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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 17, 1903)
THE OREGON. DAILr JOUKKAL, ronTLANI) WEDNESDAY EVENING, JU20M7, 1003. CITT MOTICES. CITT V0TICEB. CITT X0TI0EI. CITY B0TICW. CITT B0TICI8. CITT NOTICE! RAILROAD TIMETABLES. nv vbopobed .asebsjieiii foe -4kpbot MZXT Or VXIO ATEVvX. Notice to nerahy given that tb Cooflctt of th City of fori Una proposes to mm tae follow Ing, described property and owner ar owners v at being specially and peculiarly benefited - V la th amounts set opposite tha name and d. ,. arrlpllona thereof for tbe Improvement of Inloo I Avenue, from tha south Una ( Esst Oak atfaat , , to tbe north Una of Eaat Morrison street, m provinta ny (jrainaace no. 1.1,100, , ., '. An abjections to ths apportionment of coat , i . for aald Improvement roust be made In writing ' ' - to tha Council and pled with tba Auditor within . nrtMn day from tba aate of tba llrat publics, ' tlon of 4hia notice, and aald abjection will ba ' board d determined or tha Council before . tba passage or tua ordinance aaaeaainf tba coat ; vi aaia improvement. ., . Eaat Portland: V u ' ' ' Block 81, B tot S. William K. Hart a(J.M V 3, RU lot P., John Went,.,,..., 4B.43 1. EVt lot T. John Want. "48.44 '. Wtt lot 8, J. T. Brady.,.,., 8.8T 3. Wl kit T, 3. F. Brady.. , Block HI. B SB ft. of W SO fr. lot a. Cbarle H. . Riffety t.TO a iocs 01,' w o it. 101 a, uavia Ittl- "4 fetr ......... .,..1...., j T.Ti Block 81.- EM of N ' 40. ft ft., lot T. V: William K. Martial) ....... 83.63 !; aioca bu n inchea pi lot , T, ' S , Stefano Allejrranl ................... ' ,11 "Block 81., B & ft. of W 50 ft. Wt V , 1 T, Charles II, Kaffrty .,;:, 1.00 e. w jo II.. lot 7, iiftf Id. Kef, .' is 1 M M .iok bi. . ft. lot Btafaoo Aiwaraui PO.M Blork 81, 1 IW h. lot . B. A. Crlppa -' Batata. . hvlra of . . . TOM vnn .1, iv. a. vriifum aiaia , balrd ot . 4 1 134.M h. -tot , tioniaa uoana. jt?.bo dj. lot r. Inlaa Loaua lork N2. lot i. Lnilu Um... il .M IA tlLnb CO 1... t . , . . " ' S 4 A., m. Blo-k Kt, . .J Block ML , Blork lot 6, Tha Hawthorna Batata 00. Au . niwk M. Jot ft, Tha Hawtborna Batato.. ,70.(K Jiioea M. , lot W. B. Laud Batata, - . , hrlra of TO.OO ' Block M. lot I. W. B. Ladd BaUto. - ' .hlra of....; , . M.60 bkc m tot f, w. B. Ladd Batata, , bHra of ,..... .. S2.6Q -M 4. tot , Wr l,-linM Batator--1- -helra of ...,rf.. 3.60 Blork loj. let 1, I. Babekab Muck- : ' - tld .,.... tl.19 . Blork 102. KU lot 1 lank JBoda.... ... dT.QJ 4-oiora; 10a.,. tot W. VMreb v" 1 Katata. halra of ,.. '.... 4... 4T.0J Plork KH. lot S. Bornard fapo ' 118.80 , Blorh 10S..Kli lot 4,,Harah i. MiKIt- rlrk .i..s, : 6T.W . Block lftl, 84 lot 4. Hrnry Blnahrlmar 07.72 ., Block nil, loi 1, Btiftna and Wrrorr A. Braymaa , r.. . 142.88 ; Block lot. lot 2, Tba Alliance lruat Co.. Ltd. ..V5..-.7..J7. 13S.M Block 101, lot ,'Tba Alllaoca Traat Co., Ltd. ..V....? S8.1 to -r-.- loi-lotd. Kacnaa' M-'Wanwr- nrarnaa' .... ow.BO Block luo, baalnalnff at ' tha rtorthweat eoraw Of block 1U0. Eaat Portland, tbcoca aouth alnoa- tb wcat Una of I v told block - o.2 fect. tbcoca oaVt I aVC H O) I fect aontb of and I , Lrallrl with tha north Una of aald I Af block 48. M feat, these north along; " Hat 48.88 feat aaat of and parallel f with tha weat line of aald block r' '.--,' lft Inchea, thenca aaat along a Una 4U.U0 ieT aotna 01 ana parallel witn tha north no of aald block 18.82 feet. thence aontb along 1 a line 89.74 feet eaat of and parallel with tba waat Una of aald block 12.S Inches, . thence .-.. eaat alonr a lln 80 feet aouth of od parallel with tba north Una' of said block 80.24 feat, these north along a lino 100 feet eaat of and parallel with tha west Una of aald , block to Ita Intersection with tba aald north lino of aald block, thence waat along tba north line of aald block to place of beginning, Ixra laa H. Boise and Catherine H. Berk Block 10O. .beginning at a point In isa weat line of block 100 AO. 2 feet aontb of tha northweat corner of aald black, thenca eaat along a Una .II0.S feet aouth of and parallel with ' . the north line of aald block 48.08 feet, . these north along a line 48.02 feet . eaat of and parallel with the waat Una of aald block lft Inchea, thence " .cant along a line 48.08 eet south of and parallel with the weat line of aald block 12.8 Inches. . thence eaat along a line 80 feet south of and par allel with the north line of aald block ?0.24 feet, thenca aouth along a . Una. . 00 feef eaat of and parallel with . . the- west line- of aald block - to a ' point 100 feet anoth of iba north Una of aald block, thence weat along a Un 100 feet aouth of and parralel with the north line of , aald block the -reat Wfe-M - aald i blocks to a point at Ita Intersection with . . the weat tine of aald block, thence north along tba. wen line n( aald. block to tba place of beginning, B. A. , TllockHifi. tot.4. B. A. Baldwin....,.;; Flock 108, lot 4, B. A. Baldwin.... Block : 89. Vt 1, William E. Braln- ard,. ; . Block W. lot 7, WIlHam B. Brain- ard ......,. r. Block 88, lot 8. Thomaa B. Weat.... Block j88, lot A, Themaa B. W'eat.... KSVT OF XA8T VIVITEEBTK 2TBIET, Notice la berebr given that the- VmneH M the tlty of Portland propoaes to aaeeaa fvliowlug' described property and owner owners aa being specially and peculiarly ben KXVT Of BE00XD ' IT MET. Notice Is hereby gires that the Council of florOIEO AISES8MEKT . T0B . IMPBOTB- BOfOBEO ABftEBBMEMT FOB IMfBOViV PE0r0iBD AIBESSVEVT TO IHTBOTB. '"OrOiED - ABSU2MXMT FOB IMPK0VX- HET OB TIBBT IIXEXT. . " wTOO BTEXET. Notice la hereby given that tba Council off' Notice to hereby gives that' the Council of rheM'lty'of 1'oribnid propoaea' to sssess tba I ne flty of Portland proposes-, to assess the . AmmihA Snrf . a I fulloWU'.g deacrlbed PrODeTto . Sad ISM of owuera aa being epeciaiiy ana pecuuariy base- 1 wr " -p" rwsusriy sese- lie- me nastea sua 1 " "rrw ooasco sua Improvement of I aeacripiioiia wsmor tor me improvemaot or Mnn af imMmm I Waaos atraet. Iroaji tba eaat 11 as . of Kaat street to the south Una of Htark fUeel as Fifteenth street to the center Jlns of Kaat , B,3Ptx. 1 iwruij.ivwiB aivi. mm yrvTiaes uy ora- pportionment of sost naacs No. 13.0T8. . . no made la writ I . mul mywuw , apporixoameni or mm with tb Auditor I Ior esia iniprovemeni mmt ne made la writing 1 . 1 in. in. ... wr, .u --" - wm m in. ml. a I ivwl" deacrilMid property and owner or ownera 1 Wins SinVUiaiiy SOU LNPt-UURIl ' WUlHir. Bted In lh amounts act opposite H acr,' and deacrlptlona thereof for the Improvement ,11?, -'A tlm thilt,Pt,m ,b',r0, " 'be ?! -p. ? h."ut",rit to. "pi!?t "12 ,fort,dhuo1 r.'" sri?- . Ii h. n.Z.Z v " north. Hu of Jefferson street, a ftv Hi"hJ"r,.' .-V. Ki Va aa provided b prdlnanc No. Tldp4 bf ordloanc N, 18,142. ' .ItLmh. rt'oiii' ;s th spportlonment of foat tJ.mlt?n&tmmt& m."dTln writing ' ldipv.m;ht mS!?U rZjri-LWJ . Ki tera WfflS -a ; fell. : Jit! ' of Multnomah atreet to tbe south litis cf "zZrit, VL'mtAi . r-Ai-. . w- toe norm . " " . V. WW 13.07T. ' An obtortlona for said improvement to me uoiincii ana niea wiiu .oe Auaiiw wunui wlfh ... d, , 10 us re iTom IBS owe 01 ,ne nr., puoiicsuuu .,.,-,., th ..-.. ,Ba win ow scara ana ueiermisea of Ibis notice, and aald ohlectlons will ba I heart ana oeterm nefl by tbe Council iwrore for th. amam.xa ot thm .luiM :LIMB ''la' the coat of 'said Improvement. 1 the naasace coat of said Improvement. John Irving' First Addition to Eaat Portland-- . ... , bib A 11 4A tf. U T.nhl.. tf t w, w, 1. iw f . fc. n , . f"' mw ' n Boasell tw 87.91 Bis 4. i loa.T it. lot s, josepnin tt. ' PortlsndV ' - Block 28, lot B, IJoyd Brook Eatat- fl ft ahan st Am mm vasss I Ul LBfJ IVUKII IDQ BIHI Virn 11.41 AUI1 ItV ld obtotlJiua date of tbe Brat p'ubUcetlon of tbla notice. I w,S'"vf ,U,Ba-"iK rre. d,' " !i..V'.':..!Xi and aald object lona wlfi be beard and determined publlcaX on of this notice, end . aaJld objes- aaaiu ' Council before tba saaae of tb ordl- " "J" V"'-d by tbe Cous. aeeeeeiu' nance aaaeaaina tha oost ( aald improvement. tfll .nefor tb paaaage, of tha ordinance aa- ' I aesaina tne coat of aaia Improvement. heirs of ..i .-. Block 28, lot T, David V. Thompson Ea- laie, oeira 01.,,,., . o 9A .!,"f!J i: ' V.' -2.:'; vv 'iil.V Block 41. N ht 7. J. W. A V. Cook. ; atf.iu , lam B. Olafk and Fredertch Olafka,' ; ' ; - Blark ti N t ft. o( n tot Henrietta I K. . Uu IT. w'elllne anrf Ifnillv V. . ' tfr, .'. ,,(,...,,,,. ...... Blk 4. (I :M ft lot 1. R. a. Hamllto,, f M M Bit . B 88 ft lot 3. B. U. Hamilton.. Hollsday Park Addlum to 1'ortUnd, Oreaon ' 1, '., r: ' Blk 12. lot 2, R. 0. HsmlHos..,;,... Blk 1., lot 1, H. fl. Hamilton... Blk'T, lot 18, F. W. Wegner... ...,,.,. Blk T. lot 111. F. W. Wegner Blk TV hit 2, Tb Title Guarantee 4k 'lruav io. .... 1 , Blk 7. lot 1. Tha Title Ctiarantea " Trust Co.-. ...... ,n .......... ' Blk 8. lot 18, . Th TltU Guarantee AV ', Trnat .,......,,........;......... Blk 8. lot IS, The Title Guarantee Aj . k 6. lot, 1. Tha Title Guarantee 4) ' Trnat Co. :..t...- f' Blk 8. tot 1, Tt Title Cuaranto m : I TV IViiiMMtilil' a . . . a a 0 s . Blk V lot 16. Tb iltW Ourint A Trnit Blk I. lot 15, Tbt Ti-U Guarantc 4h irUUl. Wa s e 4 . a . e - a - - Trust C....... ... .1-rw-kA-wn.t. . J6.W Blk 1." kit I, Tb T1U OiarMtM TTOf Co. tf mJmm If sVaa. 1 1 1 sshsB B.llsn L W-( saaiaHjr AT sT 81 a 88 tig) 81 MU UaUaa,' AT a I i; ft I'stUTM a . a a aa t a . . . . .a fBlork 8A, Jot Nf Fr4 Blrkal bio-1, lot T. trwX lih'tfl ;.. tllfwlr 11 if IZ. 1. 8- flu.f ,W (Whatl - 4;m "-7-.r tTlZ-i " ' fll.J f sL.r J 41 f (Va... .s all at ok I ''" W a-"' i-e v vvai nyt, a . f?? Block 18. -lot ft, Louis Wooa at al Block 16, W 75 ft. lot 8, Klu, Ark Block IS, W f ft. lot T, Kim, Ark I rtwos -in skew 103.44 i Block lft. B 20 ft. lot 8. Cbarle He- iW.M ifjrk lft, ' B"i6' ft! ' Ut 'f . '.Cbariea ' Ha-' 18.88 I Block 11, lot 8,' Uandei"L.'Hawkina; I BI.Mlr If Im. S 1 I II.. bl.. . 18A.27 f Block 10,' lot 8.' William II, llarrla. '. I lllnk III Lit V U'llll.m II ll.wwla . 230.21 1 Block 10, B ftf ft. lot 8, William B., 1 tiara A, recnbeimer, Alice at. Hers 34.08 snd Blliabeth A. Klcbengrnen Blocs jo, iot o. wiinam ., inn a. rechbeimer, Alice al. Hers ana sua. Portland Blk 88. lot 8, Germs a Saving Loaa lflo M I ' Society .' a lu-a I Blk w north lot 1, Oermaa Savings 4k Ian Society , Blk 8, aouth lot T, Xllea K. Bay Kstnte, heir of Blk 88. lot 8. Jacob Kamm. ...'.... . 88.811 Blk 88, lot 8, Jacob Kamm Blk 1, lot 8. Flret National Bank tt 48.03 1 Portland, Oregon ., , .ve 1 . , i v VM. v.. 1.... 1 Bank of PonTlVml.- Oreaon t a I Blk 1. soufb lot f. Ferdinand 0. 107 UT nmlth, .odivr Blk 1. north 14 lot 8, Ferdinand 0. 8mltb .....'.,... H 28 Blk 1, south H lot tt Louise U. Boise aa'an snd Catberlu II. Beck no bjl Blk V, lot ft. Oarmaa Savings Loaa Society i 101 8 Blk 2. west 88 2 2 feet lot B, Henrietta Em., railing j 00. 4, Blk a, east 88 i-'fet lot 8, Anna B. Button 1 as Blk 3. north tot 7. Aaron aleler Batate, heir of in Blk 2. aouth th lot 7, Ladles' Kcllef 13S.23 84.10 T8.T0 llolladay'a Addition to East Port. land Blk ITS, lot 4, The Oregon Beat Eatat Company 8 Blk 175, lot I, Tba Oregon Real Estate society ,..,,.,.,,,.,.. 80 88 Blk 2, north 44 lot S, Ladles' ReUaf 4.n8 i Society au.oo Blk 2. aouth H tot i, Elisabeth at. so 01 Smith ,..., 88 88 Blk 2, lot ft, EUta hetb M. Smith.... . Blk S. weat 45 feet, lot 8, 0. B. Smith 8.80 I Blh 8, eaat JM feet Jot 8 Elliabeth mi ciuii.a ,...,.. Blk 8. north V4 lot 7, Leon Vial . e- b"B A- ElCheniruen ........... f.12 . ,. ' 187. ST I Block 10, W 88 ft, lot , 4aam Wblt. ,. 82.64 Blk 8, south lot 7. Asa Harker in .wsim,,. ..saw 1 ":i,I'-.:r -V ' '.'11' V.'.'.L' L' Keller. ..... 11. 03 1 0 uvriu 71 wv v, ur. Block, Ilk W riHH'a a, mi t. lpt i oeepa John Irvlnn'a First Addition to Bast ' Kk A V toil ft. lot 8. rharUa If I ui.. a' I... v ' u.wi.... a. I . nA.u I He lata, heirs of lreecott 6.8'J of San Francisco 10.83 I Blk 8. south H lot 8, Lewis Love.... Blk . . N 100 ft. lot 7, Charles H. I Conch a Addition to th City of Portland Blk 8. west 70 feet . of north H lot Preacott . ..;........... J1.T1 I Block 20. H 18 ft. lot ft. Joseoh Clossett I 6. Alliance Assurance fnaurance Blk A 84 ft. tot 8. Tba Title Guar. . I mA Willi. m MMntmh MM Comoaay 'of . London antes Trut Co...... 81.41 Block 20, lot 4, Johnson Estate Co... 117. T8 Blk 8, east 80 feet of nortb H lot 8, Blk 8. S 04 ft. lot T.iTba TltU Our. . Block 20., lot 1, Jobsson KsUta Co.,. . 68.H I Anna Vaa Benaelaer ,.... ... - antee A Trnat Co. a T.53 Portland I Blk 8. south ft lot S, Anna Val Comnanv a? im Blk its, lot 8. The Oreaon Beal Estate 1a y company Blk K6. lot ft, Tha Oregon Real Batata 109.45 Blk "fg""' 4 Th 'Oregon Beal 'Batata M'8T Blk,Tf8lBtot' if," Tba 'Oregon' Reai Eatat mm a Company Blk 178, lot.S, Th Oregon Real EaUt sa ka Compaay 8-B0 Blk Tiftl'lot 'i,' Ths 'Oregon' Real' 'Estate it. aa tlomoanr ,..1 1I.W B)k ,M wt xh, Oregon Real Eatat BlkBTHo,.nut 'i' The Oregon' 'Real' 'Estate M-M Blk 1-6, tot '.' Th'' Oregon Real 'Estate llM I A tract of land lying between the north una i waec atraet and Una 100 feet north of and parallel therewith and between the eaat Una of block numbered 185. HolUday'a Addition to Eaat Portland, and th waat Una of block numbered 8. Uollanay Park Ad dition to Portland, Oregon, The Or. fon Real Estate Company lotladay Park Addition to Portland, Ores OS . Blk 8. lot 4, Cbarle F. Overhaugh.... Blk 8. lot 8. Cbariea F. Overbaugb. . . . Blk 8. lot 2. Tba TltU Guarantee A Trust Company Blk 8. lot. L The TltU Ouaraatee .10 .10 , .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .06 .10 81.S2 84.11 84.11 128.31 108.88 ' 10.33 84.11 84.11 8.78 88.78 .10 80.71 BT.ftB 88.60 70.00 i 70.00 88.60 82.60 62. fc Total ....82,808.38 enni n ntvi im ' T w ; Auditor ortb City of ;Portland Jnna IS; -1803. , -i ' - J?H0P08ED ASSESSMENT FOB SZWCBpr KNOTT STREET. Notice 1 berehr olvcti thai the Ow licit, of , The city of Portland propoae to assess tha following described property and owner or Owners aa beinr aneclally and oecullarlv bene filed In - tbe. amuanla est opposite tbe tfamee - and deacrlptlona thereof by the eonatruction of ' a aewer In Knott street, from a point 623 feet aaat ei the east , line or 1 nion avemw to a connection with the aewer In I'nton avenue, aa pafivlded by Ordinance No. 13.28. Any ohjeetlona to the apportionment of cost for aald aewer must be made In vtrltlng to th Council and Sled with the Audi for within fifteen daya from the date of the 8rat publics tlon of tbla notice, and aald objections will be heard and determined by the Council before th passage of the ordinance assessing th Coat rnr aaia aewer. Alhlna -Block T. S 100 ft. lot 3. Newman Good- ? . man ..1.... t ; .' $ 24 R0 Bhk T: 8 HO ft. lot 8. Conrad Wolf.. 24.DO Block 7, n loo ft. lot 7. Henry llelser. Block 7. 8 Umi. ft. lot 8, John Krteger. "Block 7. 8 100 ft. lot 8, Adam Delnea. Block T, n loo ft. lot 10; Oeorge Repp. Block T, S 100 ft. lot 11. Mary B. 800- neM . . 1 . . . . .'. lock T, 8 100 ft. lot 12. Mary E. Sco- Leia , hmk 7. 8 100 ft. lot 13, James C. P. ' w catenas rd :..t. Block T, 8 100 ft. lot 14, James C. P. f4JL4k4ff ftrd ra .Ti'yiFfii.r.'iL4iitiwtf Block T. N 100 ft. lot S3, Itoulcl II. ; Harnett' i ... Blm-k T, N 100 ft. lot 27, Angelina - Berry .... 1 ,., 1 .' ; . . . Block 7, N 100 ft. lot 201 II. N. Cock- erllne 1 Block 7. N I0O ft. kit 26, John Treber. Block T, K 100 ft. lot 24. Mary B. Clark Block 7. - N 100 ft. lot 3.1, Com-! Hchwarts'1 Block T. . N 100 ft. lot 22. John Krleger. Block 7. N 100 ft. M 21, Un M J ' hanson Bloch 7, N 100 ft- M Jl, J 'U.i M.wrc.ia, Block 7. X 100 ft, lot 10, John Moore. 4.10 Total ... f. , $ HI IS '. lI VI.I, Auditor rf the City of Portland. ' June 16,' 1008. "r ' at.) 24.80 S4.80 24.80 '24.80 24.80 84.80 88.60 18.40 11.40 18.40 10. 40 IB 40 18.40 16.40 re! 40 HolUday Park Addition to Port land. Oregon: Blk 11. lot 7, Tba TltU Ouarentee Trnat Co. ; ' Blk 1L, lot 8. Tba Title Guarantee m irusi o 1 i Blk 8, lot 8. Th Title Guarantee it Trust Ce Blk 8. .lot 10, F. W. Wegner Blk 8. lot 7, Th TltU Guarantee A Trnat Ca , Blk -8. lot S, Tb TltU 1 Guarantee. Trnat C ..t Blk ft. lot 8, Tbe TltU Guarantee A Trust Co. Blk 6. lot 10. Tb Title Onaaantee at Trust O.. . .... . . Blk 6. lot 7, Tbs TltU Ouaraatee Trnat Co.... , ; Blk 8. lot S. Tba TltU Guarantee Trust Co. Blk 1 lot 8. Tha Title Guarantee A Trust Co.'. Blk 2. lot 10. Tb TltU Gusrsnte k Trust Co Blk X lot 7, Tb TltU Guarantee A Trust Co.. Blk 2. tot 8, Tba TltU Guarantee A Trust Ca Total Block IT, S 22.S ft lot. 2, Cbarle P. RIoch lT. lot 8. Chsrlea'p. Bacon...... 4.63 Block 18, lot S. David P. Tbompaoa I Kstote. h.lra of 82 00 Block 10, lot 4, Zepbanlah S. Bpald- I Ills' Block 20, B 78 ft. of S lot 1. Man. 16.40 battan Real EaUte Co Block 20. W 18 ft. of NS4 lot 1, John 18.06 p. Price Eatate, heirs of. I Block 20. 814 lot 1. John P. Price He- 213.30 I tate. heirs of Block 20, NW lot 2, CorneUa Burkbart. 136.49 Block 20, ' lot 2, A. V. T. Card-ell I Eatate, befra of 9.8ft (Block 20, lot , Ellen K. Kay EaUte, I heirs af 13.31 Block 20. lot 4, "Elton E. Ray EaUte, I helra of- .v 183,80 Blocg 22. N 16 2-3 ft. tot 8, father I lne Mtewart 281.06 Block 22, 8 33 1 ft. tot 8, William b. etarr 25.60 Block 22. Bad. 2 3 lot 4. Ellaabeth L. Wood ; 21.32 Block 22. und. 1-3 lot 4, Rebecca P. Hennesa 237.38 Block 24. lot 1, German Savings lan society THOS. C. DEVLIN A editor of tbs City of Portland, luse 18. 1808. 83.008.01 Block 24, lot 2, Msry Ruth Hawkins, PROPOSALS FOB STREET WORK. Block 24, lot 3, Mary Ruth Hawklna. Block St, lot 4, Agnee H. Schumann.. Block 25. tot 1, Emma U. Ander son . , Block 25, lot 2,' . Emma H. Ander- ; 42.88 $.91 I 8S.70 2.77 I fti.17 .80 1.01 84.60 164.38 28.77 6T.53 68.60 28.33 58.13 T.03 7.03 RenaeUer Blk 4, west 76 feet of north a, u. m. waaeneia Healed bropnaata will b received at the I vi'i" w V "si offlce of tbe Auditor of tb CHy of Portland. .JJl1,! until rrlday. fun 1. 1003. ai 4 o'clock p. m.. K.k it? "S a Vi rn. kZ i.nn.i r aii.i.Z'....u h. Bloc 70, Kit Z, I William F. and Frank fpr tbe Improvement of Allilna avenue, from tba norm una or rag a street 10 tae center line of Kiver atreet. In the manner provided br Or dinance No. 13.372. .anhlect to tha nrovialona of tbs charter and ordinances of Hi City of 1 ortiana. ana tne eetimate it to city Knalneur. an file. .... H.d must ba Mrletlv In accordance with printed blanks, which will be furnished on application at tba office of tbe Auditor of tbe harlea M. Close Block 70, lot 3, Tbe German Bavlnga A Loan ttoclety Block To. lot 4. Tha German Savlnga A Loan Society Total $3,620.66 THOH. C. PEVLIN, Auditor of tbe City of PortUnd. June 16. 1803. Van H lot Blk 4. eaat 28 feet of north H lot 8, Savings A Loan Society of San Francisco Blk 4. aouth tt lot 8, Bavlnga A Loaa Hoclety of Baa Francisco Blk 4. nortb tt lot 7, Stephen Mead Katata, heir of Blk 4, south tt lot 7, William M. Ladd . 102.80 I Blk 4, north 48 feat lot 6, Aea Marker 61.03 1 r.eiaie. neir ai Dig s, aouin s xnec 01 wove 19 iect lot 6, Mrs. Henry Davenport Blk 4. north 23 feet of weat T8 feet ' lot 5, Mra. Henry Davenport Blk 4, aouth 4 feet ot east 22 feet lot S, Frank Dsyton -i - Blk 4, eaat 22 feat lot S, Frank Day ton Blk 4, south 27 feet of west 78 feet lot ft, Arthur Davenport Blk 6, lot 8. J. H. Lambert Blk 6. lot 7, J. H. Lambert Blk 6, tot 8, Oregon Furniture Manu facturing Company Blk 6. lot 6. John A. Devlin Eatate. belra of . : Blk 6, lot 8. Savlnga A Loan Society of San Francisco 88.18 1 Blk 6. lot 7. Tbe Alliance Trust company, L,ta., or Dunbar, Bcol- 88.14 land ........... Blk a. lot a. Ferdinand c. sniitn 86.16 Blk 6. undivided tt Ut ft, Ferdinand c. Hmltb , 116.48 1 Blk 8. undivided tt Ut 6, Frank J. 23.20 1 Watson Blk 7, undivided 11-16 lot 8, Tyler Woodward, Truatee Blk 7. undivided 1216 lot 7, Tyler Woodward, Trustee Blk 7. undivided l ift lot 8, Eatber J. I. Mills Blk 7. undivided l ift lot 7, Esther J. II. Mills Blk 7, undivided l ift lot laaae T. Davenport Trust Comnanv I Blk' A., lot I, tb TltU Guarantee A Trust Company Blk 6. lot 7, Tha TltU Guarantee A cTaaa.s.A ... mm mt I A 8 Man, vayuiiymftj 81.76 Blk ft. lot 8. Tbe Title Guarantee m Truet company H 43 Blk ft, lot ft. Tha TltU Guarantee Trust Company M-20 Blk ft. lot A Tba TltU Guarantee A ... Trnat Company M 28 Blk 8. lot S. Tb TltU Guarantee A Truet Comnanv Blk 8. lot 2. The Title Guarantee Trust Company Blk 6. 1nt 1. The TltU Guarantee 11.74 86.04 I Truet Comnanv .... I Hlk a Inl S T Tl.1. 88.88 I Trust Company Blk 4. lot T. The Till. Rysrante. A 88.83 I Trust Comoanv Blk 4. lot 6. Tha Tills Rnnrsnlea A 120.07 Truet Company Blk 4. lot A Tha TltU Gusrsnte. A I.T9 Trnat Company , Blk 4. hit 4. Tba Title Guarantee A 10.01 Treat Company Blk 4. lot X. Tba TltU Guarantee A .17 Trnat Company .-. Blk 4. lot a The TltU a, 2.33 Trust Company - 1 Blk 4. lot 1. Tba Title Guarantee A 11.71 irust company , 34.16 Blk 16. lot i. The Title Guarantee A 22.81 I Trust Company 7. Blk 16. lot T. Tbe Title Guarantee A 187.07 1 Trnat Company Blk 16. Ut 6, The TltU Guarantee 201. T8 201.TT irust comoanv . . Blk 16. lot 6. Tba TltU Gut ran tee 102.10 103.48 I'll at Portlann. Ann Mia I hn nrATBtnitrii milsir 'I ..... . an.s-.en. a i dtt.eoV,1to maitVJWmc! Ml OT-OF M0XTN0MAH STREET. 5" partlee thereto.. ,.. . . . Notice la hereby given that the Cdundl of tha B1X ' 15 ,0V- E!lMb,,t No proposals or bid will ba considered nnleaa city of Portland propoaea to asseaa tba follow- i ..ZmtUJiJi 'i.Vii 'iV' V ' i-'ii..k-.k n.vaiiwmm ... k , n i,t i u.i K w i.iw iu I IN. aeSCTIOea Df MWriT IUU UW Ilfl ur U IICT I . . the orderof th Msyer of th City af PortAnd. ., being apecially and peculiarly bcucBted I njZ' a St i. j t ft Lit t i'iu certlncd by a reaponalble bank for an amount I n tbe amounto set opposite tbe name and da-1 iiumiJi acriptiona tnereoi for tne improvement 01 muic no ms h street, from the weat lln of Uolladsy Park Addition to PortUnd. Oregon. . to tbe I ,'. f " 't saw. fiii of north 4 center line of Eaat TVenty fourth atreet, aa pro- B,f t i,JLTr wl.ld l,e Hrrtlnsnce No. 1.1 OHO. I . ot JOB? Q.0"''. -J l."-;: qual tp ten per cant of th aggregate pro. Does I. The right te reject aay and all blda U hereby reaervea, By order of the Executive Board. THS. C. DKVLIS. Auditor of the City of Portland. June 13. 1903 . . ' PROPOSALS rOB STREET WORK. Sealed propossls will be received at the office of tb . Auditor of th City of PortUnd, until Friday. Juuo .10. 1808. at 4 o'clock n. m.. for the Improvement of Front atreet. from the north line of Arthur atreet to the north .line or neymour avenue, in ine manner proviuca oy r.-.n ... fir , ...ku. . . i. .. i.. 1 VlUIIWinw nv, piii,r.c. .u in. m INRfllP of the charter and ordlnaii'-ea cf tbe City of Portland, and tae eetiniate ot tn city Kngiueer. on Hie. Blda must - be strictly In accordance with printed blanks, wb'cb will be furnished on f plication at tne otric or tne Auditor or tne tv of Portland. And aald Improvement must be completed on or before 00 day from the data of the alanlna of tha contract by tbe parties thereto. No proposals or bids will be considered unless accompanied by a certified check" parable to tbe order of the Mayor of th City of PortUnd. certified by a reaponalble bank for an amount equal to ten per cent of tbe aggregate pro posal. The tight to reject, any and all blda 1 uereby referred. By order Of the Eieeutlvs Board. THOS. C-DEVLIN. ' Auditor of tbe City ot Portland. June 13. 1003. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IM PROVEMENT OF KILLINGS WORTH AVENUE. - Notice I hereby given that William 0. Elliott, City Engineer, haa filed In the office of the nnderalaned notice that Glehlsch A Joplln. contractors for the Improvement of Kill lrgawortb avenue, nuder the provisions of Or dinance No. 13,084. have completed aald avenue, from tb eaat line of l'atlon kveuuo to tha east 4lite-.ol.Mlcfclgs"AVee- -'-- naia acceptance win ne constneren ny ma Executive Board at 4 o'clock on tbe 19th dav of June. 1003. and ohlectkma to the aecentanuo. of aald avenue or any part thereof may be Sled in The otrice or the,, undersigned at any time prior thereto. , 1MB BAKt I Tlfs nilAKII, By THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of tbe City of Portland. June 18, 193. Trust Comoanv . . . Blk 16. lot 4. The TltU Guarantee A Truat Company 17.07 Blk 16, lot 3, Tba TltU Guarantee tt 186.20 Truat Company i Blk 16, lot 2. Tba TltU Gnarantea A 09. TJ Trust Company j.... .. Blk 16. lot 1, The Title Guarantee A 90.73 Truat Company nonaoay Addition to East Port 161.43 Und Blk 174. lot 1. Tba Oregon Re I Eatate 146.63 Company Blk 174. lot 2. The Oregon Real Estate 13.46 Company Dim 17. lot t. Hie Oregon Heal Eatat 12.22 Company Blk 1T4. lot 8. The Oregon Real Tatate 18.44 Company i nut 17B. lot I, Tbs Oregon Heal Batata 11.23 I tOWOanV ,m,,r,moiTmiTTrT- nik 17P. Kit 3, Tna Oregon Real Eatate 11.46 Company - w.n . I ftr. I, . U VTrin neii Mun (ompanv Blk 179, lot 8. The Oregon Baal Batata 118.30 131.26 180.80 19168 139.08 163.83 90. TB 82.89 T4.0S 71.12 116.6T 127.1T 146.44 143.16 103,96 101.22 94.76 78.86 115.67 127.60 lllftjO 121.08 82.8ft 84.21 87.99 80.04 128.14 140.98 ASSESSMENT TOR SEWIR FACTO IT ) -,.,.,.'.' STB SET, ' a' .... "Notice Is hereby given that tne Con erf! of in city or rariiaim, uregon, a a- aueetlng beld on tba 3d day ef June, lttOS, declared the asaeaaulent by .ordinance No. 13,807 for tbe eonatruction or a aewer in rectory arreot from too feet nortb of the north line of Tbucuau atreet to. a connection- witb tbe wr u vaugna atreet in tne manner provided by oral nanca No. 14,248, upon each lot, part of lot tnd parcel ot land, which are apecially auu peculiarly oenenieu, io oe as louowa, via: Wilson Addition to tha City ot Port land Blk 2. all that portion of lot 6, blk 2, Wilson a Addition to the City of Port ' land lying north of a line 100 feet ' north of and parallel with the north line of Tburuian atreet, Peter Matson.t 22.0.1 Blk z. lot n. i.snci it niton .17 i Blk 2. Ut 9. Ladd A Tllton 13.4ft nvriu iiiriipim Blk 1, eaat 100 feet lot 1. Jacob Mayer.. Blk 1. eaat 100 feet lot 2. Jacob Merer.. Blk I. lot 3. Jacob Mayer .Wilson Addition to th City of Portland Blk 1. Ill that portion of lot 6, Mk 1, Wilsons Addition to the City of Port -, land lying north of a llnti 100 fect nortb of and parallel with the nortb line of Thurmao atreet, Msry K. Wil son . '. Blk 1, lot T. Msry K. Wilson Blk 1. lot 10. William Rrldt North I"ortland Blk 3. lot 1. William Reldf Blk 2, lot 2, H. P. F.llason Blk 2, loath 40 feet lot 3, Nlrk Jacob son Blk 2. ' north 10 feet bit 3. William Reldt A tract of Und lying between a line 100 feet aouth of and parallel with the eoiith line of Vaughn street and the north Una of t'pshur atreet and he. tween the eaat line of block 2, North Portland and a Hue 100 feet eaat nf and parallel with th east line of Factory atreet. Amanda W. Reed A tract of land lying between a lln 100 feet north or and parallel with the north line of Thurmao atreet and the south line of rnsbnr atreet weat of Twenty -second street iul between the eaat Hue of Mock J. North Portland, and the eaat line of block 1. Wilson's Addition to the City of PortUnd, Syl vester Fsrrell 8.06 4X.10 33.83 33.00 t 1.55 13:28 4X66 Anr ohlectlons to the apportionment of cost for aald improvement must be made in writing te tbe Council and flled with the Auditor within fifteen daya from tbe data of tbe Brat publica tion of thll notice, and 'Mid objections will he beard and determined, by th Council before the passage of the ordinance assessing tha cost of said Improvement. - Uolladsy Park Addition to PortUnd, Oregon Block 1, lot 4, W. U. Bnbn.. I 113.82 Block 1, lot 8, W. O. Bohn : 111.98 Block 1, lot 2, The TltU Guarantee A 12.12 .tm PROPOSALS FOB STREET WORK. Sealed proposal wilt be received at the office of the. Auditor of the City of PortUnd, untn Friday, June 10, 1D03, at o clock p. m., for th Improvement of Wygatit atreet. from tbe eaat line of I'nion avenue to the weat line of East 8evintb street, in tbo manner providiil dt ordinance ao. 1,1.074, aunject to rue provia lotnuof tbe Charter and ordinances of tbe City rtland, and tbe estimate of tha City Ka on flle. must be strictly in accordance with rinted blanks, which will be furnished on ppllcatlon at- the office of the Auditor of the City of Portland. And aald Improvement must , w vv"V,rirw M MTiVI. I" ,.jw ....... ...v '' ' date of the aiming of the contract by the i ; partlea thereto. . ... . No proposala or. bid will he considered nnles accompanied by a certified check payable tn th order of the Mayor of the City, of Portland. .' certified by" a responsible bank for an amount , equal to ten per cent of tb ggregte pro . posal. -.. " The. right to reject any and all bile i hereby - reserved. By order of tbe Kxectitlv Board. ' f THOS. C. DEVLIN, - Auditor of th City of Portland. . Jun 13. 1008. , , COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE Of W PR0VZMENT "OF EAST 0ETZMTEZNTK " STREET, i , '. ' Nolle Is- hereby fives . that WillUnJ 'C. -Elliott, City Engineers, haa Bled in the office ? of the. undersigned notice that Keilly m Steven. . contractor for tb Improvement of Eaat Seven . teentb street, under tha provisions of Ordinance No. 12.776,' have completed aald atreet, from - the center, line of Brooklyn street to tba north i curb line of Povrell street, from the eeoter . line of cllntoa atreet to th .center lln of Taggart street. ' . - . - 8a Id acceptance will be considered by - tbe - Executive Board at 4 o'clock on tba 19th day of - . Jtiaje. v1003. 1 and abjections to tha eeceptanca ' of aald atreet or any part thereof may ba Sled In tbe office of the undersigned at any time . prior thereto.- v - . i. , ; THE E X ECTTT VB "BO Altn! : ; ' VH' m- BF ' THOS. C. DEVI.INV; : Auditor ot the- City of Portland. v':... June 18, lota. . ..',, ' COMPLLXION ABO ACCEPTANCE OF IM PROVEMENT OF EAST THIRTEENTH STREET. Notice is hereby given that William C. Elliott. City Engineer, baa Sled In the office of the undersigned notice that Bechlll Bros,, contractor fur the Improvement ot Ksnt Tblr- teentn street, under tne provision or ordinance No. 18,279, have completed said atreet, from the noraa line of Hawthorne avenue to tho center line of Eaat Madison street. Said acceptance will be considered by the Executive Board at 4 o'clock on the 19th day of June, IMS, and objections . to the acceptance of aald atreet or any part (hereof may bo Sled In the office of the undersigned at any time prior thereto. , THE EXECUTIVE BOARD. ' ,' By THf. O. DEVLIN. ' Auditor of tbe City of PortUnd. Jnn IS, 1908. y-' .119.16 139.77 140.49 116.13 128.00 128.94 119.0T 163.49 16ft.1T 162.74 137.86 90.09 121.38 163.60 114.03 138.84 135.81 141.49 .104.87 102.00 98.07 91.98 130.11 140.84 100.20 77.83 72.42 COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IM PROVEMENT OT SE00ND STREET. Notice ia hereby given that W'llllam jC. Elliott. City Engineer, has Bled In the office or tne nnnersignen notice mat Miner Bauer, contractora for tho improvement of Second atreet. under the provisions ,or ordinance fio. 13.142. have completed aald afrnet. from "the center line of Washington street to , tho center line ot stark street. - " Said acceptance will be eoneldered br the Executive Hoard ar o cmck on ine jvtn aav or June, 1003, and bbjectlona to th acceptance of aald atreet or any part thereof may lie Bled In the office ef the undersigned at any time prior tnereto. - - infi SS&ri'JITB PWABVIS. ' - By. THOS. C. DEVLIN. ' Auditor of the City ot PortUnd. June 13. 1903. - ' FOUNDMASTIR'B NOTICE, Notice la hereby given that on the i.lth dav of June, 1903, I took up and impounded, at the City Pound, at No.. 281 Sixteenth atreet. in the Cft r of Portland, Oregon, tbo following de acrlbed animal: One Bea-bitten gray horse, both bind- feet shod, and unless tbe owner or other berson or Denton having an Interest therein. shall cUlm possession of tbe same, and . pay all coata and charges of tbe keeping snd ad vertising them: together with. jh- i-nniid fees an aald aslmsL' as provided by Ordinance No. 6926, a amended, of said City iof 1 Portland. I will on the 20th day of Juno, 18tf3, at tba hour of 10 a; atth tlty-Ponnd. t No. 261 Sixteenth street. In ss Id city, sell tbs above described animal at public auction to tha highest bidder, to' pay th costs end charges for taking an, keeplntf a ad advertising such animal. ..--,- s.s Dated tbla loth dy tf Jun. 1903. & v. .i;-.7.-,'i:'.?j.t: .jmT.. W., KEEP, V', ' ' , , ' ? ; ' -7 i -Pouodmaatelr, j Trust Co. Block 1, lot 1, Tbe TltU Guarantee Truat Co Block 2, lot 8, W. . T. Terry Block 27. Wit 7. W. T. Perrj Block 2,' lot 6, Emma K, Slack le Block 2. lot 6. Tbe TltU Guarantee A Truat Co Block 2, lot 4, The TltU Guarantee A Truat Co. Block 2, tot 3, Tbe Title Guarantee It Trnat (Vi Block 2, lot 2. R. L. Ullsan Block 2. lot 1. Peter and France Each. Block 8, lot 8, W. F. Wegner Block 8, lot T, W. F. Wegner : Block 3. lot 6, Tb Title Guarantee m ' Truat Co - Block 3, lot 6, Tbe Title Gusrsnte A Trust Co Block 3, lot 4, Tb Till Guarantee A Trust Co Block 3, tot 3, Tbe Title Guarantee A Trust Co Block 8, lot 2, The Title Guarantee A Truat Co Block 3, lob 1, Tbe Title Guarantee A Truat Co Block 16. lot 8, Th Till Guarantee A Truat Co Brock 16. ot T, The TltU Guarantee A l nisi v.o Block 18, lot 8, Th Title Guarantee A Block ltl. tot 6, The Title Guarantee A Trust Co Block iq, lot 4. Tbe Title Gusrsnte A Truet Co Block 18. lot 3, 4Tb TltU Guarantee A Trnat Co ' Block 16. lot 2, Tbe Title Guarsntee A Truat Co Block 16, tot 1. The Title Guarantee A Trust Co Block A, lot 32, The Title Guarantee k Truat Co .'. , Block A, lot 81. The TltU Guarantee A Truat Co Block A. tot 30, The Title Guarantee k Trust Co Block A, lot 20, Tbe Title quarpnte k Trust Co Block A. lot 28, The Title Guarantee k Trnat Co THock A, lot 27, Tbe Title Guarantee A Truat Co Rlock A. lot 28. Alien A. Hubbard Block A. kit 23, Tbe Title Guarantee A Trust O Block A. lot 24, Tbe Title Guarantee A Trust Co , Block A. Jt 23, The Title Guarantee A Trust- Co t . Block A, lot 22, Tbe Title Guarantee k Truat Co Block A, tot 21, Tb Title Guarantee k Trnat Co ... Block A. lot 20, Tbe Title Guarantee A Trust Co Block A. lot 10, Tbe TltU Uuarantee A Truat Co , Block A. lot IS,. The Title Guarantee A . nisi l Block A, lot IT, Tbe Title Guarantee A ITruat Co Block A," lot 16, Tho Title Guarantee A Trust Co Block A, lot 16, The Title Guarantee A Trnat , Co Block A. lot 14, Tbe Title' Uuarantee A Truat Co Block A. lot 13, Tho Title Guarantee A Truat Co Block A. lot 12, Tbe Title Guarantee A Trust Co Block A, lot 11.- She TltU Guarantee k Truat Co Block A, lot 10, The TltU Guarantee Trust Co . , r. Block A, Ut 0. Tb Title Guarantee A Trnat Co ..'..' Block A, lot S. The Title, Guarantee A Truat Co ,4, ... i ..... ..... . Block A, lot. 7, The TltU Guarantee A Truat Co ,..',........;,.............' Block A, lot 6, The TltU Guarantee Truat Co Block A, lot 6, The Title Guarantee A Trust Co . Block A, lot a. The TUlo-ttuarantee A Trnit Co ........;..,.....'........ Block A. lot. 3, The TltU Guarsntee A Trnst Co . H, if........... Block A. lot 2. Tba TltU Gusrintee, A Trnat Co j. ..... ... Block" A. lot 1, Tbe TltU Guarantee A . ir-oai va ...,..;. ... ,t, ... ... . Total .....,,.. ;..,.;, ....$6,400.12 A;..- . -:i-v : , THOS. C. DEVL1M, -'( ' ,.i Auditor of tha Cite of PnrlUnd . Blk 7. east 87 tt feet of north . tt lot o, Htepnen A. Btanaoery Blk 7, aouth tt Ut 6, Stephen A. Xtansbery Blk 38, tot 1, W. 8. Udd Eatate, helra of Blk- 8ft, lot 2, Byfon Z. "Holmes .... Blk 88, lot 8, Bamuel Bruce Houston. Blk 88. lot 4. Samuel Bruce Houaton. Blk 16, north 27 tt feet lot 1, Alex ander Mayer Estate, belra of Blk' 16. south 22tt feet lot 1, Gra ham Glass Eatate, belra of Bik 10, north 24 1-3 feet lot 2, Gra ham Glasa Estate, belra of Blk 16, south 23 2-8 feet lot & Henry W. Corbet t EaUte, helra of. , Blk 16, north 20 feet iot 3, Henry W. Corbet t Eatate, heir of Blk 16. south 30 feet of east 94 tt feet Ut 8, Ellen M. Smith Eatate, belra of f Blk 16, weat 6tt feet of aouth 80 feet Ut 8. Louis Wooo et al Blk 16. north 10 feet of eaat 94 tt feet lot 4, Ellen M. Smith Eatate, heirs of Blk 16, south 40 feet of east 94 tt feet lot 4, John Green Estate, belra of Blk 16, weat Dtt feet tot 4, Louis Woon et si Blk 16. lot 1, Odd Fellows Hall As eoclation Blk 16. lot 2. Charles Hegele Blk 16, nortb tt tot 3. Anna Herrall, Rose Wiegand and Kate Strode 138.48 Blk 1S ,outh H lot 8- L" W- Dl (It'll a Blk 15. undivided Ut 4. H. Ter wllllger Blk 16. undivided tt Ut 4, Terwllll ger Land Company Blk 14, lot 1. Mary A. Hueston ... Blk 14. lot 2. Amelia Htrssser ... Blk 14t lot 3. Henry W Monastea.,. Blk 14. lot 4, Joseph A. Strowbrldge, Br. ."...' Blk 13, north tt tot 1, Mary J. Woodward Blk 13, aouth tt tot 1, Wash F. Allen Eatate, belra of Blk 13. nor.h tt Ut 2. Arthur Dav enport .- Blk 18, south tt Ut 2. Benjamin Bmlth a... Blk 13, north tt tot 8, Benjamin Smith Blk 13, aouth tt tot 3. John and Mary F. McDonald Blk 13, tot 4, C. E. Smith Blk 12, tot 1, Margaret A. Fraaer, Ivtsrv IT fVinnell 76.82 Blk 12. lot 2, Mary II. Jonea illK li, eaei on icci or norm Vt 106.81 lot .Annie llerrau, Koaa Wle- I gana, ivaie nirooe 72.16 Blk 12, weat 4 feet of nortb tt lot 94.91 84.23 6.62 70.88 128.21 17.9 19.T9 37.82 104.46 40.30 85.23 81.84 7.05 .17 .43 1.71 .11 202 94 188.00 64.11 98.06 82.16 128.22 128.22 190.08 95.04 96.04 88.86 88.85 92.60 02.80 190.44 190.45 185.20 8. Mary J. Woodward Blk 12. west 15 feet of south tt Ut 8. Mary J. woodward Blk 12. east 86 feet ef aouth .tt . Ut 8, Wiley B. Allen Blk 12. weat 18 feet tot 4, Mary J. woouwaru., Blk 12, east '86 feet lot 4, A. Grace 'ltosa Blk II, lot 1, Asa Harker Eatate,. helra of Blk II, lot. 2. Ferdinand. C. Smith.... Blk II. lot 3, John A. Devlin Estate, belra of Blk II. lot 4, Lewis Love , Blk 10. lot 1, Dora Scbade 73.23 Blk 10, north tt tot 2, Iwia Love.. Bin in, aoutn ioi, , oiepnen aieaa Estate, Heirs of Blk 10. lot 8. Lewis Love.? Blk 10, Ut 4. Pbllo Holbrook Right of way. City A Suburban Rail way Company Right of Way. Portland Railway Company, Oregon Water Power A Railway Company nd City A Su burban Railway Company 70.0V I 89.26 " 94.71 7.02 '.92.61 81.79 75.84 13961 . 71.81 71.81 91.98 120.85 93.87 81.33 .76.96 106.41 I 85.22 91.73 1.8 6.82 " 86. 70 14.24 187.64 201.73 187.07 1 86.20 109.44 801.78 89.81 80.92 122.80 123.22 46.64 1.915.48 Comnsnr Blk 184, lot 1, Ths Oregon Real Eatat Comnanv Bib 194. lot 2, Tb Oregon Red Eatat Comnsnr Blk 190. lot 7. Tb Oregon Beal Estat Company Blk 194. lot 8, Tb Oregon Real EaUte Comoanv A tract ef land lying between rhejeonth no si iv esc street, and a Ji raw loo feet aontb of and parallel therewith and between the eaat line of hloek numbered 194. Holladay's Addition1 to Bast PortUnd.- and th west lln nf block numbered 1. Holladay Park Ad dition to Portland. Oregon, The Ore gon Real Eatats Company Holladay Park Addition to Portland. Oregon Blk l. lot 18. Tha Title Guarantee A . Truat Company ;.. Blk 1, lot 14. Th Tit I Guarantee A Truat Company , Blk 1. lot 15. tb Title Guarantee k Truat company Blk 1. lot 18. Tbe TltU r laraite A Truet Company , Blk 2. tot 9, The Title Guarantee k Trnat Company Blk 2. lot 10. Th Title Guarsntee A Trnst Company Blk 2. tot 11. The TltU Guarantee A Truat Company Blk 2. lot 12. the Title Guarantee A Trust Company Blk 2. Ut 13. The TltU Guarantee A Trnat Company Blk 2. Ut 14. The Title Guarantee A Truet Company Blk 2. Ut 15. The Title Guarantee A Truat Company Blk 2. lot 16. Th Title Guarantee A Trnst Company Blk 8, Ut 9. The Title Guarantee A Truat Company Blk 3. Ut 10, The Title Guarsntee A Trnat Company Blk 8. lot 11. Tbe TltU Guarantee k Truat Company Blk 3. lot 12. The Title Guarantee A Tenet tiomnenv i . s ..!,..?......::.: ; Blk 8, lot 13, Tb TltU Guarantee A Truat company . . . : . Blk 3. lot 14. The Title Guarantee A Trnat Company Blk 3. lot' Is. Tb Title Guarantee A Trust company Blk 3. Ut 16, Tbe TltU Guarantee A Truat Company Blk 16. lot 9, Th Title Guarantee A Trust Company Blk 16. Ut 10. The Title Guarantee A Trnst Company . . . . : Blk 16. lot II. The Title Guarantee A Trust -fiompany Blk .16. lot 12. The Title Guarantee A Truat Company Blk 16. Ut IS. The Title Guarantee A Truat Company Blk 16. lot 14. Tba Title Guarantee A Truat Company Blk 16. lot Jo. Tbe Title Guarantee A Trust Company Blk 16. lot 16. Tb TltU Guarantee A ..Trust Company .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .06 .10 Total .r. ..-.'TV. v. 3291 o A statement ef sforesald assessment haa been entered In tbe Docket of City Mens, and la now due and payable at the offlce of th City Treasurer. In lawful money of th United' Statea and If not paid within thirty daja from the dsfe nf till notice, snch proceedings will be tsken for tbe collection of the asm sa are provided by tbe Charter of the City of Portland. The above assessment will hear Interest ten daya alter the first publication ot this notice. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the Citv of Portland. Portland, Oregon. June 10. 190.1. PROPOSALS FOR STREET WORK. Sealed proposals will be received at the offlce of the Auditor of the City of Portland, uutll Friday. June 19. 100.'L at 4 o'clock p. m., for tbe Improvement of Ankeny atreet, from the weat lino of Third street to the net line of Fourth atreet, In the manner rrnvlriod by Ordin ance No. 13,870, subject to the provisions of the charter and ordinances of ths City of Port Und. snd th estimate t tha City Engineer, on flle. Bids 'must b strictly- in ccordnc with printed . blanka. which will bo furnished on application at the office of the Auditor of tbe City ef Portland. And aald Improvement must he completed on or before 00 daya from the date of tb signing of the contract by tbe partlea ttirretn. No proposals or blda will he 'considered nnles accompanied by n cert I fled check payahU to tbe order of the Mayor of th Citv of Portland, certified by a responsible bank for an amount equal to ten per cent of the aggregate pro posal. , The right to reject any all hid Is hereby reserved. By order of the Executive Board. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Andltor of th City of Portland. Jnn 13, 1903 vf7V :',:V ;;;,:-' , Oregon : MiinrtT I tut JkJJkMJMmV wWIllaU . w PRION PACIBC 1 3 f RAINS to the EAST DAILY Throush PnUmaa ftandurd and Tourist atoea. tog care daily' to Omaha, Chicago., aimkanst tourUt sleeping ears daily to Kaasss City; through Pullman tourist aWeping oars (paraua- ally conducted) weekly ' to Chicago. . aiauei City. St. Louis tod Memphis; reclla.r chair car (aeata free I to tbe Beat dally. ' sWQII T.0.1 CNI0.1 DEPOT. j Leave. Arrive. . 2.20 CHICAGO-PORTLAND 9:20 a. au 80 a. an. SPECIAL. I Dally. Dally. jn.86 For tbe East via Hunt-; ' y " . 20.66 Ingtoa. ' 10.S5 SPOKANE FLYER. 8:00 . n. 7:88 a. m. For Eastern Washing- Dally. Dally, i.ii) ton. Walla Wv.Ua, Lew- Uton, C'oeor 'A1B : . : t . and Great Vorthrrs 1 . '. points. I ' . ATLANTIC BXPRESS. ':18 a.' m 10:80 a. aa. Kor tba East via Hunt- Dally." Dally. " Ingtoa. I . OCEAN AND RITIR BCKX-VLZ. FOR SAN I'RANCISCO. S. 8. Geo. W. Elder- June 1. II. 21. S. tt. Colombia June 6. 16, 20. From Alaska Dock. a p.. a.4 6:0V p, to. Celunrbla River Divtatoa. FOR ASTORIA sad way 18.00 p. B poluta, connecting with stmr. for llwaco and North Beach, atr. Has. ssto. Ash-st dock. Dally. x Sunday Saturday 10 00 p. si. 6:00 9. to. -ex. Sunday. About . Willamette River SivUton. FOR SALBM. OorvallU 8:48 a. ta. tnd way polnta, ateamer 'Monday. Ruth. Aah-8t. dock. (Wster nermltUng.) Wednesds,! rriuay Dally iw a. m. Tueaday, Thursday, SatnrAay. TamhUl Rivae Beats. FOR DAYTON. Oregoa City and Yamhill El vac polnta. atr. armors. ash-at. ooca. , 1 Wster perml ttlng.1 7 .00 n. to. Tuesday. Thuraday, Saturday. 8:09 9, m, Monday. Wedassda, Friday. , . Snake River Routs. FOR LEWISTON. Ida.. ind way points, frost blparla. Wash., steam ers Spokane and Lew- Iston. 4:06 a. m. Dally. . Sat. .' About 6:00 p. to. Daily sa. Friday. TICKET OFFICE. Third and Waehtugt, Tekf . 1 phoaa Mla 712. PORTLAND & ASIATIC STEAMSHIP CO. 7 . For Yokohama aad Hong Kong, calling al Robs,. Nsgsaakl aad Shanghai, taking freight via connecting eteamere fot Manila, Part Artkat aad Vtodlvoetock. INDRAPURA BAILS ABOUT TVVt 1 . For rates aad full In for ma ties call oa or ad dress officiate or agents ( the O. R. A N. Ca. . .10 110.18 130.20 lSf.SO 198.87 106.13 188.20 114.03 04.92 83.68 77.28 11880 128.80 150.07 167.68 128.31 114.74 89.67 130.20 150.87 162.00 149.03 102.48 90.06 97.86 94.08 120.48 140.46 Total - Total ....$11,898.62 THOS. C. DEVLIN. Andltor of th City ot Portland. Jun 18. 1903, . - June 16,-1003. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IM PROVEMENT OT SEVENTH STREET. Notice is hereby given that William C. Elliott. City Engineer, baa filed In the office 97.44 of the undersigned notice that Fralney A Keat ing, contractora for the Improvement of Seventh 92.82 atreet, under tbe provision of Ordinance No. 19,898, have completed esld atreet, frota th 90.72 center line of lander tree t to tb center lln ot isverett atreet. 8ald acceptance will ne considered by the Executive Board at 4 o'clock oa tha 19th day of June, 1903, and objections to tha acceptance of aald atreet or any pact thereof may b Bled in tbe office of tb undersigned at any time prior thereto. . THE EXECCTltB BOARD. ' - . Bv THOS. C. DEVLIN. ' ; Auditor of U City of PortUnd. . 101.22 103.11 8SS0 92.61 08.45 Jnna 13, 1903. $6,990.38 THOS. C. DEVLIN. ' Auditor of tbe PortUnd. June 1 1903. ' COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IM PROVEMENT OF THVRMAN STREET. Notice Is hereby given that William C. Elliott. City Engineer, has flled In th office of the undersigned notice that Fralney A Keating, contractors fur tho improvement of Thurman atreet. under the provisions of Or dlnance No. 13.007. have completed aald street, from the center line of Twentieth Street to, the center line of Twenty-eoeond street. Maid acceptance will be considered by the Executive Board at 4 o'clock on the 19th day of June. 1003, and objections to the acceptance of aald street or any part thereof may o nied In the office of tha undersigned at any tlme prior thereto. TUB EXECtTIVB BOARD. By THOS. C, DEVLIN. ' Auditor of tha City of PortUnd. June 13, 1003. PROPOSALS TOR SIWIE WORK. Sealed proposals will be received at th office of the Auditor of the City of Portland nntll rrlday. June IV, luos. at o'clock p. m. for tbe construction of a sewer In Esst Thir teenth street from the north line of Broadway to the aewer In Hancock atreet. in the manner provided by Ordinance No. 1 .?,.'! 4. auhject to the provisions of the charter and ordinances of the Cfty of Portlsnd. and the estimate of the City Engineer, on file. fllnw rmtar "Pe airicriy in sccoTOancc wttn printed blanks, which will be furnished on application at the office ot the Auditor of the Ctty ,of PortUnd, And aald aewer mnet be completed on or before 60 daya from the date of the signing of tbs, contract- by thov paretic tnereto. No oronoeale or bids will lie considered unless accompanied by a certified check payahle to the order of the Mayor of the City of Portland. certified by a responsible bank for an amount equal tu ten per cent of the ' aggregate pro-is-1. The right tn reject any and all blda is hereby reaerred. By order or tne Bxecmtv Board. THOS, C. DEVIJN, Auditor of tbe City of Portland. June 13, 1908. EAST via. SOUTH feltilHt5 Leaves. RAILROAD TIMETABLES. COMPLETION ANDACCIPTANCE 0T IK. PR0VEMENT OraflSWBD STREET. Notice la berebr given that William C. Elliott, City Engineer, ha flled In the office ef the undersigned notice that Miller A Bauer, contractora for the Improvement of Third atreet, under the provision of Ordinance No. 13,148, Ram MwmUt a.lrf .., f-m th. .nt. linn of Bitrnsld Street to th center llni of -Ankeny street, from tha center lis ot 1 ampin street to the center Hn nf Mailbton street. from th center Una af Wishlngtoa atreet to tha etnter Said acceptance will-be considered by th Executive Beard at 4 o'clock oa tbe 19th day of June. 1908. and objection to th acceptance of aald atreet or any part thereof may ba filed tn tba office of th undersigned at aay-.tUn prior thereto. - f :.:..v5 111! SAM I 11 V K BIIAHII, VVI';'- . . v , , By THOS.. C. DEVLIN. ' ' v ' Audltof ot tb City ot trt1aaL June J3. 1903. . , r THK BtBT OF gVCBVTH.IMQ ONLY 70 HOURS PORTLAND TO yia the 0. R. R. & N. Co., Oregon Short Line, Union Pacific ana Two trains a daj, with through Pullman drawing-room sleeping cars, free reclining chair cars and dining cars (a la carte). CHlCAggllTlANSl an , SPECIAL jeonnects at Granger with the famous Overland Limited, the most luxurious train in the world, to Chicago from the Coast. Ba aura your tickets read over ths ' Chicago & North-Western. A. Q. BARKER, Of N't AoT. 0. A N-W. RVn 188 THIRD ST.. PORTLAND, ORB. t:80 a. aa. H.tOp.B. m ' I r:so . . mno depot. Arrlv OVERLAND EXPRESS train, for Salem. &oss- burg. A ah land. Beer. . nwnto, Ogdeo, Saa rrsBw'''8" V '. elaco. Motor, Las A as . . -v gale. El Paso, Nw OH Irsns and tha East. ' j. - At Woodbnr daily, - - ' ' (except Sunday), mor-H log train for ML An.'-. ' - i geL BlIvertoK. Browm.' , w ' viiie, Hprtngfleld. Wend Ung and Natron. Albaar paaaerutsr.' ana. aecta at Woobura wltU Mt. Angel aad SilverJ ton local. ,. n.a..iii. . i Sharldaa nssssagar. -10:1$ a. 81 . iX , i 0:aai b. B:9 a. Dallr. IIDally axcirpt Suaday. . ' ' - Partlaad-Oawsga Suburbaa Sarvlo aad TatohUl T VIVUMA. . . ., Depot Fast of JsaTsrasa Btraat. ' i ' Leave Portland dally for Oswego T:S0 a. B.l 13 60, 3.087 8:25, aM, 8 33. 8:85. K10 p. m. Dally (except Sunday) 6:30, 8:80, 8.8S, 10: a. a. 4.0U, 1140 p. Sunday only. 8 U a. m. Reroralnf from Oswego, arrive Portland dal!y 8:30 a. to.; 1:88. 8:08. 4:85. 8:18. T:B0, 8;Si 11:10 p. m. Daily (except Sunday) 8:26. T:2o. 8:80, 10:20, 11:46 a. m. Except Monday. tH.3 a. m. Sunday only, 10:00 an m. - M t- Leave from same depot for Da Haa and rotor Btodlate polnta dally (except Sunday) 4.00, a. to, Arrlv Portland 10 10 a. m. Th Indepnndencs-Monmoath Motor Lis per ate dally to Monmouth and Alrlto, ton. acting with Southern Pacific Company a Sradu at Dallaa snd Indenendencs. First-class rebate tickets oa aaia from Par. ' land to Saersment and San Francleao.. Net rata 81T.60. bsrth 85; secend-claes far 318. without rebate or hartb; sseand-class berth fS.80. . Tlcksts tq.Easterf points and Europ. a Japan, China, Hoaolala aad Australia. City Ticket Offc corer Third and Walhlaa. 8m streets. Phoaai' Main TU. . . City Ticket Agnt, Gen. Pas. Af T r-A.VT.wX - -.- . n.w.. TRAINS PORTLAND: HALTLMORE, f OHIO R. R. jKtmlt TRAINS VIA WASHINGTON Puget Sound Limited, for Tacoma, Seattle. Olympta. South Bend and Gray's Harbor poluta. Nortb Coaat Limited. for Tacoma. Seattle, n,,f,a at P..I xrin. Ilea polls, Chicago "New York. Boston and points East abd Southeast. Twin -City Express, tor meows , West tie, Sno- xane, Hcioua, at. raul. Mmneapolla Chicago. New York, Boston and all polnta Eaat and Southeast Tuget Sound - Kansas Clt--St. Louis Special for Tacoma, Seattle, filmknne, Butte, Bllllnga. Denver. Omaha, Kanaar City. St. Ixiula and all points Eaat and South eaatr Departs, 8:30 a. to, 8 :00 p, m. ir;45 p. 3:90 a. B. Arrive. ' 8:30 p. to. ' T:oo a. m. T.-00 (V 7:00 a. brau tralna dally except an South BaB ' ' . A. D. CH1RLTOX. 7 Aaslatant General Paseengsv Ageat , 238 Morrison St.. corner Third. Porttood. Or. " ; i Astoria & Columbia :"" River Railroad Co. 'i. i i ri ...i,, i.. ,,-tj.,;; ,..M., i. ;!- '.i, . Leaves, UNI0JJ CEPOT ' . . ' Arrlvo. ( 1 8:00 a. to. 7:00 p. to. Foe Uivrari Ralnlet ChftiMi, Aatorto. V'ar4.. reatoa - Flavet, r tlaiu. 1I J0 . I stood ' Fort Flevens,'7 ." Barbar park, Nio.f " ' Aatorla au S sshri 7 - -.... express. Dal!, , I .. - J - "AndfRi Exp.-rt. Dally.,. . j9,.fj f. m. e u i "t l uci.e lima l 3. C. Mtta, F. and P. A.. -i '' !! -! il AmvvU A .- ' I ' . ,