The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 24, 1903, Page 7, Image 7

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    "V V
ft J
1h Items of Local Interest for Busy
t'.i'.'y lAiim!' Rivai-lorc
' V A disturbance ot alight ederv--u eentrsl
J this morning over Vam-ouver Inland, uiotlnf
biwlr raatwara. It will rauaa ahowera to
slasrsnd Thursday In tba Willamette Valley.
Washington and Northern Idaho. Shower and
tbundiTaturma occurred reatrrday In Kastrru
Colorado and In toe Miaauurl vallejr.
.It 1 cnnlfr Ibla morning' iu Idaho, Montana
. .ana Wyoming ana aaraiir in ma cauirai naa
tod in tba Interior of California.
It wf 11 ha wirniM tiinlirtift Mat nf that PaNnaiti
llountalua, followed br eoolif weather Tbura-
OS. (UHiKU A. U-A1.
i'orwaat Otnclal.
Tha aUrar Tha KIt at Portland thla mora
!n la XI. I fart. It will slowly fall during
tta remaiuuer or. tba moots.
1 . 1 r
Imperial Mrs. I. A. Vvitoa and child. As.
Battle; J. ). Hurt, Mra. Burt, C. A. Kill., Mra,
l i d t'Bl ade ohla: Lu w. Piersou. airs. I'ler,
ao, Minnesota; W. . M.-iau(lln, Cosmopolla;
T. larnilroael. HaatiHi; i. B. Horner, vorvaiiia
K. W. Ilarbord. Salem; A. Jlorrln, Imllaua
C. 8. Wrlabt, Han Kraula-o t. V. MrMlutar,
Astoria; W. R. Hura-HL Kan Kranrlam; M. A.
Baker, UrMlnnvllllei IV A. Furaetb. Hncarloop,
Or.L L. Pa Bona,- Baa KramUoi kalbarlat
t-aiirraon. iaa rarieraou. mutraei J. i. ut.
HaWiu; Jame J. Ikmraan, Burns: Homer. I.
Walla, lunar; W. B. C'kapln and wits, AUronay
ia, i. n. nm. aara, r. n. ui. aarmi
, Ooriri Wrtr, Tacnnia; II. If. Qrampoa, Mln-
nrapina; Mra. U lirlnalwwr. Rait Lakl K. i.
, it. CTomaa, Bale in; i. Lwia. ntw, iori; mr.
1. 8. WIlaiHO and babr, Kauaaa City; V. 0.
Alrtrrafin. I). L. HnlL Waaro. Or.! W. II
Ivuiatrr, Drain; W, K. Not man and wlfa,
t Kurtnm, N. .; H. H Klacald, Kuena; r
Barker. AatorU: John Lulr. BVattlr: J. T.
Kovllo, Pendleton; IV W. Commln, Kan fran-
.. . Uur. . and - witr. i-iiMur(ri
llr. and Mm. iohi Wrlfht. Mr. E. H. Wright
and cblW. BrllTne, 0.: Cbarlve A. BuroVn and
rtfr-incinie7e. anhorn,Bin rtancla;
v. j iiumona, Aaioru; 4. M. waig ana wue,
Han franclaop, . ... .
Partland Mra. J. Htrenn. Mlaa . I. Mrrrr,
r. K. Lorkwood, Mlaa H. Lockwond, New Vork;
II. II. Ileaa. A.- II. Btitcber. Uenrrr; J. W.
Judan. W. P. Irlncl. J. V. ChanihrebilB. 8an
' fanclaeo: J. r. "pr
I XJIitw, Hpokane; C.
I Rnllork. Hattl; H.
1 JaV. Bronaon. Kanta
' ff. Jlitlarrlty, Pan
' r-rnoiaco: j. r. rprbre and wire. Mutta: B. H.
I XJlMter. Hpokane; C. K. Kogr, Chli-aja; J. . K.
Klrbardaon, Mania Bnr tiara;
rlartwra: II. Uaaiburarr.
rrant'lani; P. 8. IlaeiiWoa
Ind alfr. Hood Hirer: A. M. PI I Ion. Bad fran
rrhrn; U. L. Johnann. Man Kranrtaro; P. W,
IDadwn and w re. Bait lJike: . Abbott. Boa
ton: Mra. L. L. OrraaliT and child. Bolae: T. I,
nihbor. HiMikar: . I Toow. Woodburn: W.
Kllery. ftannn; K. J. Ilurke, Hartford; C. Peter-
aon, Hainborit; Mra. II. J. Hunt, three vblldrea
and nurae. Vanroneer: Mlaa Darla. Vannurer
h. Vben, Prndleton; Ir. C. A. Marrum and
wife. rilr:-. W. Irman. 8t. Paul' K.
Walker and1fe. Waahlmtton, D. C: H. T.
Pbaw. W. H. Mbaw, Adrian; J. H.'ItUck. J. P.
Coyle, New york;tlr. A AndentHi. 1'lorlda;
J. SI. Hwmui, Cincinnati; J. 1. (tlluian, Iowa;
R. li. Rrown, wife and daughter, Han Kritu
elaco: Mra. I,. B. Krerla, Hau ancUtco; W.
M. Jonea. 8t. Ix)iil: A. IX Hncncer. W. L.
Brandt. Chicago; W. B. Ferguaon. wife and
flaugnter, lpaiianli; M. Kohre, ItarenDnrt; J.
W. (iray and wife. Detroit; It. Orant, Chicago;
W. K. Moore, Bprlngn. ld; H. C. Moore. Han
Kranrlamj C. K. Wayrlok. city 0. H. Pierce.
HL I'anl; Harry R. Wright. St. Uula; Ui-orge
B. Long. Taivma; 8. P. Klynn, Bay City, Mlcb;
tVdequIrk lYatt. V. 8. A.; C. W. Colby, Brat
tle; A. Yandt-r Nalllcn. Jr.. J. T. Harmee. nan
Pranclaco; N. A. Uladding. Indlanapolla; Walter
P. Andreni and wife. Atlanta: Mra. C. Rijhoou
nerc. Ida 8. Riwenhelm, Ralfh A. Rchoenherg,
II. Iulngalon. New York: Thomaa Harberk.
Caleago: Cbarlea II. lireene, Ija Angelea;
Thomaa Bn
I ' 111 met. Mich: Al. rare. Ward-
ner; K. W. Potter. Philadelphia
Verceltner, Sacramento, Cal.
Thomaa II.
Tha Portland, Long Beach, Wash.
Open for gucHU. European plan.
IidDf Baaoh and, Baarlaw Provision
at reasonable rates. Strauhal Bros.
Tot Bala Finely etjulpixul Job prlnt
ing office. Enquire 105 H First street.
. Tina Day I Buy Meredith' umbrellas.
Repairing, recovering. Wash, and Sixth.
Are yon afflicted It so, ask. your
drueclr for Gulnean's Remedy. Its
cures ar marvelous.
Portland Olub, 130 Fifth street A
palatable lunch served every evening
from t until 11 p. m.
K. ti. Brnca, plamber, has removed
from 229 1st St.. to 291 is. Morrison, Just
across Morrison-st bridge. Phone East
This was payday for the teachers In
PortUnd's public schools, and School
Clerk Allen was kept busy passing out
the warrants.
Game Warden Quimh had four South
ern Oregon men arrested recently for
killing deer out of season. Tho hunters
were fined $25 ouch.
The First Oregon Infantry and Cav
lry Veterans will hold their annual
reunion In this city next Saturday. The
heroes who. will gather here that day
served against the Indians during the
12th and Morrison Sti
Phone Main 78.
Northwest Vandeyllle Co.. Propa.
Ueorge L. Baker, Kealdent Manager.
Tha Only
If you Ilk
Illgb-Claaa Vaudeville
If you like TaudcTllle that glea with a snap,
a 'la an ana go, see ini one.
Hank Whllcom. Powera and Thro bold, Hath
away and Walton, the bioscope aud Jaat
week of lister and Curtain.
Matinee Wedneailay. Saturday and Sunday.
Prlcea Matinee. 20c, 10c.; eTenlpf. 30v. 20c,
ln- imiea and lore seals. iOc.
Halo of acata now on. Box. office opens 10
am. '
13th and Washington.
Finest open-air theatre In the Weat. 3,200 scats.
Summer Vaudeville
10 atar features, beaded by tba v
Sensational barrel-Jumpers and acrobats.
Uo to Cordfay!a In case of rain.
Marquam Grand Theatre
Cal. Melllg,
Friday, Saturday Afternoon and Night,
Mine so-MT,
" E.- H. SbTHERN
Prl1'. both matinee and night Entire lower
floor, 12; balcony, llrat 3 rwvs, $1.50; second 3
rows, II! lt 8 rows. T5c; gHllcr.V, 7."c and OOc;
boxes and logea, S12.SU. Seats now I selling.
early c
The Baker Theatre
George L. Baktr.
Still the same favorite .s ot youre, .
.. Btlll the same lelever company.
Htlll doing capacity btislnesa.
' The Baker Theatre Company in
-A OXXJ9S9 TOOXa." ' '
Ew1ng, 15e, -20c, aBc, 80cj siatraee, lOe,
. Xert "Arablaa yigbU.'V .;..- yy
Jt ' ' BLAZIER BBOsT f '
W , ; .... .' . v-
,s -449-S4S BURN81DE. .';' K
1 All kinds- :" . '
MRS. H. filLBEET, irctm Lsadaa.
'16014 'U-t, uvax svruer. l'liouu, U.v4 SISI,
war of I85S-, George B. Cirry la com
mander of tha. veterans and W. W, Hill
ary la adjutant V:; ;'; V- ' '
About Julf 10, James R. Ewlng, tha
bookseller, will remove to tba corner of
Fourth and Yamhill. ' , ' ;
for Sale Business paying $100 per
month for 400.?oMust; bo sold .quick,
Address H. C. It Journal offlc
Paolal dlsflrnrements Corrected by
Mme. Vaughn, Falling Building. Orad
uato dermatologist, New, York and Chi
cago schools. '.'.
. Ie X. Abraham, at the Valley Land
Company' office, 43 V First street, cor
ner Ash, if you want to buy or sell real
estate. , Established li years. 1
Trontdile is to be Incorporated. Pipes
are being laid for a waterworks system
and money la being raised to purchase
hose for a fire department. ,
Tha annual stealfast of tha - cherry
thief la on and nearly every cherry or
chard 4n Portland Is reported, to ba. suf
fering almost nightly raldSj '
Tho Park Band will not give a corf-
cert tonlcht In front of the Park School,
as was planned, foa tha reason that the
bandstand has not been completed.
Tha nrer graduates of the Bell wood
School were received Into membership
last night by the Sellwood Alumni As
soclatlon,- A general program was ran
Orant XcOnlly and Tolla X am nam
have filed ault In the State Circuit court
against the City of Portland and School
District No. 1, to quiet title to 10 aores
of land at Alblna.
There la strong- eomplaint against the
closing of Williams avenue because of
unsafe planking- ResMenta4n the-veln-
Ity of Cherry street and Williams avenue
may file a protest
Leek of eleotrloal power caused tem
porary .Suspension of streetcar traffic
along Morrison street this morning and
forced many laborers to walk to their
places of employment.
The oaae of Laventhal Brothers of
San Francisco vs. A. R. Baton, a local
saloonkeeper, to force payment for a
barrel of whisky, has been decided In
favor of the plaintiffs.
Wriakles, Birthmarks, baggy eyelids,
freckles, lost contour, smallpox plt
tlngs or any facial distortion removed
by' Mme. Vaughn, Falling Building.
Graduate New York and Chicago schools.
The Portland Trust Company has in
stituted suit la the State Circuit Court
to foreclose a mortgage on property be
longing to Eugene D. White and Frank
E. Hart et al. The amount of the in
debtedness Is 12,643.
Bound trip tioket to Willamette Falls,
every day of the week, 45 cents and
the passenger may return by electric
cars. If he so desires. Sunday return
trips, 25 cents. Steamer leaves foot of
Taylor street at 8:30 and 11:30 a. m.,
and 3 and 6:15 p. m.
Ths Portland Gas Compsvsy expects to
oocupy the building on the southeast
corner of Fifth and Yamhill streets by
August 1. The machine shop and re
pair and meter departments of the com
pany hava been moved to new quarters
on Couch and Fourteenth streets.
In the salt of Dr. F. A. Lawbaugh
vs. the Oregon Railroad & .Navigation
Company and At. C. Banks, to recover an
automobile, "detained by the railroad
company, , the court has held that ins
plaintiff Is entitled to recover the ma
chine and damages In the sum of 518.
Judrina toy the comments of people
who have Investigated the methods of
treatment as given by the Portland. In
stitute of Psychology, and of those who
have been cured of diseases of long
standing, their methods bid fair to revo
lutionize tne entire treatment, ror ais
ease, of the human body.
Those who understand the real worth
of Persian and Turkish rugs and car
pets will appreciate our magnificent as
sortment of these goods. Our house
is so rich that It buys In hundred thou
sand dollar lots for cash, and It thus
-stands to reason thAt we can offer ex
ceedingly advantageous bargains. Atl
yeh & Khoury, 411 Washington street
The Regulator Una popular steamer
"Bailey Gatzert" leaves Portland daily,
except Monday, for the Cascades of the
Columbia, affording everybody a fine op
portunity to -view the magnificent scen
ery and raging flood. Steamer leaves
Alder-street wharf daily at 8:30 a. m.;
Sundays 9 a. m. Excellent meals.
Round trip fare 11.50. Phone. Main 914.
There are quite a number of people
in Oregon who do not have their wash
ing done at the Union Laundry, Second
and Columbia. This is greatly to be
regretted, as the excellence of our
steam-heated collar and cuff polisher Is
probably an unknown quantity to these.
The old flre-heated polisher scorches
the delicate linen and it makes one
tired to think . of the out-of -fashion
A petty thief has Ween pilfering stores
on the East Side for several daysf R.
A. Wilson's drug store at 133 Grand ave
nue was entered-through a window and
$9.50 cash taken from the till. At A.
M. Westram's wagon factory 1.50 was
taken. Some knives and forks were"
stolen from Hall's hardware store and
a quantity of canned goods were carried
away from, the Oregon Packing Com
pany's plant.
The men appointed by General Sum
mers to act- with the military committee
in arranging for the Heppner benefit
sham battle will meet tonight in the
Commercial Club rooms at 8 o'clock.
The civilian's committeemen are: Her
man Wittenberg, A. H. Devers, J. R.
Rogers; Major H. A. Rees, Gen. Charles j
F. Beebe. Julius L. Meier, Paul Wessin
ger, Paul Bates, F. A. Bancroft, tee
Clark. 8. S. Arats, A. B. Stelnbach, Ralph
W. Hoy t and Harry Roe,
The Oregon Branoh of Woman's Aux
iliary will be held tomorrow la , St
David's Episcopal Church, East Twelfth
and Morrison streets. The holy com
munion will be administered at, 10:30 a.
m. and an Address delivered, by Bishop
Funston of the- Jurlsdlctfon of Boise.
The ladles of 01. David will serve
luncheon at oon. At the afternoon ses
sion which will convene at 3 o'clock, re
ports will be 'read and several spe"eches
delivered. Wnuam E. Potwlne of Pend
leton wilt speak on the Heppner dis
aster. '
Ths ladies Missionary Society of the
First Congregational Church enjoyed a
picnic yesterday in a grove at the honlo
of Mrsi T, H. Brlnson, on tho Mount
.Scott car line near Ladd's Station. The
past year a officers were air re-ekectea.
They are: President Mrs, D.' B. Gray;
Vice-President, Mrs. C. Rockwood and
Mrs. T. H. Brlnson; secretary, Mrs. u.
P. z,igl"er; secretary Young People's
work, Mss Gage; Financial Secretary,
iars. F. E. Beach; Treasurer, Mrs. S. G.
bmlth; Superintendent Cradle Roll, irs.
Sharp. - - '
' . . sxomunoir bates zast.
Tia Canadian Vaelno Kailway.
Chicago and return . I1'5?
St liouis and return v J - 52
Peoria and return v 1... "
St Paul and return 60.00
Minneapolis and return !??
Duluth and return . .. . . .r, 0-
Dates of sale June 24 to 30, inclSU
sive; July IS and li. and August 25 and
2. Tickets good for 0 days.
For full instruction call on or address
T. R. Johnson? F. & P. A- 142 Third
street' PorUfnd. Or. v- r . (
Discharged Bushelmen Because
There Was No Work for
;; is Them to Do.
. CHICAGO, June 24. The last
shipment made by Sltron ti Co.,
which Is now a union label con
cern, to Paul Strain wss on March
t. Sltron has no Immediate orderl,
but has a small one for fall de
livery. Considerable inquiry falls
to elicit any legitimate house in
this city with whom the Portland
man is doing business other than
through "GresheImcr, previously
1 '
- , , ... . .a a.
I nlon tailors, without exception, have
enjoyed reading the exposure in The membeTan1 lt U certain a large per
Journal of the Paul Strain method of c,nU,.' or"th. congregation will be
doing business, and say that -it will . JVs -,k tt,. ,.. 1- ..ion Th
have a tendency to keep others Jlke him
.r. '. " v
the public. If The Journal keeps up
the good work it has undertaken along
this line they prophesy thst It will be
but a short ttoie when Portland is en-
tirely free Of fakers.
Before - Strain was exposed - In The
Journal he kept two bushelmen and a
woman-assistant In his employ.-tourhe
let the men go a few days ago. He had
nothing for them to do. People
naturally quit patronising him when
they found out he was dealing in the
shoddiest of goods.
J. C. Cooper of McMlnnvllle is at the
Perkins. '
Sedgwick Pratt. V. B. A
ne v
01 van-
couver, is at the Portland.
J. F. McKlnlay. a Spokane business
man, is at the imperial.
T. D. Taylor. Sheriff of 'Umatilla
County, Is a guest at the Belvedere.
A. M. Dollar, a marine man of San
Frahclsco, Is registered st 'the Port
J. L. Parker, Deputy Collector of
Customs at Astoria, Is registered at the
Prof. J. B. Horner of the Agricultural
School at Corvallls, Is a, guest at the
Imperial. '
.aawa a T Am U m Wavarhai.aar
T4mber Company, is registered at the
a w . ...... u - "
Milton Baer. organiser for the Good
Samaritans in the Iowa Jurisdiction, !
a guesi si me i-erains.
Emll Ankermiller. advance manager
for the Nat Goodwin Company, Is
registered at the Perkins.
n . v. s.m fit i
U""l iiu. " " "
emected In Portland the first of next
week, to' remain a few days.
Fremont CamDbell. Prosecuting At -
tornev of Pierce County, Washington,
Is in Portland on business.
t - 7. . hnn.fnm, .ml
fa V. null. O. V vmiimiviiv "-'aD ' '
f m.,,..,.. 1. . h. Rolvanlvre
, ftwiJ - ... en, x?
no v.".." i,Tn
York and other Eastern cities.
, .
Dr. O. W. Htggers, ine pioneer pnyoi-
clan of La Grande and Union County.
Is In the city to remain a week or more
In attendance upon his Wife. Who IS a
pstlent at the Good Samaritan Mospitsi.
from her home at La tjranae. Airs. Big-
ger's condition is considerably Improved
since being taken to tne nospuai.
rrtir. IDIfV rM A M DM r KIT
UnrtINU nJJllYI 1 rIMUniViriVIIm
Meets Tomorrow, . as Does Also tne
Woman's .Belief
The Grand Army of the Department
of Oregon will begin Its annual encamp-
ment in the Grand Army nail in mis
city tomorrow. Assistant Aajuiaiu-ucii-
eral John E. Mayo will present a report
showing that there were I.bbz members
in srood standing on December tl, 1901,
and that, though there were ss aeams
In 1Z, the number had increased to
1.885 on December 31, 102. Since that
date 64 suspended members have been
reinstated, bringing the total to l.yay
at this date, with 2,13 on the roll in
the 82 posts. The convention or the
Women's Relief Corps, Department of
Oregon, will open at the Auditorium at
2:30 oclock In the arternoon xomor-
Homes wanted for one boy three
months, one seven years, one nine, one
ten and one eleven; also one girl seven
and one nine. Alt bright children, and
the older ones able and willing to work.
Bend in vour applications to I. F. lobey,
Runerlnfendent Oregon Children's Home
Society. Call up pnone, union ma, or
address 606 Marquam Building.
Out of a car containing 61. received
by Ellen, Piano House, Monday, 12 were
sold before evening.
In snite of the fact that Eilers Piano
House is continually receiving r-mnoiao
by the carload, it is a difficult matter to
act the factory to rurnisn mem xasi
enough to keep up with the growing
demand. Portland people nnu people
throughout thecountry nave learnea tne
value of the Pianola, both as a means oi
culture and of entertainment. l nrougn
their mediumshlp scores or nomcs mat
for the lack of a musician, now enjoy lt
to the fullest extent, and the demand for
Pianolas from people living remote from
music centers continually increases., a
,rino- Indian.. of this Is Monday's
record. A carload of Pianolas was re
ceived by Eilers" Piano House Monday
morning and before night iz naa oeen
dlSDosed of. four going to Portland
homes and the remainder to people liv
ing ln the country or ln country towns.
Second Annual Session Begins June 29.
Prepares teachers for coanty August ex
aminations: also city and state.
amAlOCAm OmAE Pupils taken for
review iron) tot tin to via grsaes, in
clusive. v
BPBCXAXi TUVXJil Outdoor Sketch
In or Physical Trainlna. Manual Train-
- ins. Penmanship plain or ornamental.
Book-Keeplng and Bhorthand. For
further information address
Holmes Business College
Eleventh, and XambUl street"
Question of detention of Rev.
S S-O.ISS a.
Alexander Blackburn as ras
tor Will Be Determined Fi
nalfy. at that Time,
Strong Campaign Is Being Car
ned Forward by I hose Who
Oppose as Well as by the
unes wno ravor mm,
Ths pastorate campaign In the First
BaDtlat congregation Of Portland is in
full operation, and is being prosecuted
with vlaror. Tomorrow evening tne
election will be held, and In the mean
time everything possible will be done
by both factions those who favor the
retention of Rev. Alexander Blackburn
as minister, and those who wish to see
him ousted from that position.
aTs .l,.a A Am am r 4 rial m aaaftf I n l
I 13 fj IUIO SJasalA WIUV KKT mv as pa
1. ,.ra .vrtf
fpleiuJll of Dr. Blackburn are as deter-
mined, ss are his opponents, and each
expre,M, certainty of being In the
.,., m,. h-iint. r nr.nii
,t ,em. llkely tnat a preliminary
,klrmlBh wjl occur relative to whether
K vote ahall be secret or bv word of
I .,,,, gh.,.iii 11., i.h., Ann,,, h, ii.
Cdej vpont it is felt that a strong point
wln have en gained for the Blackburn
,upporters, as it is believed many would
vnt. - - .h.... the naatorate bv
wrttt,n ballot, who would not care to
i tk.m..iu.a m.hiiriv nn rirnrd
cenaurlne- the nresent minister.
Campaign HateriaL
Open letters to the congregation have
been prepared by that portion of the
Baptist flock whlph Indorses Rev. Black-
burn, and these are being circulated to
I ay. They contain tne same appeni tnat
1 Kw mi hi n,ii.
nit nn luat Runilflv . Thaaa Ipttrn nrn
belna handed about among the members
and read with interest.
No campaign literature is being em
ployed by the opposition. A meeting
of the anti-Blackburn faction was held
and ways and means were discussed, but
it was decided that no letter should be
ilrniilati) and that nnlhinr aVin.ilrl ti,
,M in infinn- m.mhnr, in vnt
.gainst their convictions. The opposl-
tlon has announced Its motto to be:
"Come to the meeting and vote as
your conscience and the welfare of the
church dictates but come to the meet
I lng.
. !. , I 1 , .. A 1 . 1. ft ft 1
inn whir-h tn ha .nhn.iiM n iho .nn
Legation tomorrow evening was voted
I upon at a similar session held last
month. At that time, they urge, there
was not a voice raised agiftnst Rev.
Blackburn's occupancy of the pulpit, and
tney cannot see wny mere snouia ne an
H..,I j ft L. t .1
rujnwu" "mu" Bl l""r
Sensational Charge.
1 The opposition, however, have come
I forward with a direct and somewhat
I sensational accusation that they were
1 waited upon prior to the other meeting
. . . , - . . , . .
"y a. aeieganon irom ine oiacKDurn
I supporters, who entered Into an agree
ment that If the minister was Indorsed
. ... .. . ,., H,,
1 ca v iia s. iiiaiiu sn. wviaa 1 ioia)ii uui nip, nt
nPoa-n. VMr Rpllcvlna- h wni.M Hn
thB and not desiring to Injure Dr.
Blackburn's chances to obtain another
oharre thev fulled to vnto narnlnur him
they say. Then, after having received
the unanimous Indorsement of his fWk
the minister announced that he would
This story Is denied by friends of the
The vote tomorrow evening will end
the controversy, although lt may bring
about a division 01 tne cnurcn.
Oregon Kan Sleeted to High Position
in the A. O. U. W
Prominent members or the order or
A. O. V. W. met last night and decided
to tender a reception to Hon. winiam
M. Colvlg of Jacksonville, Or., who was
recently elected Supreme Overseer at
the session of the Supreme Lodge at
gt. Paul. Mr. Colvlg is expected to ar-
rive in Portland from the East next Fri-
day evening at 7:30 o clock, and a large
delegation of fellow Workmen will meet
him at the depot and escort him to the
Hotel Portland, wnere a musical ana
literary program win De given in nis
honor. This Is the nrst time tnat an
Oregon man has been elected to such
an exalted position In the order or A.
O. U. W
iooal if embers of Boyal Arcanum Olre
Smoker to Celebrate 86th An
niversary of order. .
The members of the local lodges of
the Royal Arcanum ave a smoker last
night In honor of the 26th anniversary
of the founding of the order. The affair
was given in the" lodges' rooms In the
Auditorium Building, and was attended
by geveral hundred .members of the or-
der. Several speecnes were muue vy
r,romlnont Royalists, and an all-around
g00d time is reporiea 10 nave oeen
t There, are BU.uuu memoers or mis
order ln the 1'nited States, and during
jtg ufe ias paid out over n,(uo,uuu to
wi.inws und orphans or deceased mem
T-hnr iow round trip rate. Pacific
ast to Chicago and return; also to
.,0nt(, Kast. One-way tickets to Chicago
be had at reduced rates also. Apply
at the office of the Chicago, Milwaukee &
St. paui nanwny 'm
street. Portland. r
Odds and Ends at Your Own Price
345 pairs Men's Cartas Lace
Shoes, S1-2S grades
A L L. S I 25 E S
Well-Known California Engi
neer Studies Public utilities
of Pacific Coast Towns. '
A. Van der Nalllen, Jr., of San Fran
cisco, arrived In this city this morning,
and will remain until Friday. Mr. Van
der Nalllen was until very recently Com
missioner of the Board of Public Works
In the Bay City, and is now tourlirg the
Paclflo Coast cities with the special
objeot of inspecting public Improve
ments. He will examine Portland's va
rious public enterprises and will make
several cruises over this city s streets,
Mr. Van der Nalllen has Just returned
from a visit In the Sound towns. 'He
states that the streets of Seattle are as
fine as a city could wish for. but when
asked regarding Tacoma, the Ex-Com
missloner said: "Well, really, the town
Is mo slow that a person has a desire to
. . V.. ft - 1 ft ' .. ...ftlVlft H
gel OUI 01 it qui, iu..iuio.
His opinions of this City of Roses and
avenues will be given through The Jour
nal tomorrow.
Oreat Crowds Attend.
"A (3llilad Fool." as ttresented bv the
Baker Stock Company at the Halter The-
tre this week. Is drawing appreciative
audiences. Miss Csthrlne Countiss, ss
Margaret Ruthven, is doing some strong
work, and George Alison. In the title
part, is fully sustaining his reputation.
Although the nights are somewhat close
and sultry, this family theatre Is kept
cool snd comfortable by the many fans
and ventilating devices which Mr. Baker
has Installed for the comfort of his
patrons. "A Gilded Fool" will hold the
boards for the balance of the week.
During the engagement of E. H.
Sothern at the Marquam Grand Theatre
next Friday, Saturday afternoon and
night the curtain will rise promptly at
8 o'clock. Doors open at 7:18. People
coming late will have to stand during
tho first act. Seats are now selling.
Coming of Sothern.
The appearance of E. H. Sothern has
been the great topic of conversation
among the theatre-goers ror many
weeks. The time for Sothern s coming
Is drawing near and he will b seen at
the Marquam Grand Theatre Friday.
Saturday afternoon and night, June 2b
and 27, In Justin Huntly McCarthy's
now celebrated drama, "If I Were King."
Mr. 8othern In any play Is always wel
come, but In a play that has been uni
versally recognised as the best that the
American stage has seen In the past
five vcars, his appearance becomes a
remarkable event. The central figure In
If I Were King" and the role which
Mr. -Sothern assumes is that of the
fifteenth century vagabond poet, Frnn-
coia Villon. First Villon Is shown In
rags and tatters, reciting his verses In
the Fir Cone Tavern and ready to whip
out his sword at the slightest provoca
tion. Louis XI of France happens to
be in the tavern In disguise at the
time, to overhear what his subjects
have to say about him. Ha hears Villon
recite his poem "If Villon V ere the
King of France." When Villon wounds
the Crand Constable of France In a
duel. Louis causes the turbulent poet
tn be dressed In the elothes of his oppo
nent and for a week he gives Villon an
opportunity to show what he would do
If Villon were King of France or what
amounts to practically the same thliag
Grand Constable. What Villon does
In the way of winning the love of one of
the noblest and most beautiful ladies of
the court and hardly escapes the hang
man's noose with which Louis proposes
to end his career, Is charmingly and In
terestingly told In the play. AS In every
thing that Mr. Sothern does, the play
Is richly and artistically mounted, 100
supernumeraries being used to augment
the 32 speaking parts.
"Arabtejn Wights."
The infatuation of a 'chorus girl
for Mr. Arthur Hummlngtop, her sr
rlval at his residence at a most un
timely moment, and his vigorous and
futile efforts to explain her presence
there furnish the main plot for "Arabian
Nights," the comedy which will be pre
sented by the Baker Stock Company at
the Baker Theatre for the week begin
ning next Sunday, June 28. "Arabian
Nights," when produced at Augustln
Daly's Theatre, in New York, proved to
be one of his greatest successes, and it
had a phenomenal run of many months
ln the metropolis. It Is one of the few
comedies that have not only brilliant
dialogue, but clever situations as well.
As comedy has always been one of
the strong points of the Baker Theatre
Company, Portland's theatre-goers are
assured of a fine presentation of this
The Umpire.
The bill offered by the Empire Theatre
at the corner of Twelfth and Morrison
streets, was presented again last night
to a large audience. Continuous ap
plause, was ln evidence from the time
the curtain rose until It descended upon
the last of the great Little Red Riding
Hood films shown by the bioscope. Les
ter and Curtain, in their unusually
strong acrobatic work, divide the hon
ors with the top-liners of this week's
bill. World and Kingston. World is a
comedian of no mean order, and with
Miss Mlndell Kingston was for some
time a feature of the Town Topics Com
pany. Andrews and Thompson, tne op
eratic duo, have rnade a success with
their cultivated rendition of Irish melo
dies. The Wells Bros, do a musical act
that is different. Their turn Is supple
mented by first-class comedy work.
which sho.vi8 that their performance is
entitled to all the praise which It has
elicited from the critics.
Mntlnee this afternoon. Saturday and
Shields' Popular Park.
, Shields' Park was the popuFar resort
last night, when n large audience g.ath-
$4.50 shoes now $3.19
5.00 shoes now 3.47
6.00 shoes now 3.98
Any leather. New styles
"S OIds,Wortman & King
ABigSaleon Hosiery!
New Hosiery
Less Than Half!
else. On tale tomorrow :
Ladies' Fancy Cottcn Hose, handsome patterns, splendid
values to 35c, blue with black- doll, red with black
dots, dainty stripes and pretty figures, 1 Of
black with lace stripes. Choice at 1 eVC
Ladies' white or ecru, sleeveless or
short sleeve vests,
sts, 20c 1 O I
and 25c values
Pink and blue, 45c sleeveless silk
finished lisle vests, 07'
each - saf C
The Wonderful Sale of that
CAllCO continues tomorrow
per yard
but old in the business of Dsntistry. Ths celebrated white crowns, used
by dentists throughout the world, is our invention. Let us do your dental
work for a little while and see how well we'll please you. Full set of teeth,
best in the world, $7; next best $4; Gold Crowns, 22-k, $3.
Gold fillings, small, $1.00; large. $3.00. All other fillings of
any material desired. 7c. All
Alba Dentists
l Billiard and
IV gtvt you benmfit manufacturer' prices EMOUGH SAID,
l Th8 Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co. I
h I I M II H 4 III 1 1 1 It 1 1 1 1 1 1
Painless Extracting!
We do Crown and Bridge Work without pain.
Our 16 reara' experience ln plata work enables
ua to fit Tour mouth comfortably.
We haro feeling aa well as you.
Dr. W. A. Wlae, manager, baa found a aafa
way to extract teath absolutely without pain.
Dr. T. P. Wise ht an expert at Uold rilling and
Crown and Brldfo Work.
Extracting free when plates or bridges are
?:( iV
WISE BROS., Dentists
Open evening till 0. Sunday
ered to witness the vaudeville enter
tainment. A fair opinion of the at
tractions presented this week Is that
better amusement of the vaudeville
character has not been given In Port
land at any Hme. One of the most
pleasant features of the show is the
splendidly illuminated stage, and the
acoustic properties j the park are ex
cellent. A whisper from the stage can
be heard in the remotest corner of the
auditorium. There are eight special
star attractions on the program this
week and the work of the artists has
not benn excelled ln quality on any
local rttuge.
Fref aired Stock Canned Ooods.
Allen & Lewis' Best Brand.
We say and repeat Not the
superficial test made by an ordi
nary optician, but a thorough, care
ful, scientific examination by a
graduate PHYSICIAN trained as
an Eye Specialist just as if a pro
fessional fee were charged.
Glasses only if needed. -
Fifth and !
Each new day brings out th
wonderful reiources of this, de
partment for securing the best
values that come into the mar
ket. The following lots offer
economies that we do not think
can be duplicated anywhere
at Underprices
Lace trimmed white cotton 1
knee psnts, 25c val., ea...
U L,d
Ladies' pink and blue, silk finished,
mercerised, shaped waist, 85c
lisle vests, sleeveless,
splendid 7c Dresl Pattern"
in Domestic Aisle at AX, M
You msy set It down if told that there's
any better place in the country than
here to buy all good kinds of fishing
tackle, lawn swings and sprinklers. Ice
cream freesars. or snythlng else you re
quire for summer comfort and pleasure
which ought to he found in a first-class
hardware store.
Extracted without that excru
ciating pain of the palsied times
of the past.
operations strictly modern.
Over Eilers Piano House, ppoiftt Cor
dray's Theatre. 'Phone. Nail 2794.
Pool Tables i
1 M t 8 H M 1 1 1 1 M i t
'BR. T. P. WISH.
" I0MI3 fMum llPG- M M Mh-
from to 12. ' Or. Main 8028.
We have a Urge stock of
FUEWOKKS of the best make.
manufactured by the celebrated
Bocheeter Fireworks Company.
Also best STsTAXZTa OmAOX
EB8, TOBFIDOES, and other
decoration goods.
As our wholesale trade la
nearly over, we offer our goods at
bedrock prices.
Cor. 4th and Morrison Sts.
(Journal Special Service.)
WILLIAMSTOWN. Mass., June If.-
Rev, Edgar P. Hill of Portland, Or.; .was
elected vice-president of the Willlsnis.
College' Alumni Association . yesterday.
William H. Swift of Chicago was elected
president. Or. HM graduated from Wil
liams In 118 V and Mr. gmlth in U,
If you have a trip East lu viswthU
Summer, write or call en A. TV Chart
ton, assistant general' passenger ei
of the .Northern Pacific. 26. M r
street, corner of - Third. ml he win la
pleased to give you full il t.l. In '-
neotlon With lower reur!'n rat, fr . t
will be placed in e"V t hy tms Mt.i.
In June. July and Acgu.u