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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 19, 1903)
T1TE OltEGOX DAILY JOURXA1V rOUTLAXD, FRIDAY EVENIXG; JUXE 19, 1903. liillii rrf TICKETS GOING Items of Local Interest for Busy - journal Keaders,j 'y k' - '- -4 VZATBXH rOMCAIT. --r-'--- Ibownt and tbunderetnrnie hare occurred In the lower MlMouri Vally lad alio In the Can' klMilaalDDl Klritr fair weather Drevalla. It la warmer tbla morning- lu Oregon, Weat art Idaho, Northern Nevada, extreme North rn California and tha Central Wat. ; The Indication , ara for generally (air Weather In thla dletrict Saturday. ' EJJWAKD A. BKALH, IToravaat Offlclal ' ' ' V '!" Vht XlTMf. I ' Tha rive at Portland thla morning la 34.0 - raat. It will naa slightly durtiif tba next two daa, and reach a stag vt ii.3 (eat Huuda. HOTEL AaWVAII. of these gentlemen's announcement. It your teeth need the services of a, den tlst. sea them, at least, and learn their prices. There la no skinflint about these men, ; ' .' , : f Tha last $1.00 excursion Of the season will be given by the Portland Letter Carriers to Seaside on June tt, Oood order assured. Beats .for . all ticket holders.. -.;' ''' .. . A weU-pleaaed customer Is the one that has his dm orders put up by Albert Bernl, tha druggist, corner Sec ond and Washington streets. .'. . Ho one osj show a greater variety 6f Persian 1 and Turkish rugs, " carpets, draperies, u Oriental goods, klmonaa, shawls, cluny laces, etc., and no one can surpass us for . little ' prices. ' We are direct Importers and know our busl nesa. Atlyerr ft Khouryv 411 Washing' ton street. Take a wheel to the beach.. There is none better than the Wolff e-Arnerlcan, f ..Imperial E. D. Raealer, Monmouth; 8. f V Schneider, Albert Brli, K A. Htokea,, T. Trul I ' "V linger, C. V. Brown. Aatorla: A. B. Roe. Mia I S'SXKrL.XS, !T7Si J5.' ESSE"., fc 'There I. none .old at so low a marfln If ' flarlea, 8. L. Dundee. VT. Chrletlan. faronia: Of profit. , We buy In Carload lots, dl u. M, Hootb, Tba Dal lea i W. Wnrawller, frluv rllle; H. W. 1'orter, Uraaa Valleyj 0. rorter. Uraas Valley; Mra. J. I. Wli, Uraaa Val ley: J. HI. Wllllaniann. Th 1allea-. Jennlo Wll. llamaun, The Da line; W. Relnbart, feudletou; H. Y. Blakwell, Rurna: r. Hmtth, ikutb t Brae; A. 0. Bbtrte. Hllleboro; Mra. K. i. Mos- ley. Colorado tiprlnge: o. R. Iloueton, New York; H. B. Kaceon, Monnwoth; t. C. ale . Cue, Aatorla; (t. Kokx-k, New York; K. Lacy, Mlverton; J. A. fadden, Vancouver; U Schmidt, Olympla; t L. Chambers, Eugene; Mlaa Chamber. Kasene; lira. I. R. Chauihera, Kugene; II. B. Hrague, Mr. Bnragve. Mra. A. i. Lapham, Rimton; W. B. Frailer. Albany; KnalUb. lloeebiira; A. Battlogram, Tbe I)lla; I tn' V. Meaon. ADerdeen; A V. IIIICIU. t Blcairo, A, T. Kelllber, Malem; Capt. W. E. Uregory, . V. B. U. V. Klnnear. Heattle; W. M. Attdtln. California ; I. Harla. Beattle; O. W. 01 aon. Kanaaa CIIT( John B.' Uneraa, Hbila delphla; A. B. Carbon and wife, Mra. W. r. Keuulnftnn and dangbter, Grant Faaa; Will ie nr A. Br man. wife and daughter. Elrrla, O.; Adalbert Hkinnwakl 1'errr. London. EnUnd; Will Luavier, Ban FranHaeo; V. B. La Kere. . Bterllna. III.; J. P. lblen, Bpokane; L. It. Browne. 8llrerton; Mr. Frank (Irounda, Ta eoma; Jaa. A. MiFadden. Mlaa Ella C. McFad dan, Tbomaa Mck'adden, llttaburg, I'a. 1 FortUnd Dr. A. A. Finch, New York : B. Hartman. Cbeballa; ('. Nathan. Oraa Valler; A.-lmnbar, Aatnrla; P. J. Heffera, Houlaa W. T. Heed. Oakland: K. E. Monhelm and wife. AWno: 8. Muford. 8t. IxmU: li. Tuaxe. Kan auclaeo; N. Bennett. Taeoma; H. t. Hell- la. Han Franrlwti: W. H. Bell and wife. Aatorla; F. W. Vallle. city; ('apt. I'eteraon, Hanihurc T. R. Haller. Boatoui N. Kelaa. Komeraet; V. B. Bolton, Wallowa; C. Woce, New York: i. II. Brown a ml wife, Aatorla; 11. r, Ixiormen, Cblrafo; Lee lllraoh. New York; C. W. T. Kneh. Chlrafo; O. Danbe. New York; M.- I. Matthew. - Man Knmetneo; V. H. Flak, F. C. (Vmklln. Chlraao: D. KccU. Raker: C. 1. and r. R. Haasant Hoot lend; Mlaa Mary Cooper, Kt. 1'aul; R. T. Heed, Taeoma; W. II. I Km la., 8t. i'aul; II. Lougher, city; C. It. Rejiwute, Vanconrer; W. R. 8. Rwrt. 8t. i'aul; J. O. Haertai Mt. I'aul; U. W. Daniela, Vaneourer; V. M. C. Wllaon, Vaucourer; V. K. Hert. I, 8. A.; A. Cranalou. i. 8. A.: II. A. Woodruff, C. 8. A.: J. A. Young, Mlnneapolla; 0. C. Fulton. Aatorla: B. R. lllnekley. Nortjamp ton: George (llamlth. H. A. Hlegel. New York: E. Llndab-r. 8t. IxjuU; Mra. II. Bratro lier. Ban Franelaeo; Mlaa i. Dalton, Kanaaa I'ltjf; Ueorge L. Corbln. New Britain. Conn.; Janie i. McKone. Taeoma; C. R. Crawford and wife, Ht. Loula; Waldo Murphr, Bpokane; Mra. 'Tbomaa Owner, Ht. I'aul: C. B. Hop kins and daughrera, 8okane: B. W. Mayer, New Y'ork; 8. B. Corh.r, Chicago; Fred O. Fnatrr and wife. Hoganrllle; F. W. Tbompaon, Ben Lew la. Haa Franrlaro; 1. A. Badger, Ht. Louta: Hamuel Freed man. New "York; A. 8. Cooper, I'roTldeiiee; A. M. Henry and wife. A. V. Henry. Mary and Dnrthy Henry, Haa Francisco; Mr. and Mra. John C. Eadea, Pitta- narg; J. M. Cocklna and wire. Ueorgia: I). Cormier, Hi. Jon; B. K. Bwotlaud and daughter, Leonore, Cal. AA. The Portland, Long Beach, Wash. Open for guests. European plan. Zinng Beaoh and Seawlew Provlatona at rrawpnijble rates. Strauhal Bros. W. O. W. ezonrslon to Seaside, June 31. by Prospect Camp. Round trip $1. Jlne Day I Buy Meredith's umbrellas. Repalrlnr. recovering. - Wash, and Sixth. Are yea afflicted? If so, ask your drueel1 for Oulnean's Remedy. Its cures are marvelous. Portland Club, 130 Fifth street. A palatable lunch served every evening from t until 11 p. m. law books rebound- Anything in bookbindery. Lovejoy & Lincoln. 12S, FirHt, Dear First National Bank. X. I. Brnoe, plumber, has sanoved from 228 1st at. to 291 K. Morrison, just scross Morrlaon-at bridge. Phone East It. ' The Amalgamated Meat Cnttera ex pect to give a big barbecue, at an early date, for which preparations are now being made. Monuments, headstones everything In marble largest' concern In Oregon Otto Schumann, adjoining Taylor-Street ChurchV There V will be no session of the County Court Saturday, Judge Lionel l. .Webster having been called to Salem on business. The estate of Martin Wagner, de ceased, an Insurance policy for $1,000, was admitted to prqbate in the County rect from the faotory, for cash. Wo sell to our patrons at Jobbers' prices. And we do this. too. Slgel A Smith, 335 Morrison street, Marquam Building. On handsome lady salesgirls will of fer handsome bargains to handsome (and other) people tomorrow. It will be Sat urday. Suppose you drop in and . ex amine our bargains. We will show you many surprises. Our rents ' are one- eighth that of the West Side fellows, Our prices are not much, more than II. Baumer &. Co., Union avenue and East Morrison. rBest of the season The high stage of the wster ln- the "Columbia' will -make the excursion of the Order of Wash lngton, next Sunday, the best excursion of the season. The steamer Harvest Queen will carry the party to Bonne ville. Fill up your basket with good things to eat and go on this trip. Splendid scenery and fine grounda at Bonneville. First-class Union music. Boat leaves Ash-street dock at 8 a, m. Round trip $1.00. Children 60c. Oar ad. was sort o' scattered yester day, but enough of It remained Intact to sound the clarion note of praise for our steam-heated collar and cuff pol laher the machine that puts the -beau tiful gloss upon the linen and does not scorch the goods and destroy its fiber. It's "the thing" In these days fr prog ress the very thing that every laundry ought to possess. We have It No other laundry in Portland haa Union Laundry, Second and Columbia." , It costs If oents more, but ' you' can now ride to Oregon City and 'Willam ette Falls on the river and return by electric cars, or up on the electric cars and return by the river, the round trip for 45 cents. We have concluded this arrangement so that our friends may enjoy both trips for a little more than the price of one. The Leona leaves foot of Taylor street at 9:30, 11:30, 3 and :1 o'clock each day. It's "A Variety" excursion for 45 cents. We like the Idea. Don't you? It was arroaeooaly reported In a morning paper that the local automatic fire alarm system failed to work, hence the cause of the fire in the Closset A Devers coffee and spice mills. The truth Is, that had it not been for the system the concern would have lost Its entire establishment Instead of a trifling part of It, as is evidenced in a communlca tlon from the Arm published In this I sue. These annoying, newspaper errors will probably alwaya occur. The Na tlonat Automatic Fire Alarm Company of Oregon happened at this time to be the ylctirn of the mistake. Zt is a fact that any skin blemish Is now removable. Madame Vaughn, of Parlors 308, 309 and 310, Falling Build Ing, Is one of three persons In the United States possessed of the secret of how to accomplish the transformation of the humnn face. Madame Vaughn Is a high minded woman. In no sense a pretender, and the statements made of her in The Journal . are truthful and may bo de pended upon. - Birthmarks, smallpox pit tings, baggy eyellda. pufflness under the eyes, sagging condition under the chin freckles, moth, tan, etc., are speedily removed. She treats either sex with equal success. Open evenings. The White Corner, Second, Yamhill and Third .streets, will have a full-page advertisement In tomorrow's Journal Thisstore is offering a series of bar gains seldom paralleled In Oregon. Thea sales have been In' progress for several weens, ana nave attracted to the house customers from all parts of the state tributary to Portland. The White Corner la today typical of the progress of the times. It has grown with amaslng rapidity. Its manage ment has always been alert In the pur chasing market, and has secured such favorable bargains that it has been en- ANOTHER GOES ABROAD Another Choice Piano Sent to British . , ': Colombia By Bllera Piano '"'.'. " ' ' Xonsa. Yesterday there wont out from Ellers Piano: House an elegant Decker piano destined for the English possessions. It is beautifully cased in fancy mottled Kngllsh walnut and Is for the handsome new home or Mr. A. Campbell McCal lum, Maple Bank, Admiral's Road, Es quimau, B, C. In spjte of a 30 per cent ad valorem duty, which must be paid to the Dominion government, this Is by no means the first piano sent to British Columbia by this enterprising house. It Ig another Indication, however, of .the rapid expansion of its, and incidentally Portland's, general business. The Sllers people's trade now extends not only to tha British possessions, but also to China, Japan. Equador, Alaska, the Philippines, Sandwich Islands. Tahiti. Samoa and to other far-away Islands of the Pacific, beside the tremendous home patronage which It tnjoyt. . PERSONALS. VERY RAPIDLY Sale of Seats for the Heppner Benefit rertormance at the Marquam Theatre Promises to Be Urge. Ralph Stuart Will Pav the Way of Each Inmate of the Chil dren's Home The Attrac tions Are Good, J. W. Virtue, a mining man of Leland. Is registered at the Imperial. P. T. Morey, president of the bank of coveted bits of pasteboard had left the Belton, Tex., la a guest at the Port- nanas or tn printer. Although barred by their sex from taking pick and shovel and going into Heppner to, search among the debris for the bodies of the dead, the women of Portland have done and are still doing their part. They collected clothing and money, they gave food, and now they will go out as committee and sell tick ets for the theatrical matinee to be given next Tuesday afternoon at the Marquam Grand, the proceeds of which will go to atrlcken Heppner. These tick ts will bring $1 each, but that they will sell like the proverbial "hot cakes" is attested by the fact that hundreds make Inquiry and offer t purchase before the land. Captain .W.l E. Gregory of the United States Ship Heather, Is registered at the Imperial. .-. . . - , . Walter Christian, a prominent busi ness mann of Taeoma, waa at the Impe rial this morning. Mra Thomas Cooper, wife of General Manager Cooper, of the Northern Pacific, is a guest at the Portland. Rev. Henry M. Martin, .pastor of the Peoples' Church, San Francisco, Is In Portland, the guest of friends. J. H. Price, a lumberman of Olympla, s registered at the Imperial. Mr. Price waa at one time Secretary of State of Washington. E. E. Cushman of Taeoma, Asslstsnt United States District Attorney, and a brother of Congressman Cushman, la In Portland on business. F. W, Vallle, Superintendent of the Railway Mail Service In thla atate, re turned last night from Heppner, where he went to look after the postofflce In terests. The loss to - the government will be light. Frank Ball, a prominent attorney of Fargo, N. D., and' an ex-justice of the North Dakota Supreme Court, was at the Portland this morning. Judge Ball has just cared for some important liti gation in which the Northern Paciflo la ntereated, Involving title to 75,000 acres of Washington land. The case was tried at epoaane and ne is now spending a few days recreating In Portland. Court this trrornlng. V XBIIUQUDI Hlltl Wf II BrilU 1UI VUU1 aflU LW " t 1 .v uiuuuciUTIUS IU V clock repair and return It charging v. only for repairs. John A. Beck, 207 Morrison, near Front. Taste, delicacy, neatness, dispatch These are our mottos. They are our hobbles Metropolitan Printing Co.. 117 Front, near Morrjaon. Two fine sea turtle shetls have been added to the specimens In the free museum, the donations of an Alder ptreet restaurant keeper. They have been prepared for exhibit and are in utmsi'ally fine shape. the purchasing public. These induce ments are wonderful at this time. Their story is told in the tremendous activity or its Dusmess. BBDVCBB THBEE-DAT BATES TO TAQ wTa A A.XTD VEwPOBT. Commencing June 6. the Southern Pa cific Company will place on sale Satur-day-to-Mondajc excursion tickets to Ya qulna and Newport and return, at rate of 33.00. This affords an excellent op portunity to npena eunaay ai mis dod Ulnr awHsiue rreuri. fluinn ticket tn MtnM nnlnta will k. Thinking h heard eats prowling about placed on' sale June 1. at rate of S.00. hla parlors. L. Sweet, of Moifnt Tabor, got up early yesterday morning and en countered a burglar. The thief was barefooted and carried a dark lantern. He fled as soon as Mr. Sweet hove in Sight. 3. Sa Dubois, hfls begun suit in the State Circuit Court to compel' the East ern & Wastern Lumber Company to pay Mm damages In the sum 'of $35,000. It is alleged the plaintiff was injured by i the breaking of a cable while at work In the defendant's mill. A orew of O. W. P. & Ry. Co. work- meri commenced grading -yesterday for tlAi Hawthorne-avenue line extension as as West avenue and the lower res ervoir. The resocvolr Is a favorite not weather resort. Thje survey for the road waas. enmnleteiT about ten davs aao. As an answer to the claim' of Dr. John Welch, that the American Fire Insur ance Company pay him damages In the sum of $600, resultlngfrom the. Dekum Building Are. the defendant Claims that the policy issued by the company was . not tq, be effective until one taken ou,t la another company had expired. The first policy, it is held, had not expired at the time of the Are. The Regulator Line popular steamer "Bailey, Gatzert" leaves Portland dally, except Monday, for the Cascades of the Columbia!, affording everybody a fine op portunity to view tbemagniflcent, scen ery and raging flood. - Steamer leaves Alder-street wharf daily at 3:30 a., m.; Sunday". 9 a. m. Excellent meals. Bound trip faro $1.50. Phone, Main $11. Excursion to Hood River fey the Ex celsior Outing Association, Sunday, June 21, Stopa, at- falls. Locks, Cascade Rapids.' Tickets - at O. R. & N. office. Skidraore Drug Cp B. B.vRlch, . 10$ Third. Gradon & Kaehler Drug Co.. Main and First Jancke Drug Co., Grand ave nue.' G T. Gheen. 81 Third. Leave ' Union Depot at 3:30 a. m. Round trip $1.00. ...Children under 10 free. ' v, Sea tha Alba Dentists' change of ad. today, i It is worth while to keep track Journal friends and readers when traveling on .trains to and from Port land should ask hews agents for The Journal and Insist upon being supplied with" this paper, reporting all failures In obtaining it to the office of publication. addressing The Journal, Portland. Ore. . Preferred Stook Canned aoods. Allen it Lewis' Best Brand. FOR SUMMER WEATHER the 0-HI-OSteam Cooker -ii - 4" 'Saves Time Labor Fuel and Food Cooks entire dinner over one burner. Grand for canning fruit and vegetables. , Price $5 and $6 each. Agents Wanted. TRINITY SCHOOL PICNIC The Sunday school at Trinity Episco pal Church will hold Its annual picnic tomorrow at Magoon a Park, near Ore gon City. The steamer will' leave foot of Taylor street at 8:30 a. m. sharp, re turning about 5:30 p. m. On Its up-trip, during the afternoon, the steamer will pick up tha plcnicers and take them as far as Oregon City and give them a view of Willamette Falls, returning from there to Portland. H. Jennings Sons STEEL RANGE BARGAINS 'xniji r - 1 11 ma mrnniiiiur The inmates of the Children's Home', owing to the generosity of Ralph 8tuart, the prominent actor, will enjoy all the pleasures of what the originators tin hesitatingly declare to be the best show ever seen In Portland.- Mr. Stuart yes terday notified the management of the home that he would have seats re served for every Inmate of tho Institu tion. This act of generosity will cost Mr. Stuart a handsome sum, but he says he Is getting double return for his rnoney In giving aid to a worthy cause and bringing pleasure to a band of none-too-happy children. Crowd to Be targe. It Is announced today that Indica tions point to the necessity of giving at least two performances at the same hour in order that all who buy tickets may seoure seats. Three showa may be necessary. Should It be required to fol low out this course It is announced by those who have the. program in charge that no advantage will be taken of the people. By making quick changes and switching the bill It would be possible for exactly the same acts to be pre sented at the Marquam Grand, The Em pire and The Baker. This plan may be followed out. That there will be no lack of attrac tive features Is proven by the fact that almost every hour brings a telegraph message from some actor or sketch team offering to contribute talent toward the completion of the program. From all over the Pacific Coast 4heae proffers of services have been received. Manager George L. Baker has gone to Seattle and upon his return to Port land next Sunday will bring with him the members of the Baker Stock Com pany. TheHe actors, who are well known In Portland, will be in the cast of the matinee, and William Bernard, Cathar ine Countlss, Mlna Gleason, Howard Rusaell, George Allison and Lillian Rhodes will greet their Old friends once more from across the footlights. Mrs. Walter Reed. Mra. Rose Bloch-Bauer. and other well-known local talent will assist In the entertainment and the best acts at Central Park will also be on the bill. St any Musicians. The music will bo furnished by an orchestra or orchestras made up from all of the professional musicians in Portland, these having early volunteered their services. W. D. Wheelwright, Edward Ehrma and J. Wesley Ladd, the committee which has been placed at the head o the benefit and by whose hands the cash results will be transferred lnt the Heppner general relief fund, are working hard and to their personal ef forts is due the sale of many tickets. It is as yet too early for the exact program to be announced. It will not be made known before Monday, Man ager Baker requiring fully that time to sift down the various features offered Calvin Helllg. Interested with Mr. Baker In originating - the benefit, 1 pleased with the results so far attained and expects the proceeds will be large. Any business houso not on the fol lowing list but which would like to sell tickets may obtain that right by tele phoning the Merchants' Protective As soclatlon. Mr. Flefchmler has organized a young woman's ticket-selling brigade, which haa already done great work in dispos ing of tickets to the benefit perform ance. One enthusiast - telephoned to headquarters this morning that she had already sold 250 tickets and knew where many others would be purchased. All young women who are willing to assist In this work are requested to communl cate with the Merchants' Protective As- PARALYSIS ENDS r .' A USEFUL. CAREER Charles H. Hill, First Mayor o Albina,-Uied Last Night, - Funeral Sunday, As the result of five paralytio strokes. cnariea . miii, me nrat Mayor of Al blna. died at 7U5 o clock last night at hla late residence on Russell street. His funeral will occur Sunday at the Central Methodist Episcopal Church, and will be participated In by the Odd Fellows and the Grand Army veterans. Tha deceased had been active In busl fiess circles In Portland since his rival here In 1878, and owned a large amount of real estate and many build ings In various portions of East Port land and in Alblna. Among them is the Hill Building, at the corner of Williams avenue and Russell street, a handsome brlok structure. Having always taken a great Inter est in the upbuilding of Lower Alblna he was quite naturally selected as Mayor when that place became a municipality years ago. He was frequently re-elected. The deceased leaves a .widow, one daughter,. Mrs. Eva Schnauffner, and four sons, Estus, Charles, Albert and George. THEATRICAL OFFERINGS Shields' Park Opens. Shields' Park will be opened to tho public Sunday evening with an exclus Ive vaudeville program. It is announced that the popular amusement resort has undergone many alterations and lm provamtnta, among which Is the new and complete stage which has been built during the last eight weeks. Then there are the new seating arrangements and lighting facilities. Every seat in the park Is in full view of the stage. Mr. Shields has expended about 33.000 on late Improvements, and It can be said that his park stands well to be more popular this year than It was even season, when the place was crowded every afternoon and evening. Besides the many comfort-making Improvements there has been a program prepared made up of some of the best talent In the country. From the East are brought three of the teams that will- assist In the entertainment. Tonight, tomorrow fternoon and tomorrow night there will be the usual presentations of high class vaudeville at Cordray's. Betam of the Old Company. The Baker Theatre Company will be home again Sunday morning and will appear on the Baker stage at the mat inee, presenting "The Gilded ool." This Is the play In which N. C. 3oodwln made one of the big hits of his career, and one In Which the tJaker Theatre Company has also been making a big hit in Seattle. The company has al ways sppeared totbe best advantage in these delicate comedfea and In "The Glided Fool" they have a play in which every member of the company has a congenial and delightful part. "The ; Different Store" - OIds,Vortman&Klng FlWur.J Wash!r',!c Si Last Day Tomorrow SATURDAY, of the GREATEST SLAUGH TER SALE OF WOMEN'S WALKING SKIRTS EVER HELD IN PORTLAND! 3 1 ' ( i 1 1 1 1 1 1 II -B (1 wm THEY ARE ALL NEW SKIRTS. EVERY ONE WAS MADE THIS SEASON. THEY ARE OUR OWN RELIABLE MAKES. Not manufactured for a sale and we are GOING TO SELL EVERY WALKING SKIRT IN THIS STORE WITHOUT RESERVATION ALL MUST GO ! This tale will be one decisively establishing a new record for big value-giving. You positively never witnessed such a whole sale slaughter of prices in this section as ends here tomorrow night, and 'twill certainly be a long time ere such a happening comes again in tha walking skirt stock. We propose to distribute all of these great values among the ladies of Portland at a mere fraction of their real worth. Until closing time tomorrow night 6 p. m. we shall sell all this season's WALKING SKIRTS every one in tha store, without reserve cheviots, Venetians, coverts, homespuns, basket weaves and every good skirt fabric known, in colors of black, navy, brown, gray and novelty mix ture, at following reductions: AH $3.00 values so at $3.75 All $6 JO values go at 4.95 All $7.50 values go at 5.A5 AO $A.50 values go at 6.75 AO $ 1 0.00 valves go at 9.75 An $13.50 values go at. $ 9M All $15.00 values go at... 11.95 AU $20.00 values go at... 1 6.50 AU $23.50 values go at... 1 7.30 AU $25.00 values go at... 19.75 Don't Buy in the Dark zszsszSz1 for the sake are human like yourself trade berore 0 p. m,, and soon all the old fogy stores will follow the lead of " The Different Store " and close at 6 Saturday nights. UllllllIIVIUlkllllllKlKBBIIIIIinKIIISIERSXZSSlal M M II aiiftiimmiiiui Not content with offering their own services the. actors at the Empire Thea tre are making large purchases ot tickets. Miss Dolllp . Theobold bought 10 tickets this morning and other play people are following the same plan. Where Tiokets ara Sold. Woodard, Clarke & Co.. Fourth and Washington streets. 8. G. Skldmore & Co., Third, near Morrison street. Eaburg-Gunst Cigar Company, Third and Alder streets. J. K. Gill & Co., Third and Alder streets. Schiller's Cigar Store, Fourth and Washington streets. Slg Sichel & Co.. 92 Third street. Hotel Portland Cigar Store, B. B. Rich's cigar stores. Rows & Martin's Drug Store, Sixth Dayton Hardware 3. . Cor, rtrst aad Taylor tta, ( nav onis bio vabivocx.- The high water of the Willam ette has forced us to move our Steel Rangcsfrom the basement to the first floor. While they are on and, W8"n,nton, Btret this floor and before we return them to the basement we will make them the bargain Item of the com In? week. The Royal Rival Range is so well known that no one need fear to buy one. We have sold thousands within the past fev years and are now selling about 1,000 a year., REMEMBER YOU CAN GET A Royal Rival v ' Steel Range AUnUCHWPlRTHISCOM. ING WEEK TH AN EVER BEFORE H. Jenning Sons 172-174 FIRST ST. Fred T. Merrll Cycle Company, Sixth street. k Joseph M. Rlcen's Cigar Store, Third and Clay utreets. Albert Bernl's Drug Store, Second and Washington streets. East Side Bank. Studebaker Manufacturing Company. Sellwood Drug Store. K. L. Sabln. Bank of British Columbia Building. ., .; Oregonlan business offlce. Journal business office. Chamber of commerce Offlce, Cham ber of Commerce Building. Marquam Theatre. . Empire Theatre. ; Baker Theatre. Telegram business offlce. Nau's Drug Storr, Sixth and Morri son. - . Board of Trade offlce, Chamber of Commerce Building. Three More Performances. Tomorrow will close the engagement of Ralph Stuart at the Baker Theatre. There will be three more performances of "The Virginian" the one tonight and the matinee, and evening performance tomorrow. There promises to be a big turn out tomorrow for the matinee girls have always liked Stuart and have en Joyed his performances. . The advance sale for the closing performance Is ex ceptionally heavy. A FISHY STORY Tou may set It down If told that there's any better place In the country than here to buy all good kinds of fishing tackle, lawn swings and. sprinklers, icel. cream freesers, or anything else you re quire for summer comfort and pleasure which ought to be found In a Arst-class hardware store. AVERY fa GO. 452 THRU) ST. PORTLAND Next Week at Empire. Little Rod Rldenhood. a film lm ported from Paris for the Great Amer lean Bioscope people, and one that will create noe.rid pf jnteresj .among play goers no auena me empire me com ing week, will be one of the star rea tures of (hut part of the Empire pro gram, which starts Monday night next. World and Kingston, Andrews and Thompson, Blossom, Seejey and Blanca, are some more of the new acts an nounced, while the people who will be held over from the present week, will all appear entirely In new acts. Seats are reserved at the Empire dally for the coming week and as this house is fast becoming a, favorite place .. of amusement, those contemplating attend-' Ing should engage scats early. Graham SeoltaL A laige number of music-lovers and society people were on hand this morn ing when the Marquam Grand boxofflce opened, to exchange for reserved seat tickets their invitations to the Graham violin recital, to be given Saturday evening. All day the box offlce force has been busy giving out tickets, and a representative and cultured audience is now assured. Tomorrow the boxofflce will be open for the issuance of tickets to the general public. It should be borne in mind that all persons who wish to attend this . recital gmat, eMaln- tickets in advance. Mr. Graham has re turned from Berlin a finished violinist; n fact one of the best of today, and a rare treat ts assured all who attend to morrow night's recital. Two More Matinees at Umpire. But a few more performances of the present bill at the Empire remain, as on Monday night next the new bill will open. The Empire is as cool as a cold- "A NEW BROOM SWEEPS CLEAN" IT WON'T SWEEP AT ALL IF NOT GIVEN AN OPPORTUNITY ' Let us show you what we can do for you in the dental line. We know that we can please you. You don't if you haven't trtod us. Let us show you that we speak the truth. Full set of teeth, best that money can buy 7 Good, serviceable teeth, per set M Gold crowns. 22k. S3 Gold fillings, small, 11.00; large. 13.00. All other fillings of any material desired, 75c. All operations strictly modern. A 1 K 1 ai e 4 e 0wr Ei,en Plm nwat' Pi)M,t c. .ClJIsCl alSeilUSlS dray's Theatre. 'Phone, Main mi. dh. w. A. WISE. Painless Extracting! We do (Sown aad Bridge Work "without pa la.' Our 16 yeara' experience la plata work taablrs na to fit roar moutb comfortably. Wa haT trellng at well aa yon. Dr. W. A. Wlaa, manager, baa foond s aafa way to extract taetb abaolutel? without pain. , Dr. I. P. Wlaa is an axpart at Gold a'tlllng aad Crown and Bridge Work. Extracting free when plates or bridges ara orderad. UB. I, P. WISE. - . WISE BROS., Dentists 208-213 faiung ilpc, car. u m wah. sts. Open evenings till 0. Snndara from I ttf 11 Or. Hals 302. storage plant these days, as the ventila tion is perfect and six electrlo fans are constantly In motion which waft cool air 'through the spacious house contin ually. If you enjoy a good performance in a cool, comfortable, well-appointed theatre, the Kmplre Is the place. No better vaudeville performance than that given during the present week could be asker for, and it is likely. If the man agement keep up their present stride, they will continue to remain in favor with patrons of that class of enter talnment. There are but two more matinee performances of the present bill. Saturday and Sunday, Little Dolly Theobold and her cute ways, go a long way to make one forget the unpleasant things they may have come in contact with during the day, as does the rest of the most excellent bill. AKVsxxxam. EMPIRE Tba US DIAMONDS AT A. N. Wright's DUTY TO THE DEAD . 'What We Owe the Dead" is the sub ject of a ' lecture to be delivered In Artisan's Hall. Abington Building, at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon. Dr. J. 'I York, one of the best known orators now touring the Pacific Coast, . will be the speaker. Good music is promised and all are Invited to, attend. No admission fee will be charged. The duty of the -riving toward the dead will be clearly set forth by the forceful remarks of Dr. York. - iXTRB OVXB TO FILES. Itching piles produce moisture and cause ucning, this rorm. as well as Blind, Bleeding or Protuding Piles are cured by Dr. Bo-san-ko's Pile Remedy. Btops itching and bleeding. Absorbs tu mors. SOc a jar, at druggists, or sent by mall. Treatise free. Write me about your case. Dr. Bosanke. Phil's.. Pa. The most delightful trip actuss the continent Is via tha Denver & Rio Grande, the scenic line of the world. Apply at 124 Third st., Portland, for rates. Preferred Stool: Canned Oooda. Allen & Lewis' Bsst Brand. U"e have a lot of diamonds left over from the auction sale, which will be sold at private sale. It Is an- invest ment to buy a diamond now they are advancing and will likely be 60 per cent higher than the present price. You can buy one here much lower than anywhere else and have our absolute guarantee., j WE WILL JREFUND FILL PRICE IF YOU ARB NOT PERFECTLY SATISFIED. . A. N. WRIGHT The Iowa Jeweler 293 Morrison Street Tourists'Curios We Carry the Largest Stock or Japanese and Chinese CURIO IN THE CITY CONSISTING of fine Ivory Carvings, Bronze and Clois son5 Ware, Chinese Ebony Furniture, Silk and Satin Embroid eries, Fin Decorated Porcelain War, Matting, Ross, Etc., at (pedal prices. Tourists are car dully invited to call in and inspect oar magnificent line of Oriental Curbs t : j, t i s t i t a THEATRE I2ta and Morrisoa Sts. rboae Mala rtv Northweatern Tandevlll Co.. Prop. ' Georca h- Baker, Kealdcot Uaaager. Only Illca-Claas Vaudeville House . la - Portland. AnothCT big house laat night. WE CONTINUE TO PLEA88. Don't forget the matinee Saturday at 2.15. Kntlro rhance of bill atartlna , Mondar. REAL UIGU-CLA8S TOP-LINK ViCDEVILLf &BSTSB aVITO CVMTAXM Ba.Taa.wAT Aim wAiTes. UATT AITS DAX.T TOM XIX.X, hajtk wxxtook. , zottub bx.ossok. powzbs aitd thxosoIvo jambs atrsra AITS TU Biosoorx. . Matlneea Werineaday, Saturday and' Bnaday. Prlraa Matlnera. 20c, 10c; evaainf, SOc, 20c, 10c; boxes and lose aoata, 60c. Sale ot aeata now on. 'Box office opans 10 a. m. . .. Cordray's Theatre I'hona Main DOS. Cor. 4:h ar.d Morrison Sts. Cordray a Rueaall Uaniftrs, . , , rortland'i Popular family Kesurt. Summer Prlcra Matlneea, 10? and 20c. Eruntni-a. inc. -woe. at. BEST AND BIGGEST SHOW OF THE SEASON. - MATIN EB TtUV. ISi - -sf - TONIGHT AT SalS. ' EDWABD BKZKIjSS' CONTINUOUS VAUDEVILLE , 10 ST A ACTS 10. And Profeaaor Crohn's famous HVMAX JrXAO. The nioat wonderful triorlng picture rrtt pbo- toarapbed. Krery race aiaceraisie. Eatclllta and Gabardoo-rdliwt' from Madrid- aa added restore Monaay. . Shields' Park Opens fioaday, Jana SI. Georp-e L. Baker. . . Manarer. Juat tbre more Ofrformrt V Stuart and compairy tonight. Saturday at . 2:15 4-8. r..mAH ., Good-ore for the rwnt Seaaon.' Brewing, 15c, c, tfc. Sue. Matloee, 10, ' 13c. 25c. ' .s,j NextReturn of the Baker Theatre company In "A Gilded Kool." - The Baker Theatre CONCERT HAJX BLAZIEaTBSOS. . ' CONCERT EVEBt : WOHT,. 242-24A Bl-RNSItrn. SfECIAXTItS tot tka LADIKS of lOkTUAM. . ., Ail ainla rXATRZRS sni BOAS ( LtAlfTDe"n4 Ctrl ID, MAS. M, -U.FKr, from lnim. .lSbt Flret, sear o.rur. ' t'buM ( 909, --1 -. c -. fort !.. Or. .-' . Ooinf to ft. T ifat If to, learn about th i t r'- scrv. Ira inaugurated by t;-, O. K. ., lenvr sni Karif if v. ( l t:vt Aa Third and V. ... .'..