", y . THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE 25, 1903. TEACHERS ARE STUDENTS NOW ).: Western Division of Oregon Pedagogues Are Carrying on Work of Education in Port land Today, i ' Departmental Sessions Held This Morning and benera Meeting Will Occur This Af ternoonNotables Here. FACTS REGARDING SUPPLY OF ROCKS Material for Columbia Rjver Jetty Will Be Taken from "Bugby Quarry. The third annual session of Ihe Western Division of Ihe Oregon Teachers' Association waa continued to day at the Portland High School Hu'ld- Inc. the program aa previously an 1. pounced being carried out without a hitch. Tho greater part of the dliy waa devoted to departmental work but cen tral meetinga were held at 10: o'clock In the morning and JO in the after noon. ; Among the TOO delegates and visitors ' 'In attendanca are all of the prominent educators and scientists of the Pacific . Northwest All bava entered with will Into the work cut out for them and much good la expected to reault from the mammoth nesting now In nrftsrcss. Stephen B. I Penrose, president of Whitman College at Walla Walla. Is taking a prominent part In the various meetings and high appreciation Is ex- rressed of hla efforts. The editor of ha Moderator. H. D. Pattenglll of !nslng, Mich.. Is also In attendanca. aa Is State School Superintendent Acker man of Salem. Frank Rlglcr, superintendent of the . Portland public schools, delivered an address at the opening of the conven ' Hon yesterday afternoon. H. D. Patten glll ' replying. Prof. J. B. Horner of Corvallls read 'an Interesting paper. Oregon the literary Mother. Prof. Rlgler alluded to Oregon as the literary mother of the Northwest." giving aa hla reason for . this aasertlon ' that the time once was when all the . Northwest waa Oregon. ,. Kxerclses were held at the First Pres byterian Church last night at which Mayor Winisms and Prof. R. F. Hob Ir.son welcomed the visiting teachers to Portland. State Superintendent Acker man responded. Selections were given by Mrs. Coursen'a Vocal Club. Miss . Kettle M. Greer and the Spanish Stu dents' Orchestra. A reception In the parlors of the Portland Teachers' Club followed the program. ' Other forms of entertainment have t been prepared for the remainder of the week The program being carried out today follows: The Program Today. 10 SO a. m. Address, P. L. Campbell, Eugene Address, "The Recitation," 11 I. Pattenglll. .l p. m. Address, ' "What Shall Wa ' Teach In History in Order That This Subject May Have Its Greatest Educa tional Value for Pupil r W. C. Hawley. r Salem, 8 p. m. Address, "Nancy Hanks and the Nineteenth Century," H. D. Patten- fUl.. ., ........ . iJeparimeni or uupeimenaence: 0 m, 'The Lewis and Clark Can tennis! Educational Exhibit" J. F. Nowlln, Pendleton; O. W. Denman, Cor vallla. "Centralisation and Transforms tlon." R. F, Robinson, Portland; J. W. Shipley, Jleppner; U A. Wiley, Jeffer . son. 1:10 p. m. "Ways and Means of Im proving Public Sentiment." C. L. Starr, jaiias; H. b. layman, Astoria; w Reynolds. Dallas. Department of Secondary and Higher Education: 9 n. m. President's address, W. N. fVrrln. Forest Orove. "Instruction In . the English Bible, (a) In Secondary Schools, Miss Emma Chase. Eugene; (b) in Higher Schools, A. M. Brum back, McMinnville. 1:S0 i. m. "The Statua of tha Normal Schools In Oregon," J. H. Orcutt, Drain Discussion by A. h, Briggs, Cottage Orove. "College Graduates In Ele- mentary and Secondary Schools." J. If. Coleman. Salem. ' Discussion by T. T. DavlH, Portland. Department of City Superintendents a. m. "The Relation of the Super. intendent to the School," J. A. Churchill, Baker City. , 1:30 p. m. "Relation of Superintend ent to Teachers." J. Burnhsm. Portland. Seventh and Eighth Grades: 9 a. m. "Civil Government Correlated With History," A. M. Sanders, Rose burg. 1 "30 p. m. "The Use and Abuse of Method," R. C. French, Weston. Fifth and Sixth Grades: 9 a. m. "The Best Use to Be Made f Thomas' Elementary History" (a) As History. J. S. Landers, The Dalles; fb) How Correlated With Other Sub jects. H. J. Hockenborry. La Grande. 1:80 p. m. "What Literature Should Be Taught' -a Aa Adapted to the Tastes of the Pupil. MIfs Stella M. Case. Ashland; (b) As Related to Other Stddlcs. E. G. Adams. Albany. Fourth Grade Section: - 0 a. m. "Should a Text Book In Arithmetic Be 1'sed In Fourth Grade?" (a) Tearhere' Standpoint. L. R. Traver. Salem: (b) Pupils' Needs. A. L. Clarke. Aetorla. Ir'SO p. m. "Some Foundation Stones In Education." H. D. Pattengill. Third Grade Section: 9 a m .-"Literature" (a) Memory Work In Literature. Mies Alice Quifig, Portland: bt How to Cultivate a Taste for Good Literature, Miss Malissa Hill The Dallen. 1-30 p. m "Numbers," Mrs. Ellen M. Fennell. Monmouth. Second Gr;irt. Section: ! a. m. "Kinds of TMnklnsr the Primary Gradf May Cultivate" (a) Numbers. Mrs: Thomas B. Clarke, naiem. it) Literature. E. E. Washburn, Jacksonville. 1.3.0 p. m. "Numbers." H. r. Patten 111. First Grad- Section: 9 a. m. "Reading." Miss Llzr.le Par rott. Pendleton. 1:30 p. r "filorv- Work and Its Alms," Mies M. S. Tracy. Portland. (Journal Hpeclal Service.) ASTORIA. June r5. It bus been learned that the determination of the Northwestern Construction Company to abandon the Mavser uuarry for thu near Bugby Is not due to any misra riase of plane, but that the move wa contemplated even before the work of getting out rock for the big Jetty at u mouth of the Columbia wus undertaken The report that the company was una ble to 1111 Us contract at tha presen quarry occasioned nmeh comment and the truth of the matter lias leaked' pu The Mayger uuarry In the proper! of the contracting company, while the Bugby quarry Is now under lease to th government. The Bugby property wa leased by W. L Parsons, a wealthy tint bar land owner, and the lease waa exe cuted more than a year ago. On tin quarry there Is an unlimited quantity o excellent rock. When bids for furnishing rock were asked, the Northwestern Construction Company presented an offer of 1 cents ton. Tha next lowest bid was ii.-t Because of tha fact that the local com pany had put in a very low bid. the rovernment engineers were Inclined to be lenient, and permission waa granted the company to utilise the Mayger rock until auch time as arrangements could be made to operate it Bugby. The con tract calls for 1,000 tona of rouk dally until 026,000 tons in all are delivered When work was commenced at Mayger It waa not expected by the engineer de partment that 1.000 tons dally would be furn shed, and the 7 tona mat are no ,lng aent down every 24 houra la much more than even the englneera antici pated. Presarlar for a Change. At present the company has a force of men at work extending Its line into tha Bugby quarry. Owing to tha ele vation there the work Is necessarily slow, but in SO days operatlpna will be begun. At this location rock is quite plentiful and the work will proceed much more rapidly than at Mayger. The number of men employed at May ger is 126. but some trouble has been experienced in keeping a full force. It Is said that 15 men quit work every day, their places being taken by men from the cities of the Northwest. While the Mayger rock Is Inferior in quality to that at Bugby, It Is suitable for the preliminary work now being carried on. Tha supply at Bugby Is practically Inexhaustible and the state ment has been made that the contract ing company will furnish much more than the specified 1,000 tona of rock dally. After the 125.000 tons heretofore con tracted for are furnished, an additional 1,000.000 tons will be required to carry out the work of extending the Jetty. Necessarily, the company feela that it ahould make a favorable showing In Its present contract The extensive riv alry for the contract has resulted In more or less "knocking," and the re ported failure of the company to fill ita agreement ia attributed to this. No further difficulty will be experienced In furnishing the rock. BURGLARS CALL TWICE IN SALEM OVERNIGHT ENTRIES Ransack a House Which They Had Visited the Day Before Were frightened Away in Both Instances. Journal's List of Horses and J Weights For' Tomorrow's paces. SEATTLE, Jane IS. Th owvnlgbt entries for tomorrow's races 'at The Meadows track are as follow: First race' seres furloags, selling, year- old sod UP . : ' Cherrystone ...... Vine ,....,..... .109 Teufel ....... ...l07TourLt I ....... .107 Rain ,,,,. loft burdork .....,.108 ..i n .ill . . vmum r i.itwrtWrtw ...... w Marion uountyuoua juiy list Dur. a.,..... urawn bession begins jury l j u ner inieresnng. news -i-'ru. olds and up; ' July ftrp ,.09I. O. D lot Milwaukee )12 Uonds ,...100 Doaator .......... .t"U BmIo .107 Avstor .......... .1t Tberua ........ mlO? Ulil Maxim 1071 fourth raoe. one Bile, selling, l-peir-014 sod up: Pltnrtr . . . grsnk fearce Arthur tut . FOR VANCOUVER Executive -Committee of Citi zens Decldes.Jhat Because of uontagiori jhy.Wil! pive Up Items from the Capital, County- Commissioners; Advise r. uiai. -wo; I own. ynviie no uounty visitors ; on rounh Lest Uisease Spread, .! I; Breakfast,-Djnner or Supper ; EAT THE BI25T HAM THAT , MONEY CAN BUy. ASK POR ; Jh l' SHIELD RRAN01 It costs no more than any other and It s absolutely the Best. X From Oregon Wheat-Fed Hog and government Inspected, t 'tit, A Home Product and none better made.,. ' (Journal Special Service.) SALEM, Juno 2 Burglars entered tho home of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Suther land in this city between the hours or I jUd. Voorhles ....1MI 2 and 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon, and Andrew Bloc .....loof '!M ..1(NI (Journal Bpectal Service.) VANCOUVER, Wash., June 25. Be- cause of tho prevalsnco of amallpox In ...... Ill Carko county Vancouver will not cele- itllbraU tho Fourth this year, thouah ex tensive piana nave aireaar, oeen maav. after searchins; the house thoroughly Tt8'"'' and turning the bureau drawers ana h , ftwlonrt sellliig, -f.x-ol: some money collecud and much mora umri ici:i.ri.vi """ ires ,.iw Tiao ..iit 1 suDscrioea, ino catteries ana. Dana naa a rew piecoa 01 jewejry. euin e it. u , w sow ,.. ' I agreed o parade and ball games and Dim. ureaaiDina. eic. i iih ibiuhj woct vww i,iivvu., away during the hours named, and on 'mil , th.i,- ii.m found tha entire houae . " . ftf 'Wo". "turned upside down." A gold watch. kept in an upstairs room, was iounu virsll D loelABase me Goddess ef Nsbt ..I'H lower floor, where it had evidently been Little MIbcb, ir....lW lying In a corner of a room on the selling olds and Up Hot. IJrbteostela ..lOftl JkeeraBda Vlrcll D 1041 Anus .. Goddess ef Night ..lo4 Alwousr w ..,.101 thrown by the thieves, who had appar ently been frightened away by some ona coming to the houae. It developed laat evening that during the afternoon several ladies had called at the house, but, lecelvlng no reaponse to rings of the doorbell, left. It Is be lleved that the burglara, hearing the doorbell, left hurriedly, throwing the watch away for fear of being caught with It in their possession. REV, S, H. JONES MARRIES Xappy traddlaf u Celebrated U lalem Vetweea Betweaa Oanrok ' . Teople, (Journal Special Service.) general sports wsr arranged 4-year-1 iasi pigni (ne gsnerat executive com mittee of tha celebration met and thor .,,..,,1111 oughly- discussed he question; - tbey ill were Informed by tbe Commissioners that there were many casea of smallpox la the County, that the Ave quarantine campa war hardly gufflclent for all that should be secluded and that a public gathering of people from the country coma not b permitted. The commis sioners did not forbid the celebration, .SHIELD BRAND GOODS. . tv, .if i' . UNION MEAT CO. : t MMMM4 DON'T BUY A QASOLINE ENQINE3 UNTIL YOU HAVE 5EEN OUR EN0INE5 AND OOT OUR PRICES We tlve a written niarentee with but they proposed to restrict it to Van- every eflglae for one) year, and we couver proper ana to cut on country are. rirnt here to Deck It up. Patron visitors, and also Intimated that if Van- fl ham industry by buying from SALEM. - June !. Rev. Bamuel H. couver ceieoratea ana shortly arter ais- th- m.-ufscturera. w -m 1,1. a , 1 Tr. v I r. r..r m m Hn.an ,.u. r. t th. I A i n I w jones or jacasonviiie anu niia juuw i w . w. m. ,. .w ... Price of Salem were married at the I ber borders she would nave only herself Mrs Sutherland rU th . V" A J. Ill I I & t I I ecedlng day a number of articles were A. Ketchum. D. D.. Dastof of . This placed a new face on the entire Ale J9 Vll-L X VV the church, In the presence of a large question ana tne teadiag business men ... , sf p.-tu- n- n,l Hiutlnxil.haH .ilHI.nr. Amnnr tha I decided that theV did not Care tO riak I fWf w guests present were all the state of-la contagion In the town and to run the flcera and many of Balem's leading reo- chances of being out off front Portland pie, as well as a number from Portland and the rest of tbe world for two and Albany. I moi)tns. ay a vote it was neciaea 10 The groom is the minister of the forego tne juouauon ana to save tue Presbyterian Church at Jacksonville, funds for a big one next year. and a very vrorthy young man. The While the advice or the Commiaaion brlde is one of Salem's most popular ere was the chief thing that decided the young ladies. She is the niece of Judge committee tnere was anotner reason. and Mrs. C. E. Wolverton and has for and that was that generally there was years made her home with them. For little interest In the holiday being the nast few years she served as manifested and ths few leaders feared stenographer for Justice Wolverton and that they would have all the work to do;" gfeatly aided that official in his Bu- mat tne aay wouio not prove a marxea preme Court duties. success and they would be blamed for The happy couple left last night for its failure. Southern California, where several preo found scattered about an upstairs room, on her return home after a few hours' absence, but on Inquiry among members of the family tis to who had done this she was Jokingly Informed that she doubtless had done this herself. A lady, calling at the house during the after noon, informed the family that she rang the doorbell and heard some one mov ing about the house, but receiving no response she went away. It Is believed hat the same parties visited the house on the preceding day, and being fright ened away, returned yesterday to com plete their work of despoiling the house. The officers are working on a clew nd may land the guilty parties in jail It is possible, however, that the bur glars are tramps. In which case t-hey re doubtless far away before this time GRESHAM BUILDING UP Itattl Jervl Seotenoed. ASTORIA, June 36. Mattl Jarvl, th young Finn who murdered his father In cold blood because the old aiun came home in an Intoxicated condition, was sentenced yesterday afternoon to serve a term of seven and one-half years in the penitentiary by Circuit Judgo Me Bride. The case against Jarvl had been set for trial today, but the defendant was arraigned yesterday. Senator Fultotn appeared for Jarvl nd stated to the court that he wished to enter a plea of guilty. He explained that there were extenuating circum stances connected with the killing which would naturally lessen the senti ment against the son. The father, he related, had often come home drunk, had abused the members of the family and had several times assaulted the de- j fendant. On the fateful night the elder Jarvl had gone home In an Irresponsible condition, and the son, wishing to frighten him away, had proceeded to the front door armed with a revolver. The old man seized the weapon and in a struggle which followed it had been discharged. District Attorney Allen said lie wab tiling that Jarvl should plead guilty to manslaughter, notwithstanding the fact that he had been Indicted for murder In the first degree. Ho expressed the hope that the sentence would . serve as a warning to other young men. In passing sentence Judge McBrlde said he thought the waywardness of the son was largely due to the lack of char acter of the father. The court did not feel disposed tp Impose the heaviest sentence and so fixed the punishment at seven and one-half years' imprison ment- Jarvl was taken to Salem last night by Sheriff Linvllle. K. owitt's Grocery Store Heaily rinlshed Daniel W. Metis er Sells Hit Home. (Journal Special Service.) GRESHAM, Or, June 25. During the laat few weeks, or since the hotel Are which also destroyed the store belonging to T. R. Howltt and also his meatmar ket, he haa had men at work building a flpe structure Just east of the new im plement stbre belonging to W. H. Ham ilton. His stock of groceries and meatmar ket are temporarily carried In a small building on the' corner of the Metxger heirs' estate which was erected on shoit notice with but very little fixtures. The new building is to be modern in every way and its situation is very good, as 1. has a north front, and will also be fur- niahed with a basement. The building will be completed In a short time and once more the village will have )ts for mer number of first-class grocery liiores. Sells rise Property. One of the most sightly residences of this place was sold this week to parties . ' .... . -. - T . . 1. . -1 II rrom rieaaam nomi. i wm mo uwon ing belonging to Daniel W. Metxger and was sold to George W. Jesue wno soia a fine farm Just east of Pleasant Home, They have been looking for a location for some time and were finally con vlnced that this was the most thriving community contingent to Portland, and as a consequence they invested in prop erty which is on the advance. , neTr11 CAUSES ARREST A League Social SALEM. June 26. The Marlon Square Improvement League last night gave a lawn social in the Marlon Square Park, when Ice cream and other seasonable Clarke Coast Business Maa of pute nauaoaed to Aaswev Charge Charge of mivals. VANCOUVER, Wash.. , June 25. Dr. W. J. Taylor of washougal was arrested ATTENTION! Art and Science SIGN0H G. FERRARI Formerly of Allan, Italy, Cures Catarrh and Asthma simply by Is method of voice culture. Singing taught from foundation te artlstlo finish. Testimonials open to inspection at his itudio. MUUCEY BUILDINQ, saooro ajtd mobjusosT sts. WI3 CURB MEN! 1 Ml . :;.. 'jf v .it C v. a ' r mm r- Iwrii it mil 1 fell k t. X IAX00TT, X. D. C0KT1ACTID SISOaOIM. ' Every contracted elMW is attended by grave dancers that Bottling 1ms thaa a thorouf n sad absolute cure eaa reaMTs. To take area the sllgbteet chance la such cases is t iavtte H fe lon misery. Uta 4e sot raaUaa life- -as thai abould. A' partial cure is loU wed by a clironie ttast, wltb all ita irrors, tbe aama at though tne dla. ease bad aot been treated st all. Wa positively will not dUaaUa s patient until every possibility of relapse is re moved. By our sjatem of treatment every patlaat Is seondly cared, sad ' made ss free from dlaease taint a be was before tbe ailment was eontracted. BE. XAXCOTT CO.. SM Alder St. N h!UnWenrLnfnV t511r?S afternoon on a warrant is- rZin' 2T" i'J5 k' prosecuting attorney charg- warrant and hroiiarht Mr. Tavlnr to th coooi uiranon mevs. clty. He was later released on his recos- HAL.KM, june no. rno tjoarq 01 nlsance. liik:iuih ivr iiw Daiem .tiwui. niov u jg not Known St WnOS instigation I Tli.liHiail mMtMrnaUt. ,. nlrht -hen VL M. Trolsan. the newlv- h. nnn.niQn. ... -a. i.JTh. r I 1 00 largest SIlO HIOSI COmpIet UR elected director, was sworn Into office the doctor charce thai It is the result I dertaMng Mtabllshment 00 the Coast. and took his seat. Joseph Bannlngton 0f professional Jealousy. Mr, Taylor F, 5. Dunning, Inc., 414 Cast Alder, was re-elected clerk of the board. It conducts a drug store at Washougal and corner East Sixth Both rthnnea was decided that four rooms In the while he has no license to practice "tiJ T.n.w.rJi Iark School, thus far unused, be placed medicine in the state has been a nrao- C" promptly anawerea to any part in condition for use and. the- crowded I tltloner of standing in Portland and the City. condition of the Baiem schools will thus California. He alleges that he has not S hp relieved sit a small eicnenae. Com-1 M .A ( n I n & .in,, v.. x. I mittees for the year were appointed by hand, where he had a state certificate. on court-martial of consplr the chairman of the board. Lt "" o rb a fellow soldier and an as arrant WatkinaV Vlnanl and T.t (in. a-araon sieiusea. VANCOUVER. Wish.. June 26. 8er BAIJ2M, .Tune 28 -Qov. George B. aeant Watklns. wlio fired on Private '".'J .""""r"" L' "'J"Z' sault with Intent to rob; sentenced to dishonorable discharge and three years1 hard labor, The commanding officer ASKS FOR INJUNCTION CLEANED AT ASTORIA (Journal Special Service.) ASTORIA. Or.. June 26.- There sailed yesterday evening from this port the barge Santa Paula in tow of the tug Rescue for San Francisco. The Swed ish ship Clan McFarlane sailed today for Algoa Bay with wheat and flour. MARINE NOTES FILE A PROTEST A large number of tii" property-owners in the district comprising Gaines street, between Front and Ftrjit streets, today filed a remonstrance at the City Hall against the City Council allowing the petition of Jacob L'nger. who asked that the block be vacated by July 10. They represent that they reside In the district, and that their property would be damaged If such vacation was ordered. LEASIA WANTS NEW TRIAi Attorneys David R. Murphy and John T. Watts this afternon tiled application for. a new trial, in the case of M. V. teasia, convicted of murder in the sec fnd degree for killing his father-in-law, y. H. Drews. Six counts are made against the court In the recital ef grounds. for a new trial. The British ship Agnes Oswald has run afoul of the Astoria quarantine offi cials and is being placed through a very thorough and rigid examination. She reached there from Honolulu some dayB ago In ballast and under charter to load lumber for the Orient. On her arrival at Astoria she was seized by the As toria - quarantine office and placed in quarantine. Each piece of her rock bal last Is being separately dipped 4n a spe cially prepared acid, which Is supposed to kill any germ that may exist. She will be held In quarantine for the regu lation time of 10 days awaiting any other conditions that may develop. On her release she will proceed to Portland and commence loading her cargo for the other side of the Pacific. ' .The steamer Columbia arrived up this morning from San Francisco with a large passenger list and loaded from stem to stern with generar merchan dise. Passengers report that the muddy river water Is noticeable . for over 26 miles out to sea. The prospects of ever removing the schooner Berwick fromi the beach at the mouth of the Rogue River are al most hopeless. Since going ashore the channel has changed to the northward, and she Is now high and dry and a long distance from deep water. The Portland & Asiatic liner Indra pura Is due from the Orient today with S fair cargo of Oriental goods. As cus tomary with liners of this company. sue nas a run cargo awaiting her here. Rev. Earl Wilfley, pastor of the New Castle, pa.. Christian -Church, occupied the pitcher s box at a game of baseball played by local clubs last week. Mr. Wllfley is an earnest advocate of clean athletic sports and does all in his power to encourage them X. 9. railUigjDeclares City of Portland Xad Wo Bight to Build Ce ment Walk. X. J. Falling has filed suit against the City of Portland and the municipal treasurer, J. E. Werlein, to restrain the defendants from selling her property to foreclose a lien. The city constructed a cement sidewalk along the west side of lots 7 and 8 of block 63, of the original City of Portland and levied an assess ment of 1476.87 upon Mrs. Falling. This the plaintiff refused to pay and on February 2 a lien was docketed aeulnst the property. An ordinance passed by the Council August 6. 1902, provided that In districts where cement walks were required, if a fill averaging over two feet In each SO feet was neces sary for the building of a walk, wooden walks could be placed. The plaintiff al leges that where the city erected the cement walk abutting her premises a nil 0 irom mree 10 six ieei was reqaireu She asks for an order restraining the en forcement of the- lien and desires that the cost of tbe action be taxed to the defendant. FERRY TERMINAL PROBLEM Mayor and Committee Looking- Up tbe Location For Worth and South Baas. The special committee from the Ex ecutive Board, accompanied by Mayor Williams, are investigating the ques tion of locating terminals for the pro posed Albtua Ferry' this afternoon. They met at Russell street at 2 o'clock anjl proceeded to the point where 'It has been suggested that the north terminals be constructed. For their convenience a plat of the Immediate district on each wide, of the river waa furnished by City Engineer Elliott. So far there has been no suggestions as to the probable location ef the south end of the system. The committee will endeavor to settle the question from the information secured today. WILL CELEBRATE FOURTH (Journal Special Service.) THE DALLES. June 26. At a meet ing of the contributors to the Fourth of July fund held last night it was soon decided to . hold the celebration at home as formerly intended, this city having donated $2,000 to fieppner. It was the general opinion that the city had done enough, but if lt was neded they would give, more, but reports received from there are to the effect that all the relief wanted is on hand. The full name of Mme. Pattl, who Is about to make one more final and fare well tour to America, is Adela Juana Marie Clorinda Patti. Most people know her only as Pattl, forgetting that , she nas neen tne usrauise de csux and Signora Nicellni and is now Baroness Cederstrom. ' Tim mherln In haa refused a oardon asked . e. ' i.k.. i- . S- uuu t for by Emmett Klmberllng, serving-a braw, an4 mrrMy wcea klUln(r hlm 0f ' prTva . and six , - 9 1 who w icu uj y uuvivo Di.-jira.il, ceciuaj MAniha' hflrd lADdr Private V Me- tVXZTi? VeZ,8iarvK,yromMnrrT? ernr- T" iu KU"y aBd Company A. i7th InfantryT tried "JeVH" Jr,?: "eh Vancouver court-martial and r. f j inVr.. -VT,.- Vu hivhku u iuu . f0unl g-U ty of neglect of sentinel duty; ,'Uo."eya C'J"nd 0 tZ aZ mt?3L,niding..that.th.e Sir sentenced to hard labor for three months petition for a pardon, as the prisoner poid-blooded attempt to kill and that ,nd t0 forfelt ,30 pa PrVate M. Ho- had received tho lightest sentence to Watkins Should have been held to an- " ath Comnanv Coast Artiilerv 0? ' . BUI'0P S,Urt OT n ?od guUy by Fort FlagUr ootrt-m- of which he was convicted. Klmberllng tempted murder. The officers explain .... 0e .hne without leave from in. was twice tried, the first Jury disagree- that both the men were satisfied to call 1 wil nait ing. During the tim he awaited his a hait and to leave with their regiment, VSSwtoZuwto? and holdlna second trial ho broke jail twice but was the countv waa satisfied to collect 150 ?"n'?" !n U7e" nd??idif . 1 " ' 1 l uiivnraaiiun wiiii sir latinnra : sia ii niii'nti recaptured. FIRE AT C0RVALLIS More Than Tifteen nndred Dollars Worth of Property Goes Up la Smoke. itAnvAi-natlnii with nrlaoriArK- ..nLnnul instead of paying that sum in proaecu- t0 aiahonorable diacharge and three nun, .u ;;,""'"a;" J!!!tui Ir montha' hard labor reiDBDU. rvnijLiiiiB, m.riiiiu sum iiiej BUiUICI V llllCwOCS 1C4 v a cat I. vVVIIIIIB IVI I ssS m sa-i dk A . a . th. Pre.MM to loin tha &av.nt..nth -vr MMmtnm. following prisoners, by order of the Va.Ma.llt Tsl VOaltnOtlAfl. VAKCOUVER, Wash., June 2J. The Secretary of War have been sent to benefit nroaram alven by the Order of ."'. .i tmiiiBui. CORVALLIS. Or.. June 25. Corvallls .v.. tr...., at.. fn. W. ... K. T. Baker, J. B. King. J. C Tansey, was visited Tuesday morning about 4:30 nf fund and announced for Saturday y Antnony Uirrerding, o ciock oy a nre in tne iiempnm prop- ngbt at the Auditorium, has been post eriy ac ine corner or oecona ana jener- noned to Monday night. Army Examining Board. VANCOUVER. Wash., June 26. The lnal.ia n vi. v w.ii - I EOiivWing oeira nas tn appointed 10 VANCOUVER, Wash.. Jun. zMh f? son streets. The Are originated In the kitchen of Lederley's Restaurant and quickly spread to Cameron's harness shop on the south and to Ream's tailor- . Ti i m. '7 Field Artillery at Fort Walla Walla, ing establishment on the north. The u"jne"and ?tf fi1 !nf thl! Wash.: Major A. B. Dyer, First Lleuten- volunteer fire department was soon on -f t.V nTniY nZ.vr V t . E. Mitchell, First Lieutenant a, th rn. onH hv s A-riAoir th. Mr. Tuesday afternoon and will endeavor to n.i. Hi uoii a 10 iticu aA-ca vs. rvjiea-v ai the scene and by 6 o'clock the fire was practically destroyed, While th. other li1 ZtZlt tt SV?11" Wl" two buildings were not burned so much, 1 " " they were badly drenched with, water tim-m ind iienrlv VBrvthtn In them rulnd MnH' JsWMMM ISStteO. T r I v..t...v. r w t,-I aiaiir ui inv Vu-iiuicr ui piuaing, out tne up-stairs, wnicn is a 1 ' .;7i 4: f ak Salem, Pendleton, Eugene, Oregon City, rooming house, was a total loss from " tLV??Zlr 'dndhMi"An" the water. I bott of Lewlston, Idaho, P. J. Burghduff I.. ul,. u.Hr m... - STATE NOTES Sheep shearing around Baker City is the water. The estimated total loss Is: J. M. Marahrleld. Union. Hlllsboro. Newborn Cameron, $50; Lederley's Restaurant, couniy. ij v.. j. vvoieyana miss Tluook Burns Independence Silver- 11,000; r Hemphill property. M00; ?on!nfon,BHunS G. M. Ream, 2B; total, $M75. d iss Katie nennett, ootn or Clarke wm ,nCMMed 100 y,ar on juiy i. Mr. ijeoeney was me oniy one wno I --- If At"Nn iNy. I " afN blnt InlTil O SPICES,, o COFFEE.TEA DAinNOPOVDEn, FLconirjOEXTriiCTS, Mtimrvvy, rincsrriivor, 0rarij5frenK,Cja3OTitJePricei CL05SETGDEYED5 PORTLAND, OBEGON. OLD BAST PORTLAND FENCE &. WIRE WORKS rheae Walt S7t. A- Oarlsea,Vrej Manufacturer of WOOD, IRON AND STfXL FENCING k&d the Valversal Oestblaatlea reaed K' s , Roef Cresting, Window Guards, : BTBBTTBZira JOT WIBB. " ISf B, kCerrtssa St., , . f orttaaa. Or. no rrlorl o n v I n aura n rA a Hrtit t x .ill A In Great credit is due the Corvallls Vol- vakuuuvjbk, wasn.. June The unteer fire deDartment for tha manner following court martial sentences have in which they handled the Are, also to oeen PProveu oy uenerat runsion. com the "Ladieo fntfea mub." who were 1 manding ofBcer of the department: Prl and ere alwflVK on hand to servai the I Vate J. H. McLemore, 1 1st Company - - - I f, a, a . i uvci aaia mvbi vi av usww 111 ucn. t n sa laid boys with hot coffee and lunch after the Coast Artillery, found guilty by Fort ot water Jt.ch fel, durln th it .r .n nrr.m.rria r9 lea tritir sia . I . - nre waa over. i - .o-' - - - - - - . n.i.nt,... sentencea to two montns' nara iahor i and fined 120. Private J. Five carloads of horses were shipced from Pendleton to Lethbridge, Canada, this week. According to scientific opinion based on measurements of marks and drifts of the recent cloudburst at Heppner one and one-half Inches of water spread over an area of 20 square miles, was the storm, The volunteer firemen of Sumpter have challenged the Sumpter Fire De There is a strong move on foot in Comnur H. 17th Infantry: sentenced corvaiiis anu oeniop couniy jor a rural by Vancouver oourt-raartlal to six telephone system, wun rree switching to months hard . labor and ttO fine for V -'-"- ''' all its subscribers. The present com- Hr..r.ir.r.naa nn dntv. Prit. wmi.m viaing ior a nne or o o ou or impris partment for a horse race on July 4, Corvallls has passed an ordinance pro- pany will not extend S lines Into the Dubai. 04th Comnanv Coast Artlllerv. country, and the farmers of Benton fonud guilty by Fort Flagler court-mar- j very mucn aesire to oo in loucn wun tjal of absence without leave, drunken tbe world at all times. - i I ness In Quarters, attempting to escape The plans are about completed for the from guardhouse and damaging aor. lormanon or , company, eacn suo- ernment property: sentenced to dlshon- onment for the failure to repair a side walk after being ordered to do so by the proper authorities. Eugene will issue no more licenses to street fakers. This action is the out come of snide Jewelry hawkers being scriber to be a shareholder. By this orable discharge, to forfeit all pay and e!?.i 5 i means a complete system can be main- allowances and six months' at hard talned and operated at a cost of about labor. Corooral F. H. Dovne. 3(th Corn- half what the present company demands. pany Coast Artillery, found guilty by MARRIAGE' LICENSES The following licenses to marry have been Issued by the County Clerk: H. B. Stafford, aged 28, and Mary Eder. aged 20; J. F. Lowrte. aged 21, and Edytho I Helms, aged 20; H. E. Rademacher, aged 82, and Auguste Ma'mero, aed 24; James Powell, aged 48, and M. Elisabeth Boa ter, aged 89: Paul Hins, aged 27, and Mrs. Carrie Boogenaged 86; J. R. Mc MUllen. aged 26, ami Anna Whitefleld. aged 2(, all of Multnomah County. Or. On July i t,eeo acres of land under the . Twin Falls reservation on Snake River, near Shoshone Falls. Idaho. Willi be thrown open te settlement under the I Carey Act. BEERS Guaranteed Pure. None So Good. ', Oiderfreai '' Fleekeastet Mayer Casaaaiar Trials of carrier pigeons are being made between Eugene . aqd Oakland. Cal. , Many rabbits were killed by hall dur- L 1n th atnrtrl In th ITaatArfi nnrtlnn ftt JS. 1 the state last week. David Ingram, a rancher on wwer McKay Creek in Eastern Oregon lost 70 tons ef hay during the heavy storm of last week. The' flood caughs up the stacks and either carried thenr away or buried them so deeply in the mud that the hay was ruined. . WANT NEW WALKS A petition was filed atAh City Hall today asking for the' improvement of Vancouver avenue," from the north, line of Morris street to the south line of Fremont street. Ths petitioners want the improvement In the form of J 2-foot sidewalks, with cross-walks six feet In , Widths' . ' 4 Simpson & Co, House and Sign , PAINTING Paper Hanging, Kalsomining STRICTLY UNION WORK H TIBST fT. Jy I'hoae, Ola 84J, A C. GEE WO, THE QREAT CHINESE POCTOR X!1 'Is called great be. 4 . eauaa hlar: woniLarful - 4 cures are so - well known throughout the United States, . . snd because se many Xeople are thankful e 'him fer saving - their lives frera 0PPRATI0NS He treats any and all diseases with . paweyf ui Chinese herbs, rests, buds, barks and vegetables that are entirely un known to medical science- In. this poun- B.A w . aaaasjl tu yuan - , - less remedies. This fsmeUs doctor luijws the action ef over 00 diSerent remedies u.. k. k.. aiiMaafullT used la alfterenl diseases. He guarantees to sure eatarrb, asthma, lung troubles, rheumatism, ner. vouaness, stomach, liver, kidneys, female trouble and ail-private diseases. Hun. dreds of testimonials. Charges moderate CaU jma aee mm. cobtsvxatxo v nun. Patients eut ef the city write fer blaab and circular. , Inclose stamp. t Addres THE C. QEE WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO, . IM AiOar street,". Portland. Or,, Mea- . Uon fbis paper. , -r 7K-S-:,S: i ipi'f ' .