THE OTtEGON DAII4Y JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, JUNE . CO," 1903. LOW BATES TO THE CAST. 0. M. W. Anaouncea Xrow Tignre TKh t LoW Time Itlmlt ud Stop-orer. t " Those who expect to go KKt thin turn- tm 1 will be inlet-rated in tile very low " vxcuraion rate offered by tho Oregon Kallroml '& Navigation Company. .4 lie following flguree covering tim round trip from l'ortland: Chicngo, 171.60; . tit Lout. $i7.6: Peoria, $tu.25; Cairo '. till. I. 172.15; Jlemphi"- Tertn.). 173.50; New Orleens, $86.35; Kansas City. St. 'Juaepli, Atrlilnon.-Leavenworth. Omnliii. Council -Hluffa. Sloux.Clty. St. Paul. . Minneapolis, nil 0. rtirta of Sale: June 4, fi, it. 26. 20. 27. 28. 29. 30; July 16. "'it; Auguat 26. 26. Limit: (loin, ten , daya from date of unle; return. J nlnHty iinya from date of aale. . Stop-over prlv- llegea. will be allowed wlthip limit In either direction west of Missouri Htver or St. Paul. For particulars ask at O. R. & N. ticket office. Third and Wash ington street Pnrtlunn COAL ANP WOOD. WESTERN FEED A FUEL CO. Dealere In all kind, of cual, coke and charcoal. Phono-448. . VULCAN COAL CO., wholraule dealer, boat eoale: foundry and smelter coke. CEREAL KILLS. 3 Arts. BUY YOC'H 'SAFES of J.- K. Dsvls; vour re Putin snd lockouts esfelv done mi Third at SPECIAL DELIVERY. ACME SIILI.8 Acme Cereala. CO., Manufacturers Kalstun 20 and 22 North Front t. P. JOHNSON A CO.. manufacturers Peerless Hslth Ceresla. 182 4 Front at. ELECTRICAL WORKS. PORTLAND ELECTRICAL WORKS Office 333 Starkat. Western Electric Works. SOS',, Wsshlngtnn t. RUOOJISTS HEW TODAY. FARMS FOR SALE. r.i ACRES of land, few acres clearrJ: living water, small bouse: 12 nillea from Forest Grove; will be sold Terr cheno. Whsllcj. Benson Bide. Fifth Morrison ats. FURNISHED .ROOMS. FRANK J. STREIRIO. drugs, tc toilet article DYEINOAND CLEANING, CITY STEAM DYKING A CLEANING WORKS. Ileriunn Knklc, proprietor. I'hune Main ITia. No. . th at., near Tine. Portland. Or FRATERNAL INSURANCE. LOGAN BUILDING. 10H Union avs. Elegant - rooms for housekeeping or transient, turulsbed or untarnished: rate reaiu.nahle. rOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. NATIONAL CASH REGISTER, almost new. enat glMO. eheap. 284 Stsrk at. BUSINESS CHANCES. A (JOOI) LIVE MAN to represent an Eastern Urn. Cn. In State Oregon; bin commission; goods consigned. Apply I . Box 110. IWtland. FOR BENT. FOR RENT Furnished buuae. Inquire Sl3 North Taent.T-ftrat at. TOR SALE. S-KOOM OTTAliE. rbeap fur ra.h, lot Rot ., t'; street rradlnf nnne. Apple DOT Haat .Etrhth. North, bet. Miami and Hkldtnnre. AstaJ Ixt jma want to bnjr See aerea. tine Wx-a-tton. near elty? Hnuae. aonie fruit treea. Apply' AT Eaut Nluth at.. North, or phone - V I V"- EAWMILL. loeated In Anrora. Or.: rapartty. . R.ratfl f-et per day; nearly new and In cood condition; enalne, plainer, aaws and all ap ' pllaneea: l.l"0, O B. fHrnlrk, Oreirnn Cltr. (IKDKk OF WASHINGTON Foremost frater nal aocletr of Northwest: urotecta tba ll In. 1. L. Mltrhell, aupreme aecretary, 013 and ein Mnniuam bioif., I'ortiinu. or. lei ephnne Main U2 HOUSE FURNISHERS. liO.MK FI KMSHKRS Furniture, carpeta. par lor (ooda. atorea. etc. Kee 1. Gernrts A Bona. 1T.1-175 Flrat at. 21U-225 YambllL Both phonea :tot. JEWELERS. THE a. IIKITKKMI'EU CO.. jewrltra. 2rt Mnerlann at. nanufacturlaf TREE SHINES. CLOTHES CLEANED and preaaed fl per awnth. Unique Tsllorlnf Co.. atl Washing at. INSURANCE. I'OHT SPECIAL lJliLIVEllYNu. W Wnnh Inaton at. I'honea. Or.. Main U2. i'l . 2'" CITT, NOTICES. SLOT MACHINtS. Tit A NS( i)NU NENTAL MACHINE ( H. machines. . 8. E. Park aud Oak. 'hones. Main 1:18. WHOLESALE HARDWARE. J. K. HAHKLTINE A CO., Iron, nt.-rl. i-oal aud JtroHOiainMpHeir WHERE TO DINE. STKOL'HK'8 KE8TAIKANT: Oratcl.aa mal, heat aervlee. 22tl Waaliliurtmi t WHOLESALE WALL PAPER. MOKOAN WALL I' A PICK CO.. IM-IKil SWeuaU at., bet. YnmMII and Trlr Portland. r WALL PAPER AND PAINTINO. SJklhK does nitaelay ua, aa e are able to till all orders without delay. Flrat-rljaa work. A. A. Church A Co.. No. 27t Taylor t. Phone Clar 171 WHOLESALE GROCERS. WADHAMS A CO.. wholeaale aroct-rs, manu fartnrera and Oummlaaluo mvrcbanta, 04 aud '"TontSt. ALLEN A LEWIS, wholrsalo groci-ra. I'ort- landOr. MASON. EHRMAN ft CO.. "wholesale froevra. . w. a. Heeond snd Pine ats. LA NO A CO.. First snd Anken at. TYPEWRITERS. THE SMITH I'KEMIEK TYPKWKITEIt, . 123 Third st; sll mskes of trpewriters for rent; supplies for all machines. L. A M. Alexan der A Co.. agent. WHOLESALE CROCKERY AND 0LAS8WARE. CITT TREASURER'S NOTICE OF SALE 0T REAL PROPERTY TOR DELINQUENT AS SESBMENTS. ' Notice la hereby kIvcu that the Auditor of tbe City of Portland bus franaiultteil to me a list or the duliunuent aaaeaaiuenta for the coiivtrui tbin of sewer In llortbwlcfc and rresratt streets from a point IN feet esat or the weat Ifitu rtt illMiilMtlnni aTenlie i I north of lYeaeolt street); them-e esaterly ' in preseott street to a point In Borth wick street In Central Allilnn: thence south erlr III Bortli.wlrk street to a connection 1 with the sewer In Kim Tor street, ami tba pursuant to section 412 of th charter the Cltr of Portland. I will, on Monday the 2Hth day of June, ltm.1, at the huur of Jil.urlork i, iii., at the weat door the Cltr Hall, lu tbe City of Portland. Ore. (on. offer for sale, at public auction, to lie hlaheat bidder for rush, anhlrct to re ilcn.pili.ii. the following described parcels of real iiropert.r. to-wlt: Central Alblna r Hlk H. lot I). John Thorall I S.M.R0 Hlk H, lot 10. John 'niorall 51. HO Hlk 7. lot ft, N. M. Darla 44.30 lllk 7. lot 6. N. M. Heels 44.30 It Ik r., lot 7. John Thorall 61. HO Hlk r., lot H, John Thorall 51. Illk 5. lot . Krneat ). Parker 61. HO Miiltnomeh Illk I. lot rKunna fllcloh Katnto. Heirs of ., Illk 2. lot tl. tHred W, Latham 12 08 Illk 2. lot IK ''. M. Jnrnott 12.0o lllk .1. lot ft, Fred W. Latham (12.08 Amended plat of Clifford nik 2i, lot 1. E. A. Kmlth 12.05 Hlk 2i. lot 2. E. A. Smith 12.06 Hlk 2n. lot :t. V.. A. Kmlth 12 Oft lllk 2i, lot 4. E. A. Hmlth 12.08 hech piece or tract of land will be sold separately and for a sum not less thsn the unpaid asx-aament thereon, and Interest and coat of advertising and sale; If more than one bid la offered, the land will lie sold to 'he bidder offering to tskc the aame for the least amount of penalty and Intereat; com petition will he: First L'pon the nenalte for the flrat nerlod: Second Upon the penalty for the auceeedlng pcrioos : Third Upon the rate of Intorest. J. K. WEHLEIN. Cltr Treasurer of the t'ltr of Portland. Portland. Oregon. May 2f. InoS. WHOLESALE CHOCKKR Y AND CLAHSWAKH. Prael Ilegele A Co.. 100 to 1IMI ' . cor. Stark J. PHILIP KENNEDY. Inaiiranee: resident sgent Norwich Colon Fire Insursnee Society. Phone South 15411. 44 Hamilton bldg. JAR. Mrl. WOOD, emplorers' llshllity snd In dleldeal accident: surety bonds of all kind. Phone 47. Concord bldg. TOM SA1VS 4 -room cottage. 60x100; barn; fruit trees, garden and out ' houaea; 2 blocks from Peninsula Sta 1 tlon, on the St. Johns line; $850. B. M, WALDIOV. The Oregon Daily Journal NaXP . WANTED MALA. ii C. R. HANSEN A CO.. KMPIX) YMKNT A0ENT8 S NORTH SECOND 8T. , Offices la Ban FrauciSeo, Loe Angeles,. Csl; Ogden. Utah: Spokane. Waah. - HELP FREH TO EMPLOYERS. Applicants for work charged for what we secure for tbem, only or money refunded. FREE REGISTRATION and ItAOGAGK ROOM. ESTABLISHED 1876. H. F. RARTELH COMPANY. Fire Insursnee, 44.1 Sherlock bldg. Oregon phone. Clsy 528. ISAAC L. WHITE. Ore Insursnee. 225 Sherlock bldg. Oreron phone. Mnln fiftH. JOB PRINTING. FINE OFFICE STATIONERY: hnslneaa forms sprclslty. Mercantile Printing Company, S2Vi Front, cor. Ash. Phone. Black fkatl. MINING AND MINE PROMOTERS. SESSIONS A SIMPSON, mining and mine pro moters. Room 2. Chamber of Commerce. LOCKSMITH. A. L. T11.METT8. 2M Yamhill, near Second; 12 rears with J. Harhey. ' ' WANTED. FOR NEVADA. Tunnelmen. double-hand bammersmen, muckers, la bo. ?rs. 12 to 13 day. chances for mschlne ronners. outside ; laborers sad teamsters. FRra FARE, long Job.-good wstsr. bosrd snd work. NORTH On the Cosst. u. R. laborers. : 82.25 dsy: slso station gangs 22 to SO cents. FREE FARE. BRIDGE CARPENTERS. 1L FREE FARE. SOUTH For the Bohemls mines ratlwsy , In Southern Oregon, trsck laborers, (2. FREE FARE. ' 1 10 brldg carpenters, (it day. new R. R. work. FREE FARE. 8 millwrights. t dsy. close In. Rough carpenters. J40 and hoard. -Kitchen, dairy and farm help. WowHmen. 'o HEADQUARTERS FOR R. R. and OUT SIDE WORK. OTHER WORK IN OTI1ER TOTALITIES. See as If tou want work out nf town. CORRESPONDENCE 8OLICITE0. . C. R. HANSEN A CO. 28 North 2d at. MASSAGE. MDM B. H. E. ELY. dermatologist, mssssgs. leetrle treatments IfMld Flrat at. MONEY TO LOAN. FRED H. 8TKONO. FINANCIAL AGENT. Money to losn. No commission. I am iu a position to make Immediate loam on Improved real eatate or 'or building pur puai; any amount; moderate Interest. Wa approve loane from plsns and advance money as building progresses when desired. Option la repaying sfter one year. FRED H. STRONG. Flunndsl Agent. 103 Second at., nesr Stsrk. WANTED Two flrstVlasl solicitors at once; mnst be able to get results. Call on Fred ' Johnston. 2t Yamhill st. -- . HXLP WANTED FXXAXI. WANTED Cook, willing to do some bonse work; no washing. Pbone Main 2511. 2.10 King st 50 GIRLS snd womed wanted at the big red eennery, R. Eighth snd B. Yamhtll sts. REMOVAL. THE STAR LOAN CO. 210 M'KAY BLDG., 102H Third at.. Is the recognised bank of the wage-earner. We advance money to teamatera, trainmen. shopmen, motormeu, conductors, etc., wltbont mortgage, endorser or collateral. . Amount Mnnthlv H Monthly. Weeklv 10 repay f 2d M or lia oo re $ t 50 repay $18 .15 sr t 8.0.1 or KK.X t 25 repay I 8 65 or S J l'i or tl u.1 Raalr.ess eonfldentlsl. No nnp'.eassnt 1nifirv PROPOSALS. BIDS INVITED for supplies tor the Oregon Slste Penitentiary during the period end ing December .11. ions. Sealed blda for dry goods, groceries, ahoea, leather and tlinllnga, pliiiublni auiijillea, hard ware, flour, oat and mill feed, Huh, meHTal etc.. will he received at the office of the Suerlnteiident of the State Penitentiary uu tll Thursday. July 8. IINi.1. at J o'clock p. m . at which time ther will he openiMl. A deposit of 3i0 0 cash or eertlfled check payabu to the Superintendent muat accompany each bid for meat, and of 175 for bids for flour and finh. all other blda must be acocmpanleil by an amount eoual to 10 per rent of the amount of the bid. The right la reaerved to reiect anv and all bids and to accept or reject any portion of a bid. . . On each envelope should be Inacrlbed the nature nf the bid Goods of Oregon nisnu fnrture or production will recelvo preference, other things lieliiR eiiual. All gixids snd suppliis must be delivered to the Penitentiary within 20 days after the contract Is awarded, uuless otherwise pro vided m contract. Schedules of the varlona lines of goods will be fitriilbed upou sppllcatlou to tbu Siiperlntlfhnent. Vouchers will be Issued for payment on the first of the month following completion of contract, snd monthly 011 continuous con trncts. Samples must sccoropanv bids for drv goods, groceries Bour mil all other articles where practicable. C W. JAMES. Superintendent Oregon State I'enltcutlary. Salem, tiregon. Juue I). I!ai3. NOTICE. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Notice Is hereby given that tue pu.-tin n tilp heretofore jj luting biMweeii J. R. ilimles and G. C. STrow, under Ihe firm name and style of Bowles A Strow. Is this day dlioiolved. Dated tbls Kith day of June, liiu.t. J. K. BOWLES. MONEY TO LOAN on real, personal and col lateral security; special attention to chatth. CITY NOTICES. I PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR IMPROVE. MENT 0T UNION AVENUE, CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE OF SALE 0T REAL PROPERTY FOR DELINQUENT AS SESSMENTS. Notice la hereby given that . tbe . Auditor of the City of Portland has trsuanilttod to me a list of the delinquent assessments for the Improvement of Esst Lincoln street from J the esst line of Union avenue to the weat line of Eaat Twelfth street, and that pursu ant to section 412 nf the charter of the City of Portland. I will, on Monday, the 2Dth day of June. 1903, at tbe hour of 10 o'clock a nu. at the west door of the rity Hell. In the Clly of Portland. Oregon, offer for aale. at public auction, to the highest bidder for rash, subject to redemption, the following described parcel of real property, to-wlt: Stephen'a Addition to East Portland Blk liKt, lot 3, Robert Nelson 128.27 Each piece or tract of land will lie sold aepsratcly and for a aum not Iras than the unpaid assessment thereon, and Interest and cost of advertising and aale: If more than one bid la offered, the land will he aold to the bidder offering to take the aame for the least amount nt penalty and Intercal; com petition xlll Ik-: First Ipon the penalty for the flrat-period: Second Upon the ienalty for tbe suceeodlug periods: Third Upon the rate of Interest. J. E. WE KLEIN. City Treasurer of the. City of Itirtland. .. Portland. Oregon. May 20. ino.1. CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE 0T SALE OF REAL PROPERTY FOR DELINQUENT AS SESSMENTS. Notice Is hereby glveu tbat the Auditor of the City of Portland has transmitted to me a list of the dellioUcut ssHessmetits for the lmpiovemeut of Fifth street from 12 feet north of the south line of Glisan etrcet to s point 12 feet south of tbu north line of Jefferson street, slid lust pursuant to section 412 of the charter of the City of Portland. I will, oji Monday, the 2Ulb dsy of June, l(M.'l, at the Hour of 10 o'clOck a. in., at tbe west door of the City Hall, In the City of Portland, Oregon, offer for sale, ut public auction, to the highest bid der for cash, subject to "redemption, tbe following described pr.rccls of real property, to-wlt: Cltv of Port laud Hlk lost, lot 3, Richard Williams (6.8.00 Blk Ilk), lot 4. illchnrd Williams 71. H6 Couch s Addition to the City of Port- :Mld 1:1k 40, west i.j lot 1, Mary Joue Keenan. 6.84 City of l'ot In ml CITY NOTICES. f CITY NOTICES. , CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE 0T SALE OF I SEAL PR0PIRTY TOR DELINQUENT AS SESSMENTS. Notice la hereby given tbat the Auditor CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE -OF SALI OT , REAL PROPERTY .TON. .DELINQUENT AS- - sessmints.-':'-":;";;,!";;- ;:''. ..V-?.'' Notice Is hereby given that the Auditor of the ut of Portland baa transmitted to f the CHy Of Portland haa transmitted le iue a nsi ot me oeiiiiuucui eeceeuieiua ror ins ) , at f tll, delinquent assessments for the Improvement of Chapman etreet froin Hue ronatnietlon of a sewer lu llalaey street from . . . .. .... . """r V . """ ) fact east or tue east nils or least Twenty. ,yc,t Iln8 Icet north vf the north line nt .ireet to aower la Halsey street at Eaat 'ir"1' .maa to see. sixteenth street, and tbat pursuant to sec ' ".,."" 'r " -''' tlon 4U or tue charter of me city 01 rort. L?'" MMtay. he 2uth day of will, .011 Monday, .the aith day of Jiiae, 1003. at. the hour of lu o'clock . a. m.. Jllu,, lw;i. at the bour of 10 o'clock . m.. 'J 'A of tb'-( 1UU. ,u ,b C:V h " J he City Hall, In tbe of Portlnnd, On-gon. offer for ssle. at public -u. ns i,ii...,i it..f r.y sia a union, to tbe h iiheat bidder for casta, sub-1 ,,i.nn ..,.in .. h. ki.. i.iaa. ....h Ject to redeuiption. the following described ,u,tect to redemption, the following deaciibed psrcels of real uroiertr, to-wlt A tract of land tsmndrd and described aa follows: Beginning at a point in the westerly line of Chapman street where the same Is Intersected by the west erly Hue extended south In Its present course of hhick .130. Portland; theuce northerly on said last described line to the southwest comer of said block 330; theuce easterly to the northwest' cor ner of the Chapman Donation Laud .Claim; thence southerly along tbe weat Hue of the J. Kamm tract of la ml and the westerly line of Chapman street to tne place or beginning, unknown I'ortlBL.i Hlk KM. lot a. Goldsmith A lannlwl... 21.84 Hlk .1.10. lot 2, Goldsmith A Lowenherg. . . 44 0 Blk SKI, lot 1, Goldsmith A Iowenhcrr . . . t Each piece or tract of land will be aold scparstely snd for a sum Dot less tban the unpaid assessment thereon, and Inti-rost and cost of the advertising and aale: If more than one bid la offered, the land will he sold to tne iiKiuer offering to take the as me for tbe lesst amnnnt of penalty and Interest: com petition will lie; Urst I pon the penalty for the flirt period parcels of real property, to-wlt: Holladav'a Addition to Eaat Portland Blk IDS, lot , Richard IWby 128.80 Blk IBM. north 12.85 feet of lot 8. Rich ard Derby 0.15 Each piece or tract of land will he sold separately and for a sum not less than, the unpaid assessment thereon, and Interest and coat or advertising and aale; If more tban one bid la offered, the land will lie sold to the bidder offering to take the same fur tbe least amount- of penally -and interest; com petition will bet v First Upon the Density for the first nerlod; iifnti4 I 'iM.n IKa twtnalf r,.p thm aiiiMMtintf KM . . . " ... - ew perione; intra tTon the rate or interest. J. K. WEBLEIN. City Treasurer of the City of Portland, Portland. Oregon, May 20, 100:1. CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE 0T SALE 0T REAL PROPERTY FOR DELINQUENT AS SESSMENTS. Notice la hereby 'given that the Aadltor of the City of l'ortland haa transmitted to me a list of tbe delinquent assessments for the iT - t,IOn 1 le B,,ltJr fnr ,be "iceccdliig vt froul . K,llt T5 fM., mi ot Orr(loll street to a connection with tbe sewer In Sandy road, and tbat pursuaut to aectlou 412 of the charter of tbs City of Portland. I will, on Monday, the 2Utb day of June, HSKi. at the hour of Id o'clock s. m., at the weat door of tbe City Hall, in the City of I'ort- CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE 0T SALE 0T '"u.l. Oregon, offer for aale at public auctlou. periods Third Upon the rate of Interest. J. E. WERLEIN. City Treasurer of the City of Portland. Portland. Oregon, May 2A, 1H03. REAL PROPERTY TOR DELINQUENT AS- 8ES8MENT8. Notice la hereby given tbat the Auditor of the City of Portland baa transmitted to me a list of tbe delinquent sssessnieuts fur tbe Improvement of Kelly street freia tbe north llue of Urover street to the south Inw of Seymour avenue, and. that pursuaut to aec- tion 412 or tbe charter 01 tba city of Port ana. 1 w Jlln lflllM mt lha hAi nl III t the west door of the City Hall lu the r"A" "jercu. tne lano win rw aoiu to ity of lortland. Oregon, offer for sale, a t n .bidder offering to take the. same for the public auction, to the highest blddir for """t. iVnt . Penalty and Interest; com es sh. subject to redemntlnu. the foliowlna lc!",on be: descrlNHl parcels of real property, to-wlt: M"t-I pon the penalty for the flrat period; nuouiviewn 01 lota 1 ana Z. block 3, I will, on Monday, tbe 2Hth day of ""I'aiu aasessment thereon, st tba bour of tii nViora 01 cosi or aiirertising ana to the hlubest bidder for cash, aubleet to re. demptlou, the following deacribed parceb) of real property, to-wlt; Sulllvnu'a Addition tq Eaat Portland Blk 35, west ht 3, Charles W. Kugle- man Estate, Heirs of ...120.59 Blk 35. west Vi lot 4. Claries W. Engle- man Estate. Heirs of , 30.55 Each niece or tract of land will he sold sepsratefy and fnr a aum not leaa than the and Interest end le; If morn than CITY f NOTICES. ... . .. . . . J m tne penalty lor tne arst psrioa; v ipoa tbe Density for tbe succeeding s -L'poa the rate of Interest. f? j I. E. WERLEIN. , I Treasures of the Cltr of Portland, w I ortland Homestead Blk 3. subdivision 4 of lot 1. J. Schmidt ! 84. 84 s miners a an 11 ion to tne city or Port end, as laid ont by the South Portland eai r.ststc Asaoetatlon Ik 154, lot 6. Hannah C. Stewart Oft n Blk 154, lot 5, Haunab C. Stewart 10ft. 10 bach piece or tract of land will lie sold sepsrstely and fnr a aum not less thsn the unpaid assessment thereon, snd Interest aiul cost of sdvertlslng and ssle: If more thsn Se-ond Upon the penalty for tbe auceeedlng perlnda ; mira Cpon the rate or Interest. J. E. WEBLEIN. City Treasurer of the City nf l'ortland. Port laud, Oregon. May 20, 1003. CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE OF SALE 0T REAL PROPERTY TOR DELINQUENT AS SESSMENTS. Notice la hereby given tbat the Auditor one hid la offered, the land will lie sold to of ,01' (lt7 vt 1'ortlsud hss transmitted to the Udder offering to take the aame for the a list of the delinquent asaessincuts for tbe lesst amount of penalty and luterest; com- improvement of C street from the esst line petition will be: of East Twenty-eighth street to the east nrst--cpon the penalty for the first period; llnP 01 ti''" ana 1.1, tiawtnornes First Second Upon the penalty for the succeeding Addition to East Portland, aud tbat pur rllda; I sjianL lu sectlou 412 of the charter of - tbe Notice la hereby given thst the Council of the Blk 01, west 4 lot 8, Xarlfa J. Fall- CmmirVdVi i. k ?hi rtrsns irJi , ' f,, of Prtl.nd propow. to ...ess. the follow- !ng 214.10 Commercial ulk. I hone Grant SuO 1 lllg nPrlb,a property and owner or owners lilk 03. west 1, lot T, Xsrlfa J. Fsll- aa being specially and peculiarly benefited Ing 201.77 In tbe amounts aet opposite I lie nsmes snd de- Couch's Addition to the City of I'ort crlptlons thereof for the Improvement of Union 1 land Avenue, from the south line of East Osk street Blk ,1, cost 'J lot 2. Catherine Brown.. 5.31 to the north line of East Morrison street, aa Each piece or tract of land will he sold proviaea Dy iirainsnre Io. 13. 1H. Any objections to the spportlonment of cost DR. FRANK B. FERRIS. DR. QERTRT7DR v C. Letabereoa. Dentists, removsd to Maelesy . blda.. fifth floor. ATTORNEYS. eMONS A EMMONS, attorney a at law, 544 Worcester bldg. S. B. . Lew; RIGGBN. Attorney sod Coo ns 11 or -sift otary. S05-308 Ablngton bldg. PAXTOK, BRACn A EIMQN 510 Chamber of Commerce. J. T. TAUGHER Room 18. Atnaworth Building. MONEY TO LOAN at res sons hie ratea. In amounts to anlt Graham A Claton, 205 Mar qusm building. ' MONEY TO LOAN, atnall amonnta. abort or Jong time. J. H. Hawley. 2 Cham, of Com. MONEY TO LOAN on city lots and Improved forA J,J ?,,"x' , ,.,,p??,rt,onin'i 1 "'i.?-' fsrms. W A Rhsw a Cn 14 atsrk at Tnr Improrement roust he made In writing rsrms. w. a. Hhaw A Co.. 318 Btark at. t() fh Cmln(, ',nd flled wtn tb. Au(Mtor wUhl! - i orteeu days from the date Of the flrst publlra- PALMIST. ! tlon of thla notice, and aald objections will be hoard and determined by the Council I,..for tbe passage of the ordinance assessing file cost , cf ssld Improvement. I East Portland: I Block 81. EH lot 8. William K. Mart gall i Block 81, E 25 ft. of W 00 ft. lot 3. L'narlea fi. Itaffety Block 81, W 25 ft. lot 8. David Haf- perlod lOirq Lpoa. the rate of Interest J. E. WEBLEIN. City Treasurer of the City of Portland Portland. Oregon. May 20, 1003. CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE OF 8ALE OF REAL PROPERTY FOR DELINQUENT AS SESSMENTS. Notice la hereby given that the Auditor of the City of Portland has transmuted to me a list of the delinquent assessments fur the improvement 01 raiuug Street from the east line of Union avenue to tbe east line of i City of l'ortland. I will, ou Monday, tbe atth day of une. 11X13, at tbe hour of 10 o'clock a. m.. at tbe west door of tbe Cltv i lull, lu the City of Portland, Oregon, offer for ssle, st public suction, to the. highest bidder for Cash, subject to redemp tion, the following described parcel of real property, to-wlt: Hawthorne s First Addition to Eaat Portland Blk 10, lot 0. M. E. Smith $44.58 Kacb piece or tract of land will lie sold separately and fnr a sum not less than the uiqiald assessment - thereon, snd Interest and cost of advertising snd sale; If more tbsn CITY - TREASURER'S NOTICE OF" SALE Of . REAL PROPERTY. TOR IXLINQUZMI AS 'SES8MENTS. Notice U hereby ' girea thtt the d,t5 of tbe Cltr of Portland has tranamltted to me a Hat of tbe dellttqueut aseaementa for the construction of a sewer In East Thirteenth, treet from a point 100 feet south of the, south line of Thompson etreet to a connection wish tbe sewer la MlUiuook etreet. and pur suant to eectloa 412 of the charter' of HhJ Clly of Portland. I wfll. on Moeday, the th day of June, 1003, at the bour of 10 o clock m st h iIkii nf tha V'ttV Hall. In the City of PortUnoV Oregon, offer for sale. mt tilihtlA aiietlnn In tha. hlshftat bidder for cash, subject to redemption, the following de- scrttiea parceia of real propiriy, 10-wii. Map ot blocks 17, 78. 81, X 109, loS nd 118. . , - , West Irvlnirtnn- mi. va i a ---- 1 t sii-.j.i B1R oa -, , ' , II... rm a,. ..... r , Blk T7, lot 16, Deretta K. Smith 22 7 Each piece or tract of lend wilt be sold separably aud for a sum not leas than tbe unpaid assessment thereon, and interest and coat of sdvertlslng and Bale: if more than one bid la offered, tbe land will "be sold to tbe bidder offering to take the aame for the leaat amount of Density end lntereet: oom- yrniinn win oe: nrat cp. Second -L periods ; ililrd-Cltr Portland, Oregon, May 38, 1808. I 1 CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE. OF SALE 0T REAL PROPERTY TOR DELINQUENT AS SESSMENTS. , Notice Is hereby given that the 'A editor ef tbe City of Portland haa transmitted to me Hat of, tbe delinquent assessments for tba luipruven.ent or just f ourteenth street -from the north llue of Belmont street to tbe lb llue of Eaat Davie etreet and that pureuant to aeetlnn 412 of the (barter of tbe City nf Portland. I wllL oe Monday. tbe 2uth day of June, HK3. at the bour ot 10 o'clock a. m.. at tbe west door of tbe City Hsll, In tbe City of Portland, Oregon, offer for ssle, at public auction, to tbe highest bidder for cash, subject to redemp tion, the following described parcel of reel property, to-wlt : A tract of laud lying between tbe south line or Eaat Alder street and a line 1 50 feet southerly from and parallel therewith aud between the eaat Una of Eaat Fourteenth etreet and a line loo feet easterly from and parallel therewith, 0. I. Gray 885 OS Kacb niece or tract of land will be told sepsrstely and for a sum not lese than tbe unpaid assessment thereon, and lntereet and cost of advertising and aale; If more than one bid la offered, tbe land will be sold to tbe bidder offering to take the eame for the leaat amount of penalty and lntereet; come petition win ne: Flrat Upon the penalty for the flrat period Second Upon the penslty for tbe auceeedlng periods ; Third Upon the rate of lntereet. J. E. WERLEIN. TT City Treaaurer of the City of Portland. V Portland. Oregon. Mar 20. 1903. 1 Esst Fourteeulh street, snd thst pursuant to one bid Is offered, the land will lie sold to the didder imerlng to take the ssme fur the least amount of penalty and interest; com petition will be: First Upon the penalty for the flrat period; Second Upon the peuulty for the auceeedlng periods ; Third Upon the rate of Interest. J. E. WERLEIN. City Treasurer or the City of Portlaud. Portland. Oregon. May 20. 1903. eectton 413 of the charter of tbu City nf Portlaud, I will, on Monday, the 20th day of June. 1IM),1. at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., at the west door of the City Hall. In the City of Portland. Oregon, offer for sale, at public auction, to tbe highest bidder for cash, subject to redemption, the following described parcels of resl property, to-wlt: Lincoln Psrk Blk H, north 30.05 feet lot 14, Lewis Itus- "ell $18.08 Blk 10, north 30.05 feet lot 14. C. L. Far. 15.78 Each piece or tract of land will be sold separately and for s sum not less than the unpaid assessment thereon, and Interest and cost of advertising and aale: if more thsn CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY FOR DELINQUENT ASSESSMENTS, Notice is hereby given that tho Auditor B.8. DICKINSON, Attorney-at-Law and No tary Public. 50.1 Commercial wag. LODaiKw HOUSES. THE COSMOS Fourth and Morrison, furnished housekeeping suites, ealte and single rooms; i i per week and np. THE CASTLE 273 Washington st.-. rooms fer gentlemen; transient. Tel. South 781. HOTELS. VENTILATED single,' Zooms. IV. 20e 25e s night; beds, 10c. Tbe Everett HELL and 25e House, eor Second snd Ds-vls. BARGING AND LIGHTERING. Phon Grant 1171. Kuril-' BANJO. MANDOLIN AND GUITAR. INSTRUCTION clubs tor sdvsuced pupils; In. sb-uaaeiiu for sale. Hal Wehlxr, studio 173 West Psrk. eor. Ystnhlll. Ihon South 2881. CIGARS AND T0BAOOO. CMBEROVtiUNST C1UAK CO. Disartbeters of ' " ' ' riSR CIGARS. - ' Portland. Oregee. CARPENTER. JL F, LUCY, successor t Gordon Mfg. C . esrpeur, builder, general contractor, bouse reflaodelieg. aUeratWns. etc.t cabinet werk and Jobbing a epecielty; counter shelving, lea beses, etc.; shir and efl ice fixtures; up-t. , dais ed ,eiigia) carpenter work of all kinds; sorhlBg tut Urge or too smstl for aw learned 1st attewtloui no flies oa us w meke aud put UP the best fly screens In Portland' sttne. foot of Yamhill at,; , plsetie. Black V&li residence T47 East Stsrkt resKie;-". White 712. fj !" . ARRIVAL EXTRAORDINARY. The World's Greatest psychic palmist, prof. sheldon, an honest proposition the Public to judge. No charge unless aatlsfsctory (yon to be full Judge). I do hereby solemnly agree and guarantee to MAKE NO CHARGE if I fall to give yon satisfaction. I promise to tell yon whether hnsbsnd or wife or sweetheart la true or falae. I WILL TKI.L ' YOU HOW TO GAIN THE LOVE OF THE ONE YOU MOST DESIRE, EVEN THOUGH MILES AWAY. In fart. I will tell you eiery hope, fear or. ambition better than yon can tell yourself. WITHOUT YOU TELLING juk one wt)KU. snd ir you are not sbso lutely satisfied when reading It over (you to be fall Judge), then pay not one penny. IS THIS NOT HONEST? I advise yon on love, courtship, marriage, divorce, besltb. business, Iswsnlts, specula tion and transactions of all kinds; tell yon who and when to marry; aettle lovers' qnsr rels and family trouble; locate lost treaaure and absent friends, etc. Parlors 27, 28. 20 and 30, "The Cosmos," Fourth and Morrison ats. 48 23 7.70 7.71 83.03 xcparstely and for a sum not less thsn the unpaid sssessment thereon, and Interest snd cost of advertising and snle; If more than one hid Is offered, the land will be sold to the bidder offering to lake the same for the least amount of penalty aud interest; com rejltlon will Ix-: First I pon the penalty for the flrat period: Second Upon the isMialty for the auccccdlug periods; Third Upon the rate of Interest. J. E. WERLEIN. City Treaaurer of tho City of Portlaud. Portland. Oregon. May 20. 1003. MODEL MAKER. FOR FIRST-CLASS REPAIRING go to Andy Frits, machinist and model maker. 110 6th. NORTHWEST HOT t LB. Ladd Estate, Lad'd Eatate. Hotel Portland, Aiiertoan plan; f8.5 per day SeioTaBeU 1 Belvsdsrs; Eurepesn pUnj4thandAldersts. Shsjdeefjrjrsta OVERALLS. BOSH OF THE ROAD OVERALLS and mecbaa ica' clothing. Union made. Nruatadter Bros., Mfera., Portlnnd. or. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. 10.82 I 60.85 70 61 1.14 05 137.85 131 M.I 5S.10 50.50 49 4.1 40.44 8.37 O.'lfl 66.0(1 70.00 80 50 62.50 82.50 MISS AGNES LANE, public stenogrrpher aud "typewriter. 418 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Clsy 830. PERSONAL. YOUR P K KtlClt IPTIO N 8 sre more accurately end reasonably filled at Eraaell's Pharmacy, OX Morrison st.. Iiet. First snd Second sts. xi I J 8TOIUE8 snd novels for summer reul- Ing. 10 cents, Jones' Book Store, 281 Aider CAFX KBATZ, 12) 81 1th st served et sil hours. A ' fine lunch PLUMBEBS, CAFE8, YATE8' PLACE, 888 WssMagtoo St.. Phone 9. Msle 771. 1. W, Tslleett. pr..p. Portland. Or, CORNICE SKYLIGHTS. METAL SKYLIGHTS, gslvsnlsed Iroe cor nice. J, 0, Bayer, S86 Second St. CASH REGISTERS. HALLW60D CASH v REGISTERS. 264 Stsrk st CHIROPODY AMD MANICURING, . THB J'KVENYS, tbe only scientific chiropodists . .. . In tbe city 1 psrlors 301-2. Aliaky bldg.t : this is the long-haired gentleman you want -K;S- to, see. Grant 18. -' IV MITCHELL, Cblrooodlst, 702 Marquasi btilg-. Phone Black 8861. " CARPENTERS ANQ BUILDERS, JOHN A- MGLfOIi carpenter aud builder, 807 ;. Stark ati efllre and stoye ftitures built sad remodeUd; sluulug and rvpslr bouses. Phun Mela 747, AUTHORS A HXKTTH. carpeatere and built- Phone ere; repsu-lag and Jobbing: star and office fliAsre built 6 bop aus CeiaaabU, DONNKltPBRG A KADKMACHKR, plumbers, removed to 84 Fourth st. Both phones. PIANO LESSONS. W, OlrfOUD NASH, 103 10th st.) terms upon application, HegluHsre taken. JL ! 1 .1 ...Ji ...!... 1 .. . 1 REAL ESTATE FOR 8 ALB, 160 ACRES of land, 12 miles from Forest Grove, oe Dslry Creek; suitable for stock ranch; few seres cleared . aed feneed, small bouse, living water; will be sold cheap. Whsiley, Benson HU1.. Fifth snd Morrison. REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE PAR MB Improved farma fer gale In all parte of Oregon and Washington; psymeats made to suit puresasers. For rati particulars aa to 142.55 I .1 various properties apply te Wm. MacMaster, w or center ping- 811 MAX WRLL A KRAPP RIAL ESTATB. Boom 9 Chamber of tmmare bldg. PORTLAND 00RDAGB CO., cor. Foorteenth and Nortbmp ats.. Portland. Or. br MATING, mi. H. f. CLARK, 458 Wash., pboaee West 7S2. Kurt 11L Kvw and repair work, prompt sneBHoa ; COMPRESSED YEAST. R8D STAB COHFRSMfET) TSAST; It makes lightest Far sale bg ell grocers.. U per cvttt fUwttt tbas SB aUigtv , 8PBAV1NG In all branches; tress, houses, barns, eta. 86?. Milwsakie st Pbese. Blue S64. fety Block 81. EH of N 40.5 ft. lot 7, William K. Martiall Block. 81, 8 6 Inches of EW, lot 7. oieisle. Atii,.'Hii. 7, Charles II. Rntfety . . . . Block 81, W 25 ft. lot 7. David Raf- fety Blr-- si. N 19.5 ft. lot 8. Stefano Allegrahl Block 81, 8 30.6 ft. lot 0, R. A. Crlppen Eatste, heirs of Block 81, lot 8. R. A. Crlppen Estste. heirs of Block 82. lot 8. Louisa Logos Block 82. lot 7. Louisa Loans Block 82, lot 6. I.otila Logue Block 88, lot 6. Ixinlaa Leg us Block 8.1, Kit lot S.John Went...' Block 83. Kl lot 7. 'John Went Block 88, WU lot 8. J. F. Brady Block 83. W(i lot 7. J. F. Br.dv Block 83. Jot 8, Tbe Hawthorne Estate Block 88. lot 5. Tbe Hawthorne Estate.. Block 84. lot 8. W. S. Ladd Estste. heirs of Block 84. lot 7. W. 8 beira of Block 84, lot 8. W. 8, , neire or Block 84. lot 5, W. 8. Ladd Estate. belre of Block 102. Jpt.l, B; A Rebckab Jttocn- . feld . . . . . . . ......... Block 102. N4 lot 2. Frank Bode Block 102. SH lot 2, S. W. Church Eatate. helra of Block 102. lot 3. Bernard Pape Block 102. NVs lot 4. Sarah J. McKlt- rlck Block 102, SH lot 4. Henry Sinshelmer Block 101. lot 1, Eugene und W crner Rreyman , Block 101, lot 2, Tbe Alliance 'irust Co., Ltd. Block 101, lot 8, The Alliance Trust Co.. -. Ltd. Block 101, lot 4, Eugene and Werner Breymaa Block 100, beginning at the northwest IMMIM nf hb lOll 0.a !,..! A thence aoutb along tbe weat Une ot aid block 60.2 feet, thence ea'st along 1 line 00.2 feet aoutb of and parallel with tbe north line of said block 40.83 fast, thsnce north slong a line 48.88 fret esst of and parallel with the weet line of aald block 15 Inches, thence east along a line 40.05 feet south of and parallel with the north line ef aald bloc ' fret thence aoutb along a llne',!i,76 feet' eaat of and parallel with tba west line of aald block 12.5 Inches, thsnce esst along a line 50 fast south of nd psrsilel with the north line of aid block 80.24 feet, thence north long s line 100 feet esst of snd parallel with tbe weet line of aald block to ita Intersection with tbe aid north Una ef said block, thenee west along the north line of said Mock to piece of nieglnnlng. Ixn ise H, Boise and Catherine H. Beck 80.71 oioca iini, oeginuiag at a point In ine west line of block 100 60.2 feet south of ths uorthweet corner of said block, tbenee oast atone; a line 80.1 feet south of sod psrsilel with the north line of ssld block 40.08 feet, tbeaea north along a line 40.93 feet Seat of and parallel with the weet Ine of aald block 15 lncbee, thsnce esst slong a line 48.05 test aeuth ot nd parallel with tbe weat line nf aid .block 12.8 inches, tlienee esst long s line 60 feet south of snd par- Bel with tbs north linn of ssld block 11.21 feet, thence south along a Uns loo fset east ef aud parallel with the west line ef ssld block to a point 100 fset sooth of the north line ef said-block, thenee weet along a line 100 feet aoutb of and parralrl ?lth the north line ef ssld block lis west line ef said block ii a point at its Intersection with the weat line of aald block, tbenee north along the west line ef aajd block to the place of beginning, E, A, Block 100 leu 4, 'h'. ' A? Baldwin '. ', .' ,' ,' ', .' ,' wiiiiam is, Brain- CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY FOR DELINQUENT ASSESSMENTS. liVso i Notice Is hereby given tbat the. Auditor 1 of the City of Portland bas transmitted to me a Hat of the delinquent assessments for tbe improvement of East Fifteenth street from tho south Hue of CUntnu street to the north line of Ellsworth street, and that pursuant to sectlou -Hii of the charter of the City of i'ortlaud. 1 will, on Monday, the 20th duy or June. kiim. in ine uour 01 -10 o clock a in., nt the west door of the City Hall, In the Ity of rorthiud. Oregon, offer for sale. . t public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, subject to rcdcumilou, the following ..eeerloeil parcels or real property, to-wlt Corrected map showing location of Tlb Ix'tt's Addition to East Portland lllk IS, lot 4. Mary Morgan.. I9S.79 l'lk in, lot J, .Mary .Morgan ti.i.lM Each piece or tract of land will be sold neparntely it ml for a sum not less than the 70.00 unpaid assessment thereon, and lnterrst and cost or advertising sna ssie; ir more than one bid Is offered, the land will ho sold to tbe bidder offering -to take-the same for the least amount of penalty and Interest; com petition will be; First Upon the penalty for the first period Sei-ond I'lKin the neuultv for the succeedlna OT.76 pcrions; 47.02 . Third Upon the rate of Interest. i J. E. WERLEIN. 47.02 i City Treasurer of the City of Portland. 118.80: Portland. Oregon. May 2!.- 10X13. 67.72 67.73 , La " ?I,'a- ,u,e, , D(l. ' 11 to of ,be City of Portland baa transmitted to I..... .., I"" "oe a.uio lor tne , a list of tbe delinquent assessments for the lesst amount of penalty and lntereet; com- improvement of Sixth street from 12 feet petition Slit lie: north of the south line of Irvlna- frw.r o . Urst I pon the penalty for tbe flrst nerlod- .!.. 10 . . ... 11 ... . ?r7.".d lxm ,b Pnn"y 'or the succeeding Jr treet, snd that pursuant to .section i2 of the c harter of the City ot Port land, I will. periods Third Upon the rate of Interest. J. E. WERLEIN. City Treasurer of tbe City of Portland. Portland, Oregon, May 20, 1003. CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE OF SALE OF I REAL PROPERTY FOR DELINQUENT ASSESSMENTS. on Monday, the 20th day of June, 1003. at the bour of 10 o'clock a. in., at tbe weat disir of the city Hall, in the city of Port land, Oregon, offer for sale, at public auc tlou. to the highest bidder for cash, suhlect to redemption, the following described parcels or real proierty. to-wit: Couch a Addition to the City of Port land Blk V. lot 7, H. M. Rude and F. M. Roberts $ 82.87 Blk V. lot 6. II. M. Utide and F. M. Kolierts .". 75.25 Blk V, lot 3, II. M. Rude and F. M. Roberta Blk V. lot 2. H. M. Rude and F. M. Kolierts CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE 0T SALE Of REAL PROPERTY TOR DELINQUENT AS SESSMENTS. Nolk-e Is hereby given tbat tbe Aadltor of the City of Portland baa ' tranamltted to hie a list of tbe delinquent asstsamcnta for tbs Improvement of D afreet from tbe Eaat llue of East Twenty-eighth etrcet, to the cast line of blocks 20 and 13, Hawtborae'e First AiNltlnn, and tbat pursuaut to sec tion 412 of the charter of the eMty of Port Is ud. I will, on Mondsy. the 3Utb day of June. 100,1, at the bour of 10 o'clock a. m , at tbe west door of the City Hall. In the City of Portland, Oregon, offer for aale, at public auction, to the highest bidder for rash, subject to redemption, the following described parceia of real property, to-wlt: Hawthorne's First Addition to East Portland Blk 18. smith H lot 12. Secnrity Sav ings A Trust Company 1 18. SO Blk 16, south , lot 11. Security Sav ings A Trust Company 29 15 Blk 16, lot 10. Maliel Imogens Duty 29.18 Blk 17, lot 1, P. II. Marlay 28.21 Kacb piece or tract of land will be aold separately snd for a aum not lea than the unpaid aasessment thereon, and lntereet and cost of advertising und aale; If more than one hid la offered, the land will be aold to the bidder offering to take tbe aame for tbe least amount of penalty and interest; com petition will be: ' First Upon the penslty for tbe flrst period; Second Upon the penslty for tbe succeeding periods ; Third Upon the rate of lntereet. J. E. WERLEIN. Ctty Trenanrer of the City of Portland. Portland, Oregon. May 29. 1903. Union Trust A Investment CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE OF BALE OF REAL PROPERTY FOR DELINQUENT AS SESSMENTS, Notice Is hereby given that . the Auditor 138.18 of the City of 'Portlaud bas transmitted to I me a list of the delinquent assessments for the 68.10! Improvement of East Taylor-street from the I weet line of Eaat Sixteenth street to the 60.50 ; west line of Kaat Thirty-fourth street, sud Block 69, lot 1, sro. STORAfiS AND TRANSFER, Block ' Ut ' x ' wiiiiim ' 'i ' 'diiio' BT.SO 86 60 TO. 00 TO. 66 88 80 C. 0. PICK, pfBee 88 Flrat st . between Start nd flak sts.: phone 608; pfanoe and furnl .nre paused, ini packed for shipping; eeni- S odious firepreef brick warcbeq. J: rest and ay sts. pfock w,''ivu'ihomii.',we;::;;- mm Block 88, lot 4.4, Tboinaa B. Weet. J' S2.t? wotal Rtir. .eiJ ' iFtKJS. C DHVLTN Auditor f the City of Portland. June ll 180A, that pursuant to section 412 of tbe charter of the city of Portltiud. I will, on Monday, the 20tb day of June, 19n3, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., at the west door of the City Ha Hi In the City of Portland, Oregon, offer for sale, at public auction, to the highest bid der for cash, subject to redemption, tbe fol lowing described parceia of real property, to wlt : Sunnyslde Blk 28, let 13. M. A. M. Ashley $305.04 Each piece or tract of laud will be sold sepsrstely snd for s sum not less than the unpaid asseasmcnt thereon, 'and Interest and coat of the advertising and sale; if more than one bid Is offered, the land will lie sold to the bidder offering to take the same for the leaat amount of penalty and Interest; com petition will be: Flrat Upon the penalty for the first period; SecondUpon the penalty for tbe auceeedlng periods; Third Upon the rate of Interest. J. E. WERLEIN, City Treasurer of the City of Portland. Portland, Oregon. May 29. 1903. Notice Is hereby given that the Auditor of the City of Portland has transmitted to me a list of tbe delinquent -assessments for the Improvement of alley through blocks 2. 3 snd 4, Hlvervlew Addition to Alblna. from the west line of Commercial atreet to the east line nf Alblna avenue, and that pursu ant to section ' "J the charter of the City Blk 38. lot 3, Union Trust A Invest . ... iini,,.. 1 -11,, on iuonuay. ine isim input Company ua 01 juue. jvo,,, ai ma nour or in oviock nik :tx lot 3 a. m.. at the weat door of the City Hall. In the City of Portland. Oregon, offer for aale, at pnbllc auction, to the highest bid der for cash, aubject to redemption, the fol lowing described parceia of real property, to wlt: Subdivision of Blvcrvlew Addition to Alblna Blk .1. south 50 feet lot 2. John Hill $2.1.10 nis a. norm 101 n. J. a. ( Huron Blk 4. north Vs lot 13. J. S. Church T8.19 90.70 83.03 Blk 3K. lot Company Couch's Addition to the City of Port lond Blk -48, lot 4, Thomas Gibbons Blk 4H. lot 1, Tbornaa Glbbona...., Portland Blk 83. lot 1. J. II. Peterson Blk S3, lot 2. J. II. Peterson Each niece or tract of land will he sold 4.80 seepnrately and for a aum pot less thsn the 6 20 ti nun Id assessment thereon, aud Interest and 03.59 T8.1.1 70.07 111.06 106.(15 Each piece -or tract of land will he sold cost of the advertising and' ssle; If more than separately and for a sum not less than the unnuia assessment thereou. and Interest and cost of advertising snd sale; If more than one bid is offered, the laud will be sold to the bidder offering to tnke the same for the least amount of penalty aud. Interest; com petition will , be: , First Upon the penalty for tbe flrst period: Second Upon the penalty for the succeeding periods ; Third Upon the rate of interest. J. E. WERLEIN. City Treasurer of the Cltv of Portland. . Tortland, . Oregon, May 29, 1003 PROPOSALS FOR FUEL. 8EAI.F.D PROPOSALS will be received eft the office of the Auditor of the City of Portland. In the City Hall, until Friday. June 26. 1903, at .1 o'clock p. 111. for furnishing to the City . Crematory find for a period of one year. All fuel to be delivered upon requisition from the proK-r authorities, excepting 400 corns tir stun woon. wnien must be delivered within sixty days from the date of entering Into contract therefor. v Bills nitist be accompanied bv a certified check, .payable to tho order of Geo. 1L Will iams, Mayor, for sn amount equsl to lo per cent of the aggro-ate of the bid as fixed snd liquidated damages, in case such bidder with draws his bid, or falls to enter Into written contract and furnish Satisfactory bond for the faithful performance of tho contract, ahonld the same be awarded. The right to reject auy and all blda la hereby reserved. By order of the Board of Health. TIIOS. C, DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland. Portland, Oregon. June 20. 1903. CITY , TREASURER'S NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY FOR DELINQUENT AS SESSMENTS. Notice Is hereby given that the Auditor of the City of Portland has tranamltted to me a Hat tif the delinquent assessments for the Improvement nf East Oak street from the eaat line of East Twelfth street to the west Une of East Fifteenth street, nnd that nur- sunnt to section 412 of the charter of the City of Portland. I will, on Moudny, the 29th day . of June. 10O3, at the hour of 10 o'clock m.. at the west door of the City Hall. In the (Ity of Portland. Oregon, offer tor sale, at public auction, to the highest hid der for cash, subject to redemption, the fol lowing dcserlBea parcels or real property, to- wir: East Portland Blk 262. west lot 7. J. C. Smith $ 19.60 nig znz, west lot . J. t;. nmitn 70.ll Each Piece or tract of land will he sold sepsrstely and for a sum not less than the unpaid assessment thereon, snd Interest and cost of advertising und snle: If more than one hid Is offered, the land nil! he sold to the bidder offering to take the aame fur the least amount or penalty and Intereat; com petition will be: First Upon the penalty for the first nerlod Second Upon the penslty for thu succeeding perioos; 9 Third Upon the fate of Interest. J. E. WERLEIN. City Treasurer of the City of Portland. Portland. Oregon, May 29, 1003. one bid la offered, the land will be sold td tbu bidder offering to take tho aame for the least amount o( peualty and interest; com petition win ne: First Unon the nennltv for the first nerlod: Second Upon tbe is-nulty for the succeeding penons; -Third Upon the rate of Interest. J. K. WERLEIN. Clly Tressurer of -the Cltv of Portland, Portland, Oregon. May 20. 1003. IP YOU WISH, RESULTS , ADVERTISE IN THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE OF SALE 0T REAL PROPERTY FOR DELINQUENT AS SESSMENTS. ' Notice la hereby i given that the Auditor of tbe City of Portland bas transmitted to me Hat of the delinquent assessments for the. Improvement of First street from Itjo feet north of Ihe north Une of Glbbe street to the north line of Whitaker street, and that pursuant to section 412 of the charter of the City or fortune., 1 will, on Monday, the 20th day of June, 1903, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., at the weet door of tbe city Man, in tne ctty or Portland. Ore gon, offer for sale, at public auction,, td ine nigneei nianer ror cssn. subject to re demptlon, the following described parcel of real property, 10-wii: Caruthera' Addition to the City of Portland aa laid out by the South Tort land Real Estate Association Blk 118. lot 6, John Sweek Eatate. Helra of gs.l.74 Each piece or tract of land will" be sold sepsrstely snd for a aum not less thsn the unpaid, aasessment thereon, and lntereet and cost of advertising and aale; If more tban one bid la offered, the land will be sold to the bidder offering to tnke the aame for the leaat amount of penalty and lntereet; com. petition win be; Fleet Upon the penalty for tbe flrst period; SecunatUpnn the penslty for tbe succeeding perlnda; , Third Upon tbe rate of Interest. 1 . . ' 1.- KL- WEJtLEtN. City Treaaurer of the -Cltv of Portland. Portland, Oregon, May 39, 1903. r -. CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE , OF "SALE OF REAL PROPERTY TOR DELINQUENT AS SESSMENTS. Notice Is hereby given that the Auditor nf the City of Portland bas transmitted to me a list of tbe delinquent assessments for the Improvement of Garfleld avenue from the south line of Shaver street to the north line of Beech street, and that pursuant ito sec tion 412 of the charter of the Cltv of Port. land. I will, on the 20th day of June, 190.1. at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m . nt the west door of the City Hull. In tbe City of Port land, Oregon, offer for sale, at public auc tion, to the highest bidder for cash, subject to redemption, the following described parceia of real property, to-wit: Alblna Homestead Blk 4. lot 11, Robert Craig.. $52.16 Each piece or, tract of land will he sold sepsrstely and for a sum not less than the unpaid assessment thereon, and Interest and ccst of tho advertising nnd snle; If more than one bid Is offered, the land will be sold to the bidder offering "to take the aame for the least amount or penalty and interest; com petition will be: First Upon the penalty for the flrst period! Second Upon the penalty for the succeeding periods : Third Upon tho rate of Interest. J. E. WERLEIN. Clly Treasurer of the cltv of Portland. Portland. Oregon. May 20, lOOS. CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE OT 8ALE 0T REAL PROPERTY FOR DELINQUENT Aty SEBSMENTB. Notice la hereby given tbat the Aadltor of the City of Portland haa tranamltted to me a list of the delinquent assessments for the construction of a sewer iu Upshur street from a point 125 feet esst of tbe rest line of Tweuty-Hrst street to a connection with the -eewer in Ctishiir street, and that imrauant to section 412 of tbe charter of tbe City of Portland. I will, on Monday, tbe 20th day of June, 1903, at tbe boor of 10 o'clock a. m., at the weat door of tbe City Hall, In the City of Portland, Oregon, offer for aale, at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, subject to redemption, the following described parcel of real property, to-wlt: A triangular tract of land bounded on tbe south aide . by the north line of Upshur street, on the eaat by.: a line 10O feet westerly from and parallel with the weat line of Nineteenth street snd on the north by the south erly line of block 2. Blacklatone'a Addition to the City of Portland ex tended eouthweaterly lu straight line to ita Intersection with Upshur street. J. H. Peterson $23 . V) Each piece or tract of land will be sold separately and for a aum not less than the unpaid assessment thereon, snd Interest and coat of advertising and aale; If mors than one bid la offered, the land will be aold to the bidder offering to take the aame for the least amnnnt of penalty aud Interest; com petition will be: Firat Uikhj the penalty for the flrat nerlod; Second Upou the penalty for the auceeedlng periods; Third Upon the rate of Interest. J. E. WERLEIN. City Treasurer of the City of Portland. Portland. Oregon, May 29, 1003. CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE OF SALE OT REAL PROPERTY FOE DELINQUENT AS SESSMENTS. Notice Is hereby given that the Auditor of the City of Portland bus transmitted to me list of the delinquent assessments for the Improvement of East Sixteenth street from the south Une of Belmont street to the north llue of East Taylor street, and hat pursuant to section 412 of the charter of the City of Portland. I will. on Mondav the 20th duy of June, 1903. at ths hour of lo o'clock a. m at the west door of tne tity nan. in tn city ot Portland. Oregon, offer for sale, at public auction,' to the highest bidder for cash, subject to re demption, the following described parcels ' of res I propert- ' to-wit : Hawthorne Park Blk ,126 eaat Vt lot 8. Matrle Miller 852.79 Blk 328, eaat H lot 5, Mattie Miller 60.80 A tract of. land lying between the north side line of East Taylor street and the south side line of block 1, Daneke. and between the east side line of- . East Sixteenth, street and a line 100 feet esaterly therefrom and parallel therewith, Mary Robertson ........... 60,9.1 Fa oh piece or tract of land will be sold separately snd tor a sum not less thsn tbe unpaid assessment thereon, and Interest and cost of advertising and aale; - If more than one aid le offered, . the land will bo aold ' to the bidder offering to take the ssme for the least amount of --penalty and - interest) com petition will, be; t .-.. -: Flrat Upon the penalty for the first period; Second Upon the penalty for .tbe succeeding periods; - i 4 . Third Upon tbe , rate of Interest. ' .s- JA J. f! WERT.R1V Cltr Treasurer of the City of Portland. Portland. Oregon, May 89, 1.903. w CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE 0T SALE 0T REAL PROPERTY FOR DELINQUENT AS SESSMENTS. Notice Is hereby given tbat the Auditor of tbe City of Portland haa tranamltted to me a list of tbe delinquent assessments for the construction of a sewer in Scllwood street from. 120 feet eaat of the eaat line of Kerby atreet to a connection with tbe aewer in Sell wood atreet 50 feet west of the west line "of Kerbr street, and that pursuant to . section 4J2 of tbe charter of the City of Portlsnd, I will, on Mondsy, the 2llth day of June, 1903 at the west door of tbe City Hall, in the City of Portland, Oregon, offer for sale, at pub lic auction, to the highest bidder for- cash. subject to redemption, tbe following described parcels of real property, to-wlt: Abena a Addition to Alblna Blk 1, south 10 feet lot 8, Clara Harris. .$2.00 Blk 1, south 10 feet lot 4, Clara Harris.. 4. 00 Blk 1, south 10 feet of a strip of land M feet wide, cast of aud adjoining lots 8 and 9. t;iar Harris. no Each piece or tract of land will be (old sepsrstely and for a aum not leas tban the unpaid aasessment thereou, snd Interest and cost of sdvertislng snd sale; If more than one bid la offered, tbe land will be sold to tbe bidder offering to take the aame for the rant amount ui icusiijr suu inrereai; com- m petition will be: X First Upon the penalty for the flrst nerlod; Second I pon the penalty for the succeeding perloda; Third Upon the rate of Interest. J. E. WERLEIN. City Treasurer of the City of Portland. Portland. Oregon, May 29. 1903. CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY FOR DELINQUENT AS SESSMENTS, Notice Is hereby given that the Auditor of the City of Portland baa transmitted to me a list vf tbe delinquent assessments for the Improvement of Twentieth street from the north Hue of Savier atreet to the south westerly line Of Sherlock 'avenue, and that pursuant to section 412 of the charter of the Cltr ot Portland. I will, on VnnitiY the 2th day of Juue, 1903. at the hour of 10 o clock a. m., at tne west door of tbe City .Hall, In the City of Portland, Ore--, gon, offer for sale, at public auction, to . tbe highest bidder for cash, aubject to re demption, the following described parcel of real property. o-wlt: A tract of land lying between two lines respectively 80 feet and 100 feet east erly from and parallel with the eaat llne of Twentieth- atreetand between the north Une of Thnrman atreet and a line 100 feet northerly therefrom and parallel therewith, H. T. Groves.,. .. v, $4,07 Each piece or tract of land will .be aold separately Snd for a , aum not lees than the unpaid assessment thereon, and lntereet and coat of adrertialng and aale;- If mora tbaa one bid la offered, the land will be old-' to the bidder offering to take the aame tor the least smoiint of penalty and Interest; com petition .will be: - First Upon tbe penalty for Ids flrst . period; Second Upon the penalty for tbe succeeding periods; . , ... . 4 - - T . Thlrd-f-UpoB ths rste of Interest, V V ?-: - J. R. WERLEIN, ( .l:' City Tressurer of tba Cite of PbrUaaA, .Portland, Oregon; Uay 29. 1903. , ,