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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 18, 1903)
: .TIIE OREGON DAILT JOUKNAl PORTLAND THURSDAY ' EV331SIING, . JUKE 18, 1903. 10 ; f- PE1B0NAL, . I. JOCK .PRESCRIPTIONS r mora accurately end reaaeaably. Blled it Heeeell Pharmacy. 'r yr Morrison it.. .Oft. Flrat. and Second at. imU WTURIKa and novels for simmer read Ing, 10 mu. Join'' Book Btora. tl Alder CAT! KB ATE. 121 Slttb it. A n lunch , ereed it all boon. phtmbehb. DOKNEKl'.ERO A K ADEMACHEB, ! plumbera, nmoTHl to 84 -Fourth t. Both pbenea. PIANO LESSONS. W. OlFFORD NASH, 10 101b t: JerBU npoa ' ppllratloa. 1 BagioBera taken,'-, .. '... REAL ESTATE FOK BALI. - CITT NOTICE. CITY NOTICE. Jm. CITY ' NOTICES. - CITT NOTICES. PROPOSED ASSESSMENT TO IMPROVE-1 PROPOSED ASSESSMENT 10 IMPROVE- I PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOE i SEWER IN I rEOrOSED ASSESSMENT EOS IMPROVX. -taWS Or CLAOXAXA l'tl.X.- ' , kvi i. k.. .1... .h. iv.i i notic n iwr given w mi wmrai th? ii?r fbIT.J IZ ttl Mh Portlind nrepoae to th. i .. "", Portland propnesl to assess till I foilowlne-- ileaorlbad nrunartv u owner or following described property .no or JS"-' t22r2JSKK& ilUrTr be. amount set opposite tko name and mnA i,.,!. .h., f, th. tranrovamaiit from thi out lino of HeT- 11 Btet' In (In lot) ACRES of land. 12 mllea from Foreat Oeova. mi . Dairy Creek: eoltlbl fur stock ranch 1 few scree cleared and fenced, email ; house, living water;, will bi eold cheap. Whallay, Beueoa Bid.. Fifth anc Mornaon. REAL ESTATE. FoiTTalk r a aM . ImproTtd farma' for aalo la all porta Oregon and Washington; paymenta mad ; anlt mrrkmn. for full oartlculan ai vsrteoa pronertlee apply to . ktacllaator, III Worcester tiiag. MTxWKLL KNAPP , REAL ERTATB. ' Rnnm t." Chambw of Onmmwo bldg. EOFE. I'ORTLAND CUKDAOB CO.. cor. rourtoootk . and Northrop ata.. Portland. Or. bi-MAYINv. BI'RAVINO In all branohaa; baroa. ate. 901 MUwauklo at bonaoa. itwna. Blua T0EA0E AMD TEAMBFEE. C O. PICK. offlM SB Klmt at., botwooo Stark Md Oak ata.; nhono AM: Dlanno and"iirol' : tnr BvTd and park ad fur ahlppinti coav . Mdiooa araproof brick wankooaa. treat ana ' (lay ata. - BATES. UT EOl'E 8ArE8 of . & DaTtar-yoor ro- . palra and kwknnta fc!r dmi. m Tniro ar SPECIAL 9EUTEBT. POST SPECIAL. DKMVEUT. No. BOOH Wa.h- '. Inrrna at. PhonM. or.. Main wna. vol. " LOT MACHIXEB. TRANSCONTINENTAL MACBINH CO. Slot j .. machine. 8. B. Park and Oak Both Pbona,, Mala 18S. WHOLESALE HAEDWAEE. I. B. HA8ELTINB CO., Iron, atroL coal and Machmltn a aunpni. bm iwww pi WHEEE TO SIEE. STEOUSES RESTAl'RANT; Brat-claaa maala, tMHit rrlr. yj wnlntTon I. WHOLESALE WALL PAPER. rr MOROAN WALL PAPER CO.. 1M-1M .' at.. bt. Yamhill and Taylor. Portland. Or WALL PAPER AED PAIETIEO. STRIKE doaa opt dUr oa, aa are 'am abla to ; . nil an araera wiinont aeiar. r ini-rmw :. work. A. A. Cbnrcb Co., No. 8T Taylor at. Phona Clay ITI. WHOLESALE ' OEOCEES. WADHAMS CO., wbolaaalo rrorora, aiaao 1 facturara and rommlsakoa marcbanta, Bd and Front at,J - , ALLEN aV LEWIS, wbolaaala frooera. land. Or. Port- . UA80N, EHRMAN CO.. wbolraala ' (racar. - N. W. ear8oB4 aad Plna ata. LA NO A .CO.. Plrat and Ankrnr ata. TTPEWEITEES. THE SMITH PKEMIKR TYPEWRITER, 123 - Third at.: all makaa of typewritera for rant; ' auppUea fur all marblnea. . U fc M. Aiasaa " din- Ar Oo.. arcnta. WHOLESALE CROCKEET A GLASSWARE, W HOLEHALE XUOCKKRY-AKO-OankMSW A RH Praal Htrr A Co.. 100 to 100 fb. cnr. Stark LEOAL KOTICE. ..v KOTICE la harobr a-iran that the vudmlaord -hare bra apuolntad - cxccntrlcra of tba '. laat -will and twtamrnt of Hutch McBrluV. ' decraaod. by tba County Conrt. of the State 7 of Orea-on. lor atiutnoman irninrr. All ' pareone baring clalma Cfcalnat the aetata of aald oeeraaed are rrquireo to preaeut main, duly erlned with proiirr Tonchera, to ua at - tba law office of JJillcr A Miller, room 612 - Commercial Block, Portland, Oregon, - within .-el BMiKba froaa -be dato -of tbe llrat pub lication of - tfala notice, wblrbV la May 21, ' lHU'l. ( . ADKI.LA M'BRIDE and MARX E. M'BRIDE. , ''- Executrlcea of tbe Laat Will and Teatamrnt of Hngb McBrlde. feceaaed. ERA8T18 BABTLETT ESTATE. Ailmlulstra. . tor'a notice of flurl .account. Notice la hereby glren . that . tbe underalgned admin intra tor, with tbe will anueied, of the eatata of Eraatua Bartlett. deceaaed. baa - filed la the office of the County . Clerk of Multnomah County. Oregon, bla final ae- ' j count and report aa aucb administrator and rhat.the County Court of the State of Ore gon, for the Connty of Multnomah, baa aet . Monday, the 224 day of June, 1803, at tbe l hmr of 9:.'10 a. m., aa the time and the 'Connty Oiurt roota, of. aald Court, In the ( Ity , of fortlaud, Oregon, aa the place, for tba bearing of any and all objectlone to tba allowance and aettlement of aald 'final account. ' Ft rat publication Mar 21, 1903; laat pob- - . Meatlon June 18, 1113. WILLIAM M. KAPt'S. Admnlatratnr. with tbe Will Auneied. of the Ealate of Eraatna Bartlett. Decerned. ' Gee. W. Haaea, Attorney for Adtulnlatrator. V0TICE OP YACATI0K OF STREET. KOTICE la hereby glren that at the regular meeting of tbe Common Council of the City of Port laud, Multiiouiuh Count- Oregon, to be held on tbe 24th day .of June. 1U03 - at the regular hour and place, a petition wllfj lie preeeutea to aald common Council by tbe nnderalgned praying for the vacation of - City of Portland, which Ilea lietweenthe ' aouth line of Columbia bouieTard and the i north line of Willie Boulevard and between blocka numbered 8. 9. 24 and 23 and 65, tKI. 67 and AS, In Pcnloaular Adclltqn. No.' 2 to ioe viV7 vi joaai joruano. now fort la no. B. M. LOMBARD, Portland, Or., May 21.. 1903. MEET OP EAST M0EE1B0H STREET. MEET 0T EAST ALDEE STEEEX Notice la hereby glren that the tonncll of Kotlce la hereby given tbat the Council of the ;irv tit fnrTl.nlt nrnnnaea -tM aMav-te- tot- I the ltT of . Portland Brnouaee-tB "-aeaaaa tba lowing deacrlbed property and owner or following deacrlbed property and owner or own aa being aneclally and peculiarly benellted era aa being apaclally and peculiarly benefited In tK HinnH .t nnrwMitt th muiM and lie-1 In the anwunta awt onnoalte the namea ana Bcnptiona tbereor Tor the improvement or r-aei ucw-ripnona aiorriaon atreet from rue weet line or nunnjaiua i mui-r Third Adilltlou to the eaat Hue or Sunnrilde Third Third Aililltl.,11 aa iirovlriad bv Ordinance No. Third Any objection, to the apportionment of coat aW objection, to tb. apnortlonment of J JVJ'Tl'im :0 for aald Imoravenwnt muat oe made in writing for aain imnrovemeni muai ue uaoe id ,a . .Ki.f.. i. ,i . to the Council and filed with the Auditor with- to the Council and filed with the Auditor within --g-.-. - -rg- Jf In fifteen dare from the date of the flrat publl- fifteen dare from tbo data of the flrat pub lea- f, ",,,,f frjJ "wUhoAudltor wthl flfteel eatkn t thi. n,.tic .d aald oblectlona will be tlon of thi. notice, and aald objectlona will la irJ-'lL"0.??" ID?ufJ! Ln!n,.""t5 'heard nd determined by the Council before the beard and determined by tb. ' Council I before -- ,,ulZt5Z w 11 hi heard .... , n. ...!. , h nmt I the naaamra of tha nnl nanM aaaiillna tho Coat I " . n''", ana aaia oojeciioni win no nearn of aald Improvement. of aald Improvement. - Huunralde Third Addition to Portland, uregoni nnnn.vaiae iniro Aoumon w rortianu. mora, nt, an JO, ina line uuinyin n tf.mmt i in me r. Oeacrlptlona thereof br the cuoatructlon of I l.'TZZL' S..T. Ml :.T, Sunnraid. IfT"" .Vt oUmm .treaty from tb. eaat J rim 'SSi . Addltloi aa nrovidel br Ordinance No. '".. riawiorneo Flrat Aoomo. w ai -t -.nW.ourlh w I rwmin i ,, nuiHruoB w ii i ii n avwor in Block HX. kit lit Tha Tltla (luaraBtea A j ruat CO. v io.oa Block S, WU lot IB, The Tltla Guaran tee A Tniat Co Block 6A. EH lot IS. Bernard E. Witter. Block oft. lot 14, Bernard E. Witter Block 03, lot 13, Tba Title Guarantee A Truer Co. Block (IS, lot 12, Laura Breake Block 03, bt II I .aura Breeke. Block ft. lot 10. Laura Breake Block K. lot 0, Ijura Breake Bhwk 6, lot ia,'W. P. Benedict Block 6t), lot IT. W. P. Benedict Block Ad. lot Id. W. P. Benedict Block no. lot 10, Tba Title Guarantee A Truat Co. Block 6S. lof 14, Tba Title Guarantee A Truat Co Block 66, kit 13, Tbe Title Guarantee A Truat Co , . . Block 66. kit It. Tba Title Guarantee A Truat Co. Block 66. lot 11, Tba Tltla Guarantee A Truat Co i.... Block 66. lot 10, Tbe Title Guarantee A Truat Co. i Block 68, kit 1, Tba Title Guarantee A Truat Co. Block 6. lot 2, Tba Tltla Guarantee A Truat Co Block 68. lot S, Th. Title Guarantee A Truat Co Block 68. lot 4. Th. Title Guarantee A Truat Co. Block 68, lot B, Tb. Till. Guarantee A Truat Co Block 63, lot 8, Tha Till. Guarantee A Truat Co Block 6S, lot T, Tba Title Guarantee A Truat Co. . . . . . .v.". . . rr. . .".v. : .v. .". .' " Block 68. lot 8, Tb. Tltla Guarantee A Truat Co Block 67. lot 1. Tba Tltla Guarantee A Truat Co Block 6T. lot 2, Th. Tltla Guarantee A Truat Co. Block 67. lot S, Tb. Title Guarantee A Truat Co. Block 67, lot 4, Tba Title Guarantee A Truat Co. Block 67. lot B, Tb. Title Guarantee A Truat Co Block 67. lot 6, Tb. Title Guarantee A Truat Co. . . . '. Block 67. lot T, Th. Title Guarantee A Truat Co. Block 67. lot 8. Th. Title Gnarautoa A Truat Co Block 67. lot 8, Tha Tltla Guarantee A Truat Co. ............. ....... Total A Truat Co... .- Block 64. lot IB. Tba Tltla Guarantee A Truat Co. Block 64. lot 14, Tb. Title Guarantee A Truat Co., Block 64. lot 13, Tba Title Guarantee A Trtiat Co Block 64. lot 12, The Till. Guarantee A Truat Co. ; Block 64. lot 11, Th. Title Guarantee A Truat Co Block 64. lot 10, Tbe Title Guarantee A Trnat Co...., Block 64. lot 9, Tb. Title Guarantee A Trnat Co....' 20.13 Block 63. lot 18, Th. Title Guarantee A Truat Co, , Block 63. lot 17, Tb. Titlo Guarantee A Truat Co, 10.83 Block 63, lot 16, The Title Guarantee A Trnat Co. Block 63, lot IB, Tbe Title Guarantee A Truat Co ' Tbe Tltla Guarantee 0 9.2U 19.63 fM M 22.M4 M.4H H2.62 84.26 36. 4 32.01 2M.B8 22.80 16.37 19 Ml 21.86 23.48 17.27 Block 63. lot 14 A Truat Co 18.09 Block 63, lot 18, Tbe Tltla Guarantee A Trnat Co 16.34 Block 63. lot 12. The Title Guarantee A Truat Co 18.11 Block 68, lot 11. Tha Title Guarantee A Truat Co 19.37 Block 63, lot 10, Th. Title Guarantee - iruai en , i ...... 82.89 Block 65. lot 1, Tha Title Guarantee A Trnat Co 19.98 Block 65. lot X Tb. Tit). Guarantee A Troet Co, 27.83 Block AS. lot B, A Trnat Co... S8.9T Block 66. lot , Truat Co. 80.80 Block 66. lot S, A Truat Co... 80.28 Block 65. lot 6, Truat Co 25.77 I Block 65. lot 7, The Title Guarantee Truat to Tba Tltla Guarantee Tbe Title Gjtrintee ' Tbm'Ttif '-Ouarantew The' Tltl." Ouarante. 'ft. 'Title Guarantee 25.63 188 22.23 16.62 22.62 18.84 1887 The Title Guarantee Tne ' Title Guarantee ' Th." Titl." Guarantee 1809.58 THOB. C. PEVLIN. - Auditor of tb. City of Portland. June 15, liHO. PROPOSED ABSESSMEHT TOE IMPROVE- PR0VEMEET OP EAST TH1ETT- "" - BEVEETK STREET. Notice la hrrebv given tbat the Council of tbe City of Portland propoaea to aaeeae the following deacrlbed property and owner or own- era aa being apaclally and peculiarly benefited In the amounta aet oppoait. the namea and deacrln tlnna thereof for the Improvement of Rait Tbirty-aeventh atreet from tbe center line of Eaat Yamhill atreet to tbe aouth line of Baa. Line Road, aa provided by Ordinance No. 18,135. Any oblectlona to the apnortlonment of coat for aald Improvement moat be made In writing to tbe Council and filed with tbe Auditor within fifteen dare from tbe date of tbe flrat publica tion of thla notice, and Bald objectlona will be heard and determined by tbe Council before Block 65, lot 8, A Trnat Co Block 66. lot 1, A Truat Co. . . Block 66. lot 2, A Trnat Co. . Block 06. lot 8, A Trmt Co Block 66. lot 4, Tb. Title Guarantee A Truat Co Block 66. lot 5, The Title Guarantee A Truat Co ... Block 66. lot 6.' The Title Guarantee A Trnat Co Block 66. lot T, Tha Tltl. Guarantee A Truat Co Block 66. M S, Tba Tltla Guarantee A , Trmt Co. ... Block 66, lot 9. Tba Title Guarantee A Truat Co nd determined br tbe Council before tb. paaaage of tu. ordinance aaaeaalnf till aoit fur M newer,'' t- j Hawthorn.' Flrat ; Addition to . Eaat Port land I, . r i Block 1. S 100 ft. lot 10. The Haw- ' 1 thorn. Katate ....8 Block I. S 100 ft. lot. 9, William E. Dodlev ' 42 29 Block 1. S 100 ft. lot 8. Tb. Maw- IIBirnV FeaiHlV aa.....eaa.ea.e Block 1, 8 100 ft. lot T, Tb. Haw.,, tborna Eltata .. Block 2. 8 100 ft. lot 11 Th. Haw- . tborna Eatata Block 2. S loo ft. lot 11.. Th. Haw. tborno Eatats Block R, B 100 ft lot 10. Th. Haw thorne Katate Block 2. 8 100 ft. lot 9. Tbe Haw tborno Katate Block 2. S 100 ft. lot 8, Bernard McGlnhla . . Block 2, S 100 ft lot T, Delia A. Butler .. ,. ,. . Block 3, 8 100 ft. lot 12, Tba Haw. tborna Eatata ... .V? Block 8, H loo ft lot 11, Th. Haw thorn. Katate ,. Block 8, 8 100 ft. Jot 10, Tbe Haw t borne Katate , Block 8, 8 loo ft. lot 9, Tbe Haw. thorn Katate 36.86 BloTlt 8. II 100 ft. jot 8, Tb. Haw. U"t tB WMimiW tea Block 8, 8 100 ft. lot T. Th. Haw- tborno - Eatata Block 4. S 100 ft lt 12, Florence Crlttenton ttefnM noma Block 4. 8 loo ft. lot 11, Florence Crlttenton Refuge Bom. Block 4. S 100 ft. lot 10, Florence . Crlttenton. Jtefuaa, -Bnaa., Block 4. S 100 ft. lot 9, Floreac Crlttenton Refuge Home Block 4. S 100 ft lot 8. riorenc Crlttenton Refnae Rnma Block 4. n 100 ft. lot 7. Florenc Crlttenton Refuae Home- t. ....... Block 8, lot 8. Th. Hawthorn. Ea tata Block 8, lot 4. Tb. Hawthorn. El tat. .' Block ' 8, lot 8. Th. Hawthorne Ei re t a ; Block 8, lot , The Hawthorne Ea tata Block T. lot 1, Mary J. Reece Block T. lot 2. Jamea B. Blackburn Block 7. lot 8. Rachel I.. Hawtbnrna Block 7. lot 4. Rachel L. Hawthorne.... Block T. lot ft, Stella Bellinger Block T. kit 6. Emma 3. Steven Block 6. lot 1. The Hawthorne Ratata.. Block 6, lot 2, Tha Hawthorne Eatata.. Block 6, lot 8, The Hawthorne Katate.. Block 6. lot 4. The Hawthorne Karate.. Block 8, lot B. Tbe Hawthorne Relate.. Block 6. lot 6, The Hawthorne Eatata.." 27.14 89.91 43.83 46.27 42.81 41.22 41.17 81.56 80.02 85.09 85.88 88.80 I 18.58 18.78 19.90 86.52 20.23 88.55 89.94 43.60 43.08 42.90 42.64 88.03 61.85 84.36 86.31 87.69 tha . center line atreet a. provided i by Ordinance No. 13.070. . ' Any objectlona to th. apportionment of enat for aald Improvement muat be made In writ. Ing to tb. Council and filed with tb. Auditor within IB day. from tbe data M tba nret pub lication of thla notice, and aald objection, will be beard and determined by tb. Council before tb. paaaagl of the ordinance aeeeaelug the coat of aald. improvement,, - .... v HolUday a Addition to Eaat Fort, land- ... .-. ... Blk ITS. loT 4. Th. Oregon , Real El- ' tata Co............... Blk 176, lot J Tha Oregon Baal Ei- . tate Co: Blk 178. lot 8, The Oregon' Real Ea Ute Co.............................. Blk 176. lot 6, Tbe Oregon Real Ea- ' . tat. C. . .- Blk 177. lot 4, Thi Oregon Real Ea tat 0.......... Blk in. lot 8, Th. Oregon Real Ea tata Co Blk 17T. lot 6, Th. Oregon Real Ea-. -tat. Co......,...,,..,.; Blk m. lot 5, Th. Orrgoa Real Ea tata Co Blk 196, lot 4, Tb. Oregon Heal Ka tate Co.. Blk 190. lot 8, Th. Oregon Real Ea tata Co 85.86 1 uik lira, lot 6, Tb. Oregon Heal ice- " ate ie, .,.,,,.,.,. , Blk 196, lot 6, Tba Oregon Real Ea tata Co A tract of v land ' lying between . th. eaat Una of block 196. Holla day'. . Addition to Eaat Portland, and tha weet Una of block. T. Holladay Park Addition to Portland, Oregon, and v between th. north Una Of Cleckamaa atreet and n Una 100 feet north of ' and parallel therewith,. Tba Oregon . Real Eatata. Co.. Holladay Park Addllton to Portland, Oregon Blk 7. lot 4. .Th. Tltl. Ouarante. A Truat Co. , , Blk T. lot ft. Tho Title Ouarantea A Truat Co.,,,.. BUD Bi.i, Kit a, tb. Tltl. ouarante. Truat Co Blk J. lot 1, Tb Tltl. Ouarantea Truat Co , , Blk 8. lot 8. Th. Tltl. Guarantee) Truat Co. ..... ...................... Blk S. lot T, Th. Tltl. Ouarante. A Truat Co Blk 8. lot 8, Th. Title Ouarante. A Truat Co... , Blk 8. lot 6, J. Wooda Smith.......... dib n. wi v, a. nuvua einiin,,,,,),,,, Blk 8. lot 8, Lotta Chaae Bmltb '85.661 88.58- 85.58 85.56 aB.6B 85.55 I 88.66 88.55 85.561 86.66 i 86.65 88.68 86.66 88.68 88.BB 85.56 85.63 ,8SJU 86.68 85.55 80.00 87.18 17.1B 27.18 ' .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .19 r .10 .10 . .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 Tin S6.( Block B, lot f. The Hawthorne Katate.. 1 The Hawthorne Katate.. Total THOU CI. DEVLIN Auditor of tba City of Portland. Jon. 15, 1903. Block B. lot tl 214 ss I niocg n, mi b, Tne Hawthorne katate.. ' Block 6. lot 4. The Hawthorne EaUte... Block 6, lot B. The Hawthorne Ea tate Block B, lot 6, Tha Hawthorne Eatata.. ST.15 27.15 27.18 27.15 2T.15 27.16 27.15 27.16 27. IB 27.15 27.15 27.15 ; 27.18 27.15 97.15 27.15 27. )B 27.15 26.05 12143 184.29 107.43 185.31 128.27 J16.UT 106.21 9n.-7 162,34 175.74 1S9.2V 7S.I 110.67 98.28 84. a 15.73 PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR IMPROVE MEET Or EA8T WABHIN0T0H - - STREET.- Total Blk 8. lot 8, Lotta Chaaa Bmltb Blk 8, lot 1, Lotta Chaaa Smith...... ' Blk 9. lot 8. 1. Wooda Bmlth... Blk 9, lot T, J. Wooda Smith Blk 9, lot 6, J. Wooda Smltk Blk 9. lot B. 1. Wooda Smith Blk 9. lot 4, The Titl Guarantee A Trnat Co Blk 8. lot 8, The Title Ouarante. A Truat Co .' A traet of land lying between ' tbe eaat line of block 9. Holladay . " Park Addition to Portland." Oregon, and tba weet line of block 14, Holla, day Park Addition to Portland, Ore, ' """too, knB" between the north line Of"' Clarkamaa atreet and a line 100 feet north of and parallel therewith, William Klcolal 553.30 Holladay Park Addition to Portland, Oregon THOS C. DEVLIN. AnHltor of the I'llv of Portland. june in. jsoa. Notice la hereby given tbat tbe Council of I vnnoAevn , le.Murtr, wnm th. I'H. pl.,l a,wi.. to , th. wa.a aaausBajii mvm ' ... 11,872. 7S Blk 14. lot 8, The Titl. Guarantee A CITT H0TICEB. . CITT ' V0TI0ES. PROPOSALS TOR STREET WORK. ' Sealed propnaala ' will be received at tb. office of tbe Auditor f th. City of Portland, until Friday. June IB, 190.1. II o Cloci p. to., COMPLETI0H AMD ACCEPTAUCE OP IK v PR0YEMEIT Or WOE ATWrtE. Notlc la hereby given- that .. William - C.-. ililott City Knglneer, baa filed in tb a.orric. unui rrinay, June jv, ii.i, ai ioki p. .i i Mirai, t'lty engineer, nae v. '.r for the Imnrovemeiit of River atreet. from the 1 of th nnilMralanad notice that 4. K.- u aouth line of Alblna avenue to 100 feet aouth contractor for tba improvement of Union avenne. of tha aouth Una of Alblna . Venn, Ins the under tbe provlilooa of Ordinance No.--Id.ioo. manner provided by Ordinance No.. Id, 376, aub- hn completed aald avenue, from tb. center linn Ject to tba prorlalona of tbe 'barter and or- 0t Eaat Merrlaon atreet to tb center lino i dlnaacea of the ;jty of Portland, and tb. eatl- a at Waablngton, atreet " i . -'.. mite of tha City Engineer, on file. . ' .. Said acceptance will be eoneldered y the Hide mint be atrlctly tu accordance with Executive Board at 4 o'clock on the ltlth day of printed blanka. which will be furnlahed oa June, 1903, and objectlona " to tb acceptance application at th. office of tha Auditor of tb of aald a venae or any part thereof may be fil"! City, of Portland. And aald Improvement muat In tbe office of tba uoderalgued at any tlm be completed on or before 90 day. from th prior thereto. data of the aiming . of th contract by tha partlea thereto. ' ' ' ' No nronoaila or blda will ha conalderea unlee. ccompauled by a certified check payable to I June IS, louS. tne oruer or ina uivor or tne city oi i-oriiano. certified by reaponalblo bank - for an amount equal to ten per cent f the aggregate pro- nooet. . ..:......'., Tha right to Meet any and aU blda In hereby .n.n . nereoy given tnai rraerved. . . . . , ,'T' .7 ,n,1Tr' ., 1 . Vi. .Bv order af tha FrecnH va Board - I " Mu'.,-,,e"'' " , TH08. C. DEVLIN, ' ' Auditor of tba, at of Portland. June 18. lik. ' ... . . . . PROPOSALS POB STREET WORK. ' Sealed nronoaala ' will be received at th office of tba Auditor of tb. City of Portland, until Friday, June 19, 1908, at 4 o'clock n, m., for tbe Improvement of Stark atreet from tbe ri line vi vroni piitti to um wwi iiiiv oi i Seventh atreet. In tbe man nee nrovtded by Or- KK fire to. ainanc no. is.uii, anojecr ro tne proviaiona of tba charter and ordinance of tbe City of Portland, and tb eatluite of th city engi neer, on file. Bid muat ' ha ' irrictlv In aerordanc with printed blank. Which Will be furnlahed on application at the office of the Auditor of tha City of Portland. And aald Improvement muat be completed on or before 60 daya from tha date of tba ilgnjng of tb contract by tb partlea thereto. . no propoaaia or Dion mil N roniiuereo: nnieeu By THOS. C. JIKVUin, '-i. Andltor of th City of Portland. ma. . - ' ' 7 COMPLETION AMD A0CEPTAECE OP IM- PROTEMEET OP DEHTER AYEVTJE. .. Notic la hereby given tbat 1 William 0. Dim Janln, contractor for the Improvement of Denver ave. nue. under the proviaiona of urainaac , no. 18.278, baa completed aald avenue, from tba aouth line of Webeter .treat to tba eeoter Un of Humboldt itreet . Bald acceptance will be eooildefed of th Rxecntlve Board at 4 o'clock on tha 19th day of Jnna Ifillfl a no nhlaotlou. to tha acnentanc of aald avenue or any part thereof may be filed in u onric oi ice noaeraignea ai any uu THE IXErCTIVB BOARD. . :: - iV .; Auditor of th. City of Portland. June in, iwwf. C0MPLETI0 AV D ACCEPTANCE Or IM " PROYEMEKT Or KILLIHOBWOETK :7."'. v;- ATEHTI.-'i 7 "7-.. ' Notlc' la hereby given that William 0. Elliott City Engineer, baa filed In the office of th nnderelaned notice .that Gleblacfa A accompanied by n certified check payable to foplln. contractor for the Improvement of Kill. th e th u , h fi pnetiaait I Incaworth avenne. ander tbe orovlalooa of Or. certified by a reaponalble bank for an amount jlaanc No. 18,038, bar completed aald avanii equal to tan per cent of th aggregate pr-m th eaat ' Michigan avaaua to tb DoeaL Tb right to releet any and all blda I hwtby reeerved, - . - . -' By order Of tha Kxeeuuv Board. ,., r.' . , - THOS. C, DEVLIlf, 7 1 AnOltor of th City of Portland eun 18. iwua. - : PROPOSALS P0R STREET W0RX. " Sealed nroDoaahi will be received at tha office of the Auditor of tha City of Portland, until Friday. June 19, 1903. at 4 o'clock f. m., for tha Improvement of Dunont atreet from th eaat line of Larrabe atreet to tbe weat Un of Benton atreet. In tb manner provided by Ordinance No. 13.878. euhject to the nmvlalona of tha charter, and ordinance! of tbe City of rortiana,. ana ID eitlmite of tb city Engl- over. VH nn, Blda muat printed blanka. wblrh will be furnlahed application at th offic of th Auditor of tb City of Portland. And aald Improvement Bluet aet Un of Commercial atreet Said acceptance will be eoneldered by th ' Executive Board at 4 o'clock on th 19th day of June, 1908, and objectlona to tha acceptance , of aald a venn or any part thereof may be filed ' In tb office of. to uoderalgnad. ,t any Una prior thereto. . , - -.TAB EX ECTTITB. BOARD. By TH08. C. DEVLIN.' Auditor of th City of Portland, . lun IS, 1903. - . COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE Or Of. - PE0VEMEMT OP EAST SEVEN- . , TEXHTH STREET. Notic ii hereby given thit William "C. Elliott City Engineer, haa fried lb tbe offlc of tb underalgned notlc tbat Rellly A Steven. muat b atrictly In accorii.nca with f e?.J0,L J1". N. 12.775, bay completed aald atreet, from tba center lino of Taggart atreet to tb enter be eompleted on or before 60 daya from tha .I.Ta't; i. ,. . k.4. I date of tbe algnliut of th contract by tb 8ald acceptanc will be eoneldered by I parties thereto, ' Executive Board at 4 o'clock on tha 19th daylV, I . No propoaaui or bid will b cnaldrd nnle 1B03 ind objectlona to the acceptanJ accompanied by a certified check navabla to f "ld 'r1Mt f r P" tH2 b5'lf ST .k. . ,kl w .1., ,m. i b.i a In tb office t,f tha underalaned at any time K .."I"." "'V "''V v. .u. ....... inrlr ,ha-., - - .. " certineo oy a reaponami pane lor an amount i - quel to ten per cent of tb aggregate pro-poail. ine rigni to reject any ana au Dial u nereoy By order of th Executive Board. THOS. C. DEVUX. .... - Andltor of tbe -Clt of Portlanet June 13. 1903. THE EXECUTIVE BOARD. By THOS. 0. DEVLIN, - 'Andltor of tha City .of Portland. I -t-June 13, 1908, ; . , . COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE Or DC- PE0VEMENT OP EAST SEYENTH . " STSXXT. Notlc 1 hereby given that William 0. uiy engineer, oil niea in tbe office following deacrllied property and owner or own er! la being ipeclally and peculiarly benefited In tbe amounta aet oppoalte tbe pimoi and de acrlptlom thereof for tbe Improvement of Eaat vtunington atreet from tne weet line or uunny- MEET or EAST TWZNTT-nXST STREET. Notlc la hereby riven that tha Council of or tne city of Portland propoaea to a ITUlt 1 41 ... I t Blk 14. lot S, Tba. Title Guarantee A - Trnat Co.T. Blk 14. lot , Th Tltl Guarantee A Truat Co Blk 14. lot 8, Th Tltl Guarantee A Truat C. Blk 14. lot 1 Th Tltl Guarantee A jruai I.V.. , Blk 14, lot 1, The Tltl .Guarantee A Trnat Co... the paeeage of the ordinance laaeialng tb coat .trie Third Addition to th eaat line of Sunnrilde following deacrlbed property and owner or Miilday'-.' ' Addition' ' to" ' Ea'a't ' Port, of salt! improvement. I iv.i. , ji.i .ijh n.Hi...n. k I nwncra aa heliia anectellv and neculiarlv hen, I . "oiiaoay a auuiuob . 10 un rori NOTICE. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Notice la hereby given that the iiartiirrthlp heretofore exietiug between J. R. llowlea and G. C. Strow, under the firni name and etylo of Bowie Htrow, la tdln day (llmKilved. Dated this 16th day of Juue. llMi.t. ' J. H. BOWLES. LEOAL NOTICE. KOTICE ii hereby given that ou the 1 1 tb day of June, ,19o3. Juatm Btirubnra of Portland. Oregon, waa duly adjudicated bankrupt, and that the first nioetlug of hla ireditora will be held at room 600. Chamber of ('(.iiiiiieri'e " BulMing, Portland. Oregon, on the 20tb day of June, liiOit. at II o'clock a. m lit which time tbe said creditor may attend, prove f their clalmi. appoint a truatee, eximlne tbe bankrupt and trtnaict aucb other bunlnr-M ai may properly come Iwfore aald meeting. . Dated, Portland, Uregou. June IS, lltR'l. . ALEX SWEEIw -Referee in Bankriiptcy. Every Woman la IntAtA-ested anrl ifwHild know a boat toe wonderful MARVEL Whirling Spray The new Vaataal Hjriaet. JnJtt- i ma aurnon, rien ai- em Moat convenient. It ttcaaaaa laataaUr, ilea mm Aak fe arardal tn H. If be eannot mpply th MA. R V El. acceDtno Oinev, bat aend atainp t or 11 1'iwaled booh alvea xuu parucujari ana nircniona in nl uable toladiea. MAMVKL CO., Reecm If H, Tlmaa Bldr.. New York, . ear aai k W00SARD. C LA SEE A CO. of aald improvement Bunnvalde Tlilrd Addition to Portland. Oregon: Block fit, kit 8, Th 8unnyilde Land . . improvement Co. .............. . .... .8 85.84 Block 81. lot 7. Tha 6unuyald Land A Improvement Co. 2 S4 Block 61. lot 8. The Suuiirilde land A Improvement Co 1.58 Block 1. kit 11. Th Sannyatde Land A Improvement Co 4.44 Block 61. lot 10. Tbe Sunnyalua Land - A- Improvement Co 6.02 Biocir- i. lot w," Tne- nunnyaiae uina A Improvement c 83.Z3 Bloek u4 lot -lt,- Thn unuTikle-MaM A Improvement Co..... 88.71 Block A4, lot 7. The Sunnaide Land A1 Improvement Co............ 4.88 Block 64. lot ft, Tbe Sunnyalda Land A Imnrovement Co 8.2B Block 64. kit 11. The Sunnrilde Land A Imnrovement Co ' B IB Block 64. lot 10. Tbe Sunnrild Land A Imnrovement Co. 7.77 Block 64. lot 9. Tbe Sunnyalda Mad A Improvement Co 88.95 Block 63. lot 8 Tba Sunnyalda Land A Imnrovement tlo. 81.12 Block 65. kit 7. The Sunnyalda Land A improvement o. ,, Block 65. lot 6. Th Sunnyalda Land A Improvement Co. .i 4.58 Block 65, kit 11, Laura Break....... 8.87 Block 6.V. lot 10,-vLaure Breake.,,... v, 6.H2 Hlnck Bf, lot 9. Laura Breeke T4.HB Block 6ft, lot 9. Th. Sunnyalda Land A Imnrovement Co 50.47 BIik-U 63, lot 7, Tba Sunnyalde Land A Improvement I......;...........- 1.50 Block 8S. . lot 6. Th Bunnyalde Land A Improvement Co 1.00 Block 68. lot 11. Tha Bunnyiida Land A Imnrovement Co 2.56 Block 68, lot 10. Tba Sunnyalde Land A Improvement Co 8.55 Block 68. lot 9. The Sunnyalde Land A Improvement Co. 83.44 Block 60, kit 8. The Sunnyalde Land A Improvement Co.... 67.43 Block 69. lot 7. The Sunnyalde Land Improvement Co 4.35 Block 69. lot 6. The Sunnyalda Land A Imnrovement Co 2.90 Block 69. lot 11. Tbe Sunnyalde Land A Improvement Co 12.15 Block 69. kit 10. Tbe Sunnyalde Land A Improvement Co 15.02 Block 60, lot 9. Tbe Sunnyalde Land - A Imnrovement Co 86.99 Block 62. kit 1. Tbe Sunnyalde Land Improvement Co '. 56.78 Block 62. lot 2. Th Sunnyalde Land A Improvement Co 2.50 Block 62. lot 3, The Sunnyalde Land A Improvement Co.................. 1.67 Block 62. lot 16. The Sunnyalde Land A Improvement Co.. 4.48 Block 62. lot 17. Tb Sunnyalde Land A Improvement Co.. 6.00 Block 62. lot 18. The Sunnyalde land Tblrd Addition, aa provided ty Ordluance No, ow aa being apeclally and peculiarly ben. . 13.182. . flted In the amounta aet oppoalte tbe name Any objection to the apportionment or coat for aald Improvement muat be made in writing I to tbe Council and filed with tbe Auditor within I fifteen dayi from tbe date of the flrat publica tion of thin notice, and aald objection! will be beard and determined by tbe Council before nd deecrtnttons thereof for tho Imnrovement of Eaat Twenty -flrat atreet. from tbe north line of Multnomah atreet to the aouth line of weldler atreet, aa provided by Ordinance no. 13.076. I Any objectlona to the apportionment of coat to the Council and filed with tba Auditor ithln IB daya from tha data of tho Brat publication of thla notice, and aald objection Will be heard and determined by tb Council befor tbe paaaage of tbe ordinance encasing I ,k 5TBji:' V ' tilLi'nJili' the coat f-aald Imnrovement. " " I Sr-lt Yr-Tba-Orefon Real- E iiniiiutemeiii ill nranra Block 63. kit 1. Tbe Sunnyalde Land A Improvement Co 72.65 Rlock ft.1 lot 2. Tha Bunnvalde land A Improvement Co. 6.60 Block ea. lor 8. The Sunnyalde Land A Improvement Co 8.68 Block 63. lot 16. Tbe Bunnyalde Land A Imnrovement Co 6.15 Block 6:1. lot-17. The Bunnvalde Land A Improvement Co 9.22 Block 63. kit 18. Tbe Bunnvalde Land A Improvement Co... 79.84 Block 66. lot 1. The Sunnyalde Land A Improvement Co 84.68 Block 6K. lot 2. The Sunnyalde Land A Improvement Co T.4Q biock to, lor o. j ne ounn.,eiuu ianu A Improvement Co, 4.03 Block . lot 1. W. P. Benedict 8.29 Klock 6, lot 17. W. P. Benedict 4.2 Block 66. lot 18-. W. P. Benedict.:.... 89.04 Block 67. lot I. The Suunivalde Lend A Improvement Co 51.56 Block 67. lot 2. The Sunnyalde Land A Improvement Co : 1.87 Block 67. lot 3. The Bunnyiida Land A Improvement Co ., 1.11 Bloek 67. lot 16. '1 ne Sunnyelde Land A Improvement Co 2.10 Block HT. lot 17. The Sunn-aide Land A Improvement Co.... - 8.20 Block 67. lot 18. Tho Bunnyalde Lend A Improvement Co 81.77 Block 70. lot 1. The Sunnyilde Land ft Improvement Co 66.89 Block 70, lot 2. The Sunnyalde Land A Improvement Co 4.09 Block 70. lot 3. The Sunnyiide Land A Improvement Co 2.73 Block 70. lot 16. The Sunnyilde Lind A Improvement Co 12.28 Block 70. lot 17. The Sunnyilde Land improvement to.... , Block 70. lot 18: The Sunnyalde Land A Improvement Co 00.37 Total .. ....11,638.44 THOB. C. 1IKVLIN. " Auditor of the City of Portland. June 15, 1003. Per Unnatural Siaoharg, Striotar, xtore fall. KtBacllUy -lo eld caaea where doctor a wayaawim, vegetanie ui.ttis tor uiceratiou ' aad iBAamuMtlea 1 to mc-Ta me-joraue oi iuo tiretha, aU private Trine ry ij-e m and weakneai f men aad WeOT EY-MO I erARAVTEED 10 CURE OR MONEY REFUNDED, C. ea ne aaea la 48 benra without pain. Eepet'ally ad- vloed for old, betlnile eoea Dmggiata, or ent mtpald. 8U Addre Iw. Day A Co., No 109 ' Warer bMg Bnatoii, Mia. Pre medical ad vie .-Ivea. Write for bo k aenl eealed REH. BY-MO Mid la Portia d by Tb Lb-Dt!i fcruf .,fln.....Ttlra a( JU.Ul.ja . COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE Or tM- 1 PROYEMENT Or SECOND STREET. v Notlc la hereby given thit William C. Elliott. City Engineer. . hae filed In the office of tbe nnderalgued notice that Miller A Bauer, contractor foe tbe Improvement ' of Second atreet. under the proviaiona of Ordinance No. 13.142. .Site completed aald atreet, from the center line of Burttilde atreet to the center line of Ankeny atreet.. from the center line 4 of Pine a(reet to the center line of Oak. atreet. rrom toe center une oi nan i nitron arreet to tbe center line of Morrlaon atreet. from tbe center line of Madison atreet to the center line of Jefforeoa atreet, from the center line of Yamhill atreet to tba center line of Taylor atreet. , Said acceptance will be cooaldered by the. Executive Board at 4 o'clock on tb 19tb day of June, 1903, and objectlona tb the acceptance of aild atreet or any part thereof may tie filed In tbe office of tbe underalgned at any time prior thereto. THE EXKCI.T1VE BOARD. By THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of tb City of Portland. . Jum 13, 19V3. - the paaaage of tbe ordinance aiaeiilng tba coat for aald Improvement muat be made In writing or eaia improvement. Sunnyilde Third Addition to Portland. Oregon: Block 61, lot 16, The Sunnyalde Laud A Improvement "Co. .;. . . .... ,;..'.$ 18.86 Block 61. lot 15. The Sunnralde Land T liJipToviment Co.: . . vr; ." . '. 22:05 Block 61. lot 14, Tba Sunnyalde Laud A improvement Co 24.23 Block 61, lot 13, Tb Sunnyalda Land A Improvement Co 42.88 Block 61, lot 12. The Sunnrilde Land - A Improvement o z'.vs Block 61. lot 11. Tba Sunnyilde Land A Imnrovement Co. 88.26 Block 61. lot 10, The Suffnyalde Laud A Improvement Co 88.52 Block 61. lot 0. The Sunnyalde Land A Improvement Co. 40.80 Block 62. lot 18, Tho Sunnyalde Land A Improvement Cn--. 87.62 Block 02, lot 17, . Tha . Sunnyalda Land , A Improvement CoV.. ................ . 88.98 Block 82. Jot 16, The Sunnyalde Land A Improvement Co , 80.75 Block. (12. kit 1.1. The Sunnyalde Land A luuirovement Co 19.74 Block 62. lot 14. Tbe Sunnyilde Land A Improvement Co '. 29.53 Block 62. lot 13 Tbe Sunnyilde laud A Improvement Co, .20.18 Block ai. lot 12. The Sunnyilde I.anfl A Improvement Co.... 20.85 Block 62. lot 11. The Sunnyalde Land A Improvement Co. 10.34 Block 62. lot 10. Tba Sunnyalda Dhnd A Improvement Co. 18.87 Block 04, lot 1, The Sunnyilde Land A Improvement. Co. . 23.73 Block 64. lot 2. The Sunnyalde Land A Improvement Co 23.75 Block 64. hit 8. Tbo Bunnyiida Land A Improvement Co i 26.69 Block 64. lot 4, Tba Sunnyilde Land A Improvement Co ,.... 41.87 Block 04. lot 6, Tb. Sunnyilde Lind A Imnrovement Co. 23.06 Block 64. lot 6. Th Sunnyild Laud A Improvement Co , 29.1X1 Block 64. lot 7. Tba Sunnyalde Land A Imnrovement Co.... 80.11 Block. 64, lot 8, Tha Sunnyalde Land ft improvement Co 82.18 Block 63. lot 1. The Sunnyalde Land ft Improvemcut Co 28.65 Block 63. lot 2, Th Bunnyalde Land A Improvement CO..........:....... 25.80 Block 83. lot 8. The Snnnvllde land ft Improvement Co 25.34 Block 63. lot 4. Tbe , Sunnyilde Land A Improvement Co 19.22 .Block 6.1L Jt 6. Jbe JBn.M!ldLand Blk 17S. lot 1. Th Oregon Real Ea tata- .- Blk 175. lot S, Tha Oregon Real Ea tata Co Blk 176. lot T, Tba Oregon Real Ea tata Co.. Blk 175. lot 8, Tba Oregon Real Ea tata Co Blk 178. lot 1, The Oregon Befcl Ea- , tate Co...; Blk 178. lot S. Th Oregon Real - Ea. tate Co. the' coat fif id imnrovement. John Irvine Flrat Addition to Eaat Portland Blk 2. lot 8, P. U Willi $ Blk 2. kit T. P. L. Willi! Holladay Park Addition to' Portland. Oregon Blk 10, bit 7. Rodney L. Gllaaa et 1.. Rlk 10, lot 8. Jlodney L. Cllaan et al.. Blk 9, lot 9, J. Wooda Smith Blk 0, lot 10. J. Wooda Smith Blk 9, lot 7. J. Wood Smith' Blk 9. lot 8. J. Wood Smith Blk 4. lot 9, Tha Title Ouarante A Trnat Co.. . Blk 4, lot 10, Tb Title Guarantee A Truit Co i j Blk 4. lot 7. Tbe Title Guarantee A Trmt Co Blk 4. lot 8, The Title Guarantee A Trmt Co ; Blk 3. lot 9, Tba Tltl Guarantee A Truat Co.... ; Blk 3. lot 10. Tba Till Guarantee A Trtiat Co. Blk 3, lot 7, Tb Titl Guarantee A Truat Co Blk 3. lot 8, Tb Tltl. Guarantee A Truat Co i John Irving' Flrat Addition to Eait Portland- Blk a. kit 1, Charlea H. Preeeott Tr.. Blk 8. lot 2. Chirlei II. Preicott Tr. . Holladay Park Addition to Portland, Oregon Blk 11, lot 2, Rodney L. Gllaan et al.. Blk 11, lot 1. Rodney L. Gllaan et al.. Blk 8, lot 16. Lotta Chaaa Smith Blk 8, lot 15, Lotta Cbaee Smith Blk 8, lot 2. Lotta Cbaee Smith Blk 8. lot 1. Lotta Chase Smlh Blk 6. lot 16. Tb Tltl Guarantee A Truat Co Blk 5. lot 15, Tha Title Ouarante A Truat Co Blk 6, lot 2, Th Tltl Guarantee A Truat Co Blk 5. lot 1, Tb Tltla Guarantee A Truat Co Blk 2. tot 16. The Title Guarantee A rruat t o Blk 2, lot 15, The Title Guarantee A Truat Co ; Blk 2, lot 2, Rodney L, Gllaan. ..... ., Blk 2, lot 1, Rodney L. Gllaan.. 264.18 35.00 4.68 62.51 290.27 . 77 ; 34.36 801.43 201.70 17.11 15.61 191.21 20126 17.19 20.12 205.47 251.17 83.17 4.16 58.85 286.00 29.24 82.97 812.69 19ft at 16.77 1B.M 193.63 189.90 15.42 23.401 246.84 3Z.IB 22.0S Ttunrovemetir cor. Block 63. lot 6. The Sunnyalde Land Improvement Co Block A3, lot 7. The Sunnyalde Land ft Improvement Co 21.83 Block 63. lot 8. Tbe Sunnyalde land - ft Improvement Co 19.84 Block 63, lot 9, The Sunnyalde Land A Improvement Co 18.28 Total tate Co. Blk 178. lot 8, Tb Oregon Real Ea tate Co.;. Blk 195. lot 1, Tbe Oregon Real E tate Co. Blk 105, lot 2, Th Oregon Real Be tat Co.. Blk 196. lot 7, Tb Oregon Real Ea tate Co.... Blk 198. lot 8. JThe Oregon Real Ea-1 tat Co... A tract of land lying between tbo nit line of block 195, Holla day'a Addition to Portland, Oregon, and fb weat Una of block A, Holla, day Park Addition to Portland. Ore gon, and between the aouth Un of Clackamaa atreet and a Una 100 feet aouth -of - and parallel there-" with. Tb Oregon Real Eatata Co.. Holladay Park Addition to Port- , land, Oregon Blk A. lot 13, Tb Tltl Guarantee A Truat Co ..." Blk 6. kit 14, The Title Guarantee A Truit Co....... Blk 6. lot 11, Tb Tltl Guarantee . Trnat Co., Blk 6, lot 16, The Tltl Guarantee A Truit Co Blk- 5. lot 9, The Tltl Guarantee A Truat Co Blk 5, lot 10, The Title Guarantee A Truat Co. Blk 6. lot 11, Tb Tltl Guarantee Truat Co.. , Blk B. bit 12, The Title Guarantee A Truit Co.,, jm .' . Blk 6. lot 13, Tba Tltla Ouarante A Trnit Co.. Blk 5, lot 14, Th Tltl Guarantee A Truit Co Blk 6. kit 15, The Title Guarantee A Truat Co Blk - 5. lot 16, The Title Guarantee A Truit .Co,,..,.. Blk 4. lot "9, Tb Titl Ouarante A Truat Co , Blk 4. lot 10. Th Tltl Guarantor A Truit Co .1.. ' Blk 4. lot 11, Th Titl Ouarante A Truat Co... Blk 4, lot 12, Tb Tltl Ouarante A Truat Co , Blk 4 lot 18. Tha Tltla Guarantee A 48.61 130.20 160.02 169.89 206.92 200.64 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 ,10 Tl0 10 .,10 .10 .10 .10 .10 65,74 T8.S1 111.35 121.20 135.21 188.38 100.62 106.26 96.30 87.10 132.45 143.13 158.26 145.25 65.71 79.29 PROPOSALS POR STREET WORK. lUalad nmnoaala arltl ha rmmA a tha I Elliott, office of tba Auditor of tha City of Portland, ' underalgned notlc that Olehlieh A Jopllu. . until eriuey, rfum in, jwuo. at a o cmjck p. m., : r . .. v for the . Improvement of Hooker atreet, from '" ' th proviaiona of Ordinance No. 12 feet eaat of the weat Un of Water atreet W.0B9, hav completed aald atreet. - from tba to the-weat Un of Second atreet. in tb manner fk Holladay avenu -to th north nrnvldad hv Orrilnanea No 1.1 XTO anhlect ta line of Plcifle atreet. 1 the proviaiona of the charter and ordinance Bald acceptanc will b conaldered by . tb of the aty of Portland, and tb eatlmate of Bwut Itj Bo rd t 4 o'clock on th 19th day of the City Engineer., on file. Bid muat be atrlctly In accordance with printed blanka. which will be furnlahed on application at tba office of the Auditor of tb City of Portland. And aald Improvement muat be completed on or before 90 daya from tbe date of tb ilgnlng of th contract by . tb parties thereto. No propoaaia or blda will be considered unlee accompanied by a certified check payable to tbe order of tbe Mayor of tb City of Portland, certified by n reaponalble bank for aa amount equal to ten per cant of tb aggregate pro posal. Tba right to reject any nod all blda to heroby reserved. Sy order of the Executive Board. ' . , THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of tha City of Portland. June 13. 1908. ' .. June, 1908. and objectlona to the acceptance oi aaia atreet or any part tneranf may oe flied In th office o Un undersigned at any time prior thereto. . - - THE EXEOTJTIY8 BOARD, , ,. - By THOS. 0. DEVLIN, . - . Auditor of th City f Fortland. Jan 18, 1908. , . " . ... k COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OP IJC PXOVEMXNT Or EAST WASKTVOTON ' STREET. -'-.. Notlc I hereby given that' William 0. Elliott, City Engineer, haa filed in the offlc of tb nndenigned notlc that Bechlll Bros., contractor for tba Improvement of Eaat Wash ington atreet. under tbe proviaiona of Ordinance No. 18.132. have completed aald atreet from tha center 11a of Eaat fhlrty-ieventh street to the ; - east una or Bunnyalde Third Addition. 'Said acceptance will be conaldered by '-th Executive Board at 4 O'clock on tna 18th dav of June. 1903, and objectlona to th acceptanc , PROPOSALS TOR STREET W0RX. Sealed- propoaaia will b received at tha office f the Auditor of th Cltv af Portland. until Friday, June 1ft. 1903, at 4 o'clock p. ro.. I of aald atreet or any part thereof may b filed foe . the Imn-AMiniinr r.f kA ifM.1 reona I l . k. .au. - Z.A , -. iiiv rm , tii-v wi nwi iiini w lum wn. iiiiviprior tnereto. of Sixth atreet. in - the manner provided by Ordinance No. 18.883. aublect to the Drovlaioni of tbe charter and ordlnancea of the City of Portland, and tba eatlmata Af th City Engi neer, on file. Blda- muat be atrlctly In accordance with printed blanka, which will be furnlahed oa application at th offlc of th Audi tor, of tb City of Portland. And aald improvement must be completed on or before 60 daya from the date of the algning of tb contract by tha parties tnereto, tui ivrniTTVi union By " TH08. C, DEVLIN. " Andltor of th City of Portland. Jnna 18. 190B. , COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE Or IX. PROYEMENT Or EAST WASHINGTON STREET, 'W.-.:: . , Notic ti hereby given that William C. Elliott. City Engineer, haa filed lu tbe offlc No nronoaala ne-MlU srllt Ha MinalAaeeJI ' nklaaa t Of tb-nttderatgned BOtlcO that "f R.' O'Neit. " aeoomnantail hv -a eaetlOa haelr - navaKla to I contractor for tbe Improvement of Eaat Wish' tba order of tbe Mayor of tb City of Portland. lnton treet, nnder the proviaiona of Ordinance , certified by a reaponalble bank for an amount I . woipirieu, ia atreet, irora equal to ten per cent of th aggregate pro posal. .'..; i.'. . The right to reject any nnd all bid la hereby reserved. t ' By order of th Exeeutiv Board. ' THOS. C. DEVLIN. " - : ' Auditor of th City of Portland. . Jun 13. 1903. th weat line of Sunnyalde Third Addition to the center lino of Eaat Tbirty-aeventh atreet 8ad acceptance will be conaldered by tb Executive Board at o'clock on the 10th dav of June, 1908, and objectlona to the acceptance ef aald atreet or any part thereof may be filed In .the office of tha . underalgned at any time prior thereto. ' . ' -, , . . 1HB KAM'DTIVE BOARD, ' - By THOS. -t C. DEVLIN; ' ' Auditor of th City of Portland. ' 'aa 18. 1908. ' '" ' t COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE 0Y IM PROYEMENT OP EAST MORRISON. STREET, Notlc la hereby ' given tbat ' William 0. PROPOSALS rOS STREET WORK. Sealed propoaaia will be recelvitd at th office of the Auditor of th City of Portland. until radar, june iu. luua. at o'clock n. an.. for the Improvement of Ash atreet. from the weit line of Third atreet to tha eaat line of Fourth atreet. In tho manner, provided by Ordinance No.. 13,381, anbject to tb pro vUiime of tha charter and r.rillnaiwMa of tha I City of Portland, and tb eatlmate of th. City I Elliott, City Engineer, haa Bled In tha offlc : caainee-, un nie. -.- -i 101 gnutnujnm notice ut xiccniii nroe., Blda must ba atrictly In accordance wltfj I contractora fur tha Improvement ef Eaat Mor. printed Dianxs. wnicn win ue furnlahed on I naon atreet, unner tne proviaiona of urdlnanr noltcatlon at tha offlc of the Auditor of the I No. 13.133. have completed aald atreet. from t.ity ot rortiana. -ana aaia improvement must I m west line oi Bunnyeiae xnira Audition p eompietea on or perore vu aay rrqm , tna I toe center line ot saai -jnirty-ueventn at date of the algning ot tha contract -by thai Said acceptance, will b conaldered partle thereto, . :- - Executive Board at 4 o'clock on tb No -propoaaia or bide will b eonalderad uniea June, 1903, and objectlona to the accomnanieu nv a certineo .cneca navania to i or aaia atreet or ear nan tnereor ine oraer ot toe Mayor oi tne uiiy or rortiana. I in tne ounce ot tna nnoeraignea certified by n reaponalble bank for an amount I prior thereto. qnal to ten per cant of tb aggregate pro- THE EXECUTIVE BOARD. M Iwtb day v I accept n(L' I may be rr a I at any rjui. , Jun 15, 8032.29 THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor ot the City of Portland. 1003. , COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IM PROVEMENT ' OP SEVENTH STREET. Notice 1 hereby given tbit William C. Elliott, City Engineer, baa filed In the office of the underalgned notice that The Trinidad Asphalt Paving Company, otntractora for tbe Improvement of Seventh atreet, under the pro viaiona of Ordinance No. 12.892. haa completed aid atreet, from the center line of Morrison street to the aouth line of Burnslde itreet. Said acceptance will be. -considered by the Executive Board at 4 o'clock on the 19th day of June. 1903. and objections to tbe acceptance of aald atreet or any part thereof may be filed In the offlc ot the upoeriignea at any time prior thereto. ' ' THE EXECCT1VB BOARD. By THOS. C. DEVLIN. ' Auditor of tbe City of Portland, -June 13, 1903. Total . 4 , .83.808.74 . THOU. V. DEVLIN, Auditor ot tbe City of Portland. Jun4 16, 1003. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OP SEWER IN EA8T 0LISAN STREET. Notlc I hereby given that William C. Elliott. City Engineer, baa filed In the office of the nndenigned notice thit E. W. Rlncr, contractor for the eonitrnetlon of a aewer In fait GUsan atreet, from tbe eaat line of Haw thorne Flrat Addition to the pronoeed aewef In Boat Twenty-eighth, atreet. Under the, pro viaiona of Ordinance No. 13.160, hai completed aid acwer. Slid acceptance will be considered bv tbe Executive Board at 4 o'clock on the 19th day of June. 1903. and objections to the ac ceptance mereoi may oe nteo in- tue uuic ot the underalgned any time prior thereto. . THB EXECUTIVE BOAKII. By THOS. tt DEVLIN."' Auditor of the City of Portland. June 13, 1903. PROPOSALS FOB STREET WORK. Sealed propoaaia will be received at th office of tbe Auditor ot th city or Portland, until Friday, June IB, 1003, at 4 o'clock p. m., for tbe Improvement of East Thirty-first street. from the aouth line of Hancock atreet to tb north line of Ha lacy rtreet. In the manner provided by Ordinance No. 13,875. subject to tne proviaiona ot tno-cnarrer ana orainancea ot the City of Portland, and the eatlmata of th city Engineer, on me. . Bide must be atrlctly In accordance' with printed blanka. wnicn win be furnlahed on application at tbe office or tbe Auditor of the City of Portland. And aald Improvement must he completed on " or before 90 day from the date of the signing of tb contract by th partlea tnereto. No propoaaia or blda will b conaldered nnleii accompanied lT a certified check payable to theorder of the Mayor of the City of Portland. certified by a reaponalble bank for an amount equal to ten per cent of tba aggregate pro posal. Tbe right to reject any and all bit. la hereby reierveo. By order of the Executive Board. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of th City of Portland. , Jun 13. 1903. . COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE Or DC PROYEMENT Or BHEBMlN STREET. Notice la hereby given that .William C. Elliott. City Engineer, hai tiled In the office of tbe underalgned notice tbat S. r. Wblte. contractor for tbe Improvement of Sherman Itreet, under the proviaiona of Ordinance No. 12.935, haa completed aald atreet, from tbe weat line of Sixth street to 300 .feet weat of tb west line ot Sixth treet. f Said acceptance will be considered by the Executive Board at 4 o'clock on the llith day of June,- 1908, and objections to the acceptance of aald atreet or any part thereof may be tiled In tbe offlc of th undersigned at guy tlini prior thereto. ; THE EXECIT4VE BOARD. ' i - By ' THOS. C. DEVLIN. V s . - Auditor of th City of Portland. Jan. 13, lDoiV PROPOSALS TOR STREET WORK. Sealed propoaaia will be received at tha office of tba Auditor or the city of Portland, until Friday, Jun 19, 1903, at 4 o'clock p. m., for tbe Improvement of Sixteenth atreet, from 12 feet aouth of tbe north line of Olliaa Itreet to 12 feet north of the aonth tin of Hoyt street, in tne manner proviaea ny urainance no. ja.orai, aunject to rne proviaiona or tne charter and Ordinance! of tbe City ef Portland, and tbe eatlmat of the City Engineer, on file. .' ,. - '' Blda must be atrl.-tly in accordance- with printed blanka. which will be fnrntibed on application, at the offlc of the Auditor of th City of Portland. And aald improvement muat be completed on or before 30 daya from tb daft of the signing of - th- contract by the partlea thereto. No propoaaui or blda will ba conaldered nnlea accompanied by a certified check payable to the order of tbe Mayor of the City of Portland, certified by a responsible bank for an amount equal to ten per cent of th aggregate pro posal. - The right to reject any and all blda la hereby reserved. ' - : '" By order Of tb Exeeutiv Board,- . .,- THOS. a DEVLIN. " Auditor of the City ot Portland.' June 18. 1903. ' - IF YOU WISH RESULTS ' ADVERTISE D THE; ' OREGON DAILY JOURNAL Truat " Co ." . ".'.'."... ,.X. .". . . .7.. 77.23 Blk 4. lot 14, Th Tltl Guarantee A Troet Co., T0.T8 Blk 4. kit 15. Tha Title Ouarante A Truat Co........... , 106.23 Blk 4, lot 16, Tb Tltl Guarantee A Truat Co 115.39 Blk IB, kit 0, Tba Tltla Ouarante A Truit Co 122.23 Blk 15. lot 10, Tha Title Ouarante A - Tract Co 121.04 Blk 16. lot 11, The Tltl Ouarante A Truit Co 104.70 Blk -15. lot 12. Th Titl Guarantee A Truat Co 135.24 Blk 15. lot 13. Tha Tltl Ouarante A Truat Co 160.23 Blk 16. lot 14, Tb Titl Guarantee A -Trust Co....,.,.-. ,170.73 Blk 15. - lot 10, The Titl Guarantee A Truat Co , 206.35 Blk 15, lot, 16, The Title Ouarante A Trut Co. 199.H Total June IB. , . . . .87,033.8 THOS. 0. DEVLIN, i -Auditor of th City of Portland.' 1903. . - COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OP SEWER IN HNSTT STREET, . -Notice ta hereby riven' that William r Elliott. Cltr Enalneer. haa filed In tha office of tb underalgned notice tbat J. B. Slemmoni, contractor for tba eonitrnetlon of n aewer In Knott atreet. from fiZO feet eaat of tbe eaat Una of L'nlon avenue to tb newer In Colon avenue, nnder the proviaiona of Ordinance No. 13,246, haa completed raid' aewer. Said i.eeet-tanc will be considered by tb Exeeutiv Board at 4 o'clock on tba 19th day of June, 1908, and objectlona to tha acceptance thereof may d niea in tne onic ot in anaeraigaca at any lime prior tnereto, IUE EARCl TIVK BUAK1J. " ' By THOS. C, DEVLIN. Andltor of tb City of Portland. Jun 18. 1908. PROPOSALS rOR STREET WORE. Sealed nromnala Will be received at tha office of 'the Auditor Of the City of Portland, nntll Friday, Jun 1ft, 1903, at 4 o'clock p. m for th Improvement of Broadway, from tha eaat lln of Carter' Addition to tba center line nf the Countv Hoed. In the manner nrnvMMl by' Ordinance No. 18,873, aubject to tbe pro visions or tne eoarter ana orainancea .x tc City, of Portland, and th eatlmata of th City Engineer, on file. - Bids most b strictly f accordance with printed blanka, wblch will be furnlahed on application, at th office of the Auditor of the City of Portland.. And aald Improvement muat be completed on or "before 90 day from tha date of tb algntag of the contract by tba partlea thereto, i So propoaaia or blda will be conaldered unjesa accompanied by a certified check payable to the order of tba Mayor of the city of Portland. certified by reaponalbl bang for an amount equal to ten per cent of tba aggregatn pro- poiel. -" . ' - Th right to reject any and all bid I l-ercVy reserved. .. v. . By order of th Exeeutiv Board. , i THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of tb CUa of Portland, Jnnt 13, 1908, Tb right to reject any and all nil U hereby reaerved. By order of the Exeeutiv Board. THOS. a DEVLIN, Auditor of th City of Portland. Jun 13, 1003. . PROPOSALS TOR STREET WORK. Sealed prwoeal will received at th offlc of the Auditor of tba .City of Portland, until Friday, June 19, 1908. at 4 o'clock p. m., for the Improvement ot Kaat Twelfth atreet, from the north Un of Falling; atreet to tb aouth lln of Preeeott atreet. In tb manner provided by Ordinance No. 18,382. aubleet to the provision of the charter and ordlnancea of the City of Portland., and tha eatlmat of th City Engineer, on fit. - Bid muat be atvictlv In ' accordance with printed blanka. wblch will be furnished on application at the offlc of the Auditor of tb city or rortiana. ana aa iu improvement muat be .completed on or before 90 daya - front . th date of tbe algning of th contract by tb partle thereto, . , , No propoaaia or bid will b conaldered nnlesa accompanied hy - -certified -check - payable to tbe order of tbe Mayor ot the city of Portland. certified by a reaponalble' bank for an amount eqnal . to ten per cent of tb aggregate pro posal. .' , The right to reject any and all bid la hereby By order or th Kxecutlva Board. THOS. C. DEVLIN, . Auditor of th City of Portland. Jun 18. 1903. ' V ' Auditor of th City f Portland. Jan 18, 1903. !i f- - PROPOSALS, -:.V-V7,- BIDS INVITED for mpplle for ; th Oregon Stat renitentiary aunog u period ua. . Ing December 81, 1903. ; sealed blda for dry good, groceries, shoe, leather and findings, plumbing auppllea, bard- , ware, (lour, oata and mill feed, nsh, meats, etc., will received at the offlc of th i Superintendent of tho Stat Penitentiary ua v til Thuraday, July 9, 1903, at 8 o'clock p. m., at wblch time they will he opened. A deposit of 8200.00 in cash or certified check payabla to the. Superintendent muat " accompany each bid for meat, and of 7B tor - bid for flour and flab, all other bid must be acocmpanled by an" amount equal to 19 per cent of the, amount of tha Did. v-V Th right I' reaerved to reject any and all blda and to accept or reject any. portion t n bid. ... " , 7 v On each envelop should b Inacrlbed thi nature of th bid.. Goods of Oregon manu facture or production-will receive priferenca, other thlnga being equal. ' All good and auppllea mint b delivered to tbe Penitentiary . within 20 day after tha contract la awarded, unlaw otbrrwlee pro vided in contract, - .-, . . ' . , , Schedule of -h Tariona - llnea of goods rill be furnlahed upon applicatlpB to tha Superintendent. , Vonchera will be leaned for payment oa th first of th month following completion of contract, end monthly on eontinuoua con- ." tracta. -. . ' .. . 8amplea must accompany bid for T dry cgooda, groceries, flour aql all other article wber practicable. v . , C. W. JAMES. Superintendent Oregon Stat Peulteutlary. 'Salem, Oregon, Jun 9, 1908. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OP IM PROVEMENT Or EAST. FLANDERS ' ' STREET. " Notlc la hereby given tbat ' William - C, Elliott, City Engineer, haa filed In tbe offlc . of the nndenigned notice that Earl C. Bronangn contractor for tha improvement of -Eaat Flan dera atreet, under the provlslona of Ordinance . No. 12,939, haa eompleted aald -street, from tb . weat Una of Eaat., Twenty-fourth atreet ta tb weet line of Bronaugh'a Addition. .Slid acceptanc. will be considered by th Executive Board at 4 o'clock ou tbe 19th dav of June, ,1903, and objectlona to the acceptanc of aald atreet or any part thereof may b filed In the offlc of th underalgned at any tima prior uierem. . - , , THB EXBCrTIVHf BOARD, " ' , By THOS. C. DEVLIN. ' . .'llUot of th City ot Portland. Jon 18, 1903. C0EPLETI0N AND ACCEPTANCE or IM- . m PROYEMENT Or THURMAN STREET. notic l nereoy given that William ' c Elliott, City Engineer, haa filed In tbe Vice ot fine nnoeraignea notice, tnat tne Btar - wil jo.t coo tractors tor toe improvement-of Thi man' atreet. under the provisions ot Orilln.r No, 18,007, ba completed aald atreet. from tha weat Un of llngby (Ireot to tbe center lln. of Thirtieth atreet. Said acceptanc will be conaldered by th Executive Board at 4 o'clock on tha 18th day of -June, 1903, and objectlona to tha acceptinc ' of uld itreet or any part thereof may be filed -In the office of tbe nndenigned at any tini prior thereto. . .,: v. . THE EXECCTIVM BOARD. By THOS. C. DEVLIN, - - Auditor ot tb City of Portland. - Jun 18, 1908. PROPOSALS rOK STREET WORK. Sealed' propoaaia will b received it 'th office of th Auditor of th City of Portland, until Friday, Jun 19, 1003, at 4 o'clock p. for the Improvement of Mason atreet, trO the east line of Eaat Tenth atreet to th eat line of East Fourteenth street. In the maum.a , provided by Ordinance No. 13,869. subjict to tha proviaiona of the charter and orillnn:n-i of thi City of Portland, and th Mtimate ot tb City Engineer, on file.- , . . j , Blda muat b atrictly In -accorilanca with printed blanka, wblch will b furnlahed on application at th offlc of th Auditor of tb , City of Portland. And said Imnrovemeiit m -' b comnleted on or before 60 daya from tha oar ot in signing ot in contract by. the partlea thereto. No propoaaui of blda- will ba considered nnleaa . accompanied by ' a certified check payable ta the order of tb Mayor of the Cltv of P.ti.n.i . certified by a responsible bsnk for an amount ' eijMai w ivb cent os tu aggregate pro. . posal.. , ' The rIght,to relect ahv and alt bids le ien,(.e teeeryed. -'.': " .....' , '. .i , Br-rdet oi th Exeeutiv Boerd. " THOS. C. DE LIN. . Andltor wf tb City of Portland. Junr 18, 1903. 1