' ? THE OBEQON DAILY JOURNAL, PORXXAND, MONDAY EYKN1N& JUNE 22, 1903. v crrrrwmcEi. ' crrr oticx. CITT BOTTOM.' CITT BOTTCXI. CITT KOTICEI. CITT NOTICES. RAILROAD TlMITABLES. aUSMliflirX rOE - DtFROVKMEafT Of -i. WASCO mtXTt- ' ' ' Kotlm is fcerehy glvn that th Council of the Cltf af Portland, Oregon, at meeting so the ITtb day of Juno, 1(K3, declared , tbt (HHMnoitt by .ordinance No, 13, KM -f0r . for th Improvement of Waaco atract, from tba ' aaat Una of Kaat Fifteenth alrcct to tba cantor Una of Kaat 'Twenty-fourth ilwt, Id tba v "' tinwr provided Hy ordlnaiira Nik 18.07 a, upon j stack lot, part of lot aad parcel of land, which ' axa specially and peculiarly benetted, to ba -aa followa, vis: " -' ; Holladn ' Addition to Kaat Port- Bib ITS, lot 4, Ilia Oregon. Real Satat Tba Oregon Real Batata Comnanv .-. - Blk if 8, lot , Tba Oregon Real BaUta Company Blk Its. lot 8, Tba Oregon Real Estata Company , Blk in. lot 4. Tba Oregon Real Eatata Company I Blk ITS. lot Tba Oregon Real Eatata . Company , . Blk ITS. lot , Tba Oregon Real EaUta Company , Blk lK lot , Tba Oregon Baal Eatata Company ik 1KB. lot 4, The Oregon Real Eatata Cotnnanr Blk 199, lot 8, Tba Oregon Real Eatata Blk 166. W 'i' Tba Oregon" Real Batata' VVBIWI ftw . . . i . Ik 106. lot 0. Tba Oregon Real Eatata A tract of land 'lying between 'the 'north line oi naseo atreet and a Una 100 feat north of and parallel therewith , and between tba aaat Una of block 8 umbered 108. Molladay'a Addition ta set Portland, and the weat Una of , block numbered 8. HolUday Park Ad dltlon to Portland, Oregon, The, Ore- Km Real Eatato Company olladay Park Addition to Portland. Ore on- S J ! ! n,,rW F. Overhaagh.... i Rlk . lot 8, Chart P. Overheat.... B,JL Ip Tb Title Onarantea Truat Company Blk . lot 1. Tba Title Guarantee Trnat Company Blk ft. lot 8. Tba Title Guarantee Truat Company Blk 6. lot 7,. Tba Tttla Onarantea Trnat Company Blk ft, lt S, Tba Title Onarantea Truat Company Blk ft, lot ft. The Tttla Ouarantea Trnat Company Blk ft. lot 4. Tba Tttla Wrante Trnat Company . Blk ft. Jot 8. The Title Ouarantea A Truat Company Blk ft. lot 2. Tba Title Guarantee A Truat Comoany Blk ft, lot 1, The Title Ouarantea A .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .OS .10 Title Guarantee A .10 nam 131.13 ISO 09 102.CS 180.08 188.60 9.70 82.S0 T4.0S T1.12 118.67 127.17 148.44 148.18 103.03 101.22 04.78 78.86 AiiisiMiiriroR- ai-rra -ut-WAtoo . i ITRZXX. ": ' Notloa la hereby given that the Ooanell of in my oi mrtisud, Urraam, at a meeting held on the 17th day of June. 1908, declared tba aeaeaament by ordinance. No. 18.HH.1, fur the eonat ruction of a aewer In Waaco atreet, from in leet eaat or toe weat Una or Kaat. Twenty fourth atreet to a connection with tbe newer In Eaat Fifteenth atreet. In tba manner provided by ordinance No. IS.IMO, upon each lot. part or let -ana parcel or laud, wnirn are specially aoa pepuiiariy Denented, to no aa loiiowa, VI miiaday s Addition ' to Kaat rort laad blk 178. lot 4. Tba Orta-on Real Ettat Company ...I Blk IfS, Jot 8, Tba Oregon Real Eatata Company , . Blk 170, lot 8, Tba Oregon Real Relate Conlpany Blk 170, lot 8. Tba Oregon Real Estate lomoanr Blk 178, lot 4, Tbe Oregon Real Eatata Company Blk 178. lot 3. The Oregon Real Eatata Company .... ; Blk 178. lot 8, Tba Oregon Real Eatata Company , Blk 178. lot , The Oregon Real Eatata Company ,..... Blk 196. lot 4. The Oregon Real Eatato Company Blk 196. lot 8. Tba Oregon Real Eatata Truat rmninv ... Blk 4. lots. Tba Title Guarantee A Trust fMmnan . Blk 4. lot 7, Tba Tltie Guarantee A iru innninr Ik 4. lot 8. Tba Title Guarantee A Truat Comnanv Blk 4. lot ft. Tba Title Guarantee A Truat Comoanr Blk 4. lot 4. Tba Title Guaranty' A Trnat CnmDinr ... Blk 4. lot A. the Trnat Uomnae Blk 4. lot 8, The Title Guarantee' A Truat company 115.67 oia . iot l. -joe Title Guarantee A --w,pnt.. Company. . .127.60 ,n J. wt a. I Da Title Guarantee A Traet Company 131.60 mum io, mi t. me Title Guarantee A Truat Coiupanr 111.03 ioi o. ine Title Guarantee A lTuat iwrnpany 82. o "i lu- Jrl la "tie Guarantee A iTuac (ompanr 84, 21 'i . ine j Hie uuarantee A I rum ( ompn.T 87.90 m jo. mi a. ine TUU Guarantee A ' -omnany 80.04 m io, kii a. jna Title Guarantee A lruai i.ompany 128.14 "i . ine Title guarantee A ,iui,BUft auuiuod to aaat fort land Blk 174, lot 1, The Oregon Reel Eatata inmpiny . Blk 174, lot 2, Tbe Oregon Real Eatata Company Blk 174. lot 7, Tbe Oregon Real Eatata Company Blk 174. lot 8. Tbe Oregon Real Eatate Company Blk 179, lot 1. The Oregon Real Eatate Company Blk 179, lot 2. Tbe Oregon Real Eatate Company Blk 179. lot T. The Oregon Real Eatate Company B!k 179, lot 8. Tbe Oregon Real- Eitate Company Blk 194. lot 1. The Oregon Real Eatata Company, Blk 194. lot 2. Tba Oregon Real Eatate Company '. r Blk 190. lot 7. Tbe Oregon Real Eatata company ,. Blk 194. lot 8. The Oregon Real Eatata Company A tract of land lying between the aouth line of Waaco atreet and a line 100 feet aonth of and parallel therewith and between the eaat line of block numbered 194. Hollanay'a Addition to Kaat Portland, and the weat line nf block numbered 1. Holladay Park Ad dition to Portland. Oregon. Tbe Ore- ron Real Eatate Company Holladay Park Addition to Portland. Oregon Blk 1. lot 1.1. The Title Guarantee A Trimt Company Blk I. lot 14. Tbo Title Guarantee A Truat Company Blk 1. lot 16. The Title Guarantee A Trnat Compauy Rlk 1. lot 18. The Tltlo ' :nrantee A Truat Company Blk 2. lot 9. Tba Title Guarantee A Truat Company , Blk 2. lot 10. The Title Guarantee A Trimt Company Blk 2. lot 11. The Title Guarantee A Truat Company Blk 2. lot 12. The Title Guarantee A Truat Company Blk 2. lot The Title Guarantee A Trut Comrany Rlk 2. lot 14. Tbe Title Guarantee A Truat Company Blk 2. lot 16. The Title Guarantee A Trust Company Blk 2. kit 16. Tbe Title Guarantee A Trimt Company Blk :i. lot 9. The Title Guarantee A Truat Company Blk 3. lot 10. the Title Guarantee A Truat Company Blk 3. kit 11. Tbe Title Guarantee A Trunt Company Blk X lot 12. Tho Title Guarantee A Trnat Company Blk 8. lot 18. Tbe Title Guarantee A Trimt compau.v Blk 8. kit 14. The Title GuHroutee A Trunt Company SrSiticg:teeJrHle Guarantee- A- Truat Company A. .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .00 .10 .10 A A "a A A 110.18 130.20 184.80 198.97 206.13 188.20 114.03 04.92 83.68 T7.28 118.50 128.80 150.07 107.68 128.31 122.22 114.74 80.67 130.20 Blk . lot Id. Tbe Title Guarantee A Truat Company 150.37 Blk 16. lot 9. The Title Guarantee A Truat Company 162.00 Blk 1(1. lot 10. The Title Guarantee A Trut Company 140.05 Blk 18. lot 11. The Tltlo Guarantee A Trust Company 102.48 Blk 16. lot 12. The Title Guarantee A Truat Company 09.08 Blk 16. lot 13. T,ie Title Guarantee A Trnat Company 87.88 Blk 16. lot 14. Tba Title 4uarantee A Truat Company 1 94.08 Blk 16. kit 16. The Title Guarantee A Truat Company 129.48 Blk 16. kt 16. Tbe Title Guarantee A Truat Company 140.46 Total r ....$6 990.38 A atatenii'tit of Hforcunlil aKReiMncnt haa. heen entered In the Dnckot of City Mena. and la non due and payable at the office of the City Trcwuirpr, In lawful money of the T'nlted Ktnlea and If not paid within thirty flay" from the lte of tlila notice mich pro ceedings will be taken ror the collection or the name na are provided by the charter of the city of Pnrtland. The ehoye ftHgeaement will hear Intercat ten diiya after tho flrat publication of thlx notice. liti. i. iir.vi.r.. Auditor of the City of Portlnnd. Portland. Oregon. June 22, 1(103. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IM PROVEMENT OF SEVENTH STREET. Notice la hereby l Ten that William C Elliott. Clfy Engineer, haa filed In the office or toe underalgned notice that Kralney A Keat ing, eontractore for the Improvement of Seventh atreet, . under the provialona of Ordinance No. 12.803, have completed told atreet, from the center line of Flanders atreet to tbe eenter line of Bverett atreet. Said acceptance will be considered hv the Executive Board at 4 o'clock on the 19th day of June. 1908. and objections to the acceptance of aald atreet or any part tlieroof may he ftled In the office of the Uuderalgned at any tlm prior thereto. THE EXECPT1 VE BOARD. Bv THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland. 7nne 13. t!X3. Comoenv . Blk 190, lot 0. Tba Oregon Real Eatato Company Blk 1M, let B, Tba Oregon Real Eatata company , Holladay Park Addition to Portland. Oregon Blk 6. lot 4. Charles f . Over ha ugh Blk 6. tot 8, Charlea P. Orerbaugh Blk 8. lot 2, The Title Guarantee A Truat ComoanV , Blk 8. lot 1. Tba Title Guarantee A Truat Comnanv Blk A. lot 8, The Title Guarantee Trust Comnanv Blk ft. kt T. Tba Title Guarantee Trust Comnanv Blk ft. lot 6. Tba Title Ouarantea Trust Company Blk ft. lot 0. Tba Title Guarantee Truat Comnanv Blk 0. lot 4, Tbe Title Guarantee Trust Comnanv Blk ft. kt 8. The Title Ouarantea Truat Comnanv Blk ft. lot 2. The Tttla Guarantee Trust Comnanv Blk ft. lot 1. Tbe Title Guarantee Truat Comnanv Blk A.- lot 8. Tbe Tltlo Guarantee -iruei company n.... Blk 4. lot 7. Tbe Title Guarantee Truat Company Blk 4. kit 6. Tba Title Guarantee Trust Company Blk 4. kit 0, The Title Guarantee Truat Company Blk 4, lot 4. The Title Guarantee Trust Company Blk 4. lot 3. Tbe Title Guarantee Trust Company Blk 4. lot 1. Tba Title Guarantee A Trust Company II Ik 4. lot 1. The Title Guarantee A Trust Company Blk 10. lot 8. The Title Guaantee A Trust Company Blk 15. lot 7, The Title Guaarntee A Trust Company Blk 16. kit 8. The Title Guaantee A Trust Company Blk 15. kit 6. Tba Title Guarantee A Truat Company . . Blk TB. lot 4. Tbe Title Guarantee A Trust Company Blk 15. lot 3. Tbe Title Guarantee A Trust Company Blk 16. lot 2. Tbe Title Guarantee A Trust Company Blk 16. lot 1. Tbo Title Guarantee A Trust Company Hoiladay'a Addition to Eaat Port land Blk 174, lot 1, Tbe Oregon Real Eatate Company Blk 174. lot 2. Tbe Oregon Real Eatate Company Blk 174. lot 7. the Oregon Real Esiate Company Blk 174. lot 8. Tbe Oregon Real Estate Company Blk 1TB. lot 1. The Oregon Real Eatate Comnanv Blk 179, lot 1 Tbe Oregon Real Estate Company Blk 170. lot 7, The Oregon Real Estate Comnanv , Blk 179, lot 8, Tbe Oregon Real Eatate Company Blk 194. lot 1. The Oregon Real Eatate Company Blk 194. lot 2, Tbe Oregon Real Eatate Company Blk 194. lot 7. Tbe Oregon Real Estate Company Blk 194. lot 8. The Oregon Real Eatata Company Holladay Park Addition to -Portland. Oregon Blk I. lot i.i. ine Title Guarantee ft Trust Company Blk 1. lot 14, The Title Guarantee A Trost fjomnsnr Blk 1. lot 15. The Title Guarantee A Trust Company Blk 1. lot 16. Tbe Title Guarantee A Trust Company Blk 2. lot 9. Tbe Title Guarantee A Trust Company Blk 2. lot In. The Title Gflarantec A Trust Company . Blk 2. lot 11, The Title Guarantee A Trust Company Blk 2. lot 12. The Title Guarantee A Tiuet Company Blk 2. lot 13. The Title Guarantee A Trust Compsny Blk 2. lot 14. Tbe Title Guarantee A Trust Company Blk 2. lot ill. The Title Guarantee A Trust Company Blk 2. kit 16. Tbe Title Guarantee A Trust Company Blk 3. kit 9. The Tltlo Ouarjrntee A Trust Company Blk 3. lot 10. The Title Guarantee Ar Trust Company Rlk 3. lot 11. The Tltlo Guarantee A Truat Company Blk 3. kit 12. The Title Guarantee A Truat Company Blk 3. kit 1.1. The Title Guarantee A Trust Company Blk 3. lot 14. The Title Guarantee A Trust Company Blk 3. lot 15, 'The Title Guarantee A Trust Company Blk 8. lot 16. Tbe Title Guarantee A Trust Company Blk 16. lot 0, Tbe Title Guarantee A Trust Company Blk 16. lot 10. Tbe Title Onarantea A Trust Cotrtpany Blk 16. kit 11. The Title Guarantee A Trust Company Blk 18. lot 12. The Title Guarantee A Trust Company Blk 16. lot 13. Tbe Title Guarantee A Truat Company Rlk 16. lot 14. The Title Guarantee, A Trust Company BJk 16. lot 15. Tbe Title Guarantee A Trust Company Blk 16. kit 16. The Title Guarantee A Trust Company S8.4A 24.48 23.43 88.48 88.48 S3. 48 23. 88.48 88.48 33.48 23.48 8148 26.90 30.03 80.08 80.08 80.08 80.08 80.08 80.08 80.90 80.05 80 05 80.05 80.05 30.05 80.00 80.06 82.08 30.00 80.88 80.90 30.00 30.00 80.06 80.95 80.08 80.08 80.00 80.93 A48EIBKENX TOR.. IMP0,yEMEBI...,pjr. - .aaA..WMMSus.e4AaA-. .. - Notice ! hereby given that the Council of the t'liy of Portland, Oregou,. at a lucotlug held ou tbo lTlh day' of Juue, 1903. declared the assessment by ordinance No. 13.W4 fur tbe Improvement of Kaat Madlaort street, from tbe weat lino of Eaat allilecutb atreet to the enter Una of Eaat Twenty-fourth atreet. In tba manner provided by ordinance No. I3.1u:t Uioa eai-n Kit, part or uifaua parcel or tana. I JRWffllWP.,. .WRR0, rzUZVJ .0F. . - THTRTT'THIKD BTEEZT. which are epwclally and peculiarly benedted. e as roiioes, via; Hawthorne Park f Blk 2B. eaat H t 8. Roa E. Daniels.! 28.81 Blk 829, eaat i lot 6, Rose E. llauiela. 26.81 Rlk a, weat H lot 8, The Hawthorn Eatata 23.08 Blk 82W. weat lot 6, Tba Hawthorn Estate 23.05 Kenwortby't Addition to Eaat Port land , Blk 6. lot 4, 0. P. Hon 801.02 Blk 6. lot 3, O. P. Hon 79.33 Blk 6. lot 6. O. P. Holf '. 67.07 Blk 6, kit 6, O. P. Hod 262.14 Rlk 7, lot 4, lire. K. '. Brown 205.64 Blk 7, lot 3, Mr. E. V. Brown 88.18 Blk T. kit 0, Hamuel A. and Ellis (J Brown 48.52 Blk 7, lot 8, Samuel A. and Ellis C. Brown 182.78 Rlk S, lot 4, Dsn W. Reynold 181 27 Blk 8, lot 8, Dan W. Reynolds , 46 46 Blk 8. lot 6. Ian W. Reynolds 62.71 Blk 8, lot 8, lan W. Reynolds 188.73 Blk 9. lot 4. Beaal H. Olds 148.04 Blk 9. kit 3. Route II. Olda 00.08 Blk 0, lot 6. Tbe Title Guarantee A Truat Company 27.00 Blk 9. lot 6, Tba Title Guarantee A Trust Company 109.62 Rlk 10. kit 4.-A. T. Schoena 142.03 Blk K, lot 8. A. T. Scboepe 23.54 Helsburr Hill. In the Heldon Mur ray 1). L, C Blk 2, kTl4. Harsh It. Williams 82.74 Blk 2, lot 16. Harsh H. William 70.97 Rlk lot 16, Harah H. Williams 82.91 Rlk 2, kit 17, Harah H. Wllllama 81.75 Blk 2. weat 22 feel lot 18, William M. Ladd 83.20 Blk 8. eaat 28 feet lot 18 J. E. and Bertha T. Werleln 32. HO Blk 2, lot 19, J. E. and Bertha T. Wer leln 64.30 Rlk 2. kit 20. C. W. Kllppel 64 19 Rlk 2. lot 21. K. A. Kllppel 58 40 Blk 2. lot 22. Klla M. ltutchlnaon 66.6:1 Blk 2, kit itl. William M. La rid 63.60 Blk 2. lot 24. George Durham 69..I4 Blk 2, lot 25. lira. Jennie Budemer... H6..18 Blk It. lot 26, E. A. Kllppel 120.30 Pleaaant View Addition i Blk 8. kit 4, Gertrude M. Haines 233.20 Hilt 8, kit 3, Louise Htelnhanaer 64.95 Blk 8. lot 6. Bsmuel A. Ml lea 67 97 Blk 3. lot 5, Hsmuel A. alt lee 206.65 Hawthorne I'ark Blk 3:M), kit 8. The Hawthorne Eatate.. 57.61 Blk 380, lot 7, The Hawthorne Eatate.. 40.09 Kenworthy'a Addition to Kaat Port land Blk 15. lot I. Winnie E. Burnett 423.74 Blk 16, lot 2, Kr ankle D. Thomaa 97.62 Blk 15. eaat V, lot 7. Barab and Dorcla Walla 51.95 Blk 15. east V lot 8, Sarah and Dorcla walla Notice ta hereby given that at the meet Ing of the Council of the City of Portland. Ora- ?on, held iW the 17th day of Jilue, 1U03, tba ol lowing resolution waa . adopted: Resolved." That tbe Council of the City of rortlanu, Oregon, ooema it expedient anil -Mir or trior- ATZvrrz. HoMes) I kareby given that the Canne af th City of Portland propose to asses tba follow ing described property and wnr or owner) ee Wing epocially and peculiarly keneflted In the amount aat opaoalt tbe name and 4 LiWlvlaiai a fna K 1 m i a propo-e. to improvn Kaat Thirty-, bird atreet In"frca Th, iU'MmStbS iSSt from th north line of hast Morrison street to the north line of Beet t't the aouth lino of Baa Liu rvad lu th fullowlng manner, to-wlt: Plret By grading the atreet full width with full Intersection to the proper grade. Second By constructing wooden sidewalk 12 feet wide with U foot covering planks. Third Br constructing wooden crosswalk six feet In width. Hald Improvement to be nude In accordance with the charter and ordlnancea nf the City of Portland and the plans, specification and eatlmatea of the City Engineer Aled in the office of the Auditor of the City nf Portland on the 18th dav of Ian. 19i3. Indorsed: "City Enaineer a Diana and specincatlona for the Improvement of Eaat Thirty third street from the north Una of Eaat Morrison street to the aouth line of Baae Line road, and tbe esfl 'matea of th work to be done and the probable total cost thereof." The met of said Improvement to lie assessed aa provided by the city charter upon the prop erty specially lieuefltcd the'eliy and which la hereby declared to be all the lots, parts of lota and parcel - of land lying between a line 100 feet weat nf and parallel wltb tbe west line nt Kat Tnirty-tblru street ana line 100 feet eaat of and parallel with tbe eaat Una of Eaat Thirty-third street and be tween tbe north line of East Morrison atreet and the south line of Base Line rosd. The Engineer' estimate of the probable total cost for said Improvement ta $2.032. Oil. ' Th plana, epeclflcatlone and estlinatea of tbe City Engineer for the Improvement of aald East Thirty-third atreet are hereby adopted. Resolved, insi in Auaitnr or ine citv or Portland be and be la hereby directed to give nolle of th prnpoaed Improvement of aald atreet aa provided by the city charter. Remonstrance agalnat the above Improve ment may be filed lu writing with the under algned within 20'daya from tbe date of the first publication of thta notice. By order of the Council. - THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portlan4. June 19, 1903. rsrovlded by Ordinance Ne. 18 ira ny djocuod to ta apportionment f eoat (or aald Improvement must be made In writing to th Council and filed with the Aidttor within fifteen day from th data of the flrat public, tlo of thla notice. nd aald objectlone will bo heard aad determined by th Council be for th paaaag of the ordinance assessing fbe cost f aald Improvement. Eaat Portland: Block 81, Era lot 8. Wtlllam K. Mart Ball Block 81. I 25 ft. of W 80 ft. lot S, Charles H. Raffety Block 81. W 20 ft. lot 8, David Raf fety Block 81. EH of N 49.S ft. lot T. William K. Marts. II . Block. 81. . 8 lac bee t Ek lot T. 48 a 7.7 T.fl MM ftieieuu Aiiesraui 7, Charles 11. RuftYty. 38.45 23.40 23.46 88.45 88.46 23.46 23.45 88.45 88.43 23.43 23.43 38.48 25 95 30.05 80.95 30.95 30.90 30.95 30.95 30 05 80.95 80.95 30.95 80.95 80.95 80.95 30.93 Blk 18, west 4 lot 7, Grant Phegley.. Blk 15. west lot R, Grant Phegley.. Rlk 14, lot 1. Amanda W. Ilced Blk 14, lot 2. Amanda W. Reed Blk 14. lot 7. Amanda W. Red Blk 14. lot 8, Amanda W. Reed Ik 1.1. lot 1, Hamuel A. and Kills C. Hrown Blk 13, kit 2, Hamuel A. and Elite C. Hrown Blk 13, lot 7. Samuel A. and Rills C. Hrown Blk 13. lot 8. Hamuel A. and Ellis C. Drown Blk 12. lot 1, Nancy Y. Gibson Rlk 12, lot 2. Nancy V. Gibson Blk 12. lot 7. Minnie B. Locke Illk 12, lot 8. Mluule B. Locke Blk ll. lot 1, Hamuel A. and Ellis C. Rrown Blk 11. lot 2, Hamuel A. and Ellis C. Brown A tract of land lying between tbet nuth line nf East Madison street and a line loo feet aouth of and parallel there with and between the east line of block numbered 11. Kenworthy'a Ad dition, aud the weat line of Hlllcrest, unknown owner . Hlllcrest Lot 1, Portland Oregon Lot 2. Portlaud Oregon Lot 3. Portland Oregon Lot 4. Portland Oregon Lot 5, Portland Trust Company of Oregon Lot 6, Portland Trust Company of Oregon Lot 13. Charlea M. and Kittle E. Morgan Salisbury Hill, In tbe Heldon Mur ray D. L. C Rlk 8. lot 4, S. E. Joseph! Rlk 3. kit 3. R. E. Josephl Blk 3. kit 8. Edward T. Wllllama Blk 3. lot 1, Edward T. Williams Blk 3. lot A. K.lwsrd T. Wllllama Pleasant View Addition Blk 5. lot 1. Julius A. Klein Blk 5. lot 2. Benton Klllln and E. A. King Rlk 5. lot ft. Samuel A. Miles Blk 5, lot 10, Hamuel X. Mllea Trust ' Trust Trust Trust Company Company Company Company of 'of of 'of 18270 40 64 206.83 264.47 76.46 40.82 214.03 183.41 46.53 61.74 188 85 191.44' 58.40 27.62 160.44 138.14 23.67 63.02 92.83 91.73 88.79 83.53 87.10 PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OF EAST THIRTY-SEVENTH STREET. Notice la hereby given that at the meeting of the Council of the City nf Portland. Ore gon, held on the 17th day of June, 1903, the fullowlng resolution waa adopted: Resolved, That the Council of the City of Pnrtland, Oregon, deems it expedient and pro poses to Improve Eaat Thirty -eeventh atreet from the aouth line of East Yamhill atreet to the north line of Eaat Taylor street, In the following manner to-wlt: First By grading the atreet full width with full Intersections to the established grade. Hecoud By constructing wooden sidewalks. Hsld improvement to be made In accordance with the charter and ordlnancea of the City of Portland and the plans, epectftcattone and eatlmatea of tbe City Engineer tiled In tbe olDce of tbe Auditor of the City of Portland on the 16th day of June. 1003. Indoraed: "City Engineers plana and specincatlona for the Improvement of East Thlrty-aeventb atreet from tbe south line of Kaat Yamhill atreet to tbe north Hue of East Tsylor street snd the estimate of tbe work to be done and tbe probable total coat thereof." The coat of aald Improvement to be as sessed as "provided by the city charter upon the property specially lienenteu tnere&y aud wnicb Is hereby declared to tie all the lots Ladd Eatata, Ladd 'Estate," Ladd Batata, 80.93 83.70 80.05 30.95 30.95 30.95 30.05 30.95 30.95 30.05 30.95 80.93 30.95 Total J2.471.70 A statement nf aforesaid assessment haa been entered In the Itrcket of City Liens. and Is uoiv duo and puyuhle at the office of the Citv Treasurer. In lawful money of the 1'nlted States and If not paid within thirty days - from the date or this tiuth'e Burn pro eeedinga will be taken for the collection of the same as are provided by the charter of the city or rortland. The above assessment will bear Interest ten davs after the flrat publication of this notice. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the Citv of I'ortland. Portland. Oregon, June 22, 1903. 126 18 118.43 104.16 04 82 R7.51 07 4R 7.99 215.31 B0. 31 56 01 203.15 parte of lota and parcels of land lying be tween a line lot) feet weat or and parallel with the west line of East Thlrty-seveutb street snd a line 100 feet easterly from and parallel wltb the east line of East Thirty seventh street and between, the south line of Esst Yamhill street and the north Hue of East Tsylor street. The Engineer's estimate of the probable total cost for aald Improvement la I16N.00. The plans, sperlflcatlona and estimates of the City Engineer for. the improvement of ssid East Thirty-seventh street are hereby adopted. Resolved. That tbe Auditor of the City of Portland be aud he la hereby directed to give notice of the propoaed Improvement at aald street as provided by the city charter. Remonstrance against the above Improve ment msy lie filed In writing with the under signed within 20 days from tbe date of the first publication of .this notice. By order of tbe Council. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City or Portland. June 19. 1903. Block 81, W 25 ft. lot 7, David ltaf-' fety Blocv fit 19.5 ft. lot, 0 Htefano Anegrant , , Block SI, S 80.0 ft. tot 8. R. A. Crippen Batata, belra of ., Block 81, lot 8, R. A. Crippen Estate, heirs of Slock 82. lot 8, Louisa Logo lock 83. lot 7. Louisa Logos Block 82, lot 8, Louisa Log us , bioc a m, lot n, ixwisa ixigus Block 88. BV lot S. John Went Block 88. BV. lot 7, Job Went Block S3. WU lot 8. J. T. Brady Block M. Wit kit T. I. P. Brady Block 88, lot 6, Th Hawthorne Estate Block 88. lot 6, The Hawthorne Estate.. Block S4. lot S. W. 8. Ladd Eatat, heirs f Block 84, lot f, W. hslr of Block 84. lot 0, W. betr or Block 84. lot 8, W. neir or , Block 102, lot 1, 8. A Rebrkah buck- fold Block 102. NU lot 1, Prank Bode ... Block 102. Vt lot i 8. W. Church Estate, heir of Block 102. lot 8. Bernard Pane Block 108, NM kit 4. Sarah J. MeKlt- rlrk Block 102, M lot 4. Henry Slash! mar since loi. lot l. Eugene ana Warner Breymaa Block 101, hat 8. Th Alllaac Irust Co., Ltd Block 101, lot 1. Th Alllaac Trnat C.. Ltd Block 181, lot 4. Xngwa and Werr Breymaa Block 190. koflnntag at th northwost comer of block 100, Beat Portland, thence south along th wt Ha of Mid block 80.8 feet, tbenc ertt king II m S0.8 feet eewth of and Krallel with th nerth line of laid ch 48S feet, then north along a Mo 40.03 feet eaat f and parallel with th wMt Un of said block 15 Inch, tbenc eaat along a line 49.00 feet aouth of and parallsl with in norm line or eaia bioct-jn.as rest. le-jo. to PROPOSEp IMPROVEMENT .07 ' MACADAM ' ' - bTKEET, . -3 Notice to hereby given tflat at th meeting of the Council of the City of Portland, Oregon held on the 17th day of June, 11)03, the fol lowing resolution waa adopted: a, Resolved, That tho Couucll of the City of Portland, Oregon, deems It expedient and proposes to Improve Macadam street from th south line of (I rover atreet to the south Una of blocks 1S8 snd 187. Carnthera' Addition to Merutbers' Addition, aa laid out by the Houth i'ortland Real Estate Association, In the fol lowing manner, to-wlt: Plrst By removing all earth, mud and debrla from tbe surface of the street and by bringing the atreet to proiier grade with crushed rock and crushed rock screenings. neeona- uy constructing aruuiiai atone eion an Iks aud curbs. Third By constructing wooden crosswalk It feet In width. Hald Improvement to lie made ip accordance with the charter and ordinances of tho City j of Pnrtland and the plans. specirtcsMons anil estimates of the City Engineer pled li the ! office of tbe Auditor of the Citv of Portland ! on the 16th day of June. 1903. Indorsed: 'City Engineer's , plans and specifies rkine for the Improvement of Msradsm street from the south Huh of (iroyer utreet to tho south line of blocks 1HS and 1S7. CsrutherH' Addition to Caruthera' Addition, as laid out tiy the Hopth Portland Real Estate Association, and the estlmstes of the work to he done sud the probable total cost thereof" The cost of snld improvement to be .as sessed as provided by the ci.y charter upon tbe property specially benefited thereby aud which Is hereby declared to be all the lots, parts of lots and tracta of land lying btweeu a line UK l feet weat or and parallel with the went line of Macadam street snd a line 100 feet esst of and parallel with the east line of Macadam street, snd between the south line of Gruver street snd the south line of blocks 188 and 1X7, Caruthera' Addition to Caruthers' Addition, aa luld out by the Houth Portlaud Real Estate Association. The Engineer's estimates of the probable TO. OS I totsl cost for ssid Improvement Is $2. 423 III. I The shove Impniverueut Is to tie classed as a macadam improvement and shall be main tained by the city for the period of four SIM i yes rs. provided that the owners of a majority i of the property benefited hy said improvement 82.80 1 "r any portion thereof shall not voluntarily petition for a new or ilirfcrent Improvement 87.78 before the expiration nf such period. 47.08 The plans, speclflcstinns snd eatlmatea of I th City Engineer for the Improvement of 47 01 said" Macadam atreet are beyetiy adopted. 118.80 ' Resolved. That the Auditor of th Citv of rortland ba ud he Is hereby directed to 87.71 give notice of tbe proposed improvement of 87.78 J said street as provided by the city chsrter. ' Itemonstrsnce seslnst the shove Imorove- 148.58 ' nient msy he filed In writing with the under I signed within 20 daye from the date nf tbe 138. IS first publication of this notice, By order of the Council. THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of the City of Portland. Jons 19, 1903. iLi'So Ji a OREGON JSHOjCLlNE AM 10.S2 10.82 80.88 TB.SS 184.08 187 88 181.88 68 14 08.68 49.43 40.44! W 66. ft i 79.00 3 TRAINS to the EAST DAILY Through Pullman standard and Toarlst siss. lug cars dally to Omaha. Chicago, SpkaM tourist sleeping cars dally to Ramaa Cltyl through Pullman tourist (leaping car pro ally conducted I weekly to Chicago, kanaka City, Mt. Louie and Mempbla; reclloUl Mll ear tseata freel to the Eaat dally. IN 10.1 DEPOT. Leave. Aerleaa. , CHICAGO-PORTLAND 9:20 a. u. 4:80 n. at, SPECIAL. Dally. IDnlly. . , For th Esat via Bant- Ingtou. ' SPOKANE rLYEB. 6:00 . ox. 7:88 A. as" For Eastern Washing- Uilly. Oaily, ton. Walla Walla, Lew Iston, Coeur 'AlDl and Great Aorther point. ATLANTIC EXPRESS. 8 19 p. m. 10:80 a. BV Pur the East via Hunt- Dally. Dally, logton. OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE. TOR SAN PRANCIBCO. I From 3:00 n. k 8. H. Geo. W. Elder Alaska June I. II. 21. !orh. 8. H. Columbia Jane S-Ok . m. 6, 10, 26. . I , 88.18 60.80 tbenc outh along eaat of and parallel with th weat a Hat feet Total 88.2T7.6I A stateiuent of aforesaid assessment haa heen entered In 'the Docket of City Liens, snd Is now due and payable at the office of the City Treasurer, In lawful money of the l ulled States and if not paid within thirty day from the date of this notice such pro ceedings will be tsken for the collection of the same as are provided by the charter of the City of Portland. Tho above assessment will bear Interest ten days after the first publication of this notice. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of th City of Portland. Portland. Oregon. June 22. 1903. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OP IM PROVEMENT OF THURMAN STREET. Notlc " la hereby given " that William C. Elliott. City Kngiueer, haa filed In the. office of tbe - undersigned notlc that Fralney A Keating, contractor for th Improvement of Thnrman street, under th provision of Or dinance No. 13.007. bare completed aald atreet, from the center line of Twentieth atreet to th center line of Twenty-second streets Said acceptance will be considered by the .Executive Board it 4 o'clock on th 19th day of June, 1903, and objectkina to the acceptance of aald atreet or any part thereof may be tiled lo the office of the! undersigned at any time prior thereto. -4 TttE BXECCTIVB BOARD. N i . .' - By THOS. C. DEVLIN, .-. Auditor of tb ltf of Portland. -. , 7an IX 1003. , , - - PROPOSED CHANGE OF GRADE OF BENTON STREET. Notice Is hereby given that at the meeting of . the Council of the .City of Portland. Ore- ?on. held on the 17th day of June, 1903, tbe ollowlng resolution waa adopted: Resolved. By the council or tne city or Portland, that It deems It, expedient to change the grade of Benton atreet within the city and establish aald grade ns follows, and thnt It Is the Intention of sold Council to change and establish ssld 'grado of Heutou street as fol lows : At the' south line of McMlllen a Addition from 78.80 feet to 81.30 feet, abuvc the baae of city gradea. Resolved. That tbe Auditor be and he I hereby directed to rive notice of tbe pro posed change of grade of aald. atreet us pro vided by tbe charter. Remonstrance agalnat the bov change of grade may lie fileu in writing with the under signed within 20 days from tbe date of the first publication of this notice. Rr order uf the Council. THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of the City of Portland. June 19. 1003. AS8E8BMENT FOR SEWER IN EAST EVERETT STREET. Notice la hereby given that tbe Council nf the City of Portland, Oregon, at a meeting held on the 17th day of June, 1903, declared the assessment by ordlnauce No. 13,391, for tbc construction of a sewer In East Everett street, from the east line of Hawthorne's First Addition to East I'ortland to a connection with the sewer lo East Twenty-eighth street. In tbo manner provided by ordlnauce No. 1.I.17D. unon each lot. part of lot and parcel of land. which are specially and peculiarly benefited, lo he as follows, vie Hawthorne s pirat Addition to Eaat Portland II Ik II. lot 10, John E. Anderaon $ 31.80 Blk 9, lot 0, Elma Clapp 81.80 Blk . lot 8, H. Reybor 81.80 Blk 0, lot 7, John Raybor 81.80 Blk 10, lot 12. Guatav W. Bucbolx 31.80 Blk 10. lot 11; Michael Mclutyre 81.80 Blk 10, lot 10. Lucy A. Piersou 81.80 Blk 10. hit 9, M. U. Hmlll.. ............. 81. HO Blk 10, lot 8. O. L. Havdahl 81. ho Blk 10. lot 7. Cynthia M. Kaber 81.80 Blk 11. lot 12, E. M. Hughe .'II. So Blk 11, lot 11, The Hawtborne Katate.. 81.80 Blk 11. lot 10. H. L. Powers, Trnatee.. 81.80 Blk 11, lot 0, The Hawtborne Estate.. 81.80 Blk 11, kit 8, George J. Catnerou 81. Ml Blk 11, lot 7. George J. Cameaun. 81.80 Blk 12. lot 12. The Hawthorne Estate.. 81 HO 111k 12. lot 11, Tim Hawthorn Estate.'. 81.80 Rlk 12. lot 10, Tbo Hawthorns Estate., 31.no Rlk 12, lot 9. Tbe Hawthorne Eatate.. 81.80 Blk 12. lot 8, Tbe Hawthorne Estate.. 31.80 Blk 12. lot 7, Tbe Hawtborne Estate.. 31.80 Blk 16, lot 1, Dorathy Isabella Arias.. 14.45 Blk Ifi. lot 2, Dors thy I sa he lie Arias.. 24.80 Blk 16. lot 8. Clarsge 11 lit me 21.80 Blk 16, lot 4. Grace H. Htmea 24.80 Blk 16. lot 6, Grace H. Hlmes 21.80 Blk 16, lot 6, Jobn S. Jewell 24.80 Blk 15, lot 1. O. A. Taylor..".. 21.80 Blk 18. lot. 2. G. A. Taylor 24.80 Blk 1G, lot 3. John Almeter 24.80 Blk 15, let 4. John J. Hcheurer 21.80 Blk 15. lot 5, H. L. Powcra. Trustee.. 24.80 Blk 15. lot 0. Thnmoa M. Anderson 21.80 Blk 14, lot I, David Crelghton 21.80 Blk 14. lot 2. David Crelghton 24.80 Rlk 14, lot 8, The Hawthorne Eatate.. 24.80 Blk 14. lot 4. H. L. Powers. Trustee.. 24.80 Blk II, lot 5. Llxxln S. Sbutt 2t.80 Blk 14. lot 6. I.lxrle S. Rhutt 21.80 Blk 13. lot 1, The Hawthorne Estate., 24 80 Plk 18. lot 2. The Hawthorne Estate.. ' 21.80 Plk 13. lot 3, The Hawthorne Estate.. 24 80 Blk 13, lot 4. The Hawthorne Estate:. 24.80 Blk 13, lot 6. The Hawthorne Estate.. 21 SO Blk 13, lot 8. The Hawtborne Estate.. 21.80 PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OF EAST SEVENTH STREET. Notice la hereby given that at the meeting of the Council of the City of I'ortlnnd. Ore gon, held on tbe 17th-day- of June. 1003, the following resolution was adopted: Heaolved. Thst the Council of the City of Portlsnd. Oregon, deems It expedient and proposes to improve Ksst Seventh street from the south line of East Everett atreet to the north line of East Stark street In tbe fol lowlne- manner, to-wlt: First By grsrtlng tbe street run widin wllh full Intersections to the proper sub- grade. Hecond By removing all earm, mud and debris from that portion of the street how Improved hy gravel. third -Hy bringing the atreet .full 1d,tk witn run intersections ro ine proper graac with water-washed gravel. Fourth By constructing artificial atone aide-walks. Fifth By constructing wooden crosswalka alx feet in width. The said Improvement to be made In ac cordance wnn tne cnarter and ordinance of the City of Portland nnd the plana, apedfi catlons and estimates of the City Engineer filed In the office of the Auditor or the city of Portland on the 16th day of June. 1903. Indoraed: "City Euglnerr'a plana and specifi cations ror the improvement or hast Heventh street from the south line of East Everett street to the north line of Eaat mark atreet and the eatlmatea of tbe work to be don and tb' nroboble total cost thereof Tbe cost of said Improvement to be assessed aa prnvlded by the city charter upon the riropert.v epeciany uenenteo tnereny ana wnicn s hereby declared to he all the lots, parts of lots and pin-eels of Isnd lying between a line 100 feet west nf snd parallel with the weat line of East Seventh street and a line 100 feet east of and parallel wltb the east line of East Seventh street and between the aouth line of East Everett and tbo north line of East Hlark atreet. The Engineer's estlmste of the probable total cost Af said Improvement Is 86.904.00. The aliove Improvement la to be claaaed aa a gravel Improvement and ahall be main tained by the city for tbe period of four yeare. provided, that the owncra of a ma jority of the property benefited by aald Im provement or any portion thereof do not voluntarily petition for a new or different Improvement before the expiration of auch period. - ........ - The plans, specification nd estimate of the City Engineer for the- improvement of snld Esst Seventh street are -hereby adopted. Resolved. Thst the Auditor of the City of Portland be and he I hereby directed to give notice of the proposed Improvement of said atreet as provided by the city charter. Remonstrunce against the above Improve ment mar be filed in writing with the under signed within 20 days from the dare of the first publication of this notice. By order of the Council. TIIOH. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of the City of Portland. June 19, 1903. lla of aald block 18.8 Ineboa, thnr east afeng a Un 60 feet -eiUi of and parallel with th north line of aald block 80 84 feet, thnc north along a Un 100 feet east of and rarallel with tb west llo f said lock to It Intersection with th aid north Un f aald block, thenc weat aloat tb north line of aald block to place f beginning, Lou la H. Bola end Catherine H. Berk Block 100, asartonidg at a point In m wt Un of block 100 00 2 feet oath f th northwwat corner f Id block, thence east along a lln 80.8 feet soatb of and parallel with tb north 11m of ssid block 40 98 fet. theno north along a Un 49.98 feet esat f and parallel with the west lln -of aald block 16 Ineh, (hone t (long a lln 40.00 iet south of and paralM with tb weat lln of aid block 18.6 Inch, thence eaat along a Un 60 feet south of and par allefwtth tbe north line of aald block 80.24 feet, tbenc south along a Una 100 feet east of and parallel with the weat Un of said block to a point 100 feet aonth of tb north Un f aald block, thane west along Un 100 feet Mutb of and parraktl with the north Un of ssid block tb weat lln ef (aid block to a point at Ita Intersection with the weat lln of aald block, thence north along the weat line of aald block to th plac of beginning, B. A. Baldwin Block 100. lot 4. E. A. Baldwin Block 100, lot 4. B. A. Baldwin ... Block 99. lot 1. William E. Brain ard Block 99, lot 2. William K. Braln ard i L Block 90., kit 8. Thomaa B. Weat.... e m ri i. , t. ,i , 80.71 B7.80 66.60 70.00 70.00 68 80 62.60 62 OU Total .82,806.86 PROPOSALS FOR FUEL. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received' at the office of the Auditor of the City of Portland. In the City Hall, until Friday, June 26. 1003. at 3 o'clock p. m. for hirnfehtlig to tbe City Crematory fuel for a period of one year. All fuel to be delivered upon requisition from the proper authorities, excepting 4(8) cords of o,lab wood, which must be delivered within sixty days from tb6 date of entering Into contract therefor. Blda must be accompanied hy a certified check, payable to the order of Geo. H. Will iams, Mayor, for an amount equal to lo per cent of the aggrerate of tba hid aa fixed and liquidated damagea. In case auch bidder with draws hia bid, or fails to enter Into written contract and furnish satisfactory bond for th. f.tthfnl nee for ma nee nf the contract abonld the same be awarded. The right to reject any and all bid Jp nereny reserveu. By order -of tba Board of Health. THOS. V. DEVLIN. Auditor of he City of Portland: ' Portland, Oregon, Jua 30, i0o. Totnl : 81.284.43 A statement of aforesaid I assessment has been entered in the Docket of City I. lens, and Is, -now due and payable at the office of the City Treasurer, n lawful money of the I ulted State and If not tiald within thirty days from the date of this notice such pro ceedings wll be taknn for tne collection or the same ns nro provided by the charter or the Citv of Portland. The above assessment will hear Interest ten days after the first publication of this notice. TIIOH. C. DEVLIN. Andltor of the Citv of Portland. Portland. Oregon. June 22,. 100.1. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IM- PR0VEMENT OF THIRD STREET. Notice Is hereby given" thnt William C. Elliott, City Engineer, has tiled lu the office of tho undersigned notice that Miller A Bsner, contractor for the Improvement of Third street, under the provisions of Ordlnauce No. 13.143. have completed aald atreet. from the, ,conter Hue of Bnrnslde atreet to the center Unit nf Ankeny atreet, f mm tbe center Un uf Yamhill street to the center line of Madison street, from the Cfnter line of W'aahlngton street to the center dine of Alder street. Said acceptance will be considered by tne Executive Board at 4 o'clock on the 19th dey of Juno, 10O.1, and. objections to the acceptance of said street or any part thereof may be filed In the office of tbe undersigned at any time prior thereto. THE- EXECCTIVE BOARD. Bv THO8. C. DEVLIN. Andltor of U City of Portland, 'tin 13, 1903. - PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OF EAST YAM HILL STREET. Notice Is hereliy given that at the meeting of the Council of the City of Portland. Ore- ?on. held on the 17th day of June, 1908, the ollowlng resolution was adopted: Resolved. That the. Council or tne City or Purl land. Oreaou. deems it expedient and pro lines to lmurove East Yamhill atreet from the eaat line of Esst Thirty-sixth street to the weat line or, Kast 1 uirty-nimn street in tne following manner, to-wlt: First By grading the stret full width with full Intersections to the established grade. Hecond Hy constructing wooden sidewalk 12 feet wide with six-foot covering planka. Third -By constructing uoodeii crosswalks itlx feet in width. Said Improvement to he made in accordance with the charter nnd ordlnancea or the City ot I'ortland and the plans, specifications and eatiinates of the City Eniiiueer tiled in the odlce of the Auditor of tbe Crty of Portlsnd on the Jdih dr.y of June. l!Hi3, Indorsed: "City Engineer plans and specifications for tbe Improvement of Knst Yamhill street from the esst Hue of Kust Thirty-sixth street to the west Hue of Kant Thirty-ninth street, and the estimates of the work to be done aud the probable total cost thereof." The cost of said improvement to be as sessed ss provided by the city charter uimn the nrouertv specially benefited .thoreTiy and which 1 hereby declared to be all the lots, parts of lots and parcels of land lying be tween a Hue Iihi feet north of and parallel with the north line of Fust Yanililll atreet and a Hue l"o feet south of and parallel with the south Hue of Fast YnmblU street, and be tween the cust Hue of East Thirty -sixth street and the west Hue of East Tblrty-nluth street. The Engineer's estimate of tho probable total cost for ssid improvement is $1,561.10). The plans, epeclflcdttous and estimates of tbe City I.iiglneert for the Improvement of aald East Yumblll street are hereby adopted. Resolved. That the Auditor of the City of Fortland. oregou. be and ne la nereby di rected to give notice of the propoaed Improve ment of said atreet aa provided by the city charter. Remonstrance agalnat the above improve ment may be filed in writing wltb the under signed within 2i daya from the date of th first publication of this notice. By order of the Council. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of tbe City ot Portland. Jane 19, 1903. Juna 18, THOfl. 0. DEVLIN. Auditor of th City of Portland. 1008. ASSESSMENT FOR SEWER IN EAST BURN SIDE STREET. Notice Is hereby given that the Council of the City of Portland, Oregou, at a meeting held on tho 17th day of June. 1903. declared the aaaessment by ordinance No. 13,392 for the construction of a sewer li. Kast Burnslde street, from the east line of Bucbtel avenue to a connection with the sower In llast Twenty fourth atreet, In the maimer provided by ordi nance No. 13,2411, upon each lot, part of lot and parcel of land, which are specially aud peculiarly benefited, to be aa follows, vlx: A tract of land lying between tbe north line of Eaat Burnald atreet and a line 100 feet north of and parallel therewith and between the eaat lino of block 8, Keystone Addition to tbe City ot I'ortland and tbe west line of East Twenty -eighth atreet, laaiah Buckman , 8 660.25 Hawthorne First Addition to Eaat Portlaud Blk 24, lot 12. City A Suburban Rail way Cotupauy Blk 24, lot 11. City A Suburban Rail way Company Blk 24, lot lo. City A Suburban Rail way Company Blk 24, lot 9, Sella L. Hewett Blk 24. lot 8, Mary J. Graham Blk 24, lot 7. Mary J. Graham RJk 2.1, lot 12, Thoma W. Parrott..., Blk S3, lot 11. Thomaa Mulr Blk 23. lot 10. C. C. and Ltilu-ry. Louck Blk 23. lot 9, C. C. and Lulu D. Loncks - Blk 23, lot 8, Charles E. Mace Blk 23, kit 7. H. L. Powers. Trustee.... Illk 22, lot 12, H. L. Powers, Trustee., Blk 22, lot 11, The Hawthorne Estate.. Blk 22. lot 10, The Hawthorne Estate.. Blk 22, lot 9, The Hawthorne Estate:. A tract of land lying between the aouth line of Eaat Burnslde atreet and a line KH) feet south of and parallel there with and between the eaat Hue of block 7. Keyatone Addition tothe City of Portland and tbe west line of East Twenty-sixth atreet, Isaiah Buck man ' A tract of land lying between the cast line of Twenty-alxtn street and tne west line of Esst Twenty-eighth street and between the south line of Enst Burnslde street and a line 100 feet south of and parallel therewith. Isaiah Ituckman A t-net nf land lying between tbe south linn of East Burnslde street and a line 100 feet aouth of nud parallel therewith, and between the east line of Ksst Twenty-eighth street and tbe west line of the "Robert Fllx Tract." section 86 township 1 north, range 1 east. Willamette Meridian, Tho. M. Anderson Manning's Addition to the City of Portland. Oregon Blk 1. north 100 feet lot 1. C. B. and W. Camptioli B1W 1. north 100 feet lot 1, C. B. and W. Campbell Blk 1. north 100 feet lot 3, A. Taus- cher Blk 1. north loo feet lot 4, E. and J. A. Clcmensen , Blk 1. north 100 feet lot 0, A. and A. Turnhnll Mayor Gntea' Addition to East Port lnnd v. Rlk 7. lot 6. II. M. Glenn Rlk 7. lot 4. H. M. Glenn Blk 7. north 2T..5 feet lot 3. n. M. Glenn Blk H. lot 6, II. L. Stephens Ttlk s. north 34.88 feet lot 4. M. Coopey. Blk R. n'-rth 34.5 feet lot 7. John and Snrah J. CUnt Blk 8. south 2.1.2 feet lot 0 Prince Blk S. north 40.3 feet lot 0. Hoot ! Blk 0. lot ft. Mnrv Tomllson ... Illk 0. north 43.8 feet lot 4. Kuehlc 18.78 40.30 40.30 40.30 40.30 40.30 40.30 40.30 40.30 40.30 40 30 40.30 40.30 40.30 40 30 27.68 254.60 202.00 PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OF EAST WASH INGTON STREET. Notice Is hereby given that at the meeting of the Council of the City of I'ortland. Ore gon, held ou the 17th day of June, 1003, the fullowlng resolution wss adopted: Resolved. That the Council of tbe City of Portland, Oregon, deems It expedient and ?ro poses to improve Ksst Washington atreet rom 12 feet wrst of the east line ot Eaat Water street to the weat line of I'ulnn avenue by bringing the surface nf the .street full width wltb full lntersertlo" to the proper grade with earth, gravel nr otnrr ultabl ma teria), and by removing all unsuitable or ob jectionable material from the street. Said improvement to -be made In accordance with tbe charter and ordlnancea of tho City of I'ortland and the plans, specifications and estimates of the City Euglueer filed in tbe office of the Auditor of the City of Portland on the 10th day nf June, Indorsed: "City Engineer's plana snd specifications for the Improvement of Esst Washington street from 12 feet west of the esst line of East Wsler street to the west line of I'liloo avenue, and the eatlmatea of the work to be done and the probable total cost thereof." The coat of aald Improvement to be assessed as provided by the city charter tiion the property specially benefited thereby and which la hereby declared to be all the lots, psrts of kite and parcels of land lying between a line 100 feet north of snd parallel with tbo nortb line of Fast Washington street and line 100 feet south of and parallel wltb the aouth line nf Kast Wsshinrton street snd be tween a line Iimi fpet west nf snd parallel with the west line nf East Wster street and the west line of I'nlon avenue. Tb Engineer's estlmste of tbe probshle total cost for said Improvement Is 113.507.00. The plans. sicclflcatlons and estimates of the City Engineer for the Improvement of ssid East Washington street are hereby adopted. Resolved. That the Andltor of the City of Pnrtland be and he Is hereby directed to give notice of the proposed Improvement of said street ss provided hy the city charter. Remonstrance against the above Improve ment may be filed In writing with the under signed within i'o dars from the data of the first puhllcstlon of this notice. By order of the Council. TIIOH. 1 . DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland. June 19, 11103. Ooluirhla River Division. FOR ASTORIA and way 8 00 p. ox. points, connecting with 'Dally, stmr for llwaeo aad ix Sunday North Beach, atr. Us- Haturday ale. asb-t deck. . lo.Uu p. m. Wi11amtto Rl'mr DlvtaUa. 5:66 p. i ex. Sunday, Abovt rOB SALEM. Corvsllls 6 S a. m. and way point, etaaaacr iMonday. Ruth Ash Bt. dock. 'Wednesday, (Water permitting.) Friday. Dally 6:00 p. a. ' Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. Yamhill Rlvwr RonU. roR DAYTON, Oregon City and Yamhill River points, atr. Elmor. Ash at. dock. 1 Wster permitting! 7:00 a. n. Tuesday. Thursday, SMurday. 8:00 p. at, Morday, WadnssaA, frlday. Snak Rlvr Rout. FOR LEW18T0N, Ida., ind way point, from Rlpaiia. Wash., steam ers Spokan aad Lew-lton. 4:05 a. as. Dslly. ex. Hat. Abovt 6:00 p. av Dairy x. Friday. af-1S!Vi AVetee 1K1.1 - . , . . avxi& viovn, imrq sou yy asniuglOB. aMS pnon Main 11s. PORTLAND & ASIATIC STEAMSHIP CO. For Yokohama and ITong Kong, calling at Kobe, Nagaaakl and Shanghai, taking freight via connecting ateamera fur Manila, Pert Ariha and Vladlvoatock. y INDRAPTRA SAILS ABOUT JUNE SI. For rate snd foil Information call on or ad dress offlcl! or agent of th O. R. A N. Ca ' EAST via. SOUTH RAILROAD TIMETABLES. 121.60 28.20 28.20 28.20 w THE aTlST OP KVmVTHIMQ ONLY 70 HOURS PORTLAND via the 0. R. R. & N. Co., Oreeon Short Line, Union Pacific and Two trains a day, with through Pullman drawing-room sleeping cars, free reclining chair cars and dining cars (a la carte). an.!SPECIAI connects at Granger with the famous Overland Limited, the most luxurious train in the world, to Chicago from the Coast. Be sura your tickets read over tha Chicago & NotthrWcstarn. A. Q. BARKER, QgN'L Apr. 0. & N-W. RY, I AS THIRD ST., WhTLAND, ORg. VdOS. a 8:80 a. aa. HM p. m. 7:80 a. av 114:60 p. m. VMI0V DIP0T. I O loOPf ), taASTAl I ATTTV. an! OVERLAND EXPRE; train, for BaUm. Koaw-I bur. Aahland. Ha J memo. Ogden, San rraaJT:3 a. , riaco. Mo lave, Lo Aa-I gale. El Paso, New Or-I aran nna in East At Wood born dallv (except Sunday), moro-l gel Sllvsrtoav BrovraaJ"0 vine, Bprlugfleld, Wend-I ung ana natron. Albany pngr. eoaJ Beets at Wooburn ltb All. Angel and 8llvrJ ran local. Oorvallla pangx. . . . 8bertdan passenger. , . . 10:10 a. it saw p. av 8:J5 a. si Dally. HDalJy except Sunday. rrtlnd-Oairo SatrarVan Sorrlo and TaantUl Division. Depot Foot af JaffsrMa sHraot. y ' ' Lear Portland, dally for Oawego T:80 a. ax. I 11:50, 2.06, 8:25, 5:30. SJ8. 8:80, 10:10 p. aa. Dally (except Sunday) 8:30, 8:80, 8:80. 10: IS a. m.i 4:00, 11:30 p. m. Sunday only. $M a. m. Returning from Oewego, srriv Portland dairy 8:80 a. m.; 1:55. 8:00, 4:85, 6:15, 7:86, 8:54, J 1:10 p. m. Dally (except Sunday) 6:26, 7:35, :80. 10:30. 11:45 a. m. Exceptlloaday, MM a. m. Sunday ouly, 10:00 as. m. Leave from aamo depot for Dallas and lotafe mediate points dally (except Sunday) 4:00 av -Arrlva Portland 10:30 a. m. Th Independence-Monmouth Motor tin) operate dally to Monmouth and Alrlla, eon. noctlna? with Houth era Paelde Cosnnanv' trak 1 at Dallaa and ladependenca. rirat-claea rebate tlckata oa eat froan Pert. ' land to Sacramento aad Baa Francisco. Nf , i rat I1T.50. berth 85; eeeoad-elaa far 815, 1 without rabata or north ; acond-cIa hartal 1 a iui iicxera 10 ajoaiero point ana snxropev las" ..' japan, i ntna. Honolulu ana Australia, - City Ticket Offc corner Third and Washing ton streets. Phono, Mala TIA tk W. ST1N0ER'. 'W, B. OOMAM,. Uty Ticket Agent. 0n- Pa. Aft, WMiv TIMR CARD '0)- 7-- 4 J J WW TRAINS PORTLAND: n. c. c.' ' w! Henry .82.HS1.15 Tutsi . A statement of aforesaid caement haa been entered In Jhe Incket of City Llena. nnd Is now due and payable at the office of the rltv Treasurer, In lawfnl monev of th 1'nlted States and If not paid within thirty dny front the date 0 this notice such pro ceeding will be taken for the collection, of the same aa are provided by th charter ot the- City of Portland. The above aaseesment will bear Interest ten dsya after tba- tint publication of thla notion. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Andltor of the Citv of Portland. Portland, Oregon, Jon 33, 1908, 2S.20 . . 23.20 :a .00 i AIX TRAINS VIA&SllLNGTON 21.00 "71;?- J I I 10.20 rnrNilu "rvLMi ! a'!i Puiret Sound Limited for Tacoma, Seattle. Olrmpla. South Bend and Gray a Harbor points. North Coast Limited, for Tarodia. Seattle, Butte, St. Paul. Min neapolis, Chicago, New York, llnston and points East aud Southeast. Twln-Clty Express, for Tociima. Seattle, Spo kane. Helena, St. Paul, Minneapolis Chicago. New ork, Poston and all points East and Southeast. Pnget Sound - K a neat Clt'-St. Louie Snectal. for Tacoma. Seattl. Spokane, llutte. Billings, ltenver. Omaha, Kansas ritv St Iillla and .11 4lnts East and South cast. Departs. 8:30 a. as 8 :00 p. m. 11:43 p. m 8:30 a. m. Arrlvssv 8:30 as. 7:00 a. av 7:00 p 7.00 a. All trains branch, daily except on Booth Boxaf A. if. iHani,iun, Assistant Ceneral Paaarr Aasnt. 22T. Morrison St.. corner Third. Portlaud. Of. Astoria & Columbia .; River Railroad Co. Leaves. 8:00 a, I 7:00 p. ax. tJJttOH DEPOT. Per Haveer. Italnle. Clatakani. WaateorL Cuftoa. Aatorl. War. rmtea - I'lav!, 41a4 nDU - rocs Brawns, lien r hart Park. Seaside. Astoria - and Sesshcrs Kxpr, . Daily. ' Astoria Exprea. Dally. Arrivs. n-JOssi, 9.49 . as. ..;,,' -i . J. C. My. O. P. and P. A., Ast-.rls. 'If- E. t. LEW!,. romaercMl Agent, 1H 4 1'sKMM Alain sM. , f :- : i"