V THE OltEpptf DAILY JO UKNAL. rOKTLANIV TUESDAY EVEJOXG, ' J U2T E 23, 1003, , ... I J '. IJi-. Every Pair of Shoes MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE. Hundreds Found Bargains Yesterday. No reserve on any goods; they must go. LADIES' OXFORDS . Pair. LADIES' LACE SHOES SOC Pair. MEN'S LACE OR CONGRESS Bargains in Boys9 and Girls' Shoes. Bargains in Infants' and Children's Shoes. Bargains in Men's and Ladies' Shoes. Pair. 11 GREAT REMOVAL, 75c All New Style Goods at 25 Per Cent Reductions. See Bargain Windows. Good Shoes Only. MARKS SHOE CO. 253 Morrison St., Near Third. mm COURTESY AT KIEL American Squadron Meets the - -r warships oflfte Kaiser and - 1 Prince Henry ' Greets Uncle -T Sam's Sailors. Bluejackets pive Exhibition of Baseball under uircum- stances Not the Best for Well- j Played Game. German Sailors Appoint Enter taining Committee and -Ar-1 range Good Time for Ameri , can Cousins. Henry's flag with 17 guns. The Oer man whlp'n short batteries replied with a like salute and then the O.rmana dipped (lags and cheered. Official visits were exrhsnged. afur whlch Prince Henry received the American captains cordially. A shore leave was given the sailors of the two nations, who are now patrolling the streets arm In arm. A more cheerful display of naval courtesies has not gone on record than thONe exchanged today and which are now going on. Officers and men are as friendly as bfM,hers and one Interesting feature was the exhibition at baseball which the American sailors gave to the Germans. Baseball paraphernalia was a little short aboard the American ves sels, but the men made out very well V.nder the circumstances. The German sailors appointed an en tertaining committee and tonight will give an enjoyable time to their Ameri can cousins. - (Journal Special Service.) ; KIEL. June 23 The American squad 'V""i, consisting of the battleship Kear tisrge and the cruisers-Chicago and Cin cinnati and the gunboat Machlas. ar .Tlv ro today. They saluted Prlncs WALCOTT DIDN'T OBJECT Joe Walcott, the champion colored welterweight pugilist of the world, Is a baseball fan and is at present hanging around Boston, where the fighting game Is Just alive and kicking. He takes In the games frequently, and, like In all Northern cities, enjoys all the privileges accorded the white people who visit the parks. He occupied a Heat Just be hind the Red's bench during the series at the Hub, and one day a Clnclnnatlan who was visiting Boston got a seat next to the one Waloott occupied. By some mistake the Clnclnnatlan got Into the wrong chair, and when the usher showed the colored fighter In he said: "Excuse me, sir, but you have this gentleman's seat." "I have like the deuce," was the reply. "Yes you have, sir; here's his check." "Well, here's mine; what seat does it call for?" "But but " sputtered the Cincin nati man. "Oh, never mind," put In the fighter. "I'se no common person. I'se Joe Wal cott, d. fighter, en I has no objections to youse sitting right here beside me." FORGERS WORK ENGLAND Ashton Who Says that He Is an American Now on Trial for Forgery Amounting to $2,-100. Police Attach Much Importance to Arrest and Trial as It Is Believed Organized Gang May Be Broken Up. tloned In the charge aggregate in amount 12,100. The prosecution at tache, great Importance to the arrest as It, believe, the work Is that of a skillful American gang and a part wreckage of a clever scheme to make a wholesale haul. Ashton Is it well-dressed individual nnd is possessed of considerable educa tion. He is non-committal In regard to himself and particularly does he refuse to discuss his operations, lest he betray the other members of his gang. Ashton a Well-Dressed Man Possessed of Good Education Is Non-Committal in Re gard to Self or Actions, (Journsl Special Service.) LONDON, June 23 William Ashton. who describes himself as an American Journalist, was arraigned this morning and was charged with forging checks cn London banks. Two operation, men- SINGERS AND CROAKERS The extent to which the agricultural portions of the Middle West are now supplied with modern convenience. may be Inferred from the story which follows: There came a ring at the telephone In a farmhouse In Northern Indianu one day last week and the farmer himself responded. Hello!" he said. "Hello," said the voice at the other en. of the wire. "Can you furnish me a bass singer for tomorrow night?" "A bass stnsr? Why, yes, I reckon so," answered the farmer, laughing. "What do you want one for?" "Because the one we've had up to now is sick. What would be your terms?" "Well, I usunlly furnish them by the doxen. I won't charge you anything for one. How do you want him sent?" "What are you talking about?" "Who do you think you're talkln' to?" "Isn't this the Indianapolis opera house?" "No. This la the Baratsrta frog farm." LATEST LIST Of CASH RECEIVED Full Statement of the Money So Far Placed in the Hands of the Committee Now Work ing at Heppner, Payroll Amounts to More Than Sixteen Hundred Dollars Per Day arcd Will Probably See an Increase. . LIVE EDITORS HERE A Swiss editor who was accidentally locked in his office Jumped from a third story window' and broke hi. leg rather than break an engagement with his wife. A New York, .editor would have managed It differently. He would have set Are to the building, had himself rescued from the third) story and got out an extra about It. (Jovernal Special Service.) HEPPNltK. Or., June 23. The follow Ing Is a complete list of contributions In cash to date. Payrolls amount to $1,620 dally. Thousands of dollars from these funti have already been paid out: Helix, $100; Rathbone Sisters, Colfax, $72.70; Jefferson, $130; Enterprise, $222.85; Pomeroy. $73; Brownsville, $29; N. H. Sktton, Carlton. $6; George 8. Crane. Santa Rosa, Cal.. $26r Sherman County, $1,000; Oregon City, additional, $11.60; Cfrand Forks, N. D., $100; Butte, Mont., $600; New York City, $2,500; Washington Chapter, R. A. M Portland, $50; W'nlte House, Crlmmins St Co., Wslla Walla, M0; Elmer' J. Carter, Mls soula. Mont., $25; Amity, $46.30; Baptl.t Church of Amity, $6.70; Albany, addi tional. $22.60; J. W. A. Bernard, Oak cliff, TVxaa, $1; Everett Elks, $100; North Yakima Order of Eagles, $25; Heppne)r Times' fund., $35.25; La Grande Eagles, $100; J. H. Ralcy, $100; Newton Clark, $300; Schilling A Co., $100; City of Wasco, $60; Bank of Mil ton, WO; R. N. Stanfleld. $26;, Athena, $426 A. B. Stanley. $10; City of Pen dleton, $J0O; Pendleton Painters' Union, S20; Mayor Hatley, , Pendleton, '$50; Masons, Pendleton, $300; I. O. O. F., Pendleton, $400; W. J. Furnish, Pendle ton, $100; T. J. Morris, Pendleton, $100r Baker City, $2,006.77; Freewater. $308: The Dalles, $1,855; Ladd A Bush, for subscribers, $779: Moscow, $118; Albany. $458; Taeoma, $600; Huntington, $150; Astoria Elks. $100; Walla Walla, $300; Aurora, $34.60; Rosalia, Wash., $131; Clay C. Clark. Blalock. $10; Wallace. Idaho, $133; Spokane, additional, $30.60; Port Townsend, $178; W. N. Boots. Monmouth, $6; Dllley, $65.25; Oakland. Or., $76.26! Carpenters Union, No. 50, Portland, $26; Cheney, $100; Kuhn. Nathan & Fisher Company, Chicago, $100; Knight Templars of Washington, $100: Spokane, additional, $404.20: Ar lington Elks. $10; I. O. O. F., Walla Walla, $78; Hood River, $216; J. M. Keeney. $100; John M. Brown. $25; Wm MarlatL.$5; Frank P. Wellman, $15; J. P. Lucas. $5; John Horbecke, $3.25: D. E. Leach, $5; La Grande Elks. $250; La Grande .citizens, $525.75; Wm. Dunn, $100; Spokane. $782: J. H. Albert. $100; Oregon City. $222; Waverly, Wash., $61; Fairfield, Wash., $57; Ashland Masons, $25: The Dalles I. O. O. F., $50; Elgin. $200; Moro Foresters, $60; Lewlston, $229; Baker City Eagles. $200; La Grande, $600; Colfax Woodmen, $100; Arlington. $146; Ashland Rand. $25; Charles Crossfleld. $10; Milton, $385; H. H. Hawley, $5; Baker City, $46: Col fax Eagles, $100; John Conser, $10; Eu gene, $700;- Salem Chapter Eastern Star. $20; Hood River, additional. $87.50; Portland. $2,600: Skagway Elks. $25; Studebaker Bros., $100; Philadelphia. $1,000; Walla Walla. $300; Bridal Veil Lumber Company, $100; Everett Liquor Dealers. $100; W. R. Ellis. $20; R. E. Young $20; Harrisburg, $40; Aurora, Una Temple, $10; Baker City Elks, $200; Dallas, $121; Adams, $100; Latah. $46: McMlnnville, $372; Medford, $153; Mar lon, $20; Hlllsboro, $180: Astoria K. of P., $25; A. J. Jordan Company, $60; As toria, $1.087; Cottage Grove, $20; 611 verton, $160; Studebaker Bros., addi tional, $100; Henry Heppner. $260; On tario, $300; Pearl Shelton, $16; Weston, $250; Union, $281; E. L. Naylor.', J20J San Francisco, $100; La Grande, , $500; Woodburn, $20; Portland R. A. . M, .$100; Masons' Grand Lodge, $100; Oregon Com mandery. K. T., $50; J. M. Hager, $100; J. A. Thompson, $100; M. K. Carr, $18; A. Rood. $50; C. A. Buckley, $30; John Bothell, $15; Baker City Woodmen, $20; Washtucna, $66; Southern Carnival. Com pany, $56; Baker-Boyer Bank, $50; Gar field. $66; Shanlko. $164; Astoria. $225; Waltsburg. $100; Seattle, $25; Baldwin Sheep & Land Company, $100; Dallas Woodmen. $25; J. W. Smith. $50; Van couver Elks, $25; Spokane, $233; Myrtle Creek. $127; George Conser. $100: pilot Rock. $326; Huntington. $289; Umatilla County. $600; Baker City. $174; CorvaUls Masons, 76; Tootle, Wheeler & Mott $100; R. J. Glnn, $25. BARLEY HARVEST IS ON . Report, have been received from the Walla Walla Valley and Eastern Ore gon that heading began In many of the barley fields on Monday of the present week. The yield is turning out better than at first expected, and promises to be remunerative. Wheat harvesting will not open for from two to six weeks. The majority of the barley 1. grown In Co lumbia County. Wash., where the farms are mostly on high ground. Bar! harvest will not be In full swing, how ever, for at least two more we.-ks. PRIZE PENSION CLAIM William Spielman of Hagerstown, Md.f should go down on record as presenting the most unique reasons as to why a pen sion should be granted him that have ever been known. He avers that he was born in 1863, and in 1863, while yet an Infant, was left alone in a farmhouse be tween the lines of the Union and Con federate Armies during a skirmish, and that he was so frightened by the mus ketry and cannonading that his nervous system was shattered, thereby render ing him an Invalid for the remainder of his life. TOILETS SOAPS Cake. , . . ... . . . 15c 11c - 1 0c ,..100 . 39c ............. .24o Do 27c Cutleura Soap ......... 411 Glycerine paara Soap Packer's Tar L Tefle Soap . Csstusaere Bouquet . . . . jrny Cream T.iihin's Allodors. small Luhin'a Allodors, medium ......... 3 9o Velvet Skin lo Fairy Soap, cake DOMESTIC I0A78. Cotton Soap, cake 3c Quest Room, cake 1c Fairbanks' Tar. cake ... 3c Malted Milk Soap, box 9c Witch Hasel Soap, box .......... 9o Alberlan Violet, box 8o Heliotrope (3 in box), box 8c Kirk's Rose (3 in box) .box c 1 dot Number Soap, box . . ; . . ... .86c Buttermilk (3 in box), box 21c Thompson". Glycerine, dos. (12 In box) i Shaving Soap, cake 2c 1,000 Gross of Soaps from lc to $2.00 cake, all reduced. . CASTILE SOARS Italian Castile. 8-lb. bar 18c bar Labonita Castile, 4-lb. bar ......29c bar Pagnod Castile. 10-ox. bar ..... 7c bar Honrado Castile. 4-os. cake 6c cake' Canadian Money Re ceived at Par. Free Delivery to Any Part of City. Woodard, Clarke (3& Co. Largest Retail ...and.. Wholesale Drugstore in America. GREATEST SALE EVER NAUGURATED In Portland of Soaps, Perfumes, Leatherware, Household (-roods, Toilet Paper, Cameras, Jap anese Goods, Rubber Goods, Druggists' Sundries, Alarm Clocks, Pure Wines and Liquors, Razors, Knives and Scissors, Florida Palms, Bristle Goods, Garden Hose Started Yesterday and Continues for 10 Days PERFUMES Bp Piver, "Azurea." oz. Pl'-er, "SafTranor," ox Piver, "Ambre Ducal," oz. ........ Plvr, "Ttefle." ox HoiiLlkant. "Ideal," oz. .......... GuerltHr Jlckey. or .... Pinaud Triple Violet, oz "... Roger Gallet, Vera Vloletta, or.. RlckswoWs. Golf Queen, os. ..... Laxell'j Trlcarno, os , Violet Arabre Royal, oz. clal. 41c 43c 63c 39o $1.29 . 4,0 $1.19 76c 49c 81c 62c toilet Waters Special. 4711 T0..et Water (all odors) 63o WlUUini'' Toilet Water (violet and Lllc) 43c Baldwin's ("Wild Plum") 29c All Leather Goods Reduced 25 Large Assortment of Wrist Bags Eycry Item of Rubber Goods We Sell is Guaranteed to be Satisfactory RUBBER GOODS OF ALL KINDS Rubber Goods THE REX FOUNTAIN STRINGS Two-quart. 60c; special 42c Three-quart, 70c; special , 64c Fnur.iquart, 80c; special 63c THE PERFECTION RAPID-FLOW FOUNTAIN SYRINGE Tw-nuart, regular, 90c; special., ise Three-qt., regular, $1; special.... 83c F'Mi--qt regular, 31.10; special.. 93c IMPERIAL FOUNTAIN SYRINGES Tw-qt., regular, $1.10; special.. 83c Three-qt., regular, 11.20; special.. 93c - Four-qt., regular. $1.30; special.. 98c THE "ROYAL" CLOTH INSERTED FOUNTAIN SYRINGE Two-qt.. regular. $1.10; special.. 83c Three-qt.. regular, $1.20; special.. S.V Four-qt.. regular. $1.80; special . $1. Ob THE MOTTLED RAPID-FLOW FOUNTAIN SYRINGE Two-qt.. regular, $1.70; special. .$1.33 Ttjree-qt., reg., $1.85; special $1.48 Four-qt., regular, $2.00; special .. $1.69 THE BOSTON FOUNTAIN SYRINGE Two-qt., regular, 80c; special ....68c Three-qt.. regular, 90c; special .... 68c THE ROYAL CLOTH INSERTED COM BINATION SYRINGE AND HOT WATER BOTTLE Three-qt.. regular, $1.60; special. .$1.33 GOODRICH COMBINATION SYRINGE AND HOT WATER BOTTLE Two-qt.. regular, $1.40; special .. $1.04 Three-qt., reg., $1.60; special $1.09 Four-qt.. regular. $1.60; special. .$1.18 THE BOSTON COMBINATION SYR INGE AND HOT WATER BOTTLE Two-qt.'. regular. $1.45; special.. 98c Three-qt., reg., $1.66; special ... .$1.03 Four-qt.. regular. $1.65; special. .$1.13 THE "REX" COMBINATION SYRINGE AND WATER BOTTLE Two-qt., regular, $1.00; special. . 76c Three-qt., regular, $1.10; special.. 87c Four-qt.. regular, $1.20; special .. .98c DR. WlLHOrS LADIES' SYRINGE Regular, $2.26; special $1.98 THE RACHAEL WHITE Regular. $2.76; special ..$2.33 THE LADIES' ALL RUBBER , Regular, $1.25; special 98c WOODLARK HOT WATER BOTTLES Two-qt.. regular, $1.15: special ... 83c Three-qt., regular, $1.25; special.. 93c Four-qt., regular, $1.35; special. . .98c THE ASEPTIC CONTINUOUS SPRAT ATOMIZER Regular. 86c; special ..68c (1 TALE HOT WATER BOTTLE Two-qt.. regular, 60c; special . .... 4 3c Three-qt., regular, 70c; special. ,63c Frtur-qt., regular, 80c; special 63e Every Item of Artistic Design and No Duplicates Japanese Brasses and Bronzes Finest personal selection of Kora's Brass, Bronze and Cloi sonne Lanterns, Brass and Bronze Vases, Candlesticks, Brass, Bronze and Cloisonne Teapots, Bronze Figures, Fare Urns. No Duplicates. 25 per cent off our already low prices. Japanese Satsuma and Cloisonne Bowls, Plates, Cloisonne on Silver, Brass, Porcelain and Bronze. Satsuma Vases, Koras, Plaques and Ornaments From Our Usual Low Price 25 per cent Off. Our Stock Is the Most Complete on the Coast Bargains in CAMERAS AND KODAKS Reg. Spec. Brownie Cameras $1.00 and $2.00 Brownie Daylight Developing Ma chine ,$2. 00 No. 0 Folding 6.00 No. 1 Folding 10.00 Daylight Developinm Machine .... 6.00 No. 2 Flexo, Zx3 pictures .... 6.00 No. 2 Bullseye. 3ttx3 pictures .. 5.00 There have been over 183,000 ot these cameras sold In the United States. No. la Folding . $12.00 No. 2 Folding 15.00 No. S Folding $17.60 and 25.00 No. 3a Folding, the, new else, ZxbV,. "slips Into your pocket. .$20 and $27.60 Daylight Developing Machine for above . . , 7.50 No. 3 Cartridge Kodak for films and plates, 4i3Vi ...-20 and $22.00 $25 and $27.60 Daylight Developing Machine.... 7.50 No. 6 Cartridge Kodak, for films and plates, 7x6 ....... $85 and $18.00 The New Daylight Developing Ma chine for this site 10.00 Reg. Spec. 100 Dechle Photane Albums.. 76c 49c 100 Dechle Photane Albums.. 60c 84o 100 De Lux Albums 76o 48c 500 Leather Stamp Albums.. 16c (c 100 boxes Woodlark Water Colors 26c 15c 125 boxes Acme Water Colors. prof, size $2.60 $2.25 25 boxes "Neg Dry," a hot weather necessity; will pre- vent your negative from frillln' 85c 80c S. 8. Stafford's Champion Water Well Paste, box... 40c size 2fc; 26c size liic Keg. Spec. 60 Aladdin Candle Lamps .... 40c 36c 100 Electric Ruby Lamps. .. .$3.50 $1.00 L.arge woouiarK iantern .... .uu s.ou Florida Palms 1000 New Florida Palms Reg. . 60c ... 60c ... 70c 7a!m Tftrt 6 -leaf 14-inch Palm 85c 6-leaf 18-tnch Palm 90c 4-leaf 10-inch Palm. -leaf 10-lnch Palm. 6-leaf 10-lnch Palm s-leaf 10-lnch TREE PALMS Slleaf 18-Inch Palm $1.25 7-foot 12-leaf Palm. ....... $6.25 1-foot 12-leaf Palm 6.60 10-foot 17-leaf Palm ...... 8 00 Spec. 26c SOo 40o 86c 43c 45c 60c $3.16 3.25 4.00 Garden Hose Reg. .,$2 46 Spec. $1 98 2.96 2.37 $.76 8.09 Competition. -ply. -ln... Competition, 3-ply, fc-tn... uascaae, s-pir, H-n. Caaaade, guar.. tiers, Geyser, Woodlark, s-ply. W-in. 6.71 b it Woodlark, -p!y, -ln.....L, 7.60 6.29 Woodlark, T-ply, -ln.,.. ... .8S 7.98 Striped Cotton, 4-ln. . . . 6 60 4.59 8trlj4 Cotton, guar, -ln...' (-25 6.39 de. guar., S-ply, -ln.i. 4.15 8.49 t, guar., 3-ply. -ln..,. 4.75 3.89 r, mr, S-ply. .-ln... 6.50 4.(9 Wood for Pyrographic Art All new designs In bowls, plaques, tabourets, can dlesticks, frames, Off Dollar Watches 1,000 Dollar Watches, guaranteed, S m regular $1.00, (iC special. VV Bathing Caps Full assortment, 25 to 80C FOR MEDICINAL AND FAMILY USES, ALWAYS GET THE BEST PURE WINES AND LIQUORS LIQUORS Hunter Rye . -Wilson ..... Maryland Club Walker's Canadian Clu Yellowstone Thompson's Old Cabinet Blend Dallemand's Crm. Rye McBrayer's Cedar Brk, Dewar's Scotch Reg. 8pec. ..$1.26 $1.16 .. 1.25 1.16 1.25 1.16 , 1.20 1.10 .. 1.35 1.16 t .. 75 65 M 1.26 1.15 1.35 1.16 1.26 1.15 LIQUORS Reg. Spec. Hall's Special $1.35 $.1.16 MacQregor's Old Highland.. 1.35 1.15 Martell's Cogoao ... 2.00 1.80 Duluc's Cognac ... 2.00 1.80 Lenoir's Cognac 1.50 1.30 Watson's Old Tom Gin... 1.25 1.06 Oxford Club Old Tom Gin.. 1.25 1.16 Her Majesty's Old Tom Qln. 1.00 75 WINES Cal. Port and Sherry, qts. Bx-Flne Old Port, qts. Officinal Sherry, qts. . Woodlark Sherry, qts. .... -.25c 40c 40o ,65c i TABLE WINES Woodlark Sauterne. qts. 45c; pts. Woodlark Cobernet, qts. 40c; pts Hilton's Malt, dos. . Meredith's Malt, special ...25c ., . .20o ..$2.25 ... . 85c The most refreshing of all vacation drinks, Grape Juice, 80c pint, 50c quart Lemon Sugar makes lemonade without lemons, 85c can. Traveling Flasks for the stimulants, $1.00, $1.50 each. Hair Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Cloth Brushes AND ALL KINDS OF JIAND SCRUBS - TOOTH BRUSHES. " Assorted styles, reg. .16c, spec.... 7c Assorted styles, reg. 20o. spec.vM..llc Woodlark, reg. 26c, spec. ....... . 17c Prophylactic, reg. 85c spec. ...... 23c Kent's, reg. 60c, spec ...32c HAIR BRUSHES. Solid black. 9 raw bristles, reg. 25c. special , ..14o Unbleached Bristles, reg. 80c, spec... 29c Real bristles, solid back, reg. 85c. special t..S5c Stilt bristles, aolid back, regular, , $1.00, special . .48o BATH BRUSHES. Leiner's wet or dry bath brush, regular 65c, special 43c Leiner's No. 66, reg, 75c, spec 63c Kent's, reg. $1.45, spec. ...... m.. $1.09 Adams, No. 220, reg. $2.25, spec. ...$1.88 We Buy in Carload Lots Hence the Price TOILET PAPER Per Roll. D02. Nero, 6-os. roll ....... So $ .29 Umpqua, 8-os. roll..... 5c .39 Sanitas, 9-oz. roll ....6c .48 Multnomah, 1.000 sheets 9c .67 Woodlark, 1,000 sheets, 10c .79 Orient, 1,500 sheets. .. ,16c 1.29 Pilot, per pkg., with hook, 6c, special $ .39 jjtuo jeus, per DKg, witn hook. 10c, special 78 Klondike, per pkg., with hook, 10c, special .93 Pond's Ext. Med., per pkg., with hook, 10c, special..., 1.05 Alarm Clocks The KlndWhich Alarm 1.600 Alarms, guaranteed. Til. Hn.n" The "Rotary" Alatm ....j..$L40 8e The "La Reine" Briss Alarm.. 93c 78o Case. $2.48 3. 27 8.70 6. IT 6.15 10.45 $3.09 8.97; 8.95 , 175 Reg. Spec. S i D9Q $1.35 980, The Latest, the Freshest, The Best Druggists' Sundries Lyon's Tooth Powder Pasturlne Tooth Paste ......... Socodont Tooth Wash Robertine i ,. Hinds' Honey and Almond Cream Caraelltne Oriental Cream Reg. 2Eo ...l3o M.14o -.15c ...27c ...290 ...29a .$1.03 Spec lie Wright's Dento Myrrh Tooth Powder Wright's Dento Myrrh Tooth Wash ,-. . 2Qo Gervalse Graham's Tooth Powder 20a fa Fehr's (the original) Tal cum Powder 20o to Steams' Crystal Velvet Bath Powder BOo Ho- Mme. Yale's Skin Food $1.60 "9c Mme. Tale's Hair Tonic.. .$1.00 69a "Tastes Guud" Tooth Po. .. tSo lie The Misses Bells' Hair Tonlc$1.00. 53c