0 CITT KOTICIf. CITT JT0TICM. CITT HOTICEI. i J CITT JfOTlfclH. CITT xonoza. CITT sTOTldlvi RAILROAD TIMETABLES. THE OltEGON DAILY JOUItNAL, TORTLAKD, TUESDAY.. EVENING . JUXE 10, 1903. i - yioroiiB , Biwrt w mi iiohth W ;.f: Noflc I hereby given that" at tb meeting v.:.; . of tb Council bf th City. of Portland, Ore- , ; son. held on ine aa asy or om, lltuS, tbe ' V following reenlutlon wee adoptedr i ,": ? Resolved, Tbst the Council of th Clti of fwtlMdy Oregon.,' deems It ripedlent and proposes to consiruet a sewer In East Eighth IVj street from 100 feet dtith of the south lln i H TDODptrni iimi in a connection with th aewer in viuaniooa kiwi or vitrlfled sower .1 rip with til wMir; atrb-baln. luahbiles, ' lsmpbolr and branche. of tight luetics clear a insioe aisnieier in ccorus.no witn tn plan. . SpeelOcatlon nd estimates therefor prepared by the tity Engineer and flled In th ofllc of K. Auditor of tb City of . Portland on, tb 3d y of June. 1903: Indorsed: 'fit Engineer' ;v plana and specifications for sewer In Eait i , igain eireet irom iuu reel outn or Tbomp .'. ana treet to aewer la Tillamook atreet. and th inmate of.th wcr to' b dan aud tb probabi total font thereof." . . Tb eot of aald sower to 1m assessed ,. a - rsroviueu oy id city enarter Upon th property , benefited thereby and j which ' la hereby declared to be all the' lota, part - rra . iuii -anil pnxi 01 1SIIU' lying Between a i Haa IiiO Iet aaat of and parallel with tb ,; jest line of Et Eighth atreet and a Hue ,y. vw iw west e ana 'parallel with tb.' west tin of Eaat Eighth street and between, n iw reei norm or anil parallel with the north line - of TH la (Book street end a line (Ml feet south of and parallel with the aouth Una of Thorn-psora (treat. . ;V i Tb Engineer' estimate ' of the probable jmsi nmi oi me eonairoctioo 01 said sewer la 138.1.00. '-' i .- . Tb ' nlaae,' specifications and estimates of w : ritr Engineer for . the construction ui asm eewer are nereoy annpretl. Reaoleed. That th Aadltor of th" Pit of Portland b and ha la hereby directed to glee notice of tb proposed construction of said eewrr ai proTlded b tb City Charter., .... w... .. Remopatranc aaalnat th alwr aewer way ne aied in writing with ' tb nnderalgned wlthlw at) daya from tb data of tb first uMicatlon or title notice. . By rdar.f. tb Conndl. m..,, : ' . W ' THOfl. C. nRTLIN. 1 ' - And! tor of th City ot Portland, i "June 5, 100. - . . . "TK0P0IED nrrBOVEKEXT or I AIT . -r THITT-fOVKTK ITSKXT. Kotlc 1 berebr l ten that at th tneetthg - f th Oonadl of th -Ctty of- PWtland, Ore aon. bald oa the Bd day of June. 1004, the ' following -resolution was adopted i Beoolred: - That tb tea noil of the City of -Portland. Oregon, derma it ei pedlen t ( and pro posaa to iBiproe East Thlrty-feurtb street from the aMtfe . line -ef Hawthorae avenu - to the aorth lln at Dlrlsloa atreel in tn loue.wing j Manner, tft-srlt: f Flrat By grading aald afreet fnlt width With fbll Intersections to tba proper sab-grade. 1 Second By graveling the street, full width With foil Intersections wlh upland bank grsrel. Third By mnetrtictlng wooden ' sldewalka ten 'feet wide with six-foot eneerlnc nlsnkl. Worth Br eonetrncting gutters in aecont anee with City Engineer' plans and. specific, tlons and estimates. Fifth By constructing Jni ealrrrre In accord ance with th City Enal&eee's plana. apeolBe- tlena ana estimate. , llitb Br eonatrttctlng wooden crosswalks ale feet III width. , Bald ImDroeemeat to bo nnda la accordance with th charter and ordinances of tb City of Portland and tbe plana, specification and estimates of the City Engineer tiled In th pfflc of tb Auditor on tbe 1st dsy of June, loa. indorsed .'lllty Engineer's plan sad spectflcetlona for tbe Improvement of East Thlrty-fonrth street from the south line of Hawthorn areotie to tbe north line of Di vision street, and the estimate of the work to . be don . and tb proba,bl total coat inereor. The rest of said Improvement to be as 'aeaeed aa provided by tbe cttv charter npon the property peneated mere my ana wnirn Is hereby declared to be all lota, part of kta aad parcels of land lying between a line 100 ret eaat or ana parallel witn to eaat line of East Thirty-fourth street and a lln loo feet west of ad parallel with tb wet' lln of East Thirty-fourth street, and between tbe nutb lln of Hawthorn avna and th north line of Division street. . Tba Engineer's - estimate of the probable total cost of aald Improvement It f10.R27.00. Tbe ahov Improvement t to b rlaaaed aa gravel lmprovasent and ehall be main tained by the city for tbe period of 8 years, provided that the owners of a majority of the property benefited by aald Improvement or any portion thereof aball not petition for a new and different tmarovemat before tb expira tion of such period. ' . Tbe plana, apeciflcittont and estimate of th City Engineer for the Improvement of aald East Thirty-fourth street are hereby adopted. Reeolved: - That the Auditor of the City of rortland be and be l hereby directed to glee stotlr of the propascd Improvement of 1 aald atreet aa provided by tb city charter. 1 Remonstrance against the shove Improve ment, may b filed la writing with the under signed wit bin 20 days from tba date of tb flrat imhlleatioa of this notice. Jss By order of tba Council. . TH08. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of u City of Portland. Jnn 8. 100. , roponD ntPBOYEiiiiiT or IIITK Notice I hereby lve"u that at the meeting or in iunou oi tne uuy or roriiana, uregun, beld on the. 3d day of June. 190&. , tba fol lowing resolution was adopted: raopoiED - ab8eb8xbmt ro r0TE. kzht orjffAsco nun, Notice ia hereby given that tbe Couucll of tne t.lty. or I'ortisuu proposes to aaeesa the following, described property., and owner or owuera ss aelua oerlally and Becullarlv bene Kesolved. Thst tbs Council of the City of J II ted is the amnunta aet enuoalt the names snd Portland. Oreson. deems It expedient and I lee rliitlone thereof for the lmnroveuient of proiKiae to luiprov ' Blitb .atreet from the I Waaco atreet, from th east lln ef East north lln of Morrlaon atrVt to the north line of Irving atreet la the following nisu- Ber , to-wit: '-.- - . . . Klrsi By removing all worn-out asphalt and aenria or an ainaa. ' . . ' . Hecond By bringing tb atreet full width with full Intersectluna to , the proper .aub arada with concrete. . ' - ' , Fifteenth stfl-et to tba. ceuter Uu of Ksst Twenty-fourth , atreet. . aa urevlded . by ordl nance No. 18.678.. I . , - Any elilectloos to tb apportionment of eoet for saia improvement muet ne maae in wniioa to tbe Council .and Bled with tbe Auditor within fifteen day from tb data of tba first publication of tbla . notice, and - aald eb loo- Third Hr reoalrtng and bringing tba atreet tlona will be beard aad deteml4 by tbe Couai- 11 mrtAik , villi full iiifea,.ii,mi tn thai I ell before tba Dasssae . of the ordinanc aa- ? roper grade with espbalt, aa follows: from I seaaina tne cost or saia improvement, he north lln of Morrlaon atreet to th south . Holladay'a Addition - to .Eaat Port Una .r (Uimmm alrMt and tenet the north land i Una r nila.n ateeet tn thn south line nf Hnvt Blk ITS. lot 4. Tba Orraott Real Batata atreet and from th center line of Irving street I ..Company ,. to tne norm line oi Irving atreet. I '"s e. sue uregun neat uii Sall lm)nMmint tn hu mailu In hcened. I Company sues with tb charter and ordinance of the Blk 1?5, lot .6, Tb Oregon Real Eatatt Uty of Portland and tbe plana, epeelflcatume I wmpiDt ...,........ and eatlmatea of th ( Ity Engineer tiled In Blk 1711, lot 8, Tb Oregon Real Estate tna omo oi u Anauor or tn'tity, oi i -."'l i' "j. v Portland on the 2d day of June. 1903, In- Blk 178, MtH, Tb Oregon Real Eatat dorsad 1 1 VCity Engineer' plana and apeclfl. I Couipany cation for the Improvement of Mlith street I Blk tf8. lot f. Tb Oregon Real Eatat renin tea nnrth Una nt alnerluin ateaat tn the I Company k north lln of Irving atreet and tbe estimates I Bit 178.. lot If. Tba Oregon Real Eatat of tb work to be Ion and the probable total C"Br '"'x :."' oat tnereot." . - .. . t. " w m " uregon nesi asiaie The eoet of aald Improvement to be assessed Company , aa provided by the city charter upon -the Blk IHO, lot tVJbe Oregon Rcl Estate property bench ted thereby and which la hereby Company...'!. declared t be all tbe lota, parte of lot Blk lttO. lot $, Tb Oregon Real Eatat Snd parcels, ot land lying between the west Company , j. n of HI J ittreet . and a line 100 feet Blk lfo. lot , The Oregon Real Estat waeteelv renin 'ami tiaeallal - tharaerlth t and t JomoaOF J . , between tka eaat line of Sixth atreet and n lln Blk 1UT. lot . Tb Oregon Real Eatat 100 reet eaaterly there rrom and parallel there- I vompsny i , With, anil hatuiali ha iwMth Una at atnrelann A tTSCt Of Isnd lylna between the north street and a lln 100 feet northerly f;um nd "ne of Wasco atreet and a line 100 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .09 JO -feet north of and parallel therewith and between the east line of block numbered 1U. Holladay'a Addition to East Portland, and the west Una of block numbered llolladay Park Ad- parallel with tba north lln of Irving atreet. Tba Engineer' estimate nf the probable total coat of aald Improvement la S17.4ao.O0. The almv Improvement Is to be classed aa an aanhalt Imnnit.mHl Anil ahall he main. talned by tbe city for the period of twp L dltlon to Portland. Oregon. Tbe Or- yesrs. proriaeo insi we owner oi a mHjm-ny t,""r"" . . jr.. r"'l" i." V." V of tba property benefited by aald improve- llolladay park Addition to Portland, ment or any portion thereof ahall not p-tltlon I LTrrn"T. . ' 1 . for a new or different Improvement before I J k J, lot d, Char lee F. Overhangh. Ihe evnlralfnn nf audi nerlnd. I Blk 6, lot J. Charlee P. Overbauxb. Tbe Plan, specification end estimate r.f Blk 8, kit 2, Tba Title Guarantee th City Bnglheer for th improvement of liiW i?""?. Blxtb wtreet are Hereby adopted. 1 Blk . lot 1, Tl Resolved: That the Auditor of the City of Portland be and b I hereby directed tn give notice 'of tbe proposed Improvement .10 Blk 8. lot 1. The Title Guarantee Trust Comosny Blk 6. lot Rt the Title Guarantee x rosi lompanr of aald atreet as provided by the city char- 8Jf W The Tltl . Gtiarante tar. trust tompany . r. . . i. .v.", ......... DanMatiina aaalna Mia ibn. ln. BIX D. lot O. Tba Title OliaraDtee Jr n.nl ma ki Ilia la aatllna .allh Ik. ..J... I TTUat t'ODPany algned within JM daya from tba data ot the first ""J" '"f T1H Ouarante . ii ... a ev at a t I TtHtai g Vv tat rial nF publication of this notice. ey oraer ot the council. . THOS. C. DEVL1K. Auditor of the City ef Portland. June . 1IKW.. 1 tlS.Jtft 131. "180.89 181 M 18008 188.8S M.T8 83.80 rtOFOslo W IEWEB RAFAEL VBOrOKS - tVWXI - IV SAflT - BETE 11 TH Notice la hereby given thaV'af th meeting I .N?.t,cto r"b7 .f17". tb meeting IV BAM 'J TBUT.. '. , H . V.7..; .( ii.. j'LJ I.rS ll th Council ot1 th Cits ef Portland, Ore" gon. beld on the 80 day of Jsne. 11K3. tb f".1!' ,d ,,h M following resolution Wa adopted: I roiiowinB reenisiion was adopted: Resolved: That thrf Coonrll of toe Cite nf Portland. Oregon, deems It expedient and proixees to , evinatract a aewer In Han Rafael etreet from 135 feet east of tba east lln of rnlon avenue to a connection with th pro of vltrl- posed aewer In East Seventh atreet Bed aewer pip , wltb all necessary Mlflk. bsstna. Biaaholee.1 lamnbole and branches, of I lamphole and branches, of tb following eigut incnes Clear inside diameter, in cWd- " ' iraiim ui.meier. am-a with tb plana, apeclflca tlona and eetl-1 """f " -V" ". "event n atreei jo leei ma tea therefor crepered br the Cltr Enaineer '' . ""b Un of Tbompaon atreet and flled in th office of the Auditor of the P't TUUmimk atreet; tbence- of U City of Portland on the'Sd day of Jane. IDtKI,. l".'',ikteWP ""'df diameter to a connection Indorsed: J,City Engineer's plana mid epeel. " the aewer' In Hancock atreet, In accordance flea tlona for a sewer la 8a n Rsfsel gtreet plana, specification and estimate from 128 feet east of t'nlon avenue to proposed therefor prepsred by the City Engineer, flled ewer in East Keveoth street, and the eetl- 4 bfllc of the Andltor of the City of mat i of tbe work to b done and tha probable ft0'"! on "2d day of June. 1001. Indorsed: totsl cost thereof," ' "City Engineer's plans aod specifications for The coat of aald newer to be assessed 1'' East Seventh street from 15 feet aa provided by the cltv charter npon th nr,n " " of Thompson, street to nivmartv anactalla k.naI.V ah.!... mA klek SCWCf In HSnCOCk Street Slid the aatlmste of Is hereby declared to be all the lota, parta J don hud tbe probable total of lota and parcrla of land lylnr between c!n'T01 . . . ' , line 100 feet north ftf and parsllel with tha T coat of aald sewer to be aaaeased north Una of Sea Rafael street and a lln provided by th city charter upon the 5 feet aouth of and parallel with tb sooth ProPw,I benefited thereby and which line of Han Rafel atreet. and between Una hereby declared to be all the lota, parte 100 feet eaatJTf and parallel with th eaat f,f wrreai of land lvlnr between a lln of Union rami and s line too feet weet ' l0" trft eeat of and parallel wltb the ef and paralKl with tha Weat line ot Eaat "t of "nth street and a line Seventh street? 100 feet weet of and parallel with the wet Th Engineer' ' estlmste of th probsbl Mnj f Easrttjeventb street, snd between a line total coat of the ennateuctlnn nf a. In aw Is 00 ft north of and parallel with tbe north 1421.00. - Mm' HanedeJt freet and the- north lino of Tba Plana, epeelfleatione and ewtlmates of n"P ann a weereriy extension oi th City Enrlneer for the construction Mid north tin In Its present course. of ssld sewer srs hereby adopted. tf?'jJljmVuX? estlmsts of the probable aesoivea, j net to Auditor or th city i ."'IL.TT'. wiirii.:iiwu m w.i - Tb plan, apecIHcatlnna and estlmstea of tb City Knalneer for the eonatruetlon of aald aewer are hereby adopted. Resolved. That the Andltor of the Cltv of Portland be aod be Is hereby directed to si re notice of the nmnneed construction of ssld aewer aa provHtd ' by tba City Charter. Remonstrance aralnat the shove sewer msv he flled ' In writing with the undersigned wimin an nays worn tne oat or tne nrsi puhllcstlon f this notice. s By order of tbe Council. , ; . . f - THOU C, DBVM!, M "" Andltor of tbe City of Portland. Jane 8. leofl Resolved. Thst th Council nf the Mtv ' of Portland, Oregon, dee ma It expedient and proposes to construct a aewer In East Seventh street from 18 feet north of the sooth-, Una f Thompson street to a connection with the aewer in ttaneoci street or vitrified aewer pip witn an ino necossery cstcn-lmsins, man of Portland b and he la hereby directed t give- - notice - of - the nrnnnsed construction of ssld , aewer , a provided by th City Conner. Remnnatranca afalnat tha ahnvn sasree msv he Bled la Writ In with lha ndereirned within to daya from the date ef tba flrat pnnurttina or this notice. By order or tb Council, t THOS. C. DEVXIH. Andltor of tb City of Portland. June , l08. , PB0P08IB IIWIR IW ATERUE. aflKVISOTA A8BE8BMEMT W EA0TORT 43.30 n.(W 33. tU TOR SEWER STREET. Notice la hereby given that the Couucll of the city of Portland, Oregon, at a meeting held en the 8d day f June, 1103. declared the aaseeement by ordinanc No. 18.887 for th construction or ewr in rectory street rrom 100 feet north "f the north lis bf Tbnrasaa atreet ' to a connection with the aewer iu yaugbn atreet in tbe manner provided by ordi nance ito. ld.z-fa, npon eacn lot, part or lot ' and parcel of lan trblcb are speclslly and peenllarly benefited, to be as followa. vlx; Wllsou'g Addition to tbe City of Port Is nd- Blk 2. all that portion of lot B. blk t. Wilson s Addltlou to th City of Port' " land lying north of u line 100 feet north bf and parallel wltb the north line of Thurman street. Petrr Matsou.f 32.08 Blk 1 lot 8. Lsdd A Til ton 87.40 Blk 2. lot 8. Ladd TUtoa 13.48 North Portland Blk 1, east 100 feet lot 1. Jacob Mayer.. Blk I, east 10)1 feet lot 2. Jacob Mayer.. Blk 1. lot 8. Jecob Maver Wilson a Addition to the city of Port land Blk 1. all tbat portion of lot A. blk 1. Wlleon a Addltlou to the (ity of Port land lying north of n. lino 100 feet north of and parallel with tbe north lln of Thurman atreet. Mary K. Wil son .? 7.05 Blk- 1. lot 7. Mary K. Wilson JO.fW Blk 1. lot JO. William Rcidt 8.20 . North Portia nd-t- Blk t. lot 1. William Reldt zl.ffl Blk 3. hit 2. H. P. Ellasnn 20.M Blk 2. louth 40 feet lot 3. Kick Jacob- son in. so lk 2. north 10 feet lot 8. William a A a.. nciui v.ar A tract of land lying between a line 100 . feet south of. and parallel with the evinth line of Vauehn atreet and the north line of I'psbur atreet and be tween the eaat line of block 2. "North . Portland and a line 100 feet east ef and parallel wltb the eaat ling of ' Factory etreet. Amanda W. Reed..... 1.5S A tract of Mind lying between a line 100 feet north of and parallel wltb the ' north line of Thurman street and the south line of 1'nshur street west of Twentv-seennd street and between the ' 'st Ira of block 2. North Portland. and th east line nf block 1. Wilson'tv . . Addition to t City of Portland, SyfSK veater Parrell t.08 Totsl 29l!0 A statement '4 aforeeald camnt has been entered In tn Docket of City Lien. nd fa now due and payable at the office of the City Treasurer, in las fill money of the United States and If not paid within thirty days from the date of this notice, such proceedlne will be taken for the collection of the same as are provided by th Charter of the City of Portland. The above aaaeasmenti will bear Internet ten daya after tbe first publication of this notice, .. . . , TTtftS. C. DEVLIN. Andltor of the Cltv of Portland. irtland. Oregon. June 10. 1003. PR0POIED IMPROVEMENT 0E BELMONT " STREET. Notice la hereby given that at tba nttvtln nf tbe Couaull of the City of Portland. Ore gon, seiti un tne aa asy ot June, li"JJ, the following resolution u-ae adopted t , ; Kesoivea: .'jnat tne txxtncii cr tu ity or Portland. Oregon, deems It !! lent and propoaca to Improve Belmout (treet frutn Ibe wast lln of Huanrsid Third Addition to th east lln of Blocks 4 and 0. BarUch l'ark, In me rouowing manner, to-wit: Kirat By grading said atreet tell width With; full Intersections to tb proer sub-grade. Second Br graveling the atreet full width with full Intersections wltb nplsnd bank gravel. Third 11 constructing wooaen siaewaike iz feet In width wltb tlx-root covering planks. Fourth By cnnstt-uetlng woodeu crosswalk six feet In width. Fifth By constructing box gutters secord, Ing to City Engineer's plana, spec! Sea I Ion. tad estimates. Aald improvement to be made In accordance witn tn rnarier ana orainancea si in City of Portland, and the- plan, spectflratlona sad eatlmatea of th City Engineer filed In tbe ofBce of the Auditor of tbe City of Portland on tha 2d dsy or. June, iwon. indorsed: "City Engi neer's Diana and eneelAcatlons for the Improve ment nf Belmont street from the west lne of toiircott'ere?'-10 J,"" " ' HMW Addition-' to " fcrt ' Portl ..ded0",ben7men.r,er,pn. Bt" "" ?S2: ?"nnelh 'T .S'ZXrX U.E Bfc If 4, lot 7. The Oregon Real EM,ti north lln of Belmont atreet and' a line Bik ,f4 oi'R'fat'6rrran'iimi'rmiiim 100 feet eoutb of aod parallel with the south 8VL"4J ' 1M w,oa "'1 "tat ,. :',ui' . . j . I romnanv une OK uiocsa V auu V, carmen a ara. Truat Comoanv Blk 6. lot 4. The Title Guarantee A Truat Company 74.08 Blk 6. lot 8. Th Tltl Guarantee A Treat Company fl.13 Blk 6. lot 2. The Tltl Guarantee Trust Company 118.87 Blk &, lot 1. the Tltl Guarantee Truat Company 127.17 BIK 4. lot 8. The Tltl Guarantee A Trnaf fVimnanr . latu Blk .4. lot 7. Th Tltl Guarantee Truat Company 148.16 Blk 4. lot 6. Tbe Title Guarantee A Trust Company , 108.88 Blk 4. lot 8. Th Title Guarantee Truat Company . .i .... 101.22 Blk 4. lot 41 Th Title Guarantee A Trust Company 84.78 Blk 4. lot 8. th Title Guarantee A Trust Company , 78.88 Blk . 4. lot 2. Tba Title Guarantee A Trust Comoanv us 87 Blk 4. lot 1. Tbe Title Guarantee Truat Company 17 fin Bin 10. lot 8, The Title Guarantee Truat Company 131.80 Blk 18. lot 7. -The Title Ouarante ' Trust Company 121.08 Blk 18. lot 8. Th Title Guarantee a. Trust Company sa ns Blk in. lot B, Tbe Title Guarantee A Trust ( ompany ; M.et Blk 15. lot 4. The Title Guarantee A Truat Company Ri ta Blk in. lot 8. The Title Guarantee ft .Trust Company 80.04 Blk &. lot a. Tb Title Guarantee ft Trust (.ompany Notice I hereby alven thst at th maatlne of tbe Council of tb City ef Port laud, Or gon, held on the Sd day of June, 180 tha louowuig resolution wee adopted: Resolved, Thst tbe Council of tbe City of a ' nanu, wreaon, oeems ii propose u aveau from PROPOSED SEWER IV EAST FIFTEEXTR . STREET. Notice 1 habr alven that st the meet ins i, . ' .. I of tbe rVaancllini the IHtv nf Portland Lira. to construct a aewer la allnnelota (on, held oa Tb 8d day of June, 1V08, tb om SB feet north of Fremont t!reet following monition w adopted: to a connection with tlia aaa in . naah Heolvd. That th Council of the Cltr of treet of vitrified aewer nine with all nenaaaarv Portland, Ore ton, deems It expedient and catch-baalne. maubolea, lampholee snd branrhea, I proposes to construct a sawer In Last Fifteenth ox eigni incnea Clear maiae diameter. In ac- wwn. wbw iiuinv w iwi auaia oi orusuwsr coidanc wltb tb plans, speclflcstlons and to connection with tbe aewer In Haneock eetlmatea therefor prepared by tbe City En- 'reet of vltrlBed aewer pip with all necne- glneer and flled In) the office of tbe Andltor rT catch basins, manholra, aanitaholss and of tbe City of Portland on ibe 2d day nf branrhea, of eight Inabea clrar Inalde diameter June, 1803, Indorecd: "Cltv Engineer's plsns lo accordanc wltb tbe plana, apeclflca tlona and and toeclflcatlona for a aewer la Ulanaaoia eatlmstes thereof prepared by, tba City Engl- avenue from 25 feet north of Fremont atreet I nMr d Bled In the office of tbe lAudltor of tbe City of Portland n tbe 2d day of June. 1808. indorsed: "City Enaineer' Disss and speciucsuons ror a aewer in ttaei ririecniu atreet from BO feet aouth of Rrosdwsv to sewer 1a Hancock atreet and tbe estimates or tbe work to be don and tba probable totsl Th Ruaineer'e estimate of the probable coat f ssld Improvement la $3.277. 0. The above Improvement la tn be classed an Ravel Improvement and ahall be maintained the city for the period of 5 years, provided tbat tbe owuera of a majority of tbe property benefited by aald Improvement or auy portion therenr snail not pet u ion ror a new ana ai a fr ont Improvement before th expiration of tucb period. Tbe Enaineer' plan, speclflcstlons snd esti mates for tbe Improvement of aald Belmout Street are hereby adopted. Resolved: 'lost tne Auditor ot tne city or Portland Je and, be la hereby directed ; t give notice of tbe proposed improvement ot said atreet as directed ny to city cawrter, Remonstrance sgnlpst tb , above Improve ment may be flled In wrlttn "with the under sinned within 20 daya from tbe date of tbe flrat publication of this notice. By order of tb Council. THOS. C. DETMV. Auditor of tb City of Port Mid. June B. J003, PROFOSAXS TOR MTHnOTPAX LIOBTUfO. CITT OT P0XTLAND, OREGON. Sealed proposals will be received at tbe olfle ef tbe Andltor f tb City of Portland until 8 clock p .m.e June IS; 1003. for llgbMog tbe etrerta. avenues, parka, public crmjaila aod public place of the City of Portland by elec tric am llybts of 2.ots.i candle power each, aad tor lighting tba public buildings of said lty by locaodesa-ent electric or s:i lights tor a term ot five year from January 1st, 1804. be pirate proposals will be received for light ing tbe streets, avenuea, parka publlcground and pjbllc places of tbe cltv, ss sbnv set forth. . Esch proposal must do based upon tbe apeclflca tlona for said lighting ou flic ia tba .na nf tha Andltor af the litv nf Pnrtlaiut No proposal In. excess ot tor each Ul u ijm: Ti'.i .i''i per month will tie ronsiaerva. r.scti pro- i ";,-' " naai muat he tccomnsnlea nv a certiaed check - Blk 170. lot 3. The Oregon Real Eatat- Compsny Blk 170. lot 7, Tha Oregon Real Estate Company Blk li. lot 8, Tbe Oregon Real Estate t'omoaur Blk 104, lot 1, Tbe Oregon Real -Estate Company Blk 104. lot 3, Tbe Oregon Real Estate , Company B(k 100, lot 7. Tbe Oregon Real Estate Company Blk 104. lot 8, Tbe Oregon Real Estste Company ...a A tract of Isnd lying between the aontb tine or w ascn street tna a line ino feet aontb of snd parallel therewith and between the east line of block numbered 104. Holladay'a Addition tn East Portland, and the weat line of block numbered 1. Hnlladay Psrk Ad dition to Portlsnd. Oregon, Tbe Ore gon Real Estate Cotnpsny Holla day Park Addition to Portland. Oregon Blk 1. lot 18. The' Title Guarantee ft Trust i ompany Blk 1. lot 14. The Title Guarantee ft Trust Company Blk 1, lot, in. The Title Guarantee A Truat Company Blk 1. lot 18, The Title t isrante A Trust Compsny Blk 2. lot 9. The Title Guarantee ft Trust Comoanv Blk 2. lot 10. Tb Title Guarantee ft Trust Company Bib 2. lot jl. The Title Guarantee ft Trust tympany Blk 2. lot 13. The Title Gnarante ft Trnst (ompany Blk 2. lot 1.1. Tb Title Guarantee ft Trust ( omcsn t Blk 2. lot 14. The Title Guarantee ft Trnst Company 128.14 140.68 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .on .10 to swcr In Beech atreet, and tbe eatlmatea of tne work to b don aad th probable total coat thereof." Thel coat of aald sewer to be asaeaaed as prpvwe by th city charter Upon tb Druoertv tacneflted thereliv anil whl.h Is hereby declared tn he all tha lota narta I cost thereof." of lot and Barrels nf lahd Ulna- hatnaaan a I The cost of aald sewer to be Hue 100 feet esst of and parallel wltb tba provided by tb city charter apon tba east line of Minnesota avenue and a lln Property benefited thereby and wblcb 100. feet weat of aad parallel with the west bereby declared to be all th lota, parta lln or Minnesota avenue, and between tbe ol ,ut" "na I" reels or land lying he t ween a north line nf Peamont ateaat ann tka nnett. Una 11 ne 100 feet east of and Parallel with th esst ef lot numbered six In block numbered 88, Mult- 11 D E't Fifteenth atreet and a line 100 nomao. ana a line do reet north nf and parallel ,rml wrwl ' psrauei win me west un oi wltb the north line of lot numbered thre n East Fifteenth atreet. and between a line diock num. tiered aj, Multnomah. I Ir sou in or ana parallel witn to scum Tbe Riurlneer'a aatlmata nf tha neMiahi line of Hsncock street snd a Una 100 feet total coat of tba construction of aald aewer la I utb of and parallel with tb nutb Una ot t&W.OO. Broadway, Tbe plans, apeclflrafloaa and estlmste of . Tb Engineer's eatlmste ef tb probable th tity Engineer for tbe construction " " th construction of said sewer la of Bald sewer are harahv. anontaut I 8BA8.O0. Resolved Tbat tbe Auditor of' tbe City I '1'h P'xns, speclflcstlons and eatlmatea of ot Portland be and ha la bereby directed tn uity Engineer tor the eoustruetlon to aire notice of tha nronnaeri ennatrnctinn of aald aewer are hereby adopted. ot aald aewer aa provided by tha City I Resolved Tbat tba Auditor of th City Charter 'Kemcnstrsnce against tbe shove aewer may be flled In writing with the undersigned within 20 dsys from tha date of tb first punncstiQp or this notice. By order of the Council. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of th City of Portland. June B. 1808. . PROPOSED SEVER IN TILLAMOOK STREET, Notice Is bereby given tbat at tbe meeting ot tbe Council of the City of Portland. Ore- ef Portland be and be la hereby dlrteted io xive notice or in nroooara construction nf aald sewer it muvtded by th lily Charter. Kemomtrinc a sal net the above aewer may be flled in spitting with the undersigned within 20 daya from tbe date of tbe first publication of tbla notice. y order of .the Council. TllOH. C. DETLI.V, Aadltnr of the Cltv of Portland. June 8, 1B03. " EXTERSIOJf 01 WHITAKEH STREET. - Whereas, Th ' Council of the City of Port land, deeming It expedient to op,.n. lay out and establish an extension of Whllakvr street. In the City of Poet land, from- tbs east line of Second street to the wi'St Hue of block ISO. In Csruthers' AdiSUon to Caruttii-ra' Alilltion aa laid' out by the tl. P. It. K. Aa., did ou tbe ild dsy of April. Ifut, direct tha lity Engineer tn surrey tlin ssine aud to mark the boiindarlca thereof, and to make a pint of aucb survey, and s written rexrt lontnlnlng s full and perfect description "f 'H'b proiMwei! atreet and boundaries thereof, and of I hi. Kir tlim of each lot. trnci or t.ni'l of eltbir. to be appropriated for auch atreet, unci the tily Engineer baying made auch surToy. pint and report, and filed such plat and report In tha office nf tbe Auditor on tho 2nh luy of April. 1003, and said report ImvliiK lin adopted by ordinance No.- ia..it)l. 1 1 1 1 1 1--l . "An erdlnaiicc u,l" I nc tho n-imrt of the City Engineer In the matter of the priipoacd opening, laying out nntl istiilillatilng of Whit alter atreet from I lie east line of Second atreet to the weat line of block l.lil. Cnruthcra' Aildl tlon tn Cariithera' Addition, as lutd out by the S. P. R. E. Asa." Now, therefore, all peraona Intoreated nre hereby notltled 'that, tlie eVimrll of the Cltr of Portland baa appofiiMl C, (1. Hiitherlutul. B. I. Coheu and 3. P. Menefee viewers, to rlow ssld proposeil .extension of said afreet end make an estlmsts of the benefits and dHmscrs oc cssloned by the opening, laying out end etalj.a llshlng of the asmc. In accuriln ncr with section 840 nf the charter of thn (itr nf Portland. aald viewers to ueet at the ofhee of the Audi tor of the City" of Portland on Friday, the 10th day nf June. 1imi;i. at the hour of lo o'clock In the forenoon of aald day. Tbe proposed oiienlng, laying out and ahh- ttahlnr nt U'ltltlalVai. mtrau la All fant 1 ,1 vl,llh and Is more psrtlculaVly bounded and deacrlLeii aa follows. to-wlt: Beginning at the anuthweat corner of block 120. Caruthers' Addition to Caruthers' Addi tion, as laid out by the South Portlsml Heal x,atate Association, runtilng thence .wenleriy on s westerly prolongation of too north line ot Wfaltsker street ss laid out In Inrnthera Addition In Caruthers' Addition1 ss laid "tit by the South Portlsnd Ileal Katat Aaaoclntlon to the west Hue nf block 1,10. thence south erly at right angles to th above nacnttoued line 80 feet, thence easterly on a line 8" feet aontherly from and parallel with the proposed north line of Whlttaker street ss above described to the northwest corner of block 1.11 in Camtbsrs' AildilJou to Csruthers' Ad dition as laid out tiv the South lWtliind 'Ileal Estate Association, tbenen northerly 00 feet to tbe place of beginning. The proposed opening, taring out snd estab lishing or Whltsker street rrom the eaat line or Second street to the west line of block 1 30 In fa -ruthers' Addition to Caruthers' Addition ss laid out by the Booth Portland Real Kstate. Aa soclstlon will Include and necessitate the sp pronrlatlon to public use of the following de. scribed parcel or tract of land, to-wlt: All that parcel or tract of land Ittna he. tween the northerly snd southerly lines nf tbe proposed Whltsker street sod the eaaterly line or HeconQ- street and a line zoo reel westerly from and parallel therewltb. contain ing 18,600 aqua re feet. All persons claiming damages by reason of the appropriation of 'he property above described, or sny psrt thereof. In the prgv posed opening, laying out nnd establlahgilg of said etreet. are hereby specially not!A"d tn Ble their claim rr such on ma res with tne Andltor of the City of Portland before the 10th dsy of June. 1003. the lime appointed for tbe meeting of tbe viewer tberclu. By order of tho Council. THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of tho City of Portland. Jnn B. 10O8. Oregon ,SiioiLir(E J lim to the tAM UAILT Through' Pullmaa atsndsrd and Toarlst alset- ' lug curs dully tu Omaha. Cblcacia, liokB tourist sleeping can dally to kaasas City I . through Pullmuu tourist siecpinc cer iperab slly cunducudi wikly to thlcugj. hansu ilty, 81. Louis and Memphis'; recTlnaft ! isra I avals trrei in me saai nan. UN 10.1 DEPOT. HI'KCIAU For ths East via Uunt-Ingto'.i. SPOKANE FLTER. For - Kaatera . Waahlug-; tou. Walls Wslle. Lew lalon. Coeur 'AUoa snd ureal muriarB uoiuia. ATLANTIC EXP RUSH. Fur the F.sat via lluut- ingion. i Leavea. - Arrlvs. V o 20 a. aa. 4.80 p. w. . Daily. Pally. y, Ig.OO p. Da. T:8B . m . jltally. Dally. r j '. I '.:.il: ia p. a. lo aoa. as. , Pally. bally, t . ; OCEAN AUD RITER SCHEDULE. 3:00 p. gon, beld on tbe 3d 'day of June, Iuliowiog resolution was adopted 1803, th PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OF PARK AVENUE. Notice la bereby given tbat at tb mt- .10 110.18 130.20 184.80 188.97 208.13 183.20 114.03 84.92 83. M T7.2S 118.50 COMPLETION AMD ACCEPTANCE OP lit-, huvvvtst aw rri.i.rNOSWORTlI ' -'.lJ, '. v AVENUE. Notice la herehv alven thst William C. Elliott, City ' Engineer, has filed In the office or ine undersigned notice tnai i.ieniecn m Joplin. rontractora for the Improvement of Klll trgaworth avenue, under the provisions of Or dtnaae No.1 18.034, bavft completed said avenue, from the east line of rat ton avenue to the eaat line nt Mlchlxaa avenue. Bald acceptance will be considered by the Executive Board at 4-o'clock on tbe 10th day of Jnne. 1003. and objections to tb acceptance of aald avenue or any part thereof may be filed tn tbe office of the uitderslgnv-d at any time prior thereto. ' THE EXECtTlVB BOARD. ' ' Bf THOS. C, DEVLIN. Andltor of th 0ty of Portland. '"Jnn 13..08.--': rcikjruaioir and acceptance or tm- PROVEMEKT OP EAST "THIRTEENTH ' - STREET. ' . : '. Notice 1 hereby "given that William C Elliott . City Engineer, haa flled In the efflce of the undersigned notice that Bechlll Broe., contractors for th improvement of Eaf Thir teenth street, nnder the provlaion of Ordinance. No. 1S.2T9, have completed .aald atreet, from "th north line of - Hawthorn avntt to th .center Un ef Esst Madlaoa atreet. - "' - Said acceptance will be enasldered by tbe ' Exscutlv Board at 4 o'clock on th 10th day ef June, 10O3, and sc. lections to the acceptance : ef ld atreet r any part thereof may be filed ;. tn the of ice of .th, andeMtgned at any - tin ; prior thereto. ' ' - . THE EXECTT1VE BOARD. , V v s ' By THOS. C. DEVLIN. -'7 - Auditor of th City ot Portland, i fcflsiriliK on some reaooMible Portlsnd bank In tbe sura of Twenty-flv Thousand Dollars $'.5,uOO.ooj. navsbls to tbe order of Geo. H. Wll'.lama. Mayor ,f tb Uty ef PortUnd. aa flxed aud liquidated damsgesthsf toe aacceaaiui piaaer will enter into eoptrsct In accordant- wltb th term of the' specifications wltbiu ten dsys sfter tb con-trecL-is awarded t:m. Tbe successful bidder wiltAglsa b required to frrnlnh a good and sufficient bond In ' tbe sum of Ou Hundred Thouesnd Dollars ($100,000.00) to be approved by tbe Mayer of the Cllf of Portland, cou dlftoaed thtt the auccessful bidder will fulail tbe terma of hla contl-act. Separate propoaal will be received for light ing tbe public bulldliur of ssld city aa above set forth. Esch propoaal, must b baaed upon tbe specifics tlons for ssld lighting on file lu tbe oflk of tb Auditor of th City of Port land and muat be accompanied by a cet ri fled check on some responsible Portlnnd Ban In the SUttfcvOf Twnty-eve Hundred Dollar. ($2, 800.00), payable to the order of Geo. U. Williams. Mayor of tho City of Portland, as flxed and liquidated damage, that the successful . bid der will enter into contract in acenrdnuce with th term of the specification within tea (10) day after tbe contract 1 awarded blm. The BUvceaaful bidder will slso be required lo furnish rood and 'i sufficient bond la tbe aura of Tee Tbouaand Dollars tS10.000.00). to b approved by the Mayor of tbe City of Portland. conaitiooeo mat ire auecessiui oiuoer win iui flll the term ot bis contract. All proposals should be Indorsed "Propoaal for Lighting." . aad addressed . to Tbos C, Devlin, Auditor, Portland, Oregon. Tba right U reserved Ii rejoct any or all blda. lly order ef the Executive Board. THOS. C. DEVLIN , Auditor of tba City of PortUnd. Or. April 8. 1003. Blk 3. lot 10. Tbe Title Guarantee ft Trust Company , izs.80 Blk 8. lot 0. The Title Guarantee aft Trust Company 158.07 Blk 3. lot 10. Tbe Title Guarantee ft Truat Company 107.88 Blk 3. lot 11. Tbe Title Guarantee ft Trust Company 138.31 Blk 3. lot 12. The Title Guarantee ft . Trnst Compiine , 122.23 Blk 8. lot 13. Tba Title Guarantee ft - Trust Cogipsny 114.74 Blk 3. lot 14. Tbe Title Gnarante ft Trust Company 89.87 Blk 8. lot 10. Tbe Title Guarantee ft Kesolved. Tbat tbe Council uf the mtv nf Ins of the Council of tbe Cltr of PortUnd. Ore- PertUnd, Oregon, deems It expedient rod gon.' beld on fbe Bd day of June, 1903, tbe propone to rouatruct sewer in Tillamook I following resolution waa adopted: street from 125 feet esst of tb esst Un of I Kesolved: Thst tbe Council of tbe City t'nlon svenue to a connection with the pre- of PortUnd. Oregon, deems It expedient snd posea sewer in ar.asc nerenin street of vltrl- proposes to improve para svenue rrom ids sssi fled sewer pipe with all necessary rateh-baslne. I line of tbe City Park tn tbe west Hoe of COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IM PROVEMENT OF SECOND STREET. Notice Is hereby given that William C. Elliott. Cltr Enaineer. baa flled In .the office of the undersigned notice that Miller A Bauer., contractora for the improvement ot necona atreet. under the provisions of Ordinance No. 18.142. have completed said street, rrom tne center line of Washington street to the center line nf Stark street: Raid aoeeotsaee will be considered hv the Executive Board at 4 o'clock on the lOtb day nf June. 1003. and objections lo the acceptance of aeld street or any part thereof may Ite filed In tb office or the undersigned at any lime prior thereto. In K) r.Ar.i i nr, utah'. BV THOU. C, 1IKVI.I Auditor ef tbe City of Poi June 13, 1903. IV. T Portland. manholes, Umpholes and branrhea, of eight ln-hea clear Inalde diameter In accordance with tbe plana, epecfflcatlone and eatlmstes therefor prepsreo. ny me t;ity rvyineer snd flled la tbe office of tbe Auditor of the (ity of Port- la no on ine a asy or June, itxi.t. indorsed : Ford street In tbe following msnner. to-wlt: First By grading tbe atreet full width with full Intersection to tb proper sub- grade. second ay paving me atreec -run wiuia with full Intersection with Warren bltulltblc City Engineer's pUna aid aneclfieatinns for I Pavement. a aewer In Tillamook street from 12B feet Third By constructing artificial atone alde east of I'nlou avenue to proposed sewer in walka In accordance with th -City fcHiglneer t Eaat Seventh atreet and tbe eetlmatea of the plans, speclflcstlons snd estimate, work to be done and tbe probable total coat Tbe aald Improvement to he mad in thereof." cordance wltb tbe charter aud ordinance of Tb cost of aald aewer to be asaeaaed tbe City ot Portland aad tb pleas, specia ls provided by th city charter upon the catlona and eatlmatea of tb City Engineer property benefited thereby and which filed In tbe office of tbe Auditor of tbe City of ia hereby declared to bo all the Iota, parta Portland on lue 2d day of June, 1903, lu of lota and parcel of Uod lying between a dorsed: "City Engiueer's plaua and apeclflca line 100 feet north of end- parallel wltb tbe tlona for the Improvement of Park avenue north line of Tillamook atrort and a Hoe 100 from tb eaat Hue of tbe City Park to tbe feet south of and parallel wltb tb south west line of Ford street snd the estlmste of Uu of Tillamook street snd between a line 100 reet east or ana parallel with th eaat line of rnlon avrmis end a Un 400 feet tb work to be done and tb probable total coat thereof." . The cost of ssld improvement to be ss. west of snd parallel with tb west lis of I sessed ss provided by the city charter upon East Seventh street. I tha property benefited thereby and which ia The Engineer a estimate of tb nrobsble I hereby declared to all tbe lota, narta of lots totsl coat of tb construction of aald aewer la I and oarcele of laud lylna between a line $413.00. I loo feet north of and parallel with the north The place, speculations and eatlmatea of I line of park avenue aad a line 100 feet south tbe City Engineer for ' the construction of and parsllel Wltb tb seals. Un of Psrk of ssld sewer sre hereby adopted. I avenue, snd between tb west lln of Ford Kesolved. mat ine auaitor or tbe City I street and a line list reet weat ot and par ol i-oriianu pe anu ne is nereoy directed anei witu ine easi una oi me city Para PROPOSAL! rOR SEWER WORK.' Bested propose la will be received at the office of the Auditor of Ihe City of Portland until Friday, June 19, 1003, at 4 o'clock p. m. for the construction of a sewer in Ksat Thir teenth atreet from the north line of Broadway to tbe sewer In Hancock street. In the manner provided by Ordinance No. ISj.'Utt. .subject to the" provisions" of the cberter snd ordlnsncea of tbe City of Portlsnd. snd the estlmste of the city Engineer, on flic. Bids muat be strictly In accordance with printed blank, which will he fnrnlsbed on application at tbe office of the Auditor of the City of Portland.- And said sewer muat be completed on or before 80 dsys from' the date of the signing of the contrsct by tbo parties thereto. No propose!" or Mils will be considered nnleaa accompanied by a certified check payable to the order Of the Mayor of the City of Portlsnd. certified by a responsible-hank for an amount equal to ten per rent of the aggrega t pro posal. The right to reject any " and all bid It hereby reaerved. By order of the Executive Board. THOS. C. DEVLIN. "" " Andltor of the City tor Portland. " June 13. 1003. - . FOR SAN FRANCISCO, iProm 8. R. Geo. Wl Klder- ' Msska June I. lt"21. !!";., 8. H. Columbia June 'S.iX p. 8. 18. 3d. I CotnirVs River" Division.' FOR ASTORIA aad Way8:on p. aa. polnta. rounectlug with Delly. iimr for llwaco and x Sunday North Beach, atr. Uia- Saturday ealo. Aab-st dock. . 10:00 p. n. 8:00 p. at. ex. nuoaay. About, , . WlUsmstU River DivUlen. FOR SALEM. CorvtUU 8:48 . m. and wav points, ateauier Monday. Ruth. Aah-Mt. dock. IWedoesday. (Watsr permitting.) rriusy Dally mi n. a. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. Tamkill Rim Rest. FOB DATTON. Oregon City aud Yamhill Hirer pojnts. str. Klniprs, Ash St. 'Bock. I Water permitting ) 7:00 a. m. Tuesday. Thursdsy, .Saturday. 8:00 p. aa, . Mordsy, ' Wedneeday, FridayT Snak Rlvr Rents. FOR LEWISTON. Id., ind wsy points, from Klparla, Wash., steam ers Spoktn snd Lew is ton. 4:08 a. I Daily, ex. Sat I A boot . '. B OB p. 'at. Dally ax. Friday. TICKET OFFICE. Third and Wasblugto. Tb phoa Ms to 712. PORTLAND & ASIATIC STEAMSHIP CO. ' For Tokobama and Hong Kong, calling al Kobe. Nagaaakl and Shanghai, taking freight via connecting steamer for Manila. Port Arlksr. llid Vladlvoslock. - . INDRAPTJRA BAILS ABOUT JUNE 38. For rates and full Information aM or . dress ofSclsU or agent of tb O. H. ft N. I. EAST via. SOUTH 1 2? I 8UNS1T lM JO0PeN.8naVTAl? Lassvs. RAILROAD TIMETABLES. t give nctlce of . the proroaed construction of ssld sewer sa provided by tba City Charter.. Remonstrance against the above fewer mav be flled In writing with tbe undersigned Tb Engineer's estimate ot tbe urobahla total coat of Improving aald annua U M.- BiSM.OO. The above Improvement la to be claaaed aa a bltulltblc pavement and aball be maintained within 20 days from tbs date of th first by tbe city for tb period of 8 year, provided publication of tbla notice. tiy order oi tne council. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of tb Cite of Portland. June B. 1903. ' Trust Company 130.28 Blk IA. lot 9. The Title Guarantee ft Blk 3. lot 18. The Title Gnarante ft Trust tompany 180.37 102 00 'PROPOSED CHANGE OP GRADE OF MADISON STREET. . Notice la hereby given "that at the meet ing of the Council of the City of Portland, Oregon, held ou the 3d day of June, 1903, tbe following resolution wgs adopted: .Whereas, It la deemed, 'xpedlent to change tbe grsdes of Madtson street In the City of Portland at lta Interseetldn with Ford street, Be It Resolved. That thei Council bereby dec Is res its Intention to change the grade f Madison street a now eataousned, to wit : ' - At centet line- of Ford street and center )ln of Madison street at 217.60 feet. At center tin of Fcrd atreet and aouth line of Madhaoo treet ti248 BO feet. At tbe ceuter lln of Ford atreet and north line of Madison street st 2410 fett. To tbe following, to-wlt! - Ii At canter lln of llsdtson street and test line of Ford trt t SM.O feet.- At center lln ef Madlaoa fetreet and center line of Ford street st 281.0 feet. At center line of Madison street and weat. line of Ford street at 281.0 feet. ' At north Uu of Madison street and center line of Ford atrt at 2M.f feet. At south line of Madison atreet and center Mm of Ford atreet at 251.0 feet. - . . Above th has of city grade. : Resolved, tbat the': Aadltnr . he and be I hereby directed to give notice ef the proposed change ef grade of aald street aa provided by tb city-charter. -;.,'. ' ;, Remonstrs nee sgs Inst the above change of grade may be filed In writing wltb tb under signed Wlrblirt 2o day from tb date of the first publication ' ot thU notice.' , By order of fb Council. i , THOS. C. DEVtlN. . . ' Auditor th Clty-ot PortVjnd. gate ,r.- Trust Compony Blk 18. lot 10. The Title Guarantee ft Trnst Company 140.06 Blk 18. lot 11, Tbe Title Guarantee ft Trust Company Blk 10. M 12. The Title Guarantee ft Trust Company Blk 1ft. bit 13: T.) Title Guarantee ft Trust Company Blk 18. lot 14. The Tltl Guarantee ft Trust Comnany Blk 11. lot in. Tba Title Guarantee ft Trust Company 129.49 Blk 14. lot 18. Tbe Title Guarantee ft Trnst Company ... , 140.40 102 48 09 98 97.86 64.08 , Total June 3. .v.vT.r..v..r:.vr:r..-; :. . ...wooo.ss THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of tb Hty of Portland. 1003. , COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OP IM ' PR0VEMENT OP THTRMAN STREET. Notice Is hereby given tbat Wllllsm C. Elliott. Cltr Engineer, haa filed In the office of tbe undersigned notice tbat Fralney ft Keating, contractor for the Improvement of Thurnmn atreet. under the provision of Or dinance No. 13.t7. have completed said street, from the center line of Twentieth street to the center lln of Twenty-second street. Said acceptance will be considered bv the Executive Board at 4 o'clock on the 19th dsy of Jnne. 1003. and objection to thn acceptance nf said street or any part thereof may be flled In tbe office uf tbe undersigned at any .time prior thereto. - , TriB EXECT TtVE BOARD. , Bv THOS. C, DEVLIN. Andltor of tb City of , Portland. June 13, 1003. g It expedient to open, lay out and!1" notice Of the proposed Improvement of 1 street. In tbe City of Port- "ld u provided by tb city charter, be westerly line of Sherlock t Ad- Remonatraoce against the above Improve- COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IM PROVEMENT OT THIRD STREET. Notice la hereby given that William C. Elliott. City Engineer, haa flled in the office of the undersigned notice tbat .Miller ft Bauer, contractora for tbe improvement of Third street, under tbe provisions of Ordinance No. 13,143. have completed aaid atreet. from the center line of Buraside atreet to the center line of Ankeuy atreet. from tb center Tine of Yamhill atreet to tbe center line of Madison street,- from the center Rue of Washington street- to th 'center litre of Alder atreet. Ssld (acceptance will be considered, by tbe Executive Board at 4 o'clock oa the ltytb day of Jnne. 1903. and objection to the acceptance of asld street or any part thereof may be flled In the office' ot tb undersigned at, any tiai prior thereto. : v THE VXEfTTTTB BOARD. - -, Bv THOS. C. KEV1.IN. . Andltor of the City of Portland. ; JOB . 13 IMt.- - ;'t" ; 1 EXTENSION OP RETD STREET. Where, Tbe tiuncil op tbe City of port- lana. aeemmx i establish Ried lend, from tbe dltlon to the essterly line of Tweotv.fnnrih street, did on tbe 15th dsy of April, 1903, direct tbe City Engineer to survey the tame and to mark tfie boundaries thereof, snd to make s plat of sorb survey, and written report contain Ing a full and perfect description of such proposed street and boundaries thereof, snd of tbe portion of esch lot. tract or psrt of rltber. to be appropriated fur au.-b atreet.' and the Cty Engineer having made snch survey, plst and report, and filed such plat and report In tbe office of the Auditor on th 31st day of April. 1903. and ssld report having been adopted by ordinance So. 13,360. entitled: "eta ordinance adopting the report of tbe City Ebgl necr In the matter of the proposed opening. Isylng out snd estsbllahlng t Heed street from the westerly line of Sherlock's Addition to tbe essterly line of Twenty-fourth street. Now. therefore, sll persons Interested are hereby notified that -tbe Conneil of the-City of Portland has appointed W. F. White. George Hueener snd John Kelly viewers, to view ssld proposed ' extension of said street and make an estimate of tbe beneflta and damages oc casioned by-tbe opening. Isylng put snd estsh llshlng the same. In soefli-dsnce with section' 840 of the charter of the City of Portlsnd. ssld viewers to meet st the office of the Auditor of the tity or I'ortisnd on rrldsy. tbs 19tb dsy of June. 1003. at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon" of safd day. Tbe proposed opening, laying out and eatab n.hlns of Keed street is 60 feet In width and is more particularly bounded and described aa followa: '' ' Beginning at the southwesterly corner of block 21. Sherlock f Addition, running tbence westerly a knur the westerly extension on the north line of Reed street 15.0 feet to tho east erly line of Twenty -fourth street, thence south erly along tbe easterly line of Twenty-fourth street to the point where the essterly line aif Twenty-fourth street" would he Intersected bv a westerly extension tn lta present course of the- south line of Reed Street, tbence east: erlv on the weatcrlr extension of the south Hoc of Reed street 1B.7 feet to the" northwest corner of block 38. Sherlock's Addition, thence northwesterly 80.29 feet to tb pise of be ginning. Tbe proposed opening, lsying out and estab lishing of Reed street will Include and necessi tate tb appropriation to public use ef tbe fol lowing aescriDen psrrri or freer or land: . . All that parcel or tract' of land lying be. tween northerly and aontherly. line of tbe proposed Reed street and between the t erly line -f - Twenty-fourth street snd the westerly line ef Sherlock' Addition, contain ing 948 square feet. '. All -persons claiming damages hr reason of the appropriation of the property above described, or any part thereof, la tba proposed opening. Isyinx on t snd establishing nf said street, are hereby pec is lly notified to file their clslrre for such da mares with the Auditor of tbe Cltv of PortUnd before th 19th day f" June, iwis. tn time apnointea ror me meet Ins Of th viewer therein. ' , , By erdcr of the Council THOS, t. DEVLIN. " Aadltor.of tb City f Portland. Job '5V-I903. --...- that the owners of a majority of the property benefited , by aald Improvement aball not peti tion for' a new and different improvement before the expiration f such period. Tbe plans, spec! lies tlons snd estimate of tba City Engineer for. the improvement of aaid Park avenue are hereby adopted. Reaolred: Thst tb Auditor of th City of PortUnd be I and he" to bereby directed to ment may be flled In wrltlnc with the under. signed within 2o days from ths date of tbe first puhllcstlon of this notice. By order of tbe Council. ....... Tlm. V DKVLtN; Auditor of the City of Portland. June 8. 1903. YAMHILL PROPOSED SEWER IN, EAST STREET. Notice Is hereby '"given that st the meeting bf tbe Council of ttie City of Portland. Ore- gon. held ou tbe 3d dsy of June, Iihjj, the following resolution wss sdopted: Resolved, Thst the Council of the City of PortUnd, Oregon, deems It exoe Kent and propose to construct a sewer lu East Ytio hlll street from tbe renter line of East Thirty-ninth street to a connection wltb the j proposed sewer at East Yamhill ami Ktst Thirty-seventh streets of vitrified sewer pipe with all necessary ratcb-baslns, msnbnles, lamp- I boles snd branches, of the following dimensions: Of 12 Inches clear Inside dlsmeter from a point J In East Yamhill street st tbe center lino of! East Thirty ninth street to a point lu Eaat Yamhill street st Esst Thirtyclghth atreet. : aod tbence of 14 Inches clesf injiitUa dlsruetiir to a connection wltb tbe sewer In iKsat Yam- ' hill atreet at Eaat Thirty-seventh street, in ! accordance with the' plans, spectfleattona and estimate L tu"rrr prepared fiy (he City En-1 gineer aad filed In Ibe office of the Auditor of ! the City of Portland on tbe 3d day of June 1903. Indorsed: "tity Engineer's plsns snd 1 speclflcstlons for a sewer In Esst Yamhill I street front the center line 'of East Thirty- seventh atreet to proposed sewer at Past 1 Yamhill aad Esst Thirty-seventh streets, "anil I tha estimates of tbe wnrk tn be douit aud the probable total cost thereof." The cost of ssld sewer to be assessed 1 aa provided by tbe city charter upon the firoperty benefited thereby and which s hereby declared to be all tbe lota, parts of lots and parcels of laud lying between a I line 100 feet north of and parallel with tbe north line of Esst Yamhill street and a line 100 feet south of mi l pjr.il el with , the south line of Esat Ssiuhiil street, snd be tween the west line ef Ksst Thirty-ninth I street and a line flfl 2-3 feet esst of snd parsllel I wltb the esst line of, Eaat Thirty-seventh street. f The Engineer's estlmste of tb probable total cost of tbe constructleja of said aewer U fl.12S.0O. Th pisns, specincarioiur ana estimates or th City Engineer for the construction f ssld aewer are hereby adopted. Resolved. Thst tbe Auditor of the City ot PortUnd be aad be Is bereby directed to give' notice tf the . proposed eonitrnetlon of' ssld aswt-r as provided by th City Charter. Remonstrance aralnat the ,abovs aewer may he Pled- in writing with' th undersigned within 20 daya from tbe date of th first publication ef this notice. By order of tbe ConacIL V as . THOS. DEVtlX' ; Auditor of th Cltv ptJ'sTOaaJattl fans b, iihu. ' r TNI BEST OF EVERVTH1WQ OXLY 70 HOURS PORTLAND TO CE..6A via the 0. R. R. & N. Co., Oregon Short Line, Union Pacific and Two trains a day, with through Pullman drawing-room sleeping cars, free reclining chair cars and dining cars (a la carte). and SPECIAL connects at Granger with the famous Overland Limited, the most luxurious train in the world, to Chicago from the Coast. Be ure your tickets read over tho . Chicago & North-Western. A. Q. BARKER, Qew-L AOT. 0. N-W. RY. 188 TrllMO ST.. POST LAHD, ORE. 8 JO p. a 8:80 a. a. H0 p. m. 7:80 a. at. 114:60 p. b. VKI0X 9EP0T. Arrive. I OVtfRLaND EI PRESS trelae, for flsleto, Uo-j burg. AsfaUnd. 8acrs mento, Ugden. Man Fran.,TtdS 8. at, cisc. Mo la v. lx A4 Cilea, El peso. Nw OrJ ' ',. . ; ana and tha Eaat. . I - At Woodbura dsllyl (rtcept Bundsyl. aaorn-i Maiaa awr aa a. aw ae.eat gel SllverW Ifrewna-.'"'09 vllle. prlng8eld... H'aM siig sua avsiroa. Albany paaaenaer. eon aecta at Woobura with Mt. Angel and 811vr4 ion local. Oorvallia pasaenger... 8hsrldan pssseoger.....! M:10 8. 8 8:80 p. at. 8:S8 A. Dally. liruHv gMpt Buadar.: ' rrtUnd-Oawg taburbaa Wrio aad TaaaAOl , . DlvUiea. , .,Ji 4 Depot foot f effsrawi Hrt. Lear Portland dally for Oawego T:88 a, M.a 13. bO, 3.06. 8.28, bA). 8:88. 8:80. 10:10 D. at. bally (except Huaday) 8:3", 8:80, 8: US, I0:i a. tu.; 4.00, 11:80 p. m. Bnuday only, 8:ua a. m. . Ks turn Ing from Oawego, aniv Portland dallf tM a. a.; 1:58, 8:00, 4:89. 8:16, T M, 8:63. 11 10 p. B. Dally (eicept Sunday) 8:20, J:M, 8:80, 10:. 11:46 a. m. Kxcept Moadsy, tt.U a. n. Sunday only, 10:00 aa. at. Leave from tame depot for Dallas aad Inter attdlat points dally (eicept Sunday) 4.00 p. aa. Arrlv PortUnd 10:80 a. m. v ; Tba Indrpendeace-aloumouth , afotnr Ling perata dally to aioamoutb and' Alrll. go -meeting with Southern Pacific Company trash t DalUa aad Independent. Plnt-claaa rebate tlckeU e Ml froat Porta land to Sacrament aad San Francisco. . Net rat I1T.60, berth 3; second-cUs far 18. . without rtbst or berth; scond-Us karth 160. ,' Tlcketa to Eaatera point and Europ, (hat . Japan, China, Honolnln and Australia. City Ticket Offc corner Third and WaahlMi 8a streets. Phone, Mala 718. a w. BTiNGBR, yr. m. comam. City Ticket Agent Gen. Pss. Agt TRAINS PORTLAND: Pugct Sound Limited for; Tacoma, Seattle Olympla. South Bend aud Gray Harbor poluts. North1 Cosst Limited, for Tacoraa. Heattle, i Butte. St. Paul. Mlu- lieapoiN. Chicago. New York, Boston aod polnta; Ht aod Koutnesst. Twin Clly Kxpreas, for laconia, Heattle, Spo kam... Helena. St, Paul. Mitim-apolU Chlcaao New lork. KoStoo anil .ill points Ksst ami. )iirhot Pngi-t Sound - Knnisn I'lt'-Ht. Louis Special for Tacoma. Seattle Spokane, Butt's. Billings 0,-nver. Otmihn, Knnai 1 1 v St. Lotils and tli nlilts Cast and Bontb east. " BALT1MORX f OHIO R- R. AIX TRAINS VIAASHINOTOX Departa. 8:30 a. to. 3:00 p. jn. Il , P. 8 30 a. m. Arrive. 6:30 p. nv 7:00 a. a. 7:08 p. at. 7:00 a. at, All trains . branch. dally cTCcot - on flntitb A. D. (iUKIiTU.V. Aselsfant aenersl Passeager Agent. 22.yirlwn St., coraer Third, Pertlsad. O. Astoria & Columbia ' River Railroad Co, Leavea. 6:00, 0V 7:00 j, m. INI0S DEPOT. "Arris." f or Maygera, Rslaler ' ' , a -'Clstskaale, Tlesitiort.f r-..,...i i ditto, Asfirt. . Ws4.. , " rento ! Klartk. Hssjw J'J MHitad "'Fort : Steeeft.!. ' r .v. Bearliart, psrk, -ai.le.t . A a tori . and PeasHcej , ., express, t'n lay- . Astoria Xi. Daily. . 8.M. . .;.v- , ' J. c. nun J. t. nd P. A . n ' IE. H.-t.arTrfB, -"iamaefelsl g-it, ip,i f. Plaula il J.W ii V. . ii - --A- - - - V '. 1 -1 "Tt i. fc - j, " ".-j J '5r- '" , ... i . -, -- -. "- V --..t--.. ' f - ' - ' - ,;,.'..",' ",-..V .... , -itli'S V, . t1 .-: