11 CITT NOTICES. CITT W 0TICXI. CITT yOTHtEI. CITT V0TI0ER. CTTV MOTTOES. CITT NOTICES. RAILROAD TTKETARIES. TTIE OREOOX DAILY JOUBNAL, PORTLAXD, FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE -10, 1003. 4-BOrOBED AiBEBBKEVT TO TJETROVl. v usm ow vino atzkvx. " "Notice W Hereby given that the Council ni th City of Portland propose to a sens tba follow. " Ing deeerlbed property and swim or owmire - as -being -specially and peculiarly . benefited eerlptlooe thereof for the Improvement of Union - Avenue, from the south llu of Kaet Oak street (a tba nortb Una of East Morrraoa atreet, a provioea tiy uraineace no. ja.inp. Any objections to tba apportionment af mat ' . for aald Improvement muat lie mad la writing . to tba Council and ftiad wltb tbe Auditor wlthla prima days from tba data el tba 11 rat fiuhlloa ' tloo of tbla notice, and aald obiecttone trill ha heard and determined by tba Council before ; tba paaaaita of the ordlnauoe aaeeoaiug Ota aoat . a aaia Jinproveineni, . East Portland: Block L VKk lot S. William K. Mart: all ..,.... ... , . . 8 22 Block 61. E 25 ft. 'si w'ftb' fL'iot'i.' Charle H. Haffety T.7B rioc i, w xa , lot a, Da rid Kaf- . , fety .- T.71 Block 81. W of N aH.B ft. lot 7. William K. Marts!! , ....... 63.92 norg , b a inuoce of Eft Jot 7, Stefan- A llesranl .... tJ1 Block L 1 rt, ol I to ft lot t. Ctoarwa H. Itaffety. . , . . . 1.00 Blork 11, W lb M 7, David Bef fety 10.83 Block Bt. iv 18. ft, lot f. Starts no Allronl o Ilia Block til- MI ft W S I 1 fVlnMn kV Estate, helro f ', To la kick 81. kit 6, JL A. C'rijipes Eatata, heirs of - Block 82. lot I. Loulaa Locus Mock H2, lot 7, Louis Logua Blork Kit, lot , Loulaa Logu UOCS nx, M( d. Uouim Kwua Block So.- EV4 lot 8, jobs Want.. mock UK, r.H lot 7, Job Weut Block A3. WV, lot . 1, T. Brady Block SS, Wtf lot 7. f. r, Brady Block 83, lot . Tb Hawthorne Ester Block 88. lot i, Tba Hawthorn Eatata.. Block 84. lot B. "Wi B. Udd Estate. balrs of , Block 84, lot T, W. . Ledd Batata. heirs of 'Blork 84, 1st , W. S. Udd Batata. heir of .... Block 84. lot 6. W. S. Udd Batata, balra of Block 102, lot 1, ft. Bckeksh faeca- feld ...... Block 101 JCtt lot 1 Frank Bod.... Block lug. B1 lot 1 . W. Church Batata, brlra of Blork 102, kit i2, Bernard Papa Block 102, MH lot 4, Sarah 1. McKit- rirk .................. ..4. ........ Block 102. t lot 4. Hrury Rlnahrlmrr Block 1M, lot 1. Eu (ma and Wrraer Hrrynaa .' Block IftL.lot X Tbd Alltaaca Iraat Oa . Block 101, kH t, Tba AUiaact Tmat Co., Ltd. .7 Block 101, lot V Eoccm aid Werner Brrraaan 9loek 100. ax-rtanlnjr at tba nnrttiwcat corner or block 100, Eaat fortiaod. tbraot aoatk alone tba wrat Una at aald blork to.2 fret, tbenca rAt kkm( a Una AO I fret aoolh of and parallel wltb tba north Una of aald block .M fact, tbenca north alosc Una 40. vl (act eaat of and parallel wltb tba weat Una of aald block " 111 Incbea. tbenca aaat (lour a Una 49.06 feet aoutk of and parallel with tbe north Una of aald blork 10.88 feet, theaea aouth alone a Una 60.76 fret .. ..eaat of . .and parallel with tb weat line of aald blork I2.t Inrbea. tbenca eaat a kmc Una SO feet aouth of and parallel with tba north Un of aald block 30.24 feet tbenca north a Ion a Una 100 feet rait of and parallel with the weat line of aald block to Ita intereertton with the , aald north line of aald Mock, thence weat a Ion tba nortb line of aald block to place of belnnlnf, Lon lae H. Bolae and .Catherine H. Berk Block 100, beginning at a point la ibe waat Una of block 100 6U.2 feet aouth of tba northweat corner of , aald block, thence eaat a lon a Una fWJ.a feet aouth of and parallel wltb tba north Una of aald block 49.f).1 feet, tbenca nortb a Inn a line 40.03 feet eaat of and parallel with tba weat Una of aald block 15 Incbea, thence eaat a Ion a line 40.0ft eet aouth of and parallel with the weat line of aald block 12.0 Incbea. tbenca eaat aWnf a line 50 feet aouth of and par allel with the north line of aald block Ao.24 feet, thence aouth along Una 100 feet eaat (if and parallel with ' the weat Una of aald block to a point 100 fort aouth of tba north Una of aald block, tbenca weat along a Hne J) feet eolith of and parralel with the north line of aald block the weat line of aald block to a point at Ita Intersection with tbe weat line of aald block, thence north along the wret Una of aald block to tba place of beginning, E. A. Baldwin Block inn. Jot 4, E. A. Baldwin........ Block 1X), kit 4. T..- A, Baldwin.... Block 00, lot 1. William E. Braln ard Blork 08. lot 3. WUUani E. Brain-ard Flock 00. lot 8, Thomae B. Weat. kit 4, IMPS 1S7.H& 11.M MH.I0 50.(10 48.43 40.44 8.H7 .m 66. Ml 70.00 70.00 6XM 6150 "tr'ii 47.02 47.02 into 67.72 67.72 142.55 138. U 58.10 58.50 59.71 Block 88, roui Thomaa B. Weat.. R7.M 66.50 70.00 70.00 66 AO 82 50 52. iy The Title Guarantee V roopoizs ASSEBSKEjrr Ton xxaovz scurr or un imrxTEEXTK stbeet.. Notice la hereby given that tha tVwiicIl ol the City of Portland- prnnoaak. to awaB tbe following deecrtbed nroiwrty aud owner or. ownera aa being aiienlally and iMwullarly liene- Btt tn tne ainonnra aet oppneite tne name and aiacriitlona tbnrent for tba improvement of Earn Kinnteentb atreet, from the north linn of Multnomah etrret to the aouth 1 Una of weldler atreot, provided by Ordlnanqa rio. 13.077. .. . Any nblectlona to the apportionment of coot for aald Improvement muat be made tn writing to the Council and filed with tbe Auditor wlthlu 18 dure from tba date nf the flret publication of hla notice, and aald object lone will be heard and determined r the Council before tbe neeaac . of tbe ordinance aaanaalng tba coot of aald Improvement. John Irvlug a i lrat Addition te Eaat Portland- Blk 4. N 108 7 ft, lot 1, Inaepbtne H. Blk 4, N soil'.?' ft. "lot 'i Joaepbln H. , Ruaarll Blk 4, M 24 ft. of M 60 ft. lot 1. Will iam B. Glafke and rredorlck Clarke, ; Jr. - ....j. .-J Blk 4, N 24 ft. of 8 60 ft lot 2, Will iam B. lfka and Frederick Uiarne, It. 4 Blk 4. fl 86 ft lot 1. t. i. Haaillton.. Blk 4. B 86 ft lot . B. . Hamilton.. HoUaday Park AddltoB to Portland. Oregon- .j- Blk 11 kit 2, R. O. Hamilton Blk 12, lot 1, R. O. Hamilton........ Klk T. lot 16. E. W. Wegner..,. Blk 7, kit 18, P. W. Wegner Blk T. lot 2. Tmat Co Blk 7. kit 1, Tbe Title Guarantee Trnat V. Blk , lot 16, The Title Ouarantee Truat Co Blk 6, lot 16, Tbe Title Guarantee Traet tie -. ..... Blk 6. lot 2. Tbe Title Ouarantee ft Trnat Vm Blk . lot 1. The Title Guarantee A Trnat Co Blk 1. kit 16. Tba Title Ouarantee 4c. Trnat Co Blk 1.. lot 16, Tbe Title Ouarantee V Trnat Oe Blk 1. lot 2. The Title Guarantee Traet (.... Blk 1. lot V The- Titta Ooarante t Truat Co Joha.JrvW'a llrat Addltioi to Baat Portland-'-' Blk 2. ! 100 ft. lot 8, Cbarlee H. Prcoott o e . . . e . . . Blk 8. I 100 ft lot 7. Charlea H. . Preaeott ........................... Blk 8, II 64 ft. lot 8, Tbe Title Guar antee Truat Co Blk 8. 64 ft. kit T. The Title Guar antee at Truat Uo Holladay Park Addition to Port land. Oregon: Blk 11. kit 7. Tbe Title Guarantee A Trnat Co.. Blk 11. lot 8, The Title Guarantee A Trnat Co la- ft. lot . The Title Guarantee Treat Cm 107.11 Blk 8. lot 10. P. W. Wegner 16.40 Blk 8. lot 7, The Title Guarantee Trnat Co Blk 8. kit 8, The Title Ouarantee A Trnat Oe Blk 5. lot 8, Tbe Title Guarantee A Truat .Co Blk 5. lot 10, Tba Title Guarantee A Truat Co Blk 5. lot 7. Tba Title Guarantee A Trnet Co ; Blk 6. kit 8, Tbe Title Guarantee A Trnet Co Rlk a. lot 8. Tbe Title Guarantee A Truat Co 261.06 Blk 2. kit 10, Tbe Title Guarantee A Truat Co 25.83 Blk 2. kit 7, Tbe Title Ouarantee A Truat Co 21.32 Blk 1 lot 8. The Title Guarantee A Truat Co ZoT.ae rjtOPORB A88E88MEVT FOB IMPROVE- I fn.0P0BXS AB8EB81aXTT TOE ThTPltOVE- 87.91 11.M J2.BS 2.88 84.51 4.28 4.55 61.43 1K2.06 14.44 15.82 183.44 187.78 8.78 13.86 188.27 230.21 24.03 16.54 18TT 85 03 m 11.71 1.41 753 4.62 6108 19.03 213.30 156.46 0.00 18.31 183.80 Total 83.008.01 THOU. 0. DEVLIN. Auditor of tbe City of Portland. Tune IS. 1808. ..82,606.36 Jo 1 TH0S. C. mVLTS. I Auditor of tbe City of Portland. June 16, 1003. PROPOSED ASSESSMENT TOR IMPROVE MENT Of EAST M0RRI80M STREET. Notice la hereby given tbat tbe Council of the City of Portland propuaea to aaseaa the fol lowing deacrthed property and owner or ownera ai being apei'lally and. peculiarly benefited In tbe amomita act opnoalte the namea and de acrlptlona thereof for the Improvement of Eaat Morriaon street from the weat line of Huonyalde Third Additlod to the eaat line of Bunnyalda Third Addition, aa provldvd by Ordinance Mo. 13,133. Any objectlona to the apportionment of coat for aald Improvement muat be made In writing to the Council and fllcd with the Auditor with in Hfteen day from the date uf tbe flret publi cation of tbla notice, and aeld objections will be heard and determined by tbe Council before the piaaage of tbu ordinance aaaeaalng the ouet of aald Improvement. Sunnralde Third Addition to Portland. Oregon: Block 65. lot 16, Tbe Title Guarantee A Trnat Co..... t 18.54 Blork 63. WU lot 16. Tba Title Guaran tee A Trnat o 8.28 Block 65. E 4 lot 15.' Bernard E. Witter. 8 28 Stork 63. lot 14, Bernard E. Witter.... 18.63 lock 85, lot IS. Tbe Title Guarantee A ' Treat Co lock 65. lot 12. Laura Brooke 22.04 ilork 05. kit 11 Laura Breake ...J. 81.46 chock oa, jii u, Miuri itressn 86.46 82.01 23.69 ZJ Block 66. lot IS, W. P Benedict Block 60, kt 17, W. I'. Benedict Block 66, let 16, W. P. Benedict Block 66. lot 15, The Title Guarantee A Truat Co r. 20.13 Block 8. lot 14. The Title Guarantee A Truat Co 2180 Block 66. lot 13, The Title Gnarantee A Truat Co 16.35 Block 66. lot 12. The Title Guarantee A Truat Co -:. 16.87 Slock 66. lot 11. Tbe Title Guarantee A u ' Truat Co. s 1T.27 Block 66. lot 10. The Title Guarantee A Truat Co 18.68 Block 68. lot 1, The Title Guarantee A Truat Co 16.84 Block 6S. lot 2. The Title Guarantee A Truat CO. 18.11 Block 68, lot 3, The Title Guarantee A Treat Co. 18.37 Block 68. lot 4, Tbe Title Guarantee A Truat CO. 82.85 Block 63, lot 5. Tbe Title Guarantee A Truat Co , 18.85 Block 68. lot 6, The Title Guarantee A ffruet Cov . , . . , v 27.33 Block 68, lot 7. The Title Guarantee A Truat Co 28.87 Block 68. kit 8. Tbe Title Guarantee A Treat Co 80.30 nek .67. lot 1. The Title Guarantee A Tm4t Co 30.28 Block 67. lot 2, Tbe Title Guarantee A Truat Co. 23.77 Block 7. lot 3, The Title Guarantee A Truat Co. 58.03 Block 67. 1A A The Title Guarantee A Truat Co. 16.88 Block 67. lot 6, Tbe Title Guarantee A Truet Co. 22.23 Block 6T. lot 6, The Title Guarantee A Truat Co. . ,.. 16.62 Block 67, lot 7, The Title Guarantee -A Truat Co. ... K 212 Block 7. lot 8, The Title Guarantee A lruoi io. js. Bkwk 47, lot 8, The Title Guarantee A Truat Co. 18.87 Total PROPOSED A88EB8MEVT E0R IMPROVE- PROVEMEMT OP EAST THIRTY SEVEHTH STREET. Notice la hereby given that tba Council at the City of Portland propteee to aaaeea the followlna- described nronertv and owner or own- era aa being epeclally and peculiarly benefited In the amouuta act oppoalte tbe namea and deeenn tlone thereof foe the Imorovement of East Tblrty-aeventh atreet from tbe center line of Eaat Yamhill atreet to tbe south line .of Baae. Line Road, aa provided by Ordinance No. 13.135. Any objectlona to the apportionment of cost for aald Improvement muat be made in writing to the Couneil and fluid with the Auditor within fifteen dare from tbe date of the Brat publica tion of tbla notice, and aald object I6na will be beard and determined by tbe Council before tne paaaage of tbe ordinance aaaeaalng tha coat sal a improvement. Sunnralde Third Addition tn Portland. Oregon: Block si. lot 8. The Hunnyaiae Lna i. Imorovement Co . .8 Block 61. kit 7. Tbe 8unnyelde Und A Improvement Co. Block 61, lot 6. Tbe Sunnralde Und A Improvement Co, Block 61. lot 11. The Snnnyalde Land A Improvement Co Block 61, lot 10. The Sunnralde Land A Improvement Co., Block 61, lot 8. The Suunyalde Land A- Improvement Co Block 64. lot 8. The Sunnyelde ..and A Improvement Co. Block 04, kit 7, The Bunnyalda Und A Improvement Co Block 64. lot 6, The Sunnralde Land A Improvement Co Block 64, lot 11. The Sunnyslde Und . A Improvement Co.. Block 04. lot 10. The Sunnyslde Und - A Improvement Co Block 04. lot 8. Tbe Sunnralde Und A Improvement Co Block 63. lot 8 The Sunnyslde Und A Improvement (To Block 65. lot I. The Sunnyslde Uud A Improvement Co , Block 65, lot 6, The 8unnyslde Land A Improvement Co Block 65, kit 11, Unra Breska Block 65. lot 10. Laura Breaks Block 65, lot 8, Laura Breake Block 68. lot 8. Tbe Bunnyalda Und A Improvement Co Block 66,' lot 7. The Sunayalde Und A Improvement Block 68, lot 6, The 8unnyalde Und A Imorovement Co Block 68. lot 11. The Sunnyslde Und ,A Improvement Co Block 6A. kit 10. The Sunnyslde Und A Improvement Co. Block 68. lot 8. Tbe Sunnyslde Und A Improvement Co Block 60. lot 8. The Sunnyslde Und A Improvement Co Block 60. lot 7. The Sunnyslde Und A Improvement Co ...... inocar owr iot tr. rae nuuuyaiqe Una t 65.84 2.84 1.56 4.44 T 83.23 68J3 4.88 8.26 '5.18 7.77 86.05 81.12 6.84 4.56 8.87 5.82 74.60 60.47 1.60 1.00 2.36 8.65 63.44 87.43 4.86 MEKT or 8E00XS STREET, Notion te thereby given ttmt tbu Council of the City of Portland h-onoaee. te aaaeea the fol lowing deeetflied property and owner or ownera aa being aiwclally aud peculiarly bencnted In the attwmnta net ontmalte tbe namea and de- 4 eci'ljitlujei thereof Tim' tee luiiB'tive'Uieut'Pf Hovoud" I Street, from 12 feet north7 of the aouth Uue KHT Of TTRST STREET, - Notice; "Hi perebjr given, that tbe Oonndl "5? tne 'iiy or i-oruaou propooee lo.aimeaa tne followlne . deacrlbed nronertv and owner or owner, aa being aimelally and pecnllatly bene fited in the auwiunta net oppualle tbu uauies. and deacrtptlnns thereof for the, Improvement of of 1.I. .!re..t S . ..t is feet aouth f V etreet rrom . we norin : ne oi Manieon tho nneth ii,.. i Ti..frei,-. ti.i .. reet to the eoutu line or Mart atreet aa provided by Ordinance No. 18,8X1. Any objection to the apportionment of coot for said Improvement muat be made In writ ing to the Council and filed with the Andltor tbe north - line of Jefferson Mtreet. -pro vided by Ordinance No. 1H.141 Any objectlona to tbe apportionment of cost for eald lniirvement must be nude 1 writing , k. I . (, J .1., Mrf.l. k A iilHk within aKeen days fw.m the date of the flret " ' Portland, within llfteen day. from :'.y!!' "rrecn. " . W1 .r1 I tk. d.t. of tho lot lmhlleatlon of thlm notice. pi iiication w tuia notice, ana ooig oujecnoi ---- ;. ; -- ,f, v. iTri ,A , hw rno ivMincii I j- -- - ' will he heard and determined by the Council HUf before tbe jiaesage of tbe ordinance, ai tne cool oi aia improvemeut, Portland Block 3D. lot 8, Llayd Brook Xstato, heirs f 102.22 Block lot 7, ntvid P. Tbompaon Ka- tare, heir of... y BUwk 41, lot 8, 3. W. A V. Cook.,., Mock 41, kit 7, Jj W. A V. Cook. Bhvk 41, ti Hi kit 7, Henry W, Corbett Miate, Beirs oi.. by tba Conniil before tbe paaaage of the ordi najice a mesa lug tae coat oi aaia improvemenu 8.24 102.B 48.40 Bkick 41, Kh lot 6K Heory W. Corbett Ketatc, heir of Block 41. N 1 ft. of RVi lot 6, Henrietta EMery F. Falling and Emily I. ninct an, mi , rre micsei.,..,..... Block 88. lot T, Fred Bl.ker ..tT. .: .1 . . Blork 16, M4 kit 7, Henry W. Corbett Rotate, belra of , Black 14, lot 6, Lout Woon et Block 16, lot 6. Louis Woon et al Block 16, W 75 ft. lot 8, klm. Ark n w.f r.ioia nun an, Block 15, W 76 Tt. kit 7, Kim, Ark A Co., Wong Kim Kee , Block 15, 20 ft. lot 8, 1-barlcs He- 1.58 60.86 86. N6 r.00 80.01 86.85 a 12 82.56 M.64 144.68 Block 16, B 20 ft. lot i, Charles He gele , Block 11. 88 ft. lot T, Ferdinand C. Smith ...., Block 11, lot 4, Leander L. Hawkins., Block 11, kit 6, Leander L. Hawklna.. Block 10. lot N. WIIHam H. Harrla.... Bkirk 10, lot 7. Wimaai H. Harrla Block 10, B 67 ft. lot 8, William B , Clara A.- rVchbelmer, Alice M. Hera and Elisabeth A. Elcbencruen Block 10,- kit 5. William . t iara A. echbeimer, AUce ai. Hera and Klia ahetb A.- Elchena-raen Block 10, W 88 ft. lot 6, laam White. Block 10, W 8s ft. lot 6, loam White. Block 8, lot 8, Joseph 8. Keller Block 8. lot 7, Savings A Loan Society or Ban rranriaco Couch 'a Addition tn the City of Portland- Block an, n ft. lot 5. Joseph Cweaett ad William Mcintosh Block 20, lot 4, Johnson Rotate Co... Block 20, lot 1, Johaaoa Eatata Co... Portland- Block 17, S 22.6 ft. kH 1 Charlea P. uaooa Block 17. lot 8. Charlea P. Bacon Block 18. lot 8, Pavld P. Thompson Estate, heirs of Block 18, lot 4, .Eepbanlah 8. Spald- Bteck 20,' ' B 78 'ft." of N vi ' lot ' i.' ' Man hattan Real Eatate Co Block 2). W 16 ft. of N'H lot 1, John P. Price Estate, belra of Block 20. 84 lot 1, John P. Price Es tate, helra of Block 20, N4 lot 2, Cornelia Burkhart ortland Blk 30. lot S. -Oeraaa Savings A Loan Hoclety I Blk 80, north H lot 7, German Savings A ltan Hoclety Blk 88. aouth lot 7, Ellen R. Ray Eatata, heir of Blk 80, lot 6, Jacob Kamm Blk 88, lot 6, Jacob Kami Blk 1, lot S. Urot National Bank of Portland, Oregon - Blk 1. north lot f , First National . Bank of Portland, Oregon Blk 1, south lot 7, Ferdinand C. Hmlth I04.il 8k 1. north Mi lot 6, Ferdinand C. Blk 1, aouth H Intl. Lou la H. Boise and Catherine H. Beck Blk 1. lot 5, tierman Savings A Loan Society Blk 2, west 86 2-8 feet lot 8. Henrietta Ellison Falling ' Blk 2, eaat 88 1-8 feet lot 8. Anna B. Sutton Blk 2, north H lot 7, Aaron Meier Kiotate, helra of i, Blk 2, soaub lot 7, Udlct' Relief Society , Blk 2. north 4 lot 6, Udles' Relief Society Blk 2. south H lot 6, Elisabeth M. Smith lk 2. kit S, Ritas heth M. Smith.... Blk 8, weat 46 feet, lot 8, C. E. KmHh t.50 Blk 8. eaat 56 feet lot 8, Ellnsheth at. nmita , Blk 8, north U lot t, Leon Vial Katata, belra Blk .8. eolith H lot t, AM Marker Ksate. helra ef Blk 3, north H lot 6, Aaa Barker Ketate. heir of 128.22 64.10 63.87 48.03 1.88 10J.87 87.28 M6.30 80.21 101.88 100.46 1.88 10.63 86.36 117.78 56.11 Block 20. SVi kit 2. A. V. T. Card well Ketate, belra oi J.. 4286 83.67 08.70 2.77 61.17 .80 iniBO 61.03 61.01 Blork 20. kit 8. Ellen E. Ray Eetste. beirs of 84.60 Block 20, lot 4, Ellen E. Kay Estate, belra of 154.36 Block 22, N 16 2 3 ft. lot 8, Cather ine Stewart r 28.77 Block 22. 8 83 1-8 ft. lot 8, William L. Starr 57.88 Block 22, and. 2-3 lot 4, Elisabeth L. Wood 60.60 Block 22. und. 1-3 lot 4, Rebecca F. Henness as. ao Block 24, kit 1, German Saving A Loan tkiclety SS 13 Block 24, kit 2, Mary Ruth Hawklna. 7.83 Block 24, kit 8, Mary Ruth Hawklna. 7. OR Blork 24. lot 4, Agnes H. Schumann.. 88.13 Block 25, lot 1. Emma H. Ander- aou Bo. 14 Block 35, lot 2, Emma H. Ander son 86. 15 Block 70, hit 1, William T. and Frank A. Hummel jin.su Blork 70. lot 2. Charlea M. Close 28.20 Block 70, lot 3, The German .farina A Loan Society loz.iu Block 70, kit 4. The German Saving A Loan society iim.sb Total , ., 3,t2.65 v TH08. C. PEVLIN. ' Auditor ot tba City of Portland. June 16. 1003. PR0P0BED ASSESSMENT FOR IMPROVE MENT OF MULTH0MAH STREET. Notice la hereby given that the Council nf the City of Portland proposes to assea tha follow ing described property and owner or ownera aa heir, aneciallr and peculiarly benefited In the amonntfl set nnnoalto the namea and de- acrlptlon thereof for the Improvement of Mult- noman street, rrom inc weoi jino i uoiiou.r Park ' Addition te Portland. Oregon, to tbe center line of East Twenty fourth atreet, aa pro vided by Ordinance No. is.om). Any objectlona to tbe apportionment ef coat for aald Improvement must be made lu writing to the Council and Hied with the Auditor within fifteen da rs from the dst of the llrat publics. tlon of tbla notice, and aald objectlona will ha heard and determined by tbe Council before tbe passage of tbe ordinance assessing the cost J Blk 88, lot 8, Samuel Bruce Houston. am improvement. i m , int , natnuei nrure Houston. Blk 8. south H lot 6. Uwls Lnve Blk 8, weet 70 feet of north M lot 5, Alliance Assurance rnauranr Company of London Blk 8. eaat 80 feet of north Vt lot 6, Anna Van Renselaer Blk 8, aouth to lot 6, Anna Van Reneelaer , Blk 4, weat 75 feet of north V, kit 8, U H. Wakefield Blk 4, eeat 25 feet ef north Vi lot 8. Savtnga A Loan Society of San "Frandeco Blk 4. aonth ti kit K Savings A Loan Society of San Francisco Blk 4. north H lot 7, Stephen Meed Kstste. helra of '. . . Blk 4. aouth H lot 7, William M. Udd Blk 4. north 46 feet kit 6, Aaa Harker Estate, heir of Blk 4, aonth 4 feet of weet 78 feet lot 8, Mr. Henry Davenport Blk 4, north 28 feet of west 78 feet kit 6, Mrs, Henry Davenport Blk 4. aouth 4 feet of east 22 feet lot 4. Frank Dayton Blk 4. eaat 22 feet lot 6, Frank Day ton Blk 4, aouth 27 feet ot weat 78 feet lot 6. Arthur Davenport Blk 6. kit 8. J. H. Lambert Blk 6. lot 7. J. H. Umhert Blk 5, lot 8. Oregon Furniture Manu facturing Company Blk 6. kt 6, John A. Devlin Estate, helra of Blk 6. lot 8. Saving A Loan Society of Hup Francisco. Blk 6. lot 7. Tbe Alliance Truat Company, Ltd.. of Dunbar, Scot land Blk 6. kit 8. Ferdinand C. Smith Blk 6. undivided H lot 6, Ferdinand C. Smith Blk 8. undivided li lot 6. Frank J. Watson Blk 7. undivided 12 16 kit 8, Tyler Woodwsrd. Trustee --. Blk 7. undivided 12-16 lot 7. Tyler Woodwsrd, Trustee Blk 7. undivided 1-15 lot 8. Esther J. O. Mills Blk 7. undivided 1-15 lot 7, Eather J. D. Mills Blk 7. undivided 1 15 lot 8, Issac T. Davenport Blk 7, undivided 1-15 lot 7, Isaac T. .Davenport ........... Blk 7. undivided 1-15 lot 8, Elisabeth D. Meyer Blk 7. undivided 1-18 lot 7, Ellssbelh I). Meyer Blk 7, west 16 2 3 feet lot 6, Anna Humbel Blk 7. south 33 1-8 feet lot 6 Perry . Baker Blk 7. weat 624 feet of north lot 6, John M. Emery Blk 7, esst 87 U feet of north tft lot 5, Stephen A. Stsnshery Blk 7. south H lot 5, Stephen A. Stanabery Blk 38, lot 1, W. S. Lldd Estate, helra of Blk 88, lot 2, Byron 7. Holinea 74.87 188.45 86.87 85.87 88.50 88.50 174.68 163.21 83.64 61.62 81.62 64.11 64.11 128.21 108.88 16.23 64.11 64.11 88.78 88.78 81.76 14.45 88 20 83.28 11.74 85.04 88.85 88.85 120.07 1.78 10.01 .17 2 36 11.76 24 15 22.01 187.07 201.78 201. 77 PROPOSED ASSESSMENT TOE IMTR0TE- HEJTT Or WA800 tTREXT. Votle Is hereby flee that tbe Cnnci of fhe City of Portland propnoea to aeeesa the following described property and owner or owner aa Being specially and peculiarly bene fited In the hmounta et oPDoli the name. And descriptions thereof for tbe Improvement of Wssco atreet, from tha east Una of East rirteentB etreei to tne tenter line of Esst Twenty-roortn traet, a provided by ordi none No. 18.078. Any obieVtlon to tha apportionment of coot for aald improvement must be made In writing to the Connell and filed with the Aadltor Wrtnio nrteen oays rrom the date of the flret tmblleattne of tbla notice, and Bald objec tlona win be beard and dctemlrd by tha Coun cil before the passage of the ordinance as- erosing tne eoet or eeia improvement. Holladay' Addition to Eaat Port land Blk 175. lot 4, The Oregon Real Estate Company f Blk 176. lot 8, To Oregon Real Rotate Oomoenv Blk ITS. lot 6, The Oregon Real Batata Company Blk 175, lot 6, The Oregon Real Ketate Blk lWW 4,' The' Oregon' Reaf 'Eatata Company i Blk 178, lot 8, Tb Oregon Real Estate Company Blk 178, lot 6. The Oregon Real Eatata .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 Company . Blk 178, lot 6, Tbe Oregon Real Estate Company Blk 185, lot 4. The Oregon Real Rat ate Company . . . . j. Blk 195, lot 8, The Oregon Reel Estate Company Blk 185, lot 6, The Oregon Real Eatate Company . Blk 108, lot 6, The Oregon Real Estste Company A traet ef land lying between the north line ot waeco atreet and line ion feet north of and parallel therewith and between the east Una of block numbered 185. Holladay' Addition te Eaat Portland, and the west line ot block numbered 6. Holladay Park Ad dition to Portland. Oregon, Tbe Ore- Cm Real Relate Company ollada Park Addition to Portland. Oregon Blk 6. lot 4, Charle P. Overbangh Blk 6. kit ft, Charles F. Overhangh Ik a, kit 2. Th Title Gnarantee A Trnat Orveanoav Blk 6. lot 1. The Title Ouarantee A Trust Company Blk 6. lot A. The Title Guarantee A Treat Company Blk ft, kit 1 The Title Guarantee A Trust Company Blk ft. lot 6. The Title Guarantee A Trust Company Blk 6. lot ft. The Title Guarantee A Treat Company Blk 6. kit 4. Tha Title Guarantee A Truat Comnanv . Blk 6. lot 8. The Title Guarantee A Trust Company Blk 6. lot 2. The Title Guarantee A .10 .10 .10 .16 .05 .16 .16 115 88 181.25 180 60 182 68 180.08 168 65 88 75 82 88 74.08 71 12 row ASSESSMENT TOR SEWER IN TACT - - " . , STREET., .: Ndtlc Is hereby -given that the Council et the City of Portland. Oregon, at a meeting held on tbe 3d day of Juno, 1003 'declared the .assessment by ordlnsm-e No. 13.3ri7 for the construction of s sewej; In l r'setrj..U'eet.fruih. joh reel tMirtn ot tne norm mm or Jbm-nian atreet to a connection with the newer In Vaughn street In tbe manner provided by ordi nance No. 1.I.24N. upon each lot, curt of let and parcel of lend, whfen ' aTV specially and peculiarly benefited, to be aa followa, via; Wilson' Addition to tbe City of Port lend Blk 2. all that portion of lot 5. hlk 2. Wilson's Addition to tb city of port land lying north of a linn 1MI feet north of and parallel with the north line of Thurman street. Peter Miitaon t 22 0 Blk 2. lot 8, Udd ft Tllton fi7.40 Blk 2. kit 8. Lndd A Tllton in Ai North Portland Blk 1, esst l"i feet kit 1. Jacob Marer.. 4.1 rio Blk I, east 100 feet lot 2. Jacob Miiyer. . nr 65 Blk 1. kit 8. Jacob Mayer 85.65 Wilson's Addition to the City of Port land Blk 1, all that portion of lot 4, hlk 1. Wilson s Addition to the city of Port land lying north nf a line loo feet north of and parallel with the nirt,h line of Thurman atreet, Vinry K. Wil son 7.0, Blk 1, lot 7. Msry K. Wllaon in .VI - Blk l. lot i", wiiiiam tc-ioi .j m.zu North Portland - Blk 2. kit 1. William Reidt 25 55 Blk 2. kit 2. H. P. Ella son 20 lift Blk 2. louth 40 feet lot H. Nick Jacob- JtSi ' Ma.', :' 1, ll'l, ' a t.- wIMon Pacific t- 3 TRAINS to the CAST DAIlV Through Pullman standard nd Tosjrtst sleev ing csrs dally to Omsha. Chicago, Spakanet tourist sleeping csrs dally to Ksaaaa Clty through Pulltna ' tourist sleeping ear tperso, slly conducted) weekly to Cblcar R snail City St.! Louis sod Memphis; rerl1n.rg etall car teeats frcel to tbe Eaat dally. , Blk 2. north 10 feet Vt 8. William Keldt A tract ef land lying between a line loo reet aoutn or and parallel wttn ts south line of Vaughn street and the north Mne of t'pahnr atreet and tie. tween the esst line of Mtck 2. N.e-fh Portland and a line 100 feet eaat of and parallel with 1ho eaat line of Factory street. Amanda W. Reed A tract of land lying between a Hne ion feet nortb of and parallel wun tho north line of Thurman street snd the south lino of l'pahnr street weat of Twenty -second street and between the eaat line of block t. North Portland, and the eaat line ef Mock 1. Wilson's Addition to the City. of Portland. .) Veatcr Firreil. a 1611 4.20 1.55 CNIO.t DEPOT. 81'ECIAU For the East via Hunt ing tou. j leaves. Artie. 8:20. . as.' 1:80 p. (a. Daily. i Daily. 8.06 187.07 185.20 88.72 88.73 161.43 146.63 18.45 12.22 13.44 12.23 18 45 12.23 47.55 84 81 aa llnlladay Park Addition to Portland, Oregon Blk 16, north 271 feet, kit 1; Alex- t no. ander slayer r;nate, neira ot. 111.83 Blk 16, south 22 feet kit 1, Gra ham Glass Eatate, heirs of 122.12 Blk 18. north 26 13 feet kit 2, Or- ham Glasa Estste, helra nf 118.16 Blk 16. south 21 2 3 feet bit 2. 138.77 Henry W. Corbett Estste. heirs of . ,140.48 Blk 16, north 20 feet lot 8, Henry 118.13 W. Corbett Eetate. helra of Rlk 16. aonth 30 feet of esst 0414 126.00 feet lot 8. Ellen M. Smith Estste. ha Ira tt . . . a, ..... . 128.84 Blk 16. west 5U feet nf south 30 foot tot ft liiiei Woon et ol J? "I Blk north 10 feet of eaat 84 1, 153.48 i foet Int A F.llen M Mmllh ICal.te 155.17 heirs f Blk 18, south 40 feet of east 137.86 f(et lot 4. John Green Eatate. heirs ef , 0-0R nik 16. west 64 feet k 4. Louis Vl'Ann el .1 121.38 Blk 15. bit 1. Odd Fellows Hall As- enel.H.m . 153.60 pk 15, it j, ( harlee Hegele 8808-58 r THOS. C. DF.VLI. Auditor et the City of Portlsn. Jn 13; -1808. -- ww-maimMxmm m aviiva, - - NoHCa la hereby gtvea that an the 13th day of Jnnd, 1003, 1 took up- and lmponadod at the City Pound, at No. 261 Sixteenth atreet, In the City ef Portland, Oregon, the following de ecrtbed animal: One flea-bitten gray horsey both hind feet shod, snd amies tbe owner oe other person or porsoo ha vine an Interest therein, shall cbUai jxwrs.lon of the some, and pay all eoat nd ebarge of the keeping end sd vertlsjng them, together wttb :b iomd fee on said animal, a provided he Orijlnauee No. 6826. aa amended, of said-City- of- Portland, - I -will on th 30th day- ot June, ' at ta hour ef lit a-- as..' at the City Pound, at ' No. 261 Sixteenth atreet. In aald. city,- Bell tho . above described animal at public auction to th I highest bidder, to pay the coata and efaargea i' for taking up, keeping and advertising such animal. .'. , - v Dated tbl 13th oa of Jure, ..jnn3. f. W, Kit ED, i. . I'ouudyyjter, A Improvement Co 2.80 Block 60. lot 11. The 8unnyslde Und A Improvement Co... 12.16 Block 68. lot 10. The Sunnyslde Und - A Improvement Co m. 15.02 Block 60, lot 8. Tbe Sunnyslde Und ft Improvement Co 86.08 Block 62. lot 1. The Sunnyslde Und ' A Improvement Co... 56.78 Block 62. lot 2. The Sunnyslde Und A Improvement Co 2.50 Block 62, kit 3. The Sunnyslde Und A Improvement Co 1.67 Block- 62. lot 16. Tbe Sunnyslde Und A Improvement Co 4.46 Block 62. lot 17. The Snnnyalde Und A Improvement Co.. 6.68 Block 62. kit 18. The Sunnyslde Udd A Improvement Co. 83,36 Block 63, kit 1. Th Sunnyslde Land - A improvement Co 72.68 Block 63. lot 2. The Sunnyslde Und A Improvement Co. - 6.50 Block 63. lot 3. The Sunnyslde Xand A Improvement Co. 3.68 Block 63. lot 16. The Sunnyslde Und A Improvement Co. 6.15 Block 63. kH 17. The Sunnyslde Uad A Improvement Co. 8.22 Block 63. lot 18. Tbe Snnnyalde Und A Improvement Co 79.34 Block 66. lot 1. The Sannyslde Und A Improvement Co 84.68 Block 66. kit 2. The Sunnyslde Und A Improvement Co. 7.40 Block 66. lot v3. Tbe Sunnyslde Land A Improvement Co. 4.03 Block 6H. lot 16, W. P. Benedict "3 28 Block ,- let 17, W. P. Benedict 4.82 Bloc 66. tot 18, W. P. Benedict 60.04 Block 67, lot 1. The Sunnsyalda Und A Improvement Co 51.56 Block 67. lot 2. The Sunnyslde Und A Improvement- Co-. 1.67 Block 67. lot 3. The Sunnyslde Und A Improvement Co. ..1 1.1 1 Block 67, lot 16, 1 ne Sunnyslde Und A Improvement Co, 2.18 Block 67. lot 17. Tbe Sunavside Uad A Improvement Co. , 8.28 Block 87. kit 18. The Sunnystde Uml A improvement Co. 61.77 Block 70. lot 1. The Sunnyslde Land A Improvement. Co... 66.88 Block TO. kit 2. The Sannyslde Und A Improvement Co. 1. . v 4.00 Block 70. -lot 3. The Stinayelde Und A improvement Co.................. 2.73 Block TO. lot 16. The Sunnyslde Und A Improvement Co.. 12.26 Block 70. bit 17. The Sunnyslde Uad A Imorovement Co... 15.35 Bkick 70. lot 18. Tbe Sunnyslde Und A Improvement Co................... 80.37 Block 1, lot 4, W. U. Bobo, Block 1. lot 8. W. G. Bonn.. Block 1, kit 2, The Title Guarantee A . Trust Co Block 1, kit 1, The-Title Guarantee A Truat Co Block 2, kit 8. W. T. Perry........ Block 2. kit 7. W. T. Perry Block 2, kit 6, Emma K. Mackle Block 2, lot 5, The Title Guarantee A Trnst Co Bkick 2, lot 4, Tha TJtle Guarantee A Trust Co Block 2, lot 8, The Title Ouarantee A Truat Co Block 3, lot 1 R. L. Gllaan Bkick 2, let 1, Peter and France Esche. Block 8, lot 8, W. F. Wegner Block 3. lot 7, W. F. Wegner Block 3. lot fl. The Title Guarantee A Truat Co Block 8, lot 6, Tbe Title Guarantee A Truat Co Block 3, lot 4. Tbe Title Guarantee A Truat Co .1.....' Blork .3, lot 3, Tha Title Guarantee A Truat Co Block 3, lot 2, The Title Guarantee A Truat Co Block 8, lot 1, Tbe Title Guarantee A Trnat Co Bk-ck 16. lot 8, The Title Guarantee A Ttuat Co '. 84.2.1 6 62 70.86 128 21 17.88 10.70 87.82 104.40 40.30 86.23 81.54 4.T8 7.06 .17 114.08 136.48 136.84 135.81 Total ,.,.... v.,. 11,838.44 THOS, C, PEVL!, Auditor ef the City of Portland. . ( JF YQU WdSH RESULTS. ' -ALV tn f lot uh int. OREGON DAILY" JOURNAL Trust Co 141.48 Bkrek 16. lot 6, Tbe Title Guarantee A Truat Co 104.87 Block 16. lot 6, Tbe Title Guarantee A Truat Co Block 16. lot 4, Tbe Title Guarantee A Truat Co Block 16. lot 3, The Title Gusrsntee A Trust Co Block 16. lot 2. Tbe Title Gusrsntee A Trust Co ' Block 16, lot-1, The Title Guarantee A Truat Co Block A. lot 82, The Title Guarantee A Trnat - Co . . ., Block A, lot 31, Tha Title Gflarante A Trust Co Block A, lot 80, The Title Gusrsntee A Trust Co Block A, lot 20, The Title Gusrsntee A Truat Co Block A. lot 28, Tba Title Guarantee A Trut Co Hloek A; lot 2T, The Title Guarantee A Trust Co Block A, kit 26, Alice A. Hubbard Block A. kit 25, The Title Ouarantee A Trust Co Block A. lot 24, The Title Guarantee A Truat Co Block A. lot 23, The Title Guarantee A Truat Co Block A, kit 22, The. Title Guarantee A Trust Co .A . - - Block A. lot 21. The Title Gnarantee A Trust Co Block A, lot 20. Tbe Title Guarantea A Trust Co Block A. kit 18. The Title Gusrsntee A Trust Co i... Blork A. lot 18, The Title Guarantee A Trust Co , . . . BkK-k A, lot 17, The Title Gusrsntee A . Trust ' o Block A, kit 16. The Title Guarantee A Trust Co Blork A, kit 15. Tbe Title Guarantee A Trust Ce Blork A, lot 14, The Title Gusrsntee A Truat Co Blork A, kit 13, The Title Guarantee A Truat Co Blork A. kit 12. The Title Guarantee A Trust Co Block A, kit 11, The Title Guarantee A Trust Co '. ,,. Block A, lot 10, Tbe Title Guarantee' A Trust CO ........-.,.. Block A. lot 8, The Title Guarantee A Trust Co 85.22 Block A. kit 8. The Title Ouarantee A Trnat Co . 101.22 Block A. lot 7. The Title Guarantee, A Trust Ce , 108.11 Block A, lot 6, Th Title Gusrsntee A. Trnet Ce ...... ii; ...... .' 87.44 Block A, let 5, Tbe Title Guarantee A Truat Co 92.82 Block A, lot 4. Tba Title- Guarantee A Trmtt Ce . 00.72 Block A. lot 3. The Title Gnarantee A Trnet Co -r . 88.20 Block A. -lot' 2, The Title Guarantee A Truat Co - f t-.v v. .. .v ........ . 82.61 Block A. lot 1. Toe Title Guarantee A Trust Co ........... 66.45 102.90 88.07 81.88 180.11 146.84 108.20 77.33 72.42 75.82 105.64 72 15 79.81 88.26 84.71 87 02 9261 81.78 75.84 138.61 73.23 71.81 71.81 91.88 120.85 83.87 81.33 78.66 .-'---108,41 Blk 15, north '4 lot 3, Anns Herrall, Hose Wlegano and Kate ntrone Blk 15, south H lot 3. USe W. Hltton Blk 16. undivided let 4. H. Ter- wllllger Blk 15. undivided 14 lot 4. Terwllll- ' ger Und Company Blk 14. ' kit T , Mrf " A:- 'HttWtofl Y. s Blk 14. lot 2. Amelia Mtraaser ... Blk 14, lot 3. Henry W. Monaste.... Blk 14, kit 4. Joseph A. Strowbrldge, Hr Blk 18. north lot 1, Mary J. Woodward Blk 13. aouth H lot 1, Wash F. Allen Estate, heirs of Blk 13, north i lot 2, Arthur Dsv- enoort Kit -i. south Benjamin nortb Vi lot.. 3,. Benjamin Fraser, Blk 18. Hmlth Blk 13, Smith Blk 13, aonth kit 3. John and Mary F. McDonald Blk 1.1. kit 4, C. n. Smith... Blk 12, lot 1, Margaret A Msry E. Connell Blk 12; lot 2. Mary H. Jones.; Bl 12, esat 86 feet of north H lot 3. Annie Herrall, llnsa WIs gatyt. Kate Strode Blk 12, weat 4 feet of north V, lot 3,1 Mary J. Woodward Blk 12. weet 18 feet of South V, lot 3. Mary J. Woodward , Blk 12. east 85 feet of south V, kit 8. Wiley B. Allen Blk 12. west 15 feet lot 4, Mary J. Woodward Blk 12, eaat 85 feet lot 4, A. Grace Ross Blk II. lot 1. Asa Harker Eatate, heirs of Blk 11. k.t 2, Ferdinand C. Smith Blk II. lot 3, John A. Devlin Rata to, heirs of , Blk 11, lot 4, Lewis Lnve Blk 10, lot 1, Dors Schede Blk 10, north lot 2. Lewie Love. . Blk 10. south V, lot 2. Stephen Mead Eatate, Heirs of : Blk 10, lot 3, Lewis Love Blk 10, kit 4, Phi In Holbrook Right of way. City A Suburban Rail way Company , Right of Way. . Portland Railway Company. Oregon Water Power A Railway Compsny snd City tk Su burbs n Railway Company Total .43 1.71 .11 202 04 188.0(1 64,11 64.11 96.06 82. 18 128 22 128.22 177.70 t . 180.08 93.04 85.04 88.85 88.85 82.60 02.60 100.44 190 .46 185.20 81.73 1.81 6.82 86.70 14 24 1S7.S4 201 74 187.07 15.20 190.44 201.78 89.31 89. 32 122. 0 128.22 46.64 1.815.48 Trust Cnmnanr . 118 7 Blk 6. kit 1, the Title Gnarantee A Trnat Company 11T.17 Blk 4, lot 8, Th Title Guarantee A Trnat Company 146 44 Blk 4. lot 7. Tb Title Ouarantee A Trust Company 143. J6 Blk 4, lot 6. The Title Gnarantee A Trust Comnanv 103 tn Blk 4. lot 6. Th Title Guarantee. A Truat ( omnenr 101 54 Blk . lot . The Title Ouarantee A Trust Company 04 78 Blk 4. lot 8. the Title Guarantee A Trust Comnanv T an Blk 4. kit 2. Tha Title Guarantee A Trust Comnanv 115 6T Blk 4. lot 1. fhe Title Ouarantee A Trust Comnanr 1ST so ma 10, Kit n. in Title Ouarantee A Trust Compsny 131.60 nik ill. lot T, Th Title Ousrante A Truat Company 121.08 his in, lot s. The Title Guarantee A Truat Company 82 89 Blk 16. lot 5. Th Title Ouarantee A Trust Company 84.21 Blk 16, , lot 4. The Title Guarantee A Trnat Company 87 98 Blk 15. lot 8. The Title Guarantee A Trust Company 88.04 Blk 16. lot 1 The Title Guarantee A Truat Company , 128.14 Blk 15. Int I, The Title Guarantee A Tmat Cnmpanv 140.86 Holladay'a Addition to Eaat Port land Blk 174. lot 1. The Oregon Rett Estate Company .10 Blk 174. kit 2. The Oregon Real Estate Compsny .10 Blk 174. lot 7. The Oregon Real EstaU Company .10 Blk 174. tot 8. The Oregon Real Estste Compsny .10 Blk 178. kit 1, The Oregon Real Estste I'atTM'liOT 1 i 1 . i . , . , . , , , , . . , 10 Blk 178, lot 2, The Oregon "Reel Estate Compsny ,10 Blk 179. lot 7, The Oregon Real Eatate Company .jo Blk 170, lot 8. Tbe Oregon Real Estate Company .10 Blk 104, lot 1, The Oregon Real Estate Company ,10 Blk 104. lot 2. The Oregon Real Eatate vimpany .10 Blk 180. lot 7, The Oregon Real Estate Company 05 Blk 104. lot 8, The Oregon Real Eststs l eiijf. m.t , ,1V A tract of land lying between the south line pf Wasco street and jt line loo feet aonth of and parallel (herewith and between (he east line nf block numbered 184, Holladay'a Addition tn East Portland, and the west line nf block numbered 1. Holladay Park Ad' dltlon to Portland. Oregon, The Ore gon Rest Estste Compsny .10 lloiisday park Addition to Tort and. Oregon . Blk 1. tot 18. The Title Gnarantee A Trust Company 110.18 Blk I. lot 14. Tbe Title Guarantee A Trust Company 130.20 Blk 1. kit 15. Th Title Ouarantee A Truat Company 184.80 Blk 1. lot 18, Tb Title ' lerautee A Truat Company 108.07 Blk 2. lot 9. Tbe Title Guarantee A Trust Company '208.18 Blk 2. lot 10, The Title. Guarantee A Trnst company 180. 20 Blk 2. lot 11. The Title Gusrsntee A Trnst Compsny 114.08 Blk 2. lot 12. The Title Gusrsntee A Trust Compsny 8482 Blk 2. kit 1.1. the Title Guarantee A Trust lomrsnv 88.68 Blk 2, kit 14. The Title Ouarantee A Truat Company 77.28 Blk 2. kt 15. The Title Guarantee A Trnat Company 113.50 Blk 2. kit 16. The Title Gusrsntee A Trust Company 128.80 Blk a lot 9. The Title Guarantee A Trust company 150 07 Blk 8. lot 10. Tha Title Ouarantee A Trnst Comnanr 167.66 Blk 8. bit 11. :.'Therlitla Guarante A ,r Trnat Company 128.31 Blk '3. lot 12. The Title Guarantee A Trnst Comnanv 122.22 Blk 8. kit 18. Th Title Guarantee A Trust Company 114.74 Blk 8. kit 14. Tbe Title Gnarantee A Trust Company 88.87 Blk 8. kit 15. The Title Guarantee A Trust Company 180.28 Blk 8. lot 10. fhe Title Guarantee A Trnat Company 150.37 Blk 16. lot 9. The Title Ouarantee A Trust Comnanr 162.90 Blk 16. kit Hi. Tha Title Guarantee A Trust Company 149.05 Blk 16. lot 11. The Title Ouarantee A Trnat Company 102.48 Blk 18. lot 12. The Title Ouarantee A Trnat Company , 99.86 Blk 16. kit 13, The Title Guarantee A Trnet Compsny 87.86 Blk 16 lot 14. The Title Guarantee A Trnt Tomnany 84.08 Blk 16. lot 13. The Title Guarantee A "Trust Company 128.48 Blk 16. kit 16. The Title Guarantee A Trust. Company 140.46 Total 86008.38 THOS C. PEVLIV, Auditor of the City of Portland. Jan 2. 1803, Total , 8281 90 A statement of sforeosld asaeasment has been entered in tbe pocket of city I.lons. and now due snd parable at the office of the T1y Treaaurer. In lawful money of the i'nlted States and If not paid within thirty dara from th date of this notice such proceeding will be tsken for the collection ef the ssme ss sre provided by the Chsrter of the City of Portland. The above assessment will hear Intereat ten day after the first publication of this notice. THOS C. PEVI.1V Andltnr nf the Cltr nf Portlsnd. Portland. Oregon. June 10. 1003. PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR SEWER IN KNOTT STREET. Notice la hereliy siren that 111"! f'onnell of the City of Portland proposes to assess the roiinwing ai-scrtned property ana owner or owners ss being speelsUy snd peeullsrly hens flted In the amounts act opposite the names snd deeerlptlnua thereof hr the construction of a sewer In Knott street, from a point 525 feet esst of the east line of I'nlon avenue to a connection with the sewer In I'nlon avenue, as provided by Ordinance No. 13,246. Any objections to the spportlonment of coat for ssld sewer must he msde In welting to the Council and filed with the AndtFor within fifteen day from the date nf th first publica tion of tbls notice, snd ssid objections will be beard and deter-nlned by th Council before the pssssge nf Ibe ordinance assessing the cost for Ssld ewor. Alhlna- Block 7, 8 100 ft. lot 5, Newman Good man t 24.80 Bbck 7. S loo ft. U't 6. Conrad Wolf:. 24.80 Block 7. S 100 ft. lot 7. Henry Helser. 24 80 Block 7. S ion ft. lot 8. John Krleger. 24 80 Block 7. H lmi ft. lot 8. Adam Peine. 24 80 Block f, S loo ft. lot 10. George Repp. '24.80 Block 7, S HW ft. lot 11. Matf E. fc-o- field , 24.80 Block 7. S 100 ft. lot 12. Mary E. Sco- fleld 24.80 Block 7. S 100 ft. lot 13. James C. P. Westengsrd 24.80 Block 7. S 100 ft. lot 14. Jsmea C. P. Westengsrd '. . 22.50 Block 7. N 100 ft. lot 28, Panlel H. Harnett 16.40 Bkick 7, N 100 ft. lot 87, Angellne Berry W. 40 Block 7. N 100 ft. lot 26, H. N. Cock- erllne 16 40 Block 7. N 100 ft. lot 25, John Treber. 10.40 Block 7. N 100 ft. lot 24. Mary E. Clerk . IK 40 Block 7. N 100 ft. hit 2.1. Conrad Sehwarts 16.40 Block 7. N 100 ft kit 22. John Krleger. 16.40 Block 7. N-lO0 ft. .it 2t. Min-n J-i- hanann 10 40 Block 7. K 100 ft. 'it 2i .Irhn M.mrp. 16.40 Block 7, X 109 ft. lot 10, John Moore. 14.10 Total 1407.40 1 IMS t- (IK l,lt. Auditor rf the Cltr of Portland. June 15, 1008. -" - SPOKANE FLYIB. 6 00 p. tn. For fatter Wasting- Pally, ton, Walls Walla, Lew laton. Coeur u'Alene and Great A'orthera polntj. ! ATLANTIC EXPRESS. '8:15 p. a. For th Eaat via. Hunt-Daily, lngto. 7 86 a, DaUy. 10:80. aa. Peilr. OCEAN AND RITXR SCHEDULE. FOR SAN FRANCISCO, 8. S. Geo. W. Elder June 1. 11. 21. 8. 8. ColumMer-v Jon 6. 16. 26. From Alsskk Dock. 8:04. 8- m. 6 00 P. Ss, . CeluirhlA River Divide. FOR ASTORIA sad Wy 8 00 9. m. J6:00p. . points, connecting with Pally. . Sunday atmr. f'ir nwaco ana 11 nonoay iadoui North Beach, str. Hta- Sstnrdsj solo. Aah-st dock. 10:00 p. at WlTUmett River Division." FOR SALEM. CorvaTII n:46 a. a. rd)V and way points, steamer I Monday. 6 00 B. ns. Ruth. Aah-8t. dock. Wednesday, Tneaday, . (Water permitting.) (Friday. Thursday, I 1 Saturday. Tamhlll Elver Rests. FOR DATTON, Oregon City and Vsmhlll River points. str. Elmor, Ash St. dock. t Water permitting.) 7:00 . m. Tneaday, Thursday, Saturday, 8:00 p. nV asoTiuay, Wednesday, Frldajr. Snake River Sent. FOR L1WIST0N. Id., ind way points, from Hlpart. Wash., ateam era Spokane and Uf-Iston. 4:06 . ss. pan: ex. About 6 00 B. SB. U1V I. i-'rytd. TICKET OFFICE-. Third tad Wsh lngto, Th pbOB Mala fit. PORTLAND & ASIATIC STEAMSHIP CO. For Tokohama and Bong Kong, calling 1 Robe. Nesssakl and Shanghai, taklne freikhl via connect ina steamers for Manila. Port Artie and Vladivostok. - IXDRAPURA SAILS ABOUT J0NE 18. For rates and full Information call eg or ad dress offlclsls or (gent of the 0. R. A N. C, . 1, EAST via. SOUTH RAILROAD TIMETABLES. A 311.308.82 THOS. C. DEVLIN, . Auditor of the City of Portland. June 16. 1008. Total .v.. 86.408.18 THOS. C PBVLI.N, j:.:2. Aidltpj; fit ttA Cltjf t Portkni. ... k Awlitor of tha CHr ot ftfUaatV C0MJLITI01T AND ACCEPTANCE 0T nf. FROVEMENT 04 SEVENTH 8TREET. Notice 1 hereby given that William C. Elliott.. City Engineer, has filed In the office of the undersigned notice that Fralney A Reef ing, contractors for tbe Improvement of Seventh street, nnder tbe provisions of Ordinance No. 12.803. hare comoleted ssld afreet, -from tho center line of Flander atreet to .tha center line of Everett atreet. Said accents nee will be considered hr the Executive Rosrd at 4 o'clocK" 011 the 18th day of June, 1003, snd objection to the acceptance of aald atreet or anjr part thereof may be filed In the office of th undersigned at any tttu prior thereto. . THE EXECrrTIVB BOARD, HV XrtUH. t.:. UK V LI IV, COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IM PROVEMENT OE THURMAN STREET. Notice Is hereby given that William C. Elliott. City Engineer, he filed In the office of the undersigned notice that Fralney Keating, cohtrsetors for the Improvement of Thurman street, under the provision of Or dlnsnce No. 13.007, have completed ssld street, from the center line of Twentieth street to the center Hne of Twenty-second street. Said acceptance will be considered by tbe Executive Board at 4 o'clock on the 10th day of June. 193, and objections to the acceptance of ssid street or sny psrt thereof mey be filed In the office of the undersigned st sny time prior thereto. THE EXECrTIVE BOARD. By THOS. 0. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland. June 13, 1903. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE 07 IM PROVEMENT OF THIRD STREET. Notice la hereby given that William C. Elliott, City Engineer, has filed In the office of the undersigned notice that Miller A Rsuer, contractors for fhe Improvement of Third atreet, under tne provisions of cwHlnaooe No. 13,143, hsve completed sgld street, from the center Hue of Burnable treet to the center Hue of Ankeny street, from tbe center "line of Yamhill street to the center line of Madison street, from tb center line of Wsshlngton street to the center line of Alder street. Said acceptance will he considered by fhe Executive Board at.ii'ckvk oa th 19th dsy of June, 1008, amt objections to tb acceptance of aald street or any part thereof may he filed In the office - of the undersigned at any time prior thereto. " THE EXEOrttVS BOARD, By THOS. C. PBVLlN. Auditor at th Citjr of RU6adi-- Jub 13, 1008, - -w-- , v THE HIT Of tVIWyTHINQ ONLY 70 HOURS PORTLAND TO LHIECA60 vU the 0. R. R. & N. Co., Oregon Short Line, Union Tac&c and 1 1 Two trains a day, with through Pnllman drawing-room sleeping cars, free reclining chair cars and dining cara (a la carte). -ANrErsPEC!Al connects at Granger with thd famous Overland Limited, the most luxurious train in the world, to Chicago from the Coast. Ba tvra your ticket read over tha Chicago ft tforth-Western, A. Q. BARKER. 0t ma Atrr. O. A N-W. RV, IM THIND ST., POB)-rutN0, 088. I Olocbc . ihAfN ss 1 llfl WOUtt. Jfll koara. HMp.m a:88 a. m. aiaa a. as. T:80 a. as. 1)4:00 9. m. UNION DEPOT. OVERLAND EXP BBSS) trains, tor 8a leas, Koe- burg, AsbUnd, Sacrt-I mento, ugden. Baa rrsu-i Cisco, Mo la re, Lo Aa-j reiea, GI raao, new OrH lean log tba Esat, At Wtwdbora dslly (eicept Sunday), Bxira Ing train for ML Aa- 1 B111m4ab U TJlle, guringfleld. WeaaM ung ana natron. Arrtvaav it a. ah T0 f, Albany Baaeengeri con aecta at Wooburn with Mt. Angel and SilveH ton local. Oorvalll piaaeaget.... Shsrtdaa paaamger.,.. T ia:io a. at 118 JB a. 4k, erjallr. Ilriotlv anwont BoeA.o. rrtlaBVOrta olmrVsn BerrU aasj TaaaAlIl vtvutea. Depot fast f Jaf erass) tbaat . Leave Portland dally for Osworo 7:80 a. as. I 1:50, 1.00. 8:30, 6 JW, 8:88, 8:80. 10:10 BJL Pally (eicept Sunday) 6 80, 8:80, l:H, 10 M a. m. 4:00, 11:80 9. m. Sunday only, 8:00 a. m. Returalng from Oswego, arrive Portland slaffy 8:80 a. m. 1:M. 8:06, 4:85, 8:10, S, t:0j, 11:10 n. m. Dally (except Sunday) 8 35, ijii 1:80, 10:, 11:45 a. m. Except Moaday, Bjl a. m. Snndsy ouly, 10:00 m. m, . . -. Leave from aame depot for Dlla and Jntor medlste pelut dally (except Sunday) 4 JW B, ga. Arrive Portland 10:10 a. m. The Independence-Monmouth Mete UM oner area daily to Monmoath and Air II. aoa - j aeetlng with Southera Padfie Oompany'a tracka 1 at Pallas and Independence. , Plrat-claaa rebate ticket ea aakt frwo) lov4 I land to Surra men re and Baa Prancisco. Kit 1 eoto (IT Ml. north 85: second -class far 1)8. without rebate of hrtb aoeonA-claa WrtA 'Ticket" to Easter polnta and Bnrpa, M 1 Jspsjv-Cblns, Honolulu and Aoatratla. iter Ticket Offer enrner TlitraV and Wtrtfal ' 8m street. Phone. Mail 718. & W. STINOBR, W. COM AN, City Ticket Agent Oe. fa. Afti lvTIME CARD h.r- TO TRAINS PORTLAND: BALTIMORE f OHIO R. R. AIX TRAINS VIA WASHINGTON pWgot Sound Limited. I Depart, for Tacoms. Beattle, Olympla. South Bendi g:30 a. snd Gray a uaroor puints. North Coast ..Limited, fur Tacoma. Seattle. Butte. St. Paul. Mln-i 8:00 p. m. neapoiia, 1 mcago, upw, York. Boston and point! Esat snd Southeast. Twin-CHy Brpress. for' Tacoma, Seattle, 9po- lane. Helena. 8t. Paul.! I Minnespolla Chicago. Hl:45 p. New York, Boston audi all points East and; Southeast. Piigot Sound Kna Clt'-St. Lome Spectsl. for Tacoma. Seattle. Spokane, Butte. Bllllngo. 8:30 a. ro. Uenrer. urunns, Kansas City. St. Louts an. I all points East snd South east.' Arrive. 8:30 p. Ot, 7:00 a. 9- a 100 a. v All trslns bra ach. daily except on South Bof A. D. CHARLTON, isiuisni wenerai rsaoenger AS'1! !25 Morriaon St.. corner Third. Portlsnd. vt . Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. Lea ve . 8:00 , BV 7:00 . at. UNION 1 DEPOT Arrlfa. For Mavrara. Rainier.! littskanle. " Weatrxirt.' Clifton, Astoria, Win . . : " reiiton . Havel, Masv . mutid Fort Steva,i Bearhart park, 6eiii.l Asturla sod 8eotere . . Etprtss, Daily, . I " Aal Eiprem, Psl'.y. O. P. E, L. LEWt; ( f iitfUS Al'.ua . "5 ' vtv-.