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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1903)
THE OTtEGOX DAILY JOUI'AL, -POKTLAND, ; MONDAY EVENING, JUNE 15, 1903 3 m . (terns of Local Interest for Busy Journal Reader's.t ' (Tor Waeblugtoiav, Oregon and Idaho.) ' Nhnarri and thunderatoruie bar . ovciin . ' during the laat 24 buurs la Oregon and South ,v 'weatarn Idaho. -end the weather wvet of IImi trBATsTEB T0BECAST. rred generally cloudy sua threat- Itorky Mountain is gi anlrt. . ' '. . - . T It la much warroar Is Waikluctua and North ern Idaho and cooler In Baatern Miiiitana. No' th The Indlcatloua art for show-tra end thnudrr- cover a comparatively groatl part of It. At all avanta. tha Orrmn Statd may wall be said to have acquitted Iterlfvery wall at Osaka, and the see t Ion gener ally l ont ef which neither the eta to I nor th. country at larva . need do ashamed." --;u , - ' XovaJor' U XJaeela, ' bookbinder a, 1 2 3 Flrat street, can bind your magastne. They oan bind anything- bindablo. WONDERS IRE THEATRICAL" OFFERINGS DO E BY RAIN smasns i.iagai .1 The YlrflaUa. ' This 1 the laat waek of Ralph Stuart's company, at tha Dakar, and 'Tha Vlr- glnlan." a human Interest play of great merit, baoauaa of tha beautlfvl picture of true lova and a thrilling depletion of tha sanctity of tha home,' la the at traction. It's a play you can't afford to paaa up. If you appreciate clever actlna. coupled wltW excellent .tage effect and a love-and-war atory. Beautiful Cumberland . Valley. la Pennsylvania, la- the scene of action, eada Mountains, and local ralna iu Weaters Of nan and ' Western NVfitlng-tou. lt will he Forecast Official., iiiim timiirht and TumiU m.t t tu I Wolff e-Amarlcan. and ne men living solr wa macnin. at a lower pricav m mi carload Iota for cash. We aell to the rider., at wholeaale price. Slgel 8tnltlt, 836 Morrison. Marquam Building. - Taere Is aa aooaa In anybody Journey Ina from Eaat Portland to tha West Hide for anything In the dry foods, bootj, We have an ai these aoodn, and our rents being leas than one-elghtn of -L-mI--, w r that of Wt Bide merchants, It stands Den for gueats... European plan. off f them In low prlcea. - And wa X.OS Saaob and leaWawprovlslons d too. Baumer. East Morrison and at reasonable rates. .- etraunai oros. : i Vnlon f venue. ' The eoast baaohaa ara excellent bloycle I M 01 SXU T6 Cam6 n NICK Ol 111X16 1 n1 th torJr J'n with the outbresk paU.s; Jirou'll want a wheel to taae w n . A Dr - TaI nln OI ,VH w"r- . . K,cn.ara . v."r you. There Is not better . than me . iw I icvm I uiai LCOU UU.UH 1 young, impetuous ana a sieve to annx, The Xlver. The river at Portland this morning a w ' w- w-ap a va eai aiaf) iu mv wa " Is 118 feet and rising slowly. It will shoes or crockery line.' X ' come to a stand Wednesday morning, at m0at endless variety of i V a atage of lit feet ., . .. . j,ue nnii u tha of - CropsThroughout .the ftSlWUift XtZ MnrfhuOCT Hi departed with a curse upon his lips, J1VI HI n VvJll but whan nm of a tarrlhla trnl. In which his regiment is thought to have been engaged, arrives, his wife. Whom he haa often beaten and abused shamefully, sends to ascertain if ha la Yield, Will Not Be as Heavy as Js Usualf but Farmers Wilt In K1"1 fcSht to "lMp .unul the Mam Make Money This Year, tiding of her husband arrives. When Mrs., Calvert Is almost dis tracted with anxiety' fearing Rich ard haa been killed In battle, Vandyke, Vernon,, blacksmith from Virginia, arrives at the tavern, and t.,. m.. iu (k."n , nowa that Richard's . rtna .yt Huy Mer-dlth'a umbrellas. ; 9i9 rhomM Upton's Shamrock III la there came relief. When the hot weather l.n" 1 "thV:' K ,V Xld Repairing, recovering. Wash, and Sixth, hereby challenged to race with the W1L and dry north wlnda had burned and fhiVJlV. "J?. uo"! UL. ..v.. lp-ae'shJa ! flourishing to a con- lnmette River steamer Leona. for 11.- baked the wheat fields of tha Inland iw- m Jrimant wai not in that bat. Iderabla extent along ,tha Willamette. 000.0O a aide, Portland to Oregon City Empire antll it began to look aa though J"?; Then turns aald. and remarks' "I . . Try k. Arnica. Restaurant corner l?,? 1WJ! Zl'rtVX wiu'rorglve v Third and Couch. The best or every- ' thing. .'. . ' -, XVarare anmbera of Portland neonle vie t Orarnn ' nt v vaatcrdav. bent on I L. .v.. .t. t --- -i.. i i. I f . . m . I glnlan pleasura , , . ; f ; i- to. anything west of Cincinnati and I Report, which have reached Portland "J. Uiw . AM JTk ortf orttan4-drdfa la-ewrk-4 think ha cam dart from the Shamrock J grain dealers and ahlppara are to the V" - u -I 'v-mui h!, i,... . e. ikM -tk lnoa.liuca, a at- ern-n bv .' . I h.t k ...... iT .ii .n to nave His wile., in, Virginian, ratner "AV "S Ie.8: r-'i JilK 521? dalvert wasTlled. llterhe Vlr- and the widow are married, and r i i Ina, lust above St. Johne at the loca tion for tha new drydock. Several persons were arrested and fined for shooting along the 8t. Johns water front yesterflsy. -Are yen afflicted " If "so, aak your drurslr - for Qulnean's Remedy. Its curra, are marveloue. rortlaad Club. ISO Fifth street A a star from the sky. effect that tha. general damage will not than attempt to keep her by right of COMMENCEMENT AT Ji STATE-NORM Ab SCHOOL . (Journal Special Service.) ' MONMOUTH. June It The com mencement exerclaea of tha State Nor- a.n wi . ...i u ... iaui ati-uiv u-iuw vvr mil, niuvd in uoi - I , . .u. ... u.. I ..i- ia. .u. .uu w. law. lr WJ, aiiu ua niuui. iw ucr aywiuu ui-ii mi" turn ;tiu turn Kiila liii-hili reduced to almost nothing, Thesa "sero 'Ik!.. e Mill " hnnw ara v.n, tmmr mnit ha " ' 11 - tone of he wheat outlook U iol r BLn rMin. I yield aomewhat leas thsn th. usual ?Z-?'VOr-7l'l.0U.Lr'?i"i . on Chrlstmaa Eve, and while the snow is falling and the wintry wind howling realise profit on time . a "".V" crop. It Is true, but still far from a failure. Fanner, will palatable unch served every evening m Bchoo, D ,aBt 8aturtfay ev.nlnr ,Dd moMr ,nvested." grain expert, say, "'VS f.rH a rood V?rln and from I until U p. m. . Xn Kormtl Drmmtlc Club pre.-nted but all admit that a few hours more of MSltf1?nJ&1SJcTu the ar- t. a-a-aa. inw. haa ramnvad .ri.. t-,.. . w .. w.,v. ,u. w .iny. ..m h.i. .mm nrn. Miss Helen Macaregor is cjeer aa tne Zi. Bruce, plumber, ha. removed t -The Doctor" to a Urae and hlrhly- the hot wlnda would have worked com rom 32 lat st. to zi k. Morrison, just p)Msed audience. The play waa well plete ruin. cross Morrison-st. onage. rnone &ast i at aged and some of the characters were There 'haa not in so year, been an 4. '; played In a manner which would reflect 1 1nstance recorded of north winds recur .V tl 4 ...' ware credit to professionals, while ail did ring during the aame season that they given yesterday at various Protestant wr. : . . I I v'? ""..V." her. Olngle auita the drink habit, and churches In Portland. The featurea Con- ounr raormni ht. u. . rwun ,h.v ., rrnrat Van Pelt aa .Med of mwISdnualcal numbers, of The Dalle, delivered the bacc.lau- that danger J. ' w Prctlc.U past, and g. W thyrt " . . A o reate .ermon. It waa a very appro- that little fear need be entertained. i''",'.n--,d JDOBIS were u aruav urmauv. mwA i..i. -th 1 - In antna rtlatrlvfa fha l-nlnfall waa" an wn7 .u. m. -v.. ... Johns veaterdarr" Severat-thoufiand peo-ir.-r- .i;" "r"V. rr "a.a .. a. K.'. .. not visible to the naked eye. He aa true wife, although ahe might faint mora naturally in tne nrst act, rTanx ump, as Ananias Olngle, a lawyer, and Miss Mary Home as Jemima Jenklna, fur nish much comedy, and because he loves pie visited the suburt , ana rnany rena C(tp,cny with the friends of th. those' who witnessed the destruction of ff" ft.' ho In th . in- klffs and rowed across the Wtllam- ,n,tltuMon a port,on of their yield In this way re- J14 1 hr .,,? whv " .. Thla la Cl.aa Day, and th. following jolced. for every drop of water that feel 'nc' Mi" V Irs ini f''""c' WhJ v.v. M laiaa vinaat . j j . . .i4.n n h. n,.nt-v in any really beautiful woman, bright ana a laxmiBU WW j asp vat a i uruaiaiin WMi i Biiut-rieii aa a ai u uiuta iu I program the chapel: Address of Welcome. general, and damage might better come clever should .be compelled Ay - a play- from too much water than from too lit- ""i"1 " l" " - By Estalla Margaret Robbini tie.' The wonderful recuperative powers of Turkish baths In the city at 424 Wash Inaton atreet. Free treatment on vibrator with each bath. Open even- Inara bv aoDointment Phone Black 1 Oration "Heroes of Science" Il. , ; ' ' ; Squire Whitman the flelds of the Paplflc Northweat were Vandyke Vernon .. . -Oomplatnt. ara made , by resident, of STSiMX SJL I'SZX TrT. ! ! ! i pper Aimna mat cnuaren are iow Oration "Cecil Rhode., the Man and I X . ' " .' U ...i. IT.. I Ananias Olngle prominently ceienraung tne rounn oi H, worth" ..Roberta Jenettle Bmitn """"I" 1 . . 'TJ . Lz Charlie Knox . ti in oHvanna of iii arrival. They Oration "Thu Womrlo Aa-a". written on every face, but in the night j-ov aay they do not object to notae. but that William Gregory Zlegler rain came, and when the morning John Remington when llahted firecrackers are thrust un- presentation or Class uirt ......... dawned, the searea, yeuow stsiKs h&a Kate Calvert .. their doors It Is time something was i.: v'' ry W", uk. on nhB nue 0f growing Jemi?? Atkins " "r - i x ins evrmnv in iiuan nuoivu "in train done. ..... i TL . a r, .. I grcru. . I lur piaue. 1 lie dub ru vi twivuiw, wu- Portland's Protestaul clergy will soon .i.tlng of the Governor, Secretary of enloy a vacation to tne- so wr kiuuh aa Charlie Knox, la a mystery. Following Is the cast of characters: . . . . Relph Stuart . . William Harris Priestly Morrison Frank Camp Ernest Van Pelt , A. C. Winn . . . Don Brunaldo , Helen McGregor . . . : Mary Home , Virginia BrlHsac . . Bertha Holmes Lou Manning Hsttle... Rtar Riinartntanflan, Af Puhlie Inatrue. tains. The majority of the pastora nave tUm Benjamin Schofleld. L. Fllnn. already decided upon the trips wnicn jutg Wolverton. S. B. Aiken, a F, they will take to escape the worries ana Paxton Benjamin Toung, A. Noltner, 3, cart-s of the city for a ahort time. Tne Bi y. Butler and Dr. Calbreath. meets general term of their vacations win am i tomorrow morning, for . tne "transaction about three weeks. " of general buslneaa and the election of Oeora-e A. Sanf ord, who. is the head of the faculty for the enaumg year. The the army branch OI tne I. to- C A., w repona Of nm wtcmiri tgroraiiini iiu lleves that the canteen la tn. Deal ror eecreiary snow ine acnuoi in m the old soldiers, but that it is equany nnanciai conaiuon. as he'd for the young men in tne service. He Is on an unofficial tour of the sNortn- a.... pnV IITO witt and yesterday made an address at I 1111 I hUllrU 1 II I V avavJIie local aesopia-tion'a headquartered dur- I If If fl Lllll 1 111 I -1 fcn. which he exDressed himself as V IIUIV1IIIW1U tated. HORSEWHIPS MAN FOR SLANDERING The Befulator line popular steamer 'TBalley Oatiert" leaves "oitiana oauy foe tha Cascades of the Columbia, af fording everybody a fine opportunity to view-tha magnicent scenery and raging! . flood. Steamer leavea Alder-atreet avharf daily at t a. m.: Sundays a. m. musio and meal a on board. Round trip fare 11.60. Phone. Main 914. Tree . Tomorrow Orange Bkln Food. MAY BE DROWNED (Journal Special Service.) MARSEILLES, .France. June 15. No I tiding, have been received from Mardld or Chaaler, the two aeronaut, who at- thgiVe: 'b. jiv n ; "r??!i iviua wum ea .iivuf wimw v wbw t - ing off shore. The last seen of the bal- m hv Manama Viiithn. the celebrated 1 loon It was sailing swiftly to the west fceautv doctor. This lady is one of three and it is feared both men have been I widow living near Fillmore, accompanied in tha I'nited States Doesesslng the e- drowned, as It 1. hardly likely they T by C. N. Gllmour, for whom she works rat nf hnautifvina the human face as could land across the. English1" channel, aa housekeeper, went to the Calkins Shield.' Vaudeville. It waa a big bill yesterday at Cord- ray's Theatre. Not only big houaes. but very large and wholesome amuaement featurea. So soon aa the orcheatra struck up last night Mr. Shields, who In conducting the vaudeville, hung out the sign which told about 800 people, who were not yet inside, that standing room nnlv waa laft Thin fart however, has RllYnlTI YmirVfr WlHnW f!(WPrS nothing to do with the merits of the DUXUm lUU'lg VVIUUW y0VBaLnoWfc.oP mflny a.tlme have managers a vemura nancner wun a displayed the. s. r. o .board wnen tne entertainment was so interior io expec tations that nine-tenths of those in at tendance wished they had stayed at home. But let It be said that the vaude vllle attractions last night were excel lent and with few exceptions"!!: Is doubt ful If It will not require hustling to get together artists who can do better, Pr aa well. ,: Reins: a aood show from the jump-off. Revolver and Then Proceeds to Administer Punishment, Wields Whip Until She Is Ex hausted and Then Uses Her Fists and the Butt -.of -the Re volverBadly Done Up. AMTTSIMEWTS. (Journal Special Service.) VENTURA. Cat. June 18. Mr.. Teresa Hlssem, a young and fashionable EMPIRE THEATRE I2th and Morrison Stt Phone Mala T8. Tba Northweatern VauderlHe Co.. Prop,. Oaorae t. Biker. Kealdent Manaser. Only Hlh-C1M Vaodeille llonae I'orlUnd. In S 9 .he doe it and removing all disfluro- ments. OanUrmen, do you ever atop and think of the time and money saved, th freo dom from infection and general satis faction obtained by shaving yourself? Why don't- you see Albert Bern!, th druaralst corvier Second and Washington street., about a shaving outfit and be your own barber? He makes a specialty of fine raaora, at moderate prices, and uaranteee perfect satisfaction or money eer fully refunded. , ; The following offlosra have been elected to serve for the ensuing year at the head of the Portland Railway Com pany: O. F. Paxton. president; w. . H. focker. vice-president; J. C. Alna worth, treasurer; Frank L. Brown, aecretary; J. F. Bachelder. assistant secretary: F. I. Fuller, general managor; D. O. Mills, V. H. ' Crocker, J. C. Alnsworth, O. F, Paxton and F. I. Fuller, directors. I The first Sunday band concert given yeaterday afternoon in City Park was a complete success, fully 8.000 people be ing present. The program was excel lently rendered, and it was not until late In the day, when, the evening chill was coming on, that the crowd was win Ing to disperse. There are several req reatlon features. In addition to the musical numbers. Which will soon be Installed tn the park for the amusement of the Sunday Idlers. It la understood that the next Sunday concert , will be given in the North Plaza block, front Ing tha county courthouse. A contemporary, lacking the entcrr Xrjt! o procure a steam-heated collar fHl sun polisher, attempts to oeiuue &a superb adjunct to a well-equipped laundrv. It is a fact that no laundry equipment is at all complete without one of these preservers or linen nner, as tha do not scorch or rot the goods. thus preserving the apparel and extend ing its wear to many times that or gar ments ironed with the old-fashioned aas heated machines. : These burn tho cloth 'steam heat don't Our. Is the only eteam-heated polisher la the, city, and w'r not weeping because the " other fellow has none. Union LaundnT Sec and and Columbia. - Bayvlew Hotel, Nahcotta Wash., the delightful summer resort of the Long Beach region, is located ot the terminus Of the I..R. St N. railroad, on the beau tiful Shoalwatcr Bay. the home of the eucculent oyHter, carloads of which are .hipped to the. Pacific ; Coast' marke'ta very week? We serve these bivalve, fresh front the witter; likewise clams direct from tha ssndi 6f the ocean within an hour from their taking. C. W. Tit own, proprietor. 'Xenry "S. Oosch, speclsl commfs 3 toner of the Lewis and Clark Exposi tion to the Osaka, Japan. Falf, has sVnt friend In this city anarticl. from the Kobe Chronicle, telling of. Oregon', ek' Mbit others, which say. in part: "Tha field in America I so Immense that the Oregon State. In its exhibit, can. Only WOODBURN CEREMONY ranch thla morning and called out Into the road Wilfred McKensle, and cover ing him with a revolver, made htm throw up his hands and then laid on a horsewhip until ahe was exhausted. The people of this vicinity commend the widow, who belongs to a prominent family in Los Angeles. It Is not stated What grievance she had. but It la sup- (Journal Special 8ervlce.) WOODBURN, June 16. French Prairie Camp, No. 47, -Woodmen of the World, assisted try Whlttier Circle, W. O. W.. unveiled and dedicated the Wood men Monument of the late Neighbor posed to have been cauaed by slanderous Columbu. Engls at Belle Passt Ceme- talk. After McKenzle took the whip tery yesterday afternoon with impressive from the widow, she Attacked him wlfh ceremonies. The ceremony was led by fist, and beat him over the head with a Acting Consul-Commander Walter L, revolver. McKenxle presents a sorry Toole, Mr. TOosa reciting "Why Should appearance, but has nothing to say ex the Spirit of Mortal be Proud 7' The cept the action was cowardly. oration was by State Organiser ueorge K. Rogers of Portland. The graves of neighbors were decorated. Special mu.lo Was rendered by Mesdame. Tooze and. GUI and Messrs. Flnier and Corby. TONIGHT TUB Bl? NIGHT. THE BIO RHOW JTONIOHT. TONIGHT AT 8:15 REAL VAI DBVILLB TONIGHT. OO WHEHH THE CROWD GOES TO.MGHT. UU; I MlnB 11, fWeek Starting Monday. Jane IS. UITEB A WD CTJBTAIjr B1TSAWAT AUD WAX.TOV XBAFT AVS DAXiT TO DC KIXXi XABfK WKZTOOMB. ' UTILE BLOSSOTsT. POWBM AHD THXOBOXiS jamxs srax AMD TBB ' BIOSOOPX. TO PRESENT JUDIW TO Itn. i.' Altmaa Will Appear at Selling. Hlrsch Bulldlag Tomorrow ' VlgHt The apocryphal romance, "Judith,' xi.iin. Wnliwidar. Satnnlav and Sunday I'rlraa Matlnwa. ;c. uk; ereiiinf, auc, wc, in- hna and lorn acuta. IMM. Sale or at-ata now on. nox omn opena iu a. D everybody stay ad,, everybody applauded and everybody seamed pleased. .There wa. gooq cneer to it an,-ana. xne auoi ence .waa a gleeful one. :. - 1 -Manaa(a.,afr arausaawlf ' a ftVatrtV gla out an act or specialty and call It tha head-liner. They talk about this feature and expend their hard-earned dollar, and reserve hot air In advertle ing it, and then it often .happen, that some ot nor moaest number on the bill step, tn and win. more favor than th. "big thing." Thla wa. exemplified to certain degree last night, by Stanley and ScanloH, tha .musical team, creating a whole lot mora amusement than the Cockatoo Circus, conducted by several Mr. and Mrs. Cockatoos, under the chaperonage and Instruction, mora ' or less perfect of Prof. Montague- It I. true that these bird, are wonderful and did all sort, of things not suspected or expected. A tnermometer will tell th. temperature of the weather; an audi ence will Just so carefully register It. sentiment of any partlculur part of an entertainment. This should be enough to make the fast known that Stanley and Scanlon were largely appreciated, and they deserved all thay got. for th. mala section of this team Is a real eeme dlan, and In theae latter days comedy 1. all there I. to a sketch of this charac ter, for musio there Is none. Thla re fer. to 'all In the musical role busi ness and it Is safe to say that not one of them could get a Job playing a legttl mata .Instrument, which would bring money for ..alt. The human flag I. a great feature of Mr. Shield.' vaudeville, and nobody wa. anything but pleased with its presents t Ion yeaterday. There were the school children, just a. they marched In the great parade the day President Roose velt was here. Every person In the audience cheered when the pretty poly- scop, picture was thrown on the canvas. and they, applauded vociferously when It waa over. It I. -a striking -feature to the show, and that . a faet. In connection with the moving plo tures. several kindly words must be spoken of "Jack and the Beanstalk" and Incidentally of Edward Shields, who, by the tray, haa developed Into a comedian. Ha .aid some real- funny thing, last night although in three or four tn stance, he wa. funnier by not getting In a word or two when he should have. It 1. not known how much Mr. Shields gets for his act. but he's worth all he pay. for himself. Probably as good a card manipulator as ever happened tht. way appear. In th. person of Edward O'Neill. His work I. excellent and Ju.t enough of It. Ha leave, the .tags when the people ara very much plea.ed with him and could stand more, but it Is better not to surfeit- Lyndon and Urenn. In their comedy sketch, are very. good.. Lyndon doei a clever black-face washerwoman, and the final duo Is fetching, even If Miss Urenn ha. a vole, which would bar her from grand opera. Frank, and Mann are prime favorltea. and la.t night showed It. A polished inging couple are they, and "Why Don't You Write a Letter Home?" although aa old aa the hills, wa. refreshing. Frank. nd Mann are nice people to have around. Ernie and Honegger, the monopedea, give a new specialty In balancing and acrobatlo work. ' These one-legged men could work anywhere, In any place and give satisfaction. The Owens mother and "little boy. It s believed give a quaint and pleasing tttie act. wnicn brings out the child e capabilities a. an actor. He 1. dressed and-looks like a little girl and, so far as acting goes, he will be a' man long before his mother. Mrs. Owen needs naturalness very badly. Rooney and Forrester give a high-class coon sketch, and their dancing la of great merit. One thing, about half - their conversation should be cut out and their work would enhance In value. A word to the wise Is sufficient. Two illustrated songs were rendered by Mr. Joe Thompson, and were well received. Illustrated aongs. it should be said, are as populsr In vaude ville as burnt cork Is in minstrelsy. Mr. Shields has so many people on his program thla week that It takes a lot of writing to cover them all, by even saying a little about each. Finally, It Is a nig and wholly sstlsfactory enter tainment and one which wifl be hard o neat, especially so when the Garba aons, tne famous Spanish dancers, are added to it which will be the case to Sight- These much-spoken-of people were not able to arrive in Portland in time for the performances yesterday. ?The DirierenU Store- Olds, Wortmaiiri King Fift&ar.J I si 'iiiiivu "Streets. IN THE GREAT JUNE ri cam ci.rccn ca. c .A LLLiilVJff LLr JrtLL Men's Fixings GET THE BROOM I HARD " Tell them to come and take them away this week or they'll lose," said our men", wear chief. " I want to make a clean sweep of my stock."- A good move, he sets his stcck. aright; you g et timely bargains; we iaks " our Ion now Instead of later and put a bee buzzing in your bonnet a. to where , to coma to get REAL BARGAINS. ' .' 3 broken line of Men's Muslin Nightshirt they are a bargain tit 75a' They consist of plain white muslin, twill mushn and far-cy trimmed from. ' During our clean-up .ale you can have your size, providing you are t time, at 47c each. 3 broken line, of Men's Golf Hose, fancy tops, plain legs and 'without feet. Value. $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, of a fine worsted auality. Clean .weep 79c each. A line of Neckwear in foulards and Ramachandra, the English square tyle, a nice lightweight, cool summer tie. Value, going aa high aa $1. Clean sweep at 19c - 2 broken lines of Men's fancy Lace Lisle Sox, in gray., tans, blue, and blacks, a nice lightweight, cool summer bock, that we have sold readily for 2 Sc. Clean sweep at I Ac. 2 odd lines of Men's Leather Belts, a!l this season's buy, tho broken aomewhat in size.; colors tani -black; 'pearl,-gray ,"ter "'Tf 6U,"can get'ydur'r size you can get a snap. Value going as high as 75c. Clean sweep 35c P. 8. Several - small lines, almoxt too badly broken to make -mention of, that were selling special last week, will be placed on the counters and marked ridiculously low, for Instance: The few remaining size. In man's undershirts, no dr.., worth II, at 3Sc , The few remaining als. in men'a undershirts, no dr... worth 60c. at 85c The few remaining slses in men's laundered white shirts, worth 11.25, 59a. The few remaining slses in men's fancy golf shirts, worth 871c. at Ma, I M.. .1 HaaiiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaMBaiaMaaiaBBMBaaaiBaiaiaaea. n -We Want You to Give Us at Least a Call Come and See What We Can Do for You Yon Cannot Bin U to Tars Oat a Job Thit li Not Flrst-dus. These Prices Are for the Best. Compart Them With What Yoo Have Paid .Before. Full set of teeth, best that money can buy Good, serviceable teetn,- per set . Jold crowns, 22k . Gold fillings, small. 11.00; large. IS.Oft. All other filling, of any material desired, 75c. AH operations strictly modern. buy tT Alba Dentists Over Eilers Plana Boose, opposite Ccr dray's Theatre. 'Phone, Plain 2796. Painless Extracting! We do Crown and Bridge Work without pain. Our 10. yean' experience In pint, work eoauivs aa to fit Tour mouth eomurlabl. Wa hare feeling aa well aa yon. . Dr. W. A. Wlaa, manager, baa found a aafe way to extract teeth atwolutely without pain. Dr. T. P. Wise la an exprrt at Sold Flllluz and Cmwn and Brldf a Work. Extracting fret when plates or brldgea art ordered. . DR. W. A. WISE. WISE BROS., Dentists Open sTenlnga till S. 8nnday a from 8 to 12. 208-213 FAILING BLDG. , Dtt. X. jP, WISK. k. Cor. 3d and Wash. Stt Or. Main 3020. lu -4 ..... Poultry Netting HELD UNDER HEAVY BAIL FOR ASSAULT Vancouver Man Placed Under $1,000 Bond and Faces a Long Sentence. XSDVOB9 TBCBSK-DAY SUITBS TAQTOTA ASTD STBWPOBT. r?nmmiulnar Juna tha Southern Pa cWc Company will place on Bale Batur-I immortal In literature and art, will be day-to-Monuay excursion iicneia 10 ia- presented at tne aeiang-rtiracti tiuiia- qulna and Newport and return, at rate ing tomorrow evening under th aus- SJ;,$,' .PilJS50S.H, 2t852 oSS- Pce. of a number of prominent Portland 5?ar riaslde report. ? residents. Mrs. L. Altman, well known Season tickets to same points will bs throughout America, will make the pre- placed on sale June 1, at rate'of 16.00. sentation, and those Interested In the ' ' - - history of art and letters are abtlclpat- It's a mistake to imagine that Itching ing a treat and the advance sale of piles can't be cured; a mistake to ku ft or gettts has been heavy. Mrs. Altman is a day longer than you can help. Doan's strong In recital, and la said to handle umimeni uringsiiamni rain vl "i her aublect in a maateriy manner. . To-, mannt cure; Atnny drug store-; 0o. it".--1--.--- ,... tm.n will ha. gin at -8:1 5 o'clock. Cordray's Theatre Phona linln 9C2. "Savb SKA TOTT SKEW TXX SSBPSXTT? Watch for the unUiue and catchy pamphlet Issued by the General Pas senger Department of the Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Company, which, tells a little tale about the Sum mer Girls, Sea Serpent pnA Sunsets at Seaside. The story Is short, but well told and handsomely illustrated, and will make its first appearance about June 10. Copies mailed free upon application to J C. Havo. O. V. & P. A.. Astoria. Or. ajaisipiis tJ.A mmmm. 12N2TIS Have a Lawn ; Like Velvet Second Annaa! Session Berlins Jane 29 By getting a mower that cut. the grass prepares -teachers for" county August ex evenly and smoothly without hacking it - amlhations;. also city 'and state. ' Paying a trifle, more for tho' best "in OBAMHtaS aAOS Pupils taken for WXUPWOOB," will clvo you satlsfaerf rf,T.V r". V' you cannot find In C"P BjiEoiAi sTTOII5S Outdoor Sketch ing, rnysicai Tvaining. ssanuat . Train Inf.. Penmanship plain or ornamental. Book-Keeping- and Shorthand. .'For further information address . ,j ..; tiOh that graded A single look will convince you Prices from IS.60 up. Dayton Hardware Co. : , ; Oor. rizst and Tayloi tta, :. siov or Tita Bia paolocx. Holmes Business College " Eleventh and Yamhill Bureau. . - CordrT4RnMll Hanagera. Purtlnnda Popular r'amllr Keaiirt. Summer f'rlcea Mathwea. if- and 20c. Erenlnira. 10, )c. 30c. MATINEE TOUAI. 2:15. TONIliHt AT S:IV nnwiaii ItTT-PT.Tl, CONTINUOUS VAUDEVILLE " 10 STAB ACTS 10. And Profcaaor Krohn'a Kamonf BtJMAr ptAa. The nvt wonderfnl morlng plcfwre efer plio Jjtographed. Erfry face dlHoernlblc. KEEP COOii V thratro and ahow entirely free from pulrlfactlon. No artlfiolal dprlcts required. a Shields' Park Open. Sunday, June 81. Marquam Grand Theatre CfcM1..!,- ktouday and Tueaday Mght. Juna 10-16, XAST MAN5EEIM0 And her excellent company Id Clydo Fltch'a drama, "THE STUBB0ENVE8S OF GERALDfHE.',' I'rlctMi 1-ower ft.wr. except laat three rowa, S2"; luat three rowa, 1.60; bKlcony. flrat three rows, SI.&0; aerom) three rowa. (1; flrat three of laat atx rowa. T-V; laat three rowa Iu lial-t-ony. ftOe: gallery. 35c and 25c: boxea and logea, $12.50. Adrance aale opena tomorrow (Friday) at M a. in: . VANCOUVER, Waah.. June 15. Rich ard Lavln at a preliminary hearing be fore the municipal court Saturday afternoon was held to the Superior Court under a bond ofll.000 to answer to tha charge of assaulting F. A. French In a detestable manner. The hearing will be had July 7 before the Superior Court. French testified that he had' been "doped" in a local saloon Friday even ing and that while In this condition he fell in with Lavln. Witnesses saw the two together but attached no signifi cance to the Incident, as French was a stranger In -the city and nothing was known of him. French also testified re garding the assault and charged that he was aroused from his stupor by Lavln's attack. The general belief among county offi cials is that Lavln deserves and will receive a sentence of guilty at the hands of the court and this means a term of not loss than 10 years at hard labor. French is a traveling salesman for an eastern Implement company and was In the city on a business trip. Lavln was fprmerly a member of the Seventeenth Infantry and wan discharged for grossly immoral conduct some two years ago. He has 'since worked tn the mills here and bears an 111 reputation. WSObESAUB, SIIAU. Wire and Iron Fencing BANK AND OFFICE RAILINGS Barbed Wire, Wire and lawrn rraelaf. PORTLAND WIRE 5 IRON WORKS ' Maauf actarers. . ,' 108 K. TZBO ST. CO. nAaTBSXS.' YEBY LOW HATES BAST. O. to B. ST. Offers' Big Inducement Travel bong Time xdxnii aaa - Stop-ever. Many Portland and Oregon people no doubt will take advantage of the very low round trip excursion rates to the East offered by the Oregon RailVoad ft Navigation Company, the following be ing the tigurea from Portland:, Chicago, $71.60; St. Louis. 167.60; Peoria, 169.26; Cairo (111.). $72.16; Memphis (Tenn.), $73.60; New Orleans. $85.86; Kansas City, St. Joseph, Atchison. Leaven worth. Omaha, Council Bluffs, Sioux City, St. Paul, Minneapolis, all $60. Dates of sale: June 4. 6, $4. 26, 26. 27. 8. 29, SO; July 16, 16; August 26. 26. Limit: Ublng. ten days from date of sale;' return, ninety days from date ot sale. Stop-over privileges will be al lowed within limit in either direction west of Missouri River or St. Paul. For particulars, ask at O. R. & N. ticket office. Third and Washington streets, Portland. Preferred Stock Canned Goods. Allen A Lewis' Best Brand. Prof. Sheldon Tha World'! Great Palmlat, Now located at "COSMOS." COS, FOURTH AND MORRISON BT8. PARLORS 17, 21, 29 and 30. Prof Sheldon la a graduate of the Tnlroralty of Parla pupil of tho greuteat llrlng authority on phrenology Profeeaor Charcot of Parla. ' He (Prof. Sheldon) l, beyond the ebadow of a doubt, the moat aclentltlc practicing med ium ami pnlmlut lu the world today. Prof. Sheldon hn In hla inwii-slcm hundreds of testlmoula Iq coming from people of all rlaaaea. 1'iof. .Sheldon aatlafie where others fall, hence hla trade mark. "Satisfaction or No Charge." 1H THIS NOT HONEST? COVU) ANYTHING BK FAIKKKI Adrlce glren ou all matters of life. ROSEWOOD. A romantic comedy, by Miss Agnes Kelly of Portland, will be presented at Purkhard ITalt' June 16. Atmosphere Of roses, love and summer time. Ad mission 26 cents. The Baker Theatre George h. Baker, Mauager. Farewell week this week. Last time thla week of Kal!b Stuart and company. Don't mlaa aaylng good-bye. "TH1 VZ&OINZAB.n Brimming , orar with tender sentiment anil , - comedy. Evening. 19c, 25c, &. Mntlnee. 10c, 15c, 55e, '. " Neat week the Maker Theatre Company In x- "A aiXJDEB root." CONCERT - UA1X SLAZIKK BROS. -" -y' CONCKRT KVEttY XIGHT. SPECIALTIES fur tha" LADIES af PORTLAX1), .. - i All kUida fEATHTSa and BOAS CLEAVED an! CtrXXD. MRS. M. 6ILBERT, from Londoa. -160 Ml f lrat. sear eoraer.. Phone Wst 990, . .- PortUnd, Or . , Journal friends and readers when traveling on trains to and from Port land should ask news agents for The Journal and insist upon being supplied with this paper, reporting all failures lu obtaining it to the office of publication, addressing The Journal. Portland. Ore. SHOES to know there, la a ntiracturlng a bard- tops Few people know a good aboe when they aee It. We wish everybody factor In Portland wearing una or mens aim ooya sooe. They are made of asheatua leather, nii with allk. and will not ria. - Tea hottnra . are from the .beat flndlug grade cf anle leather.' Wa also manufacture a fine line of minora", ernlaers' and higgera' aheea. .. ' ' Ther are for aala at 0 WABBTSaTOW STREET. Portland. Or and wa eaa assure tha public that there la ao batter Boa la the aiarkaf for the snoaey. The Reid-BruEiRe Shoe Co. Tourists'Curios W Carry the Lirjtsl Slock of ' Japanese and Chinese c y rio vS IN THE CITY, ONSISTINC of fin Ivory I . Carvinxs. Bronf a and Clois- sonle War, Chinass Ebony j Furniturc.Silk and Satin Embroid eries, Fina Decorated Porcelain Ware, Mattlnj, Rugs, . Etc.. at -special prices. Tourists are cor dially invited to call in and Inspect our magnificent line of . Oriental Curios : ; : : : :, : : i AndrewKan&Co. Cor. 4th and Morrison Sti Portland Riding Club. 4iT' -ai- " " VW"V. ' - ' M'-' i vumtrr-i 4 11 A He haa stood the tt t of IS years' time and today stands aa tn ouly Psychic Palmist and Astrologer whe. tella you the ' Innermost secret s of your life without asking yon a question. Hla work la entirely different from other (sa-ealled) Palmlsta and Clairvoyants, and no matter how many you lisre consulted and failed to get relief from your troublea and nilaferttinea, do not despair, hat Call at once. He udrlaea lore. marrtnfcv dlvurce. speculatlna. lawaulu, ehanet-a, bin-hands, wtreo. awvetbeerts, and. In fact, anything pertaining to huBmn Wel fare. He tella yoa how to. eharyra your llfo of mtafortune to one tif buwiliK and alna glt-pa yuu power to aeeretly attract or InHo-enee-tbe eno yoo br or admire, no" rojjttKr where, locateit; Bo do .1X4 dPlr Bntil Jou have, coasulted" blm. j ' '. v SHELDON, "C0SM0I," lOURTH. AKD KORSISOJT SI. The beat madleal aathorltlea ara soaalmoM In reeammeadlug harsaback r'.dius for acrroua luug and kindred c-jmplJata. rartlcniariy M : this mods ot exercise bear aria I us taia Ws. ! laoat, where the patient caa enjoy the pun " , : tpen air. inhale Nsture's oaone aad tha rsain i aus fra trance, of pine, Sr. eadst aad berokwk, ' It la aafa to say that there la ao country oi i earth where horseback riding la. more, healta- v . ' ful than la Oregon. . PORTLAND RIDINQ CLUB. w, 8. luuwn. junagar. Stt Elavaath St. rheae, Main ii. . (addle haraea aad earriagaa. Kraa k-MfM and 'al- : Today's News Today .