,17.. 10Q3, V 'v 0 THE. OIU2GON DAILY- JOURNAL; PORTLAND, . WEDNESDAY EVENING. VWE OUTLOOK IS FOR. 1SMA0ECR0P C Market : In: the ; M$in :: Has an ,-7r 15X7. T , 'nArmiil nnrelnn . . ;t v ; Money 'Situation. Giving' Less : uojicern man oi Late ana .Indications Are Augmented - Dan k noiaings, . : (Bpe. (Speetsl permlealen of Bolton, da Barter 6 0.) NSW YORK. June 17.-Waldorf Not; I Ypttei the disappointing- DfNknvM of l'. tI market -and the theory that stocks arena, purchase flnaa many aavocatea. Thar ta no talk ot an immediate bull market, the latter balna- ooooaed by iarfe Irfterests which, although bullish for the pull, are agalnet any great ac tlvlty In speculation at present. . But these Interests believe that In the main tha tandency of the markat, will be up- ward, and that there will be gradual recovery from whst Is retarded as an abnormal depression.' . It 1s argued that months end the erevaUlna. low ranae r 'prices imply an almost general -wop rallure, whereaa the outlook, notwitn - standlna' a nnnr start for corn. Is for an --average harvest. - The money aJtuatlon. too. Is aivln leaa concern than OMate. and tha indications are that the cash holdlnas of banks will soon be aug- mented by arrivals of gold from the Klondike and Auetralla. " Tha rumor la revived that tha differ- an-ea between the Pennsylvania people and - the OoildIackefeller interests, ana. wntcn are me ouigrowm.oi me Wabash eXTanslon to . Pittsburg, hava bean adjusted. ut that Official announce- ment will not bo made till toward tha I enUof the month. The matter has such I ifInDortant bearing upon tha specula - I aCa situation that the reoort Is dis- 1 used with . greet Interest, There ts X a atror belief that the return of peace among me tactions wouia om m great help to confidence. rnmmnt n unnn the dav's market. brokers say that the early decline, un- covered buying orders by the . same financial factors which, turned prloea up-1 --m ..,. .... .. iifi..- i a,.- .i .h -----l..: fc" i vvvi aifcwi n a tm-w i r ai wvusv..i of these orders they covered freely. which. together with commlaslon houses, gava the market a rally. As has been.tne caae ror aome time, tne street i was treated to a variety of disquieting reports. For example, the steel stocks I weraattackad n, rumors of v redue- alls, though tion In. the price Of steel rails, M Mlt-1-AnWi.Uoi.t iihAHt iliat i- .wl. Z. "l- k t In the schedule already decided on by I tne eteei corporation ror tne next u months, ths price of rails will be un-1 ehanged. at It a ton. This story was I not without effect on the entire market I ton a time; as any reduction would be I a-bear card. . V"? f . Who la buvina Atchl-on? la tha aue'a - tion tnat is oeing asaea witn lncreaaea Interest Some observers .believe that j e observers .believe that I this Is 'one of f the properties which, nclsl . atmosphero. clears, to hava changed owner- -ww -than -n.i'suBDlcton when the financial will be found d7i to do with tae wepVeMioninTuhv son. and there are shrewd ones whobe 11 eve the , road will turn up either In their control or In that of the Penney! IK 1 reealmlstlo on Copper. NEW YORK. June 17. Summary: American -stocks in London are Irreg-1 Mar. mostly below parity. Mr Gates j ta back and talks bullish. President I Mellen reports. . a good crop condition I through th arthwest. Nlpaty-nina roaaa ror April snow an-averagf -net in crease, of 14.45 per, cent.rorty-four roads fefr the first week -pf June aho a gross Increase of 8.10 per cent.' Lon- doh la reported pessimistic An the cop- I per trade bu.Hook.' Thera la a demand I xor siocks m tne loan crowa. ah an- i thraclte labor difficulties are peacefully fettled. A gold export is possible. ' dottoa Closed Firm- I .LIVERPOOL,. June 17. Cotton fu tures are now firm. 10 to 11 points ad vance on the summer months and un- I cnangea to 1 point down on tha next VSL r-Vrf: r . On tha far months. ' The market dosed 1 V' firm 18 no oh near and 1 to X down nn Ute montha. We aea nothing In thle ..-.,... . j..n. .-ji I Ijte -weather Is excellent Excellent rlito rennrta am eomlna- from T. .rut . . w r - : I ArtTansas. There has been heavy real- , a I , x i IlnK. ' I w . i A onr!on. Ball Stocks. ' LONDON. June 17. 2 p. m. Ana conda advanced h ; Atchison advanced fei preferred advanced 4; Baltimore & Ohio advanced ; Canadian Paclflo de clined H: Chesapeake ft Ohio unchanged; Mexican National advanced ; Keokuk advanced i: New York Central ad .vanced M: Ontario A Western declined V: Norfolk- c Western declined ; Pennsylvania unchanged; Reading' ad vanced ; Rio Grande Firsts declined S4; Southern, Pacific advanced Hi Balnt Joseph declined U:,. Unloa Pacific un Autnged; preferred unchanged; United States Steel declined : preferred de clined H; Wabash unchanged; 'ConsoU Unchanged. - - CONTAGIOUS DISEASES, 'Allllanv Mueller, 880 Hendricks avenue; ohrherla. Bailer Brill. Eaat Twelfth and Beach streets! mr-ntfteria. ' Merlw.Pt V.k-.ll. 1flT . Tntr.(lrt street. S'orth. memlea. . " ; ; Frank Hanaon,, 203 North ri&eentb street; scaxlst fever, r . DEATHS, fane 18. Grace M. Maddux, aged 35, at 738 umiiana arenne; pneumonia. June H.-r-Fare Edna Allen, a red ' 8 .ream, . at -ea tVmnM -lal street! eongenltal paralyala. . 1 Jnne It. Carl M. Nelaon. asd 8 months, at f 44" Larrabee street: mlraamua, ' Juaa 14, Ftoyd) ReRoy Erana. at St. Via ' ectrt'aHoapltal; lpteatlnal obatruetfon. J - . .H.fnf . ,. . Tnm aiwira assimaui uiicnuuir no. funeral directors and embalm ers, 880 Tarn iUl. yhoM Ml., S. S. rtaley aad Boav fumeradJreotors and ambalmsra, hava removed thel e ' establishment, center Third and jaUMuao srwh luoan sis. a, ' ' -m i. . - ' . tire Atorltun, ' ti, Oregon 431ty 'ear " .Use, neac Bell wood modem, seteatiBe, complete. Charges Adults, 83 Si hU dren, 885. Ttsitora t to p. aa. BortUaa Orematloa Assoclatloa. fortund. Or. $'wxrzm 'ttaw ewmnrnmr. Slngla- graves, 810. family lota from . 878 to $1,000. Tha anly oamaterr tm ' Portland which pernetually snaiatalaa . and earea for lota. For fall information ; sr-ply to W. ft, Maeke-nsle, Woreester . Stiock, city, W. IL Ladd, presldeat. mi m tlaihiii UP TO JUNE 20 Director of Iowa Crop ' Service :2UVa S,' Mnr ' Feeling .in Chicago: Us V that Lower, rrovision rnces Are Ahead No, Improvement in OiiuauuiH. CHICAGO. June 17. Director Bags ot I tha Iowa Crop Servlc advises the Iowa farmer follows: -I would advise I the planting ot corn lip to Juno to. a CO ni iiitiiio i oeuevs wim aiicn a, iau utvi ,, , sammc Ulf 1 rntlT rirrf IDC been having corn- will mature In plenty 111, JUlliiJ unJ A UKCAl lUlUKC I at time. . We are now making up a heavy aUtlstlcal table of corn acreage f Iowa, -but barausa of heavy ralna It I will not be accurate and It ts -soaalble another will have to be made later. I do not believe cropa hava been waahed In many fields. ' The spring has been wet and In the I law placea no crops hava been planted- I could cultivate and plant, the tains teouta-ao-iia- aamage: -ti-na iinnwi ican get corn in me lum oi mis raomn um raiiM 1 1 would believe It much mora advisable ftlhaa planting catch crops. -as such are! generally unsausraciory. ino smaner I grains are nearly .all In and there will be plenty offered this fall." I Liverpool wheat unchanged to W higher; corn to higher. Map shows cloudy weather southwest, clear northwest. Tha leading aspacts of tha market are a small trade and no selling i prmaur-. i rnr inuum uwi favorable about winter wheat prospect and tha dry tendency of the weather In I me Nortnwest to moairy Marian views t to modiry beanan views. . H . ah u premium from oaih rhera also prevents selling small stocks 1 wheat everywhere pressure, we think the undertone is. therefore, a strong one and would rather buy wheat on tha weak spots. ' Country i onenngs oi corn ana oais r mu wmr I moderate and there la a good caah do - I mand for both. Weather IS ravoraDie for tha cropa. but so far It does not make the farmera loosen up on their holdings,- There has been a good deal I .. v..k i- f.,i - k h- ..-nM-.i hirf.r. uaja,vaa, v j asviaav wa. as w w w. . Prices are maintained by a good caah demand. There la no Improvement In the prevision situation. In respect to speculative interest or consumptive ge-i mand, they are both dull and short! Business chances of all kinds. Farms selling la restricted by fears of manlpu-land city property to trade. Lists of hatlon by the leading packing Interests, We etlll feel, however, more lower --. nr-vlalAns ara.ah'ail nf ill Just how long before they will get here. ". !. ,' ..., -.1,1 it is hard to aay. . - Cash business yesterday was 1B.00C bushel! of No. I Northern wheat at 3 cents over tha old July In store. Bales of corn were 500,000 bushels, of which about 250,000 bushels were to Philadel- Jhl - and' 17K.0SA bushels direct f or ex-I port., oaiea ,01 oats were iov.vuo Dusn-.i els. At the seaboard, exporters bought els. At the seaboard, exporters bought it.ooo bushels of wheat M4.000 bushels ot corn ajul ltMOO bushcla Of JaW i , - 'j;' ' y jLMi'tiAnf't m 7. -X rinjV k C DlDDCn I liAlTI TTiO lUUULU SAN FANCI8CCSJuho ll.-Herman EDnlncer-reDresenta to his friends that . bad -aean-trouble coming for a long time. He wanted to get-out of the firm two years ago, but was Induced to re-j main by his brother, and He stayed In, thou ah ha took no active Interest In 1 the business. He now says tha Arm was I mbbed "or 00,000 but ; hr.mea no one, as responaiDie. i ne torammw creditors haa ascertained , that ware- house certifteatea are outsUnding call- In for 20.461 tons of grain. Only 1,200 tons of rood grain are on hand. The I grand Jury meets Friday, and tha Dis- trlct Attorney may preaent tne case. BIRTHS, r Jnn T. to the wife of C. R. Gllman, a Am n.kfM June lo, to tne ,W1IS OI sniwnm u. niun, too. REAL ESTATE 4 TRANSFERS - Th. r.n.h.n ta Anna Baean. loU and T.. hlnrk 1. Roacdale Annex.... 40 alllanw Trost Umny to a sM M. Pallar, lot 14,. block 4, Msrket-Btreet UHti a"HeVfriei'to Victor U4Coa; nanr. U,lm 86 and 3A. block SS. Mount HT-Z'L 11 '"5' i"; V mJ fi: n. biiii m. a. vwauwiHiw " jr; . I a. a a. A Ll.b K itoi.ke1 tlaiMSk IfUl 1 aui in. hi Lm i lu w. utin: u miaiB v...'v t BrTrance lot 10, btoek 8, rarrell a Second Add.... 488 I Colics Eadowsient Aaeoclatlon to Arthur R.4iii kM A tA a. hlork 8. Collraa Place .' 80 George W. Martin and wife to G. M. , Panlsell. lot 8. block 105. Woodatork.. 1,000 Portland Truat rompany to C. at. faulaell, lot 4. bloek 105. Woodatoek , i B. P. Bradford to W. 11. Seward, sonth H lota 1 to 8. block 4, Walta's Clover dale Annex Otto and H. t. Breyman to R. F. Brad ford, aenth Vi lota 1 to 8, Walte'a Clov- 800 850 eroaie annex Henrietta Adama, admlnlatratrlx to Chrla tophar Olbna, lot 8, block 1. Adama' Add 300 Hnettta Art.ma tit t(m Mettle OlhUS. lot 7. block 1. Adama' Add 350 p suiiimt ait lf to 8. J. Barber, lot 6. block SIB. city' 5,000 Karl A. Miller end wife to We, A. Healf .... l , i. . n AAA ... low I ana d, diuck jo, Hum - nu w . Sellwnod , 850 J. h. Hartman et el. to Lou lea E. ork; lnl 1 and S hlnek SS.- L. Ulner'S Add J : Bm BTTABAHTSBD TTTXJBS, See Pacific Coast Abstract Guaranty ft Trust vo-, 804---7 railing aunaing. Get your title Insurance and abstract to real estate from tha - le Guarantee A Trust Co.. Chamber of Commerce. -BBW TOBAT. - am - t -- Alt In A.,UlWa 1 ' tion. rigV (On wr line" in city limits. i 81800 Buys 8 beautiful acres at Mil-I .a7o-To.cres m -uburb.; ail m cuiti- vat Ion; splendid buildings, water and rrult; gooa roaa to property. Improvements cost all wa aak. 10 AOXBS garden land, near : the, city; cheap aWWrhoJce. i. 81380 Buys 100x100. in walking- dla- tance; choice, alte for good home, or a very good placa to rent houses If built , upon. u 81800 New modern house and full lot; x$250 down and easy monthly payments.-Buy today,' tomorrow may be too late. ' 83000 Buys good 10-room house and . . corner lot., walking distance. -Come early. Thla price la at least 81.000 below cost. earinBHv.' a-nnrl t-rnom housa " and I ; . ... , i ,,. n , ciwbjo, in- yn . cv oiuv, i v, W have a lane list of clt Property. I Improved and unimproved, to whlcfc (jBitlsens who pay taxea on property worth invlta attention; ) -tin Jarg " farms, , which will ba sent., on appllca- Inn ooBurroif irusvai --: j' - . 80S Waa-tlnaTtox 8rtree si- Agsats OeraaaJav FUra Xasaraaea CsW- X1W TODAY. AT n onns M? J 0 3" W HAVE LOCATED THE TtNEER FACTORY AN EXCELSIOR MILL A PLANING MILL-: ' ; - and 2 SAW MILLS BESIDES THE ' DRY DOCK 'All of these Will be in operation - evit , V ' i Lots, $5 Down, $5 a Month. Hartmahf - .. . - .i I I HatTiraCiri A l'l4AOIC I iwiiiVii w V'lvi "'1$ 400 St foot lot, Oarrlsons Bubdivl- 3 CHAflBER op connERce REAL. ESTATE JOHN E. DAY 834 MAOL ITUIT. . , . ... . XOTXJt In country town, all full, new ,urnUur; fround lease years; $a,- JJfo CMh.'Jie0o on time, or will trade i tar Pnrtunii nronartv. Install- j g XOTS on car line; MOO, on ments. i so tnui or neavy nr timuer. w. 1 is ACXZg, 4-room house, 10 miles from fortland: IS60. wt, Brooklyn, HQQ. mvuma ana resiaur.ni. iv " , 1 40-AOM farm. 11.000. A aV KOaXaT House snd two lots on . a iaa , 6n and two lots II 160- t: 60 caah. Glance on time yrxXtl, XXI OT SB tract of 11 acrea, close to city. city property furnished free. Homestead In "ckltat County. Wash.. 1160; 1 acre. 1: acres. Iu. near car line, nmui tracta aultable for chicKen rancnes. Homesteads Xeatedv KtUaqnlSosteata Cheap. - maU Aareaga Veaa Oat X.lat, JOHN E.DAY. 234 Main. Komt to loan ta parties af small saaaaa ie.help bay or bulla kernes. Vo boaos. CS s-. 50x100 on tSd St., near rillr l.l)riIi:rNortnruP; prtc 2 ? C. H. KORELU jtlJwashjngton. h 1 " ' ' " " ' Conie to Us if Yoa Want Bargains , 8-room cottage; H block electric cars; Oak Grove. $ 8BO For a.. comfortable S-room house; ' WtM'f ,lreel' w A '. -, ' " " I'.VJ. ia ',i'0t"'n.Tr Mt. Tawr ' cottage; full lot; East ltd, near - Clinton. . v - 88760 Beautiful corner lot; new -room cottage; East Morrison street; , 'rcheloin"fhTeau: . ,;" 7 -,-. wutifui '?'Vru7t and shrubbery; one block Ankeny car iln. aaooo - For a full acre of land. 8-room nouse, large Darn; ail sinus vi fruit and shrubbery; close in on Belmont street. 18500 80x100 feet of ground, on Fourth street, witn Duuatngs oringing in a rental or iiou per montn. f 100 Each for desirable building lota, convenient to wooasiocs. ota- tion. f 800 For fine building lots on East iamnill street, near iwentietn. tttStS2t lot 9 BW-For a beautiful 5-acre country miles Vancouver. Uimm fnr an .TiolLnr ll.arr fruit and garden ranch, fronting on .v.. nimt. River 1 tnllea ', !fl!5. SSJS, buildings. Choicest variety Ot fruit anil barnaa: team, atocic .n .nli imm.m.nn. Rir buv m"ir . U MAMatr oneof Multnomah County's I most beautiful 160-acre farms: iui Lun uiuiitj, . ... ., . nil mnA Imnrovemeita marnlfi-I cent; H mile from Pleasant Home atore. if von float come to as. yoa woa't fat tha bargaiaa. thb smnr - jvawbbbob ookwabt, 148 Vt Tlrst Street. Ia-P..AA On corner, choice location. 75x100 v- Pr'c ,a 100 C. H. KORELL, 251 Washington. Brand New Cottage ON AN ACRE LOT $1500 AT St. JOHNS OIE BLOCK FROM CAR LINE CITYWATER 1IA Small Cash f ' Monthly Payments Hartman, Ihompson Growers 9 CHAMBER OP COMMERCE. TO SELL FAIR STOCKS At yesterday's .meeting of tha Lewis !tTJlflll I APrlOS and Clark ; Fair Directors' Ways and MeanB - Committee, It Wat dSClOM tnat U UaT.... a II mAM a tk. MMIAM. . ... w. v. - i Iaaa has comoleted a list of Portland I , J.008 And over who do not ownostock; h, llt Snows about 1,500. He also made a liar of all men (engaged In business here f who will be asked to: subscribe; there era nearly 2,000 of these namea) I XL nw TODaYT. BARGAINS In City: Real Estate 3oo7 -room house, new and modern. run 101, inductee some iurmn ' inas: HOlladav'a Add.' $4000 Fine 10-room house, on "Weat t t viae, lots vvivv, sviricujr moa ''I' ern.1 1 ttSOO Half-block. with small housa. . .. . near car line, &ai oiae; nne in- vestment. , ' la BOO T rooms. CoIonlaL full lot signtiy property, in e,asi i-ovr- lana isoutn. faaoo New modern 7-room house, with - mil lot, n mversiae. i nn is , a anap and property Is sure to - advance In this locality In a few . months. fgaOO Modern 7-room bouse. Lower Al- ' bina, witn nne grounaa. 1X700 rooms, full lot, Lower Alblna - - nice home. galOO New " l-room cottage, with fur nisnings. ims is one or me Desi buys in tha city: Upper Alblna; beautiful grounds. Call and see list of furnishings. We have a small house, three rooms, In Lower Alblna, that we will aell cheap. I,ook it over and make an offer. Houses in East Portland South, from 1300 up. en monthly payments, easy -terms. These are bargains; stop paying rent and own your own noma. Lots tlMO Corner lot Holladay'a Add IfOO Lot S100. close In. Holladay's Aaa. i Doe juca.tiun lur rrsiariiuw. f 100 80 feet frontager East Portland, cloae In; Garrison's Division; fronts don Washlnator street: fronta down Washlngtor street; I - klarhtlv IneaHon for residence. el on. f 40080x100. near Woodlawn car line, on sasy terms, inis is a nne in vestment ISO ,nd up for lots on installment. East Portland South. We Invite those looking for homes or In vestments to investigate our list before buying. UWXS ft OXASX XJBAE. JtlTATB OO 853 Worcester Block. $75 a Lot CHOICE LOTS St J Beautifully located on the high ground only a few minutes' walk from tha Kills. These lots will largely la oreass ta value ta the near fatnre. Bay bow while they are cheap. City Water on the Property. Improved Car Service. Title Perfect " Xasy Terms. , ;.. ; Title Gtiardfltce & Trust Co. 8 and 7 Oluuabar of Commeroe, Bortlaad, Or. WORTH LOOKING AT 80 AOBBB 30 miles front Portland, on Astoria Railroad; good 6-room house, barn, milk and rootliousea, orchard: 20 acres clear, rest cordr wood: irood buenv and harness. wsgon. cultivators, plows, etc.; also 2 horses worth 1300. s cows ana . calves, hogs and chickens. Price $2,400. ALSO 40 AOBBB Same place, good house, barns, sheds, furniture, orchard, mm harness. Dlows. cultivators. etc.. etc.: 8 acres of potatoes. 18 head of stock, 2 horses, chickens etc., besides 12 cords of wood cut, and 800 cords standing; fz.ouo. King S Creitser, SIB AXJSXT BUTXPIBO. CHOICE PROPERTY. i inar.i Near electric car line: com fnrtahla house: a barn that will Stall 40 oows; soil excellent, watered by creek: 40 acres In orchard; suitable place for suburban lrome or tc aub ,I',i,TI7T-ri'ui ..',(,.. XOT, Holladay s Addition; cheap. oiviaer price cueay. 4 OT8 on Salmon and Mart 111a streets 80 leOTB various locations, in Kings tiecona Aaaition, soia on euy icruw. ZJIBOB BOUBB and two large lots on Twentv-flrst street; elegant home. AX.BO 630 AOBB8, 1H miles south of St. Helens, on Columbia Kiver, aoout AAA acres fenced: balance timber. Various other properties la all parts of ths city. v Call on or address Clayton. King & Co. 888 STABK ST. BOBTXAJTO, OB, feoop Mesjt Full V block partly Improved blocks north of Washington street. A splendid buy. Oply 8.u00 cash, balance long time at ( per cent. C. H. KORELL. 151 Washington. BARGAIN IN HOTEL 88 BOOKS, every one full: weekly in come 1125; goon lease ana rent only 830; fine kitchen range, etc., etc. Will aell now on account of sickness for 81.300. King Si Creitser 818 AUSKT B1TXXBXVO. Choice 100x100 Near 19th and Marshall sts.; price $3,700; easy terms. C. H. KORELL. 251 Washington. Prooertv Owners, Read This ! Lewis A Clark" Real Estate Corn- are: big advertisers locally and In the Eaatern States. If you have prop erty for sale and want to receive the benefits - of this extensive advertising, place lt on their list at once. . UWXS CXJLBX BXAX. ESTATX CO., i S53 Woto eater Block. 60 x 100, very choice;' 19th and North rup. Easy (JislUU Vlll llvl toem . IT vADIPT T. 4-1 W.AI.riA. . , i. -w ,.. v TUM WAMtM, 180 AOBBS, near Newberg. lOO In 'eul- tl vat Ion and In crop, balance timber and grass; will take suburban place j?art payment ..'.' , ,s :-.':-'. - "A.- & BTOXOXh WM -Jrirrt. ttrtet. . , Boosi AT ohns A Few Special Of ferings of Real Estate for a Few Days. Desirable . for people of small means who want a home. , 4 acrea on Base Line Road, only two miles from Mt. Tabor, $500. splendid for chiccen ranch. In stallments If desired. Small cottage with lot 50x135 IL on Cast aist St., $1,300. In stallments If desired. . 100x160 ft. In Block 8, IrvJnjton Park, $150.00 . The above are offered at these extremely favorable" prices and terms to close out an estate. J. H. mm. Real Estate Broker No. 2 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. BUSINESS CHANCES. 8 800 Or about that amount, buya a nne cigar and conreetionery store at Invoice price, located right down town. 8 800 Clear store, with living rooms back; fine buy. UBWZa ft OXABK BBAL -STATU OO- SS3 Worcester Block. QuicKSaleif Of your real estate can be street en ry list in g I- aa.ttU ' U LfO CT 1 251 Washington street. ravABOtAi.. Ladd & Tilton, Bankers EetabllMied la 18S0. INTEREST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS. Collection mid at all roiata en faorbt troi, tvtter of credit lud iTtlUM Is Barape sad all point lu U United States, Blarht esrbanf and trlmmnhln , tranrr eoii id !w jors. waanincton, mio, st. Loula. Drovrr. Omaha. Ban rraacuco and Mon tana and Brltlab Columbia. . Kxcbance aold on Ixndon. Parla. Itarlln. Manila Frankfort, (tons lions. Yokohama. and Honoluta. United States Natl Bank 07 T01TXASD OHEOOV. WOkTHWIiT COS. THIB.D AtfD OAK ITS. TIAV8ACT8 A OCffXXAL BA1TXIHQ BU81VE88. DRAFTS ISSUED A .ilakle la all dtUa of the United etatea and Enrepe, Bong Kong and Manila. Collections Made on Favorable Terms Prealrtent Vlee-Prealdent .. j, 0. AlNftWORTH W. B. YKn ,R. W. STHURRR ..A. M. WR1QHT Aaalatant Oaahler Aaalatant Caahler LONDON &. SAN FRANCISCO BANK, LIMITED. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BTTrXDIBO, THIaD ABO ITAKX 8T1EEIB. Head OIBee 55 Old Broad street. London. Thla bank transacts a general banking hual neaa, makes loana. dlarennt billa and laaaea letters of credit available for traveler and for tha pnrebaa of merchandlae In nnr rltr ef the world. Ieala 'n n;i.Uo and domr!o exchange. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. W. A. JlA0AB. Manascr. , r - - r-: !" Merchants National Bank rOXTLABD, OdEOON. . J. Frank Watson. R. L. Durham R. W. Hoft...... Geo. W. Hojt ........ . President .v..Vlce.p Sldetrt .Cashier .Axajstant Cashier Transacts a 0enrai Baaklng Bnslness. Drafts and leters of credit laraed vrHllablt ts sll parts ot tha world. -t Colleetlons a apselsltjr. Gold dnst bonglit MORRIS BROS & CHRISTENSEN Cucceaaor to' . K0XSIB k WHITEHEAD, BAXXZX8. ' FIRST AND ALDER STREETS, PORTLAND, OR. BBTEBBBCB8. Ladd A Titton. Portland; U. 8, National Bank, rortiana; nans or caiirornis. Has rran ctaco; Crocker-Woolworth National Bank, Ban Frauciaco. ' Bolton, deRuyter & Co. CBXCBBBS. Chicago Board of Trade, Ban Francisco Pro- uucs Asmsnge, an rrancisco owvm and Bond Exchange. QRAIN, PROVISIONS, STOCKS, BONDS and COTTON. ins- T-tiaro-- nr. PORTLAND OX 480 California Bt. 8IOBTOAOB -OASTS at lowest Bates. XBSVBABOB IB AZ.Xi Z.UTXS. BBAX BSTATB. A. H. BIRR ELL Tormerly of KacKaster ft BlrrslL SEAL ESTATE. GENERAL INSURANCE AND FINANCIAL AtJENCY. 808-4 HoKav Building. Third snd Stark. Phone, Main 838. MORTGAGE LOANS On Portland real, estate at lowest rates. Title Insured. Alutrncts furnlsbel. 1 Title Gusrantee & Trust Co. 1 Chamber of Commerce. BOTXC8 SAXABXBB FIOPLE Do you need money before pay day? Call on ua. W can ad ranee money on your wages on abort notice. You bay back monthly, semi monthly or weekly. TBB STAB OAB CO., 210 McKsy Bldg.. Third and Stark eta. XOBTBY ADTABCZD. Salaried people, teamaters, etc-., without secur ity, easy paymenta; largeat business In 40 principal cities. tOLHAs, 883 Ablngton Bldg. KOBTOAOB ZtOABS. On improved etty and farm property, at low- eat current rates; building loans. Installment loana. wm. SfacMastsr, 8-11 Worcester bldg. iorkidnev : mm.r'- -S . Ot uiaaaer , troubles. 1 Cures In 40 Hours; URINARY ; DISCHARGES! Each Capsule ars the nameSS van aftoumttrftHt ' aauaajaa- CURES ' COIORRHOEA ABO Quit, WTTBOtT OTBMJal lll'illlllll I TrwVVrAM .. w 1 r IP (oLf BBW TOBAT, BESX.T1ME JO INVEST When bargalne are offered you. Call and examine our Hat of city and suburban nouses ana lots, small ana large, tracts of land. $3000 Lot, with two cottsges. on Four- rteenth street north; rents 130. 83800 -Lot, with two cottnges, paying it per cent; BixiPeutn , street north. . v 10 per cent; Fifteenth end North- 10 per cent;Ktfteenth and North- rup. 4000-17-75x100. Fourteenth and Marehnll f sts. ; i cottugce, paying per ' cent net. 84850 Corner lot. two houses. Thir teenth and Lovejoy; good for warehouses. 81450-25x100, nSodern -room cottage, "on Market street. , 811SO 6-room 1 -story house, 50x100; Uranu ave. and FallhiR. 81850 X-roont new house, corner; Union I avmi. V4JHH-80xlOO. 6 -room coltage, corner , Mneteenth and weidli-r. 8888060x100. t-story .imvdcrn house; iioiiailay Addition. 84000100x100, modern 8-room houne and coltage: HollaJay Addition. 81800 Modern 2story S-ioom house; lot tOxlOU; I nliiu avpnue. 81100 100 x 200, Woodlawn. 5-room bouse and barn; young orchard. 81650 100x100. 6-room modern .cottage. on Unlon-ave. car lino; plenty fruit and berries; easy terms. Lots In Wlllsmette Park. Woodlawn and other suburban additions from $100 to $150 and $200 each. Call, write or ?hone to my office. We will endeavor o suit you In price. LOUIS SALOMON, Center Seventh and Washington 8ts. TOB SAtS 4-room cottage, 50x100; barn; fruit trues, garden and out- tioueen; t blocks 'from Peninsula Sta tion, on the fit. Johns line; 8990. B. K. WAXXtBOB. $11,000 Specials Bartly rpved. near rd ami Jef ferson. Easy terms. C. H. KORKLL. 231 Washington. LXOAJC V0TICE. NCHT1CIC of apetial meetlnc nf tbe American Aluiaden QuirkallTer A Uofd Mining Company. Notice la urrrbr glren that a apecial rucet Ins ot tbe atorkhuldera of th American Almaden Qulckallrer A Md Mining Company will be held at the office of the company, room 800 Chamber of rommrtrce, I'ortlnnd, Ore ion. on Thursday, the 2d day of July, 1003, at the bonr of 8 o'clock p. m. for the. purpnae of aiibniUtlns to the atorkbolders a propoaltlon to aell. txind nr mnrtsase the mlnlns propertlee of aald corporation for the pnrpoae nf dcrelopltis the aame snd paylnsr tn llabilltlea nr the corporation ana lor toe transaction of anch other bnainem aa may come before a atorkholdera' meeting. . By order of tbe board nf directors. E. N. WHEELER, Becretary. ' Levi Tlllotaen, Ownir ot one-slith of the atock. Dated, June IT, 10b3. BBW TOBAT. FOX XEWT. FURNISHED ROOMS to let and one houae keeplns room. Inquire Uncle 'Sam Saloon. iiH Fifth at. FAXMB FOX BALE. 180 ACRES of land, few acres eleared; living water, amall hnuae; 12 miles from Forest ' Oreve; will be sold verv cheap. Wballey, Benaon Bldg.. Fifth aad Morrison sta. FURBISHED XOOXB. LOO AN BUILDING. 10SV4 Union ave. Elegant ' rooms fot hoasekeeplng or transient, tarnished or linfnrnlshed: rates reaaonahle. LOST. 1XIST A golrt medalmnnogjam. boa East Sherman. ' Reward. . Boale Forbe. WASTED, BOARD and rooms for one or two young tsea; reasenslilr; st 2.'!! Sixth ntt The Oregon Daily Journal HELP WANTED MALI. U. B. HANSrN A CO., EMPLOYMENT AGENTS Ztt NORTH SECOND BT. O dices Is San Francisco, txis Angeles, Csl . Orden. I th: Mnokane. Wash. . HELP FKKB TO EMPLOYERS. Applicants for work charged ' for what we aecurs for them, only or moner remnaeo. rn REGISTRATION and ItACOAGH ROOM. ESTABLISHED 1870, WANTED. FOR NEVADA. Tunnelmen. doable-hand hammers men. muckera. la bo. era. 88 to 88 day. chances for machine runners, oatatds It borers snd teamaters. FREE FARE, long job, good water, board and work. NORTH. On tbe Coast. H. R. laborers. 82 28 day; also, station gang 22 to 80 centa. FREE FARE. 1 fcRIIKJE CARPENTERS. B. R. Co. work on jL'OAST. $2.75. FREE FARE. 9 millwrights for sawmill. $3.50 day; 20 mill and yard laborers. $2 day; box factory men and boys. $20 and $30 and board; 2-bors sawmill teamsters. $30 and board; firemen, $30 and board; k rough carpenters, $40 and hoard; laborers around steam above). 82.85; right of way clearers, 82.25; teamstera and labnrera for a new Job at VANCOUVER; man and wife, cook and waitress for mining company boarding camp. $00; man and wife, prlrate place, country, $nO. OTHER WORK IN OTHER LOCALITIES. Bee ua If n want work nnt of town. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. C. R. HANSEN ft CO. 28 North 2d at. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTEDookr willing in do aome house work: no washing. I'hone Main 2511. 230 King at. WANTED A willing girl to assist In bouae wnrk: good wagea and good home. Apply 414erenth st. REMOVAL. DR. FRANK B. FERRIS, DR. GERTRUDE B. Lamherson. Dentlat. removed to Macleey bldg.. fifth floor. ATTORNEYS. EMMONS & EMMONS, attorueya at.4law, 54 Tt orcesieroiog. S. B. RIGGEN, Attorney and Counsellor-at- Lsw; Notary. 306-3OB Ablngton DIQg. PAXTON, BEACH A SIMON ' nlO Chamber of Commerce. J. T. TA UGHER Room 18. Alnaworth Building. El. B. DICKINSON. Attorney-at-Law and No tary Pnhlle. 508 Commercial bldg. HOTELS. WELL VENTILATED alngle rooms. 15c. 20c and 25c a night; beds, 10c. The Ererett House, cor Second and Darts. L0DOINO HOUSES. TUB COSMOS Fourth and Morrleon, furnisheC housekeeping suites, suite aud single rooms; S3 per week snd up THE dASTLB 273 Waahligton st.: rooms for gentlemen: trsnslent. Tel. South 761. BAXOINO AND LIGHTERING. OREGON ROUND LUMBER CO., 181. "Burn side St. Phone Grsnt 1171. BANJO, MANDOLIN AND OTHTAR. INSTRCcTiONf, lub tor advanced pupils;. In. stroment for sale. Hal Webbtr, atudio 173 West Park. cor. Yamhill. I'hone South 2381. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. t8BKR0-OUN8T CIGAR CO. Distributers' ef - FINE CIGARS. -. '. - Portland. 'Oregon. . CARPENTER. j. F. ;LUCY. successor to Gordon Mfg. -Co.. . carpenter., builder, general contractor, bona . remodeling: alteration, ete. cabinet werfe .and Jobbing a specialty f counter shewing, Ire -.boxes, etc.; store and office 8i tures; up-te-j date and . original caraenter. work of all kind.; nothing Unuriu or too small for our Immediate attention; nO (Ilea -on us; ws ... njak and put np the . best . Ur screen is Portland. s". Khoo. fit of Yamhill t. phone, Black 28UTt retdene. ftf at Stark; ' reside!. c phooe, Vhll 713. '.: ... -'. OAFXft. TATES- "LACK, r5 Wablnsta at.. 1 hone S. Main TTl, J. W,-Talbott. ir..o. t-t lant. Or. . COBUnCE-aKYLlOHTS. MKTAU BKYLIUllfa, salvaulara true cor uieaa. t. v. Barer, son arnl at. CASH &EOI6TEKS, UALLW00O CAHH ' " ' V KKGlltTEKR. Ml Stark at. OKIXOPODT ABD MANICUEINO. THE HKVENYS. the only adeatloc ehlropcdlols . In the city : parbira il-J, Allaky bldg.f thla Is the long haired gentletsaa as waul to aev. Urant Irt. . , ... L. MIfCIiEIX, Chlrupotllxt. bldg., phone Black SMI.. 708 " MarqtMUt CABPKXTEB8 ABB BUItDEH, JOHN A- MELTON, carpenter and builder. T ; 8tark at.: offler and aim ftittirea built and remodeled; altering and repair Uoaaea.- Phone Main 74T, .-: j At'THOKS A MARTIN, carpenters and : era; repairing and Jobbing; atorn and eflee flit urea built, shop SUP Columbia. Phone Clayllk , H.'f CLAKK, 4oTi4 Wash., phones Wet M.', North nil. New and repair work. vapl attention. . COMPRESSED YEAST. RED STAR roidl'KESHKD VEA8T; it make lightest For sals by all groceta. 15 per cent stronger than ane other. COAL AMP WOOD. WESTERN FEED A KI EL CO. Dealers In all kinds tf voel. coke and chnrcoal. I'hrmn lots. VULCAJl" COAL CO.. wholesale deslar bOTt enala; fnondrf and smelter ce. ACMB MILLS CO.; ' Manufacturers Ralstua Acme Cereals'.'1 20 and TJ Nort h Fona, :. il P. JOHNSON A CO., siasnfaelarers Peer leas '?::; Health Cereals. 122-4 nnt at. ELECTBICAL W0BSB, PORTLAND ELECTRICAL WORK Office Btark at.' Western Eleetrle Works. S08H Washington t. DBUOOI8TB. FRANK J. 8TRE1RIO, drugs. toilet artlclss,: perninfrs. :M2 wasnlrgsion SYEIXO AND CLEAXIXO. CITY STEAM DYEISO A CLEANING WORKS.' Herman KnKle, proprietor. lnone maia 171H. No. 5 8th at., near Fine, Portland, Or. FRATERNAL X80KAXCE. ORDER OF WASHTNOToN Foremost frater nal aoclaty of Northwest; protects tne tir ing. J. L. Mitehelli aupreme aecreUrr, all and 016 Marquani bldg.. Vurtland. Or. Tel ephone Main 042. . HOUSE FtTXNIIHZBS. HOME FURNISHERS Furniture, carps tm. par. lor goods, atores, ete. Bee 1. Oevurts Sons. 173-175 First at. 119-225 lamhlll. Both phOTHHi rvO-. mmmwmmmmmmmi JEWELERS. THB 0. "HEITKEMPER CO,. sanafa-turtu jewelers, itwd Morrt"on St. FBJSE BHIXEB. CLOTHES CLEANED and rti month. Unique Tailoring Co.. 84T Waihlag. IXBVBAVCE. J. PHILIP KENNEDY. Inanrancs; resident agent Norwich Union Fire Insdrsnee Bselsty, Phone Soath 1561. 4 Hamilton bids. . ; JAS. Mcl. WOOD, employers- HsMlVtxi mstn dividual accident; aoretv bonds ot all klnos. Pbons 47. Concord bldg. - ' ..'- 1. F. BARTEIJ! COMPANY. Fire ln-anee. 443 Bhexlock bldg. Oregon, phone. Clar-,? ISAAC L. WHITE, are Inaoranee. 8U Bberluck DlQg. uregon pnnne. w.in wt. job ganmss. wn iri,-ioir HTATTOVERTr bos lnee formsr . s specialty. " Mercantile Prlnttag .P'T- 82 Front, cor. aa. I'hqne, Black $001. , MINING AND BnfEIM0TR8jL SER8ION8 A SIMPSON, mining and mine nro- motera. Room 1. Chamber of Commerce. LOCKSMITH. A. L. TloRBTTH, WX Ttmni", naar ototui 12 years with J. Barney. . - XABSAOE. MDMB. H. R. ELY, dermatologist, massage. electric trsatmenta. ium eirsv MODEL BAXXX. FOB FIRST-CLASS REPAIRING1 go to.Andy Frit, machinist ana mooei maser. u "" MONET TO LOAN. FRED H. STRONG, FINANCIAL AGENT. Money to loan. le commission. I am in a position to make Immediate loans en Improved real estate or for building one. pose; any amount; moderate Interest. We spprove loans from plans snd advance money building progresses when desired. Option la repaying after one year. ' ;. V -. f FRED U. STRONG. Financial Agent. . i 103 Second at., near Stars. TBB STAR LOAN CO.. 210 MK AT 'BLDG., 10ZH Third at., is tne recogniaea nana ( the wage-earner. We adrance money to teamaters, trainmen, shopmen, motormen. conductors, ete.. wlthont mortgage, endorser ' or collateral. . . Amonnt 'Montbtv Monthly. Weekly $100 repay 2S. or fia.uu er n. $ 60 repay 813.35 or J or 83.M 8 25 repay 8 65 or 8 8.85 or $1. Boslceas confidential. No snpleasant Inquiry, MONEY TO LOAN on real, personal snd eoT. lateral security; special attention to chattl; mortgages; notes bought. C. W. Pallet. 213 Commercial blk. Phone Grant 880-. MONEY TO LOAN at reasonable rates, la amounts to suit. Grabam A Clatos. 800 Mar qnam building. nil . ' . '" MONEY TO LOAN, amall amounts, short or '. long time. J. H. Hawley. 3 Chaw, of Com. MONEY TO LOAN on city lot and Improved farma. W. A. Shaw ft Co.. 848 Stark at. NORTHWEST HOTELS. Hotel PorUand,Aarlcaa plan! 88,85 per day Sommar Hotel, La Grand i traveUrs' horn. Belvedere; European plan) 4th aad Alder at. St. Oharlea, Fh-it and Morrison its.. Portland OVERALLS. BOSS OF THE ROAD OVERALLS and meoban Ics' clothing. -Union wise. NeustjWter ; Bre.. Mfer I'ortlend. Or ' PALMIST. ARRIVAL EXTRAORDINARY. Tho World'R Ureatest r ' PSYCHIC PALMIST, PROF. HHEI.IM1N. AX HONEST PROPOSITION THE PUBLIC TO Jt'UfiB. - 5 No rharpe nnle satlsfacrnry (yon to, b full Judge 1. I do hereby solemnly agre and guarantee to MAKE NOl CHARfiH If I fall to give you satisfaction. I promise to tell yoiw whether husliaart ot' wife i nweetheart In true r false.. I WILL TEIJ. YOU HOW TO GAIN TUB LOVE OF THK ONE YOU MUST DESIRE, EVEN THOUGH MILES AWAY. In fner. t will tH-r ; exerr hope, fear or ambition hotter1 than you can tell ronrself. WITHOUT YOU TELLISO ME ONE"-WORD, and If you are not abso lutely satisfied when rending It over (JOB to ; be full jndget. then pay not our penny. , . f ta TtiiM vrt nnsr.T' ..,;..'! I advise you oa love, courtship. 'Warrlage, divorce, health, business, lawsuits, apeenU- , J tion aud transactions nf all kinds, tell ye ; tt. ,t Lwho and when to narryi settle' jnrfn' . nmHT ',?-y-'jels and family trouble; lotalo lost treasure it, aud absent friends, etv-.- , ;J. ' 2"t &fiT. rT,-'1: Parlor 27. 2. !t and 9a,A"Th .0os." i - Fourth and Morrison sts. -::.:. - ' --',;- -J.' PPBLIO STXKOOXAPHES. 1 MISS AGNES LANE, iiiihllc stenogmiicr SA4 : . typewriter, j vsamue oi wswimv - ci aw. . . FEB 80 NAT. XQl'H. yBEStriMPTIfluSS are V art-.iv i d reasonably filled l : resell a pviru..r. JMorf tsBS -.., fct-T.trl '1 1 '''. .. .l Si OKI Iti sd" ue!s f..e ,-!' . -r r--f '" eg;ja'tents. J'nes t.o !,.., t Al.e-e- CAFB KRA1Z 122 bUta ti- A ' ;. ' served at all bmif. ' '.' '. " ''-'c- SOW by all OrusslatSs , xaautaUBrx. ' Vv-'V.. V . .-: V ..... 7.::' '-"; " ' V ' ) -v , - it '