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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1903)
THE OBEGON DAILY f OURXAL, PORTLAND , SATTmDATt EVEX1KO, JUNE 20, 1903. 10 eataxaarxasazxxasciiiBicaci EsxssssssnniiinmaiKsa ; BZzzREnz3zszzxznrzasKaiiiaTzxaaxszsx3zzsz::r.r::r 1 1 1 HP JB'AkrRO T II ' i (Continued frotn Par Blutiah.) ; 1 1 1 j 1 r i ilm. Cobl Ral ty .had charge of the muaic. - . After the ceremony a. reception wu held at the home of the bride's paronti. Mr and Mrs. M. -K. Foleon, on Court treet. .. Mr. and Mra. Wade are enendln couple of week at their new residence on loouii Mm, arter which they will leave for tht AVadee country home In DUle. . ' The bride ! a native Orefonlan, born at Astoria. Mr. .Wade came from Maine in eany youth. r The weddlngr of Miss Mary Isabell jtioiimsn ana jvapoieon Monroe was sol emnised last Wednesday, June 17, at 4 o'clock p. m., at St. Lawrence Church. corner Third and Sherman streets, the itev. j-ainer Hug nee omclatina. The ceremony was witnessed by a host of rricnas. The bride was attired In loautirui srown of whi i batiste . with cluny lace and ribbons nd carried bouquet of bride- roses. Miss Frances Welch was bridesmaid and was daintily aressea in white tertian lawn with vat enclennes. Mr. John Hoffman acted as best man. After the ceremony a beau jjtlful dinner was served at the home of me Driae a parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Hoffman. Mr. and Mrs. Monroe ate pending their honeymoon at Astoria. 1 mroAomrasTT. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Levy announce the engagement of -their daughter, Vivian, to Mr. Felix Friedlander. At - home Sunday, June 11 and Wednesday . arter noon, June 24. Mrs. oomvo a Tim. Rose Bloch-Bauer will sing at the "David Harum" entertainment for the benefit of the Seamen's Mission; also for the concert to be given at Bt. David's Church, Wednesday evening next r Mf iMiss Buckenroeyer's Saturday'' night Class wll give an elaborate fancy dress party next Thursday evening at Parsons' -jr'AM- Thl avent that Is being yrTlooked forward to wtth much pleasure. yi' The patronesses will be: Mrs. George f R. Chamberlain, Mrs. A. B. Clausman, Mrs. Frank Coh. Mrs. 3. A. McArthur and Mrs. W. 8. Vard. - - Mf Hf The closing dancing party of the Mon day night class of Miss Buckenmeye will be given next Monday evening at Parsons' Hall. Mf The last popular concert In the El-4 more Rice series will be given on Wed nesday evening. July 1. at the First Baptlat Church, under the direction of Mr. Rice. The Hldden-Coursen string quartet, with soloists, will give the ev ening's program, and a most delightful event Is assured. This postponement V . ;M '' S , ' ',v; if j - 1 I ' r a ' 1 1 ;.' ft'- I ' y ', 1 J . r J .7 f. 1 , - I ' - K 1 S i x ... i. .i. v . C 1 f '; ;;?.-;':, '- " 'v I , '"' tfv"1' S nr i ,y- :u 1 ...... PORTLAND'S FASHIONABLE POPULAR-PRICED PLAY - HOUSE ....... Week Start ing'To morrow Afternoon at 2:15 OMWith a Matinee Saturday mmmmmmm& THE PEOPLE'S CHOICE - RETURN OF THE FAVORITES The Baker Theatre Company PRESENTING KOWABD BUSSXI.X A GILDED FOOL.., Nat Goodwin's Great SuccessA Modern Up-to-date Comedy with a Plot. V w J WXX.UAM SBKVAXD. Evening 15c, 25c, 35c, 50c. MATINEE 10c, 15c, 25c. e XbtTBXiXJTA. With Shields' TanderlUe Vext Weak. NEXT?' H - - - -3 ni i - AFTERNOON from May 26, as originally Intended, was due to the absence of Mr. Rice, who was called East for several weeks, and 1ust returned. The program will be announced later. t ff Th. Tiunlls of Marie S. Whla-ham will H BBJiaBBiaiBzxzziXEiBzxsi iBiaBxizaizxizszzaaizzH a 8 S 3 - M a a M H M s M m M a a I Second Week and Pronounced Success The Only Theatre in Portland Devoted to High- B Class Vaudeville 8 Week Starting Monday, June 22 J 9-Mg Acs-9 HEADED BY WORLD & KINGSTON The Tramp and the feoubrette ' LATE STARS IN "TOWN TOPICS WELLS BROS. Comedy Musical Act iiinncn.THniUDCnw T!lWKLiranfci iiviTir juli High-Class Singing Duo s BLOSSOM SEELEY and BLANCA The Ginger Girls HANK WHITCOMB In New Imitations POWERS AND THEOBOLD I , In a Brand New Sketch HATHAWAY AND WALTON Singers and Dancers AND THE give a musicale next Wednesday even lng, at 8 o'clock, at Arlon Hall. The following program has been arranged Piano Duet "Masurka" Nevln Mrs. Whlgham and Mlsa C. Wood Vocal Bolo "Sing Me to Sleep". .Greene MIbs Marion Cummins. Piano Solo "Song of Shepherdess' - -Gar! Helns Miss Florence Ltnklater. Vocsl Duet "O, That We Two Were Maying" Nevln Mrs. C'assel and Miss Mabel Downey. Piano Solo-"Dreams" Bendel - Miss Gertrude SlllnskL Vocal Bolo Mayhew Miss Maggie Ulbaon. Piano Solo "Traura Elner Brauf Weniel Master Roy Clark. Chorus for ladles' voices "In This Hour of Softened splendor". . .Plnsutt Vocal Solo "Forever Dear' . . .Trllltkl Mrs. Whlarham Piano Duet "Air Louis XIII" Miss O. Sillnxki and Miss F. Llnklater. Vocal Solo "Voices of the Woods".. Runensteln Miss Alice Hall Piano Solo "Spring Song". Mendelssohn Miss Kose smith. Vocal 8oIn "Springtide" Greene Miss Mtna Wetherod. Recitation Selected M ia Julia Cole. Vocal Solo (a) A Song of Life .Hawley (b) "Violets'' Adams Mlxs Mabel Downey. Piano Solo "Simple Aven" Thome Miss Levlna Wetherod. Vocal Solo "An the Dawn". Otto Cantor Miss Sutton. Piano Duet "Country Dance". . .Nevln Miss J. Cole and Miss B. Kinsman. Vocal Solo (a) "So Dear" (h) "Alas! How Easily Things Go Wrong" Miss Catherine Wood. Vocal Solo "For All Eternity". . . . Mascheronl Mr. Gillett. Chorus for Ladles "Blue Bells of Scotland" .... Harmonized by Schilling Accompanists, Mrs. vv hlgham and Miss wood. Mf Uf The pupils of Blanchet Institute will entertain their friends with an inter esting. program In the Marquam Grand Theatre on Monday evening, June 22. They have Just completed their annual examination in a very satisfactory man ner, and are now all ahoy for the clos lng scene. At present they are busily engaged putting on the finishing touches on the various numbers of the program, and everything bids fair for an enjoy abje evening Following Is the pro K ran i Biimininin June 28 ARABIAN NIGHTS .......................-..... ...................... lunncniiniiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiniiuinEBiiiiiiiiiS MARQUAM GRAND THEATRE CALVIN Hl-IUICJ, Manager FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NIOHTS, JUNE 26-27 Matinee Saturday at 2:15 o'clock -SOTHERN S PBICXI BOTH MATIJTKE AND WIGHT Entire Lower Floor $2.00 Balcony, first 3 rows $1.60 Balcony, second 3 rows -SS Balcany, last rows "Sr Gallery 76c and 50c Boxes and Loges $12.60 The advance sale of seats wlU opea next Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock. Remember the EARLY CURTAIN IF I WERE KINO BT JVVTVK HUHTtY McOABTHT IN EHTZBB OOMVAHT IKS FBODVOTXOH UTTAOT AS PBBSSHTBO AT OABDBH THBATBB, 1TBW TOBK CURTAIN RISES AT 8 O'CLOCK SHARP DOORS OPEN AT 7HU. for all three performances. People coming late will curtain on the first act. have to STAND until the fall of the In a new series of moving pictures. t POSITIVELY LAST WEEK OF LESTER AND CURTAIN g H s M M H M ' ' ENTIRE CHANCE OF PROGRAMME 1 1 .-? NEW jfil AtL NEW FACES O I ACTS Matinees Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays PRICES: Evening, 30c, 20c, 10c; Afternoon, 20c, 10c X Boxes 'and Loge Seat;, 50c - 8 3 E2S23IZZSS22SSSEE52! Music . Orchestra "Blaze Away" Holmann Ulee Club. "How Sarah Did It". -Joseph A. Gleason "Washington's Name" Minims Vocal, Duet "Merr.y Frogs James Conway, H. Cox. "Happy Return" .... Albert F. Lehner "Song I Heard One Sunday aorn".... Olee Club. (Soloist, John Hincks.) "The Flag" Third Class Vocal Solo "Stein Song".W. B. Dresser "independence wen j. u McAllen Fart XX. Music . Orchestra "Rose, My Rose" Fits Mello Fretland. "Spirit of the Union".... Second Class "The Song of the Market Place" E. F. Dresser. "Only a' Soldier Boy" Doty Glee Club. Barbara Frltchle . . Commercial Department "Pretty Molly Shannon" (Extract from "The Little Duchess") Junior Glee dub. "The Mysterious Guest" r Bernard J. Eder. "Mama's China Twins". .Solo and Chorus Impressment of American Seamen Captain Martinet J. Douelas Lieutenant Perley B. Eder Csptaln Jotham A. W. Harris Hiram R. D. Kirk "Private In the Ranks" (Extract from "The Three Musketeers") Junior Glee Club. "Good Old Summer Time" Brennen B. I. Glee Club. Conferring of Commercial Certificates Address -. Rev. -T. C. Kennedy Most Rev. Alexander Christie,- presiding. rEBSOHAXS. Mfrs- Clayton Howell is visiting at Brownsville. Dr. E. B. Pickel of Medford spent the week In Portland. Miss Esther Jackway is visiting her mother at Eugene. Mrs. J. W. Tosier of Ashland visited Portland last week. Mr. and Mrs. John B. Hibbard have returned from Astoria. Mrs. Ada Sproat of Arlington is vis iting friends in Portland. Mrs. A. E. Stewart of Gervals Is vis iting relatives In Portland.. Mrs. Carl Brandes Is the guest ' of Mrs. W. J. Sewell at Peodleton. Miss Zoa Bmalley of Milton I visit ing her aunt. Mrs. VI D. Horger. William 11. iieiser oi wuncu biuius. the! fiancee oi Mlsa, Cora Lairg, arrived In Portland la.t 'Wednesday, where will remain until after thdr marriage. Mrs.- C. P. Bishop of Salem was In Portland a few days last week. Mrs, G. A. Wood and Miss Wood re turned to Astoria last Saturday. Mrs. John Temple Grayson Is qulto ill at the Good Samaritan Ho.vpiul. Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Carter of Ash land are visiting relatives in Portland. Judge Martin L. Pipes Is visiting his son, Attorney J. M. Pipes, in Eugene. Miss Ruth Ketchner of Salem is visit ing with the family of John Krausse. W. P. Palmer visited last week at Hood River, the guest of F. B. Barnes. Prof. D. W. Yoder of Salem spent a few days In the metropolis last week. Mr. J. A. Clock left for Seattle last Wednesday, where be will remain one week. Mrs. J. J. O'Neill has returned to Lebanon after) a short visit in Port land. - Miss May Fuche Is tno guest of her aunt. Mrs. C. H. Elswlck, at Browns ville. Mr. and Mrs. Max O'Brien have re turned to Salem after visiting in Port land. Mrs. X. M. Adair and Mrs. Bluford D. Slgler are visiting friends at Eu gene. Mrs. Lee Jones is visiting her parents, Mr! and ma!TSft. " Bntfar T" Worm Yamhill. Miss Amy Seller Is spending a few days at Kugene the guest of the Misses KrlenOIy. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Trulllnger of North Yamhill spent a few days In Portland this week. Pr. C. H. Brewer of Salem was In Portland a few days during, the cur rent week. Mrs. Adrian Epplng visited a few days last week with her aunt, Mrs. Devlin, at Astoria. Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Mills are spend ing the wnek In Portland, the guests of relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Meyer left this week for Alaska where they will spend the summer. Mr. I. Lang and daughter. Miss Madeline, left Thursday Tor a rew days v'slt In Seattle. Mr. and Mrt. Cocll Bauer have taken apartments at the Portland hotel for the summfr month. Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Mills returned to Ashland last Monday, arter spenuing a week In Portland. Frank F. Davis, a corporation attor ney of New York, accompanied by Mrs-. Davis, a private secretary, maiq ana of he I valet, arrived In Portland last Tuesday, spending a few days before leaving for Long Beach, where they will stay short time. Mrs. t harles Lauer and dnughter are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. 6. H. Friendly at Eugene. Miss Cora Litchfield has been visit lng her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George P. Litchfield at Salem. Miss Fanny Barber of Eugene arrived In Portland this week, where she will remain for the summer. Misses Dolly and Daisy Mansfield re turned home Tuesday from a two-weeks visit with Salem friends. Mr. and Mrs. Werner Breyman Salem attended the annual meeting of Oregon pioneers this week. Mrs. Kate Howell has again taken up her residence in Ashland, after residing in Portia I'd for some time. Miss Sarah Wlnans. a St. Henens Hall student, has gone to liar home In Walla Walla to spend hep vacation. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Clemenson are camping among the oak groves of Idle wild. Just west of Hood River. Mrs. Ti. A". Grant has returned to The Dalles after a visit of several weeks with her mother In Portland. Mrs. H. E. Cook of Pendleton, accom panied by her daughters, are visiting friends In Portland this week. MrW. "W. A. Sheridan refetmed to Vea dleton from Portland; where she visited friends several days last week. Ex-Senator and Mrs.. Theodore Cam eron and Miss Amelia Britt of Jackson ville Bpent last week In Portland. Mlas Ella Perkins, a student at the PorUand Puslness College, returned to h-r home at Ashland last Friday. Mrs. Charles Short and children went to Salem last Tuesday to visit her par ents. Mr- 1,11(1 Wrs- T- M- K'rby- Mrs. R. R. Leabo of Salem is attend ing her father, John Brooks, who was recently, attacked with paralysis. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. H. Powell returned to St. Helens last Saturday, after spend ing a pleasant week In Portland. Miss Ethel Kern, who visited Miss Althea Lee drfrlng commencement week at Salem, returned home Tuesday. Mrs. Mary E. McCall and Mrs. E. A. Sherwln returned to Ashland last Mon day, after spending the week lu Port land." Mrs. W. B. Clarke and daughter and Miss Ella Stewart attended the Harrl-son-Huggms wedding at Seattle last week. j Mrs. Shrogren. Miss May Shrogren, Miss Maud Gllliland. Miss Elizabeth Dickens. Miss Sophie Laurence and Misses Julia and Helen Coman spent several enjoyable days recently at Hood River. Mrs. G. C. Brown and Mrs. A. A. Cun ningham of Salem have: returned home from a visit with Portland friends. Mrs. Rose Bloch-Bauer has returned from Monmouth where she sang at the commencement enerclses of the Normal School. Mrs. Fred E. Vaughn of Youngstown, O., arrived In Portland Tuesday to spend the summer with her sister, Mrs. George Howell. Miss Pearl Grimes returned to her home in Walla Walla last Monday, after finishing a successful term at St. Hel en s Hall. Senator C. W. Fulton spent several days In Portland this week. t Miss Grace MeKlnley . has returned from a visit at North Yamhill wtth her sisters, Mrs. Field and Mrs. William Stead man. . . Mrs. James R. Thompson, 428 8lxtb street, returned home last Wednesday from a month's sojourn at White 8al mon. Wash. Mrs. D. Eagle of 8ausalIto and Miss Wlnterburn of San Francisco, who have (Continued on Page Twenty-one.) SHIELD'S OARK Wi The Park That Made Portland Famous 1L 13th and Washinftoi Grand Opening y N,ht- J"nt 21st A Big Array of Stars Headed by the Great Sketch Artist, Raymond Whitaker & Co. Presenting an Afternoon Call. Mr. Whitaker was late leading man for Blanch Walsh. JUNE WHAT ? Letter Carriers' Excursion k , to Seaside GET YOUR. TICKETS EARLY Some of Edward Shield's Vaude-Places: THEATRES. Cordray's, Portland. Lyceum, Tacoma. PARKS. Shield's Park, Portland. Shield's Park, Tacoma. . Lcschi Park, Seattle. Natatoriam Park, Spokane. Shield's Park, Walla Walla. Shield's Park. Salem, The DAGMARS Sensational Barrel Jumpers. Hayes & Whitehead The Piano Player and Hie Friend. , Hymer & Kent Comedy Sketch. JOHN WELCH Monologist and Dancing Comedian. The. Great Estellita Assisted by Signor Gabardon, Illustrated Songs The Polyscope Generaf Admission, 10c. jPerformance Every Night. In Case of Rain Qq. to : Cordray'n. sv 8 in