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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1903)
TTIE OltEGON DAILY JOUBNA1V PORTLAND, TIITinSDAY EVESlIKG, JUNE 25, 1003. 11 .1 , v - i "The "Okegon Daily Journal v-' al ?nxrwAimri .. . .,'!. 1M Nerth Hmjud it. 4 Offl.-cH Jn'Uu rrandaco and Los Ang.les, Cul t doled anil Hnoliaue, V . . . ? .Help. free to emMoyera.. Pre baggag room nd rcgietratloa.. ww secured tor auvut-ent . T f bo vnsrge. KrVTABLWIIED 1S78L ' ..' ' ".' HEAfHjf AKTKKrt KM MEN Oft H. R AND OTIIKJl VlTTHlliB WORK. -DAILY A tliiryKKl'.t TO NKVADA lor the-big 8. P. ' ; R. R. Umicla': KottTll fn tha new-. R. K. 4 1-.. f H' . J ; ' . xntr ether DoluU, r. work. . - '.- C. R. HANSEN A, CO; 2ft. North M at. R. tunnel.; SOUTH on Wo new, K. K. r Ip ' WuHhbikrtpB;,- KASt ob company. m4 ntriot Ami:! fl'H;Ul. In "Oregon, snd many nor points, flits! KAflB on all B. K. TI te.,1. It HANnr VKN pUto-tool. to mil p i .. esnnuon tfrsme'.sheda and outhouses, 83 day, . ' board ' -mtek; qH a long lob; free fare) ; moat anjr conimon-sensea auw-oodlea OJSB fJWlth aoma funis-o ttila. -' '. - Three stimeuiaaene, country, 85 dsy; ear niKmr .i on? runon esrpeuiare, aa 'day; fre faro: K. R. men. alt ever, free far. A il - A ... ,1 , . u Ml .... I V iiniur-r iniirm,; mu wegi 11 vui'tm, e.wUf ears ere. eto ana . '0. R. lfA.VSWN CO. a North M at WANTED Two rood saddlrmakere: . . highest ' tne, taigary . aaaai . tomuany, vaigary aiiimi! i anawa. i'ANTEI-Two Bret-class solicitors at onra; . mnsr. u am to ret results, nil.N liw jonuaron. anu Yamhill at. HELP WANTED PEMALE. 'ANTED (ilrl to pacii toalrhee. Apply taa Broa factory. Tn-alftli and ROOMS FOR RERT. roU RENT S Beatly furnlahrd bonakrpln . '; rooma. . batb, . (aa .aad 'ptiona. 3U HUta,. ' ir: Claf. XOVIEXXEFIMO ROOMS. til 4 ULI8AN, newly, .furnlahrd kmaakwB Inc rooiua nith ua o( bath and parlor. v Tflorihon. T at IBtTH a. FARM! FOR IALI. MO ACHES af land, few aerra ctaaredt Ml ' watui- auU'beae; It BtllJB tro Faraat J OrTr .will- ha anld tary rha. WkaU, Bmaon Bid., Fifth lud Morriaon Ha.' FTRHIBHED ROOMS. U)0 AN BUILDING. lOA Union m Klaa n roBBf for boaarkaMlDf or tranalaat, laraUbaa . .wnnftrdlabad) rat fa reaeoaable. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. BUILD HOl'BB on eaay BiontMy paraaenta; Juat what to want; m our pUna. tUay are not atrawnalTa.- dl3 Commrrrlal hldir. i TOR SALE. SAWMILL, located la Aurora. Or.; capacity. tf.otto fert pr day; nearly new and In good condition; engine, planar, aawa and all ap- pllancea; $2.(X. O. h. Dlmlrk. Oreron Oty. i'lANO.and boaaenold noda for aala cheap; r-rom honae; f. f.1 Eaat With at. 1 WAItTTD. WANTED-UIddUaaed woman wlahaa noaltlm aa ' bouaakeeper la widower'! family or In rooming or boarding Bouae. W, rare jouiwiai, SiTUATIOR WAITED, KLDEHLY eiperlenced gardner wauta. work on pnrate place; DO Boraea; city or eonnury. Aaaraaa Hog o, care j-ournau - WANTKX Situation, br carriage and wagon Baker, fbone. Scott STIS. OU Kaat Stark aU REMOTAX. OR. FRANK B. FERRIS, DR. OERTRUDS E. Lanberewn, DenUata, renoeed to Maeleaf Blag., BIIB BOOT. - . ATTORMETS. EMMONS A EMMONS. Bttvrneyg at Uw, Bad Worceatee vwg. S. RIOOEN, Attorney and ConnaeUoowfr Jwt Notary, OA-u AblBgtoabidg. f AXTWN, BEACH A SIMON ' 610 Chamber of Commero. ' T. TAUOHER . , ' ,, Room 18. Alrunrorth nVtlldin. B. R. DICKINSON, Attorney -at-Law and M ury ruouc. sua uonvercuu stag. BATHS. NATURAL Ruaalan bet-air iatha 3nc and Bocj open dally, except Monday and Tueadar, 11 a, na, an 11 n, m. ni Kaat iwenijignm au. nr. avims. rnone, dcoii t . tODOIRS X01TSES. Till roBMOhW Fearth and Merrtaea. fwnlanad bonaekeeptna; gal tea, eulte ana) aingia regaoa) f nee ween aa Bp. TBI CASTLR ST Waablngtoa at rooma fag CentleaMa; tranaient. TaU Boats in. HOTELS. ftalLL VBNTILATKD (Infla roOBia. l&e, SO ana zao a nigni; oeoa, loe. ana a. rare m Hoaaa, cor -seoond and Dau. RAR0IX0 AMD UGHTERIRO. 0RK0ON .ROUND LUMBER CO.,- Ml Bn aiae ei. rnone urant llll. BANJO, MARDOLIat AID OUITAR. INSTRUCTION cloba lor adeanead paptlat In. airaBenia rar naie. nil nnwr, amnio 1 1 a Went Park. ear. TanhllL- I'bone Bonth SMI. CAAFEITXk. I. F. LUCT. aocceeaor to Qordon Mfg. Cfc. carpenter, bander, genaral contractor, Booaa remodeling, altaratlona, etc; cabinet work and )obblnc a apeclalty; eonnter abelrlog, lea boxea, eto.) atora and oftlce Axtnrre; ap-ta-date and original earpenter work tt all kind; nothing too large or toe email far our immediate attention; no Slea on aai wa make and pnt Bp the beat By acreena In Portland. Bknn. ' foot of Yamhill at.; phone. Black SOT; reeldetiee. TT Kaat Stark j realdecna phone. White Tit. CAFES, YATES' PLACE. SM Waahlngtoa at.. Phone R. Mala TT1. M. W. Taiaott, prp.l'riiana1w CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING IN ,. V I . ' '. t Be- : TH E JOURNAL BRINGS 7 RESULTS ; vBedause the paper ' is read in; the homes of ,the massesT Journal Liners ;a convenient and inexpensive method of reaching Itlie want and getting it quickly If ? z you want a : job vdr if : you. want to sell a : house or a farm THE SHORTEST GUT BETWEEN YOU AND THE OTHER FEL- t . i I . .M. e " V.. ' LOW" IS VIA THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS OF THE JOURNAL 0I0AR8 AID T0IA0OO. ESbKROmUNST CiOAR CO. DigtribatarB ef ' . - - -. t , . , . rtjia ciuarb. , PortUnd. OregoB. CORIICE SKTLIOHTS, METAL SKYLIGHTS, gaWanlaed Ir nirea. i. v. Barer, zno neeoea at. CASH REaiSTERB. U ALL WOOD CASH- REOISTRRft. SM Stark at. CHIROFODT AID MAlIOURIIO. THI DETENTS, tba only edeatloe chlrapodut in in city; parwra wui, Aiiaxy uiag.j tbia la tba long -haired geaUamaa yoa wast to are. Grant 1. L. MITCHELL. Cbbwnodhtt. T08 Maranag bMg.. Pbeae Black SWl. CARFEITERS AID RfflLDERS. .OBN A. MELTON, carpenter and builder, HOT ntara at-1 omco ana a lore nitarea Dalit ana reaodeledt altering aad repair baaaaa. Aboaw Mala TT. , , AUTHORS MARTIN, earpeatera aad bolld- era; repairing; ana jooomfi autre ana emo Sitnrea bollU Shop Sua Columbia, Phone Clay IMl. . t. CLARK. WaB.. pheaea Waet T8S. Morth 111. Mew and repair work, trempt attention. OREAJf AID CREAMSRT RVTTER. BEST creamery batter and pure cream promptly oenrerea to an parxa ot toe city rrom moon, tain View rar a, Oreaham, Oregon, Apply to W. W. Cotton, (la M'oreaoter Bldg. nnnejrfioiwi. COAL AID WOOD. WESTERN FEED A FUEL CO.-r-. Dealer In all klnda of coal, ooka gad charcoal, I'bone inis. TULCAN ' COAL. CO., wbolaaale dealers boat coaia; tonnary ana smelter coge. CEREAL MriXS. ACM II Ml LI A CO., Manufacturer Ralatoa Aemo Cereala. SO and JO North Fronr at. P.' JOHNSON A CO.. Bannfartorera Health Carealo. .ltt-4 Front at ELECTRICAL WORK. O. L. PRIOR, oloctrto light and bell wiring. 440 Waahlngton at. I'bone Clay fx. PORTLAND ELECTRICAL WORKS OffJce Sod Stark at Weetern Rlaetrto Werfca. S00H Waahlngtoa at SRVOwIBTB. FRANK J. STREIBIQ. drugs, toilet articles, efiimeaB4JJWejiihl STEIIO AID CLEAHIId. CITY STEAM DYEINO A CLEANING WORKS. Marmaa Enklo, proprietor. Phono Mala IT1S. No. So th at., near Ptne. Portland. Or. FRATERIAL ilSURAICE. ORDER OF WASHINGTON Foremoat frater nal society of Morthweeti protacta the liv ing, i. L. Mltrwall, supreme secretary, 1S and SIS Mara, nam bldg., Portland, Or, Tel ephone Main oat. JEWELERS. THE O. UEITKEMPER CO.. manaUcturtag lewelera. SXS Morrlaon at. COMPRESSED TEA ST. RED STAR COMPRESSED XgiaST; II aaakea Ughtaet For earn . by all grocers, is per cent stronger than any other. FREE SHIIES. CLOTHES CLEANED and preeaed tl pes nwath. Unique Tailoring Co., M WaahlBg ton at. IISTTRAICZ. J. PHILIP KENNEDY, insurance! resident agent Norwich Unloa Fire Insurance Society. I'bone (oath 1M1. 44 Hamilton bldg. . JAS. Mel. WOOD, amplnyara' liability aad In dlrldual accident! aurety bcaoa of all kinds, Phons 4T. Concord bldg. B. F. B ARTELS COMPANY, Fir Ineoranee, 443 Sherlock bldg. Oregon phono. Clay ttt. I8AAO L. WHITE. Ire Inaorance, SSt Sherlock bldg. Oregon phone. Main tt. MIIIIO AID MIIE PROMOTERS. SESSIONS A SIMPSON, mining and mine pro moters. Room I. Chamber of Oommereo. LOCKSMITH. A. L. Tt mi ETTA, SHS Yamhill, near Second; II years with i. Harney. MAIIAOE. MDMB. H. R. ELY. dermntologiat msssage. electric treatments. 193 H Klrat at VORTHWEST HOTELS. Ketol Fertlnnd. Amerioan plaai ,$ par day Sommorg Hetel, La Oreads trarelara' heme. Beleedersi Eurepesa plaai 4th aad Alder sta. St. Charles, First and Mcrrlsan sis.. Portland uoirr to lOAi. FRED H. STRONO, FINANCIAL AGENT. :,lleur to loan. No enmmlaelne. ' , t am la a poaltloa to make Immediate loana K,im Improred real eatato or for bnllding pnr, poaeat any amount; moderato Intereet. We approre loans from plana and adranc money ; as bnllding progresses whsn desired. Option ' IB repaying arter on rear. ,, ' 'jt FRED , H. STRONG. Financial Agent '. ' 104 Seeoad at. near Stark. THI STAR LOAN CO.. 110 M'KAY BLDO. 10SU Third at, Is the reeognlsed bank o! the ware-earner.. We adeancs atosey to .teamsters, trainmen. sbonmen, motormea oBductorn, etc., wltboat mortgags, endorser or rolls teraL Anvmnt kfontnly . H Monthly. Weekly repay, or repay tlX.M renar t 6.83 or eouaflentiai. no onpvaaant inquiry. mount, lioo re i BO re its re Baal cms mommy, weenir . 113.00 r ld.M i .M or ia.m I S.&9 or li.dd MONEY TO LOAN on real. Personal and ml lateral security) specie I attentfoa to eaattle .mortgagee; note bought a W. Pallet SU Commercial big, rnone Grant HBO MONEY TO LOAN at reasonable ratea. la amounta to snltt Orabim A Clatoa, 3u Mar- qnam nmiaing. MONEY TO LOAN, small amonnta, abort or long time, i, H. nawiey, g Cham, or Co MONEY TO, LOAN on city lota and Improred tarma. n. a. nnaw to., a vi stars au MODEL MAKER. FOR FIRST-CLASS REPAIRING go to Andy rnta. macninist- ana aioaei maker, no atn. OTZRAXXS. BOSS OF THB ROAD OVERAI.IA and mecbaa- lea' clothing. Unloa mads. Neaatadtor Bros., Mfrrs Pertland r ' PERSONAL. MR. ELMORE RICR Violinist" and teacher; also piano, harmony; mom I, A. o. u. w. Bldg.; hours, to ft dally; phone. Union, 848. YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS are mora accurately ana reason amy B ilea at crsseii a rnarmacy, m Moriiaoa at., bet. flrat and Second eta. ..MiU STORIES aad nereis for summer resil ing. 10 cents. Jones' Book Store. 21 Alder CAES KRATE, 121 Bltth at A na lunch served at all bourn. fXVMBEBS. DONNERBERO A RADEMACHER. plumbers. remorea to s roartB at Bath p no nee. PIANO LESSONS. W. 0IFFORD NASH. 10S 10th St I terms npea application. Beginner taken. REAL ESTATE. FOR 8ALB FARMS improved rarma for aala In an parts of Oregon and Waahlngton; payments made to salt parchaaers. For full psrtlculara aa to ear lone properties apply to Wb, MacMaatsr, 11 Worcester bldg. MAXWELL A KNAPP REAL ESTATE. Room S. Chamber of Commerce bldg. ROPE, PORTLAND CORDAQB CO.. cor. Fourteenth enn riortnrup ate., portlano:. or. ' rirRUO rrEiooRArHiR. MIM AGNES LANS, nubile sWangrapher and typewriter, did Chamber of Commotes, I'buue t tar iliu. .. .. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. 190 ACRES ef mad. IS miles from F"re urnve, on Dairy Creek) suitable i f. sto. ii ranch few aeree cleared and fenced, email bnaee. Bring water; will be sold Cheep. Whalley. Benson Bldg., Fifth end Morrlaon. TVrRAYllO. "'" SPRAYINO la all brnnehes; trees, bonaeo, hares, -eto. POT, UUwsuklo t I'hea, Uluo ' SM. - - "' ' STORAOE AID TRAISFER. C O, PICK, office S First St.. between Btark and Oak sta. phono 604; pianos and furni ture moved and parked for snipping! sain, medians fireproof brick warehsaso. Front sad Clev ate, ..... SAFES. BUY YOUR SAFES of J. B. Da via; your re pates and ltckonte aafele done. s Third ef. SLOT MACHINES, TRANSCONTINENTAL MACH1NR CO. Slot marhlnaa. S. FJ. Park aad Oak.. Beth Pkonea. Main IDS.' SPECIAL PEUTKRT. ; POST SPECIAL DELIVERY, No. )0 Waah lngtoa st rnonee, or., aula stu. Col., aeu TYFEWR1TERS. THE SMITH PREMIER TiPB WRITER, IM Third at I all makes sf typew altera for rent! supplies for all macbloee, L, A M. Alexsn. . der A Co., a rente. WHOLESALE HARDWARE. i. E. 11ASELT1NI A CO.. Ires, steel, ei bUcJinTlMTanrtrlle I a at. WHERE TO DUE. STHOCSE'B RESTAURANT; Brst-claaa Beoal. nest service. waahlngtoa at WHOLESALE WALL PAPER. MORGAN WALL PAPKR CO IA4-1M at., net. Tamhlll anl Taylor. PortlanH. tr. WALL PAPER AID PAIITIIO. SfRIKB doea not delay ua, aa wa are able to All all orders without delay, rirat-clas work. A. A. Church A Co.. No. tti Taykaf at Phone Clav ITt. WHOLESALE OROOERS. WADHAMS A CO.. wbolosalo groeera, man. facturera and commlHlon merchaBta, 4 aad fld Kront at. - j ALLEN A LEWIS, wboleoahi grocers. , Port. lanq. ur. . MASON, EHRMAN A CO.. wbolasslo greoers. it. rr. cor. Becono sag file sts. LANG A CO.. rirat and Ankeny ata. WHOLESALE CROCKERY AID 0LAS8WARE.' WHOLES ALB CROCKERY AND OLABSWARI. rraei Hegele on., no to ion e, eor. Bterg WOMEN WHAT TELL OF THEY LIKE ARMOUR STANDS TO LOSE FEW MILLIONS : Several Suggestions and a Hint or Two Concern- Jmg the Use or CeOOfcery as an unset - to Divorce Proceedings Big Battle in Wheat Startles f-ollowers of the Gamer CHICAGO.Juna 15. Th big; battle, in wheat betwen Cleage, the leader of the St. Liouis blind pool and Armour was resumed Immediately when th board opened this mortjing-. That Clear; has Armour in a bad fix Is the general be Uef and that his statement that July and September wheat ' WHl b ?eh " to gi per ousnei Drpr tna, wttK is out carries dismay to the Armour followers. Armour -denies helnfTMirrseied, but trran v. s,Tr(c, for the Saturday Journal T dishes as mucrf as th husband. Hsr ladleiuwtll read therein, th conauions last w wttcn mora rwnni tnnu oia . L - 1 tmm. ' -lnhl I anil her finer nrernnlutlnn reuulren ttt tire tu("F . '.r.".. I? "I- "..-.:-:" Je In at nnaltfnn in know eav th.l drm rrl"s. The wornea writer-or tno iwg mora wnuwaurai prumuiw - r-- ,,: , v. yum.a. w.v.a . ..r I ... m v...u.j I In a rlnllar hA will Inae IK 000 non ' REPLIES TO DR. HILL ...Portland. Jun 21. To th Editor. I was painfully surprised upon read fnar In thai. Rvanlne'Jnnrnal nf -'the M A number pruprlie have been cheaper and will enable the overworked I th synopsis of the sermon delivered he.t ertiMea' nit to oxcced 800 words. cherruins or spirits in dow nusoana r.. th'subJct i!'V'kat;.l. would do If I and wif. Th table, when the chera- were edltror " a trewpaTer, Will O nrj 01 conaing in runny unuenaiuvu, awarded Oie rmlonj, ;', ' will drive th dru stores out of bus! Muturilev i flcrniifiil . th ConleBl ror neoa. All iuo uenuiy luiiwnn nnu iara .the $1 prices for ..L the most orlgrinal acrs win not ao ior xne complexion a women's : Ideas" thtft can be made or nunareotn part as mucn to mas woman close. nald and' anyone who has failed to re- celve th' elollar will be paid at The Journal business--office on identifying the-' "idoa" donated -as a prise-winner bv the little footnote Of the editor. . Yesterday th followinif additional MrH re received; To th Editor: Give a number of by Rev. Edgar P. Hill, in Its reference to the Heppner calamity. I don't think I ever saw such helpless floundering; on th part of a man pretending to educa tion and A power of phllosophlo reason If there Is any conclusion to be drawn from his rambling expressions it Is that husband to take a summer vacation on tho money saved, from facial massages and lotions alone. Tou cannot have a clear complexion without good circula tlon and good circulation depends on good cooking There are all the drugs that tho human system requires in foods, and TcurKinnn un the river to the children table medicine Is mor palatable and Dod nlsnn and orders the various ca ' l . . . . - ..... .., I U. . A n .V. n t mwamawIKaA hulk . . . ... .. . or the puDiic scnoois. i-uDiien a cnu- ".rci m u, iviu w' i lamitias wmcn ar rcorau acn aay m dren's colurhns each day and oiTer somef th doctor. Rhubarb, celery and onions the several parts of the world, whereby prise .for solution f . purlales thattaro wonderful medicines and If we us deatn Bnd destruction bring loss and ahiuse'ehildrcn. MRS. a. H. them rightly w would av ittie us Xt toth human family in greater or " ' - 1 ror tne aocrar. unions are rauoneo om jess numbers In accordance with the ex J "To The Journal; I see you are orrer- by the army as a preventive or scurvy. ,snt f the visitation. .Ing a Pfis for the best idea offered by I Celery is good ror nervous persons and not believ In any such distorted Women oivwnat is more uuereniing main pui up m iwum. mun uiure an)j unnatural opinion of th God w niium T have nn hnne or srettinri nn in tame it is on in taoie. Ana u I u. .vi knnn. t.a e.., t -prize, 'but' wilt glv?you tny Ideas. I don't require any cooking, either. , Ai 1 1 j believe th true record of almost v.. . v 1 . .. ' a..Mn, Umm I a I A lufAM IS 4m wnn 1 A ntilvr nee. I . . . . . . . . . . r if-ni, j .wuiu .uru s oui.uuj I " "" " "- I every calamity -win snow tnai it was with plnty o want advertiaements and scribe for the "table the drur stores dua t0 sorne human mistake, blunder or Sll the bars-am Sales, a .KOOa cominueu I wnuia nave 10 so out 01 Duamoaa. inera M anl men helnv praaUil n Vtory arid th news of all the. churches, j would b fwer. doctor , bills, no quacks; I trM morai agent, with full power to wvu in mutrrai wwunn mm ''- " , ' r ""-'--"'. i cnoose nis own ways ana oraer nis own Of the Cltv. When and Wriere tney- meet. I ir women wouia jearn 10 cots, o-IT.lre that OarT tnea nnt Interfere with "ir nnv'.notefl inaiviaual is .comina w vorces . wmiia pa rare. jx.ii wumon 1 i. r i , , .1 1 J nar i nl flnH m MnMnlil . nVeilnet Inn enraiL.1 auiieuiiva . 11 ' ucwi vuctuu, .."a wi-hmi vv.Htr..u.H A man wiuioui n scvupsiion iw comes 'dissatisfied With himself and blomes'bls wife. A woman without an occupation and ' who serious purpose In llf is -to make a pretty face on a collected- from the prominent house-1 body tljat holds an empty heart is lit ravin h Is In constant danger of be. keennm of the c tv with their names only rpr tn aivorc court. . i k. . nnA f w.ter. sipned. Most any woman has some on 1 .The popularity of schools of domestic Tne yery exi,tenc of a ravine, which is dish in which she excels. YoU might I science Is evidence" of the strongest w. . rifaf-h a tit in ttm rilllfl. nrA. mm tnw department tnis way; waniiy wna mai wuhwh uumn "WUIC",1" I cUIms the danger, which has been CITY ORDINANCE IS NOT OBEYED General Disregard of the Law Requiring All Pipe Connec tions to Be Made Before Street Is Paved, Tearing Up Paving After Being 1 Laid Depreciates the Value of the Street, According fo Authorities, thn and place and pric of admission any. plye Illustrations or tne amer- nt churches of. the city and or tn Fair ground at different stages of Im provement. Olv a column to recipe his temporal arrangements. If a man throws himself under a train he Is very liable to be killed; If he Jumps into the he stand a good prospect of being drowned: If h place his band against a buss saw, h will probably be minus some fingers ; if be builds his house in a TMnhea hv Portland's Datntv. COOKS. more than J. ; and not talk. Brisbane Walker work PORTLAND. June 22. The, Oregon fNote'The Journal will allow a $1 15n II v Journal. Portland. Or,: Dear prise for this, but the premium Is Editor In your offer of H to any I awarded because Of the value of the woman that will present an acceptable j letter from the standpoint of Interest Jdea f of your paper, I will, suggest a ratheOhan of. originality. : :L column for dally statistics arranged as follows: First, births; second, mar rian-e lirensfts: third, funeral notices; .'.fourth, building permits (giving Inter sectlng streets); fifth; real estate trans LADIES' CHAINLESS, overlooked by. man In his busy rae for commercial advantage. - Th train wreck I th result of some human mlataka or shortcoming; the mine explosion, the cave-in, the colli slon on land or sea; th thousand and one occurrences involving loss of life and propertyr an be traced to some human fault, either in construction or operation. or in the absence of necessary precau tion, and it is the veriest nonsense and insult to Divinity to charge them to the planning and execution of Almighty . m l so: Fred T Merrill, the well-known blcy fers: sixth, mortgages; seventh, liens ci. and automobile king, has taken the I and court claims ajgalnst property.- j opportunity to show his friendship fori Mr. Hill's most pitiable inconsistency t iuvm, in,iy .' . I the Woodmen of th World, and to dem- abnears when he says In relation to head In, one column. JJU,,a," -P"' onstrat his confidence in the success of Heppner: "In nothing that I am going reus, real estate irnneioie '- their atunendous carnival bv nresentine-1 tn aav watild I ever hint that the nennle to the committe In charge a magnificent I of that stricken city might have been a-es to give streets as . well as lot lumbers.. And my1 idea for giving mortgages, liens, etc.. Is that It would Iveu-the .business men notice pt per sonal standing. Also I think it wouia bo a help If you would publish, list of advertised letters once a week, i Hoping you will consider this sccept sblc - MRS.J. IX' F.dltor of The Journal: - Tou cahhot Ho a better : thln:,f or te "Bargain Counter? department than by republish ing "Th;Food ILaboratory" article in 'the Cosmopolitanr'Wt May, by J. Bris- f tliis .1 . wonaaeful artlcl. from Its opening sentence; "The mistress of the lady's chainless bicycle, valued at 1100. This superb present Is second only to home of 192 i will be chemist." to the capital prise, a 1800 piano iven by i in.ri -Wrtrhinf ehv rtri it, .with the great. piano house of Kiler .Bro. open eyes 'will, sea in th kitchen, a The. iueen- that wins thls farming Jaboratary for.soientifl& axperlment and "vtn,r. of 5h". "i? ' JtPi?1 e.rnrf r,rntinn in.teori of th will be fortunat. Indeed." She Will have kitrhen being i plac of drudgery ' and won u PrU -woruir meats saddened .with th worry or work. Cooking will become a delight and every "home will be proud" of Its ex perimental station. " t ; - . Cross .husbands re alwsyoi dyspeptid and'all dj'spepsla comes from bad cooking..- We' women are responsible for 111 nntured ihusbasdsi It '.does no' good to smile and caress a husband who has a sour stomach-. It only disgusts him. I 'rievrf knew a, husband to seek a separa tion from a wife who was a rood cook. Ne.ithpr. ls good cooking all for th I)ii;bnV The wife relishes palatable and object Mr. Merrill never -does things in a half-hearted way.; H Is princ In his generosity; r rw ; ' . Journal, friends and radra when travling- on Hf a Ins to and from. Porte land should ask news agents for The Journal and Jnstst upon being supplied with-thls paper, reporting all failure In obtaining It to th,offic of publication, addressing Th JourpaL Portland, Or rrfrTd Ssook Oaaasd dooda. Allan t iwl' Bt Brand, . . , inner beyond the rest" and then goes on to draw a parallel by saying that Sodom and Gomorrah wer- destroyed by God because of the wickedness of their people, and that auch was the plain teaching of the Scriptures. Such play ing with the feelings of Intelligent peo ple In the enlightened twentieth century Is unworthy of a minister pretend1 to teach in a prominent metropolitan church. - - Qod created us In his own Image and likeness and therefore, good. Thera are three ways (in which w are to ehed our mortality and return in spirit to our Maker.' One, la by disease, - which at tacks th vital organisms and destroys them, another Is by th wasting effects i of sge, through - which our natural stock of. vitality Is exhausted and our tired frames give up their burdens, the third is by accident or; violence., and I do not believ th "hand of Qod" is tn any of these violent visitations, which com to us, a indicated above, through some-human fault or shortcoming.' I think men are too prone to shift responsi bilities onto God' shoulders,' while failing to do their own plain duty, which God has furnished them free will and power to dp. P A. MAC PHER)SON. . According to one of Portland's promt nent residents' the most common abuse of the municipal statutes lies in dis regarding the ordinance regulating the laying of all pipes underground before a street is paved. This, the speaker claimed. Is true of almost every city, but In Portland the fact has been brought to his attention by an almost common disregard of th law on th subject The city's municipal code has an ordi nance which covers that point explicitly and which provides that all gas. sewer and water-pipe connections with the mains must be extended up to th curb ing of th Sidewalk previous to the asphalting or paving of any street This applies particularly at the present time, for the reason that a vast amount of such work is either under way or con templated. But. nevertheless, th cltl- sen who Investigated the subject found that the statute was generally over looked, or. disregarded entirely.. Alder street is a fair sample of this neglect ha ascertained, ana tne thor oughfare, which is one of the principal streets in the city. Is now torn up ror new paving that Is to be Installed. An Investigation showed that the ga com pany had obeyed the law, putting In their house connections from th main in the center of the street to th curb, but that Only one private citisen the entire . length of the avenue had in stalled the needed connections with the mains. Just what causes this disregard of one of the most important of the city's statutes Is a puzzle. It Is claimed that the work can be done cheaper before the final pavement Is placed in position than afterwards and that when It is eventually done the tearing up of small seetiens ef the street entails a damage which can never be remedied until a new pavement Is laid. The most serious consequences en tailed In neglecting to lay the street connections with underground mains before the street is paved results from tearing up the pavement afterwards, This depreciates the value of the pav ing, for the authorities claim that it is never the same after being molested in that way. The municipal ordinance upon the sub ject Is quite plain and states specifically that au connections witn tne main in the streets must be laid while the street Is torn up and before the pave ment is down in position. Notices are sent out from the City Engineer's office to all property owners notifying .them to take such steps, but it Is disregarded generally, so they claim. KING PETER TAKES OATH OF MAJESTY Well Received and Makes Fa vorable Impression On Populace. (Journal Special Service.) BELGRADE, Jun 26. King Peter took the oath before th Bkuptachlna this morning after an elaborate cere mony of reviewing th troops. Th populace are more favorably impressed with the new King. Peter's refusal to permit any attendants to accompany him about the streets had a good effect. TIW TODAY. 10 SALE B.IAL ESTATE. FOR 8ALK One 70s 100-foot lot. small bouse, city water, nleely fenced-veltb poultry netting seven feet hlgb; nice plars for poultry. V. F, MrAfferty. owner, genersl delivery. CITT HOTXCES. YXXT LOW BATES XAT. ' "Strength nd Tiger eotn ' of good food.- duly digested. 'Fore.' a ready-to-serv wheat and barley food.-dde n burden, but Sustains, nourishes, invlgor. ate." , . HtJETTT BATB KT7I.X TO CK BY. When there is a feeling that th heart or lungs, blood or liver, brain or nerve are diseased, at once commence to doc tor the stomach. That is the foundation of the trouble in 90 cases out of every 100. Commence to regulate tne atgestive organs. gt them in healthy working condition, and the other troubles will leave of themselves. Diseases which have their beginning in tn stomacn must be cured through th stomach. The medicine for stomach disorders and half the Ills of life, lsp Dr. Ounn's Im proved Liver Pills. These pills put all the digestive organs In good condition so that disease nas no Dasis to wora- upon. They are sold by all druggist, for 25c per box. One pill Is a dose. We will send a box postpaid on receipt of SSc. or to anybody who wants to try them we Will end 2 pill free. Send name and address to Dr. Bosanko Co.. Phllada., Pa. O. to B. I S. Offer Big Induoemsnt TTBVSl XiOCg Tun urn, ana kp-ovr. Many Portland and Oregon peopl n doubt will take advantaga of th vary low round trip excuralon rate to th East offered oy the uregon Kan road a Navigation Company, th following be ing th figures rrom Portland: Chicago, 171.60; St Louis. f7.60; Peoria, I6..2; Cairo (111.). 172.15) Memphis (Tenn.), 173.60; New Orleans, I85.J6; Kansas City, St. Joseph, Atchison, ' Leaven worth, Omaha, Council Bluffs, " Sioux City, St. Paul. Minneapolis, all MO. Dates of sale: Jun 4. 6, 14. IS, tt, 17. il. Zl. 10; July is, is: August is, jg. Limit: oolng. ten days rrom data o: ale; return, ninety day from dst o: ale. Stoo-over privileges will be al lowed within limit In either direction west of Missouri River or St Paul. For particulars, ask at O. R. eV N. ticket office. Third and Waahlngton gtrsats. Portland. PORTSMOUTH VILLA We are selling lots In this most attractive suburb from $75 to $200 each. ' E UCTRIC CARS LEGANT LOCATION ASY PAYMENTS For particulars and terms, call on the owner, Portland Trust Company of Oregon Fo. 109 Third Street, or XOZ.USTXB a BAWD, AOBBTS, TJalvsraity Vark, Oregon. YALE UNIVERSITY OKAJTOB XV X.OCATXOW Ol Ejr- TBAXTCE XXAKUTATIOira. Z laminations for admission to Yale Collar ' and Bhfflld clmtino Sokool will b nld In th dill Military Academy on June 2527 XnolaslT, opening at 8$0 a. m. Every Vcman Uurtarasted Slid should know . about Um wonderful MARVEL Whirling Spray TbenswYagleajaHage. 7ajw . rien aad Suction. Best Sat. eat-Most (Joeventtnl llClniin laalialla, illk eSSaaaae VWJ "Jo. r w CO. COMPLETION AST) ACCEPTANCE OP tK PIOVEBIKT OP TH1TEKAV ITKEZT. Notice la hereby given that William 0. Elliott, City Engineer, has sled in the office ef the undersigned notice tbst Pralney A Keating, contractors tor tba Improvement of Tburman afreet, under the provialooa of Or dl nance No. 11,007. bare completed said a tree t, from the center line of Twentieth strset to th enter line of Twsnty-eecond stret. Bald acceptance will be considered by th Executive Board at 4 o'clock on the lBtb day of June. 1B03, . and objections to the acceptance of eald street or any part thereof may be Sled In the office of th BBderajgned t taf time prior thereto. TrtE EXECUTIVE BOARD, Bv TWOS. C.r DEYLIS. . , Andltor of tb Oty of 1'ortlaBd. . nas is, ivob. rarAjroxAx. Ladd & Tilton. Bankers Established la 18S0. . . INTEREST ALLOWED ' ' Oiy TIME DEPOSITS. Collections made at sll points en fsverabl " terms. Letters of credit leaned available la Eorepe aad all points in tt United States. Sight exchange and telegraph! transfer sold la New York. Wsahlngtoa. Chicago. St . Louis, Denver. Omaha. San Francises sad Moo tana and British Colombia. . , , . ' Exchange sold Frankfort. Hong and Uowrfuln, nn London. Paris, Kong, Yokohama, Berll. United States Nat'l Bank sTOITKWZaT CO. TEIIO AWO OAS STaV PX0P0IALS P0E COMBHTATIOV CHEHICAX PUS ZVOIVE AVD HOSE WA00H. BE A LED PROPOSALS will be received St thj offlce of the Auditor of the c ity of Port land, In the City Hall, until Monday, June 1008, at 11 o'ckK-k a. lu., fur furnlahli.e io ine viix vi rwiiniiu n cuiuiraui i g . aa J e a.a ' W chemical Ore engine and boae wagon, ac lOlieCtiOnS Made Oil taVOrflOle lermS eoro ng lospecincsnons on nie n tne omce r PresideAt ,.;..:;.,.....J. AlNSWORTH TSAJTBACTS A OEKEKAT. SAVZIVO ' BtrsXKEIS. -n-i DRAFTS ISSUED ! i AvaHakle la all cities sf the United Stale i ana j.srope, aeng Aong sna stsaiia. of the Andltor of the Cltv of Portland. Bids must be accompanied hf a cert I fled check, parable to Geo. 11. vlllllanis. Msyor. for an amount equal to 1(1 par cent of the aggregste of the bid. aa axed and liquidated damages In esse such bidder withdraws hie bid or falls to deliver ssld engine, ' should the ssme be awarded him. , The right to reject any and all bldg is hereby reserved. By order of the Executive Board. - .- THUS. C. DEVLIN. 7 ' Andltor of the City of fortlsnd. Portland, Oregon, June a, loos. Vlce-Preeldent Aaelstsnt Cashier Assistant .Caabler ' ai a s a B. tTKII ,...B. W. STHMRFIt Ai M.-WB1GHT LONDON & SAN FRANCISCO BANK, LIMITED; H O CHAXBEE OP C0KHEECE BTrtLOXVO, J THIRD An STARK BTSISII. i Head Offlee 8 Old Broad street.1 Lsndoo. PR0P0SID CHAXOE OP OSASE OP BEaTTOaf dlstTbll" nnd' lin nun. I letters or ereitlt available ror travelers an for th purchase of mercbandts In anv rliy of tbs world, , Deals 'n (crelg And domcsf! exchange. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. W. A. JIACRAB. llanagvr. ',: Merchants National Bank Notice I hereby given that at the meeting ar the Council or the City of Portland. Ore ton. held on the 17th dsy of Jnne, 1803, tb following resolution waa adopted: Resolved. Br the Council of th City of Portland, that it deems it expedient to change the grade of Bentoa street within tbs city snd sstabllah said grade as follows, and that It is the Intention of said Council tn Changs snd establish said grad of Bentoa street as follows: At tbs south line or McMlilen Addition from 78.80 feet to 81.80 feet, above tbs bsss of cltv srsdrs. Resolved. That tbs Auditor be and bs Is hereby directed to give notice of tbs pro pose mange 4i graos oi saia sirsei ss pro vided by the charter. Kemonstrsnes against tne a Dove ensnge or grade may be Sled In writing with the under- eigne within M oays rrom to date oi tns orat publication or tnis notice. By oraer oi tne council. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Andltor of tb City of Portland. Jan 19. 1803. PORTLAHD. OdEOOif. J. "Prank Watson H. L. Dttrham.... R. W. Hoyt. Geo. W. Hoyt. .President . n i a ir . .Csshl AsslfUat Cashier PROPOSALS P0& CHU8HED BOOS TOR THE CITY OP P0RTLAVS. Btncn PHnPOSATS erlll be received at the offlce or the Auditor or the tity or portian In tb city liau nntn Haturaay, June XT, 1K03. at 2 clock p. tn.. for furnishing to the City of Portland 3.000 cubic yards of the beat quality or naro Daaait erusnea rocs. to be used lor repairing streets. Said rock to be delivered In such quanti ties and In aucn places ss tne city engi neer may direct snd the City Engineer ahaTl alao have power to reject any iuferior gride ot rocg delivered. - Bids muat be acocmpsnled by acertlAed rhenue parable to Geo. H. Williams. Mayor of the City of Portland, for an amount equal to ten per cent or tne aggregate ot tne bid as .fixed and liquidated damages in case auch bidder wlthdrawa bla hid or falls to enter Into written contract should the ssme be swsrded blm. The right to' reject any and all bids la hereby reeervea. By order of the Kneenttvs Board. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland. Portland. Oregon, June 84, 1903. Transact a Crarl Banking' Basin. Draft and letera of credit issusd available to all prts of tb world. Collections specialty. Oold Jnat bonsbt. MORRIS BROS & CHRISTEN5EN Eucceseors t MORRIS A VmiTTHIAD, BAlTXnB. ' PIRST AND ALDER STREETS. ' POBTLAND. OB. ' BEPZBBBCIS. . Udd A Tilton. Portland; U. S. National Ban. Portland; Bank of California. Han rrsB- claco; Crocker-Woolwortn National Bank, Sao Francisco, ; Bolton, deRuyter & Co. ttZHBZBS. :" i Chicago Boanl of Trade, Saa Prandsen Pra. dues Exchange, San Franclaeo Stoc snd Bond Exchange.-'. , ... Aat veer aVeaalat w , If he cannot auonlv the MABVKI.. aeoeotno other, but send stamp for Il lustrated book-aaaM.It gives rnll aartiL'Uimra an dlrertiona In. wMoaMe to ladies. MA git Kl. CO.. Rosa MX. Times Bide. Ksw York. sr WOODAR9, OUkMMX m Par "ranatural Blsokarg, Strletaraa, ' Especially In old erases nliers doctor fall. Very low excursion rates to sit points East ' will be placed in effect by .th Northern Pacific Railway Company on June S4, 26. 26. 37. 18, 2 and SO. and on July" IS And 18. and again on August 25 and IS. Tickets will te good for thre month from date of sale, and good for toDovera both going and returning. For f-full information eall .on or writ A. D. Charlton, assistant general paawenger agent, 25( Morrison street, corner of Third. Portland, tr. a Vrf-iiuoua, vegetable CURal tor olearntioa to InasmmatloB ef tba nwcans mjhrane of tee uretba, all private nrlaary (.uts-stna weesneas ef men sad sum . ET-MO Is CrARARTXIO TO CVRX OR HOMEY REPVHDED. C es bbmi esse In 48 boon without, psln. Esnec'ally ad vised for old, obstinate eases. Druggists, or sent pot tpald, 81. Addrse Dr. Day A Co., Ne . 10 Prarer bldg Beaton. Uses. Pre medical a, aloe a-ivea; Write for bo-k seal aealed FRKS. f Y-WO sold In Portia d by Tb Lene-DaTla larag CsvTMiAibs It iIU ts , ., .. DENTIST ' REMOVED -TO LABBE BLDS. ST. B. Oornar Soooad aad Wasaingoa, l. Owr Brml' Drug Btoro. . COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OP IM PROVEMENT OP SEVENTH STREET. Notice la hereby given -that William C. Elliott, City Engineer, baa filed In the office or the nndersignea notice mat vramey hear ing, contractors for the Improvement of Seventh street, under the prorlsiona of Ordinance No. 13.S03, have completed said street from the center line of Kiandors street to the center line of Everett street. , 8a Id acceptance will be considered hr the Executive Board at 4 o'clock on the 10th day ot June, 1908, and objections to the acceptance of aald street or any part thereof may be Sled In tb office of the underalgned at any Urns prior thereto. - THE EXECUTIVE BOARD. By THOS. . C. ..DEVLIN. ' Andltor ot the City of Portland. - June 11 1908. . , (3 RAIN, PROVISIONS. STOCKS, BONDS and COTTON. x f San .Pranelaos 001 cs 490 California St. 108 THIRD BT. PORTLAND 0 MOBTOAOB X.OABS at X.0WOO Btw. XXTSTJJLABOB IB AXX, XJBIia. BBAX. BBTATB. ;-.-.-'' ' A. H. BIRRELL NOTICB l hereby riven that, tn ihu ( meeting or toe toe holders or the Jfldwsy Oil Company will h held at the office ot Ladd A Tilton. bankers, at Portland, Ore- Ponnarly of MsMasto BlrU. v REAL ESTATE. . GENERAL IN8LBANC1 AND FINANCIAL AUENCT. ,s-.: 808-4 McKay Building, Third od fltuhv p Phone, Main tU. MORTQAOE LOANS r on rortisna real estate at ktwwi rates. -Titlea insured- Abstract forolabed. . . - j Title Ouarantee & Trust Co. ', 1 Chamber of Commerce. OTinB- sit.tsrrn VKOPI.B Do yon seed mooey Deiore pay oayr can a. We mm mAvmnm amines nM VOHS WaeS 1Mb day of July, 1803. tor the purnos i of I short notice. pay back moathly, sea.- electing noara or aieectors ana tns trans- i wvuiuii -or i... srtlon of such other bus! nee as may .cam B. C STRATTOX y j';,., : ,t .Secretary.' TODAY'S " NEWS TODAY THB 8TAB XOAB COh - Si McKay Bldg., Third and S;rfc sHt, MOB-BY AJBTAKCEO. . Salaried peopl. teamsu-ra. etc.. wfihont .:!-. f ity, eaay paymenMi lur$-t tiiuit, la ! principal elt"e. T(11HS, s;i"i -ji r i n -Ta- x,t . .c :i.l I -.'iJl