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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1903)
.1 THE OKKGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, ,,T.Uyji ' 15, 19Q3. .V nxw TODAT. " CUT NOTICES. OTPS.. 0AUS 4-room; cottage, 6UxlO0; PROPOSED, ASSESSMENT - !0 IMPROVE ' barn, fruit trees, Rarden and out- BENT OF CLACKAMAS STREET. ,,,.,nou.eaJ DOPK rrom renmHuui, out- i NotIoe , W(,v t. tM 4wcn ol -, w .U" . JiA. l" ' "T f Portluud, .proi-oae tu, liases- iuo (j , MC... W AI.P 9.t.s .,-wft c1.6wltig -described --irt.erty 1 intf T.wn'f of ' ". 1 - im . . '(owners a brine eorelatlv and necullarlr bene. ru near, L I fltcd In the amount act iinuosltc th name : I-STirvTairifii- minVm t, i-t .nrtiitirT. "u ueecri P"ou liioronr Kir tne im itrovsmctii f ' ,t l ? ijf 1'ix.ET .m aV.uim of Oleekama trect. from ' t r"t of ' ' iJT,,nEir2V ' ,uqu f S.m. Bullion. K,,t Fifteenth .tenet to-be center .' of " ' Hast Twenty-fourth tro, ' - provided by V -' - -"":"'.:-. rfl- ... " ' Ordinance Xn. 13.070. - - .., v EAKMS 0 MM. ' Auy obiectlona tu ibe aiiDortionntent of COXt , y )60 ACRES Of land, few mm cleared, ,.. f,,, -.he C" and "S5i ItTioV" t water. iniill.uw'!-W-ullf. ttmVetft within 10 day from (Jio data of -th tin . j, tiro.' will b nld -w eheafi. W bailer, licatlms of thl. akatlr. ami aaM nl.leetln , v Bonann-Bldg- rlfth and Morrison at. board and determined by tbe Council , ajajajaaaaai FURNISHED BOOMS. for aald improvement must, bo tuadn Jn writ' AUIIlti". flrat Billi on, win It , be fori, ' tb pmimk of the wdluauc aaaiag.,th. " 1 nf liiihf.ininl , uoiiaaay . ; Audition to . cast -ori- j LOOAN m.'ILDtNO. 10SU t'nlon aro. Elarant 1 1.n.i ., ' rrtoma for houwkccplnf or tranalant furnlibad 1 Ulk 17fl. "lot 4, Tb 'Orrcoa ttaal ta- or unfiirnlahnlt rate, roaaonalil. "I tate Co........................ I - ' i - - 1 jua no. ioi a, -j oe otpkob flNAI'--Naw Hnmo anwln narhlno, all h tlachronita. nuat bo aold. . Will tak 10 tf aolrt baforo 4 n. m. Tucadar, J una J. ! Burnaldo. Cor. JSth.. . ' . . I , rsS Blk 17(1. lot 8, Tbo Vrrgon Bcal Ea. r CHOICE PROPERTY. tata co.., i. Blk 17. lot S, Ilia Urogon Real. Ci tato Co. Blk 177. lot 4. Tba Or-foo Beat Ea- ' tate Co..... t. ... m ......... , Blk 177. lot 8, Tbo Oregon oal Ea. toto Co............ Blk J77. lot , Tb Oreon Meal Ea. - lata Co...... Blk 177. lot 8, The-Orrcou Real Ba tata .o. ACI1B--Near electric car Una; com- fortable bouae: a barn that will stall , 40 COWS' SOU excellent, watered by I Blk IM. lot 4. Tba Orraon Bnal Ea crook; 40 .acres In orchard; suitable! tato Co...., i r place tor suburban home or to sub- Blk lot 8, The orrcoa Boat Ba - divide; price cheap. .tt?.i0. ; X.OT. Holladovp Addition; cheap. "tati Co.. ".. T"" . T s .oTBt on saimon ma Aimrtiiu streets. Blk loo. lot 0. Tbo Ororas JRoal B pv "vas various locations, 'in ninar a i ' Second Addition, sold on easy terms. LABOS XOUBS and two large lots on Twonty-drat otroot; elnmnt home." B.LBO 90 AOBBI, lVb rnllos south of . i Bt. Helens, on Columbia River, about v iuo acres rencea; balance timber. tract nf land ljrlng hotarca .10 ,.10 .10 .10 ' .10 .10 r .10 f,.10 io Varlons other properties in all parts of ths ityl-- . . , 4 - ' v on or aaaroaa -1 VIIUII) IVlllj IJk, VUl taa ITABB BT. KVAsTOXAb r thn vaat Una of blork ItW, Holladay a - Addltloa to Kaat Portland, and tba' wi liuo of him 7. Uolladar Tark v Addition to l'ortland, Orraon.'and . brta tbo north tins of Clarkaiuaa atrret and a lino lift frt aortk of and parallel thrrrwitb. Jbo trroa ' Hoal Kauto Co Uolladar V ark Addition to Portland, Oregon ' Blk 7, bit 4, Tbo Title Gnarintoa Truat l'o rOBTLABSOB. ?'k 7, lot a, Tbo Title. Ouariatte Jt I rupi in.,., Blk 7. lot 3, Tbo Title tiuaratrtae Truat Co i Blk 7. bt 1, Tbe Title Guarantee at Trnat Co , Blk 8. fat I, Tbo Title Guarantee Tmat Co Blk . lot T, Tbe Title Guarantee Trnat Co , Blk M. lot . Tbo Title Guarantee 4 Truat Co i ........ . Blk 8, lot S, J. Wooda Smith...- Blk 8. lot 4. 1. Wooda Hmltb - Hlk 8, lot 8. JUotta t'baao Hmltb Blk 8. lot 3, Lotta Cnaae Smith...... Blk 8. lot 1. Lett a Chaae Hmltb...... Poneerlone made at all pelnta on favorable SIS a I 5' f W."1 S"!.'? Lottoro or orodlt laaurd arallahla In I S!' Z' I : ! r."""" orope .ad .il prist, lu tf. United 8t.t.. J J; wna mJ: run. old in New York Loula, DooTar. Omaha, Han t'rauclaco and Mon tana and Brlttak Columbia. Ladd & Tilton, Bankers v EatabUabet la 1890. INTEREST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS. Exrhatif. aold on I-ondon. Tarla, Berlin, Praokfort. Hong -Koof, Yokohama, Manila and Honolulu. States Nat'i Bank OF P0KTLABD OBEOOlf. K0XTHWX8T COB. IKIBP ABO OAK ITS, TEAS SACTg A OEBEEAX BAKKIWO BU6IME8B. DRAFTS ISSUED Aralfabla la all eltlaa af the Vni ana xurope, Hong xong and Manila. mi v, n o, 4, noom nmiTO , n., telempblo tranafer. B,Tr,t Co ' T"U aU,r"l,: ..lViDS-,Z..- B'k . lot'V,''Tha'T1't'le''Gnir.ntee Trnat Co A tract of land Irlnr between the oaat line, of block 0. Uolladar Park Addition to Portland. Oregon, and tbe wrat line of block 14. Uolla dar Park Addition to Portland. Ore- fon, and between tbe uortb liao f 'lackamaa atreet and a liuo I'M) feet north of and parallrl therewith, William Nlcolal Uolladar Park Addltloa to Portland, Oregon Blk H. lot 8. Tbe Title Guarantee Trnat Co Blk 14. lot 5, Tho Title Guarantee Truat Co Blk it. lot 4, Tbe Title Guarantee nited Itatee Blk 14. lot '." 'Tba Title Guarantoi' Truat Va Collections Made on ravorable Terms J. Th TU1 osrantee rreeldent J. C. AINSWORtTj Blk 14. lot'l." The Title' Guarantee' Tlce-Prealdent , W. . iYKR Truat Co A",JJnf "t!" R- W W'""HS Holladay'a Addition to Eaat Tort- AaalaUnt Caahlar A. M. WRIGHT land Blk 178, lot 1, Tbe Oregon Beal Ea- LONDON & SAN FRANCISCO Blk" 178t.Viot ' i', ' Tbe ' Ortgo'n ' Beal" Ea- BANK, LIMITED. I Blk 175. lot 7, Tba Oregon Baal Ea- CHAMBER OF - COMMERCE BTODIITO, ai' ' ' ii; ' i1 1 ri; ' n ' i'i ' THIRD .AJTD STARR STREETS. BL.1T?: tot Tt" tOB Boal Ea- laie to. Blk ITS. lot 1. Tba Oreann Real Ea. TTaad OIHce 65 Old Broad atraet. Lendnn. I tate Co Thla bank tranaacta a general banking boat- Blk 178. lot 3, Tbe Oregon Real Ea- Beaa, makea loana, dlaeouata bllla and taauea tate Co lettera of credit arallable for . trarelera and Blk 17ft. lot 7, The Oregon Real Ea-' iot - tdv -pvrcnaaa or oiercnanqiaa in nnr rnj i tate co. tate Co. Blk 195. lot 1, The Oregon Beal Ba tata Co Blk 15. lot 3. The Oregon Real Ea tate Co Blk II. kit 7, Tbe Oregon Reel Ea tate Co I Blk It, kit 8, Tbe Oregon Reel Es tate Co A tract of land lying between the eaat line of block lfi, Holla day Addition 4o Portland, Oregon, and the weat line of block 8. Uolla dar Park Addition to Portland. Ore- .10 73.77 81.00 12143 184.20 107.43 163.31 138.27 JIH.HT 108.31 W".7 153. M 179.71 H.2n 175. M 110.IIT VS.2S 84.-4J 19.73 ef tbe wtaid. Deal. 'x (orelga and domiat.'e Blk 178. lot 8, Tbe Oregon Beal Ka- exenange. f Interest Paid on Time Deposits. W. A. UACAAR. Manager. J. Merchants National Bank 653.30 4801 130.20 1A0.II8 IflB.SO 306.93 2O0'bl .'!, .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 ,10 .10 .11' 'OTT' JfOTICEi. i . x l):'C tborue Eatate ..... . . , , . , ,v 30.55 Rlnok-a. annifi t, o Ti.k u.. r , ' tbonw Eatate . .......,., 83.65 Block 8. H loo ft. lot B,lTbe Haw- i tlock- Jj, - H ! irtff f t. lot T, Tbe iaw tborue E'tate ...... , 85JM5 nioca e. n kio rt. - lot II, loreaoe tlrltteuton Refuge Home, Block 4, H liK) ft. fait . 11, Kkirance Crlttenton Refuge Home , Block 4. , loo ft. lot 10, Florence - Crlttcuton Jiefuge Home Block 4, S 100 ft. lot 0. Florence Crlttenton Bcfuge Home Block 4, S loo ft, lot , . rktrence Crlttenton Ilrfuge Home ........... Block 4, 8 Km ft. lot . 7. Vlorenee Crlttenton Hcfiiae tlnniji. . Block 8, m lmi ft. it g. The 'Haw tborne Eetate Block H loo ft. ,lit 4. Tbe Haw- tborne Eataia Bbick , ti KW ft. lot S. The Haw. tborne Eatate Dlwk 8, lot 8, Tbe Hawthorne Ea- tate Block 8, lot 4, Tbe Hawthorne Ea. tate , ,,. Blork a. lot S, Tbe Hawtborue Ea tate v. , Blpck ,, lof 6, Tbe Hawthorne Ea tate i.t. . ,-rr, ,-. .-. PJock 1, kit 1. Marjr J, Iteece e. eamve r.i niaravwrn. . . , Block T., lot 8. Rachel I,. Hawthorne 27.18 2T.18 87.18 27.18 27.18 tT.lO 27.16 27.18 27.15 27.18 8715 2T.16 27.15 87.15 85.13 ,85.55 ' as. ta 85.63 SS.58 30.00 27.15 37.18 8T.1S S7.1S 27.18 27.18 27.18 37.16 27.18 n i t f i... a i - ... -1 , r, Block T, lot 6, tHclla Balllnger nioca i, ioc o, r;iuma HteTeua n. lot , 1. The Hawthorne Katata. t, The Hawthorne Batata.. Block Block . lot Block 6. jot 8. The Hawthorne Karate,. ijioca a. ioc e, rne Hawthorne Eatate.. Block o. lot 8. The Hawthorne Eatate.. Block , lot , Tbe Hawthorne Eatate.. Block 6, lot I, The Hawthorne Eatate.. Block A lot 2. The Hawthorne Eatate.. Block 6, lot 8, The Hawthorne Eatate.. Block 8. lot 4. The Hawthorn Eatate . Block t. lot 8. Tbe. Hawthorne Ea . late Block I, lot 0, The Hawthorne Eatate.. Total ...11,873.75 i nun t . i'kvijn, Auditor of tbe Cltr of Portland. June 15, 1003. 37.18 78. OA voxTiAira, oviEooif. 3. R. R. Frank Wateon.. h. Durham...... W. Hoyt.. Oevir, iioyt........... Prealdent VIce-PreeM-ut Caabter ..rAaalftant Caahlar TnuiSMts OeneraJ Banking Bualaeaa. Draft and letera of credit laeued arallable I lend. Oregon eon, and between the aonth line of nacKaniae etroet ana a Hue iuo feet aontb of and parallel there with. The Oregon Real Eatate, Co.. Holladay Park Addltloa to Port- . 1') to all parte of ' tbe world. Collection, a apeclalty. Gold dint bmieht MORRIS BROS & CHRISTENSEN buccr aaora to MORRIS WHITEHEAD, XAVXEXf. FIRST AND ALDER STREETS, " PORTLAND, OR. BSrXBXBOXS. ftadl Ar Tilton. Port laud; C. 8. National Bank, Portland; Bank of California. Kan Kran clacoj Crocker-Woolworth National Bank. Baa franclaco. Bolton. deRovter & Co. KEMBXB8. lea go Board of Trade, Sen Franctaco Pro. auce fixenang. Han rranctaeo Htocc aud Bond Exchange, GRAIN, PROVISIONS, STOCKS, BONDS and COTTON. San Traneiaee Office 4M Oelifornia St. MOBTOAOB LOANS at lowest Bates. -nrsuBABOB xar aj.x. tiHES. BBAXi B8TATE. . . A. H. BIRRELL Tormerljr of MaoMaater BlrreU. BEAL . ESTATE, GENERA I, INSURANCE AND 'FINANCIAL AGENCY. 303-4 XoKar Building, Third and SUrk. Phone, Main 388. MORTQAOB LOANS On Portland real eatnte at jowaat rate.. ' Title, ioaured. AUtrnct fttrnlafced. Title Guarantee & Trust Co. ' y Chamber of Commeree. . BTOTIOE SAtABJID PE0PX.B Do jon need money before par day 7 Call en eia.. we can auraiiee money on your wagea Blk . kit IS. Tbe Title Guarantee A Truat to. Blk 6. lot 14, Tbe Title Guarantee A Truat Co Blk ft, lot 15. The Title Guarantee A Truat Co Blk 6, lot 16. The Title Guarantee 4c Truet Blk A. lot B. Tbe Title Guarantee h Truat Co Blk 5, lot lo. The Title Guarantee A Truat Co Blk 6. lot 11. The Title' Guarantee A ' Truat Co ,V Blk 6. lot 12, The Title Guarantee A Truat Ci Blk 6. kit 13, Tbe Title Guarantee A Truat Co Blk 6, lot 14, Tbe Title Guarantee k Truat. Co ..... Blk 5, lot 15, The Title Guarantee Truat Co Blk 6, lot 16, Tbe Title Guarantee Truat Co i Blk 4, lot. 8, Tbe Title Guarantee & Truat Co.. Blk 4. kit 10, Tbe Title Guarantee Truat Co Blk 4. lot 11, The Title Guarantee A Truat Co Blk 4, kit 12. The Title Guarantee A Truat Co Blk 4, lot 1.1, The Title Guarantee A Truat Co...... Blk 4. lot 14, Tbe Title Guarantee A Truat Co. .j , Blk 4. lot 15, Tbe 'Jitlu Guarantee A Truat Co. . , Blk 4. lot 16, Tbe Title. Guarantee & Truat f'o. . . . 103 TKIRD ST. Illk 1ft. lot 0, The THlo Guarantee A PORTLAND 0B Trim Co Blk 16. lot 10, The Title Guarantee A Truat Co,.........-,.....'. Blk 15. lot 11, The Tltlq Guarantee k Trust CO A, I...;. Blk 15. lot slS, Tbe Title Guarantee k Truat Co . '. t ..... . Blk 15. lot 13, Tbe Title Guarantee k Truat Co.. Blk 15. lot 14, Tbo Title Guarantee ft Truat Co , Blk 15. lot 15, Tbe Title Guarantee Truet Co'. Blk lfl. lot 111. Tbe Title Guarantee k Truat Co 63.74 73.21 111.35 121.20 186.21 188.38 iOO.82 106.20 96. 3tf 87.10 132.43 143.15 158.20 148.20 85.71 78.20 77.23 70.78 100.23 113.20 122.2. 121.01 104.70 186.24 160.23 170.73 206.35 109.11 F10P08ED ASSISSMEWT JOB IMPtOTt- atlUT OF IA8T TWITTX-nST - , i wrr. .:. Notice la herehr clean Ikat the nmHI of of tbe City of Portland propoaee to aaaeea tbe following deacrlbed uronertr and nvn or ewnera ae being apecially and peculiarly hen Sled in the amounta et eppoalte tbe namea and deacrtiitlona therenf for IK. lm,M..m,t of Eaat fwruty-flrat atreet. (rem the north line of Multnomah atreet to tbe aontb line nf Wrldler atreet, aa provided bys Ordinance No. 13,076. Anr obleetlona tn the' antwwttnnment Af mil for aald improvement muat be mad In writing to tbe Council and Bled with the Auditor within 18 dara from the date nf the flrat publication of thla notice, and aald objection., will be be4rd and determined by the Council before tbe paaaage 'of tbe ordinance aaaealog tuv wmi vi piu ixnproTemonr . . Joba Irving' Flrat Addition to Eaat Portland ' sr Blk 3. lot 8. P. L. Wlllla 1 Blk 2. lot 7. P. U Wlllla 35.03 Holladar Park Addition tn Portland Oregon m 10, lot 7, Rodney T Glfaan ef a! . 4 fl ma in, ioc a, Rodney L. Ollaen et. al.. 2.5I Hlk , lot , J. Wood Hmltb... i.27 ma e. lot in. j. wooda. MiuiiK 'm rr Blk 0, lot 7, 5. Wooda Hmlth S.i Blk , lot 8. I. Wooda Hmltb 301.43 tin e, tot 9, Tbe Title Guarantee k Trust on, ,n uii . ioc io, Toe Title Guarantee k Truat Co 17.H ma . tin t, The Title Guarantee A Truat Co in A I ui . lot H. mo Title Guarantee A Trnat t'o ifii 21 ma ioi , jne iitw (iuarantre ft Truat Co im -m ma a, lot 10, The Title Guarantee k Truat r it io on o. ioc 7, toe Title Uuarantee ft Trout Co e o oik a, ioi b. The Title uuarantee ft Truat Co...... 265.47 jonn irviue a r irat aooitinn E..t PorMand Blk 8. lot I, t'harlea H. Prearott Tr.. 25117 oia a. mi a. marie H. Preacolt Tr. . 83.17 nonaaay rara Addition tn i"ortinrt Oregon hik ii. lot I. Rodney U Gllaan et al.. 4 14 oik ii, mi i, Koaney 1,. Ullaan et al.. M.HS Hlk a. kit 16, Ixitta Chaao Hmlth 2.tio nix n. m io, itta t nae Hmlth 20.24 Blk 8. lot 3, Lotta Chae Smith 32 97 Blk 8. kit 1. Lotta Chaae Kmlh S12.60 Blk 6. lot 16. The Title Guarantee ft Truat Co.,.....;............ .... 11M.32 oia o. ioc io, Tne Title Uuarantee ft Truat Co 16.T7 oia n. hii , ne Title uuarantee ft Truat Co..... oik a, mic i. me line uuarintee ft .Truat t-o... oik n. ioc io, an Title uu.r.iite ft 'iruei i'o . . ii ui oik x. ioc io, J Da nue uuerautee ft rrnar t o. ., , . , jn.4; ma 2, 101 2. noaney i unaan Zi.4 oik z. lot 1, Hoaney L. Gllaan 24U.:ii CITT K0TI0ES. PROPOSED A38EB8MIHT FOR IMPROVE . MEET Of EAST ALDER STREET. Notice la kerch len that . the...lViiinrll'.Af line- tTty-or rnrtiana Pr'wueeai to aaaeaa the louowiug aeacriurei properly enu owner or owe ere a being apecially aud peculiarly benefited la tbe amount act oppoeltu tbe uame aud deerlitlon thereof for tbe Improvement of Eaat Alder etreet from tbe weat line vf Huuuyalde Third Addition to the er. line of Huuuyalde ThM AdUlUou, a. provided by Ordlbauce No, Any objection, to the apportionment of coat cor aaio luiproveswnc muac ne mane in writing to the Council and tiled with tbe Auditor withla fifteen daya from tbe data of tbo flrat publico Una of thla notice, and aald obleetlona will be beard aud determined by thn Council before the paaaage of the ordinance eaaeaaiug tho ouat PC aia iniproTmnc. kSunuyalde Third Addition to Portland, Oregon: lock 64, lot 16. Tba Title Uuarauto Truat Co..... 1....' 10.86 Block 64, lot 15, Tbe Title Guarantee ft Tru.t Co ,. 21.86 Block 64, lot 14, Tbe Title Guarantee ' ft Truat Co. 33.48 Block 4, lot 18, The Title Guarautee ft Truat Co. v 42.20 Block 64, lot 13. Tbe Title Guarabtee ft Truat Co. 27.74 0 kick 64, lot II, The Title Uiiarantan ft Trut CO....U...... S9.01 Block 64. lot 10. The Title tiurnte ft Truat Co....... 43.83 Block 64. lot t, Tbe Title Guarautee ft Trial t Co 44.27 Block tut, lot 18, Tbe Title Guarantee ft Treat Co 42.91 Block 6H, lot 17. Tb. Title Guarantee ft Truat Co. 41.22 Block 63. kit 16. Tb Title Uuarantee ft Trnat tto. 41.17 Block 63. lot IB. The Title Guarantee ft Truat Co. 11.56 Block 6.1, lot 14, The Tltl Guarantee Truat uo 90.0Z AO 1. , MCI.., ThU . ' ft Trut Co 85.09 Block 68. let IS. The Title Guarantee . A Tmat Co. 8S.8S Block 68, lot 11. Tb Title Guarantee ft Truet Oo. 86.86 Blork 60, lot 10, The Title Guarantee ft Trnat Co.... 36.80 Block 65. lot 1. Tb Title Guarautee ft Trut Co 10.65 Block Ob. lot A Tbe Title Guaranty, ft Trnat Co 18.78 Block 65. kit S, Th Title (iurnnte ft Trut Ca IBM Block 6, lot 4, Tbe Title Guarantee Truat Co SB BZ Block 65, lot 6, Tbe Title Guarantee ft Truat Co 36.13 Block 66. lot 6. The Title Guarantee ft Truat Co 38.58 Block 65, kit T. Tbe Title Guarautee ft Truat Co 89.94 Block 65. lot S. Tbe Title Guaraute A Trnat Co 4a.60 Block 60. kit 1. Tb Title Guarantee ft Truat Co 43.08 Block 66. lot 3, Tbe Tltl Guarantee 1 ft Triit Co 42.09 Block 66. lot 3, Tb Title Guarantee ft Truat Co... Block 66. lot 4, The Title Guarantee A Truat Oo Block 96, lot 6, Tbe Title Guarantee ft Truet t o BUvk 66. lot 6. The Title Guarantee ft Truat Co Block 66, lot 7, The Title Guarantee Total S3. 808. 7 ruu, V. DEVLIN, Auditor of tbe City of Portland. June 15. 1903. Total 37.033.8D num. v. ievli.. Auditor of, the City of Portland. June 18, 1U0.V. . - otti JLA, PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR SEWER IN EAST GLISAN STREET, Notice I herehr glren tjiat Hte Council of " . t V,:, " , I iotit-o ib nercn.v 0 1 t en ui. ioc ,.'uecu ,11 ort notl. Yon pay back touthly, eml- the tltr of Portland propoaee to aeaeaa th thlr ' or weekly, THE STAB X.OAHT CO.. 210 McKay. Bldit.. 'nilrd and Wtark at. HOBBY ADVABTCSD. Salaried people, teametere. etc, without aecur Ity, eaay paymenta;" lurgett buclnee in 40 principal cltlea. TOtSJAW, 893 Ablnyton Bldg. MOBTOAOB LOABS. " On Improved city and farm property, at low eat current ratee; building loan, lnatallmeot loan. , . ... ... Win. MsoKsstsr, - ' 811 Worcewter hldg. CITY NOTICES. POTTNDMASTER'S M0TI0I, Notice 1 herebr jrlven that oti the 1.1th day of June,; 1903. I took up ami impounded at tb City Pound, at No, 201 vllxteenth atreet, lu the -City of f Portland. Oregon, v the fiillowlng de. acrined animal; One flea-bitten gray horee, both ItlMi. .Mt .kjul . ...1 UAa.,k. ..H n. pereon or per on hvug n intereat therein, hall -claim poaaeaalon of the aamc. ami pay all mate and charges of the beeping and ad vertiaing them, together with rh" uiuud fet on ald .animal, aa provided by Urdlnnnci No. 6925, - aa amended, of aald City of Portlairl, t will. .i 11,. With tlw nf . J.i.u..- IUiCi . , tbe bour of ili a. lu., at the City Poiiinf, et No. -iiSl BUteei'ith atreet. In anld cltr. eelj th alaivn deecrlbejt animal at pulillr uiietlnft to the blgbrat bidder,, tn pay tbe cunt, and ehargna for' taking up, keeping and adrertialng euih nimal. . 1 bated tha 13tb 4uiof June, loon. ' - . 1. W. UK ED, '...u i'vuiulmaater. fill In wl 112 deacrllteu liruoerLv and owner i.r oivi;,H-a a Being apecially ana liecuuany iiene fltec' in the amount act opposite the name, aud deecrlptloua tbennif by -the conatructlon of a aewer in Eaat Gllaan atreet, from tho eaat line of Hawthorne' Flrat Addition to Eaat Portland to a couuectlon with the aewer' In Eaat Twenty-eighth atreet,, aa provided by Or dinance No. 13.1q0. Anr obleetlona to tbe apportionment of cnet for aald. aewer muat be made in wrltiig to the r-iuncil ana mm witn tne Aiinuor witnin nrteen daya from the date of the flrat puhltcatlou of thla notice, and aald objecttona will ba beard and determined by the Council before -the paaaage of iu ordinance aealng tho coat (,ir alil aewer. Hawthorn' Flrat Addition to Eaat Portland-Block 1, S 100 ft. lot 10. Tbe Haw thorne Ette t 83 58 Bluet 1, 8 100 ft. lot 9, William E. Dudley- ...... 1 35.63 Block 1, S 100 ft. kit 8. The Jlaw- ' thorue Eatate 39.53 Block 1, 8 100 ft. lot T, XTbe Haw thorne Eatate , -35.65 Block 3, too ft- lot 12, The Ha- . ' thorue Eatate ....' 33.55 Block 8. 8 100 ft, lot 11, -Tba Haw thorne Batate .. .., 85.55 BkHk 3. H 100 ft. lot 10, The Haw thorne Eatate ...i 85.55 Block 2. X 100 ft lftt.9, The Haw- a' 1 tbnrne Karate . ........... ......... ,k f 33.35 Blm-k t, N loo ft. lot S, Bernard P. ' Mrtllnnla .......................... 85.55 Block-a, 8 100 ft. lot 7, Delia A. . - Butler . 1 . . . , .". , . , . . ..... s .-, 36.55 Block 3, H ta) ft. lot 12. The Haw- therne Eatate . , 85.65 Block 8, M iuo ft. kit 11, The Had- tborue Mat a to ...... ,.' 33J18 BltK-k a, m 100 ft, tut 10, Th Uaw PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR IMPR0TE BERT OF EAST VIXZTEEVTK STREET. Notice 1 hereby given that the Council of ine citg ot i-ortiana propoee. to aeaea .th following deacrlbed property and owner or owner aa being pedally and peeullerly bene flted In the amount, aet oppnelte the nameti and deaoriptlona thereof for the Improvement of Eaat Nineteenth etreet, from the north line oc .-uuicnnman atreet to the (ninth line of ., rtniw "hci, proviueo ny urainance r,o. 13.077. Any objection, to the apportionment ef coat for aald Improvement muat be made la writing to tbe Council and Sled with tbe Auditor within 15 dare from th date of the flrat nuhii.,i of - thla notice, and .aid objection, will be ueara ana aetermineq oy th Council before tbe paaaage ef the 'ordinance auesalng tbe coei pi en 111 improvement. , , John Irving'. Flrat Addition to Eaat Portland Blk 4, N 103.7 ft. lot 1, Joeepblne H. Kuaaell a or et. Blk 4. N 103.7 ft. lot 2, Joaephlne H. Ruaaell ll.UC oik , n 24 it. oc o no it. lot 1. will- lam B. Gierke and Frederick Glafke. ...r-. ' i.- .'- !....,..... 22.93 oik , n vt ti. or n no rt lot z. Will iam . uiarae and Frederick Glafke. Jr. ..... 9 on Blk 4. 8 36 ft lot 1. R. G. Hamilton. . :u M Blk 4. lot 2. R. G. Hamilton 4.23 uoiiiniT i-ara Ann inn in t'nrt I. nt Oregoh ' Blk 12, kit 2, R. O. Hamilton........ 4..1; Blk 12. lot' 1, B. G. Hamilton 61.4.1 Blk 7, tot 16, F. W. Wegner. 1.2.D6 MS 7. lot 10, r. w. Wegner 14.44 Blk 7. lot 2, Tbe Title Guarantee ft Truat Co.... 15,03 Blk 7. lot 1, Tb Tttl Guarautee ft Truat Co 1 inn 41 Blk 6. tot 16, The Title Guarautee A Truat Co 157.70- oik o, 101 10, xne lit io uuarantee ft Truat Co 8. IS Blk 0. lot 2, The Title Guarantee ft Truat Co ig,j Blk 6. lot 1, Tbe Title Guarantee ft Truat V 186.27 Blk 1. tot 16. The Tide Guarantee ft Trnat Co ' 530.21 Blk 1. lot 15, Tbe Title Guarantee ft Truat Co. 24.05 Blk 1. lot 3. The Title Guarantee ft Truat Co je.M Blk 1. lot 1, Tbe Title Guarantee ft Truat i'-o , 197.67 John Irving'. Flrat Addition to East Portland Blk 3. N 100 ft, lot S, Charle. H. preeeott ;..,".',. 05.90 Blk H, N 100 ft. lot 7. ChaHea 11. I'reaeott 11.71 Blk g. 8 64 ft. lot 8, Tbe Title Guar antee ft Trut Co ., 01.41 Blk. 8. 8 64 ft. kit 7, Th Title Guar antee ft Truat Co 7.J3 lioiiaoay rark Addition to Port land. Oregon: 1 Blk 11. -bit 7. Tho True Guarantee ft Trnat Co 4.02 Blk 11. tit 8.. The Title Guarantee A . Trnat Co 02.rt! Blk 8. lot 9, Tho Title Guarantee ft Truat Co, : 10T 11 Blk . lot 10. F. W. Wegner 10.40 Blk 8. lot 7. Tho Title Guarantee A Trnat Co. ..... ; ; 10.03 Blk 8. lot 8. Ch Title Guarantee ft Truat Co....... 213.30 Blk 5. bit 0, The Title Guarantee ft , Trut Co. , 136.46 Blk 5. lot 10, Tbe Title Guarantee ft Tmat Co. - a iti Blk S. lot 7, The Title Guarantee A Truat S-n la.JI Blk 6. lot 8. Tbe Title Guarantee A Truat CBk. ,. iur to Blk 2. kit 0, The Title Guarantee ft ' .Truat Co. ...... j ...... , , 261.00 Blk 2. lot 10, Tbe Title. Guarantee A i Truat fo:...'. 25.5i) Blk 2. lot 7. The Title Guarantee A - rit vo. ,r, ' ' 21.32 21 lot 8. Toe Title Guarantee A. Truat vo. ... ,n J37.J8 ft Truat Co Bbick 66. lot S, Tbe. Title Guarautee ft TrHaf Co Block 66. kit 9, The Title Guarantee lruat Jo. ToUI 42 64 33.03 51.35 84.36 36.81 37.59 36 85 11,214.38 THOU. ('. DEVLIN. Auditor ot th City of Portland. June IB. 1908. PROPOSES ASSESSMEBT FOR IMPROVE MENT OF EAST WASHIX0T0N STREET. Notice ia hereby given that the Council of the City of Portland propoeea to aaeeaa tbe following deacrlbed property and owner or own er .. being apecially and peculiarly benefited In the amounta aet oppoelte tbe namea aud de scription thereof for the Improvement of Eaat Washington atreet from tbe weat line of Hiinnr ide Third Addition to tbe eaat line of Suunyalde Third Addition, aa provided 1 y Ordinance Nu. 13.132. Any objection, to the apportionment of coat for aald Improvement muat tie made In writing to tbe Council and filed wlih tbe Auditor within fifteen daya from the date of the flrat publica tion of thla notice, and aald objecttona will be heard and determined by the Council before be paaaage of the ordinance assessing the coat of aald improvement. Runnyalde Third Addition to Portland. Oregon: Block 61, lot 16, Tbe Bunnyalde Land A Improvement Co f 18.86 Blork 61, lot 15. The Sunnyalde Land ft Improvement Co 22.05 Block 61. lot 14. Tbe Hunnyalde Land ft Improvement Co 24.23 Block 61. lot: 13, The Sunnyalde Land ft Improvement Co - 42.88 Block 61. kit 12. The Sunnyalde Land ft Improvement Co 27.93 Block 61, kit 11, Tbe Sunnyalde Land A Improvement Co 88.26 Block 61. lot 10, Tbe Sunnyalde Land ft improvement to as.DZ Blork 81. lot I). Tb Huunyildo Laud ft Improvement Co 40.80 Block 62. lot 18, Tbe - Sunnyalde Land ft Improvement Co . 3782 Block 62. lot 17. The Sunnyalde I .a mi ft Improvement Co.....,,,.,.,..,. 33.98 Block 62. lot 16. The Sunnyaldv Laud A Improvement Co 130.75 Block 02, lot ia. ine Hunnyalde Laud ft improvement Co. . . Block 02. lot 14, The Sunnyalde Land ft Improvement Co Block 62, lot 13, The Sunnyalde Land ft improvement Co.. CITt BOTICES.' PROPOSES . -ASSESSMEBT TOR IMPROVE- . BENT OF EAST M0RRI80X STREET - Xntlce la hereby 4an thai 4W 'Cin.ll -Af tne city oc rortiaua impu to , the fol lowing aeaerioea property ntnl owner or owner aa being a peels ll ,m 1KHU,rr benetttrd in cue amounia set opiHieite the tiaiue .ml ue acrlptlon thereof for tbe Improvement of East Morrlaon atreet from the wrat lino of Mtiunvslila Third Addition to Ibe eaat line of Munuyddn Tiurn Auumou, .. proviueii pjr to. 13.133. v. . ' Any objection, io tbe mirilnniiuut of eiiat Tor aalfl improvement must be made In writing 10 me vouiuii anu men wiiii in Auditor Willi In fifteen day. from the date of the flrat liubll ration of ttola notice, and aald olijwtlon will bo heard and determined by the Council befit the paaaage of the ordinance asealng th coat oi eaia .luiprovement. Suunyaldo Third Addltlnn to Portland, Oregon Block 65, lot 10, Tbe Title Guaraute ft Trnat Co..... .. 16.54 Block 65, WH lot 15, Tbe Title Guaran- , tee ft Truat Co 0.20 Block t EH kit 15, Bernard K. Witter. U.2U BkuHt. 65. lot 14. Bernard H. Witter 19.53 Block so, lot 1, J ha Tltlo (iuarautee ft Truat Co Block 65. kit 12. Laura Unltu Block 65. lot 11 Laura Break . . . Block Al. lot 10. lJiur Breske Block 65, kit 9, l.sura Break Block 66, lot 1. W. P. Benedict Block 66, lot 17. W. P. Benedict. Bl'k 66. kit 16. W. P. Henedlrt... Block 66. lot 13, Tb Title Uusrant ft Truat Co. Block 06, lot .14, Th Title Guarantee A Truat Oo. Block 66, tot 13, Th Title Guaraute ft Truat Co. Block SO, lot 12, Th Title Guarantee ft Truat Co Block 66. lot 11, Th Till Guraate ft Truat Co, Block 66. kit 10, Tbe Title Uuarautee ft Trnt Co e: Block 68. lot 1, Tb Title Guarantee ft Truet Co. ., Block 68, kit 8, Tbe Title Guarantee ft Treat Co. Block 68, lot 8. The Title Guarantee ft Truat Co , Block 68, lot 4, Tbe Title Guarautee ft Truat Co Block 68. lot S, Tbe Title Guarantee ft Truat Co. , Block 08, lot 6. Tb Title Guarantee ft Truat Co ; Block. 08, lot 7. Tbe Title Guarautee ft Truat Co Block 68, kit H, Tbe Title (iuarautee ft Truat Co Block 67. lot 1, Tbe Title Guarantee ft Trnat Co Block 67, lot S, Tb Title Guarantee ft Truat Co Block 67, lot 8. Tbe Tltlo Guarantee A Trnat Co Block 67. lot 4. The Title Guarantee ft Truat Co Block 67, lot 5, The Title Guarantee ft Trnat Co Blork 67, lot 6. The Title Guarantee ft Truat CO Block 67, lot 7, Tbe Title Guarantee ft Truat Co Block 67, lot 8, Tbe Title Guarantee ft Truat Co Block 67. lot 0. Tbe Title Guarantee ft Truat Co Total 34.50 22.84 HI 4K 82.02 84 26 1H1.4M 82.111 2d 66 20.13 22.80 16.35 16.37 17 27 18.60 16.34 18.11 18 37 32 85 10.06 27,38 2 117 :to.3o 30.28 23 77 25.03 14.88 22 23 16 62 i29i 18.34 18 87. 8SO0.58 THOU. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of tbe City of Portland. June 15, 1003. the Blork 62. lot 12, The Sunnyalde Lantl ft Improvement Co Bloek 82, kit 11. The Stuinyalde Land ft lmurovement Co...;! Block 62, lot 10. The Sunnyalde Laird improvement Co Block 64, lot 1, Tbe Hunnyalde Laud ft Improvement Co Blork 64, lot 2, The Hunnyalde Land ft Improvement Co Block 64, lot 8, The Hunnyalde Laud ft Improvement Co Block 64, lot 4. Tbe Hunuyafila Laud ft Improvement Co , Blork 64. lot 0. Tbe Sunnyald Laud ft Improvement Co . Block 64. lot 6, The Hunnyalde Land ft Improvement Co Block 64, lot 7. The Hunnyalde Land ft Improvement Co Block 64. lot 8, The Hunnyalde Land ft Improvement Co Blork 8.1 lot 1. The Sunnyalde Land ft Improvement Co Block 63. lot 2. The Hunnyalde Land ft Improvement Co.. Block 64, lot 3, Tbe Hunnyalde Land ft lmurovement Co Blork ea. lot 4. The Hunnyalde Land ft Improvement Co Block 03. lot 5.-- The Hunnyalde Land ft Improvement Co Block Ki, lot 0. The Hunnyalde Land ft improvement Co Block 63. lot 7. The Hunnyalde Land ft Improvement Co Block -63. lot 8. The Hunnyald Mud ft improvement (0 Blork 0:1. lot I). The Hunnyalde Laud ft improvement co 10.74 29.58 30.16 30.85 20.34 18.87 23.78 25.75 86.59 41.87 23.06 20.80 30.U 32.13 28.05 25.80 25.34 10.22 32.15 22.08 21 .S3 lit SI 1828 Total 032.20 Tlltm. 1 . HKVl.lN. . Auditor of the City of Portland. June 15, 100o. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OP IM PROVEMENT OF SEVENTH STREET. Notice la herehr given that William n. Elliott. Cltr Engineer, haa filed In the office of tbe undersigned notice that Tbe Trinidad Asphalt Paving Company, contractor for the Improvement of Seventh treet. under th pro vision of Ordinance No. 12.H02. haa eomnleted aald atreet, from tho center line of Morrison atreet to the south line of Burnaldo atreet Held acceptance will he considered lir the Executive Board at -4 o'clock on the 19th day of line, iwi.i, ann (injections co tne acceptance f aald atreet or any part thereof may bo filed In the office of the undersigued at anr time prior (.hereto. 111K 1,11.1 I J1VK rWAHU. Be THOH. f". DEVLIN'. Auditor of tbe Cltr ot Portland. June 13, 1013. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF SEWER IN EAST 0LI8AN STREET. Notice is hereby given that William ('. Elliott. City Engineer, baa filed tn th "IT Ice of -the uuderajgiied notice that E. W. Itlner. contractor fur tb construction of a aewer In Eaat Gllaan atreet. from the eaat line of Haw thorne First Addition to the proposed sewer In Eaat Twenty-eighth atreet. under the pro vision of Ordinance No. 13,100. baa completed aald aewer. Said acceptance will bo considered by the Executive Board at 4 o'clock on the 19th day of June. 1008. and objection to the ac ceptance thereof may be filed In the office of tbe undcraigned anv time prior thereto. THE EXECI TlVE BOARD. . By TH0S. C. DEVLIN. Auditor, of the VI ty of "Portland. June 13. 1003. PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR ' IMPROVE- PR0VEMENT OF . EAST THIRTY SEVENTH STREET. Notice la hereby given that tbe Council of e City of Portland nrom aea tn aaaeaa tba following dearrihed iirooertr and owner or owa- era aa being apecially and peculiarly benefited In tb amount act opposite tbe name and descrip tions thereof for tbe Improvement of Knut Thirty -seventh atreet from the celiter line of Eaat Yamhill atreet to the south Hue of Base Llue Road, aa provided by Ordinance No. 13.1,15. Any objectlou to the apportionment of inst for aald improvement roust be made In wrltlna to tbe Council and filed with the Auditor within fifteen daya from tbe date of the flrat publica tion of tbla notice, and said objections will be heard and determined by tbe Council before tbe paaaage of the ordinance assessing tb coat of aald improvement. Bunnvaide Third Adriltlon to Portland. Oregon: Block Jil. lot 8. Th Sunnralde Land ft Improvement Co $ Block 61, kit 7. The Sunnyalde Land ft Improvement Co Blork 61, lot 6. Tho Bunnyalde Land A Improvement Co Block 61, lot 11. Tbe Sunnyalde Land A Improvement Co Block 61. lot 10. The Sunnyalde Land ft Improvement Co., Block 81. lot 9. The Sunnyalde Land ft Improvement Co Block 64. lot H. The Suunyslde Land ft Improvement Co..,.. Block 04. lot 7. The Sunnyalde Land A Improvement Co Block H4, kit 6. The Hunnyalde Land ft Improvement Co Block 64. lot 11, The Sunnyalde I -and ft Improvement Co Block 64. lot 10. The Sunnyalde I -Slid A Improvement Co....; Block 04, lot 0. Tbe Sunnyalde Laud ft Improvement Co Block 05. kit 8 The Sunnyalde Laud ft Improvement Co Block 03. lot 7. The Stinp.raidc Land ft Improvement Co. ... ...... , Block 05. lot 0, The Sunnyalde Land ft I mnrovement Co Block 05, lot 11. Laura Breske , Bkick 65, lot io, Laura Breaks... Block 65. lot 9. Laura Break Blork 68,' lot 8. The Sunnyalde Land ft Improvement Co Block OH. lot 7, - The Sunnyalde Laud ft Improvement , Block 88. lot 6. Th Sunnyalde Land ft Improvement Co Block 68. lot 11. Tbe Sunnytld' Land ft Improvement Co Block 68, lot 10. The Hunnyalde Land ft Improvement Co Blork OH. lot 9. The Hunnyalde Land ft Improvement Co Block 69, lot 8. Tbe Suunyslde Land ft Improvement Co Block 69, lot 7. The Hunnyalde Land ft Improvement Co Block 60. lot 0. Tbe Hunuysld'e Land ft Improvement Co Block 60, lot 11. Th Hunnyalde Land ft Improvement Co Block 60, lot 10. The Bunnyalde Land ft Improvement Co Block 60. bit 9. Tbe Hunnyalde Land ft Improvement Co Block 62. lot 1. Tb Hunnyalde Land ft Improvement Co Block 02. lot 2, The Hunnyalde Land ft Improvement Co Block 02. kit 8. The Sunnyalde Laud ft Improvement Co Blork 62, lot 10. The Hunnyalde Land ft Improvement I'o Block 02. lot 17. The Hunnyalde I-and A Improvement Co Block 02. lot 18. Tbo Hunnyalde Land ft Improvement Co Bloek 6. lot 1. The Hunnyalde Land ft Improvement Co ;. Block 03. lot 2. Thn Hunuyatd Land ft Improvement Co. 1 Block 63.- lot 8. The Hunnyalde I.snil ft Improvement Co Block 0,1. lot 16. Tba Sunnyalde Land ft Improvement Co Block 63. lot 17. The Hunnyalde Land A Improvement Co Blork 03. lot IN. The Hunnyalde Lund ft Improvement Co Block 66. lot 1. The Sunnyalde Land ft Improvement Co Block 60, lot 2. The Hnnnyslde Lsnd ft Improvement Co Block 60. lot 3. The Hunnyslde Land ft Improvement Co Block 00, lot 16. W. I. renedlct mock lfl, lot 17, w. r. lleneOiet Bloek 60. lot 18, W. p. Benedict Block 07, lot 1. The Suiinsyslde Land A Improvement 'o Block 67. lot 2. The Hunnyalde Ijnd ft Improvement Co Block 07. lot 3. Tbe Sunnyalde Land ft Improvement Co Block 07. lot 10. 'Ine Hunnyalde Lam! ft Improvement .Co Bloek flf. lot 17. .The Hunnvsidn Land ft Improvement Co ,.. Block 67. lot 18. (The Hunnyslde Lend ft Improvement Co Block 70. lot 1. ,Tb Bunnyalde Land ft Improvement Co Block 70. lot 2. The Hunnyalde Land ft Improvement Co Block 70. lot 8. The Sunnralde Land ft Improvement Co Block 70. kit 18. The Hnnnyslde Land ft Improvement Co Block TO, lot 17. The Hunnyald Land Improvement Co... Block 70. lot 18. The Hunnyslde Land ft Improvement Co. j 65 84 2.34 156 "4 44 6.67 83 23 6S.72 4.8S 3.26 5 19 7.77 86.93 81. 12 6.84 4.56 , 3.H7 5.N2 71.60 60.47 1.50 1.00 2.36 3.55 63.44 67.43 4.35 8.90 12.15 15.02 86.90 . 56.78 2 60 1.67 4 48 6.63 83.35 7265 0.50 CITT NOTICES. Tor the Cl7 of'ortTand must but excrsd ali feec nnaer propeller wnen Hilly erpnpped. Tblnt No hid Will Ik, conslilired fi 4-i ihnboae wUb .- capacity -tttcrn - tl.taw 'gallnas per minute. Fourth Separate tdda will he received for puuip and In any aivard tor the riiiistnietliin of a flrrboat the Esecutlve Board ri-s.-rfos to th City of Portland the right to fnrrMi the primp, sulci piiinpa to bo placed In position lu the boat by the party constructing thr boat and aa . part of aucb eonetructkni, Klfth -Each bid must be srrnmiHiulcfl hy a certified rlii'truo on a reapoiisllile bank In the City nf Portland. Orrgmi, for the sum of Tbre Thntunnd Dollars, or by n lsind tor a like Binininf, to be approved by thn Mnrur of the city, aa a guarantee, to the effect that If the routraet for tho ninatnictlnn nf aald flreboat he awarded tn aneh Milder, he will enter into contract therefor ami furnish to th City of l'ortland. Oregon, a good and sutll eleut bond, to Im unproved by the Mayor, In tbe aum nf .$40,000.00, for thu faithful ctocu llon of said contract. The right Is reserved to reject an;' rml all bids. Bids should he n the nvecutlv Board, rare of Th.. C. flerll'i. Auditor, I'ort laud. Oregon. Tl'OS. c. nm.IN. Amlltor ef the City of Portland. Dated June 1. 1003. CITY NOTICES. 00MPHTION 4MB ACCEPTANCE 0T IX V" raTOVIMIRT OF SITUttH STBtlT. ' '' Kottrv" I hereby . gives - that William C. Klllntt, City Knitliieer, ha bled In,, tbe ef 1 of the umh-ralis'M-il notice tlmt Irslierr Kt. lug. contractors for the H4-e..eme:,l of tievenih street, under tbo nroil-em. o( e v . 12.kU.'l. have .Aintiilel' if )! trif, from ' the center line .of flswicr street tu I be rertt'f line of Kverett atrevit. . Haid aeeeptanee will be cottatilerMt fcy .tba executive Ikiaril t I Y.lit ru Hie 0thsur.f Jane, inn, ami whjo, tl. n tn th eceet tunm nf said street i.r any pert thereof may be li 4 In ili office of the nmlerlsed at any ( prior, tbsr.jto. 1 " ' i THE KXRCI HVE BMRi - ? Bv Tlltm. C, DKVI.IN,' ' Auditor of tho-City ef Portlaaa. f June lit. isi;i. 1 J - v. ,' i - . f COMPLETION AND ACClfFTAKCE 0W VkC" rniiit r ivt f r tiir 1 ir.r aivr tt w wt m . STREET. 'V". fc-lll... IH... u..i.. - .. 1- ..... .. .1 , u. , MiRinr-r. iini. ill,-,, in IIH" prip-W ... .,,l..vI..K .1 1.-. Ii.niu I. . ' -.!. u 1,011,,- iwilir t .m-ttoj roiitr.irlors fir the Improvement ef En SI Seven- feenih tv ;. mnler Hie provlal.m of Druluanre o. lin.i. nnve cnnipien a salil strew, tn iur i-i-iui-i no 01 i.riHo.i,n .to ui paeii, . , 'euro line ,,f IViwcll atreet. from th renter line of Clinton lre, 1 1.1 thn cecter Hue of 'Isagsrr street. ' ' 'j Said ai - eptiim e Ml be- cun.ldered he th 1 Kni'cjtlte Uuanl nl 4 o . Io. k on the Ifith day vf j .Kiiii', ii'... uiiu iji'i-iMMia 01 in acceptor". -I of ssld strei t uf niiy oi rt thereof may lie filrd In the otriei. ,f t:ic ni di rslguvd at any tlai I H IUI I HIT, Hi. . , . 1 iiriKii. H' I HUH. r DEVLIN. 1 , I,,, in. ..r . Jaee 111. HSi;:. COMPLITION AND 7ccipTANCE oV". PROVIMIaT 01 THIRD SIRIXT. Vnllr. 1. k....!r , Ivh ik! V llll.n. to lb t'nunrll and Died with the Aiidllnr within i-m,,,, , u i-,,., 1,,... ,,. .1...1 1. ,u ii fifteen days from the date nf Ihe nrst publli-u t the' Understgned miflee that Miller ft Baeer, tkiii of tbla notice, and aald objections w ill lie I , nnlrartor for the Improvement of Third tret, heard and determined hv the ( onncll U-fore : ,i.. ,k ,.M.i.i. . r,r.n.,... m 11 w, . V r, rp ,,i.. 1 pare cnmpieteii aaia aireet. rrim trto renter line FB0P0SED ASSESSMENT FOR IMPROVE MENT OF UNION AVENUE. Notice la herehr clven that the Council of the Cltr of Portland prnioea to sears tho fullo- lug described properly and owner ur owners .a helUK apecially apd in'ciillurl)- lieiietlli'l) lu the amounts art iiniseltie the names and de- (crlptlou thereof for the Improvement of I nimi A ven ue, limn tne soutn II in or r;sst ijsk srrrci to Ihe north line of i:st MnrrlsuU sin el. as provided hv Orilliisucr So. 111. 18."'. Any .oh.lei-tious lo the siiportinnnient of cosp fi. aald improvement nniat lie made lu writing 7.71 10.S2 , 3.08 6.13 0.22 70.34 M.6S 7.4o 4 03 3 20 1 (12 Oil. 04 8 1. 36 1.87 1.11 2 10 .1.20 01 TT Oti. so '4. 00 12.20 15.35 of aald Improvement. East I'orl anil: Block 81. KS lot 8- William K . M-it Ml) BbH-k 81. E 25 ft. of W ftnl. hi N. barle II. Itagclv BlucA AL..W tU-M David-af- rety Block HI. Kt of N 4U.9 ft. lot 7. HI Ills m K. .Ilartsall lllm'k Ml. HO inches of K', Im 7. Htefano Allegrniil BliM-k HI. K 25 ft. of W M ft. lot 7. Char es II. Itaffetr llliH-k al. W 25 ft. kit 7. David Haf- fety 04.02 Block Ml. N 19.5 ft. lot 6. Htefauo Allegranl ' 50.85 Block HI, H 30.6 ft. lot 6, H. A. Crlppru 4Cetate. helra of 79 52 Block Ml, lot 6. H. A. Crlppcn Eatate. helra of l.H.Pn Rlock H2. lot 8, Louise Loans 137. MB HIiM-k X2. lot 7. Umlaa Ikua 1H1.HK Blwk H2. kit rt, Ijxil.a Jgiie a 10 Bkick H2. lot 6, lmlsa Ixigus pw.tvo hlnrk n:i, ku lot 8. John went u ht Block 83. EH lot 7. Jobu Went... 9 iUl HIiM-k s.1, n lot a, 1. r. nrany.... Block M.'l. WtJ lot 7. J. K. Brady.... 40.44 Block 88. kit 6. The lias tborne Estate 06.50 Block S3, kit 6. Tbe Hawthorne Estate.. 70.00 Block 84. lot M, W. H. I.sdd Estate. heir of : 1.W Block 84. lot 7, W. H. Ladd Eatate, heir, or oh ao Block .84. hit - tl. W. K. Ladd Eatate, helra of 62.50 Block Hi. kit 5. W. H. Ladd Eatate, helra of 62.50 Bloek 102, lot 1, H. ft Kebekab linch- feld 67.78 BIock 102. Nu. lot 2. Prank Bode 47.02 Block 102. HV, lot 2. H. W. Church Eatate. belra of 47.02 Pluck 102. lot 3. Bernard Pan...:. . llH.bO Block 102. N 'i, lot 4. Hurah J. tii rlck 67.72 Blork 102. HV, lot 4. Henri' Hlnshelmer 67.72 Block 101.' kit 1, Eugene and Werner Brerinan 142.65 Block 101, kit 2. The Alliance 'lruat Co., Ltd 1J1. 1 Block llll. lot 3. Tbe Alliance Truat Co.. Ltd OS. Ill Bbick lol, lot 4. Eugen and. Werner Breyman ' 60.50 Blork loo. beginning at the north" cut corner of block 100. Eaat Portland, thence sou lb along th w-est Hue ef said block 30 2 feet, thence ea'at along a line .Ml 2 feet south nf and parallel with the north line of aald lilnrk 411.93 feet, thence north along a line 411.03 feet eaat of mid parallrl with the west Hue of said block 15 Inches . l,,nce east along a line 40.05 feet south nf and parallel with tbe north linn of said block HI.N.'I feet, Ibe nee eolith slung a line 60.76 feet eaat of aud parallel with tb weat line or sb Id Dlocle 12. D incnea. tnence eaat .long a lino 60 feet south uf and parallel with the north Hue of anld bbick .10.24 feet, tbenre uorlh along a line Inn feet eaat nf and parallel with the weat llue of ssld block to its Interaction with tbe aald north line of said hlork, them-,, west .king tbe north line of ssld block to pla!1 of licglunlng. I.00 Ise II. Boise and Catherine II Beck 89.71 Block 100, iH'glnnlug at a point In tue ' west line nf block KM 00.3 feet ... smith of the northwest" corner of said block, thence eaat along a Hue . 50.2 feet south of and parallel with , the-liorth linn of aald block 40.93 feet, thence north along a line 40.93 feet eaat of and parallel with the west line of aald block 15 Inches, thence eaat along a line 40.05 eet muth of and parallel with the weat line of aaid block 12.5 Inches.- thence eaat along a line 60 feet aontb of and-tiaf-allel with the .mirth line of aald block 30.24 feet, tbeuc south along a line 100 feet eaat of and parallel with the weat. line of aald blork to a point 100 feet aouth of the north line of aald block, thence west along a line MO feet aouth of and parralel with tbe north Hue of aald block the weat l,io- ,f m1 block., thence to a point at lta Intersection with north along the weat line of aald blork. thence mirth along the west line of aaid block to the plar,. of be ginning. E. A. Baldwin Block l'), lot 3. E. A. Baldwin.... Bloek 100, lot 4. KS. A. Baldwin ... Block 99. lot 1, William E. Bralu- ard Block 99. lot 2, Wllllnm E. Brain- srd Block 0. lot 3, Thomss B. West .... Hlork 09, lot 4, Tbnmsa B. West M..l,l .lata. I.. ,h tin fcf . H, ... Ktreet, from the center line of S3iblll SI rest 10 ill crntrr 1 1 iH- nf Madison atreet, from lb ' ruler line of WaabliiKton street tn th center ! Hue of Abler street. ! n:nu acceptance win oe .fpnaiaeren . enw "" Executive Board af 4 o'ekiek on the 10th day f 1 .lime, IIMiS. and .ibjectkui to the accept and . -. ! of said atreet ur a ay part thereof may lie filed !li ih. oIVIi-m f Ihm ui,leral0Hi(l at anv Hum " lilH EXECITIVB BOARD. II Tlllkd ,1 llVVMV . 11,1.,,, ... an -,,v r,r .-.t.TiaiM, . .Tune 1.1.103. ' PROPOSALS FOR STREET WORK. Healeit rvrono..!. wtll tie received at. th office of the Auditor of tbe City f Portland, v iiulii F riday, June ih. iwok. at 4 o rwck p. m.. nu- me lmurovement oc anaenr aireet. crnm cue ei-at lino of Third street to the eaat line of anre No. 13,370, subject to the provision of-' th charier and ordinance, of tbe City of Poet. . bind, and the eatlmat of th City Ellilueer. on (He. Bids must be strictly In accordance with printed blanks, which will be furnished -en - application at tne onic or in Auuitor -ok tee ' City of Portland. And aald Improvement must be completed on or before 90 daya from tb date of tbe algulug of tba. contract by the - lartlaia tViMraln No proposals or bids win he eonaldered unless accompauled by . certified check payable to tbe order nf the Mayor of the City ot Portland, . certified by a responsible bank for aa anieunl 1 equal to teu per rent of the aggregate pre - posal. Tb right to reject any ami all Hid Is reserved. By order of the Eceeuttv Ikvard." , ' ' ' THUS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of tbe City ot Portland. June 13. 1003. . .' 57. S9 00.50 70.00 70.00 Ort 50 52.50 52. tx PROPOSALS TOR STREET WORK. Healed propoula will be received ' at th , office of the Auditor or the City of Portland, until Friday, June 10, 1003. at 4 e'rVoek p. in., '. tor ine improvement or rronc treec, crom tne , north line of Arthur street to the north line -of neymntir avenne. In the manner provided by... ftrrittian,. Xn. I3.3T1. auhleet to th fieovtalniia nf the charter and ordinance ef the City of loetlanH and the ealltnata-Af ,4tu, IMte Knrliual. ' on file. 1 , ; Bids mnst be atrlctlr In ' accordance with printed blanks, whvh will tvu furnished en niiira lion ai mi ,111 11-w 01 ine jiuiiiinr ., in. , City of Portland. And a Id Improvement mnst k. mmnlalwl m, ... lui Oik al... f.nn .ka. rf.fta, a. Ik. al.nln. nl thai' aMtalpaa. hv ihe - ...!..,. No proposals or hid. will he conaldered nnleaa - accompanied by a certified check payable to the order of the Mayor of th City of Portland. ' certified by a reapnnalble bank for an amount equal to ten per cent oc tne aggregate pro-, nnssl. 1 The right to reject auy and all bid. Is jereby reserved. By order of tbe Executive Boerrt. tikim r nrvi tv a mil tor or we city or rortiana. PROPOSALS TOR STREET WORK. ' Healed propoaala will be received .t tbs .' iim.i. of tbe Auditor of tbe City of Portland, V for the Improvement of Alliina a venue. 'from the ' tilv... .,-.., In Ik. Hk.nnaa. n-n...., 1. . dnauce No. 13.372. an Meet to the urovlelons ' ot the charter and ordinance of I lie city of rortland, and tbe eaumale al the City Engineer. . oil mr, H ils muat be strictly In accordance wits printed blanks, which will be furnished on . annlfamlln. at tn. nmn air Ika Aiioltaut m r ttta , 'I , w n in,,l.r,l 1 n i, a . 1 ,1 ImnMMmaal Mi., a , ' be completed on or before 9t daya from th date -of the signing of the contract by tb narfle thereto. . No propoaala or btrla will be considered nnleaa y accompanied by a certified check payable to Ss tbe order of tbe Mayor nf the Cltr bt Portland. certified by a reaponalble bank for an amount .. equal to ten per cent of . tbe aggregate pro posal. ' i ine ngnc to reject any ann an piua ia aeruy . reaerved. , - . or oruer ot tue r.xecutive noarn. THOH. C. DEVLIN, oiuiiui v. iu. . . . v. a v., ... ua. -Jnna IS llSL't Total 12,006.30 rilOH. C. DEVLIN, Amlltor of the city of Portland. Juno 15, 1003. 00.37 Total Total , - - - mus. v. nati.i.v, Auditor of the City of 4'ertUnd. Jne IS. ISttS, - THE JOURNAL'S iNEWS . 1 IS RELIABLE. NEWS" COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IM PROVEMENT OF SHERMAN STREET. 4 oth- la herehr rlveu that William - rt. Elliott, City Engineer, ha. filed In th office of the undcraigned notice that 8- F. White, contractor for the Improvement of Sherman atreet, under tbe provisions of Ordinance No. 12,035. baa completed aald atreet, from th west line 'of Sixth street to SOU feet west of the weat Hue of 81-th tret. . ' ,-- Said acceptance Villi be considered by the Executive Board at 4 o'clock on tbe 10th day of June, 1903, and objection to the acceptance nf aald atreet erny part thereof may be filed In the office of .the andersigned at anr time prior thereto. .-. .... . .. THB KXECimVK BOARD. I ""'. . By THOH. C, DBVLIV, . Auditor trf til Cltr vt IVfftlaad., - Jun 13, 1901. - . .. . .81,038.44 I nil", i-. iiki,i. Auditor-of tbo City of Portland. June 15, 1003. PROPOSALS FOR CONSTRUCTING FIRE BOAT. Sealed proposals will be rrcelved at tb omen or ine Auauor ot ins tltr or Portland. Oregon, uuttl 2 o'clock p. ra., on Friday. Jolv 17, 1008, for tbe couatructlon of a flreboat In accordance with the following conditions: Fleet For the construction of a flreboat with ateel hull ..nd twin anrew propeller ac cording to plan ane specification prepared bv Mr. Fred Ballln aud filed In the offliw- of tbe Auditor ot the City of Portland. Copies ef aaid plan, and apeclflratinna will be fur nlabed upv.u application being mad therc- Jbt'bnil Fir thr ennattnetloa of a flrebont with either, .(eel hull or a wood bull and with either attigle screw ur - twin arrow ' pro peller according to plans and apeclficatlon, to be submitted by tb bidder with bis bid. -i General conditions which apply to all hid: First No bid will be entertained hy which the coat of a flreboat, ready , for use, shall exceed 100.1)00.00. .- . i Second Tbs siaklmais draft of 'A Sreboat FR0P08Ep ASSESSMENT FOR SEWER IN KNOTT STREET. . Notice la bereiiv aiven that t'l Council .f the City of Portland proposes ti assess the fount) lug ili'scrlhc.l property and owner or owners aa lining specially and iicrulliirlr licne- fiteil in .the ainouuls net optionltc the liuuiea and descrintlons thereof hy -the cousu-ucrtoii of a sewer In Knott street, from a point 523 feet east of the eaat Hue of I nloti avenue to a nunei'(intt with Ihe scner tu 1'iilon avcuue, as provided by ordinance No. 1.1 2 111. Any objections tu tbe apporlloument of cost for ssld sewer niuxt he made In crltln to the Council anil filed with the Auditor within fifteen days from Ihe tlntu of the first liubllca- lon of this , notice. nn.l said oliject ons will lie heard aud determlrieil hy liie Council bfforo tie passnge of the oraluanL-e i.i--fKifr the coet for silt. I fecwrr. Alhlna Block 7. S liHi fi. lol 5, Newman Good. man S 24. SO Hkek 7, H Iini ft. lot it. Conrad Wolf.. Hlmk 7. H in" If. lot i. Henry llelxer. Itl.h'k 7. H li"i ftr lot K, John Krleger. BliM'k 7, S Iim ft. lot 0. Adam Delnea. Bloek 7. s Iini fr. tot Hi. Itcpp. Block 7. H Iim ft. lot II. W.irv I'.. S.'o- tlcld Block 7. H ion ft lot (12, (.W.iit- K. Sen- Held ." Block 7. s mo fi. lot I.'. 'Jnnies C. p. Westeugiir.l Block 7. N 10.1 ft. lot 11. Jhiiics C. P. Westein-iird Bbick 7. . DM I'. I'd -'. Daniel IL Harnett Block 7. N" l'si ti. lot 27, Aue'li:u Bcrrv Blwk 7. . lii ft. lot 2rt. II. N. foci,. erllne . . Block 7. N inn ft In '';.. John Trelor, Blmk ". X lis) ft. lot 2. Mnrv C. ClsrU Block 7. - 100 ft. lot Ccini'.i.l Hcbwartx Block 7. N lis i ft. lol 2:'. John Krleger. Block; 7. . UK) II. . .t .'I., .1 PROPOSALS FOR STREET WORE. . Healed nronoaala will be received at the) office nf the Auditor of the Cltr of PortlaaeV until Friday. Jun 19. 1003. at 4 o'clock p. St., for the lmnrovement of Broadway, from tho rsst line of Carter'a Addition to the center line of the County Road, tn tbe manner provided hy Ordinance No, 18,873. aubject to the pro vlalnn of ibe charter and ordlnaneea wf the City ot Portland, and the eatlmat of the City Engineer, on -file. Bide muat be atrlrtly In neeordanee With printed blanks, wblrh wtll be fltrnUbed en , application at tbe office of the Auditor et the city of Portland. And aald Improvement mint lie completed on or before 00 (lave front tbo date of the signing of Ih.i contract by tb parties thereto. No propoaala or bids will be considered rrnlese accompanied by a certified cheek payable 4j ihe order of the Mayor of the City tit lVrtland. crrtiiled by u responsible 'bank for an amount eqiml to ten rer cent of tbe aggregate pro posiil. The right to reject any and all bid. la l ertby reserved. By urder of the Eiecutive Board. THOH. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of tit) City of Portland, June in. 1U03. PH0PO8ALS FOR 6TREET WORK. Sc.led proposals will be received ' at ' the cfti.v of ihe Auditor vt Iho Cltr .of Purtl.nA :ntll Friday. June 10, IOiKI at 4 uVlcek p. m for the !:iir.ivem.ii!:. of Mjjfsnt street, fr.ini the cmt Hue of L ulon nvenini tn. tho ;st Hup of Eaat SrvcHi street. Hi iho inrni.'l' provldi'il h- (Irdinaii.-e No. 13.371. sulilect tn thn nrnvin. . Ions nt the vbartcr and t,ritiruit.iie of tlw City of Port la ml. ami the atlii.aUe vt tke Cliy Un-tiiii'i-r, i "i Hie. JlhU must l.e st'b'tl.v l:i eccordaiicj '-vlth printed Ulpuka. which will bat funiculi"-!, nu appllcttlloii t I in.- off t . of t!u- Audltnr Of the I t;y ' ! 1 ort'.aiul. A: d salil Improvenwut ruut i.. ivjmrl.'t-'-d on in" before tni dtv. from th unto o, tho sianfcg ui' ilu voutrkct by the p u r I i c tlieielo. . proiosab or bills will be considered mil.' ::oc-iuiii'ini,'d hy a certlfie.1 ehwk psyaiile to tho order of the Mayor' of the Cltr of l'ortland. ('.flirted bv a fkiisms!lde bunk t'..r no amount i-ilml M teu ner cent of thn jira r. ifl.te rni- I I'O' Ul. Iflini ""' right to reject liny urn nil hi l:i Is- hi rebe tu' in ri'Mrti'd. ! Bv irder ef tue Kccuilre Born!. THOH. C. DKVIIN. A nil! tor vt tho City of Portland. June 1.1. Iim.. 24. tin 24.NO 2 4. NU 21.80 21. Ho j 21. SO 21 80 22.30 10 40 i I 10.40 i 1(1 -f0 10.40 111.40 bauson Block 7. Block 7. Tots! . X InO ft. I h i Mo .N lisi ft. lot 10. John Moore. 14-10 f 107.40 PROTOSALB FOR STREET WORK. . M..40 ! RenlivJ nroposiits ttllt lie rfi-clvM at th re. vs.. 'i i orciM or the Auditor nf Vie t :t-' of t'ertlaoa. .'.'. : '.. i i u i.i: Auditor i t tile cH of lVrtland June 15, 10J. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF 8EWER IN KNOTT . STREET, N. Notice Is hereby given that William C. Elliott, City Engineer,' ban tiled lu the -office if thn undersigned notice that J. II. tili-mnwu, contractor fur. the conalrii'Ttlim nf a sewer In Knott atreet. from 525 tort east nf 1ti. cast line-of Cninii avenue to Ibe .newer in Liilnu avenue, Hnib-r tb provision of , Onlniiiic0 Nni 13.240, has completed anld e,t-. Si.lil I ccet'iame will lie considered by tin, ExiHMitivo BoarQ at 4 u'rlnck tm.tbti ltth ilsv of June. 1003, aud objections to tb hecepuuee then of, may he i.l tn the oltiee of lb uuikirsltiud at anr time Prior thereto. , IUl. LXri t llli; lioiRO Vr -l UiW. C. IH:'UN. ; ' . Auditor uf tiie I Mr of lrtlud ' JtU 13 J'-V v -' - - - until Friday. June In. loo, at 4 o cbck p. tu., - fur thn Improvement of wlxti i nth atrawt, from ' 12 feet 1.1111111 of the mirth line of ()fuil lf.-t to 12 feel north of tho sniilb lln of Hurt -sinet. In the manner jirovliled by tirtllnifiic No. IS.3K0. 'ulieul to -thn imvlsbii tif tlt -i charter and orillnancee of the tit of lV.rH.urt; aud tbo eatlmat of aa City . k'nglaver, .n pie. - itiila must" thr-: aWHiy- fit eirdane with t prtntKl blanks. wMi'fi will be ritlsber! - ppUcatbsi at tbe office of th Auditor ef the f llMof t'ortland. Aod .l lui)M'i.veulii( mn-t . 1 lie caiKtileted nn et b..f.- Su 4yf tt'ti t:i tiato of tile slgnjug vf Ihe roetiaCt hy in pur tie tberetd . .- No pMiKMala or Sad iH bo otisldcrvn ufr cconiiuHilcd 4 eertltleil 'ii.rk payable - I , tbe oriler'irf tfie Sle.viH- t:.e 4iri fi7 p... itund certltleit ot r miauielble- t. t ;. .u,.n of iiuu. t .o str cent of, , rrr$t l ., po.sL . 'I nn right tn reject any i-.i. k!1 lu; f :.. 1 rrsi'rvrd. Hy iicifrr ef the PsecutW Pe.i-.l , . f,5. . THOH. C. I.l.t 1.1 V ". 1 A'nlltof of tie tlij vl l' i t:i -l... Juue 13, li".'-. :