10 : : I. j.!..t ' I If I it THE OHEGON DALIY JOUltJfAL. PORTLAND, SATUltDAY EVEIilKG, JUNE 20, 1903. 7 II ST jr of her friend, AIIfs Ed.vthc M.inon of San Francisco and A1i.hu Cora Lang, one of next week's brides. Thoso besides the quests of lionnr who were present were Mrs. Vie Schilling. Mm. E. IieWltt Council. Mix Etta Stewart und Miss Jett McCollom. tS !? ' A unique and pleasant afternoon th.it ! might be called a progress e peanut 1 psrty w.is jlvcn iust Tuesday afternoon i hy Mrs. Charles Boss at .143 Trnth street i I'rankie lllchfl. the. presents, the decorations and th refreshments. Tho dining table wat unusually pretty In Its decorations 01 thin delicate color, the plnk-shadeci candelabra and 1-a France roses, wltl pink Ices, randies and cakes making tempting spread 'J'he guests were: Mrs. H. E. Judge Mrs. 8. B. Archer, Mrs. Vie Schilling Miss Krnnren Jeffrey, Miss Edna Jeffrey Mi.ss lilanchn Robinson and Mis: ' Every woman, whether she be the dainty. 16-year-old maiden or the mature woman of 60. wants to be considered a good dresser, or at least to possess ' good taste tn dressing. The most Important thing to be taken Into consideration is your figure and complexion. If you find colors and styles that are adapted to these two things, you may acquire a reputation for being well dressed. You so often see a i friend wearing a dress that strikes you as being beautiful in every way and at once you think of getting one nearly like It. When It Is done and you are all : fixed iip In It. you wonder how It Is that your little blonde friend, whose stature and carriage has been pro nounced to be far less striking than your stately proportions, looked so swell while you felt almost ashamed to con - fess-that your appearance closely ap proached the dowdy." Many women have this experience, not taking Into consideration the difference in figure and complexion. A demure but sweet young woman, with a desire to be right smartly dressed, entered the suit department of the largest store In Portland this week, in company with a friend who was con spicuous for a certain artistic dash in clothes and demeanor. They were both .about, the same size, but a decided dif- ference In coloring and curves of the figure. The demure girl admired the tyle of her friend very much and brought her along to "try on" the suits, which she did. The -result Was that a considerable sum of money was parted with for a handsome tan etamlne that looked wondrous well on the breezy girl, but was decidedly unbecoming to the one who paid for it. The saleswoman, who was conscientious, could see the mistake and tried to explain the differ ence. Which nearly resulted In her los ing the sale. One must cultivate an individuality In Choosing and wearing their clothes. Be aides getting something that is said to be the latest style, one must Indulge in a few audacities that are distinctly personal, though not glaringly so. Ev ery woman must, I am sure, feel dls satisfied with her dress if she goes out calling on a pretty afternoon dressed up in ner best "bib and tucker." and meet some one else wearing exactly the name style of gown as herself, ; If she adds the little "personalities" she will never meet with this experience. Posing is another art that should be carefully cultivated by women, though inauigea in wttn apparent unconscious ness. Many would say this Is affecta tion, a- vice that Is so abhored by the American people, but It Is not at all. Women and men. too, wish to look and appear graceful, and after all the trou ble and expense of getting together a stylish wardrobe, it Is but natural we should think of how we can appear to the best advantage while wearing It. EVENTS OP THE Will. , Mrs. Allen Lucius Lewis gave an en- jovania. mactuun fdiimB-j. - i. ... m-i- In honor of her mother. MY. It. F. Heaver of maha. Neb. The entertain ment consisted of tie heaping together of peanuts in little piles on ench talile and the couple removing tho most nuts from the ; lie without in any wav dls- uriiing the remaining ones wro en titled to progress, the victorious ones being given n peanut daintily tleil with pretty ribbons, which were fastened to their score cards. Tlie game was "taken to" with much imlmntioif and pleasure. Mrs 1-rnnk W o hi proved by the many pt -n nuts' -that dangled from her score card that she had been most Skill ful In the name nnd was given the first prize. Mrs. James P Moffltt received the second and Mrs. C. Harrison the consols t Ion. Four young ladles, Miss Alabel Wood, Miss Gussio Kluteh. Miss Jessie Me Lann and . llss Bessie . cnrlde, assisted In th.' servlhg of refreshments, which was no small part of the afternoons enjoyment. 1 he decorations or the rooms were beautiful, roses being the principal flower used. A stringed orchestra fur nished delightful music. Those present were: Mrs. Ada Cor nish Hurtsche, Mrs. William Russell AlcKenxie. Mrs. James P. Moffet, Mrs. Clarence E. Brown. Mrs. August Stalger. Mrs. Frank B. Wood, Mnr. Frederick Eggert. Mrs. If. O. Broekman. Mrs. J. Trank flortthe. Mrs. Mark O. Potter. Mrs. Flnley Morrison, Mrs. J. P. Johnson, Mrs. Samuel M. Mills. Mrs. Katherlne A. Paly. Mrs. William C. Seachrcst. Mrs. K. P. Deeming, Mrs. ). M. Scott. Mrs. F. P. Russell, Mrs. Albert W. Cochrane. Mrs. Charles T. Bowen, Mrs. S. 'Lives ley, Mrs. Elwln L. House. Mrs. Frank McBride. Mrs. E. I,. Bagly, Mrs. W. Wynn Johnson. Mrs. Charles Crog ster, Mrs. F. P. Russell, Mrs. C. Har ris. Madame Julia Bauer. Mrs. Ablgal Scott Dunnlway. Mrs. Frank Searl. Mrs. William M. Cake. Mrs. Frank Motter, Mrs. Howard Rlncr. Mrs. W. O. Munsell. Mrs. Collette. Miss Johnson, Miss Rus sell and Mlss Steward, Vt yt Vi Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Harrison, who were married at Seattle on June 10 at the Washington Hotel, and who spent part of the week In Portland, were the guests of honor at a dinner party given last Saturday evening by Miss Etta Stewart at her home, 661 Washington. Covers were laid for 10. The table was decorated with silver candelabra with pink shades and candles and pink sweet peas and La France roses. Mrs. Harrison was formerly Miss Daisy Hugglns and during her residence In Portland previous to her leaving for Seattle was most popular among her set. if Jf Miss Etta Sewart gave A luncheon yesterday, complimentary to Miss Cora Lang, who Is to be married next week and to Miss Edythe Msrron of Sarf Francisco. The table decorations were in yellow. Her guests were: Mrs. Walter B. Honeyman, Mrs. Vlv Schilling, Miss Blanche Robinson, Miss Frankle Rlchet and the guests of honor. Vt f Vi Miss Margaret Hawkins gave a piano recital at her home, K3 Fourth street. Vt Vt vt Mrs. T. W. B. Ixindon gave a plea ant card party Thursday afternoon a her home, 661 Lovejoy street. Mf Hf Vt Mr. Seaborg entertained Senator Johi H. Mitchell. Gen. and Mrs. Hancocl Clark and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Meart at dinner at the Portland Hotel las Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Mear und Senator Mitchell occupied a box o the opening of the Empire Theatre lute: in the evening. Vi Vt Vt Miss Hazel itliimuuer entertained : number of little friends at a matlnc theatre party at the Baker on last Sat urday, In celebration of her eleven! birthday. ttf Mf Vt Mrs. W. J. Hawkins Is this afternoon receiving a large number of her frlemU at her home, 6t3 Fourth street, assisted by Mrs. J. E. Werleln, Miss Verdi Mon roe. Miss Ethel Durham. Miss Olgt Ofner and Miss Trella Ford. The entire borne Is one mass of beauti ful flowers, the pretty and pleasing combination of pink and green belni observed everywhere. Progressive conversational, a novel Iden, has been Introduced by Mrs Hawkins at this affair. Seats havi been arranged facing each other In tw lines, the one line to be occupied b receiving ladles and the other by vlsltinf ladles. Fifteen different subjects, sonv humorous and some serious, have beet chosen and one being announced a con versatlon will be carried on by th partners In a line, starting at the be ginning of selections to be played b a stringed orchestra and stopping the close of the musical number whlcl only lasts a few moments. Then th visiting lady moves on and the next sub lect Is taken up. A prize will be glvet to the one who gets the most votes a to the best entertainer and also to th best visitor. . Instrumental selections will be player" by Miss Ethel Durham and Miss Mar garet Hawkins. Miss Verdi Monroe will render two vocal selections. Mrs. Hawkins' guests are: Mrs. J B. Cleland. Mrs. II. L. Pittock, Mrs. C R. Templeton. Mrs. Richard Wilson Mrs. Samuel Connell, Mrs. C. T. Prehn Mrs. A. L. Pease, Mrs. M. L. Harper Mrs. I). 8. Rankin. Mrs. W. M. Cake Mrs. W. M, Cake, Jr., Miss Luble Cake. Mrs. F. LeGrande. Mrs. J. M. Parke Mrs. Richard Martin, Jr., Mrs. Jame; Bell. Mrs. W. W. Gordon, Mrs. E. C Johnson, Mrs. (1. W. Nothnagle, Mrs. J M. Lawrence, Mrs. S. Ai Brown, Mrs L. Whiting. Mrs. Frank Heltkemper. Mrs Charles Steel. Mrs. B. C. Curry, Mrs. W C. Seachrlst. Mrs. E. L. Bayly, Mrs. H W. Riley, Miss Harriot E. Hassler. Mts.- Harrlett Monroe, Mrs. A. J. Monroe Mrs. P. J. Man. Mrs. C. W. Wanzer Mrs. J. Alen Gilbert. Mrs. Hernial Schade, Mrs. E. 13. Williams, Mrs. L W. Kluetsch, Mrs. S. M. Mills, Mrs. H M. Coe, Mrs. E. C. Durham. Mrs. W. A Rogers, Mrs. I. Goldsmith. Mrs. I. Off ner, Mrs. C. Wanzer, Mrs. H. H. Jones Mrs. David Foulkes, Mrs. J. E. Werleln Mrs. George Fltehner, Mrs. E. H. Bell Miss Maud Bingham, Mrs. Cleveland Messrs, Jack Malarkey. John Callahan, Robert Day, Will Collins. Frank Mo Cart by, Frank Callahan. Will James, Jim Green, Henry Holland. Leo Elver, Ed. Dunn, Joe Burke Dr. Harry MeddN nacb, Charles Spauldlng, H. Will Dlg Jleai mad Mr. Ortman. Vt Vt Mm. R. .F. Prael and Mrs. William 8. Kington gave a euchre party yesterday iftemoon that was one of the most en :oyable card functions given this sum aer. There were many new and pretty owns worn by tho lara number of 'ashlonablo ladles who attended, mak ing, with the pretty lln and white tecoratlons of bachelor buttons and mar Tuerites th-t .had been skillfully ar ranged throughout the house, a scene of rara attractiveness The delft colors were required to nam the different I Selover, Miss M.. Runnall, 3: B. ,Qlovr numbers as they were played, and a prize i and to. V9 Haaf. , was awarded to tho ona who could I ttf Mf & - 1. ( ; guess the most and "the least of them. I Mrs. Jack Keating: entertained a party Mrs. f-awarrr n. Kooi' secured ins nraiior inenaa at dinner at the Norton last prize, a beautiful hand-embroidered I Thursday night In honor of Mis Cora piece, and, Mr. M. Zan th bOoby I Land and Mr. will Helser, who are to prize. 1 I be married next week. - ;..'' .During th afternoon Mrs. Albert u Uf Uf Sheldon sang two selections with much! A pleasant launching party was given sweetness, entirely captivating her lis- last Wednesday evening by Miss Minnie, teners. Mrs. jsaun Mcumn renaerea 1 inman in nonor or Mis Maud Bherl- plano selection in her usual pleasing! dan of Pendleton.' A trip was taken style, and th recitations given by Miss down the river to th dredge, which they Isabel Bailey were listened to .with boarded and spent com time viewing, much enjoyment. Lunch was served on th return trip. Th horn of Mrs. Mayer was beau- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Greene chaperoned tlf ully decorated In many ahades and the marry crowd. Those who enjoyed colors of rones, arranged very art!- th trip were Mis Maude Sheridan. Miss tlcally throughout th different rooms. $r V Jf I. y X' fir if f 1 j:J Edyth Ransom. Miss Hamilton, Miss Mlnnl Inman, Mis Ivy Inman, Mr. and Mr. Laughlln Maclay, Mr. Will Cola. Mr. J. Cole, Mr. Embody. Mr. James Welch. Mr. Jerry Clark and Homer V. Carpenter. . Vt Vt VI . Th Commencement Hop given last Wednesday evening' at Parsons' Hall by th faculty and cadets of Bishop Scott Academy was enleyed by a largi num ber and wa in every way on of th most successful dances given by them. The hall was beautifully decorated, the music was perfect snd nearly every on present were graceful dancers. . ttf Vt Vt The officer and corps of cadets of by th lntlmat friends and rlaUva'of nio iiowij weuueu vuupiu- - . Mr. and Mrs. Price will b at hom afer Julr 1 at 606 Jlfth tlreeL. - .: .Mr.' and Mrs. A. Hill and Mis Allc of Newburg, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Elliot of Newburg. and Mr. and Mr. Jam Prlo of Salom, were out of town guest who attended th wedding. Vt Vt Vt Mr. 'Anni Stewart and Mr. Oscar Ol sen were married lat Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock at th horn of th brides son, Mr. George Stewart. Th ceremony was performed by Kev, McGlade in the presence of only rela tives and a few lntlmat friends. Mr, and Mrs. Stewart have gone to Woodburn. where they will spend th summer at their country home, return ing to Tortland In the fall to spend the winter. . . 9t Vt Vt Charles' W. Stinger was married to Miss "Winifred Ruan at th Catholic Church at Hlllsboro last Tuesday, th new Father Black officiating. Mr. Stinger i a well-known Portland man, occupying th position 'of city ticket agent for th o. R. AN. Ml Rutin wa formerly private secretary for t late. Congressman T. T. Tongue,' sf d because of th recent bereavemensFIn the family In which she has been so intimately associated, the marriage wa extremely quiet. Mr. and Mrs. Stinger are taking MZSS CElTTEsTW BOTKEBXAX Queen of O rants Fas Carnival Hill Military Academy furnished on of trip to Ban Franclsoo and Santa Crus, the most enjoyable functions of th aftar which they will mak their horn week In the giving of their Commence- in Portland, ment Hop at Hill Military Academy uf u ttf Armory last Thursday night Th at- William J. Cross and Mary Taylor tendance was large, and many facwa of I were married on Thursday. Jun 18. at student and Instructors from, other noon at the mans of th Calvary Pre schools In the city were seen among th bytrlan Church, Rev. Willlsm 8. Oil guests, showing the feeling of good fel- bert officiating, lowshlp that exist between th Hill Uf Uf 1st Academy and other school. Edward W. Walling of this city and The decorations consisted of ever-1 Katharine W. Hoffman of Tlaardvllle. green, many beautiful and fragrant or., wer married on Wednesday.-Jun summer flowers and flag of all sizes. i7. at noon at the home of the bride's This annual dance is always a success, parents, near Tigardvllle. Rev. William but this year it wa unusually so. b. Gilbert officiating. Amelia W. Hoff- Vt Vt Vt -I man was bride's maid and Ernest D. The Woman's Club will hold their an- nite was bat man. The home was nual reception next Friday aftornoon at nrofuselv and tastefully decorated with the Selllng-Hlrsch Building. The Fed- roses and ferns. After the service the erated Clubs of lhe city have been In vited and an Invitation will be extended to the returning delegates of the State Federation meeting to be held next week Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday. In guests were Invited into the yard, where, under a booth of evergreen, a sumptuous, dinner was spread. Mr. and Mrs. Walling will spend a week at Long Beach, after which they Astoria. A business meeting will be held wm return to their home In this cltl from 2 to 3 p. m. and the reception will follow, from 3 to 5 p. rt. A pleasant afternoon Is anticipated. Vt Vt Vt Society was out In full force at Mrs. Waldo Richards' dramatic and dialect Vt Vt vt A wedding In which much interei has been manifested in social circles was that of Miss Catherine Sltton. daughter of Mrs. Charles E. Sltton. to Mr. Arthur Brand of San Francisco, clesy recital at Parsons' Hall laat Thursday whith wiH solemnized last Wednesday night. Mrs. Richards' patronesses Were composed of Portland's most fashiona ble society women. and this fact. coupled with the known excellence- of Mrs. Richards ability as ah entertainer. served to attract tire largest number of evening at the First Unitarian Church, Rev. T. L. Elliot performing the ceremony. The church was decorated with sweet briar In a simple but most effective way. A large and select number or ln- Mrs. AValdo Richards of Boston and her Sister, Mrs. Austin. Her guests were Mrs. J. Wesley Ladd. Mrs. Winslow B. "Ayer. Mrs. Walter J. Burns, Mrs. George Good, Mrs. Ricliard Koehler. Mrs. Charles F. Rrebce and Mrs. Henry C. Cabell. These ladies were all patronesses t Mrs. Richards' successful dialect re cital given Thursday night ut Parson's Hall. ' A week nowada-ys without an after Soon devoted to the playing of cinch would be a disappointment to the many Temlnine lovers of the game In Port land, and in lieu of this fact, combined with unnatural hospitable feeling. Mrs. Thomas Jt. Foster threw her house open to a select gatheru.g of Portland's fair est women this afternoon. TltO .lu, .,roll.,.L .. pretty in the ixl.eine, rose buds of j choice variety beiiif.- used it, many ar- i tlstlc ways, wni h sdds much to the ! brilliancy of lhe or ca.si.jn. Mrs. Foster ia ably usslsteil bv Miss Xluurt fill I iln ,,,t "M'cc- At.... ......... ... . .T J'UUillllll. iuibs jioiiy -murpny ami illss Mabel Lawrence. . Thob present -are Mrs.' M. ;A. M. Ashley. Mrs'. ;; C - E. Riimelln, Mrs. George Nottage. Mrs. ('. W. Sher man, Mrs. A. L. MCully, Mrs. Shelly "Morgan Mrs. W. S Knighton. Mrs. Mark Gill. Mrs. E. S." Jackson, Mrs. J. D. LeonardxMrs William Knight, Mrs. T. W. Voungvj', Dr Brown Tynian, Mrs. W. A. Hatha wdy. Mrs. W. H. ound staff. Mrs. George A. Schalk. Mrs. I. AV. Benjamin. Mrs. George lawrence, Jr.. Mlsa Lawrence, Miss Knapp". Mrs. W. Hazen, Mrs. Heneca Smith. Mrs. Frank Stokes. Mrs. F. ft. Buffum. Mrs. S. E. Forbes. Mrs. A. F. Barnard, Mrs. Henry Ooodard. Mrs. E. C. Ooddard. Mrs. Jeorge D. Green, Mrs. Harry Edmond t'oleman. Mrs. W. 11. Bradford. ''Mrs. W. M. Cake. Mrs. I. D Beyer. Mrs. R. II. Blrdsall. . Mrs. A. St. Clair Gay; Mrs. R. F. -Prael. Mrs. H. Moser and Mrs. W. Teicoi k Vt Vt Uf . Mrs. L D. Peters gave a luncheon last Tuesday that " was a pleasing event of the week and was enjoyed by 12 of Mrs. Peters' moat intimate friends. The table was beautifully ; decorated in La France roses. . w f Mf Vt . ' Mrs. Wter Honeyman gave a pr'etly and delicious luncheon last Monday at ner home, 779 Hoyt , ------------------------------. VA-'M'-S- vtrM - I .p f II t FRANK B I I GRANTS PASS, Or.. Jun 20. No iitecn ever graced a throne in reality better than did Miss Centenna Rnther- nal when she accepted the Insignia of ifflce at the hands of the officers of the Woodmen of tho World and was given he key to the city by Mayor J. O. Uooth. Surrounded by stalwart members of the order and enthused by the strains wafted by the Medford High School Hand, the Queen of the Carnival took up Iter duties and bade her subjects obey. Bedecked In flowing laces, velvets and silks, the Intricacies of which only a woman would know, the Queen of tho '"arnlval presided with dignity and lovable precision, according to the pro gram prepared. No sign of jealously marred the fea tures of the assembly, as all were only loo willing to obey she who had been iroelalmed queen by overi 0,0-00 votes. The Journal ha told the story of the carnival's beginning and' it only re mains to say that nowhere In Southern Oregon has there been a more success ful gathering than assembled during tho carnival of the Woodmen of the World Jn Grants Pass. The team work by the Medford Uni form Rank would be idle description to those not In touch with the ritual of the order, but to those who have passed down the chute and have held the handle of the ax within their grasp it would be an object lesson long to be remembered. Before the completion of the exempli fication of the work of the team over 300 new members had been added to the rolls of the local camps and several names were hung In the balance. Miss Rothermal, as Queen of the Car nival, made many friends and she can look back on her duty as well performed. Portlands most exclusive set that have v(t(Kj fru.nds tilled the edltlc. attended a recital in tnis city ror a I Tne bnlJe, ls a beautiful brunette and long time. ,r .rnwn bf white rjolnt d'Aleneon lnce The entertainment furnished by Mrs. wa, -trlktnirlv becomlnar to her. She Richards was n pleasure from start to carried bride roses. Her only attendant flnlh. The patronesses were Mrs. was her BiBter, Miss Lucy Blrard Slt Helen Ladd Corbett. Mrs. Lucius Allen ,. -v,n vnrn white lace over nlnk Lewis. Mrs. W. B. Ayer, Mrs. R. Koch- Bili; xt, Rni, Hovt Dlaved the ever- Ier. Mrs. W. Brewster, Mrs. J. Wesley pleasing nnd beautiful wedding music. Ladd. Mrs Arnold, Mrs. George Good Mr Tirana was attended by his and Mrs W. J. Burns. hrniher Krnest Brand. Jr. ' WIDDIHGS. Miss Gertrude Freedman was married to Mr. Meyer Brody of Des Moines. Ia.. last Sunday evening at 6:30 o'clock at berved at the home of the bride's mother, The ushers were: Harry Sladen. Ar nold Bothwell, Rollln Page and Walter Goss. A reception and wedding supper wa TICHEHOB. President Woodmen of the World Carnival Show, How Being Held Grants Pass, Oregon. at street in honor Friday evening a week ago that clearly Indicated a promising future as u musician nnd reflecting much credit on her Instructor, Mrs. Harper. Tint Cady system, one mos,t popular now because of the quickness with which It appeals to tlie understanding of the pupil, ls the one being taught to Miss Hawkins. "The Bogie Man" was rendered with startling feeling anil "The Brownies" Dance" could not have been more merrily given. Vt Vt ! Sir. and Mrs. I. Long entertained friends- in a. pleasant manner at their country home at Longhurst last Sunday. The drive out from tne city was a treat to the guests, as was also the elaborate lunch - 4-hat wes served shortly after their arrival. This enjoyable entertain ment was given in honor of Mrs, Bam burger, Mrs. Oberndorfer and Mrs. Morltz of Salt Lake. The other guests were: Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Flelschner, Mr. and Mr- Ggs Simon and Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Flelschner. Vi Vt vt Miss Senile Groat gave a pretty pink shower Thursday afternoon for Miss Cora Lang. - Everything was in pink, Rockwell, Mrs. Stevens, Mrs. P. P. Dab ney, Mrs. A. Crane, Mrs. H; C. Robin son, Mrs. J. B. Coffey. -Mrs. W. M. De Lin. Mrs. R. J. Jennings, Mrs. J. W. Kelly, Mrs. A. G. Long. Mrs. W. A. M. Breck. Mrs. J. O. Kelly, Ms. T. L. Perkins. Mrs. A. Schubach. Mrs. St. Martin, Miss 8t. Martin, Mrs. Nicholson. Mrs. James Wandell, Mrs. T. L. Mc Glasblan, Mrs. T. S. Towsend, Mrs. W. Carroll. VI Vi vt A very pleasant party was tendered Jack Malarkey at the residence of Mrs. James Hampton. 491 Market street, Tuesday evening, the occasion being his 21st birthday. The rooms were beautifully decollated with 'evergreens, white 'roses were in profusion. The evening was pleasantly spent wHh music and games and at a late hour de licious refreshments were served. Among those present were: MiBses Sophja Jacutsch. Sadie James,- Hattle Jones, Lizzie Williams. Bertha Smith. Mabel Mountain. Ruth Lee.'-'Lena Relnke, Jennin Olson, Mary Brady. Nellie Hamp ton. Mabel Doneka, Emma Specht, Miss McCullotn, Mrs. James Hanjpton; .vere'carrled out not only In flowers but .n embroidered lines nnd china, a pretty ind new Idea. The fortunate winner of the first jrize .vas Mrs. R. L. Patterson, and Mrs. Herman Barwlg secured the second. The guests were: Mrs. Winslow JJradford, Mrs. F. A. Bancroft, Mrs. F. A. Bancroft. Mrs. T. B. Strain. Mrs. vV. L. Hathaway, Mrs. Roger Hlnnot. Mrs. W. M. Cake, Mrs. I. L. Patterson. Mrs. Herman Baring, Mrs. C. E. Rume- in, Mrs. Jerry Bronaugh, Mrs. Edgar 1'lper, Mrs. W. A. Knight. Mrs. E. S. rJackson, Mrs. Edwin Caswell, Airs. ;abney, Mrs. Haider, Mrs. W. M. Capus, 'Jiss Minnie Capus. , Mrs. M. A. M. Ash y. Mrs. George Nottage. Mrs. A. B 'roasman, Mrs. W. M. Knight, Mrs. Scott Bozzoith. Mrs. . A. L. McCully, Mrs Shelly Morgan, Mrs. C. U. Oantenbein, Mrs. Thomas B. Foster, Mrs. Susan Keene. Mrs. Mark Gill, Mrs. O. P. M Jamison, Mrs. A. St. Clair Gay, Miss Maud Gllliland, Miss Bickel. Miss Louise Blckel, Miss Laurence, Miss Mabel Lau rence. Mrs. G. C. Laurence. Mrs. George Laurence. Jr.. Mrs. William Hume. Mr. A. D. Charlton. Mrs. H. M. Carlock, Miss Margaret Coster. Mrs. Walter Holt, Mrs. F. A. Nitchey, Mrs. William Koeh ler, Mrs. Fletcher Linn, Mrs. Otto De (aim. Mrs. L. W.. B. London, Mlsa Mamie Rummell and Miss Eula Mc Oilly. vi Vi vt Mrs. J. D. Meyer entertained a small party at luncheon at the Commercial Club last Wednesday. Vt Vt Vi The second wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. C. Lewis Mead was cele brated In a most enjoyable manner a week ago last Friday. The paper Idea was carried out In all the decorations and in the prizes given. Large white 3nd yellow chrysanthemums were used In the parlors, with the ceilings fes tooned with crepe paper In the same colors. Tho library and hall were In pink carnations and the dining room In pink and White. The observation contest that took the thoughtful attention of the guests the fore part of the evening was won by Mrs. James Thompson and VV. Bristol, the boobies falling to Mrs. John Cumpbell of Seattle, and J. Pilkington. Dancing was then enjoyed, which was followed by the serving of ref renhmesnts. The guests were: Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. J. Leonard, Mr. and Mrs. Will Lawrence, Mr. and Mrs. William Feckhelmer, Air. and Mrs: Frank Dooley, Mr. and Mrs. J. Thomp son, Mr. and Mrs. Jl. franton, Mr.' and Mrs. W. Bristol, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bradford, Mr.- and Mrs. II. R. Robin son, Gus Grlsmacher. Miss Kmitw Blagen, Miss Belle Robinson, Miss Ceneth Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Stone, Miss Runnell of Newark, N. J.; Miss Mabel Lawrence, y Miss Edna Frotzman, Miss Maud Gilllland, J. Muehe, Louis Starr, Sam Young and J Pilkington. Vt Vi Vi Airs. J. P. Johnson gave an enjoyable cinch party Thursday afternoon In honor of Mrs. B. Ft Beaver of Omaha, Neb. Vi Vt M The St. Alin. Society gave ft pretty entertainment last Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. F. J. A. Alayer, 6? North Fourteenth street. An admis sion fee was charged and the neat sum of $36 was raised which will be given to the- Heppner sufferers. The after noon wa. devoted to music, the princi pal feature being a love story of the Ctvll War given in musical number, the selections belnsr urtmlrnhlv executed Kby Mrs, Johngrauaa Iha -Matenera Iater In the afternoon refreshments were passed by Aiabel Shea, Lillian O'Brien, Lloyd Mayer, and Harold Mayer. Vi Vi Vi Miss Helen Ladd, the charming daugh ter of Mr. and Airs. J. Wesley Ladd. celebrated the seventh anniversary of her birth by taking 12 of her friends in a large coach out to the golf links, where a birthday dinner was enjoyed. Mrs. Ladd and Mrs. Cheney had charge of the happy children. Vi Vi Vi Mr. and Mrs. James Thompson enter tained in a most pleasing manner last Tuesday evening at their home, $41 Hoyt street. The rooms were attractively decorated the home of the bride's parehts, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Freedman, 432 Burn side street, Rev. Abramson officiating, Only the near relatives and Intimate friends were present. The bride wore a pretty gown of white organdie over taffeta, trimmed with Duchesse lace and carried bouquet of bride roses. Mis Ray Garflnkle of Seattle was maid of honor and. Air. B. I. Brody, brother of the groom, was best man After the ceremony a sumptuous wed ding dinner Was served at which I. J. Harris of Chicago acted as toastmnster. Mr. and Mrs. Brody have gone on a wedding trip through California. They will "reach Des Moines n about a month, where they will make their home. Out-of-town people who- attended the 49$ Yamhill street, after the services at the church, to .which only the Imme diate members of the family were in vited. The entire lower floor was artistically adorned with La France roses. Mr. snd Mrs. Brand will make their a shower future home In San Francisco, reach ing there about August v The groom Is the oldest-n-rof JSrnest Brand of the Humbolt Saying Bank of San Francisco and i native Call fornlan. After completing- -his - college edu -atlon he spent two yf In, Europe, after which he returned to hi home city where he has gained much promi nence as a rising attorney." He 1s a brother of Mrs. Frank ,Rallly of this city. ' ' . The bride is one of Portland s most wedding were Mr. arffl Mrs. A. Brody popular young women, with" a personal- of Des Moines, Mr. Brody being a sister f ity so pleasing as to have, road her a MBS. WALDO BICHAKDS. hs '"r? WD : Who Gay a SuooMftU Dramatio and Dialect Recital at Parsons' Xall ' Thursday Night in roses and sweet peas. Large Indian baskets full were placed here and thero throughout the rooms, while branches on which were clustered inany blos soms and buds were draped at points wnere tney showed to best advantage. Gincn was the principal feature of tne evenings entertainment. The first prizes were won by Miss Selover and A. M. Cronln and the booby by Mrs. W. C. Noon, Jr. Refreshments were served. The guests were: Mr. and Mrs. George Lawrence, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Noon, Jr., Mr. and Mr. Tt Herring. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Trenk man. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Lawrence, Mr.' and Mrs. 8. W. King, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Clock, Miss Lawrence, Miss Mabel Lawrence, Mr. and Mrs. iC. A McCargar, Mr. and Airs. E. -L. W'alte, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Bristol. Mr4 and Mrs. Hick C Fenton, Mr. and uri. R. F.- Prael. Mr. and Mrs. C. Lewis Mead. Mr. and Mr. fiankiiPooley, . Ml Hlldg,-J of the bride and Mr. Brody a brother of the groom; Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Harris of Chicago, Mr. J. Holberg of Butte, Mrs. L. Harris of Seattle and Miss Ray Garflnkle of Seattle. The home was beautifully decorated In pink and white roses. Vt Vt Vt The wedding of Corwln A. Townsend Of Portland to Miss Hattle Jones was quietly celebrated last Wednesday noon at the home of the bride's mother, Mr. Elizabeth Jones of Independence. Rev. E. J. Thompson performed the ceremony. The bride wore a' rich dress of mode silk de chine over green Duchesse silk, trimmed with ecru applique. The only bridal attendant was Ar mine Young, the little nephew of the bride, who acted as ring bearer. Im mediately following the ceremony a de licious wedding breakfast was served. Only the relatives and Intimate friends of the bride and groom were In attend ance. ' . The ' newly-wedded couple, accompa nied by the groom's father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Townsend, and his sisters, Misses lone and Vesta Town send and Mrs. F. I. Ball, took the after noon train for Portland, the bride and groom stopping just long enough to en joy a splendid dinner at the home of the groom's parents, 543 Third street. after which they took their departure for a trip of several weeks through California. After July 5 Mr. and Mrs. Townsend will be at home at 434 Tenth street. Vt Vt Vi One of the attractive weddings of the week was celebrated last Wednesday evening at the Taylor-street Alethodist Church, where MIhb Margaret Louise Beharrll, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Beharrell was- married to Ore Lee Price by Rev. II. J. Talbot. This was a marguerite wedding. The church 'was beautifully decorated with these simple but beautiful flowers, the maids all carried them and the flower girls carried baskets filled with these bright-eyed beauties, The bride s gown was of white organ die over taffeta. The tulle veil was caught with .orange blossoms and the bride carried a shower bouquet of bride roses. The beat girl was Misa Flora Bailey, who wore a becoming gown of green organdie. The best man was Drew Price, brother of the groom Miss Ethel Beharrell, sister of the bride, made a winsome maid of honor, gowned in yellow organdie, and the bridesmaids. Miss Antoinette Wagner and Miss Ella Cousin, were charming in sheer white organdie. The flower girls were Margery Beharrell, cousin of the bride, and Alice Hill, the groom's hlece. The ushers were Dr. George Larkin and John Larkln of Newburg, Harry Hendershott and Clarence Price, the groom' brother.' The wedding party entered "the church promptly at 8:30. while, the ..church cholrv sung Lohengrin' weddjng hymn. It was a pretty sight. The- ushers led the way. followed by the best girl, the bridesmaids came next. then, the maid 6f honor. The flower girls preceded the bride, .who came last on the arm of her father. The groom and best tnaft awaited theni at the altar. The church was filled with friend. - . After the ceremony a reception was held at- the home of 'Mr. and Mrs. Beharrel, 470 Parkatreet; attended oaiy favorite wherever she chanced to go. Vt Vt Vt At the residence of Mr. Louis Carsten- son. 249 Bneriuan street, on june ia, at 5 p. m., Robert B. Scott and Miss Minerva J. Allen were married. Dr. Alexander Blackburn officiated. A wed ding dinner was served. They will mak their h6me at Beaverton. Vt Vt Vt The weddlna- of Miss Elsie Folsom t Guy A. Wade occurred at Pendleton last Wednesday evening at 9 o'clock at the Church of the Redeemer, Rev. William Edward Potwlne officiating, assisted by Rev. Andreas Bard of St. Paul s Church, Walla Walla. The bride wore a pretty gown of white silk mull over taffeta with veil of tulle. - She carried white carnations. Mis Georgia Folsom was the maid of honor. She looked well In a blue organdie, carrying white carnations The best mam was George A. Hartman Jr. The ushers were John T. Laneous,i an4 JVl Tipdd.hajirldfuwa given away by her brother. Harry Folson. (Continued on Page Nineteen.) PIANOS NOW THAT THE SCHOOL YEAR IS OVER, THE CHILDREN WILL HAVE MORE TIME TO DEVOTE TO PRAC TICE. THE EXCEPTIONAL LOW PRICES AND EASY TERMS OF PAY MENT AT WHICH WE ARE OFFER ING OCR FINE PIANOS J UST NOW MAKES IT POSSIBLE FOR ANY ONE TO OWN A PIANO: A GOOD ONE. SO WHY NOT LET-THE LITTLE ON1 GET A GOOD START IN AIUSIC THIS SUMMER? WE HAVE OVER FIFTY DIFFERENT STYLES OF THE FIN EST PIANOS IN THE WORLD, AND AT PRICES RANGING FROM THAT OF THE STBXJTW AT WHICH IS OUR LEADER DOWN TO $185. WE DO DEAL IN CHEAP PIANOS AT ANY PRICE. BtfT SELL GOOD PIANOS AT SUCH EXCEEDINGLY LOW PRICES THAT YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO BE WITHOUT ONE. SEE THEM. , YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT. AND IT WILL COST YOU NOTHING TO IN VESTIGATE OUR, INSTRUMENTS. PRICES. TERA1S OF PAYMENT AND METHODS .OF pom BVSINES3.. :' I ' ' V - V i S0ULEBR0S PIANO CO, 326 WASHINGTON ST.7NEAR SIXTH 1