. .1 I, 8 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, JUNE 22, 1003. r POSTAL SCANDAL mm Congressman Sibley Now Mix ed Up in the Matter of Sus- Ricion and Will Probably ave to Show Cause Why. Postmaster Vancott of New York is Asked for a State ment of His Help and Sends One Which is Shy, Names of His Son and Superin tendent White Do Not Appear On List and an Explanation is Now in Order, tjournttl Special Service.) WASHINGTON , June 21. Postmaster-General Payne will be naked to Investigate the contract under which the General Manfoldtns; Company of jVrsnklln. Pa., supplies currier with resister tooks. Coiigrepnmun Sibley Is Said to be one of the principal owners in the concern. It Is charged among; Other things that child labor Ih employed t the works and that specifications are So drawn for award that all competition la shut out. Patent carbon paper is Used which ia also procured -on an especial contract of exclustveness. Mr. Payne haa received a reply from Postmaster Vancott of New York con taining: a statement of all help employed . In his office and Its designations. It is - understood -the MHteme-rit "did "hot erh- - brace the eases of Richard A'ancott, his son. and Superintendent White. It was upon the rank of 'these two that the tsterriVnt was particularly desired. De partment officers decline to discuss the matter, but It is believed that Vancott has been given to understand that a personal explanation Is now In order. It Is understood thnt JJjicliln is contemplat ing an onslaught nnXoud of California, In retaliation for letters of recent date containing caustic criticism of Machln's methods of conducting the free delivery division. Msehln has repeatedly de clared that Loud got the lion's share when it came to the extension of favors from his division. 17 , FUNERAL OF C, H, HILL Xat sp3ta Paid to rirst Mayor of i . Albtaa, fcjr Oltisens and Lodge- ; ' man. 1 j The funeral services of Charles H. j - Hill, the first mayor of Alblna, were I . held yesterday morning at Central M. K. Church on Russell street. Many per i ' aons who had helped build up' that part I . of Portland "were present. : Rev. W. X Kerr, pastor of Central I t M. B. Church, preached the sermon. The . floral offerings were beautiful and f numerous, many appropriately made I ; pieces being sent by the different orders 1 , f which Mr. Hill had been a member. FellotV'i from Industrial Lodge S member, contributed the following ac J--.; - tlve pall-bearers: Dr. W. A. Wise, A. B. Manloy, R. E. Menefee, (Seorge But- i-1 ler, Robert Maxwich. J. T. Thompson, ( 3. C. Cameron and James Crlder. The honorary pall-bearers, old sol- ' - dlers from Phil Kearney Post O. A. R. I were: M. C. Pratt, D." W. SeWrlng, . , Daniel Clark. D. C. Miller, J. Worrlck. j . . E.'Swsn, I. G. Dorr, J A. Renner, C- 1 ' Tetter, J In Rev Mr. Kerr's analysis of Mr. i Hill's character he spoke of his being a home-builder, a church-builder, a 1 town-builder, a philanthropist and 1 patriotic citizen of the state and na tion. . The Odd Fellows had charge of the services at Lone Fir Cemetery, where Interment was made. John T. Whalley, noble grand, and T. V. Vreeland reading the' impressive funeral service of the order. The surviving members of the family are: The widow, Mrs. Martha Hom-tnger-Htll: the daughter, Jrs. Elta :Hlll-8chnauffer; and five sons'Charles of Albany, Pascal of St. Johns, ' Estus, I Albert and George Hill of Portland. 'STABBING AT PRAIRIE "CITY Jack Turner la Slashed With a Bazor Prom Shoulder to Xnee. BAKER CITY. Or.. June 22 Blood was Hlwl at Prairie City last Thurs day night, according to authentic re ports now received and many of the details Scott Hyde took a star part In a serious cutting affray at that place, which occurred In a barber shop, and which resulted In Jack Tucker being slashed on the right side from his fjhuilfler down to his knee. Hyde took to the hills to escape ar rest and at 1h&'1 reports is till a fugi tive from justice. Hyde has relatives In. this city. Tucker is said to be a man of cuar- lelsom" temper The two men r;imc together in a barber shop ;ind after a wordy war over some matter. Hyde drew a knife and clashed Tucker, escaping to the hillls' ""uekirr is seriously hut not fatally injured. EMPIRE'S NEW BILL An entire change of hill is scheduled at Kmpire this evening. There are four bran new a'-tt and all the performers held over from last week will appear in new and original turns. The bill prom ises to be better than ever and this Is Just the kind of weather that high-daas vaudeville is best appreciated. World and Kingsley. the stars of "Town Top Ica." and one of the best vaudevlll-? teams ever seen In Portland, head the tdll Is a rattling sk-ctrh. Wells Brothers .' have a tine musical act, a genuine novelty-; Andrews and Thompson offer u. Iiigh-grade operatic singing act; Blos som peeley and Blanca, 'The. Ginger Girls." live iip to 'their title. Iester and Curtain, the. fvwtes, have a llvelv t new act; ank Whltcomb will give new t.mlt..ons; Powers and Theobold have a j different sketch and Jlathaway and Wal on will Introduce new dance stepj ffhe' Bioscope w give moving pictures, jh .longest one- on record. :;i No need to fear sudden attacks of , cholera Infantum, dysentery, diarrhoea summer complaint. If youhave Dr. . FVwIer'a Extract of Wild Strawberry In the medicine cheat. - HAMMERSLY MAKES A CLEVER CAPTURE Arrests Woman Thought to Expert Pickpocket Money Is "Blown Back," Poteetive T. E. Hammersly, but re cently appointed to the police force. effected what Chief Hunt bellevu to bo one of the ' best captures of many months when he arrested a woman giving Iut name as Joule Wheeler last night, landing her !n the city lull on a chargo of larceny from the person. The woman Is charged with stealing 5 In gold coin from the pockets of John Tevls, superintendent of the North Pacific Lumber company night before last while conversing with him at th corner or Hlxtn anil Morrison streets Tevls furnished Hammersly with description. consisting principally o the gold teeth worn hy the woman, and iHKt night llnmmerjily met hV Slu also tiled to rob him. and waif placed under arrest For some reusoniAttor ney Hume went to Tevls and returned the t2b to him. and Hammersly had to have a bench warrant Issued for him As a witness. The woman will have her liesrlng tomorrow morning In the Municipal Court. PUPILS TO RECITE Violin and Piano Class of Messrs. te blng-tr Plan Entertainment for June 35. Invitations have been issued Tor a piano and violin recital to be Riven on the evening of June ii by the pupils of Messrs. Eugene and Joseph Ste blnger. The entertainment la to be at Arlon Hall, at Second and Oak streets, and the recital will begin promptly at :30 o'clock. "The following program will be rendered: Violin Knsemble "Hominte" . Hedeghem Misses R. Wunderll, H. Botefuhr. Fr. Keller. N. Duffy, Messrs. Brereton, Krumbeln, Gerfln, Cook, Haehlen and Eufrlck. Piano 80I0 "Austrian Bong" ....Pacher Miss Leola Stanley. lolln Solo "Mazurka . Mtt Hlller Master II Cook. Piano Solo "I.a Tzigane" . . . Miss Laura Kelly. Violin Trio "March Funebre". Chopin Misses R. Wunderll, H. Botefuhr, Mr. Joseph Steblnger. Piano Solo "New Spring" Lange Mlsa Zulah Ondrnss. Violin Solo "Bohemian Girl" ....Balfe Miss N. Duffy. Piano Solo "Valse Kxtatiiuc" .. .Gilder Miss Hazel Conrad. Piano Solo "Papillon Roses" ... Thome Miss Kate Jennlng. Violin Trio "Andante Sostenuto" . . . . Wohlfahrt Miss R. Wunderll. Messrs. Eugene and Joseph Steblnger. Piano Solo Sonato, Op. 14, No. 1 (Al legro, Allegretto, Rondo) ..Beethoven Miss Lena Drucks. Quartet ''Moderato Assal" Muller Messrs. Brereton. Joseph. Eugene and Frank Steblnger Piano Solo "Cachoucha" Spanish Dance Raff Miss Louise Hagner. Violin Solo "Regrets" . . . . Yleuxtemps Mr. Eugene Steblnger. Jr. Piano Solo "Caprlcclo," Op. 22 Mendelssohn Miss Camille Helrz. Orchestral part by Mr. Milton Hers. LIGHT FI.NEJOR WOMEN EJla Wilson and Minnie Manning, the latter being, it Is said, Amelia Moran of San Francisco, were fined 110 each this morning In the Municipal Court. These arc the two women about whom so much has been published, as they fought madly when the police attempted to photograph them for the rogues' gallery. They had up 120 ball each on vagrancy charges. Last Tuesday they were brought before Judge Hogue, and At torney Hume, at the close of the hear ing, stated to the court that Chief Hunt had agreed that the ball money should be returned to the women If they would leave town. At that time Judge Hogue waxed very Indignant, and refused to hear to such a farcical endlHgvof "the case. DROWNED IN THE BAY Bad Accident at Ban PraAolaoo Wherein Two Prominent Tonus; Men Lose Their Urea. 8AN FRANCISCO. June 22 J. B. Paulsen, a bookkeeper of the General Electric Company, and Edward Selllnger of the Selllnger Wine House were re turning from an outing on the bay tug Priscllla last night and on nearing the dock the two men were standing on the narrow deck space when one tripped on a coll of rope and both fell overboard and were drowned before rescue was possible. , ARQU1NG TRU3T CASE TRENTON, N. J.. June 22. The ap plication for a receiver for the Untted States Shipbuilding Company la being argued here today In the United Stales Circuit Court. This Is an action In which the transfer of the Bethlehem Stool Company Is said to have render. d the trust Insolvent. In the transfer "it is contended that Schwab received $10, 000,000 In bonds, $10,000,000 of com mon stock in the new corporation and $10,000,000 of other common stock. BRITISH REPULSED. IONDON. June 22. A small British detachment unsuccessfully attempted in the middle of May to dislodge ex-Sultan Sokoto and a large force In the walled town of Durmi. in Nigeria. The British were compelled to retire after losing four killed and 60 wounded. The ene mies' loss is reported at 300 killed and wounded. DEFUNCT COMPANY JKRSEYe CITY. June 22. Th As phalt Company of America this after noon was declared Insolvent by Chancel lor Stevenson and was restrained from doing buslnesa. STBE CUBE POB PILES. Itching piles produce moisture and cause itching', this form, as well aa Blind, Bleeding or Protudlng Piles are cured by Dr. Bo-san-ko's Pile Remedy. Stops Itching and bleeding. Absorbs tu mors. 60c a jar. at druggists, or sent by mail. Treatise free. Write me about your case. Dr. Bosanke. Phll'a., Pa. The reduced homeseekers' rates, effec tive February 15 apply via the Denver gt Rio Grande. Have yotlr friends come through Salt Lake City, over the scenio line of the -world. Stockholders of The Dalles National Bank will meet In The Dalles July 8 to determine what shall be done regarding winding up the affairs of the bank. The meeting is cllled for by W. B. Rldgely, Comptroller of Currency. Scald headj is an eczema of the scalp very severe,' sometimes, but it can be cured. DoAn'a Ointment, quirk and per manent t its results. At any drug store, 60 cents. , itch is warmly praised Be More Than a Dozen Protests Have Been Sent to Washing ton Against His Suspension from Office, Members of State Board of Health Feel He Has Been Un justly Treated, Revenge Be ing me UDjeci, Although less than four days huv elapsed sine announcement of the ms- pension of Dr. E. N. Hutchinson from the office of Inspector of the. United States Bureau of Animal Industry for the Northwest, more than a dozen pro testa axalnst his permanent removal have been forwarded to the department at Washington from prominent organi zations and Individuals in Oregon. Among those are the Htate Board of Health, the Portland Medical Socloty ai. 1 the Medical Society of Oregon. Members of the State Board of Health Heelare that nothing that can be done by that organization to secure the ac quittal of Dr. Hutchinson of the charges lodged against him will be omitted. The Portland Meulcal Society and members of the state association of physicians express themselves similarly. Mystery thus far surrounds the charges filed against Dr. Hutchinson at Washington, copies of them having not yet been received in Portland, but It Is understood that he Is accused of having courted newspaper notoriety and with having used Information that came to him through official channels for per sonal motives. Dr. Woods Hutchinson, at the head of the Htate Board of Health, takes a most positive stand in favor of his friend. The State Health Officer Is In no way related to Dr. E. N. Hutchinson, the suspended Federal employe, and the two were not even acquainted until they mot In Portland, each working for the public good. . Charres a Means of Berenge. - I am convinced." said Dr Wood Hutchinson, "that the charges which have been lodged at Washington against Dr. E. N. Hutchinson are Inspired wholly through hatred and malice. While I am not fu. y informed as to the exact nature of the complaint 1 have known for more than six months that certain Portland butchers and the Union Meat Company of this city were dissatisfied with the stand Dr. Hutchinson had taken with regard to advocating pure meat and milk for consumption by the people, and have threatened to make, trouble for him. I am certain these charges are only a cloak to hide the hatred en gendered by the fearless and impartial way he has gone about doing his duty. It has been a matter of common report that some of inose whom ho had of fended were going to get even with him if they could and In whatever way mey could, 'inis Is the method they have chosen. Personally I feel very strongly about this matter for two reasons. 'The first Is that I am satisfied the animus against him is due to the work he has done for the State Board of Health the Portland Medical Society and the Oregon Medical Society In attempting to prevent the sale of Impure meat and milk to the people of Oregon. A Mixture of Names. "The second Is that I have been largely instrumental in urging mm to a';.1w .1" name l? be,UHed l on',e .,!on with t lie f.inna vn f . . Ih. t,.,tlni.Hn,i of the public health and It was' chiefly upon Information from him and his dep uties that the seemingly successful con clusion of this contest was made possi ble. I am afraid that, owing to my name being the same as his and my hav ing taken so active a part in this fight, a part or the worn wiucn l aid as State Health Officer has been attributed to him. 1 know that I have often been called upon to answer for things done b him and fear that, working Inversely, this may have caused him trouble. "To the charge that Dr. Hutchinson has courted newspaper notoriety, we can all of us answer that it is not true. It has very often been necessary to urge upon him at length the course which we finally Trsuaded him to pursue of making public certain things which were necessary to the proper carrying; on of our campaign.' "While Dr. Hutchinson never Initiated any action against the vendors of im pure meat and milk I can say that It was almost wholly due to him that the sale of these disease-breeding articles of food have been governed. He wa our right-hand man and most powerful assistant ever since the work of puri fication began more than a year ago. Wy"itohfnon Did H! ut "The fact that Dr. Hutchinson is held In th highest esteem by medical merf all over Oregon is uttested oy his hav ing been elected a member of the Port land Medical Society as wen as of the Oregon Medical Association, although not a member of the- 'human' medical profession. "We all of us feel that Dr. Hutchinson not only performed his whole duty with out fear or favor, but that he went fur ther and did a great deal for the public which should be spoken of In commenda tion and not condemnation. "We hope he will be speedily restored to his office and consider even temporary suspension a gross Injustice." - Dr. K. B. Hess, who is- now in cnargc o. Hie Bureau of Animal Industry in this city, has no connection with the charges that have been filed against Dr. Hutchinson. FACTORIES MAY COME Prune Evaporating- Plant and Hydraulic Cement Work Will Perhaps Be Built in This City. L. D. Cholsser'of Chlco, Cal.. and G. W. Barrett of Oklahoma City, have heard of Portland's fame as a manufac turing center and have written the Chamber of Commerce here regarding the advisability of erecting factories In this city. The former states that he Is contemplating the erection of a fruit evaporator for drying prunes, while the gentleman from Oklahoma has in mind the building of a hydraulic cement plant. As Oregon prune are said to be the finest fruit of the sort grown in the United States, it is thought that Mr. Cholsser will soon male the necessaryJ arrangements by which his new evap orators may be manufactured In this city, -Jkn4 thvs be convenient for the fruit men of 'this state. G. W. Barrett, who la gene-gal man ager of the Atlas Hydraulic Stohe Com pany, wrote that he expects to visit Portland soon, but would flrsf like to receive literature regarding the buKlness Interests of the city. .His company la said to be well known throughout .the Middle West as nakr of artificial building stone, stone chimneys and mosaic sidewalk tile It Is a plant for the manufacturing of these ' materials ;that Mr. Barrett-la thought to be plan ning to erect Here. HEW TODAY. WOODSTOCK Residents in this most attractive suburb enjoy excellent car service, good school and church. 11 11 abundant supply of pure spring wnter. piped to evry house, together with a largo supply of the most healthful atmosphere In the state. TOT CAW B1TY A OTABTEm BLOCK rOB (300. WB BUILD YOUB HOME Ton can liny us In monthly Install ments. Portland Trust Company of Oregon 109 Third Street. FOR REINT The nPDer floor of building formerly occupied by the Bank of British Colum bia, 90314 Viae street. Contains rooms, first-class condition. . The large, commodious modern resi dence on the summit of Mt. Tabor la for rent for a term of years. .Al tenant only. Wakefield, Fries & Co. 9D9 STABK BTBET. YALE UNIVERSITY CHAVOB I If Z.OCATZOW OT ES TRANGE rzAKzarATZOirs. Examinations for admission to Tale Collea-e and Sheffield Bolentlflo Bohool will be-hejfl la tie Hill Military Academy on June 25-27 Inclusive, opening at 8;30 a m. MODERN WOODMEN (Journal Special Service.) SALEM. June H2. The members of the Modern Woodmen of America yester day morning visited the cemeteries south of the city In a body, headed by their own band, and with the beautiful serv Ices or the order, decorated the graves of their dead. The ritualistic ceremo tiles were impressively conducted by Venerable Consul V. A. Turner. A large number of the members and of the Royal Neighbors, a sister organization, was In attendance, and many beautiful floral pieces were placed m the graves of the deceased. The dead so remembered were Frank 8. Dearborn. John Savage, J Scott and Paul Kllrgele. riBAMCIAX,. Ladd & Tilton, Bankers KutablUVd In 1M0. INTEREST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS. Collectlone made at all polnta on favorable tprmi. I.t'ttere of eretllt laaued afallahle Is Europe and all olnta In tie I'nltid States, Rlaht eohane and teletrraphle tranafera Bold In New York. WHhlnton. fhlcaco. St. Iula, Prnrer. Ouiaha. Xnn Franclaco and Mon tana and Urltlnh Columbia. Eirhance sold Frankfort. Hong and Honolulu. on lODdon Parla, Koug, Yokohama, Herlln UanlU United States Nat l Bank OF FORTLAHD 0RE00V. NORTHWEST COR. THIRD AND OAX ITS. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BAN&INO BUSINESS. DRAFTS ISSUED Available in all ritiaa nf the VntUit Etatea ana Europe, Hone; Kong and Manila. ! Collections Made on Favorable Term . Vlce-rrealdfnt W. B. YH Aalmnt f'nuhtrr R. W. 8CHMEKH Aaalntaut Cinliicr A. M. WRIGHT LONDON & SAN FRANCISCO BANK, LIMITED. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BUILDINO. THIRD AND BTARK STREETS. Head Office RS Old Broad atreet. London. Thla hank tranaacta a r rural bonking bnai neea. makpa lonna, dlacounta bills and iaaiiea lcttera of credit available for trayelera and for the imrrhaae of nn-rchnndlae In miv rlty of the world. Doala 'n .cimUu nnd douiiM.'e exchange. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. W. A. MACrtAB, Manajrcr. Merchants National Bank PORTLAND. OAEOON. J. Frank Watson Prealdent It. L. Durham : Vice-Preal.tent R. W. Hojt (anhler Geo. W. Ho.rt Aaalatnot Caahrar Transacts a General Banking Business. Drafta and letcra of credit laaued arallable (tfrpnr ef turn "woilrl.'' - Collection a apectalty. Gold Itwt bonetit. MORRIS BROS & CHRISTENSEN l-iucceasora to MORRIS A WHITEHEAD, BANKERS. " FIRST AND ALDER STREETS, PORTLAND. OR. BEFEBEXTCES. Ladd ft Tilton. Portland: V. 8. National Rank, I'ortliui(l. Dank of Culiforula. San Fran cisco; Crockcr-Woolworth National Bank, Sau Franclaco, Bolton, deRuyter & Co. MEMBERS. Chlcopo Ronrrt of Trade, San Franclaco Fro duco KxWimiire. San Frsnclaco Stock and Dond Kxcbuuga. GRAIN, FROVISIONS, STOCKS, BONDS and COTTON. San Francisco QT,co 430 California St. 102 THIRD ST. PORTLAND OR MORTGAGE I.OAN3 at Lowest Bates. IFSUBANCE IN ALL LUTES. REAL ESTATE. A. H. BIRRELL Formerly of XacMaster & Birrell. REAL K8TATE. GFNKll.VL INSUUA.NX'E AND FINANCIAL ACENCY. S03-1 McKay Building. Third and Btark. Phone. Main 232. MORTGAGE LOANS On Tortlnnd renl estate lit lowest ratea. Titles Insured. A'ntl n-u furiili'ia !. Title Guarantee & Trust Co. 1 Chamber of Commerce. NOTICE SALABXED PEOPLE Do you need money beforo pay day? Call on us. Wo can advance money on your wagea on short notice. You pay back monthly, seml monthly or weekly. THE STAB LOAN CO., 210 McKay Bldg.. Third and Stark t. MONEY ADVANCED. Salaried people, teamster, etc.. without secur ity, easy paymui.U; largest business In 49 principal "Titles. - TOIMAN. 833 Ablnrton Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. On Improved city and farm property, at low est curxeut rates; building loaus. Installment loana. , Wm. McMa.ster, . . aM Worcester, bids. ' IXV TODAY. HEAL rBTATI TOIL AIX WB Hl'ILD 1IOLHR on r monthly Dermest: Jut what you wunt; mi our plana, tnejr ara hoc eipenaire. si? lommert'iai diiir. FOA iaxx. $soii U ou sautto buy live acres, fine loca tion, uear rlty? House, sola fruit trees. Apply at Kaat Kluta aL, NorU, or pbona lulon 1A0A. FOR 8AUC llano, ranee and two Beatrra; a banrain. Call IMtt ItonWy are. FOB SALE TIMBEE CLAIM!, 8KVKKAI, timber claims near Portland; 5,000,. 000 feot yellow Br on each; location fee rea sonable Adilrraa Tlmlier. , FA2MS TOR I ALE. ItM) ACltKS of land, few acres cleared: lUIng water, amatl bousr; 13 uillea from Koreat OnT; will be sold Terr cheap. WhaUvj. Reneun Illdr.. fifth Hid Morrlaon ta. rOHMIBHED XOOMA LOCI AN IK'II.DI.NO. 10HH I'nlon are. Klegant rooina iut nonaBeeniuf or transient, lurnunaa or unturnionea: ratre rraannatil. FORD'S Auction Sale Days At 182 First St. . EVERY Monday, Wedn's, Friday Wednesday's Sale Will be a epectal auction aale for a partr who haa reqiirated ua to sell all the rt'KNITl'IlE from hie in-ronm houae; everything In the line of KL'KNITURK will be here, amona which we notice a Terr 01. 1 MM HOW ANY nnKKsr.u, EAJHA I.AKliK WAbNI.T t'HIF KOMER. large walnut HOOKTAHK. with glaaa frout. library table, round card tables, etc. II 1'ORII. Auctioneer. Hale at 182 Flrat atreet. 10 a. m. Friday's Sale Will hare the aem old program, with a NEW LINE Of OOOD8. We hare a nice line of furniture reaerrt-d for KrldaT'a aale. and elan muat aell ererj pair of BOOTS AM) HHOKH. balance of that choice EXTRACT OK VANILLA, balance of MEN'S DRKM8 SUIKTH. ladlea' unrterw.-ar and email warra, a few Imxea of cia-ara. and many other new Iteme that will Intereat you. Kale bealna at 10 a. m. H. KORI). Auctioneer. The Oregon Daily Journal HELP WANTED MAL. C. tt. 11ANS''N A CO.. EUFLOVUKNTAUlt.NXa 211 NORTH SECOND MT. Offices In Kan Kranclaco. Ix Angeles, Cal; Osdcn. t tHh; Hpokane. Waab. HELP KKEE TO EMPLOYER. Appllcanta for work charged for what wo avcurr for them, only or money refunded. FREE REGISTRATION and BAGGAOE ROOM. ESTABLISHED 1879. WANTED, FOR NEVADA. Tunnelmen. donble-band hamuieramen. muckera. labc tra, $2 to $3 day. chaiicea for niacblD rnnnrra. outalda latiorera and teamatera. FREE FARE, lonf job. riKxi water, board and work. NORTH. On the Coaat. tt. R. laborera 12 2.1 day: alao atatlnn sanea 22 to SO renta FREB FARE. BRIDGE CARPENTERS, It FREE FARE. SOITH For th Bohemia mine rallwar In Southern Oregon, track laborera, 2. FREE t AKE. Ill brlrtre cal pentera. 3 day. new R. R. work. FREE FARE. 6 mlllwrlEhta. 14 day cloae hi. Rough carNntrr, $40 and board hitmen, aairr ann rnrm help, vtooaamen. HEADQI ARTERS FOR B- and OCT SIDE WORK. OTHER WORK IN OTHER LOCALITIES. Bee u If toi want work out of town. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. C. R. HANSEN A CO. 28 North 2d at WANTED Two flrat-claaa anllcltora at once; muat be hl fo get rcaulta. Call on Fred JmuiatonIVjjnjint SITUATION WANTED. ELDERLY experienced gardner wanta work on prirate pinre; no lioraea; city or country Arldr Box B. care Journal. REMOYAL. DR. FRANK Ev FERRIS, DR. CERTRt'DE E. Lamberaon. Dentlata, remoTed to Maclaay bldg.. fifth floor. ATTORNEYS. EMMONS A EMMONS. attorneys at law, 644 Woreeater bldg. . B. RIGGEN, Attorney and Counaellor-at-Law; Notary. 306-304 Ablngton bldg. PAXTON, BEACH A 8IMON (110 Chamber of Commerce. J. T. TAUGHER Room 18. Alnaworth Bntldlng. H. B. DICKINSON, Attorney-at-Law and No- tr Public SOS Commardar bldg. LODGING HOUSES. TUB COSMOS Fourth and Morrlaon, furnlahed hooifkeeping aultea, suite and atogla rooma; $3 per week and np. THH CASTLK 273 Waahligton at.: rooms for grntlemen: trnnalent. Tel. Bonth 761. HOTELS. WELL VENTILATED atngle rooma. 15c. 20c and 25c a night; beda. 10c. The Ererett Honae, cor Second and Darla. BARGING AND LIGHTERING. OREGON ROUND LUMBER CO.. aide at. I'bone Grant 1171. 181 Burn- BANJO. MANDOLIN AND GUITAR. INSTRUCTION cluba Tor' advanced pupila; tn atrumenta for aale. Hal Webber, studio 173 West Park. cor. Yamhill. Phone South B81. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. ESBERG-GUNS'f CiGAK CO. Dlatrlbutera of FINE CIGARS. Portland. Oregon. CARPENTER. J. F. LUCY. ' succeaaor to Gordon Mfg. Co.. carpenter, builder, general contractor, bouse remodeling, alterations.- etc.; cabinet work and Jobbing a specialty; counter shelving, lco boiee, etc.; store and office fixtures; up-to-date and original carpenter work of . all kinds; nothing tM large or too small for our Immediate attention; no flies on us: we make and put up the best Or acreena In Portland. Shop. foot of Yamhill St.; phone, Blnck 2S07; realdence. 747 Enat Stark; reside- e phone. " Whlto 712. CAFES. YATES' PLACE. 2S5 Washington at.. Phono S. Main 771, J. W. Talbott. prop. Portland. Or. CORNICE SKYLIGHTS. METAL 8KYLIGHTS. galvanized Iron nicer. J. C. Bayer. 262 Second at. CASH REGISTERS. HALL WOOD CASH REGISTERS. 264 Stark at. CHIROPODY AND MANICURING. THE DOVKNYS, the only aclentlflc chiropodists In tho city: parlors 301-2. Aliaky bldg.; this Is the long-haired (,'cutlemuu you want to ace. Grant 10. L. MITCHELL. Chiropodist. 702s Marquam bldg.. Phone Black 28M. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. JOHN A. MELTON, carpenter and builder, 307 Stork t.; office and store Bi lures built and remodeled;' altering and repair houses. I'hona Main 747. AUTHORS A MARTIN, carpenters and build ers; repairing and Jobbing; store and office fixtures built. Shop 2oi Columbia. I'hooe Clay 1851. H. F. CLARK, 4S34 Waah., phone Weat 782. North 1411, New and rupalr work, l-Totopt attention. COMPRESSED YEAST. RED STAR COMi'RESSED YEAST; It make ugnteai. ror aai ny an grocrs. i par cent Stronger - than so other. CQAt AVO . WOOD. Whti-rm irpi-n X lri;l-t. rn liealera In all kinds et coU ooke rbarcnaL rhone 101S. - - VI'UIAN CO A I. CO., wholesale dealers beat eoaia: ronnflrr ana amoirer eoao. CEREAL KILLS. ACMU MILLS Acme Cereala. CO., Manufacturers Ralntoa 30 and 23 Nortb front at. P. JOHNHON A CO., manufacturers i'eerleas nlth Cereata. 123-4 'mnt at ILICTRICAL WOSX. U. L. fRIOK. elwtrlo light and bell wiring, 44U vtaaiiiiKton at. rnone (lay viw. CORTLAND KLKCTBIUAU.WOBKH Oloce 363 Btark at. - . Woatern Kleetrle Worka. 8iH Waahlnrtoaj nt. DEUOOI8T3, t'HANK J. 8TIIEIHIO. drues, toilet arUrles, BTEINO AXD CLXAHIMO. CITY 8TEAM DYE1NO A CLEANING1 WORKS. Herninu Enkln, proprietor. Phone Mala 17U. No. 8.1 8th at., near I'lne. Portland, -Of FRATERNAL INSURANCE. ORDER OK WASHINGTON rorrmoat frater nal society of Northweat: protacta the ltr lug. J. L. Mitchell, aupraroe aecretary. all and 61S Marquam bldg., Portland, Or. Tel eiihona Mala 042. HOUSE FURNISHERS. UOMB rtmXlSHKKS rurnlture. carncta. par- lor gooda, atoroa, ate. Bee 1. Oorurts A Bona. 1TH-17S Klrat at, SID-KB YtmbllL Both pnonea sin. JEWTLIRB. THE O. I1KITKEMPER CO.. 1rwerrm. Sun Morrlaon at. uiauutacturlug FREE SHINES. CLOTHES CLEANED and preaaed II per month. Cnlque Tailoring Co., M7 Waablng. ton at. IN8T7RANCE. 1. PHILIP KENNEDY. Inauranee; rraldent aaeut Norwich I'nlon Fire Inauranea Social. Phone South 1MI. 44 Hamilton bid. JA8. Met. WOOD, employers' liability and In- aiTiaaal accldant: auraty bonoa ox an alaaa. I'hona 47. Concord bldg. H. V. BARTELB COMPANY. Klre Inauranee. 443 Sherlock bldg. Oregon phene. Clay 62a. ISAAC L. WHITE, flra Inanranca, 223 Sherlock mat. ore ion phona. Main rvVt JOB PRINTING. FINE OKKICB STATIONERY: boalneaa forma a apectalty. Mercantile I'rlnttnf Company, jxu, Kront. cor. Aab. I'bone. Illack aixil MINING AND MINE PROMOTERS. BE88IONS A KIMI'SON. mlnlnr and mine pro moters. Room 2. Chamtior of Commerce. ' LOCKSMITH. . L. TiavHETTS, 2H8 Yamhill, near Second; 12 pr with J. Karbey. MASSAGE. MDM5. H. E ELY, .lwtric treatmenta. dcrmatolnglat, maaaaga, 1D.1U, Klrat at. MONET TO LOAN. FRED H. STRONG, FINANCIAL AGENT. Money to loan. No rommlaalnn. I am lu a poaltlon to make Immediate loans on Improved real estate or 'or building pur Doaea: any amount; moderate Interest. Wa approve loana from plana and advance money aa building progreaaea when dealred. Option In rvpavln after one yenr. FRED U. STRONG. Financial Agent. 108 Second at., near Stark. THE STAR LOAN CO.. 210 M'KAY BLDG.. lt)2Vi Third at., la tba recognised bank nf the wage-earner. We advance money to teametera, trainman. abopmen. motormeu, conductors, etc., without mortgage, endoraor or collateral. Amonnt. Montnlv U Monthly. Weoklv SIO0 repay 26.r or 113.00 er tfl . f ffl repay Sl.TSS or I (1.0.1 or l:l.3fi I 26 repay I A 05 or t 3.33 or 11.08 Boalr.eaa confldentlal. No unpaaant Inquiry MONEY TO LOAN On real. Pomona I and col lateral aecurity; aneclal attention to chattla mortgagea; uotea bought. C. W Pallet, 213 Commercial i)lk. I'bone Grant 850 MONEY TO LOAN at reaaonable ratea. In amounta to ault. Graham A Claton, 2i3 Mar quam building. MONEY TO LOAN, amall amounta. abort or long time. J. II. Flawle.v. 2 Cham, of Com. MONEY TO LOAN on cltv lot and Improved farma. W. A. Shaw A Co.. 348 Stark at. MODEL MAKER. FOR FIRST-CLASS REPAIRING go to Andy rrira. marninm ann mooei m4kr. no mo. NORTHWEST HOTELS. Hotel Portland, A.erioan plan; IJ,15 per day Sommari Hotel, La Orande; travalara' home. Belvedere; European plan-, 4th and Aider sta. St. Charlea, Pint and Morrlaon sta.. Portland OVERALLS. BOSH OF THB ROAD OVERALLS and mechan ics clothing. I'nlon wade. .Neustadter Bros., Mfars Portland Or PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. MISS AGNES LANE, public atenog.-r.phvr and typewriter, io cnamoer oi commerce. 1'liono Clay 830. PERSONAL. YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS are more accurately ana reaeonaoiy mien at trssew s rnarmacy, 227 Morrlaon at., bet. Flrat and Second eta. W'Ofl.D YOU MARRY IF SUITED? If so. send for heat Matrimonial Paper published. Mulled FREE. L. O. Guunela. Toledo. Ohl.o Ing. 10 cents. Jones' Book Store. 201 Aloor CAFE KRATZ. 122 Sllth at. A One lunch aerved at all houra. PLUMBEBS. DONNKRHKRG A RADEMACHER, plumbers, removed to 84 Fourth st. Both pbonea. PIANO LESSONS. TV. OIFFORD NASH. 103 loth at.; terma upon application. Beginners taken. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. 160 ACRES of land, 12 miles from Forest Grove, on Dairy Creek; suitable for stock ranch; few acres cleared and fenced, amall bonae, living water; will be aold cheap. Whalley, Benson Bldg.. Firth and Morrlaon. REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE FARMS Improved farm for aale In all parte of Oregon and Washington-; paymenta made to suit purcbaaera. For full particulars aa to various propertlea apply to Wm. MMiyllaster. 811 Woreeater bldg. MAXWELL A KNAPP REAL ESTATE. Room 2. Chamber of Commerce bldg. ROPE. PORTLAND CORD AG rl CO.. cor. Fourteuuco and Northnip ats.. I'ortland. Or. SrAAYINO. SPRAYING burns, etc, 834. In all branches; trees, bouses, 607 Milwouklo st. Phone, Blue STORAGE AND TRANSFER. C. O. PICK, office 88 First st.. between Star!: and Oak sta.; phone 006; pianos and furni ture moved and packed for shipping; com modious fireproof brick warehouse. Front and 'lsv sta. SAFES.' BUY YOUR SAFES of J. E. Davla; yonr re pairs and lockouts snfely done. 00 Third st. SPECIAL DELIVERY. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY, No. 200 Wash ington at. Phones. Or.. Main 062. Col.. 201. BLOT MACHINEB. TRANSCONTINENTAL MACHINB CO. Slot machine. 8. F.. rark and . Oak. Both I hones. Main 138. WHOLESALE HARDWARE. J. 10. IIASKLT1NK A CO Iron, ateel. coal end !2ckjnjUhj!ijujHes45-S1 WHERE TO DINE. STROC8BS RESTAURANT; flrat-claas meals, best service. 23) Waatdoctea it., - - WHOLESALE W kit- llOHUAN WALL PAPE. CO.. 184-ll and at. bef Yamhill and Tarlor. Portland. Or. WALL PAPER AND PAINTING. BTK1K1 does aot alar ua. aa we are able i ll all ordara wltliout dulT. "eta1,, work. A. A. Church A Co.. No. 7 Taylor at. Phone Clay 171. - WHOLESALE GROCERS. WADHAMS A CO.. wholesale grocars, masn. facturers and eommlaaloa morcbauU, M soil 60 Front st. ALLEN A land. Or. LEWIS, wholesale grocers. Port MASON EHRMAN A CO.. wholesale grocers. N. W. cor. Second and I'to ets. LANO A CH.,' Klrat and Ankanr. ara. TXPIWRITERS. THH SMITH PREMIER TYTeWRITER. 122 inira ac: au makes of typawrltars cor rani: supplies tor all machines. L. A U. Alaiaa der A Co.. arenta. I WHOLESALE 0R00KERT AND OLASSWARE. WHOLEHALK CROCKERY AND GLASS WARM. rraei Hogale Co., 100 to 106. fn. cor. Star N0TICX." TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Notlo hereby glren that tbo jwrtnenblp heretofore exlallng between J. R. llowlea and 0. C. Btrow, under the firm name and atyle of Bowlea A Btrow, 'la thla day dlaaolred. Dated thla 16th day of June. 19U8. 1. B. BOWLES. NOTICE la hereby fires that at the refular uivuu( oi me com won imuqcii or ids City of i'ortland, Multnomab County, Oraron, to be held on the lat day of July, 1903, at the regular hour and place, a petition will be preaented to aald Common Council by the undersigned praylnf for the racetloa of all that portion of Uaiiiea street. In the City of I'ortland, which Ilea between the eaat line of Klrat street and the weat line of Front treet. JACOB UNOER. . I'ortland. Oreeon. June I. inns. CITY NOTICES. ASSESSMENT FOR IMPROVEMENT OF FAILING STREET. Notice la berehr given that the Council of tho City of I'ortland, Oregon, at a Deetlug eld on tbo ITtti day of June. 1803, declared the aaaeaament by ordinance No. 13.400, for be Improvement of Falling atreet, from the i line or Miaaiaaippi avenue to tno eaai Una of Maryland avenue, in the manner pro vided hy ordinance No. 13.012. upon each lot, part of lot and parrel of land, which ara peciauy ana peculiarly Deneateu, tu ue as uiowa, via: Multnomah Blk 23. lot 15, Emit Cbrlatenarn...,.., Blk 23. lot 13, Nura H. Caacy Hlk i'i, lot 14. Carolina R. Amea Blk 23. lot 10. l lrlch A Plana Id Blk 22. lot 1ft, Richard Trainer Blk 22. lot 13. Anioa B. Conrad Blk 22, lot 14. (Uaromo Curletto Hlk 22. lot 16. Char lea Haberland Blk 21. lot 1A.. WUUaia Hathaway,- II . Maraball Carlock 221.31 Blk 21. lot 13. William Hathaway, II. Maraball Carlock 42 W Blk 21. lot 14. William Hathaway, 11. Murahall Carlock 27.72 Blk 21. lot It). William Hathaway, H. Maraball Carlock 132.65 Blk 2u, lot 1ft, Jamea M. Shelly 62.36 Blk 2i, lot 13, Jamea M. Shelly 13.44 Blk 20, lot 14. Johu and Bell Hoffman.. 13.41 Blk 2ii. lot 10, Tboniaa Matthews 63.14 Blk IH, lot 15. William hi. Smith 77.11 Blk 1H. lot IX William K. Smith 1(1 fU Blk lit. lot 14. William K. Smith 4.7n Blk ). lot 10, William K. Smith 67.78 Blk 20, lot 1, The Title Guarantee A Trust Company B1.37 Blk 2K. lot 3, Auna Sihleve 3.01 Blk 20. lot 4. 1. Drleaner 14.12 Hlk 20, lot 2. George K. McRae 03 2 Blk 27, lot 1, Weuael Ulesebman 03 M Blk 27. lot 3. Weuael Flelachnian 13 fiii Hlk 27. lot 4. F.mll Rosen 12.H7 Klk 27, lot 2, liana Anderson 57.01 Blk 2K, lot 1. Jamea F. Met artney 2TM l0 Hlk 2S. lot 3. Jamea F. McCartney 5U.MI Hlk 2K. lot 4. The Alliance Trust Corn wall r, Ltd 56.38 Blk 2S, lot 2, The Alliance Truat Com pany. Ltd 203.M Blk 2ft. lot 1. Gibson J. Burna 60.53 Blk 29. lot 3. Elisabeth and William Cbambcra 1 1 2 Blk 2t, lot 4, Peter II. Jeppparn 10.17 Blk 29. lot 2. I). B. Newman 13.05 Blk 3D, lot 1, Andrew Peterson 216.45 Blk 3d. lot 3. Augusta Jeuaeu 311 43 Blk 3o. kit 4. Mat Horn 0.04 Blk 80. lot 2, Edward Greene SS.l!i Total 12.402 00 A statement of aforesaid assessment baa heru entered In the Docket of City Liens, and la -now due and payslile at the office of me city Treasurer, In lawful money of tbo r lilted States and If not paid within thirty daya from the date of thla nntleo aucb pro ceedings will be taken for the collection of tho fnuie aa are provided by the charter of the City of I'ortland. The above asseasment will bear Interest ten daya after the first publication of thla notice. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland. Portland. Oregon, June '22. 1003. P0UNDM ASTER'S NOTICE. NOTICE la hereby given that on the 20th day nf June. 1003. I took up and empounded at tbe City Pound, at No. 2H1 Sixteenth atreet. In tbe City of Portland, Oregon, tho follow ing described animal: 7;rey mare with ve on right shoulder. And unless the owner, or other person or penaona having an Intereat therein, aball claim poaaeealon of the same, and pay all costs and charges nf the keeping and ad vertising them, together with the pound feea on aald animal, aa provided by ordinance No, 0,92ft. aa amended, of aald City of Portland. I will on tbe 27th day of June. 1903, at the hour of 10 a. m., at the City Pound, at No. 261 Sixteenth, In aald city, aell the .above described animal at public auction to the lllgbeat bidder, to pay the coats and rhargea for taking up, keeping and advorttalng aucb animal. Dated tbla 22d day of June, 1908. F. W. REED, Poundmaater. PROPOSALS FOB CONSTRUCTING BOAT. FLU. Sealed nroDoaala will be received at tha v office of tbe Auditor of the City of Portland.-' Oregon, until 2 o'clock p. hi., on Friday, Julv accordance with the following conditions: First For tbe construction of a flreboat with ateel bull and twin screw propellers ac cording to plana and epeclflcatlona prepared by Mr. Fred Ballln and filed lu the office of tbe Auditor of the City ef Portland. Coplea of aald plana and apeciflcatlona will be fur nished upon application being made there for. Second For the construction of s flreboat with either a ateel hull or a wood hull aud with either e Ingle screw or twin screw pro pel lera according to plana and apeciflcatlona. to be aubmltted by the bidder with bia bid. General conditions which apply to all -bids: First No bid wilt be entertained by which the cost of a flreboat, ready for nse. aha II exceed $00,000.00. Second The maximum draft of a flreboat for the City of Portland muat not exceed alx feet under propellera when fully equipped. Third No bid will Is) . considered for s flreboat with leaa capacity tban 6,000 gallons per minute. Fourth Separate bids will be received for pumpa and In any award for tbe construction of a flreboat the Executive Board reaervea to tbe City of Portland the right to furnish the pumpa, aald pumpa to be placed In position lu tbe boat by the party constructing tbe boat and as a part of aucb construction. Fifth Each bid must be accompanied by flreboat be awarded to auch bidder, he will enter Into contract therefor and furnlab to tho City of Portland, Oregon, a good and auffl clcnt bond, tn be approved by the Mayor, In tbe aum of $40,000.00, for the faithful execu tion of astd contract. The right la reserved to reject any tnd all bids. Blda ahonld be addressed to the Executive Board, care of Tboa. C. Devlin, Auditor, Port land, Oregon. THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of the City of Portland. ' Dated Juno 1. 1908. certified cheque on n reaponslble bank Irak, the City of I'ortland. Oregon, for the sum oOL Three Tbouaaud Dollars, or by a bond for a like amount, to be approved by the Mayor k, of tho city, aa a guarantee, to the effect that If the contract for the construction of aald The TonUjk. j& Par Excellence. (L (AWInAOordtaTJ ' 11 V The best tpeclCc remedy for A; Malarial and Typhoid , Fevers. - 1 ; x E. Foroaaa A Co.. xe-an S 63.4ll' I 19.33 T 13.77 V 77 81 15 M I 18 . (H ' I 81. 13 I L 1-.. .-