1 ' ' THE OREGON DAILY JOTTllXAL, POIlTLANb, SATTHtDAY EVENING, JUtfE 20, 1903. . ' i - - 0 GREATLY IMPROVED DEMAND PORTLAND NO SPECULATION BUT .4 &. ... "S- M ... Ik RESIDENOE PROPERTY PRICES TEND UPWARD Increased Sale of Moderate Priced H&me Sites Is the Marked Feature of-the Week's Trading in City Real Estate. Scarcity of Renting Houses indicates Approaching Activ ity in Inside Property for Investments, WHIi the situation absolutely devoid r- of htT.Katlontil feature the real eotate .market of Portland Iiiim hIiowii marked ' -"improvement the pnpt week. '.' V The fcprruluttve element Ikis been con .. aplciinu liy it! absence. There have , - been no large salen if tiiflde property, . nt transfers of unimproved blocks that mlglil Indicate an Intetitlim to hold for f""' Increased values. The deals recorded : have, been confined almost entirely to ' lots." Improved and unimproved, of mnd- ,evate price, for home purposes. In tnli , 1bkk of realty the demand ha In--:-rrerd npprectnhty over that of last week and the outlook is for a Mill more marked activity. Suburban property I being epeclally nought by people of i moderate means and the holders 'f tracts In the' pretty environs of the cUy arc coming Into their own. jit dealers agree that farslhe greitter portion of the Inquiries and sales Is . from prospective home builders. This v. Is dceidedly encouraging as It propnges ... a rapid building up of the suburbs arfti consequent rise In values. It Is gen rally conceded that prices are now de cidedly rearonnble and that homes can be secured to greater advantage tlmn will e possible In the future. This 'JM I h"t . in the , least due to any "' . sacrifice of value. The cause is found ."""''in the absence of the speculative foa Vture Just now, but which will undoubt- edly become n utrnng factor within a ,chort time. AV'ell Improved Inside property can be found at nures that will allow of from II to 10 per cent net on the Investment. " Kesldences aud. flats are Included fn this '' , classlllcation. B.ntlug Hotsses Scare. , Portland Is essentially n city of homes. There are comparatively few, houses held b.v the owners for renting Wtrpoaea.- WHh the hieeea h -4hf eltys population this fact Is forcing It ' BIf upon the attention of shrewd per sona with capital. People arriving in Portland and locating here are almost tirutble to find homes that can be rented. " The building of houses with this end in View has not! kept pace with the In crease In the city's population. These things are bound to preate a brisk move ment In Inside property as the invest ment is an attractive one. ' The nast week has shown a decided '5 I , .. fa r -.1 i t i -A ' .". v r v U ; r -limn .'' i - f f vi --.:.-. ' -..v'v- - - - EASTERN PEOPLE LOOK; FOR HIES .MAKING HAY 3? J iiUfeSSJ.)iiiiiriii' imiMii BCBira XV BAWTSOXITB PAJIX. Beautiful Oronnds Prtscntad to th Cttj for a Inn of Taars. To Vppar Pio -- tnr Shows Typloal Bsidio la Xawthoms Park Addi tion, On of Portland's Charming- Suburbs. Increase in the number of Inquiries for Inside, suburban und fiirming property, times have been satisfactory, though of not unusually large slr.e, and the out look is excellent. The effect of the strike on the realty market has almost entirely disappeared. "Inquiries now come principally from thQKP who have been paying rent." snhl Mr. Hill of the Title Guarantee & Trust Conipui y. 'They think this is a gfjod time to buy, and they are right. There Is a strong feeling that there will be much higher prices. People must have a .place to live and renting houses are decidedly few. Yesterday, out of 165 houses that we have on our roll onty two were vacant. JTEW TODAT. PORTSMOUTH VILLA We are selling lots in this most -attractive suburb from $75 to $200 each. UfcTRIC CARS LEG ANT LOCATION .ASY PAYMENTS v For particulars and terms, call on the owner, Portland Trust Company of Oregon Fo. 109 Third Strsst, or XO&USTZB k JtAWD, AOXHTS, Unirsrslty Park, Orsgon. JTEW TODAT. BEST TIME TO INVEST When bargains are offered .you. Call and examine our list of city and suburban houses and lots, small and large tracts of land. . 30O0 Lot. with two cottages, on Four- .. teenth street north; rents $30. 380O--I,ot. with two cottages, paying 10 per cent; Sixteenth street north. 14000 76x100. Fourteenth and Marshall sts. ; 3 cottages, paying 8 per cent net. $4250 Corner lot. two houses. Thir teenth and I,oveJoy; good for warehouses. 11450 25x100. modern fi-room cottage. otr Market street. " ' 1150 -room i -story house. KOxlOO; Grand ave. and Failing. tl850 8-room new houe. corner; I'nion avenue. .,1450 50x100. 6-room -ottHire corner N'inetfienlii and 'Weidlw, 3850 50x100, 2-story modern house; Hoiladav- Addition 4000 100x100. modern X-rooin house and cottage; Holladay Addition $1800 Modern 2-Btory S-room house; lot 40x108; I'nion avenue. $1100 100 x 200. Woodlawn. 5-room house and bain; young orchard. $1650 100x100. 5-room modern cottage, on V'nion-ave. car line; plenty fruit and oerries: easy terms Ixita in Willamette Park. Woodlawn nd other suburban additions from $100 to $150 and $200 each. Call, write or hone to my onVe. we will endeavor (EAL ESTATE JOHN E. DAY 834 KAZH STBEET. XOTElj In country town, all full, pe furniture: ground lease 6 years; $3 00 cash; $t,000 on time, or will trade for Portland property. 8 LOTS on car line; $400, on Install nients. 40 ACBE3 of heavy fir timber; $300 18 ACSJB8, 6-room house, 10 miles from Portland; $650. 1 LOT, Brooklyn, $S00. 1 LOT, Highland. $600. BOOMZara aOVBV and restaurant, $1 600. 40-ACKE farm. $1,000. BABQAZir House and two lots on Powell street; $1..'I00. part cash. BOUSE and two lots. $1,250; $250 cash, balance on time. WELL ntPBOTEB tract of 11 acres, .close to city. . Business chances of all kinds. Parma and city property to trade. Ldsl of city property furnished free. Homestead In U'llnll,, Hmtnttr Al'uaH K n ' 1 n it re in i.i I. n i . n i. iiiiiii j, vtfaoii., v u w , .i $150; 5 acres. $500. near car line. SmalW tracts suitable for chicken ranches. . Bomtstsads Located. BsUaqnisluiisnta Cksap. . Small Aorsags Vtar Oar Lin. JOHN E. DAY. 234 Mala. THoney to loan to parties of small moans to help buy or build homes. Bo boaus. , . u HEW TODAT. to .suit you in price. LOUrS SALOMON, Corner Plrst and Washington Streets. Come to Us for the bargains $ 450 4 lots. 50x145 each, with a neat. new 3-room cottage; V4 block to ekctric, cars. In Oak Grove..... Q 850 For a comfortable H-raom, house; splendid lot. on East Tenth, near A ins worth avenue. $1500 For a fine new 6-room cottage; full lot; East 22d. near Clinton. SI 500 For a beautiful S-room cottage tine lot; Mason st., near I'nion avenue. 81500 For a beautiful new S-room res idence; quarter block; 1 block from Woodstock cars. 82500 FWr an elegant modern 7-room house; beautiful grounds; East HuriiKide. near 22d. 83000 For a magnificent 7-room cot tage; quarter block; abundance of fruit and shrubbery; Just a lulu of a home; 1 block East Airkeny cars. 83650 For a handsome 12-room resi dence, nearly 3 lots; swell part I of Sunnyside. $1800 fJood lu-room house lot 100x100; j$ 850 For a beautiful quarter block; Pacific street; a bargain. ; all kinds of fruit; East 32d, near $1850 Good 7-room lions, on f'.tiilliwink Hawthorne. street, Albino. v ,'81100 For a splendid quarter block; $1750 Good 5-room houpe. 2 lets cor- Marguerite avenue and Haw- ' ner. near Sunnyside. I thorne. $3000 Very nice modern 7-room cot-!8 650 I'"or " beautiful 5-acre country tage. on West Side I home; neat and comfortable Some very-nice houses and. cottage In ; buildings; choice fruit apd liv- Sunnyside. i Ing water; ? miles Vancouver. i cor ami excellent 3-acre iruu CBABLESON t STAUB, 845 H KorrUon Ft. Phone, Red 2791. $3000 8 -room house, East Portland, North, with Vi block. ' $1250 5-roorn cottage. East Portland. North, just completed. We have lots In the vicinity of these houses from $175 up, on very ' easy terms. TWO A0BE8 of improved land, all In fruit, with large patent dryer, - near Woodlawn. For full infor . mallon. call or write. LEWIS CLABX BEAL ESTATE CO.,, ' ' 853 Wore ter Block. 50 ACBES 18 miles southeast of i - Portland: 40 acres In cultivation; ', fine , orchard, buildings; 2 acres in ' strawberries; $4,660. : TO ACBXS 11 miles from Portland; . pearly 69 acres cleared; Rood build ings, nice circhard. stock and- ma chinery, for $4,000. I, 10 ana jo-acre tracts, close .in. CBABLSSOB a STAJB, I - . ,45H"Morrlo street. , and garden ranch; fronting on Willamette. River. 3 miles from Newberg; comfortable buildings; choicest variety of fruit and ber ries: team, stock, crops and im plements. , If yon don't come to ns yon wont get the bargains. DUNN LAWRENCE CO. 149H PZBST STBOBBT. THE TIMBER LANDS We are headquarters for timber lands, in large or small quantities, from 160 acres to 30 000 acres. . We have seme ef the finest bodies of timber in the state and invite those seekins: larre tracts to call and see ns. . We can show yon bet ter Bargains than any other Arm in Ore gon. ' JOHN LAMONT & CO. 8 CBAKBEB OP COMXEBCZ. For Sale on Installments, or Will Trade, Paying Cash Difference Lots on Willamette Heights, on car line $1,000 to $1,750 Lots in block 9, Mitegly Highland. 1 block from Williams ave.; fine fruit trees $300 100 feet on Boulevard. Riverside, $350 Lot 10. block 2. Park Add to Al- blna . . $135 150x100 In Willamette, 1 block from St. Johns car $375 100x100 on Tenth and Fremont. Lincoln Park $335 Corner on Beech and Ninth, Lin coln Park $335 Two nice lots on Cleveland avenue. between Shaver and Failing, each , $335 100 feet on Edison avenue, Sunset Park No. 2 . $375 Lots In Columbia Heights, each.. $100 Lot on MorriB, near Rodney ave. . . $475 Choice lot In Piedmont- $350 Lot 9, block 11, Capltan $100 Lot 7, block 1. Albion Add $100 Lots In Patton Tract, near car line $238 BEAL ESTATE SUH1CABT POB THE PAST WEEK. (Compiled for The Journal From Official Records ) Largest sale, portions of river lots 15 and 17. and all of river lot 16, Watson s Addition; C. Mlnslngcr and wife to Star Laundry Com pany 40.000.00 Transfers to Friday night. June 19 192,228.88 Real estate mortgages.. 124,991.25 Real estate mortgages released 32.557.00 Building permits 33.150.00 "The doiand for heme sites ta prln clpally for lots on the ISast Sldo and of moderate price,, say from $1,600 up. There Is a good demand for home sites nt Sunnyside and through tha". district down to Albtna and the Peninsula and at St. Johns. That suburb- Is growing rapidly, and deservedly so. We Tiave recently laid out Holladay's Park Addi tion' and the sales have uurprlsnd us. Out there our own people are buying for the purpose of erecting elegant homes costing from $3,000 to $5,000." Activity at St. Johns. . Hartman. Thompson' ft Powers re port largely Increased sales of suburban property, particularly at St. Johns. "General Inquiries are many," said Mr. Powers, "and the resultant sales are as many as we could expect. The demand Is principally for homes of moderate, price. There Is -not much speculation apparent. - The city and the suburbs are building up with structures that tha owners intend, for the most part, to live In. All the outlying tracts are going well, particularly St. Johns, which has many advantages. It offers n excellent opportunity to people of comparatively small means to secure their own homes in a most charming locality. "The outlook Is encouraging from every point of view. Not only have our sales greatly Increased the past week, but the number of Inquiries, Increasing each day, Indicate large sales In the im mediate future." The neighborhood - of . Hawthorne Park, on the East Side, is showing the Increased demand for homes. The park Itself, one of the most beautiful spots in or around Portland, has recently been turned over to the city as a public recreation ground, much to the delight of people who reside In that section. Hawthorne Park" Addition lots are sell ing well. "The many Inquiries Indicate heavy transactions. for the balance of the aea-son,-' was the opinion expressed by R. U Cats, who la handling Hawthorne Park Addition. "We are greatly encouraged by the many sales we have made lately and by the fact that people are appar ently more confident, more In earnest than heretofore. "We find a good inquiry for Improved property ranging in price from $2,600 to $6,000. We nave soia a nuraiwr ui lots for immediate Improvement. Haw thorne's First Addition. Twenty-eighth and Burnslde Is also showing a great deal of activity. 8everal houses are to be commenced there soon." ,"A greater degree of confidence has marked tha past week," said Mr. Knapp of Maxwell ft Knapp. "In fact we'have bad more calls for city property dur ing the last few days than we have had for the ame number of weeks pre viously. The demand is mostly for homes, ranging In price from $1,000 to $2,600. Prices have held up well and there Is no apparent disposition to sell any class of property at a sacrifice." mm OTTABABTEE9 TITLES. See Pacific Coast Abstract Guaranty ft Trust Co., 204-6-8-7 railing nuiiuma. n vour title Insurance and abstracts lo real estate from the '1 le Guarantee ft Trust Co.. Chamber of Commerce. This Is the picture season, and many of the minor men are holding more or lesa successful little shows in the gal leries, of tha dealers. One of these Is exceptionally lucky. A friend who dropped in to the -gallery noticed that every single one of the pictures had tha sale mark upon It. He congratulated tha artist on his good fortune. 'They are all sold to the same man," replied th. irtU In - wkl.n.. IW1I T aim. Day from Those; Who Look &vttMJ& doing all I can before he comes out of the asylum," said the, artist Chamber of ' Commerce Re ceiving' Many Inquiries Each Hopefully -Toward Oregon, Qemand Is Principally for Im proved rarms and Residence Sites in PortlandIndustrial r- , ' tnierpnses, . araw tod at. Attractive New Cottages TO BE SOLD ON Installments .AT. FIRLAND S A new addition in the : ML Tabor district. Very beauti ful and very cheap. Within block of car line. Hartman, Thompson & Powers 4 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. V (By, M. Moaessohn.) R?al estate values both' for Portland and Oregon In general will beyond Ques tion greatly Increase : within a short time. We are receiving every 'day many re quests for Information regarding Port land and Oregon from people who de sire to locate here. . Tha increase in this class of Inquiries haa been remarkable. They come from all parts of (he United States, but principally from the Middle West. The tenor of the letters Indicates that these people hava money and that the great majority of them would mako very desirable additions to our popula tion. Many or them have saved from $1,000 to $10,000 and they 'are desirous of locating in tha Northwest, where op portunities are more numeroua and easier grasped than In states where, they reside at present. -r The demand from this source appears to be mostly for improved property, in the city and outside. Tha number of requests for locations -on government land for homesteads Is diminishing and the clasa of people who are writing out here now appear to want developed farms that they can stsrt to work Im mediately. And, In addition, there are many Inquiries about moderate-priced home altea in the city of Portland and the suburbs. rrom the "unny Sonth." Mnnv letters have been received from people who have located in Southern very desirable, placed for sale on California and who are desirous fit com- mna near Williams ivn.i g here. . 4 , . Among those from the Middle west and modern in every particular. are several groups of 10 and 12 who Pavmenti to suit nurchaaer. Alan desire to settle with their families In I . , . ; the same neighborhood. This will mean t "u rwm collages a number of new communities to be in the Vicinity of Russell Street. eaiaDiisnea in inn vu-iniiy ui ruriiituu, as these people will gather settlements about them. Industrially the outlook was never brighter. We have requests for ln- tlonfe and manufacturing concerns who Kc&l CSlBlC, Ueflerfll inSuTflflCd contemplate tha establishing of various manufacturing enterprises In the city and state. This morning we received a letter from a big manufacturing con cern of the East who desired to estab lish a factory for making water motors here, proviued he can find the proper facilities. Of course we can furnish the facilities and the result will probably be that this man will locate here. And there are many other Instances of the same kind. Five Room Cottages A.H. BIRRELL (Formerly of MacMuter Bint II.) and Financial Agency S03-4 MoXar BnUdinr, Third and stark, rhone Main S3 a. HSW TODAY. h. wtmw, 653 Sherlock Block. 100 Lots in Rogelawn Annex, 8 blocks from Union ave.: city water arjd sidewalks; only $5 down, $4 per month; no interest. 000 S-room house and 100x100. near wooumwn; plenty or fruit; a bargain. 1S10O0 2 . eauatM a ml- . bie!r irom WootWawn car line. $1100 6-room cottage, in Lincoln Park Annex; very easy terms. $1300 -5-room modern houae. full brick basement, in Piedmont Park $460 cash, balance to auit. 4400 "Three -8roow modern houses, on Williams ave.; full basements. hath, lavatorips, gas and electric ngnta; reniea at 4 per month a bargain. Investors look this up. $75 a Lot CHOICE LOTS AT SL Johns Beautifully located en the high Igronnd only a few minutes ' walk rrom 1,11V . AMWW w. - crease In value In tha near future. Bay now while they ax cheap. City Water on the Property. at a 4t . r ' improved tar service. Title Ferfeot Xssy Terns. I I IIU UUUI Ulll VIW TODAT. JTEW TODAT. REAL ESTATE SNAPS 3100 15 lots on Base Line road, oppo site Mt. Taoor posxomce. 93600 Three fine lots on East Madison st.. between K. 16th and E. 17th; will sell one or more on easy terms; no trouble for us to snow you our property. taS.OdO All nt a full block. 200x600 ft.. on river front, near East Morri son: investigate inis. 9163,000 A fine business block on Park and Yamhill sts.: pays more than 10 per cent. 93000 A 20-acre farm, near Mt. Tabor; 8 acres In cultivation, witn iruu FOR SALE BY Pacific Coast Abstract Guaranty & Trust Co. AfVll-room house. SOxlOO foot lot. uw on East Seventh street, between Failing and Beach streets. $A7C 63x100, 5-room house, unfumlsh u,'ed. on East 8th St.. North Irving- ton. tlJfWH-room cottage, 60x125. "4W Knott St.. near Union I School Land FOR SALE. Four sections, guaranteed to cut 2,000,000 feet to the section, first- class yellow pine lumber. Close to saw mill. Price $6.50 per acre. D. C. ROGERS, 14S& Sixth St. BRAND NEW COTTAGE Farms We have a full list of Washington County farms, the best lands in the state. Call In and see our exhibit of grain and fruits. It costs you nothing to see our rarms, as we nave our own conveyances. Sahlstrom & Patterson 333 STABS ST. . PSOKE HOOD 317, FARMS FOR SALE 96000 ISO-acre farm. 9 miles from Van corner. Wash., with crops, stock. machinery and everything on the rarm; immediate possession; y casn. naiance io years u wanted 5 per cent Interest. 94000 160 acres, 60 acres under culti vation: good improvements; 80 acres fine timber; 10 miles east of Oregon City. 94000 ion acres, good Improvements; adjoining lola. in Clackamas County; good bargain. 95000 160-acre farm, good buildinsrs well Improved;, 10 miles east of Oregon City; easy terms. JOHN LAMONT & CO 9 CBAMBZB OF COMMEKCE. Read The Journal citV property 93300 8-room modern house, full lot. overlooking the river. This is a bargain for any one desiring a nice home cheap. 93050 7-room modern house, just fin ished, on East Ankeny car line: full lot. " 93000 S-room modern cottage, full lot. near miams-av.e. car; nice home Tor small family. 93500 Two cottajres In good location, .on West Bide; now renting for t40 per month. 93500 S blocks on. Portland Heights, near, car line; fine site for home; a bargain. ' i JOHN LAMONT & CO, & Trujst Co. 6 and 7 Chamber of Portland, Or. Commerce, Four Spec'l Bargains 80 ACRES All, 000D BOTTOM LANS, 80 ACRES CUL TIVATED, 6-ROOM PAIMTED HOUSE, LABOE BARN, SHEDS, ETC, S ACRES IN NICE YOTJNG ORCHARD AND BERRIES, 1 TEAM, HARNESS, WAGON, COWS, FARMING IM FLEMENTS. STANDING CR0F : OF OATS WHEAT, HAT, FEAS AND POTATOES; SITU ATED IN CLACKAMAS COUNTY, ON A 000D LEVEL. FLANKED AND GRAVELED kuAD 4 MILES TO GOOD R. R. TOWN. ALL rOR 18,660.00 60 ACRES ON TUALATIN RIVER. WELL FENCED AND CR08SFEN0ED; 80 ACRES CULTIVATED AND NOW IN CROP; SO ACRES IN PASTURE; HOUSE, BARN AND ORCHARD; ON GOOD ROAD; It MILES TO PORTLAND, 1 MILE TO P. O.. CREAMERY, STORE, SCHOOL AND CHURCH; GOOD REASON FOR SELLING THIS CHEAP. NEAT 6-R00M COTTAGE AND BARN, CHOICE FRUIT AND BERRIES, ON UPPER ALBINA CAR LINE; CHEAP AT ....11,100.00 IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR . SOMETHING GOOD YOU WANT TO BEE THIS. A. SU BURBAN HOME ON E. S6TH fcT., ON CAR LINE: 6-R00M COTTAGE, GROUND 100X 10 CHOICE FRUIT, ORNAMENTAL TREES; 100 VARIETIES OF ROBES; THIS 18 ALL O, X. Henkle & Baker, S19 ABIN0T0V BU)G. PORTLAND. 0B. CXAMSEK or 0 OgKHX: SOU. I FOR RENT The upper floor of building formerly occupied by the Bank Of British Colum bia. 303 M Vine street. Contains 9 rooms. first-class condition. Tha large, ' commodious modsrn resi dence on the summit of Mt. Tabor is for rent for a term of Fears.. Al tenant only. -Wakefield, Fries & Co. . - BTAK iTBET. on - Eaat ave. of all kinds; 6-room house; this $12506"rotM cttaa"e, fine lot, on Fre- is a real live snap; we have sold v mont St.. near Union ave. wild land In the same location tllflfl -S-room house, corner lot, 46th for 1S75 ter sere. vivvv -d t.,.. Tavlor streets. 9 4502 fine building- lots In Kenli- J CfJA-S-room cottage. 60x100 foot lit, the plow, and one block from cat line worth. I uwv nn Rnrthwlntr at rVntrnl Alhlnn: F " 93400 Fine modem 9-room house, near I eaay terms; $100 cash and $20 Ctyy water. Installment payments. steel bridge; Investigate tnie; i per month. It's cheaper to buy than to pay I tlftfV) -S-room cottage. 100x100, on the rent. pivw corner of pinn- and Cleveland 94SOO Fine modern double house fnew), ave.; atreeta improved. near steel bridge; pays i per rtTCfl New modern house, on Ivy St.; cent. This is only a partial list Williams Avenue Addition", of our snaps, complete list can tlQAA 100x100. on the corner of East be seen at our office. Investlga- .PI7W glxth and premont t.: good 6- room house. $?!fln-8-room' new, modern "'house, 60x "w 100 fpot lot on East Eighth at, near Mason; easy terms. CCA-g-room house. 60x100 foot lot, tlon solicited. 98500 Fine Ihodern house, corner lot. 20th pnrl V. Yamhill Sts.: street Improved; 11.000 cash, balance to auit; 7 per cent. CTTT VIEW PAXK lots $15t to $300; streets graded; Bull Run water. hlrh. olrhtlv and level: 10-min ute car service: double track; O. W. P. & Ry. Co. shops will be located on this tract; an oppor- ccCT-taaiiy ef a lifetime to-get la-o; With a corner acre lot, ready for mmi mil t poms 3 Chamber of Commerce CHOICE PROPERTY the ground floor. 93750 Fine 7-rooin house on Grand ave. and Irving st.; part cash Call and See Ua About Timber Claims FIELDSt&CO.$35oi 90S ALUEY BCTLDnrO. Upper Albina. $nfl For 100x100, good 7-room house, ww with barn, on Borthwick street, " in Central Albina. CCflflft-Wlll buy 100x100, Improved busl vw ness nronertv nn Williams ve renting for 165 per month. VACANT COTS J JgQ Each, for S lots In Arbor Lodge. $ ?5A of 4 half -acre lots east of Ar- v nv b t .nn irn S lilnrks from Port land Boulevard. 100 on Ivy at., bet Willlama ave. and Vancouver ave. $425 60x100 foot lot, with alley, on and sewered. $JCft 60x100 foot lot on Mississippi proved and sewered FOR SALE Desirable for people of small means who want a home. iooxioo ft. in Block 8,lrvngton Park, $150.00 New and attractive 7rOOm $20(10 100xl00 on the corner of East . ... m--i.-m . i I P'WV Third and fTon.n.b- nouse wun 120x100 iceioigrounu, $1,300, in Tremont, close to car line, a bargain. Part cash. 81 ACXES Near electric car line; com fortable house; a barn that will stall 40 cows; soil excellent, watered bv creek; 40 acres In orchard; suitable place for suburban home or to sub divide; price cheap. 9 XiOTS, Holladay's Addition; cheap. 4 "LOTS on Salmon and Manilla streets. 60 X.OTS Various locations," In King s Second Addition, sold on easy terms. &AJIOB KOUSS and two, large lots on Twenty-first street; elegant home. ALSO 930 AOBBS 1H miles from Kings St. Helens, on Columbia River, about 800 acres fenced; balance timber. . Various other properties in all parts' of the city. Call on or address Clayton, King & Co. aae itaxx st. pobtzito, om. $ 600-40x100, on Russell st.. between vvv TTnlon anil Pmln.v avaa $ 900 Each. 60x160 on Tillamook st., 'wwbet. Rodney and Union aves. J1900i100100 on tne corner of Seventh ,7VU and RrnnHwav at. Third and Hancock sts. SZJMWH00!09. o" th corner of Union Ave a nil Paefn .t - t - ..... . . , u.i in. im proved and aewered. Three flna miartar hls.l K.i t. a t J a. A. I T .. i, . . . , A ' goou yroomcu toiiajic, wun airwcis, lacing on jast wn . . .1 iiMiiiB avenue. lot 40X125 leet. i.ioo, some near- We have propertr ,mprove(1 and un. Inp; fruit trees, water in house, Improved in all parts of the city, in m..kl. K..,l l k.llrnAm. cVJdg some good Interest-bearing In- i vi v Tc7aa iwTTi ws,- i vcairneniH, otiin numnAM unrt VAaMAnA Can be bought on Installments. 85,Wa51. t A line iarm, close to poniana, terms. just beyond Oresham on electric I rooms ao4 to ao7. VAixzira Bi.sa car line, $3S per acre A snap woer Third and Washington ts. In acreage. J. H. UAWLEY. Real Estate Broker. No. 2 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. V. Schmid 71 Acres of Land One-half In fine standlnsr timber, altn. ated on Salmon Creek. 8 miles from Van couver. Wash.,' adjoining Salmon Creek schoolhouse, and only a short distance rrom Brusn iraine railway station! finely adapted for fruit, stock or general larroing. rnce zb per acre; easy terms. Robert Bell 331 WOXOZSTZB BLOOZ THf JOURNAL'S NEWS IS RELIABLE NEWS 109 OXAVS ATX. . "' XAMT atZSB. 8-SOOKf "house, with modern Im provements, large lot, choice location; b4ub riigmeenin street. TWO WBW MOVBB, 8 and rooms, re spectively; Dnnging iss per month; at a bargain; East Seventeenth street. 93000 wlH buy a l-room modern house. East 28th at. near Burnslde. HOV8S AJTO ZiOT, on Going street. 1 block from Willlama ave.; $1,860. " 11-XOOX -0 USB and barn, near Wood stock, corner, swxiza; nice garatn and fruit trees; at a sacrifice. 9-XOOK modern house. East SI st. near Anaeny; gvoa ouy. ., . I TAOAHT &OTS In Sast Portland lieignts. Mayor nates' Addition Wyn koop Villa, Hawthorne's First Addi tion, Sunhyalde; very cheaoWnd easy terms. , . , , ohn s THE INDUSTRIAL COMMUNITY Is growing more rapidly than any other Portland suburb, because of the mills which are occupying its water frontage. v St. Johns has two miles of the finest mill, factory and dock sites in Portland,' and it will become a great town. Lots, $5 Down, $5 a Month. Free Street Car Tickets on Application. 1 Agent at Oak Park Office Each P. M. Hartman, Thompson & Powers, 3 CHAilBER OF OOflflERCE IMf-K H'':r' A