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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1903)
I. TOE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, TOHTLANP TUESDAY EVES 1X0, 'JJTNB 23 1003. 10 THE GREAT CAREFUL Father Kennedy's Thoughtful Address to the Graduating Class at the Blanchet Institute Exercises at Marquam. The benefit of careful training. In arly life, the worth of a thorough edu cation and the sort of men that are de veloped aa the result of earnest atudy, were subjects ably net forth In the ad dresa of Rev. Father J. C Kennedy at " the Marquam Grand .Theatre Inst everl Insr. The occasion was the graduation Of six young- . men who have attended the Blanchet Inatltute.-v. The blf theatre wis flllefl with frlenda of the achool and relatlvea ana acqunim . encea of the niembera of the graduated class. Archbishop Alexander Christie pre sented the diploma to the roune; ' men and briefly apoke word a of encouragement to each. The fortunate acholara were E. F. Dres er, A. F. Lehner, A. W. Harris. J. A. Gleeson. J. F. Douglaa and B J. Eder. Certificates were alao given to A L. Mc- Allen. R. D. Kirk, I J. Harrle and F. ! & Black, who have completed the sec ond yearns course and also- to those who have completed the first year. Trjey are 'Btft tJleason, TauT Crosby. A. Lampert. F.-Ar Dresser, 1 - J. Sohade, C, R. Springer, J. L. Caraher and W. J. Cos tello. .The program for the evening waa ren ' dared in a credible manner. The Glee Club, composed of 60 voices, gave sev , oral pleasing number that snowed csre . ful drilling. The drill and aong by IS little soldier boys was one of the most enjoyed numbers. The program was as . follows; Music . Orchestra Rlase Away (Holman) Glee Club How Sarah Did It.... Joseph A. Glenson Waahlngton's Name Minims .Vocal Duet Merry Froga Jas. Conway, H. Cox, Happy Return ....... Albert F. Lehner Bong I Heard One Sunday Morn (Soloist John Hlncks) Ulee Club The Flag Third Clasa Vocal Solo Stein Song,.W. B. Dresser Independence Bell. ..-.... J. L. McAUen Music ............. . Orchestra Rose, My Rose Fiti) . .Mello Fretland 6plrit of the Union Second Claas The Song of the Market Place E. F. Dresser Only a Soldier Boy -Doty .. .Glee Club Barbara Frltchie. .. .Commercial Dept. Pretty Molly Shannon (Extract from . "The Little Duchess") Junior Glee Club The Mysterious Guest. .Bernard J. Eder 'Mama's China Twins.. Solo and Chorus Impressment of American Seamen -Captain Marttnet T -r. . Jr Donsrlaa - Lieut Perley B. Eder Capt. Jotham A. W. Harris Hiram ; R. D. Kirk Private (n the Ranks (extract from "The Three Musketeers") Junior Glee Club ' Good Old Summer Time Brennen B. I. Glee Club. - Conferring of commercial certificates Address Rev. J. C. Kennedy Most Rev. Alexander Christie, presid ing. Father Kennedy's address In full Is given herewith: Education is synonymous with pro . gress and civilisation. As each suc ceeding age manifests an advance in material development, we cannot but be cognisant of the wondrous influence exerted by education. The Intelligence of the present century feels a thrill of noble pride when It contemplates its superiority over that of ages gone by, The underlying and vital power of our ascendancy -in -. material results and higher - thought is education. Today material progress seems rapidly ascend ing the senlth of Its full development. This perfection of the material is the uenslble embodiment of higher and more expansive thought. But higher and broader thought Implies higher and broader education of the mental ener gies of man. Oh, certainly, to the lover of his race, there Is not a more bene ficial agency known than the power wielded by the band and voice of edu cation. Under Its benign influence man's Individual, social and political environments must necessarily amelior ate. Education will develop In man's nobler nature that pristine grandeur of character with which he was originally adorned by his Creator. It will usher Into his home the angel spirits of peace and Joy; It will adorn his social life with the graces of refinement. In momentuous events of life It will be the guardian of his rights and liberties; It will cause nations to bury the sword In Its scabbard and court the blessings of peace. Goddess-like, it weaves its mystic, wand over the desolate hearth of fallen man, and Immediately the rude structures of primitive civilization grow into the colossal and majestic out lines of a higher and more perfect life; the voice of passion Is cadenced In the more quiet accents of reason: the cus toms of savagery are replaced by kind lier and more righteous deeds, whilst the bare desolate land of his Inherit ance blossoms Into the flowers of a healthier, happier life and brighter promise. All hall then to this gracious benefactor of our race. secoxtd smuoir. The Tendenoy of Modern Education. Although an ardent lover of his coun- STORY OF LAND FRAUDS A MYTH Nothing Known at Pendleton of Fraudulent Practices in Con nection With the National Ir rigation Land Act, At Salem the Same Ignorance In the Matter Is Expressed by Officers of State Who Do Not Believe Report, (Journal Special Service.) TENDLETON, Or.. June 23. The Story emlnatlng from Washlnirton that frauds are being committed under the rational irrigation act has no founda tion, at this place. One Indi vidual named Echo was accused of booming-lands here two months ago. but he is not operating now. There are no fraudulent land? locators in this city. SALEM. June If land frauds). reporveci vj jeuerau quicv, auv uius workd In Eastern Oregon the fact is entirely wnknown here. The State Land Board snd Its officers are In the dark regarding frauds perpetrated by com panies that are locating settlers on arid - lands under the plea of "Inside" Inor iwuie refardiPf foverssieiit pUqj tvf BENEFITS EARLY try and the magnificent institutions, the thoughtful American must neeas on serve that the tendency of our educa tional systems today is directed towards material and sensible progress. Edu cation seems to flatter Itself .with the supposed allotment of ultimate success, If ita efforts are realised in mere ma terial production. The humanities of our t-lavs rooms but seek to quality the youthful mind for the accumulation of wealth. Natural aclence alma sr. me discovery of truths concealed In thla material universe: the arts spend their genius in the portrayal of beauty, merely sensible and natural. But there la another element higher and purer which essentially enters Into man's thoughts nnd actions, than matter and form. That eloment is the spiritual. Man's sublime vocation embraces an other life besides a mortal existence. There are powers Implanted In his soul which reach out beyond this material universe and grasps at objects Im mutable and Infinite. His nature cries out from Its depts for a purer nnd hap pier sphere of life than thla earthly abode; for higher truths than those em bodied In material creation; for a more resplendent beauty than that which earth reflects. These must education seek and reach in Its perfecting Influ ence. They can only be fostered and de veloped by the Heavenly and benign In fluence of religion. In the realms of the spiritual, religion is queen. THIO DXTXtXOlT. 1 Education Tails of Its Purpose With out Religion. Tnless the element of religion forms an essential part of the educational sys tem, education must necessarily fail of Ha purpose. The direct aim of edu cation la to attain the highest possible perfection., of man. - It must .be- suf ficiently comprehensive to embrace the development of mental power but also the culture of man's spiritual faculties and susceptibilities. Man possessed of high mpntal attainments, whilst his sDlrltusl nature lies dormant presents to the world but a groes human ab normity. Man. considered In the en tlretv of his nature, la a creature com Dosed of a dual nature, - animal and rational. Whilst it -would -unjti stir de grade his dlanltv to relegate him to in ferior nlsnes of snlmal life, it would eauallv overestimate his worth to aa slan his ulace with those celestial spirits who love the splendor of eternal truth. No, man is neither separately one Or the other; he is the happy union of both. In his creation he was endowed with a physical form which rendered him the "prince of creation, the paragon of an mais." He was niuminea ny a ray of heavenly intelligence which made him ?'a little less than the angels," but more than this, he was endowed with an Immortal aoul. In which shone the divine graces of Justice and charity, cladding him with dignity divine and rendering him more like unto the en rapturing splendor of his creation. Yes man has a place on earth for other purposes than to rear with his strength tho towering edifices of Industry or the treasuring in his .mind of scientific facts. He Is to glorify his Creator, elevate his fellowman and" perfect him self. His nature is gifted with po tencies enabling him to accomplish these worthy objects. Education then must reach and cultivate these powers If it would attain Its noble purpose. Only the heavenly voice of religion can teach man the honest claims of Justice, his exalted duties to his Creator, his fel lowmen and himself. Religion slone can sweeten and purify his affections, elevate and ennoble his aspirations, broaden and Intensify his love. Re ligion, like charity, is the bond of per fection. rOTTBTK DXYXSXO. Saocess In tlfe Dependent on Beliglous Education. In human activity there is not a more potent Influence bearing on our actions than the desire of success. Its lambent flame ardently burns in the breast of every rational creature. it gives in spiration and Impulse to every act of man. It scoffs at the weariness of time. defies the barrier of difficulty and at tempts to place its crown on the peaks Lof the Inaccessible. Hyman life in Its varlea reiauona can never nower uui Into success unless education embodies the precepts of religion. For life is the concrete embodiment of moral principles. Man's happiness Is ' meted out In ac cordance with the degree these principles enter Into deeds and thoughts. Being a moral and responsible agent, he Is created for nobler purposes than the accumulation of wealth, the acquisition of honor, the enjoyment of pleasure. His life Js burdened with a trinity of obligations: Duties towards his God. his fellowmen and himself. The accomplish ment of these obligations crowns the Irrigation. State Treasurer Moore, In discussing the matter, called attention to the heavy sales of school lands In all parts of ihe state prior to May 21, wlKrn, by the state law, the price of school lands was doubled, but he said that the board had no means of knowing- why lands were purchased at that time except for reason that the price would advance. They may have been purchased for settlers, under fraudulent representations regarding government Irrigation, but nothing of the kind is known to the board. Secretary of State Dunbar Is also In the dark according to the Washington story of frauds com mitted under the national Irrigation act PBSTTT SATS BTTIH TO OO BY. When there Is a feeling that the heart or lungs, blood or liver, bratn or nerves are diseased, at once commence to doc tor the stomach. That is the foundation of the trouble in 90 cases out of every 100. Commence to regulate the digestive organs, get them in healthy working condition, and the other troubles will leave of themselves. Diseases which have their beginning in the stomach must be cured through the stomach. The medicine for stomach disorders and half the ills of life. Is Dr. Ounn's Im proved Liver Pills. These pills out all the dlsrestlve organs in good condition so that disease has no basis to work upon. TheV are sold by all druggists for 2Rc per box. One pill is a dose. We will send a box postpaid on receipt of 25c. or to anybody who wants to try-them we will, send 2 pills free. Send name and address to Dr. Bosanko Co.. Philada., Pa.. HOT LAKE. People contemplating a visit to tlot Lake should notify the management at least one day in advance. The new bath house Is completed. Rates $11.50 to .116 50, Including baths. Preferred meek Oaaaed Ooods. VUen tt Lewis Scat Brand. OF ; TRAINING mortal brow with the laurel of success. But where Is the light that will Illumine human Intelligence with a knowledge of these obligations In all the varied and Intertwining relations. Can natura science throw sufficient light upon them? Can mathematical calculations count their number and define their llnilta tlonsT Oh, no, my friends. Only relig Ion, born of God, can reveal to man his duties In life and the means of their accomplishment. Only from the Hps of the Msster of Life. Him who Is "our way. our light and our truth," can we know of our dependencies on our Creator, our relatione toward our fellowmen, our duties toward ourselves. Remove, then, religion from our edu cational system and life loses its sweet ness, its strength. Its purpose. It will terminate In the woeful darkness of fu tlllty. nrra wruioir. Security of Oar Tslth. We. who live In the refulgent light of divine revelation, can conceive no greater blessing of Heaven than the Inestimable gift of faith. Thla Heavenly grace renders us happy In the possession of truth, brightens our dismal and Iretrul houra of tribulation and bestows on us a pledge of a glorious Immortality. Its heavenly flame Illumines with brighter ray man's Intelligence. Infuses a super natural strengtn into nis win aim iun- fles the affections of his heart, raltti Is the anchor of life. The tendenclea of secular education render this glorious boon of Heaven In secure. For although the studies or me classroom may not be openly contradic tory to revealed truth, yet their pages tends to withdraw the Intelligence from the fountalnhead of all truth. Science In Ita efforts today would fain erase the name of the Deity which Is written on every creature in God's universe. Even the principles of modern art Incline to ward the portrayal of a beauty which appeals not to man'a nobler nature, but to his sensual susceptibilities, unless their religion be the guardian of our students in the classrooms, their faith is prone to be shattered. Revealed re ligion must be the touchstone where with to test the theories and deduc tions of science. To the aspiring stu dent, It must be the light, guiding his steps e he eltmbs the rugged mountain path leading to the hallowed shrine of truth. The young man departing from the halls of secular study, starts out on the great career of life with the germ of Infidelity growing in his brain. Injtfter yeara when the tendrils of that pernicious germ clutch and clog the vital energies of his soul, what then remains? What then does secular education pre sent as the result of its efforts? This: A godless monster. Oh! parenta of children, you have reason to fear for the proper education of your youth. In accordance with the nature of the education you give your children, will their career here and in eternity be bright or gloomy. Unless the education of your children has re ceived its inspiration and life from re ligion the halo of success will never in after life crown their brows. Your off spring are a trust divine. Their educa tion is the responsible, yet noble work of your life. Your city Is graced with an institu tion which affords ample opportunity to the Catholic community of bestowing a religious education upon Its youth. Blanchet's Institute, whilst cultivating the mind, fosters with gracious care the love of virtue In the hearts of Its pupils. The life of the Christian brother who Is Its guiding spirit Is summarised In this one act, the education of the Catholic youth. To this noble purpose does he sacrifice the energies of his life. His life is the living embodiment of the Christian doctrines they Inculcate. And to you. students of Blanchet In stitute, I would direct my concluding re marks. Your scholastic term has now drawn to Irs close. Life stands before you as a beautiful and untrodden vista. It Is happy In Iks hopes, bright in Ha promises and great In its possibilities. Its golden opportunities you are yet to grasp. Grasp tnem wun maniy nanaa, and courageous hearts. If you would win the fair crown of success, be mind ful of your religious teaching. Let your lives be the living embodiment of the moral principles you have learned. Let these principles be the guiding lines of your thoughts and actions, uumvaie knowledge, seek the good and true, scorn the unclean and pursue the pure. Your ambition must strive towards noble and lofty Ideals. Let truth and Justice be the Inspiration of your deeds. Let righteousness of purpose characterise your aspirations. Let sincerity of senti ment breathe In your affections. Iet your reverence for truth stamp your speech. Then In after years, when you are striving to master the complexlng situations of life you will cultivate knowledge, seek the good and pure. You will reflect honor upon your noiy re ligion. HOTIOE. MULTNOMAH CAMP No. 2. Indian War Veterans, will please meet at T. JF. Woods' office at 1 p. m. to attend tWe funeral of Mrs. Capt. J. F. McMillan. A. B. 8TTTART. Orderly Pargeant. Every Woman is Interested and sbotud snow about the wosderrni MARVEL Whirling Spray ToeiMWtaalaalBjrrlas. JtK fit mmA tftirtin. Best Sat. cat Moat unTemeiH, W at ueaaaea laeuau, vt til LA .eel i eailet fccR. If s cannot snpply tb SI A KW SGI., accent no other, bat tend auieu for 11- luslraud book mM U flTes fall particular and dlrecueat In valuable t ladle. 1H AK KI. C., Koem It II. Tims Bid.. VawTerk. r, sal ky WOQDAID. CLAI.K8 CO. ' Far ITsaatorsl SiscaargM. BtrlgfarM. BsneclsUy in old cse where doctors fall. a uuu-iwi end lnnai uonoua. reretable CURE for ulceration BJBMtUa ef th Btutvis m-jbrne f tuo oretha. all prlrat nrlaary na weak nee It .a si wo.. ZU0 U , CVARAMTEED TO CURE OR MOVET REFTVDED. C. ea ne e Is 41 keun without pain. Bapec'ally ad vised far old, obstinate cjae. Drngarlat. or sent KKtpskh II. Addre-s I"J. Dar A C.r K lot -rer bldg Boa tou, Ma. Free medical ad lTTa. Writ for bcS espl liesled FRIB. EY-MO sold In Portta A by Th Lsae-DSTli Pa.. ThlrA ni; Yt Iflllf t B. AXJ)BV, I DENTIST REMOVED TO LABBE BLDS. sT. B. Corner Beeoad aad Waskintroa, Orar Beral's Drna store. Booms 40 aad .41. Third riooij. W- s OREGON BOYS AT HARVARD J HI II . Tomorrow there will be graduated at the annual commencement of Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., two Ore gon boys, John Fulton and H. L. Corbett. Young Fulton Is a resident of Corvaills and Mr. Corbett makes his home , In Portland. Tho former haa Just com pleted tho scientific course, and the latter rraduatea from the Arts De partment. " mow TOD AT. PORTSMOUTH VILLA We are selling lots in this most attractive suburb from $75 to $300 each. FLECTRIC CARS LEGANT LOCATION SI ASY PAYMENTS For particulars and terms, call on the owner, Portland'Trust Company of Oregon To. 10 Third Street, or HOX.IJSTXB ft KAKO, AOBsTTS. University ,rark, Oregoa. FOR RENT The nppe too of building formerly iwtnnlM r ua Bam ox sntui uoiiuav Ma, S03tt Tins street. Contains rooms flrat-eiasa condition. Tho lsrjre, eonunodloas modem resl denoe on the summit of aft. Tabor la for rent for s term of years.. A 1 tenant only, Wakefield, Fries & Co. 88 STABK STMT. Timber Claims I have several timber claims and homesteads subject to location. Fur ther particulars apply SOOX 88, THB TOBT, Third and YamhllL YALE UNIVERSITY OKAVOB XX X.OCATXO OT BB TBABOB ZXAJtXVATXOBS. Examinations for admission to Tale College and ' Sheffield Soleatlflo School will be held in the Hill Military Academy on June 25-27 Inclusive, opening at 8:30 a. m. rZBAJTOXAX. Ladd & Tilton, Bankers Eatabllabed la 18M. INTEREST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS. Collection, made at all points on farorabla rrrma. Letter, of cradlt laauad available la Europe and all points lu tie United Btatae. Rlrht eirbanae and tvlearaDfale transfers sold In New- York. Waablnrton, Cbleaso, St. Loot,, Omaha. San Kranclaco sad Mon tana and Brttlih ColomWa. Exchange sold on London. Paris, Kong, Yokohama, Berlin, alanlla Frankfort. Hong and Honolulu. United States Natl Bank Or PORTLAND OREOOM. X0XTHWZ8T COX. THIRD AMD OAK ITS. TXANSACT8 A OEKIHAX BAVXIWO BU8IMZB8. DRAFTS ISSUED Arallabl la all citie f th United State aad Europe, Hong Kong and staaila. Collections Made on Favorable Terms Prealdent J. C. AlNSWORTH Tlce-Prealdent W. It. YKR Aaalatant Oaahler -H. W. BfltMBFll Aaalatant Caabler A. M. WU1GBT LONDON & SAN FRANCISCO BANK, LIMITED. CHAMBZB OF COHatZKCE BtILDUIO, TKIBD AND STAKK BTXIB. Bead Office BS Old Broad street. London Thla bank tranaacta seneral backlns bual neea, Diake loan, discount hill anj Issue letters of credit (Tillable for trsreler and for the parch of mercbandl la any rliy of the world. Deal 'n foralga and dom4it!e exchans. Interest Paid on Time Deposits W. A. MACAAB, Manager. Merchants National Bank FOBTLAKD, OdEOON. J. Prank Watsoa.. R. L. Dtirham K. W. Hoyt Geo, W. lioyt President Yle-President Cashier ....Assistant Caahler Transacts a General Bankinff Business. Drafts and leters of credit Issued a rit liable to all parta of th world. Collection specialty. Gold dint boncbt. MORRIS BROS & CHRISTENSEN Euccesaor to MORRIS WHITEHEAD, BANKERS. FIRST AND ALDER STREETS. PORTLAND, OR. mzirziSBircsB. Ladd A Tilton, Portland; U. 8. National Bank. Portland; Bank of California, san rras claco; Crocker-Woolworth National Bank. San Francisco. Bolton, deRuyter i Co. MEMBEB8. Chicago Board of Trade, San Frsneleee Pro- auc Excnanse, nan rrancisco otocs and Bond Exchange. GRAIN. PROVISIONS, STOCKS, BONDS and COTTON. San Franclsoo Offtee 490 California St. 101 THIRD ST. PORTLAND OR KOBTOAOB XiOASfS at I.owet Xatsa. - XNSVBABOB UK AZ.E1 Z.UTSB. BBAIi ESTATE. ; A. H BIRRELL J"onnrly of XacMaster as Birr ell. REAL ESTATE. GENERAL INSURANCE AND FINANCIAL AGENCY. . . IOS-4 UcKay Buildinr. Third and BfarS. Phone, Xaia US. MORTGAGE LOANS 0 Portland real eatate at lowest rstes. Title Insured. Abstracts furnished. Title Guarantee & Trust Co. 1 Chamber of Commerce. HOTIOE SAXiABZED FBOMA - Do you need money before pay day? Call n ua. We can drnc money oa your wages on abort notice. You pay back monthly, semi monthly, or Weekly. . THE STAB tO AH CO, 210 McKay Bldg.. Third snd Start sts. MOHET ADTAHOED. Salaried people, teamster, etc, wltheat enr Ity. easy payments; largest butlcass la 49 principal cities. TOX.MAB. 983. Aplnrton Bldg. . KOBTOAQB I.OAHS. On Improred clly and farm property, at low est current rate; building loan, installment loan. . Wm. KftoKasttft , Sll .Worcester kldi. BAPTIST. MEETING X astern " Osetroa r Association - Baffin Session Toalflit tarfe At tendance. ' (Journal Special Service.) PENDLETON,- Or., Juno . An In terestlng program has been arranged for tlon, which begins Ita session In this city tonight, and continues In ' session each day and evening until the J6th All the Eastern Oregon churches will send delegates to the meeting and It promises to be a most profitable con vention. Some good speakers are num bered amona the mlnlatera and BDeclal song services have been arranged for the occaalon. AJg QY-TO-SATB TBAXB. The "Imperial Limited." operated by the Canadian Pacific, Is, beyond a doubt, the finest train crossing the continent Thla train makea tha run from nrean ocean in four days. STBW TODAT. TOM. SALE. SAWMILL, located In Aurora. Or.: c.n.cllr s.uoo root per day; nearly new od In good ronaiuou, ena-iac, piner. eaw, and all ap pllance; I2.000. 0. B. Dlmlch. Oregon City. WOO Do you want to bar Are acre. An loca tion, aear eitri rlouae. some rrult tree. appiy st Et Ninth at., North, or pbou I nloa inns. rOk SALE TIBBIE, CLAIMS. SEVF.BAL timber claim near Portland: 11.000.. leei yeiiow nr oa eacn; location re re. aonaoie. Aaamm Timber. FARMS FOB SALS. ISO ACRES of land, few sere cleared: ltrlng water, emau noaae: is bum rrom Foraat Ororei will be eold Terr cheap. WhUcy, nis.. nnn mo Morriaoa t. nrKTBHTD tOOKS. LOO AN BUILDING. 108H Union ar. Elegant room ror noueeieeping or tranaieat. turnUbed or nrsrnianea; rate reuonabl. The Ore(jon Daily Journal HELP WASTED MALE. U. R. HAN8PN CO.. KMI'LO YMKNX AGENTS SS NORTH SECOND ST. Office In Ban Francisco, Lot Angeles, Csl; Ogden, Utah; Spokane. Wah. HELP FREE TO EMPLOYERS. Applicant for work charged for what we secure for them, only or money refunded. FREE REGISTRATION and BAGGAGE ROOM. ESTABLISHED 1876. WANTED. FOR NEVADA. Tunnelmea. double-hind fcammeramen, mucker, labo rr; f2 to $S day. chance for machine runner, ostatd laborer and teamters. FREE FARE, long loo. good water, board and work. NORTH. On the Coaat. it. R. laborer. SZZfl day; alao atatlon ganr 22 to 30 cent. FREE FARE. BRIDGE CARPBNTER8. R. FREE FARE. SOUTH For the Bohemia mine rail way In Southern Oregon, track laborers, 12. FREE FARE. 10 bridge caipenter. $3 day. new R. R. work. FREE FARE. 6 millwright. $4 dar. close In. Rough carpenter, $40 and board. Kitchen, dairy nd farm hew;"" Wo6dmen. HEADOI'ARTERB FOR ft. R. and OUT SIDE WORK. OTHER WORK IN OTHER LOCALITIES. Be n If tou want work ont of town. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. C. R. HANSEN A CO. 28 North 2d at WANTED Two 8rt-claa solicitor at once: mnat be able to get result. Call oa Fred Jobnatrn. ISO Yamhill at. HELP WAMTED FEMALE. WANTED Girl to pack ma tehee. Apply Zan uroa. ractory. Twelfth nnn lxirejoy. SITVATIOV WANTED. ELKKRLY experienced gardner wanta work on priTate place; no nones; city or country. . Adore Kox B, care journal. WAVTRIl. Slttiarlnn . hv carriage and eimn. maker. Phone. Scott 2T1S. 460 Feat Stark at. REMOVAL. DR. FRANK E. FERRIS, DR. ORRTRTTDH I. Lamherson. Dentists, remortd to ataeleay bids., fifth floorT ATTORRETB. EMMONS A KMMON8, attorneys at law, Worcester bldg. 644 8. I). RIGGEN, Attorney and Couaeellor-at Lw; NoUry. 805-806 Ablngtoa bldss PAXTON, BEACH A SIMON 610 Chamber of Co si mere. T. TAIH1HER Room IS. Alnaworth Bnlldlsg. H. B. DICKINSON, Attorner-at-I-ew and N tarr Public. 603 Commercial bids. L0D0IN0 HOUSES. THE COSMOS Fourth snd Morriaoa. furnlabed bonaekeeplng ulte, suit and ilngl room; 13 per week and np. THE CA8TLB 278 Waihligtoa at.; room for gentlemen: transient. Tel. South 761. HOTELS. WELL VENTILATED slngl rooms. 16c, 20c snd 26c s night; beds, 10c. Tb Krerett House, cor Se-ond and Darl. BAROIVO AND LIGKTER1MO. OREGON ROUND LUMBKR CO., aide at. Phone Grant 1171. 181 Burn- BANJO, MANDOLIN AND GUITAR. INSTRUCTION club tor adranced pupils; In struments for ssle. Hal Webber, studio 178 West Psrk. cor. Yamhill. Phone South 2R81. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. ESBBRO-GUNST CIGAR CO. Dtstribstcrs ef FINE CIGARS. Portland. Oregon. CARPENTER. J. F. LUCY, auccessor to Gordon Mfg. Co.. carpenter, builder, genersl contractor, bona remodeling, alterations, etc.; cabinet work and Jobbing a specialty; counter ehelrlng. Ice boxea, etc.; store and office fixture; up-to-date and original carpenter work of all kind; nothing too large or too email for our Immediate attention; no fltea on us; we make and pnt up the beat fly screens In Portland. Shop. foot of Yamhill St.; phone, Blsck 2807; residence. T47 Eaat Stark; reaiaerce pnone, wnire 7m. CAFES. YATES' PLACR. 286 Wssblngton t.. Phon S. Main T71, J. W. Talbntt. prop. Portianq. r. CORNICE SKYLIGHTS. METAL 8KYLIGHTS, galvanised Iron cor nice. .J. (J. Bayer. 266 Second at. CASH REGISTERS. UALLWOOD CASH REGISTERS. 264 Stark at. CHIROPODY AND MANICURING. THE DEVENYS, the only eclentlflc ehlropodlaU In tb city; parlor soi-z. Aiiaky mag.; thl 1 the long-haired gentleman you want to see. Grant 16. L. MITCHELL, Chiropodist, T02 Marquam bldg.. Phone Black 2861. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. JOHN A. MELTON, carpenter and builder, 80. Stsrk St.: office snd store Oitnre bunt na remodeled; altering and repair houae. Phone Main 747. AUTHORS MARTIN, carpenter nd build er; repairing and Jobbing; -atom and oaic fixture built. Shop 200 Columbia. . Phon Clay 18B1. H, F. CLARK. 468V Waab., pbone Wt T82, Horta 1411. w ana repair wora, a-ompi attention. CREAM AND CREAMERY BUTTER. BEST creamery butter nd pure cream promptly dellrerea to ail part or me city rrom Moun tain View Farm, Greshem, Oregon. Apply- to W. W. Cotton. 814 Worcester Bldg. Tele phone, Main 658. ' , COMPRESSED TEAST. RED STAB COMPRESSED YeiaSTs It make lightest. For ssi by ,an grocers, is oer ceat stronger Uaa any. other, l4- COAX AND WOOD. WISTKRN FEED FUEU CO. Dealers In all kind at euaL ' aak a J"vh: FPfP". i"v-: .. VULCAN COAL CO., wholesale dealers eoala; foundry and smelter enk. CEREAL KILLS. ACIIH MILLS CO.. Manufacturer, Ralatoa Acme yereals. 0 aad SS North Front at. t. JOHNSON j CO.. maanfacturere 1'aerlaaa Itlib Oreala. 123-4 Front at 1XICTICAL W0K, , 0. L. PRIOR, electric light aad bell wiring , 449 Waablngtoa St. I'lione Clay BOO. - I fORTLAND ELKCTKICAI WOBKS OSes M I stars si. Weatera Eleetrle Worae, BOS V, Waablnrton t PlTJQOriTSH FRANK J. BTRK1BIO, drag, toilet articles. DTIIHO AirD CLZAxar r" n I CITY STEAM DYKINO A CLEANINO WOHKS, r Merman unaie, proprietor. , l unne aaaiai 1T1.1. No. SS th St.. near Pine. Portland. Or. rtATXXM'AX. nSUEAHOE. OSDEH OF WASHINGTON Foremost frater nal society or Northwest: protects ID lie. Ing. J. L. Mitchell, uprm secretary, nd SIR Marquam bldg., Portland. Or. Tel ephone Mala MS. .How nntiriBHtg.s. . . BOMB FURNISHERS Furniture, carpet, par lor gooda, atoTM, etc. See 1, Uevurts Soaa, 173-1TS Flrat St. lis -238 YamhllL Both phone SQ4. It WELZES. SHE O. HE1TKBM PER CO., manufacturing FREE SKIVES. CLOTHES CLEANED aad preaaed $1 per month. Unique Tailoring Co., I4T Whlag tm t. IMSUBAMOE. J. PHILIP KENNEDY, lnaorance; reel sent sent Norwich Union Fir Ineuranr Society. Phone South, lftdt. 4 Hamilton bids. JAS. Met. WOOD. mployr' liability sad lo- diriduai accident; urety ecna ox au siao. Pbon 47. Concord bldg. H. y. B ARTELS COMPANY, Fir Inanrtnre. 443 Sherlock bldg. Oregon phono. Clay aw. ISAAC LO WHITE, fir lnaorance. 223 Sherlock hid, nreron phone. Main ens. JOB FEIXTIXO.' FINE OFFICE STATION KRT: bnalnee form peclulty. iltW Front. Mcrcantlki Printing Companr. eor. Aah. Phone. Black BOSI. 7 MIHINO AMP IpWE PROMOTERS. SESSIONS A SIMPSON, mining and mine pra- ntr. Boom 2. Chamber of ttttnmeree). LOCKSMITH. A. L. TiBBTTH, 233 Yamhill, near Second; 12 reara with J. Barney. MASSAGE. MDMC. H. H. ELY, derma tnloglat. maag. IBS t.4 Flrat t. eleetrle treatmenta. MOKET TO LOAM. FRED H. STRONG. FINANCIAL AGENT. Money to loan. No rommtaelon. t em tn a poaltlon to tmrite- luimcdlate loetis a Imnrored real eatate or for hnlldlng pur pose: any amount; moderate Interest. W nnror loan from blan and ndirinc moHy aa building prosreaaes when delrd. Otitlua la repaying after one year. FRED H. STRONG, financial Agent. 103 Second at., near stars. THE STAR LOAN CO., 210 M'KAY BLDG., 102V4 Third at., la th recognised bank of the ware-earner. W adoc money to teametera, trainmen. hopmen. motor meu. conductor, etc., without mortgag. ndorr or collateral. Ainonnt. Mnntnlr Monthly. Weekly firm rena tin m or iis.00 or ss.w f .e i IM) renair alS.W or t .e or K.X, I 2B repay I 0 69 or S.aa or l.w Baalnm conlldentlal. No nnpleaaant inquiry. MONEY TO LOAN on real, personal nd col- lateral aecurltr: special attennoa to cusiiw rnortcaeea: note nought. C. W. Pallet, 213 Commercial Mk. Phon Grant 800 MONBY TO LOAN st resaonable mtes. In mounU to ault. Graham A Claton, 203 Mar quam building. MONEY TO LOAN, mall amounts, short or long time. J. II. Hauler, a Cham, ef Com. MONEY TO LOAN on city lota and Improred i farm. W. A. Shaw a) Co., 848 stars c MODEL MAKER. FOR FIRST-CLASS REPAIRING go to Andy Frits, machinist and model maker, no fltn. NORTHWEST HOTELS. Hotel Portland, Amsrioaa plan; M,t per dsy Bommert Hotel, La Grand; trawUrs' Bom. BeWedri European plan; 4th and Alder st. St. Charles. First snd Morrison ta., Portland OVERALLS. BOSS OF THE IIOAU OVKRALL8 and mechan ic' clothiug. Union mail. Neuatadter Bro M'rra . Portland, or. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. MISS AGNES LANE, public atenogrr.pher and typewriter, 416 Chamber of Commorc. Phon Clay 830. PERSONAL. MR. ELMORE KICK Vlollnlat and teacher: also Dl no harmony; room 1. A. O. U. W. Bldg.; houra, 2 to 6 dally; phone. Union. 046. YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS are more accurately aad reasonably filled at Kraaeirs Pharmacy, W Morrison St.. bet. llrst snd Second eta. ..mill MVOKIKH and novels for summer read- In. 10 cents. Jones' Book Store. 291 Alder CAFK KRATZ. 122 Sltth st served st sll hours. A fin lunch PLUMBERS. DONNERF.ERO RADEMACHER, plumber, removed to 84 Fourth at. Hotb phone. PIANO LESSONS. W. GIFFORD NASH. 103 10th at.; term apoa application. Beglnnora taken. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. 160 ACRES of land, 12 miles from For eat Grove, on Dairy Creek; eultabl for stock . ranch; few acre cleared and fenced, email house. Iinng water; win w eom cueei Wbslley. Benson Bldg.. Fifth ni Morrison. REAL ESTATE. L-lin K-AUMS Improred farm for aale in all parta ot Oregon and Washington; pay menu made to suit purchaeer. For full particular ss to various properties ppiy to win. awcaiaaier. 811 Worceater Piag. MAXWELL A KNAPP REAL ESTATE. , Room S. Chamber of Commerce Mdg. ROPE. PORTLAND CORDAGE CO., cor. Fourteenth snd Northrup sts., Portland, Or. br HAYING. RPRAYING In all brnches: trees, bouses. barns, etc 807 Mllwsukle at Phone, Blue 854. - STORAGE AND TRANSFER. C. O. PICK, pfflce 88 First St.. between Start nd uaa at.; pnon ovo; - pianos ana lunu inu iwivnl and necked- for ahtoolnc: com modious flreoroot brick warehouse. Front aad Clar ata. AfESr BUY YOUU SAFES of J. B. Davis; your r jjaJrjnJockutsjaMrjlone e iTiira sx. SPECIAL DELIVEKY7 POST SPECIAL DELIVKBY. No. 200H Wssb lngton st. Phones, .Or.. Main 062. Col.. ul. SLOT MACHINES. TRANSCONTINENTAL MACHINE CO. Slot machines. 8. E. Park and Oak. . Both Pbone. Main 138. WHOLESALE HARDWARE. j. B. HASELTINB CO.i Iron, steel, coal snd nlackamlth s anppiies. er.-Bl aeconn st. WHERE TO DINE. STROUSE'S RESTAURANT; trst-class meals, best aernce, a nasaiaftoa si, ; WHOLESALE WAIA PAPER. ununiM wm. diiikb vi i ma. IMS Beer-ad ail I 'at, het. Yamhill and Tit lor. Portmnn. "V TKIkl does sot sVlay as, at we are able 1 an -an order wituaut ueujv r ir. !.--. work. A. A. Cbnrcb Co., e. 21 Taylor WHOLESALE OK00EKS. tTADHAMI tt CO.. wholesale grocers, stasn facterera sad somaiUaloa merchant, 04 and 8 Front t. . ALLEN LEWIS, wholes) gromire. land. Or. rurt. MASON, EHtlMAN A CO., wholesale grocer. X. W. cor. Second and Pine ate. LANO CO.. Firet and Aoinr t. TTirWEITEKS. THB SMIT H-PBKMISH TYPEWUITEH. 121 iDira ski sll make of typewriter for rem; supplies tor all machine. L. As M. Ale der A Co.. aevnta. i 1 WHOLESALE OXOOXEkT AHS 0LAB8WABI. WHOLESALE CROCKERY AND GLAS8WAHH. Prael Hegele ' Co., 1 00 to MS rh. cor. Star XOTICX. TO WHOM IT MAY rnNrERN Nrtlre hereby given that the liarlmnolp heretofore eilatlng between J. R. ilowle and U. 0. Ktrow, - snder the firm nam and trl ot Bowie A Btmw, I this day dlaaolfad. Dated this ISta day of June, llxi.t. J. R. HOWLES. CITf JfOTICEC A8SES8BZBT FOE IBPEOYXXEXT OF rATLIJIO STEEET. . Notice I hereby glrea that the Coaaoll of the City of Portlaud, Oregon, tt a meeting held oa th 17th day of June, 1003, declared to aeeearoent by ordlnaac No. 15,400, for to ImiiroTement of Falling (treat, from th ' weat line of Mlaalaalppl aranu to th eaat line oi uarrian arenu. id u Tided by ordluane No. 1S.0I2. line of Marland arenu. Id th manner pro- l ny oroiuanc no. ls.uia, upon eaca part- of lot and -parcel of -land, -which " are rieclally and peculiarly benefited, to b as ioi lowa, vis: Multnomah Blk ill, lot IS. Emll Chrlateaaea I Blk 23. lot 18. Nor H. Ctaey Blk 23, lot 14, Caroline R. Ame Blk 2H, lot 18, U Irion Aplanalp s. Blk 22. lot 16, Richard Trainer Blk 2. lot 13, Amu B. Conrad Dlk 22, lot 14, (ilacomo Curletto Blk 22. lot 16, Charle Ilaberland Blk 21. lot 15, William Hathaway, H Marahail Carlork Blk 21, lot 13. William Hathaway, II. Marabkll Carlork Blk 21, lot 14. William Htbawy, H. Marahail Carlork Blk 21, lot 10, William Uatnawar, H. Marahail la r lock S'J J JJ- fm . Shelly Blk 20. lot 13. Jam M. Shelly Blk 20, lot 14, John and Bell Hoffman.. Blk 20, lot 16, Thomae Matthew Blk 1. lot 11. William K. Smith...... Blk 1U, lot 13. William K. Smith...... Blk 19. lot 14. William K. Smith Blk 10. lot Id, William K. Smith Blk 20, lot 1, Th Title Guarantee Tnmt Comix ny Blk 36, lot il. Ann SV-hleT lllk itt. lot 4. J. JrUamr Blk 20, lot 2. Ueerge K. McRa Blk 27. lot 1, Wenael Fllcechmaa Blk 27, lot 8, Weuart Flelacbmao Blk 27, lot 4. F.mll Rouen Blk 27, lot 2, Hana Aadenton..' lllk 'JH, lot 1, Jatnr F. McCartney Blk 2S, lot 8, Jame F. McCartney Blk 2M, lot 4, Th Alliance Truat Com- Cany. Ltd 23. lot 2. The Alliance Truat Com- paur. Ltd Blk 2ft. lot 1, Glbeon J. Burn BHt-,-1nt 8; - Elttsbetb antt -Wtlltsnr- Chaniber Blk 29, lot 4. Petor H. Jeppwen 60.39 60.83 11 S3 10.17 13.6R 218. 4ft 8 43 .04 83.20 Blk 2. lot 3. 1). B Newman. Blk lot 1, Andrew I'rteraoa Klk ao. t a. aufruata jenaen... Blk 30. lot 4, Mat Horn Blk 30, lot z. toirira ureene. Total S2.463.03 A statement of aforesaid aaeeaetnent ha been entered In the Docket of City Lleua. and 1 now due and peyable st the olllc of iie 1'lty Tressurer. In lawful money of the United Btatea and If not paid within thirty dara from the date of thla notice such pro ceeding will be takon for the collection of the same are prorlded by th charter vf tb City of Portland. The aboTe senament will bear Interest ten day after tb flrat publication of tbla nolle. THUS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of tho City of Portland. Portland, Oregon, J hue 22,. 1003. rOUVDMASTER'S NOTICE. NOTICE Is hereby flren thst on the 20th day of June, 1008, I took np and einpounded at the City Pound, at No. 261 Sixteenth atreet. In the City of Portland, Oregon,-tb following- described animal: tirey mare with re on right shoulder. And unless the owner, or other person or tieroAna hBTlna- an Intereat tlferein. shall claim possession of the same, snd psy all Tertlalng tlieni. together with the pound fee on aald animal, aa provided by ordinance No. 6.D2A. as amended, of said ( Ity of Portland. I will on the 27th day of June. 1003, at th boor of 10 a. to., at the City Pound, at No. 261 Sixteenth, In Hid- city, sell tb aboys deacrlhed antml at public auction to th Dlgbeat bidder, to pay the cota and charge for taking up, keeping snd advertising such snlmal. Dated this 22d day of June, 1803. F. W. It EE II, Poundmaster. PROPOSALS. BIDS INVITED for supplies for the Oregon Htate Penitentiary during th period ud ing December 31. 1003. Sealed bids for dry good, groceries, shoes, leather and findings, plumbing supplies, hard ware, flour, oat ud mill feed, nab, meata, etc., will be received at tho office of th Superintendent of the Stat Penitentiary un til Thursday. July 8, 1003, ut 8 o'clock p. m at which time they will be opened. A deposit of 8200.00 in csan or certiaea check psysDie to- rne accompany each bid for bids for flour snd Dsn, be scocmnanled by sn per cent of the amount The right Is reserved sll bids snd to sccept or of s bid. On each envelop hould b Inscribed th nature of th bid. Good of Oregon manu facture or production will recelv preference, other thlnm belnc call!. AU gooda and auppile mint be delivered to th Penitentiary within 2o day after th contract Is swsrded, unless otherwise pro vided in contract. Behedules ef th varlone line ef goods will be furnished upon sppllcstlon to th Superintendent. Voucher will be Issued for payment on the first ot the month following completion of contract, and monthly on continuous con tract. Samples must accompany bids for dry goods, groceries, flour snl all other articles where practicable. C. W. JAMES, Superintendent Oregon Stat Penitentiary. Salem. Oregon. June 9. 1003. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. 8EALED PROPOSALS addressed to the Got. ernor of the Stat of Oregoh will he re ceived at the executive office until 2 p. m., June 24, 1903,' for railing the second story of the praseht dining ball,- th building of a third story orer ssme snd a two-story ad dition thereto, st. the Oregon State Peni tentiary, located snout two miles east of Hlem In strict accordance with the Dlo and specifications, snd Instructions to bM? ders prepared therefor which may n seeu flt to Oince OI Yl . V. ruga, arcnurci, oajeui, Oregon, and at the executive offlc at tb Bute Capitol Building. ihe oia muai o maue on . mans loroti of propoala wblch may be obtained from the architect or Oorernor'a office. A certi fied check mut accompany each bid In th sum of 6 per cent of bid. psysble to O. W. James, Superintendent Oregon State Peni tentiary, as a guaranty that tbe successful . bidder will enter Into a contract and furnlah a good and sufficient bond to be approved by tbe Governor equal to tha smount of the contract price within five days after the awarding of contract. - Tbe right Is reserved to reject any and all bids. GEORGE E. CHAMBERLAIN. Governor. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. PORTLAND, Or., June 8, 1903. To the stock nnperintrnoent mux jr moat, and of 75 -for M A all other bid muet jf amount eqnal to 10 Jar II of the bid. m II to reject suy sn'F II reject any portlotf II holders of the Fort laud Coal A Development Company, a corporation Pleas take notice that the snnusl meeting of the stockholders of the Portland Cost ft Development Company will be held at Dels Hill, corner East Taylor and Thirty-fourth streets, Portlsnd, Oregon, on Thursday. July 10. 1003. at 1 o'clock p. m., for the purpose lot electing officer and for the trsnaactloa of such other business ss may properly com be for the jnectlng. . J. T. BODWEtiL. Secretary- NOTICE. , , NOTICE" is ' hereby given ' thst th snnusl meeting of tbe stockholders of the'Hidwsy Oil Company will be held at the office ot Ladd A Tilton. banker, at Portland. Ore- fon. at S o'clock p. to., oa Wednesday, tb 6th day of Jolyr lftoa, for tbe purpose of . electing a board of directors and th trn- crlon of such other business as nay corns .: c.1miATTt. .:. . . l v. , .- . . Secretary, . 71 81.13 221.21 " 132.83 62.88 ML 13.44 13.41 62.14 77.11 11 4.70 87.78 I! U I