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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1903)
('""'' )"(', I THE OltEGOtf DAILY JOURNAL. ronTUAJVI), SATUHDAY EVEKl IRQ, JUNE 20. : 1903.! IS Magnificent Catholic Cathedral That Will Be Built in Seattle ' A ' (Journal Special Service.) ' fEATTLK, June 18. The nceompsny Ing cut shows the Human Catholic Ca- Ihedral which will t built In thl city by Bishop O'Uea. The bishop came here a few month ngo for the purpose of - making this his permanent home and of ' giving Seattle one of the moat beautiful ' and imposing cathedrals in the entire , , . West, ilia efforts have borne such good retiulta that he Is able to promise that In the near future the work of con i structio:i will lu going forward. V H has been Bishop O'lJiea'r. II fo nmbl tlon to see erected li: this dloceae a church ed'flce that would do credit to nny city In the Inlted States, and for T many months he hus been working un veaoinKly to thnt end. As a hauls on which to work he se cured title to the block of ground bound ed by "Ninth and Terry avenuea and Marlon and Columbia streets. It la on ;that bwiutiful plat of ground that It la jiropoaed to eiect the Cnt,hjllc Cathedral that will be u life monument to the . energy and devotion of the bishop of this diocese and a great credit to the entire Northwest. Ulshop O'Dea and many prominent Catholic cltlsen of Seattle are no ac tively engaged in providing wy and ;f Mfc . i Off Sffiitt IMP This is the fate of sufferers froin Kidney trouble, as the disease is so insiduous that often people have serious Kidney trouble without knowing the real cause of their illness, as" diseased kidneys allow the impurities to stay in the system and attack the other Chicago Brines, nan Cured Organs. This aCCOUntS for the manv different Foley & Co., Chicago, Gent!emen:About yesr co mv health berin You begin to feel better at once when taking FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE as it stimulates the heart, increases the circulation and invigorates the whole system. It strengthens the urinary organs and gives you new life and vigor. TWO SIZES 60o and $1.00 - "" " uuwivr iuwugui i Baa ciomaca and liver trouble, but I became convinced that mv iMnm ....... of my ill health and commenced taking FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE. It In creased my appetite and made me feel stronger, and the annoying symptoms disappeared 1 am now sound and well. J. K. Horn, 1 354 Diversey Blvd.. Chicago. June II J902. Cud Hg Wfa E. C. Vatkina, sexton of the Methodist Church, Springfield, Pa., writes: "My wife has been very bad with kidney trouble and tried several doctors without benefit. After taking one bottle of FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE was much better, and was completely cured after taking four bottles." 0n Bottle Cured Him A. H. Davis, Mt. Sterling, la., writes: "I waa troubled with kidney complaint for about two yearst but a one-dollar bottle of FOLEY'S KIDNEY luhc cnccicu permanent cure. LAUE'DAVIS DRUO COMPANY, THIRD AND YAMHILL STREETS ' Shoe Repairing Done Right I MM' SEWBD OIH , . , ZiADrES' IIWtD SOUK 750 .600 California. okk-taad tola teatfcor naad. All stltohlna doma on tho olbratl Ooodyaar BCAehla. f Drink the Old and Renowned ii iii Gambrinus Lager Beer p Goodyear Shoe Repair Co.. ALbEB. BITWIEI THZXS AITS rOUXTH X noil, Main 8031 A rraa Sallrary. means for the early construction of th edifice. A committee of gentlemen haa been appointed' to aolftlt contiibutluna . and aubicrlpttona for this worthy enter prise, and Biahop O'Dea prom lues that a. soon as 125.000 is in eight the work of construction, will be commenced. :. The design will hj Spanish Roman esque, the main architectural feature of which Is Ha Imposing and beautiful tow el", which show to -advantage the old style of Spanish balconies. The facarle la very attractive, with lta chiseled niches, circles In relief, and ma naive col onnade. Those with the large arched entrance and side portals make the front elevation majestic. The dimensions of the building are 80x1 48 feet. It will have all the mod em Improvements of church construc tion, such oh Hlanting floors, direct ven tilation, the latent uppllancea for light ing, heating in winter and ventilating in summer. The-cathedral will have a seating ca pacity of 1.500 on the main floor anil 1.400 In the assembly halls. There will be spacious sodality and society rooms, which will answer all the needs of the moHt modern parish. The same care and study that has made the exterior so attractive given to tho interior effect. Apart from tho central dome, the bal'dtcanum, etc., there will be a side chapel, a shrine, ex- votos, etc. Particular attention will be given to the acoustics, lighting, seating and ventiluting. Bishop O'Dea expressed the belief yes terday 'h)t It would require but a' few weeks to secure the requisite amount of money In order to make it safe to pro ceed with- the construction. It Is hoped that the work may be commenced within a few weeks Ht the furthest. The location which has been chosen Is at present without a nearby worshiping place, and the resldonts there are very anxious to have the project succeed. I'lshop O'Dea expresmes the greatest con fidence In the desire of the Catholic cltUenS of Seattle to see this structure erected at an early date. He believes that many prominent citizens other than those of the Catholic faith will be in terested In having such a beautiful and imposing cathedral erected in this city. fcAAAr m r 9 W TTTTTTTTTTl Banfield-Veysey Fuel Co. Send orders for Bottled Beer tn OFFICE, 793 WASHKI'JTON STREET Telephone No. Main 49- H -Both Phones SLAB WOOD Cet your orders In early and give your wood a chance to dry. Office: No. 60 THIRD STREET Ore. Phone, Main 353; Columbia 373. PORTLAND, OREGON X FAMILY ROOMS GENTLEMEN'S RESORT LOUIS DAMMASCH COODNOUCH BUILDING, 160-170 rIKTH STREET. Opposite Postoffice Cold Lunches - - - Schlitz Beer on Draught aiatiiaiaaisiaiaj IN THE 40 PORTLAND , CHURCHES BAPTIST. CsntrsJ Woodmen of the .World Building, tast Sixth and Alder streets, William K. Randall, minister. Morning worship. 1(T:30;' sermon subject. The cnurch as the Birthplace of Manhood nd Majestic Ideals;" Bible School at 12 m.: Young people's services at 7 p. m.; topic, at 7:45 p. m. p. m.. "Visions That Inspire; Their Realization." rirrt Corner Twelfth and Taylor "streets. Prayer service at 10:15 a. m. Sermon at 10:30 a. m. and at 7:45 p. m. Sunday school. Savier street. 8 a. m. University Park. 10 a. m.; Home School. , II m; Chinese School. 7 p. m. Young People's meeting at 6:30 p. m. j cotroKsaATzoirAji. Hssssio Strsst Services Sunday at 10:30 a. m. nd 7j45 Jv m- Sunday "fichooT Of"m:.lTiibrrlsahndeavor at 6:45 p. m. Rev. C. E. Chase, pastor. t retts of New York on 'Other Inhabited Worlds," and at 7:45 p. m. Charles F. Ooode and C. C. Artolter will lecture, fol lowed by rs. Porters- - ' PHSSBTTESZAir. Mlspah Subject of morning sermon, "His Workmanship;" evening, "No Con denmatlon." Jerome R. McGlade, pastor. POLICY FOR A PASSPORT Calvary Corner Eleventh and Clay streets. Services at 10:30 a. m. and at 7:45 p. m. Rev. W. S. Gilbert, pastor. Plnrt Twelfth and Alder streets. Services at 10:30 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. Edgar P. Hill, D. D., pastor. UNXYEKSAxtaT. rinrb Corner of East Eighth and Couch streets. Services at 11 n. m.; subject, "Better or Worse;" Sunday School ut 12:15 p. m. Rev. W. F. Small, pastor. trirrrAKiAir. Pint Yamhill and Seventh streets. Services at 11 a. m. Sunday School at 12:30 p. m. A story -has Just reached the State Department at Washington of a novel i use to which a life Insurance policy was recently put by an American traveling In Russia. The citizen in question had. neglected to provide himself with a passport, and when he arrived at the borders of the Czar's domains he wan held up by un ofhVial with a demand for his passport. For an instant the Amer ican was stumped, but he quickly rose to the emergency. Diving into his Inside pocket he pulled out his life in surance policy and handed It fo the Kuy slan. The latter gravely looked tho pa per over, carefully scrutinizing the Im posing looking seal and its array of sig natures. With a satisfied air he handed back the paper and the American passed on. Poultry Netting WHOZJEBAIB, BBTAUh Wire and Iron Fencing BANK AND OFFICE RAILINGS Barbed Wlrs, wir ud J.wa Praolaf. - PORTLAND WIRE IRON WORKS Xanufaetarsra? loo v. Tmxmo st,', cob. piojtdebs. KEEIEY DNSTBTIUTE FIRST and MONTGOMERY STS. - - - - PORTLAND, OR. Cures Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits rhe only authorized Keeley Institute In Oregon. Elegant quarters and everi convenience Correspondence strictly confidential. Phone Main xos. The OREGON DAILY JOURNAL A NEWSPAPER FOR ALL THE PEOPLE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. ? Beeoad Auditorium Building, corner Of Taylor and Salmon streets. Services at 11 a. m. a'nd $ p. m. The subject is 'Christian Science;" Sunday School at the close of the morning service. EPISCOPAL. Trinity Cbapal Corner of Nineteenth and Washington Btreets. Holy com munion. 8 a. m.; morning prayer, 11 .-a, m.; evening prayer, 8 p. m.; Sunday School, 9:30 a. m. The Right Rev. Blsliop . Morris will administer the rite of con , Urination at the morning service. Dr. A. A. Morrison, rector. . St. David's Corner of Belmont and Twelfth streets. Rev. George B. Van Waters, rector. Holy communion In 'the Chapel at 8 a. m. : nforning prayer and ermon, 1l o'clock; evening prayer and sermon, 8 o'clock. The Right Rev. B. Wlatar Moriis. D. D.. will deliver, the ermon and administer the rite of con- , llrmatioo. - .:. Bt. Paul's Woodmere. .Services at 3 p. tn.; Sunday School at 2. : Church of OVr Savior Woodstock. Morning prayer and sermon et 11 O'clock; Sunday Srhool nt 10. ZiTTTKEBAlT. ' Bcs-ndlnavlan Evangelical Corner of East 'Tenth and (irant streets. Rev. Ha goes, pastor. Services 10:45 a. m. No evening service. METHODIST. Clark Corner Eighteenth and Raleigh : Streets., Preaching at 11 a. m. by the pastor; 3:30 p. in., the St. Paul Brother hood of Grace M. E. Church will hold S platform meeting: preaching at 8 p. m. by Dr I E. Rockwell. The sermon will be followed by the sacrament of the Lord's Supper. Taylo Btrtst Corner Third and Tay lor streets. Services at 10:30 a m. and St 7:45i p. to. Epworth League at 6:46 r. n. Rv. IT. J. Talbot, jwstor. , '-' SnITTJAUT. (." jrirsVArilnn Hall. . Abington Build-, .Ire. oner -ef Third sad 'WaslrtWKtoni stws. Lecturs at 41 a. m. bjr WUliami MISCEUAHEOUS. Berts Mission Second and Jefferson day services: Sermon, 10:S0 a. m., on the subject, "The Scripture Warrant for Shouting the Praises of God Aloud;" ser mon at 7:30 p. m. on the subject, "Bible Proof of the Socond Coming of tho Lord." T, BE. C, .A Meeting In the associa tion auditorium at 3:30 p. m.. Sunday, June 21. will be addressed by Rev. W. B, Hollingshead on the topic, "A Clean Man. Evangelical Association At the Mem orial Mission of the Evangelical Asso elation, corner of Kast Eighteenth and -Tlbbets streets, services as follows, June 21, f 1903: Sunday School at 10 a. pi preaching at 11 a, m.. by Rev. G. W. Plumer, followed with communion serv ice; at 7 p. m., Young. People's Alliance, and at 8 p. m. Rev. G. W. Plumer will preach again. People's Christian Union Allsky Building, coiner Morrison and Third streets. Devotional services at 11 a. m Bible study at 12:15 p. m. Educational program at 8 p. m. F. E. Coulter, min ister. Millennial Dawn Grand Army Hall, corner First and Taylor streets. Serv ices at 3 p. m. SERVED GOD AND DEVIL Father Black, the English clergyman who has been writing letters to the newspapers about the marriage of W. K. Vanderbilt and Mrs. Rutherford, vis its the I.oixlpn prisons' weeKly and triea MERE SAMPLES When Tolstoi was preparing to write "Resurrection" lie frequented the crimi nal courts of Moscow and St. Peters burg. He tells in a letter to an Ameri can friend how a bigamist appeared one day before a Moscow Judge. This man had married seven wives in threeyears. Tliis ho himself admitted. "Why en earth," the Judge asked, "did you want to marry so many times?" "In order, . sir," he replied, "to find a good one. If possible." HO! TOR WOBTH BEACH . j - 1 Popular Potter Ooes Into Service Saturday, Jims 87. " Already preparations are being--made for big- business at North (Long) Beach. The popular excursion jtfeamer, the T. J, Potter, goes into ervfce Saturday. June 27. If you have' not enjoyed a trip on this side-wheeled beauty do so this sea son. For rates and particulars inouire at-Or-rft- N, -efty-tieket- office. Third and-Washington streets. -r i In this ood work he is often success ful. ... Sometimes, though, . he has odd experiences. A religious paper told re cently how on one occasion he devoted a fortnight to the reformation of a housebreaker and how the housebreaker said to him .gratefully at the end of thai time: ' "Thank you, sir; thank you for what you have done for me. There was a time when I knew nothing of God or of the devil, but somehow you have made me love them both." HELP THE OLD FOLKS A Helping Hand Extended to Many Old People in Portland. A NEW CANDIDATE FOR POPULAR AND A OOOD ONE FAVOR Be considerate of the aged. Lend them a- helping hand. Make life easy for them. The infirmities of age are many. Most old people have a bad back. iThe kidneys are weak. J Are worn out with years of work, "vljackaclic makes days of misery. Urinary troubles, nights of unrest. There's a ray of sunshine for the aged. Doan's Kidney Pills will make life easier. They are doing so for old and youg. Portland people are learning this. Many are testifying to it. Read the following local indorsement: Mrs. J. D. Kennedy. 70 years old. who resides at 780 Corbett street, savs: "T have been afflicted with kidney trouble for thirty years, and for the past twenty years I have never been entirely free from it-in some form or other. I suf fered terribly from backache and rnnlrt hardly stoop over and get up again. Trouble from the kidney secretions ex isted. At times I was greatly bloated my feet swelled to twice their nuiiimi size, and I was seldom without a nlaxtor on mj DacK to ease tne pain. I doctored a great deal and. used nlqre medicines than any one person could carry. I had rend so much about Doan's Kld'npv Pm that I concluded to give thm a trial ftnd got a bme at th La,ue-Tnvis rirnr Company's store, comer of Yamhill and Third streets. I was a goort subject with a coi of such Jong sHndinw. and T thought If they helped me I could safely recfunmenrt them to others. I used them faithfully snd the results were satisfac tory in every wnv.'t For gnlo . bv nil dealers. Price SO -cor.. Mailed hv Voster-MITburn Co I Stetes. TlememttefThe harne Doan's and take no substitute. f ooooo Clear Havana Gigar "JUST RIGHT" Ask for "Banker" Size, 2 for 25c. ALLLi & LEWIS. . . , . . . Disj:ributer5