. i tyf 1 , SO EAST, GETTING SOLID WITH THE OLD MAN. & - Off MHHMHB ..... Mr. Grouoh "No washing don yt and all tb family away! Slably "Now, I'll please her father by showing him one of my clever card tricks. JiMMi I CLEAB UNDERSTANDING. "You hold the pack, air, and I will strike it a amart blow, leaving in your hand only the card which you have selected !" (Ulfft) Her rather Tin glad you ehowed your trua colors, yount man. Ton bet no assassin ain't goln' to marry lata tola family I" THOSE LOVEMAXINO CLASSES WOULD BE EAST- CAUGHT. JOUBNALISTIO INNOVATION. "Ha, bat ril ahow 'em how easy domestlo work la if one has brains. TTowf That watera scalding! "Ouch I This wringer la aa infernal machine!" (Br-rr-rrrl) Hamlet "Before I proceed with my celebrated soliloquy Just lemme re mark that If any rent tosses an egg this way I'll nail him with the skull." L - " 1 ' ",m,,L 1 1 1 saps. I , " IfiToNT IIDonT KMttu . i incycHMiNiri Mrs. Lover "Oh how mmA I am i aee you, my dear John'a own mother! And let's aurorise him. You ahall cook dinner!" Towser -Too don't aeem worried about baring to wear that heavy steol muisle." Tlaer "I guess not Aa long aa I bar tbla on the women can't kiss me." With the aaslstane of the coeds. ANOTHER TESTIMONIAL. ANT IMPROVEMENT WELCOME. Dins "I aee Orabba. the defeated aldermante candidate, haa taken to crib cracking." Bias; "Well, I'm glad be has some conscience." can O'Reels "This Joint sticks like glue! Come help me. w't you. wifef UNPLEASANT POLITENESS. Mrs. O'Reels "Hold on a minute. I'll fix ltl Mr. Swsmply "Bai Jove, there's Miss Grace, yonder! Now for "There' nothing else for it, I must get downtown somehow. '" NATURALLY. "There, I knew Rlckett's rheumatism remedy'd loosen its joints!" USED TO BOUGH TREATMENT. Walll "Why, grandpa's snorln't Mr. Lorey "Call this fit to eat? Say, you ought to have seen my moth er cook I" Bl "I hear ye bad a rough time brlngtn the new Holsteln critter from town. B'lleve he rolled ye all raound the cattle car'" Hi "Yea, bu I didn't rnnd it. Ve see, I'd been bruehed by the Pullman porter on my way in." .1 "Guess I H fool W Grandpa "Wal, wonder what patent medicine dope that poor little cuss haa been swlggln'T" BEJINED CRUELTT. And then they told him. QUICK WOBK. HAND OF BUIN. UUt-AAAJUUUUi-iL BSSSffiBIHMBJSa IT V 7 Prof. Flipper "I'm sure I aaw a rare dufllckua geewhlzzer just ahead there! Boss (to office boy)" 'Go to the ball game'? Not much, my aon. I'm going myself! It will be the hottest old gam of the season, and you'd bet ter stay right her and If anybody calls tell him I've gone to my grand mother's funeral."- Father "Yes, dear, that la the bona 'that grandpa used to live in." Tot "But there Is no roof on it." Father "No; you aee grandpa had such a large family that he used all the shingles spanking the children." ANXIOUS TO PLEASE. "Aha! X bar ltl My own! My own!" THE MAN WHO MEANT WELL. First Phot ogtapher "How did you get along In London I" Second Photographer "No good. Plates were always getting fogged." EVIDENT. 9 Farmer Snlpemarsh "What'a the matter with old bossy T" Hi Jinks "Oh, ahe's Jest board that tb summer boarders are coming and she's gone to the crick to see if her bonis are on straight" GETTING EVEN. Miss Oldish "Ob. sir. tbla is so sud dnl- I4 w , 1 "Bow!" Hostess "Mr. DabMu, weald row kindly wot some coal oil th flrof Hr. Dobbin (atartlnar anddenly) "Wnr . "floral" Taacher "Don't yon knew tbat pun tsation meana that yon moat pausT" Lemuel "Course I Aa. An auto fal ter punctuated his tife In front of osr bouse Straday nd he paoaed two boors." Aggrlered Actor "Was tbat a bias, mlsur. or is it only a punotured tire on ono of them wheels la your bead?" f 4 la