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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1903)
i 0 CITY KOl'ICES. CITT AfOIICES.'i t; CITT KOTICEI CITT 1T0TI0ES. CITT KOTICES. CITT HOTICES. RAJXR0AD TntEtABtTS. IK) V iPSOFOBEO, tWE , EAST . tCTEKTH PROPOSED SEWER . IX ; SA!f BAPAtt . ; Notice I herehv given that at th meeting Notice 1 hereby Klvesf I tint at tl:o hneilii 11 ' of tha Council of-the ritr of HorUiirt. . Ore-1 at Oaoola- 6to Cltr-of- -Cortland. 'tv riv;' pen';'' newt i flAy-Tir- Jiinr IVOi, tU I gnn. held ou lb '3d day of June, k UWS. the '. ollnwln resolution was. sdoptrd: following resolution tu adopted: , - iHesolved. That tb Council of th City of Heaolvod. Tbst the tJouncll ol tux Cltr of Portland, Oregon, drama It' eanedlent and I Portland, Oregon,- deema It expedient and .' propose to construct a ariver in can rKirenm i propoc to Mniimrl a aewer la HI UIIUI i-i'iret from IA foat north of tha aouth Una street from l5fet eaat of tba Mir Una of of Thompson street to a ennneciina win tneiinion awnue to a connection witn to fro- . Hiff in nanrocx street or vunnen arwr Tun i rosea eweir la Eaat Hsventn .treat or Tun Tilth nil thu necesssrr eatch-baslns, man-1 flitd Sewer nlua with all aeoessrv s catch poles, la nipbule and branrhaa, of tha following baalna, manholes, lamnholee and branchee. -of flimenaiojia : r io incnca eiear inaiue uismeior. t eigne inrnra near mama fliameter. in aeenrn from a uolnt In F.aat Seventh afreet IS feetl-auce with tha nlana. aneclflestloti and estl ' north of th.-fouth line of Tbompaon .rreet I ma taa therefor prepared by the t'lry JKuKlner .; to a. poini in 'i iisaniooa creeff- iuenc or -j i son nira in mo onn or mo Aiwutor oi mi ..-.' 1uehe clenr Inelde dlamnte to connection 1 t'ltr ef Portland on tha 2d dor of June'. 1B0.1 -ltb tha aewer in Hancock atraat, la accordant- Indoraed; . "City. Engineer' plana and aprel j with 'tha plana, sped flea ttmis and estimates Actions for a sewer In Han Rafael atreet yi ( therefor prepared br the City Engineer. Hied from 133 feet eaat of I'nlon avenue to proponed In tha offloe of tha Auditor o tba City of aewer In Eaat Keventh atreet, and the estl, t'ortland an tha 3d day of June, 1WMI. fndimed: mate of the work to be dona and th probabl s ''t'ltr Engineer', plane and aneclflcatlona for totr.1 coat thereof." , . . i. a aewer In. Eaat Seventh afreet from IK feet Tba mat of td ." aewer to. be ameaeed .' r north Of the aouth Una of Tbompaon atreet to aa provided be the cite charter Upon tba aewer m liaacocg atreet anq tn estimates oi properly specially beneBted therehr na WBicn thO work to be dona and the probable total 1 herehjr declared io bo all tba lota,-parte 'eoat -tbereor" ' ' '-' ...'.,,' i of lota and pareela of land Ijlnjr bettreak t The mat of a Id aewer to l aaaeaaed Una 100 feet north of and parallel with tba i provided 'he' the cltr charter opon ' the north lino nf Pan Rafael atreet and a line - nropertr benefited therehr ' and h which B feet aouth of and parallel, with tha aouth n neeenr oeeiareo to ae an rna iota, nana i voo hi can iiaraai aireet.. ano Between a -iiae of (Iota ind parceH of land lrlnr between J'" feet eaat of and parallel with tha aa line, I'M feet eaat of and parallel with the Una of L'nloa avenue and a Una 1"0 feet weat eaxt Una of Eaat eleventh atreet and i line of and parallel with tba went Una of Kaet ta rmt nri nf antt Barallet with tha weat Seventh atreet. V . Jlne nf Eaat fteventb atraot, and between Una I ; The - Rnglneer'a eattmata of . tha ' prohtble 10l feet north of and parallel with, the north "iai eoai vt th couatructloa of eald aewer U tin,, af llinmrk. llmt and the luirth line of I .00. V .. ., . Thnmwaon atreet and a weaterrr extooaioa ofl Tbo plana, aneclflcatlona . and eetlmatea bf ... , . aal'l north una ID lt preaenr onrae, i o . i u.v Engineer tor tha conetracuaa '.'.Tba Knglnekr'a eatlmdto of the probable i of aald aewer are herebv ' adopted. t r . total emit of the ouatructton of eald eewei HI Heaolved, That the Aadltpr of tba Cltr , - I.WiMJO. 4 '' : . roi-iiana M inn na la keraor 0ireCTe ' I, The plana. ' apeclflcatlnne and eatlmata of to give notice et th propoaed construction . the Cltg Engineer , for-- tha eonetructloa f aald - aewer ae provided , br the Clt ef aald aewer or herehr adopted.. tbartar.' . ' t ' i. Heaolved. That th Auditor . of i tb Cltr - Hcmonatreac irslmt the above ewr iiar of Portland be and he la herehr directed b .fled- In writing with th . nnderalgned give matlce ef the pmrd oonatruct Ion tnl dJr from the date of th fret i ft aaicj aewer rrorUJfl . n.r ive . 1 fuohcbiiob or tnia notice. Vt'hertrr. . - i - Bf ordor of to Council, Remonstrant aralnat the anov ewer miM , , - ' THOU.' o. ne filed la jrrltln with the nn-toalamed witnin vi aera rrom rnn aaio oi in nm nubllcatloti of thle noMce, ,.,. 11 Bjr order of tb Council, r ' . . nflltor of tbo dtr of Portland.;. i n,,o. u. . iFnf bi.-, , Anillkot nf h rift n( PotJ. anw j, iuujs. ,, v . 'if -(.'-ilHMei" llVlftir ,-"T.--' i r 9 K00IEO ' IWtI " " VHVZSOTA Notice la' berehr riven that it th mutlm TsEIT. , I followlna reeolutlea waa artontxli ' - Xntle la herehr glvee that at th meeting RMlved, That the Council of tba Cltr'- f ,f tbo Council of the (It of Portland. Ore- Portland, Oregon, deeme It expedient and gnu, ncifl on the 84 flajr or jone, iwi, in 1 i--"i ."""J''u following rol.itkn w.a -atlopted: jvanu from 2i feet north of Premon atreet , lleaolvad. That Ihe Council of tha Clt f 7",Bfr',on rh The ewer In Beech Portland. Oregon, oeenta -expraienr - ana I -tt pr 1 , peopoaea tn tonatruct rawer In Eaat Fifteenth eatch-hailna. manbolea, lampholea and brancbea. ii-.,.. . -.,1.. ka ..ti. e naiie I Of eight Inchea clear Inaldo diameter. I In c . U a eonnectlon with toe aewer In Hancock or.nnf Uh J" I-, fPecincgtionB and . it.tet ntu -tfh ail eetlmate therefor- weoared bv tha Cltr F.n- aarr catch-uaalna, manbolea. oiB'nholea and 1? th ofBce of tho Anditor .hranehea. of eight Incbee clear lnald diameter th,,'Vr.! p0,r,Un!l 00 Jn". 2i ,d,r. ot Un aeoordanca with the plana, apeclfloatlona and 19f- lndoraed: "Cltr Englneer'a plana eatimatca, rnereot orepareo or ne ntr engt-1 -- ' -k, "ii. .r icinr in aiuinreoia heer and tiled In the ofllre of tha Auditor of arenue fram 38 feot tvrth of Fremont atreet . the Cltr of I'oatlanl on the M ar of June. I v. ama irrei. ana me rinmiin oi - l!n. lndoraed:, "Cltr Engineer plan nd KvD don and th probable totaJ neclltcatlona for a aewer In Eaat rirteenrn l "L iom.- ' ' ' , . ' to aewer In Ilaneock atreet and th eetlmatea provided bv the cltr charter upon th . ef the work to BV don and the probable total pronertr benefited therehv and which oat thereof." I herehr declared to be all tba . lot, part --'The coat -Of i'eld aewer W n aeae " parrew ni iana ijin Dei wet a j( :.. .provided e-fcr-n thWr-arte- -poii th J1"- ;0-aet-a-af ai-partlrl -wtth -th iroirtv heneflted therehv nd which fea Una of MlnneenU avenue and line , la herehjr declared to be all th Wta. part J,0 ' t of and parallel with th went cf Icta end nareela of land Irlng between a allnnraota avenn. and between th line inn feet eet of and parallel with vh raet I n:'". ,wi rremom eireri ana tne norm line line of Kat Fifteenth atreet atul a lln 100 r 't inumhered ' all In block numbered . Mult eM m-mt- ( mnA with ihi Mt line of I nnmah, and a II w B0 fret north of and narallr: . i. rioUHii . a kiui. m tl I with the ltnrth line of lot numbered threat In 10O feet eautb. of and 'parallel with the eonth bVk nnmhered 82, Multnomah. line of Hancock atreet and a line 10f fct I . The Engineer a eetlmate of the probable aouth of and parallel with tb aouth Un pt w coneirucxion ot aaia aower ia t The y Rnglneer'a eetlmate -of tha nrohabr uTh plan apecltlcatnn Ind 'hatlmate of total mat of the conatructmn of ald aewer la th Cltr Euglueer for . the conatructlon I!WS 00. oi aain aewer are herehr adopted. . The nlana. aneelrlcatlon and aatlmate of Revived That Ihe Auditor of th Cltv ' th Cltv Enalneer for th eonatmctlon n Portland . be and he ia herehr directed of aald aewer are herebv adopted. I 10 " notice of the propoaed conatructlon Heaolved. That the Auditor of the Cltv ll wer a provided bj th Cltjr pf Portland be end he (a herehr directed I Charter. io give notice ot the prepoaeq copiruc"on i . .i.i, a' wwr wtt o enld aewer aa oruvlded br the Olr "!".. '5 writing with the nndenalgtied Cberter. j 1 within 0 dare from the, date of the Ant komnna trance aralnat th hov aewer tnav pnmicaion or inia noiice he at.,, In. wrltlna: with the nnderalgned I within 30 from tba date ol tne. nrtt publication of thl notice. " Br order of tha Council. THOU. CI: PKVMJf. Auditor of tha Cltr of. Portland, June f . 1P0.1. , i PKOrOlEO IMPBOTIKIMT OP PASK . ATEWE. . Notice la herebv clven that at the meet ing of tha Council of tha Cltr of P -rtland. Ore- Br order of th Council. . THOU, a PEVLI". Auditor ot tb at of Portland. June B, 1008. , gon. held, on th.3d dar of J908. tb, to mrt r ? Kjr Wt ot the' Cltv .eTfrom JStVat ofTb.'e -."2.1 Ji .S-?."?4. ?'ti! Vil tnlon avenue to a connection wit PROPOSED BEWZS IV TIXtJUIOOXJITKZET. ""Kotfca "i hereby" given that at tb martin of the Council of the Clt of t'ortland, Ore gon, neia on tn an oaj- or June, 18US, the following revolution waa adnnted: Reaolved. That tba Council of the Cltr of luriianu, vrrgun, ortmi ll (ipeaicnt rod n Tillamook eaat Hue of with the nro. poaed aewer In Eaat Seventh atraat of vfwrl- iV of Portland. Oregon, deema - it expedient- and rrvopoee to I m orove Park avenne from tha eaat line of the- Cltr Park -to tba weat Una of A.aL7 '"T1 '"T; ,n"i"JV... "J'i.a- Incbca clear In.ide diameter in accordance wl.h .""r: . raajn in, arrer run winin ,h. ,. a.wl M,.. ,urZ lampnoiea ana Dranchee, of eight manbolea. with full " InteraocUon. to th proper aub- TK KlSl 1ST BendBr. paving th. atrt fuTl width "ftMV onJV 't.Tc.tlon. with Warren'. bltuUth) iTLnnX Tnl,d"B.v eonatrnctlng artlBclal .ton. aide- J. JSlJ' .venk "&JoZ'2 1J T MttE?- 71? IIL KnlnMr Sat Sevenb.trtTndto,hem.terW work to b don and th probable total coat V : V nlana. aoeclflcatlona ' and eetlmatea. The kald improvamrot to be marie In c- J hereof" "th. ra, ef Pm-tlnnd and tba Waw aneclfl Tb coat of aald ewer tobaaaaeeeed iaTto.n! tne i2. L olt, cbartw upon tb. filed In theofllc of the Auditor of 'th. City of tril. EXES It bT all th.w. - Portland on tne 2d day of June. 1903, In- '-JrTtL of U5 IrlT.t tL?i-T;rt! .doraed: "Cltr Englneera plana and epeelflc. fw,'ftPVorth of an S ? r!ir. n.i 17 V tlona ft the Improvement of Park avenn , TnilLiVk .??.H . ul JS from the eaat Up. of tb. CUr Park to tb. "h ' 'r1""10?;.,", L?? weat lln. of Ford atreet . ano tna eetlmatea of -f iTn.V atir . ii ha wnrk to ha dona and tha nrobabla total "n ot lllUTDOOk atreet and between a line rThereor PWD0l total ,()n f. ,,.t of tod p,.,,,.! uh h. M,t rhriet of ld Improvement to be ... " ' n 'ITlT with" tl. "wVIVr Aeaaed aa 1i-ld. bv tha city charter upon J"' fi0' ?Sft ' the property Bneted thereby and which ta E ,J,LBiTJ ?, -am.. J.t . hrrebr Jelared Tto b all tb lota. part, of lot. 'fJJX eoSlrSfm r ..m "''J! and parcela ofand lying between a Un F conatrucUon of .aid eew.r ta JIW fret north of and parallel with the north l. ',, i ' -1,i-,... " ti. Ho of Park avenn. and a line too feet outh h.rhVfi!?nV,JEr fa? ttl of and parallel with the aouth lln. of I'.rk ,"..,VtI.wir .JTh.r.hT .5. trUctka avnue, and brtwreu the weat Una of Kord otR"ld (fWeTh r .$1 ,huA ,k. .,. atreet and a line 100 feet weat of and par. ,RT,. ',, ii' .,5 hA hf . "S I allel wlth tha eaet line of the Cltv Park of Portland be and ha la hereby directed "The W,EnlnTUt,lm.l. of ttS 'rtabl. ? & " ' 'ISi-l". total coat of Improvlug aald avenue- la , "t. JKl4 MW " .PAK T tb City Th'bove Improvement la to be tlaa.ed a LK e1??"1?-0' JK,n,t iul '521 m,2 bltullthic pavement and aball -he maintained .hfn '2.,. irf .hi .. Xt?1. by the city for tba period ot 8 year, provided ,IhllB.t,ao l,,,fc,'f0 flU bf tb flr" tnat tne owner or a majority or tne property ' , Deuentea n aaia imnrovemenc enau not nen. PROPOSES ABBSMENT FOR IMPROVE- , XEVT OP WASCO STREET. ' Notlc 1 hereby given that tba Council it tbo .City... ,of ,., Portland. ftreiKwee. a aaea.thO' foklowirg deacrlbed propurty and owoar of pwnera aa oriug aecialiy and peculiarly bene Bted In tba amount aat onuoalta the name and drarrlptlona - thereof for (lie- improvement of waaeo aueet, from tba eaet lln of , eaat Fifteenth atreet to- the center lln ol F.aat Twenty-fonrth otroet, Taa prorlded by , rU unca Vo. T3.tiTS.. . ., -, '.'';.....'. i , '.... Asr obieotlona to that apportionment of coat for aald Improvement Inuat be mad. In writing to tb Council and Bled with tba Auditor within After dare from the dat of tb flrat publication of thl notice, and - aald otilec hoo-will be heerd and detmlad bv tba Coun- ell before , tb. paaaag. of tha or d I ua new aa- avaaing in toai or aaia) improvement. -Holladay'. Addition to Eaat Port land , . .. . , r .... ., fy Blk 1TB. lot 4. The Orearon Real Fatal ' - Company ,....- I , . .10 Blk 17B. lot 8. Th Oregon Beat Eatat . Company , .. .10 Blk ifB, wt , The Oregon Real Eatat Company , , .10 Blk 1 7ft, lot Bi Tb Oregon Anl Satat - . Company , n .10 Blk lis. lot i. Th Oregon Real Eatat . Company , ,k .. . .10 Blk 17H. lot f, Tba Oregon Real Eatat . : tympany . ,10 Blk lit), lot B, The Oregon Real Eatat Company ... i ,10 Blk lU. lot B, Tb Oregon. Bail EaUte Company...,...: .10 Blk 105, lot , Th Oreroa Real EaUM Company v, ,10 Blk IDA. lot i Tb Oregon Real Eat.ta Company ., ;... .10 Via lwo. lot 0, Tb Oregon Real Batata Company , .08 Blk 1. lot &, The Oregon Real Eatat Company ,10 av trace oi una lying between the north lln of WBc atreet and a Una 100 teat north of and parallel therewith and betaken the aat line ef block numbered 1V3, Holladay' Addition to Eaat Portland, and tba weat line of ' block numbered . Holladay Park Ad- , dltion to Portland. Orearoa. Tha Ore gon Beat Eatata Company..... .10 noiuony rark Addition to Portland. Oregon lk 0. lot 4, Ckarle P. Overbaugh . . . . 115 Jt -a w, au -m, i n t- r V'TT UIHU J 10. Ol Blk 6. lot t. Cbarle P. Overbaugh..,. 131.33 Blk 0. lot 1 ThcTltl Guarantee ' - itopi uomuany iso.i Blk B. lot 1. The. Till) .Cnaxamtaa Truai Company , . 19X53 Bit n. lot d. Tha Title Onaranta at Trnat Comoanv tan n Blk ft. lot f. tba' Title Guarantee TruaJ Company 1B8.B5 B!. o, tot o, jn Title Quarantee 12T.1T UB.44 tln for a . new and different Iraproveineat before to expiration or aucn period. The plana, aiiecmcatioua ana rati ma tea ot h City Engineer for the improvement of aald 'ark avenue are hereby adopted. Heaolved: That the Auditor of the City of Portland be and be la hereby directed to THOS. C. DEVLIN': Auditor of the Clt' of Portland. Inn. 5, 1903. . "' '-'h;.. exxehsiok op street. Wbereaa, The Council of the City of Port- Trnat Comoanv on TB. Blk B. lot . To Tltl Ouaranlea A Trnat Comoanv el an Bi n. lot , The Title Guarantee A , Truat Comoanv ra n Blk B. lot 3. The Title Guarantee A Trnat Company T1.1J Blk 0. lot 3, The Title Guarantee A Truat Compear .. 11867 sib a. lot i. m Tine Guarantee A Trnat Company Blk 4. lot 8, Tha Title Guarantee A. Treat ?mpnr Bid 4. lot 7. Tha Title Guarantee A Trnat Comoanv li.t ia Bit . lot nv - -The Title Guarantee A Truat Comoanv mn sk Bin . lot o, Th Title Guarantee A Trnat Comoanv .... ini Blk 4. lot 4. The Title Guarantee A Truat Comoanv . ..... . - na T Blk 4. lot i, The Tltle Guaranteii. Itiwe. - .vuiii. ,. IO.OO oik . ini s. -jn Tltl unarantee A Truat Comoanv iik nr Bik 4. lot I. Tb Tltl Guarantee A Truat Comoanv ictko Blk in, lot s, The Title. Guarantee A Trnat Company . 131. B0 BK io, Jul 7. The Title Guarantee A Truat Company 131,03 bi io, lot . Th Tltl Guarantee A Truet Comoenv . 5 on bi io. tot n, The Title Guarantee A Trnat Company 4.31 Blk 15. lot 4. The Title Guarantee A Trnat Comoanv nr on nil io, tot , The Title Guarantee A Truat Company . ... $9.04 bjk io, inc i, Th Tltl ournte A Trnat Company 138.14 bii io, tot i. in Tltl Guarantee A jrnai i.ompanr 140.96 Ho ladar a Addition to Eaat Port. land Blk 174. lot 1, Th Oregon Baal Eatata Company .10 Blk 174. lot Z, The Oregon Real Eatate Company .10 Blk 174. lot T. The Oregon Real Eatata Company .10 Blk 174. lot S. The Oregon Real Eatata Company .10 Blk 179, lot I, The Oregon Real Eatat Comnanr ,10 Blk 170, lot 8. Th Oregon Real Eatat Company ,. .10 Blk 170. lot. 7, Tb Oregon Real Eatat Comoanv .10 Blk 178. lot 8. The Oregon Real Eatata Comnany .10 Blk 104. lot 1. Tha Oregon Real Eatata t'omnan.v .10 Blk 194. lot 3, The Oregon Real Eatata Comnany .10 Blk 190. tot T, The Oregon Real Eatat company .09 Blk 184. lot . Th Oregon Real Eat.t tympany .10 tract or land lying between the aouth Una of Waero etreet and Una, loo feet aouth -of and parallel therewith and between the eaet line nf block numbered 104. Holladay'. Addition to Eaat Portland, and- th. wet line of block numbered 1. Holladay Park Ad dition to Portland. Oregon. The Ore gon Real Eatat Company .10 Hoiiaaay rark Addition to rortiana, Oregon Blk 1. lot 13. Th Tltl Guarantee A Truat Company Blk 1. lot 14. The Title Guarantee A with. Tml between the north line of Morrtaon atreet and a lln 100 feet northerly from and parallel with tb worth lln ot Irving atreet. total coat qr aaia iniprorameni ia ir,oo.ou. The -above liuprovemant la tn lie claaeed aa kn aeohalf tmnroveninut and-ahall be main. talned by the city ; for tba period of two year, proviaea inai too owoera or a majority ef the nroDerty . benefited bv aald IniDrove- Bv-nt or any portion thereof aball not potttlon Mr a new or ninereni improTenirut neior th exolratlon of aurh nerlod. The plana, apeclfleatlon and ealliuate r.f tne t'ltr Engineer lor in improvement tit aaio litb atreet are hereby adopted. Reaolved: that th Aiulitor of (be City of .. Portland 'b nnd ho la bervhr illrecUd to give notice of th propoaed Improvement ef aald atreet aa provided by the city char ier. Remohitrance aiilnat tha above lmnrov tnent may bo Bled In writing with th under .tgned within 30 day from tb date of Ui Brat oiibiication ot tnia nonce. , . H order of th Council. , , , ;. TUOK. C. OEVMX. ' Auditor of tb City ef Portland. Ion It. 1903. P0P0EQi IMPROVEMENT OP BELMOKT . Kotlo I hereby given that at U meeting 01 taa uouncii oi in 1117 or rortiauu, Ore. con, held en the 8d day ot Juie, jooi, th following ro1ntlon w adopted: Heaolved: That the Council of the Cltv of Portland, Oregon, ..deema It aavedlent ud 1 . , I nf , K n. 1 mnau. n. . ... I .nJ 4umln. I . ..m,1ImiI Iaohm lu. A. aid avenue a provided br the city charter, eetablleb itred atreet. In tb City of Port Hemonatrance agaluat the above Improve- land, from the westerly line of Bherlock'a Ad- mvnt may bfl Bled in writing With the uurier. illtlon to the eaaterly to (if Twentr-foiirth aliened wftlilu zt daya from tb dat of the flrat 1 atreet. did on the 16tb day of April, 1003. tiiroct iiuhllcatlon of thla notice. Br order of tb Council. THOB. C. DEVI.IV. Auditor of tb City of Portland. ' June 5. 1003. the Cltr Engineer to eurvey the lime and to mark the boundaries thereof, and to make plat of auch anrvey, and a written report contain ing a full and perfect deacrlptlon of auch propoaed atreet and boundaries' thereof, and of ,h. nnptlnn nf .inh in, t r ul f ni ..apt nf , 1. PROPOSES SEWER IV . flAIT TAMHEtL "propria tel for auch etreet, and tluj trxET Cltr Engineer having made anch airrrey, plat , ' . . and report, and-Sled auch plat -anil report in Notice I hrrebr- glvru that at the meeting the office of the Auditor on the 81at day of of th Couwil of the City of Portland, ore- April. J908. and aald report having been gon. held on the 3d day of Juno, looa, tha adopted by ordinance No. 13.360, entitled! "tin io i low m. rejoiuitvii a. uyi.t-u. ordinance aaopiuig in report ot tn. city Eiicl- Ueaolv.d, That the Council of the City of ncer Inthe matter of tbo propoaed opening. Portland. Oregon, deem It e.pc'llent und laying out and eatabllahlng of Reed atreet from propoaee to cowtract a aetver In Eaat Tain- th westerly Un of Bherlopk Addition to hill atreet from the OWnlr llll of Knat I llin atrlr lino of Twenti. fourth alreel-. Thirty-ninth atreet to a ninnectlou with tba Now. therefore, all pemone Intereeted Propoaed aewar.'at Eaat -Yamhill, and Ei.t hereby notified that the Council of tba are Thirti-jevenlh . atreeta of vltrlAVd aewer nine ..r pnrttan.i haa nnnnlniod n' t n hii. a Vltb all neceary eatch-balri, manbolt',: GhuikI Hueaiwr and John Kelly viewer, to view aald hole ana orancnea, u. urn luiiuniiia- uiuienaiona: proposed enain .or few atreet and make in n ineun cinr imiuo mom.vci iruw a point i an intimate, oi tne neneiww ana aamagc oc. .Kflal Yamhill atreet at tbo center l!t, o mmA k. lh. muhIm l.,ln. nn . ,i ,...,. Eaat Tblrty-hinth atreet to a point lu Eaat llahtng the, aame. in a'cooidance with aectiod ''2JLB,h,H ae9t k,"t pirtr-eiglith atreet. S40 of the charter of the City of Portland. ar-jiii toenoq ot if-jiicavi.twM- luaiuo uiametcr aaio viewcra to meet ax . tna orac of the kaiv a connection wuu 1110 nifliir in caai lam. .ofiifor or tn. t'ltv nr i-oriiemi an irrr,iap ti ...ill atreet at Eimt Thlrty-acvcntli atreot. In 10th day of June, 1903, ut the hour, of 10 accoroauce win 'ine piane, apvcioranuna and o clock in tne r ore noon ot naiu oay. oatiwate therefor prepared by thu City En- Tba propoaed opening, laying out and' eetab- glneer and Bled in th. oLflce ot tbo Auditor ot ll.hing of Heed atreet ia o) toet in width and - the City of I'ortlanil ou the 2t ilny of June, la more particularly bounded and deecrlbad a 0Wo lndoraed: "City Eiiglncr'a plan , and follows: . enet-lflcatlona for- U aewer In East. Yamhill Reelimlnr at thn aoiitlieaterlv im e atreet- from tb center Un ot Eaat Thirty-j block 31, Sherlock'. Addition, running thence ' eeventn. aireet to propoaea anwrr ai saat I westerly along tn. weateriv extension on th Yamhill and East - Thlrty-aevenlh "Mreeta. and! north Un of Heed atreet 15.9 feet to tb eaat- tmi estimste ot in. work io oo none nun I eriy line or i wenty-rourtn atreet, tnenco anuth th Drobable total cost thereof." ' I erlv alone th easterly Una nf Tweutr.fnorth Th eoat of aald aewer to be asseesed j atreet to tb point where th easterly line aa pronum pi in. cii cuaiivr uhiu tneiot A weni.v-rourrn airewt woo hi oe - llliorsectro pr.-iprrtr henellted - thereby npd which I hy westerly extension In Ita present course Is hereby. declared to be all tna kits, parts of the aouth line Of Reed Street, thence east- ot una ann parcen) oi iana lying iwtweeii ' a I erly . on tne wrcaieriy extanaion or tne aouth trust uHUnj v. .-. Blk 1. lot 15. The Tltl Guarante A Trust Company .- Blk 1. lot 18. Th Tltl f uarante A Trnat Company Blk 3. lot 9. The Title Guarantee A Trust Company Blk S, lot 10, The Title Guarantee A Truat Company Blk 3. lot 11. The Tltl Guarante A Trust Company Blk 3. lot if. The Title Gnarantee A Trust Company Blk 3. lot 13. The Title Guarantee A . Trust Company Blk 8. lot 14. Th Title Guarantee A Trnat Company Blk 2. lot IB. Tb Title Guarante A Trust Company Blk 3 lot IS, The Tltl Guarante A Truat Company Blk 3. lot 9, The Title Guarante A Trust Compny .................... Blk 3. lot 10, Th Title Guarante A Trust Company .' Blk 8. lot 11. Tb Tttlc Gnarantee A Trust Company Blk 3. lot 13. Th Tltl Guarantee A Trust Cotnnanv ; Blk .8. lot 13, The Title Guarantee. A -. Trust Company Blk . lot 14. The Title Gnarantee A Trust t'omnanv Blk 8. lot 15. The Title Guarantee A Trurt Compny IB. Jb Trnst Company Blk 3, lot Tb Tltl Guarantee A Hue loO feet , north of nd pkralfrl with line of R-ed atreet 15.f feet to the northwest ummn atraet and corner ot oiock s. .snf-rioeK-s Addition thence esterir oo.jta teat to tne place or be- neonnaed nbentnr. lavln nut and ealnh.. lishing VI ureu pircet win ineiuu. ann necessi tate tn appropriation to unue use et tne fol lowing' descrllied . parcel or tract of land; All that parrel or tract of land lying -W tween " TioVtherly hnd aontherly line ef the proposed Reed atreet .end between the emit erlv line of Twenty-fourth atreet and .the westerly Hne of fiber lock'. Addition, 'eontalu log 946 onare feet. ; ... . , i ' All peraon cfalmlna' dsmscv by -resson ot the , apiiroprlntlon . of the property" above dcscrlhed, or any part .thereof. In tb proposed opening. laying out and tsMlhlng of aald atreet. are berajiy specially not 1 fled t flle their piajma for aiieh. damages with the Andltoa of the CUV nf Portland before th 13th daV nf Jiine.w I00.V' th. time- apnolnted for the nct-i Inv or th tewer Tnerein, . ; i ..- ,. j : By order of th Conncll ii" . ".. . TIT0B. C. DEVLty. . . .tudltu or the Mr wf Purtant " IuM 8. 1003. z . . - - r th.i north' line of Et A' .. n Une 100 feet south pf mi l pai'Jlit'l .with northwi 5 Mi aouth Un of Eaat YniulilU Uert. and be- ginning .-fwB th '.west Un of Enst Thirty-ninth Tho f .. ... .irrifb n uu M uu, w v .trv. vai,. m .uu (luniiri .with tb east . Un of East . Thlrty-aeveuth : ' trrct - -- - .. ' .The ' Engineer'.- estimate of - th probabl '-: " total t-ost of tb construction of ald, aewer 1. i ll.lZioO. -v. .-..v.- .. Thu 'plana, aiclflcatlon and catlmatea of K, -r tho, Clty-r Engineer -.. tvr- the- conatructlon of aald sewer are hereby adopted. . -ii . Beiolred. That tha Auditor 'of the City :::-ot 1'ortland b and h .ta, hereby directed , f - f; lof glro potlcc. pt the protajsed construction f of Mkl , ;aer a 'provided , hy tho City . I barter. ' ''''.' r .'. oniuoiLf trflnc 1 agnlnat ill. -ahov. aen-er' mar he: Bled . In - writing with tho. upderalgned . . within" 30 dev. from th date of tb flrat ' pubUialloi) 'of 1Mb notU-e. f iA'.'-,. Uf uriK-r ( Ihe Connotl, ' , . .- .''. Th)S PEVL1V. t--r-;-V4 Auditor of th City -of Portland. Juue S, 49o3f - , - 1 Blk 16, jot 9. Th. Title Guarantee A Truat company Blk Id. lot io. Th Tltl Guarantee A Truat Company I, Blk 16. lot 11, .Th. Title Guarante A Trust Comoanv Blk IB. lot 13. The Title Guarantee A Trust Comnany Blk 16. Jot 13. . Th Tltl Guarante A Trnst Company Blk 16. lot 14. the Title Guarantee A Trnst Comnany .v. ...... . Blk IB. lot IB. Tb. Tltl Guarante A Trnst Company Blk IB. lot 16. Tb Tltl Guarantee A Trust Company ....... .i. 110.18 130.30 184.80 193.07 106.13 183.30 114,08 4.03 83.58 TT.28 118.50 138.80 150.07 16T.68 138.31 133.33 114.74 89.67 180.30 150.87 163.00 140.05 103.48 9.96 T.86 94.03 130.4$ 140.46 rvruanu, vi .(....,. .- .arninik mum peoouea to Improve tBeltmnt street from the west Un ot Bunnydd Tblrd Addition to tb. east lln of Block 4 and B, Bartsch Park, to tb following manner, to-wu: Flrat By grading aald street full width with full lntrreectlone t tb proper sub-grade, Reeonri Bv eraveUng the atreet full width frith full intereectioue witn upland bank gravel. Third By couatructlng wooden idew1k 13 feet in widtn witn ix-ioot covering planks. . Fourth r conawucung wooaen craswalk six feet in wiatn. Fifth Br conetructlng box gutters accord log to City Engineer', plena, apeclBcatloM ud estimate. Slid Improvement to be md In accordance with tb. charter and ordinance of th t'liv of Portland, and the plana, apeclfleatlon and estimate Of tb City Engineer Bled In th oflle of tba Auditor of the Cltr of Portland on the Pd oay of ub. iuua. inooraeo: "t.ity Kngl Beer's plan end peelBctlons for tb Improve ment of - Belmont street from -tb west Hrv of SunnyMde Tblrd Addition to tb east lln of block 4 and o. Hansen rark. and tha otl mate of th work to be don end th nreban'a total cost wereor. ,Tbe eoat of aald Improvement to he seevd a. provided hy the city charter upon tba property beneBted thereby and which la hereby declared to be all tha kite. part, of Iota .nd parcel of lend lying be tee a a line 100 feet' north of and parallel with the north line of Belmont atreet and . line 100 feet aouth of and parallel with th aouth line of Belmont street and between the wt Una of Bitnnyald Third Addition and th e,at line 01 MorKB ana o, Bsnsrn rsrs. The EiHtlneer'e eetlmate of tb. nrobabla eoat of aald Improvement la $8,877.00. The anove improvement is to no classed aa a gravel Improvement and ehall be maintained by th city foe the period of 6 years, provided that the ownera of a majority of the property benefited by Mid Improvement or any portion thereof ehall not Mtltlon for a new and differ. ant improvement before the expiration of auch per too. The Engineer's Plan, aneclflcatlona a"nd estl mate for tb Improvement of aald Belmont street, are. hereby 4optelv , Heseiven: inst in Auuitor or ine lty ot Portland be and be Is herebv directed tn give notlc of the proposed Improvement of aald atreet airectea oy tn city cnarter. Kemonstranc againat tna aoove impror. ment may be Bled In writing with the nnder algned within So daya root the date of the Brat publication of tnia notice. By oroer ot tne tonnrii. TflOS. C. DEVLIN. , Auditor of the City ot Portland. June B, 1003. . PROPOSALS FOR KTrMTCTPAI. USHTUfw. CIXE OP P0RZLAM9, 0RE00V. Sealed Droooaale will he received at tha oflle. of the Auditor ot the Cltr of Portland until 8 o'clock p .m., June 18, 1008, for lighting the street, avvnues, parka, puhlle groonda and SubUe place ef the City ef Portland ty ! rle are liable or 3,000 candm power each, and for UAhtinaT the pubU building f Mid city by Incandescent electric or gas lights foe term or ave years rrom auary isn, ivus. Kens rata nroDosaat will b received, for Ua-ht.. lng .the atreeta, avenues, ' parks publlcg round od public places of tb cltv, above act forth. Each proposal must on baaed npoa the aneclflcatlona for Mid U.btlng en Ble In tha efflee of the Auditor of the City or Portland. No proposal u exceae of 13.41 fee eb-light oar month will be considered. Each Dro- noaal muat be accompanied by a eertlned cheek en some reeponeihto fortiand bank In the ram of Twnty-flv Tnonssna uousre 1123.000.00). ' nsvshl. to th. order of Geo. H. Williams. Msvur A th City of Portland, aa Bxed and ltnuldated damages, tnat ue eucceeaiui 01 aarr win enter Into contract In accordance with the terms ef the aoeciflcstioM within ten days after th. eon- 1 tract la awarded him. The aueceasfol Udder 111 also be reoulred to rrrnlak a good and sufficient bond In th aum of On Hundred Thousand Dollars (810O.0OO.O0t to be anorovad bv tba? Have of the City of Portland, eon. dltioned that tha successful bidder will fulfill the terms Of hie contract. ; Benarate proposals will be received (or Ua-ht In. the public bnllriKir of aald city a abov et rorto. Sc proposal muat o Da sea po tb specifics tion for said llgbting on SI In tn omc ot tn auoiiot 01 in city M rort iana end must be accompanied . by a cettl Bed check on some responsible Portland Bsnk In tb. sum et Twnty-Cv Hundred Dollars. (13, BOO. 00), payable' to the order of Geo. H. TUlUams. Mayor of the1 City of Portland, a fixed and liquidated damages, that the MCceasful bid der will enter Into contract In accordance with tb terma of the pacification wlthut tea 110) daya after the contract la awarded him. The auccessful bidder will also be required to furnish a good aud eofflcleut bond In the aum OI Ten. 'inonsano uoiiare t.iu.uuu.uvi, to feet west of and parallel with tb . west Hue ot East Thirty-fourth street, and between tb. south line of Hawthorne avenue and the north line -srf -Wcshm'Mtwt. v Tji"'':..'flf '". , 'ine inigiueer a raiimaie or tne prunsuie total coat -of said Improvement la I10.SJ7.WI. : Tba (bov Imnrovemcnt la tn he classed a' t gravel , improvement . aud shall be ' main tained thy tba city for Iba period of b years, provided tbst the owners of a majority ef tb property benefited bv aald improvement or any portion 1 11 error anau not petition for now ana aiirereni improvement oerore the expira tion of anch period. ,' Th plana, epectflcatkiue snd rst Iras tea of in. uiy cnginrnr for tb. improvement o. ssio Esat Thirty-fourth ' street are hereby adopted, Heaolved: That the Auditor of the City of Portland be and he Is hereby directed to glv notice of the proposed Improvement of eld street .a provided by tha city charter. " Remonstrance agaluat the . above Improve ment may be Bled lu writing wltb tbe under signed within 30 dsys from the dat,f th first publication or tnia notice. 1 ,, - By order of tb Council. . THOB. C. DEVLIX, , , Auditor of i- City ef Portland. ' JjmB0O8. . v A68EBBME9T POX IMPROVEMENT OP THIRD j- ' ' - SIRZXT. ' ' NOtlo 1 hereby given that the 4'ounrll of tha City of Portland, urt-gou, at a meeting held en the 3d day of Junr, iUOS. declared tbe asaoMmeut by ordlnaoc No.. 13,3d, for . tb Improvement of iblrd atreet from 13 feet north of the aouth lln of Ulleaa atreet to 13 feat oath of tb north Hue of JrBrreon atreet In tb manner provided by ordinance No, 13,143, upon each lot, part of lot aud parcel of laud, which r specially and peculiarly beueflted, to be aa follows, via: Couch' Addition to the City of Port land Blk 33. lot S, Winalow B. Aver f Kt.BB Hlk 35. kit fi.xYYInslnw B. Arer. 07.04 Blk 33, north 38 feet kit 4. August , Plka .. ,,,r Blk 35, south 33 feet lot 4, Ueorge W. Uerabalt ...v..i....i ' Blk 3f, lot 1, George W, Marshall blk 3d. lot 6. Henrr W. Mnnastes Blk 3H, lot 6, Gnatavu Murhard Eatat. Heirs of Blk 37. lot 8, John C. Csrstm Blk 37, lot B, Joseph Simon Blk 38, lot 8, Hreymsn A Hommer- rill .......J ;.. Blk 38, lot 8, Breyman A Bummer- vine .... . . Blk 30, und H lot .8, Barab U. Tllford., Blk 30. nnd Z kit 8. Harah M. Tllford . . Blk 20. und H north 33 feet lot 4, Barab aa. -iiiiotb Blk 30, nnd lot 8, Tyler Woodward.. Blk 20, and Q lotjdl, TyW Woodward.. Blk 30, nnd H liortb 33 feet lot 4. Tyler Woodward Blk 30, und tot 8, BIIm Curuett Eatata, Heirs of Blk 30, nnd 14 lot 8, Kllsa Corbett Katale. Heirs of Blk 39, nnd north 33 feet kit 4, Kllss Corbett Eatate. Helra of Blk W. aouth 38 feet lot 4. Jamea T. Burtcbell, Trustee Blk 80, lot 8, Pauline Jorgeusen Blk 80, lot B, Paulln Jorgenaen Blk 80, lot 4, John P. ud James B. ti one. ,.. - Blk , lot 1, John P. end Jamea B-Z OHhya ,..r Cltr of Portland Blk BI. lot 1, .Ellen E. Ray Estate. Helra of 101.43 Blk 51. kit 3. Phlkt Holbrook 0.33 Blk 61. north lot 8, law H. Lewis. .- 47.41 Blk 61, south J lot-.jLle-.. Mayer- - '" Kslat. Helra of 47 40 Blk B3. lot l..'Tbereaa Donovan 113.63 Blk ft2. lot 3. George T. Myers 10.73 Blk 03. and H of north H lot 8, Arthur R. Helnt Blk B3, nnd H nf north H lot 8, Elisa beth and Oscar R. Jl.lnta 1. Blk B3. oath U lot 8, Ellxabcth and iiacar it. iieint. Blk 63., lot 4, George T. Myers.... Blk 65, lot '3, Robert Patton Estate Helra of . , Blk 65, lot 3,' Becurlty Saving A Trust . Compsny .... Blk 66. lot 4, Security Saving A Truat compa ny , Coueh'a Addition to tb. City of Port- land Northwest of block 30, Bridget fllo- nntt 1 , Southwest M block 30. Catherine Burke v Cltv of PnrMs'nd Blk S3, lot T. Henry Welnhird. ...... . Blk 32, lot 6. Henry Welnbard Blk 83, lot 6. Henry Welnhard Blk. 10. lot . Ludwla Wllhelm Blk 10. lot 6. Annie Herrall, Ros Wt. . .ana. Kate Htrnde Blk 34, lot T. J. W. and V. Cook. 40.44 3 83 MOM 10)1.46 10.0T 107.10 10.07 111.08 100.36. Aft 2 63 tt 110.1 3 30.81 ' 10.40 39.14 36.83 10.40 63.00 01.06 00.68 80.88 S0. 33 37.37 37.36 64 73 108.81 113.35 135.33 138.30 B34 100.30 1.81 77 9 117.30 101.00 in Csrafhrrs' Addition to. Caruthen" Addition a laid wt by tb 8. f. R.. K. A,, did on ; th 2d 4ay.,.,r4ril, 18'txit"tl "CKy 'F.Ti-lneer to korrey th same aud to mark tbe hmndane thereof, and to nuk a plat of wh etarvey, and a written report containing a full nd' perfect description of sneh pmpuaed arrret and boundaries therebf, and of the por tion of each kit. tract or part uf either, to be appropriated fur each street, snd the CUr Engineer hatls suade such eurwy. plat 'and report, and Bled aurh plat and report in the office of tbe A mi I tor un tbe Xoth day ef April. 1003, and -'aald report haTlug been adopted hy erdlnsnce No. U..;61. eutltb'di An ordinance adopting to report uf the City Rnglaewr- in rhe snatt-r- of The -TiPiHSed apenlasi. laying oat nnd establishing of yVhtt aker atreet from the east line of Second stn-et to tbe west line nf block 130. t'enitberH' vlrl I.' tlon to Csrsther' Addltkm, as laid out br the S. P. R. R. As." Now, therefore, all peron Iiitrrwrrd are hereby notified that the Council of the Cltv ef Portland baa appointed ('. G. Sutberlauil. B. I. Cohen sou J, p. Menefec rleivrra. M ) Mid liroposed oitemlon of aald etrvet and nuke an estimate of th bvoeflis 11 n J dsmaies w- MllmMl k m .1,. . ... . - .. . K lishing of the Mm. In icconlance with se-ilon 1 tbroairh I'ullmau toarlat a.ptng car tpsrsose , the t'ltr of Portland. ! any cnncaeteni wek.ijr i- " OREGON I ; at- ar . 3 TRAINS to the EAST -DAILY Throuak Pnllmsn aUodarrl and foavlsft alee-. ing ears dallr u Omaha. Cblcaan. DoksBt tourist slreiiiug cars daily to aUaaeai . Cltfl , 840 of th charter of Mid viewer, to Bieet at the ogtie cf the Audi tor of the City of Portland on rrklav. tha 10th day of June, IP113. at th- hour of lo 0'ckick in the forenoon of eitld ilav. ' The proposed aoenlmc. laying unt snd eth Uahlng ef Wblttsker atreet la l f-et In width ad Is snore psrtlcnlarly bounded aud decrlbi-l M follow, ro-wlt : - Reglnntiur at the southwest corner of hlork 130. Caruthers' Addlrion tn raiMtbera Addi tion, as (aid out by the "hoaih Ptrruad Real Eatat Association, running thnior sn-viA-W on s westerly prolonjrahnn of tbe north line f Whltaker street ss laid eet In tarnthers' Addition tn Cantrhrrv' Addifk'n ca laid out by the South Portland Heal Retat Aaaurlatl'm to tbe weat line of block 110 thence enurh erly at right angles to the shove mcntlo.ied lln 80 feet, thence easterlr on a line 6" feet southerly from ami psrallet wltb the proposed north lln. of Whltteker street s" ntK,e described to the northirest rornrr ef blek 131 In Caruthers' Addition to t'arutherV Ad dition aa laid not br the South porlleud Reel Kstar Association, thence northerly iki feet to tbe place of beginning. The proposed openlnr. larlug ot and eetsh llshlng of Whltaker afrct tmtn the east line of Reread atreet to the weet line of block l.!P t( s rather Addition rtf Csr'nthera' Ad'Ullon ss bid oat br the Booth Portlrnd Real rtire Aa soclstlon will imlnrt sad necvaKltsfe the p- pmnnatlon to nnhllr use or the follow In de acrlbed parcel or tract of land, to-wit: All that pamel r tract nf laiid I' lor be tween the northerlv aud sontherlr lines of the proposed Whlfsher street Slid the easterly line or neenmj street sna s line aro reel westerly from and parallel therewith, contain- IB.aoo aonare reet. 1 persons claiming dsmares br resaen of th spprnprlstlon of he oronerfv above deorrlbed. or aav nart thereof. In th nro praed opening, laying out and establishing of Mid atreet. are hereby an"rlllr notified to Ble their da I ma for aitrh ilamares with the Anrlltor of tbe City of Portland before the 10th day of Jnne. 1003. the time appointed for th meeting of the vle;eTs therein. uy oraer or me touneii THOS. C. MTTMN. Andltnr of tb City of Portland. Jnn B. 1003. in. ut r.,,,,1. and alemuhis: recUB ears I ! freei u lbs tUt daily. L'NIO.t DKI'OT. Leave. 1 Am van. CUICACO POIITLAMJ ! SH a. m. 4:30 p. SS, , M'hM Ul.. ,lUr. llmill-. ' , , r. th. r.., rla ftaat- . ,-. .. -r i : lagtox BPOKANK I'LYaTK- :00 a. For lUsteru WsMInc- UaUj. tus. Walla WfelU. lauui. (oeur "Alsne and Great lurthera vluta. . ATLANTIC EXl'BB3.hM3 p. ja I er th Es't via Uant- lagton. Daily. r -J a. as. baiif . , lo;.-aa--: OCEAIT AD RJTER SCHEDTJLR. FOR SAN' 1'KAM'ISCO.TPrwra U. 8. Geo. TV. Elder LAUeka Jnn. I II 31 H. N. CoinrnMs one .. 14, m. Dork, I, Ok p. as. S3ii p.- at, I-' inn o, fl.7K 70.64 ' 73.03 Blk 24. lot 6. J. W. and V. Co,,. Blk 34. lot B.'J. W. and V. rook Blk 2R, kit 8. Ella M. Smith Estate, Heirs of oaan bis an. lot 7, Ella M. smith Estate. Helra et , 90.07 fill tha terma ef his contract. Ail proposals should be lndoraed "Proposal for Lighting." aud addressed to Thoa C. Devlin, Auditor, Portland, Oregon. Tb right la rmrred to reject any or all bids. ty order of tbo Executive Board. TH08. 0. DEVLIlt, Andltor of th City of Portland. Or. April 8. 1003. Total .86.000.88 . V "?i.THQ8. O. DETMM. . ' Andltor aj the- City of Portland. 3no- t, 1008. , t- ' PROPOSED IMPROVEMEBT OF SEKTB STREET. Notice I hereby given that at th meeting or the uouncu 01 tne cuy 01 t-ortiana, uregon, held on the 3d day of June, 1003. . th (oj lowlna reaolutlon waa adopted; ' . Reaolved, That th Council of the City of Portland, Oregon, deems it expeaient anu proposes to Improve Sixth street from th north Un of Morrison atreet to the north line of Irving- atreet lo the foUowlng man ner, to-wu: Flrat By removing H worn-out aaphalt' and oenna ot an sinus. Second Bv bringing tbe street fall width with fullt Intersection, to the proper, sub- rie witn concretr. Third Hy repairing' and- bringing, the atreet ftill width with full Intersections to -the proper grade with asphalt, aa follows: from the north line of Morrison atreet to th aouth Una of Gltaan atreet. and from th north lln of Gllssn street . to th outb lln of Hoyt street ana rrom tn center une or Irving street to the north line et Irving street. Said Improvement to .be made In accord ance with tb charter ind ordinance nf th City of Portland and th. plans, apoclflcattona and estimate, of tbe City Engineer filed in tbri office of the Auditor of tho. City of Portland on the. Id day of June, 1903, in dorsed: "City Engineer', plana ini spepin cation for the Improvement of Sixth atreet from the north line df Morrison, street to the north line of Irving street and the eatimatca ot tbe work to be, done and tba probabl total coat thereof." t " ,' ' Tn cost- ot said Improvement to he usessed -sa nrovhiod hv . the . city charter - upon the property neneniea tnereny .na wnicn is bereby declared tn be all tbo; lota, partiof kite and parcela of land Ivlng but sen tbo west line of fcl 1 th street snd a line 100 . feet westerly from and parallel therewith, and Mtween the east Une itf Sixth .Uect .nd a line iw leet Mstcrijr thcrfram and parallel? there PROPOSED CHANGE OP SHADE OF MADIS0M STREET. Notice Is hereby given tbst at tbe meet ing of tbe Council of the City of Portland, Oregon, held on the 3d day of June. 1003, th following resolution wa. adopted: Wbereaa, It la dm-uied xpedlent to change tb grade of Madison street in the City of Portland at Ita Intersection with Kord atreet, "Be it Resolved. That the Council hereby declarea its I mention to change tbe grade of Madison street as now established, to wit: " . At ceuter line of Ford street and center tin ot Aladison atreet at 247.50 feet At center Une of Ford atreet and aouth line of Madison street at 246.50 tret. At the center Im, ,f Fbfd' Itfeef ' 111111 north tine of Madison street at 848.60 feet. To the following, to-wlt: At center line nf Madlaon atreet and east line of Ford street at 251.0 feet. . At center lln of Madison street and center line of Ford street st 3A1.0 feet. At ceuter line of Madison street and west lln of Ford street st 251.0 feet. At north line of Maidlson atreet and center Une of Ford atreet at 351.0 feet, At hdnth line of Madison street and center line of Fotd street 0 1et-. adov. in Dsse or city grsacs. Resolved, that th. Auditor be and he Is hereby directed to. give notice of th propoaed chaps of grade of aald afreet aa provided by tha city charter. Remonstrance against the above change nf grade may be Bled In writing with, tbe nnder algned -within 30 daya from the date of the first publication of thla notice. By order of the Council. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland. June 5, 1003. Total 33.470.0O A atatettient or aforeaalfl haa neen entereu in tne docket or flty Men, snd I now due and narahle at tho oftie f th.. tity iTeaaurer. in law nil owner of the rnlted State and If not paid within thlrtv dava from the date of thla notice, aurh proceedings will he taken for the collection of the same ss sre provided by the charter of tbe City, of Portland. The above assessment will hear interest ten day. after the first publication of this notice. . THOS. C. DEVM.V. , 1 Auditor of tb Pltv nf Pnrtlaad. Portland. Oregon, June 10. 1003, -ASSESSMENT P0R SEWER Uf HOOKER STREET. Notice is hereby .given that tbe Council of the City of Portland, Oregon, at a meeting held, on the 3d day of Jnne 11103, declared the assessment by ordinance 'No. 13.308 for tbe construction of a sewer in Hooker street from 220 feet west of the west line of blocks 67 and 68, Caruthers' Addition to Caruthere' Addition to tba City of Portland to a con nection witn u aewer in Jluoker atreet at approved by tte Mayor of "the City of WrndLo,,,.,. ... aisnW nrovUleH hv conditioned tnat tne aucceaarui oiauer win nif 1 .- k iitu ... T, Zt 11 PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OF EAST THIRTY-FOURTH STREET . Notice Is hereby given that at the meeting f the Council of. the City of Portland. Ore gon, hld on tho 3d day of Junr, 1003, the following resolution waa adopted: Resolved: That tbe Council ot the City of Portland Oregou. deems It expedient and pro pose to Improve East Thirty -fourth street from the aouth line of Hawthorne avenue to the north line of Division atreet In the following manner, to-wlt: First By grading sstd street full width wltb full Intersections to the proper sub-grade. Second By graveling the street full width with full Intersections with upland bank gravl Tblrd Bv constructing wooden sldrnall. ten reet wine witn six-toot covering pianas. Fourth By constructing gutters lu accord ance with City Englneur'a plana and epeelfiea tlona nnd estimate. Fifth By constructing box culvert In accord ance with tbo City Engineer', plana, apeclflea tlon and eatimatca. Sixth By- couatructlng wooden crosswalks six feet In width. Bald Improvement to be made In accordance with -the charter and ordinances of the City of Portland and the plans, speciflcattons. and Mtluiflfu of Ihlk Cltv Enotiieer flUd In th office of the- Auditor on the lat, day ot June. 1003. indorsed: "City Engineer'., plan, and specifications tr the Improvement of ' East Thirty-fourth street -from the south Jin of Hawthorn sveuuo to the oortU lino of Di vision street, and th estimates of th work tn ' be don. aud tbo probable total oust thereof." . '. Tbe coat of tma, Improvement to . 4m. as. i. seeaed as . prevmrw- ry tne rite charter upon tb" nrotiert.r benefited therebo snd which ia hereby declared to be all lots, parte of Iota no parcels ot lano lying Between a tin ttai fret .cist of snd parallel with tba east Una ef East Thltty-fourth street and , Una 100 lot. I lot snd parcel, of lend.' which are specially ana peculiarly pencnieo, to 0 a lollowe, vis: A tract of land lying between two line roapectlvely 30 feet and 200 feet weat- erly from and parallel with the west lino of block numbered 61. Csruthers' Addition to Csruthers' Addltlou to ftie City of Portland, and between two linea respecttvely 50 feet and 100 feet north snd parallel with tbe north line of Hooker street, Francisco Rledl $ 30.20 A tract of land lying between two lines respectively 120 feet and 300 feet weat erly from and parallel with the west line of block numbered 08. Caruthers' Addition to Csruthers' Addition to th. City of Portland, and between tbe north lino of Hooker atreet and a Une 50 feet north of and parallel therewith, Joseph Eder , 31.80 A tract of land lying between two lines respectively 800 feet and 813.15 feet westerly from and -parallel with tbe wet lln of block numbered tW, Ca rntbera' Addition to Crutbrs' Addi tion to tb City of Portland, aud be tween tbe north line of Hooker afreet - and- a westerly extension of suld : north" lln in Ita preaetit course anil a line 100 feet north of and parallel there with. Elisabeth Webber 43.40 A tract -of land lying between the north and south JlneS of Honker atreet ex tended westerlr In their reanectlve r. resent coif-nee snd two lines respect rely 220 feet and 820 feet westerly from and parallel with the southerly extension In its present course of the west line of block 68. Cam there' Ad dition to t'arnthers' Addition to the City of Portland. Oregon llallroad A Navigation Company Sfl.OO A tract ot lano lying netween two lines respectively 80 feet snd 130 feet west erly from and parallel with th west line of Fourth street and between the . aouth line of Hooker street and a line - lo-feet sonjb of and parallel there with, I.ticretla Nast 29.00 A tract of land lying hctiveen tn-o lines respectively 130 feet nnd 1K0 feet west erly from and parallel with the west Jin of Fourth street snd between the south line of Honker street snd a line 100 feet south of and parallel there with. Theresa lish 20.00 A'trsct of land- lying between two lines respectively 1R0 feet and 800 feet wck? erl.v from and parallel wltb the west 1 line of Fonrtb street and Iietween the j south Une of Hooker street ami a 1 westerly extension In its present course ef said south line nnd a lln. 100 feet south of and parallel therewith. Ore gon Railroad A Navigation Cnmpsnv. 30.4H A tract nf land lying between two lines respectively 313.15 feet and S2n feet westerly from and parallel with the west lln of Work 6S. Csruthers' Ad dition to rarntheVs" Addition to the City of Portland and between th uorth lino nf Hooker street extended west- 1 erlv In It preaent ronrse nd a lln. 100 feet north of snd Parallel there with. ' Oregon Railroad 4 Naviga tion Company loir Tnts! j. 8247.80 A statement of aforesaid ssaessment has been entered In the Docket of Cltr Mens, snd Is now one and nsyaiile at tho omen or the ntv Treasurer, In lawful mnnei- of the Cnlted Stare nnd If not nsld within thirty days from ,the date of this notice, such proceetl Inrs sHH he taken tc.t the collection ef tnt, aame ar provided by tbe charter of the Cltr of Portland. . The -above assessment will "hear Interest ten daya after the flrat publication of this notice. ' ' - ' THOS. f, TIF VI. IN. 1 - Auditor of th City, of Portland." I'ortlanil. nregon. Jnne in, - ino.T, PROPOSED SEWER IN EAST EIOHTH STREET. Notice Is herebv given that.. at. th. -meet Ine or Tne 1 nuncii 01 tne my ot roruand. Ore gon, held ou the 3d day of June, 1003, the following resolution wss adopted: Heaolved. That tbe Council of the- City of Portland. Oregon, deem It expedient and proousea to construct a. aewer In East Elchth Street from 100 feet aouth of the south line of Thompson street to-a connection with Ihe sewer In Tillamook atreet nf vltrlllcd newer pipe with all necessary catcb baaUis. .neut -l-a. lampholes and branches, of eight inches clear inside dls meter in sci-ordsnce with the plane, sped flea tlona and estlmstes therefor , pn-twred by th. City Engineer snd Bled In the office nf the Auditor of tbe City of i'ortlsnd on the 2d day of June. 10nS. indorsed: "City Engineer's plsns and aneclficatlons for a sewer In Esst Eighth street from JIM) feet south of Tbomp aon atreet to aewer in Tillamook street, snd tbe estlmstes of the work to be done and the probable total cost thereof." Tbe coat of aald sewer to be sssessed aa provided by the city charter upon the property bnfltd Iberebv and which ta hereby declared tn b all the lots, parts of lots and parcel of land lying between s line lot) feet east of snd parallel with tbe eaat Un or East Eighth street and a Une 100 feet west of and parallel with the west line of Eaat .Eighth street snd between a line 100 feet north of and parallel with the north line of Tillamook artrerr and . lln 50 feef south nf and parallel with tha aouth Une of Thompson atreot. The Engineer', estimate of the probaDTe" total cost of the construction of aald Sewer Is $3.13 00. - The plsns." speclflratlnna ' and estimates of tha City Engineer fur Ihe construction of ld sewer sre hereby adopted. , Resolved. That the Auditor of th Cltr; of Portland he and b 1 hereby directed I to give notlc 'of the proposed construction of said sewer as provldvd by the City Charter. nemonstrsnce aralnat the above sewer mar be elled In writing with the nnderslgned j wunin 4" unjs iroui ine nsie ui tue urai publication of thla notice. ny oraer 01 tne iniincii. THOS. Cv DEYMN. Auditor of the Clt of Portland. Jnne B. 1003. Calaa" bla . River Drvisioav FOR ASTORIA sad war jS:O0 s, m. I ot nts. roaaectlng wltbJially. ...ue f-T I Is scu and bx Saaday North Beach, atr. Uis- (Saturday a U. Ash-et dock. losOO p. m. 50 p. m. - ex. BoaoAPt Wiluunstt tint DivWiam. FOR SALEM. CorvallM 6:45 a. a, and way points, steamer Monday. Kutfc. Ash-St. dork. AVeOnesday, t Water permitting.) frtoaf. Dally . 6:00 a, as, TnMday. , Thursday, flanrday. TaahUl River Kent. FOIt IiATTON. Oregon City and VamhUi River points. sir. KloMsrsi, Ash -fit. dork. iWsrer permttdnr 7:00 a. tat. Tneoday. 1 kursoay. Saturday. 8:00 a. av tottday, WediMSHla).' Friday. . . Bosks River Route. FOR LEWISTON, Ida., md way points, from Rlparia. Wash., steam er Spok.n and Lw- letun. , 4 :05 a. BV, DaUy. 8. Bat " About X-An a. usiiy -' r-e - - ax. Friday. TICKET OFTICR. Tblrd and Waahlngtoa. ZU phone Mala 713. . PORTLAND & ASIATIC STEAMSHIP CO. ; o For Tokohama and Hogg Kongv ' caUlnf at Kobe. Nagasaki and Shanghai, taking freight via connecting steamer, for ManUa, Port Artaa and Vladlvostock. - 1 , INDRAPURA BAILS ABOUT JTJNE SB. ' For ratea and full lurormsf.oajcoll on or , dres officials or agent of the 0. K.. A N. Co. - EAST via; SOUTH vq V '-,; I OlOCDEN HSTAl " I ifl aotir f Ol SJosj. a TOlOlf DEPOT. Arri-vsav. RAILROAD TIMETABLES, ; "8:80 a. m. MM p. ox. . 1 7:80 a. m. 114:60 p. m. . TKK BEST OP CVtWYTHIWQ ONLY 7 HOURS PORTLAND TO cm&m 1 via the 0. R. R. & N. Co., Oregon Short Line, Union Pacific and ' Two trains day, with through Pullman drawing-room Bleeping cars, free reclining chair cars and dining cars (a la carte). CHlCASoBTlANi) - ano r special connects at Granger with the famous Overland Limited, the most luxurious train in the world, to Chicago from the Coast. Be sure your tickets read over tia . Chicago & Noith-Western. " A. Q. BARKER, Qcn l Aot. 0. & N-W. RV. i.a THiao ar., Portland, one OVERLAND EXPRESS' . tralua, tor Salem, Ros-! ,. nento, Ogdeq, San Frsn-.'T,'8 a. reies. El psso, Nr Or- leans ana the Eaat At TVoodbura dalljr leiccpi eunaavi. mora. Ing train for Mt. An.' gel. Sllvertosk, Browns-I rllle. SprlngDeld, Wnd4 iing ann oairoo. ' Albenr naaserurer. con necU at Wooburn with Mt, Angel and Stirn-i ion jocti. . ., CorvallU paangr, Sheridan paaae'Bger;a..J 70 p. m 10:10 a. ! t :D a, m.. t:is a. a Dellv. JDilr except Sunday. , J rtlaad-Oavrg Suburban Sorvio and TaoaaOI j- j sJivuion. , , s , Depot Foot of ftffcreoa 8trt. ' Leave 1'ortland dally for Oawrgo T:80 a. a t 13:00, 108, 8:ZA, fM. 8:!. 8:80, 10:10 p. m. Usllr (escept Hnulat) B:30, 8:30. 8:38. 10 - m. i 4:00. 11:80- p. m. Sunday ealy, :oa) a. m. .'-.,... Keturatng from Oiwego, arrive Portland daH 8:80 a. m.; l:Sfi. 8:03, 4:35. 8:16. T.8S, 8:64. 11:10 p. m. Dally (except Uonday) 8 25, 1 :2S, 8:30, 10:20, 11:45 a. m. Kxcept Monday, 81:38 a. m. Sunday ouly, 10:00 as. m. Leave from aame depot tor Dallas and Inter menial poinia oauy (except nunaay) .yo p.. aw . Arrive Portland 10:20 a. m. - Tb Independence-Monmouth Motor v t1aa operates dally to Monmouth snd Alrlls," con aectlug with Southern Fsctflc Company' track, at Dsllss and Independence. ..... . . Flrat-cluaa rebate tlckete on aal from Port ' land to Sacramento and San Francisco. ; Net rat tlf.fvO, berth $B; eeond-claa far 1B. -without rebate or berth; xcond-claaa harta) 18.50. Ticket, to Easter awlnta and tnrope, alo : Jspan, China, Honolulu and Anatralla. City Ticket Offce corner Third and Wahla ton atreta. Fhons, Mala T1X C W. STINGER, W. B. OOMAN," ' City Ticket Agent Gen. Paa. Agt. ITiitX TIMR'CADn V"r. V' r TRAINS PORTLAND: EXTENSION OP WHITAKER STREET. - Wbvreas, The t'ouiull of th City of Port land, deeming It expedient to open, lay gt nd establish an extension of Whlukor strn.t In the Cltr of Portland, from the. east line of Second street to th west Un of block 130, BALTIMORE, fir OHIO R. R. ALL, TRAINS "VTA WASHINGTON Fuget Sound 'Limited. Depart, for , Tacomn, Sesttls, ' Ol.Tmpis. Sooth Beudi g:$Q 4, m. anu urar s uariwr. Iolnts. North Coast Limited. I for, Tscoma, SaattbM ' llutitv,. St. I'siil. Ml:i-1 3.00 p. m. ncapolla. Chicago. Newj York, Boston und Dolors, L;ast anil Southeast. - - if Tnl.'i-Clty Ex press, for V Tseoinu. Seattle, Spo-! kane. Helena, St. Paul, t: Minnespolls Chicago. !ll;8 p. m New York. Boston emit an points East , and HtMithvast. Pugct Sound Kansas Clt--St. Louis Special, for ' Tacomn. Keattl Spokane. Butte, Billings. 8:30 a. m. i.ii,,.fL wuiHiin. csnss CIia;. Sf. Louis and, all points bast ami South cost, i .-Arrive, 8:30 B. , T:00 '.', 7:00 B. r .00 a. ak . C-t . All trains dallv ni,l ... aw,ri TtanJ branch. : A, D. CHARI.IOS, ... ' ' AasUtant General laseusr Agent .f-J : !,.';.; Morrison St.. currier Thirds For tUn)l. Orv . Astoria ;&iColur7i'fa)a r Riveii Railroad Co." V: "leaves. t'XIOJf DEPOT, v Arrive,' -- ' ' "i i...i. .. i, u'i'mH-.h ...I,,. .'a..i aiaiaiaf-.. ;,..: . , (For' Mergers, ' Rainier. -V :t-:-s'1"'' ChitkauW, -Wastpurt i f , a-nn. W ' l'u'tou. Uteri. War- . . 8.00 a, a, (rafit,,.- ;i ijn,i, ,.Hat-;13 !.'' ' ." f moaal Fort .8tvn..f s. r . '-"' K'-sitisrt I'ark, 'esW,i. ' . f S Astoria -'and tea, ',' ',',' -:... -' , Eirpr, Pally. p,--' Y y . - .- v '-' ;:'' .' 'd"; --' -- : J- i"r M t. s. asu r. -a... suri r. - i'uoaav msiu av. H . 1 s . '''"r-'.'-v-: 1"'- t, .... r 4