THE' '.OREGON DAILY JOURNAL;' PORTLAND, SATURDAY ':'j2VE r MgSANDY RESCUES AN EXPLO RE R, r B UT G ET-S A :RE B UK E ;0 i : Vf-V JCSSd r-- ' " bam bmrnmpml I .' ' ; " " -. i'r' V 1 AND MY WINCHESTERS Li JJi ttlM ItJIIW 'k-f V3 SOME FUH WITH V'. 'i, J. J I V ! V ' -H ! - wvvm.u ..mi, i i w .uiuiiuj aiiuit u(u duvd . y. ' " ' ""iPv ' ' ! v,5' kLs I iucny man, Din i oo naic jo iosc max pair 01 pets. Ear..." - r""'-A,,-j Srsffl . iy i,.,,.,, . r - : , : - !-. ,,,,, V; - HE CANT ESCAPE 03. YJHAt'sTMAT? ? 'FNw ft - ' S , '. i Ji "T ) T LWSf YOU JAveB fe r5 V ' Well, there's nothing to do but tight it out with them now. "The brutes I Did they kick me or was I pushed?" "Oho! an airship! Thanks for the lift, old chap, but you really oughtn't to interfere with other people's business ! " Willie ftoes Some More Improving and Uncle Tom Loses a Plough "Dar Papa-One of Uncle Tom's plough horses is sick, so I rigged up - "And I tell you the dirt flew when Uncle Tom started over the meadow But Uncle Tom wanted to go too fast, and bime-by he steered right a gasoline motor and a pair of driving wheels on the old plough. wim it It dug up ths soil just like as though it was cheese. smack into a big rock and the front part broke off and the other- " - y - "Part, that went right down into the ground like a fiddler crab. The s v last we saw was a Iot of stones and dirt coming out of a big . Hole Mcc-when a dog s after a rabbit. Uncle Tom swore something 'Get turned, upwards and come up under the house some night, so -, lawful, and I heard him say mabbe the blamed thing would guess Til come home to-morrow. , Your toying - - Willie."