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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1903)
? l 10 THE OltEG ON" DAILY , JOUHNAL. PORTLAND, MONDAY EVEN JTNT5, JUNE 15, 1003. !T IS WOT A LONG-STORY Irnnif ii VAnriTiiTA We have a first-class optician In our em ploy. If you need anything in the way of Glasses you cannot do better than than to " come to us for your optical work. THE ACCURATE FILLING OF OCULISTS' PRESCRIPTIONS OUR SPECIAL STUDY I ' '''''' New Empire' In ; Readiness to Open Its Doors to Portland Public, for 'the' First Time This Evening, - Operate as a High Class Vaudeville House, Employ ing Good Talent from the Eastern Circuit. MANUFACTURING OPTICIANS AND JEWELERS Third and Washington ........ Portland, Or. MURDER TRIAL OF FATHER AND SON Woodson Gray ' and Wa"de Gray,. His Son, on Trial for Killing of A, M, Hallgrath of . Union, Or, jhe Father Found Guilty of Mansiauenter ana coy ac- r quitted - Late Yesterday - by v the Jury's Verdict, : ' '. .. . ' . n t Joffrmtt' Bpeclal Service:) TTNION, Or.. June U. The Jury In ' the Gray-Hall grath murder trial brought in their .verdict Ut evening:, finding . Woodson Ormjr guilty of manslaughter, , . and acquitting- Wade Gray, hie son. . The case baa been of the greatest in ! terest, aa all parties are well known In the community. - There were four at i' torneys engaged on each side, ftnd long i and able were the ' arguments finally - made. v ; - v ... . There seema to be a general feeling of satisfaction - over the verdicts, and .where some are of the pplnion that a : second-degree -finding, flight have been more Just in the' case pt the elder Gray, there Is a sentiment "of relief that the ease is settled.' . rWhen the verdict was rendered, Wood son Gray seemed pleased, although he had been led to believe that be would be ... acquitted. &m,;.- ;..... i. - The crime, which 'was committed about two months ago, was more or less revolting In 1 character, . Young Gray, a mere boy, was expelled from school ror aucgea misoonquet, and It was charged by the boy s parents that A. M Hallgrath, who was a school trustee a the time, waa responsible for their son' dismissal. , On the morning tht the elder Gray Waa on his way to the school for th purpose -of having- his son restored 'to membership, he met Hallgrath on the roadway: the latter waa behind a fence. Gray aays 'that Hallgrath threatened him and displayed a revolver, and vat thla he shot the man. Not killing him the boy Gray, who was with hla father, drew his Jack-knife and repeatedly stabbed the wounded man. In the bat tie Hallgrath's revolver .was taken from him by the Grays. At first there was strong feeling against Gray and his son, but ultimately the sentiment changed. LUCKY BALDWIN'S CITY OF ARCADIA Unique Proposition Will Carry Through, (Journal Special Service.) LOS ANGELES, Cel., June It. E. J. (Lucky) Baldwin haa won first blood In his bout with the authorities, and the proposed new City of Arcadia, that is believed to Je planned as a sporting re sort, where things will be wide open, ap pears to be a certainty , on one of Bald' wins big .Southern California estates. The census marshals appointed' to enum erate the number of inhabitants in the proposed city have completed their work and the total aggregate is in excess of Under the , law Baldwin now haa a legal right to Incorporate his community as a city of the sixth class. The State and Saloon League will take the Issue into court on me ineory mat uaia win's population consists almost alto gether of Mexicans, who are not citi zens, of the United States. rirecraeters Oivln Away Resplendent In Us hew furnishings and with a decidedly attractive program for Its initial performance, the new Em- citizens who have promised to be pres ent are Mayor Williams, many of the public ofllclala and a large number of society people. - Undoubtedly every seat will be disposed of before the orchestra playe its Initial number. Vp tirflnjfbf &VW'thorWnrwiM or decorators labored until the last red strip of-velvet carpet was laid in its place and the last portiere hung grace fully from its supporting rod. . The many rows of electric lights were care fully tested , and found to work excel lently, so after many weeks of planning and constructing the Empire Theatre waa at last ready to receive Its first presentation to Portland's residents. . The theatre, aa stated, lias been ar ranged with a special view to vaudeville productions and the performers have been booked by Charles F. Brown of San Francisco, the booking agent for tho whole circuit, and he has secured a con tinuous line of entertainers whose abil ity to, interest the theatre going public ha been demonstrated - byi many suc cesses in the East More than the usual pains have been taken with this first week's bill and the management seems assured that It merits and will win the hearty approbation of the patrons of .the house. . - .. " , . . ' " WOULD 'NOT STAND FOSTERrS DOINGS A.. Portland Man Has Trouble with ) His Wife and a Young Lady . and Lands in jail After Sen sational Time,; - " v. Steals His fchlld and Then" Re- turns It to Its Mother Is Pursued V, and Captured , Man Comes .from Portland," .4: Uk t 1 i 1 r 5 - ' i f " t IM:' 'V- . i t - t " 1 S ,mm in.!,.' .1 (Journal Special Service.) .. r BAKER CITT, OA, June 15.Word was received here , that W. Foster, of Portland, who has, made , himself no torious In this vicinity by hla actions with his former wife, and with a young lady of this vicinity, and in otherwaya, waa on his way to Dayton last'Mon day. A watch, was kept on the bridge, and several men kept , guard ' of the bridge during the night Tuesday morn ing, after the men on guard had gone to their homes, Foster drove over the bridge, and ,to Hopewell, where his former wife . and child live, - and by force took . the child, from Its mother and drove to " Wheatland with It, bul afterwards returned the child to its mother. Robert - Earl, town ' marshal, and two deputies, J. O. Lewis and John BarnhoHxer, went-rout -to arrest- -Fosf ter, having. warrant for Tils arrest on the charge of carrying off th; steam gauge and whistle to G. B. . Abdlll's wood-saw engine. Marshal Earl went to Hopewell, leaving his deputies to guard the road at the four corners of the town. After Earl arlved at Hopewell andi found Foster ' was on the way back here." and . a talk by tele phone with his deputies, who he at first informed that it 'was useless to continue guarding the road. - ' . round Their Mas. ' Lewis and Barnholtxer concluded to do a little work in their own way. ' They crossed to the Wheatland road, and as they stepped Into that road at George Foster's who, by the way, is not - re lated to the notorious Fosterthey caught sight of their man In a buggy driving"in this direction.. By a little "maheuVerIng"theyrsucceded "afirest Ing him without any trouble; and Mr. Lewis kept him from making any rMh moves with a revolver aimed at him. Foster was brought to town and held In the city Jail until Wednesday morn ing, when he had a preliminary trial before Deputy District Attorney- Little field of McMlnnvllle, and waa bound over In the sum of $300 to appear be fore the grand Jury at the October term of the Circuit Court Falling to give the required bonds he was taken to McMlnnvllle, where he is now con fined in the county Jail. The horse and buggy that Foster drove was brought to town by George Foster, and was then taken to Portland by N. Bradley, and re turned to the owner, a liveryman of that city. LOW BATES TO THE EAST. jeryjArtlcle; in tfe f Store lteju6e3 in Price . - ' Mo $0ns In paying full prlet whin you ' cam ;"7".j?rf lu$t what you want hirt in any tntfanco ' fp , ; at fi substantially rtductd prlet. f , ; ..f . ; - Great Sale, of Satin Petti- Great Sale of Silk Petti- coats v JILL MISSES' HANDKERCHIEFS JiT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES SALE OF DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES- .... - , SALE OF WASH, GOODS ' - SALE OF STATIONARY l . SALE OF MILLINERY Great Sale of White Shir t- ... ;-k; EVERY ARTICLE IN THE STORE REDUCED IN PRICE lEe Convenience QQ KBAT7T AITS DAiSY At the Empire this week. With every purchase in our BO YS' and CHILD REN'S Departments. plre Thoatre at Twelfth and Morrison streets will be formally opened to the public this evening. The management tfnnounoos that nearly the entire house i sold,- but certain of the boxes, stalls and loire have been reserved for pub lic officials and their guests. , The new venture is claimed to be a strictly high-class vaudeville house and Mr., George L. Baker, the well-known manager, says that he Intends to have nothing but the best In that line appear on Its boards, . lie .has personally, su pervised the arrangement of the place and the preparation for tho Introductory opening, -aided by Calvin Ileillg of the Marquara 'Grand, andas both are ex perienced theatrical men, it will un doubtedly be a decided success. The curtain will rise "this evening at 8:S0 o'clok and among, the prominent O. X. ft V. Annouaoes Low rigure With Long Time Limit and atop-over. Those who expect to go East this sum mer will be interested In- the very low The Empire's' appointments are excel- Railroad & Navigation ComDanv. lha lent The Beating arrangements are following, figures covering the round much the in the better ciase trlprom rUjjtn.. n. k"- (in.),; Mempnis rxenn.), iTa.eo; will accommodate 1,(00 people. There New Orleans. J86.36; Kansas City, St are four boxes immediately adjacent to i08eP';i 4ohi"oa01aven.wort2; Omaha, . . , . . . , .. . . Council Bluffs. Sioux City, St Paul, and to the right, and left of the stage, Minneapolis, all 160. Dates of Bale: June then along the sides are the stalls and 4. 6. if. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. SO: July 15. to the rear the loges. All are furnished K; August 26, .25. Limit: Going, ten In excellent taste; Indeed, the whole aay jrom oaie ot saie; return, ninety Interior decorations color scheme and accoustlc mg.woritea oui wim remarKaoiy good or 8t. Paul. For particulars ask at O. erceci. . k. & n. ticKet, omce. Tnira ana wash- One special feature of the theatre Is mgton, streets, Romano, its excellent stage. It ia 55 feet to the gridiron and - is unusually deep. This afternoon rehearsals were being held so as to leave nothing undone to insure the success of . the- initial opening. 0 Electric Appliance! ihould recommend them ta everyons for me in business or in the heme. So handy for so many uses, first cost so small they are economical as well as convenient. We can show you a great variety of goods tiat you will find it to your; . advantage to, useu--W- 9 S PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY Indeed, the whole aays irora aaio oi saie; return, ninety are nlnaHln th I days from date of sale. Stop-over prlv- mHnrnrt;.K-H leP8 WlU b" allowed Within llmU mstlc properUes be- elther direction west of Missouri River J AU.. Ct.... . n it i a dcvwui euiu vuci juccm roruana, JregOa HOT LAKE, LAND BELONGS begins Monday Sale morningand continues till the TO GOVERNMENT Ballinger Instructs 'Jury to Jind for Defendant in Dam ; age Case' Brought - Against Mining Company. Court Holds United States Is Injured Party if Damage Has Been Done on Hardly Able Placer Claim,. 4th OF JULY WHEN YOtf SEE IT IN OUR AD. IT'S SO M0YER t ' . ;, "... ' - . , . - Clothing Co. Third and1 Oak Streets 4' 7;,- The United States is the injured party- if timber has been cut from the Hardly Able phicer mining claim In Baker County, and not its purported owners. .In, the united States District Court this morning Judge Bellinger In structed the Jury in the damage case of Ira Lemon and others versus the Con solidated Gold Mines Company, to find for the defendant, and tho foreman signed the-verdict without leaving the court room. Ira Lemon, Scott Colline, J. M. War ren. Katie warren. A. E. Rutter. M. Rutter a'hd Pearl Lemon brought suit against the Consolidated Bonanza Gold' Mines company to recover triple dam ages In the sum of $26, 966. SO for tho alleged cutting away of timber on tho Hardly Able placer mining claim Judge Bellinger held that tho plain tiffs were not in reality the owners of the property, having failed to fulfill the requirements in order to hold the Hardly " Able claim. "The property be longed to the Government," he said, "nt the time of the alleged cutting away of the timber and if any one is en titled to recover It is the United States At the conclusion of the case the Jury session of the District Court came to a close and no more Jury "cases will come up for trial until September. WOODMEN DISCUSS INSURANCE MATTER Great Meeting at Indianapolis Will-Be Watched with Interest. ' People contemplating a visit to Hot I Lake shouji notify the management atl least one day in advance. The new bath house is completed. Rates f 11.69 to lis so, including baths. , - Preferred Stock Caused Goods, Allen & Lewis' Best Brand. FORD'S BUSINESS Is the AFCTIOX BUSINESS, and If yoq bare FURNITURE er anytuing owe to sell. IT'S TDl'B BUSINESS to see Ford, st 132 Fint t. Phone Main 1028. .We bay for cisn or eu ror you at auction, - . , 3 Big Auction Sales IN'DIANAPOLIS, Ind., June 15. , I During this week the eyes of 710.000 members of the Modern Woodmen of America n-lll hti turned tnxvnpilthla ltv I where the head camp of the order will Each Wtek at 182 RfSt Street bo in thirteenth annual session. The n . . tn "-Lf , advance guard of delegates. Including LJeClnninS 10 a. ITU AVOndaVS. WnBt r. " Y rt Tin f-1 rt n n 1 - f rn v-w Htnlum Jk J ;,- , , ., . 1 , E k' v a. inu (tttullOt WIUCIP, ntiivcu today and the big rush will be on in earnest by tomorrow night 'There is no doubt but that the attendance will be the-largest In the history of the orders t national conventions. The dueetlons to come before the convention tor discussion and settlement are of paramount importance and far removed from the groove s of routine business usually transacted fet gatherings of the kind. Then, again, there will be numer ous spectacular features, including a parade, band contests and camp of the uniformed branch of -the order' to'at- trcct the members, while the central to High Water S3lel Men's $15 ; bf 7c Suits . . . PV.O Get one while we have your size. ' Not all sizes in every kind," but" we have your size in some of them. . , GREAT LINE MEN'S PANTS $C00 TO $6.50 PAIR Come to WELCH for your Hats, Underwear Shoes and Sox. ' ' -- It will pay you to trade with Wednesdays and Fridays. FORD'S Auction Sale At Residence. . 368 North 17th CAPTURE WORLD'S W'EtSH The American Clothier 221-223 Morrison, cor. First St WHEN YOU L0PK AROUND. When you look around and -find peo ple everywhere who con testify tbt there is no tonic builder in the world that" is .equal to the jtreai nervo. flesh, bone and manhood builder,, Sexlne Pills, then -you know Just where to put your money if you need anything to build you"up..6exine Pills are the only tonic and all-around builder that is absolutely guaranteed. . It Is sold at tl per- box, 6 boxeSv for J6. and "the guarantee is as- good as a bank draft. In Portland they are sold only by Clemenson, drug gist, corner Seeond and Yamhill Btreets. The store? where, you get just what you wane . . . ' St., Tuesday. June 16th. MIRS MTRES baa requettad ns to sell lir PTTRI.m ilK'TIflV all h lt..l nul.....j cation of Indianapolis 1 also expected and carefully-kept Ft'UNITURK, etc.. of which to be a. factor in the attendance nrob-I gom of Items are! Extrn.lon tbtv dining prn I coaini, rucarra, auraaa, mantle nea, oaa unaa- Vh -1 : wJer? P? comnwdw,. crpeta. mattlna;. Uos ear. ....j vcuuu uauuu i iu ua utios, DcniiiK, ane mantle eiors, Kitrnen treaa- fought out in the- convention one that -w-;T,e,!-graBcwse,; OOUD GOIM COIN is likelv to result'-In -Drolons?ed and HANGK, etc. ,"' . heated discussion nnrl nn.Bihl l,t H' t ' North Serenteenth t.4 Tueadar ntatea tiiscusslon and possibly , lead to net, at 10 i. bu . II. FOED, Auctioneer. ' the week's limit Is the matter of re adjustment of Insurance rates. , Under tho present system the rate remains the same .through the life of the In sured as at the time of th admission to the society. The organisation has neen ueQnitely. divided on this question of whether the prevailing scheme shall continue or be changed to one that rhall regularly increase- on an estab lished basis as the Insured Woodman Flrat.-at.. was only enough to make one sale advances in age from- year"; to " year, week, tills waa our sale, day, and many v( our -if it rirv nt nnlnna Til cuatomers em to think th a la the best sale mmh; Vn! ?' 2. . PT01"6" of Ue week. We dar not dlaappolnt them. aS member of ho Illinois State Bar, who we alway reaer,re aoma iieclal cnnalnment oi r innm ais.oi xina aaie. ana tnut time we FORD'S , Auction Sale Wednesday, at IS2 First St Wben the amount of furnltnr eent to 1KI hare pretty kit of all kinds of FlJllNITUEB. yo oertalnly will tw-a bis to from which H. I OUI), Auctioneer. hns been the active leader of tho op fpositlon to a change of rate system. w 1 . nugie or, i-rinceton. JIL. CBCpse Jit Ihe tbuute yea are looklne frTr editor or tne 1'rue tooaman, Will be I fiala Wedneaday, 10 a. m.. at 183 Hrat. at nerc to leaa m antagonism to. the pro posed chann-e. On tho other hand, head Council Northcott of , Illinois, with hla lieutenants apd supporters, will work with might and main to have the proposed "step-ladder" uystera of assessment adopted by the convontloa FORD'S :AUC Friday, at 182 First St; . Thla la the sale rou ainat not mlaa. Ant h appear as leading SJ1 w..tew""i .ff,(! .nU"' advJocMs of the admission of Chicago WrE. boots 'an d shom nSvSo'n'.S" to the society, - ;r j. . IiAPIEH . SHIRTWAISTS. CORSETS, fjOTS Seattle and several other cities of the WAKK8,, WBN'B DRESS 8HIRT8. countiT have -entered a conte.t In hi.r. 1 ' fcl' "ortment.of BOOKS, etc. 8ale '. .... ::: " i vrium ju a. ai.. aaar Another Important question the head enmp will thresh dirt, will be the ad mission of Cook county. Illinois.; to the natlonfll Jurlsdlctien ; of Woodcraft o. K. Aleshlre and A..W. )Pultonf lead ing, atiTrneys. viu 1 the nxt session of the head camp. FOBD, Auctldseer. LUMBER MARKETS Owners of Redwood Industry r r-v.t . r ...... r . , ooainornia-rorm - gantic Combine.- (Journal Special Service.) LOS ANGELES. June 15. The owners of the redwood industry of California have combined t capture the lumber market of the world. Wilkes Wheatley of Ban Francisco, representing the com bined redwood, manufacturers i)t the State, is in Los Angeles on his way to London and - thence around the globe through Europe and the Orient for the purpose of establishing a belt of agen cies through which the California, trado is to make a determined effort to get the cream of the lumber business in all the Important markets of the world. I .1-1 CELEBRATE CITY'S BIRTH: A meeting to celebrate' the organiza tion of the new Cltr of Milwaukie was held Saturday night in the Wbodmen of the World Halt at that place. .The. at tendance . was -.large ;. amV general f good feeling prevailed among both the lncor porationlsts'and fho anti-corporatlonlsts. both aides being present 1 large force. The meeting was presided over (by. B. M. Fisch..;i Mayor Shindlermada- neat little . speech in which he thanked the citizens for electing him to office, and promised to do all in his power to elimi nate the powderhouse ' evils from., the community The mala reason for the L "Just try. a Parrot ' Cigar." .You'll get a smoke you'll enjoy for 5a , . j At four dealer's incorporation of the city was for the purpose of : getting rid of these Insti tutions.. ;. Hdh. -, George C. Brownell nf n trnn City delivered a short address ln which " b predicted great ' things for the new ' corporation, . -After the meeting refresh- ments were served by the ladies, while the Milwaukie Band rendered aaverai ; musical selections. mm B -. ''.'"' 'ife'i.-l -v' .-A ... I