't ' ' ' , ' A TO 20V 1903. 11 " s. . . . : rY V TRANSACTIONS IN THE FINANCIAL WORLD LOCAL LARD IS DOWN HALF CENT x fair, ISKtOUrV fln. lO'ittlTtte: r.aaters Or- Von. JO0)l.'k; Mohair." aantiial, 373ifc. Bbceutktna bearla. 1 4 V, ill 9: abort waol tlraZte; medium wool, toe; luog'wool, COcO 11.44 M ' TallowPrime, per ft, IttO: Ke. 8. asd grea, . Hldea lrv hides, Kft. 1. 1$ roands "! "a. l5(.ilVi iMr t: drt kip. No. 1. J t H IN, 11 1 drr eal'..Ko. f.i under 6 IM. ISHc: lrr aattefl. bulla ami aUga, 1-9 tuas dry flint; aalted aldca. ilrtr, aonnd, 60 pnnnda or of"-', 60 to $0 tt. THC: aader'M n eowa. 7e; atara ana nun, aouna. Fi r. amino, in to i ma, vc: aonna, w let eir. senna, aartor 10 ma. w( aree di u m eniia le lb leaa: pora I - 1 . MM , ...h at OA nons xo iaKe tired ai unce zr&t&i&iEz eaen, ictii.uo. , .,, v ; ( Sutter, Ttn.tti Paultre, ' Rutter Rxtraa. 22ci creamery. SIC2SMe; t:ra rTnn rron. iv(Xio. , Cboeaa Fall rrcanu twin. lie:. Toaof AroerirH, I3f; (-ailiomia, l.w. I'onltrT Cblrktna. mlwn. inffllla pt ! hena, H'JtU'.ic; ronatcra, 10p pr lt; broil ara. 1S4i2 wr it; frr'ra, lSiilOc par Pl rtlcaa, llHIHr nr ft: Cacao. TtSo VT ft; turkrra, lira, 13(il4o pr ft; draaaed, 16(4 1TM ft- era earls a, ITuta, tta. nar g.rk bU." mba. STTTHl Dwa- red. 5C2H; drr franulatad, 5.33H; extra C. (a oHi Uoldea v. H Vi I barraia. ioc, H barrala, boxaa, Oc aUrinoa on aaok baala baa fo par cwt (or ooab, 15 dam mapla, 140 lc lb. llonar isais nar frama. CofTfa T,ra Mocba. Jltfe: Java, ftacr. Union MeatGompany An- fjtf nnUnCfid JfiC tni 111 l JUnta- "aaltad), le U-. mllalc ft Wai bTraa lions to lake tnect at Onci Ham Prices Are-Weaker," James1, Wi n stan ley, Secretary of uregon Hopgrowers' As sociation, Says Crop Will be Three Eighths Short, . noun xjt avuu. A dacllii) of H-oan waa mads Is local lard quotation thl uorm tnf o aooouBt f wtwktr mar WS2c! Jara, coud. SUQr: Jara, orllnarT, U M.ic; rnata Klra. raocr. llU.-or; voata Ki-a. food, lOttlSc; Toata Klca. orrtlnarr. lottlte per ft: Colnmhla roaafc 110.03: Anllaa, til IS U(i Uon. 111. I Ht: Cordova. Hll.ll. Ti-aa Oolnra. different aranta. 26 : Ouo- Tha Union Maat Company announce! nowder. f J2fte: Rnallnh Braakfaxt. dlf a decline of H-cent In lu Quotatione CTCEL. l?s m? Xl en both ketU. leaf and .team-rendered p"- cre" w' ,CM 80 lard, the new lint to take effect at once. gait iuia. at, Ra, 4a, 6a. una. fllO: tna The cauae of the decline la due aolely table, dair. 80a, 8V: iooa. T4c: imported tla- to a. weaker hoar market. Eastern lard Tool. 60a, 45r; 100a. He: Kir. ll.Sft. IO a weaxer no marKei. tuiaiern lara Bait Woroeatar aalt. balk. bble. 320a, 15.00: QuoUtlona are aa yet unchanged, but It Worecater. 140 Sa. $S B0 Worceatar. 100 Ra. Is aald on rood authority that the cut ff.6o; .wrater, no 6a, 13.23: BO 10a, 3.(M: S!2! lUSJtMU USraebau'-rroand. 100.. per ton. made by their local representatives. uaa- vu iwisn. T.i.-nni inmn. The new quotations are as follows: rork, $ZI.00 por ton; CO-ft rpek, $14.00; looa, Kettle laf, 6's. 124c; 10's, 12Hc; 60's, lis.M tr Il4c Steam Rendered. 5 s. llHc; 10 's, . "0d -,0 "r lw w llHc: 60B. 11c Compound lard re- fiira I'mne'rial Jaaan. Ko. 1. 6'ic: No. t, alns the same, with quotations at 8c BUo; New Orleana bead. 8c. tor tierce, and c for tubes. w,".?..lQSl2taK J "A -'l.T.1 .VIS- Sam. Also Weak. . Salmon Columbia River, 'l-lbtalla. li.73;' 2- Local packed meats are also In a weak 1 .Ai. 7JT condition, consequent with the several ai if aim tViir'aa no late reductions in the quotations on hogs. o.i oil L'aaea, S2c per sal: tanka. Water Hams especially are weaker and lower "' ,roB.bb; 'o'V;- "?rn- "f""" quotations are anticipated aoon. iSi?? bW ""0"u, Wool Market is SnlL I.loaeed OH I'ora raw, In hbkt. 62e: tennlne The entire wool market of the state ,7 ax? .SSL. T-.u J. ..' is duller and many Bales scheduled for Bendae 63 drs, etaei, caaea, 22c; Iron bbla, the nual w.flr In thd vallAV i a va ha,n 15U.O. Called off. A bid made for 75.000 nounrla aaonne-o ncg. raaea. ae: iron poi, , rfr. ,. . ,1 7 . , ' . mrpentine in caaea, tuc wooa du, ooc at Tho Dallea at 18 cents by a looal firm iron bbla. 64c: 10-lh caae Int.. sue. waa refused, and it Is now quite likely Beana Small white. 4t Urrn white, that If any sales are made in the near W ': pink, a.73(tfa.0; baou, 4Wc ,l '. Llmax. 6M54c. auiuro iney win ue jn aniau iuib. Th.eeAPln e.t .mnkln, 1 B R-oa nark In Kastern Oregon present quotations aava Heal of Narth Carolina. 70c ft: Ma. -are far from satisfactory as far as the 8 ft: Dltla Quern. 4le m: Ked Bell, soe growers are Concerned, and no late sales ""- ,n; "0,J"" Pr?"?. .!1-!?. 'VV..tu':: ' " "' '(uU,uiig i tiinnre. 4K! n: Bull uumam. wso ro: uia n.n prevail on DOtti the vallev and the Kast- ah Cur re Cut. 74r ft: Marv and Club. 71c m ,rn Droirem rilu Mall Poueh. SKe ft: Tata Mixture. 11.40 ft. " " I r, , . . J i - l' ... .. I T , KU. WinaTHUUST on BODS. I lb: PlDer lie Malerk. OAe ft HnmetMna Oood Tomoa u'ln.tnni... n .-., f i.. 4-V ft: Standard Nv. 'Mr ft: T. B . 53c lb: U ..... V . , LU, I, I J , KCVIinil " I - , , , ... . , , . K . r . i , , , , i ni r iie.ii. in: nrnr in. r inn mi ir.n ii..r,ri,wrm v am.riaiiiHi. waa in Cbewlns-Gvlaeo Thread. ftSt ft: Faat Mall, 70 ine iiiy luuaj, ana naiu oi me nop lb. outlook: I ' Fralta and Veaetablat. "1 have been throua'hout the vallev. Potiitoea 80&75r: new. Il.50tat.75 ewt. and In some places many yards have .,""1 . ,e'rm, .'T . pr,Tr:,.loff' , j ... ',. .. . tl.oora 1.23: aarllr. Ba7c ft: ('allfi)rnla Bcr" ueBcriru niiuBiiiii-r un arciuni oi new red.. SVliiil.OO: yellow Daurera. lUtmr. the crop's poor condition. I figure from Kre.h Frolta Annlra. faney. Oregon. i.iwa reliable data that this vear s crop will S.oo: cookln?. nneiffil.no box: orancea. late va i i m il..i J lenr-la. S.'I.dO: Medlteranean aweeta. 2.(V)3.(KI Is Under normal conditions, making thla ..,. Manaaso bo'ach. no ft: atrawberrb year's Qrop in 'the nelghborhood-of about Oregon. Il.ooeil.80 crate: cherrlea. 5c mi vooiiHTi a op xiaia. 11. n. I euilmula that tha jntli-Q ,rr i-rnn 1 Veaeiablea Turnlpa. II. Ov aack; earrota, - " ' 1 " ..... - '1' I , . . , w , ,n .. i, . i. . i. - i,it..i . fi.w, urei.. .i.i iH.'imir- vi inc ljuiicu oiHifB uurnig uie prpeiii 12U(iTl!V- uer dot: rabbaer. California season will not amount to over 186,000 2c ft: lettuce, head. 13c per dot; botboaite. balet. "and perhaps loss. Under normal ' 26 box; areen pepper.. 40e lb: boreeradl.h. 8c rnndltlon tho rn.mirv hnt un ..no Ln: ceiorr. i.uu per oo: oaana. airin. nic I m ' ixDartffui ai 1 . , tvjtr li m Im,x r rhii- bales a year, and this extra amount will barb. 3- ft: tomatoca. I2.40fn2.6n per 4 b.nket crate; naranlpa. fl.Ta: plm-appira, ss.ou Ooi: pea., trtjac: rucuoinera. fi.au box SEABOARD CORN .MEN BEMOANING Continue 6 Complain About the July. Manipulation at Chi cagoWindy ; City -Brokers say x is raise, . A Continuance of Pressing - Wheat Offers from India In dicate Growers Are Satisfied With Price, have to be purchased somewhere." Orower. Will Hold. ThertiojrTool of Oregon and 'Washing ton is getting stronger each day, and all Us members are determined not td tell their stocks under a 25-cent market, and orrfe of them will hold for even a higher figure. There are now ln this atate about 8.500 bales of last year's "rop. and of this amount there are prac tically none in the hands of the dealers. It the brewers now want to make any purchases they will have to come to un, ns we are ln entire control of the situa tion." aTew York's Small Crop., ' Krom present Indications the crop in the State of New York will be very small, and from the latest information obtainable hop men figure that tho yield will hot go over 35.000 bales. That state -hud a long slega of warm weather with no rain, and many of the yards were entirely ruined. The rains that came luter were not sufficient to do the crop any material amount of good. England Makes Offer of 91 Cents. A prominent grower of Salem yeBter day received and refused an offer of 21 cents a pound for 250 bales of' last year's crop from a London firm, and sev eral of the. smaller holders have llkc- Too Much Trait. Front street is badly overstocked with all kinds of frutr and the. market Is weak, with quotations on all' lines on the decline. Apricots and peaches are both ln a too liberal supply and stocks are being sold at lowered quotations. Eggs -.ore Plentiful. Kgg receipts were more plentiful to day and there is now. no difflcutty ex perienced by de.ilers :n obtaining sup plies at from 19 to 20 cents n dozen, a majority of t lie b'alfs being made at the former figure. Poultry is still too plentiful and prices are weak. Fresh meats are wotik. with tho ex ception of veal, which Is In fair demand at prevailing quotation!?. Plums have arrived from the South, ahd"are "quoted at $ 1.2. "5 "per "box. Today's quotations, is revised, are as follows: IJrled Fruit. Apple. m; aprlcota, T'allOe : pea peara. 84e ft: prnnra Italian French. 3UiR44c ft; fir. California blacka. 0 tOSc: do. white. 7HtSc lb: plum., pitted. 61 'V; ral.lna. aeeded. fancy 1-ft carton.. 50 pack aaea to caae. SVjC pka; .ceded. 12-ox cartona. 7o: looae Mnacatellea. (Ml B) bole.. 0H4I7H id; i-onaon layera, ai.73tnz.uo. I nt. reaauta, BftfiO per m lot raw, Bwine ror roa.ted: coco. nut.. ttostoc per fln: wal nura. 14Vf,t!.V per ft; iilna nuta. 10ai2Hc par ft; hlckorr nuta. 16c per ft: cbeatnnt.. Kaatern. 1516e per ft! Br.ail nuta. 16c per ft; Albert., l&iaifle per ft: fancy pecana, 14(9 15c per ft; almond. 14tirc per ft. Meat and ProTlnlom. Freeh Meat. Beef, prime. 7H(?rSc; eowa, 8i"o7o; veal. 7 lie ; mutton, drcaacd, 5'b0c; lamha. dreaacd. 7c. Freah Meat Front .treet Beef, Prime. Rc; bulla, r.ffl5l4c; eowa. 6Hi7,ic; pork. 77Vie; veal. 7tUc: mutton, drc.acd, B'.jcafte; lamba, dreHed. 7tHe. Ham.. Bacon. Etc Portland pack (local) bama. 10 to 14 fta. 14Hc: -14 to 16 lbs. 14V4: breakfaat bacod. 15tU I-; nlculct, 1 1 eolfg. ll'i.c; aaltcd .Idea. 12'iac lb; anmked aldea, 13V4e; dry aalted back. 11 r; bacon backa, 12N,c; butta. aalted. V,c: mo ked. inc ft. E. tern-picked llama Under 14 fta. 13 c; over 14 fta. 14c: fancy. 13-)ie: plcnica.llc; hnulder. HVc: dry aalted aide, unamoked, 12V4c; brenkfa.t Iwcon, lSVliQld'-c: fancy. JSHc; butt.. 11 '4ru,12c. Local Lanl Kettle leaf. 10. 12'c: Ba, lSc: BO-ft tlna. 1114c; steam rendered. 10. llfcc: 3a. irVjc; 60. 11c; coaipouud tlercea, 8c; tuba, 84e. Ea.tcra Lnrd Kettle ler.f. 10 -ft tin, 12Me; 10a. c: SOs. llV.c. AUoto p.cklntf bouw prlcaa ara net cash, IS daya. Flab tlork cod. 7c; ftounler. 6c; halibut. 6e; Hits cod, 7c; cr.,ns, $1.30 rtos: razor cUima, be do; atrloeil lUSc; nalmon. -hliiook, 8c: anninier ateelheada. 7c; olc. Hi-; .hrlini. 1'nnct S..unJ. 13c; ..ciitflsl., tic lb; bnd, 8c lb; oIlTcr auu lt, Be. evaporated, 6fl(7e caea. a "ft He nv; an. 4',t(ruc lb; (Special rennlaalon ef Bolton, da Hayter ft Co.) CHICAGO, June 10. Tho Record Herald says: v Tho Seaboard corn man continues to bemoan to his Chicago broker, tha "July manipulation" nt Chicago. . There Is no July manipulation ln the corn at Chi cago and tho feature of the market for n week has been tha selling or July ana the buying of September com. Ilecctpts ara Increasing, while the elevator peo ple, vonttnuo to talk small country of fering!. Tho bids Kent out by tho warehouse men of late have been relatively low ones and evidently me countrymen have preferred to consign to the com mission man rather than accept track bids. "We hava a 40-cent July oat price now," says Charles uounseimsn, wi- cause we lost tne lowa crop ihbi yeai. You cannot lose a supply of that sort without the price feeling It. I con sider the present oat crop prospects bet tor than last year's. The straw Is short, but carries the grain. Iast year thore was a lowering stem, snd the result ws n. good share of the crop fell over ln the mud. "We are having a good deal of ex aggeration 1n the way of crop loss ex periences. "We aro hearing from the man who has had poor luck and every one Is forgetting about the farmer who Is satisfied. I am convinced there is a grpat deal of corn back ln the country, and I also think we will make a corn crop. As to the 50-cent price, I do not feel It is so much out of the way. It Is not likely to be a year of very low grain prices. There Is every prospect of an active summer for the specula tor. With the corn crop somewhat late there will be the opportunity from now until harvest for pessimistic talk. While I am not a bear on grain prices, I am not a believer ln these present claims of crop disaster." A leading house at Liverpool writes: "There Is nothing very, fresh to report of wheat except the continuance of pressing offerings from India at very reasonable prices. These do not Indi cate a very large crop, but the Indian growers are evidently satisfied with present prices. Much will now depend upon money soon, and should there be a delay there will probably be a serious curtailment- of offerings." CHICAGO WHEAT ' MARKET PETER 1 r I' Pit Opens Rather Slow but the - Close : Was Somewhat Stron ger Total Estimate Is 740,- 000,000 Bushels, Corn Was Fairly Steady Dur ing the Day With Price Con- J'j.1 OI ! .... . I l - anions snowing very Lime Radical Change, NEW TOBK STOCKS. (Special permlaalon of Bolton, do Ilnrtcr ft Co.) CHICAGO, June 20. Logan & Bryan advise: The wheat market here was quiet and at tha close was rather strong. The Item of tha day waa tho estimate of Commercial West on the crop. The figure was a total of JiO.oon.ooo bushels. From tho character of the report we get of the sprlrlg returns so far as has progressed in tho winter wheat country, wo think that the estimate Is a good many million bushels loo high. The northwest la still without rnln, but any damage from that In modified by the cool weather. Rain Is, liowever, much needed andilf delayed It will become a bullish factor. With present conditions of the crop and supply nnd demand, the prospective wants to bo liatlslled from the growing crop. Corn T airly Steady. The corn market was fairly steady without material change. There are no Indications of supply or of diminished emand and these are the Influences that underlay and control the corn market nt tho moment. Temperatures throughout the West are low, and the crop under such conditions Is making poor headway. Better Oat Weather, The weather Is better for the ost crop than It Is for corn, and that crop is probably making poor progress. The demand exceeds supply for cash oats, however, and this keeps the general market strong. Provisions Easier and Dull. The provision market Is a little easier and dull as It can well be. Liberal re ceipts of hogs next week are, however, expected and there Is nothing about the cash demand to stimulate specu'.itlve confidence. Only fears of manipulation by the strong packing interests make the future of the provision market dull THIRD DESPERADO MEETS JUST FATE McKinney, Escaped Montana Convict, hound by Girl in an Ice House and Is Killed. (Journal Special Service.) BUTTE. Mont., June 20 James Mc Kinney, the third of the four escaped convicts from the Glasgow jail, was shot and killed ThurKday night at the Darnell ranch, 80 miles from Glasgow. News of the occurrence arrived here late last night. After Hardee, the convicted murderer, had been killed by the posse Wednesday night, McKinney, his partner, escaped to the open country, and after traveling It for nearly SO miles, again took to the brush, coming out at the Darnell home stead. At nearly 9 o'clock Thursday night Miss Darnell, a daughter of the rancher, went to tho lcehouso to get a quantity of Ice and there observed what she believed to be a trump partially hidden under hay piled In the croner. Without letting her discovery he known to the supposed tramp, hc went to the house and secured her father's Win chester and started back to the Icehouse. Her father met her nnd together they entered the house. McKinney observed the actions of the girl and attempted to fire nt her, but the ctmrlilae stuck in the Chamber of the gun. In trying to extract It the weapon liecame clogged. I'hen the despermlo inmle a dash for the brush and was flreJ nt by liarticll. The fchot wounded tho criminal In the arm, but a see and one struck Uie desperate man's hip and glanced Into the stom ach. He lived three hours after being shot. On June 6 four prisoners In the. Glas gow jail escaped. Hardee was shot Wednvsday night. Jlrown liatl been cap tured a week beforo and was lynched Wednesday night when It became known that Hardee had killed Hill during the fight with the posse.. Pierce, the fourtli man, has been lost track of. and It is believed that he has made his escape Into the Had Lands. bUK YUUK Breakfast, Dinner or Supper! EAT THE BEST HAM THAT MONEY CAN BUY. ASK FOR SHIELD RRANDj It costs no more than any other and it Is absolutely the Best.' From Oregon Whet-Fed Hogs and Government Inspected. A Home Product and none better made. All First-class Grocers arid Butchers sell .SHIELD BRAND GOODS. UNION MEAT CO TETEirSOir AS A LAWYER. A COMING LAWYER DESCRIPTION. Anaconda Mining Co.... Amal. Copper Co Atcblaon. com dii Dreferrea Am. Car ft Found., com. do preferred Aoi. BUKar, com Am. Smelt., com do preferred Baltimore ft Ohio, com. do preferred Brooklyn Kapld Trau.lt. Canadian Pacific, cum.. Chi. ft Alton, com do preferred Chi. A Ot. Weat., com. 1 85 64 67 H W4 84 t 87 120V4 45 "4 03 1 861 DSVa 57 122 25 18 WO 67 34 ft 87 1 2014 464 851, P4 I 86 I 86 1 85 67WI nflWl m'l W4I W4 S41 34 87 I 87 1114 114 43 03 84 :i4 57 I 57 liBHiizn 201 25 I.... 181 184 Pit 89 PS 4 67 V4 1214 254 . 150151ll50415(l4 1704 171 "0 B7i .184 624 IN 28 68 :74 62 174 27. 68 63 18 28 68 1741v'1744il73 84 84 I m 3241 33 82 65 4 53 55 170 14 117 624 "4 27 58 173 8H- 324 53 66 la I H641 65 I 5T 134 134 1 133 1 1,13 llli'4llo1104!110 124l24:12H.12H 1364113041136 11.15 214) 22 I 21 21 20, 57 1224 CHICAGO MARKET RANGE (Special permission of Bolton, de Rnytcr .V Co.! CHICAGO, jiiue 20. The markets ranged tf.Ui.v caffolloua: 1 1 ! Sr. PORTLAND WHOLESALE PRICES. 73 Grain, Flour and Toed. Wheat Wallu Walla. 7ifj7l!e; bliieatcm 8ic; Valley. T-tlfti 77o. Barley Feed, 21.00; rolled. I2.00' Oata No. 1 white, f 1.17'j(&1.2u; gray, $1.1.1 I174. Flour Es tern Orea;on: Patent". JS,9.-fl4.30: THamond W $4.20; atrulalu. :t.S.: Valley. $3.6nj$:i.7n; emu am. 4. $11.15; 10a, $3,55. Mlllatuff Bran. J2li.n0 per ten; uMUUnga. $27 00: ahorta. $23.00; chop. $13.00. Hay Timothy, $17.0O& 18.00; clover, $10.00 J7.00. ," Hop, Wool and Hidaa. HopaJ-ax&aic fur choice; 1DU3 contracta, 15 16c. - Wool VaTler. tff16e. ennrae: rrorilHpi to THE PURE GRAIN COFFEE In comparing Grain-O aad colTeo remember that while the taste w the tame Grain-O gives health and strength while coii'ae shatters the nervous system and breeds disease i oi the digestive organs, 1 Thinking ; i : people prefer Grain-O and its bene i f efit., -;"' V' :-, :: ' V - "v Cwiw;'', t TRY IT TO-0AY. v Atarocara aaarrarbert 1 lie. au4 tsa, per ptekagt Onoa Wheat J ,Tu'....jJ0O.fo',i Sept.'... .!(;, Corn July Kept Out" July a Sept..'"..- Cork Jury..,. 10.02 Sept.... 17.00 Cora July S.S2 Sept ,8.05 OutK July D.lltl Sept 0.3OH .',0 AW ..'Wi ::s:t:. ' $0O.76T4 ".754 .."o!i .504 . .so-', -.tuv,,' m.na 17.00 8..2 SOT l .10 Low. fn0.7fi4 .7-l-jj, .40 ' s:.i m.s7 lO.fto 8.77 8.110 n.27 8.25 Ckwc. $0).76si, .75 .4041 .40 1C.R7 10.00B S.77A S.H2 !i.::o 0.27 A hi.. Mil. ft St. P... til. ft North., com 'hi. Terminal Ky Cheaieakc ft Ohio fllo. Fuel a iron, coin. Colo Southern, com do 2d preferred do 1st preferred Delaware ft lludaon , . . . D. ft It. (1.. pfd F.rle. com do 2d preferred do lt preferred Illinois Central LfliilaTllle ft' Nahville.. Metropolitan Trac. Co. . Manhattan Elevated ... Mexican Central Ky ... Mexican National Minn.. St. P. ft Ste. M . do preferred Mlaaourl Pacific !103Vla,l,,2'i)"2: K. ft T.. com 20 204 1I ' do preferred 4R 44i 48 49 York Central (12H4I127 IJIH'l: rfolk ft Wentern, com. 03'. I 64 Vi! 63 63 N. Y.. Ont. A Weat Pennsylvania Uy P. (J.. T,. ft C. Co. Pleased Steel Car, com. do preferred Reading, com do 2d preferred do 1t preferred...... Beii. Iron ft Steel, com. do preferred Hock Inland, coin do preferred Southern Ky.. com do preferred Southern Pucitlc St. L. .t S. I'.. 2.1 pfd. . Nor CHICAGO HOGS LOWER f'lIICAOO. Juno 20. tleeelpta of livestock In the principal puckiug centers of tile country toditj" were: Hojra. Cattle. Srieen. tli lea go 17,00" - :m 2n,tKK) Kanaaa City 4.00O Km Omnba H.OiaV. 7.oimi Hoira Opened and cIohciI 5 cent lower. Ititl ln price are: Mixed and hutchera', ?."i.!Xirnj 0.10; sjnnd "heavy. 0.1OW8.20; rough , heavy. $3.!Hl"rd.io; liirht. $.1.0O(!i0.15. Cattle Steady. Slioep Steady. NEW YORK COTTON RANGE (Special Permlasion of Bolton, do Rnyter & Co.) NKW YORK, June 20. Tha cotton market rantreU rnuuy aa roiiowa: ilo 1st lirpf-rred. St. L. ft S. V., eiiiu.... do preferred Tejiaa ft Pacific Tetin. Coal & Iron. T.. St. I,, ft Weat.. com do preferred thiton Pacific, com do preferred U. S. Leather, cr.nt .-do preferred U. S. lluliher. com do in ferred Ik S. Steel Co., com tin per erred .... Wheel, ft Lake Uric, do 1st pre t erred Wisconsin Central, com do preferred XVextern I'niou Tele.... Vt'ahuah. com do jircfcrred Sahs, 21.1.0OO. A young lady teacher In a West Phila delphia kindergarten thinks that she has discovered a "Philadelphia lawyer' ln embryo. She made the discovery in one of the exercises Incident to teaching tho young Idea how to count. After draw lng five ones on the blackboard and writ ing beneath the five successive numer ais. one, two. three, up to five, together with a painstaking verbal explanation she attempted to test the understand ing of the little ones by turning to one bright-eyed little fellow and putting the QueHtwn; "Now, Donald, which would you rather have, five pennies or a five-cent piece?'' "Five pennies!" Donald promptly re plied. "Why, Donald?" asked the teacher paMently. "Because," said Donald, "you see. If you lost one of the pennies, you'd havo four left, and even if you lost four you'd have one left; but if you lost the five-cent piece, why it would all ne gone every penny. 126 1264 U7 4 53 87 07 ' 82 'i K 74 33 71 2.14 87 Sjg CI 7t 18 an . 2tt 07 53 87 mi 07 8,'t 154 74 34 07 4 63 S7 4!4 68 07 53 66 82 4 i 824 15 1 71 I 74 31)41 71 i 71 2441 2j 87 4 1 87 ! 87 48 V 4S1J. 4S", 014 1 I 61 74 I 74 74 18 I 174 174 3841 ! i 38 HIS DEMAND FOR PENSION Barnstorming Thespians who oeca- caslonally have to dodge substantial expressions of displeasure of audiences 111 sympathize with the claim of a veteran which has Just reached the Pension Bureau. It Is a story of domes tic Infelicity and opens up a field of vengeance for those who keep ln touch with poultry products. The claim Is made In a letter thaf Indicates a lack of familiarity with the three R's, and It contains this brief, succinct proposi tion from the battle-scarred servitor of his country: "I got blood poison by being hitt with a hens eg wen l cam oaK rrom tne frunt. Tha eg as not good wen you send my penshun I want the Deed mado sos my wife can't get none of It she ibtt.Jh&.jtz.. ..fthe wa.a-jatbel.." .. 20 51141 ftii 4 as 4 n1 1 4 ! 14-4 80 87-J n 87 134 50 2114 4.", SO'.i 8S n S7 134 50 28--U 2S 411 ''i 1 4:1 4 2,-. 41 2'. 4 4441 444 70, 711 S7 4I S74 84! ' Ml 4 86 '.j 13 134 50 50 ' 2041 2S1 . I 7H4 801, I 50 I Ml I 204! 20 4 J I 84 I 84' i j 2441 24 U I I 43- I 4.1' 211 71 ', j 21 5! ni 4 21 68 2041 211 I 40 834 i 4 2.".-V '-:"l 4.; 1 4.1 Jan. . . Jlme. . July... Aug. . . Sept. . , Oct.... Nov... iDfC.... Open. .$ 0.88 . 12.10 . 12.20 . 11.80' . 11.02 . 10 20 . 0.00 . 0.01 High. $ 0.03 12.14 12.25 11. 8T 11.0.1 10.21 10.011 0.08 Low. , 73 12.10 13.2(1 11 75 in so loot 0.78 0.71 Cle. $ 9.72 13,14131 12.20ftr21 n.74r?7.1 10.RO&M 10.01 0.780 0.71&73 'Import, of Iron ant! steel .material for tha month of March amounted to 143.000 tons," of -which 63,941 tons waa pig Iron; a aajatnst it.UStoaa la February, COMTTimrO WIT JC ICATTJBE. Closa besido the sparkling brook, whose silvery waters danced merrily In tlin sunlight and rippled Joyously over the golden sands, th.ey sat In silence Goorrre and Laura drinking, in the glorious beauty of the rustic sfcene and j communing with nature in one of her j chosen shrines. Afar off In the j frest the sun sacmed to linger on the i Ini of the horizon as if unwilling to i shut out from his gaxo tho lovely land scape that glowed with a softened and even melancholy'radiance in his depart ing beams. ' A thrilling cry burst from the lips if tho beautiful girl. "George!" sho' al most shrieked. "What la it, darling?" he asked plac ing arm tenderly around her waist, "lias the romuntlc, yet oppressive love liness of the - scenery adlened your spirits " "No, George," she screamed, waving her hands wildly and making!, frantic jab at tho small of her back. "I think It's some kind of a bug."' preferred Stock Canned Ooods. -vAJieo. Lewis' Best Brand. SUCH AIT EAST WAT. 'TTow is your fund for that new car pet for tho church getting along?" "Splendidly. We still lacked $75, you know, before we gave that entertain ment. We worked like Trojans on that for two weeks. You remember it rained the night we gave It. nnd the attend ance was rather small, but we had sold enough tickets by going around to the people's houses to Insure ns aRalr.st loss, and we made $24.75 out of it. Then wo got up thnt bazaar for the sale of fancy goods and we realized $ l! I . i'i 5 out of that. All we have to do now to complete tho fend is to raise $15.t)0, and we are going to give a con cert to get that. Some of us have musical f i lends thai will be glad to help us m.t by giving their time one even ing for nothing. We'll raise, that $76, just is we said we would, without call in;? oil anybody for a cent," puttincTher right "That man with the bird capo on Ms face," remarked the beautiful girl ln the gramlstand to her escort, "just yelled 'foul.' bur I can't see even a feather." "Of course not." replied the wise gny who had steered her up against tho arani" "both of the nines are picked. See?" The Oreat Kan of Lotters Also Had Szoerlanoa Aa Aa AdvoeaAe. "SleVensonlana'' receives an lnterftr ng addition at the hands of Sheriff Guthrie, K. C.j who enlivens the usually severely technical columns of the Scots Ijiw Times My an article on R. L. Stev enson us un ndvocate. The Issue con- alns a facsimile of tho last pago of tho .atln thesis which Stevenson presented. on his admission to tho bar. "More of 'lplan that of Stevenson," is the hrieval commentary on tho text. "None of us who were his companions at col- ege. In and out if the Speculative so- lety, says the Sheriff, "prognosticated Stevenson's great future. Shame on us. Yet, In mitigation, f may urge, first our knowledge of his delicate health; second. our Ignorance of his capacity for hard work, and third, the mask of flightlnesH snd flippancy, ln talk and conduct, which Stevenson loved to assume. 'To shirk' not to strive," was his own description of man's chief end at college." The Sheriff has a number of reminiscences of Stevenson's connection with the Specu lative society. Stevenson's name does not figure in any reported ease. Hut the Sheriff remembers the eagerness with which he retorted to a warning against allowing his practice to injure his health: "Man. I got a guinea lasl week. Walt till you. the Idle dogs like you, see what I'll do, now I've tasted blood." The portrait of fitevenson in wig nnd gown, which Is reproduced, was the culminating one of n series, begin ning with childhood, which old Mrs. Stevenson preserved. She told Louis once It was to be called "From Daby to Bar." snd that she was going to start another collection, "Krom Bar-to Baro net." "no, mother," was her son's too phophetlc answer, "not 'From Bar to Baronet,' but 'From Rnr to Burial.' " f. 1 r V mr m m. iwj" "aV'yy y j, yf-Trrrie; v .Try v"r;,!egwawpe 1 r' . 1 &n w - !t- " H-' H if I m. . V j 1 ' i I - . .4 1. i I 'Ha XJ, i v i iA" II. . J I' :'f,JV:'i i,r i ''ia, rn S Harness Goods of all kinds. . Hundreds . . of styles to select from. Call and , see our stock and prices before buying. SECOND AND TAYLOR STS., Portland, Or. t-R UCA CURES PILES OR $50 PAID nfk CONTAINS NO MERCURY, NO OPIATES J)l l Worst cases cured with one box of E-ru-ia TOB SALE BT RELIABLE, TJF-TO-DATB OBUOaiSTS OBLT, TIB. I Woodard, Clarke & t'o.. 4tii and Wash. Laue-Pavls Co. Third and Tamhiil. A. Beml, Second and Washington. Eyssell's Pharmacy. 227 Morrison. W. 8. Love, Burnside snd Grand. U. A. Wilson, 133 Grand ave. H. A. Vlets. 43M4 Washington. Graden A Koehler. 241 First. Marks Drug Co, lBtli anfl Gllsan. Cot tell lrug Co, F'lrst snd Grant. Simmons & Heppner, ltuisell and Ml.i- SlHSippl Browks Drug Co.. 7 Third street. filtlilmnra Driia- Co Third street: J. A. Clemenson, Seoml and Yamhill A. W. Allen, 18th and Marshall. Dr. O. V. S. Plummer. 3d and Madison, Model Drug Store. P5 Grand ave. Rowe & Martin. Sixth and Washington. B. F. Jones & Co.. Front snd Gibbs. . vc Bolton & Roth. 280 Russell. J. M. Rieen. 815 First. Jancke Drug Co., Grand and Hawthorns, R. A. Preston & Co.. 23d and Savler. F. Byerley. 4000 Jefferson street. BIRTHS 200 June 8. to Mr. and Mr. I. Medvadovaky Caruther treet. a aon. June 17, to Mr. and Mr, w. C. North of Wpodlawn, a dauKtiter. Juno 17, to Mr. and Mr. It. Holladay. Jr.. of 2S1 North Twenty -fourth Btrcet. a aon. DEATHS June 16. tieorae W, Dunning. ed 20. of 2.1 Nortli C atreet; appendicitis. Hurlal at St. Mury'a Cemetery. The Edward Holman TJndartaklng Co., fnneral aireetors and embalmers, 280 TamhUL Phone 607. X P. Flnley aad Son. funeral directors and ambalmers, havo removed to theli new establishment, corner Third and Madison streets. Both phones Bo. 9. Crematorium, on Oregon City oar line, near Sail wood; modern, scientific complete. Charges Adults, $35; chil dren. 125. Tlsltors 9 to $ p, ni, . Portland Cramatloa Association, Portland, Or. , , , m , i BITEB VIEW CEKETEBT. Single graves, $10. Pamlly lota from 578 to $1,000. The only cemetery ln ortland which pervetaally maintains and oares for lots. For full information apply to W. X. Mackenzie, Worcester Block, city. W. M. Ladd, president. Clark Bros, for flowers, 389 Morrison street. rUNEBAL HOTJCE. DUNXIN'G June -Iff! 1903. Gorge W. Dunning, aced 2! years, oldest son of Mr. and airs. George D. Dunning. Funeral Sunday. .Tune 21. at 1:30 p. m . from residence, 23 iV.or.th Sixth street, thence to Cathedral, Fifteenth .-md Pnvls streets, at 2 p. m. Interment in St. Mary's Cemetery. Friends invited. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS 2'W 475 Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers!!! Mrs. VYinsfow's Soothing Syrup nas been used for over SIXTY TSARS by Mile UON9 of MOTHERS for their CHILDREN while TEETHING,, with PERFECT SUCCESS It SOOTHES rate CHILD, SOFTENS the CTXMS, ALLAYS all PAJ7 J CTTRES WIND COUC, and Is the best remedy for DIARRHOEA. Sold by Druggists In every part of the world. Be snra tad aak for "Mrs, Winslows Soothing Syrfrp,' aad takenootkerkiad. Xareauy-avactaa t0)tUai O0 50 3.VI 3.150 50 C. (. and M. Strut) to V. Wlest. lots 5 and 6, block 5, strnhe'a Add $ William M. Ladd tn II. I, P.iwerx. Trimtee. lot P, block I. Sailalmrr Hill. Almn I". Morirnn to K. A. Hunilltou. pnreel land 1.7C,3 teet southeast Seventh find division Ktreet-i . Alnwoortll N'ntlonal Hunk to (Jeorjre S. Clrk. lot 8 to 12 and weat 50 reet kit 13 and 14. block 40. Carter' Ad I.. ! J. Sullivan and wife to C.uxtnv Hoffman et al . west 1:3.14 feet lot 24 and nil lot 25. block 2. Smith Sulxltv. and Add.. Emma and Kmil Johnson to H. Rmwn, part block 11. t'arnther' Ald Tltl Cnarantee ft TruMt t"Vmony to A. J. Jenaon, lot 14. block 4. Stanley No. 2 , Charles II. Korell anl! wife to Frank MotTott and wite. weat 4 lot 15, block 267. Couch Add 1,100 John B. Mondy to Kosa L. Mondv, lot 6. block 250. Couch Add 1 A. J. Spona; to Delphtna A. Weatcrfclt, lot 5, hlwk 1, Siimivslile Add 35o Casper Kehrll et al. to H. I. Sinter, sec tion 7. township 2 iKrth. ranee 1 west; ' pnreel land Hcetion 12. townsldp 2 north, range 2 weat 8,500, L. C. and H. If. (ireene to P. C. Oreene, block 8. Jamea Johna Add to St. Johns.. 500 Aucusta Miller and husband to R. Wrier, lot 12. blwk 6. I'rndie Sprlnir Tract. 150 J. C. and I. K. Roberts to Lucy A. I'ler-i aon. east 4 Iota 5 and G. block 21, Ilun smi's Heeond Add ., 3,500 F. HasMnta et al. .fa R. Jorgenaen, eat . s.1 reet lot (. block 7, Willamette Ave nue Add .1 .Sarah A. Travle aAd husband to Mai Oana. lota 0 anfl 10. block St. Mnrnln Park Add '. .- ,oA)t sconian American investment lompanv. Limited, to Jennie 31. Laniann, part lots ' 0 and '10. block SI, Willamette Heights Add J.320 W. Y. M"tera,- Receiver, to Peters ft " Roberta rnrnltirre Company, let r and - . ' 3. 4oek ,28. Hanaon'a Second Ada to - - Bt iMtlllBB- yrriji rfrvT art a C a"' 5ft rv 1 O SPICES o C0FFEE,TEA, DAKING POWDER, FLA.V0 SING EXTRACTS UfolurtPwiiy, FinsHnvor, OrtartjfSfr?flth,P?a50fntl Prices. CL0S5ET 6 DEYER5 PORTLAND. OftEGON. v. : : : - OLD EAST PORTLAND FENCE &. WIRE WORKS Phone Waits 974. A. Carlson, ProyJ Manufacturer bf WOOD, IRON AND STEEL FENCING and tka VnlyerMl Ooahlaation Pasos) .. Roof Cresting, Window Guards,' BTXBTTBIBCr tX WIBB. 189 B. Morrlssn SV, Portland. Oft X 1.600 The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been In use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per- Cw2- sonal supervision since Its Infancy . , J'CttC'U'lZ Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are butf Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of .r Infants and Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTOR I A Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Tare- goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. I ft " contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotlo substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worm nnd allays Feverishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind -Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles,- cures Constipation - -and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep . The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. r GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of Tfio Kind You HaYe AMys BoiijM In Use, For Over SO Ycarc. TmC ecartaua eaieaara, w ttuv avacrv, airw vo'aa orvv. P.