandered use
lessly. J tell you that Is .what makes
It so hard to do anything for Oregon,
for our work has not been paid for, and
I doubt If it la appreciated at home, aa
abroad."., . .... . ;
' The reduced homeseekers' rates, eft,
tlve February 16. apply via th Denver
A Rio Grande. .Have your friend com
through Salt Lake City, over th scenie
Un of th world.