The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 18, 1903, Page 3, Image 3

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With: Catarrh, of the Stomach-
, ' ' . Pe-ru-na Cured. '
Suggestions that WlriThc Journal Prizes and Many Commencement Exer-
Russia Utters Official Commit
thatAre Sensible and Practical, But Not
cises of Hill Military Col-
V nicatjon le Deum Surjg'
: In Geneva,
Exactly ISewOrlglnallty First.
lege . btudents.
. 'rf' ' ctlotxxxbs nr tbob vobtxwxbt. '
ssy " ' T Tonrth aa Morrison Btreets.
. "Mny men are of many minds" ii
an old saying that has often been proven
trua. r but that man women may also
have.omewhat varying Ideas la proven
by the long Hat of suggestions which
nave i been received by The Journal In
answer to a request published June
At that time members of the "fair sex
were asked to write to this paper glv.
Ing their Ideas on Hems and depart
ments that would Improve any publics
tlon In the eyea of women. . Ona dollar
ach. was promised for each Idea found
. From the briefest possible note to the
detailed and lengthy epistle,' written- on
u varieties or - paper, from scented
linen: to the kind that' comes from the
grocery store, wrapped about the latest
purchase, and In both pen and pencil
these replies nave been received. Not
only do their authors reside .In Portland,
but women In other sections of Oregon
have given their attention to newspaper
Improvement, and prlsa-wlnnlng com'
munlcatlons from many outalda districts
have been received. ; '
Every suggestion reoelved la valuable
-.- to .The - Journal, as H helpe to ahow
what Is desired- by the readers of this
paper. It la Impossible, of course, for
- The, " Journal to adopt each idea and
' place It in -active operation, but-all - the
many , letter writers ara assured that
very communication has been carefully
perused and Its contents noted. Borne,
of course, had to' be entirely rejected;
others will be modified1 and carried out
' from time to time, while still others will
be heeded almost without alteration from
- the original, idea expressed.
i The offer of The Journal of. 11 each
, for good advice from "women ' hat not
-been withdrawn. "It still remains open
and this paper will be pleased to receive
d pay atnet attention to every letter
'hat He women friends cars to write.
One word of caution la made necessary,
however, to facilitate the handllnar of
auch letters as it Is deemed advisable
; to publish the paper muat be written
'on only one side. This rule may not
" apply to strict social' letter writing,' but
this matter la purely one of business and
observance of that rule will greatly as
sist In the perusal and handling of let-
: ters In this office.
i A few of .the most valuable replies
which have been received to The Jour
nal's request for suggestions are printed
PORTLAND, June 8. To The Journal:
' In answer to your request for women's
ideas, my Idea Is: Recipes, on oooklng.
t SOS Everett BU
. , an
oh, they are so nice. I hope I will win
the dollar; lt a cheap for this advice.
NOTE The writer wilt please send
her address to 'The Business Manager! cams
Journal" and receive 11.00. Editor.
The ": annual . commencement' and
graduation exercises of the Hill Mill
tary Academy were held In the armory
of that Institution last .evening. The
place was packed with the crowd that
to witness the . exercises, which
PORTLAND, June To. The Jour
nalYou apeak in your paper regarding
woman readera of advertisements, bar.
gains, to.As I am a woman and pretty
well understand them, will you allow me
to give you a reason for thlsT 'Tlanot
because of woman's great curiosity to
know everything going-on in the busi
ness world br reading - the advertise
ments, but sha has to be an adept in
purchaalng a large number of articles
with .a small amount) of money, when
consisted of company, drills, the. pre
sentation of diplomas, callstenlo exer
cises by the younger cadeta and a com
petitlve drill by those best versed In
the manual of arms. ' ' '
The program commenced with the an
nual address, delivered by Judge Cle-
lana and Immediately following Dr. Hill
presented diplomas to the following
pupils: Robert Dunbar Brooke, Spokane,
Wash.; Frederick William Durbln, Ante
lope, Or.; Leo Hahn, Portland. Or.
Augustus MacDonald, Spokane, Wash.
Jesse Roy Martin, Portland, Or.; Har
land Hamelton Olmsted. Baker City, Or,
Russell . Palmer,!. Everett;
sha has , to buy a pair of shoes for
Johnnie. , a new hat for Mollie. a oair I and John
of gloves for Dolly and numerous other! Wash.
articles, aha looks at the small, sum r . The Ernest Cummins memorial medal
which hubby has reluctantly given her I for the member of the primary depart-
and wonders how sha can make It reach I ment standing highest during the school
out 'to cover all these necessities. Right
hero let me remark, that the "apodal"
sales, well advertised In a good dally paj
per are a great blessing to the. woman
who haa to get much value for her email
sum of money. . Tes, I think it -a good
paper that . will . reach . the .. wanta of
thoea who, have llttla money and-large
My idea of an interesting newspaper
la a paper that will be a benefit to Man
kind .in general. A 1 paper to do, this,
year in deportment, atudlea and attend
ance waa awarded to Clifford Jerreld
Owen. The competitive drill waa an In
teresting feature of the evening." Cap
tain F. 8.. Baker and Lieutenant J. A.
Wilson, Companies F and B, Third
Regiment Ol N -acted as Judges.- R.
C. Brodie of this city and H. M. Ostroskl
ot Vancouver, B. C, were awarded the
gold and silver medal respectively. This
evening the annual hop will be held at
the academy.
Last evening's program In detail was
beside a fair, amount of local news
should take up matters of general pub-1 as follows
lie interest. Having only been in fort f Address ; Judge J. B. Cleland
land lor a snort time ana coming xrom I Presentation of Diplomas
a beautiful and well kept city of Call- Dress Parade.:.., Companies A and C
fnrni , I mirht ur that th flrat im. Cadet Major H. H. Olmsted commanding,
nrasalon I had of Portland waa not of 1 1-ailSinenics . . . . . Company I,
the best. I ' looked upon the terrible
) From Vast Portland,
Journal: Seeing your request that la
dies give their idea as to the best way
'to make a newspaper popular I thought
y . I wouldi give- you -my- Idea,--'
.. -' In the first place, have small headlines
'as that leaves more space to go Into
details of matters of interest.
Second Have a column or two Of
small .advertisements, concerning 'Help
Wanted," as the laboring class gener
ally buy the paper in which-they are
l likely .4 : fifl.em'pioymcnt .,' ,;'-'? '
J. la. its columns. Jwa apiece or.Jtw& pt
I cnoiee.oetry or- a nice song-, -vpiwy
, rhymes .make a yaper pppulat and Bought
I after. ,v-- .- i - .. :r;
J (. Have some godarecIrsjr things
"7 worth knowlnffK . ...
' Hava a column devoted to science and
' print amusing and remarkable things.
, Print sona little pieces that give -people
, a happy, .restful reeling ween tney.reaa
. ,J,hem.- . s.........j....,..,.
Print some things that will make peo-
nle laugh and feel happy.
? Above, all, announce tnat yvn tin going
to print all the letters the ladies write
telling you the best way to run paper.
.You will get lots or subscribers then.
as they will all want to aee how their
letters look In print.
1 , Be partial ; to ball players, for they
try their best to win.
Give coupons away for. a grand draw
ing for your subscribers, giving a purse
with a $20 gold piece to the lucky winner
at Christmas time. ,
Run a matrimonial bureau in one of
the columns. '
Keep out of politics and attend strictly
toTrannlng t,he newspaper.
Advertise all the bargain sales, have
a column devoted to lace, give lessons
in shorthand, give lessons In embroid
ery arid in lacemaklng.
" By following this, advice I think you
will have to open a branch office with
A ; extra help,, as you .win nave so many
I subscribers you can not fill all the or
I ders with your present capacity."
L And now. my dear Journal, I am sure
I '. u will think I am nice in taking all
I Wis time to write, and give you my!
adylce. Now don't you fly into a pet.
condition of your streets and wondered
within ma why did not some of the
leading papers of Portland agitata the
matter of improving the streetaT Now,
think it would be of great interest
to every person in your otherwise beau
tiful city. If The Journal would devote
a few columna to the matter of raising
meana to Improve your city by making
smooth, clean .'strata, and - certainly t It
would be of much interest to the fairer
sex than most anything else you might
do. Respectfully,
' . -198 Salmon Street
NOTE. This idea ia an excellent one,
but the writer probably (being a new
oomertdoea not know that The Journal
haa been a steadfast advocate of better
streets and a better government for
Cadet Lieutenant Elliot Max
Mitchell commandlnar.
Company Drill Company A
Cadet Captain J. K. Martin
Company Drill ;. Company C
Cadet Captain Malcolm K. McEwan
eommandinar. -
Individual Competitive- Drill
judged ny capt. r. a. BaKer.
For Gold and Silver Medals.
polishing the edges of the soles In the
usual way. but ao aa not -to cover the
patent polish with blacking. A little
milk may also be used with very good
effect for patent leather boots.
on Incoming Vessel Leads
to a Discovery.
Favors Frlnting Xeolpea.
PORTLAND. Juno . To The Jour
nal. Reading in The Journal that you Tuq- little BrOWn MPfl FfJIinft
wish women to send In their ideas ' "u -lul p J VV 1 1 VICH rUUIIU
toward making The journal or more in
terest to women I willsay that which
I think would be appreciated by many
women reading this paper.
I think it would be. an Improvement If
a menu for breakfast, luncheon and din-nerwerer-
added f orach"t day "IWthe
week, also the recipes for the same. And
how to getajp fancy dishes on abort no
tice, including salads, and desserts. la be
Served cold. ( . "
We think The Journal is Just about
right as it is and only wish it came out
on Sunday morning also, as one always
enjoys reading a good paper that ex
presses such good, sound ideas as The
I hope that my Idea sent in will bt
carefully considered, aa I know It would I
not only be appreciated by myself, but
by mansrothor women reading! this pa
per. I might also add that a short
story,' printed whenever there Is space,
wouiv. be enjoyed by many." """ ""
650 Commercial Street
NOTE. A, prize winner on account
of the "Sunday mornfng suggestion."
PORTLAND, June 1. Editor The
Journal. In regard to your offer to
women for Ideas, I will aa'y that a few
hints on "Household Economy" about
once a week, would be very welcome ti
many of your subscribers; I know they
would to me. We are not alt as pros
perous as .The Journal seems to be,
though perhaps we all would like to bo.
will send you a few, perhaps you
might use them.
GOOD BLUING One ounce of Prus
sian blue, one-half ounce of oxalic acid,
put In a quart Jar and fill with boiling
soft . water. Let stand two or three
davs before using. ...
large holes In stockings or merino un
derwear, tack a piece of net over the
rent and darn through It.
.(Journal Special Service, )
SEATTLE. Wash., June 1 8. Mall ad
vices from-Yokohama by the Iyo Maru
.tellOf theatartllngdlscovery of" a
mammoth scheme to illegally ship Jap
anese Immigrants Into the United States
through Seattle.
- The discovery Of two' country lads
stowed away on the Nippon Yusen
Kalaha'a Kaga Maru at Yokohama n.i
she was ready to. sail to Seattle, May S,
led, to the arrest of a gang of sharpers.
- Led by one OtoJIro Yasukawa, the
MM)g toad been engaged in alluring groan
young men from the country districts
and charging them 180 yen or more for
storing them away aboard, the Japanese
They had opened branch offices at
Hiroshima and Kobe- to carry on the
nefarious business. The outlaws had
.gone . to the extreme of bribing the
crews of the steamer to put the stow-
i ,
8lx men besides the two caught on
the Kaga were found ready to be trana-
ported at Yokohama. Several thousand
yen secured by the gang in the trade
were recovered by the police.
ST PETERSBURG, June 11 An of
flclal communication waa published this
morning welcoming the - accession 1 of
Peter to the Servian throne and express
ing the conviction that he will severely
punish all regicides whose acts, if not
condemned, will be a menace to future
tranquility In Servia. .
GENEVA. June IS. A Te Deum eels
bratlon of Eeter's accession to the Ber
vlan throne waa sung in the Orthodox
Church today. The Prince and leading
members of the Servian colony and the
consul. and vice-consul of the Russian
Embassy were present The Prince was
loudly cheered on his arrival and depar
ture. The mission sent by the Servian
government to notify Peter of Ms elec
tion as King arrived today.
-. : BISTHS.
June IT. to Mr. and lira, flenrra rvwur ana
Jam IT. to Mr. and Mrs. Euna Cnhn. 99H
Grant street, a daasbler. -
inn IT. to Mr. and Mrs. W. W, Boblntoa.
I.lflna UIh.H biiMill., ' a . -. - -
Jan IT. C. lMrktt fiflS Third Mtrtt
Jan IT. Jam Millar. 9AO Rain himi.
June IT. W. M, . Mueller, MO Hendrlrks ave
nue: monnieria. imta jun it and rhiiri
mi sics.i
June IT. Grace M. Madden, aaml 23. IM
Montana avenue: Dnenmonla. Tbe remain war
Dippeo in JPITi-fftoa tltr. Mn.
jum 17. ura It. pmebatsi. student, axed 11
jrmi-m, mv a.aaK oaiinon; rnriimaiim. juter-
ment was. mads la Lune Fir Ccnielory.
Tha Zdward aIolma.ii TTBdartaAln. n
funeral directors and smbabners. 880
YamhUL rbone SOT.
J. T. 1 inlay and Bon. fnnaraJ dli&tAM
aad embalmers, have removed to their
new establishment, corner Third and
Madison strseta. Both phones Wo. .
City oar
near Uwoodi modern, aolentlflo,
line, near BU
eomplata. -Ohanrsa Adolta. B3B: oh 11.
Area, S3S. Tisltors te p. an. VertUnd
Cremation Assooiatioa. Fortland, Or.
Binarla mvea. SIO. Vamllv lot Cmm
$76 O 11.000. Tha onlv otmatarr In
Portland which perpetually wntnlns
and earea for lota. Tor fall Information
apply to W. x. Maekansia, Woroestsr
Block, city. W. SC. Xadd, prasidant
Clark Bros, for flowers. 089 ifdrrlaon
E. KUhhurn to 0. O. and M. Jeffer
son, lots 6 snd , block 00. Ilolladay's
Add 2J500
A. Laiideuberaer to I. Jnnifnwn. .
north part lot 6. hlork 30, Couch Add.. 1
J. Barber to K. (1. Hnrhr frartlnn lot
0, block 3111, dtr 1
E. Hill Win and wife to A. J. Htof-
rnnann. II acri-a awtlon IT. tuwnablp
1 sontb. rince 4 eaat
and II- Kaua. to -B. J. Uoekr. ft-is
ere. section 10. towimhlu 1 sontb.
rana A faat. Jaa. -Iknwll'a I. I. i
John Pranaher to R. J. Rtocker, 5 acres
aectlua i:i, toWMhlp south;- range J
Rob? Reiwbaw snd nlf to- Hobj Ken-
aiiaw. jr.. lot 43, block, XI, Mount
Tabor Villa
Henrr W. fries and Wife to Jo. B.
Falkenborg. lots 5, 6. 7 snd 8, block
Congressman Botkln.of Wlnneld.Kao '
In a recent letter to Dr. Hartman.
Congressman Botkln says i
"My Dear Doctor It gives ma pleas-
ore to certify to the excellent curative
qualities of your medicines Pernna and
Man alio. I have been afflicted more or
less for a quarter of a century with ca
tarrh of tbe stomach- and constipation.
A residence In Washington has Increased
these troubles. A fotf "bottles of Voof
medicine have given me almost com
plete relief, and I am suro that a contin
uation of them will effect a permanent
enre." J. D. Botkln.
Mr. L. F. Verdery, a prominent real
estate agent, of Augusta, Ga.. wrltest
" bare been a great autterer from
catarrhal dyspepsia. I tried manyphy
alclana, visited a good many springs.
but I believe Peruna baa done more
tor mo than all ot the above put
together. I teel like a new person.
L. F. Verdery.
The -most common form of summer
catarrh is catarrh of the stomach. This
Is generally known aa dyspepsia. Peruna
cures these cases like magic.
If you do not derive prompt and satta
factory results from the use of Peruna,
write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a
full statement of your case, and he will
be pleased to give you his valuable ad
vise gratis.
Address Dr. Eartman, President of
The uartmanS anltarlum, Columbus, 0t
For all the popular out-door recreations, will be found in carefully selected
lines in solid colors and stripes, heavy, medium or Jersey weights.
$1.50 to $4.50
nor don't you grieve orlK)iIer,irori have rBOOTS They require to be Wiped
just wrote this to get that great big I with a soft sponge and afterward with
dollar. -I got The Journal's dishes, and.j a soft cloth and sweet oil, blacking and
- ijtg to announce, that the
daimage by fire in our establish
ment Wednesday night was
confined principally to one .de
partment and that there was no
damage whatever to any teas,
coffees, spices, or baking powder,
as the. fire was slight and only
in our factory building.-
We iare An shape to fill: all
orders just as usual.,
1 Corner Front andnken Streets.
Women of Xethofist Eplaeojpal Chare h
in Oregon Will Convene In
Portland Tomorrow.
Tomorrow the annual conference of
the Women's- Home Missionary. Society
of the Methodist Episcopal Church for
Oregon wll convene in Centenary
Church, corner of East Ninth and Pine
Btreets. Mrs. Dell Stuart, conference
president, mill preside. Miss Bonnie field deaennpss I
with headquarters In San Francisco, will
be present, as will , also Miss Minna
Frlckey, organizer for the Northwest.
The program follows:
Forenoon, 10 o'clock, devotional serv
ices "aod's Tenth," conducted by Mrs.
S. EL Memlnger; president's address,
Mrs. Dell Stuart; reports recording
secretary, Mrs. Clayton Wenta; treas
urer, Mrs. J. E. Bennett: corresponding
secretary. Mrs. Osmon Royal; district
secretary, Mrs. j. m. a. juaue;,auppi
secretary. Mrs. J. D. "Lee, Salem; mite
box secretary and young people's work,
Miss Frlckey; music; some departments
of our work industrial homes, Mrs. M.
K. Webb, Silverton; frontier work, Mrs,
V. F. Royal, Salem; medical work, Mrs.
K. . Gottfrlets, Portland: children
homes. Master Osmon Royal; tmml
grants. Miss Floy Cummlngs, Shaw,
Or.; Island work, Mrs. William H. Be
harrell : Orientals, Miss Beldtng, Grants
Pass; "Ten Things Every Member of
the woman's Home Missionary Society
8hould Know, and Why," Mrs. J. M.
Txng. Salem; noon-tide prayer; "Ten
Women Who Did Foundation Work."
Mm R. W. Booth, Grants Pass; roll
call for auxiliaries; announcement ,of
1:30 p. m. 'Ten Bible Women Who
Gave," Mrs. W. S. Grimm, and Oregon
City ladles; 'Ten Songs of Home Mis
sions," Miss - Minna Frlckey, vSalam;
music; address. Miss Bonnie Ruth War-
ren, national Held deaconess, San Fran
Cisco; report of committees; election of
4A. LlnntoD
A. B. leader snd huabsnd to ('. J.
tlepss1'. southeast of sonthweat
toutb V, nurthraat Vt t soiiihwest V,.
M-ruon iowmmj i uorto, range 4
eaat I...
Board School Truatees to Jim. Onodman.
lareel land ner Twentieth and Everett
streets ,
C. Mlnalnger and wife to Htar Laundry
f'pmpsny. north OH 1-S f. rlTer lot
15. ail rlvir lot 16 nd south 49 feet
rlrer lot 17, Watmn's Add 40,000
L. K. Fields and wife to Western Trout
A Investment Company, lota T and 8.
blork 2, Mount Tabor t'entral Tract....
B. M. Acklcjr and wife to Jacob I'nccr,
north 20 feet lot 8. block 1U, Cajuth
era' Add. to I'aruthcrs' Add
Title Guarantee Trust Oompany to
Ixiulao Hlnncr, lot 2, block -t, North
Irvlnaton ,
Dare Haltcrty ct ul. to C E. IU11 et
al., eaat 15 fpet lota T and 8, block
102. Hast Portland 1,230
It. W. Wallace to M. Wiocb, lots 14
to 18, block 24, Couch's ,Add 1
L. C. McCormick to L. and J. Mc-
Dougal. lot . block 2tW, Aiken's Add. 2,100
Art and Science
Formerly of nUBlMy
Cures Catarrh asd Aithnu ilmnlV
Itlsi mtarHt-wl tt vnlna naVaaa, , 9
aa." w-a-tw, w aw V U a S a T3 ,
Singing taught from - foundation
trtlstlo finish. . . k
Testimonials open to Inspection at his
xuaiv. .,
We trlve a written guarantee with
every engine for one year, and we
te right here to back It up. Patron
lie home Industry by buying from
ma manuiaciurcrs.
A. J. GILL & CO.
330 and 3jj Oak St, Portland, Or
See Faciflo Coast Abstract. Guaranty A
irust uo.. 2U4-6-s- mailing Building.
Get your title Insurance and abstracts
to real estate from the le Guarantee
4s Trust CO., Chamber of commerce.'
Bitlldlns permits hare been Issued at the
City Haifa follows:
4onn HieakTia-, (iwruius at Eaat rirteentn
atrecL anil Kniiigr aauu.
alterations, two-story brick
dwelling-, 8t
Labowlt Bros.
at Yamhill and Third; S60O.
Walter MuiKav. two-storr
Clnlr snd Park sTcntie,
I'autaln Sharer, twotory dwelllna at
root or rnerry street; (mk.
M. Foater, cottaan, union and Rodney; $1,200.
M. Ollmore, repairs, Alder and Fourth; f400.
Jacob Jansene(Iir. two-story dwclllnc. Ash
snd Ankeny; $l.M0.
Oregon rioneer passed Away 'at Los
Angeles After 7ong Zllness
Wall Known.
At .Los Angeles, CU where he had
gone in search of better health. David
Dalglelsh, a pioneer of the Northwest,
and a wool manufacturer of prominence.
died yesterday. Deceased waa s years
or ace and nad for some time been 'Suf
fering from a complication . of diseases.
His wife and one daughter, Mrs. J? Balkle,
survtvs him. -The funeral will M held
In ; this city,' the body having already
been shipped from Loa -Angeles.- r
David Dalglelsh came to Salem, Or.,
tn 1S70. He -waa a native of.. Scotland
and an expert wool weaver. ; He became
Interested la fha Salem woolen mills and
later -went to Brownsville. In 1875 he
came to Portland and engaged In the
warehvuse puslnessY la.ter reurlnf. .
A Helping Hand Extended to Many
, Old People in Portland.
Be considerate of the aged.
Lend them a helping hand.
Make life easy for them.
The infirmities of age are many,'
Most old people have a bad back.
Tfio kidneys are weak.
Are worn out with years of work.
Backache makes days of misery..
i nnlt
Cures Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits
rhe only authorized Keeley Institute la Oregon. Elegant quarter anal even '
;onvenlence. Correspondence strictly confidential. Phone Mala ma. '
rXXJ. ICBTgOatAir, Tim.
o. w. nowua, mm
ateu7?Af? toaVr. Seventh and Washington
The largest and most complete un
aertaKifl2 eatablishmen t on tbe Coas t,
F. S. Dunning, Inc., 414 East Alder,
corner East Sixth. Both phones.
Calls promptly answered to any part
of the city.
Urinary troubles, nights of unrest.
They jr doing so for old and young.
There's a ray of sunshine for the aged.
make life
Kidney Fills will
Portland people are learning this.
Many are testifying to it.
Read the following local Indorsement:
Mrs. J. D. Kennedy. 70 years old. who
resides at 780 Corbett street, says: "I
have been 'afflicted with kidney trouble
for thirty years, and for the past twenty
years I have never been entirely 'free
from' It In some form or other. I Buf
fered terribly from backache and could
hardly stoop over and get up again.
xrouoie zrom me xianey secretions ex
is ted. At times I was srreatlv bloated:
my feet swelled to twice their natural
else, and I was seldom without a plaster
on my Dacif 10 ease me pain. 1 doctored
a great deal -and used more medicines
tnan any one person couia carry. 1 had
read so much about Doan's Kidney Pills
tnat 1. conciuaea to give tnem a trlaL
ana got. a dox at.tne uaue-Davis Dru
Company's store, corner of Tamhlll an.
Third streets. I waa -a good sublect.
with a case of such long standing, and I
thought if they helped me I could safely
recommend tnem to otners. Tl used tnem
raitnruiir ana me results were aatisrac
torv in everyway."
for saie ot an neaiers. fries- 00
cents. Mailed by rostar-MIlburn Co..
Buffalo. N. Y.: sole agents of the United
States. --. i,....,..v--:.'...w,-.--,v..
Remember the name Doan s and
take no substitute. , . I
If so, learn about the new tourist serv
ice Inaugurated by the O. R. ft N.. vis
Denver and Kansas City. City ticket Of
Aoa, Inlti an .Wasblflrt0. .
Simpson & Co.
House snd Sign
Paper Hanging, Kalsomining
48H raUTT ST. rhene, Ola MS.
rhone Whlta S74. a. n.rian. vJ
Manufacturer of
the Tnlversal Oemalaatloa Teaea
1 ..... - ' j ' ' ',-. .. 1
SiKTS. -
Roof CresUng, Window Guards,
XYTTstx nr irrai.' --'
U M. Kerrlsoa Bt, Fortlaad. Or.
eischner, Mayer
A ; N E W S P A P E R r O IV A L t T J I E P E O P L